Shaky Bill Clinton Mentions Laken Riley Migrants… Trying To Throw Kamala Harris Campaign Away | The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels





➡ The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels text discusses former President Bill Clinton’s past scandal involving Monica Lewinsky and his denial of having sexual relations with her. It also mentions his support for Kamala Harris during her campaign. The author criticizes Clinton’s actions and suggests that his past mistakes had a negative impact on the country. The author also implies that Clinton’s time in the political spotlight should be over.
➡ The speaker criticizes the Democratic party’s handling of various issues, including immigration and the 2020 election campaign. They argue that the party should have utilized the strengths of successful figures like Obama to sway public opinion. They also express frustration over the party’s approach to immigration, suggesting it has led to problems. Lastly, they question the party’s support for Kamala Harris, suggesting that some party members may not like her.



I did not have sex with that woman. I did not have sex with that woman. Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail. Hold on. I know we got it. We got to pull that up. Have anybody talked about Bill Clinton recently? Have anybody reviewed that? Some of this is above y’all or is before y’all time. Bill Clinton is on the campaign trail for Kamala Harris. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. Let me see if I can find it. Hold on. I got to be able to find it. It’s got to be right there.

This is my last in memory of Bill, aside from destroying the manufacturing base from selling this out to other countries, including China. This is my thoughts about Bill. Now we don’t do that anymore. So while this was worthy of the nation’s highest office, Ronald Reagan’s speech, 12 years later, on this day in 1998, a scandal of sex and lies. 1998. The first black president, they said. 1998. I was 16. I was 16 years old. 16 years old. Trying to move and shake. You know what I’m saying? Trying to make a shake. Make something shake in high school.

Trying to get somebody to skip school with me. Hey, what y’all got going on today? Oh, yeah. Word. What? Your parents ain’t home today? Oh, that’s crazy. D’awg. Hey, man. Her parents ain’t home today. We can make something shake. After third hour, I bet we can be back by seventh hour though. We was trying to make something shake in 1998, baby. Yes, we was. Yes. Yes, we can. And while we was trying to make something shake, this is what your president was doing. The low point for the White House. It was the day President Bill Clinton said words that would follow him and his wife for years to come.

Scott Pelly reports. Tonight, Monica Lewinsky’s attorneys tell us that she has told prosecutors all she knows. They describe what they call a complete account of her relationship with President Clinton. But that account was given over the telephone today and was not written down. Prosecutors are still trying to decide whether they will offer immunity. This new threat came. Bill Clinton was the first person since in your lifetime that they was trying to give immunity to because he was grabbing him by the pee and sitting women up under his desk. Monica Lewinsky put a five under his desk.

The only president in history that put a five under his desk. Ain’t that crazy? He was typing on the computer, had a five up under his desk. No, neither here nor there. This is the person that’s on the campaign trail for Kamala right now. On the same day that the president finally rallied to his own defense, the president had been silent three days. His lawyers wanted it that way, but the political damage was rising much too fast. Today, drawn and bleary eyed, Mr. Clinton joined the battle to save his presidency. But I want to say one thing to the American people.

I want you to listen to me. I’m going to say this again. I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie. Not a single time. Never. These allegations are false and I need to go back to work for the American people. And they applaud it. I did not have sexual relations with that woman. I did not tell anybody to lie. And I need to go back to work for the American people. Thank you. Listen to me. Listen to me clearly. I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

I did not tell anybody to lie. I don’t know what they talking about, Miss Lewinsky, and I need to go back to work and in tearing up and creating a North America free trade agreement so we can get manufacturing jobs out of this country and how we can make sure that we absolutely set the precedent for destroying the housing market that eventually you going to pay for in 2008. Thank you very much. That man said with a straight face, with tears in his eyes, with tears in his eyes, he said, I did not have sexual relations with that woman.

And then we all had to pay for it by having Secretary Clinton on her laptop and her emails. And we almost got her as president. Think about that. All because the whole country almost had to pay for the infidelity of Bill Clinton from Arkansas. The whole country had to pay for this. You know how? Because now she had leverage on me. So now he had to promise her, you know, I’m going to try to get you. I’m going to do everything I can to try to get you. Now you got a black man on the rise over there in Obama, but I’m going to do everything I can to get you in the secretary.

And then we’re going to try to get you into the White House and you’re going to do, you know, say that you don’t crack that glass ceiling and you got a lot of cracks in that glass ceiling. And I’m still going to support your Hillary. I was getting a little bit ahead, but I’m going to support you all because he was getting ahead in the White House. We almost had to pay for this as United States of American citizens. Ain’t that crazy? How one man getting ahead almost tanked an entire country in order to pay for the sins of getting some dome from a fire.

That’s crazy. That’s crazy. That is absolutely positively crazy. Well, they thought that we forgot about it, but I didn’t. And so now he walking around looking like a corpse, looking like one of the characters in Beetlejuice, and he’s campaigning for Kamala Harris. Let’s see what you got to say. Here’s a kiddo about this. I heard you mentioned Lake and Riley’s name. That’s crazy. Ain’t it? Check it out. And for president, my granddad called me, told me that story. And he said, if governor Clinton is half the man, his grandfather was, he’ll be a great president.

Now we believe and he went out. Thank you. I told you this story to make the point that when we listen to each other, when we see each other, when we work together, when we try to help each other, there is really nothing we can’t do. He’s shaking. He got the shakes. He got the shakes. Now it’s kind of hard to believe that him and Trump be the same age. They around the same age. He got the shakes. He looked at him. Look at him. Look at him. He shouldn’t be on. He shouldn’t be on the campaign trail.

He should be somewhere playing. He should be somewhere looking at dirty magazines with Biden on a real Clinton. You had your time, big dog. You had your time. Sit down somewhere. Going to get you a blanket. He tried to give us Hillary Clinton. Hey, Bill. Go ahead and take a seat, big dog. You and Biden. Meet Joe Black. Meet Joe Black just had a conversation with Bill Clinton. Hey, Bill. Come on, Bill. Come on, Bill. Put it up. Put it up, big dog. No more campaign trail and you’ve done your time. We’re not going to hold you accountable for getting a little bit ahead.

We still holding you accountable for what happened with the North American Free Trade Agreement. But put that up, big dog. Put it up, Bill. This ain’t your time, bro. When this man’s grandfather was in my grandfather’s store, I was three or four years old hanging around trying to get my hand in the box of Jackson’s cookies. And you never know what’s going to happen if you help each other, if you see everybody, if you try to build people. That’s what Kamala Harris will try to do. I’m telling you, I know her. I have watched her.

And I believe she was a great president. And I believe, I believe Governor Waltz, because I grew up in Nebraska, because of what he served in the rural district in Congress in Minnesota. And because he’s been a truly consequential governor of Minnesota, you know, everybody likes to say, well, and he does, he reminds me of two coaches who taught me biology and science because in the fifties, in the in the forties, when they teach you biology and science in the forties and the fifties, when they didn’t even have masks.

Don’t get your blankie, big dog. Get on out of the spotlight. This ain’t your time. They ran out of code. Who listened to Bill Clinton to try to get to and let Bill Clinton sway them. How many people see Bill walk up to them today like this and say, have you voted for Kamala Harris today? Who in their right mind is sitting here saying, man, I want to see Bill Clinton tell me who to vote for. I’m waiting for Bill to give me his endorsement. Go on, go ahead, man. Just take your time, help them on up the steps, him and Biden.

Put on some cartoons for him, some Ren and Stimpy. We got Netflix, Bill. Go ahead, take your time, big dog. And they had to teach more to get to retirement. And they I mean, it was like I can close my eyes and imagine him every time he speaks being these guys because they were both real smart and they taught me things I remember to this day. But the main thing about them is they think we is more important than I. They think politics is about you. And I’ll give you some examples. The project 2025. This guy is so out of his mind.

He has no clue whatsoever. The last person that should be talking about not being selfish is you, Bill. As we just seen, you almost gave us Hillary Clinton as president of United States of America because you couldn’t keep it in your pants. If that’s not the very definition of selfish, I don’t know what is. We have no other candidates that was better than her on the Democratic side, but y’all use the power of the machine to get her in there. Obama couldn’t even get her in. That’s how bad she was. You or Obama couldn’t get her in.

I was spoken about earlier that the Republican project to gain total control of the federal government from the courts to the regulatory aid. The thing that got me to worse was when J.D. Vance, the affair, he supported 60 attempts to repeal it. Now, Trump killed the bill. Oh, there we are. There we are. As have more affordable housing, make it easier for people to make their first down payment. They gave him some talking points. More loans. There’s a small business administration and keep this thing going. And on the immigration thing, she’s the only candidate who has actually endorsed a bill that would hold down immigration in any given year to a certain point and then make sure we gave people a decent place to live.

We didn’t design divide people from their children and we did total vetting before people got in. Now, Trump killed the bill. The bill was being written by senior Republicans in the Senate. Do y’all see how delusional that this man is? I’m gonna let him keep talking and then I’m gonna tell y’all what my thoughts are. Listen, he’s talking about immigration on the thing that only person that can really speak on and have a conversation about immigration that did it right objectively was Obama. That’s it. It’s Obama. Obama should have stayed away from trying to hold black men accountable and instead should have started having conversations about immigration.

Listen, the Democrats messed this campaign up so bad. They fumbled this campaign so bad. When you look back on it, the things that they should have empowered people to do was based off of their strong suit. They should have learned from 2016 when Obama couldn’t push Hillary Clinton through and said, okay, who’s strong enough to be able to have a conversation and debate on this subject instead of sticking to talking points, we’re not going to continue to push her talking points because social media is already laughing at the fact that she say everything on every interview.

What we’re going to do is we’re going to take people that were successful in this area of their presidency and we’re going to have you go out and try to debunk and sway the people to think differently about this because you were good at it. So Obama, because he was great on immigration, should have been the one on the campaign trail saying, hey, listen, listen, guys, this is the truth about immigration. This is how we did it more successfully. This is why they are going to do it. This whatever, you know, put whatever spin on it.

We all know that they messed up on immigration when it came to Kamala Harris, but they should have took the people that was a part of a certain thing that they did right that the people can endear them to that also tied into the Republicans of what Republicans want in order to sway independence to see it a little bit differently. And so instead of him trying to talk down on us and have a conversation with us about misogyny, when he was the one that gave us the alphabet community as a legacy of his administration, he should have been talking about Obama in particular, should have been talking about immigration.

But now you got, you got shaky hand bill up here talking about immigration and we’re going to see it up. We’re going to see it through. And he killed the bill. Why? You had a case in Georgia not very long ago, didn’t you? They made an ad about about a young woman who’d been killed by an immigrant. Yeah, well, if they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened. But if they all properly vetted and that doesn’t happen and America is not having enough babies to keep our populations up. So we need immigrants that have been vetted to do work.

There wouldn’t be a problem. Do you realize that he’s literally playing into the hands of Trump voters, that he’s talking to Democrats about Lake and Riley, who Kamala Harris and Biden refused to say her name or even acknowledge her publicly, that was killed by illegal migrant that wasn’t supposed to be into this country in the first place. Under Biden’s administration, when they opened up the borders and he’s basically trying to have a conversation with the people about something that Trump and the Trump administration has been talking about for the longest.

Is something wrong with these guys? Barack Obama fumbled, Bill Clinton being a base head because he too old to even know what’s really going on. And they’re working for Republicans. So I even think that one or two things is happening. Either they really don’t like Kamala Harris and they’re trying to destroy her or they’re just clueless. And the Democrats are running this campaign like a shotgun wedding. What is wrong with this guy having a come on, Eric D, even you gotta admit that this is the dumbest thing ever. Why would they bring up, send, they gave him some talking points, stick to the talking points.

Why would they sit here and have a conversation about immigration and Lake and Riley when she was literally killed by a migrant that wasn’t supposed to be here under the Biden administration? Even Kamala Harris and Biden won’t even mention her name. And Bill is on tape talking to Democrats about the very thing that Republicans are saying, yes, the weakest thing that Democrats are on, the thing that the Democrats are weakest on, Bill has all is continuing to do it. Eric D, even you gotta admit that that’s a fumble. That’s a fumble. That is another fumble by a legacy president.

And he couldn’t keep people all torn up and upset. Kamala Harris says, I don’t want you to get upset. If you don’t like me, you can vote against me next time. If you didn’t like me, you can vote for me next time. Meanwhile, what do you say we solve some problems? What do you say we get something done? What do you say we get rid of all this? So wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. You want us to give you a promotion over something that you failed at. And you talking about solving a problem that you couldn’t solve over the last three and a half years, but you need a promotion to do so.

So she was a tie-breaking vote of the Senate more than any president in history. And you couldn’t. Honestly, I don’t think that they like her. I don’t think that they like her. I don’t think that they like Kamala Harris. You are right, Molly. How are you going to solve for a problem that you created? Borders were secure under Obama, giving him credit. Borders were secure under Trump, even though y’all didn’t want to allocate him any money to continue to secure the border, and y’all fought him at every twist and turn. Borders blew open under Biden and Harris.

Are we supposed to give him a promotion for that? And this dude just sat there and talked about Lincoln Riley. Jesus Christ. [tr:trw].

See more of The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels on their Public Channel and the MPN The Millionaire Morning Show w/ Anton Daniels channel.


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