The World Hates You… That Means Youre Right and We Need To Put Away The Games Work Harder | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels





➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels is encouraging listeners to improve themselves by focusing on spirituality, educating themselves financially, and reading books like “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” and “The Intelligent Investor”. He emphasizes the importance of hard work, healthy living, and maintaining a strong family unit. He also stresses the need to be prepared for debates and discussions, using his own experiences as an example. He concludes by urging listeners to strive for success and to be a positive influence on their community.
➡ The speaker encourages listeners to grow up, take responsibility, and improve themselves. He emphasizes the importance of financial stability, not wasting money to impress others, and maintaining a clean reputation. He also urges them to join him in advocating for their cause, stating that he doesn’t want to be the only one prepared for challenges. He ends by questioning if their lives reflect their values and if they would want their daughters to marry someone like them.



For my fellas, for my guys that’s in the chat, because we want to move over into Candace Owens and Mark Lamont, OK? Y’all gonna have to gird up. Ladies too, when I speak to the fellas, I’m also holding it down for the ladies. Y’all gonna have to gird up. What does that mean? That means that we’re gonna have to get into our Bible. We’re gonna have to start focusing on our spirituality. We’re gonna have to read books and educate ourselves, and I’m not talking about fun stuff and fantasy, I’m talking about financially educating yourself.

Reading David Goggins, you can’t hurt me. We’re gonna have to align ourselves on Rich Dad, Poor Dad, The Alchemist, The Richest Man in Babylon, The Money Master of the Game by Tony Robbins. You’re gonna have to understand The 700 Years of Slavery, that’s a book. We’re gonna have to start reading our word, the Bible, the King James Version of the Bible. We’re gonna have to start dedicating ourselves to becoming more knowledgeable. We’re gonna have to start letting that then, implementing it, right? The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, Buffetology by Warren Buffett. We’re gonna have to start really deep diving.

I need y’all to put the video games away. I know that some of y’all are gonna reject this. I know that some of y’all are gonna say, Anton, nope, I ain’t giving it up. Anton, nope, I’m not studying for myself. Anton, nope, I work my 40 hours and I just wanna go home. Let me tell you something, bro. This is a war. If I’m not the perfect example for you, not saying that I’m better than you or I’m the best to ever do it, but to tell you that I don’t rest on my laurels, I’m not satisfied with just enough.

Because it’s not about it being enough and the money is gonna come regardless because you’re going to be rewarded according to your greatness. And as long as you continue to be great and level up, that’s gonna be reflected in everything in your life. But what I am telling you is that I’m not fighting just for me right now. I’m fighting for men. I’m not the person that’s under duress when it comes to family court laws. But you know why I can speak towards the plight of men is because I am in a position of power and I don’t have to wait till I get in duress before I advocate for you guys, okay? But you’re gonna have to help me.

You’re gonna have to do the work too. We gotta get our families together. We gotta stop sleeping around, meaningless sex. We gotta start going to work. We gotta start eating healthier. We gotta groom ourselves. We gotta be in a position of power because don’t nobody wanna hear from anybody that has not gotten themselves together. Nobody wants to have a conversation with the guy on the street or the bum on the street and he trying to give you financial advice. They don’t. Nobody wanna go to a fat trainer. They don’t. Don’t nobody wanna hear from a person that don’t have their family together.

You know why it was so difficult for him to debate me last night and he never knew what was going to happen to him. He had no clue and I warned him. I said, listen, go and get you some extra water. I know you think that this is gonna be something else, but you’ve never met a dude like me before. Because see, you can’t throw ad hominem attacks at me. My wife was there with me. I’m a reflection of what I advocate for. Before I ever get into a debate, they first research you. They first wanna know who you are because they wanna know if they can then use what you had against you.

And I had so many different clips loaded up that I decided not to even throw those because I don’t throw ad hominem attacks. I didn’t need to bring his past into the future, into the forefront to expose. It didn’t have to expose him like that. I was able to expose him like this. You can’t debate my arguments. I spent an infinite amount of time doing self-work, communicating effectively. All of this stuff is going to spill over into all of these different things. I’ve been married longer than you and successfully married. My family is together. I don’t have any children out of wedlock.

My money is right. You can’t use the same tactics. You can’t say, oh, that’s because you’re dusty. I’ll see all of these men wanna feel some type of way because they ain’t got their women. No, my household is in order, more in order than you could ever imagine. I’m a reflection of my word, I live it. And so all they had to go off of was the questions that was being asked. And if you notice in other conversations that he had with other men, he would bring up what they doing wrong, but he can’t do that with me.

So in order for him to emphasize this point, he had to bring up what he did wrong. He had to go into his past and say, no, I was dusty before. Oh, I was messed up with all these other women before. But see, when you remove the excuses, it makes your argument that much greater. And so what I’m telling y’all is y’all have to absolutely 100% be on point 100% of the time. And you got to gird up because we not, I’m not doing this for me. My family is good. I’m doing this for the culture.

I want to be, and I’ve always told y’all this, I want to leave this earth in a better space had I not been here. I want my men and my guys and my women and all the y’all to be incredibly successful. That’s why I show y’all my receipts. That’s why I document the journey. But in order for you to be prepared for war, you got to gird up. You got to get your breastplate of righteousness. See, in every way, he was outgunned, outclassed, out everything because I knew my word better than him. So then when he tried to bloviate and change what the word of God said, I was able to debate that.

No, no, no, no, no. You don’t put your trust in a person. You don’t look up to a woman. You don’t make a woman your God. That’s called idolatry. When we start going into the word of God, I’m girded up because I study every day. I pray every day. When he first got on the stream, he started doing this stuff for the people. When the cameras come on, okay, let’s pray. Cool. Guess what? I had prayed all day every day because I stayed consecrated. I stayed in my word. I studied my Bible. So then when somebody comes up and they showed up, because see, the devil know the Bible too.

And when they try to leverage the word in order to try to debate you and defeat you, you could just say, nah, uh-uh. Because guess what? Jesus was tempted three times by the devil. Hey, call on your God. Call on your God, lest your feet get dashed against that ground. Oh, you hungry? You hungry? Man shouldn’t live on bread alone by about every word that comes out of the mouth. You don’t have to. I can reference it immediately. I’m referencing it immediately. I can lean on my word and I can reference exactly where it is that I found it at.

Now, when I hear something that don’t sound right, nah, nah. You misquote the scriptures and then you remove all of the things that they could say about you because your life is a reflection of it. So now the only thing that women, even the women that was against me, of course, I know I was in hostile territory. So even the women that was against you in a chat, all they could do is throw attacks at what they thought I was. Oh, he must come from a broken household. No, two-parent household. Oh, I bet you that his wife is under the rest.

She’s sitting right there. And even the other had to acknowledge, yeah, and I’m glad your wife is dope. What can you say? All of those little attacks because I got my breastplate of righteousness on because I don’t have any part where you can poke me and stab me at. You’ve got to look me in my eye and you’ve got to stop talking to them. And eventually I’m looking at you, you looking at them because you don’t want to face me because it’s because the longer that we talk, the worse it got. But the reason why they’ve been able to dismiss so many of y’all up to this point is because they was able to refer to you and it was like, hey, listen, you witter, but you ain’t married.

You got a bunch of kids out of wedlock and you broke and all of this other type of stuff. And it may not have anything to do with the argument that y’all haven’t, but then it then puts you at a disadvantage because they able to attack you on things that you’re not girded up in. And so you then got to prepare yourself. You got to put yourself in a position of power. They don’t. Listen, you know why they hate me? Because I am the biggest advocate for you while not at the same time suffering in the same way that our guys are suffering.

So I’m much more powerful as an advocate because they can’t use ad hominem attacks in order to attack what it is that I’m saying to them. When you run up upon a dude, a rich man, what you gonna do? Say, bro, no, you can’t do it. And I didn’t even dig into him. I didn’t dig him in his past or anything like that. But what I’m telling my guys is that it’s time to put away the childish games and it’s time to become a man. It’s time to put away childish games and you got to become a man.

You’ve got to get in your words. You’ve got to get your money right. You’ve got to stop buying stuff to impress people that don’t care nothing about you. You’ve got to stop being dusty. You’ve got to stop letting these women be able to. Is it a woman in your past that can come up and say, Amen, he did the Diddy to me. I don’t worry about it. I speak so confidently. I speak so matter of fact, because I’m 100% on point. I don’t worry about it. Anything that anybody say about me, all they can do is make up lies.

All they can do is make up a rumor because I’m that. And again, I’m not sitting here trying to say it because I’m bigging myself up. I’m saying it because I want to be used and to be a tool to do the right thing for righteousness sake. And it ain’t about me per se. It’s about us, but I don’t want to do it alone. I want to do it with you. Let’s get it. I shouldn’t be the only one up here that’s prepared for war. I shouldn’t be the only one up here that can communicate effectively.

I shouldn’t be the only one up here that’s reading my word. I shouldn’t be the only one up here that’s getting rich. I shouldn’t be the only one up here that’s advocating. I shouldn’t be the only one that got his family together. I don’t want to be that. And I know it’s a lot of y’all. It’s a silent majority of y’all that also rock with me. That’s also a reflection of it. But we got more work to do. We got more work to do. And no, I’m not paying $50,000 for box. You can forget it. I know I entertain y’all.

We have fun on Monday night. I say wild stuff, but at the end of the day, is your life a reflection of the thing that you advocate for? Would you want your daughter to marry you? Let’s get it. All right. Let me read some of the super chats, and then we’re going to move over to the next portion of the show. And I appreciate y’all. I do, but we got to work. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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