War Games a Propoganda Thinly veiled Threat PT 4




➡ The final part of the movie “War Games” discusses the potential use of the Insurrection Act and the federalization of the National Guard in response to a crisis. The movie highlights the dilemma faced by the President and the government, as they grapple with the decision to invoke the Insurrection Act or not, amidst requests from several states. The movie ends with the President deciding not to send federal troops, instead relying on local law enforcement and the National Guard. This decision is praised, but it also emphasizes the deep divisions in American society and the challenges the President faces in healing a fractured nation.
➡ The president addressed the nation during a challenging day, emphasizing the importance of peaceful power transfer and the rule of law. He condemned violent protesters and assured that the government is working with states to meet their needs. Despite internal threats and divisions, he urged unity and faith in the system, reminding everyone of the promise of equality, opportunity, and stability in the country. He ended his speech by asking everyone to focus on what unites us and praying for the nation.


Okay, this is part four, the final part of the movie War Games, that is put out by the military and the United States government and it stars everybody that’s actually in the military or the United States government and they’re trying to paint people that believe in the Constitution and the oaths that they swore to the Constitution as radicals. But yet, on the same hand, on September 27th, 2024, the Department of Defense has authorized lethal force including death and serious bodily injury to American citizens by the American military which is a direct conflict of the 143-year-old posse-comitatus law that completely and utterly does not allow this.

So with that being said, I will digress. They did an insurrection proclamation but they haven’t made the decision to implement it yet. Standing by if we need it. They need to clarify if it’s let’s say insurrection act. Well, they’re standing by but what do you think is the, I’ll be curious to know what the, what is the delineation question. What are they doing with their national guards? What help do they need from us? The biggest challenge is to have the insurrection act as an option invoked towards the end of this game because it can be used to catastrophic effect.

I remain concerned we have not decided who is in charge of what’s going on in Arizona. This confusion is really good. They’re like not sure who’s in charge. The governor might be under a hostage situation or she’s evacuating. She asked clearly for federal support. The implication was there is nobody in charge right now. I mean everything that we’re getting through these channels is it’s clear that they want us to federalize. So I guess I’m not sure what are the downsides to using this tool other than there’s obviously some huge PR concerns. Well Mr.

President if I could right now we’re not putting active military into these states to do things. What we’ve done is they’re using their own national guard so they have law enforcement authority. All we’re doing is providing them the support communications, logistics, etc that they’re asking for. But Arizona and North Carolina are saying they need more. I guess I’m trying to understand the disconnect. Certainly if you don’t have an active hostage situation then I can understand why it makes sense for us to use national guard. But we have an explicit request for the insurrection act to be invoked and I think we need to be able to explain why we wouldn’t in this particular circumstance.

Given historically in lesser circumstances the insurrection act has been used. President Bush did invoke it for the Rodney King riots. That was a far cry less than this. Yeah the question is what is it that they’re facing that is beyond the capacities of their normal law enforcement. If there’s any state that might be a candidate for an insurrection act it may be Arizona because people in that state have taken over the seat of government and are holding elected officials hostage with threats to kill them. In North Carolina we don’t have any evidence of anything except they’re worried what’s a bunch of active duty army guys going to do there.

This is really a hostage situation. It’s the people that are best able to deal with that are local law enforcement. It’s the people that are best able to deal with that are local law enforcement. I mean we did it at Waco in 1993. My division gave up one VTR to sort of puncture this thing and it’s all over the internet. 25 years later that the first cavalry division killed all these people because of a fire. If you can keep the military out of it it’s much better. They’re asking you to take moral responsibility is what this issue is.

In my view you shouldn’t do that. You should force the governor to do the duty. Absolutely. There’s no reason for you to become personally the officer in charge. The only reason you don’t do insurrection act is the president becomes responsible. That’s what presidents normally good presidents normally do. They take responsibility. And the way you do that and the way you do that is you go out to the governor’s office and you say I am strongly considering invocation insurrection act. If any governor doesn’t wish me to do that please let me know because that’s now under positive consideration.

Taking responsibility for a president is not a bad thing. Can I play devil’s advocate for a second? You know when we think insurrection act we think about deploying paratroopers. That’s a bunch of hammers looking for nails. What if you have a president Trump who’s considering invoking the insurrection act who has the authority to do it to use federal troops to enforce law but in this case right it’s flipped the other way so that’s three states requesting federalization of the of the guard one two three four five states when you think about this scenario the president of the united states has five governors requesting federalization that’s a pretty strong push towards the insurrection act we have multiple governors now publicly saying they’re asking for federal support we need to be able to explain to the american public why we’re not using the insurrection act michigan arizona north carolina florida and pennsylvania have requested the federalization of the troops but the two who have not are oklahoma as we suspected and colorado the question is what’s driving that i mean because there’s got to be a reason and say just because is not a good reason to bring them on title 10 you’re taking them out of their law enforcement more requested this is what i’m saying so the essence of being a federal government and not a national government as these governors are asking you to do this i’m going to governor saying what do you need from your federal government and they are telling me what they except for two of them i don’t know how to go back to the governor as the commander in chief of the national guard and this is going to be a defining moment of your presidency we have to understand why they want to give command and control to the president the insurrection act is a trap we need to have a further it’s a defining moment in their governor show we have what president your audience is the american public and they want to know that congress is coming back to certify so we do have to come to agreement here because time is moving on you have to decide which way you don’t want to move mr president 10 minutes remaining the president is sweating he’s gonna have to make a decision mr president are you invoking the insurrection act or federalizing national guards neither has happened yet i’m not asking you i’m asking the president are you doing either mr president mr president mr president mr president mr president put your fucking courage on the table mr president mr president that’s exactly what they should be doing there’s 9000 officers metropolitan police we can’t make the mistake of not having the guard deployed but having people wear military uniforms is going to make absolutely a lot of people think that we are we need to have the civilian authority and law enforcement really in the lead on this to the greatest extent possible because they want to bait us into using lethal force in response mr president current situation we believe we have a handle on containing the protesters capital is secured the critical infrastructure along the eastern seaboard including all the ingress and egress points into the national capital region is secured so sir last comment from my perspective we’re standing by we’ve increased the alert posture right now we’re available and the forces have an increased readiness posture obviously to ensure that we have continuity of government and continuity of operation thanks general let’s get this thing certified to say that members of congress are returning to the chambers certification certification process to resume within the hour there you go okay welcome back everyone to our breaking news coverage inan has just learned that the national guard and local law enforcement have officially secured the u.s capital and congress is reconvening to certify the electoral votes for president-elect john hawtham in phoenix arizona the local law enforcement and the arizona national guard operating under the governor’s direction are praising hawtham’s decision not to send in federal troops and escalate the situation saying they are making progress in the negotiations to release the hostages the crisis has further exposed the deep divisions in american society and the u.s military and the burden will now fall on hawtham to heal a fractured nation we’re getting word that the president is about to address the nation live regarding today’s events mr president are you ready for the briefing mr president i can tell you’re doing the exact right thing by trying to keep the military out of this politics mr president are you comfortable with the same four people being behind you uh sure okay let’s go mr president at the end of the day i think you have to think about how do we convince the american public that we still have a democracy yeah and mr president talk about the constitutions have served us well not just people condemn violence but people support a constitution that has served us well for 250 years and it’s it’s a living breathing documented and it’s still strong today as it was yesterday that’s a great way to end it closing argument good lawyer right now they’re walking ladies and gentlemen the president of the united states good afternoon thank you for being here throughout what has been a difficult and challenging day for all of us the peaceful transfer of power is at the core of who we are as a nation we will not allow a violent group of protesters to interrupt congress from fulfilling their constitutional duty even beyond what’s happening in the district of columbia we continue to make sure that our federal government is running our message to lieutenant general king to robert strictly to roger simpson members of the order of columbus and anyone intent on using violence to address election grievances we have a system of courts where these questions can and should be addressed armed mobs they will face the force of law we will protect the peaceful transition of power and we will protect and uphold the rule of law as you have seen in arizona there’s a hostage situation and as the president of the united states but also as a father i pray for those family members and those hostages look at times we may seem divided elections do that thanksgiving dinners do that but we are actually united in what the promise of this nation is and the promise of this nation it’s built on those essential building blocks we’re all treated equally we have opportunities and we have stability in representative democracy that’s the american promise and what this country is based upon what we are doing is working with the states to ascertain what specifically they need from the federal government and we’ll work to provide this is a 250 plus year experiment called representative democracy and it’s challenged at times today it’s actually a republic and they’re just showing you that this guy is just simply an actor simply an actor that’s all these political people are they’re actors they’re not real they don’t believe in god not the god that not god almighty that created heavens and earth because god wouldn’t accept this right here just say it someone’s got to say it i wasn’t the first time it was challenged January 6 2021 wasn’t the first time it was challenged the civil war was even necessarily the first time that it’s challenged and the patriots aren’t somebody posting on social media talking about an insurrection the patriots are the good people of this country that choose to have trust in the system so the american people thank you thank you for what has been indeed a challenging day and this challenge is not over by any measure remember what brings us together not what divides us and may god bless you your family and these united states of america that was very beautiful and i wish it was real not the scenario not the day not the day not the scenario just the leadership everyone thank you very much what we’re going to do we’re going to sit down we’re going to close the end of this exercise and quiet everybody nice and quiet in the situation room please okay everybody big cheese ready on three one two three one more one two three thank you very much the big question in the room is this insider threats it’s a reality in this scenario it was what six seven percent of the force that’s probably representative across the country so that means you have insider threats what are we doing to just screen those out the military is one of the last institutions in our society that has been and should be a political in the sense that it is supposed to be a space where everybody regardless of their political backgrounds in private will come together to achieve a mission towards a common cause okay so define irony this gay lady just said things should be a political and things that are done in private yet the first thing she talks about is who she has sex with and how gay she is and this is actually our military all too often i hear leaders talk about providing everyone with dignity and respect like it’s aspirational goal that’s not good enough so this person right here has an absolute mental disorder it’s a man pretending to be a woman also pretending to be a major i believe yeah our colonel i’m sorry a man dressed up as a woman just can’t contain himself and we all have to share in his delusion guess what other countries around the world they’re not dressing up as what they aren’t they’re dressing up as what they are that’s all i’m going to say everybody regardless of their political backgrounds in private will come together to achieve a mission towards a common cause that to me is what our society could and should be so the only pushback on that i’d give you is yeah you might have a few rogue military officers the vast majority military officers are exactly where we were i think you know the effective training of the forces is just a really powerful preventive to the insider stuff i would worry about specialists like people who have control of sensitive information or nuclear weapons or something like this who could you know be seditious but for the average guy we can handle that i would slightly disagree i would say it is a problem so what is going to be the process for us to be able to screen monitor and deal with the veteran brand has been damaged in the united states a lot of people now when they think of veterans they think of violent insurrections because that’s exactly what the government and the news has called them and that was just simply straight completely out of the blue and i find it laughable they put ruby ridge waco in there oh uh they’re hurting children so let’s quickly burn and kill all of them because that’s what they did ruby ridge they shot first period you know what i mean and everything about that i mean look up the real story look up the real story i’m this is making me i’m pissed well there’s a growing group of veterans working with non-profits and political action committees and we are here for the people who want to be prepared to defend democracy from all possible events we have a choice we can either be afraid and do nothing or we can continue our service to our country i find it funny someone that didn’t even get an honorable discharge is discussing the veteran as being a brand it’s ridiculous we’re not influenced or whatever i’m struggling to contain myself right now because i’m frustrated with the belief that that we’re addressing the problem of insider threats what folks of higher rank are insulated from is when a neo-nazi joins the marine corps doesn’t have to be special forces doesn’t have to be a ranger but if that ideology is to accelerate the destruction of the united states they’re determined and if and if one slips through which many have there’s ample opportunity for them to do serious damage and this is so pervasive through the force right now it’s true i’m worried but i have a lot of confidence in the leadership we have we’ve always been able to unite the country when the threat is external the question that i have is can we have that same level of cohesive american commitment to this country and our democracy when the threat is internal on january 6 i was weeping just watching it unfold and feeling all of the stress and pressure yeah i just started crying i mean i was like crying for my friends who were in the building and for our country and what it meant um so yeah i want to do everything possible to make sure that doesn’t happen again so

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