UKs PM and Judges Covering up Mass Gang RAPE and Grooming Rings | Stew Peters Network



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➡ The Stew Peters Network text discusses the importance of supporting the Stu Peters network, which aims to expose issues such as overrepresentation in government and media manipulation. It also highlights the release of exclusive content for subscribers. The text further discusses a documentary on child protection, emphasizing the network’s commitment to this cause. Lastly, it criticizes the UK government’s handling of immigrant-related crimes, particularly sexual offenses, arguing that foreign nationals are disproportionately involved in crime.
➡ The article discusses the issue of mass immigration and its negative impacts, particularly in the UK. It highlights the problem of crimes, including rape, committed by immigrants, and criticizes the government’s lack of action. The founder of the UK Heritage Party, David Curtin, is interviewed, who advocates for stopping mass immigration and holding those in power accountable for their inaction. The article concludes with a discussion on the importance of personal well-being and the benefits of magnesium supplements.
➡ The article discusses the difficulty in finding authoritative information on the Holocaust despite its significant place in history. It introduces the Holocaust Encyclopedia, a comprehensive resource that critically analyzes the Holocaust narrative and encourages open inquiry. The article also mentions a promotional discount for the encyclopedia. Lastly, it thanks the supporters of the St. Peters Network and announces a giveaway for members, including an autographed Blu Ray and a book by Diana Ketterman.



Foreign community, head on over to become the most important part of the army, which is the financially contributing part of the army. We cannot do this without resources. $9 a month. But I’ve entered a promo code over there. $1 for your first month. And this is the month that you’re going to want to sign up because I’ve decided that I’m going to release a whole bunch of never before seen occupied footage, behind the scenes footage. Stuff that would have been just a little bit too spicy for a first time audience. That’s just to the Jewish question or the question about overrepresentation in our government and within all of our major bureaucracies throughout the Department of Education and the military industrial complex.

We had to get to people who have been programmed for their entire lives by a controlled media. They have been gaslit and programmed and brainwashed for decades and they believe a certain thing. And when they go to church on Sundays, they believe a certain thing because Pastor Greg Locke and millions of others like him in this non denominational Protestant evangelical world that we live in, these pastors are standing there from behind the pulpit talking about God’s chosen people and talking about, you know, the Israel of the Bible. So it’s kind of like baby steps. And occupied is a beautiful first step for that reason.

That’s why it went so massively viral and is waking up so many people. But a lot of the stuff that may have been just a little bit too over the top or too much we now feel like that viewing audience is ready for. And it would just be a damn shame if some of the things that Dan bilzerian or Ken O’Keefe or Max Egan said during this film, Arthur Kwan Lee, the things that were said by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, if those things did not make it into the public view. So we’re going to be releasing those to our supporters.

You sign up right we’ve pre entered the promo code. So you get your first month for just $1 and you’ll have access to all of that behind the scenes footage. Also, just one more housekeeping thing. This morning we aired a Ryan Mata special, a documentary on the Stu Peters network. It’s called Operation Amber Alert. It’s on my X account. It’s on our rumble, right? It’s on our rumble, yes. Make sure that you go check that out. It’s called Operation Amber Alert because protecting our kids is like the only function of this network at this point.

And anybody who’s Fighting for kids is going to get all of our resources, 100% of my backing and 100% of this network’s force to broadcast anything that may open somebody’s eyes to what’s happening to our children. You know, as the borders of the Christian west have been opened up to the most violent, most uncivilized animals on earth, we have seen time and time again hideous crimes committed against our people, especially against our children, by monsters who should have never been here in the first place. This happens right here in America every single day. Someone, somewhere, many people in many places are being victimized by these so called immigrants, whether they came in legally or led in by our treasonous occupied government.

They’re being robbed and they’re being raped and they’re being murdered, they’re being tortured and they’re being sacrificed. Anything that you could possibly imagine. And this also happens in the uk, where massive numbers of Muslims and Indians that have a penchant for committing atrocious crimes against children have just been let in. Some of you have likely heard of what the British call grooming gangs. Large groups of foreigners, mostly Muslim, who prey on young girls and a lot of times on young boys so that they can rape them. They hang out in parks, they hang out on the routes that kids take home from school.

Many of them drive taxis so they can prey on vulnerable passengers. They ply them with drugs, they ply them with alcohol. They pretend to befriend these insecure young girls and sometimes they just take these kids by force and they torture them and they rape them and they discard them over and over and over again. It’s happening right now. This has been a serious problem all over the UK now for years, for decades, ever since they started letting in the Muslims, allowing them to just waltz right in. Thousands of British children in the city of Rotherham alone were groomed and raped and tortured by Muslims over a more than 30 year period stretching from the 1980s to the 2010s.

And while a number of their rapists and traffickers and abusers have been convicted, thanks to massive and sustained public pressure alone, a campaign for the government to actually do something about this. But yet countless more have gotten away with it. They’ve just gotten off scot free in Rotherham and all over the country, it seems that on a weekly basis we see a UK news headline about some Muslim getting community service or just a couple of weeks in jail for raping a kid or for torturing a British woman. And the British people, rightfully so, are tired of it.

But Kier Starmer, the UK’s prime minister, he doesn’t care. And if you care, then Keir Starmer thinks you’re a right wing idiot. And he’ll stand behind his lectern talking to his friends in the media and telling them that the people who want to see these mass rapes investigated are just losers who are jumping on a right wing bandwagon. He said this just the other day. He said it with a straight face. Watch. And when politicians, and I mean politicians who sat in government for many years are casual about honesty, decency, truth and the rule of law, calling for inquiries because they want to jump on a bandwagon of the far right, then that affects politics, because a robust debate can only be based on the true facts.

You know, for years now, the British government has covered up the rape of British children, schoolgirls, schoolboys, teenagers, college students, anyone that these repulsive animals can get their demonic grip on. When British citizens go out on the streets and they protest the third world conquest of their nation, they get thrown in jail. When they get online, when they speak out on social media, they’re also thrown in jail. But when Muslims come in and decide to rape British kids, they get away with it. Or they get community service, a couple of weeks in jail. And even though Keir Starmer and his government would like to pretend that this is some kind of a right wing conspiracy theory, the numbers show that, as usual, the conspiracy theorists are right.

Recently, first of their kind crime statistics, profiling immigrant sex offenses were published in the Telegraph, which explained that, quote, police made more than 9,000 arrests of foreign nationals for sexual offenses in the first 10 months of 2024 in 41 of the 43 forces in England and Wales. This represented 26.1% of the total estimated 35,000 sexual arrests, according to the first analysis of its kind by the center for Migration Control of data from police forces, the Home Office and the Office for National statistics, foreigners were 3.5 times as likely to be arrested for sex offenses as British suspects, based on a rate of nearly 165 arrests per 100,000 of the migrant population against 48 per 100,000 for Britons.

End quote. So, in other words, they just won’t stop raping. And these numbers, while they’re great to have, we need to keep in mind that they most certainly don’t tell the complete story. They don’t account for all of the foreign invaders who never get caught or who the police just let go so they can go arrest a white guy for Jaywalking These immigrants that are pouring into England, much like here in the United States, they aren’t legitimate immigrants at all. Instead, they’re an invading army of Third World perverts and pedophiles who have been given a license to rape by elected officials within the government and their psychopaths in the bureaucracy.

And no, they’re not stopping at sex crimes. They’re responsible for all kinds of massive crime in the uk, Especially when compared to their share of the population. The same Telegraph report that I cited just a moment ago went on to explain that, quote, for all crimes, foreign nationals were arrested at twice the rate of British natives, accounting for 131,000 of the arrests from January to October of 2024. While foreigners make up 9% of the population, they accounted for 16.1% of the total number of arrests, according to the figures released under the Freedom of Information Laws. End quote.

So that pretty much tells the whole story, doesn’t it? To put it simply, in the United Kingdom, just like in the United States, if you’re going to be the victim of a crime, there’s a highly disproportionate probability that whoever victimizes you will be a foreign invader, will be someone who your government rolled out the red carpet for and let walk right in. Suck up tax dollars, suck up public resources and terrorize the native population. That’s what these people do. There’s a reason why their own countries are complete failures. It’s in their blood. And now the blood is being imported into the west and people are dying.

Our countries are collapsing under the weight of savages with sub 75 IQs. We can’t keep living like this. It’s unsustainable. The foreigners need to be kicked out of our countries and their handlers need to be kicked out of our governments. Just like Justin Trudeau, who this week announced his resignation as Canada’s Prime Minister after his approval ratings completely collapsed, in large part thanks to his opening of the floodgates and his demographic displacement of the Canadian people. And okay, great, that’s a little bit of a win. But guess what? Justin Trudeau is just the tip of the iceberg.

All across the Anglosphere, from England to the United States to Canada to Australia, we need to expel these people from power. And one of the people working to do just exactly that is David Curtin. David is the founder of UK Heritage Party, a party which rejects mass immigration and Covid bioweapon mandates, among other things. And for more on this, we’re happy to have David Curtin with us. Hope you had a fantastic Christmas and a happy New Year. This, this boils down to preventing the attack on our children. Absolutely, Stu. And everything you said there was absolutely right.

And what has been going on in the United Kingdom for three or four decades has been completely abhorrent. Young girls have been sacrificed on the altar of multiculturalism and mass immigration and political correctness. And people who tried to point this out, even some of the girls themselves and their fathers and their families were accused of being racist for going to the police with a crime, with a rape. And some of them were even given prison sentences and charged themselves, which is completely perverse. And, you know, I’m angry about this. A lot of people in the country are very, very angry about this.

And this has bubbled up for, for two decades now that there was awareness of this. And then the powers that be come in and saying, no, you can’t say that that’s racist. You can’t talk about this particular ethnic group. And it is in the UK, 80%, I believe, Pakistani Muslims, who are responsible for this type of gang rape crime that is happening to young white girls in the United Kingdom, mostly in, in England and mostly in, you know, small towns and cities. A lot in the north, in what, you know, is the equivalent of the American Rust Belt, used to be, you know, fantastic industrial areas where they’ve been run down.

And now, you know, there’s a lot of poverty in some of these towns like Rotherham that you mentioned, and, and the girls there are being used and abused and groomed and violated. And it’s happening right now, it’s still going on. And that’s the thing. People have been speaking about this for 15, 16, 17 years and there’s been a lot of talk about it, but it’s still going on today. And I remember when I was in the London Assembly, I questioned Sadiq Khan on this. You probably know him, he’s the Mayor of London. He’s dreadful as a mayor of London.

And his response to my question is, are you looking for this in London? Because it’s. If it’s happening in Birmingham and Manchester, you know, northern towns like Rotherham and Rochdale, surely it’s happening in London as well. And his response to me was, are you asking me because of my faith and because of the color of my skin? You know, and. And I said, no, I’m asking you because you’re in charge of police and crime in London and you should be looking. And then the chairman in the meeting stepped in and stopped my questioning about grooming gangs in London, which really says it all.

And, you know, he’s obviously not surprised at all. I mean, the media there in the UK is owned and funded by the groups and organizations and individuals that own and fund the media here and across the West. And they’re gonna ignore all of this, and it’s racist. You gotta stay away from the facts. It’s racist to talk about it. But what I like is that you’re trying to do something about this. And I wanna know from a logistical perspective, and I only have a few minutes here, but I want you to broadly generalize the scope of work that you’re doing in order to expel these people, to get them out to.

And then to secure the borders. And you just don’t let people just illegally enter your countries. If you’re a serious country, what are you doing to stop it? Absolutely. I mean, with the Heritage Party, we have principles and policies which will stop all of this. You know, we need to stop the era of mass immigration, which is the foundation of it all. And there’s so many people coming across the Channel every day illegally in small boats from France. I don’t know how. The government cannot stop small boats coming across. They can. They choose not to. That’s the thing.

They’re choosing not to because they’re either bribe blackmailed or they’re in on it because they’re perverts and pedophiles as well. So the Heritage Party, specifically, what steps do you think need to be taken physically, immediately, to put a stop to this? Well, we need to stop the immigration from happening now. We need. How do you do that? How do you stop it from happening? Who’s going to stop. The trouble is, you see, the scale of this is so large, with a quarter of a million girls at least being raped, the number of people who are rapists probably numbers over a million.

And some of them are counselors, some of them are police officers, some of them are even judges. They need to be put in jail themselves. Everyone who has facilitated this or turned a blind eye who is in a position of power needs to be removed from that position of power and frankly, needs to go to jail because they’ve let this happen. And. And, you know, some of them are the same people, and. And even some of the people who have been tried already have been found to have been counselors in some areas. So they need to be put away, and then they need to be deported at the end of their sentences back to Pakistan.

If they’d come from there, you know, and not let out of jail if you know there’s no way of deporting them, that’s what needs to happen. But there’s such reticence to do that from the party, the Labour party that’s in power now and the fake conservative party, the center right, fake center right party. You know where my frustration with all of this comes from? My frustration is here. If the hill that we can all agree to die on is not doing something to prevent the rape of innocent children and the rape of women and gang rapes against your people by foreign invaders, then, I mean, what issue is it that we won’t be polarized on? Where will we not be divided if we can’t all agree that we should fight to save our children from the murder of their childhood innocence via rape, gang rape, mass rapes of our women in our country against people who don’t even belong here? I mean, that seems like just a really good place to start.

David Curtin. I’m out of time. Thank you so much for coming. We want to have him back, of course, again, very soon. Very well spoken. He understands exactly what it is that the problem here. And we have to get rid of these people. Immediate mass deportations followed with the militarization of your border and stop by force if necessary anyone trying to invade. So January is upon us. It’s already 2025. Can you believe it? So I gotta ask, how are you doing with your New Year’s resolutions? Mine was easy. Mine was to focus on my well being.

And we all know that the foundation of well being is a good night’s sleep. If I could do just one thing to improve my sleep and overall well being, it would be taking the number one mineral for that. And this mineral also helps me personally on so many levels that I can’t even fully describe them. And I’m talking about magnesium. I’m talking about the magnesium breakthrough by bioptimizers. You’ve heard me talk about it on the program multiple times. The seven different forms of magnesium in this supplement are involved in over 600 different biochemical reactions in your body.

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Enter the promo code stupeters. You’ll get 10% off any order. And if you subscribe, not only will you get amazing discounts and free gifts, you’ll make your monthly supply a guarantee. Again, that’s stupeters by stupeters and use the promo code Stu Peters at checkout. Very few historical events have taken root in public consciousness like World War II, and of course, no aspect of its remembrance has become more central than the Holocaust. Daily current events are framed within its legacy. Countless articles and propaganda films and books and documentaries and memorials are dedicated to ensuring the world never forgets the Holocaust.

Yet despite the untold sums cumulatively invested by powerful entities to keep this narrative at the forefront, finding authoritative and systematically presented information on the subject remains surprisingly difficult. Why? In a time where skepticism about pretty much everything that we have ever been taught is so rampant that even debates that were thought to be settled millennia ago have reemerged, one would think that the Holocaust, a narrative that is so sacrosanct to the establishment that it’s become something of a new religion whose orthodoxy is so enshrined and held so sacred that the questioning thereof is actually criminalized in many places around the world that we would have some semblance of a scholarly foundation upon which its altars are built, some sacred text that its devotees could bolster their faith with, solace themselves with the promise of when the Holocaust heathens rage.

But yet, in spite of repetitive assertions that it’s the single most well documented atrocity in all of human history, in all of the thousands of works on this topic, even the most prestigious and celebrated among them are woefully lacking the hard data needed by inquiring minds to navigate the complexities of World War II history. How is it possible that you can go to jail in some countries for so much as just questioning the official death toll at Auschwitz? Yet all of the books that one might turn to in order to fact check these figures, they read more like a morbid catechism than a compendium of actual factual data from which the official narrative could be quickly and easily verified, how many courageous scholars over the years have addressed this elephant in the room at great personal cost? Well, now we have something.

Now we have the Holocaust Encyclopedia, the world’s first truly and comprehensive and unconstrained encyclopedic work on this embattled topic that offers an unbiased and thoroughly critical analysis of the Holocaust narrative from A to Z. Meticulously researched, examined forensic evidence allows you to now challenge the widely accepted beliefs surrounding the events of this dark chapter in human history. It invites readers to explore all of the facets of the Holocaust, including overlooked and viciously suppressed perspectives, while fostering an atmosphere of open inquiry that strives to leave no stone unturned or historical document unexamined. Go to holocaust everything from cremation, propaganda, absurdities and lies, historical persons, instruments, camps, legal documentation, locations, manipulation, of course.

Holocaust if you put in Stu likes books at checkout you’ll get 15 off. Holocaust use the promo code Stu likes books at checkout for 15 off. I can see you in a sun Just soaking in a sunset look up in all the sky Tennessee orange I could smell the mud yeah didn’t know in love man Both of us were on his like the two doors on that og. That one guy reminded me. This is Nate Good. Those long nights in Tennessee. One of those chill songs. All right, so if you are a member of my community over on Locals and you’re a financial supporter of the network, first things first, I want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts over here at the St.

Peters Network. Without you, we absolutely could not survive. With you we will thrive. With you we will crush as we storm the gates of hell. To reward you for that, every single month, we do giveaways. Truth is not of this World is a book by Diana Ketterman who’s been on the program multiple times. Diana Ketterman knows exactly what’s going on with the JQ and the JP and she’s bringing the js. The solution. Truth is not of this World is a book number one bestseller over on Amazon. We have three autographed copies of that book. We promised that we would be giving away three copies of that book along with 10 Blu Rays.

So the first winner that we’re going to announce today from our supporters community, randomly selected on the wheel here in a second, as soon as we roll that wheel, we’ll have a winner. And that winner is going to receive an autographed Blu ray of Occupied from me along with a handwritten personalized note of thanks and the book Truth is not of this World by Diana Ketterman. So let’s roll. Let’s roll the wheel. Can I get a drum roll? Here we go. E Gavin 99. E Gavin 99. You are the proud new owner of an occupied Blu Ray DVD autographed by yours truly with a note of special thanks directly from me, handwritten as well as an autographed copy of Truth is Not of this World, a book by Diana Ketterman that is absolutely insane.

If you’re into the JQ and the jp, if you’re asking questions about an over occupation or an over representation, a conquering of the west, you got to read that book. Truth is not of this World. You can find it on Amazon. Diana Ketterman can also find plus if you want to sign up to be a member of the community right now and get entered in these drawings, have early access to films. Plus I’m going to be releasing, by the way, unseen footage from Occupied behind the scenes. You unseen footage, interview footage, things that people said that maybe were just a little bit too much for the film.

We’re going to be releasing those to our community as well. But if you go sign up for the community right now, we’ve already entered your promo code. $1 for your first month, $9 thereafter. $1 for the first month. Go to click on the big red button at the top. Become a part of our community. Congratulations to E. Gavin 99. It.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.



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