Posted in: Canadian Prepper, News, Patriots



➡ The U.S. is preparing for a potential conflict with Lebanon, supporting Israel against Hezbollah, a group based in southern Lebanon. This situation has been sparked by a video from Hezbollah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, threatening to target Israel’s strategic assets. There are concerns that this could escalate into a larger conflict involving Iran and potentially impacting the entire region. The timing and reasons for this potential conflict are unclear, but it could have significant implications for the region and beyond.
➡ The situation in the Middle East is escalating, with Iran continuing its nuclear program and the U.S. considering rearming B-52 bombers due to Russia’s alleged non-compliance with the New START treaty. This could potentially lead to a larger conflict involving various factions and countries in the region, causing civil unrest. Meanwhile, the speaker encourages people to prepare for potential crises by learning to grow their own food, stockpiling supplies, and improving their health. He also suggests that in a crisis, tangible skills and resources will be more valuable than digital assets or wealth.
➡ The video content discusses the importance of being prepared for potential global conflicts and crises. It encourages viewers to use their time wisely, learning skills like gardening that could be useful in difficult times. The creator also invites viewers to share their thoughts and preparations in the comments section.


Alright my friends, so the time has come the United States is getting ready to go to war with Lebanon and this time it’s for real. They’re currently rushing a flotilla of warships to be ready off the coast of Lebanon to unwaveringly have Israel’s back when they decide to start this incursion into the southern part of Lebanon which is a done deal at this point okay and so despite all of the hand-wringing and the dog and pony show good cop bad cop theatrics that we’ve been fed lately when it comes to Netanyahu crying for weapons and the Americans pretending to push back as if there is any division on the matter whatsoever they’re going to war now the leader of Hezbollah the group the primary group that they’re going to be fighting in southern Lebanon Hassan Nasrallah had put out a incredibly animated and unusually emotional and inflammatory video today statement I should say slash video that essentially showcased how their intention is to take out Israel’s strategic targets namely their Dimona nuclear power plant where of course they get the materials and the enriched uranium that they need to build their nuclear weapons I have a sneaking suspicion that if is this is the tactic that is utilized this will give Israel the license they need to utilize a Samson option the bunkers networks that Lebanon is going to use and I should say Hezbollah because of course there is resistance to Hezbollah within Lebanon which they’re probably going to try to leverage I think they would love to foment some sort of civil war there whether or not they’ll be able to do that there’s another story but these bunkers are so extensive and so deep that there might be some call to utilize subterranean tactical nukes I think if there ever was a situation where they would attempt to pull that off of course they would need the justification to do so and what better just the justification than a violation of the Geneva Convention by Hezbollah to target the Israeli Dimona nuclear plant I don’t know why you would necessarily telegraph that I mean I realize it’s a last-ditch deterrent tactic that Hezbollah is leveraging what you need to know is that Hezbollah claims that they have intelligence on Israel’s strategic assets top-secret intelligence now some people if you’ve been following the channel for a long time you know that I made a video probably six months ago or so that talked about how October 7th was actually an intelligence gathering operation that there was very credible credible reports ado with this being an intelligence operation by high-level intelligence agencies affiliated with the agencies I guess you can’t really call them they’re a little bit more informal of course these are IRGC back groups but that they the point of that operation was not really to take hostages so much as it was to get information about Israel’s strategic assets and they were to do this through acquiring information at the military base that they infiltrated now why this is so important is because if Hezbollah is in possession of some of this information and they’re broadcasting that in a way to try to deter whatever it is that Israel in the United States is planning because of the United States are coming to Israel’s back and there doesn’t appear to be any opposition whatsoever and that is the interesting thing the question really is why now why now all of a sudden is there no opposition to Israel starting another war because I think timing is everything and clearly I’ve gotten the sense throughout this entire thing that they are stalling for some reason they are postponing for some reason maybe it was just to accumulate the sheer amount of firepower that they were going to need maybe they’re planning some massive blitzkrieg big-arrow maneuver and it’s been taking them much longer than expected in terms of the amount of weapons and supplies they’re going to need to do this they state that their goal is only to push Hezbollah back 40 kilometers to the river so that’s likely how this is going to start as a limited special military operation that’s how it’s going to be justified and that’s how it’s going to be diminished and minimized but of course there are so many you cannot separate Hezbollah from Iran so in destroying if they do if they are successful at all in taking out Hezbollah which a lot of people don’t think they will be if 2006 was any indication then it necessitates a war with Iran on some level or Iran involvement more high-level assassinations that are going to bring an Iranian response and of course when that happens it just turns the entire region that is a powder keg into an explosion of hostilities so I suspect that part of the reason why they waited until now it may have something to do with the economy and the elections but I don’t entirely I’m not entirely sold on that fiscal quarter number two is very essential when it comes to elections because that is the one that’s going to be talked about that’s where you’re going to get you know you’re going to have the data on that come election time not so much the third quarter by that time so if now if they’re showing that inflation has somewhat somewhat flattened because of course the price of oil has somewhat stabilized at around $80 a barrel then they can say okay maybe this is time for us to pull the plug because even if the price of oil does spike in July it is not necessarily going to be reflected in the data that the Democrats you know are going to be referencing on their election campaign now again I think that those types of things I don’t really think they matter so much so I’m not putting a whole lot of stock in that hypothesis but it looks very likely that the only way a near peer adversary is going to be able to compete with us is to use asymmetrical tactics that likely defy the Geneva Convention in some way and our response will likely be tit for tat if not if Gaza was any example it is going to be tenfold worse and Israel will utilize these Samson option because what other option could they have they simply don’t have enough people in the country to you know to to launch to defend the country they simply don’t have enough people in the country to fight a long attritional war without the help of the United States and surrounding countries I mean even to take down those 300 missiles and drones from Iran they needed the help of all of these surrounding countries plus the United States primarily the United States shut down a lot of those drones and missiles and Iran still was able to get some through when you’re talking about Hezbollah who has capabilities in the tens of thousands I don’t know how many of those they can fire at any given time of course Hezbollah has had a lot of time to identify weaknesses they’ve demonstrated that they can have access early to pretty much most of Israel’s strategic assets so this means that this is going to be a different kind of war Israel knows that you’re likely going to see a mass exodus from the country and you’re going to have the extrication of you know foreign nationals as well that’s what you’re seeing right now with the Canadians who are getting plant or planning on extricating 45,000 people if things get really hot and this is going to really diminish the Israeli economy they’re not going to be able to produce what they need and they’re not going to be able to import a lot of what they need because the insurance premiums are going to be so high for any cargo ship that’s wanting to go there so all of the aid is going to have to come through the military and you still have the Houthis who are targeting ships every single day they’ve single-handedly maybe not single-handedly but they’ve contributed to a 400% rise in shipping container prices in just the last few months okay we’re almost nearing 2021 levels of this stuff so things are going to get really really crazy really really soon and it seems as though they’ve been stalling they’ve been waiting for some reason and now they’re ready to go and it’s gonna get ugly and how the Russian axis and the Chinese axis factors in to what’s about to go down it’s anybody’s best guess because the Russians tend to be playing both sides of the fence to a certain extent with this one although ultimately I would say at least from a military standpoint they are more aligned with the Iranian axis for sure you know obviously what’s going on in Syria they have a role there as well but in terms of their sharing of some of their more sophisticated fighter jet technology with the Iranians and recent partnerships strategic partnerships it’s looking very likely and of course the Iranians and North Koreans are starting to and you know the Iranians do supply the Russians with weapons so the Russians have a vested interest in extending some possibly strategic assistance in the form of nuclear assistance to Iran if things get hot and of course there is the issue of the Iranians continuing to develop their nuclear program which is percolating in the background so that is what is going on today in Congress today they’re also floating the idea of putting nukes back on b-52 bombers to fortify that leg of the nuclear triad so I mean this is because they claim that the Russians are no longer upholding the New START treaty even though we are both doing it equally both the United States and Russia are equally non-compliant with New START who started it I don’t know I mean that story goes way back but so that’s what’s going on man I mean things are just getting wildly out of control that’s why I’m out here in horticulture heaven trying to get things ready to go not because I don’t have food storage for five to ten years I just suspect that what could potentially be coming is going to be far far worse and your ability to grow food the skill of having to do that the skill of having to live off the land to nurture and cultivate and harvest things is going to be a skill that everybody should possess okay I always have said that all preppers if you continue on this on this arc you are going to become a farmer and here I am in a tractor on Saturday night doing this video so things are about to get really really crazy the is it the Dwight Eisenhower USS Dwight Eisenhower strike care group I believe it transited the Suez Canal is currently already off the coast there they also have nuclear submarines in the region I don’t doubt so this situation can just get crazy crazy out of control really really fast and talk about kicking a hornet’s nest you go to war with Hezbollah that is going to bring all of the militants and the various factions and groups throughout the Middle East into that conflict you can bet and it’s going to cause unrest throughout the region it’s likely going to pull different countries into the conflict and cause civil unrest in said countries because the populations they are not going to support what their leaders are doing and of course I’m talking primarily about places like Egypt where you could actually see someone rest arise if Egypt does get involved in this conflict and of course Cyprus Turkey they’re not too far away as well and you know that’s just you’re getting into the Black Sea then and I’ve suspected that part of the ploy in situating US warships so close to the Black Sea could be that they are expecting that that situation is going to get out of control that they want to have forces that are close by just in case if you recall when this whole thing started when the US started sending a bunch of warships in that region I suspected that it had something to do with getting closer to Russia because Russia is really the big play here that is ultimately at the end of the day the big play yes the oil is very important and all of these things and don’t get me wrong China is the ultimate big play but in the short term it’s Russia of course because of the nuclear question and I mean just look at the look at the information that’s coming out with respect to escalation on that front I mean I’m not even gonna get into it today but I’ve broken it down ad nauseam every single day that’s why I encourage people watch the alert videos if you want to stay on top of things we were talking about this a long time ago this is no surprise to me the only surprise is the timing why did they decide to do it now and why are they so unwavering suddenly in their support to Israel you know of course we knew that they always were but suddenly there is zero opposition whatsoever they’ve just made the decision arbitrarily it seems as it always is though right I mean that’s how these things are so anyways guys if you want to support the channel go and check out Canadian preparedness calm we only get you the good stuff that you need and we got a lot of great deals on right now because there’s some places that are liquidating certain products and I talked about one of those in the last video I’ll post a link in the description there are these power banks that we got like this door crash or deal on and we’re forwarding those savings on to you because they’re moving into the macro preparedness space it’s a company called zendure who makes off-grid power solutions and they’re getting they’re focusing primarily now on whole home solutions so they’re getting away from the small-scale power bank stuff and we got some great deals there but you can find everything that you need there primarily what you want to be focusing on right now is you definitely want to be first and foremost gaining a proficiency in firearms okay for the purpose of target shooting and hunting that’s what we have to say here in Canada and but I mean that target shooting and hunting okay and then you want to learn of course how to grow your own food that is essential just put a few seeds in the garden play around with it for a little bit we got tons of videos on that you have to get out there and do this stuff and quite honestly it’s fun it’s therapeutic I mean there’s nothing I love more than just being out here doing stuff on the farm it is incredible animal husbandry is something we haven’t gotten into yet but hunting is something you’re going to also want to explore as soon as possible there is a hunting season coming up take advantage of it stockpiling food yes at every turn you should be stockpiling food I was speaking with George Gammon on his podcast and the rebel capitalist the other day and you know we were talking about how it doesn’t matter how much money you have it really doesn’t because when the lights go out when the police can no longer respond whatever money you have in the bank whatever resources you have stocks bonds and various assets and deeds and titles and none of that shit’s gonna matter okay that only matters because we have this very complex civilization that we’ve created and there’s law and order as soon as there ceases to be law and order those billionaires their their assets their wealth is not going to mean a damn thing for starters it’s all zeros and ones on a computer which the computers don’t turn back on you know if they’re not holding precious metals or some something of real tangible value none of it is going to matter so this is why shtf is really a great equalizer of sorts it’s a reset it’s an opportunity for people to really show who they are and what they’re made of and if it does come to that which the probability is there okay that it could we could go full-on nuclear war at this point you’re going to have to have these skills just in a way I’m no expert anybody’s been following the channel we’ve touched on every possible aspect of preparedness but I’m an expert in none of these things I’m still learning a lot of these things and it’s funny when you actually start doing something and really taking it seriously and doing it like building out a large self-sustainable garden it’s very humbling and what you think you knew even though I’m not a person to be arrogant about the things that I know and claim that I know more than I do but there’s always this how can you say you just have a greater sense of what your your weaknesses are and even though you’re way more prepared than you used to be I’m way more prepared now than I used to be but I also know all the vulnerabilities so you know where I might have been a bit more cocky before because I wasn’t aware of all the different vulnerabilities you know that was a nice place to be mentally but in terms of how prepared was I was not prepared so getting your health in check at this point in time is absolutely crucial stockpiling all the medications that you might need you know ammunition and that’s going to continue to go up in price if there is any glut in ammunition pick it up you know and what we’re seeing right now up here is the prices I think have I mean the prices are out of control but I think they went down of it in the United States but that is gonna change very very soon in fact I think part of the reason why the prices have maybe stabilized a little bit is because people just couldn’t afford it anymore so they were just selling it for too much it was not not even so much an issue of supply and demand it was more just people couldn’t afford it so anyways stock up on that kind of stuff figure out a communication strategy get a plan of action work out all the security bugs you know have a plan of escaping the city if you do live in the city and we have videos on all of these things guys so be sure to comb through the archives and we try to make those videos as timeless and evergreen as possible so they’re just as valid today as they were years ago when we first made them so I think this is it I think things are about to get pretty crazy in the world and I would not be surprised however if there was a paper slam on oil or precious metals or something one one last Hail Mary attempt to suppress the truth about what is going on and this of course would be an opportunity for somebody if they were an opportunist in that respect anyways let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section what are you guys doing right now in light of the way that all of these theaters of conflict from the Korean Peninsula to Taiwan who just spotted 41 Chinese warships just the other day and today I guess it was you know how are you preparing for this what are you doing what are you doing this summer are you are you using this time wisely to get yourself familiar with the horticultural practices that you’re going to need in order to ride out any be it a long-winded attritional slow burn shtf or an abrupt one let me know in the comment section below say Steve thanks for watching Canadian prep row

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Hassan Nasrallah threats importance of self-sufficiency Iran nuclear program concerns Israel Hezbollah tension learning gardening skills for survival potential Middle East escalation preparing for global crises Russia New START treaty non-compliance tangible skills in crisis situations US Lebanon conflict preparation US rearming B-52 bombers value of resources over digital assets viewer engagement on

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