Trump To Announce Major News on Joe Rogan Show – URGENT! Will This Change Politics Forever?? | David Nino Rodriguez





➡ In this episode of Nino’s Corner TV, David Nino Rodriguez discuss’s the idea of a one-world currency and the implications of such a system. They also talk about Chuck Norris’s health and fitness routine, which has kept him active and energetic into his 80s. The hosts suggest that viewers watch a special video by Norris on his health regimen. The conversation also touches on the value of long-form podcasting and the hosts’ plans to incorporate it into their own work.
➡ The speaker discusses how younger generations are shifting away from traditional media like television and are instead consuming information through social media platforms like YouTube and TikTok. They also mention the rise of short-form content, which caters to the shorter attention spans of younger audiences. The speaker expresses concern about the potential for misinformation and disinformation on these platforms. They also touch on the societal changes brought about by digital dependency, such as decreased social interaction and increased fear due to online predators.
➡ The text discusses the evolution of technology, particularly the internet, and its impact on society. It highlights how the internet, initially developed for military use, has transformed into a tool for information exchange and business. However, it also raises concerns about internet safety and the need for better security measures. The text also mentions the disappointment of not achieving certain futuristic expectations, like those depicted in cartoons and movies.
➡ The text discusses the complexity of the internet, including the dark web and how it operates. It explains how every computer has a unique IP address that can be tracked, making it difficult to hide online activity. The text also mentions the potential for criminal activity to be quickly identified and stopped. Lastly, it talks about Stellar Lumens, a type of cryptocurrency, and its potential use in consumer transactions.
➡ The speaker discusses the importance of timing and strategy in disrupting established systems, drawing parallels between historical events like the Gutenberg press revolution and the current digital age. They believe that attempts to control the internet, likened to the Gutenberg press 2.0, will ultimately fail due to the inherent complexity of human thought and interaction. The speaker also anticipates a significant power shift in the near future, suggesting that attempts to tighten control will backfire. They conclude by expressing surprise at the casualness with which some discuss potential drastic measures, such as refusing to certify elections or eliminating dissenters.
➡ The speaker discusses a grim prediction about America’s future, including potential threats and chaos. They express skepticism about the prediction, suggesting the need for more evidence and questioning the motives behind it. They also share a personal experience about warning others before a crisis, emphasizing the importance of preparedness. The conversation ends with some light-hearted banter about personal life.
➡ The speaker discusses owning five Bengal cats, one of which they plan to give away. They also mention a Haitian family they are trying to protect. The speaker contemplates having a parrot or a monkey for their podcast, and ends by promoting Ninoscorner TV and Untoldhistory TV before saying goodbye.



All right, folks, welcome to Nino’s Corner tv. I’m joined with Ron partain and the ghost, El Casper Ghost. So lots to talk about here. We’re gonna see if we could pull this off for YouTube. So let’s see if we can do this. I got two heavy hitters here, and I can get turbulent real fast. So let’s see what we can do. I guess today we’re gonna be talking about currencies and I. Geopolitics. Geopolitics. Right. So this is going to be interesting in unicorns. Yeah. So the whole objective of this great reset and everything that’s happening right now, just so people know, is that they can bring in this one world currency.

Right, guys? I mean, that’s. That’s. That’s what they want. They want the switch to happen so that they can pull the plug and own the new system going forward. Now, that’s what the battle of all this is about. And people need to really understand. This is like crash 101. Banksterism. Bankster ism. Right? Correct. So welcome, Ron. And welcome goes. Thanks for joining me. Pleasure to be here, brother. Always a pleasure. Let me just get started with this, folks. Have you ever wondered what happened to the great Chuck Norris? Well, I recently saw a video and that he made it.

I was shocked. Why are you laughing, Ron? I know, I know. Okay. He’s in his eighties and still kicking butt and working out and staying active. What’s even more shocking is that he’s stronger, can work out longer, and even has plenty of energy left over for his grandkids. And what else? Use your imagination. He did. He did this by just making one change. He says he still feels like he’s in his fifties. His wife even started doing this one thing, too, and she’s never felt better. She says she feels ten years younger, her body looks leaner, and she has energy all day long.

Chuck. Whoa. Chuck made a special video that explains everything. Make sure you watch it by going to forward slash Nino or by clicking on the link below this video. It will change the way you think about your health. Once again, that’s Chuck forward slash nino and click on the link in the description below to watch a video now. You won’t believe how simple it really is. Just a reminder, folks, the legendary chuck norris is a whopping 84 years old. I cannot believe he’s that old now and yet has more energy than me. He discovered he could create dramatic changes to his health simply by focusing on these three things that sabotage our body as we age.

Watch his method by clicking on the link on the description box below. Chuck nino, folks, get started on it. Change your life. Change your health. Live a happy life. All right, I got an idea for you real quick. Chuck lives in your state, from what I understand. So why don’t the two of you, you, with your, you know, on your protein drinks or whatever you do, and his, and you two of you get in the octagon together and have a friendly fight? I think that would. I think that would be if I’ve resorted to fighting someone in their eighties, then my, look, I.

Don’t punch me next time I see you, okay? That’s what my life has come to. It’s over, bro. I’m just, you know. Oh, it’s just over. I mean, can I just a little bit of dignity I have left in my life. Celebrity fry with Nino and Chuck. Oh, God. And have Rogan ringside calling the show. Yeah, there you go. Ready to rumble. What’s your thoughts on, on Trump going on Rogan? Do you think that was strategy all along, or do you think that was just a change of heart at the last second? I think. I think Rogan finally was like, yeah, I should do it.

He’s like, I got to save the country, probably. Well, I remember, I think it’s a good, I think it’s a good idea that they. I like, I love the Trump goes on just about any, any decent one, you know, I need to get him on mine, man. I haven’t even, I’ve only reached out through one channel. I need to get a holy cash Patel into this. And the people are probably like, why aren’t you? Why should. Well, well, I think the, I think Trump is smart to do the, these long form podcasts. I remember when Patrick bet David was on with Rogan and he was maybe there, they were, like, making bets, or he was like, yeah, you’re going to have him on one day.

And he’s like, oh, you think so? Yeah, I remember that. I remember that, that, that back and forth really well. And, yeah, I’m just glad that he’s doing that. You know, the first political candidate to really start to do that was, was Ramaswamy. He was the first one to really start going on all these long form podcasts because he didn’t have the budget. So that was the best way for him to get known with the little people. I’ll tell you why. They worked for a while. It worked for him. Oh, it worked for him. And that’s the thing, people have got to see these kinds of outlets, how valuable they really are.

Because in the end, they’re toying with the numbers. The numbers are much higher. We know that for a fact. And when it’s cross platform, you’re talking 50, 6100 thousand views turns into ten times that over time, minimum. And. Yeah, minimum. And that’s cross platform sharing and, you know, group sharing and things like that. So. Yeah, I still think you two and the Octagon would be awesome, though. I do know. But I’ll leave that a little. You’re gonna see. I’m gonna just fire back. I just want to know, you know, I need to get out some rage and frustration.

I still got, you know, something left over in the basement, you know? Yeah, Adrian, hello? Yeah, but I don’t want to go do my horrible. Okay. So speaking of which, speaking of which, you know, I’ve. Let’s get serious. I would. I would. Honestly, if Jake Paul gave me a call, I would fight him. Like, I’d roll off the couch and knock that dude out and. I’m just being serious. I’m not. I’m not. I’m not. I’m not lying. I’m not. I being. I’m not nothing. I know. Great payday. It would make me get off and get started getting outside and running and getting back into shape.

I’m. That’s not even a joke. But I am such a high risk for that guy. He would never do it. He would never do it because he knows he’d probably get knocked out and I’m an old man. Why would he want you rather fight Mike Tyson as an old man anyway, that being said, actually, ghost, I do have a question for you. People want to know. Yes, sir. Why do you always feel. Why do you always sound like you’re, like, in so much fucking pain on these podcasts? You really like to know that or you’re constant pain.

No, that’s not a problem. Are you on the toilet? Tell you that? Yeah. No, I’d let you know if I was, I’d be muting and going, yeah, nina, what do you think about that? I’d be doing that for 20 minutes. What a proper allocation of resources. Yeah, yeah, let’s get into it. Let’s get it, let’s get into it. I mean, what kind of going on? No, but you know, what was the question again? Because you’re in a lot of pain. You’re in a lot of pain, right? Yes, I have many, basically, two, three, four, five, s.

One fused. Problems with thoracic problems with cervical that can’t even be operated on in the cervical. So, yeah. And then I don’t get that much sleep that often. Maybe four or 5 hours a night if I’m lucky. Yeah, that’s about how I am, because certain things never stop. And am I in pain a lot? Yes, I am. But over time, you learn how to deal with it, and, you know, the best thing about pain lets you know you’re not dead yet. Exactly. So I’m. Yeah, every morning I wake up and as God is my witness, because God is my witness, I say, thank you for another day.

You know, I didn’t drift off in the middle of night. Well, we’ve just wasted about five to ten. Yeah, I know. So let’s, let’s, let’s, let’s. Yeah, so, but hold on. Let’s talk about the Rogan, the, the long form stuff, because I have not even dipped my toe into long form podcasting yet. I’m going to, so that is coming to Nino’s corner tv. I’m going to build a studio and start doing some in person long form podcasting. Probably start off with once a month, and then build from there. But that’s, that’s down the road. But I’m looking into doing that.

But you’re right, I’ve noticed Trump is hitting a lot of long form, in person podcasting, and that’s where I’ve been dropping the ball. That’s what I needed. I need to start doing. So, obviously, that was a tactic, right? I mean, that was a tactic to get the, I think it’s a taxi to reach the most, actually your core audience, to get other people that normally aren’t hearing what you’re saying, you know, aren’t following the rallies, aren’t following the news necessarily, but they do follow these because they get more, let’s say, bang for moment information than they would anywhere else.

Let me say what I think is the younger generation is not turning the television on. The younger generation is going to YouTube, tick tock, places like that. And what’s that pick is a new one. That’s a new streaming thing. Kick. There’s a whole bunch of new ones coming up now. Well, yeah, I mean, the more the merrier, man. Um, I say, uh, anything to, anything to dilute YouTube because, because of the censorship, I mean, but I, you know, straying a little bit. I am utterly, I feel as though YouTube is going to get sold at some point and it’s going to get purchased by somebody similar to, like, Twitter, where it becomes more.

I’m actually hearing that’s going to happen with Rumble. Really? Yes, that’s what I’m hearing. Didn’t rumble. Just change hands with the people that run. Help. Help me with my YouTube channel are telling me that that rumble could be gone any day. Like, they’re. It’s like, nothing’s safe, man. Nothing’s really. I thought Soros organization dipped into that style. I don’t know about that. I don’t know anything other than just the rumors I’m hearing. So that’s about that. I wouldn’t surprise me, to be honest with you. That wouldn’t. That wouldn’t shock me at all. But getting back to the long form podcast, I tend to think that, you know, it was Vivek Ramaswami who came out and did that at the origins of his run for president.

And when he dropped out and then endorsed Trump, I think he had a significant influence on Trump in terms of pushing him in that direction, because you’ve got a huge swath of the kids out there who will not turn on television on, right? They’re cordless. And I remember seeing a graphic about support for that little country on the eastern Mediterranean right after ten, seven, and a lot of the atrocities that were happening on both sides, but predominantly by the one over the other. And the support for that little country by age bracket, it was divided into four categories, from 55 and older, 45 to 55, 35 to 45, and then, like, 25 to 35.

And, like, the 55 and older crowd was, like, they supported him, like, 80% plus. And then the second one down was, like, 60%, and then it was, like, 30%. And then the youngest, like, the 25 to 35 was, like, 18%, so. And they don’t vote half the time anyway. And, you know, young. But my point is, well, the younger generation is getting their news from, like, tick tock and. Right, right. Places like that. And they were seeing what was going on over there in a way that the mass media, who, who is predominantly watched by the older generation, because they only know television.

They don’t have, you know, they have phones, but they don’t really tune into the social media. And if they do, it’s predominantly Facebook, not anything else. So. And Facebook is, you know, a lot of censorship there. So anyway, all that said, the long form podcasts are reaching the younger generation much more so and without. Without the censorship that you would get from a, you know, from. From mainstream media. You know, where the future is going right now is. Is shorts, man, 30 seconds and below. That’s really what it is, they have the memory of a goldfish.

It should be generational. Yeah, right. It’s the shorts now, man. That’s where the future is. And all this, everything, everybody’s now just investing in short shorts and that’s where it’s at. I mean, I have to do, I’m starting a whole new department of just shorts now with my, with my podcast, generation SFD be. Yeah, it’s like they have a memory of a goldfish, dude. They just, everything’s the wife generation. Swipe, swipe, swipe. Even dating apps, Tinder, whatever other dating apps are, I mean, people just swipe, yes, yes, no, yes. And then they go and hook up and that’s it.

Nobody courts anybody anymore. I mean, we’re going to do the relationship side of things. But though everything’s instant microwave generation, man, this especially with what’s coming up now, the teenagers now, dude, I mean, they probably look at it well. It’ll be, it’ll be the best boot camp for ham radio. Yeah. But, you know, again, the psychological effects of what is already happening and has the potential to happen exponentially. That’s going to cure a lot of ADHD and a lot of, let’s say, digital dependency. Because digital dependency, if it’s not for a pragmatic or simple or straightforward use, is a waste of time.

It’s a waste of time because you’re stuck in the middle of a real, let’s say, s storm kind of thing where you’re just getting disinformation, misinformation. You’re getting it blended and you’re getting mass confusion. It’s down to a science now. Most people can’t even tell when they’re in the middle of a series of mass confusion articles. They just go from one to the other. So it’s a very serious issue when it comes right down to it. Nothing will ever replace silence of the mind, contemplation and discernment over emotion, knee jerk reaction and judgment. Well, to your point, there goes that this generation is an offshoot of our generation, which we were the first real big television generation where television was an enormous part of our youth.

And the computers from the beginning, right? And then the computers, the computers were when we were a little bit older, but now the younger generation, it’s like, you know, the kids are learning computers. You know, they’re, they know more about computers before they’re five than most of their parents will ever know. Yeah. They navigate them better, too. Well, I mean, if you go to dinners and things like that, I mean, if you just look at the restaurant, you see kids, babies with a. A device in front of them, you know, when really they should be learning.

Like. Yeah, I mean, it’s interact, right? Interact with people. They’re just. They’re just zoned in on this device, and that’s just anything to give the parents peace and quiet. But, I mean, well, the parents are in their phones, too. Yeah, everyone is. Dude, I remember back in the day, I. Seriously, and I don’t know if you remember this, but pre Internet and post Internet, do you remember used to go to, like, restaurants and it would be loud and people. Yeah. Remember that? Remember people. And now I go there. It’s quiet. You might have a table here and there, like, where people are conversing and it’s a little loud.

But back in the day, do you guys not remember. Remember that you should go to a restaurant, everyone be glopping. Yeah. You have to raise your voice. You have to raise your voice. Even at a normal conversation, you had to speak a little bit louder because people couldn’t hear you across the table. Right. And then also, not only that, everyone in the neighborhood would be outside. Everyone. Man, I remember kids were outside, right? Playing outside. I remember everything’s giving out. Go outside. The whole neighborhood to be out there throwing the football, soccer ball, whatever. But the whole neighborhood was out there and talking and hanging out.

Now, I. Dude, I don’t see any kids anywhere doing anything. Rarely. And if they are, they’re being hovered over by their parents, and they’re at, like, they don’t even have swing sets parks anymore, dude. They don’t have swing sets. They’ve taken those away. Yeah, well, there’s jungle gyms. There’s nothing. You know, I mean, when. When we were kids, dude, how many times did you know, you. How many people did you see at school with broken arms? You know, kids that were, you know, they had. Because they were outside playing and they fell and they busted their arm or.

Oh, heck, yeah. Leg or whatever. I mean, that was a common occurrence. Now if somebody gets the sniffles, it’s like, oh, my God, he needs a vaccine. He needs a meaning. You know, two helicopters appear, and they call themselves parents. Yeah, I know. This is getting so out of hand. And honestly, the thing that I think has increased because of the Internet is, is I think that actually, I think that is reason to keep your kids at home and safe because think there are those. The predators have increased. I think just because they have access to the Internet and they have.

They have been cracked down on right. And that’s, that’s also been by design, by the way. Correct. Well, that’s, that’s no different than, that’s no different than. Than large events at schools that involves things that go bang. Right. Those are all also. Those are manufactured events to keep people in a constant state of fear. Yeah. I mean, and you know, regardless of what, say, Alex Jones went through with that, I think where he messed up with that was simply in making certain claims. But just because it’s a false flag doesn’t mean that real human beings don’t die.

They surely do. So it’s one thing to go to one degree, another to go to another, but, you know. Yeah. This, the digital age has not, let’s put it this way, it’s just like when aircraft. Right. We go from 1903 or whatever it was, I think 19 six. Yeah, zero six somewhere in there. And we go from that in literally two generations to space, 60 years later, we’re in space as a routine measure. But what I’m seeing with the 19th, December 17, December 17, 1903, talking about the Wright brothers. Yeah. And now we go the fifties, from the eighties.

What a stark difference. But now we can look back to the nineties to now. Well, not a lot has changed. It’s just a hodgepodge of what came before. It’s not even, and I’m saying this as far as what’s attracting the young people, well, it’s like a lot hasn’t changed. Well, I’ll say what has changed. You know, if you go like, to. The people are buried in their devices. Right? That’s what changed. So if you go back to like, go watch back to the future. They had flying cars. The future looks. I just saw that this afternoon.

Wow, what a coincidence. I mean, you know, I had this conversation with a friend of mine the other day. We were talking about how we got robbed because when we were younger, you know, we remember, you know, watching the Jetsons as a cartoon on Saturday mornings. Right. And the Jetsons. Or even on the afternoons. But, you know, I was like, shoot, you know, by the time that we get to be 30 and 40 years old, we’re going to be going to the moon and, you know, exploring the stars. And on the 2001 of Space Odyssey 2000, 120 ten, which was an.

Oh, 2010 was a grossly underrated movie. Yeah. The year we make contact, which was a follow up in the sequel to 2001, which was 2010 was a really good movie. The only thing they got wrong was the fact that it was still the Soviet Union. Yeah, yeah, we. Later. But yeah, that is actually a subject for later. Well, let’s change gears for a second and talk about what we were initially going to talk about on here. Sorry, folks. Well, how many? I mean, we were supposed to talk about this right here, which I’m going to put up on the string on the screen right now.

And that is, boom. The economist. In what year, Ron, was this? That was 1988. And let me, let me explain the picture. Zoom out a little bit. Our. Zoom in. Zoom out. There we go. Okay, so what, that is what month? What month, by the way? It’s the. I don’t remember because October 77 was the crash. That was it black. I’ll look it up. I’ll look it up and see if I can find a higher resolution actually here. But this is 1988, you said, right? Or what’d you say? Yeah, 88. So that was the Economist magazine from 1988.

And it’s a Phoenix rising from the ashes of all the currency of the world being burned. And it’s got a silver or a gold disc and on its breast and it’s got ten. And then the Phoenix, it’s 2000, it says 2018. And right, and right in this kind of off center is a circle with a line through it. Okay? So that is, as I understand it by looking at this, what I see that as is that that circle with the line through it is the symbol for the currency. Just like the dollar sign or the pound sign.

It’s almost like pie on its side. Right. Or angled. Yeah, but so you get said 2018. So they missed their mark, obviously, because that’s when Trump came in, or Trump was in at that time. So obviously that’s. They missed their mark right there. Yeah, but you see in magazine covers like this, that, this agenda that, that, you know, we’re especially younger people already. All right, July, that was about, what, ten months following the crash, 910 months when the Marshall plan extension of the leveraging of the eastern and western gold to rebuild Europe and the Pacific. That’s when it ran out.

That’s when the math ran out. That’s when we began jumping more heavily, had already gone off the gold standard in 73. And that’s when things began jumping into the fiat currency world, where, okay, we’re comfortable and fine and no problems with creating nine to 12 billion a day just to run the federal corporation. So, um, you know, yeah, the, uh. But this was all in play then, it’s still in play now. The pushback disagreements, the quiet war. Here we are today. But you look at this and you see, you know, 2018 and someone reading this back in 1988 would be like, oh, that’s so far away from now.

I mean, I mean, think about it. I mean, it’s, it’s like, of course, nobody think about how asleep, really, society was in the eighties and nineties, even up to just until now, people are barely waking up to this. And it’s like 1 minute till midnight, or I would say 5 seconds till midnight. It’s like people are just waking up. What changed? What’s the biggest change? 20. 911 and 2020. No, the biggest change is the Internet, right? Correct. The biggest change is the Internet. Well, and add in some events, obviously, that happened 100%. But I’m talking about, I’m strictly speaking of exchange of information, the Internet, when the Internet came out and I.

The Internet was designed and goes, check me on this. But the Internet was designed by the military, or DARPA, as a mechanism to have command and control communication in the case of a nuclear conflict. And then it was ARPA. ARPA advanced Research Projects Agency. And you had like in 69, the first I, Internet protocol IP. Ip basically running for the first time, Internet protocol Internet packet to where different systems running on different, you know, every college had their own language that they basically developed for their systems. It was a way then to say, okay, look, we have all these different systems out there, let’s see if we can get them to communicate on the same level.

And by 69, you had earlier than that, you had a refrigerator sized modem that would be like twelve Baud now. But they broke through and established the protocol that we’re operating on to this day, and became DARPA, Defense advanced Research projects agency. And, you know, so was originally the Arpanet what, what Al Gore invented. Excuse me, was. Yeah, was what Al Gore claimed. Well, just, everybody knows that, Joker. You should at least. Yeah, but he was taking what the original ARPAnet that became Darpaneta, that by the late eighties was already obsolete, as opposed to the next generations of military communications.

It was just sitting there, an entire architecture, infrastructure and network, uplink, downlink 13, I believe that were primary stations. Then all of that became, here, take it. It’s the Internet. And people took it. And look what they did with leftovers. Look what humanity did, particularly American Europe with leftovers, turned it into billion dollar businesses, turned it into a new way of interaction and doing things, all of that from what was obsolete. And then, okay, we’ve got all of this architecture and infrastructure, and we’re not even going to use it. So let’s see what. And they had already planned that from the fifties, there were white papers by guys like Licklider.

Got so many names right now. Brain farting. But who we’re talking about in the fifties, I knew it smelled at MIT and, you know, saying about how humans will integrate with computers through keyboards and through voice one day, and it’s now we’re where we are today, where basically the system that’s out there is equivalent to your power system receiving electricity over electric wires. In other words, it could be far more advanced, far more efficient, far more powerful, and far more safe and far more productive. Now, all of that’s there. The question is, how do we get there? Where are we right now on that route to getting there? Can I jump in? I’m done.

Yeah. Because I feel like everything you said is accurate. And most people look at the Internet as a dangerous place, but it doesn’t need to be. My feeling is that the Internet can be absolutely secured if the powers that be wanted to be. And when that comes to pass, then people will no longer be, like, terrified to let their kids out on the street anymore. Like we were talking about earlier, you know? Uh, but right now, you know, people don’t. If people understood the. If people really, truly understood the threat of the Internet, other stuff, I mean, there’s some really good, um.

If you. If you guys have never looked up mouthy Buddha, go look up mouthy Buddha on, on bitchute, and just look up that, look that up and find the numbers one, two and three. Amazing. Just the stuff that he. The research that he did with. And talk about mainstream applications like YouTube, just by clicking on a certain links and a certain, almost like a maze, if you will. You take a right, then a left and then a left and then a right, right. And, you know, you do that. You do on certain lengths in a specific course, and it will take you through and it will take you to a wide open area where all that stuff is readily available.

But you have to do it in a. In a. In a coded sequence, if you will. Like, you have to go down the rabbit hole, kind of. But I mean, it’s like, it would be like if you went down to. Let’s. Let’s just use your. Let’s use a ninocorner tv. Okay, well, I clicked on one video, and then when I click on that video, there’s three links down to a comment, and if I click on that person’s thing, and then it takes me to another page, and then from there, it’s like a hidden. A hidden code that you have to.

You have to click this then this and this. The nest and this. And then boom. Or. Or you have to type in a certain search and then go in and look at it through, like, images and stuff. And then there’s a. There’s a. There was a. It was a mechanism, and it was thorough. How he did it and he stumbled on it, it was insane. But if people truly understood the depravity at these upper organizations, because all the stuff that you talk about, the people who do all that are the same, the exact same people who are bringing us the stuff that we’re basically talking on today.

Yeah, yeah, I agree. It also, what you said kind of reminds me. Lockwood website, too. You know that. Ingersoll. What? Lockwood? Yeah. There’s people go down that rabbit hole, and they can just keep going and going and going. It’s like I have David Snedeker on, man, and every time he shows me something on there, I mean, it’s pretty damn wild what’s on there. I mean, the Internet is just a crazy place. I’ve never. The dark web. I don’t really know what that is. I never tried to explore that. But what is the dark web? It’s not just a site you can go to, right? It’s like back channels and shit, right? That’s not like the really.

Well, Internet, if I understand it correctly. It’s like the really innocent in a sense. What it really is is you have two webs operating out there. You notice that you don’t have all that often. Major banks being robbed electronically. Let’s call it the sub web. In other words, if the Internet is the first two floors of the building, you’ve got three levels beneath that, a basement, and that’s where all of your banking transactions go through and wire transfers. All of it’s all the same system, no matter what they call it, whether it’s your home phone on the wall, if you still have one, or it’s your cell phone or your tab, it’s all the same backbone that carries the information.

All right, the. The dark web. And I’m no expert on it, but what I’m saying is that note that it’s easy for your. For you, your identity be stolen or someone to try to file, you know, false papers in claim of ownership of your home. It’s very easy for them to do that. But you hardly see, you know, you go into a gas station or a yemenite, supermarket, liquor store, and you put your card in. You never see that really mess up to you. No, that’s your. That’s your, that’s, that’s what’s in the, those floors in the basement where nobody’s allowed access to ordinarily.

That’s why BlackBerry was so secure. The guy who defended developed that for research in motion. It was a contractor, group of guys in Canada and they were utilizing the sub web for the trans, you know, the transmission and reception of these messages. Why it was so quote unquote secure. And then that was basically taken away from them when the Clinton foundation came in and wanted their communications security. And then all of a sudden your congressmen and senators were no longer talking about their blackberries. They weren’t talking about anything. They were just using an apple or an Android or one of the few smaller ones that are in between the cracks.

So you know, you’re looking at an entire system in place right now that we’re utilizing this 30 years behind the times essentially. And you know they talk about Internet 3.0. That’s right, web three. Right. Then you’re talking about a, you’re talking about where technology can go to the point to where theft, fraud, all of that stuff. And it becomes far more difficult, if not impossible in, in most people’s skill sets today. So the dark web is basically most people access it through an onion or tor browser type access point instead of Firefox brave or that in humble opinion of course called chrome or I.

Microsoft’s nonsense or Apple’s nonsense. It all runs on essentially the same base code. It just is how they flare it out from there to make brave different from Firefox. And those are the two that I would recommend to most people. But anyway, that aside we have the capability to keep in check and to be able to then identify transactions that would have to do with everything to human trafficking. On up meaning on up meaning lesser consequence as far as I’m concerned a lot of that was left in place. So Lincoln, Nebraska type situations could keep rolling and communicating quietly, say on this through the sub web or through the only, the sites that you have to know their URL to get to them and then pages within them.

You have to know the URL to get to it. Well actually I think it’s, you know it’s not even, it wouldn’t even be URL’s, it would just be. It would basically be a IP address. You don’t even use a URL, you just type in a IP address. Yeah, just the numerical aspect. But you’ll find that it would be, it would be say on a server bank and in the same physical location as far as its main source for its operation. But those pages aren’t linked is what I’m saying. So you’ve got to go, you’ve got to know how to get to those unlinked pages within certain, and I’ll use one as an example, gaming platforms where there will be URL’s off to the side that you cannot get to through what you’re doing, but you can access it if you’re given that extension or that specific IP number.

It’s the same website, same corporation. Now, what I just said, there is a lot in between those lines. Can’t go into it on YouTube, stretch. You know, every, every, you know how every, every single person, every, every human being has their own specific DNA? Well, every computer has an IP address. No matter what you do, you cannot mask that IP address. And if you visit a website, somebody will know you’ve been there. It is unavoidable. They will know. They can, they can literally track it down to this specific device. And that’s number phone, Mac number. Exactly.

Whether it be a phone, a tablet or a computer, whatever. Yeah. Now they can. So a lot of this can, a lot of the criminality can be crack down very quickly. But I think, you know, I’ll just say this, I think it’s all going to come at the right time and let’s say, be implemented at the right time. There’s still stuff to deal with. We talk about web three because I think that fits into what we’re talking about here with the stellar lumen. You know, the front of the show, the. I don’t. Did you show the stellar lumen logo? Oh, yeah.

Audience I know I sent you the COVID And by the way, I stand corrected. It wasn’t July, it was January. The economist cover. I mean, this right here, am I doing the right one? The economist cover, is this the logo? You. Okay, so that’s the logo of stellar lumens. Okay. Stellar lumens is a, is a specific type of crypto, very similar to that of XRP. Uh, but, but the guy, in fact, the guy who, who was working on the XRP ledger, um, I want to say his name is Chris Larson, but I don’t think. It’s not, that’s not right.

Whatever. Um, I’m getting the name wrong. But the point of the matter is, is that the guy left. The guy left ripple and went and started stellar and he took all the knowledge that he had. So, so it’s long been held that stellar and I, XRP and XL. XLM is stellar. So XLM and XRP are like cousin tokens and they work seeming seem seamlessly together. But many feel as though stellar was created much more for a consumer realm whereas XRP was created much more for a, like an institutional transfers like large bank to bank transfers or transfers.

None need to be large. But when I say consumer transaction, I’m talking about like you go to the grocery store and you want to buy something and that runs on like a stellar network as opposed to a ripple network. So it makes sense when you look at that being the logo or an icon representing a global one world currency and then you’ve got the stellar logo that was basically created to make sense or, you know what I’m saying? Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Yeah. So, but, but let me, let me just finish this by saying just because that was their ultimate plan does not necessarily mean that that’s what’s ultimately going to occur.

Correct? Well, so many, so many things have been thwarted already. I mean, I feel like it was complete strategy. You know, who said this? I think it was Robert David Steele said that you got a, we can, we cannot strike until we see the whites in their eyes. Right, exactly. And I feel like that’s where we’re at with this. We couldn’t strike. Everything’s timing, even in a fight, even boxing, whatever, everything’s timing. It has to be when we see the whites in the rise. And I think we had to wait till this final moment for them to feel like they’re going to have their, their plans in full fruition in order to upset them.

To upset the plans. That’s what, that’s what I think. I think just me being a strategist from boxing and understanding timing, that’s when it would have to work. You can’t pull the trigger too early or too late. It has to be the right time. And I think, and in order to have the people on board and to see the, the horror of this, it has to be the way it’s being played out right now. It all makes sense to me now, and I’m sure it’ll make sense to everyone else once hindsight, what they say, hindsight’s 2020.

It’s like, you know, they’re like, let’s just say that letter in the Alphabet. You know, they say you have to show the people, right? I believe you got to show them. You have to learn through experience and pain and pressure, unfortunately, with most people, or lack or loss or upset or, you know, all of that rolled into one. That’s what catastrophes and chaos are, and these bastards have, have trained humanity for thousands of years to respond to chaos, respond to fearful events, respond to negativity. All these things needed, you know, step back moment. And. Okay, what’s really going on here? Well, feed off that negative energy, too, though.

They feed off. Well, they, yes, they give us, they give us table scraps of information. Right. Okay. So let’s, I mean, let’s, let’s take a little trip through this little brief trip through history. You had the library at Alan Alexandria burned. Okay, well, did they wash? Was that a destruction of a lot of information? Very likely. But did they keep some of that information and put it someplace else and just burn the library just to the. Yes, I promise you that’s what happened. Right. With Rome. Right, exactly. And so now you have all that information. But what was the first major disruption in civilized, in the civilized world? What was the first major cause of disruption amongst the people? What was the cause of it? The.

That’s a broad question. I mean, the Gutenberg press. Because, because, and I would say, I mean, it could be prior to that, if you weren’t a scholar, you didn’t have access to hand produced, handwritten correct books. So, yes, that’s one of the most profound. And, yeah, that leads up to today. I’ll let you take it was the Gutenberg press that ultimately caused this, all the split in the church, because prior to the Gutenberg press, you basically just. The church was the church. That was, that was the controlling factor right there. That was in, and that was totally controlled.

You had the Gutenberg press then that was when you got Calvin and Luther and, you know, you started to get, you started to get different sects of religions that they were like, no, I’m not buying into the catholic thing. I’m going to do this. And then, you know, so the Gutenberg press is. I consider that to be one of the major causes of revolutionary thinking in amongst the people in terms of rebelling against the powers that be now, I think bringing on the age of enlightenment. Right. And I think industrial revolution. I think the Gutenberg press 2.0 is the Internet.

I agree with you. Yeah. And they’re losing control of the Gutenberg. Gutenberg Press 2.0, which is the Internet. Yeah. It’s like a free for all right now. Whoa. I mean, they did a good job trying to do that in 2020, you know, trying to stop everything. But I think right now, I think things are, the floodgates have been opened, especially with X being a free speech platform, as much as it can be. But, you know, I think I’m reminded, I’m reminded of a great line in Star wars when Princess Leia standing right for a tarkin on the bed, Death Star, and she says to him, the more you tighten your grip, the more star systems are going to slip through your fingers.

And that is like, I mean, that, that’s like, like, you know, there’s, that’s a natural balancing mechanism built in, not only nature, but the complexity of human thought and interaction you want to, you want to talk about, the more these people try to, you know, the more we’re going to rebel. But, you know, that’s what’s going to be so amazing. Coming into 20, this, I think in these next three weeks to, or what is it, 15 days high alert, 15 days into, let’s say, January. I think that that timeframe right there, that window is going to be where they really try to tighten their grip and everything just falls apart.

Yeah. I think for a huge power grab and it’s just going to backfire. And I think that’s what Mister trees trying, Mister T is trying to make them do. And I think that’s what all this was about his last four years and this awakening. I mean, I’m really, I’m really surprised to say that I’m seeing a lot of people on the left coming over to the right and it just, I mean, this is just going to be a shutout. We all know what is, but they’re going to try their last grasp of straws. They’re going to try the last grasp of power in these next three weeks and I think it’s just going to completely backfire on them.

Did you see that, did you see that one clip? And I don’t know who the guy was, but Tim Pool covered it. And the Democrats are threatening to not certify elections. And it was a group of people sitting around talking, is talking about 2025, how we’re going to have to come around and we’re going to have to basically him ineligible. And nobody said a thing. Everyone was just like, yeah. It just went right under. I’m like, what? Right? It was like nothing like walking in the park, just having a casual conversation. Yeah. And everyone was just like, oh, yeah.

Yes, yes. It’s just blew my mind. Reminds me, honestly, and I don’t mean to say this in a hyperbolic fashion, but it reminds me very similar to what the Larry, Larry Greywall said. He was the guy who was the, he was an FBI informant for the weather underground and he was in meetings with them and the guy, guys like Bill Ayers and Burn, Dean Dorn and Bill Ayers was a major, played a major role administration. And when they were younger, they were in what was the weather underground and they literally were sitting around a table and talking about what? Refuse to adopt their socialistic ideals.

And there’s like, there’s a certain amount of the people that are just, they’re just going to have to be eliminated. Yeah. And they were like, how are you gonna do that to like. And they said they estimated it to be as many as 35 million Americans. And they literally sat there talking, having a casual conversation about eliminating 35 million Americans. Casual, too. That’s the key. Casual. Casual. Yeah. That’s what’s so crazy about this. Hey, guys. You guys read the. And I posted it on my ax, but I’ll show right now. You guys go ahead and keep the discussion going, but I’m gonna try to find it.

But the health ranger, the what he put out there and I’ve, and I’ve talked to, well, I talked to you ghost about it and I talked to Juan about it. And, you know, to me it seems like pretty damn spot on, but I mean, I think he’s still kind of fatalistic. But you know what I’m talking about goes, I remember you and I speak remind just refresh me because so many things that just. What’s going to happen in this, this coming. Yeah, he does team seem to be at times a little melodramatic, I’d say. Yeah, but I mean, his heart’s in the right place and I think he’s trying to do the right thing and I think he’s trying to do the right, I mean, but he put out something that really alarmed everybody and I’m trying, I’m going to pull it up real quick to show everybody if I can find it.

Yeah, I shared his, probably did chat about it. Yeah, here it is. Yeah, here it is. I’m gonna show it right here. So I’ll let my audience read this. I don’t even want to talk about it on YouTube. And then, but still, it’s like, I mean, he’s kind of the ballpark. I still have hope we’re gonna pull out of this, but here it is right here. And he says, I’m not sure exactly how to put this in a word, but the vast majority of people reading this possibly you have literally no idea what’s about to happen to America.

Unless there’s a miraculous interventions by angel or white hats, your country will not be recognized by the end of the January, quite a few of you reading this right now will be. Will already be you know what, by then, and a much larger number of you will be, will see a significant portion of your dollar assets evaporate into nearly nothing. The rule of law will have collapsed. And there is a significant chance that tens of millions of Americans will have no infrastructure function at all, either due to an emp detonation or a cyber attack on the pirate or the outbreak of nuclear war.

Simultaneously, many millions of foreign occupiers are already in the country with weapons and instructions, and they will soon be activated to carry out mass sabotage and extermination operations aided by us military, which has. I have to say US military, which has been just been given new lawful authority to assassinate american citizens on us soil. I don’t want to go into this anymore. On. Yeah, because I think he. The one thing about Mister Health Ranger is he does one thing, and it’s not meant as a slight to the man whatsoever. I think he needs to look a little deeper into what he’s saying.

I think he needs to qualify sometimes what he’s saying. And if he’s not, well, then my logical. My logical conclusion is, okay, who’s. What’s your real game here? What’s your real. Better than fear? You gotta. You gotta realize where he’s. He’s a disciple of Jones, and Jones. Yeah. Is very well known for hyperbole. Okay. And. And, you know, he fits right into that category. And again, I do believe that his heart’s in the right place. I don’t think that he is doing this with malice. And there’s a lot of other people out there, you know, guys.

Guys like Matt Bracken. And I’ve got. I’ve got a lot. Nothing but respect for Matt Bracken, but you get guys like him, and there’s some other channels out there. Lieutenant Stephen Murray. I mean, these guys, I mean, but I look at belief system as more black pill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, that’s what I’m getting at here. This is very black pill. And. And he says, if Mister T wins, the. The DS will activate everything they have, which I believe is 100% true. I think that’s going to happen. I think even if it just looks like he’s going to win.

But I believe their safety is in place. I do. Go along and ghost, you’ve covered this on Enos Corner tv. You’ve said there could be a mass casualty type of event, and you could happen in two cities. Right? And we’ll talk about that later on, you know, corner tv. But you’ve talked about that. Juan has said we’re gonna have a near death experience. That, and I sent one, this text or this x, and he said, yeah, it’s, he’s pretty close, but it’s not gonna happen in that he doesn’t believe. He believes America is gonna unite during this time, and so do I.

I think I agree. I think I’m more red pilled in this situation. I have faith. I think, I think health ranger. I mean, I think he’s in the ballpark, dude. I don’t think he’s like, off by much, but I think I, I agree. Yeah. I do believe in humanity. I believe in humanity. And I think, yeah, I’m not downing health ranger at all, man. In fact, I’m like, there’s an old saying that says when the, when the skunk on your desk or what’s going on? No, this is okay. She always, she’s, I just saw the tale.

I’m like, what’s wrong doing? She’s real affectionate. Um, the, uh, when the good, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. And we are, we are going to see what the metal mettle of the country is when this occurs. Because it’s not just going to be an event that happened in North Carolina. It’s not just going to be an event like happened with Katrina. It’s not just going to be wildfires in the west. It’s going to be all those things simultaneously and more. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I’m kind of, you know, I think about it every night I go to sleep.

Well, again, think of the towers. Like I said the other day, both of you in different conversations, think of the towers. If someone had told you months before that there’s going to be an event, that’s going to be a bad one, but we’re not exactly sure. We have an idea of where, not when. And you say, let’s say you knew and you were trying to tell people, then it happens, becomes a whole different, let’s say, group of lanes of interpretation or acceptance. And all of that goes along with something like that perspective. Exactly. I have a real life experience with that.

Let me tell you real quick. I was, it was right before 2020. 2020, like March Timeframe, end of February, beginning of March. And I warned everybody at my gym, go get, go get food. Go get food. This is like a, it was like Friday morning toilet paper. But I did say food. I said, guys, go today. Don’t wait. You get some food today. And I remember telling one of the ladies who worked at the grocery store the same thing. And she just kind of just like, shoved me off. I got, whatever, dude. You’re crazy. You know, dude.

The very next morning, I went over to the grocery, my local grocery store. The line to get out to check out was three quarters around the perimeter inside the store, and every basket was full at 630 in the morning. And the store opened at six. And she was standing there with one of her coworkers and they were just in awe of what had happened. And when she saw me walk by, she said, I was thinking about you this morning. And I said, I bet you were. Now whenever I go in there, she’s like, what’s going to happen next? What’s going to happen next? What’s going to happen next? Because I was like, no, Stradamus.

And that’s before panic. That’s before real panic because it was still a line. Imagine when people are just running in and grabbing what they want and running the fuck out of. Because the, because the electronic systems down and you can’t pay for anything. You think that’s so the. Oh, so, so they lock the doors. What? The people aren’t gonna, like, break the doors down? Come on. They’re gonna. People are gonna go in there with weapons. So I think what’s gonna get hit the hardest coming soon is financial, man. And I don’t know, I. I think you better be prepared for that.

Anyway, fellas, I’m going to call it here. I got to get rolling. I got to go help my parents out on some things. No worries, man. This was good. Yeah, so good. So I want to say thank you, Ron partain and the ghost. You guys feel like going back to Ninos Corner tv and digging deep into this? If you want. Yeah. And can I just put my show out? Obviously untoldhistory tv. We talk about these things all the time and more and much deeper and. And a lot more freely. So. Yeah. Yakub, you never give out your onlyfans when you’re on here.

What are you scared of? I keep telling you. Why do you keep telling everybody? Fans. I try to keep that on the down low. All right, all right, all right. You know what? Okay. So I do understand that apparently there’s people in the chat. I guess that kind of like, I don’t know. I get told by certain individuals who are in the chat that there’s people in there that say, hey, they, hey, they want to know if I’m single. I’m single. So if that. They don’t just you come to my channel if, you know, if you want to date with Iran.

Whatever. I’m just saying, big Ron, people ask. I get. I get told all the time, and I don’t know why. I mean, I. I don’t. I don’t understand. But, yeah, I’m okay. Okay, ladies, Ron is single, and he’s looking to mingle. I didn’t say I was looking to mingle. Maybe with the right one. But they can find you on Tinder, though, right? I’m not on Tinder. Sorry. I’m on. No, I am on no dating apps at all. Ron is alone and looking to bone. I don’t know if I’d go that far. I have my cats, but I don’t have.

I don’t. I don’t mess with them that way. How do you know? Wait a minute. Is that a euphemism for. There you go. I’m not going to say that word. This is you, too friendly. I was going. That’s where I was going. Just to let you know, my gate doesn’t go the other direction. How many cats do you have? Those usually do. I. How many cat. Okay, so I have. I have four Bengals. I actually have five Bengals, but I’m one of them. I’m giving away to me. So. No, that’s not. Yeah, I was gonna get one of the Bengals, man.

Yeah, yeah, you’ll get one of the kittens. All right, so this haitian family down the street you were talking about, that’s what I’m trying to protect them from. I keep them inside. But this one right here, this. This is Minka. Minka. She’s so. And that’s a cool looking cat, man. Yeah, I love. Yeah. And she’s really soft and. Wow. Yeah. How big? They’re just like a regular sized cat, right? They don’t get. She’s. She’s probably five months. Five months old. And I’ve been thinking about doing my podcast with a parrot on my shoulder. Do you see? Or I’m gonna get a monkey.

Monkey. I think I’m gonna get a monkey. See this right here? Parrot, live from the apocalypse. I don’t know. It’s either. It’s between a monkey and a parrot, dude. I think a monkey would be cooler, don’t you think? Throw shit at the screen? Yeah, I think the parrot would be. You could get a. You can get. Put it on your shoulder. They’re bucket list. All right. All right, guys. I got a roll, man. I got a roll. So Ninoscorner, tv. Go there, folks. Untoldhistory tv go there. Thanks, guys, for joining me, man. You got it, brother.

Thank you, man. We’re out later. Thanks.

See more of David Nino Rodriguez on their Public Channel and the MPN David Nino Rodriguez channel.


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