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➡ The text discusses the author’s skepticism towards intelligence agencies, particularly the CIA, and their potential manipulation of public opinion. It also criticizes the perceived betrayal of Trump supporters following the Capitol riot, and the author’s disillusionment with figures like Trump and Alex Jones. The author warns readers to be wary of trusting these entities and individuals, suggesting they may not have the public’s best interests at heart.
➡ The speaker criticizes both Trump supporters and the Department of Justice, accusing the latter of corruption. He mentions that many people have been charged for participating in the January 6th riot, with none found not guilty. The speaker also discusses a man named Sam, who was filming the event and is now facing charges. Lastly, he suggests that now is a good time to invest in silver and gold due to a dip in their prices.
I’ve talked so much about January the 6th, I’m just not going to talk about it. And then I started seeing what everybody else is writing about it. I was like, I just can’t let this thing go. And you know, when we look at what’s going to happen, you know, I’ve got listeners saying, you know, it’s the most reprehensible thing. She saw how Trump betrayed the people on January the 6th. And it absolutely is. But we saw this betrayal coming. And again, I don’t know what I can say that I haven’t really said before about all this stuff.
You know, a lot of people said, well, you need to interview this person about the January the 6th stuff and all the rest of the stuff. And it’s like, look, you know, I did my best to try to warn people about that. I mean, I really did my best. I spoke out against the people I work for. I got fired for doing that, speaking out against it. Because I could see the lies and the deception. I could see how they’re acting as Judas Goetz. They’re fleecing these people and they’re going to get them in a lot of trouble.
And I knew that. And I knew that there wasn’t anything that could be done on January 6th. Not a thing. And like I said yesterday, I thought it was five years because it seems like five years. It was fighting Alex all of 2020 over this pandemic garbage, even before martial law was declared. It was nonsense how they were hyping the fear and everything. Well, this is one guy, this Air Force veteran shot in the head with rubber bullets, non-lethal munitions on January the 6th. And he was shot in the face with rubber bullets by the police while peacefully demonstrating on the Capitol grounds, was nearly injured by flashbang grenades that cops indiscriminately threw into the crowd while lacing the air with tear gas.
Who knew this was going to happen? Well, I did. And I knew that there were going to be Agent Provocateurs there as well to cause all this stuff to kick off. And they were itching to do it. I mean, it was such a stupid game that they were playing. And again, it irritated me to no end that people would not resist Trump. And they did nothing about that. Again, because they were told to stand down. They were told that Trump had it. And I recall when I started my program on January the 6th, that was a Wednesday.
And I said, well, yesterday, Tuesday, January the 5th, they had the runoff elections in Georgia. And because everybody was tied up with Trump and protesting Trump’s election, nothing at all was done about the Georgia election. Nothing. No money was spent on it. And it turned the Senate over to the Democrats. And no laws were changed. Here you’ve got a Republican governor or Republican legislature in Georgia, completely going along with all the stuff in the Republican Party in general and all the Republican voters. Nobody cared about any of that kind of stuff.
The footage, which Congress for years refused to release to the American public, showcases definitively documents the unprovoked excessive force that police unleashed against the entire crowd outside of the Capitol, including Fisher and his father. He just used all that footage to hype himself. This guy put together an organization to show some of that stuff. But, of course, he doesn’t get any attention. Tucker took all the attention. Fisher was arrested more than a year later on January the 13th, 2022, in a pre-dawn raid conducted by the FBI. Again, you know, one of these raids that can get people killed.
He was charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding federal officers, disorderly conduct, civil disorder, entering restricted grounds. You know, when the police are standing there at the open door telling you, come on in. Yeah, you want to use the restroom? It’s right in the hand. These guys are facing years in jail. He was peacefully protesting. And then you got the guy who founded Cowboys for Trump. He was elected official in New Mexico. I think he’s a counselor there in the county commissioner. And they came after him, Coie Griffin. He never entered the building.
He never engaged in any violence. So what was he doing there? Well, he was exercising his constitutional rights on the First Amendment to redress grievances and to protest and to speak out. Oh, that’s not allowed. As a matter of fact, pull up the picture there, Karen, of him talking to Trump. Well, wait, before we do that, before we do that, he comes back and he’s, he finally caught on to Trump. He’s one of the few people dead. And of course, a lot of them probably have caught on to Trump, but they realize that he’s their only ticket out of jail now.
So they’re not going to say anything about that. But you know, if we go back and we look at this thing, all of this stuff, as I’ve said over and over again, all of this stuff began just two days after the election. And that’s when you had a CIA source. Oh, this guy knows everything. And he’s on our side. You know, just like Elon Musk is on our side. And he’s not a fix. We got all these CIA agents who are now on the side of conservatives and populism. And they’re going to tell us what’s going on.
And so here’s Steve Chinnick, who kicked off the Stop the Steal stuff with his lies about the sting two days after the election. What’s happening now, and the reason I couldn’t come on the Alex Jones show last night was I was not given the permission that I needed to in order to say what I’m about to say. Do not work for the federal government. I’m not paid by them. This is really, I don’t work for them, but they give me permission. Contrary to what everybody else said, Trump knew this was happening. Eric knew this was happening and warned the public.
I knew this was happening. However, I could not say anything about it. What happened was we marked watermark every ballot with what’s called the Q.F.S. block chain encryption. I call it Q.B.S. You know pretty well where every ballot is, where it went and who has it. So this is not a stop on election. On the contrary, we reverse the entire game of war along the lines of the sons of whoever that guy and Trump was brilliant and still was brilliant at it. All of this was expected. All of this is part of the they know everything operation we’re running.
And let me tell you that 48 hours ago, not only did we put markets on those ballots, but I can say now with the permission of people in the intelligence community and elsewhere that he works for, sent out thousands and thousands of national guards to 12 different states, Washington, Delaware, Texas, Arizona, Alabama and everywhere. So now you have to consider and rethink what this is really about. The genius of Trump is that he is able to pull back at any point and manipulate the opponent without the opponent ever realize when we expose him, manipulate his own people, now exposed and initiated this Biden family, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Jim Biden, Frank, the whole family was played right into a game where they were convicted and you’re seeing what’s happening now.
They’ve been part of that war to mark all the ballots with what I said at QFS blockchain, which is a very hard encryption code to break. And the second thing is we sent as I probably 20,000 or more national guards 48 hours ago and none of it was reported. And I thank the press for not reporting it. And others, mainstream media is on our side happening. If you’re seeing a sophisticated operation that was initiated by Trump, Steve, you’ve just broken certainly perhaps the biggest news since the election here on this show.
I have to play this out logically in my head. Our arrest, our arrest show to basically I love you, Steve, I’d kiss you on the lips right now if it wasn’t digitally. Yeah, it wasn’t digitally. Steve Tink knew he wasn’t going to get on my show. I tried that BS one time. Yeah. It’s a QBS blockchain thing. Whatever, you know, a quantum this and quantum. Look, like I said yesterday, it’s the same stuff you saw. Sean and this shootmate guy, I think it was his name or something. Another Intel guy. Well, I’ve got this stuff.
I don’t know what it’s, you know, so the shoemake guy brings in a written thing from a Green Beret who is now dead or disappeared. I think he’s disappeared and it’s got all kinds of crazy stuff on it that can’t be verified, but it’s what people want to hear. Right? So it’s confirmation bias there and it’s got a lot of jargon that kind of sounds like, well, yeah, I’ve heard stuff about blockchain before and I’ve heard stuff about anti-gravity engines and all the rest of the stuff. But, and then the guy said, Hey, I don’t know if any of this stuff is true, but hey, you know, so, so shoemake is playing the role of, oh, and all this stuff, you know, and they, but they did it instead of having somebody like Steve Pecenic, they did it with a document, which is one of the people pointed out and other people pointed out to, I forgot to mention it yesterday, but you know, when had a listener point out, it’s got some squiggling lines underneath it.
So that wasn’t a screenshot of a text message that he got, but either way, you know, they bring in this, this message. And so the message is speaking, well, I don’t know if this is true or not, but I’m going to keep telling you about this. Just like Alex said, well, I don’t know if what Steve Pecenic is saying is true. I certainly hope so, but let’s just keep having him on. Well, where were the 20,000 troops, first of all, and all the stuff about the ballots being printed in Washington at a central, none of that stuff was true.
But like I said, there is a great deal of this, trust me, I’m with the CIA, but I’m on your side now. I’m the good intelligence agencies. Folks, there’s not any good intelligence. They’re all going to be playing you for one side or the other for their purposes. Yeah, it’s not a monolithic organization. Yes, there is internal conflict. And, you know, these people fight each other, just like the Republicans and Democrats do, but just like the Republicans and Democrats, they’re not on your side. They’re on their side. And so, you know, be very careful.
These people, people want to believe the savior is coming. They want to believe that Musk is going to say free speech and Musk is going to save this and Musk or Trump is going to do that. Or, you know, even when we see their motivations and we see how evil they’ve been, oh, still, he’s changed now. And all these CIA guys have changed and everything. Well, you know, after I did that about Sean Ryan, I just want to take a little detour here because it is so much like what we saw with Steve Pachenich and the sting, which kicked off the stop the steel thing, fleeced their supporters, robbed them, and then set them up to be persecuted.
Not just prosecuted, but persecuted. And so I said, oh, wait, you know, I looked at that thing and I said, Sean Ryan was the guy who put on that other former CIA. Don’t ever tell me that somebody former CIA. Sarah, who was pushing all of this stuff and say, yeah, and we got Al-Qaeda has come across the border and Al-Qaeda is going to be doing this and Al-Qaeda is going to be doing that and it’s going to be terror events all over the place. And you know, we’re just going to have to shut down that border and we’re going to have to do whatever it takes to shut down that border.
You know, whether we’ve got autonomous robot killer machines and autonomous drones to kill people. And we got to have surveillance cameras all over the place and not just in the border, but throughout the United States. And we got to have biometric surveillance at the border so nobody gets in and nobody gets out. And we got to have IDs before you can get a job and all the rest of the stuff, which is what DeSantis and Republicans in Florida have already done. Oh yeah, everything we’re going to have a lot of attacks.
So everything is on the table and Trump’s your guy because big daddy’s coming home and like Tucker Carlson said, big daddy is pissed at his 16 year old and he’s going to be like, uh, this is Sean Ryan and the interview that he had with this Sarah person and listen to what they say about Al-Qaeda and listen to what they say about 9 11. Is anybody doing anything? No. And actually Al-Qaeda makes a joke of the fact that they move the money we give to the Taliban to the camps that train the homeland attackers.
Right. So it’s almost like an insider joke. Like, yes, we are forcing America to fund their own attack. So that is the plan to that. These people are the inside joke in our government. And then that makes them inside jobs, like it’s an inside job. Yeah, you knew it. Right. And so Al-Qaeda is going to play that game, which is really interesting. I’ll kind of found the building seven conspiracy stuff fascinating. Um, and they have actually had discussions about how can we could do ruses and bringing the building seven people to make them blame their government more.
So they’re actually either looking at our conspiracy, Al-Qaeda, she’s presenting me up as Al-Qaeda. So basically those people almost back Al-Qaeda as revolutionaries or rebels. And you’re the people giving them money and weapons. Kind of like how the Hamas supporters do it. Yeah. All right. So we have a list of stuff that go down here, I think, since we’re on funding the Taliban. Yeah. The CIA runs this stuff. The CIA runs drugs. And then they come after us. We’re the bad guys because we oppose their drug war because we oppose their drugs that they bring in because they want to destroy the society.
Folks, the CIA is satanic. They’re the ones who are doing Al-Qaeda and they come in and say, Oh, well, you know, these people who questioned 9 11, these people who say that, that 9 11 was an inside job by those types of people, those types of people right there, Sean and Sarah. Sean. What’s his name again? Anyway, Sean Ryan, Sarah Adams. I’ll give you two cents for their opinion. These people are professional liars. Remember when Pompeo, he went to Texas A&M, a conservative place and he says, you know, I went to West Point and they told us that we don’t lie, cheat, steal or tolerate people who do.
And then I went to the CIA and we not only lie, cheat, and steal, but we have classes on it. These people graduated emeritus with those with honors. They are now CIA liars emeritus. So when you look at this stuff, again, there’s a clip here on this article, go back to the article, find the picture of, of, there he is meeting with a president Trump and he posted out on see where is the date. I don’t see the date, but it was before that happened. And he said, you want to fight? Well, you got it.
Where do you hear that? So somebody following Alex and there he is meeting with president Trump as cowboys for Trump, koi Griffin, one of the few riot defenders who isn’t accused of entering the Capitol or engaging in any violent or destructive behavior. A 48 year old County commissioner charged with two misdemeanors entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds and disorderly, disorderly and disruptive conduct and restricted building or whatever. And so he met with Trump, but then he figured out what Trump is about cowboys for Trump founder turns on Trump and a conference speech over the Capitol riot charges.
Griffin said, we supported president Trump because of his fight for justice as well. And for four years we cried, lock her up, lock her up, lock her up. We know she’s a criminal meaning Hillary. What did the president tell us? If I was in charge of the law, you would be in jail. He said to Hillary, remember that Mr. President, you’ve been in charge of the law for four years. At the end of your four years, the only ones who are locked up were men like me and others like me that have stood by the president.
The strongest. He threw them under the bus. Corey Griffin said, it was the greatest entrapment of history. And folks, the people who led them into it were people that it’s Trump at the top, Alex Jones at the top, Roger Stone, all these people that I worked with. They discussed me. I will never support that. I’ll never forget that either. One guy has been freed. He spent a good deal of time in jail. He said, I went there and I prayed inside the Capitol for the good of our country.
And Biden sent them to jail. Again, let’s not forget Biden’s role in all this stuff. Biden and Merrick Garland, they are not blameless in this, nor is the old, the left mainstream media. You got Sonny Hostin. Again, one of these people at The View. Who watches this stuff? I mean, I wonder if they got an audience other than people who tune in to write articles about the stupid offensive stuff that they say. Sonny Hostin on The View. So the January 6th riot was like the Holocaust and says we can never forget.
Well, the Trump supporters have forgotten, haven’t they? They never really got it for the most part. You know, when I talk about it, I’m the one they get angry at. They get angry at me because they have vested so much in Trump and in Alex. You know, if I show them pictures of Alex telling people that the jab was sugar water, if I show them pictures of Alex hating, you know, when he was inebriated or whatever, he gets on air and he starts going after Trump or people have released some of the private videos of him going after Trump.
And then, you know, he reverses himself. I put that kind of stuff out to tell people don’t follow this guy. They get angry with me. They’re very angry with me for not supporting Trump. So again, that’s why I’m not doing any interviews with any of these January the 6th people. Either they don’t get it or they are hoping that he’s going to pardon him and there’s not any truth that’s going to come out of that. The Department of Justice, meanwhile, they have a lot of blood on their hands as well.
1583 people have been accused of participating in the riot and faced charges, more than half of them pleading guilty before the trial. But not a single person has been found not guilty by this rigged process in the District of Columbia. Stay out of that place. Talk about corruption, a district of corruption. That place for them to have a perfect conviction record over people who are most of them exercising their constitutional rights. As I said, that one guy says, I went in the capital and pray for our country.
Sam, who worked for Infowars and was thrown under the bus by Alex when they charged him, he was the only one who didn’t run away after they initiated the stuff. He didn’t run away with the rest of them to the Supreme Court. Instead, Sam was covering it and he was filming it and he went into the Capitol building and he’s there with a camera and he’s between the velvet ropes. Norm McDonald even joked about that. First insurrection I’ve seen where people stay inside the velvet ropes. Sam was doing journalism reporting and they came after him.
People who were shown, you can come in and use a restroom. They’re coming after them. Some elderly men who, if they go to jail, be a life sentence. So will Trump pardon these people? I certainly hope he will. And there’s going to be a lot of pressure on him to do it. That’s right, boys and girls. There’s a post election sale on silver and gold. Trump euphoria has caused a dip in silver and gold. It’s time to buy some medals with fiat dollars before they come to their sense.
Go to David Knight dot gold to get in touch with the wise wolf himself, Tony Arterburn. He knows where to look to find silver and gold. Yark, the out. [tr:trw].