Off Duty San Antonio Cops Helping Illegals enter the USA safely and privately | JailBreak Overlander





➡ The JailBreak Overlander video shows the narrator following a bus carrying migrants who recently crossed the Mexican-Texas border. The migrants, escorted by border patrol, are equipped with cell phones, prepaid debit cards, and backpacks, ready to settle in U.S. cities. The narrator also accuses the San Antonio police of being paid by NGOs to guard a migrant center and facilitate human smuggling, which the police neither confirm nor deny. The video ends with the narrator following a bus and a shuttle, believed to be heading to the San Antonio Airport to pick up more migrants.



So I’m going to present this video to you, and I want you to bear in mind you’re watching my truck, and you’re watching me follow border patrol and a new batch of migrants that just came over the Mexican-Texas border. I’m literally following them, and it’s amazing because these guys just got dropped off on the other side of the border by a large truck with a bunch of people in it. Then, they got escorted by border patrol directly into the bus that I’m following right here.

When I saw the people get off at the rest stop, I’m trying to be kind of slick about this, but they already had cell phones in their hands as well as prepaid debit cards and a backpack—everything you need to be brought to a United States city. This enables them to overtax its resources, infrastructure, and law enforcement. But here’s the thing: all the law enforcement involved in this seems to be heavily, heavily compromised, and that’s the reason I’m making this video.

We are under attack here, and our government is facilitating it. We’re not dealing with random people simply jumping over the border; these people are being brought in, escorted, and treated like American citizens. You see what I’m saying? This is a bad, bad thing, and this is just so that you’re aware of what’s going on because this is bad, and the mainstream is not showing this to you.

Illegals just got caught doing home invasions in Salt Lake City, and the Salt Lake City police were inclined to not talk about it. Do you see what I’m saying? Home invasion is the worst thing in the world. Getting robbed or having your house broken into is one thing, but having someone kick down your door with machetes, high and drunk, from another country—that’s a problem. And that’s a problem that the police are somehow covering up.

If you don’t believe it, let’s check out San Antonio police. This is legit. You gotta give me a dress right now; that’s your warden. So guys, I am currently at the migrant center in San Antonio, Texas, where NGOs are facilitating human smuggling of migrants into America. If you look right here, you actually have a San Antonio Police Department car watching as a lookout, basically guarding this area. They’re taking side contracts in relation to these NGOs and are being paid a significant amount to guard this area.

I’ll walk down here just to show you more. They’re in their official San Antonio PD uniforms, topped off with their San Antonio PD cars as well. Just to give you a little background real quick, are you guys on duty right now? So are you being contracted by the NGOs? Then why did you tell them just to say no? You guys are being contracted by the NGOs. Is that none of my business? You’re San Antonio police, but you’re being contracted and paid by NGOs. Are you being paid time and a half?

No comment, but you did confirm you’re not on duty. This is a side job for you, so you are being paid by the NGOs. Do you think that’s a conflict of interest at all? So you got San Antonio PD here being paid by the NGOs to essentially facilitate the human trafficking of illegal migrants into the country. Can I ask you guys a question?

These NGOs claim they’re not paying for migrants’ flights, but the migrants are saying the exact opposite. How this facility specifically works is if the migrants are held here for a certain amount of time without being released, then they claim they can’t pay. Ma’am, can I talk to you? Yeah, she doesn’t want to hear it because she already knows.

So why are you not investigating this for human smuggling? They’re paying for these migrants’ flights into American cities, and as police officers, this is something you should be investigating. They’re lying about paying for migrants’ flights when, in reality, they absolutely are paying for them, sometimes double-booking and then charging the federal government back. So they’re scamming people.

But why are you guys, as police officers, not looking into this and instead taking money from these NGOs and affiliated organizations? No comment. Again, as police officers, don’t you think that you, in your official uniform, are creating a conflict of interest? And you got a lookout over here providing security as well. Why do you guys have San Antonio PD cars here while you’re in uniform, guarding a migrant facility that is engaging in human smuggling?

No comment. So you have these two gentlemen up front helping human smugglers in their official police capacity but taking money on a side gig—that’s what he said earlier. They’re being paid by these NGOs, allowing human smuggling to happen when they should be investigating it. This is human smuggling into America.

No comment on that either. No comment on anything tonight, huh? Do you think what you’re doing is moral? No comment. You probably don’t care if it’s moral because it pays well, right? No comment.

What about you, sir? You haven’t said much other than telling him not to talk to me tonight. Do you think this is appropriate? Can I get your badge numbers? What’s your badge number—2213? What about you, sir? You said this is a side job, so who’s paying you? Why don’t you know that?

Why are you in San Antonio Police Department uniforms if you’re off the clock, with your San Antonio PD cars here? You don’t need to answer that? Why won’t you answer it? You don’t think it’s a conflict of interest? I’m a reporter. I’m asking you. You don’t?

So you are being paid by the NGOs. You have San Antonio PD here, and you’re not going to answer a question for me, but you’re going to attempt to arrest me. You can stand out there and record all you want to, officer. So why are you in public uniforms? You’re public officials. You work for taxpayers, but you’re here off the clock, being paid by NGOs that are facilitating human trafficking, correct?

It’s kind of weird how you’re dodging this simple yes or no question. So you are, in a way, answering my question by not answering it. Considering I know you’re already being paid by the NGOs, it seems even more suspicious that you’re not willing to admit it. This is literally helping facilitate human smuggling. That’s the gate into America.

That’s the gate here. Outside—follow them. Wait up. So they’re running security, making sure everyone has a wristband before they come in here. Insane. I said, “Outside the gate to two one three.” Can I see your badge, sir? Will you show me your badge now that I’m not really inclined to believe you, with all the shady activity going on here? How much are you getting paid to be here? I just told you—outside the gate is a time and a half. You can get the official owners to trespass me if you like. You’ve got to give me a warning; you’ve got to give me a right now—that’s your warning.

All right, so San Antonio, what’s your name? Cal Wayne? What a name. So, facilitating human smuggling of migrants into America. He’s mad that I’m standing past this little line right here, but he’s quite literally helping human smugglers facilitate their illegal activities into America. Insane. Welcome to America in 2024, guys.

So, you’ve got a full-blown school bus and a shuttle bus, as well as this car right here acting as a back escort for them. Looks like they are going to be heading to San Antonio Airport for a pickup so they can return these migrants to this migrant resource center. They’re going to keep trying to fake you out. You know the way to the airport, yes? Yeah. So, this bus just barely did a fake blinker move on us and attempted to fake swerves off.

There’s the shuttle right there, actually. They just went and turned, so one turned the opposite way, trying to get us to go in a different area and miss where this bus is going. And then this bus attempted to get off an exit and then hurriedly swerved back, almost hitting the barrier. So, they clearly do not want us following them, but we’re obviously going to keep following these guys. We know exactly where they’re going and what they’re up to. See, parking right between both officers—Venezuela. See, what—how much are you guys being paid to do this?

So, you got a whole school bus dedicated to picking up illegal immigrants. You have a pickup going on right now. They’ll be taking them from the migrant resource center where we just followed them from. Hey ma’am, what NGO are you with? Are you with Endeavors or the Catholic charity? Ma’am, what NGO are you with? So she’s going in right now; you see the bus driving away. Pickup accomplished. This woman is helping the facilitation of illegal immigrants into America.

That’s crazy. And then SAPD just stands by and actually gives her an escort as well, which we’ve seen they’re taking contracts as well from the NGOs as they’re stationed at the migrant resource center. So it’s no surprise. Who are you with, ma’am? Are you with the airport?

You can take a picture of this thing, or actually have to take a picture of it. I have to take a picture of it, yes. Are you on the clock right now, or are you working a side contract? You’re off duty, so we’re gonna just through a contract. Is that through San Antonio PD, I imagine, just approved through the chief and everything? Okay. Hey man, where is this going? Where is this driving to?

I do not. Can blow your face. This is not looking good. All I’m asking is where this is going to because a lot of these kids gonna miss. And where’s it going to? That’s why I want to know. Okay, so where you working for? Who you working for? I’m independent media. I’m independent media, and I’ve done a lot of work on this. My videos get millions of views.

This is gonna look really bad if you roll the window. Where are you guys taking these kids? That’s all we want to know. Where are the kids going? They won’t tell me anything. Look, he’s coming to roll up the window. He’s coming to do it. Where are you taking these kids? It’s gonna look really bad if you roll that window, bro. Where are you taking the kids to?

I’m independent. I work for myself. I’m an independent news reporter. Where are you going, man? Where are you taking these kids to? Oh my god. Hey, where you guys flying to today? Where you guys driving to? Why? Well, do you know a third of these kids, according to the New York Times, go missing? Nothing? Okay, thank you.

I’m just curious. You guys going to a foster home? No, sir, it doesn’t matter where they’re going. Oh, okay. How can we guarantee this kid’s safety? Because you’re not going to check up on them, right? You don’t know that. Well, there’s a 30-day wellness check that happens if you drop them off, right? And a third of those calls don’t answer. You don’t know what we’re doing, so thank you.

Do you work with MVM or Southwest Key Ola? So, you need to understand all these people working for NGOs or non-governmental agencies or organizations—I’m sorry—all these people are actively separating the children from the parents, separating the military-age men from the women, and they’re all going in different directions. But they’re all going to cities and towns near you, where they can, again, tax the resources, take up the housing, and overrun law enforcement. And as you can see, law enforcement is absolutely in on this because it’s all coming from the top down. They’re just doing their jobs, just following orders, ma’am. You know what I’m saying?

It’s unbelievable. And as you heard, many of these people are from Venezuela. And Venezuelan people—well, those are the jails in Venezuela being emptied and sent to the United States. These people cannot be deported back to Venezuela. Isn’t that odd? What a strange thing.

Texas police are reporting a surge in gang violence by illegal immigrants across the state. Dallas police charged four illegals with robbing a woman at gunpoint during a home invasion. San Antonio police arrested 20 people on drugs and human trafficking charges at an apartment complex, and some are confirmed members of the brutal gang, the Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, TDA as they’re known.

Vice President Kamala Harris has flip-flopped on the White House’s border policies, which allowed millions to come into this country illegally. Now she’s promising hundreds of millions for Trump’s border wall, which she once called a waste of money. Well, you know, she came from a state in California that benefited from a structure on the border. It’s like she’s got her memory back—or not. She wanted to decriminalize illegal crossings and has walked that back now. Her campaign has backed off her previous calls to eliminate Immigrations and Customs Enforcement, or ICE.

Texas Congressman Pat Fallon commented that Harris wants the American people to forget it was the Biden-Harris administration. But she wants you to forget about the hyphen and the Harris, and we can’t do that. They only discuss the border, David, when it’s election season, so it’ll be four more years, and it’ll get tremendously worse.

Taylor is in Dallas with more on the gang crisis. Brooke Harris, this recent story out of Dallas is just frightening. This woman was pulling into her garage when she says that four men with guns followed her in. They held her at gunpoint, tied her up, and threatened her while they ransacked her home. Check out these suspects here, now all arrested and charged with aggravated robbery. Records show all four are from Venezuela and have ICE holds.

Police identified Manuel Hernandez Hernandez through fingerprints because he already had a criminal history, including a DWI. Recently, he was stopped at a traffic light and arrested after not having a driver’s license and registration. According to police, he was released just one day before the robbery. He eventually led police to the other three suspects, including the so-called ringleader of the group, Wilmer Gonzalez.

When police arrested him, it turned into an eight-hour intense standoff at an apartment complex in Irving. I spoke to a lot of neighbors there who said it was just so unsafe, especially for their young children who live in that community. Neighbors shared videos with me of armed SWAT teams entering his apartment.

The four Venezuelan migrants are accused of following that woman into her upscale Briarwood neighborhood home in Dallas. Police say they tied her up, hit her with a gun, threatened her, and stole thousands of dollars in jewelry and money.

Welcome people who come here legally. But people who are not here legally—we have to wonder about why they were able to get here in the first place and this far north. To me, the city of Aurora is going to investigate and make a list of nonprofits helping migrants. The resolution passed by the conservative City Council majority states claims that the state government and city of Denver were placing migrants into Aurora. The investigation is aimed at determining whether that claim is actually true.

Nine News’ Kelly Brinkie joins us now with what exactly this means. Kelly, well, let’s put our decoder ring on. If they’re “investigating” it, I’m sure this young lady right here is going to say a bunch of words that will appease people. And yet, everything that I showed you in the beginning of this video is recent. This continues. This continues.

The mainstream media is just basically a mouthpiece for the corporations—the corporations that own the United States of America’s political people. This is why they go into office, you know, upper middle class or white collar, and they leave multi-millionaires. They’ve sold the country out from under us. They’ve sent everything that we used to make America great—our steel mills, our timber mills, all of our different facilities to build cars and everything—to other countries, leaving us just a place to dump migrants and steal Americans’ money.

Have you seen the national debt lately? Let’s take a peek. And much like the Energizer rabbit, the number just keeps growing and growing and growing. I mentioned this in a previous video two weeks ago. I did a video, and this was in the low $34 trillions, and it’s now in the high $35 trillions. Because, you know, we have to send money to Israel so they can bomb Lebanon, and then we have to send money to Lebanon because they got bombed by Israel. And rinse and repeat.

If you want to destroy the country, completely destabilize everything that made America, America. And that’s exactly, exactly what they’re doing.

Now, links to everyone that I got video from will be in the description box below. Give them a follow, and I’m out.


See more of JailBreak Overlander on their Public Channel and the MPN JailBreak Overlander channel.


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