➡ Gregory Mannarino talks about how we’re expecting an announcement from the Federal Reserve about monetary policy. The market is eagerly waiting for this news, as it could mean more easy money. Meanwhile, major banks and financial institutions are buying up Bitcoin, and you can now purchase it directly from your bank. This rapid shift towards cryptocurrencies is part of a larger transition to a new financial system.
➡ The speaker suggests that there might be a market crash before the inauguration, leading to negative rates, which could further harm the middle class and the economy. Despite this, they encourage listeners to continue investing in commodities like gold, silver, and Bitcoin, which are currently undervalued. They also mention that major institutions and banks are increasingly investing in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. The speaker emphasizes the importance of staying informed and making smart investment decisions, regardless of market conditions.
Okay everybody, here we go. It is that day and I’m talking about monetary policy decision-making. Yes, in fact, we’re going to hear from our illustrious crew leader and that is the Federal Reserve and how they’re gonna play us all. It’s just extraordinary. What amazing, what an amazing time it is to live today, honestly, with all this that’s going on people. Anyway, look, so this is my pre-market report today, Wednesday, December 18th, 2024. So we are going to hear from the Federal Reserve today with regard to monetary policy. Look, man, you get this already.
Nothing matters except easy money for this market, which is a destroyer for the economy and for the people, not just of the United States, but of the world as central banks finalize their their final solution and their final solution and I don’t use that term lightly here, is to destroy us all, bring us to our knees and and ultimately reduce the size of the world’s population by a vast amount and I think most of us here kind of understand where we’re going with regard to all this. So the real thing, honestly, what’s happening here is how the market is waiting to see what’s going to happen with regard to this.
This is everything to the market. Economy doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters. It’s all about easy money. This morning, stock futures are green across the board, nothing dramatic but higher nonetheless. You got gold, silver and crude. I mean gold and silver, relatively flat, crude catching a bid. Bitcoin, cryptos across the board under some pressure here. Hold that thought. Now the real issue is this, this US 10-year yield. This is where we stand this morning. 4.42, I mean just a breath away from the low end of the federal funds rate 4.5.
All right, the market doesn’t like to be here. You all know that I’ve been telling you this for quite a while. Let’s see what happens. I will be watching the 10-year yield today. Obviously, the MMRI and I hope you guys are too. Again, this is free to you. Use it or not, whatever you want. Link in the description of this video. Let us move forward here people. So I want you to pay attention to what’s happening here. This is a headline from BBC. Interesting. Are you ready? Read this. As banks buy up bitcoins, who else are the Bitcoin whales? Kind of interesting.
So let me read this to you. The price of Bitcoin is close to an all-time high. Okay, we’re down just slightly. Thanks in large part to US finance giants. Investment firms like Grayscale, BlackRock, Fidelity are pouring billions of dollars into buying Bitcoin. In the last few weeks, these powerful institutions have become the Bitcoin whales. Interesting. Now, in case you were wondering where you can buy Bitcoin from, you can buy it right from your bank. American Banker, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and others are offering direct access to Bitcoin. What have you and I been saying over the past few weeks must happen? They have the mainstream Bitcoin.
Look, this is happening very, very rapidly. No mystical, obscure design here. This is all on purpose here. The selection of Donald Trump here to bridge us into the new system. The advocate of negative rates and low rates, which again, I believe the Fed’s going to lower rates today after saying, in my view, it’s going to be very hard for them to justify it, but they’re going to do it anyway. Central Banks are out here. They’re on a mission to inflate. How do they do that? By issuing and buying back the debt.
It’s an incredible thing. And who loses? We do. You and me. It’s an economic destroyer. So again, the merger of banks and cryptocurrencies in full swing here. And if you want, you can buy Bitcoin right from your bank. This is part of what they have to do, to get you to accept it. Ultimately, this is where we’re going. We all know that. This is an interesting take on things. And I believe this is true. Central Banks are also buying Bitcoin, and I’m sure other cryptocurrencies as well. Do you remember what Powell said? This is December 5th.
Fed Chair Powell, Bitcoin is like gold. So there is no doubt in my mind, and I’m sure not yours either, if we know that banks here are offering this to you, banks are buying it. Do you think that Central Banks aren’t buying it? Of course they are. Of course they are. And this is a part, again, the bridge to the new system. And it’s kind of an incredible thing to see. And just remember, Bitcoin is like gold. I love Bitcoin. You all know that. And I always get beat up for this.
Oh, Greg doesn’t know what he’s talking about. I’m probably one of the biggest Bitcoin advocates, crypto advocates, on Wall Street. What have I been telling you guys for years? You got to buy it. You got to own some of it. Well, it looks like I nailed that one to the wall, but these people are insane. Now, this guy, Michael Saylor, a lot of you guys are writing to me. He’s not the only guy out right now. Neither is this, whatever her name is, Loomis Loomis. I don’t know how to say this, whatever it is.
So this person here, and not just this guy, are saying, you know, some pretty heavy hitters out here saying, you know what? You should sell all of this gold and buy Bitcoin. Do you see what’s going on here? Are you finally getting it? Are you waking up to the selection? Why things all the way they are? Come on. It’s time for us all to wake up. I think for the most part, those of you that do follow this blog are wide awake. You couldn’t be more awake. Anyway, look, so here’s the deal for now, for today.
At 2 p.m. Eastern, we are going to get the announcement from the Federal Reserve. Okay, my take, they’re going to cut 25 basis points. Could they shock us and cut 50? I don’t know. We’ll see. I believe a cut is going to happen here. Again, you’ve got all these central banks working together to devalue their currency. You have to understand you can’t be allowed to know what’s going on here. As central banks, and you get calls from politicians like Trump promising you lower rates, it means they have to take purchasing power away from you.
This is a big element of transitioning us into the new system. Again, look, man, I don’t know what they’re going to use as a crisis in our face to switch us into the new system. I don’t even know when it’s going to happen. No, they have it. Is it these UFOs? Is it a nuclear accident? It’s an accident, of course, right? Whatever it might be to thrust us to some place where we don’t want to be again. None of us voted for this. It doesn’t matter what we want, what we vote for.
It doesn’t matter what our government, our government, this has become, what is this? This is of the people by the people? Really, you think so still? We’re going to change all that by devaluing the currency. That’s what Trump wants here. We’re going to make America great by making his guitars overseas and then shipping them here. That’s how we’re making America great. Again, look it up. You don’t believe that Trump’s guitars are not made in the United States of America that he’s selling to all of you? Maybe you need to do a little research at where these things are being made.
They’re being made overseas. Overseas corporations got the contracts, not American companies. I guess that’s how we make America great again, right? Look, man, wake up. You’ve got central banks buying Bitcoin. You’ve got banks buying Bitcoin. You’ve got major financial institutions buying Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies. You can buy it directly from your bank. Now, do you see what’s going on? Just as you and I said, what happened? The bridge to this new system is being built so fast. Really, my head’s spinning around like the exorcist here. Almost like they knew how this was going to play out before the election.
I mean, selection here. Of course they knew. Are you kidding me? We don’t know. You think our votes count? You still believe that, right? I’m a really important person. Am I votes counted? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. Anyway, guys, so what are we going to do, you and me, look, man? With regard to today, I’m going to be watching the MMRI like you can’t even possibly believe. And of course, the 10-year yield. This is the better place to be looking, in my opinion, but you guys choose if you want to watch the 10-year yield independent of anything else.
I think this is where you need to be looking. I’ll be watching it all day long. Now, with regard to the announcement later, it’s not so much what comes out of the creature puke Powell’s mouth. What this is really about is what he says after. That’s where the market’s going to move. You probably are going to see some movement here with regard to the debt market. I don’t think they’re done. I really don’t. I could be wrong here, people. Many of you think I am wrong. I understand that. I read through the comments.
Oh, Greg, before the inauguration, they’re going to crash the market. They’re going to crash the market. Okay, why? Whatever, so they can leave it on Trump to bail us out of it, whatever he’s going to do. That would be interesting. I’ll be honest with you. Maybe some of you aren’t wrong. I mean, let’s think about that. Let’s say some of you are writing to me saying they’re going to crash the market before the January 20th. I believe that’s the inauguration day. That would give them an excuse to do what? Negative rates.
What is Trump a proponent of? Negative rates. How do we know that? Well, that’s what he wanted last time during his tenure. You remember that? So maybe you guys aren’t too far off base. Maybe there will be a crash prior to the inauguration. But we have to look, man, we got to weigh a lot of things out. We’ll see. Whatever they’re going to do is already planned out. Everybody knows about it except we don’t know. Okay, we’re the last to know. And nobody knows until everybody knows you know the story behind that.
You can expect negative rates. I would be willing to bet that’s where we’re going here. Negative rates would be a further step, a giant leap forward to a wipeout of the middle class, a wipeout of whatever is left of the economy as they issue in the new system. So maybe some of you are on to it. Maybe that’s exactly what is going to happen. But we’re going to see. We’re going to find out. But that doesn’t mean we’re going to change anything. You do realize that, right? I don’t care what they do. Let them play the game.
We’re going to play our games. I still say we need to be along the market. We need to be cautious right here. Okay, absolutely. We need to be loading up, loading up on commodities, which are on sale. Obviously, we’ve never seen commodities, gold, silver especially, more on sale than we are right now. As Bitcoin and cryptos are being hoarded, now it seems by major institutions, banks are going to offer you direct access. Imagine our shock. This has to happen. This has to happen as we become the crypto capital of the world pulled further away from a constitutional money system.
You know that. Anyway, guys and girls, we’ll see. It will be interesting to see how this plays out with everything. I think it’s kind of interesting, honestly. All right, guys, with that said, I’m going to let you go. I hope you got something out of this. Let me know, and we will discuss more of this later during the live stream for 5 p.m. We had a nice turnout yesterday for the live stream, and I love that, man. So have some questions ready for me. I will try to get to them. If I miss you as I do apologize, I try to answer as many as I can.
All right? Love all of you with all I got people look, man. We’re invincible as far as I’m concerned. Our strategy has been invincible. Right up until today, again, being hedged, yes, being in the market, being along the stock market, dividend paying ETFs, you know which ones I’m in. OK, everybody knows what Greg is doing. Hoarding gold, especially silver, gaining access to Bitcoin. Do you think what we’re learning now that central banks buying Bitcoin and cryptos, you got major institutions buying it, they have now apparently become the Bitcoin whales. This is an interesting article here from BBC explaining what’s going on here.
Here we go. Look at this. As banks buy up Bitcoin, and they’re saying here that these investment firms are pouring billions, billions and billions of dollars into buying this stuff, and over the last few weeks have become the Bitcoin whales. Who’s surprised? You surprised? I’m not surprised. Do you think this is negative or positive? I mean, look, man, I know a lot of you think this is too many, and maybe it is. It doesn’t matter what it is. It’s just a means to win for you and me. You understand? Overstand. Guys and girls, look, man, you got the picture.
You know what’s going on. We know what to do. And again, I don’t think it’s possible for us to be beaten here. We’re too aware of what’s happening. And that is a key, raising your own awareness, using your God-given intellect. Listen to that gut. Listen to your gut, man. It’s, most of us would probably say, if we listened to our gut more, we’d be better off. I’m going to urge you to start doing that a little bit more, all right? Love you from the heart. See you later. Until we meet again, people, please take care of yourselves and each other.