
➡ The article discusses the escalating tensions between Iran and Israel, predicting a potential war before the elections. The author believes Iran will pursue nuclear weapons as a response to Israel’s actions. The article also questions the effectiveness of Israel’s recent strikes on Iran, suggesting they may have underestimated Iran’s defenses. The author concludes by suggesting that Iran may retaliate further, escalating the conflict.
➡ The article discusses the ongoing tension between Iran and Israel, with Iran demonstrating its nuclear capabilities and Israel responding with military action. Iran has vowed to retaliate, leading to a tense waiting game. The situation is further complicated by the potential involvement of the United States and the strategic interests of China. The article also mentions the control of information in both countries and the potential for further escalation depending on the outcome of the U.S. election.
➡ There are rumors about the health of world leaders and potential changes in power, such as the Ayatollah of Iran possibly being succeeded by his son. The Iranian military is preparing for potential conflict, responding to an attack from Israel that killed four soldiers. They warn that without consequences, further attacks on Iran could happen. Meanwhile, North Korea is reportedly sending more troops to Russia, and there’s a warning about scams in the preparedness industry.


This is your day X World War 3 update where you come to get the news before it is news. Today I’m gonna tell you what I think is going to happen next in the Iran versus Israel World War 3 saga. And recall back in January I said this very thing would happen that we would be on the brink of war with Iran before the election. That was an unequivocal statement. It wasn’t me waffling and saying it might happen. It might not. I said that we would absolutely 100% be in a state of full-blown war with the Iranians before the elections.

You could see this coming from a mile away. Mind you that was before all of the unprecedented events happened this year. It was only after October 7th that this all started to become clear what exactly the endgame was and it’s a war with Iran. Now we need to talk about what exactly happened last night because there’s a lot of question marks there and one thing is for certain at this point in time Iran absolutely will if they’ve not already go for nuclear weapons. Guys a lot of people are gonna say that oh yeah rapprochement time it’s time to get together and hold hands and sing Kumbaya.

You see Israel was sending around a single a signal they wanted to establish deterrence they wanted to save face but they also wanted to end this thing right they wanted to end this thing people are so naive they’re eating that up man this is just the first inning this is the first inning of a long ballgame okay Iran is going for nukes there is no doubt in my mind about it they’re going for nukes and we know what that means we know what that means because as their proxies get beaten down across the front they’ll have no choice but to get nuclear weapons now that Israel has crossed this red line that’s it and the problem is when you have these countries crossing these red lines it becomes easier to cross them again so now that the seal has been broken on Iran firing a salvo 180 missiles at Israel most of them making it through you can optically see there’s all kinds of evidence and Israel putatively doing the same although we don’t really have any evidence to show for it and we’ll talk about that in just a moment regardless they’ve crossed the red line the barrier has been breached and it’s gonna be much easier to do the same thing now in the future so we need to talk about what exactly happened because according to the Israelis they were attempting to send a message to strike military facilities air bases to strike drone manufacturing and missile manufacturing facilities yet we don’t have any confirmation that any of those hits were actually successful but right now they’re going around in the media and applauding themselves for taking out Iran’s air defense but again there is very little proof with the exception of four dead soldiers which I presume were maybe manning a radar station or something to that effect but here’s what doesn’t make sense to me okay for starters you have this hundred strong force of the most advanced fighter craft on earth hanging back outside the Iranian border which says something okay it says that they respect Iran’s capabilities Iran has the s 300 the s 400 and they have their own homegrown version of the s 300 the Bavar 373 and they have hundreds of these systems okay so even if Israel was able to hit a dozen two dozen of these launchers and radar stations it’s really just a drop in the bucket in terms of Iran this is a massive country it would be like you know Ukraine doing it in Russia but maybe on a slightly smaller scale and we’ve seen how long Russia has been able to hold in there with these pin prick attacks but the problem is this appears to be a probing operation and reconnaissance by fire mission for a much bigger attack first of all Israel did not have to do this they weren’t in a situation where they looked weak at all in any way in fact you know they basically played down the whole thing in the Western media of course supported them 100% and said oh yeah all those missiles that you can see raining down from the sky like a Hollywood meteor movie that’s just you know that’s just fake and none of that actually hit anything they were all like you know these inept decoys that didn’t hit their targets completely inaccurate even though they all fell within the footprint of an obvious Israeli airbase nonetheless okay they continued and they decided to go through with their wanted retaliatory strike yet ostensibly the results were abysmal okay there was nothing to show for this so this means one of a few things it means that either the Iranians have a formidable air defense and the Israelis had a plan and then they had to basically reroute and regroup and basically cancel the plans that they had and fire a few missiles and try to make a few pierc wins with an attack on a drone manufacturing base and a missile base because why on earth why on earth would you take out the dozens of missile launchers and radars as they claim if only just to target the Iranian missile defense facilities when there’s hundreds of these facilities underground facilities okay that missile defense missile manufacturing drone manufacturing there are hundreds of these facilities most of the important ones are under hardened facilities way deep into the country that Israel can’t even access at this point in time because they’re not even flying inside Iranian airspace unless they’re using their own like Jericho missiles which of course are probably gonna save for when they have nuclear weapons on them so this makes us wonder then what was the purpose of this you’re telling me that they took out all the radars and all of the and this is what they claim okay this is the putative claim they’re telling me they did all of that just so that they could hit a drone manufacturing facility of which Iran has hundreds of these facilities give me a break this clearly was reconned by fire this is the probing operation this is the first leg they know that Iran is going to respond I don’t doubt that they did some damage but this is also a testament to Iran’s tight control over not only their airspace but they’re sir not synoptical surveillance of their population because you would think that the fifth column elements within Iran who represent the Mossad and the IDF would have been able to get some pictures some confirmation some something some you know substantial satellite imagery even of these attacks but there’s nothing okay so that means that they either failed and they underestimated Iranian air defense and this was just a trial run which I would expect you know if they were really gonna do a nuclear strike against Iran’s underground facilities which at this point in time just seems like fantasy land if they can’t even if they’re not even willing to leave the US airspace in Iraq by their air base there and they’re just hovering a hundred kilometers outside of Iranian airspace because they’re too scared to enter Iranian airspace you know that the prospect of them you know destroying Iran’s nuclear program is just pure and utter fantasy okay and even the the puppet putting in a puppet regime in Iran is a fantasy as well when you understand the dynamics of that culture there okay so this starts to look like Iran is in fact going to respond because here is what the Iranians say everybody’s saying oh yeah Lloyd Austin saying now we can call it even but remember that Iran’s firing 200 salvo of missiles at Israel for them that was a retaliatory strike okay and then Israel turned around and said okay now we got to retaliate to your retaliation so now the Iranians are saying wait a minute we should have been even at that that was it it’s done but now and if you decide to attack us again we will attack with an even greater force and this is now what they’re all claiming they’re going to do from the foreign minister to the commander of the military the propaganda campaigns that have already been rolled out within the population here is what they’re saying why why you might be asking yourself why would they do this why would they want to retaliate why what does what purpose does Iran have in escalating this conflict throughout the region well for starters if Trump gets in and Trump brings in Pompeo and Lindsey Graham Iran knows that it’s you know they’re going to war anyway so they might as well throw the first punch also if their proxies are on the back foot then that means less opportunities less possibilities for reaching some sort of balance of power within the region that is favorable towards them so they know that it’s now or never they know that Israel’s plan ultimately is to go to war with them so they have to establish deterrence if you can even do that with madmen you can’t do that with madmen from the military industrial complex there’s no such thing as establishing deterrence you can only hope to keep it under the nuclear level and what Iran has demonstrated is that they can get a nuke past Israel’s air defenses no problem several nukes but Israel claims they can do that with Iran but we’ve yet to really see it okay and we’ve yet to see deep strikes into Iran so Iran has proven that they can get a nuke now all they have to do is get the nuke they’ve already demonstrated the technology and it appears as though that’s what this is this is both sides testing the fences seeing what they can get away with now okay the Iranians have to contend with the fad system that the had systems that the Americans brought in but really that just means throwing an extra hundred missiles at the problem to absorb the fire of those Foreign Minister Abbas Aragachi also addressed the issue of the attacks in it post on X strongly condemning the atrocity as a reckless and cowardly assault in a violation of international law and UN Charter well I mean they attacked a military base so that’s as good as you’re gonna get from the Israelis right we fully reserve our right to respond to this aggression which cannot be separated from Israel’s genocide in Gaza and bloodshed in Lebanon the world must unite against this common threat to international peace and security blah blah blah blah blah blah so the Foreign Minister is saying that they are going to respond Iranian TV channels are saying that Iran’s response to Israel will be decisive so here we go again with another waiting game looking at her watches wondering if and when Iran is going to respond in the streets of Tehran they’re these large I think they’re posters if not the depictions on screens saying that another storm is coming Operation True Promise part 3 True Promise 1 was when barely any missiles made it through True Promise 2 was the one that looked like something out of a Hollywood movie where all those missiles rained down over the dome of the rock and you know it was very iconic images and True Promise 3 I presume is going to be even heavier and actually more consequential in terms of the damage that is done now of course that’s what would be required now for the United States to enter into the conflict but the Iranians are not deterred by this based on the pundits that I’ve listened to the hardliners who have deep connections with the ayatollah they are not at all phased by threats of US involvement in this conflict now what would that look like it would look like the attack that we’ve seen last night only times 10 I presume and maybe over several days but of course that is going to easily quickly exhaust and deplete whatever sort of limited material is currently at the disposal of the allies at this point in time especially when it’s needed in so many places around the world and the US has to be very careful because the more they deplete themselves and the more they get ensnared in a quagmire in the Middle East again the greater the likelihood that China is going to pull the blockade card and quite frankly I think that China is just waiting for that opportune moment when the US gets itself pinned down once again in the Middle East the Chinese will seize on that opportunity and they will blockade Taiwan it has been confirmed that Israel used Iraqi US airspace the Israeli aircraft based use the space available to the terrorists this is from an Iranian source of course so hence the terrorists used the military in Iraq located 100 kilometers away from the Iranian border and understand that if one-tenth of what Israel is saying is true that they were able to inflict on Iran with this attack then a response is absolutely coming there’s no doubt about it I mean they’re talking about here’s some of the rumors long-range missile capability has been crippled okay which is just laughable considering there are hundreds of these launchers missile cities this is just this is just next-level cope by the IDF brocent camp which is mostly just Indian bots on there from India they pay all these guys on Fiverr or something to make positive comments all day and put the little Israeli emojis and nobody is really that dumb okay and f-35s flew over to Iran I mean this is completely false and these are top-tier trusted accounts that are promulgating these falsehoods okay Iran’s missile production is incredibly vast and I don’t speak to this as a fanboy this is just a fact they have missile cities embedded under hundreds of meters of solid rock that will not be phased even by the snook that you could throw at them so to think that this paltry attempt is in any way a deterrent to Iran if anything you know for a country like that it might actually unify their population a little bit even though a lot of them don’t like the the hard line a religious fundamentalist Sharia law aspects of the society a lot of them like they’re a little tint of secularism as well but nonetheless I think a conflict like that when you start seeing dead Iranians and I’m actually surprised by the announcement of the dead Iranians and they don’t say where they’re from so as far as we know they could be guys who are in Syria they could be guys who are fighting somewhere else they could have been with the IRGC I mean we just don’t know if they’re doing that in order to martyr them and a martyr in the in the you know public sense it’s become such a religious word but martyr in the sense of to to rally people for a cause right so yeah but this demonstrates Iran’s incredibly stringent control on the media because again I must emphasize this with Israel because it’s a small country you know it’s very hard and I think a lot of those videos that we got were actually out from the West Bank so it was the West Bank who was taking video and the Gaza Strip who were taking video of these missiles falling on these bases it’s illegal to do so inside Israel now I presume that something similar is the case with Iran although it might not be as strictly enforced at this point in time because they’re not in a state of full-blown war like they are in Israel of course in Russia now this is taking a long time it’s taken nearly three years for them to start to enforce these things but if Iran can control the information space so well that we don’t get one video of what you know Israel is claiming here then that portends very poorly for Israel if it’s we’re talking about their attempts to subvert and undermine the population because clearly they don’t have the capability if that is the case they can plot a few bombs here and do a few James Bond things here but that’s different from having you know penetrated into the the underbelly of the population and to really have a lot of sleeper agents in the population now right now the USA is preparing six USA FKC 135 are refueling aircraft heading towards a base in Qatar there was three more in fact noted heading towards that same base with fighter jets in tow all getting ready to assist in the defense of Israel in the off chance of an Iranian response which we know there is going to be one Israel thinks there will be a response and of course if Israel doesn’t get the response they need they’ll do something provocative because they absolutely need the United States to enter into this conflict and if you get Trump if you get Pompeo and if you get Lindsey Graham but Netanyahu that’s gonna be irresistible he’s gonna do something incredibly provocative right now the jury is still out on who’s gonna win it’s looking like Trump’s head in the polls but you can never really trust that you can never trust that especially in the age of confirmation bias algorithms you just simply can’t so anything can happen at this point in time and then there’s also going to be the voter fraud thing which I’m sure is going to be a hot-button issue here in the US which will likely consume most of the news cycle in the weeks ahead but Israel estimates that Iran will respond to the IDF assault impossible for the regime to do nothing after the attack in Tehran with everyone in the region watching Israel is ready for more military action this is from a pro-israeli account excuse me Israeli officials note the circumstances will be different next time the US election will be over in the IDF will be closer to achieving Lebanon war objectives I highly doubt that if it took them a year to eradicate Hamas who is still a threat then to think that the situation in Lebanon is going to resolve itself especially when you’re antagonized the Iranians is just wishful thinking so they know that’s gonna happen but they definitely do want a war now already we’re getting rumors that the ayatollah is ill you remember when they said Putin is shaking and he’s got Parkinson’s disease and you know and they even said something about Xi Jinping Xi Jinping dead and all these rumors well we’re already there and that’s how you know whatever the Israelis tried to do last night failed miserably because the next day they’re just putting out all of this fake news about how the ayatollah is ill and he’s going to be succeeded by his son Moshtaba Kamani has been groomed to inherit the Iran supreme leader position it’s going to be interesting to see what his position is on things but the Iranian military is posturing like they’re getting ready for war here is something that the Iranian military has said on their ex-account return the stone to the exact spot where the enemy threw it for wickedness can only be met with wickedness that’s a here’s the thing that the Iranians are saying if whatever the Israelis were actually planning because you know they were planning this for a long time if it had actually succeeded then it would have been devastating okay and it would not have been one of these face-saving de-escalatory retaliatory strikes they gave Iran an off-ramp that’s what they’re saying if it were not for the strength of our defense systems there would have been a catastrophic impact on Iran Israel has crossed a new red line with this attack and it needs to be held accountable for what it did they directly attacked our soil for the first time and killed four of our soldiers they must face consequences for their actions otherwise attacks on Iran will occur again in the future and rumor is North Korea is sending another 10,000 troops to Russia talk about mission creep my friends we are almost at the finish line I can’t wait till this elections over I just want to you know because so much is gonna if you think so much happened between up to the election between that day and the inauguration day it’s gonna be so much worse so we just got a knuckle down keep grinding get ready for the long winter that awaits if you want to support the channel gear up at Canadian preparedness calm use coupon code WW 3 survival for 13% off store wide all right now we’re going to be releasing a couple videos in the next couple days that are more like blue strip videos but I would encourage you to check them out because this is important stuff there’s so many people getting scammed right now in the preparedness industry and this is the biggest scam there is out there and every few years I got to make a video about it and this time I just I let it rip man so you’re not gonna want to miss miss this one we will see you guys in that video tomorrow take care

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