
➡ Israel has launched its largest-ever attack on Iran, with 100 fighter jets reportedly involved. The attack was possibly a reconnaissance mission to gather data on Iran’s air defenses. Despite claims of success, there is little evidence of significant damage, leading to questions about the effectiveness of the operation. This could either indicate that Iran’s air defenses are strong, or that this is just the first stage of a larger attack.
➡ Israel has launched an attack on Iran, focusing on air defense and early warning sites, with the aim of provoking a response. This attack was part of a long-planned strategy and is believed to be just the beginning. Despite the attack, Iran’s response was minimal, using only short-range defenses and not revealing their positions. Meanwhile, other global events are unfolding, including Poland potentially joining the conflict, Ukraine testing a new ballistic missile, and China conducting an electromagnetic pulse attack experiment.
➡ The speaker expresses surprise at the lack of visible impact from recent Israeli actions, suggesting that the full effects might not be known until later. They also mention the spread of misinformation, with some incorrectly attributing bombings in Lebanon to Iran. The speaker warns that the situation is escalating and advises listeners to prepare for potential chaos, promoting a discount code for a survival website.


Breaking news your World War 3 DX update 24 hours ago I told you that they were getting ready to plan something big and the reason for this suspicion was that it was so quiet on the Middle Eastern front you could hear a pin drop and lo and behold 12 hours after that shit starts to unfold. Now for those of you who know what’s happened and who are already up to speed on things I will just say this before I get into the details for everybody else I don’t think this is the end of it this clearly was a reconnaissance by fire probing operation to get familiar and to get some data on Iranian air defense for the big one now let’s walk it back a little bit and let’s try to understand what exactly the purpose of this attack was because we know that Israel wants a war with Iran we know that the things that they’ve done have been incredibly provocative we know they want a war with Iran so why such an impotent ineffective response which appears to be very circumscribed either by the Israelis or by Uncle Sam now get a load of this timeline speaking of Uncle Sam did you notice that five minutes after the stock ticker closed for oil and commodities training suspended for the day that is when Israel launched their attack you could not have timed it closer okay and this is how you know the call came from Uncle Sam anyways earlier in the day suddenly all of a sudden well not all of a sudden but more than usual the skies over Iran start to clear everybody’s like what’s going on well it turns out 10 KC-135 refueling aircraft with f-16 fighter jets in tow from the United States started heading towards the Middle East okay and if you don’t know anything that’s happened in the last two hours just know that this is the biggest ever attack by Israel against Iran in history so they claim 100 fighter jets okay now right around this time that these planes are heading there the United States calls up Saudi Arabia and says hey don’t worry if Iran does some sort of counter-attack against you or starts attacking everybody in the region we’re gonna defend you we got your back okay and so that’s when people are starting to ask questions is this actually it or is this just gonna be a big nothing burger well lo and behold oil trading stops and 100 aircraft take to the skies flying over Jordanian airspace into Iran although we don’t know if the planes actually crossed into Iran or to what degree they crossed over into Iran including f-35 fighter jets of course the most wanted fighter of all time and so this is probably one of the most piss poor f-35 commercials that we’ve ever seen because there was zero optical result there is no video of explosions at least not the ones that were accustomed to when they’re shooting fish in a barrel who have no air defense as is the case in Lebanon now if you’re one of these people or these countries who has a contract with Ray Thea or Lockheed Martin whoever it is that makes these these planes you’re asking yourself right now if these planes can’t get a result and I’m not entirely sure they didn’t get any results we’ll talk about that in a moment but there was zero footage okay zero footage of any major explosions there was one video that kind of showed an explosion way off in the distance but by and large the Iranians are saying that they intercepted most things now where do we hear this before yeah we heard this in Israel but there we had optical confirmation that the dozens of these missiles actually hit so we’re not seeing that so if you’re one of these countries who has these contracts and you’re seeing that these f-35s can’t even inflict major damage on a near pier not even a pier okay because yeah they have some Russian s-400 capabilities supposedly we don’t know 100% if that’s true they do have a multi-layered system of air defense but it’s a massive country so it should be very easy to hit targets with impunity and if they have as many saboteurs and spies and fifth column agents on the ground as they say they do in dissidents there should be a way that they can get some pictures get some videos if they can you know blow up what’s his name the guy Haniye inside Iran if they can do something like that with pinpoint position are you telling me they can’t take a picture or they can’t get some video footage well it’s happening come on man so something’s not right here so either the Iranian air defense worked very well or this was just the first leg of a major attack and the Israelis are saying okay it’s done now they’re saying that right but the Iranians should be wise enough to know not to trust the Israelis at this stage of the game every time they’ve said there’s gonna be a ceasefire or some brief reprieve or detente from hostilities that’s when they turn it up right right when you lay your guards down so if you have all of the Western OSINT I don’t want to say agents but propagandists were paid to disseminate the narrative they want everybody to believe if you have them all saying that tonight was it then who did that come from like all of a sudden about part way through the attacks the word came out from ABC News from some unnamed official that yeah this is gonna be a one-night attack and we’re pretty confident that Israel is going to call it quits at the end of this night it was a three-phase attack and that was in the middle of the second phase of the attack so how did they know that right so it makes you wonder are they really actually going to do a much bigger attack now that they have all of this data on Iran because understand it makes perfect sense if you’re gonna go to war with Iran you kind of need a trial run first you kind of need to see what’s where and you want Iran to turn on all those radars I don’t know if Iran actually did they might not have if they’re smart and they might have just ate it ate whatever you know was thrown at it because of course if a big war comes then they’ll be able to better decipher those signatures and they’ll have a better map of their air defense network and they’ll be able to actually permeate it much more successfully so a hundred fighter jets they claim they hit over 20 sites throughout the course of the night Iran does admit that some sites were struck but that much of the the attacks were thwarted now I don’t know if I’m presuming s 300 s 400 might be able to cover that maybe some of their f 14 tomcats or whatever they are were able to shoot down some of these or maybe possibly even shoot down some of the Israeli planes but we know that Iran hasn’t fully taken the bait and is not getting complacent just because Israel has said that this is it this is a one night thing now if you respond to us again we’ll do this all over again remember Israel wants a war with Iran so it would make no sense for them to do such a bracketed response it would make no sense if they were going to do it at all they would want to do it all the way so what’s likely going to happen now is now that they’ve had a chance to feel out Iranian air defense in a way which may actually be deemed acceptable to Iran because as far as the Iranians are concerned they’re going to turn on social media and they’re going to see everybody just lighting up all the IDF accounts saying what the hell did you do you know it doesn’t look like you did anything so the Iranians can sit back and say well I guess we can call it a W you know because they don’t have the optics clearly all of these millions of dissidents that are under the boot heel of the ayatollah clearly they don’t have cell phones and can’t get to the place at the right time so this is bad this is very bad for the west if it is as it seems which I’m not entirely convinced it is if it is as it seems then this signals that Israel is nowhere near as powerful as it’s made itself out to be when it’s shooting fish in a barrel in a place which is totally surveilled and monitored 24-7 that they can see every nook and cranny and high resolution that they have all kinds of spies permeating throughout the entirety of Lebanon sure you can do it there but can you do it in another near pure country that’s just a little bit far away that you have to use refueling planes now I think we could see another major attack tonight as in tomorrow night there tonight it’s very possible but if not man then I tell you China and Russia they’re looking at this and they’re saying to themselves wow I didn’t think it was going to be this easy now again don’t count Israel out they have a plan they’ve been planning this for years that plan whatever they did tonight they’ve been planning that for years and I guarantee you that it is just the the beginning the opening phase a probing operation a reconnaissance by fire that’s all this was and I think they’re hoping that maybe Iran is going to do something in response so if we know they want a war they had to make it and I told you this last night they have to make it strong enough that Iran retaliates right but not so strong that they are not so strong that they would have retaliated with their full force and thus it be existential but they do need Iran I think now to respond again but look if Israel really wants a war they’ll attack Iran again they’ll assassinate somebody they’ll do something to piss them off essentially the outcome was that there were three waves of an attack and the operation began with a focus on air defense and early warning sites this was accompanied by a comprehensive electronic warfare assault to degrade air defense capabilities Israeli forces are also believed to have conducted suppression of enemy air defense and the destruction of enemy air defenses aka dead is the acronym operations throughout the strikes additionally the use of sensitive reconnaissance assets potentially including drones cannot be ruled out now there were talk of drones actually coming in from the surrounding regions of Tehran so this is where you might have those agents but I say again where are those agents when it comes to just taking a picture because this is about optics it is about maintaining hegemony and if you’re looking at the bricks and now you’re also looking at a situation where Israel waited until bricks was done and that’s a statement in and of itself that’s a statement of weakness for the west so you know being a part of the west I hope I truly hope that we can do better and I know I don’t want I never wanted them to attack Iran in full force but this is actually quite um anti-climactic with all the hype I mean this is supposed to be a big vaunted thing and they were gonna remember when Galat was saying oh yeah this they’re gonna remember this and they’re not gonna know what hit them and it’s gonna come by surprise and it’s complete opposite nothing burger all right they targeted military asset manufacturing facilities and air defense sites as well as airports eyewitness accounts say that there was no explosions that they could see but there was interceptions interceptions of what some people are saying they’re using the lower tier air defense in order to target the drones prior to the attack however and this is how you know the Iranians had intelligence they must have got it either for themselves I mean Iran is a country of 80 million people people write them off and dismiss them as I mean these are people who’ve developed nuclear weapons while completely under sanctions okay these are not stupid people all right it’s a very ancient civilization it’s very likely that they do have a lot of spies inside Israel and I’m assuming that Russia might help them out a little bit as well with intelligence and of course they have their own signals intelligence gathering capabilities now but this was interesting earlier in the day all security centers affiliated with the like a like a paramilitary national guard but for the Iranians apparently there’s like eight million of these guys okay and this is not their military or the reserves of the IRGC or any aspect of the axis this is just the besieged forces all security centers affiliated with the besieged forces of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard were placed on high alert as a result of the Iran regime’s fears of a possible major Israeli strike that includes oil and military facilities this may motivate people to take to the streets so they need to quell unrest should this happen so these besieged forces are largely for the purpose of domestic policing but can of course be mobilized to defend their homeland if need be currently at the time of making this video the Iranian president Pzeshkian is holding an emergency meeting with military leadership and determining how they’re going to retaliate against Israel of course the Pentagon denies involvement even though they were sending all those refueling planes F-16s they provide all the weapon they provide all the technology they provide it’s the same thing with Ukraine I mean this is stupid you know you can’t you can’t just you know do everything even the pilots there was pilots who are caught on x saying that yeah the American pilots caught in in combat with Israel and bragging about it and then they took the post down later on sheep dipped as they call it right so I mean this was America at war all right now they’re doing this before the election for a reason they’re worried and so the question is what’s next because I’ve said this Israel didn’t have to do this they didn’t have to do this which makes me think this is just this is just round one I think them saying that it’s going to be over it may be over and if it is then I’m going to have to go back to the drawing board and figure out what exactly this was all about because this was way out of character for the Israelis they never telegraph like this they’re way more unorthodox in their methods there had to be an intelligence gathering reconnaissance by fire component to this I think that was the main purpose of this mission Iran is of course preparing a response they use their Bavar 373 their S 400 and S 300 air defense to thwart the attack so they claim preliminary reports indicate Israeli-backed collaborators launched quadricopters from Tehran’s suburbs to provoke Iranian air defenses as a part of suppression of enemy air defense operation only short-range anti-aircraft auto cannons responded while medium and long-range defenses remained inactive concealing their positions so it was only the quadricopters that were shot down and they did not reveal their positions I did not know this piece of news the Russian ambassador from Poland has allegedly officially been expelled now I thought it was just the consulate that was closed and a handful of diplomats and I’m going to have to go and fact check this one because if the Russian ambassador has been expelled from Poland that means Poland is about to join the war okay and all of this talk that we were talking about earlier in the year about Poland entering the conflict in steadfast noon all that stuff steadfast defender that’s all materializing now in other news Ukraine has successfully completed tests of its new HRIM-2 ballistic missile which according to some reports can travel 500 kilometers with a warhead of 500 kilograms factories warehouses and airfields will be starting to build these first targets now I don’t understand how they’re going to do this with Russian bombers in the air unless they’re doing it underground which is very possible how is this for a signal of late stage collapse NYSE the New York Stock Exchange is increasing its hours to 22 trading hours a day all right they’re going to keep the casino open all night my goodness my goodness and Chinese hackers are believed to have hacked American communications networks and targeted data from phones used by Donald Trump and JD Vance now additionally I’m going to probe deeper into this story tomorrow but I just want to quickly tell you about it the Chinese did an electromagnetic pulse attack they did a doomsday experiment they wanted to test the People’s Liberation Army wanted to test to see how harden their military equipment was against 80 kilovolts per meter to simulate a nuclear explosion now some of these nuclear emps I’ve been told by some of the experts can go up to 200 kilovolts per meter but that’s pretty good okay and apparently the test was a success now we don’t know how they simulated such a thing you can create an electromagnetic pulse I presume as diligent as the Chinese are they would have done something to that effect these after all are the guys who make mock full-scale warships of the United States in the desert in anticipation of going to war over Taiwan so I’m sure they’re thorough enough but they did simulate a high altitude electromagnetic pulse a hemp that was created to assess equipment performance and it appears as though the results of the experiment were that it functioned after a brief delay maintaining an intact data link communication network of course this is very important if you want to launch your own nukes and you got to get the message across so I tell you man wow there we go so the balls in Iran’s court or is it is this the end of the Israeli Iran saga let let me let’s get real let let’s get real Israel wants a major war they need the United States to come in all right so I’m I’m actually quite shocked I’m shocked that whatever they did was so optically impotent I mean usually the Israelis are good at delivering a big explosion I’m not saying they didn’t but and maybe it’s going to come up maybe they got to get their guys out of there extract them and and once they’re extricated then they’ll be able to show them the videos and all that stuff but you know nowadays who’s going to believe it because there’s so much fake news there’s so many people sharing footage of you know these bombings in Lebanon even now as I speak sharing that claiming that it’s Iran which it isn’t anyways guys I would encourage you as I have all week get ready because this shit is reaching a fever pitch things could get wildly out of control at any moment you need to prepare if you want to support the channel check out use coupon code WW3 survival for 13% off your entire order thanks for watching guys take care

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