BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS VIDEO PRAY!! This is what the Vaticans actually doing!!




➡ Richie from Boston discusses his predictions about increased earthquakes in the New Madrid fault line, which have come true. He also talks about a theory that the Pope is planning to open five portals, which when mapped, form a symbol associated with Lucifer. Richie suggests that when these portals open, people might mistake the resulting phenomena for drones or UFOs. He also mentions a US Navy patent that can create plasma UFOs, adding to the potential confusion.


Hey, what’s up YouTube? It’s Richie from Boston. It’s the 18th. It’s December. It’s 2024, and this is not… We’re gonna start this video out with a prayer because I have to because I’m gonna show you some sigils and without the protection of the Heavenly Father, God Almighty, I would be remiss in showing you these because I’d be opening you up to a spiritual curse or some such so Real quick, our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation But Father deliver us from the evil one For thy is the kingdom, the power, the glory forever in your holy name.

I humbly and gratefully pray. Amen Oops Okay for all my people that live in the Ozarks that live on the New Madrid fault line Do you recall a couple of weeks ago? I told you that these earthquakes were gonna start picking up Well, they have they have picked up exponentially These guys are saying between this December 6th and December 11th eight earthquakes were recorded magnitudes 1.8 to 3.0 and It’s exactly in the area that I told you was gonna happen and and here’s the deal. I’m not saying I told you so But when you say as many things as I do you need to back it up when it actually happens I’m not saying I told you so It’s early.

I’m in Mississippi. It’s early. I had to make this video. It was bothering me and Look at me. I’m all banged up. You can’t even see me. I’ve got this is blocking the Sun right here So it’s making it dark, but whatever So check this out. Not only do we have earthquakes on the New Madrid fault line but here’s something that a Subscriber sent me and this is going to freak you out Remember how I just kept saying the drones are tied to the Vatican not saying the Vatican’s doing it But I’m saying the drones are tied to the Vatican The Notre Dame Ceremony Israel takes Mount Herman a tornado hits Right where I was camping the other day in California and it’s it touched down on Mount Herman Road.

It’s just very strange coincidences But check this out real quick. I told you about the New Year’s Eve Ritual that’s never happened before it’s on Jubilee except Jubilee’s every 50 years not 25 so they’re lying That’s what they do, but check this out a Subscriber took all the coordinates for all the five portals that the Pope is going to open okay These are the coordinates All of them right here and what he did was he laid them over the map and drew points to them and This is what that looks like.

These are the points. These are all the five portals that the Pope is going to open All five of the portals you see that well, you know, what’s funny that is a sigil and guess who the sigils to It’s the sigil of Lucifer Isn’t that amazing? Huh? What a coincidence You see that You see that They’re the exact same thing The sigil of Lucifer originated in the Gremor of truth published in Italy in the 16th century It is the third sign of Lucifer in the grimoire and is based on a nine by nine nine by nine magic square Magic squares were used in the 16th century to create magic and symbolize many different things Well, that is what the Pope is doing.

I Mean, they’re identical. They’re the same thing So these guys are opening a portal on Christmas Eve and they’re opening a portal that is literally an enormous sigil To Lucifer out of all people. You see what I’m saying? I mean, it’s just amazing how this is occurring right now It’s it’s getting crazy and this is it explains a lot to me now now I understand why everyone else is running around talking about drones and radioactive material and any any piece of nonsense the mainstream can come up with People are running with like it’s a big news event the entire time.

I’ve known that this was tied When they when they open this portal, the sky is going to be filled with powers and principalities But what people will believe they are is Drones or UFOs or things to that nature. You see what I’m saying? And here’s something else I showed you several years ago, maybe you don’t remember it But the US Navy has a patent where they can create plasma UFOs Okay, the Navy can create plasma UFOs that appear to the enemy as an additional an Additional plane so you’re flying through the sky the enemy locks onto your airplane.

You can use lasers to make a Different plane it’s not even real But they can do this. This has been around for a long time and like I said if these guys are showing it to us They’re already we used to think they were 50 years ahead of time These guys are probably 250 years ahead and I can’t help but notice that this this new computer chip made by Google the quantum AI computer chip called willow is Literally telling you they’re telling you that these things are going to other dimensions to get their information other dimensions I’ve been telling you that since 2015 and I’ve been telling you that because based on the information that these guys put out if You recall I would not stop.

I would talk about CERN. I would talk about other dimensional beings I would talk about D wave quantum computers, but there was nothing else to say Well now they’re suddenly coming out and saying it’s amazing They wait 10 years and then they finally flip the script and tell you the truth these things are going to other dimensions I find the timing of this really strange So let’s listen to this real quick The Systems behind our universe are quantum mechanical They shift and change with the problems their tasks to solve Exploring a vast array of options all at once and like nature Quantum computing is responsive to the environments it works within leading us to new breakthroughs for tomorrow’s most challenging problems Introducing our latest quantum computing chip developed to learn and evolve like the natural world around us willow from Google Quantum AI Hi, I’m Julian Kelly director of hardware at Google Quantum AI and today on behalf of our amazing team I’m proud to announce willow willow is Google’s newest and most powerful Superconducting quantum computing chip and the next step in our path towards building large-scale quantum computers and exploring your applications I’ve been fascinated with quantum computing since I first experimented with cubus in 2008 and since coming to Google in 2015 It has been a dream to make our mission a reality So these boys have straight come out and said that these guys are getting their information from other dimensions so We’ve literally got AI Flying drones all over the country and apparently all over the world.

I can’t vouch for that because I don’t live all over the world But they’re flying them all over the country and what the AI is doing when I said this was Jade Helm 2.0 yesterday The AI is literally learning engaging how people react to unknown things unknown entities in the sky And then all at once all of this breaks out at the same time AI is suddenly all of a sudden coming from is getting its information from other dimensions. That’s insane. You know what I mean? Having unidentified anomalous phenomenon, extraterrestrial life, plasmoids, shapeshifters, replicants, thunderstorms, lightning, hallucinations, aircraft disasters, and ocean sightings This paperwork right here basically talks about everything that’s in the sky when they’re talking about plasmoids You know what a plasmoid is? It’s a power.

It’s a principality. They’re calling them shapeshifters These are powers and principalities straight up period nothing to see here. It is what it is And when people are suddenly seeing quote-unquote UFOs in the sky that look like that That is a power of principality or it’s them trying to pretend they’re a power of principality That one blew me away because I mean I’ve been scanning the sky for quite a while now and I haven’t seen anything like that not even on infrared, but It’s coming it’s coming these guys are going to literally literally summon Satan and that’s what the five portals are.

I’m so glad I know this now because at least I’ve got some concrete proof. These are the five portals the Pope is going to open and this is exactly what it looks like if you just connect the dots and Then when you do connect the dots you discover that it is literally The sigil of Lucifer Shouldn’t have been surprised shouldn’t have been shocked, but there it is right in plain sight I mean you cannot deny that This is what these guys are doing and for some reason or other some lowly wretch like myself somebody that’s not even worthy entering the gates of heaven Somehow had this laid upon me.

I knew that this is what this was. I just couldn’t pause I couldn’t completely prove it, but fortunately Nicole sent me this paperwork and When you put all the coordinates together you put the lime in the coconut together That’s what you get and that my friends is Lucifer sigil These guys are literally literally literally trying to open the portal and let Lucifer walk on this earth This is going to be crazy, and I cannot warn you enough Pray to God stay in constant prayer and fast fast even if it’s from sundown To sundown go 24 hours go 48 hours if you can But be ready and be prepared and when this all drops do not be fooled at any rate Richie from Boston.

I’m out

See more of RichieFromBoston on their Public Channel and the MPN RichieFromBoston channel.


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