

➡ Carlos Cortez, in his podcast, shares his experience of evacuating from Hurricane Milton in Florida. He discusses the challenges faced by people, including flooding, lack of food and gas, and the difficulties of electric vehicle owners during evacuation. He criticizes the government’s response and expresses concern about societal issues, including what he perceives as a masculinity crisis. He also mentions his belief in bioengineered catastrophes and a new world order agenda.
➡ The speaker believes that society is being manipulated, particularly the youth, through media and social norms. He expresses concern over the loss of traditional values and the rise of a digital society. He also shares his worries about the current state of the country, including the economy, immigration, and government actions. Despite these challenges, he remains hopeful and encourages others to stay strong and prepared.
➡ The text discusses the speaker’s frustration with the current economic situation, high inflation, and the cost of living. The speaker believes that the solution lies in reducing energy costs by reopening the Keystone pipeline and increasing drilling. They argue that this would lower inflation and make living costs more manageable. The speaker also criticizes the current administration for their handling of the economy and suggests that the stock market is being artificially inflated.
➡ The speaker warns of increasing market volatility and advises listeners to prepare for potential financial instability. They suggest investing in precious metals and insurance contracts, and caution against relying too heavily on the stock market. The speaker also criticizes societal changes, such as the erosion of traditional family values and the rise of moral relativism. They express concern about the future, suggesting that humanity is being manipulated towards a dystopian, post-human world.
➡ The text discusses the importance of staying true to oneself and not being swayed by societal pressures. It emphasizes the harm caused by forcing people, especially children, into identities they don’t resonate with. The author shares a personal journey of hardship, faith, and eventual success, encouraging others to seek divine guidance in times of struggle. Lastly, the author requests prayers for personal challenges and offers a free book to help people plan for retirement during uncertain times.


Hey guys, Carlos Cortez here with another episode of Scriptures in Wall street. Pardon for the technical difficulties. I actually had to evacuate from this man made Milton, this hurricane Milton. So I’m in my parents basement living a Joe Biden lifestyle. No, I’m hiding in my parents basement. Recording from Raleigh, North Carolina, where my parents live, where I’m originally from. A lot of crazy things like I wasn’t able to podcast earlier this week. So it’s Saturday morning, 1045 ish. I got some pictures for you. Want to talk about my experience with the hurricane evacuating and what people are saying on the ground floor? Well, you can’t get to the ground floor in Tampa.

It’s all flooded out. But actually some parts are, there’s still some areas you can drive, like the suburbs in Tampa. You can still drive. People are driving. No problem there. It was only like the lower laying lower, elevating areas that are low, below sea level that really got plummeted with water. But just, just really the immediate need is food and gas. So I actually have some, some property in Orlando. And my wife Sally’s family, I shipped her family to our Orlando condos. And they’re newer, so they’re able to withstand hurricanes a lot better than some of the older traditional homes.

So we kind of posted up there till Tuesday. The storm started coming Wednesday and was out by Thursday this past week. And we left. We left Tuesday. We didn’t play any games. I wanted to leave Monday, but we just weren’t ready for packing because we actually, we actually packed like our whole, our whole fridge. And I didn’t realize how much meat I had frozen in the fridge. And I bought this electronic, really cool. I bought an electronic refrigerator because I knew the first thing that goes out is gas and hurricane, the second is food. And that’s where the violence comes.

So I always have ungodly amount of meats with me at all time. Always try to keep the gas tanks full. What a great time not to have a Tesla. What a great time, man. Like, imagine having a Tesla and evacuating. Or not even a Tesla. Ev. Imagine having that and like literally evacuating. You have to wait 1 hour to get your, your car charge and then freak out because you don’t know where you’re going to get a charge at once you reach your destination, like. So we saw a lot of EV’s being parked. We saw a lot of EV’s on.

Not, not as many as I used to see. But I was actually really nervous for the people driving the EV’s the Tesla is on the highway on 95 coming up here because it’s just. It’s crazy, man. Like, millions of people are evacuating Florida, and we’re all displaced. But I’m just grateful. I’m grateful that we survived this. Hurricane Helene didn’t really bother us, but there was a lot of rebel. I mean, rubble in our neighborhoods, like, a lot of landscaping and trees and limbs that fell. So what was scary is the trash from Helene and all the.

All the basically leftovers. Damages were just piles, like, landfill piles everywhere. Tampa, it looked like a war zone, so those became projectiles during milton, and that was pretty bad. So you see, like, you see a lot of garbage just displaced. It is. It is a wreck. Mandy, um, you know, Fort Myers, unfortunately, they got. They got the brunt of it. Um, Palm Bay, Fort Myers, kind of like that south. That’s that central south. The west coast of Florida just got hammered. Like, people don’t realize when you go to the beach, the sand actually pushes over everything.

And so you have sand on your home, you have sand in your car. You can’t even find your car because it’s a covered in sand, and sand destroys everything. You mix that with salt water and projectiles, it’s bad. And on top of flooding. Yeah, man. Is not an ideal situation. So my prayers go out to all the survivors there, and I’m not really not trying to get victim card here. I really don’t want to play victim, but I want. I want you guys to understand, what is our president doing right now? What is Kamala doing right now, other than campaigning? We are feeding Ukraine, we’re feeding Israel, and we have people in Tampa, Florida, that can’t even get gas, food, necessities.

Our schools are down. Kids cannot go to school. This week, there’s 80 different schools in my local area that are being used as a shelter, that kids can’t even go to school right now, but yet we’re. We’re talking about elections, we’re talking about Taylor Swift donating $5 million and people complaining that that’s like a drop in a bucket for her. But it’s funny how I said back two years ago, I said, the masculinity is the problem in America. When you take the masculinity from a man and you just extrapolate that, you get rid of the backbone of America, which is the whole plan.

It’s the whole plan of what they want to do. You take the masculinity of a mandev. You don’t. You don’t. Have a backbone, America. And this is their agenda. This is absolutely their agenda. And it goes beyond, it goes beyond money, it goes beyond retirement. It goes beyond anything. It is actually a spiritual problem. This is what Satan wants to do. He wants to use good for evil and evil for good. I mean, this is what, this is what is happening. Then the word, it says, good will be used for evil and evil be used for good.

I got my tongue twisted there, but, yeah, this is what’s happening here, guys. It’s a masculinity issue. Because when crap hits the fan, where are the guns? Where are the hard working guys, the bearded men? Where are our soldiers, our troops? This is what they look for. No one’s looking for a feminist to come take them out, to take them out of a flooded home or feminists to bring them food and water. Like, they just don’t do that. But yet that’s what’s popular. That’s what people want to be like. So it’s a masculinity crisis that we’ve been having for a long time.

And this is part of the problem when, when stuff happens, when natural catastrophes have bioengineered catastrophes happen or anything in that nature, we become extremely vulnerable. Vulnerable. Speaking of man made hurricanes, a man made stock market, a manipulated stock market. I’m gonna show you some charts, Mandy. Like, the s p 500 is blowing up. It is skyrocketing right now. Why do you think that is? Why do you think that? There’s articles right now on woke media, Yahoo, finance, that is literally talking about how great the stock market is. We’re going to talk about manipulations real quick, and we’re going to talk about money and all this stuff.

Our country needs prayer, man. I. I took my dad to. I took my dad to the Carolina hurricanes game. You guys know I love hockey and I’m from Raleigh, so I am a hurricanes fan as well as a lightning fan. Hurricane Milton brought me back home to Raleigh. I kid you not. I kid you not. I was just, like, in awe. Like, wow, is this a coincidence? Or is this like, God telling me something? But we all know the Bible codes, right? We all know the numerical alignment of the body of the word, how it all lines up.

And God doesn’t make mistakes. So I’m here in Raleigh, North Carolina, and I love hockey. I play hockey. My kids play hockey. My girls ice skate, and my wife enjoys watching hockey. I’m in Raleigh and I took my dad to a Carolina Hurricanes game. Hurricanes lost. The Lightning won. I was happy either way. To be honest. But I couldn’t just, I had to step back and be like, Milton brought me to Raleigh to evacuate, and I’m watching the Lightning play the Hurricanes. I wanted to come to this game regardless, but I just thought it was a coincidence that out of all the teams in the NHL, they’re playing the Tampa Bay Lightning.

And I’m from Tampa and I’m here in Raleigh. So it just was extremely, extremely coincidental. Or was it? But I just was sitting in awe. Here’s some pictures of my kids and me and my dad playing cornhole and doing the s’mores thing. And we watched, we watched a game and I just took our mind off of like the havoc we’ve been seeing, my kids been seeing for the past month now. And now there’s another hurricane coming, which has been pre planned, by the way. Like, it’s been pre planned. Like, this is some crazy stuff, man. Here are some snippets on, on Hurricane Nadine before even happened, before even developed.

Like, this is all bioengineered. This is all bioengineered. So we have this agenda that they want to keep on forcing into us. They want a new world order. And what does that look like? Well, they want to extinct the human, the human race. They want to create a hybrid. Now, they already infiltrated. Do you know what a woman is? Do you know, do you know what a man is? They’re attacking our schools. The state is raising up our kids, or our state is indoctrinating our kids to the point where they’re able, through social media and through just regular media, basically engulf in reprogramming the youth’s brain so that they’re triggered by these pronouns, they’re triggered by flags, they’re triggered by social injustices that they forget.

The basics of a hard working american, the basics of owning a small business, the basics of, of reading your bible, the basics of staying in shape and being a freaking man. Like, where did his pussification of a man started? It started because the masculinity is always the issue. And because Satan doesn’t want you to be a man. He can attack the man, he can attack the home, he can attack the business, he can attack the marriage, he can attack everything from the top, all the way down. He’s in it for the long game. He’s not in it for the short game.

He’s in for the long game. Get them while they’re young. Grow them up. Grow them up in this pre programmed mindset and their parents will just CBDC them and basically tell them they can’t travel without getting a job. Tell them they can’t even purchase stocks without having a social credit score. Tell them they can’t get a home without having a Social Credit 2.0 Social Security number. That’s what it is. I mean, they’re going to have Social Security 2.0. I think they will even crash Social Security by 2030. 2033. Create a new Social Security program for the immigrants to pay into.

That’s what Kamala is, is proposing. And all that’s going to come with this new digital id CBDC system, Fednow program being vaccinated, you know, basically voting left or a new party system that is a robot party system. This is. This is what’s going to happen, Mandy. So with all this information and call me crazy, I don’t care if you call me crazy, man. You call me whatever you want. I’ve been called spic jew. I don’t even understand what that means. You can call me retard. You can call me christian. Liberal. A liberal Christian. I’ve seen all the idiotic comments.

At the end of the day, I’m the one with the podcast. At the end of the day, I’m the one speaking the truth. So whatever, you can keep on trolling, you can keep on hating. It’s all good. It’s all good. I know. I know my identity. I know what I need to do. I know what the Holy Spirit tells me, and I feel it. And, yeah, it can be controversial, but Jesus wasn’t a positive thinker. He wasn’t a negative thinker. He was a truth teller. He told it like it is, and he got crucified on the cross for telling the truth.

It’s crazy what’s going down in Tampa. It’s crazy. Like, I have friends that can’t get gas right now. I’m here probably early next week. I don’t know when I’m going home, but I’m not driving back to Tampa if there’s no gas and there’s no food, thankfully. I have a diesel truck now. My wife has a gas truck now. She wants a diesel suv, which I’m gonna get her one. As a matter of fact, I think I’m getting me a diesel rv. If you have a diesel rv, let me know which one you recommend. For a family of six, I’m gonna buy one.

I’m gonna buy one. This is woken me up at a whole nother level, man. I mean, I got ammo, I got guns, I got precious metals, I got solar panel generators. I got electronic electronic coolers. I got plant seeds. I mean, I got water barrels. I got a lot of things. A lot of things. But I don’t have an rv. I think rvs are cool, man. Just get out of Dodge and go. Go west, young man. So I think that is really, really cool, man. I’m excited. I’m still in North Carolina. My parents live in this cool backyard or cool part of the country where you can kick the back door down and spray your AR 15.

So I’ll probably go live and do some shooting, even with my kids. My son has a 22 rifle here that we left here about a year ago. We’re going to spray some squirrels real quick. So it’ll be fun, man. We fun. I love shooting back out here. I got this saint. It’s called the saint. This is Smithfield AR 15 pistol thing is a fire breather. A client actually sold it to me, and I can’t thank him so enough because I love that thing. It’s, you know, they are 15s. You really can’t go in a home with them and turn corners because the gun is.

Is heavy. It’s a little heavier than normal, but it’s also long, so you can hit walls. Well, what a pistol AR 15. It’s a lot smaller and can condense and you can literally turn corners real quick. It’s loud. You blow your ear. Eardrums if you don’t have your protection. But pretty amazing and as accurate as all get out and as high powered, and it breathes fire as soon as you shoot it anyway. So enough about me talking, man. Uh, I I’m just grateful. I’m grateful for you for listening to our podcast. I’m grateful for, uh, stu for giving me a platform.

I’m grateful for all the platforms I’m on. And I do want to pray. I don’t have an answer. The only answer I know is just to pray. Like, what are we going to do? The whole thing is manipulated. The whole thing is designed. It is designed to make Tampa a green, walking city. Yeah. Yeah. Bill Gates literally bought land in downtown Tampa and want to make it a green, walking city. Here we are, we have this catastrophe, and they want to make it a green, walking city. So, without getting any approvals, like, we’ve been seeing this in Lahaina, we’ve seen it in Asheville, now we’re seeing in Tampa.

Hey, we wanted to re resurface, reengineer everything, restructure everything. Let’s just have a natural catastrophe. Forget about geo bio, lasers and, and weather manipulations. Let’s just flood them out and rebuild the way we want to rebuild Project 23. We’re going to start to see this more and more. We’re going to start to see it more and more. I want to share something, actually, so let me go here. You can hear, you can hear the tone of this, uh, this caller from the Charmaine shows right now, man. Bro, my heart, I I’m scared, man. And then we still, we still recover from the lead.

And it’s like, bro, I want to get this off my chest, bro. This government is planning our faces, mandy. Don’t matter if it’s Republican, Democrat. They plan in our faces, bro. You get ukraine. Come over here, they get what they want. You get immigrants. Come over here, they get what they want. And you got people being denied these FEMA applications that you talking about the other day. Charlamagne people being denied, bro. But you get in these micros coming over here, $10,000 fool stuff, bro. This hurt your, bro. We better, we finna get ready to damn near die, bro.

A lot of people couldn’t afford to evacuate, and it’s government planning our faith, man. I totally understand, my brother. Absolutely. It don’t matter what they is. Democrat, Republican. They all treason, man. They all about money, bro. I mean, these people care about american people, bro. This hurt, bro. This hurt, bro. People wake up every day, just want to live a life, bro. And you got these green space, man. You got these greedy snakes. Call themselves government service people, bro. And they don’t give a damn, bro. They don’t give a damn about the migrants coming over here.

They using them, too, man. This right, man. You’re absolutely right, mandy. I mean, here, what he said, he said, you can’t wait till God come back. He’s absolutely 100% right, because at some point, I don’t know who else can help a lot of people other than the most high, but we’re praying for you, brother. Thank you, man. Try to stay as safe as possible. Manson, Davis island. Thank Pete Clearwater, man. Y’all get out the way, man. Get out the way. Go north, man. I don’t care if you got to go to a high school element. Whatever, man.

Get out the way, please. Y’all be blessed, man. Yeah, do what you can to stay safe, brother. And, you know, when it’s all said and done, we gonna see what we can do to help relief down there, man. Absolutely. But I want people to hear exactly how people on the ground feel. Yeah, that got me almost crying. That’s everyday working class people on the ground. You can’t lie to them. That’s how it feels. That’s what people have been saying for the longest to possibly not make it through. That man don’t want to hear about no statistics.

He don’t want to hear about no data. He don’t want to hear about none of that. He is on the ground, ten toes down, real life experience. That’s what politicians don’t want you to see. Those are the people politicians not talking to. Those are the people that they need to talk to. And you see how he feels. He feels like, look, I live here, I work here, I pay my taxes here, and there is no help. He don’t care about no Democrat. He don’t care about no Republican. He don’t care about no Trump. He don’t care about no Vice President Kamala Harris.

All he care about is surviving. Him and his family. Who’s gonna help him survive? That’s right. And as of now, nobody has. I mean, that’s, that’s what it’s talking about right now. So it’s a situation, guys, where it’s really, really bad. I mean, that, that you hear in its tone. I wish God will come back already. People do not have money to evacuate, let alone get gas and food because of this administration, because of what is going on. The first thing, the first thing stupid face Biden did when he got in office was cut off the keystone.

When you do that, you’re going to have inflation as a byproduct because everything is so expensive. Dollar eight eggs, nine dollar gallons of milk. I mean, you can’t survive like that. And then you want to implement this greenhouse, this, this green technology everywhere. It’s not going to work. And so we need a change. We also obviously need to change. We need to open up and drill like crazy. Trump was actually on the set with Dave Ramsey. I’m not a big Dave Ramsey fan, but that interview was pretty powerful. So I like Dave. I’d say thank Dave for doing that interview.

I thought that was really, really cool, man. And he gave the floor to Kamala. But crickets, crickets. So watch a few minute clip here and hear what Trump is saying about how he’s going to get inflation down. It’s really that simple of just opening the gas pipes stuff. We’ve taught them to do the basic grandma’s common sense stuff. Right. And that audience that’s going to be watching this is, they’re not concerned with a lot of things, but they are concerned with $8 eggs, $5 gas, seven percentage rates, and a house they can’t afford. With wages not going up as fast as house prices, this inflation thing’s a big deal.

So in the first 90 days, the strokes that you make to change the economy when you’re elected are a big deal. What’s the first things you’re going to do on that? Well, in terms of inflation, you’re right. And it’s almost inflation over the economy, if you want to really know, because people are getting wiped out like never before. I think it’s the highest inflation we’ve ever had. They say it’s the highest in 48 years. I think it’s the highest ever. There’s never been any mess like this. And it’s because of what they did with energy also.

Then they topped it with spending, with money that trillions and trillions of dollars that they didn’t need, that’s being just wasted. But the first thing you have to do is get the energy down. If you get the energy down, other things are going to follow. You want to get the interest rates down, too. And interestingly, even interest rates are going to follow energy because it’s going to take that burden off the shoulders of the economy and off the shoulders of inflation itself. And we are going to drill at a level that you haven’t seen since, let’s say, four or five years ago, but even more so, we would have been so dominant by this point.

If you remember when you go back to the beginning of this really failed administration that we’re in right now, what they did was they turned off the energy. They turned off everything that I had. So you turn back on the keystone, you’re gonna turn back on the drill, baby, drill line. And the. It’s drill, baby. In your acceptance speech at the convention, it says it all. You know, I’d like to use another line, but there’s no line that’s better. And we’re gonna drill, baby, drill. But the fact that they turned it off and then the energy, if you look back at the very initial period of their administration, the numbers started going through the roof, the energy numbers.

Inflation was good. And then they went back to Trump, where they’re trying to equal it, and it kept it bad as opposed to horrific, and it’s been really bad, and the energy has been very expensive, but nothing like it could have been. So they went back to trump type things, but we would have been now three to four times more. We would have been dominating the entire world on energy. We have more than anybody else as you’ve heard me say, but as you also know, I call it liquid gold. We have more liquid gold under our feet than anybody else, actually, by far.

We would have dominated. We would have been taking care of Europe. We would have been taking care of Asia. We would have been taking care of, you know, Anwar in Alaska is the biggest find anywhere in the world. It could be as big as Saudi Arabia. And I got it. Ronald Reagan couldn’t get it. Nobody could get it. I got it. It was done, ready to start. And when these people came in, they turned it off. They terminated it. Nobody could believe it. I don’t know if people realize that ten to 15% of the entire economy is energy and it weaves its tentacles through everything else.

So dollar five gas affects the bread truck, who’s delivering the bread, and that affects the cost of the bread then. Now, getting that plentiful changes everything. So I have a little thing that I’ve been saying lately, because I think it’s easily achievable. You know, we pay very high energy costs and especially now, but we’re paying very, very high. I believe I’ll be able to get energy down to 50%, 55 0% of what it is right now within a period of less than a year. Wow, that’s pretty good. It’s going to happen fast. Okay. It’s going to happen fast.

What are you going to do to do that? What causes that? They’re going to drill. They’re going to. They’re going to frack. They’re going to do things that. They have tremendous advantages. They’re taking the regs off. Taking the regulation. Yeah. Oh, we have to. They put them back on. They put regulations back on that. Areas that have no environmental real meaning, they don’t let them drill. They’re taking leases away, government leases that you’re hearing about. I think we can get energy costs down to half of what they. If we do that. That’s pretty dramatic. Everything, all of those inflated prices are going to come down with it.

I mean, it’s really that simple. It’s really that simple. We’re just opening up the Keystone pipeline, open up and drill, and have logistics running at a higher level because inflation will go down. The cost of the real inflation, the one that we feel is petroleum and food. But when it comes to Social Security, they do not calculate food and petroleum to make up their cost of a living adjustment. The cola, it’s not in it. The CPI, they take it out of the CPI when they’re calculating the cost of cola. So the whole thing is freaking rigged, man.

Um, there’s actually a video, this lady sums it up pretty well. Um, actually I’m gonna show it up at the end. Let me go through the charts first and I’m gonna show uh, this beautiful lady so eloquently put it all together on what is really happening. But let me share some charts before I do that. So guys, a little market update here. September actually back in, in June, Monday 26, back in Monday of 2026, we had a blue cross. And, and basically for those of you that don’t know when we have this blue cross, this is basically a golden cross forming.

And 90% of time when this happens, we will see a golden cross which is followed by a green box and then the market will take off. So that means my gold box has not formulated yet. But look what we have here. We have short term midterm and long term bullish power. The S, P 500 will continue to go up. And I was wrong because over here back in September, I thought we were going to get a crash. I thought it was here. My lights were turning red. I didn’t get a red box or purple box. And then all of a sudden things started turning green again.

And here we are, market bullish power. And this is what I said back in February, that they’re going to pump up the stock market. That’s why I originally said they’re going to pump up the stock market. Even though inflation is all the time high, even though banks and 711 are shutting down, even though we are sending billions of dollars to Ukraine, continue to send money to them as well as Israel. And there’s massive, massive need for money, food, bottled water and just basic necessities in western North Carolina, my home state, as well as Florida, my other home state.

It’s bad, guys. It’s really bad. All of this is being manipulated. S and P 500 all time high. We’re hitting 56. 56. Like we could go to 6000. Like there’s no ending on where this could go. We could go to 6000 right now, but we’re going to see a pushback. We’re going, I have green clouds. I have green predictive analysis. This is like some very serious software here, guys, like AI scanlytics, thousands of thousands of market situations and this thing is going up. Like there’s no red lights here at all. Wall street saying that AI is going to carry the market into 2024 and that cooling inflation, good news is producing these type of bear market rallies.

And there’s, according to Yahoo Finance, it’s going to continue. So if we look at S and P 500. But the other thing I want to show you is, you guys guessed it, actually. Hang on, guys. Here we are. Here we are. Here’s our blue box. Here’s all this bullish power. Short term, midterm, long term. My traffic lights are banging. They’re hitting. Our momentum indicator is saying that, look, this is going up. This is going up. This is the volatility index. This is a fear and greed index, guys. So whenever this goes up, this is the true measurement of the fear and greed in the stock market.

And whenever this goes up, we typically, we typically see a downward market. And so we’re at 22, 65. It’s here, guys. Like, we are going to see volatility like you haven’t seen before. Whether they crash the stock market before or during or after, it is going to happen. And so what I want to just really, really emphasize the reason why I wanted to talk about the color of money and I had to do that replay is because you have to get your home in order. You have to get your home in order. The volatility index does not lie, guys.

It is a situation where the bond market, the stock market is, and all the equities and all the momentums and everything that, that makes the stock market go round and round. The volatility index is that number. It is basically the financial gospel of what is about to happen. And so this is taking off. Like, if I was a meteorologist, I would say there’s a system forming here, and it will go from west to east or east to west or north to south, whatever it is. But this is the financial meteorology happening right now is that. Is that we’re going to see volatility.

And that is not a, that’s not a prediction. I mean, it’s straight truth, quantitatively speaking and qualitatively speaking, with, with these type of measurements that you see right now, it is more important right now more than ever to buy precious metals, to buy insurance contracts, to get out of the stock market. What if the stock market goes up 20%? Is that really worth 50% of your portfolio? Is it really worth risking everything if you doubled your money by the end of 2024, in the next three or four months? Let’s just say the market goes bonkers if you doubled your money.

Is that really going to change your life? But what if you lost half of your money? Would that change your life? I think it would. And so right now, you need to hit that jack button. In my opinion. In my opinion, of course, is not financial advice. Everything on this podcast should be used for information, education purposes only. If you would like for us to give you advice, give us a call 813-448-3446 or visit our online us at Lawn at cortez you can download our free, fill it out and email it back to us at info

fill it out. We’ll let you know what color of your money is. That’s why I wanted to show the color of money this week, because it’s important. It’s a process that works every time. Financial catastrophe, financial meltdowns, economic meltdowns, world economic meltdowns, it doesn’t matter. We win in all situations because we have a precious metal bucket that is going to help if the stock market crashes. We have an insurance contract in case the market does go up, our gains are locked in. We have a liquidity bucket where if the bank systems doesn’t work or we have a banking failure, we still have a pot of money that we can still liquidate and put into your bank account to help prevent bank balance.

So there’s so much. There’s so much going on right now. You just need a plan. And people are fearing. You have fear, uncertainty and doubt because you’re fearful because you don’t know who to talk to because they don’t think like you. Politically, spiritually, medically, economically and socially. You’re uncertain because you don’t have a plan or no one to talk to. And you’re doubtful because you don’t even have a plan and you don’t trust the banks, you don’t trust the broker you’re dealing with or the financial advisor. If your financial advisor does not speak like you speak or think like you do, then what are you doing giving your life savings to this person that doesn’t even, that is falling asleep at the wheel that wants to become a robot.

Guys, this time it is time to make transformational changes to your retirement because the government sticking their hands in your stuff through taxation, through pretty much everything you can think of. And I want you to understand that we’re here to help. We’re here to help our God fearing patriots. We’ve been doing this for almost 20 years now. And I’m very proud to be a christian conservative that has stand in the gap and bring scriptures to Wall street. The most corrupt street on, on the earth is Wall street. And I get laughed at by my peers. I get laughed at by, by followers.

I even have haters that, that troll me online. I just saw some stuff the other day. Like this person had like two followers and they were going on my facebook and saying, look at this idiot. Look at this, this big jew. Look at this Chris Christian, quote unquote christian liberal, blah blah blah. Like, all this funny stuff, man. I’m just like, wow, thank you for the hate, man. Thank you. So funny, man. But all good. All good. I am who I am. And honestly, I could care less about your, your feelings. Like, I’m not here. I’m not here to cater to your feelings.

I’m here to speak the truth. So the truth of the matter is, the volatility indexes is rising and many, many and most people, most households will, many households will get hurt bad. Your 401K will be dis, will disintegrate with these losses because you don’t have the ability to navigate. So if you have a 401K, you could give us a call and we can see, we can do an insurance withdrawal, we can see what we can do to help out. Worst case scenario, pick the best funds inside of your portfolio. But you just got to give us a call.

813-448-3446 or visit us at cortez i want you guys to see this video. This lady just tells her how it is. The final goal is to eradicate humanity as we know it. Once you understand the final destination, it becomes much easier to look back and identify the psychological conditioning, the biological tampering, the cultural grooming, and the educational prepping that we have been subjected to for decades in preparation to making us accept a post human future. It takes a lot of physical and psychological abuse to get an intelligent species like ours to agree to its own extinction.

Most, if not all that has transcended in the last 60 years was designed to get us closer to accepting such a dystopian reality, whether you care to accept it or not, we live in a hyper controlled matrix where our perception of reality is meticulously planned, managed, and executed in order to control and steer us in whichever direction they wish. And the direction is a post human world. For this, they first needed to destabilize, dehumanize and demoralize humanity through every means. The destruction of the nuclear family, children being indoctrinated by the state, abortion, the eradication of God and spirituality from education, life in megacities and away from nature, toxic food, air and water, social media replacing real human connection and interaction, engineered financial crisis and taxation, endless wars and massive migration, stress, anxiety, depression, drugs and alcohol.

Constant fear mongering moral relativism as the new religion. And I could go on and on about how humanity has been influenced and forced to move away from all the things that give us strength, security, purpose and meaning. A weak, immoral, disconnected, ignorant and unhealthy population is an easy target for the next stage, the creation of an entire generation of androgynous beings. Masculinity is under attack psychologically, culturally and biologically. Women are being replaced in sports, entertainment and politics by men pretending to be women, and children are being indoctrinated at school to think that gender is a choice.

The transgender movement is not a grassroots movement. It comes from the top. It has nothing to do with people’s freedom of expression, sexuality or civil rights. It’s an evil psyop with a clear agenda to get us closer to transhumanism by making us question the most fundamental notion of human identity, our gender. If you don’t know who you are, if you already identify as a hybrid between a man and a woman, you will be easily convinced to become a hybrid between human and machine. Gender ideology is the two plus two equals five from George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian novel.

It’s the final test to see whether we will follow the most absurd party line towards our own extinction. But two plus two equals four. And no matter how you choose to dress, call yourself, or change your physique, we will not change that. The sad reality though, is that in the gaslighting process to get us closer to a post human future, they have mentally and physically harmed an increasing number of children and young people. And it’s only getting worse. This must be stopped. So for yourselves, righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love and break up your unplowed ground.

For it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you. Hosea 1012. How beautiful is that message? I’ll repeat it. So for yourselves, righteousness, reap the fruit of unto failing love and break up your unplowed ground. For it is time to seek the Lord until he comes and showers righteousness on you. I don’t know, maybe. Maybe you feel like you’re so in a thick with sin, with sin and you’re living a lifestyle that you know it’s not right. It says, break up the unplowed ground like the ground that you’re driving in, that you’re farming in, that you’re building in.

Just break it all up and seek God and he’s going to shower more blessings, more righteousness on you. So I know for me, that was me for many, many years. I was living a lifestyle that wasn’t really pleasing to God. And I prayed one prayer, and it was around February of 2020. I said, God, just take whatever is in my life that doesn’t belong to you. Take it out. I don’t care what the process is. And I knew I would be in for self induced pain. Guys, let me tell you, it was bad. It was bad.

I nearly died from the delta strength. I got resdemavir, I got sued 28 times. I recommended a bitcoin fund that went belly up. And so people were suing me, clients were suing me. It was bad. And I was dying, getting sued, and my marriage was on rocks. I was pretty much financially bankrupt. God hooked me up with Stu and Stu got hooked up with me. We helped each other out, and now we have a multimillion dollar business, all because I laid it out to God. I humbled myself. And it’s not because I’m perfect. It’s not because I’m a smart guy.

It’s not because I am just this, like, genius or anything. No, no. I literally just worked hard, put my head down, and I really believed what God said when he said that he’ll give you a way out and that we are the head and not the tail. And in Malachi three, where he says, try me in this. And when we tithe, he pours out his blessings. And I really, really believe that. So let’s be a steward of our own money and let me say a quick prayer right now, and then I’m done here. Dear heavenly Father, I thank you, Lord, for the ability to, the ability to speak into this platform, your word and my heart and the truth of what is going on.

I pray, Lord, that, that people like this, this awareness would hit not just on their money, but, Lord, on their hearts, God, that they too can accept you as their Christ, as their lord, as their savior, because we’re all sinners. We all have sinned and fall short. And God, I pray for my community back at home. I don’t know when I can go home. I pray for. I pray for, like, the gas lines to open up and the food and the logistics to work out. And even though everything is manipulated and there is an evil plan out there, your plan is bigger, your plan is fuller.

Your plan is to protect us, not to harm us, but to give us a fruitful life. Lord. And I just pray blessings over the city of Tampa. I pray blessings over my old home state here in North Carolina. Protection provide for them in western North Carolina, in Nashville area and in Tennessee. We thank you, Lord, for your grace. Protect the kids. They’re going to school. Protect the schools, Lord. Give. Give the families that do not have money to evacuate. Give them hope. Give them a plan. Give them restoration, Lord. Send help their way so that they can have food tonight to eat and shelter and hopefully something warm to sleep in.

And that’s not wet. God, we thank you, Lord, for your blessings, Lord. And we thank you for the city of Tampa and the blessings of this network in Jesus Christ. We pray. Amen. All right, guys, thank you so much. Hopefully I can be back in my studio here soon, but just continue to pray for us in Tampa. Even though I’m in Raleigh, North Carolina, I’m not in my studio, but pray that I can get down back to Florida and have enough gas. I’m thinking about going to freight harbor and buying a cargo, a cargo hitch and getting a bunch of gas and just driving back down.

But I hear they’re fighting for gas, so I don’t know if that’s a smart thing or not. And because I got my kids with me, so, yeah, just pray for that situation. I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but we’re all working remotely, so we’re okay. God bless you guys. And I’m out of here. Don’t forget to like and subscribe our channel on rumble scriptures and Wall street and visit us at cortez to book your appointment. I’m also. I will be giving out a free copy of our book. If you do, give us a call and set an appointment called America first retirement plan book that I wrote about a year ago.

And it helps you for times like this where we’re all in despair and we don’t know what to do with our retirement. Well, we have a plan and we just plan for it. We don’t fear the pandemic. We don’t fear the financial inoculation. We don’t fear any of that. Just have a plan. All right, guys, we are out of here. God bless and I’ll talk to you soon.

See more of Stew Peters Network on their Public Channel and the MPN Stew Peters Network channel.


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