Ep. 3484b – Blinken:Cant Fully Protect Election Against Cyber AttacksTrump:We Are Going To Win Big




➡ This podcast episode discusses the upcoming elections, potential cyber attacks, and the importance of collagen for skin health. The host, Dave, expresses concern about the security of the elections and suggests that the narrative is shifting towards potential cyber threats. He also talks about a collagen supplement that he uses to maintain his skin health. Dave believes that the election results might be delayed due to potential cyber attacks and the results could be contested, leading to a possible re-election.
➡ The text discusses the political climate in America, focusing on the power struggle between Trump and the ‘Deep State’. It suggests that Trump aims to prove that he has the majority support of the American people, and that any failures will be blamed on Kamala. The text also discusses the issue of illegal immigration, suggesting that while many people publicly support it, they are not willing to personally contribute to the cause. Lastly, it touches on the issue of airport security post 9/11, suggesting that it was a means to scare people into giving up their rights.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the perceived relaxed security measures for illegal immigrants compared to American citizens, particularly in airports. It also mentions allegations of government collusion with social media platforms to censor certain viewpoints. The text further touches on rumors about Kamala Harris’ alleged involvement in controversial parties and the potential for these rumors to impact upcoming elections. Lastly, it highlights the growing tensions and potential for conflict in the Middle East, Ukraine, and North Korea.
➡ A suspected Iranian spy, Ariane, who leaked information from the Pentagon, has been promoted to a position she’s unqualified for, possibly to limit her access to sensitive information. Tensions are escalating between North Korea and South Korea, with North Korean troops potentially entering the battlefield soon. Meanwhile, China continues to exert military pressure on Taiwan. The US is preparing a satellite jammer to disrupt enemy communications, and there are concerns about potential cyber attacks on the US. The article also discusses the upcoming election, suggesting that a vote for Kamala Harris could lead to nuclear war.
➡ The text discusses various political opinions and events, including accusations against Donald Trump and his supporters, assassination attempts on Trump, and Kamala Harris’s refusal to appear on Joe Rogan’s podcast. It also mentions Trump’s plans for his second term, the alleged illegal campaign finance activity of Act Blue, and the efforts of Elon Musk to support Trump. The text ends with concerns about potential voting issues in the upcoming election.
➡ The article discusses concerns about potential election fraud and manipulation, with a focus on the upcoming U.S. Presidential election. It mentions a new voting system in Maricopa that could discourage voters due to long lines, and the importance of voting early to prevent cheating. The article also highlights the unusual situation of Trump leading in the national popular vote, and the reluctance of some media outlets to endorse a candidate. Lastly, it discusses potential foreign interference in the election and the need for improved election security.
➡ The author discusses concerns about potential cheating in the 2024 presidential election, suggesting that there will be strict monitoring to prevent fraud. They also mention possible legal and political actions if foreign interference occurs, such as investigations, court reviews, and changes to election laws. The author believes that despite potential challenges, Trump will win the election, emphasizing that the majority of the people are with him. They conclude by encouraging readers to stay prepared and vigilant.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the X22 report. My name is Dave and this episode 3484bn. Today’s date is October 25, 2024 in the title of the episode is Blinken Can’t Fully Protect Election Against Cyber Attacks Trump we are Going to win big. Let’s talk about our Health. Countless Americans will waste time, energy and money this year trying to reduce wrinkles, but failing because they miss the real problem, which is a decrease in their natural collagen reserves. Let me explain. Scientists found that after the age of 20, your body produces about 12% less collagen each decade.

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Why? Because remember they removed Biden, they put Kamala Harris in and she would have never won the Democratic nomination in a legitimate non nomination process. It wouldn’t have happened. It didn’t happen. Back in 2020 she had like 1% or something like that. It wasn’t going to happen now and now they tried to push her, they tried to manipulate the polls to convince people they had the fake news. All join in. The corrupt politicians, Hollywood, you name it. They were all out there and it all completely failed. And it’s failing every single day. More and more people are waking up and now what are they resorting to they’re resorting to calling Trump Hitler.

They’re resorting to fake stories, and we’re going to see a lot more fake stories come up. They’re resorting to everything else to build up the narrative for what is coming after the election. Remember, they had a pre plan, they had a post plan. It looks like they’re moving to their post plan. Doesn’t mean they have given up by trying to create and bring in as many ballots as possible, but it looks like they’re shifting their entire agenda to the post plan right now. And what’s very interesting is that Trump, it is now being reported that his phones, his campaign phones, they were accessed by Chinese, by China, and it was a cyber attack.

So we have Iran and now we have China. We’re just waiting for Russia to come on in with some type of cyber attack. So this way they could have all three, maybe North Korea, too. So this way, when the elections happen, they can blame it on China, Russia, Iran, and North Korea. I mean, look at that. This is what they’re planning to do. And what’s very interesting is that Blinken is out there saying that we’re making a lot of progress in protecting the elections against cyber attacks. What do you mean, progress? I thought the elections were secure.

I thought everything was great. They’ve been telling us this for a very, very long time. So the question is, why are they letting us know that they’re making progress? Which is very, very interesting, because I do believe what they’re trying to do and what they’re setting up right now is, number one, they were using. The elections were secure because when. When they had Kamala win, which he’s not going to win with the ballots, they didn’t want anyone to say that the elections weren’t secure. No. No one had access. Nobody did anything. She won fair and square.

The elections are secure. Now that Kamala doesn’t have that ability. I think they’re trying now to shift the narrative a little bit and use words like we’re making progress and starting, you know, trying to stop the cyberattacks. Remember the day after he said this, the day after that, Georgia was cyberattacked. And we also know there’s an exercise that’s going to happen on Election Day in Atlanta. I mean, really think about this for a second. But Trump, he did say that we are going to win bigger than anyone could understand. Now the question is, what does he mean by that? Does he mean we’re just going to win and we’re just going to win even though they’re using their cheating system, or does he mean that we’re going to win in a way where people couldn’t even imagine because we’re using paper ballots, voter id, one day voting? So this is going to be very, very interesting as we move forward.

But you can see the Deep State players, they are now prepared and ready to shift their entire narrative. And I do believe that you’re going to see a shift in everything that they’re doing. Yes, they’re going to continually come out with these stories against Trump, but I do believe they’re going to bring in the narrative about cyber attacks and how they’re the foreign entities, they have the ability to access or manipulate certain things, just like in Georgia, even though they said they were protected and nothing really happened. But I do believe that’s just the beginning to build up the narrative.

But I do believe you’re going to see that, yeah, they have new techniques, they have new ways of doing things, and it might be very difficult to protect the entire election system in every single state, in every voting area. So I do believe we’re going to start to see the narrative start to change as we get closer and closer to the presidential election, which means they are going to shift everything after the election, and we need to remember it. When Gore and Bush, when they didn’t know who the winner was because they had the entire Chad event happen, we had to wait 35 days to find out who actually won the election.

So I. There’s already a precedent where they can wait, where they can, you know, take this and move it out. Not just 10 days, 15 days, 20 days, three. I mean, we have something that happened just a couple of years ago where it took 35 days for the Supreme Court to actually make their ruling. I didn’t say it went to the Supreme Court right away, but it was 35 days when. When the Supreme Court said, okay, we’re stopping the recount and everything like that. We’re done. So, once again, this is what I do believe the Deep State is going to try to do.

They’re going to try to take what is happening with a cyber attack. And I think they’re going to delay the election as long as possible. So they’re going to say, we don’t know who the winner is. We don’t know who the winner is. And eventually what might happen is this will probably go to the Supreme Court, just like Gordon Bush, and the Supreme Court is going to say, okay, let’s see the ballots, let’s see what’s going on here. And I don’t think the Deep state players are going to want to show the ballots because it’s going to show that they’re all printed.

And what happens if they’re all printed and they show the Supreme Court and they. And people start analyzing this in certain states, people are going to say, whoa, they are. This whole election system is manipulated. The ballots are manipulated. They were printed. The systems, the machines, they’re manipulated. Everything’s manipulated. So at this point, the Supreme Court might say, since it’s completely manipulated and we don’t know who the winner is and we can’t use these systems, we might have to do the election over. Now, there are certain paths that we can go down and the Supreme Court can do this and Congress can do this.

Where they could say, let’s redo the election now, is Trump saying, we’re going to win big, and we’re going to win so big that people really don’t understand how big we’re going to win? Well, I think if we’re going to win so big, we’re going to have to have an election outside of their cheating system, outside of the paper ballots, outside of the mail ins, outside of everything. And if we do have an election that has to be redone during this period of time, while there are suits going on and we’re waiting for the delayed results and all this Trump campaign, the entire campaign for both sides is still happening.

And whatever we experience, whatever happens, people are going to watch it, observe it, and they might change their vote during this period of time. For example, if the economy falls apart, well, it’s going to be Kamala to blame. If we’re on the precipice of war, it’s going to be Kamala who’s to blame. If there’s an event in this country during this period of time, it’s going to be Kamala who’s going to be to blame. So everything the Deep state’s going to try to do, it’s going to backfire on them. Now, hopefully we have the results on November 5th.

That would be fantastic, and it’d be great if we just find out that Trump wins. But I think in the end, we know the Deep state player is not. They’re not going to play that way. We know in the end that they’re going to try to keep their power, hang on to power as long as possible. And I think Trump, in the end, wants to show the American people that we are the majority. He doesn’t want to win by a little bit. He Wants to win by a lot. He wants it to be a blowout. He wants the entire map to go red, and he wants to show the deep state and the people of this country, look, we are the majority.

Whatever they told you in the past, what you’ve seen is a complete and utter lie. We just used paper. People were watching the counting. We did it in person. And now you realize that you are the majority. And I do believe this is the completion of the Great Awakening if we go down this path. But again, this is war. It’s an information war. We’re moving into a physical war and anything could happen. Just like in real war, anything could happen. Yes. The generals, they create their plans. The generals say, this is our. This is how we’re going to attack.

This is what we’re planning on. And even though you put. You lay everything out, you plan for it and everything like that, it doesn’t mean it’s always a success, because, again, you always have the other side, and that’s what we’re seeing today. But I do believe Trump, the military, all the patriots behind him, I do believe they are now thinking of all different things that the deep state can do. It’s game theory, and they have different paths that we can go down, just like the military has different paths that they can use. Well, if the enemy does this, then we do that.

If the enemy does this, then we do this. So I do believe, yes, things might not happen exactly the way they plan, but I do believe in the end, we’re going to get to the goal of basically having Trump win, taking back the country. It might take time. We might see some crazy things like we saw back in 2020. Actually, I think it’s going to be even crazier because now the deep state players, they are completely and utterly desperate because they know this time around, they’re screwed. They know this town. This time around, it’s not revenge, it’s accountability.

And this is why they’re so panicked. This is why they’re talking about, holy crap, he’s going to arrest us. Holy crap. He’s going to bring the military out into the open and he’s just going to march across the street and arrest anyone that he wants. This is how panicked they are. They’re telling you exactly what’s going to happen, but not in the way they’re telling you it’s going to happen. Because Trump’s not going to use the military just to round them up. He’s going to use indictments. He’s going to follow the rule of law. And these people are going to be brought up on charges for their crimes, and there’s going to be accountability in the end.

Now, we’re going to be talking a lot more about this a little bit later, but you could see the deep state players, they’re losing their entire narrative, especially when it comes to the border. In the very, very beginning when Trump was in office, yes, they had the narrative. They didn’t want him to build the wall. But now, since the people are awake, P.E. since the people see the open borders don’t work, since the people see the crime, the terrorists and everyone else coming to this country, them using the resources, the Biden and Harris administration funding, them using our money, I think the people now are realizing that this is not a good thing.

And it’s what’s very interesting. All these people that are for sanctuary cities saying we got to bring in the dreamers. As soon as you ask them a very simple question, are you going to house any of them? Will you give this illegal right here $20? All of a sudden, they shut down. All of a sudden. No, I’m not doing that. Oh, I’m sorry. Not at this time. I can’t because we’re moving. Take a listen to the exchange. When this woman decided to ask all these people, will you take in an illegal to take in a black illegal immigrant? Would you guys be willing to take in a asylum seeker, as you called them, and foster them and take care of them so the government doesn’t have to mistreat them? Well, I think that’s a band aid approach, but yes, if we were involved with an organization that needed place temporary placements for asylum seekers, that would be something.

Well, my organization is Liberty Hangout and I have an asylum seeker right here. Are you willing to give him your house keys so he can stay with you? The reason we can’t do it right now is we are literally moving. Did any of you ladies take in a black illegal immigrant that’s here with us today that needs a home? No. I thought black lives matter. Black lives matter. But they won’t take in my black illegal immigrant friend Felix from Mexico. I guess they don’t matter that much. Would you guys be willing to take in a black illegal immigrant? Would you be willing to take him in and his 10 children? I would.

No, not 10 children, but I would be. I’d be willing to. To discuss it. I certainly would. Can he have the keys to your house? He’ll only take five kids. How about only. He’ll only take five of his Ten children. Can he come stay with you? We talk about it. Probably not five, but I probably have room. Well, what do we do with the other five or other eight? I think people should pitch in, right? I think that we have. Look, so you want to separate the kids from their dad? He’s illegal. And I have. My child has friends that are dreamers.

He’s a dreamer. Are you willing to give him like 20 bucks right now or worse, you know. No, I’m not. He doesn’t need $20. Yes, he does. He’s illegal. Illegal doesn’t mean you need money untouched. Good point, good point. If you’re illegal, that doesn’t mean you need my money. Doesn’t mean you need free healthcare, doesn’t mean you need to be funded by taxpayer dollars. That’s not what I said. Okay, I’m really twist my words. So all of these people, they’re pretty much full of it. And you could see that, yeah, they want the dreamers to come in, but they want everyone else to pay for it.

They don’t want to really be involved with it. They really don’t want to house them. They don’t want to really give them their money. They don’t want anything. They’re just out there saying, yes, this is what we want. Well, if this is truly what you want, then you actually have to get into it and you actually have to take them and bring them to your home. But again, you could see this is where it falls apart. I think with everything that’s happening in this country. If you showed people the bill, listen, you wanted the illegals, you wanted all this.

Well, here’s your bill. It’s $27,400. Do you know how many people would say, you know something, I don’t want that. Now wait, you’re giving me a bill? Yeah. I think people would say, forget the dreamers, which is really the illegals. Forget everything that we’ve been talking about because I’m not paying for this. Everything would stop right there. No one would would actually go for it anymore. But when you don’t see it and the deep state hides it and they just borrow more money, out of sight, out of mind. And they think, wow, this is incredible. I think that’s how you shut it down.

You say, you want this, this is how much it’s going to cost. We’re going to send a bill to every single person in this country if this is what you want. And I think most of the people, the majority of the people saying, okay, we don’t want this anymore. Because I’m going to tell you right now, all these people that she just interviewed, there’s no way they’re going to pay that bill. Now, the other thing that we know, which is absolutely ridiculous, is all the security at the airport. Remember, they ushered that in during 9 11.

They scared the American people to give up their rights. And once you give up your rights, it’s very, very difficult to get them back, even though you can’t really give up your rights. But again, we allow the government to search us as we board a plane or go into any other governmental office. And this is how you know it’s a bunch of BS because during COVID all of a sudden, they relaxed the security. And now with the illegals, the illegals are getting a piece of paper. They have no idea. No vetting, no nothing. They don’t know who they are.

And they’re putting them on planes, and they have no id. But Americans, you need an id, but these people do not. They have no idea who they are. They have. They know nothing about them. This is how you know it’s all a bunch of bs. And Colorado Representative Lauren Boebert is demanding answers from the Biden Harris administration about a viral video of a TSA agent admitting there is a more relaxed process for the handling of illegal aliens than American citizens. And this video shows that they just let them in. So the Congressman wrote that the content of the video was especially concerning because the Biden House regime is carelessly permitting migrants to use their Border Patrol arrest paperwork or even their CBP1 app as identification.

Meanwhile, American citizens in my district have been told that they do not have the right to refuse their picture being taken at the TSA checkpoint because it is an improved safety and security measure. At a bare minimum, the rules that apply to American citizens should also apply to illegal immigrants, particularly regarding identification. How about we get rid of this? Because once again, this is a violation of our constitutional rights. And it also shows us something very, very important, that everything that they told us, everything that they said is a complete and utter lie. Just like everything else.

They’re showing you right there that the terrorists aren’t here. They’re not. They’re not going to blow up the plane. You know who the terrorists are? It’s the CIA. It’s the FBI. It’s the Criminal Syndicate. They’re the ones who are the terrorists. They’re the ones who create the terrorists. They’re the ones who pay the terrorists. They’re the ones who do this to scare the people so they can say, hey, look, you want security? Want us to protect you? Well, this is what we got to do. You got to give up your rights. And people went along with it.

This is why our founding fathers said, listen, don’t give up a little bit of security, because once you do that, you’re neither going to have security or rights. And that is absolutely true in the end. And once again, you could see this is how the deep state plays. And everything they told us in the past is a complete and utter lie. Just like they told us open borders are great. Well, are they that great? Are they helping the economy? No, they’re destroying the economy, destroying the cities, destroying the country. And we could see what their agenda is.

Now, what’s very interesting, you could definitely tell it’s election year because all the install people, they’re realizing that, hey, are the polls aren’t going their way, especially others in other countries just like Justin Trudeau, it’s not going that well for him. And all of a sudden he put out a tweet saying or a post on X that we’re going to significantly reduce the number of immigrants coming to Canada for the next two years. This is temporary, to pause our population growth and let our economy catch up. We have to get the system working right for all Canadians.

Now, of course, he’s doing this because elections are coming up and he realizes that people are against all these individuals coming into the country. So he’s only going to pause it. Isn’t that interesting? But Trump, he responded to this and said, even Justin Trudeau wants to close Canadian borders. We are the only stupid ones that allow people, including hundreds of thousands of criminals, to freely come into the United States through our ridiculous open border policy. The damage has already been done, but it must be corrected immediately. Absolutely. And then Trump, he’s going to correct this. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we know that the Epstein client list, the Diddy videos and probably list of people that is going to be coming out pretty darn soon.

And we could see that they’re trying to connect Trump with Epstein, but that completely failed. Actually, everything that they’re going to try to do is completely and utterly failing on them. And the other thing that we’re starting to hear is that there’s rumors that there’s going to be stories coming out confirming that Kamala Harris went to private Diddy parties. That is very, very interesting. Liz Crokin put this out and said, for starters, the roster of loser celebrities she has publicly campaigning for her are tied to Jeffrey Epstein. And or Diddy and attended freak off parties in between going to Marina Abramovich, satanic spirit, cooking dinners with Hillary Clinton pals and trips to Epstein Island.

Also, Jaguar Wright has said publicly that Kamala has ties to both Diddy and his parties. And maybe there’s ordering. They’re ordering pizza. The FBI confirmed. Pedophile code word again. Furthermore, we know Kamala with Joe Biden are running the largest child sex trafficking ring in the country with hundreds of thousands of migrant children missing on our taxpayer dime. So any story that confirms Kamala attended Diddy sex trafficking parties would honestly be the least surprising October surprise of all. It would be more surprising if this story doesn’t come out. Pizzagate is and always was real. Remember who told you the truth and who covered it up when shit hits the fan because it’s about to get real.

And I do believe we’re going to probably find out quite a bit about Kamala Harris, probably about the parties, maybe even messages going back and forth to Jussie Smollett because remember Kamala Harris was involved in Jussie Smollett covered up Jussie Smollett. Same thing with Obama. And I do believe we’re probably going to see a lot of text messages, emails and other things that are going to come out and we’re probably going to see some videos and other things that will probably be produced as a late October surprise. And I do believe that might be coming. Let’s see how this all plays out.

This is going to be very, very interesting. Now the other thing that’s very, very interesting is we could see that the social media platforms that are controlled by the deep state players, they’re definitely censoring, they’re definitely interfering in the election. And now we have Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey. He is launching an investigation against Google for interfering in the 2024 election by censoring conservatives. George put this out and says the following. Google is waging war on the democratic process. It’s time to fight back. We’re finally taking back the fight to big Tech instead of only complaining when they do their damage.

And right now, House Republicans, they are threatening to subpoena Biden administration over alleged social media censorship. So top Republicans on key House subcommittee threatened to issue a subpoena to the Biden administration in a probe whether the federal government is attempting to limit information being shared on social media platforms ahead of November’s election. So Representative Nancy May, chair of the House Oversight Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology and Government Innovation, is seeking communications between the administration and social media companies like Facebook and others. So they’re going to get to the bottom of it. Now, are they going to find out all the answers? Most likely not.

But I do believe in the end, what we’re going to find out is that, yes, they colluded with social media platforms. Just like when Elon took over Twitter. We had the Twitter files that we learned that the Biden administration, the FBI, they were directing Twitter who to censor, who not to censor. So if you take that case and you look at YouTube, you look at Facebook, you look at Instagram, you look at all these other social media platforms, you can see most likely they were doing the same exact thing. And I do believe we’re going to find out a lot of information showing that the government has been involved in censoring the American people and interfering in the election.

So that’s another form of rigging the election. They did it in 2020, they’re doing it in 2024. And you can also see that Germany is doing the same exact thing. Germany’s Vice Chancellor Habeck, a Green Party member, wants to regulate X because Elon supports Trump. So he wants to regulate it. He wants censorship. So basically Germany is going back to Germany of World War II, where they censor people, they monitor people. This is very, very interesting as we move forward. And once again, you can see the deep state players, they are definitely planning to try to use as much censorship as possible.

And I think in the end they’re going to probably shut down communications. And I think we’re getting closer and closer to that point. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is we could see that war is definitely building out in the Middle east, building now out in Ukraine with North Korea getting involved with Russia. We see it’s happening out in Taiwan. And what’s very interesting is that the suspected Iranian spy, Ariane, well, she actually received a promotion in the Pentagon, I guess, after she leaked the information. Remember, it’s infiltration from within. And now she has been promoted to Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Force Education and Training, a position she’s completely unqualified for.

So they moved her out of her current position and moved her into someplace else. Jim Hansen put this out and said this moves her out of the special ops world into an admin slot with no access to real time, real world info. Smells like a forced promotion she can’t refuse while they investigate her and prepped a buster for the leaks. That is very interesting. So here we are, we have this individual who is brought in under the Biden administration. And she’s been leaking information, letting everyone know, especially Iran, what Israel’s plans were. I mean, really think about this for a second.

I mean, if you’re trying to start a war between countries, I guess this is one way of doing it. But again, you have to remember, this is Obama, Biden, they brought these people in here. And where does their loyalty lie, you think with the United States? Absolutely not. And you could see it does not. Now, out in Taiwan, the Taiwanese president said the island will not cede an inch of its territory as China maintains military pressure on the island. So this is very interesting and we could see things are building up in North Korea right now.

They are now dropping leaflets in South Korea. Now, South Korea also flew drones and other balloons and dropped leaflets in North Korea. North Korea now is flying balloons into South Korea and dropping leaflets. So you can see tension is now building between North Korea and South Korea, and especially with North Korea now in Russia training, and they might be moved to the front lines. Actually, Zelinsky, right now, he’s letting everyone know that North Korean troops are going to enter the battlefield on October 27th, 28th. And he’s citing intelligence reports. And he said, according to the intelligence reports, North Korea soldiers are expected to be deployed by Russia to combat zones as early as the 27th.

Zelinsky did not say which frontline sector North Korean soldiers are expected to be sent to, or he didn’t give any other details. So are they going to be using this as a false flag or something, saying that North Korea is now entering the battle. We just killed North Korean soldiers. Bring North Korea into the fold. And now, as the US as the deep state said, they are now targets in this war. So North Korea is entering the war, the US Is in the war, Ukraine’s in the war, Russia’s in the war. China is now entering the war because now they’re letting us know that they cyber attacked Trump’s campaigns campaign phones.

We know Iran has entered the war because they’ve been hacking Trump campaign. Plus they’re trying to assassinate him. So we’re starting to see that. Yeah, a lot of countries, they are definitely entering this war with the US and there’s many, many countries. And I do believe this is going to bring in NATO. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting is that a secretive American weapon that jams Chinese and Russian satellites is finally set for delivery. The Metal Land system is a powerful satellite jammer built to temporarily knock out enemy communications at the start of a conflict that is Interesting.

How do they do it? They use a blast of radio signal. The US Space Force’s new 120 million weapon screams so loudly that it drowns out any other messages. Originally slated for delivery in 2022, the weapon was dodged by a series of unspecified technical errors. However, they’re saying everything’s ready to go. They’re going to be getting delivery in 2025. Let’s talk about protecting our wealth. In a world of economic uncertainty, safeguarding your retirement, saving is more important than ever. Gold is a trusted source of value, providing stability for centuries through countless market cycles. With a gold ira, Noble Gold Investments, you can protect your financial future with the enduring power of precious metals.

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Kennedy, Jr. On X put this out and Trump retreat. It says, if you want to avoid nuclear war, I strongly urge you to vote for Donald Trump. In fact, I would go so far as to say that a vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for nuclear war. And I do believe after the election, when maybe we don’t know the winner. I mean, if we do know the winner, then the winner is going to be Trump. But if we don’t know the winner, it’s still going to be Trump. But they’re going to probably delay it. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start to see all these events.

Maybe we’ll see the events right before the election. But I do believe we’re going to see this really pick up once the cyber attack happens. I think we’re going to start to see the event in the country. We’re going to see war start to really build up. And I do believe during this period of time, since we don’t know who the winner is, and like we said, if we do have a redo, this is going to convince people that Trump is the candidate, not Kamala. Because I think when the crap hits the wall, I think this is when people really have to make a decision of who to vote for.

But let’s see how this all plays out. And this is becoming very, very interesting. The other thing that’s very interesting is you could see all those people that were rooting for Kamala Harris. They’re really feeling down right now. She’s not doing well. Her campaign is completely and utterly falling apart. I don’t think she has the bait. The base votes where they can make up the difference with the ballots at this point, this is how bad it really is. Election wizard put this out and said progressive Democrats warned. Kamala Harris risks losing the support of a small but significant portion of her political base unless she changes her campaign’s closing message and its messengers immediately.

Specifically, several progressive leaders believe that the Democratic nominee has been too focused on winning over moderate Republicans in recent days at the expense of her own party’s passionate liberals. And they say that Harris’s closing message, which is increasingly centered on Republican Donald Trump and the threat he poses to US Democracy, ignores the economic struggles of the nation’s working class. So the people, they’re sick and tired of hearing her saying, oh, it’s Trump. It’s Trump. Trump. What are you going to do for the people? And once again, she doesn’t have an answer. She won’t do anything different than what she was doing with Biden.

And the people, they’re sitting there going, okay, give us something. Her base. And I’m talking about her base. It’s not happening. Remember, she would never, ever be the Democratic nominee. The only reason she is is because they cheated. They didn’t vote for her. She didn’t have a vote. Biden just said, I’m stepping down because he was forced out. It was a coup. And they said, okay, it’s Kamala. That was it. But no one voted for her. Richard Barris put this out and said, Kamala Harris would not have won the Democratic nomination in a legitimate nomination process.

She didn’t win the last time. She didn’t win this time. And you could see why the her base and all others are so worried, because when you look at the battleground states, she’s losing. Election wizard, put this out. And this is via Kalishi. Pennsylvania, Trump, 55. Harris, 45. Wisconsin, Trump, 54. Harris, 46. Michigan. Trump, 50. Harris, 50. Trump, 62. Harris, 38% in Nevada. Georgia, 68 for Trump, 32 for Harris. Arizona, Trump, 69. Harris, 31. This is why they’re panicking right now. And you think these are the real numbers? No, the real numbers show that Trump is winning by a lot.

But you can see the deep state players, all they have left is to go after Trump. They don’t care about the policies because again, the policies are the same policies that you’re experiencing now. So all these Ds who are expecting something different, they’re going to get more of the same. Actually, it’s going to be worse. This is why she’s never come out and told you what she was going to do, because her agenda is what you’re seeing today. So all they have left to do now is try to convince everyone that Trump and the Trump supporters, they’re going to be like Nazis.

That’s really what they’re telling you right now. Lara Logan put this out on X and said, Hillary Clinton says everyone who attends Trump’s Madison Square Garden rally on Sunday is a Nazi. I mean, really think about this for a second. Kamala put this out and said, Donald Trump is out for unchecked power. He wants a military like Adolf Hitler had and who will be loyal to him, not our Constitution. He is unhinged, unstable and given a second term, there would be no one to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses. Dave Rubin responded and said, I can’t imagine why people try to assassinate him.

Elon Musk responded to this and said, major incitement to violence against Trump. Absolutely. That’s what their agenda is. They want the crazy people out there, they want their base out there, they want antifa, illegal the illegals. They want everyone out there going after Trump at this point and they’ll use them later on after Trump wins to say, oh my God, Adolf Hitler just won the election. We must stop him now. During the period when we have this cyber attack and we don’t know who won the election, they’re going to try to get the Trump supporters angry and you’re going to have the other side get angry.

They want a civil war, they want chaos. But everything that they tried to do with the Jeffrey Goldberg piece with Adolf Hitler, it is completely and utterly back frame because they trying to get as many independents, the undecided voters, I should say, on their side, it didn’t work. David Santa Carla put this out and said, Jeffrey Goldberg’s piece on Trump is literally pushing undecided voters in Pennsylvania to vote for Trump. It backfired. Absolutely. And with all this rhetoric about Trump being Adolf Hitler, we could see that they’re actually giving a call to violence. And Dan Scavina responded to all this and says, I can’t imagine why.

There were two assassination attempts on Trump’s life this past summer, along with elevated threat levels. Right now, Dems know what they’re doing with this hate speech. Such a disgrace. If anything happens to DJT or anyone on Team Trump, you Dems have blood on your hands. And they absolutely do. Now, what’s very interesting is Trump, he’s planning on going on Joe Rogan’s podcast today, and this is going to get millions upon millions of views. And Joe Rogan actually asked Kamala to come on, too, not at the same time as Trump, but for a different interview, and she rejected the offer, saying it’s a schedule issue.

So, wait a minute. One of the biggest podcasts out there, she doesn’t want to go on that, because where else she going? She’s in Texas, which is very interesting, because she knows she’d be destroyed and this would not help her whatsoever. So she’s hiding Trump. He’s going to do well. He’s going to answer all the questions, people are going to hear this, see it, and this is going to push more people to his side. Actually, Kamala just pretty much lost right there. Now, the other thing that we can see is that Texas AG Ken Paxton, he’s sending a letter of criminal referral to the Department of Justice outlining Act Blue’s illegal campaign finance activity.

And many people think, well, you know, why is he even doing this? He’s sending it to the doj. They’re not going to do anything. But I do believe what he’s doing right now. He’s setting it all up. Because I wouldn’t be surprised if they pick Ken Paxton as the Attorney General or if they pick someone else. He’s already laid the groundwork, already built the legal pathway to move this forward, to actually investigate ActBlue. And I think that’s what is happening right now in the House and everywhere else. They’re laying the legal pathway, the framework. So when Trump gets back into office and we clean out the doj, the FBI and the rest, they can use this to go after all of these people.

Can we see justice right now? No, it’s completely impossible. The criminal syndicate is running the show, so how are we going to have justice? It’s completely and utterly impossible. This is why Trump is saying as soon as he gets back into office, you know, he’s going to do. He’s going to fire Jack Smith. Actually, Jack Smith is under investigation because he doesn’t even have the right to be a special counsel because he was someone from the outside. So Trump is going to have no problem firing him. Now, you could See the Rhinos, they’re panicking just like the Ds are.

And McConnell says that MAGA movement is completely wrong and Reagan wouldn’t recognize Trump’s gop. Actually, I think Reagan would applaud it. First of all, the GOP was very, very different back in Reagan’s time. But I think Reagan at this point would look at the Rhino party and say, what happened here? I relate more to MAGA than anything else. And I think McConnell right now and all the other Rhinos, they are definitely panicking. And we could see that Elon, right Now, since the Ds, they are, you know, laundering all the money because remember, they have a money machine.

They just keep laundering the money. Actually, we the taxpayers are paying for everything in Act Blue because what do you think they’re getting? All this money, it’s all been laundered from we the People. And Elon Musk, he’s trying to keep up with this and he just donated another 43 million into his America PAC to help Trump and constitutional candidates to win in November. That means he has now donated a total of 118 million. Elon is doing everything in his power to help save America, and he absolutely is. And he’s trying to keep up with the money laundering Ds where they have taken the people’s money, laundered the money out, and they’re bringing it in through ActBlue to fund their campaign.

And it’s very, very difficult to keep up because they have a system in place. But Trump and the Patriots and the people, they’re doing an incredible job. Now, you could see the deep state players, they’re very, very panicked. They’re worried. And look what they’ve been forced to do. Remember, they were trying to stop Youngkin in Virginia from removing non citizens from the voter roll. They had a federal judge block Virginia from pursuing or purging its voter rolls of alleged non citizens and ordered the state to reinstate more than 1600 people. So they want non citizens on the voter roll.

That should tell you everything you need to know. And this is how desperate they are. They’re showing you. Look, we don’t care. We want the non citizens to vote. We want people. We’ll just bring in anyone. We don’t really care. Remember, the only people that should be voting in this election are the people from this country who are citizens. I can’t walk into Russia and say I want to vote for the president. Can you imagine If I brought 3 million people with me saying, now I want to vote. I’m going to vote that guy out. It wouldn’t fly.

The same thing here. It’s that easy to see. And now you could see they’re fighting against people who want clean voter rolls and they only want US Citizens to vote. I think everyone can see the criminals right now. It’s, it’s clear as day. And you can see the rnc, they’ve been doing everything that they can do right now to try to help with the elections and make the elections transparent, secure. And Trump, he put this out on truth. He said Lara Trump, our incredibly smart and talented Republican National Committee co chair who did a fantastic job this week on the Breakfast Club program, will be joining the Governor Glenn Youngkin at a rally in the Commonwealth of Virginia this Saturday to encourage everyone to vote early.

Glenn has given the people of Virginia great confidence. Their vote will be secure and only all legal votes will be counted. In fact, Virginia early vote is looking tremendous enough for the GOP that perhaps Lara is not the only Trump you will see in the Commonwealth before election day. Stay tuned. Virginia Project put this out and said the Biden Youngkin voter is breaking for Trump. Rich Barris responded to this and said I’ve seen three polls now, including two that are going to be public suggesting they are. Wow. And look what’s happening down in Miami. Miami Dade county officially flips Republican in the early mail in voting for the 2024 election by party and in the early mail in voting.

D is plus 1.3 in 2020 and right now Republicans are plus 0.83 and growing. That should tell you everything you need to know. When we look at Arizona and their early voting, we have Republicans 432,000 up 66,000, Democrats 364,000. Unbelievable. And what’s very interesting is we could see there’s going to be a lot of cheating and we could see it happening in Arizona. And Abe Hamade put this out and it says the following. Today I partnered with Republican National Committee to call for an emergency meeting with the Maricopa county to immediately review their flawed election plan.

It fails to account the time voters need to complete the four page ballot, setting the stage for long lines and chaos on election day. I won’t tolerate an election system that disenfranchises the will of the people. Absolutely. DC Drano put this out and said the following and replied to what Abe is saying. Here is Maricopa’s new plan to cheat. They stack the ballot to take on an average 15 minutes to fill out and sometimes much longer. This will create very long lines and thousands of people may not vote because of it. This would disproportionately impact Republicans who vote more on Election Day.

Thankfully, election lawyer Harmeet Dhillon has called for an emergency action to fix it. But this is also why it’s important to vote early. And I think everyone should be voting early right now. We get the numbers, we see where we are, it makes it much more difficult for them to cheat in the election. Remember, D’s like to mail it in. They really don’t like to go to the polls. So why don’t we start playing their game and mail in the vote early so we know what the count is, which is going to make it very, very difficult for them to create the ballots.

And I think this is exactly one of the roadblocks is which is now being put into place to force the D’s now down a different path. And right now, we can see that Trump, for the first ever election, is not trailing his Democratic opponent in the national popular vote. This is historic. So we’ve never seen this before, not in 2016, not in 2020. Which means Trump is winning by a lot this time. Remember, he was winning by a lot last time this time it’s off the charts right now. The New York Post, they have endorsed Trump.

Their article is Choice is Clear to Put Nation on Right Path Back to the Future. The other thing that’s really interesting and Bad Hombre put this out and said an internal struggle is taking place inside the Washington Post between leftist staffers demanding the publication endorsement Kamala Harris asap, and owner Jeff Bezos, who is almost certain that Trump will win and does not want to alienate him. So right now, the Post won’t endorse a presidential candidate for the first time since 1980. We see this with the LA Times. The Teamsters did it. That is very interesting. So they know that Trump is going to win.

And of course, what are they doing? They’re protecting themselves. And what’s very interesting is the Washington Post, they started to put out a lot of anti Kamala articles. Patriots are Control put this out and said, was the Washington Post hacked? In the last 24 hours, they’ve announced they aren’t supporting a presidential candidate and now pumping out anti Kamala articles. Here’s one of them. Kamala Harris forgets to hide her abortion radicalism. Why Harris’s pitch to Muslims and Arab American voters is failing. Harris’s closing argument is dishonest, desperate and hypocritical. Kamala Harris needs a minute. Hmm, that’s very, very Interesting.

I guess they’re seeing the writing on the wall this time and they realize there’s no way that Kamala can win. And I don’t believe she can win. I think she is screwed at this point. Unless something major, major happens like maybe they swap her out, I don’t even think that’s going to win. That’s going to work. The only thing they have left, most likely besides, you know, printing a ballots is to try to delay the elections to say they were manipulated. Now what’s very interesting is out in Michigan, it looks like the Attorney general stumbled over her words, Patriots are in control.

Put this out and said Michigan’s AG stumbles over her words as she says early votes will be pre processed but they won’t be counted until later. What? She then reiterates that we won’t know Michigan’s results on election night. These people are such obvious crooks. Yeah, they know exactly what they’re about to do. Just like Jamie Raskin. He is now telling everyone what they’re planning and how he’s freaking out about the transition of Trump into the White House. He doesn’t believe it’s going to be peaceful. Storm has arrived. Put this out and said. A few months ago, Jamie Raskin was on camera saying that Congress was going to have to tell rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified after he wins the election.

Today, Jamie Raskin is on MSNBC pushing the narrative that Trump won’t commit to a peaceful transition of power. These idiots aren’t even making sense anymore. The guy who already said on camera that he will not allow a peaceful transition of power when Trump wins is now saying that Trump won’t commit to a peaceful transition of power. Unbelievable. And Trump, he let everyone know that we’re winning by a lot in Michigan and Pennsylvania and he’s saying that, you know, I’m not supposed to say this, but we’re leading by a lot. Take a listen. In Michigan by a lot.

We’re leading in Wisconsin by a lot. We’re leading in Penn State, Pennsylvania by a lot. But I’m not supposed to say that. Just forget it. Pretend it’s close. Everybody has to. No, they’re afraid that if you hear that they’re not going to vote. I said, well, it’s a double edged sword, you know, if we’re leading by a lot, they won’t think about cheating as much as if we’re just leading by a little bit. Because we got to stop, we got to make these elections honorable and honest and we’re going to do it. And then if we go back a little bit in time, Trump said that we’re going to win.

I think we’re going to win, maybe bigger than anyone understands. Storm has arrived. Put this out. Take a listen to what Trump says. And what does he mean? That we’re just going to win with their cheating system, or are we going to use a different system that’s going to show that we are definitely the majority? I win on November 5, the migrate, and remember this, we’re going to win. I think we’re going to win maybe bigger than anyone understands. So I think he’s letting everyone know that at a certain point, the election is going to be too big to rig.

At a certain point, they won’t be able to create the ballots that they need. And we could see they’re already building up the narrative for some type of foreign interference. First, we have Iran, who hacked the Trump campaign, Iran, who’s trying to assassinate Trump. Now we have China’s Chinese hackers. They’re said to have targeted phones used by the Trump advance campaign. Chinese hackers who are believed to have burrowed deep into American communication networks. Targeted data from phones used by Trump and his running mate, J.D. vance. Investigators are working to determine what communication data, if any, was taken or observed by the sophisticated penetration of telecom systems.

The type of information on phones used by a president, candidate and his running mate could be a goldmine for intelligence agencies. Who they called, who they texted, how often they communicate with certain people, how long they talked to those people, be highly valuable to an adversary like China. That sort of communication data could be even more useful if hackers could observe it in real time. Now that’s interesting. So now they’re telling us that China is accessing our telecommunication systems, which means, is that why AT&T is going down? Verizon’s going down? Is it really the Chinese or is it an inside job? And now they’re saying it’s China.

They’re saying it’s Iran. This is very, very interesting. So once again, what are they saying? Will they be using any of this against this country? Because they’re telling us that they’ve burrowed in to the telecommunication systems. Then we have Jake Sullivan. He has assured voters that in the United States that we have been improving the fight against election interference. He said, we are not where we need to be. We’re not. That’s interesting. He says, I acknowledge that, but I think we are continuing to move forward in a way where this is a top flight priority for our intelligence community, for our law enforcement, for our NSA and CyberCom officials who are looking at foreign actors engaging in disruptive cyber attacks as part of this effort to undermine the US Elections.

Regardless of whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, you should look at this as a national security issue, as an attack on our country, and think, what can we collectively do to harden our resilience? And this comes days after Georgia’s election website experienced a cyber attack earlier this month. So he’s telling us we’re not there yet, we’re making progress, and this could be, this should be a concern of Republicans and Democrats. So is he trying to now tell us that something is going to happen? Because remember, they were telling us the elections are secure, safe, just like back in 20.

Now they’re changing the story. Now they’re letting everyone know that we are not sure if the elections are secure, making progress, we’re almost there, but we’re just not there yet. So it looks like they’re changing their narrative right now. But Trump, he knows they’re going to cheat. He knows it’s an inside job. He knows what they’re planning to do, and he’s warning the people in this country not to do it again. Remember, he’s giving them a chance every step of the way. This is what he put out on truth. Cease and desist. I, together with many attorneys and legal scholars, am watching the sanctity of the 2024 presidential election very closely because I know better than most the rampant cheating and skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 presidential election.

It was a disgrace to our nation. Therefore, at the 2024 election, where votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny when I win, those people that cheated will be prosecuted the full extent of the law, which will include long term prison sentence so that this depravity of justice does not happen again. We cannot let our country further devolve into a third world nation, and we won’t. Please be aware that this legal exposure extends to lawyers, political operatives, donors, illegal voters, and corrupt election officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught and prosecuted at levels unfortunately never seen before in our country.

Now, the lower level people, they might be like, holy crap, I’m not going to do it. But do you think the deep state players at the higher level in the FBI, DOJ and the rest, scia, do you think they’re like, wow, if he wins, we’re going to go to jail. He goes, we know we’re going to jail anyhow, so we’re going to cheat no matter what. I think he’s trying to convince the people on the lower level don’t do it. But he put this out at 132, which is 1332 and it says, fellow patriots, what you’re about to learn should not only scare you, but intensify your resolve to take back control freedom.

The information that will become public will further demonstrate the criminal and corrupt pure evil abuse of power that the Hussein administration undertook. With joint efforts with domestic and foreign dignitaries, the snowball has begun rolling. There is no stopping it now. D5 stay the course and trust the plan. Protective measures are in place. Remain brave. We knew this day would come. United we stand worldwide where we go and we go all we fight Conspiracy no more. So what happens if a foreign government interferes in the US Presidential election to the extent that the outcome is uncertain or contested? Well, there are several remedies that could be considered based on legal, political and historical precedents.

Legal Investigations and Prosecutions the Department of Justice could initiate investigations under various federal laws, including those against foreign interference or espionage. This could lead to prosecutions if evidence of illegal activities is found. Now with the DOJ today, what do you think they would do? They would try to prove that it was Trump that interfered in the election. So once again, we’re not going to get anything out of the doj. Judicial Review Courts could play a role if there’s evidence of election fraud or interference. This might involve state courts, but significant federal questions could reach the U.S.

supreme Court. However, the courts are more likely to defer to the political branches for remedies unless specific legal violations are clear. Electoral College Recount or Redo While unprecedented, if the interference affected the electoral College vote, there might be calls for a recount or redo of the election in certain states. The Constitution doesn’t explicitly cover the scenario, but state laws and Electoral Count of Act of 1887 might be interpreted to allow for such measures if widespread fraud or interference is proven. Political Remedies if the election’s integrity is in serious doubt, political measures might lead to new election or some form of political compromise, though this would be highly contentious and would require broad political consensus.

Legislative Action Congress could pass laws to address this issue, including changes to election laws, cybersecurity measures, or sanctions against interfering nations. What law is sitting in the House? The SAVE Act. Would this make a change to election laws? Yes, it would. Public Demand for Action Public opinion might force political leaders to take action, potentially leading to special commissions or Task force to investigate and propose legal reforms. So could it be done? Is this unprecedented? Yes. But was it unprecedented to use mail INS in 2020 to use drop boxes to actually delay the elections so they can count more of the ballots? Yes.

Is this a normal election? Is this a normal four year election? No, it’s not. It’s war. So, yes, strange things could happen. And the deep state, they could delay the elections. We’ve seen it before. I mean, just go back to bush and Gore. 35 days. November 7th was the election back in 2000. November 26th, the initial machine recount in Florida is certified showing Bush with a lead of 537 votes. December 8, 2000, the Florida Supreme Court orders a manual recount of certain counties. December 9, 2000, the U.S. supreme Court agrees to hear Bush’s appeal of the Florida Supreme Court’s decision.

December 12, 2000, the US Supreme Court issues its decision in Bush vs Gore, reversing the Florida Supreme Court and effectively ending the manual recounts. November 7th, all the way to the 12th. And this was just a Chad problem. 35 days. So what happens if there’s foreign interference? And remember, this proves Trump’s case that the elections were manipulated going back to 2002, because if it happened now, it most likely happened then because Trump has showed the proof. We’ve seen the proof in Georgia and this is going to wake a lot of people up. So can they go further than 35 days? Most likely, yes, because this is foreign interference and they have to look at all these different remedies.

What path will we take? Will it go to the Supreme Court? Will they have to rule? I mean, if it gets this far, we can be, we could be watching this all play out and we might not know who the winner is this entire time. So if we don’t know the winner is, what do you think the deep state’s going to do between that time and January 6th? I think they’re going to pull out all the stops. I think they’re going to push everything. We were just cyber attacked. It’s an act of war. Which country did this? Are we going to war? And if we’re going to war, what happens if we have an event in this country? Actually, former ICE director Holman, he let us know that, yes, there’s going to be an event here.

So during this period of time, if we do see an event, we’re on the precipice of war. The stock market starts to crash and the economy falls apart. And Congress, the Supreme Court, they’re looking at different remedies. And they say, you know something, we don’t know what’s been manipulated because, look, we have printed ballots, look, the machines, all this is not working. At this point in time, people might change their vote. And if we do have a redo and there’s paper, there’s one day voting and voter id. Will Trump win by a lot? I do believe so.

Is this what he’s talking about? If we go down this path? Maybe, maybe not. But it’s starting to feel like this is where everything’s being pushed. No matter what, I think Trump’s going to win. I think it’s just about how much. And I think Trump wants to show the deep state. Look, I have the people. He wants to give him the finger. He wants the people to understand you are the majority. You just took back the country. And the people in this country are going to realize, holy crap, look how many people voted for Trump. Even those people that didn’t, they’re going to be looking, going, holy crap, we’re the minority.

We were never the majority. They’re the majority. We’re the minority. And if this is going to be an incredible awakening, if it plays out this way, and it might, we’re heading down this path. But I do believe Trump is going to win in the end. It might be very difficult to get there, might be a little bit scary, but I think in the end, Trump is definitely going to win and he will be the president. Why? Because the Patriots are in control. Listen, everyone. Thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared.

Thanks a lot, Sa

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