Tough Times Means Tough Decisions | I Allegedly





➡ I Allegedly discusses how tech companies like Meta and Google are laying off thousands of employees due to various challenges. A baby store named Bye-Bye Baby, which once thrived, closed down after attempting to reopen, indicating the tough climate for retail businesses. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, discussed the difficulties of the auto industry, including issues with Tesla chargers and the slow delivery of their Cybertruck. Finally, the boating industry is struggling, with companies like BRP ending their boat division due to poor sales.
➡ The article discusses the financial struggles of people and businesses, with premium ice cream sales dropping due to lack of funds. It also mentions companies like Dell, Amazon, and Google demanding employees return to the office. The article highlights the importance of finding purpose in life, using the example of a wealthy but unhappy man. Lastly, it talks about the challenges faced by police departments using electric cars, which often run out of charge before reaching their destination.



Hey, it’s Dan. Welcome back. This is I Allegedly. Beautiful morning. A lot to talk about, but tough times mean tough decisions. So, got a good one for you today because it’s loaded with information. And don’t forget to like, subscribe, share the video with everybody, and let’s get right into it. First things first guys. Meta, Facebook, is going to lay off thousands of people right now. And it’s a great article below talking about this and about how you haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to these companies doing this. And companies are doing this for a myriad of reasons, but when it comes to tech, tech is screwed right now.

Tech is having a huge, huge problem because they just kept hiring and hiring, and now they can’t get rid of people fast enough. Think about this. It’s anticipated that Google’s already laid off 16,000 people. 16,000 when you think about that. That is nuts. And then you got Meta doing it to streamline itself and to become profitable right now. There is a company out there called Bye-Bye Baby. Bye-Bye Baby is a baby store. And the baby store went and closed and then relaunched. They were an online store and then they relaunched.

And in less than a year, they shut down. Now, I know a lot about this store for the simple fact that my sister used to work there. My sister was recruited by the Nordstrom family directly. She used to sell in something called Brass Plum. And she was, you know, and very good at the Nordstrom stores. And what they would do is they would take her and they would say, oh, Lisa, you’re at South Coast Plaza. Let’s have you go to Irvine. Let’s have you go to the main place store. And she would go there and she’d rally the troops and she would just sell like a whirlwind and get them, you know, to get their sales up and show people how to do suggestive selling and make it so that women would buy more clothes.

Okay. And Brass Plum back in the day was a, it was a younger girl’s department inside the store. But that being said, when they opened up Mall of America, the Nordstrom family said, listen, we want you to help run the store. So, you know, what year was this? Was it like 91, 92? Whenever they did the Mall of America, she was there and they brought her there. So this is leading someplace, by the way, guys. But the point was, was that, you know, it was incredibly successful. They moved her to, I think it was Minneapolis.

Anyways, after her stint there, she got recruited by, by, by baby. Come here, 401k. Now, understand this guy. It’s over 20 years ago, 25 years ago. And we will put you in your hometown in Orange County, California. And you will go out and you will run the baby store. And the store killed it. The store did great at this time. But like all baby stores that we all have a problem with is that these stores are expensive. They’re high priced. And, you know, back in the day, when you would see strollers for 200 bucks, this place would sell them for 450.

And eventually, company built up. My sister got married, stopped working, and had kids. And this company then, like so many other retailers, went down for the count and then became an online store only. Went through different purchases. But here’s the wild thing is that somebody had this brilliant idea that they were going to reopen the store chain and have all these different stores. And it’s failed after one year. So this is not the climate to start a new business right now in the retail section, to say the least. That’s what you’re seeing from all of this.

Elon Musk was talking at a rally on Friday night. And, you know, let me take questions from the crowd. And one of the questions was, why don’t you buy Rivian? And, you know, I don’t think Rivian is the same type of company as as Tesla to say the least. And Elon believes with this and that there are only two automobile companies that have not gone bankrupt in the United States. And that is Ford and Tesla. And to be autonomous and to be these geese, to be autonomous right now, you have to have the ability to survive and to manufacture everything yourself.

And it’s a real problem. So kind of crazy, guys, kind of crazy. Plus, I got a story sent to me about, you know, the Tesla chargers, how you can buy the adapters and use one to the next. The problem is people are not using them wrong and they’re damaging their cars. And Ford is saying don’t do that right now. Don’t do it unless you know how to do it. And you’re doing it properly. Well, that’s a that’s a heck of a warning to get right now. The next thing with this is that remember when the Cybertruck was announced and it was such a big deal.

What year was that? Okay, this is this is what’s what how time is just clicked by 2019 guys, long before COVID and you could go out and you could put your thousand dollar deposit down and you could get yourself a Cybertruck. Great article below about this and that they have delivered twenty five thousand Cybertrucks. Do you know that they anticipate that there were between two and three million people that put the thousand bucks down and signed up to get their Cybertruck. So once registration started plus imagine if you or I held money for four years if Elon did that now he’d have a real problem because he’s not the darling that he was in 2019.

He’s a bad guy now because he’s who he’s you know supporting politically. So you understand it’s crazy. But a million times a thousand is a lot of money. Okay. So next thing is they anticipate that there were only two and a half percent of the people that put their money down minimum that actually took possession of the cars. Now how do they deduce this and that was all the math everything that’s been done. But as of July 2024 they’re delivering cars to people that are on that list. So if you want to go out and get yourself a Cybertruck you can get on that list right now.

But who wants that car right now. Seriously it is you know remember it was $40,000 cars what they announced and the cheapest model is $79,000. Oh you want the bonus package which adds another $26,000. I mean it’s just crazy. The man I met that had his in Newport Beach great guy but he spent over 120 grand on the car loves the car loves owns a Rivian too loves it. Okay. So that being said who knows if they’re going to survive this stuff at all but got to kick out of that.

The next thing I want to remind you guys about is that we have a private channel that is uncensored and we can talk about everything on that and it’s going quite well. And I love putting content on there because we can speak freely on it. It is called I allegedly live. You can sign up at I allegedly dot TV. It’s very simple. Use the link below. It’s just that’s the easiest way to sign up for this. So with that being said it’s something that we put content on all the time.

I have contributors to this channel that support me like you wouldn’t believe and I am so grateful for them and every day they send me things. And Big Dave should be called the Big Dave video and I sent him messages and we were joking about the title. But he really contributed to this. But think about this name an industry that is doing well right now. Okay. How about motorsports motorsports is dying right now. BRP boating done getting rid of their boat division. They’re going to keep the cedar division inside the family.

But if you guys want to buy boats if you want to buy anything like that that has a motor to it you can get a tremendous deal on it right now because of how bad these companies are hurting right now. Don’t don’t don’t get confused on this at all because I’m telling you there are somebody out there that’s broke. And there’s another YouTuber once told me that my jet boat is a year and a half away and the guy’s got a custom paint job on it spent 150 grand on it and I’m gonna get it for 30 grand and I believe it now I am telling you guys as we get closer to the end of the year and as realization sets in and people are broke and you have people that went out and bought motorcycles sea dudes boats everything like that you’re going to see liquidation come but again the boating industry it’s summer guys just ended they should have just had a stellar year they did not because people cannot have you know a good time so the tough decision is to get rid of the boat department but keep the cedar division cedars are like the jet skis that you ride they’re fun they’re great but they’re expensive guys it’s not an it’s not an inexpensive hobby people think you spend thirty thousand dollars forty grand on those trailers and the two jet skis and there’s no maintenance yeah there is okay tremendous and you better know how to fix those things and you know everything you have to do with that that takes a knowledge and a lot of people don’t want to do that and just let them go ice cream industry the ice cream industry and this came Dave sent me this out of Philadelphia talking about the briars brand briars brand ice cream who’s not buying ice cream right now.

I guess they’re not and now briars is what you would consider to be a premium ice cream so the premium ice cream is not getting purchased right now why is that because people have no money guys they have no flipping money so gonna see bigger problems with this he sent me something that I thought was great and that is back in the day let’s go back to 2019 again if you could get a deal a job where somebody said listen Dan you’re gonna get to come in half the time you’d be like what I don’t have to come to the office every day nope you can come in the office half the time okay where do I get that now now it’s demanded of people and what you know labor unions or what business people are asking and a trade associations saying pay us more money to come to the office really okay I thought what I was supposed to come to the office but here’s there’s a list below and I won’t subject to all of them but 22 companies that are demanding that you come back to the office the first ones Dell computer Amazon we’ve heard a lot about zoom zoom people can’t work on zoom remember that Salesforce you get to go to hellhole San Francisco good for you.

JP Morgan Chase is done with it UPS IBM Boeing oh yeah cuz they’re doing so well right now Walmart corporate Google you know what’s funny is I wonder if Walmart’s gonna do what they did at Home Depot where if you haven’t heard Home Depot is gonna require all its executives to go and work the stores when I sold through Sam’s Club I had a company that was involved with Sam’s Club and I would go yeah I went to Arkansas twice and went to the Walmart corporate which I’m telling you guys fly into Fayetteville and then make a left-hand turn and keep driving on a two-lane road it is in the middle of nowhere where Sam Walton started the story that is the greatest American success story ever but I could go on forever.

Google and jot form and Goldman Sachs anyways the list is below but the point is is that they’re fed up completely fed up with these people running the show and profitability my brother tells me the story and whatever we hear about companies going out of business he was in Mammoth Lakes skiing when he was a kid and went with another family and they would take him on his their yearly ski trip and they would go to this place called hot to go and it was like a burrito place and the guy said listen we don’t make money we’re just open for pride and we always joke at that was like is that the stupid I thought the idea of a business is to open money as children we thought that this guy was an idiot and then eventually it was not there anymore so anyways I’m open for pride so companies need to make money right now and that’s what you’re seeing and all these tough decisions the layoffs and everything you’re seeing right now just getting compounded guys you haven’t seen anything yet I’m gonna finish this video with these last two stories and I had a bunch of people send me this one and this was a Dave Ramsey phone call where a guy says he’s 37 years old and he’s a multi-millionaire and he’s absolutely miserable because he has no purpose I’m telling you guys in this world it is easier so easy to get knowledge it’s so easy to learn something new guys I’m a living example of this I went out and completely changed my life.

And there’s been multiple times that I’ve gone out and done that and you know I wanted to be in the event business and I met some people I thought weren’t very smart and they told me you can’t do this and then I became very successful at it so again researched it did everything I could but this guy who’s miserable I just think about this you know we all sit there and think the thing that’s gonna solve all of our problems is if I had a bunch of money and the problem is there’s a people that have a bunch of money and don’t enjoy themselves right now do what you want to do travel do you know my sister my sister that I talked about earlier she got married to a really successful lawyer and they travel the world that’s all they do okay and every Facebook post I see from her as she’s in someplace new and again that’s a purpose-driven life imagine this 37 year old guy that has all this money and he’s not doing that okay I mean talking about you know miserable what an idiot how stupid okay final final story we talked about this before and this is frickin hilarious okay the city of Irvine California which is right next to where I live bought a cyber truck and put a bunch of lights on it.

And did everything how about this when they put cops when the cops put potential you know criminals and people that they’ve arrested inside the back of the car there’s been two times now that they’ve had to charge the vehicle to get the person back to the station so yeah guess guess can’t gauge the electricity drop that’s funny guys that’s funny so there are fleets of police cars around the country that have gone electric and they’re not doing so well and they’re sitting cars are sitting by themselves not being used to fight crime okay and they got a really good deal on the cars get paid too much please don’t forget to subscribe to the channel so many of you have it’s doing great I’m so proud I am grateful every day gonna go in the deliverance swamp right here and have a good time please like subscribe email me at hello and I allegedly and I was kidding about the deliverance thing okay I’ll see you soon I always wonder if people watch to the end we’re gonna know okay I’ll see you soon


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