Jack Posobiec- More Attempted Trump Assassinations Are Coming! America On High Alert!




➡ The conversation is between Nino and Jack Pasobic, discussing Steve Bannon and Brian Kolfage, who were involved in the “We Build the Wall” project and are now considered political prisoners. They discuss Bannon’s time in prison, his expected release, and the possibility of him being detained longer. They also touch on the current state of the country and Jack’s background in military intelligence.
➡ The text discusses the history and current use of Guantanamo Bay, originally set up as a refugee center in the 1990s. It also touches on the influx of migrants into the United States, with concerns about potential threats and the possibility of these migrants being used to cause chaos. The text also discusses the upcoming election, the potential for election day threats, and strategies to ensure a fair vote. Lastly, it mentions the current political climate and the perceived scrambling of the Democratic party.
➡ The text discusses a theory that there was intentional negligence in the security provided for Donald Trump during his presidency, particularly at an outdoor rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. The authors argue that there were multiple security failures that day, which they believe could not have happened by chance. They suggest that these failures might have been a deliberate attempt to harm Trump. The authors also question whether there was a mole within Trump’s team, compromising his safety.
➡ The text discusses a situation involving Donald Trump and a potential threat to his safety. It suggests that there may have been multiple shooters targeting him, but the official story only mentions one. The text also questions the actions of the FBI and Secret Service, suggesting they may not have been entirely truthful or effective in their duties. It also mentions a second shooter who was waiting at a golf course, potentially targeting Trump’s family. The text ends by questioning why certain suspicious activities were not addressed at a Trump rally.
➡ The speaker discusses concerns about security at political rallies, particularly for President Trump. They question the effectiveness of current measures, such as motorcade decoys and military escorts, and suggest there may be corruption or compromise within the security team. They also express fears about potential assassination attempts, mentioning drones and surface-to-air missiles. The speaker also discusses their own investigation into a shooting incident, and their skepticism towards the official narrative. Lastly, they express concerns about potential voting issues in the upcoming election.
➡ The discussion revolves around the potential threats to Trump’s plane from drones carrying improvised explosive devices (IEDs), especially since such drones can be easily made. The conversation also touches on the issue of Trump supporters carrying guns in their cars, and whether this should be a cause for concern. Lastly, they discuss a book called “Bulletproof” and speculate about future threats to Trump, possibly orchestrated by three-letter agencies using proxies like Iran.


All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s corner Dot TV. I’m with the one and only Jack Pasobic. Jack, man, how are you? Finally meet you, man. Actually, you know what? I met you at the wall. We build the wall. You were down. You were down there for. I was there. Yeah. When we did. When. Well, Bannon had, like, everybody down. Was that 2019? I want to say, dude, I went. I went to. That was. I can’t believe it’s been five years. And they went down. Yeah, we all went down. And we did the big thing with the.

When. When Bannon was like, well, if the military won’t let us pay for the wall, let’s build our own wall. Which. And that’s why, Steve, you and I were just chatting on the. On the pre show a little bit there that Bannon’s a political prisoner right now. He gets out in about. He gets out one week from today as we record this. But he faces another trial in New York, where Leticia James is trying to jail him in New York City over that very same project. We built the wall. So there’s. There’s a lot of. There’s a lot here that I want to unpack and talk to you about.

Um, but let’s say. And I know you got the book bulletproof, folks. I expect this is an amazing book. It’s about the assassination attempt and the ongoing attempts that we’re going to probably see. I would imagine these next six months to four years just going to be insane. Um, but let’s talk about Steve Bannon for a second. And Brian co Fledge. I mean, Brian still. I heard he’s. He was also part of him and C. Bannon teamed up together. Correct. To do the. We build the wall. And they’re both now political prisoners. And I heard Brian is doing really bad.

You know, Brian co Fledge. Are you really. I. I’ve met him, and I had heard that as well about the fact that he’s. That he’s not doing well. I mean, as a triple amputee, that, you know, it just. Just being in prison, you know, they don’t have the necessary facilities for him. They don’t have the stuff that he needs. And I didn’t get a lot of details, but I. Yeah, somebody just mentioned that to me a couple of days ago here, that. That he’s really not doing well. Right. So let’s talk about Steve Bannon, then. Steve.

I mean, the guy I look at, Steve Bannon, is like one of the, you know, almost like the forefathers of this country. This guy has been there right next to Trump. I mean, he’s been doing battle with Trump. This guy is just, and he’s a, he’s a, to me, he’s a genius. I love Steve Bannon, and I talked to him occasionally here and there, not since he’s been in prison. But he’s supposed to be getting out this month, correct? Or is it next month? October 29. Okay. And they’re, they’re now the Biden administration is looking to hold him or detain him longer, is that correct? Well, so his lawyers were arguing that because he’s been a model prisoner, he’s actually been working in the prison library.

Shouldn’t surprise anyone in the history section. They said, they said we couldn’t even get him out of there, so we had might as well just give him a job and that he’s been spending a lot of time reading. And funny enough is that, or, you know, maybe not funny enough, but he’s got some pro lifers that are in there with him, these guys that have been locked up for praying outside of the Planned Parenthood clinics and ended up being there at the same time. And they said that he’s kind of formed like a sort of patriot group, even inside the, inside the prison walls there as sort of like a resistance, not, you know, not like they’re actively doing kind of prison.

Is he in, man? Is it medium security? It is. It is. So it’s, it’s FCI Danbury. And this is the Mafia prison. So this is the prison that’s outside of New York City, there in Connecticut. And this is where you, you go and you have your, you know, it’s all the, all the mafia dons and those types. That’s where those guys get sentence. And. Well, not that I’ve heard anything, but let me just say, I’m sure for knowing Steve, he’ll be perfectly fine with those guys. I think they probably all, I think they’re probably all taking good care of Steve in there.

But no, look, I talk to him every day. But, you know, when I talk to Steve and we, I have to use this encrypted, you know, DOJ app where I’m sure Merrick Garland’s thugs are looking over our shoulder at everything we write. So most of the time I’m writing on Merrick Garland. He’s a loser. He sucks. You know, this guy. He’s terrible. Locking up my friends like this, and, but every day, Steve’s just asking me, hey, are we going to win Pennsylvania? Are we going to win Michigan. How are things looking in North Carolina? Who’s getting involved on the ground? Are people voting early? Is the posse out there doing the work that they need to be doing? And that’s number, that’s number one front of mind with him.

He’s never complained once in a single email to me for 1 second. Has he complained about his treatment or has he complained about what they’re doing to him or anything like this? The thing that I mentioned before, from a legal perspective, his lawyers were attempting to see if they could have him on early release because of the first stepped act, which, ironically, was signed by President Trump to say, if you’re a non violent first offender, that you’re a model prisoner and you serve vocational credits or education credits while you’re in, then you would be eligible for early release.

You get 10% off your time, 20% off your time. There’s like a whole scale for it. And he said, wait a minute, Steve’s done this. How come? So shouldn’t he be eligible? And they said, oh, we, we don’t have time to, you know, adjudicate this, so we’re just going to have him finish out his sentence. And they’re using these ridiculous legal theories to happen. Stay there the full time when he is legally eligible for the first ep act. You know, there’s so much happening. There’s so much I want to talk to you about, man. And I don’t know if, you know, our short segments going to do it, but I’m going to go ahead and just try to throw some questions at you here and there and get your perspective.

Would you have ever believed, even five years ago, ten years ago, that we’d be where we’re at in this country right now? I mean, would you have ever imagined this? I’ve been, I’ve been awake since 911, right? And I’ve kind of been watching the globalist agenda play out and get in 2020. I was kind of ready for it, to be quite honest with you, rollout and the whole thing. And I was like, oh, here we go. Here we go. This is where it starts. But the fact that they’re locking these guys up and they’re doing what they’re doing, and we’ve just witnessed assassination, assassination attempts on Trump, the whole thing that is just playing out right now.

Could you ever imagine this? Have you been, and I know you’ve worked military intelligence, so, I mean, I might be, you may have been preparing this for, for a long time. I don’t know. So, you know, I was one of those guys. And I’ll say when, when I joined the military, joined the ic, you know, I was one of those guys. And I thought, hey, I’m doing the right thing. You know what, Jack? Give my audience a little bit of a background on your military intelligence. Is this. This is impressive. Sure. Sure. So I joined. Sure.

So. Well, thank you. I, you know, I mean, I didn’t do as much as some people did, you know, but, you know, I did serve just under a decade as an intelligence specialist and then an intelligence officer, primarily in the United States Navy. And I deployed all around East Asia. And I’m a Mandarin linguist, so was able to use that and employ that in a variety of fields. And then I also spent one deployment about one year down at Guantanamo Bay in the interrogation cell there as an interrogator, analyst. And just living in Gitmo, working in Gitmo, going all through.

It’s funny, we talk about political prisoners. And I was like, well, I’ve been on the other side of that, too, when one of the guys who was locking them up. And so I, you know, I’ve had that experience because you’re. You’re in there, too, working every day. How long were you in Gitmo for? How long were you working in Gitmo? About a year. About a year. And what is that place like? I mean, for my audience, I mean, that doesn’t have any idea. What is that like? I know it’s for the expanded. It’s similar, yes, but not that.

But they’re not bringing more detainees in right now. So that’s all they are spending. That’s all I just. Rumors and hogwash. That’s not even true. They’re not bringing any more people there. There’s people there that are saying, oh, they’re flying people in secretly. Well, they do. They do fly in. There are. When people have gone in, it’s not these radical islamic terrorists like before what it is, actually. So when Gitmo was built in the 1990s, the detention facility, the base itself, has been there since 1898. It’s actually America’s oldest overseas base, and predominantly when the Bush administration, administration in the 1990s had set it up as a refugee center.

So you had all these Haitians and Cubans that were trying to get into the United States, and they would get detained and, or they would get stopped at sea or something like this. And they had just all these people and these migrant waves that were trying to come across, and they didn’t know what to do with them. And so they said, hey, wait a minute. Guantanamo is right there. It’s a us base. Let’s set it up. And we could set up a series of camps for that. And, you know, it was so it was first set up actually just as a refugee center.

But then. And sometimes when the hurricanes came through, that would. That would generate a lot of these refugee types. And inevitably, though, sometimes there would be problem detainees or problem refugees or problem, you know, find out that somebody’s got a criminal record, that type of thing. When they do. When they do background check on them, they’re trying to do some vetting. And so then they set up what’s now known as camp X ray. And camp X ray, that’s the one that you see in all the pictures with, like, the barbed wire, the big outposts, and everybody’s kneeling down in orange.

And so that was actually built by administration all the way back in the 1990s for refugees. And the detainees from the war on terror were really only there for processing. They weren’t actually held in that facility. So since that time, they’ve built up various camps. There’s camp five, which was sort of like a military barracks. Then there was camp six, which was built, as you know, or camp Delta, which was built more. More along the lines of the type of prison that Steve Bannon’s in right now because they use the federal, um, they said, hey, you know, prison’s a prison.

So they use the same kind of blueprints for that. So they’ve got basically two wings of it. One wing, which is your. Your communal, like, dormitory type setting, and then the other one that’s for single cell or, you know, single cell, but you might have a, you know, a cellmate. And of course you have solitary, you know, the old. Good old shoe. And so, so those were the ones that. Those. The ones were predominantly where I was operating. And even though the library was at the one that’s like the barracks down the way. And. And so has there been expansion? There has been some expansion, but in a different site on the base, that’s over actually on the other side of the bay where they are putting in some more migrants.

Right now they’re putting in more migrants. You know, I’m here in El Paso, and I can’t believe, you know, I live here. And it’s insane to see what’s happening here. I mean, to watch these people, even at the El Paso airport, to watch these people come in and just fly out to wherever they desire. I’ve heard rumors that they’re even being flown out at the bases here. I mean, it’s completely wouldn’t surprise me. No, yeah, yeah. This is what I’m hearing. And the border to patrol is telling me that military grade weaponry is getting over to the ports that are good, just blowing right past.

I’ve heard surface terror missiles have gotten. I mean, crazy stuff I’m hearing. I know I have my fingers on the polls here with a lot of people I know, and there’s, they’re telling me the craziest stuff ever. And as we go into this election, you know, if we have the election, you know what I mean? What’s your thoughts on this, man, with this invasion taking place right now, with all the immigrants coming here? It’s an obvious go ahead from a, just from a security perspective that, you know, if you were some malicious actor from, from around the world or if you were some third party organization, I mean, this would just represent the easiest way.

It’s a dirty channel, so it’s a dirty channel, a rat line to get into the United States. And as you say, to get anything you want into the United States. So if you’ve got a team of bad actors and you want to get them in, if you’ve got a plot to take out Donald Trump and you want to do so, this would be the perfect way to do it. You just hire some guys, have them pose as migrants, and boom, you say, oh, we’re refugees. And you download the app, CPP one, and here we are, we’re refugees.

And then you come into the country, and then you give whatever, whatever airport you want, they pay your ticket, they say, oh, show up a court this date, but, you know, there’s no enforcement of it whatsoever. So you don’t show up. And now, boom, you go, and by the way, you know, this has been done before. And so, you know, if you’re one of these groups out there, or potentially a group that’s even domestic to the United States, and you want to make it look like some other group is behind something, that’s exactly what you would do.

Right? And that’s. And that’s going to segue into the Trump assassination attempts. But first, I want to talk about just a little more in the migrants. Do you feel they’re going to be activated for a certain time? I’ve heard that cells are here operating right now. I’ve heard that it’s just not just the venezuelan gangs or the rendezvous, but other gangs are here, MS 13, the whole thing. They’re all here. And do you think they’re going to be activated at a certain time to cause chaos, mass shootings, maybe when it looks like perceivably Trump’s going to win, they’re going to be activated at that moment to cause some kind of civil unrest or try to spit, spin us into civil war.

I mean, is it possible? Of course it’s possible. It’s, the one thing I always say is, you know, that’s a good, good argument for early voting, right? Because, look, I know the FBI has been sending around threat reports saying that something, they think something’s going to happen on election day. I think that they publicly have said that, too. So, you know, I’m getting it from my sources, a lot of chatter about election day threats. And I just always go to people, I say, that’s why it’s great. I already voted up in Pennsylvania. And so that’s, that’s why I think that it’s just a good.

But don’t you think that they can, they can follow the data and know how big they, if we vote early? No, everybody’s, no, no, they’ve, the data, the numbers are out there anyway. So everybody, it’s all a data fight right now. So, and everybody’s data still comes down to the idea that you can only model your data based on the certain number of ballots that are in the system. So they’ve already sent out a number of ballots. But the only way to beat it, essentially is for us to have our own ballot machine process. And that is basically what, what, where the swamp the vote comes in.

This idea that you just crash this, flood the system with positive ballots so that if there are dirty ballots in there and look, I mean, I’m from the Philadelphia area, so, yeah, there’s going to be dirty ballots, but if you flood that with clean ballots, then it just washes them out. So, and we know that, by the way, because that it’s working because we’ve seen just in the state of Pennsylvania, that’s the one I know the best, where they were saying all along, democrats were saying, our firewall is 4400 thousand votes, our firewall is 400,000 votes.

If we can bank 400,000 votes and they’re saying this publicly, then we’ll be able to beat whatever Trump puts up on election day. And then something interesting happened because the number of ballots of republicans started coming in and it was way higher than before. And so now all of a sudden, I’ve caught a few democrats in Pennsylvania coming around saying, oh, yeah, our firewall was always 500,000. 500,000 was always our firewall. So, so I’m watching them in real time change the amount of ballots they think that they’re going to need to overcome day of, which says to me that our operation is working because we can publicly see them scrambling right now.

Right, right. And they’ve been scrambling. It seems like they’re trying to improvise right now, in my opinion. Don’t you think? Yeah. I mean, completely. Like all their plans have just gone to shit. Yeah. Ever, ever since they had to pull Biden. And which we talk about, by the way, in the book, we’ve got full information as to what happened during those nine days. And people have to have to remember this. The Kamala Harris would not be running for president had that bulletin not missed on July 13. Right. This was the goal. The goal always was get rid of Trump, leave Biden there.

He’d be the puppet. Put him over on election day. And then, yeah, maybe, you know, maybe he steps down. Maybe they pull him at some point, but who cares? They don’t care that Biden is a puppet. They actually like Biden is a puppet because then this guy isn’t going to get upset whenever they say, hey, we’ve got to do another 8 billion to Ukraine, we’ve got to do another 8 billion to the Middle east. We’ve got to do another, you know, operations. As long, as long as we look at Biden. As long as we look at Biden as just being an incompetent American, that takes the light away from the people controlling him, as long as we could just look at him and be like, he’s an idiot.

They love that. He’s a puppet. They love that. They love that. So when that bullet missed because Trump was already on the upswing, and then the debate happens so suddenly there, and this is all the backstory that goes into it. So the debate happens and suddenly Biden just falls apart in front of the full stage that finally started getting involved. And they said, look, you know, we got to do something about this. Then you have the denial of the security requests for Butler. You have the end, the information that the woman who was put in charge of Secret Service agent that was in charge on Butler had only been on the job for four years.

She just out of the, wasn’t she like a DEI, a Dei plant like they put her in? Well, I mean, that’s, that’s, that’s, that’s what people say that, you know, why would you put a female agent with that little experience in, and she’s short. She can even cover her stature alone is Donald. No, no, this this wasn’t her, that this is somebody else. This is someone, not the one who is there, there at the moment. But again, like the, we know that the Secret Service has these policies. So it, it sort of covers all of the things that you’re bringing up.

Right. So why were people who didn’t have the commensurate experience or qualifications in placed at the Butler rally? And there’s a lot of questions about that. DeI certainly plays a part, but you can’t say the politics didn’t play a part either. And this is what we talk about in terms of intentional negligence. So it’s intentional negligence to have an event like that where, you know, Donald Trump, just from a security perspective, is the number one hottest target on the entire planet. Everybody knows this. Again, especially after that debate, which I was talking about for the backstory, then you also know that from a political standpoint, take all the politics out of the side.

Ms JOE BIdEN, Miss Kamala Harris, whoever it is, if you’re doing an outdoor rally out in a field in western Pennsylvania or wherever you are, that’s always going to be the most potential likelihood of violence, the most potentially fatal event that a politician could do. Of course, we all know this, especially since 1963. And then, so the question that we have is, we say, well, this is a massive security failure, right? This is terrible. Look at all these security failures, this failure that fair. We identify twelve independent failures in the book. But the question that we ask, because we push a step further, were they actually failures? Were they actually failures? Or was it in fact, intentional, intentional neglect? And the idea being then if the intent was to be negligent, that it just so happens, and, you know, what are the odds? We actually compute this in the book.

We literally look up, what are the odds that on a day where you would have twelve independent security failures, any one of which, if any one of which of these failures had been corrected, the drone, the rooftop, the guy dropping overwatch coverage, again, we go through all of it. They picked up the radios. If they had been on the same frequencies, if the secret Service had gone to the meeting with local law enforcement, would have prevented this from happening. So what are the odds that all this would happen on the same day that a trained gunman, a skilled gunman with malicious intent would attempt to take out Donald Trump? We actually looked it up.

It’s one in one septillion, which is essentially a number that’s so big, I was like, all right, what’s that really means? I’m not a mathematician. That number means it’s the same as flipping a coin 93 times in a row. And it always comes up heads. Yeah. And if you and I did that at the CAS, you and I did that at the casino, we’d be arrested. Yeah. You know, saying, like, you would know. Somebody comes in, they’d be like, sir, sir, come with us. You know, let me get into. Well, listen to this, listen to this.

After that. So we were using OpenAI and GPT for Omni for this because I said, maybe I’m biased, right? People know what my politics are. So let’s go, let’s go to the AI. And so GPT for Omni, which we know has a liberal bias, which is a biased liberal platform. And so I said, if I can go to this, and if this says there’s a problem, then we know that’s independent, so it’s corroborative. So we plugged all that in, it gives us the answer. And then I said, well, what do you think about this? And here’s the answer that we got back from GPT for Omni.

Again, not me, not my co author, Joshua. This is what the AI said. And AI came back and said, the extreme unlikelihood of all of these instances happening by chance alone shows that the probability is statistically impossible, leading you to believe that there must be something more than chance behind this. That’s GPT for Omni. Yeah, I’ve had even, even the computer is saying, yeah, this was probably intentional, 100%. I have no doubt in my mind. My, my question is this. I’ve had, you know, United States Secret Service, former secret service John Carmen, and a few other people on my shows saying this is 100% compromised because they have no doubt in their minds that the team surrounding Trump, there is a mole in there, or there’s a few, but they are compromised.

What’s your thoughts on that? I mean, can we say that? Would you now that you have this probability factor? Well, I would even. So, I’ll put up with two questions out there and we talk about this in the book. Number one, obviously it’s possible, and that could be someone at the lower level, or more likely, what I would think is I’d probably place it at the higher level under the Department of Homeland Security, where we know Mayorkas is already someone who’s completely anti Trump. We know that because, remember, Bush put Secret Service, which had been treasury before that, under DHS.

And so putting them under DHS made, just inherently made the service politicized. And we know that on the same day that doctor, Doctor Jill Biden. First lady Jill Biden had a dinner event in Pittsburgh. So that’s the same AOR that Trump was in the Pittsburgh covers. That Butler is essentially about an hour north of Pittsburgh. So she’s got the dinner event, an indoor small event, essentially like a fundraiser kind of thing. They gave her 13 Secret Service augments for that. No, Donald Trump. The outdoor rally got three. Wow. He got only three. And it was only because they were pushing for counter snipers that he even got any, because the campaign was losing their mind, saying, we are going to cancel this and put out.

Can I. You denied. Let me, let me just, before that, let me just be honest with you, Jack. You know, I’ve been to a few of his rallies, and I’ve always been there. And I thought to myself, man, this is crazy. How does this guy not have bulletproof glass? This is the most wanted man on the planet. I mean, he’s playing chicken. You know what I’m saying? So I look around and I’m thinking to myself, this guy has got to be more protected. But I assumed. And he does now, of course. Yeah, yeah. But I would assume then there may be in a two, three mile radius.

There’s guys all over the place just scouting everything. But then what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania? I was like, holy cow, my worst nightmare came true. You know, I mean, if he didn’t tilt his head just, just a fraction of an inch that way, it would have been gone. He would have been gone. We were, we were. I was on with, with Don Junior the other day, and he actually, Don Junior, we were very honored that he actually came in and wrote the forward for the book. And I, you know, we asked him, you know, I know.

You know, Don, I’d love to have you do this. I mean, I, but I, we told him, and I said, because, you know, I know him. And I said, but look, I totally understand, because, you know, it’s obviously a little more personal for you than it is for everybody else. For everybody else. It’s, you know, it’s a celebrity, it’s a political figure, and we like the guy, but it’s for you. I mean, that’s, that’s your dad, that’s your, that’s your father in the grandfather of your children. So, I mean, that’s, you know, I can understand if you don’t.

He said, jack, he said that in 1 second, without hesitation, he said, I’d be happy to write it. I’ll be happy to do it. Wow. Because we got it. And he said, because we got to get this story out there, because the threat that the entire Trump family, by the way, his kids, and Baron, who’s going to school up at NYU, obviously a very public university, and then obviously, we talk about the golf course situation as well, where that’s the same golf course that people don’t realize. So people know that Don Junior. S daughter, Kai, that she’s like, she’s very good at golf.

She’s very into this. She’s competitively ranked, et cetera. Well, her main golf course is Trump International in West Palm beach. That’s the same golf course where the second shooter was found for 12 hours lying in wait. Now, he was waiting for Donald J. Trump, but hey, what, what if he saw a Kai and thought, you know, the granddaughter, just as good? You know, maybe. Maybe just as good. Why not? And the security just, again, was nothing there. So, Don Juan, and again, that just speaks to the type of people the Trumps are that, you know, you say you want to get the story out.

You know, you put it out. But anyway, he said something to me, Rico’s. He goes, you know, well, you know how I know that it was divine intervention. He said God had to get involved to do the secret services job for them. Yes. To me. No doubt. No doubt. Yeah. Because anyone, anyone who’s got even a little bit of experience with firearms knows that, you know, you don’t need to be SEAL team six or Delta or any other CAG or any stuff to know that one clear shot, head this way, that way, you’re done. You know, back of the head, front, you’re done.

That it was that angle and only that angle. And we’re told, by the way, that there was a five mile an hour gust of wind around that time, that day. And I’m like. And you can see pictures of that. You want to tell me that’s not a. You could see the pictures racing right behind his head. After seeing the peers, even after seeing the pictures, FBI director Chris Wray still went and lied before the house committee on this and said he thought it was shrapnel. He said it might have been shrapnel from the teleprompter that was hit.

And then the shrapnel hit Trump. And then there was also. I spoke to an eyewitness who said this, that there was an FBI agent, that when they were doing the interviews, they, they were doing the interviews with people who were attendees, and they said, yeah, I saw Trump and I saw him get hit. And they come out and the FBI agent stopped him and said, no, no, Trump didn’t get hit. He’s like, what do you mean? I was right there. Disgusting bunch of people got shot. Cory capture got killed. The firefighter. What do you mean? What do you.

What are you saying? Trump didn’t get shot? Like, I saw him got shot. And they said, no, no. And the agent said he. His head hit the podium and that’s what caused the blood, and then he went down. People are sick, and so we are. And it’s like, I don’t even have to say that. You know, I think the FBI was lying. It’s. We already know that the FBI were the ones spreading a conspiracy theory that Trump wasn’t actually shot. And even FBI Director Chris Ray did this. Why would he do this? Then come to find a couple of months later with this second shooter, Ryan Wesley rout, this guy who’s been involved in Ukraine, who was involved with the Azov battalion, back to unit of the ukrainian military that has been involved in assassinations in Russia and all across Ukraine.

Especially if they find some guy, some politician, they think he’s not loyal. They think he’s selling them out to the Russians. They take him out. This is the group. This is specifically the group that does that. And that’s the propaganda video that Ryan Wesley Routh was in, which was a story I broke in the course of all of this. Wasn’t the first shooter in one as well with Blackrock? Wasn’t he in a commercial or someone? Black rock rock video and a black rock. And I’m like, man, the conspiracy theorists are just gonna have an affiliate. I’m like, call.

I’m like. I’m like, calling up Alex Jones. And I’m like, alex, I got to put money in the jar again, brother. I gotta put money in the jar again. You know, and it’s. And it’s just like, I didn’t, I didn’t, I didn’t think. I didn’t think. Look, to get. To get a little serious about it, it’s. Donald Trump knows that the forces he’s going up against stand to lose billions and potentially even trillions of dollars. And the reason they hate him so much is he’s the guy who can’t be bought. He’s the only guy in all the politics that they can’t buy off.

Any other one of these politicians, they run around there, you can buy, and they’re so cheap. They’re so cheap to buy. And I’m here in DC, they’re so cheap. It’s like the boxing business. It’s. It’s like I came from the box. Like boxing. Yeah, yeah. It’s the pimps and hoes. It’s the promoters and the fighters. Pimps and hoes. Let me ask you, do you think in Butler, Pennsylvania, could there have been two shooters? Do you ever theories swirling around, is it just that one guy that was on the roof, or do you think there was multiple shooters? So what’s what I think is going on, and in all the reporting here is that, yes, there were multiple shooters, but it’s not the way everybody thinks.

So were there multiple shooters with the multiple angles? Yes, but it seems like what’s going on is that the multiple shooters were that. So the official story that we were told by the secret Service and the FBI was that it was one secret Service bullet that took out crooks. But we are now hearing stories, hearing reports that there were two local police officers that were firing from the ground up at crooks on the top of that AGR building, one who fired. So crooks gets off about eight shots, and. And then we know that there’s eight shots.

Got a few shots. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that one hit the firefighter in the stands, right? One of them is the one that killed the fire. Right. Fires. Fires the first shot at Trump. That one misses, and then he starts to sprain and pray to after that. So he’s got the one where he’s got the real close beat on. He’s got the eotech, the red dot, the AK four, excuse me, the AR 15. The other guy had the sks. And he takes that shot, misses, and then he just starts pulling the trigger. And it was in that time that we know two shots got off, one from a Secret Service agent.

But there was a 10th shot that no one had known about until just a couple of weeks ago that was fired by a local police officer, which hit, we think, the butt stock of the rifle, which then probably caused him to, you know, cause the gun to malfunction or at least jerked it around enough that it wasn’t on target. Then just in the last couple of days, we’re now getting reports that there was an 11th shot fired by a police officer even before Brooks took out any shots. So for people who are saying, well, wait a minute, I saw someone shooting from this angle.

I saw a bullet go in this direction. And what I think has happened, and again, this is just based on going there, interviewing people, being on the ground. I’ve been out to butler twice now and spoken to a lot of people that were at that first rally, what I think happened was you probably had multiple police officers taking shots at crooks that for whatever reason, the federal government isn’t letting us know. But Crooks was spotted, wasn’t it, for like an hour before he even climbed up under the roof. Oh, yeah. How the hell do they not take that? Why don’t they go question him, take him down? You’re not supposed to be here.

How did that even happen? I mean, man, if, if you, or not, if you or I had a range finder at a Trump rally, do you think people would just let us walk around with that and just, oh, we’re not going to go talk to my producer. You know, I love the guy, but he, you know, he’s a vape guy. He’s a big, big into vape. And he’s got the one where you charge it with the USB, right? They won’t even let him take that in the, he keeps losing that when he goes into the rallies.

And we did the RNC and we did everything and they’ll, they’ll confiscate that. So if he can’t get his vape in, you mean to tell me that this guy is walking around the range? None of this makes sense to me. It doesn’t make sense to me. This is, shows me more the corruption way and being comparable way to make it make sense. The only way to make it make sense is if at some level, on some level. Number one, either, and I was gonna say this earlier, either as you say, there was compromise or number two, that he had help potentially, and potentially help that was there at the rally.

Hundred percent. That’s the only way. I have no idea why no one. And then, and then we go ask Biden for more help itself. But we go, so Biden, we need more secret service. I mean, isn’t that going like to the, the Fox stacks tas for. Well, makes no sense to me. Something that’s recently come out and, and I actually was just with a President Trump yesterday and at, down at Charlotte, North Carolina, we did this, ballots and bibles, kind of like a faith based event. And I actually took a very close look at the motorcade as he was coming through.

And you could see this motor gate is the biggest I’ve ever seen. Multiple suv’s, police motorcycle, probably 100 police motorcycles, squad cars, multiple ambulances, couple of buses that are out. And we also know that the campaign has now requested military support for not just the motorcade and they are using as well decoy motorcades. So sometimes when you see Trump leave one of these events, the motorcade will then split and you’ll have one go this way and one go this way. You don’t know what suv he’s in. So they’re using, by the way, the same type of battlefield tactics that our military was using, a global war on terror because they’re, and because they’re worried about those missiles you were talking about earlier, as well as drones.

They’ve also requested now military escort jets for his airplane. Okay. But I get that. I understand that and, and I applaud that him for that. But here’s the thing I’m questioning here. You’re going to the, the source, Biden, to give you more, to give you military, whatever, you’re asking for more secret servicemen, whatever. But it just takes one guy to be compromised, one guy that’s close to Trump. And that’s what scares, and I’ll tell you that. But the guy that I have so many questions about, and I would, you know, we’ll see if Trump is able to get back in there, whether or not he opens up a deeper investigation into this.

And I know he said that RFK is going to be given charge of a task force looking into presidential assassinations as well as declassification authority, not just for Butler but also for his, his own father, RFK senior, and his uncle JFK, which I certainly hope little, little poetic justice there, right? Have his, have the son and the nephew be the one that actually releases it. It. And that officer Greg Nicholl of the Beaver County Esu, who dropped Overwatch coverage, who was in the AGR building, who was looking out the window at the rooftop, by the way, it is only slightly sloped.

It’s not, I’ve been there and looked at it multiple times. It’s a tiny little slope. Nobody, you know, my, my three year old wouldn’t have a problem with that slope. And, you know, he, he drops coverage just a few minutes prior to crooks going up there. And it’s like, did someone tell you to do that? Did you get a text message that told you to do that? Were you told prior to that? You know, there’s a lot of these questions that are still out there. So there’s way more questions than answers. We, well, here’s what I’m doing right.

And with this book, with bulletproof, what we’ve decided is that we don’t trust the federal government. Don’t buy it. Don’t, we? Don’t, we’re not buying what they’re selling. So we’ve hired our own private investigators and these guys are licensed in Pennsylvania. They are licensed PIs and they are a firm. And they are going around western Pennsylvania as we speak right now, doing the shoe leather reporting, digging into the officers who were involved, digging into crooks, digging into his ties, digging into his connections, digging into what devices his device was associated with, which, by the way, includes, we’ve uncovered and people could see in the book, burner devices that were active and inactive for various periods of time around the shooting, including the day of the shooting and the days after the shooting, the ieds.

How did he build these things? How did he test these things without anybody finding out? Digging into the parents, whether they specifically the father, whether he knew anything. And it does appear, by the way, that the federal district of the Western District of Pennsylvania, the US attorney out there, Eric Olshands, has open investigations. Don’t you think Kimberly Cheadle got off kind of easy? Really? Cheadle? I mean, she just, she just walks away, right? Yeah. I mean, seriously, I mean, just look at that Pepsi. I guess. Yeah, I just. To me, it’s just, I don’t know, this whole thing smells die heaven.

I see a lot of corruption here. I see a lot of people compromised. In my opinion. I think there was a lot bigger scandal going on here than just people being incompetent. But let me just ask you before I let you go, Jack, I know you press for time here, and I’m, and I’m trying to be respectful of that. There’s been a word that as we go into this election, November 5, I am expecting, to be honest, probably some kind of pause or halt. Okay, that’s, that’s kind of what I’m looking at here. What I think is going to happen.

I don’t think they’re good. I think there’s like when they were, when they paused accounting last time. Yeah, there’s going to be some kind of machines go bunk that not everyone can vote. It’s going to be halted. That’s, look, I was in my, I was in Maricopa county. I’m a Philly guy, but I was in Maricopa in 2022. I was out with Charlie Kirk and I was there at the voting center and they, the message comes down. Oh, the machines broke down. And if you want to wait in line, you can, but it’s going to be a much longer line.

It’s like when you go to the airport now and they only have one, you know, one magnetometer is up and suddenly the line goes all the way back. Well, guess what? Happened to Maricopa. There were so many people who are like, I can’t wait 3 hours. I got to pick the kids up. I got to go to work. I got it. I got, I got life. I got stuff to do. Right. And that was this massive voter just obvious. So I think that’s what we can expect in America. And I was just one county, right. So I think that’s what we can expect happening this time around.

And if Trump, if they, let’s say it is a landslide, they’re not big enough with, with, with Kamala, then they’re even coming out saying, well, we’re not, we going to make sure that we don’t, we’re not going to certify that we’re not going to let him get inaugurated. I mean, they’re already coming out saying this. I mean, I think we’re in that. What’s that? Jamie? Jamie, Jamie Raskin of the House Democrats has already said so that, and this is why, this is why, by the way, you got to win the House because, so the House gets seated before the president.

So everybody knows the presidency gets certified on Jen, then the inauguration is January 20, but the House is much earlier than that. So you’ve got to get a Republican House because if the Democrats take over the House, they don’t have it. But they only, Republicans only have the majority by like four or five seats right now. And if the Democrats take control of the House, they’ve already said they won’t certify it if Trump. Correct. So we’re in a war. This is, this is not stopping anytime soon. I think, I think we’re looking at the next. By the way, the assassination attempts and the threats on President Trump’s life have not stopped.

And we read stuff in here and there’s, there’s indications that there, there have been attempts that stuff involving maybe drones, armed drones like you see in Ukraine that haven’t even made it to the press yet. There’s, I’ve heard there’s surface to air missiles that have been smuggled into the states. How does that even happen? Well, yeah, an open border. So this time I’m scared for his plane. Well, I mean, his plane doesn’t have any defenses against something like that. But even then, you know, if you were, if you had a capable enough drone and you were able to say as his plane was taxiing up at one of these, at one of these runways, and everybody knows the schedule because it’s public, so you take one drone with, you know, a pretty basic id, something you could make, I mean, they’re making, they’re making ids on drones now over in Ukraine out of like Pepsi cans and stuff.

So I mean, it’s very simple to make. This, this kid in Butler, Pennsylvania, Thomas Matthew crooks, had ieds in his, in his vehicle. He had a drone that day. You very easily could have used it. Can’t ask him why he didn’t, but he very easily could have done that and used the drone to try to take out Trump. You could use that against the plane. You and you take out just maybe one engine. That might be all you need. Speaker one, let me ask you one last question, man. This Vim Miller kid that got stopped at the last rally that had, I get, I guess, unregistered guns and I guess the passes were fake.

I’m not, I don’t, I’m not sure, too sure on the information, but he’s supposedly a Trump supporter. Do you think this guy should see still be in jail or do you think, you know, hey, I think, I think he is out actually right now. No, he is out here. But I’m thinking, do you think he should still be in? Should he be still being questioned? I mean. No, no, I think, I think that was a misunderstanding. I think that was a big misunderstanding. And, you know, I think that, but I can understand, I can understand at the same time.

And apparently, you know, I didn’t even realize, but I’d met the guy at like a turn point event, you know, prior to it because there were pictures of me meeting him at one of these turning points. And I don’t have any, you know, specific memory of it. But, you know, it seems to me, though, that because the threat environment is so large that, that local law enforcement, you know, you got people that are, you know, maybe, maybe taking things, you know, into and blowing them out of proportion. But, you know, that said, if, look, I’m just going to say it at that.

Butler, when I went back to the Butler rally, to return to Butler rally on October 5, I’m sure that 80% of those cars had guns in them. Right. Because it’s western Pennsylvania. Right. Trump goes to an event in, in Georgia. If he goes to vent in Tennessee or North Carolina, I’m sure that the car, like, probably most of the cars have guns in them. You know, now they’re legal, not registered. You know, obviously those are different situations. But, you know, generally Trump supporters have guns in their cars. I think that’s a pretty, pretty safe thing to say.

So it’s, but it doesn’t surprise me that, that he said, hey, you know, just to let you know, I’ve got firearms in my, in my vehicle. And I think the sheriff got a little, little ahead of himself there in calling it an assassination attempt when I don’t think that’s what it was. Bulletproof, folks. That’s the name of the book. Where do people get it? Jack? Well, thank you so much. So we’ve got it up on Amazon, but if you don’t like Bezos, and I totally get that, you can go up to books, a million, you can go to Barnes and Noble and we even have, you could buy it direct from us at order bulletproof.com dot.

Nice. And we’re probably looking at Trump. There’s probably going to be many more threats. Right on Trump. I mean, the threats are out there. I tend to think these are the three letter agencies using other things as other, like Iran as a proxy, things like that. Would you agree with that or. Well, when I spoke with, I was on Tucker’s show a couple of days after the first threat, the first shot. And, you know, we were, we were saying, how convenient is it that the one country that the regime is trying to start a war with is the very same one that we’re told the first.

Oh, by the way, they’re trying to kill President Trump. How convenient that they are the first ones that get the blame on this. Almost like the story was pre planned in some way. That’s my guess. All right, folks, Jack Pasobic, thank you so much for joining, brother. I hope I can bring you on again that some other sometime. Yeah, yeah, we’ll have to, yeah, I’ll have Stacy. Sure. I’ll have Stacey reach out to you and, yeah, just go through Stacy. God bless you. All right. Take care, brother in the fight, my man. Later.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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