10.13.24: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: Silver more attractive to GOV Demand for Silver will drive up price wipe out Ground Supply PRAY! | And We Know





➡ The And We Know speaker discusses the current political and economic climate, highlighting people’s growing distrust in the government due to unfulfilled promises and perceived misuse of funds. They also touch on Russia’s strategic move to add silver to their state fund reserves, which could potentially wipe out all above ground silver supply. This move by Russia could significantly increase the value of silver, benefiting those who own it and potentially causing financial loss for banks that are shorting silver. The speaker suggests that this could be a strategic move by Russia to counteract economic sanctions and gain an upper hand.
➡ The article discusses the potential impact of recent actions by banks like JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, who are speculated to be covering their short positions in anticipation of a rise in silver prices. It also criticizes the Biden administration’s job report, arguing that the reported job growth is largely in government roles, not the private sector, and thus doesn’t represent real economic growth. The article further discusses the rising inflation rates and the Federal Reserve’s decision to lower interest rates, which the author believes will exacerbate inflation. Lastly, it warns of potential social unrest due to rising costs of living and criticizes the government’s handling of the economy.
➡ The article discusses the potential impact of Trump’s policies on the economy, suggesting they could lead to a rise in silver prices and possibly eliminate personal income tax. It compares Trump’s situation to past presidents like Carter and Reagan, who faced economic challenges during their terms. The article also mentions the possibility of Trump being blamed for economic issues due to his policies, but argues that these could eventually lead to economic growth by encouraging American manufacturing and changing spending habits. Lastly, it touches on the role of faith and politics, and the importance of precious metals in uncertain economic times.



Well, folks, it’s great to have Doctor Kirk Elliott back with us once again. You know that you can go in the description box below this video and we know.com forward slash gold. You click on that link and you’ll be able to reach out to doctor Kirk Elliott and his team and they will help you out with precious metals. And also you’ll see some prayer if you need that. Definitely need. Going into this election season, it’s been pretty crazy, all that we’ve been, you know, watching, especially with these storms that came in. A lot of folks are waking up.

They’re not trusting the government anymore. They promised a $750 handout. Most people that actually needed way more than that couldn’t even get it. And if they did, they gave them $300. And then they found out they have to pay it back is because it’s a loan. But yet we’re able to give billions and billions of dollars overseas. We’re able to bring in the migrants and give them as much money as they need to make it. Give them free health care, the whole nine. And folks are starting to finally see it. It’s all over social media. They even sent Obama, Barack Hussein Obama back into Chicago.

And I’ve seen many videos, thousands of videos of the black community responding to him saying, are you trying to get us back? Are you crazy? Do you think that we’re going to do that? I wouldn’t even have my mom or my grandma. I wouldn’t vote for them. I’m going for Trump. And so, anyway, a lot playing out. It’s been really good news on that side. This just to see the wake up call. I mean, it’s a, it’s a huge wake up call. And when people real. I mean, these, these hurricanes are manufactured storms, whatever you want to call them, right? They, I think that is waking people up when they realize the benevolence of the government, how they.

They get a $750 loan or $300 loan rather than. I mean, you look at what we gave to Ukraine so far this year. It’s like 20. I don’t know, it’s $23 billion. And Israel’s gotten over $11 billion in aid. You’ve got Congo, Ethiopia, Yemen. I mean, you’ve got all these countries that, are we at war with some of them or not, but yet they’re getting all this aid from us. And it’s like. And we can’t even give our own people $750 without calling it a loan. I mean, good grief, this is bad, right? So, so I think people are waking up, and it took these, these storms, these destructive.

I mean, I, one of our, one of our teammates, her house got destroyed. It’s like, it just breaks my heart. Right. And it’s like the, the lack of respect and honor for people’s lives, for their property, you know, for political gain. And then you look at what happened in North Carolina. I mean, that’s weird. That seems like some kind of land grab. You look at what’s happening in Wyoming, and it seems like most of the state is on fire because there’s, there’s rare earth metals or something in the ground, and it’s like this. If they want something, they’ll just destroy it to get it.

And I think people are waking up to that. Yeah. Yeah, that’s right. And it’s, it’s really interesting to, to, you know, if we would have done this eight years ago and told folks, hey, the weather’s been changed, it’s manipulated. Look at this. They admit it on, on mainstream media. They have experts come on and admit it. They had a history channel did a full hour explaining in detail how they actually seed the clouds and bring more moisture and how they direct the storm to go a certain direction. It’s like, well, if you can do that, why don’t you send the storm out into the ocean away from all of the United States? And so everything is coming to head.

Everybody’s starting to understand how this is playing out. The trust of the government is definitely not there anymore. And so that kind of leads into our section today of what we’re discussing. Obviously, this is something to touch on with Russia. They’re on the docket once again adding silver to state fund reserves. And this will wipe out all above ground silver supply. What is that all about? I mean, so this is, this is a fascinatingly big story that you’re not going to hear anywhere, right? You’re. Nobody’s going to hear this. So, so a couple of weeks ago, Russia and, or Putin, I should say, on behalf of Russia, decided, you know, what, with all the economic sanctions that are placed on Russia, on the ruble from America, we can’t actually use the ruble for international transactions.

We can’t do this. They’re handcuffing us from actually feeding our, which is what sanctions are supposed to do. Right. In economic warfare. That’s what a sanction would do. But Putin got ticked, so he basically is taking some of their gold reserves and private courier, like ship or whatever, getting them to Hong Kong so they can buy goods and services with the gold that they own. Interesting. Putin is using gold as barter on a country wide scale. Right? So when we talk about that getting out of the system, getting out of the central bank digital currency, getting out of big brother in your bank account, and not being a digital slave in their digital world, sometimes people say, kirk, you’re talking crazy talk.

This is conspiracy theory. The world’s not falling apart. We’re not having a zombie apocalypse. Why would you talk about barter? Well, because either you take the mark of the beast or you don’t. You better have an alternative, in my opinion. Because what they’re doing right here, the ability to cut you off from buying or selling if their ideology doesn’t match up, that’s what it appears to be to me. Right, so. So Putin this week took one step further than that. Right? And this is what’s exciting. Like, really? Lt, super exciting for everybody that owns silver, everybody.

Since last March when we started working together and talking about the economy and protecting and preserving and getting this economic news out there, this is possibly one of the biggest stories that we’ve talked about, and that is Putin saying, we’re not just going to use gold as a strategic reserve for the ruble, we’re going to add silver to it. So why do central banks use gold? Well, it’s $2,600 an ounce. It’s a much larger market than silver. You can’t really back a currency with something that’s $32 an ounce. There’s just simply not enough of it. Well, I think Putin knows this.

So Putin decided we’re going to add silver to the strategic reserves instead of just gold. Well, with that excess demand and very little supply already, big international money center banks like Citi, Goldman, whatever, they’re saying, wow, this could push gold or silver to $50 an ounce. Like, well, LT, I think what we’ve talked about in previous weeks and months will push silver to $50 an ounce. I mean, we’re already on pace to get there because of supply chain disruptions, the military applications for it, the new Samsung battery technology. Right? That’s all. Should put silver over $50 an ounce.

Now, you add what Putin is doing, and it could be triple digits. I mean, I’m not, my goodness, this isn’t in the realm of extraordinary. This is just what happens when there’s no supply and there’s still manufacturing demand for it. So if I were Putin here, I’m thinking, all right, let’s add silver. We’ll take all of the above ground supply. Okay, so what’s that going to do if he’s buying it at $32 an ounce. And Russia is like, practically, for all intents and purposes, bankrupt. Right? And so they’re buying silver at 32. And Samsung, Lockheed Martin, Boeing, you know, Tesla, whatever.

They need silver. Well, we’ll offer $50. We’ll offer $100. We’ll offer $150 because they need it for their final product. They don’t have it. They can’t sell their stuff. So here’s Putin just foaming at the mouth and saying, wow, I got them. I paid $32 an ounce for it. And if they, however much they put it, whether it’s 500 billion, it’s a half a billion, who knows how much they’re going to do? But the expectation is they could eliminate all of the above ground supply and if it goes up five fold, Putin just did an amazing thing for his country.

It’s like, okay, we’re now extremely, went into extremely profitable position because the west is putting sanctions on us. And I want to stick it to him, right. I’m going to stick it to the banks that are actually shorting silver because when the price goes up, they lose money hand over fist. Well, JPMorgan Chase is the largest silver shorter on the planet. HSBC is second bank of America is up there with him. So by him doing that, driving the price up, and theyre shorting it, causing the price to go down, its like, okay, he could put these big international money center banks out of business.

He literally could do that. So heres where this news came out a few days ago and silver kinda went down the next day. Its like, this makes absolutely zero logical sense. Like, yeah, it does. Makes all the sense in the world to me. Because if you are JPMorgan Chase, if your bank of America and you realize what Putin just did, and that’s going to cause the price of silver to go through the roof, what are you going to do? You’re going to start covering your short positions. Now, I have a feeling this is what they were doing, covering their short positions, getting rid of them.

That caused the price to come down a little bit. So now they don’t get impacted nearly as much. But there’s no way they could cover all of their positions. They don’t have that much money. But I think they’re starting to unravel some of their positions, knowing what’s coming. Granted, I’m not, this isn’t like the gospel that I’m speaking here. This is my interpretation of what’s happening and what’s coming with the supply chain disruptions and all of this new demand for silver that wasn’t there yesterday. It’s one of those black swan events that nobody saw coming. Who would ever think a central bank would use silver as a strategic reserve for their currency? It doesn’t happen, but yet it just happened.

And then you’ve got everything else that’s going on in the world, and this is exciting times for people that own silver, but when does, this is a rhetorical question because all of your viewers are very savvy and they know. But what causes gold and silver to go up? Inflationary pressures, political chaos, geopolitical conflict, uncertainty, turbulence. We’ve got all of that. But, LT, the inflationary pressures are mounting and they’re mounting quickly. And I think this could help all of us with how we’re allocated into silver. The other thing that seems to be happening would be this. You sent this to me.

The fake jobs means a slower pace of rate cuts. I mean, it’s all you were talking about, chaos and other things going on. I mean, it just keeps falling into our lap. All these stories showing that you’ve, you had this predicted year and a half ago leading up to all this, and it’s, it’s really something to see and makes you really want to just continue to, to move forward and hope this election moves in the right direction. Well, yeah, I mean, these numbers, they get so bogus after a while because whether it’s the inflationary, with the inflation numbers like CPI, whether it’s the job numbers, the jobless claims report, you always have some kind of exceeded expectation story, and everyone should be cheering about the Biden administration and bidenomics and how great they’re doing.

And yet one month later, like clockwork, 16 of the last 18 times, they’ve revised the numbers lower, like loss of jobs, not a gain of jobs. So over the last year, we’ve actually lost a million jobs, not gained everything that they said that we have. So this time it becomes a little bit more squirrely and they’re trying to actually not be caught in their fibs. Right. So what was this report about the jobs number that just came out like a couple days ago? If you dissect the job growth, like 75,000 jobs were government employees. Okay, that’s not a private sector job to me.

That’s not the same private sector would be you or me or anybody else. We have a job, we’re working, we’re making money. We go spend that money, then the places where we spend become profitable. They have to hire more people. Now. They start working. That’s economic growth. When you have public sector jobs, that’s not real economic growth. That’s the government printing money out of thin air to, to provide a fake job that might not be needed. And it’s debt. It’s a job based on debt because that’s taxpayer dollars or money that they print out of thin air that ultimately needs to be paid back.

Right. But yet they created jobs. So this new job report looked pretty promising, according to the Biden administration, and they were all proud of it. But it was government jobs. When you look at the private sector jobs, they’re coming down. Here’s this toxic mix of the inflationary numbers are going up, which actually, we should look at that before because it goes hand in hand with what we’re talking about. But the inflation numbers came in hot. So it’s like, what is going on here? So I thought that they tackled inflation. I thought they did so good. Lt.

That they beating inflation that they can lower interest rates. Thats what Jerome Powell told us. Theyve got this thing under control yet any of the end. We know viewers will know when you lower interest rates, its meant to stimulate the economy and its going to cause more inflation. Weve talked about this for the last eight months. Chairman of the Federal Reserve not understand this. They understand it. Right, but they’re caught between a rock and a hard place. Either you lower interest rates and try to stimulate the economy going into an election that’s like 30 days from now, or you go into the election not doing anything when we’re in the midst of a huge recession and nobody wants the r word recession going into an election.

Right. So they picked what they thought was the lesser of two evils, and that is let’s just print money and create more inflation. We’ll lower interest rates, try to stimulate buying, but that causes inflation to go up. Sure enough, it did. The numbers came in higher than expected. And you know what? Every single week, every single week. Lt. For the last 52 weeks, the rate of inflation has grown. It’s grown. It’s not gone negative. It’s getting worse. So, man, when they start lowering interest rates, when they haven’t tamed the inflationary beast, it’s going to make inflation worse.

So now at the last Fed meeting, when they lowered interest rates 50 basis points, what did Powell say? He said, well, come December, we’re going to have to take a more aggressive stance against the stuff and try to stimulate the economy. We need to keep this thing moving. Maybe we’re going to have another 50 basis point reduction and then going into 2025, we’re going to have another quarter and then we’ll do another quarter. And so over the next few rate decrease periods, we’re going to lower the interest rates. Another point. I mean, that’s what he’s basically saying.

Well, now federal reserve governors are saying, you know what? These inflationary pressures coupled with the loss of private sector jobs, not a good combination. We don’t think that we can actually lower interest rates that quickly. Maybe we’re just going to have to prolong the rate reduction cycle, which is everything we’ve talked about. Lt, we’ve talked about how they can’t keep lowering interest rates like they say, because inflation is going to get so bad. We start to go into Venezuela, Argentina, Zimbabwe style inflation. My goodness, they are now talking about this, and we’ve been talking about this for six months.

So I think what’s going to happen is they will lower rates because they have to save face and they’ve got to try to stimulate the economy, but it’s not going to work. It’s going to be more prolonged. It’s not going to be concentrated into boom, boom, boom right in a row, and it’s not going to work because people are tapped out. Most of America’s tapped out. We’re living at the margin, paycheck to paycheck, and it doesn’t matter if interest rates go to zero, we don’t have enough money to spend, so it’s not going to have the impact they want.

Now, you look at this and people are going to start grumbling. There’s going to start to be riots and protests when eggs hit dollar ten, it doesn’t. When toilet paper goes up, when the cost of meat isn’t just up 50% for beef, it’s up 150%. See, these are the things that are coming. And since Biden took office, the official inflation rate is up 20%. It’s like the inflation official numbers are an absolute lie. I mean, we’re up on average, like 13% to 15% a year, right? Not the whole time. Your groceries bill will tell you that.

Your grocery bill will tell you your groceries didn’t go up 20% over the last four years. You’re probably thinking, what? It, like, doubled. Yeah. I mean, this is where their lies are going to ultimately be exposed. But you know what? Truth always casts out dark lies. Right? Light always cast out darkness. It’s God’s universal law of success and of the universe. Right? It’s like you can’t, even if you go into the darkest of dark rooms, and you light a match, it almost lights up the whole room. Right. It’s impossible for darkness to exist when light enters the room.

And this is where people like you need to keep speaking this message of truth, because person by person by person, we’re exposing these lies, exposing this darkness. And what that does is it shows us that there’s a path moving forward for financial success, even though it seems like the foundations around us are eroding. And this is why I love what Putin did. You can love Putin or you can hate him, you can like his politics, you can think he’s the devil. It doesn’t matter. What he has done is going to cause Silver to go through the roof and we get to take advantage of that.

Yeah. I was looking at this chart here with the zero hedge article that you sent to, and it has. Will it be Powell’s legacy? Or will the timing of his resurgence and inflation be perfectly timed to coincide with Trump’s election victory and offer a perfect patsy for who is to blame? So are they seeing Trump a victory on the horizon? So you know what? We’re going to do all we can to behind the scenes election happens, and now we’re going to blame Trump for all the. The terrible things that are going on in the United States and the whole earth, because he’s the problem.

Right. So that seems to be something that they could be leading into. What do you think about that? Well, I think that they could see, but I’m not too horribly concerned about it because Trump’s plans for a successful future involve possibly eliminating personal income tax, which will increase people’s bottom line, and basically causing other countries who are importing into America to actually foot the bill for the american economy by putting excise taxes and tariffs on. Right. See, that’s one step further. When you look back into history, President Carter is one of the worst economic presidents that’s ever lived.

I mean, he was. It’s just not a knock against him. It’s just sadly his legacy. Right. He had bad policies and that creates a bad economy where you had huge recession, you had an oil crisis. Right? They were shutting down pumps back then. And basically, I mean, it was bad. I remember when I was just a kid, it’s like, literally, I was probably less than seven years old. And I remember my dad in his big tuna boat, Ford Limited, and he was trying to get gas and he couldn’t, like, they were rationing gas at the pumps.

And it’s like, what are you going to do? Get gas in? And Reagan came in to fix things. And he had to jack up interest rates to 18% because inflation was so high. It’s like, all right, what do people view Reagan as now? One of the best economic presidents in the history of the world. Right? But his first couple of years were very tense. Right? It’s like you came at this high inflation. You had to raise interest rates to slow that inflation down. And yet then he built a framework because of his policies that caused the longest period of economic growth that this country has ever seen.

Right. So Trump’s policies are going to mimic that. No doubt he’s going to get the blame short term for causing prices to go up. When you put taxes on imports and 70% of everything we consumes an import, but people will change their spending habits. LT, this is what the mainstream media doesn’t talk about. It’s like, they’re right. When you put excise taxes on an import and it’s most of what we purchase, it’s going to make those more expensive. But what they’re not talking about is how, given the fact that things that you’re buying are more expensive, people always look for alternatives.

That’s right. And you know, what’s the alternative? Something that doesn’t have a massive tariff on it, like us goods. Right. So buy american, it’s not going to have a tariff on it. It’s going to be cheaper. When you buy american, jobs always follow manufacturing. So US manufacturers are building stuff. The jobs are going to follow will create more jobs, more people spending. And in time, that plan could actually bring America out of this mess that we’re in. But I’m not saying it’s going to be an easy path. I’m just saying that it can be done. When you look at the full picture of what it is, it makes absolute sense to me.

Yeah, yeah. It’s interesting that you bring this in and kind of reminds me the other day I played a couple of videos, I’ve been noticing a lot more clips from pastors behind the pulpits now. And they’re saying, you know what, a lot of folks think that you’re not supposed to talk about politics up here. But I’m going to let you know right now that that’s throughout scripture. Do you have the government against the heavenly father? Constantly throughout scripture. And he’s letting them know if, you know, I saw one where if you’re voting for the Democratic Party, you’re voting for a demonic set up against our children and what they’re doing to our kids in schools and what they’re doing to our families and everything.

And you need to be really careful about the movement that you’re going in. And he says that, you know, revival, a lot of folks think that you’re going to have revival just because you vote somebody in and it’s going to change America. But no, what I’ve tried to tell folks is I’ve noticed a huge revival through the suffering that we’re going through, the persecution that we received as believers, and all of the directions that we’re taking. I mean, we’re looking at the alternate route. This parallel economy that you set up with silver and gold is biblical.

And I’m just glad that you guys came along at the perfect time to help everyone out, especially during strange, strange times like this, especially with fiat currency and so much more. So we really appreciate you, Doctor Kirk Elliot. You guys remember, and we know.com forward slash gold. It’s in the description box below. You can reach out to Doctor Kirk Elliott and they will work with you with your precious metals and your retirement plan and all, all kinds of great things there, especially just offering up prayer for those that, that need that. And I’m so glad that you guys are available and you’re reaching out and helping so many that are reaching out to you today.

Well, thank you so much. It’s a pleasure and honor and a blessing to help and serve. Yeah. Amazing update today and we’ll talk to you again soon. Dr. Ellen. All right, bye.

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