A Shift In Humanity Is Coming.. Will You Make It? Author Ismael Perez Explains.. | David Nino Rodriguez

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots



➡ Nino’s Corner Fluff Tube Edition features a discussion between Ismael Perez and David Nino Rodriguez about the possibility of a solar flare event. They believe that such an event is inevitable and could cause significant disruption, similar to the Carrington event in the 1800s that knocked out telegraph wires. Ismael suggests that this event could lead to a shift in human consciousness and an upgrade in our DNA, facilitated by the sun’s energy. Despite the potential chaos, they believe that positive extraterrestrials and the Earth alliance will help mitigate the situation.
➡ The text discusses the idea of a cosmic event that will cause a shift in human consciousness and reality. This event, often referred to as “the event” or “the great solar flash,” is believed to cause a split between positive and negative timelines, leading to an upgrade in human DNA and a shift into a higher dimension of consciousness. The text also suggests that this event could result in three days of darkness or light, depending on how we enter the photon belt, a region of space. After this event, humans are expected to have a direct connection with the spiritual realm, and our physical bodies will become less dense, returning to what the Bible refers to as “celestial bodies.”
➡ The text discusses the concept of a new age where humans will activate their ‘crystalline DNA’, leading to a less dense body, reduced aging, and no illnesses. This is due to a balance of 50% crystalline genetics and 50% carbon-based genetics, allowing access to a ‘light body’. The text also mentions the role of Jesus Christ as a guide to ascension and unity consciousness. It suggests that the current times are leading to a ‘great awakening’, with people becoming more intuitive and discerning, and that this shift will depend on individuals’ vibrations and their service to others.
➡ The text discusses the idea of manifesting your own reality and the intersection of quantum physics and spirituality. It suggests that our experiences are influenced by our personal vibrations and that we live in a universe of potentials. The text also explores the concept of reincarnation, suggesting that it was a trap to keep our souls in a state of mortality, but this has been dismantled. It concludes by discussing the idea of ascension, where those living right will ascend to a higher reality, while those committing evil will be recycled into another earth to learn their lessons.
➡ The speaker discusses a prediction that significant events will occur by spring 2025, based on scientific and personal beliefs. They also introduce Ismael Perez, an author who has written about secret governments and suppressed history. Perez’s books are available on Amazon and his website, and he will be speaking at upcoming events in Florida and San Diego. The speaker and Perez are both committed to spreading awareness and aiding in a global awakening process.


Alright folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner Fluff Tube Edition. I’m with Ismael Perez. Good friend, like minded, contacted me because obviously I had that epiphany or that doubt, what I call a download about a solar flare that I feel I had Daniel Brinkley on to talk about it in one of my shows on Enos Corner tv. It’s actually stirred up quite a bit of attention. I feel like it’s a very real possibility that not if, but when. I feel like it’s when. And the download that I got was matter of fact. Like, I don’t get many of those, but in the last four years I’ve had a few.

And I think this is real. I think this is gonna happen. Ismael, thank you very much for joining me. Smile is the author of the Secret Government and our cosmic origin. Hell of an author. Thank you for joining me as well, Nino. It’s a great pleasure and honor to be here, my friend, and be part of this. Good fight, dude. I, I see this happening and a lot of people think, you know, ah, conspiracy, tinfoil hat stuff. Well, this happened before in the 18 hundreds or the Carrington event, right? And it knocked out all the telegraph wires.

Sounds like we’re overdue for this to happen again. I don’t know when I had this, this epiphany or this download that I’d like to call it. It was in the morning when I was just right. When my eyes opened. Before I could formulate a thought, boom. I was hit with it, like, and like instantaneously hit with it. Like where I could put all the pieces together. Just bam. And I was like, holy shit, it is a solar flare. That’s what everyone’s really preparing for. That’s what everyone, every, both sides know that this is gonna happen. Right? The elites, they’re building bunkers, the whole thing.

And in my mind I’m like, that’s it. That’s it. But why? My only question is why? Why are they after so much control now? Why don’t they just wait till this happens and start over after it happens? Well, because from a cabal perspective, they’re trying to steer more fear in people and that’s why it’s been all over the news, you know, oh, another Carrington event since, you know, we haven’t had one since eight. What is it? 918 59. And you know, we’re scheduled to have another one. This is what the reports are telling us due to what’s happening with the geomagnetic storms that are happening with our sun.

And with NOAA and NASA measuring the G five flares that are coming in, well, this is something that is actually biblical when you really think about it, when the Bible talks about the three days of darkness. It’s a metaphor, my friend. It’s a metaphor describing how there will be some sort of grid takeout, electrical gadgets, everything, Internet shutdown. But the good news is that the Earth alliance, aka the white hats and the positive extraterrestrials are mitigating the. They’re going to mitigate the situation. They have new technology in place in order to make sure that we don’t go further than three days of darkness.

And this kind of corresponds to the biblical prophecy of how the good people of the earth, the righteous, I guess my audience would want to know right now, how do you know this? How do we. How do you know this? Like, is it from research you’ve done studying these extraterrestrial, or do you get. Is it. Do you believe you get downloads? Do you. Are you channeling. How do you know that these. And I. And I have to kind of play both sides here, but I don’t understand how you unders. Are you. How is this matter of fact to you? Well, it sounds like a conspiracy in a conspiracy.

Like, it’s like, okay, now we can just keep going down the rabbit hole. Exactly. You know. You know, the term conspiracy itself was coined by the three letter Alpha agency to describe those that are critical thinkers. But the deeper you go into the rabbit hole. But to answer your question, I do get transmissions. I have done my research. There’s a lot of cosmological, you could say, elements regarding what is about to take place here on this planet. And this involves not only the revolution of planets around our star, but it also revolves our solar system moving at a rapid pace around a greater sun.

You know, I don’t know if you ever heard of the concept or phenomena of the photon belt or the fontan band. Yeah, but would this have to do with a binary system? Yes. Yeah. Every 25,000 years. And this has been scientifically proven. I mean, you know, even you could even see it in the fossil records that our solar system aligns with the central sun. And when it does so, you know, it’s, they. It causes some sort of amazing change on a planetary and cellar and solar system level. So this event that is happening here is not just affecting our planet, it’s affecting the entire solar system, because our solar system is moving into a part of our galaxy where the energy is.

Is very high, where the energy. So this kind of goes with the mayan calendar? Absolutely, yeah. This is like, what, a 25,000 something year cycle or something like that, am I right? Absolutely. It happens every 25,000 years. So what. What happens? A spontaneous evolution. A spontaneous. Yeah, yeah. Shift in consciousness, or, I mean. Or does it. Yeah. There is scientific evidence that actually the electromagnetic grid system of the planet affects human consciousness. And that explains why some people, if they’re not spiritually right, they tend to go a little bit more crazier when events like this take place.

And the people that are spiritually right, well, guess what? They become exalted, they become upgraded, and that’s what’s happening right now. It is an upscaling of our star. Our sun is also going through an evolutionary process, right? Our star is shifting from a yellow star into a white sun, all right? It goes through its different evolutionary faces, but it’s also. It’s also a planetary shift in the planet’s electromagnetic grid and cellular upgrade as well. So it’s affecting our DNA as I speak right now. There is constant communication going on between the sun, because the sun is a living entity, by the way.

You know, some people tend to. I believe that. I believe that some people tend to think that we live in an inanimate universe. But the truth of the matter is, and based on the new revelations, according to cutting edge science, we live in a sentient universe. Even our galaxy is alive. Our star, our planet, everything in existence is conscious and sentient. And so there is a collaboration taking place on a greater scale of reality, where the energies, the plasma waves that are coming in from our star, which are actually technically coming in from the galactic core, because again, our solar system is emerging once again into this band of energy known as the photon belt, that is communicating with our DNA at a cellular level.

So this explains the upgrades that are taking place right now. And we see this happening. This won’t. This won’t happen for everybody. No, it’s only the people that got this. This won’t happen for. Well, it depends. It depends if they’re right with God, if they’re right with God, all that stuff, you know? Okay, put it this way. The solar flash is synonymous to the second coming of the Christ, the activation of the Christ grid, which is going to affect and upgrade the species to a higher level of existence, into unity, consciousness, which is where we’re heading.

Some people call it, you know, the fifth dimensional earth, heaven on earth. Well, how do you think we’re going to ever enter a millennium where people can finally live together in cooperation, harmony, and see each other as children of the one God is by what? By upgrading our consciousness to the level of unity, to the level of cooperation. Brotherly and sisterly agape love. Well, that, my friend, is also directly related to the planetary grid system. So right now, as I speak, the planetary grid system is being upgraded. There is being some sort of an activation taking place due to the cmes that are coming in that is causing, you could say, a reactivation of the Christ mind on a collective level.

So what I was saying is that the solar flares are actually communicating with us on a cellular level. They’re activating codons, new strands of DNA, because we have ten strands that are disconnected. Scientists call it junk DNA. Light carries information, carries code. Crowds. Exactly. So that’s what’s happening. You know, from a non fear perspective, this is biblical. What’s about to take place is very biblical. But don’t get me wrong, you know, we do have the Earth alliance, we do have space force that is working with positive extraterrestrials who are. Who are, you know, going to mitigate the situation.

And so that way we don’t have to. So the. Do the things that. And I don’t want to say it on here, but that when we look up in the sky and see all these trails, is that them trying to stop us from this ascension? Yes. Those are actually drones. Those are. Yeah. They’re not even piloted by humans anymore, but that’s. That’s their effort to prevent the activation of dormant DNA through the. They’re trying to block the plasma waves that are coming in because we’re a food source to whatever these entities are that need us or.

Correct. That control is through fear. Is that allegedly? Oh, yeah, absolutely. Yes, yes. We. We have been food sourced for thousands of years, ever since they reversed our magnetic grid into a non unity consciousness state of mind, which is, you know, separated consciousness. This is just kind of like, to me, you’re really explaining the Bible in deeper. In deeper text, because this, to me, sounds like this is more of a. This is a spiritual war. And then symbolically, the way it’s explained in the Bible, but the way you’re. You’re adding complexities to this or actually detailing it further in a cosmic galactic level.

Correct the heavens as being cosmic. Yeah, yeah. Because it’s a collaborated effort that is taking place where the entire universe is, which, as sentient, is orchestrating this event because, you know, get this. Okay, so our sun is being sustained by the universal life force, or the emanations that come from the galactic core. In turn, our galactic core is being sustained by the emanations that are coming from the great central sun at the core of our universe. But then there’s more. Our universe is one of many universes that is also being sustained by a super central sun that is coming from a super universe, which is a conglomerate of different universes put into one, you know, super universe.

But. So this whole thing is being orchestrated by the cosmos. So is it a holographic fractal, like fractals? Absolutely. Where everything is alive and conscious? Yeah. And that explains why everything is. Everything is really boils down to just one cosmic consciousness, which is what we call our prime creator. Does that go with ads above, so below. As above, so below. Exactly. So I had Dan and Brinkley on Ninoscorner tv where he’s talking about the solar flare happening at a certain. He saw visions of it happening by. By 2025. Right. This is where he says that he feels this is going to happen.

I. My personal download that I got was not if, but when. I just don’t know a date. But I don’t feel like it’s this. I don’t feel like it’s this year. I think it’s. And I’m not. And my. My confusion lies in will it be like an EmP and they blame it on something like that, or will it actually be a solar flare or. Dan tends to believe it’ll be both. Yes, he’s correct, because there is evidence that right now, we’re not even at solar maximum, you know, when solar maximum begins at the beginning of 2025, but we’re heading to that point.

So the certain blasts that we’ve received in the last week and a half, which have been record scale, I think one was g five solar flare, g 5.8, which, of course, you know, many people were able to see the Aurora boas. But it’s going to get even more powerful as we approach the spring of 2025. And that, my friend, is when we enter solar maximum. So he is indeed right. And there is a lot of scientific evidence to back this up, that between now and spring of 2025, will have some sort of event that is going to technically knock out everything energy as we know it.

But again, the Earth alliance, with the different commanders that are working within the association of worlds, they have certain technologies in place that are going to mitigate that so that we don’t go longer than three days of darkness. But for some, will it be an instantaneous shift? And like you don’t even realize it happened. Like the. Maybe the earth shifts and moves into another dimension, a lighter dimension, as others maybe stay on a more denser dimension. Could that happen? Could it shift the earth shift into two different dimensions and consciousness? One consciousness goes this way, the other gets held down in the lower dimensional frame.

Well, yeah, even the Bible talks about how there’s going to be so. So maybe there won’t be. What I’m saying is there won’t be a darkness. Maybe we don’t even realize it happens so fast. It’s instantaneous. Instantaneously. Our DNA gets upgrade. Gets an upgrade, and we’re. And we just don’t know where those other people went. We just never see them again. We don’t even realize it. Could that happen? That’s called the harvest. The harvest, the rapture. There’s, you know, so many terminologies to describe that split. There’s the splitting of the timelines. You know, that I’ve been talking about where there’s going to be a positive organic timeline, where the good and the righteous people reap the new earth, and then there’s going to be a negative timeline where the wicked God.

So, basically, when this shift takes place, or this great solar flash, which many call the event, there is going to be a split from the righteous and the negatives. And that’s why. Go ahead. So what I’m trying to say here is, I think, so if we experience three days of darkness, or whatever it is that’s obvious, is that the negative timeline that we’re experiencing or. Okay, explain that. Because I would imagine if we go through darkness, then those are the ones that are going to be left here to deal with whatever problems are that arise on earth, but the other ones won’t even realize the shift happened, and it’ll be an upgrade in DNA, and they’ll be on that on the higher ascension.

Right? So that makes sense. Yeah, it makes a lot of sense. So it all depends if. Whether we enter the photon belt fully emerged through the sun or the back of our solar system. So if we enter it through the sun, we’re actually going to have the opposite of three days of darkness. We’re going to have three days of just pure light, which is going to upgrade DNA, and then after the three days, we’re going to all be in a new reality, which is going to be rid of all evil. Okay. A reality where there is no more.

Nothing like that. No more, you know, stuff in the sky. No more, you know, tower. Nothing is going that is negative. Will be there however, if we enter the photon belt through the back of our solar system, there will be three days of darkness. But, but just to make this clarification, after the three days of darkness, as our body becomes acclimated to the new atmospheric conditions, to the, to the new ecosystem, which is going to be much lighter, we are going to, you know, come to understand, first of all, our senses are going to open the veil that separates our reality from the higher dimensions are.

Is going to dissolve, and we’re going to have access to our full consciousness, which means we’re going to have recollection of who we were in past lives and what we are in our higher, in higher dimensions. It’s all going to come back to us. So. Absolutely, my friend. You know, there’s going to be some sort of, uh, you could say, a new reality and then a rebirth, you could say. But it will happen instantaneously. Absolutely. I heard we’ll be given, like, powers, like gifts, like telepathy. Telepathy, yeah, exactly. So. So will our bodies remain the same from your perspective? Well, our, will our bodies remain the same, or will we become more like, translucent, transparent? Will we be.

Because it seems to me if we’re hiring in frequency, we won’t need these heavy bodies. Well, our bodies are still going to be physical, but less dense. And this is what the Bible calls the celestial bodies. We’re going to be returning back to that because, remember, the original Adam and Eve and Eve were immortal celestial beings. You know, they were downgraded into mortality, right? I don’t know if you know about the original Adam and Eve were actually immortal before they, they took the bait from the snake in the Garden of Eden, which was, of course, a metaphor describing the Anunnaki’s interference, but, you know, their time is up, you know, so the whole point is, yes, our bodies are going to be less denser.

We’re going to be still physical. And get this, we’re still going to have our organs, all right? We’re still going to have our parts. So, because a lot of people ask me, well, is intercourse going to exist in the fifth dimensional reality? And the answer to that is, absolutely, but it’s going to be less dense. So it’s still going to be a physical reality. But the only difference is that, is that we’re going to be all in tune with spirit. Every single person is going to have a direct connection with spiritual. The. Would it be more like you’re attracted to someone that’s more like vibing or vibrating at your frequency than then just looks or like something that’s physical.

Would it be more of a spiritual type of attraction? Like, do you get what I’m saying? Like, yeah, yeah, I see what you’re saying, yes, absolutely. And, you know, the thing is, it’s like there will be no more death as well, you know, as we begin to activate what is known as our crystalline DNA, which is going to allow our bodies to become less dense. First and foremost, we’re going to regress. So people that are over 50 are going to look back to looking 30. So that’s another good thing that we’re looking forward to, right, in the new earth age and illnesses will be no more because of the fact that we’re going to be using 50% crystalline genetics and 50% carbon based genetics.

So now we’re going to have access to, to the light body, which is what the Bible calls a celestial body. We’re going to be part light body, part material, but the material body will be constantly generated by the light body. See, right now we’re only. Right now we’re using 100% carbon based genetics, and so that explains why we die and we age. And also right now we’re only using two strands of DNA. And again, that has a lot to do with our carbon based. Is there twelve? Yeah. The original Adam and Eve were made with twelve strands, and that explains what we have, ten disconnected strands.

So let me ask you this. I have a very large christian audience. They’re going to say, ah, blasphemy. This is new age stuff. Where does Jesus Christ fit into all this? I’m glad you asked that question. Well, Jesus Christ is the creator of our universe. I know some of the people within our community are going to be like, what do you mean? Ishmael, you know, well, he is the logos made flesh. He is the creator who incarnated into physical form 2000 years ago to show us what is known as the path of ascension, which is something that we could all undergo if we so choose to follow in his way.

See, one of the things that I talked about in my book that I just released, the secret government, is that the original y hats were followers of the way. They were the covenanteers. They were those that believed and following the principles of unity, consciousness, living in cooperation with one another, and also understanding that everything in existence is interconnected and sacred. And that’s what he came to show us, to show us how to become one with everything else. And when he talks about me and the father are one, well, who do you think the father is? The father is pretty much the spirit and the consciousness that animates the entire universe, which is everything.

So he came to show us how to reconnect with everything in existence and how to become one with it. So people ask, why isn’t this in the Bible? Why do they say this in the Bible? Is it in the Bible? It’s just, it was. But you have to understand that Jesus never left any written records. In fact, what we know of him in the Bible was compiled by Constantine in the council of Nicaea, which of course, we know that they are. They were working for the cabal back then. You know, it was all. Everything that’s happening right now.

Like, I mean, we all see it, and it just seems like every day you turn on the MSM, it’s just bad news. Bad news. We’re just being bombarded by bad news. But a lot, what I tell people is a lot of exposing is happening, and this is what has to happen before what I would believe is any type of rapture or ascension. Correct? Yeah. Well, what do you think the word apocalypse means? To reveal. Correct. To reveal, yes. And that’s what’s happening, you know? But right now it’s happening in droplets. You know, wait till the iceberg breaks and it just.

The flood of information comes. And that’s what we called the great awakening. It’s already happening, but it’s going to happen to the extent where everything will be revealed again to humanity. And a lot of this also corresponds, again, my friend, with the activation of our dormant DNA, which is being caused by what? By the solar flares. So that is something that is taking place as a result of the times that we’re living in, is that people are going to have full recollection, people will no longer be duped, people will no longer be deceived, because they’re going to have, all of a sudden, their third eye.

All right? Or let’s just say that their spiritual centers are going to open up where they’re going to be able to see things clearly for what they really are. I already feel like that’s happening to me. I may be crazy, I may sound nuts to a lot of people, but I feel like my intuitiveness, my discernment has just peaked like never before. Like, I just. I’m getting now more intuitive, uh, downloads. I I just, like, I’ve never. And I don’t know if it’s. If it’s because I’m sober or what it is exactly. Maybe all of the above.

But something has changed within me, uh, especially this last 40 years. Where I’m seeing everything, like, clean as day, and it’s almost like I got this 30 foot or 60 foot, 60,000 view on certain things I never had before. Could this be happening to me right now? Yeah. Yeah. And it’s happening to a lot of people. It’s happening to a lot of people that are actually, you know, living according to the laws of one, which is what Jesus taught. Jesus taught about unity, consciousness. But, yeah, my friend, that’s. That’s part of the. What we call the ascension symptoms.

You’re being upgraded. See, we’re going beyond just the five senses. The five senses is what. Is what allows them, you know, the powers that were to deceive us, to keep us, you know, mentally trapped. But once we go beyond the five senses, where our higher faculties begin to open up, we get to see things for what they really are, and therefore we. It’s impossible to deceive us at that point. But this, like you said, this will not happen for everybody. Just a select few or 50 50. I mean, what are we looking at here? What are the.

Do you know the numbers? Are there numbers? It all depends on the individual. You know, there are these. These teachings known as the raw material, which, again, beautifully tie in with the principles of the Christ, which is, you know, the idea that everything is one in the universe and that we are all brothers and sisters. Okay? So according to these teachings, all you have to do is 50. Beat 50% or more. 51% or more in service to others, which is what Jesus taught us, how to be in service to others. Right? To let go of ego and learn how to serve your fellow brothers and sisters.

So as long as people are 51% in service to others, they will be making the shift. Now, there is going to be a distinction in densities. When the shift takes place in the new earth, there is going to be fourth dimensional earth, which is still going to be way better than this earth. There’s going to be no more darkness, right? And then there’s going to be fifth dimensional earth, where everything’s going to be kind of magical, you know, where people are going to be telepathic, telekinetic, and we’re going to have these spiritual gifts, right? Like angels.

Like physical angels. And then there’s going to be the 6th dimensional Earth. So we are going to be depending on the vibration also of the individual, that will determine if. Whether they go to the fourth dimensional earth, which means that they’re still kind of, you know, not fully there spiritually, but they still have a lot to learn. And then those that are doing the work that are actually really spiritual going to be going directly to the fifth dimensional earth, where literally their thoughts are going to be manifesting at the speed of light, which means they’re going to be co creating reality.

So a lot of people say that what’s coming this year, coming into November, is going to get pretty crazy. Like, there could be a lot of chaos, there could be a lot of crime, maybe civil unrest and maybe civil war. Do you see that happening? Or is everyone, is it going to be a lot lesser than what we believe? Is it because of these upgrades in DNA? Are a lot more people getting upgraded and they’re not going to want this type of chaos, not going to want this type of violence as we approach into 2025? Well, it all depends on where the individual is vibrating, because right now there’s a bifurcation of earth.

You know, if you’re vibrating on the positive organic heaven on earth timeline, guess what? All of that chaos stuff won’t exist in that reality, or it won’t affect you. You’ll just be seeing it. Yeah, exactly. But if you’re still vibrating in the. In the. In the reality where you’re, you know, buying into the fear, fear based mentalities and, you know, doomsday and all this stuff, of course you’re going to experience that because your thoughts, believe it or not, will contribute to whatever reality you experience. So it all depends on the individual right now comes down to manifesting your own reality.

Yes. And also understanding that there are simultaneous parallel earths, realities from. From a negative spectrum to a positive spectrum or all coexisting at the same time. So depending on where you’re vibing, that’s what you’re going to experience as well. So we really do live in a universe of potentials. Yeah, absolutely. I mean, you know, one thing I love to learn when it comes to studying quantum, quantum physics is that quantum physics proves the spiritual. Everything that has to do with spirituality is validated through the new evidence that is coming through quantum mechanics and quantum physics. You know, there is a correlation taking place once again, where science and spirituality or religion are not going to be two separate camps anymore, but are going to be coming back together as one, as they were before the fall.

And what do I mean by before the fall? Well, it was a time where we were all in full consciousness, directly connected to God at one point during the Garden of Eden. Right. Metaphor. The metaphor that I’m going to be using is a snake. When we took the bite of the apple we fell from consciousness. That was another metaphor describing how really, the snake being enki the reptilian, kind of threw us from a heightened state of awareness into a lower reality while at the same time downgrading our bodies and allowing us to incarnate into these vessels in order to create a slave race.

But all that stuff is coming to an end anyways. So how are you preparing for this? So let’s say, what’s Ismael doing? What are you doing to prepare for this? Because. Well, hold on. Because a lot of people are telling me, how do I prepare for what’s coming? Do I get food, water, generators, all this stuff? Well, if you’re planning to make the shift, which I’m pretty sure you. You believe you’re going to make this shift, are you even preparing? Are you just like, whatever happens, happens. Well, you know, it’s always. It’s smart to have at least two weeks of food and water just in case, you know, however.

But however, if you’re spiritually right, if you’re mentally right with God, living a good life, service to others, being kind, then you have nothing to worry about, you know, that’s just the way I see it, you know, because there will be a split in realities taking place, right? We do have a earth that is currently vibrating on a different dimension, where there is no more darkness. And so if you’re living right, well, guess what? You’re going to end up in that earth. Like I said, the shift, that shift, that dimension of the earth kind of splitting.

Are you familiar with Dolores Cannon? I am, actually, yeah. And she talks about that, too. Dolores Cannon has brought this up many times, that there’s going to be this shift, right? Is she talking about the solar flare? Has she ever talked about the solar flare? Has she ever talked about the solar flash? Is it a solar flash or flare? Two different terminologies describing the same phenomenon, but, uh, absolutely, she did talk about how the solar flare was going to be the catalyst of the splitting of the timelines, where you’re going to have the righteous inherit what is known as the new earth, which is going to be celestial paradise, you know? Well, you talk a lot about.

You just said that you’ll be remember. You’ll be able to remember past lives. Is that because. So if you’re going to be remembering past lives, what’s the point of having incarnating if you remember every life? You. You know, so are you basically saying that you’ll remember past lives, never having to live another life again? You’ll just be, you’ll never have to come back and reincarnate? Or are you saying that you’ll remember all your lives and still have more lives to go, or you done with the reincarnation process once this shift happens? Well, the reincarnation process was a trap so that our soul could not live the state of mortality.

But as we enter and we begin to activate our crystalline DNA, which is what the Bible calls our celestial body, which is unageable. It doesn’t age, it doesn’t die, then we will never have to reincarnate again. At that point, we’re just going to be living forever. I’ve always thought that. I’ve always thought that because I’m like, it has to be a trap. It has to be a prison planet. Why would you have to keep coming down here and doing it over and over again? Well, there’s different lessons. Yeah, but once you learn that lesson, you build up more karma for the next life, and then you come back and do that one over again and then again and then again and then again.

So are you a believer in, when you pass away and you see the bright light, is that a trap? Is that bright light that you’re being like a tractor beam into the light? Is that a trap to erase your memory and throw you back on the planet earth, to read, to reincarnate and do this all over again? Absolutely. Yeah. That was set up by the negative anunnaki when they kind of locked our planet into this frequency fence using the moon and Saturn, the rings of Saturn, to keep us coming back in order to harvest our energies, you know, our, what they call lucian stuff.

So exactly, that was part of the trap. But that, my friend, was dismantled a few years ago by the forces of light. So how do you, but how do you know that? How do you know that was dismantled? It’s just transmissions that I’ve been receiving over the years. You know, the forces of light always have the upper hand. You know, there is a God, and good always prevails over evil. So we do know that this is the final incarnation because of the times that we’re living in, we just have to be bright with God and live accordingly to the laws of one, you know, but that’s my belief.

So how do you tell somebody that, let’s say they’re getting ready to pass away, they see the light, don’t go. I mean, what do you do? You know, the thing is, it’s, it’s. That was an issue that I guess we would worry about in for thousands of years. But, like, I said, as of like, 2021. I’m sorry, that trap that, you know, seeing the white light to recycle us has been dismantled. So I believe that personally, since, you know, then, people have been now been freed from this third dimensional mortal body and they have reunited with their celestial bodies.

So that’s my opinion. What about someone who’s a criminal, someone who’s, I mean, they’ve got to pay for that in some way. Like, you tell me, everyone just ascends, or are these committing crimes? What, bad, heinous, terrible, violent crimes? What happens to them? They don’t ascend, obviously. They don’t go into the light or do they get recycled? What, what’s your, what’s your view of hell? What’s your view of hell? Everyone just ascends. I mean, what are they just keep coming back to this planet, this earth? Well, like I said, not everyone’s going to ascend. You know, people that are wicked are going to recycle and they’re going to go into another earth that is still undergoing a three dimensional reality until they learn their lessons there.

I do believe in karma. I do believe that people that are continuously doing evil things right now as I speak, will not make the ascension. And this is what many call the harvest, you know? So there is a planet being prepared for them where it’s known as Herkopolis, where if they don’t, you could say they’re lagging. If they don’t choose to ascend, because that’s a choice that they made prior into incarnate, into human form, they will be recycled and they’re going to have to experience another. So then the trap still exists then? Because you said the trap doesn’t exist anymore, so it doesn’t exist here in our solar system anymore.

The trap was once set up in our solar system, but there is a plan by God, for those that are laggard, the lager souls, to continue their lessons in another planet until they’re ready to again ascend. When that planet, when that time comes for that planet to ascend. So remember, there are other planets out there that are undergoing the same third dimensional reality that we are, and they also go through a 25,000 year cycle, and when their time comes to reach that end of that cycle, in order to see if they’re ready to ascend, then they will ascend.

But, you know, that’s, that’s something that’s going to be happening to the, to the wicked, to those that are not ready to. Are you? It’s going to appear as if they’re being kind of, they’re going to disappear or we’re going to disappear from them. You know, there’s going to be some sort of a split. What was your question? So are you on board with this? You, you believe this is going to happen soon? You see this happening? Do you believe 2025? I mean, that’s the maximum you believe? Are you on board with that? With what Daniel says? It’s, it sounds like it’s correct.

Yes. Even from a scientific perspective, man, that’s, you know, that’s where we’re going to be reaching solar maximum. So it sounds like, you know, all this is probably going to go down by spring of 2025. Between now, it also happened before, you know, and spring of 2021. All right, folks, I’ll leave it up to you to decide. I’ll leave it up you to decide. Leave a comment down below you with it. You’re not with it. I think it’s very possible. I do. I do, especially with that download that I got. I, I love to have guests like you want challenge my thinking.

And you definitely, you make me explore all options, man. So, Ismael, thank you for joining me. What are your books and where can people get them? You can get my books through Amazon. The secret government, invisible architects just came out about two and a half months ago. People are loving it. It’s revealing the true history of the white hats, you know, going back to Abraham and how a lot of this ties into the original Israelites, not the, you know, thumbs up today, but, and then, of course, I also talk about the suppressed history of the earth going back to thousands of years, you know, the origin, I praised the origin of the cabal and the origin of the white hats and how they’ve always kind of been around, you know, but you could order my book through my website as well, www.ourcosmicorigin.com.

or you can just go on Amazon, type in the secret government, invisible architects by Ishmael Perez. And that book is mind blowing because, because it is actually also the prequel to our cosmic origin. And then I’m also going to be at the, at the Quantum summit in Florida with Mel Carmi in about a month. Yeah, I just finished an interview with him just a few days ago. So. Yeah, yeah. He’s holding a big, big, what is it, a seminar? A seminar? Yeah, I believe it’s the 10th and 11 June. So I’ll be there. I’m going to be one of the speakers and then I’m also going to be attending or presenting at the starseed conference in San Diego.

That’s the 7 July coming up as well. The euro. You’re like, you are completely involved in all of this. Like you are getting the word out the best you can. Well, I’m doing just like yourself, my friend. I’m doing my best to help in the awakening process so that we could, you know, help wake up as many people as possible. You know, just like you are digital warriors. It’s big, man. It’s big. So, folks, I’ll let you decide. It’s up to you. Ismael, thank you so much for joining me, man. Let’s do this again. For sure.

Neil, it was pleasure.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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Carrington event impact cosmic event causing consciousness shift DNA upgrade by sun's energy Earth alliance in solar flare event human DNA upgrade Ismael Perez solar flare event Nino's Corner Fluff Tube Edition discussion positive and negative timelines split positive extraterrestrials role shift in human consciousness solar flare disruption potential the great solar flash

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