10.19.24: LT w/ Chad Katie: New Wellness Spring Center provides a faith-based Journey to SOBER living PRAY!




➡ Chad and Katie Brewer, who have been married for 33 years, share their journey of battling Chad’s alcohol addiction and how it affected their lives. They started a wellness center at the Lake of the Ozarks, offering individualized treatment plans for addiction, aiming to help others overcome their cravings and live a fulfilling life. Their faith in God has been a significant part of their journey, providing them with hope and strength. They believe that by sharing their story of struggle and recovery, they can inspire and help others facing similar challenges.
➡ The text discusses a person’s journey from struggling with alcohol addiction to recovery. After experiencing health issues and hitting a low point, the person found a treatment center that used a brain restoration technique involving high doses of a natural substance called NAD. Despite initial skepticism, the treatment helped reduce cravings and improve mental clarity. Inspired by their experience, the person and their partner decided to open a similar wellness center in their hometown to help others battling addiction.
➡ The text discusses a person’s struggle with addiction and their journey towards recovery. They initially found it hard to admit they needed help, but eventually realized they had to take care of themselves. They also discuss the negative effects of alcohol, stating it brings no benefits and only causes harm. The text also mentions a wellness center that uses various treatments like IV infusions, hyperbaric oxygen chambers, and red light therapy to help people recover from addiction.
➡ The article discusses a wellness center that offers various treatments for conditions like anxiety, depression, and addictions. They use a tool that stimulates acupuncture points on the ear, and a device that helps manage withdrawal symptoms from opiates. The center also provides services like hormone replacement and medical aesthetics. Their main goal is to help people struggling with substance abuse, offering hope for a full recovery.
➡ This text encourages people who are struggling, especially with addictions, to seek help. It highlights the work of Chad and Katie Brewer in helping people overcome their issues and find faith. The speaker expresses hope for positive changes in people’s lives and ends with a prayer for protection and guidance. The text concludes with a reminder of God’s faithfulness and the promise of a way to overcome temptations.


Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging, and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. I mean, and everybody’s story is a little different. Lt but it literally, those cravings, for me, it was a constant. Every second I was awake, I would wake up in the morning, okay, what do I need to get done today till I can go get my alcohol? And it got to the point where I started drinking earlier and earlier and to where it just controlled my life. And I had tried other avenues to try to quit, and for me, it didn’t work.

For some people, it does. Hear thou, my son, and be wise and guide thine heart in the way. Be not among wine bibbers, among riotous eaters of flesh, for the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty, and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags. Because you see people at their worst time going through different things in their life, whether it’s relationships, whether it’s finances, whatever it is. But when they come out of that, there’s no better feeling. There’s no better feeling. I’ve never felt this good before. And I to know in my mind that I can wake up without anxiety, I can wake up without full of panic and fear to start my day.

That’s how I always started my day. But to be able to regain control of my thoughts and my emotions, nad and this treatment has given me hope. Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed, lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will, with the temptation, also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it. Well, folks, Chad and Katie Brewer have been through so much in their 33 years of marriage.

Their happy home and family took an unexpected turn as Chad battled alcoholism. We’re going to hear their story and also learn how they started new wellness Spring center, which brings life changing treatments to as many people as they can. From their centrally located wellness center in the lake of the Ozarks, Chad and Katie provide individualized iv plans for addiction using customized programs which quickly and effectively address underlying chemical changes in the brain that addiction has caused. So folks can finally get out from underneath their cravings and live the life they want to live. Their hope is that by helping others, God will continue to make something beautiful out of their story of brokenness turned to restoration.

Well, folks, it’s great to have Chad and Katie Brewer with us. So wonderful to have you on board. This resonates personally with me on many levels. So hoping that hundreds of thousands of millions of people would just tune into this and really understand exactly what they’ve been going through in life and how they can be helped. So grateful to have you guys. Welcome aboard. Hi. Thank you so much. Yeah. So you guys are in a terrible place called Lake of the Ozarks. Could you tell me a little bit about your living conditions? Well, we moved down here 33 years ago for the summer.

And after the summer, we looked at each other, you know, living in this place. We had never been here before. We said, we’re not going back to Chicago. And ever since then, we’ve enjoyed it. Raised all our kids here and now have grandkids here. So it’s a really neat place to raise family. Oh, yeah, you’ve offended all the people from Chicago. Way to go. Sorry about that. But, yeah, we were in Chicago last year, first time in my life. Drove up to marry a young couple that we met at one of the events, and they asked me to marry them.

What a treat. We were at the Trump hotel there in Chicago. Yeah, it was wonderful. Had the wedding up. I forgot what floor. Walked around the city, took pictures. Later I had my Marine Corps uniform, uniform on. A lot of folks were kind. Thank you for your service. How you doing, Maureen? And it actually was a positive experience for us. We did that river tour and all the buildings, what have you, but wonderful place. We definitely enjoyed it. So if you guys would just share a little bit about your, your thoughts and your background on what’s been going on recently.

Obviously, you’ve been watching, and we know. So how are these things playing out for you guys on a personal level, with the election coming up and more? Well, I think, you know, listening to you, that it’s an exciting time, especially if you know, your Lord and savior Jesus Christ. And this is a movie we’re watching. This is something between I feel good and evil and does it get stressful? Do I listen a little bit too much to different things out there? Probably. But in the end, we know who wins, and that’s what I put our hope and faith in.

Oh, man. I know. For me, like, I feel like my key phrase lately is sometimes you hear all this stuff and it’s easy to get anxious or scared and just stressed out. And I can only take it in small doses, you know, some of the bad news all the time. But the neat thing is I felt like God really pressed upon my heart. The phrase thy will be done from the Lord’s prayer. And sometimes when I don’t know how to pray for something or about something, I just. That’s my default. Like, okay, Lord, you know best, right? Yeah.

It’s wonderful to hear your faith and your story. I wanted to ensure that folks understand. I mean, it seems that it works out throughout all aspects of your life. So we’re talking about the election, how we ended up connecting with each other. You’ve been listening for a number of years now, and we so appreciate that. And now we’re finally connected. And it just really touched my heart to have this website that you guys have put together. But in a sense, this site is just the front end of something that you’re doing to save people’s lives. And I wanted to make sure we understand how you got into this.

And, you know, if you could just explain a little bit of your background and how this all played out, where you’re helping one life at a time, especially with alcohol addiction. Well, I mean, we come at it from very personal experience, unfortunately. But fortunately, God’s really used it and that we found ourselves in a place where Chad himself was an alcoholic, and it was affecting our marriage, our family, our business. And, you know, I saw the results of his struggles, but I didn’t even know the chains it had him in, as he later shared. Just, it was what he thought about.

Even if he woke up in the middle of the night, it was his thought. And it was a really hard place. And during that time, I really leaned. We were both christians. We met at church, and alcohol just kind of snuck its way subtly in through entertaining customers and so forth. And a lot of people can handle it. Chad, unfortunately, did not really have an off switch when it came to alcohol, and it got to a place where it really squelched so much of who he was, the creative and passionate and, you know, wonderful person that he was.

He was really in its grips, I guess. Yeah. And it’s hard. It’s hard to explain. You know, my wife has not ever really drank in her life. So it’s something that, like she said, it’s something that I constantly thought about all the time. You know, my mind just played tricks. Okay, I’m gonna quit today. And then today would come around. Oh, I’ll quit tomorrow, or I’d mark the line on my bottle. I’m only gonna drink this much so I can control it. And of course, I was marking the bottle, too. Right? So, I mean, and everybody’s story is a little different.

Lt but it literally, those cravings for me, it was a constant. Every second I was awake, I would wake up in the morning, okay, what do I need to get done today till I can go get my alcohol? And it got to the point where I started drinking earlier and earlier and to it where it just controlled my life. And I had tried other avenues to try to quit. And for me, it didn’t work. For some people it does. But it’s just something that literally I never believed. Like Katie said, even being a Christian and praying about it.

And I know the Lord can do anything, but I believe that, you know, he brought me down this path and allowed this to happen. And it’s just been amazing, the people that we’ve reached because we’ve gone through that pain, we’ve gone through, Katie’s gone through the spouse’s side of it where she’s had to deal with someone like me. I understand the person that’s addicted, the struggles they have, and I can sit down with them and truly say, I understand. I understand where some people who haven’t felt that can’t say that. Right, right. It’s just been a very sad, long, depressing, you know, life threatening thing that we went through, but God brought us out of it.

Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. I mean, we were talking before we hit record here, and I was just telling you on a personal level, this resonates with me and so many levels. And I was explaining to you, my cousin about, about seven years ago got a call and very young at the time, and my, he basically was one day just walking around. Everything seemed normal. And next thing you know, he was in the hospital and they had one of those bags on the outside to try to keep him, you know, moving because his internal functions weren’t working anymore, the internal organs and liver shot and whatever, and just watched him fade away so quickly.

He was so young, had a, you know, young family and everything, and folks tried to warn him and help him out and it just didn’t seem to work. And so this one definitely is something, I hope, that would reach folks out there that are looking for some help or looking for a way to reach those that might have loved ones or friends struggling with this. And so this site, this whole thing, newspringwellnesscenter.com, we have the link in the description box for those that want to click and read on. They can also call you at 573-577-3400 we put that in the description box.

So right below the video, folks, you can click on that. But I wanted you to kind of walk us through this whole scenario of how you moved forward in your journey so that you could create the new spring wellness center. How did this all come together and how is it helping folks? Well, I’ll start first quickly. You know, it came to the point where literally, for me, and everybody’s journey’s different, but it was life and death for me. Like I told you earlier, I was 330 pounds, my liver was bad, and if I hadn’t done something, I wouldn’t be here today.

And a friend of mine had found a place that was 12 hours from here, and they. They did this brain restoration, and what it does is, and Katie can explain it, but I didn’t believe it. It was hocus pocus. This was something that there’s no way feeling the way I felt that this could work. Like they said it was going to work. Take away those cravings, give, take. Help me with my depression, anxiety, the different things like that. I didn’t believe it. So definitely was a skeptic. Yeah, hopeful, but a skeptic. So I went reluctant. I wanted to quit.

That’s the thing. I definitely wanted to quit. I just didn’t believe that this was going to work because I had tried other things. Yeah. And of course, I had always kind of been interested in natural things. In fact, Chad always kind of made fun of me, you know, whether I was diffusing essential oils or using coconut oil on my skin or whatever. He was always like, oh, yeah, you’re, you know, you’re crazy. Smoking things or whatever. But, um, the neat thing about it was he went in a skeptic and it was, you know, a ten day thing where, you know, they restored natural things to his.

His body. And somewhere in there, like, I was, you know, I was with him and sitting with him during the day and so forth. But I saw that light bulb come on where Chad’s super creative, he’s an entrepreneur, you know, he’s had patents and stuff, and. But all that, like it said, had been kind of squelched by the alcohol. And I did, I saw the light bulb kind of come back on with him, and I guess that’s why they call it brain restoration. And I didn’t. Again, even sitting in this room for the first few days, I really didn’t notice anything.

And everybody’s a little bit different. The only thing I noticed the first few days is I wasn’t shaking when I wasn’t drinking. You know, I had a drink for a while, I’d start the shakes, right. It was like the fifth or 6th day I could physically feel almost like fog lifting from my head, where I started to think a little bit clearer. I’m like, something’s happening, but I still don’t believe it. So I ended my ten days and Katie can explain. Of course, we had told our family and our kids we were going on a business trip because we don’t want to get anybody’s hopes up or.

Cause I lied to them so many times. Dad’s going to quit drinking. Dad’s going to do it this time. I’m not doing that anymore. So this restoration. What? This. Before we move further, just a little bit about this detox, what does it do? What does it mean? I don’t get it. Sure, it’s done by iv, which is a wonderful delivery system. So the main component of it, and of course there’s other things that work, is something called NAD, which stands for nicotinamide, adenine dinucleotide. We can all see why we call it nad. This was a neuro recover and brain restoration formula, something natural to the body.

But by replenishing it in high, high doses, it addresses changes that have happened in the brain due to substance use. For folks that are just battling things like trauma, PTSD, just chronic stress and aging, but certainly in the addictions world, it can be a powerful substance in addressing those changes. Those of us who are a little older. Remember that old commercial with the. The egg on the frying pan? This is your brain on drugs. Yes. Well, if you think about that, you know, by replenishing this, you are kind of, you’re restoring some connections and so forth.

And I’m not a scientist, nor am I medical professional, but even as a layman, that makes that made sense. And we saw it work. And what made me halfway believe it, even though I didn’t, was I saw someone’s brain scan that had gone in before treatment and then after treatment, and I could even see the difference. I said, oh, yeah, I can see the difference. But I mean, literally, LT, after my ten day treatment, feeling mentally better than I felt in a while, not really thinking about alcohol 24 hours a day, we left, drove our 12 hours home, feeling mentally better than I felt in a long time, but I still don’t believe it was going to last.

And of course, our journey here, you know, Chad had gone to AA, I’d attended with him, we had met so many people that were struggling and, you know, people that. Of course, when Chad was in LA, he could say, oh, well, I’m not as bad off as that person. I’d use that as a reason to not get out. Right, right. It really was amazing that the struggle is such a common one. And, you know, we came back home and we were just so amazed, and we really felt. But I still didn’t believe it. No, I didn’t think it was gonna last.

I’m like, this is great. So what happens in a week, you know? Oh, yeah, yeah. And so. Okay, go ahead. Sorry. I was just gonna say. So it was about a year later that, I mean, I can only explain it, that we kind of felt that call from God and that conviction that we should take that thing, that we experienced it and make it available in our hometown. And so. And that was hard for me to do. Lt, we live in a small town, and everybody knows everybody here, and to come out and let people know how bad everything was, you know, they.

They could see it, but they didn’t know what happened at home or behind closed doors. Nobody, nobody thinks that when they see somebody out that, you know, they kind of think, ah, well, everybody gets like that sometimes. Even in the christian community, you know, we can kind of brush it off. But it was really weird. And I cannot say it’s only God that took us from a place where it was this dirty little secret and this awful private place that we weren’t sharing with anybody our struggles, and then coming out and saying, we’re going to go kind of public with our story and that, but from the light that it was now a recovery story.

Right, right. Say, you know, we’ve gone from dark to light. Yeah. Yeah. I’m really interested, I wrote this down. I’m really interested in understanding what made you think you needed help in the first place, because, I mean, I got a two. It’s a two type question. The first one is, what makes you think you need help? The second one is, I’m scared to tell friends and family members of my own life to let them know, hey, do you realize, like, you’re constantly drinking and then every time I visit, you’re like this? I’m so scared to let them know.

So I’m. How do I tell folks? Look, I think this would be good for you, you know? But again, two, two part question. How did you know you needed help? I mean, aren’t you denying it? Aren’t you saying, there’s no way. I mean, I don’t. There’s no problem with me, so I’m really interested in understanding that. Yeah. Lt, the first part of the question is, how did I know I needed help? I always knew I needed help, but, like, I said in my private times, when I was sitting there by myself and thinking through, what am I doing to myself? Listening to her in my head saying, chad, you got to control this.

You got to control this. You got to stop. You got to stop. Even though when we were together, I would say, no, I’m fine, I’m fine, I’m fine. In those quiet times, I would say most of the addicts that we’ve dealt with, alcoholics, they know they need help. It’s just very hard to admit it because you’re looking at other people like, there’s always somebody who’s worse than you. Unfortunately, it gets to the point where you’re going to be the worst one and maybe not be around anymore, but that’s how we try to justify it. So I always know I needed help.

It was just hard admitting it to her, because it’s just hard to admit what you’ve done. And so, you know, that’s it. I think most people realize they need the help, but it’s only them that can make that decision. Katie can’t make that for me. You can’t make that for a loved one. They have to come to the point where they got to do it themselves. And one of the doctors said to me when I was going, they’re like, chad, this is a time for you to be selfish. And I looked at him like, what are you talking about? I’ve treated my family horrible.

I’ve treated my wife horrible. I’ve. I’ve done this for years. And he said, you’re exactly right. But if you don’t take care of yourself right now, none of that stuff’s going to get worked out. And I remember Katie shared with me what she wrote in her journal. She said, lord, I don’t know why you’re putting me through this. I never signed up for this. But I know you can make something beautiful out of this. And that’s hard to. It’s hard when you’re putting your family through that. But God does have a plan for these people who think they can’t do it.

He really does. And it’s amazing how alcohol and drugs keep you from doing God’s will. And I forgot your second question, though. It’s just interesting to me because I think you answered both of them in just that one. Okay. I feel like I have an obligation when I visit family members and friends, you know, that I should say something or let them know. But again, I’ve got this fear in the back of my mind that says I’m going to lose this relationship if I bring it up. And then I think a scripture like, it’s better to tell the truth in love than to hold back, you know, information that would be.

Probably benefit, benefit them, because some folks think love means just leave them alone, don’t. Don’t hurt them. But then true love would be, I would tell them the truth regardless of the consequences. So I think you answered that by, they have to know that they need help. I mean, I’ve been around a lot of christian circles. I’ve been around a lot of folks that, you know, that they love the Lord, but then I see they’re holding their hand all the time, really strong drink all the time, and they’ll offer it to me, and then I’ll say, no, thank you.

Then you feel bad or something that you didn’t take the drink from them. And I’m like, what do I do? How do I handle this situation? I look at it from the outside in understanding what it felt like for me, because, you know, I. I experienced it personally, on a personal level for my life at a young age, you know, with alcohol surrounding me, it definitely has had an effect on me my entire life. Alcohol, it seems like it’s always around, and it’s always been a sense of pain, not anything positive. Does that make sense? There’s nothing.

There’s nothing that alcohol benefit, zero. It takes away relationships, finances, employment, everything. It doesn’t benefit you health wise. There’s nothing that it benefits you in reality. Now, I’m not saying there aren’t people that can control it and have a glass of wine once a week or whatever, but, I mean, there’s really no benefit to drinking. I wanted to show this real quick. We had a testimonial. Just wanted to play a little bit of Susan’s here, if you don’t mind. I’m here on my 10th day at new Spring wellness nad iv infusion treatments, and I feel great, and I’m really excited about what my future has to hold.

I know you’ve got some things to ask, and I’m excited to answer them. Yeah. What were you here to address? Many things. A lifetime of started drinking and using when I was 13. Little by little, it brought on many roads of destruction. On top of it, clouded my mind. It clouded my thinking. Didn’t know how to cope on a daily basis. Things just got to be too rough. You’ve been struggling for a while. What other kinds of treatments you tried? I’ve tried inpatient, five inpatient treatments that ranged from, you know, 28 to 30 days, I did an outpatient treatment that was my very first start in recovery, and that was only just to get people off my back and to shut them up.

And plus, on top of that, I looked at, well, this would be fun, you know, always looking for the fun, but now, now maybe some healthy fun. So, yeah. So what brought you here to try the NAD treatment? I heard testimonies and talked personally to a couple people that have done it. And for me, it’s leading by example. If I know that something and can see the before and after, see the transformation and just hear the life story of somebody that has gone through what I have, that to me, I was absolutely all in. Oh, wow.

And so she’s wearing that, the iv, it looks like they’re on her arm now. She’s got that attached. Is that correct? It could be hard to tell. It’s hard for me to see it, but yes, probably, yeah. And so again, can you explain what that is, how that works? Yeah, explain a day. Yeah, so kind of what a day looks like. It is outpatient. So people return home or to lodgings, and we help people set all that stuff up. But while they’re with us, they’re in a private room, and we’re replenishing through iv right into the bloodstream, vitamins, antioxidants, and that brain restoration formula.

And so it’s, and the idea of doing the vitamins and the antioxidants, including glutathione, which is a detoxifier beforehand, is like what our doctor would say is that it kind of primes the body prior to that work on the brain. And then we’re administering that brain restoration and neural recover formula in high doses, day after day. And that repair and restoration just building on itself, addressing those changes that have happened in the brain. So that’s kind of what a day looks like. People are typically here anywhere from six to 8 hours. We have other things that they do as the doctor orders and as time is available, we have a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, all these things that are kind of like accessories.

But the crux of that program is that brain restoration formula done by. Yeah. And so I noticed that you also had, you brought up a big one for me, a mild hyperbaric oxygen chamber. So is that something that they crawl into and ours is a big one and you actually sit in it? But, yes. Yeah. Okay, I’m into it. Kind of looks like space capsule, actually. And it’s got a chair in there and it’s airtight. We fill it full of pure oxygen and then pressurizes, kind of like you’re going up on a plane, but that pressure pushes the oxygen into your cells.

All right. People report that it. They feel mentally more clear. They maybe feel energized. It’s great for wound healing and repair. So many things. My goodness. And then you guys have something called red light therapy. Yes. We have a red light therapy bed, and, of course, that’s really well known for skin and so forth. But also one of the lesser known things is that it can be good for brain health. And our bed is, you know, head to toe. Red light is a penetrating light, so it’s good for, you know, repairing inflammation, collagen, brain health, all sorts of things.

And a lot of the people that come in, lieutenant, that are addicts or struggling with alcohol, you know, their body is inflamed. They have, you know, their circulation isn’t working well. So all these things that we do on top of the neuro recovery and the vitamins and stuff, helps your whole body heal. That’s amazing. That is amazing. I want to bring up a few others. Cranial electrical stimulation. Yes. The CES machine. Basically, that is something that we do usually in conjunction with auricular therapy, which is based on acupuncture points on the ear, that those points work in the channels of the body.

And there’s protocols for everything from anxiety to depression, addictions. No needles. No needles. Yes. When we say acupuncture points, we use a tool that uses a little bit of electrical stimulation, that. Cranial electrical stimulation as well. But there’s protocols for all sorts of things working in the channels of the body. Yeah. Interesting, because I just had some type of electrical thing done in my head to try to make my hair grow back because I’m bald. Kind of sounds like one of those. But anyway, it felt really good. And I’ve watched just a few of those hair show up.

Anyway. Bridge device for opiate withdrawal. What’s that all about? So that has been. That’s a game changer. That was something that we added a little bit later after we opened. But for people who have ever experienced or watched a loved one experience opiate withdrawal, it’s miserable. It is an ugly thing. Those poor folks want to crawl into a, you know, curl into a ball and they feel like they’re going to crawl out of their skin. Many of them have nausea, diarrhea. I mean, they feel absolutely. And that’s why a lot of them don’t quit is because they’re scared to go through the withdrawal process.

Oh, my gosh. It keeps them in the cycle of using. But that device, it’s battery operated, and it’s, you know, if anybody puts much credence in FDA approval these days, but it’s FDA approved for only the symptoms of withdrawal. So it doesn’t reboot the brain or anything, but it helps with the symptoms, and it attaches to their ear with these little probes. The doctor places it, and it’s amazing. I remember the first time we ever used it. The doctor put it on the gal’s ear, and she was in moderate withdrawal. She was feeling pretty rough, and after just a couple minutes, she smiled.

It just makes their withdrawal symptoms more manageable. They’re still trying, but they feel better while doing. What are they withdrawing from? Opiates, painkillers, oxycodone, fentanyl, heroin. Oh, okay. From drugs. Okay. Because sometimes when I hear opiate, I have to be reminded what that means. Yeah. Sorry. That I just didn’t quite understand that device if it was alcohol. Got it. Got it. So I just want to make sure there was a difference. So you’re helping folks that are. That have been addicted to drugs also? Yeah. Oh, wow. That’s amazing. And then you have something called bioidentical hormones.

Mm hmm. Yes. We have a doctor here in MD that he does the bio identical hormones here. Now, that’s hormone replacement. So that’s something. A lot of times when people hear hormones, they think women, but it’s also for men, too, because our hormones level change as we age. And so getting them back in balance through replacement can help people feel younger, help with all sorts of symptoms of just the low levels. Right, right. Okay. I definitely need to get there now. You have one called laser hair removal. I wish you had laser replacements. Yeah, I could use that, too.

So that’s interesting to have that there also just these different techniques and support services and then medical aesthetics. What is that all about? That’s things like chemical peels, Botox, that sort of thing. Oh, wow. Thing is, we offer so many services, but our heart and our passion and why we opened was to really help people with problems with substance abuse. Yeah, got it. We certainly have expanded into other things. But you know what’s neat? All those things bring all sorts of people in our door. It allows us to share our story. Yeah. And we keep a little brochure out for everybody.

We encourage them to take it with them because so many people do know somebody that’s struggling, and they just want to hear that there’s some hope out there that they it doesn’t have to be a revolving door in recovery, that they can recover once and for all and have a full recovery. You know, where they don’t have to become a hermit. They can have a life and a full, abundant life, like what the Lord wants for us. Amen. And so when folks give you a call. Right, they. They call the number below or they click below and they schedule to be with you.

They. They fly into the Ozarks and they’re in your particular building. Correct. And they get a chance to meet with you or how they’ll meet with us. And what I would recommend for them to do is set up a call or a schedule for us to call them so we can set aside the proper time, because this is, for a lot of people, life changing. It’s a big decision. It’s a big decision. So to be able to just call that number, we’re not going to be able to give you the time that’s required to give you the information.

We’ll certainly try. Right. So it’s best to sign up, set up a scheduled call that will have the proper time to go through everything with them. But, yes, they fly in, we help them arrange everything for their stay here. And it’s like, lake of the Ozarks is a beautiful place to visit. It’s a beautiful place to recover, and there’s just lots of things to do, activities here for families, because we do, I would say over 50% of our patients that come in are not from this area. They’re from all over the country. Got it. Got it.

Wow. And you guys, that is just phenomenal what you’re doing. I mean, I wanted to just add one more, if I would. If I could ask you what are one of the. Probably the most significant changes that you have noticed since new spring wellness center since you put this all together, something that touched your heart and it resonates with you today. I had a guy that came in today, Matt. So this guy was on meth and came into us several years ago now, and he’ll pop in every once in a while. And he walks in, and he was so proud today because he’s just bought a car.

Well, and he just celebrated three years. Three years. But he’s just so excited that he has his life back. And so that’s one example. He comes in and tells us how proud he is of what he’s doing and how awesome he feels that he has a job, that he’s actually making a paycheck. And then. Then I think of this 73 year old man that had been in and out of six rehabs, and the second he’d get out of an inpatient rehab, he said, the first thing I would do is head to that gas station and buy my liquor.

You know, you can lock someone in a room for 30 days and keep them from their substance. Yeah. When they get out of there, LT, into the real world, they have to make that decision. And after going through this program, it took six times to rehab and one time through here and he’s doing muscle. So those are, those are the things that, that, again, that Katie and I, it’s, it’s a tough business. It’s a tough business because you see people at their worst time going through different things in their lives, whether it’s relationships, whether it’s finances, whatever it is.

But when they come out of that, there’s no better feeling. There’s no better. Yeah. And it, and he is right that it is tough in that sometimes we sit down with parents and they have a child who’s, you know, struggling with drugs or alcohol, and as much as the parents want to see them get better, you know, sometimes that child’s not ready and it comes out in the conversation. But what is neat is maybe a year or two later that person comes back around and now they’re ready. Sometimes that conversation doesn’t, it plants the seed. They know they have it overnight.

Like that 73 year old man, he would call in the middle of the night, probably over a year’s time, just call every now and then and talk with Chad in the middle of the night. And it was a year before he actually came in. Oh, my goodness. Yeah. And we have a gentleman starting Monday who we met a year and a half ago. Oh, yeah. You know, so it’s just neat to see everybody’s at different stages in their recovery, so to speak, in journey and, and, lt, you may be surprised, the people in your life that you think that you might need to suggest to them that maybe it’s a problem.

Right. Maybe they probably already know that and they may be wanting to change it and they just don’t know how or they feel like they don’t believe it or they tried and they, you know, they weren’t successful. So now they feel like, well, this is just me. That doesn’t have to be just them. Got it. You know, well, just wonderful. I wanted to remind folks again, newspringwellnesscenter.com Ann, we know if you click on that link, they’ll know that you watched this video or if you give them a call. Just let them know you watched and you’re encouraged to try to reach out and get some, some help.

We hope this is resonating with many of the folks out there who are struggling. They’ve been looking for help. I just know that we’ve been put together for a perfect time as this and really touched, really touched. And I’m hoping to see many changes, especially in my own sphere of influence here. Would be wonderful to see some of those. So I’m going to share this with them also for those that I’m hoping would make a change in their life would be phenomenal. Do you mind if I close with you guys in prayer before we go? Absolutely.

I’d love that. Okay. Wonderful. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for Chad and Katie Brewer, for the amazing life changing stories that you’ve placed before them. How you’ve put this whole center together not only to reach folks with their alcohol addictions, their drug addictions, but also to reach you. And we know that you have the ultimate sacrifice that you provided for us. Your son, Jesus Christ on the cross is alive and well now and just through so many different avenues you’ve, you’ve been able to reach folks. And we just thank you for how you’ve constantly guided Chad and Katie in their work.

We ask for protection for them as they continue to move forward, definitely remove from the enemy territory these folks lives that are changing by the day, and we just continue to lift them up to you for all that they do. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen and amen. Thank you so much, guys. This has been wonderful. Looking forward to hearing back from many of those that reach out to you. This is going to be very exciting journey for all of us. Definitely want to do an update after all this is said and done and hopefully have some folks on maybe that were touched and went out to your center.

That’d be great. Wonderful. God bless. God bless you. Thank you. Wherefore, let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed lest he fall. There hath no temptation taken you, but such as is common to man. But God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will, with the temptation also make a way to escape that ye may be able to bear it.

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