Putins SATAN Nukes Take Aim At The West..Has WW3 Officially Begun? Juanitos Thanksgiving Special | David Nino Rodriguez



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➡ David Nino Rodriguez in a recent discussion on Nino’s Corner TV, the hosts discussed the escalating tensions between Russia, NATO, and the United States. They highlighted Russia’s declaration of full war and the potential for a nuclear scare. The conversation also touched on the political implications for President Biden and the Democratic Party. Additionally, they discussed the benefits of collagen supplements for skin health and aging.

➡ The discussion revolves around the potential escalation of conflict involving Russia, Ukraine, and NATO. The speaker suggests that if Russia expands its attacks to the supply chains in neighboring countries, it could trigger a wider conflict. There’s also speculation about who’s really in control and the potential for nuclear weapons to be involved. The speaker emphasizes the need to avoid such a catastrophic scenario.

➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the political challenges faced by a certain “Mr. T”, the ongoing struggles of a friend’s wife with cancer, and the speaker’s gratitude for the resilience shown despite these hardships. The speaker also mentions a coordinated effort to fight against organized forces that have taken control of the country and other nations, expressing hope for the future. Lastly, the speaker shares a personal story about visiting a friend’s grave and reminiscing about their shared memories.

➡ We’re living through tough times that will leave a lasting impact on us, just like the Great Depression did on previous generations. This challenging period is awakening people to the realities of the world. It’s painful, especially when we lose people due to unnecessary circumstances. Despite the hardships, we continue to connect and share information through platforms like Ninos Corner tv.



What’s up, folks? Welcome to Nino’s Corner TV on this Thanksgiving Day. Hopefully you all see it on Thanksgiving Day. I’m recording on Thanksgiving Day, but I’m back with Juanito. Juan, how are you? Hey, bro. It’s a beautiful day where I’m at and I hope everybody out there is having a wonderful day also, you know, it seems, you know, I just read a post from double Douglas McGregor saying that, you know, Russia has officially declared NATO and the US Are at full war with Russia and have crossed all red lines by allowing Ukraine to use long range missiles.

Former president and prime minister of Russia has declared that the NATO and the United States are now in full war with Russia. With Russia after the po. After the west crossed all red lines by enabling Ukraine to strike targets across the border using Western missiles. Med med, a staunch ally of president. There you go. How about that? A staunch ally of President Putin and now serving as deputy chairman of Russia Security Council emphasized that any Ukrainian attack on Russian soil using Western supplied weapons will be met with a response. So it seems to me what you’ve been talking about the last four years that you’ve been getting so much about by everybody is coming to fruition.

And I, you know, I have to give credit where credit’s due. You have said this for four years. You’ve said Biden will be the rot. We’re trying to, you know, the moves that we’re making. Biden will be the rotting corpse of the Democratic Party, which he was then they did install. You know, they had to run with Kamala, which is kind of like a playbook that you’ve been talking about for a very long time. And now the last part that you’ve always been talking about, which is a nuclear scare is coming to fruition. So, you know, Juan, I gotta give credit where credit’s due, man.

You know, it looks like you’ve been right, you know, and it looks like this is where this climax is heading. Now the question is, will it be there before inauguration? Thanks for joining me, Juan. Well, timing is the hardest part of these things. That things are moving towards a certain end doesn’t mean that we know all the little things that happen in the aggregate, you know, all things thrown together. It’s going a certain direction, but there’s always these little twists and bends. And actually I’ve talked about this for, you know, a decade really, but I pushed harder during all of the Trump administration where they wanted to bring things, you know, the enemies of the republic have wanted to bring things to a boil at this exact moment.

I think that the greatest risk to the country is that these people who are trying to foment some kind of a conflict with Russia, even to a war, they need the COVID of the chaos. Before we go further, let me knock this out, folks. Countless Americans will waste time, energy and money this year trying to reduce wrinkles, but failing because they miss the real problem, which you could be ugly, which is a decrease in their. Oh, my gosh. Collagen resources reserves. Sorry, let me explain. Scientists found that after the age of 20, your body produces 12% less collagen each decade.

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Hold on. I got, I gotta mention one thing. You know, collagen is one of the most tested products or substances within the whole medical community. It is pretty amazing stuff. And I, you know, we kid about it, but sometimes people, they get kind of a sallow look. Yeah. And if it’s because you’re not getting enough of the right kinds of collagen, and my friend was really. You’re breaking up? Juanito, his wife got done. Oh, it’ll go. His wife got on him and he started using the collagen. It was amazing how much of a change it made.

I was pretty surprised on. So, you know, these products that you kind of mentioned to people, they do have a really beautiful value to folks. I use them, I use them. I try them first. I use all of them. I think the collagen with the red light therapy would tell you. Yep. Well, his wife didn’t want to be with. She said, you know, get, let’s do this, and changed his look. I was shocked, really was. So, you know, it works. You know, it’s, it’s worthwhile if you want to do something. But anyway, all right, so. All right, let’s get to it.

I just, it’s. It triggered me with that. I wanted to think about it for a second, but go ahead. No, so, yeah, I mean, I don’t look like an old man with Jennifer, I got, I got to do something. You know, she, she stays right on top of it. So, you know, anyway, go ahead. All right, so I, everyone’s now jumping on. I mean, and seriously, you get zero credit for this. And it pisses me off. I mean, we’ve been talking about this on Ninos Corner TV for the longest time. For four years now you’ve been saying this is where it’s going to go.

And although it’s not there yet, it sure does look like that’s where it’s headed. And I mean, the fact that Russia is now saying it’s at war with NATO in the United States and willing to respond nuclear, I, I don’t know. I, it doesn’t get any, that, that doesn’t get any more real than for me than that. So if you want to just go ahead and elaborate on that. Well, you know, they’ve been getting pushed on. Russia’s been getting pushed on and pushed on and pushed on. They have alternatives. You push them hard enough, they’re. They’re going to run out of intermediate responses.

And if you’re going to push them right to the wall, you know, for example, they have this, what translates as a Satan 2 missile with a nuclear propulsion system. Those missiles, unlike the old stuff, the chemical stuff that would power out to the edge of space and then coast back in with the intercontinental ballistic missiles. These power all the way to the target. And so they’re much faster. Instead of a 30 minutes to reach the U.S. they’re like 15 minutes, allegedly. And so a much, much more rapid response is needed if you could do anything. We don’t really have an anti ballistic missile system.

There’s certain things that we are doing, but it’s not a great guarantee. And when you’re dealing with nuclear missiles. You don’t want to be wrong once. So we’re, you know, and by the way, it’s not just the space bound nuclear missiles. They’ve got fantastic hypersonic missiles and that travel inside the upper atmosphere. And then these submarine launched torpedoes that are nuclear powered also and they can run them out to places all over the world. They can go literally anywhere in the world, be launched up in the North Sea and they travel autonomously out to a location near where your target is, sit on the sea floor and wait to be told to do something.

Well, those began being deployed, you know, two years and more, and those are sitting out there, allegedly already launched and standing by. Hold on, here’s this here says Putin orders his gigantic Satan two nukes to be made ready for combat duty as soon as possible, as Kremlin warns. Insane idea of aiming Ukraine with nukes would push, would be, would push them to the brink of catastrophe. He calls them Satan. Well, the inner. Go ahead. I’m sorry, yeah, Satan 2 he’s calling him. They’re named Satan 2. The nukes is what he’s naming them. Yep, yep. By the way, the, the last kind of intermediate step that is available to Putin that he has threatened last Thursday, I believe it was, was that he would start striking locations inside Poland.

So Poland being a neighbor of Ukraine and where a lot of the staging is occurring for, for the old vets in there, it’s like what was going on in the Indochina war where a lot of the materials that were being used in Vietnam were coming from neighboring countries. And then Nixon deciding, okay, we’re going to start attacking targets in the supply chain in other countries. Well, Putin is saying that he’s going to start attacking the places in the supply chain where all the stuff is coming from to attack them in Russia and Poland’s right there on the list.

So if he widens the war into neighboring countries, it’s because that’s where the supply chain is. Well, he said the other day that if they’re going to strike targets inside Russia using an American weapons, he’s going where those weapons are being assembled at and being organized from, including the fighter jets that we’re sending over there, where they’re training these pilots in Poland and he’s going to take those targets out. Well, soon as the first strike happens outside of Ukraine, that triggers NATO and this war gets wider, much faster. And by the way, you know who’s really pushing this? Is it us here in the US Even? Well, that’s what I was asking yeah, hold on, hold on.

Because a lot of conspiracies out there talking about who really is in charge here. People say, well, it’s the, you know, and I want to go into this on Ninos Corner TV more in detail, if that’s okay with you, Juan, because it’s constraints, it’s red hot for, for fluff too. But is, you know, it seems like maybe Biden’s on a leash. I. It seems that way to me. Is he being. Is Mr. T got some kind of control over him or, I mean, is he on a short lease? Is he pushing their hand to do this so that the safety in place that you’ve always talked about is able to be maneuvered in correctly? It would be wrong to say that T is pushing this in any way.

He’s the one sane mind in this whole thing and saying, but he is the safety. But he is the safety. Right. Well, because at the end of the day, just like, you know, it was floated out there that this administration currently is going to mine the Ukraine with nuclear devices. They’re going to plant them in locations around the country so that if Russian troops go to occupy certain areas of Ukraine, they could blow at some later point in time. And so mining Ukraine with nuclear mines, seriously, can you imagine, you know, what kind of, what kind of insanity are we talking about here? It’s reached a level that’s just almost over the top.

But you can’t allow anybody to say that is going to lead that because that’s not at all what’s happening. He’s trying to bring it to a stop before it gets there. And ultimately it comes back to the biscuit and to command and control of all things nuclear. The one thing that wasn’t conveyed to this current administration was those authorities, they can go put devices anywhere they want to put them. They don’t have the card code capability to detonate. And could there have been things built in the interim that wouldn’t have those same controls? Not within the US System.

So now you got to go to other systems around the world. You know, Brits, French and others. Could one of them have uncharted waters? It’s a little island country and you know, the people that are really most should be, should be sweating bullets. Isn’t even the American people. Well, not all this will because. Hold on. Really gets pissed. That’s where it’ll go. Well, hold on one. I mean, all of this is developing while we have all these unvetted people in our country. You know, the southern borders wide open still. And it looks like all of this is going to kick off when.

Mr. I mean, if I, if I, it would seem to me it’s going to kick off before or right at Mr. T gets into office. Right? I mean, that’s kind of like how I would see it developing. I don’t know. I’m not psychic. I’m just saying if, if, it seems to me like if they were going to make it, if they were going to push their hand, it would be right now, before inauguration. Right. Or at about inauguration or during, like right when Trump gets in there so that he has to inherit this complete mess and focus all his assets on World War Three.

Yeah, you know, the, the problem isn’t necessarily right before. It’s probably in that zone. It could be right afterwards. And by the way, you know, you got to remember it’s not just about those exact dates. You know, T gets into office and then things start happening. Well, how do you slow down the things that are happening? How do you give yourself, you know, enough distraction, cover even? The whole Ukraine situation is about causing the chaos and destruction that cover the trail. You know, where’s the evidence? Who’s people that can testify at the end of the day, who’s got to cover what to, to protect them? You know, it’s, it’s, it’s of, they don’t want things going forward.

They need to cover the trail, obscure the trail, and they’ll do anything to do it. Even starting World War Three. Well, there’s nothing the devil won’t do. No person, no asset, no resource, that he won’t protect himself. And that is the attitude of these people also. They will, and your children, everything that, you know, lives just to cover their trail. And if they can’t do what they want to do and survive, nobody’s going to, they won’t allow it. You know, it says here Ukraine’s former top military commander claims World War 3 has officially begun. Well, if you’re saying that you’re going to, you know, move attack sites outside of Ukraine, if Putin is saying that he’s willing to do that, and then you got people saying, yeah, and he put, he drew a line in the sand.

He said, if you’re going to use Western weapons through your proxies to attack us, we’re not going to just attack back to that proxy. We’re going to go back to the source, go up the supply chain and move to the source. I mean, does that make sense? It’s logical. I don’t see the, that’s not a logical Answer. I don’t think, you know, in the scheme of things, look, it’s not a, it’s not a comfortable fact, but in the Ukraine we have, I don’t want to say it and get us in trouble here, but there was certain things that were created don’t even go, you know, that were a threat to Russia.

Yeah, let’s talk about that on Ninos Corner tv because my audience will appreciate that on there. But, but what, what will Putin, what areas or bases or places will he target in America if, if this, this exchange happens, or will it, will he target Ukraine? Putin is relatively sane and he doesn’t actually want World War 3. We may get there at some point in time, but he’s, he’s telegraphed every way you can that he’s not going after the American people or even the people of other countries necessarily. He’s going after the targets that are the source of the threat towards them.

And targets are those, though. Well, military, you know, but I mean, I live in, I live right next to Fort Bliss. Well, you got, you got a problem there. By the way, Bliss, the grandson of the person that that base was named after is a huge, huge guy. He’s in the, he’s in the movie the called. He was the highest decorated soldier, I believe, in the Vietnam War. Really. Highest, highest decorated Marine, I think in. Okay, one, hold on one second. I don’t think he would target. Okay, here’s just my theory on this. Like Fort Bliss, because we’re so close to Mexico.

I mean, I don’t see how, you know what I mean? Like, why would that. Well, the targets that he would choose here states would be places that are throwing stuff all the way to Russia that would have the potential to be a direct threat to Russia. So it’d be more likely certain types of locations where we have things that can reach out and touch him. Bombers, missiles manufacturing, things like that. It wouldn’t be as indiscriminate as just all the city centers. And that was the concern back in the height of the Cold War that, you know, they had these 50 megaton bombs that were city busters and it wouldn’t be as indiscriminate as that necessarily.

The part of the whole thing with the salt talks and stuff that Nixon and Reagan focused on were that the bombs were becoming more and more precision and therefore that you didn’t need as big of a bomb just to hit populations. And so there’s no simple, nice conversation that you can have when you get to nuclear weapons. The only way to Win is not to play the game at all. And that’s the danger. And thank God nobody’s been dumb enough to go there in our lifetime. But that’s been this looming, you know, threat all of our lives is that, you know, nuclear war is coming.

Can we go to the back channel, Ninos Corner TV and talk about how. I mean, I want to know how. I want to know about these picks, these cabinet picks for Mr. Mr. T. I also want to know how he’s going to be able to clean house if they’re going to throw lawfare at him in every move he makes. It seems to me like he would have to get in an unconventional manner. Can we talk about that on Ninos Corner tv? Because I want to know actually the game plan here, here on how he’s able. He’s going to be able to clean house the way he wants to because already they’re stopping him and throwing scandal after scandal.

I don’t understand how that’s going to play out. If he gets in the conventional way and gets sworn in an inauguration and then he’s able to just. Do you get what I’m saying, Juanito? Can we talk about that? Well, it would be. It would be the first term repeated again, right? I don’t see how that works out for us. If I don’t see how it works. Well, it’s not going to be that way. And, you know. Well, yeah, but let me. Before we go. It is Thanksgiving. We have, we have lots to be thankful for, for all of the drama, the politics, everything else.

We actually are. We’re still here, and we’re still pretty. You know, I got, you know, there were, thankfully, for people that are coffee addicts like me, there was people at the coffee shop, and I was able to get a nice warm cup of coffee and tip them a little extra because they came in on a holiday, they’ll go home and have Thanksgiving this afternoon with everybody else. But, you know, we’re still here, man. And by the way, there is, you know, a number of us, you know, within our tribe here, number of the folks that are having, you know, struggles today.

Personally, you know, one of the ones that’s been a friend of a lot of the people here in this group is Jerry Foley. And I’m not saying anything that’s not that he hasn’t spoken about himself. His wife is struggling, and she’s been struggling with cancer for about seven years. And I think they decided yesterday that it was time to kind of ease the pain. And so they’re upping the morphine, doses like that. And so it probably won’t be that long yet. You know, would you be thankful that she powered through? They thought she was gone gonzo, you know, four, five, six years ago.

And she stuck around, worked through it, and that’s a choice. And she made hard choices and stayed viable. You know, how much happens in a person’s life, you know, two, three, four, five years, family and everything else, and lots to be thankful for, even as she’s being called home. But, you know, the other side of the coin is, is that it? You know, there’s responsibilities here, family and, and things that people do, and Jerry’s life will change markedly also. You know, we’re think of all the things that have happened in the country in the last several years, where some people wanted us to go, what our life would have looked like if they had succeeded across the world.

And yet it, for all the momentum. Look, they’ve been planning this for decades and it, it didn’t work out the way they wanted to. A lot of these, I mean, they’re still in the process. I mean, they’re still, well, but they’re still fighting. But you know, they, they have not succeeded. You know, I, I, we did the show where I, I listed out 10 or 12 things that were absolutely going to happen if you had had other leadership come into power back in 2017. And all of those things were thwarted and they played to the moon to make them happen and over well.

And so for all that was planned against us, all the evil that was planned, planned against not just America, but the world, there’s been a divine hand that has stopped them short. The battle still on. And even now the battle’s on, but they haven’t succeeded. We haven’t got the full complete victory yet. But they haven’t succeeded in what they had in mind either. So we have cause for Thanksgiving. It is a war. And you know, even there was a certain effort that we’ve talked about at various times that was aimed towards young people and to educate, to give them ideas, to teach them how to search and learn about history and the things that got us here.

That effort now turned 7 years, 7 days, 7 hours and 17 minutes old at 12:01am on November 5th of 2024. That effort was timed, that was coordinated. There was very intelligent people behind that, augmented by AI to hit the numbers correctly to preserve us through all of these things. The coordinated pushback is happening right now and being coordinated. And you know, people would like there’s certain commodities, you know, Nothing’s happening, nobody’s coming to save us, blah, blah, blah. Hopefully when people look and I, and I think in the generations to come, people will come back, they’ll study this, they’ll see how many things were being done, subtle as they had to be, that if you were watching, you realize, no, there’s, there’s a coordinated, intelligent, coherent effort to keep us viable, to fight this fight against very organized forces that have captured the helm of the ship, that have pirated the country and other nations away from us and that it wasn’t just somebody, you know, ordering an edict, you know, stop that or you know, whatever.

There’s a, it’s a, it’s a very complex operation to recapture control the ship without blowing up the ship estate completely. And it’s, it’s coming around this for all that the people that are internal, that we’re fighting would like to portray that they still have control. You see, every day that they’re losing their grip and they’re not being able to hang on to the power. They will be more desperate, they will be excruciatingly dangerous. But you know, the people that got us this far and God’s hand, you know, exclusively, we’re going to make it. It’s all coming to a head right now, even as I’ve explained to you and to all the listeners, without going too deep and getting, you know, yeah, let’s get to Nino’s Corner.

Even this event with this coming nuclear moment from multiple directions is anticipated and planned for because it’s the only way to decisively move power control, including the computers and all the data and records over to. Right, right, right, right. Good. Okay, let’s talk about that. I really want to get into the minutia details of that on Ninos Corner tv. Is that okay with you, Juanito? Sure, sure. I was just gonna say, I’m just gonna say, by the way, and that’s why if you, if you’re looking for signs that this was all anticipated known, I’ve told the story before, but it’s the last communication before the ship of state sailed into the dark of night just before noon January 20th of 2020.

It’s still all about 2020. All right, right now. And folks, get to the jennifermac.com the jennifermac.com and get started on, you know, get yourself a flag or you know, a silver dollar. What is that? Silver coin? Silver coin. It’s actually, you know, the, the. If they’re getting more than one, you know, there’s a little bit better deal over at all patriots@gumroad.com. and so that’s kind of there, too. And so there’s just only the two places. But I think down the road, the. Because the 2024s, you know, will be in the record books here in just a few weeks.

Juan, can I ask you a question? You know, that’s. Yeah, yeah. Why did you decide to pull over at a cemetery? Actually, I have a very good friend that’s. That’s buried here. I wanted to come up, and I. I enjoy to just come by and make sure that everything’s well taken care of here from time to time. He actually wanted to be buried in this beautiful spot to be enjoyed from time to time. And, you know, he’s not here. It’s just his remains. He’s. He’s in the heavenly abode. But I enjoy to just enjoy what. What he did, this place that he loved so much.

And we had a lot of. A lot of great times together, a lot of great memories. He used. He had a coffee plantation just down the hill, and he would save what’s called the king bean for me and off of the plants, and I paid very real money for, you know, a half pound of king beans, and he would save them for me. And they have more oil and they have more nutrients in them than the rest of the beans in that cluster and the coffee beans. And so I was always very glad to pay that extra money.

But he just loved this part of the world. He’d come through great drama back Vietnam and Laos and all that. And it took him. He. He would say it took him about 15 years before he felt halfway normal again. After all that, even for us here with what we’re going through right now, it marks your soul to have to go through all the things that everybody here in this audience is having to go through. And you look back over the last decade and the people that aren’t here right now that timed out or were even targeted and taken out that aren’t here.

Our world has changed and morphed so much, and they’re still, you know, radical changes yet ahead. Just like what he went through. You know, we’re in a war zone right now, and the world is in. In the sights. We’re going to be so pissed and coming to the brink as we are here shortly, that at least us, this generation, young and old, will never be able to forget this moment. Just like people that went through the Great Depression or both. This is what’s going to. This is what’s going to wake up the rest of the world, huh? It’s not necessarily the rest of the world.

It’s us. It’s us. I know. I mean us. I mean for the ride. Yeah. Rest of the population that’s not awake yet, this is what’s going to really jolt them out of their sleep, right? Yeah. The scare, it. It hurts you all the way to the core. And then that you’ve lost people unnecessarily because of all the bullshit and even tortured people young and old, you know, it’s a horror what has happened for little people having to come in from other places into this, into our country, and it’s a horror. Let’s go to Ninos Corner tv.

All right, folks, I’ll see you over there. Juan, thank you so much, folks. Get the Ninos Corner tv, the Jennifer Mac dot com. I’ll put the link down there below. And also remember, folks, Black Friday special. This is going to get you grandfathered in for this year on Ninos Corner tv, where we’re news before it’s news, folks. Thanks, Juan. All right, bro, bye.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.



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