Millstone Report w Paul Harrell: Stephen Wolfe: Christians Should Use Political Power For Good




➡ The article discusses the aftermath of Hurricane Helene in western North Carolina, where the storm’s damage is still being cleaned up. The author suggests that the government is using the disaster as an opportunity to seize land rich in lithium deposits, a claim initially dismissed as a conspiracy theory but now gaining traction. The North Carolina Governor, Roy Cooper, has suggested that buyouts are better than rebuilding, causing distress among the local population. The author also mentions a video clip of Cooper’s comments going viral, and a discussion with political commentator Jack Danger about the situation.
➡ The text criticizes the American government for its actions, including funding wars, imprisoning citizens without due process, and alleged election fraud. It also accuses politicians of being psychopaths who are only interested in power and wealth. The author suggests that history has been manipulated to serve those in power and that the American people need to unite to stop these abuses. Lastly, it criticizes the Biden administration for authorizing the use of lethal force against American protesters.
➡ The text discusses allegations of political manipulation and fear-mongering in the United States. It suggests that the government, particularly figures like Harris, are using scare tactics and divisive language to control the narrative and maintain power. The text also criticizes the comparison of Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler, arguing that it’s a tactic used to demonize him and his supporters. Lastly, it expresses concern over a directive that allegedly allows the military to use lethal force against American citizens protesting government policies.
➡ The text discusses the author’s belief that the U.S. executive branch encourages violence against Trump and his supporters, suggesting a state-sponsored domestic war. It also mentions potential political and military escalations involving Israel and Iran. The author then promotes a supplement called CardioMiracle, which is said to support heart health and overall well-being. Lastly, the author criticizes the current political climate, alleging that the election has become a battle between the elite and working classes, and expresses concern over perceived attacks on Christians.
➡ The rich are getting richer while the middle class is shrinking. The speaker believes that the only way Trump could lose the presidency is through foul play. They also discuss the increase in Republican voter registrations and early voting, suggesting that this could make it harder for the election to be manipulated. The speaker also speculates about potential political violence and the possibility of conflict between Israel and Iran.
➡ Dr. Vladimir Zelenko has developed a health supplement called Kids Z Spike Gummies, designed to protect children from health threats and help their bodies recover from damage. These gummies, which contain ingredients like Vitamin C and dandelion root, are meant to strengthen the immune system and block harmful proteins. The product is part of a larger supplement line from Zelenko Labs, and is available for purchase with a discount code. The article also mentions a request for monetary support to keep the network running and continue producing life-saving documentaries.


It’s like they just want you to forget what they have done to you. You know, like, oh yeah, yeah, we’re on the new things now. Oh yeah, look over here. World War III is about to happen. Oh, look, poor Israel. Iran is bombing poor Israel. Oh yeah, yeah, let’s feel bad for these people. Oh, wait, wait, look over here. Donald Trump is at McDonald’s now. Go get yourself a Big Mac. Oh, wait, wait, wait. No, don’t go get E. Coli. You’re gonna get E. Coli if you go to McDonald’s now. I mean, the people, these people just never stop.

They just want to keep on distracting you over and over again. And so of course, though it’s vanishing from corporate media headlines as the federal government and its propagandists go into cover up mode, the aftermath of Hurricane Helene is still wreaking havoc on western North Carolina and the surrounding regions. Bodies are still being covered, debris is being cleaned up and will be for quite some time now. Families have been completely torn apart. Homes and businesses, entire communities have just been washed away, wiped off the map. Just forget about it. Just move on. And now, after this slow walked state and federal response to make sure that as much pain and damage as possible would be inflicted on the victims of that storm, we’re hearing talks of a buyout.

Just like so many of us predicted that it would be when it became known that the region that was hit by this highly irregular storm sits on top of one of the biggest lithium deposits on planet earth. Lithium that government officials and their creditors and their corporate shills desperately want access to so that they can fund their green revolution and be forced to transition everybody to battery powered worlds. And while initially this was just dismissed as a conspiracy theory. Oh yeah, Stu, there he goes again. He’s just nothing but a conspiracy theorist. The New York Times and the Rolling Stone and the Daily Beast and right where of course, he’s just a conspiracy theorist.

And of course all of you were told that the people of western North Carolina would rebuild and come back better than ever before. Well, now the truth is coming out and it’s been 100% confirmed that my talking of a corporate government land takeover was based in reality. And that it has been the entire time. Because just recently North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper admitted exactly that. He said that buyouts are better than rebuilding and that the people of western North Carolina are under a massive amount of duress. And now they’re starting to just accept that. Video footage of these comments which Cooper made on stage at one of these self congratulatory meetings of the political minds that the general public is never supposed to see is now going viral.

It’s all now out in the open. It’s been viewed millions of times. We work with them. We have plans for local governments. You know, in some areas you just shouldn’t build back. And we’ve been able to convince certain communities and people that buyouts are better. And you create God. This guy is just a pig. These people are evil and as usual, they just can’t keep their mouth shut. They can’t help but brag about seizing control of other people’s land. And now we know for a fact exactly what this is. We know exactly what it was the entire time.

From the moment this storm came out of nowhere, rose up in the middle of the ocean and slammed into the southern United States. This was a land grab just like Maui. It’s a land grab just like Gaza, plain and simple. This was an act of sabotage. Did you hear about the dam that failed during the storm and made the flooding even worse than it was in the first place? The media won’t talk about that, but guess what? That damn surprise surprise is linked to BlackRock. Just like the chemical plant that blew up in Georgia, just like the power company behind the Maui fires and just like all of the land in Ukraine that’s being sold out from under the Christians being fed into a meat grinder and.

And just like Thomas Crooks, the so called would be Trump assassin who starred in a BlackRock commercial. Are you starting to see a pattern here? Jack Danger is a political commentator, a reporter and host of the Secret America podcast who discovered and posted the now mega viral video clip of Roy Cooper calling for a buyout of lithium rich storm ravaged western North Carolina. And he joins us now for more on this. Jack, thank you so much for coming. We certainly appreciate having you. I. No problem. Yeah, thank you for having me. I appreciate it. So I mean you heard everything that I just said.

I was called a conspiracy theorist way back when. This storm was manipulated, geoengineered, possibly just fabricated out of thin air and slammed not only into Florida, but then stayed intact all the way through the mountains. Unprecedented. Never seen before. We’ve never seen a hurricane go straight west to east across the Gulf of Mexico and then take the turn and go up and stay intact like that. I mean we called it from the very beginning. We were called conspiracy theorists. You now found the video of Roy Cooper saying exactly what we said is absolutely true and that this is a land grab.

Yeah, you’re absolutely right. And it’s it’s amazing to me how a hurricane can seemingly gain strength. Now they said that, you know, it lost strength, it turned into a tropical storm. But by the time it hit the mountains, and I’m here in western North Carolina and by the time it hit us, it seemed like it was a lot stronger. I mean, how can a hurricane do more damage, know, 500 miles from the coast where, where it first hit, it just, it just seems unnatural. And then you see, you know, you start to look deeper about where it hit and you know, the timing, I mean, it just, it all points to these, to a lithium land grab.

And that’s why, you know, people call it the lithium hurricane. And so many people can’t rebuild and won’t rebuild because people in western North Carolina, only 1% of the people had flood insurance because these kind of things do not happen in western North Carolina. So are the people of western North Carolina like, I mean, are they in this guy’s face? Are they, I mean, what is, are they just so riddled with pain and agony and suffering that they just don’t have any fight left in them? I mean, how can a guy like this just get away with saying something like this without millions of people? I mean, they have to take control of their own government.

Yes, they do. And that’s why I put out the video in the tweet. I’m hoping that it gets people to get people riled up and gets them to actually, you know, take some kind of action, you know, make phone calls, get in his face, do what you gotta do to get him to change his mind, to get him to actually help us change his mind. This guy is committed to the destruction of civilization in his own state. There’s no changing the mind of a psychopath like this. He’s got to be removed. Get him out. I mean, what, what constitutional sheriff in North Carolina is going to issue an arrest warrant for this psychopath who just admitted that this is an all and out land grab? I mean, they are killing Americans, they are killing North Carolinians for lithium.

That’s what they’re doing. And he’s admitting this right out in the wide open. Yes, he is. And you’re completely right about that. That’s what they’re doing. But see, I don’t think, you know, any kind of constitutional sheriff or anything would actually do anything about this because you’ve had actual citizens coming here for search and rescue that are being threatened with arrest by fire chiefs. And they were, some people were actually arrested for trying to help these citizens that’s what’s going on here. FEMA confiscating donations, confiscating food. Who knows where those things go once FEMA gets them.

I can tell you a lot of people around here have not been helped. I saw an article in the local paper that said 94,000 families in Western North Carolina have been helped by female. The problem is FEMA will not help them rebuild because most of the people were not part of the National Flood Insurance program. You have to be part of that in order for FEMA to help you rebuild. And only one, like I said, 1% of the people in this area in the western half of the state had flood insurance. So most are not going to be able to rebuild at all.

They did this in Maui, they’re doing this in Gaza, they’re doing this in the west bank, they’re doing this in Lebanon. I mean they just bombed an apartment complex in Beirut. And everybody’s like, oh, these evil Jews, oh Israel, this genocidal nation state. They couldn’t do any of that without the American war empire and without Lockheed Martin and Raytheon. Thomas Massey is the only guy with any nutsack who said, hey, Americans should not be paying for manufacturing or shipping the weapons of munition and bombs to the people who are using them. They couldn’t do any of that without the military industrial complex and the funding of the American taxpayer.

So while we’re looking outward and we’re going, oh my God, these evil Jews, why are we still funding this? Why is a guy like Roy Cooper still sitting in the governor’s mansion? This guy should be absolutely removed. Speaking of which, why are American citizens still being held as prisoners of war in American gulags without due process for petitioning the government to redress their grievances over an obviously stolen election in 2020 which we have done nothing about. But let’s just talk about how we’re going to vote for Trump, because he is, he gave out some Big Macs.

Let’s vote for the lesser of two evils. Why should we accept the lesser of two evils? And why do we accept the notion that voting is real anyways? It’s all fake. So it’s easy to get pretty black pilled when you’re complacent and apathetic and do absolutely nothing to help your fellow Americans. Those people in prison in D.C. and those gulags, they should have been broken out by millions of Americans the day after they were incarcerated. This guy, Roy Cooper, he should be, he should be taken out of office immediately. And you’re right, constitutional sheriffs just don’t exist, Jack.

They’re just not around. So all these guys that want to do their song and dance for Fox News, it’s a bunch of bs. Sorry I blew up. These people are psychopaths and they will not stop until they are stopped. People like Roy Cooper are going to continue doing what they’re doing until they can just physically no longer do it. People like this are war criminals carrying out crimes against humanity in exchange for lithium because they are money hungry, hand groveling psychopaths that want you dead. And they will do anything to enrich and empower themselves. And that evil needs to be rooted out and discarded.

You’re absolutely right. I mean, those kind of things. And did you know that Doug Emhoff, the, you know, he’s the vice President’s husband, is actually part of this area? He has, I think he has ties to Albemarle, which is also, you know, also run by, you know, how BlackRock owns part of Duke Energy and Duke Energy is the one that actually opened the dam that caused the floods in the first place. It wouldn’t have been nearly as bad had Duke not opened the dam. Apparently, you know, the river monitors had already been broken for a long time.

The community’s been talking about that. And then once the dam was opened, that’s when, you know, it literally opened the floodgates too. They knew it. Just like they knew 911 was going to happen. And they let it happen so they could usher in the mind control and the total control and the lockdowns of the Patriot act and legally spy on you. You see, all of this stuff gives them the power. You can’t stop floods. People can’t come and stop floods. But they notice this stuff is happening, they beg their government to fix it. The government knows.

Oh, yeah, yeah, no, we’re going to slam a flood here because that lithium is there. And after we spend 20 years in Afghanistan based on a freaking lie about who took those towers down, killing thousands of Americans, we’re going to spend 20 years in Afghanistan. Why? Because there’s lithium? There’s because we can steal those resources. And then once we get done teaching the importance of transgenderism to passion tribesmen and letting warlords rape little boys for 20 years just to give all of these billions of dollars worth of munitions and equipment to the very people that we swore that we were fighting to rid the earth of, give them total control back of it and give them guns and tanks and bombs and planes that we leave behind.

We’re going to need lithium. Where do we get it? Where do we get it? Roy Cooper, where do we get the lithium from? From your state. The largest lithium deposit. And nobody’s talking about this. You don’t see anybody in the news talking about this, do you Jack? No, you don’t. And the thing is they call you a conspiracy theorist, but I, I kind of take that as a compliment. I mean since 2020, conspiracy theorists are like 62 and oh, at this point every single conspiracy seems to have come true. And you call them psychopaths, but I think that psychopaths are inherently attracted to that type of power.

That’s why most of them are psychopaths. People like a Kamala Harris, like a Joe Biden, especially like, you know, a Chuck Schumer. You know, all of them are psychopaths. And every one of them, yeah, they are. And they will do anything to enrich and empower themselves. I have said it before, I’m going to say it again. These people will not stop until they are stopped. The American people absolutely have to come together and figure out remedy. There is a remedy for this. There is a precedent for this. There’s a whole bunch of stories that have to be dug into, rethought, reconsidered and in some cases completely discarded.

As modern Americans, we’ve been spoon fed this dumbed down, cartoonish simplified version of history. It’s all fake. It’s all. Everything that we have been taught is part of a self serving narrative written by the people who will say and do anything to keep us on a leash. Now, this version of history, some big name corrupt families like the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds and their many associates are credited over and over and over again with propelling human development. Throughout the late 18 and early 1900s, almost every major American city was burnt to the ground. What if we really are quite literally living atop the ashes of an advanced civilization that’s been hidden from us for our entire lives? A lot of people as they get older, they get frustrated because they start gaining fat and losing lean muscle.

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And then of course nothing was done to rectify the election process in this country. But yeah, just go vote for the guy that hands Big Macs out of the window and everything will be fine because he’s not sold out to any foreign secular nation state. I mean, we could be seeing the early stages of the mass murder of American citizens by their own occupied government, by their own jabbed and occupied transgender military, which will be justified to the world by claiming that Donald Trump and his supporters are racist Nazis and that Adolf Hitler fans want to kill 6 million Jews.

It’s not a joke. That’s what Kamala Harris is actually saying and that’s what the federal government is actually putting up the framework for. So just days ago, the Biden Harris regime rammed through the authorization of DoD Directive 5240.01 go look it up. This directive, for the first time in American history, gives the military, your military, our military, the authorization to use lethal force against American citizens who are protesting their government on American soil. Yeah, Biden and Harris, in other words, the Jews that are pulling their strings that occupy our government just authorized the United States military to gun you down.

And it’s pretty impossible to not notice that this thing is being rammed through right before a election, an election in which we expect more fraud, more criminality right out in the wide open. More so than ever in American history. Yes, more so than in 2020, if you can imagine that being possible. And so, as this rigged election plays out and as the groundwork is laid to slaughter Americans, we’re seeing a really aggressive campaign to demonize and dehumanize Donald Trump and his supporters. Disregard Donald Trump’s actions. Disregard real American sentiment. Just this week, an article came out in the Jeffrey Epstein linked Atlantic, written of course, by a Jewish author called Jeffrey Goldberg, who quoted Deep State General John Kelly, who claim that Donald Trump admires Adolf Hitler, he wants to be like Adolf Hitler, and that Trump and his supporters are the enemies of America.

And so of course, Harris and her campaign picked this up and ran with it, just like they picked up and ran with Agenda 2025. Camilla actually went on a three minute tangent about how America is on the verge of falling to modern day Nazis who want to kill 6 million Jews. They just love talking about that 6 million number. Listen to this woman, if you can bear to listen to this woman. So yesterday we learned that Donald Trump’s former Chief of staff, John Kelly, a retired four star general, confirmed that while Donald Trump was president, he said he wanted generals like Adolf Hitler.

Had Donald Trump said that because he does not want a military that is loyal to the United States Constitution, he wants a military that is loyal to him. He wants a military who will be loyal to him personally, one that will obey his orders even when he tells them to break the law or abandon their oath to the Constitution of the United States. In just the past week, Donald Trump has repeatedly called his fellow Americans the enemy from within and even said that he would use the United States military to go after American citizens. And let’s be clear about who he considers to be the enemy from within.

Anyone who refuses to bend a knee or dares to criticize him would qualify in his mind as the enemy within. Like judges, like journalists, like nonpartisan election officials. It is deeply troubling and incredibly dangerous that Donald Trump would invoke Adolf Hitler, the man who is responsible for the deaths of 6 million Jews and hundreds of thousands of Americans. All of this is further evidence for the American people of who Donald Trump really is. This is a window into who Donald Trump really is from the people who know him best, from the people who worked with him side by side in the Oval Office and in the Situation Room.

And it is clear from John Kelly’s words that Donald Trump is someone who, I quote, certainly falls into the general definition of fascists, who in fact, vowed to be a dictator on day one and vowed to use the military as his personal militia to carry out his personal and political vendettas. Donald Trump is increasingly unhinged and unstable. And in a second term, people like John Kelly would not be there to be the guardrails against his propensities and his actions. Those who once tried to stop him from pursuing his worst impulses would no longer be there and no longer be there to reign him in.

So the bottom line is this. What’s the bottom line? Donald Trump wants. He wants unchecked power. The question in 13 days will be, what do the American people want? Thank you. You know, we could only hope, we could only wish that Donald Trump actually would take a page from Adolf Hitler’s book. Yeah, I said that. Because if he did, he would come in on day one and he would smash the Federal Reserve. And this time around, we might actually get the mass deportations that we hear so much about. But the fact is, Donald Trump isn’t Adolf Hitler.

No, not even close. And calling him Hitler or comparing him to Adolf Hitler is something that his opponents do because they know that the average American is so brainwashed that for a huge swath of the population, if you compare somebody to Adolf Hitler, then that person becomes untouchable. It dehumanizes them. It associates them with a cartoonish version of an evil super villain bent on death and destruction and world domination. And that’s a big part of why so many people have absolutely no problem with calling for and attempting the murder of Donald Trump or the murder of his supporters or the murder and genocide of white people in general.

Yeah, because they’re all Nazis according to the political class and according to the media. So it’s no wonder that the DoD is now allowed to murder Americans on American soil for protesting their occupied government. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Explained this in an ex post that he made addressing Harris’s remarks, writing that, quote, this is the kind of inflammatory poison that divides our nation and inspires assassins. It’s particularly ironic since Biden Harris have just pushed through DoD Directive 5240.01, giving the Pentagon power for the first time in history to use lethal force to kill Americans on US soil who protest government policies.

End quote. So what Kennedy said there is actually pretty accurate, but it’s not some kind of a coincidence. It’s not some kind of irony that Kamala Harris and the Jews in the media are ramping up all of this Nazi talk, all of this Hitler talk just after the Biden Harris regime authorized the military to kill Americans. You see, they know that the election is going to be rigged and they know that they’re going to try to steal it. And when they do, they know that the American people are going to push back. At least we hope they will.

So in preparation for all of that, Harris is now setting the stage to order the military to open fire on American citizens and have her supporters cheer them on. If you don’t think it can get any worse than it is today, the American military, who has been absent in performing their core duty, which is to protect this country from a physical invasion and to protect you from any harm that may come as a result of her invasion, who has been thousands of miles away protecting the borders of this foreign secular nation state called Israel, who has deployed all over the world to spread democracy, sticking Israel’s transgender and homosexual agendas in every country, sticking our missiles everywhere that you buy.

By the way, that military, that filled military now has authorization to fire on you for questioning or God forbid, criticizing any of it. J.D. sharp has been looking into this. He’s become quite the frequent visitor on our show recently. JD, thank you for coming back. We appreciate it. And it turns out I was just having this conversation in our morning meeting. I said, you know, when J.D. sharp came on the program and started talking about Iran being the Lee Harvey Oswald of World War three or the Lee Harvey Oswald of a Trump assassination, God forbid, I thought to myself, there is absolutely no way, there’s no way to get out of a kinetic confrontation with Iran other than the intervention, which, by the way, is the only intervention that I will ever support in history, is when the American people rise up and intervene with this murderous occupied government.

And that’s the only way to stop World War three from happening. I mean, really, I know that sounds black pilled, but there’s a precedent for this. Do you agree? Yeah, I mean, I think. I don’t know if that’s necessarily the case, but I do think that people are prepared for what’s going to happen. Now, as far as the Iran, Israel thing, Israel’s interesting because last time they’ve been pretty quiet for about a month, right? Last time they were pretty quiet. Suddenly all these cell phones and all these pagers and all these electronics were suddenly rigged. And within a week, the head of Hezbollah was dead, along with 1500 or so of his, of his top guys.

So when Israel gets quiet, I start to ask myself, why? But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on, hold on. I gotta, I gotta push back on that just a little bit. They have, they have been quiet. I mean, they’ve been quietly bombing civilian apartment complexes and flattening high rises in Lebanon, in Beirut. Right? But it’s just, it’s not getting a ton of attention. There’s, there’s not, there’s not a lot of media. There’s not a lot of coverage on what’s even on X, even on the very uncensored X, there’s not really a lot of coverage with what’s going on.

So what I’m saying is, generally when they’re quiet and Kamala hasn’t done any events in two days, and that press conference that she did, she didn’t do that as a candidate. She did that as the Vice President of the United States. She stood behind that vice presidential seal and she basically said the office of, you know, the, the executive branch of the United States openly supports and encourages violent violence against both Trump and his supporters. Because when you say Trump is Hitler, you’re saying I’m a Nazi, you’re saying you’re a Nazi. You’re saying all the people that have voted for Trump of the 28 million that have voted early collectively in the country are all Nazis, regardless of sex, regardless of race.

And to me, Kamala Harris literally, I mean, Kamala Harris literally openly declared war on Trump and his supporters as the Vice President. That had nothing to do with her campaign whatsoever. That was a state sponsored domestic war against her presence or against her political opponent and all of his supporters. And what I’m saying is she’s not, she’s a little freaked out. The media is a little freaked out, but not as much as you would think. And so to me, there’s a feeling here that maybe there’s another shoe to drop. And it may involve Israel, it may involve Iran, but not a lot has taken place as far as escalation with, you know, because I said I thought there would be a response.

I thought Hezbollah would respond to what happened. And they really had. They sent a couple of rock, not a couple, they sent a couple thousand rockets, maybe a couple hundred rockets, but they haven’t made a huge impact since that incident took place. So. And Israel is supposed to, and I know we saw a couple of the rockets, they ended up getting through the Iron Dome, which to me it’s pretty obvious that the Iron Dome is being shut off when they want it to be shut off. So they can inflict damage and they can say that they’ve been wounded or injured or in some, in some capacity affected, which gives them rationale and reason to respond or to continue what’s been happening over there.

But I haven’t seen that really aggressive response against Israel since that took place. And the way that I explained it, we’re going to need that very aggressive response to take place. And then Israel is going to go over the top and it’s going to create some type of domestic conflict here in the United States with the terrorists that are already here, the narrative that’s been built, et cetera, et cetera. But to me, it almost looks like in the election, I said, I came on a couple days ago and I said it was too big to rig and it’s just gotten worse for Democrats since then.

Nevada’s up. I mean, the Republicans are up 17,000 votes in Nevada. Pennsylvania, the mail in ballot return rates for Republicans are through the roof. The numbers in North Carolina are looking tremendous. Wisconsin are looking tremendous. Georgia looking tremendous. Nate Silver, who is very, very anti Trump, is saying that Trump is probably going to win every single swing state. So when, when Kamala goes up and obviously their, their entire argument now is, yeah, Trump is Hitler, his supporters are the Nazis. But when she goes up there and she gets behind that vice presidential seal and she says that Trump is Hitler and we’re the Nazis, she is literally sponsoring or she is encouraging a state sponsored war against us.

And as you mentioned, Directive 5420, I’m thankful that Robert F. Kennedy mentioned it as well. To me, it almost looks like the military. I would not be shocked, I would not be shocked if Biden is asked to step down at some point. Maybe it’s after the election, maybe it’s before the election. Kamala steps in, tells the military to kill Donald Trump and anyone that stands in their way. I’m going to ask you for your undivided attention because I’m going to tell you about what could possibly be the most important life saving supplement that I have ever talked about.

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They can use the UCOVA ballots, which I made a video on explaining that we talked about it here last time I was on as well, just explaining that they send out these email generated ballots overseas and military members, whether they’re real or their computer or whatever, they can choose to vote in whatever swing state they want to. I’m not sure that, that, that there’s enough of that right now because it looks to me like about 75% of the country is just fed up with everything that’s going on. Not just prices, not just the weakened military, not just the transgender issue, not just the attack on Christians.

And Kamala yelling at those Christians at her rally last week and saying that you’re at the wrong rally. That had a huge impact. Obviously, I think that there’s going to be major persecutions of white Christians. If you look at what’s happened under this Biden administration, the Audrey Hale, the Nashville shooting, there was a manifesto that proved that it was an anti Christian hate crime, wasn’t called a hate crime. You had transgender visibility day replacing Easter. I mean, a number of different things have taken place. They’ve gone after, in some cases members of the Catholic Church all over the country.

So I just, I think that the average person this election has turned into the elite class versus the working class and that’s regardless of race and that’s regardless of sex. And that’s not what Democrats thought. Democrats are so over the top and it’s because of the media. Because the media is run by elitists who have not been affected financially in any capacity whatsoever. In fact, they’ve actually gotten more rich. The price of their houses has gone up, which makes them more wealthy. The value of their stocks have gone up, which makes them more wealthy. The value of their assets has gone up, which makes them more wealthy.

The rich have gotten extremely rich. And the middle class are on the verge of becoming poor and just not existing as a middle class. And so I just think the election is too big to rig at this point. And the only way that Trump loses or isn’t president is if they kill him. And I’m not sure that it’s going to be anything involving Iran or Israel. If it is, then it’s going to have to happen very soon. I mean like today or tomorrow. Because the election at this point is on the verge. On Monday, we’re on the verge of being able to say that Donald Trump is guaranteed 265 electoral votes just based on the early voting and the in person voting because all these Republicans have increased their voter registrations across the country exponentially.

In Pennsylvania it’s 400,000. In Nevada it’s 100,000. In North Carolina it’s 300,000. In Arizona it’s almost 250,000 since 2020. Right now in Nevada yesterday they had 713 first time voters who registered before they were voting. You can actually go in Nevada, you don’t have to register. Like in Pennsylvania you had to register as of a couple days ago. In Nevada you can register up to election day, you can do it in person. But this early voting that’s taking place across the country, which is giving Republicans this lead, it’s not cannibalizing their election day, their core base, so to speak.

What’s happening is the people that are, that are registering to vote Republican are voting early and they are eliminating because with Democrats they vote early, Democrats vote late, while Republicans are expanding our electorate and the early voters are voting early. And we’re basically just flooding out Democrats in the process to the point where I think that Yuakova is going to have to be 250,000 maybe on a pretty consistent basis per state to even be competitive. And then it’s just too big to rig. So I really believe that there’s a chance that just based on the directive and based on what Kamala just said, obviously she’s trying to, she’s trying to incite violence.

But I wonder if she’s actually setting the stage where either her Or Joe Biden literally tells the military to go kill Donald Trump and whoever is in his way. I mean, she did. She stood right there and. Yeah. So you think it’s before the election. Yeah, at this point, I think it has to be. I don’t think. I mean, I mean, let’s say he gets elected and you kill him. What? Or you try to kill him. You do whatever you’re going to do in December or early January. I just, I don’t see that taking place. You’re going to have to.

What about this on the flip side? What about the fact that he loses? Right. And they do this so openly. Now, we remember in 2020 how, you know, the red and the blue line, and then we saw the blue go bloop. We all remember that. And now we’re seeing. And now we’re seeing the blue line or the red line way up here and the blue line way down here. So that’s going to have to be a much more drastic. A much more drastic climb. And they do it, and they do it right out in the wide open so that they incite an even larger January 6, which is what they want.

And instead of just killing Donald Trump, now they’re able to kill all kinds of us. Right, Right. And I think that they thought that that would be a possibility, but they completely underestimated Republicans voting early. I said Scott Pressler, who has probably registered 50,000 voters by himself in Pennsylvania since 2020, is he started this, he started this organization called Early Vote Action Turning Point usa. A lot of these major Republican just getting out the vote organizations aren’t just saying, vote for Trump, vote Republican. They’re saying do it early. And Democrats weren’t ready for it. So I think that was their plan initially.

I just, I think that they’re going to have to cheat by such an insane amount of ballots that it’s just not going to be possible. Now, obviously, they’re going to try with yukova ballots. You’ve got Brad Raffensperger and several other secretaries of state across the country. They have raised money to go after anyone that’s not certifying elections that they deem to be fraudulent that is taking place. But I just, I think we’re totally overwhelming them with the numbers. And as Kamala Harris goes out there and she makes more. I mean, like last night, that town hall, that was the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life.

That woman could not answer one question. She’s been doing this for four months. She has to be intoxicated she has to be on some type of depressant and, or stimulant. That just depends on the day. I mean, people are seeing this and they’re going, look at my life and look at this and look at what they’re telling me about Trump. And when you lose trust in the media, everything they tell you at that point, it just comes off to you as nefarious driven desperation. And so I just, I think, I think that the election is too big to rig and I think that they did not expect Republicans to have as much of an early voting impact as we have.

And so they’re kind of on their toes right now. You’re right. If, if it was a standard situation and Republicans were mostly voting on election day, they could, they could do what they’ve done in Arizona where they could have issues with the machines, they could have a missing ballots. There could be so many different things. But we’re on it so much so early that I just think that their only solution at this point would have to be something completely over the top ridiculous, like having Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, one of the two, say, hey, you ordering the military to kill Donald Trump under that directive 54:20.

I think, I really think that’s their only way right now. Unless something crazy drastic happens between Israel and Iran, which again, if it was going to, maybe now would be the time. But I haven’t seen any indication that it’s going to, at least not yet. But unless that happens, I just, I don’t see, I don’t see them being able to legitimately or not legitimately. But, but steal, steal this race the way that they thought they would be able to. Always such an interesting perspective and a lot to think about every time that you’re here. J.D. sharp, we appreciate it.

Thank you so much. Hey, thanks a lot. Enjoyed it. Have a good one. All right, you too. So, yeah, I mean, JD has some really solid points and they’ve already been trying to, by the way, the intelligence apparatus has already been trying to out President Trump to take him out. I mean, these are blackrock connected so called lone wolf attempted assassins that have been thwarted miraculously by the Secret Service. There’s a lot of unanswered questions when it comes to these several assassination attempts on Donald Trump. I agreed. Last time JD Was on about his take on Iran.

They’re clamoring for World War Three. They have to have it. This is how they inject trillions of dollars directly into the military industrial complex through its tentacles and its octopus. You know, Tentacles that have a grip on the entire west that’s headquartered and its front lines are in Israel. This is how they empower and enrich fat cats like, you know, the Raytheon, but Lindsey Graham, they have to have that war. And you know, the murder of Donald Trump, very publicly, as JD Was explaining last time he was on, very publicly and very brutally, taking out Donald Trump would garner the support of millions and millions of Americans into getting into that kinetic confrontation with Iran, going to war with Iran.

And I agree that they have to take out Donald Trump, but I just think that if they can take out Donald Trump while also getting to millions of Americans and being able to take out white Christians, that they will do it more next. Stick around. I hope Benjamin Netanyahu burns in hell. I hope him and his generals and the fairy government industry is born in hell. We’re looking for babies, but there is no babies left. Maybe I killed a girl, she was 12. But they’re looking for a baby. We’ll do whatever we need to do to defend ourselves.

An investigation is underway into whether Israeli forces blowing up the main drinking water reservoir in Rafah constitutes as a war crime. You cannot tell me to ever feel comfortable with 18,000 children being ruthlessly murdered. Let me hear you cheer if you support Israel. The Jews are everywhere. All the assistance of Trump Jews, all the assistance of sleepy joke Jews, Obama Jews, everyone, reformed Jews, conservative Jews, Chadnik this. Today the Jews rule this world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. Everyone who dares utter in a word of criticism against Israel is accused of antisemitism.

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We don’t have enough time in every single day’s show to address those things. So I have an off the record segment plus giveaways. And this month our featured Spotlighted sponsor which we want to do because these sponsors have remained brave, they’ve remained courageous and they’ve remained committed to the truth, life saving truth that we do here. And this month Spotlighted sponsor is Curable. Millions of Americans suffer from dry or red skin, aches and pains, muscle soreness, even melanoma. And that’s why our friends at Curable will be our Spotlight sponsor for October. Now at the end of this month, Curable was going to give away an amazing spa collection package to one of our locals subscription holders.

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