Abe Hamadeh – A Black Swan Event Is Headed Our Way Its Time Expose The Election Rigging System: X22 Report

Posted in: News, Patriots, X22 Reports



➡ X22 Report with Abe Hamadeh discusses how because crime is going up, a special flashlight called the 2024 Fighter Flare is recommended for keeping yourself safe. It has a really bright flashing light, a lighter built into it, a tool for cutting belts, and other cool features. Right now, you can buy it for 15% less than usual, and it comes with a promise to last a lifetime. Also, Abe Homade, a candidate for Congress in Arizona who is supported by Donald Trump, is working hard against unfair elections and dishonesty, even though he’s facing some legal problems.

➡ The person speaking is trying to fix what they think is a dishonest system, and they are working with people like Donald Trump and Carrie Lake. They say that the country is having big problems because of what the leaders are doing. They think these leaders are messing with elections and not telling the truth. The speaker wants to make sure elections are fair and is trying really hard to show what’s really happening, even though it’s tough. They think this is very important for the country’s future.

➡ The text talks about worries over fair elections, keeping the country’s borders safe, and the chance of spies coming into the U.S. It says that too many immigrants might change how elections turn out and that some of them could be spies. It also talks about a popular supplement made from collagen that’s good for your skin, hair, and joints. Lastly, it shares concerns about a big, surprising event (called a “black swan” event) that could really change things in the country.

➡ The speaker is worried about dangers to the United States because of fights happening around the world, borders that aren’t closed, and possible attacks on the computer systems that run our electricity. They think the current leaders aren’t doing enough about these dangers and hope for stronger leaders in the future. They also talk about the possibility of people messing with elections and say it’s really important that voting is done fairly and safely. Lastly, they tell people to be alert and keep learning about these issues.

➡ The speaker is worried that elections might not always be fair because of how votes are counted by computers. They talk about how in places like Taiwan and Iraq, people count votes by hand or use ink to mark them. This speaker, who wants to be elected to Congress and is supported by President Trump, promises to work on making elections more secure if they win. They ask for help through donations and want people to follow their campaign on social media.”


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Abe is a Trump endorsed Republican candidate for Arizona’s 8th congressional district. He’s a former prosecutor, US Army Reserve intel officer, and I am very happy to have Abe on the X 22 report. Spotlight. Abe, welcome to the spotlight. Good to be with you, Dave. Thank you for having me. Hey, thanks for being on here. And I think people at this point understand and they realize that you’ve been fighting the elections in Arizona just like Kerry Lake, and you have a lot of lawsuits that are going on right now, but the votes that you lost by are like 280 votes.

It’s like almost like nothing there. And you’ve been fighting this every step of the way. I mean, just give everyone a little summary what you’ve been through and what your battle has been trying to combat. This? Well, this is the battle of our lifetime, I believe, Dave. So back in November of 2022, we all witnessed what happened here in Arizona with the machines going down with the long lines.

It was absolute chaos and mayhem. And when they finally decided to count the ballots after weeks, we were down 511 votes prior to a recount. And what we discovered, we filed our lawsuit challenging the election results. And at the time, secretary of State Katie Hobbs, she knew about a huge recount discrepancy in one of these counties, penal county, actually, that was using es s machines that was misreading the ballots for the attorney general race.

And so she withheld this information from my legal team and from the courts. So we went into court and we had no evidence. And why didn’t we have evidence? Because the government withheld it. But it wasn’t just the Democrat, Katie Hobbs that withheld evidence. It was actually the Republican led Maricopa county attorney’s office. We asked for the provisional ballots. We didn’t know how many provisional ballots there were outstanding and what the makeup was.

And there’s 9000 uncounted ballots here in Arizona. And Maricopa county refused to hand us over those provisional ballot information until after the trial. I mean, that’s what was so shocking, Dave. I’m a former prosecutor of that office. If I had withheld evidence, critical evidence, I would be disbarred. And yet here you’re having Democrats and Republicans, whatever we call it, the Uni party, teaming up to destroy these America first candidates.

It’s absolutely shocking. And it’s really not to destroy the candidates, it’s to destroy the people. So I don’t think they expected me to have this much fight in me. And as you’ve mentioned, I’m a former army reserve intelligence officer. I’ve served overseas and I’m the son of immigrants and I’m built tough. I’m built differently and I’m going to fight for truth and justice. So the recount results came back and it showed us down 280 votes instead of 511.

Which for your viewers to know, that’s a huge discrepancy. Because if you look at the number of votes that were going my way and that was because of the ESNS machine issues in Penalt county. Well, here in Arizona, 13 other counties use ESNS machines. And so we’ve been in this litigation battle. And what we also discovered, Dave, was how they are rigging our elections. It’s not one smoking gun.

It’s death by a thousand cuts. And we discovered that these provisional ballots, so much of what was happening was they were canceling lawfully registered voters and switching them between counties from Maricopa to other counties. It was shocking. Some people were veterans who’ve served for 20 years and have lived in Arizona for 30 years and voted in every election and their vote didn’t count. And why didn’t they count? Well, out of those 9000 ballots that remain to be counted, 70% of them are republican and republican leaning voters.

So as you can imagine, if they were to count all the votes, we would win. And usually Democrats are the ones screaming to count every vote. But not in my case right now. And they won’t even count the lawful votes where we know so many of these people were. You know, people in Arizona know what’s going on. It’s a cabal of corruption that transcends party. This is not about party.

This is about the people versus the entrenched political corruption machine. And we’re going to expose them. And that’s why through this whole process, I mean, it’s so bizarre, Dave, as an attorney going through this, because I’m afraid that the rule of law is dead in our country. And that’s a very scary place to be. And I say that know Carrie Lake. Thank God her and I both have been fighting our lawsuits on dual tracks.

So we kind of can gauge how the courts are going to be going if you just look at each of these cases. So why I talk about the rule of law being dead, it’s when the courts are disregarding precedent that they themselves set just months prior. It doesn’t make instance. You know, Carrie Lake has had already two trials with her election lawsuit. We had our first trial back in December, the one that we had all the evidence withheld.

And from that time period, we’re still in the appeals process. And Carrie Lake had an expedited appeal that was pushed in January of last year. And she got a decision real quick in March, I believe we asked for an expedited appeal after we exhausted all of the avenues at the trial court level back in October, and they denied our expedited appeal. And so you have to start to wonder, why is that? Well, I think they know when we get a new trial, if we get a new trial, we would win.

So when people ask know you’re still fighting Abe, is there a chance? There’s only a chance if these judges have courage. And right now, quite frankly, I don’t think they do. And I say that because we have seven republican appointed Supreme Court justices here in Arizona. Seven republican Supreme Court justices. And they sanctioned my team, they actually sanctioned me personally, $55,000 for continuing to challenge our election. And that was also the same day that I decided to run for Congress.

That was when there was a seat opened up and Kerry Lake gave me a call and President Trump’s team gave me a call, and we were talking about everything. They said, we need you in the fight here in DC. And I told them it’s kind of bizarre how the Supreme Court just sanctioned us $55,000, and now here we are with an open congressional seat. So I decided to jump in, but I haven’t let it go.

Instead of just capitulating after they sanctioned us, I’ve doubled down. We filed two more election lawsuits. I don’t think they understand. I’m not going anywhere until we expose what happened, or until the Supreme Court decides to really destroy the rule of law by allowing basically, to codify that the government can withhold evidence in an election matter. So I’m curious to see the lengths are going to go to try to keep me from office and to keep the people away from having power.

So it’s been very informative. I keep telling people, and they ask me, are you sad about what happened in November of 2022, Dave? And I tell them, truthfully, in many ways, I’m not. I’m sad for what they did to the people, but what they did for me is they gave me decades of knowledge in a condensed one year period of time. And I’m going to fight them till my very last breath, because these people are nasty.

They’re sick, and they’re very corrupt. And what they’ve done to the people for so long needs to stop. So they’ve given me a lot more power than they ever realized they were going to. And I’m an honor to be in this fight with Donald Trump, with Carrie Lake and so many of you. It’s really an army of awakened people, and we’re going to save our country that we know is quickly collapsing because of these Marxists.

Yeah, and thank God you are fighting, because I don’t think these people ever thought that people would fight back. Usually they taken them out very, very know. Okay, here’s a sex scandal. Here’s this. That. I mean, they’re doing it to Trump and everything, but I think they expect people to fold very, very quickly, and they never expect people to continue on. And you said something very interesting. Know, the system is corrupt.

It’s a cabal run system. I think this is what people have a very difficult time understanding, is that this is. And I do believe it’s a coordinated effort where it’s just not like one person, like Steve Richard, just sitting there going, okay, let me push the buttons and pull the levers, and I’m going to cheat. It has to be a coordinated effort to pull something off. Like, I mean, I don’t know how high the corruption goes because when you said the judges have to be brave, well, shouldn’t the judges just follow the rule of law? Shouldn’t they just follow the law? I mean, it has nothing to do with, I like this person, that person.

I have to be brave. I have to be weak. If I follow the law and I make my ruling, that’s what it’s about. How far do you think this corruption goes? Well, I think you’re right. We’re in a very spiritual battle, Dave. And if you look at the COVID times particularly, it’s kind of similar where you had so much of this tyranny that was coming on from the government at the state level, at the federal level.

And remember, we had to wear masks up until, I think it was April of 2022. And what happened, it took a one brave federal judge, and I think she was only 34 years old in Florida, federal judge who removed the mask mandate for traveling. So for two years we had to suffer with these masks. And where was the judiciary? They weren’t following the laws. And I think it’s because they were in a psychosis.

There’s a psychosis going on in our country. It’s pretty evident and apparent. So just like the COVID times, just like with the election, I mean, you hear the same narrative and the propaganda that they regurgitate over and over and over again. And it’s quite scary because they really believe, just like during the COVID times, that they are saving lives, when in fact, in many cases, it’s just the opposite.

Here in the elections, they really think that they are these election warriors, that they’re going to save democracy from election deniers. And in reality, they’ve destroyed democracy. So you’re right that it’s not just a weird kind of psychosis that these people are in, and the media is in it too. And that’s why I tell you it does require courage at this time. It shouldn’t have to. You’re right.

It should just be following the law. But what happens when so much of what’s going on is just really government rule by Fiat? And that’s what’s happening right now. I mean, with our election challenge, I want your viewers to know we have removed an unlawful governor in Arizona history. So that is the legal precedent in Arizona, is to remove someone who obtained that office illegitimately. They removed them even halfway through their term.

That’s why I’m still fighting my lawsuits, because the precedent is there to do the right thing. I’m trying to look at these republican justices to see where the hell are know I’m a young man, Dave. When I was running for attorney general, I was the youngest statewide candidate in the country. And I was running because I looked around me, I got back from my deployment from Saudi Arabia with the army, and I got back to a country I no longer recognize.

And I sit back and say, my God, the people who got us into this mess aren’t going to be the ones who get us out of it. And every single time I seem to be proven right. I knew that the weaponization of the rule of law was coming. And, Dave, it’s only expedited, right? I mean, this time last year, it’s hard to imagine, but President Trump wasn’t under any.

That’s his first indictment came in March of last year. But look at it feels like it’s been an eternity, what he’s been fighting. So we have to understand what’s happening right now. We are at war. And I want people to understand that this is a war for the soul of our country. And they’re really ambushing us right now. It’s getting expedited. So we have to be very diligent going into this November.

You mentioned that the judges have to find courage. They have to be brave. Do you think if they ruled in favor of you and they let the world know, yes, there was cheating in the election, are they afraid that they would just unravel the whole thing and it would spread to other states? Is that one of their biggest worries? It’s probably even worse than that, because if you’ve actually seen, just last year, Connecticut actually overturned an election where they issued a new election after we saw those videos of them, of that corrupt, I believe, mayor who was stuffing ballots, his staffer.

And then you saw in Louisiana, I believe they just ordered a new election, too, when it was decided by one vote. My race is 280 out of 2. 5 million, the closest race in Arizona history. And I think with my profile, they do worry that this would legitimize what President Trump has been saying for so long. But in reality, it really shouldn’t scare the judiciary because our arguments are actually very different.

Dave, I’m not alleging fraud in my election. I don’t need to even though we know that there was massive amount of mail in fraud. I don’t need to, we just need them to count the valid votes that haven’t been counted. That’s what’s so creepy about this, Dave, these lawsuits. Carrie Lake has a different approach with her election lawsuit. And mine has another approach where we’re trying to count votes, which throughout history in the United States, judges have been very eager to count votes and to enfranchise voters who’s had their votes disenfranchised.

So that’s what I mean by telling you it goes deeper than this, where in many ways this could be able to try to heal this country if they do the right thing by saying, listen, we know not all elections are fraudulent, but there are some. And here is one example. But I do think they’re worried about me taking over the attorney general’s office because I know that I say what needs to be said and I also mean what I’m going to do and I’m going to put the people who have hijacked our elections behind bars, what they’ve done to the people, they’ve corrupted the system of government that has kept our country on track for 247 years.

And where’s the accountability of when the machines go down 60%? It just doesn’t happen. We’ve run elections before and it happened as soon as the polls open. And they had a cover up. They hired a Supreme Court justice, one of their old friends, to look into the printers and they didn’t even contact the printer manufacturer and the printer manufacturer is about to sue them for defamation. Sue the county, Maricopa county.

Everybody knows what happened in Arizona. And that’s why Kerry Lake and I have continued to fight because we’re going to continue to expose for the truth right now because the people are so hungry for it. So I’m honored to be in this fight for elections. I had no idea I was going to be. But I’m also going to be looking forward to bringing that same mindset to Washington, DC, because I look forward to bringing election integrity to the halls of Congress.

We need to ban ranked choice voting at the federal level and we got to start cleaning up the voter roll. So I’m excited to have this new opportunity with President Trump and Kerry Lake in Washington, DC. Yeah. And I think that the people of this country, and even in Arizona, I think because Rasmussen, I think did a know, who would you vote for today? Would you vote for Abe? Would you vote for vote? And they voted for you guys.

And it’s completely opposite of what actually happened. So the people, I think, are starting to understand and realize the system is not working in their favor. And I think the court of public opinion, the more people know, the more people see, the more people are now getting, I guess they’re getting angry, they’re pushing back and they’re not going to take it anymore. And during COVID you mentioned Covid.

I do believe they brought in Covid to cheat in the presidential election with the mail, in ballots, the dropboxes, and it looks like in 2022, they just kept that going to make sure that they were able to control the elections. And when people say, oh, look, Biden got talk about her health, those who set their New Year’s resolutions around health and Buter are helping collagen supplements grow in popularity.

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Com. That is healthwithx 22 dot or click the link in the description. This many votes? No, they got that many ballots. So same thing with you and same thing with Carrie. These people got ballots, they didn’t get votes. Very, very different. Do you think moving into the next election, do you think they are planning to do the same thing with cheating or manipulating the elections? Because we see the borders are open, millions and millions of people are coming in.

You’re a border state and it’s not families. People are now realizing that it’s not families that are coming over the border. It’s young men who know military age and they’re all coming over. And you can hear out in Senate and with Schumer and the rest, they want a know quick path to citizenship. And it looks like we’re heading in that way. So when you look at the border.

What do you see? What do you see happening right now? This is all intentional, Dave. I mean, it’s hard to imagine it not being, especially because under President Trump, we did have a secure border. But here in Arizona, or actually our southern border, we had 300,000 people cross our southern border in December. 300,000. 10 million people have come across our southern border during Biden’s time in office for three years.

10 million people. That’s bigger than the state of Arizona. So we just imported a new state in the last three years of this administration. So it’s intentional what they’re doing. But I don’t think they anticipated people, governors, sending these migrants to their cities at such a high clip that they’re bringing their cities to the brink of collapse, which I think is rightfully deserved by these sanctuary cities that have really been hostile to any site of border security.

So what I’m also very concerned about is you’re right, I think radical Islamists are also coming across our southern border. It’s obvious that they are. I mean, 16 out of the 19 hijackers of 911 came through our southern, they came through our country legally. And so as you can imagine, and they’re from Saudi Arabia, actually, the 16 of them. But so as you can imagine, has Bala, Iran, the Houtis, Hamas.

I mean, they’re looking at our southern border. Why wouldn’t they go across our southern border if they wanted to inflict damage? But it’s not just them you’re having. Nations also like, mean we have record number of chinese migrants coming across our southern border, which is a particular concern to me. In my congressional district, we have the new Taiwan semiconductor chip manufacturer, which is the biggest in the world here in my district.

And they moved operations from Taiwan to the district to safeguard against China. So I believe chinese spies are coming across. It’s obvious they are. We had the chinese spy balloon coming, invading our sovereignty, and Joe Biden didn’t shoot it down. And then you had China. It was discovered in California that they had a bioweapons lab in California, Dave, and I don’t think know the epic Times was talking about it and Steve Bannon, but I don’t think it was really mentioned too much in the mainstream media.

The only reason why that was caught was because a maintenance worker discovered that water was going to a building that shouldn’t have gone there. And lo and behold, it was a chinese bioweapons lab. So when you look at what they’re going to do for 2024 in the combination of all this, they are desperate. So, yes, I anticipate them cheating. I anticipate them trying to manipulate everything to get the outcome they want.

But in 2020, they almost didn’t pull it off. So we have to be vigilant. But you have to look at, they’re very concerned about the rise of these third parties. Green Party is going to be on the ballot in 2024. They weren’t on the ballot in 2020. In so many swing states, which would have been the margin, RFK Jr. Being on the ballot is probably going to take away votes from the Democrats, I believe so.

I think the Democrats are starting to realize what kind of predicament they actually are in and how unpopular they are. So I don’t know the lengths are going to go, but I know we have to be very aware and make sure that we have a clean election coming up. Trump keeps mentioning that once he gets elected, he’s going to deport. These mean, since you’re on a border state, are there any laws in place to actually deport all of these people that came into this country illegally? Absolutely.

And I’ve talked to a retired federal judge who has told me it’s actually pretty simple when they do it. And a lot of times they won’t even have an appeal once they are kicked out. So I think the deportations are going to happen. And I also think once President Trump comes back, you’re not going to see the surge of migrants trying to enter our border. So the deportations is going to happen.

But logistically, it’s going to be challenging. So it’s really going to require the government also making sure that we roll back all of these subsidies we’ve been given to these illegal immigrants, whether it’s the cell phones or whether it’s the health care or so much of the, or just direct payments, actually. But, yeah, I mean, a lot of these illegal immigrants, they have their court dates in 2031, Dave.

They’re basically creating amnesty through the legal system around Congress. So President Trump, when he gets back in there, he’s not going to tolerate that. I won’t tolerate that as a congressman. I know Kerry Lake won’t tolerate as a Senator either. I think one of the big worries of people is that how do we remove those people in this country that have been spread around the country? And the other thing I think people are worrying about is if there is some type of an event, a war or anything like that, because you said there’s a lot of chinese nationals here, a lot of people from many other countries.

Where does their allegiance lie because let’s say China goes into Taiwan. Now, if we have a lot of chinese people here, there are allegiance with America, or is it with China? The same thing with those people that have come in from all different places like Iran and other mean. What do you think about mean? Do you think they would then act up or do something in this country? Well, it only requires one bad actor to cause damage.

So even if a majority of them are not going to do that, it just requires 1% to do. And if I were the enemy, and I’m an intelligence officer, so I always have to think like the enemy. If I were the enemy, I would be using the southern border to try to infiltrate. And so why wouldn’t China be doing that? Why wouldn’t these terrorist groups trying to be doing that? So they already here, it’s obvious.

We had over 170 people on the terror watch list who are apprehended at the southern border. And that’s only the ones that we know of. So imagine the ones who have evaded capture. You talk about the chinese spies. It’s going to come. And I’m worried about a black swan type of event. Absolutely. For 2024. What do you mean by that? Black swan. Black swan events or 911 was a black swan event.

So it’s a terminology that’s used in intel world, basically some type of unexpected event that really changes history. And so you talk about 911, the financial crash of 2008 was another one. So I’m getting concerned that we’re marching towards a black swan type of event. With all the regional instability in the Middle east and how chaotic the world really is right now under the Biden administration, because I think these adversaries and these enemies of ours are going to take advantage of the situation while they still have Biden in the White House.

So, Abe, so what do you think is going to mean? I’m not saying this is going to happen, but I mean, you’re a US army intel officer, so what would they do? Well, I’m worried that there’s going to. All the conditions are there for there to be another catastrophic terror attack. And I say that because you have this war in Hamas and Israel going on, which is radicalizing a lot of people, then you have the southern border that’s completely open, and you’re having these terror groups infiltrating.

But then you also have China, who wants to take back Taiwan, who. What I’m also scared about is some sort of attack on our electrical grid. So who knows what it could be? But to me, it seems like all the pieces are set. And that’s what I’m talking about. Where I believe what’s going on is kind of scary because it’s intentional. I mean, how could we have an open border? How can a president that is supposed to serve the american people allow 10 million people to come across our southern border, allow fentanyl to come across our southern border, allow the chinese spies to come across and a spy? It seems like we’re being marched towards World War II.

It seems like we’re being marched towards a type of catastrophic event. And we have to be vigilant about it and understand what’s actually happening around the world and what Israel is going through. It could happen very well here in the United States. And that’s something we have to be concerned about. And you see the weakness on the foreign policy stage with the Houtis and mean here. These are a ragtag group, the Houtis.

For a long time, they had no power. What happened? I know the Houtis pretty well because when I was serving in the United States army in Saudi Arabia, we were getting missiles fired at us from the Houtis, and they were targeting military sites, the saudi civilian sites, and oil. And the Houtis have these long range missiles from Iran, and they have potential to hit Israel. They have potential to hit deep into saudi arabian territory.

And now this is a group that, for a long time know, really not sophisticated. But now they’ve grown into a type of Hezbollah type of terror group, which is more sophisticated. So I’m scared that we’ve emboldened the enemy and alienated our allies right now. So we have to be cautious with everything we’re seeing. So when you said they might hit our electric infrastructure, you talk about, like, a cyberattack, or do you think like a bomb or something like that? Yeah, either one.

We’re moving so much towards electrifying everything in our country, and it could even be a natural disaster. I mean, a solar sunflower can take out the electrical grid as well. So if it’s going to be a man made one, EMP can certainly inflict immense damage, probably trillions of dollars of damage, and probably set us back to the stone Age. And that’s what I’m concerned about. Our leaders are not looking long term vision and how to secure our way of life.

Right now, we’re so vulnerable, whether it’s a cyberattack and these things have happened before. So I’m just amazed at the stupidity of our elected officials and the bureaucracies. So that’s why I think we need to start President Trump when he’s back in there. I think he knows exactly what to do now. He really does. I think this period of time where Biden has been there has really been setting the stage open for hopefully America’s greatest comeback.

Because if the flame of freedom is extinguished in the United States, Dave, it may be extinguished forever. That’s what’s at stake this November. And I want people to know that this is very serious. They’re going to be writing about this history in the history books for a very long time because this is almost whether we restore the America we loved and that we remember or we’re going to go the way of Marxism.

And it’s very scary. But I’m optimistic. I’m ultimately a happy warrior because I know there are so many people that are awakening right now, and we just got to find each other and stick with each other and let’s go rescue the America that’s been hijacked by these thugs and save it for the future generations. Do you think Biden is going to make it to the 2024 election? No, not at all.

I would be shocked. I think the Democrats right now are trying to keep this going for as long as possible and then have the nominating convention be something different. I think they’re going to have trouble because I think their party has become so radicalized. They’re looking at Gavin Newsom, but I think he had such a terrible performance in that debate and his record is awful. I think Pritzker in Illinois, just because he’s wealthy, so I think he could self fund it.

I think they’re going to have a challenge who they can have. Michelle Obama would be probably the most lethal person, unfortunately. But, yeah, I have a hard time imagining Biden’s going to be the nominee. There’s a lot of people out there talking about Biden, the DS or the Uni party, whoever. They might cancel the election or they’ll try to cancel if they can’t cheat in the election. I mean, look, we’ve seen crazier things happen from COVID I mean, if you go back to 2016, 2017, and you told people, hey, by the way, we’re all going to be wearing masks, the world’s going to be shut down.

You won’t be allowed outside, people would think you’re crazy. So when you talk about canceling an election, no, how could they do that? Do you think they will try if they can’t cheat the way they did? Because, look, they had to shut down the elections. They had to count whatever ballots they had. I mean, we all saw the graphs. I mean, anyone thinking logically, you could see what they did.

I mean, this is how you cheat. And then they had to bring in the ballots that they needed, and that’s how Biden was able to win. If Trump, since the Iowa caucus, I mean, he had, what, 98 of the counties out of 99. And the only reason he didn’t get the last one is because everyone was switching from Democrat to Republican to vote for Nikki Haley. I think that has set the stage of where the people think we should go.

And if Trump has, let’s say, I guess, last time he had, what, 70, 75 million people, what happens if he has 150,000,000? What’s if he has 180,000,000? Will they be able to cheat and will they try to cancel? Yeah, I think it’s something I talk about privately to a lot of people that the powers that be are so scared of what this movement represents right now that I believe they could go to extraordinary lengths to try to stop this movement.

However, it’s almost mutually assured destruction at this point where if they know they cancel the election, there might be a revolution, a total revolution. We have to be aware of it in 2016, if you remember. I think there was a movement back then to try to get the, ironically, they try to get the electors at the electoral college to switch their votes and not vote for Trump. And so they tried that, really.

But I think the powers that be knew want what these people value the most is stability. And they recognize, I mean, quite frankly, we provide the most stable period of time in the United States history. But he’s a wreck to the political corruption. And I’m not sure, but you’re looking around the world like, Argentina had their elections and they were able to get a very good guy in there.

You saw the Netherlands as well, in Italy last year. So I think there’s a chance for the powers that be in the elites and the ruling regime to allow the inevitable to happen. There’s a possibility, but we’re going to see what lengths are going to go to try to keep the people away from their power. And I don’t know, but it’s something that’s on my mind, Dave, I would be lying if I was to say that, no, it’s outside this crazy talk.

It’s certainly not crazy when you see the links are going to try to remove him from the ballot, trying to indict mean, look what they’re doing to Carrie Lake and I here in Arizona. Sanction us. She’s going through a defamation lawsuit right now against Stephen Richer, the county recorder. These people are, they’re using every tool imaginable to try to stop this movement. And I don’t think they can stop it.

I mean, Trump, he did say that we are not going to allow them to cheat in the 2024 election. And I mean, me personally, the only way I could see that is paper ballots, having people come in person to vote, just like they did in Argentina. And it’s amazing how they were able to use paper ballots counted in one day and have the results all in one day and there were no problems.

I don’t even know why we need the computer systems. I mean, what are they really doing? Reading dots? Do we really need. It’s Taiwan. Just had their election, too, and they counted it by hand as well. And then you see these places where we totally spread democracy, or supposedly spread democracy, like Iraq, where they go and dip their fingers, ink, and that’s how they know they vote here in the United States.

When I got back from my deployment, I came back to multiple mail in ballots in my mailbox, and they weren’t with my name on it. This is a big deal that’s happening, and we’re on to them and the american people are on to, you know, I credit so much, really, and people getting awakened right now. It’s like a south african immigrant, Elon Musk, to save the First Amendment.

It wasn’t Congress, it was him. And now we have Tucker Carlson on. You know, people are really, they’re paying attention, Dave. And election integrity is one of my top priorities when I’m in Congress. And I was in DC actually last month, that’s when President Trump called me to endorse me for my race for Congress, which was an honor. I was sitting on the steps of the US Capitol when he called.

But I was in DC meeting with so many other members of Congress and so many other people. And they, you know, talking about elections is really a taboo subject here. And I said, well, it’s not for Arizona. And I don’t think it is for most Americans or a lot of Americans. But I think DC needs somebody whose main priority is going to be securing our elections. And I’ve lived it.

And believe me, I know exactly what these Marxists and the unit party does to our elections. So I intend to go and expose it and to clean up and have an honest elections, not just in Arizona, but across the country. Abe, I want to thank you very much for being on the x 22 report. Spotlight. How can people see your work and how can people support you? Absolutely, Dave.

They can go to abeforaz. com ab, eforaz. com. And I would really appreciate all the donations and support because I am fighting up against really powerful, corrupt people who are doing everything they can to stop me. One of my opponents in my race for Congress, his family actually owns the mail and ballot company. Wow. Runbeck. Believe it. Believe it or not, so it seems like everywhere I’m going, I’m fighting for elections.

So. Abe, foraz. com. And they can follow me on Twitter and truth at abraham homoday. Great. I’ll put all the links at the bottom of the video. Abe, thank you very much for being on the spotlight. I really appreciate it. Thank you. Thank you. Dave. .

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