Posted in: Canadian Prepper, News, Patriots



➡ The Canadian Prepper talks about how Serbian President, Alexander Vyseck, warns of an impending World War III and inevitable conflict in the Middle East, which may be causing recent oil price increases. Concerns are raised about U.S. President Joe Biden’s ability to handle the nuclear codes due to his perceived cognitive decline. The article suggests that Biden’s son, Hunter, may be influencing his father to remain in office despite poor poll performance. The article also discusses the growing strength of Russia and China, and the potential for conflict as these nations challenge U.S. global dominance.
➡ The text discusses the potential consequences of a country using tactical nuclear weapons, suggesting it could lead to similar actions worldwide. It also discusses the possibility of a full-scale nuclear attack, which would be catastrophic. The author expresses concern about the current state of leadership, particularly in the United States, and the potential for these leaders to make decisions about nuclear weapon use. The text ends with a warning that even influential people are not prepared for such a scenario.
➡ The speaker discusses the potential for global conflict, highlighting the tension between Russia and the West. They mention the Serbian President’s warning about preparations for a major armed conflict, including a possible clash between Lebanese Hezbollah and Israel. The speaker also talks about the escalating situation in Belarus, with the country threatening to use non-strategic weapons if they feel threatened. They urge listeners to be prepared for potential crises, but not to live in fear, and to use this information to improve their lives.
➡ The article discusses the escalating tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with potential troop movements and missile threats. There are also concerns about potential terrorist actions targeting personnel or facilities, with US bases in Europe at a high warning level. The article also mentions the possibility of a major offensive in Zaporozha, Ukraine, and the presence of NATO troops near the Belarusian border. Lastly, it discusses the increasing tensions in the Black Sea, with reconnaissance drones being replaced by manned jets amid Russian threats.
➡ The article discusses potential conflicts involving Russia, NATO, and the Middle East, with speculation about the use of advanced weaponry. It also mentions Israel’s preparation for potential war with Hezbollah and China’s suspected military support for Russia. The article also touches on economic concerns, including a predicted 20% market crash by JP Morgan and countries repatriating their gold. Lastly, it mentions Germany’s plans to build more bunkers for their population in case of nuclear war.
➡ The video emphasizes the importance of getting medical procedures done, like dental work and eye surgery, as part of disaster preparedness. It also advises stocking up on antibiotics, which are crucial for survival during emergencies, as infections can spread quickly without access to a functioning pharmacy. The speaker also mentions the imminent threat of a stage four hurricane heading towards the Caribbean, urging people to prepare.


All right, so Alexander Vyseck, serbian president, is reiterating his warnings that World War III is about to happen and that war in the Middle east is inevitable, possibly explaining why oil is back on the mend in terms of pricing spiking as of recent. We also need to talk about what the hell is going on with Joe Biden, what is going on in the black, see what is going on on the belarusian border and many other oddities and entities. Now let’s just address this Joe Biden issue. And how is it that this senile man is currently in possession of the nuclear codes? And if we take things at face value, which I seldom do, because there’s always that part of us that wants to believe that there’s somebody pulling the levers and puppeting the strings, right? Some puppeteer of sorts.

But what if, what if everything was just as it seems and you have a coked up guy who doesn’t want to go to jail, encouraging his early stage dementia, incompetent father not to give up the presidency because he needs to be pardoned. Like, let’s just imagine if that’s what it is, that’s all that’s going on here, okay? And that he has control of the nuclear codes. Now, I’ve talked to all kinds of nuclear experts on this channel, ones who’ve been in charge of the actual nuclear missiles and whether or not they get launched, and they all agree about one thing, whether it’s in strategic command or the CIA, they all agree that the ultimate decision maker when it comes to doing any sort of nuclear launch is the president, and it involves the nuclear briefcase.

There is no shadowy figures in us, Stratcom, that are going to use their own judgment when the time comes. If the president says it’s time to launch a nuke or not launch a nuke, perhaps even more importantly, as we’ll talk about in just a moment, they will follow the order and the chain of the command is unshakable from the top. Now think about that for a moment, okay? Just, just really think about that. What you know about Hunter Biden encouraging his old man to stay in office, right, for whatever reason, him and Joe Biden encouraging them to stay on, knowing that they’re going to lose, knowing that their performance in the polls right now is absolutely abysmal and there is no chance that Biden will be elected at this point.

Okay? There’s zero chance. Even the New York Times admits that. NBC admits that. All of the formerly people who gaslit us into believing that Joe Biden was sane are now saying that he has no chance of winning. And this is the guy who is being puppeteered by his cokehead son, is in charge of the nuclear weapons. Now, if you’re Vladimir Putin and you’re Xi Jinping and you’re looking at your watch and you’re saying, look, we got about six months till somebody else jumps in the driver’s seat, we know that world war three is inevitable. Why? Because of thucydides trap.

We know that a rising superpower is a threat to an established one. Time and time again, it always leads to war. Now, right now, you have a multipolar world emerging with a coalition of superpowers. Russia is getting stronger. China is getting stronger. Numerous other countries who’ve been under the boot heel of american financial hegemony for the longest time and arguably have benefited from it in some respect, are now starting to work together against the US’s global reserve currency status. And eventually that has to come to an end. Now, the United States, knowing this, has been putting out fires for the last several years on every theater from Ukraine to Korea to Taiwan and in the Middle east.

And right now there appears to be some coordinated attempt to keep the United States doing this game of whack a mole, exhausting their resources so that every side can continue to start taking ground. And the United States has this geriatric man who is in early stage dementia, who clearly is not cogent enough to do anything without a lot of prep, and even with a lot of prep, fails miserably. And this is not really even a slight against Biden. Everybody’s going to get old someday, okay? But the fact that his family and certain constituents are still holding him there for whatever reason, so that he can continue to write checks we can at Bernie style tells you that tells you that something is going on here.

Either they know that the shit is going to hit the fan, and they just want him in there because they know he’ll be easiest to manage. Maybe they even want Trump to win, because let’s face it, another four years, that would be great for CNN’s ratings to be able to criticize Trump. That would be great for Saturday Night Live. Okay, but what really concerns me here is that right now, you have, if we take it at face value, that Biden is really in control, you have to be wondering with Vladimir Putin knows that a confrontation with NATO is inevitable.

They’re preparing for it. They’re making sure that they don’t, you know, they overstep the red lines like they’re doing in the Black Sea. Now. Now they’re putting manned pilots in the cockpits of these reconnaissance planes because they want to cast this belly to go to war with Russia. We know that Russia knows it’s inevitable. And this is why Vladimir Putin has exhibited so much patience with NATO, because he know the war, he knows that it’s coming. He knows zero day is in the cards. And so why get your panties in a twist over a few oil refineries that go up and smoke or even a few nuclear radars that get taken out? Yes, all of those things certainly add to the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons and the defiance of the intermediate range Nuclear Forces treaty, which, of course, Trump backed out of in 2019.

And again, if you think Trump is going to get us out of this, you’re sadly mistaken. And even one of his supporters, Colonel Douglas McGregor, admits that the decline that we are on right now, the best thing Trump is going to be able to do is maybe apply the brakes, which is not to say that the situation is going to stop devolving at all. It just means that maybe it’s going to be. It’s going to buy us a bit more time. What he’s not going to be able to do is turn the ship around. The Russians will never trust the transatlantic alliance ever again.

NATO is going to continue to wrap this up. So if you’re Vladimir Putin and you see this as your opportunity, you know, the guy with the nuclear codes, if we actually believe the CIA experts and the stratcom experts that we’ve had on the channel, if we actually believe them, that he is the final say, or that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are the final say, because, you know, he’s going to be looking at them like this, and Jill’s gonna say yay or nay on whether or not we end the world. I mean, just think about Hunter Biden’s gonna be in the background smoking a cigarette, you know, whatever, right? Just imagine that.

Imagine that scenario. Isn’t that fucking terrifying? But that’s reality. People say, oh, it’ll never happen. Look, we have nukes. They exist. We spend billions of dollars on them every year. Israel just spent a billion dollars on nuclear weapons last year. We know they exist. We know that there’s an old man in charge. And this is not a slight against the elderly. I respect elders and their wisdom, but clearly you reach a point when you don’t have the. The mental acuity and the profundity of understanding things to be able to do the most important job, arguably, in the world.

Okay, so this is a clown show. This is a cartoon. I mean, we are. I don’t know how we’ve made it so far. I mean, the only thing that is. That is holding it all together is this strewn together laws and rules and regulations that smart people have cumulatively put into place over the years. And everything is just like the movie threads. You know, the whole idea that society is held together by these threads, but it can just be quickly taken out, and it can. And that’s the scary part. Now, the disagreement that I have with some people is the extent of what that’s going to look like.

What is a nuclear war going to look like if shit hit the fan? If Joe Biden gets the word that Vladimir Putin just used tactical nuclear weapons, or Belarus, for that matter, who is now flexing their tactical nuclear muscle? They have dozens of iskander tactical nuclear systems that they’re threatening to use because NATO is starting to do some very suspicious behavior around their borders. If he gets the word, he has a couple opportunities. Okay, he can say, okay, we’re going to do nothing. We can do a conventional response in some way, shape, or form. We can maybe do some indirect conventional response, give Ukraine more funding.

But of course, if they do that, then what they’re doing is they’re essentially normalizing the use of low yield tactical nuclear weapons, which I think once that happens anywhere, whether it’s used in North Korea, Israel, Ukraine, or Taiwan, no matter where it happens, once one country uses a tactical nuke, it is going to increase the likelihood of it happening everywhere else, especially if it doesn’t lead to nuclear Armageddon. Or he has the ability to launch a full scale nuclear attack, which, of course, would mean the end of the world. Now, I’m of the belief that if a tactical, and there’s so many different, there’s a spectrum of responses within that.

Do you just target the missile silos? Do you target all the strategic sites? Do you actually target civilian sites? Which, of course, would be the mutually assured destruction scenario. I believe that what would happen would be either way, it would be bad, because if Biden did nothing, then of course, that would set a very bad precedent, which would quickly see the unraveling of the US as the global hegemon people would want. In fact, I think people who have their gold stored in the United States right now, who they’re starting to repatriate, by the way. The Nigerians are the most recent ones who are starting to bring back their gold.

But you would almost want them to do something demonstrative to show that we are still in control. Right? Because that’s how it is, whether you like it or not. The reason why the US has the golden reserve currency credit card is because they have the biggest military. They police the shipping corridors. They, by and large, have the most secure place to store your gold, okay? It’s the most secure place separated by two oceans. But if they let that slide, then I think that starts to come to an end pretty quickly and people start to say, hmm, well, if they’re showing weakness there, maybe we can do this too.

And they won’t respond. So this means that they’re very likely going to respond. And I think the people around Biden have their own set of contingencies for how they’re going to nudge him to respond, because you know he’s going to have that dumbfounded look on his face when the shit hits the fan. And I’m not saying it’s an easy decision. I’m not saying if I was put in that position, I would have the right answers either. It’s a decision that nobody would ever want to have to make. But I’m quite certain that they already have a response that they’re going to advise him to do.

Okay. And I think that response, as they’ve said, is a conventional strike against russian forces, which, of course, will cause the Russians to respond against NATO with, you guessed it, tactical nuclear weapons. Now, the question is, the thinking is, is that, okay? Russia knows that zero day is inevitable, so they’re not getting their panties in a twist over, you know, having these little bee sting attacks waged against them. If they’re going to go in, they’re going to go all in. And so there’s two types of thinking. One, that the first use of nuclear weapons will be the last, because the Russians view it as inevitable.

As Vladimir Putin famously has stated, if you know that you’re going to be in a fight, you might as well throw the first punch. So the best way to go, go all in on a preemptive strike, which is why they’re changing their nuclear doctrine in ways that we. That haven’t been fully disclosed as of yet. And that should be concerning because the whole purpose of it to be a deterrent is to disclose it and to say, we’re considering a preemptive strike. However, in saying that, and there’s so many things to consider here, if they come out and change their nuclear doctrine to allow for a preemptive strike, that immediately would have to put the US on a heightened state of alert.

If we lived in a sane world, because then you would have to presume that the Russians were far more likely, given the current set of circumstances in the Black Sea and elsewhere, to do that, especially when, you know, the government is weak. It’s so incredibly divided. Even the leader, it’s not even Democrats and Republicans now. Now the Democrats are divided, the people running the country are divided. So, you know, but when I think about all of this, and you really gotta, if you really want to understand the predicament we’re in, it’s very easy to, you know, the fish doesn’t know it’s in water, right? And it’s very easy to forget how crazy of a situation we’re in right now.

When you have a crackhead who is currently really in a situation to nudge the most powerful human being on the planet to use nuclear weapons or not, that’s the actual situation. And quite frankly, we get the leaders that we deserve. That’s what we deserve. Could you imagine an exemplary individual, somebody who is intelligent, who is well spoken? Could you imagine the United States in its current form? Canada is no better. Believe me, Canada is absolutely no better. In fact, we’re worse on a lot of metrics. But could you imagine the US in its current demographic state? And I’m not just talking about race and culture.

I’m talking about economics. I’m talking about all demographics. Unfortunately, that word has been co opted to only refer to race and culture, but just all demographic dimensions. Could you imagine just the degeneracy and the cities and just the crumbling infrastructure? Could you ever, like, if you were to give that to AI or an alien and say, tell me what the leader looks like? The AI would think about it for a microsecond, and it would spit out an image of a person with early stage dementia who is being puppeteered by his crackhead son. That’s. That’s what we should expect.

We should not expect anything better. We’re getting what we deserve. Biden is the incarnation of a collapsing civilization. And in the movie Civil War, and not a lot of people have watched my video, a review of civil War. And a lot of people just kind of look at it as they’re looking at it through a political lens. They’re trying to find some, you know, secret meanings in there. And the movie, all the movie was trying to say was, we are mesmerized by our own demise. We care more about watching Biden and Trump duke it out for its entertainment value than having erudite conversations about how to fix problems, because that’s boring.

This is an idiocracy, okay? When a girl can get popular because she says something like hawk Twa, you know, and all of a sudden everybody’s talking about it, when that’s all it takes. I mean, this is worse than idiocracy because idiocracy took place in the year 2400. We have 200 years on this trajectory left. Could you imagine how dumb and how far gone we’re going to be by that point in time? So it’s looking like Joe is they’re actually going to keep him in there. And if it’s because they want to weekend up Bernie’s, this guy around, get him to keep signing checks because they know World War three is inevitable, I don’t know, maybe it’s because they want Trump to win, because they want better ratings for four years.

I don’t know. What do you guys really seriously think is going on? I can tell you this. I try to preserve the confidentiality of a lot of my clients, and I can tell you that I don’t need to make videos, okay, anymore. I don’t, I don’t need to make these videos. I don’t need to. I don’t need to do this, but I do it because I don’t want to say I care about you and all this. I mean, this is a parasocial relationship. I do care generally about the well being of humanity. I want people to get prepared, but I do it because I’m just genuinely interested in trying to figure shit out.

But, and it would be easy for me to say, oh, I care about you. And that’s what most influencers will say. I’m not going to bullshit you because I don’t know who you are, okay? I care about you insofar as I want people to be prepared. Because quite frankly, the more people who are prepared, the less people are going to be beating down my doorstep. But I can tell you that the people who are incredibly influential in this world, the scary thing is they’re not even prepared for what’s coming, okay? And you think there’s this hope again, going back to this idea, there is this hope that some secret cabal going to put the, the brakes on this thing at the very last minute, right? And just get us to the edge so that they can put through whatever sort of crazy laws and regulations they want to rule us over.

But the much more terrifying, horrifying thought is that they don’t even know what they’re going to do. They don’t have a plan, and they’re consulting with people like me to figure out how to survive and navigate the worst case scenarios. And I know you trolls out there are gonna love this. That is a terrifying thought. Okay. The. The truth is, is that nobody’s ready. Nobody is ready to survive nuclear winter who I’ve met. I’ve very. There’s very few people who are ready to survive mutually assured destruction, which is not to say it’s not survivable. And again, there’s a spectrum of outcomes.

I don’t believe that Annie Jacobson view that it’s just the end of the world all of a sudden. I think there’s a lot of different ways it could go. A lot of different ways, especially when you factor in cyber, you factor in emps, there’s a lot less planetary existential outcomes that could arise. You know, there’s things that could. And those arguably, would be far worse to endure, but. Oh, Jesus, I’m gonna throw off my Emp box here. I actually stand on a box that is a Faraday cage full of stuff, and occasionally I slip. But all of these outcomes are inauspicious.

And so this is why I think my calling at this point in time is just to try to try to confirm for people that these threats are real, and which is not to say don’t live your life, because, let’s face it, we are all going to die someday. So do not live your remaining days in fear, but be prepared that things could go really, really badly very quickly. And it’s showing no signs of abating at this point. So I hope I’ve driven the point home about that. Now, in terms of Vusik. Okay, so Serbian President Busyk, somebody who I think tries to be neutral, you know, you got the Kosovo thing and all that.

So that’s obviously gonna color a lot of people’s perspective and say that he’s a Putin Shilleende. As far as I know, he doesn’t converse with Vladimir Putin too often, but here’s what he has to say, okay, and just take it. For what it’s worth. We know that we’re currently who’s running the country, be it Justin Trudeau or Joe Biden. So if you think that that’s the end all and be all of what’s going on, that that point of view is what is the most accurate representation of reality, then, you know, you might as well just check out now, because this ain’t for you.

Serbian President Alexander Vusik said there are several indications that work and preparations are underway for an imminent major armed conflict in different regions of the world. The serbian president announced in a television interview today on RT Arabia that it’s almost impossible to avoid a large scale conflict between Lebanese Hezbollah and Israel, which will lead to a major conflict that will include the west and the entire east. And for that, everyone is preparing. He said. There is no big philosophy here. These are clear, precise and unambiguous things. And when we talk about what is happening in Europe, we get a european commission that will be radically anti Russian.

He’s, of course, referring to miscalasse from Estonia, their primary diplomat who absolutely despises Russia. He’s talking, of course, about the new NATO replacement for John Stoltenberg, who is far more hardline anti Russian than even Stoltenberg is himself. We also have to deal with the head of the EU, who is staunchly opposed to Russia as well. So everything is pointing towards escalation on every possible front. So there’s no sign that this is going to get better. It’s only going to get worse. And it’s historically precedented. The serbian president believes that with this step, the European Union has sent an unambiguous signal that, a signal of firmness, strength and resistance to russian aggression, and that there is no room for compromise.

But the Russians will say in response, we understand what you mean. You want us to disappear, but we will fight to the end with all of our available sources, with all the weapons and tools we have. And that’s it. It goes without saying, I know the situation with regards to weapons, he says, I receive information from military intelligence agencies, the security and information agency, and all sister intelligence services, how each side is preparing and what is actually going on. And he ends with this, a very profound quote. The serbian president recalled a quote from one of Tchaikov’s novels.

If there is a gun hanging on a wall in the first act of a play, it will certainly shoot in the last act. And this, of course, he’s referring to nuclear weapons. If there are tactical nuclear weapons in play being threatened, then they will assuredly be used at some point in time. People who say it’s an impossibility are clinging to this delusion that there is some underlying rational human force which will ensure that that will never happen. I’m not trying to scare people here. This is just reality. Take it for what you take this information, help it.

Let it help you become a better person in all aspects of your life. Don’t, you know, run around frenetically and ridden with anxiety and despair when you get this information. And if that’s what you’re doing. This is not the channel for you. You should be allowing this information to fuel you to become the best possible person that you can be. Quit all those bad habits you have. Try to maximize your income. Try to be more conservative in your spending. Try to make better life decisions. You know, make the decisions. Act as if the world is ending.

You know what I mean? And that’s really not bad advice when you think about it, because that tells you you need to embrace the moment. You need to be the best person that you can possibly be. And if you’re a person who believes in the afterlife, you need to be a person of good moral standing, an exemplary person with good ethics. So, you know, prepping gets a bad rap. But if you do it right, it really is one of the most ideal dispositions to have. Belarus is threatening nukes again as Ukraine descends upon its borders. Now if you didn’t know, Belarus is very concerned because there’s been a lot of stuff going on as of late in terms of flight patterns of various reconnaissance planes.

This one here is a NATO reconnaissance plane that has been flying around the Suwalki corridor with the belarusian border. The Belarusians are concerned because Kiev is mobilizing forces along the belarusian border at a time when we’re told that they are lacking manpower. And I just want to reiterate one more thing about the conventional weapons spend and the spend rate. The spend rate for both the Russians and the Ukrainians is unsustainable. Anybody who’s saying that, well, the Russians can just make tanks forever and make artillery shells forever. If that was true, Vladimir Putin would not be going to North Korea for assistance.

So we know that’s not true. We know that there is a limit. Okay. And I’ve always said, and I made a short video about this, I took my graphics editing guy a week to make, and of course, it only got like 30,000 views. Go figure. But this is probably one of the most important videos I ever did because it talks about how as the conventional weapons stockpile diminishes, it’s going to become financially lucrative that you use that Wonderwaffen over there that can do, one of them can do what 10,000 of these other things can do, and you have several thousand of them.

Of course you’re going to use it, especially if it’s a last ditch. So thankfully, we still have conventional munitions being developed. But if the spend rate vastly exceeds the production rate, that means that inevitably you are going to run out of conventional weapons. And when that happens, and probably long before that happens because they’re going to anticipate that shortage. So it’s not just, okay, we ran out of artillery shells. Now it’s time to drop a tactile nuke. It’s saying, okay, we have x amount of artillery shells. This is going to last us two years. We’re not going to be able to output produce after that.

Ergo we must use nukes. We might as well use it now before the other guy uses it. Right? So it’s was that the prisoner’s dilemma of sorts situation? Belarus is threatening nukes again. Belarus will be ready to use its non strategic weapons gifted by Vladimir Putin last year if they feel that they’re territory is threatened. Now why they would just say this out of the blue? It’s obvious it’s because of this news about a buildup of ukrainian forces on Belarus’s border. Now the question is why? And I don’t have, I have not been paying attention enough to the front.

Perhaps you guys can speculate why in the comments section below, somebody that I heard explain it as they could potentially be doing a fixing maneuver because they are concerned that the west is about to enter into the western part of the country and that Belarus could potentially attempt to start a new front if that is the case because the Belarusians will be worried about, and of course the Russians would not want NATO to come in and they’re already talking about no fly zones. And it’s not Zelensky that’s talking about it now. It’s the west who’s talking about the imposition of a no fly zone.

And they’re saying, well, don’t worry, we’re not going to shoot down russian planes. We’re just going to shoot down the missiles that come in. But that’s a very slippery slope. Right. And you also even have rumblings of moving the capital to lviv or Lvov. You say lviv, I say lvov, depending on if you’re russian or ukrainian. Right. So there are already talks of that happening. And if that is the case, then it’s no surprise that they’re starting to position troops. They’re taking them away perhaps from the front that they know they’re going to lose anyways. But at this point we still don’t see f, we still don’t even see f 16s yet.

Although they’ve now been greenlit. All the paperwork’s done. Just a matter of when they’re going to present themselves. In fact, they claim that they’re already there and they’ve already been used. They’ve already flown their first sortie. This is according to ukrainian media channels. I don’t think they’re using telegram much anymore because of course that’s controlled by the Russians and that’d be incredibly stupid, but I’m sure they are. And you probably heard that the us bases in Europe are currently at FPCON Charlie. And this applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action targeting against personnel or facilities is likely.

Now, the delta condition is applying in the immediate area where a terrorist act has occurred. So Charlie is the highest warning level before an event actually happens. Okay, so in an FPCON condition Delta, that’s when something has already happened. So you, you know, I mean, the likelihood of something happening again is probably a bit lower, but they’re not giving any indication or any information about what the specific concerns are, which I find interesting. Wouldn’t you want? I’m sure maybe they do on base and maybe they’ve given that information, but maybe it’s classified. Why would you not want to disclose all of the information you had? So to discourage that from happening.

Right. So this is why some people think that they’re setting it up for a. I wasn’t going to use this term in this video, but. False flag. Now Europe is also claiming that the Russians have mined the North Sea outside of the UK. And some russian sources are claiming while they’re setting us up for another Nord stream incident that they’re going to blame on Russia this time it likely won’t be any pipeline that belongs to Russia, which seemed asinine to believe that on its face. But we did. We all just, you know, took the westward for it even though there was no real investigation ever done, which tells you how incredibly outrageous this whole situation is.

I mean, it just. We get the leaders that we deserve. Okay, so FPCON Charlie and it could be in respect to what’s going on in France. Of course, the US warned that during the Olympics there was a high potential for a terrorist attack. So this could just be a do with that. But I would not be surprised that if something happened, maybe not even on a military base now, maybe there’s a plan b, but the fact that they don’t provide any specifics, you know, I don’t think that would necessarily benefit the aggressors in any way. It almost seems like they’re not doing everything they can to minimize the likelihood that this is going to happen because it might be instrumental for whatever sort of plans they might have.

Where should we go next? There’s a lot of news to cover, but that rant kind of took it out of me today, apparently. According to Dmitry Rogozin, the former chief of Roscosmos, Russia’s space program that overseen a lot of their intercontinental ballistic missiles is saying that Ukraine is planning a major offensive in Zaporozha again and that the enemy began demining this section of the front, causing fires in the fields and forest belts again using forest fire as a tactic of war. We’re starting to see that a lot. Often such tactics of the ukrainian armed forces would tell military experts something.

And he says that he doesn’t like any of this and he’s now calling for the total destruction of everything ukrainian. He said now if he didn’t know. There was also this incident the other day where a radiation monitoring station, I believe I talked about this in a video, was targeted near Zaporozha. So that is interesting that we’re starting to see escalation back at the ZNPP and the Ukrainians are claiming that the Russians are starting to move their military equipment out of there. There’s just a lot of really suspicious things and it just feels as though we’re about to see some big arrow offensive somewhere.

But where is the question right now on the belarusian border, there are currently ten battalions of NATO troops who are supposed to leave, ten NATO battalion tactical groups with the total strength of over 20,000 people located near our border. This is according to the first deputy defense minister of Belarus. And six of these groups are american. Now why would they still be there flying around Kaliningrad? And right now NATO is deploying AWACS planes over Poland to monitor what is going on there. We continue to have strikes on russian oil fields day after day. And now the Ukrainians have agreed light to target russian airfields.

I’m probably going to skip over what’s going on in France. Just know that Macron, regardless of what happens, is still in office for the next three years, arguably the most critical of years. But there still is a lot of seats left to be decided in the parliamentary elections. That’s a piece of news which perhaps is a little bit too specific for this channel. I don’t think that foreign policy is going to change much regardless of who’s in charge. And that has been proven time and time again. When you have these right leaning leaders elected on a platform of changing their foreign policy to one which is less aggressive towards Russia, ultimately they just join in, whatever the momentum is at the time, which is always russophobic, Finland is opening its 15 military bases to potential use by us forces.

What else do we got going on here? There was something that I wanted to talk about, but now escape me. We haven’t talked about Israel at all yet. Oh yes, the West. I talked about the no fly zone. We won’t talk about the Ukraine neutrality proposal because we still need more information on that. We should talk about what’s going on in the Black Sea because that, that is very concerning. And I just sort of gleaned over this story here. Washington has replaced its reconnaissance drones over the Black Sea with manned jets amid russian threats. So recently something happened in the Black Sea and I didn’t know all the details of it.

I talked about it. But interestingly, here are some more details. And this tells you how tense things are getting. I think either we’re going to see more attacks on Sevastopol and Crimea and there is going to be an altercation with NATO, or we’re not going to see it anymore. And I think the likelihood that we’re not going to see anything in Crimea anymore is very low. In fact, if you were the Ukrainians and you wanted to provoke a response, that would be the best way of doing it, because, get a load of this. There was recently an RC 135 W rivet joint aircraft, a british plane, reconnaissance plane flying in the Sevastopol area.

This was after the attack on the civilians there. Two Eurofighter Typhoon jets accompanied it with their transponders turned on. At some point both fighters pretended to move away from the air, AWACS aircraft, which provides long range radar detection and guidance. And the russian fighters then approached. There were two Su 27 planes. This happened again today, actually, but I think it happened in the Baltics, if I’m not mistaken, the Baltic Sea. Anyways, it turned out that behind the AWACS aircraft in the shadows was another pair of eurofighters, okay, which were flying with their transponders off. Now, usually because you don’t want to start world War three, you fly with your transponders on, especially if you’re in, if you’re straddling the edge of these international waters.

This is why we see these reconnaissance planes in the first place, because NATO wants to telegraph, hey, we’re not up to nothing, even though we are, or at least in the context of global law. They’re adhering to global law. So if the Russians were to shoot them down, they could say, hey, we were just minding our own business, 23 km, whatever the regulation is, off your international coastline. So we weren’t doing anything illegal. But they had their transponders turned off due to the enemy’s numerical superiority, the russian para fighters had to withdraw. Western bloggers happily praised the ingenuity of the British, noting that they had a fun at the expense of russian pilots.

So doing this little subtle, provocative act only days after what some people claim was a plane that got shot down in the Black Sea, which I’m starting to suspect they probably. It probably was. This is why the Russians came out after the fact. So now they got these human shields on these planes. So if you’re one of these pilots now, because now they’re not doing drones for some reason. I think it’s because they got one shot down. And there’s. I’m getting a lot of messages from people saying that they’re there on the ground, and they know that they’ve actually been shot down.

Okay, now. And there’s other people saying they’re not. So the jury is still out. But if that’s where this is at, then what’s going to happen is that now they’re going to use these planes to coordinate strikes on russian targets once again, and the Russians are going to be faced with the decision, do we shoot down a plane that has a NATO pilot in it? Of course, that would be casus Belli for NATO to go to war with Russia or do something. Is this what they want? Why were they secretive about the RQ four global hawk that was brought down, allegedly? Why didn’t the United States make any statement about it, asides denying it? Because we know something had went on there, whether it was just, ew, electronic warfare or maybe it was chased away.

Why not call attention to that? Were they truly scared of the russian response to that? Are they going to respond differently? If it’s a human pilot, then they can say. Or did they not want to call attention to that because they knew that this was the next level of provocation? All right. Some people think I’m a russian shill. I’m just trying to figure this out. Guys. I’ve taken no checks from the Russians. I can guarantee you that Israel has a special Wunderlwaffen. This is according to what’s his face. What’s this guy’s name again? Yair Katz, head of the workers council at Israel Aerospace Industries.

Get a load of this. I probably should have talked about this sooner. This is actually a story from a couple days ago, but I’ve been too busy trying to get her done, get the homestead all up and running before nuclear winter defaults us, which may just be futile. When you think about it. But that’s why you stockpile food, because it’s just easier. We have a conventional, unconventional weapon. They claim. If Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and all the countries of the Middle east decide it’s time to settle scores with us, I understand that we have the capabilities to use the weapon of the apocalypse.

And he stopped short of calling it a nuclear weapon, which leads me to believe that perhaps this is some kind of emphas, maybe some kind of neutron bomb. Who knows? We have a weapon that changes the equation. The Americans, the British, and the Germans are helping us with information, and their help is critical. If there is an existential threat, we have the doomsday weapon, said Yair Katz, head of the workers council at Israel Aerospace Industries, which makes the Jericho missiles, which can be nuclear tipped. Recently, there was a missile test with an 1800 kilometer range, which is the approximate distance, I should add from Israel to Tehran.

Russias early warning radars were the ones that detected the launch. This is from war news 24/7 according to the Russians, Israel simulated a strike on Iran. While there are fears that the simulation was not for a simple strike, but a nuclear one, and indeed, why would the Israelis just launch a Jericho missile at Iran? Wouldn’t make a lot of sense at this point. That would have barely any effect whatsoever. I mean, if you think the amount of bombs and ordinance they’ve dropped on the Gaza Strip, this little enclave, which they’ve been able to view under a microscope for decades, and they have had the support of the most powerful military in the world and a blank check, and the best weapons, if it took them that long and that much destruction to only now be talking about finally destroying the bulk of Hamas, which many people disagree with anyways.

To think that a couple of Jericho missiles are going to phase a country of 80 million as vast as Iran, is just delusional. So clearly they’re talking about the use of nuclear weapons, and this is what Vusik is saying. He’s saying that shit’s going to go down there and it’s going to suck in everybody. Right now in Israel, they’re preparing hospitals, northern Israel hospitals, transfer some patients to central Israel to prep for a potential war with Hezbollah. Now, these are patients who are being removed from intensive care units, from the north to central or southern hospitals.

You would only do this if you knew that war was imminent. You would not, you know, go through all that problems challenging to do. Moving people from intensive care is no easy task. To free up space for a mass casualty incident. According to build, they’re going to launch the offensive in late July. We see this often where everybody thinks, because all, there’s all this movement, you’re seeing military buildup on the border. You’re seeing the flight canceled. Just today, the embassy in Beirut, the US embassy issued another warning saying that flights are starting to be canceled for the month of July.

We always think that it’s going to be right away, and I’m guilty of this. We all think that they’re saying it’s coming, so it’s going to be right away, but usually it’s a few weeks later on. I think I said something about that. And this has been the case with the Rafa invasion, even with the invasion of the Gaza Strip itself. If you remember, they were contemplating it long before they ever went in there. It was like two months or something. People were, are they going to go in or are they not? Maybe not two months, but it was a while.

According to the IRGC aerospace commander, Brigadier General Hajazada, he says we are eagerly anticipating any opportunity to carry out Operation True Promise 2.0. True promise 1.0 was when Iran responded to Israel’s targeting of their generals in Syria and they launched those 300 missiles and drones. Well, he’s saying that we’re eagerly anticipating any opportunity to carry out Operation True Promise 2.0. But he says that his hands are tied, meaning that the leadership there is saying, no, you can’t do it yet. So thankfully it hasn’t happened yet. China, I talked about this briefly yesterday, but there was two Y 20 transporter planes that were likely carrying some sort of military equipment, I would have to presume from China to Moscow, people are suspecting because these things can carry like 66 tons payload, that they were carrying weaponry and not that they would necessarily have to do that.

Of course, you could make the trip by road or rail, I presume, but that would be a long way to go. So if China wants to support Russia in any way, and if they want to do it on a scale which is meaningful, they have to fly in military cargo planes, which, of course will fly with their transponders on, typically, and we’ll know about it. Now Stoltenberg is accusing China of inciting the european conflict. Can you believe that China is instigating the biggest conflict in Europe since world War two? He claims NATO does not consider China an adversary, but it does challenge our values, interests and security.

And you just said that they are starting the war, that they’re the reason why Russia and Ukraine are going to war. That’s interesting, but I don’t think I can agree with that one. Not sure if I showed you guys this one, but this RC 135 rivet joint has been circling Kaliningrad as well. So something weird is going on on the belarusian border. JP Morgan is predicting a 20% market crash. This is JP Morgan, leading global bank investment bank. JP Morgan has predicted a major us stock market crash. The bank remains cautious on the s and P 500 index, noting that a 20% downside could be in the cards.

JP Morgan’s doomsday stock market prediction comes when BRICS is looking to uproot the dollar and damage the us economy. Countries are repatriating their gold, including Nigeria and India. Gold still hovering around that 23 30 range. They’re keeping it there. Germany is committed to building more bunkers for their populations. However, they say that the cost is going to be prohibitive. They’re saying that pop for the population of the country. It will require 210,000 bunkers to be built. Obviously a lot of these would be shared. These would be your classic fallout shelters in the center of downtown which would have no hope in hell of surviving a direct strike.

But hey, you got to do it anyways. And it would take 25 years at a cost of 140 billion. I think the more realistic proposal was for 10 billion to revive the country’s 2000 cold war era bunkers. Because let’s face it, if nuclear war cometh, if your number doesn’t get called, doesn’t get picked in the lottery, you’re screwed unless you have your own plan in place. So I would encourage you to continue to do so. Folks, that’s all I got for you today. I got to get going because we got other videos to shoot. We got our resident nuclear physicist coming in.

We got to shoot some gear, review videos. I got to talk to Doomberg tomorrow. We were supposed to talk last week, but I had this insane toothache which of course I got taken out. And just a reminder, if you missed my video the other day where I was talking about the importance of doing dental work and other things like that. This has been a popular topic within the preparedness community for a long time. You got to get the medical work done. In fact, you know, one very notable figure, Peter Thiel got corrective eye surgery for that very reason.

And this one goes way back to the early two thousand ten s, I believe. So people are doing these things. It’s worth it because you don’t want to have to deal with somebody who is inexperienced trying to do that kind of work on you. And this can kill you. And I would just recommend, once again, if you can do whatever you can to get your hands on as many antibiotics as you possibly can, above and beyond food and bullets and water. And, yeah, I’d say that antibiotics are like a solid fourth. Okay. On my list of things that you absolutely need to survive, even a short term emergency, because things can happen in a short term emergency where you get an infection and it starts to spread fast, and there ain’t no functional pharmacy.

We’re not even talking about, you know, world war three stuff here. We’re just talking about a run of the mill disaster. I didn’t even talk about the hurricane. The first stage four hurricane that was ever presented itself in June is currently on its way to the Caribbean. So I hope all of those people have prepared. Thanks for watching, folks. Take care. See you. On the flip side.

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