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And there will be a trigger event definitely this year. This is a massive, sophisticated conspiracy. People have to wake up. The deep state knows that war with Russia and China is coming, but the mainstream media hasn’t got the message yet. And when they start to warn, it’s going to be seconds or minutes or even just a few days before that, and people will still sit back and say, well, let’s see if it’s going to happen. World War three is already happening. This is a house of cards, and it is in the process of collapsing right now.
You’re going to see an economic crash the likes of which we’ve never seen. Hi, folks. Canadian prepper. Here today on the channel once again, we’re joined by Joel Skousen, the author of the World Affairs Brief and the widely popular preparedness book Strategic Relocation. Joel is a respected geopolitical commentator whose insightful and prescient predictions have earned him a loyal following in the preparedness space. Chief among those predictions was predicting the onset of the Russian invasion nearly 10 years ago. Today we want to talk about everything World War 3 as it currently centers around the policies of one Donald Trump.
So how are you doing today, Joel, and what’s on your mind with respect to the events that are unfolding in the world today? Well, thank you, Nate. It’s always good to be with you. My biggest concern is the fact that conservatives and preppers think that they’ve won and we don’t have to prepare anymore for war because Donald Trump has been elected. Now, be very frank. Donald Trump has done some wonderful things domestically in terms of shutting down the DEI and WOKE agenda and sincerely wants to get America back to basic family values. My only criticism on the domestic front is tariffs.
Tariffs are tremendously disruptive to the various economies. I’m a libertarian in that regard. I believe in free trade, except for existential enemies like Russia and China. I think you need to not trade at all with them. And globalists made a big deal out of making China into the most favored nation, giving them most favored trading nation status, giving them membership of the World Trade Organization, and allowed and encouraged a lot of our companies to move overseas to China. And they’re regretting that now, especially after the supply chains problems we’ve had. But my biggest concern is the disastrous views that Donald Trump has foreign policy.
First of all, he starts out, I’m going to be a peace president. And yet he’s planning war plans right now in Washington, D.C. to attack Iran, to take Greenland, to invade Panama, to get back to canal. And that’s something we never should have given away, by the way, in the first place, because we built it. And it is a strategic, strategic asset which we should have maintained. But Panama is never going to give it back voluntarily. Now. So that’s a problem. But the biggest problem, of course, is Trump’s failure to understand the threat that Russia poses.
You know, Trump has one major weakness, Nate, and that is he’s very subject to flattery. He dishes it out tremendously, too. Talks about Hillary Clinton being a wonderful person and other things, and they flatter him in return. But he has bragged about his wonderful relationship with Kim Jong Un, the dictator of North Korea who hasn’t repented at all about his nuclear program. In fact, just recently, he continued to threaten the United States over even bringing F35s into Japan because it appears to threaten him. He believes he’s got a good relationship with Xi Jinping. And that happened in the first meeting they had in Mar? A Lago where Xi Jinping flattered Trump to death and Trump just was putty in his hands.
And in the same vein, he believes that Vladimir Putin is a fine person. They had a wonderful telephone call on Tuesday where he agreed to some problem things about the so called peace in Ukraine. But as I’ve explained to your audience before, it’s critical to understand that Putin and the Soviet Union faked their own demise in 1989 and 91. And Putin even admitted this to Tucker Carlson in his famous interview in Moscow. He said, you know, Tucker, the Russian leadership effectively initiated the fall of the Soviet Union. That didn’t mean anything, Tucker. It went right over his head.
And why? Because Tucker didn’t realize that the official narrative was that this was a spontaneous uprising of freedom, love and people in the Soviet Union and that they simply, the Russians couldn’t control it. And so they decided to let everybody be free. But it wasn’t true. Eric Honaker on His deathbed said, Moscow gave me orders to stand down the Stasi in Leipzig and let the student riots go forward, which triggered the entire thing. There was the phony coup of Gorbachev in his undefended villa where supposedly the KGB couldn’t capture him. And after that the media announced that the heads of the kgb, the GRU and the Defense Minute were fleeing for their lives.
Well, nobody asked the question who were they fleeing from? These are the people that had all power in the Soviet Union in terms of defense and, and police power, etc. And who were they fleeing from? So this was really a phony coup from the, from the very beginning. I even watched a documentary of Russians after the fall of the Soviet Union talking about the Red Square protests that were. Yeltsin was on the tank explaining about liberty and democracy to people. And they said, you know, the only thing we couldn’t understand is where were the kgb? The KGB were always shadowing us before, always threatening us with arrest and they were nowhere to be seen.
So you see, Nate, someone obviously gave a stand down order to let these protests go forward. So this was a carefully crafted thing. And Putin tried to tell Tucker this was because we wanted peace and cooperation with the West. That’s the reason we took down the Soviet Union. But in fact that was patently false. He said we offered to join NATO. He told Clinton that. And then Clinton advisers told Clinton, no, no, you can’t let him join NATO. Now the reason is because the Clinton advisers, being globalist, knew that the Soviets had faked their own demise.
Why didn’t they blow the whistle like I did when it happened? It’s because they were still in the mode of protecting Russia and China. Remember that the globalists had built both of these enemies over the time we made Russia a nuclear power. We gave them the plans to the nuclear weapons they couldn’t steal in the Manhattan Project that was discovered in Lend Lease light. After the war, Nate. After the war they were shipping the plans and Major Racy Jordan of the Great Falls Montana Air Base confiscated that. Got a call from the White House, from Harry Hopkins, a communist spy in the Truman administration saying, give those plans back to the Russians and don’t tell anybody about it.
And then two months later we shipped them the first shipment of enriched uranium because even though they had the plans to the nuclear weapons, they couldn’t do anything because they couldn’t enrich uranium. So we sent them the first shipment in the Nixon administration. We gave them the miniature ball bearing technology from Bryant Industries in Maine so that they could merv their missiles and make multiple warheads. So not only did we make Russia nuclear power, but we gave them the technology to merge their missiles. Now in 1990s, they were still in the mode of protecting and covering up for the Soviet Union.
That’s why they didn’t blow the whistle. But they weren’t about to let Putin get away with that. You know, Putin even told Tucker Carlson, he said, you know, Lenin and Stalin put the Donbas and Crimea into the borders of Ukraine. Now I don’t know why they did that, but we know that Lenin had already faked the fall of communism once to gain aid from the west and they were planning on doing it again. And that’s why they put the Donbas, the Russian speaking areas of Crimea and Domas, into Ukraine, so they would have an excuse to reinvade when they faked their own demise after in 1990, 89 and 91.
And that’s exactly what happened. And you know, conservatives have been completely deceived, and I’m a conservative myself and anti globalist from the very beginning, but conservatives been completely deceived by the notion that in 2014 the west overthrew in Ukraine a duly elected President Yanukovych, who was a communist, pro Putin Communist, as have been most of the presidents in Ukraine since the phony fall, because communists were never purged out of the governments of Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary and Ukraine. And that’s why there was so much corruption that dealt with the Bidens and bereavement, all of that. And every one of the presidents have made themselves wealthy through that corruption.
Well, in fact, even though the west did give money and aid to the protesters, in fact, Yanukovych himself pulled the coup on himself because he was the one who gave the orders to stand down the Berkut. Notice how similar this is to the phony fall of the Soviet Union. Give orders to stand down the Stasi. You give orders to stand down the kgb. And Yanukovych gave orders to stand down the Bear Coot. Now that’s the riot police SWAT teams that had been killing and surrounding the protesters so they could not escape. And on that Friday in February 2014, when he gave the order for the Bear Coot to stand down, the protesters woke up in the morning in the Maidan Square and they were free to leave.
Now that’s how it was won. Not because they broke through the barricades, they even walked through the presidential palace because there were no guards there. All right, guys. So as some of you know, Canadian prepper is a fully independent channel. We don’t have sponsors and we’re beholden to nobody. You can help support us by supporting yourself by gearing up@canadianpreparedness.com I know that in an emergency, having the right gear can make all the difference. This is why I’ve tested and curated the best preparedness products on the market, so that you can be confident and ready for whatever comes your way.
Now back to the video. So you’re saying that he basically faked or allowed this coup to happen so that Russia could then have justification to intervene? Yes. And let me tell you how he did this. When he exercised his coup and he fled the next day, claiming that the unarmed protesters were a threat to his life. An interim president Yaschenuk, who Victoria Nuland had preferred to be the interim president. So that added to the conspiracy theory that the west was engineering this. But that was only an interim president. And the president that was elected after Yeschenuk was Pietro Poroshenko.
He’s another fake nationalist who campaigned on the issue that I was going to let the Donbas be semi autonomous, going to be able to run their own lives. And as soon as he got elected, he backtracked on all of those promises and started to persecute the Donbas, saying, you’ve got to speak Ukrainian, you can’t speak Russian. That is what initiated Putin’s excuse to invade is the persecution. Remember, that’s the whole reason for putting the Russians there. And remember that the Russians that Putin put hundreds of thousands of Russians into Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, the Baltic states, they’re there today and they were going to be next on the list after Ukraine, for persecution, to be able to justify coming in there.
So people have to understand their conspiracy history in order to see that the mainstream media, which will never tell them this. But what is most concerning, Nate, is the fact that conservatives are rightly convinced that the mainstream media never tells them the truth. Okay? They always lie. Right? Except now. Why now? Because just prior to World War three, which they’ve been building Russia and China to. To do, they have to switch sides and start to attack Russia and China. Okay, now that’s an important point. Same thing with Hitler. In World War II, they built up Hitler.
They said Hitler was not a threat, but just before the war, they started to attack Hitler so that they’re on the correct side of the war once it starts, the one that they promote. So you. This is a very sophisticated. And it’s almost impossible to get conservatives to think that the mainstream media could be telling the truth about Russia being an enemy, but it is true. And the fact is that they have cheated on every treaty and sadly, just Donald Trump thinks that disarmament is wonderful, part of his peace. Nick, you know, peace at any cost ideas that he thinks that we ought to have complete nuclear disarmament.
Now. Now, Russia’s cheated on every single nuclear disarmament. They have three times as many nuclear weapons as we do. And missile throw rate, we’ve got about 400 Minuteman III missiles, which are now Minuteman I missiles because we’ve dismantled the three nuclear warheads and put a single nuclear warhead on. We’re developing the Sentinel intercontinental ballistic missile system, but that won’t be ready till 2035. And I think the war, third world war, will already be started by then. So, unknowingly, Donald Trump, because of his failure to understand who the true enemies are and is blustering through provocative attacks that’s going to come on Iran and perhaps Greenland.
I thought we were going to get more time with Donald Trump as president, but I think in terms of war, we’re going to get less time. And he can’t stop this. Russia and China both will, in fact attack the west when China is ready. But Putin has to wait for China because he can’t occupy if he nukes the West. He doesn’t have the troops to do that. But China does. And that’s why he has to wait for China. Go ahead. Yeah. I mean, on the one hand, at face value, if we take what we, what he says as truth, it appears as though there is some rapprochement happening.
But then when you look at what’s happening behind the scenes, like you have Trump wanting to annex Greenland, presumably for national security purposes, in order to, you know, build out the American version of the Iron Dome, as he calls it. An interview, Continental ballistic missile defense shield. You know, he’s talking about these things which are, you know, he also backed out of the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. You know, so he’s doing a lot of things that run counter to what he’s saying. You know, he’s intelligence sharing with Ukraine again, sending more weapons. They’re doing reconnaissance in the Black Sea.
The instructors are still there. So it seems like there is some foresight there with respect to fighting an actual nuclear conflict. I think even throughout, I think it was 2017, when he wanted to make changes to the US electrical grid and fortify it against EMP attacks. So, you know, on the one hand, I agree with you that there’s a lot of bluster here. But on the other hand, it looks like they are actually aware of the threat to some degree. Well, you bring up a conflicting set of opinions, Nate, because Trump is all over the map.
He wants to be a peace president and wants him. And you know, he does have advisors which he rarely listen to anymore because they do believe that Russia is an enemy and he hasn’t been listening to them relative to the thing in Ukraine. I mean, let’s take for example the deal he just did with Putin after a three hour conversation. And most of that was chumming around, you know, complimenting one another. And Putin knows, like Xi Jinping, you gotta compliment and praise Trump to get him to give. But I’ll tell you, the Russians, who are still communists by the way, are just ecstatic with what Trump has given them.
He’s essentially not required them to give up anything in the negotiation for Ukraine. In fact, Putin’s demands are still in force and that is he won’t sign a peace agreement unless the US Stops all military aid to Ukraine and NATO stops all military that they do not conscript any more soldiers and they don’t train any more soldiers. Now, do you think for a minute that Russia will not rearm their soldiers and send more supplies in and keep conscripting and keep building their military? And Putin keeps demanding the U.S. has to monitor what Ukraine does to make sure this happens.
But there’s no talk of a monitor that goes into Russia to see that they aren’t rearming their troops. You see how one sided this is. Well, I guess we have to wait though and see exactly what the conditions are going to be because it really almost seems like both sides are just stalling and that this is a, a tactic being employed. Because we know that Trump has intentions with Iran and I think what he needs right now is a, a static situation, which is probably at best what they’re going to get some sort of stalemate in Ukraine and there might be some skirmishes, you know, across the line, but keeping it low level intensity.
It’s still going to fester, but it’s not going to potentially flare up while they go and do what they want to do in Iran. Is that a possibility? No, it really isn’t. It’s a misunderstanding of everything that the Russians and Chinese have ever done with a ceasefire. They always continue to build and then they use a conflict which they blame on Ukraine in order to break the ceasefire after they built up. This will not be a stalemate. Russia, for example, isn’t signing or isn’t moving. Is Delaying the peace agreement because they want to take as much territory as they can before they do a halt.
And they’ll only do a halt for purposes that involve that if Ukraine is restrained from rebuilding and they are not. And I’ll tell you, we have had three major leaks that Russia has never changed their demands that Ukraine must not continue to arm. They must be essentially neutered into a stalemate. But we will not be accepting that which we know that Ukraine is never going to agree to. Obviously. Well, but he may not have a choice. You see, if Putin, I’m sorry, if Trump cuts off arms and military supplies, which Europe cannot, about half of the supplies and armaments Europe cannot replace because they be allowed to transfer US Weapons that Trump has given them to Ukraine.
And this is what has fractured the entire alliance, basically, because now the Europeans don’t trust the United States to be able to back them up. And you know, Europe has not come up to their own self defense even though they’ve earmarked $800 billion to aid Ukraine in the wake of Trump’s cutoff of military aid. But you see, Trump is using this as a lever to strangle Ukraine. Now, what I’m saying is, even though Ukraine is still a corrupt country, the citizens don’t deserve to live under and they are very anti Russian now in Western Ukraine. They don’t deserve to live under the continuing Soviet Union or the rebuilding of the Soviet Union that I have predicted was the whole purpose of faking their demise, to get aid in trade so then they could come back in and use one pretext for another two.
So remember, Iran will not cause World War three. It’s going to cause a mess and it’s going to be a multifaceted attack with Israel and the United States attacking Iran. It’s going to make the war in Hamas look like a picnic in comparison. But this will not lead to World War III because China is not involved there. They don’t have a reason to be involved. But and the Ukraine war, you know, has benefits in the sense that it keeps Russia weakened militarily and that postpones the day of when they can come, you know, at the United States and leave when China’s ready.
And of course, China is the big time factor here. So that war is going to start with the attack on Taiwan because North Korea, if we try to intervene, will in fact attack the West. And we have to intervene if they attack South Korea because we have 26,000 troops there. So the attack on Taiwan is going to be the real trigger event for World War Three. And so I highly encourage people not to stop their preparations. Trump’s going to give us a respite domestically from the horrible DEI type politics, but he’s not going to apparently stop because he doesn’t recognize who’s real enemies and who’s not.
That’s the problem. So your prediction for how this thing is going to go with Ukraine is that Trump will ultimately pull funding and support military support to Ukraine that will lead to them having to cede territory to the Russians and that will allow Russia to rebuild its military. And because it seems like that he could have did that, he could have continued on that arc, but instead they recommenced military, you know, ISR and weapons shipments. So that was only because, that was only because Zelensky wisely threw a bone to Trump, said, I’ll accept a temporary 30 day ceasefire to test Russian intentions.
And that put the ball back in Trump’s court. So he had to respond and say, okay, you’re coming a little bit my way. I will resume arms and military shipments. Because Putin had not shown any sign, he’s still trying to take the entire Kursk region and capture a lot of Ukrainian soldiers so that he can hold them hostage on the side. That’s why he’s postponing this stuff. I mean, Putin, look, even in this agreement yesterday, which was Tuesday about no attacks on infrastructure, what happened today, Putin attacked another power plant in the Ukrainian side of the Donbas.
He’s already broken his word. I mean, this is a fool’s paradise to think that Putin is not going to do anything but rebuild and rearm and then use a pretext of a violation by Ukraine, as they did in the beginning of the 2014 stealth invasion to, to invade again. So it’s not going to lead to peace. Apparently Witkoff came out today and said that the drones were in the air before the call was made. But we do know that those attacks continued well into the night and it was a two way street because I believe Ukraine did target some oil refineries.
They claim it was retaliatory. So it’s hard to say whether or not that, that, that actual agreement was to be put in place immediately because as far as I know, we don’t have the official, like transcript of the actual call. So we, we don’t really know what the nature of. Because Trump is so mercurial and ambiguous in his negotiating, we really, you know, I can’t take anything that they say at face value on either side at this point in time because there Seems to be people surrounding Trump who are pushing him in the direction of being more belligerent towards Russia.
Like, he’s surrounded by, you know, people who historically were very neoconservative and very anti Russian. Yet, you know, for some reason they’re in his cabinet now, so. No, no, they’re not. No, they’re not in his cabinet. He’s not listening to him. Those are the traditional intelligence briefers who are. And it’s not neocon in the sense that they’re always for war. Remember, these are globalists and they’ve switched sides. Remember, these same neocons were covering for Russia during the Cold War. They were talking about containment. We won’t actually attack. We’ll let them take Hungary, etc. We’ll just contain them.
That was a false thing to allow Russia to continue. Remember, they took Nicaragua, they took Cuba, they took all of that during containment. It was not a success. But these neocons were protecting and they have switched sides and they are anti Russian, which is the correct position because Russia faked their own demise. Now, remember that when Trump was on his telephone call and agreed to those things with Putin, Ukraine was not part of that. Trump assumed that I will require after the call at some time, Ukraine to comply with the energy infrastructure. But they were not on the call and were not aware of that until many hours later when it was finally made public what happened.
So Putin was responsible, you know, for sending the attacks on the power supply, in my opinion. Well, I mean, it’s. I guess we’ll find out in the next few days where Trump allegiances truly lie in terms of. No, no. Remember, there’s no allegiance. Trump is all over the map. He’s a bull in a China comment. He’s on a roll because of his successes domestically. He thinks I can do no error. And he’s blustering through this foreign policy stuff. He’s erratic, he’s changed. Look at the tariffs on one month, off another on and given exceptions here. And, you know, markets don’t like that.
That’s why the stock market has taken a hit. But Trump has no ideological alliance, except to his own sense of, I want to do what’s going to make me great as well, as part of that is the populist movement of making America great in di. But remember the courts, as I predicted in the World affairs brief, the deep state courts are blocking almost all of Trump’s moves. And so it’s going to be tough to fight through this thing, and we want him to succeed. But I’ll tell you he’s a disaster in terms of foreign policy because.
Because he doesn’t recognize that Kim Jong Un in North Korea is an enemy. He doesn’t recognize that Xi Jinping is a slick, deceptive communist. He doesn’t recognize that Putin or the Soviet Union faked their own demise. And so the advisors that are telling that Russia is an enemy are absolutely correct. And I say that as a conservative, as an anti globalist, they have switched sides and are moving in the correct direction only because they know that the war that they want and that Russia wants and that China wants eventually will take place. You know, one of the, the things I’ve always taken issue with was the Trump derangement syndrome.
And it seems as though there’s a bit of Putin derangement syndrome as well. How much of. Because I think a lot of people are struggling to truly understand the Russian threat because on the surface, it appears as though Vladimir Putin is very congenial and judicious in his diplomatic dealings. But then we also know that it’s illegal to protest in Russia. And there’s, you know, there’s this veneer of civility and freedom which perhaps a lot of Westerners, especially ones who are sympathizing with Russia’s grievances with respect to NATO encroachment don’t fully comprehend. So maybe before we go into Iran, can you just maybe give us your perspective on what is the Russian threat? Why is Russia actually a threat to the west, or are they a threat at all? First of all, let’s dispose once and for all with the NATO encroachment threat.
That’s propaganda. NATO never did sign any type of agreement, any formal agreement that they would not increase NATO toward the west, toward the east, 1, 1 inch, as has been quoted. Odd, odd. There was verbal talk about that, never any signed agreement whatsoever. Because NATO has a policy, it’s a fixed policy about people can request entrance into NATO and they can’t undo that policy. People can request. And remember, Putin doesn’t mind if NATO comes further east because remember, he never did. We never did purge, and he never did purge any of the Communists out of any of the former Soviet states.
He now has hundreds of spies in NATO because of allowing Poland, Romania and, and I’m not saying that they’re all communists. A lot of them are free market. A lot of them really, you know, hate Russia. That doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have, you know, the Soviets were expert at infiltrating, and they still are. You talk about what’s the biggest espionage threat in the United States. It’s Russia and China, not just China. Russia and China are still spying and infiltrating everything that they possibly can. They’re doing it in NATO, so he doesn’t mind. Besides, he already has NATO on his border in the Baltic states and he has controlled Ukraine for many years after the phony fall with these phony, phony presidents and things.
So remember that Putin is a master, as you know J. Edgar who wrote the book the Communist Masters of Deceit and they really are masters of deceit. He plays a great role and he’s playing conservatives to the T. He pretends to be a Christian. Remember they don’t make Christians colonels in the kgb. Just because he’s giving aid to the Russian Orthodox Church doesn’t mean he’s a Christian. Remember that the Russian Orthodox Church never protested any of Stalin’s purges. Millions of people during the Soviet years never protested once because the communists have infiltrated with communist priests and cardinals and higher ups within the Orthodox Church during that and they’re still there.
Same thing with the Orthodox Church in Ukraine which got it banned because they’re full of communist spies. And communists and non communist or Christian presidents don’t attack civilians throughout this war in Ukraine as Putin has. They don’t take 20,000 Ukrainian children captive and refuse to give them back. They don’t, you know, Christians just don’t do that. And Christians don’t ban other lesser sects as Putin has in Russia. Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists and Mormons a large extent. And of course he, he claims to be anti woke. He claims to be anti homosexual though he allows it in the, you know, they don’t allow it open in Russia because they don’t want their own country corrupted.
But they do believe in corrupting US morals through Hollywood, et cetera and infiltration there. So it’s a one way street to, to make conservatives think and they foolishly have thought after the phony war on terror that anybody the globalists are against must be a good guy. Iraq and Afghanistan were innocent of 911 which was a deep state operation from beginning to end. And Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA. He didn’t do 911. They had look alikes that did that. I mean this is a massive sophisticated conspiracy. People have to wake up to what’s happening. Well I guess, I mean if I was to play the devil’s advocate here and view this through the lens of the Russians, they would probably say, well you know, we had this massive war where we lost 20 million people.
And you have this alliance whose primary modus operandi is to defend against, to defend against us. A lot of the countries who are part of that alliance have gone on their own imperialist crusades throughout that period of time. And you have people within that alliance, leaders, particularly in the Baltic states, increasingly more so being echoed by all of the leaders suggesting that they need to strategically defeat and balkanize Russia. So I guess what I’m trying to figure out is, you know, where, not necessarily who’s telling the truth because you know, that is epistemic issue that we’re never going to be able to resolve.
But you know, does Russia have some legitimacy to the grievance if they have endured what they’ve endured in the last century and you have leaders of these countries wanting to basically destroy and Balkanize Russia so that they can go and get the resources that they’re going to need to re industrialize Europe. There seems to be two sides to that argument, I guess. And I don’t know if it’s as cut and dry as some people would claim. Well, it’s certainly not as cut and dried as you’ve presented it. The Baltic States know that Russia is coming after them after Ukraine.
They know that. That’s why the Russians were put into them. I mean this, you’ve got to remember that Russia started World War three, I mean World War two with Germany. You don’t know that they were amassing troops on the border there ready to invade. And that’s why Hitler started Operation Barbarossa. Now they had created a pact, a non aggression pact, but Russia was clearly going to violate it. And they jumped the gun and invaded Russia. So they were the, they were at fault for their own loss of starting that. Remember that the US did nothing. Even though they knew they were communists.
They knew that they were, were after the West. They were extens existential enemies. Armed them, gave them truck factories, gave them aircraft, gave them all of these things not only to help them fight the war against the Nazis, but also to give them the technology that allowed them to build after the war. And that’s why we made them a nuclear power. Remember they knew they were communist. Yalta gave away all of Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union because we had Alger Hiss, a globalist turned communist. At least he joined the Communist party so that they wouldn’t think anything about him helping them.
You know, induced Russia to Roosevelt to give him all this stuff. So Russia is not innocent in World War II. They’re not the innocent victims. And they have, look at what they did. They took Hungary and you know, when they tried to rebel. These are not nice people. These are still communists. And when you talk, when you look at the deception of pulling off the phony fall of the Soviet Union and years in advance, I’ll tell you frankly, Nate, this is satanic inspired. Nobody’s smart enough to pull these things off 20, 30, 40 years in advance unless they have satanic inspiration and revelation to guide their actions that many years in advance.
When they fake their own coup in 2014, there’s nothing that the Russians have done that has been honest except play the diplomatic role. And they’re very sophisticated at that. So maybe let’s pivot to the Middle east because it appears as though there’s a buildup and the vector through which they’re going to initiate a conflict with Iran could be through Yemen, because now Trump is saying that any defensive action on the part of the Yemenis will be attributed to Iran. So is this what’s likely going to unfold then, is that there’s going to be some skirmish? I mean, there was rumors that Iranian ship was taken out by an American ship, but I don’t think that’s been confirmed at all.
What is your prognostication for what’s going to happen in the Middle East? And do you think that maybe what will Russia’s role be in that? Well, Russia can’t come to the assistance of Iran at all any more than they could come to the assistance of Syria when US Backed ISIS took over Syria, allowed Israel to take another slice of Syria for their own, etc. But you know, this whole thing that Trump thinks that ISA was defeated is just a fool’s paradise. ISIS has always been a deep state creation. We even saved ISIS in the last battle of Raqqa in Syria by hiring 50 Arab trucks, semi trucks and drivers to go in and pick them up and take them with their heavy weapons back into Syria where they started from.
The US took 50% of the jihadists they imported into Syria for the phony civil war to create isis. And that doesn’t mean that everybody in the military knows that this is a very highly compartmentalized deep state operation between the deep state and US and Israel and Turkey, who continues to market oil that the US now occupies in northern Syria oil fields and markets it through Turkey to Israel, who buys that oil at a sub black market price. There’s a tremendous amount going on in here. I don’t know what the trigger event, Nate, is going to be but clearly the US is starting a multifaceted, not unilateral, multilateral attack on Iran and there will be a trigger event, could be with the Houthis, but Iran kind of knows it coming.
That’s why they thumbed their nose at Trump on any more nuclear negotiations. But it’s coming and I think, but it’s, it’s going to divert us from the, the war on Ukraine. But remember the war on Ukraine is far more important vis a vis Russia, one of our existential enemies, than Iran, who’s not an existential enemy. It is to Israel perhaps. But you’ve got to remember that Israel does a lot to antagonize their own enemies. Like they pulled 80% of the Gaza defensive brigade out of southern Israel to facilitate the Hamas attack. So what do you think are we looking at in a direct attack on Iranian nuclear facilities? And I’m not sure you know how much detail you’re, you’re willing to go into with respect to what a military operation like that might look like.
But because obviously there’s lots of logistical issues with respect to that. What type of weaponry, if it’s even impossible, would they use tactical nukes or would this be, would we see another attempt to try to foment a coup? What do you think the actual military intervention in Iran would look like and what would the geopolitical ramifications be? Well, it’s, it will not be nuclear. They’re not going to use tactical nukes. There’s no need to. There will be a massive conventional surgical strike against Iranian radars any more than happened last year in some of those surgical strikes to their anti missile systems.
And there’s a whole, you know, Iran is a, is a major military force now on paper bigger than Israel, though not nearly as effective because of the US jamming capabilities as they were able to attack Iran last year by jamming all of their anti ship and anti aircraft missile systems. But yeah, I think it’s going to be a surgical strike on and a very broad range in both US and Israeli aircraft against major anti aircraft radar systems as well as their missile bases which are dispersed by the way. So they’re going to hit their naval facilities too, which are significant as well.
But I don’t think it’s going to be a nuclear strike though. They will go after Iran’s nuclear facilities. I think they’re going to use a MOAB bomb. Their missiles are dispersed so it’s very difficult to get at all of those. But it will denigrate their, their ability to attack And I think Iran’s going to go after Israel’s nuclear store stockpiles. Okay, and so would the outcome of that then be a blockade or an embargo on the Strait of Hormuz? Is that something that you think is overblown? Is that something that Iran can actually pull off? Oh, definitely, they can pull it off.
You just have to sink one or two ships in that narrow port of the Strait and you can block all oil shipments coming out of there. It would hurt Iran as well as other Arab producing countries. But that probably is a very realistic result from the war. We’re going to have an oil shortage. And so what do you think Trump’s response with that would be? Because he has this strategic oil reserve that he could draw from. It seems like oil prices are plummeting right now. So if there ever was an opportune time to do something, it’s probably now, when presumably oil prices have bottomed.
Yeah, they’re not that low, but they have bottomed. I think you’re correct in that. And if there is any, quote, good time to do that, I just want people to remember that Trump says, I never started any more Durham, but he’s going to start several wars in this one. Iran is probably a 95% certainty. And do you think that’s going to happen, like, this year? Well, definitely this year. Well, so that’s. I mean, that’s going to have huge repercussions. Like, I mean, that’s a big deal. Like, a war with Iran is a big deal. And it is a big deal.
And that’s why I say, you know, whenever we talked about this before the show, but whenever Trump, or even when Ronald Reagan got elected, everyone in the conservative movement thought they were saved. And so preparedness went down by at least half. Monetary contributions to conservative causes went down. You ask Mike Lindell right now how his contributions level are, and they are in the basement now because people think that we’ve won, but we haven’t won. Remember, the deep state is still there. It is not the unelected bureaucracy that Trump is going after. The deep state is very deeply hidden.
And many of those people are not even on any payroll. So they can’t be fired. They have secret funding. This is the time, while it’s still available. Remember, once war comes, you can’t prepare because the grid will go down and there will be no electricity. Yeah. I always try to advise people, like, the best time to prepare is when nobody else is prepping, because that’s when you can get things cheap. That’s when you can really have your pick of the land and you can strategically relocate, as you say, you know, that the objective should be to not try to get everything together in an acute crisis situation, but to buy low and, you know, sell high.
But it seems like unless it’s being broadcast across the, the airwaves by the mainstream media that nobody claims to trust, at least in the preparedness community, but they still look to them for the official word on whether or not they should be panicking, unless they’re being told that there’s an imminent crisis, then the motivation to prepare pretty much dissipates. It’s extremely important for people to realize that the mainstream media, well, look, the deep state knows that wars with Russia and China is coming and it probably is going to be triggered in Taiwan, not in Iran. But the mainstream media hasn’t got the message yet and they will.
And when they start to warn, it’s going to be, you know, seconds or minutes or even just a few days before that and people will still sit back and say, well, let’s see if it’s going to happen. Yeah, but once, once it happens and the lights go out with an EMP strike, then your time of preparation has just ended and it won’t be coming back for at least a year because the grid will be down that long. So I encourage people to prepare. You know, I published my world affairs brief to get people a realistic view, as I’ve tried to do in this interview today, on what the real threats are, even though it goes against what most conservatives think now about Russia, because they bought into the Russian propaganda about them being the good guys.
But I won’t be wrong. Don’t bet on me against me, because I’ve, I’ve rarely ever been wrong. Well, and that’s, that’s part of the reason why I have you on the channel, Joel, is that even though we don’t agree on everything, you know, I, I will commend you for your predictions that you’ve made. I mean, you did say a lot of people in this, this trend forecasting space will oftentimes make these predictions that kind of serve their own interests. But back in, I think it was 2012 or I can’t remember exactly when you’re giving that presentation, you had said that you think that the onset of war with the Russian invasion would start in the early 2000s and it happened.
So, you know, I think that’s vindicating, you know, in terms of your, your predictive capabilities in the very least, even though we we may not agree on on certain things. You know, I think people should definitely check out your website and, you know, you always give people something to think about, that’s for sure. Now, in terms of, like, general preparedness advice, then I always like to ask you a prepping question question because, you know, we’re a prepping channel. It’s not all doom and gloom. What would you, you know, advise people to be doing right now? You know, that that’s perhaps something that they can really sink their teeth into in terms of something tangible that they can do to prepare for what might be coming.
Because if we do go into a World War three situation, I presume that’s going to be an enduring crisis, which is going to require more than just a few weeks of stored food. So a strategic relocation is part of it. Maybe you would like to provide some insight as to where you think the best place to be if a person was of modest enough means. Where do you think people should be, should be heading right now? Well, if you look at the satellite view of the United States in the night sky, you’ll see that the east is lit up like a Christmas tree and the west is fairly dark, except for the major metros.
And that should tell you where safety really lies is west of the Mississippi river in rural areas away from the major cities. And the most important thing you’re going to want to need when World War 3 comes is one, a reliable source of independent electricity. And these equipment, whether it’s generators, fuel supplies which you need to stockpile if you’re going to have a generator. But there’s these solar generators which are inverter systems that are plug and play with solar panels and generators and other things that literally don’t require an installer. You can do it yourself, and they’re readily available and they’re reasonably priced for under $10,000.
So you really ought to make sure you’re fat on alternative electricity. And the second thing you’re going to need is someplace to get out of the way. And even if you can’t move away from the east coast, you need to get some type of retreat site with friends that’s got a basement in it where you can put a high security shelter. Because if you can’t hide your food supplies, your ammunition or whatever you’re prepping things, it’s going to be stolen as refugees flow out of the bigger cities and even get into the rural areas, given enough time.
And they’ll be safe, you know, in rural areas for a lot time. But eventually you’re going to get marauders coming down when they get hungry enough. And so being able to get out of the way to leave the doors open, let them come through and find what they find and move on. You’ve got to have a place to get out of the way. And I know it requires some effort. I’ve written a couple of books, especially the High Security Shelter, which is now coming into its new addition with easier ways to do this in a basement.
But that’s what you’re going to need someday. Just like Corrie 10. Boom. Hiding Jews in World War II. You got to have a safe, hidden place to hide from these people when social unrest comes, when there’s no electricity. So all my books on preparedness, the Secure Home, the High Security Shelter book, the Strategic Relocation, they’re available not only in Amazon, but I prefer you go to my website, Joel Scousen.com to find those so that we don’t feed the Amazon beast as much as we can. Yeah, we got to slow down the progression of our move towards technocracy as much as we can.
While I appreciate you coming on once again and when the war in Iran starts, we’re certainly going to have to have you back on once again. I would encourage people to go check out Joel skousen.com for the world affairs brief and pick up a copy of Strategic Relocation. You won’t be disappointed. Thanks for coming out, sir. Thank you, Nate. Always good to be with you. The best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up@canadianpreparedness.com where you’ll find high quality survival gear at the best prices. No junk and no gimmicks. Use discount code prepping gear for 10% off.
Don’t forget the strong survive, but the prepared thrive. Stay safe.
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