Major Election Integrity Update. Judicial Watch just warned the state of Oregon that the state needs to clean up its voter registration roles or face a potential federal lawsuit. We sent the warning letter after the data shows that upwards of 35 counties haven’t removed any names or virtually no names from their roles as federal law requires. Another nearly 40 counties don’t really have any data about what they did. So the voting roles in Oregon are a mess, and Judicial Watch demanded they clean up, provide us more information, or they’ll face a federal lawsuit. We’re already in court against Illinois and California in two separate lawsuits to clean up the roles there.
Millions of names are at issue. Judicial Watch has had massive success in this area. Just in the last year or two, we’ve caused the removal of 4 million names from the voting roles. Dirty voting roles can mean dirty elections, and Judicial Watch aims to clean them up. [tr:trw].