Zach Vorhies: The TRUTH about the CrowdStrike Crash and Biden-Kamala COUP! | Stew Peters Network




➡ The Stew Peters Network talks about Deonna Lorraine who hosts a show called “Shots Fired” where she discusses current news and trending topics. She also promotes a product called Energy Renew, which boosts energy and improves skin health. In one episode, she discusses a major software malfunction with a program called Crowdstrike that caused thousands of flights to be cancelled. She interviews Google whistleblower, Zach Voorhees, who explains the technical details of the malfunction.
➡ A problematic data file caused a global computer meltdown, affecting various systems including flights, medical services, and emergency services. This issue was linked to an ex-FBI officer who was involved in a similar incident while working at McAfee. The problem was particularly severe for computers running on the cloud, as users couldn’t physically access them to fix the issue. There are speculations about whether this was an accidental event or part of a larger, sinister plan.
➡ The article discusses various conspiracy theories and speculations about political events, including the suggestion that Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the presidential race was announced in an unusual way, and the theory that an assassination attempt on Donald Trump was a diversionary tactic. It also touches on the idea that the rapid advancement of AI technology, particularly in China, is a significant and potentially frightening development.
➡ The text discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society, suggesting that it could lead to significant changes in our economic and political systems. The author believes that AI could make many jobs obsolete and challenge constitutional rights, leading to a need for a societal reset. They argue that the U.S. needs to embrace AI and innovation to compete with China, and suggest that a blend of state-run capitalism might be the best approach. The author also predicts a major conflict that could reshape the political landscape, and speculates about the role of Donald Trump in these changes.
➡ The text discusses various political theories and opinions, focusing on Trump’s capitalist approach and his growing support. It also mentions a potential crisis in November and the importance of staying updated on these theories. The text also promotes a book about big tech censorship and encourages following its author on social media. Lastly, it discusses concerns about Biden’s mental health and the desire to age more like Trump, who is perceived as sharper.
➡ To maintain good brain health and potentially prevent cognitive decline as we age, it’s important to stay active, eat a nutritious diet, and keep learning new things. Regular physical and mental activities, like golfing or doing crossword puzzles, can help keep our brains sharp. Additionally, taking supplements like omega-3 fatty acids, acetyl l carnitine, and ginseng can also support brain health. It’s crucial to start these habits early in life for the best chance at maintaining cognitive function in our later years.
➡ Dr. Mark Sherwood discussed the benefits of a peptide called cerebrolysin for brain health on a show. He mentioned that it helps increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which acts like a brain fertilizer. He also promoted his line of vitamins and supplements, Kingdom Nutritional Products, available on Sherwood TV Shotsfired with a 30% discount using the promo code ‘shots’. The show ended with a reminder to support their sponsors and a farewell until the next episode.


Welcome, everyone, to shots fired with Deonna Lorraine. I’m your host, Deonna Lorraine, going over all the latest breaking news, trending topics and truth bombs that you can’t get anywhere else. Go ahead and follow me on social media, especially Gab Telegram, truth social and gettereal ealdenhouse, Deonna Lorraine and on X for all the latest and controversial posts. Deonna for Congress and do follow me and share my stuff on X so I can hopefully get out of this ridiculous shadow ban. My show is twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time right after the Stew theater show.

And it is 08:00 p.m. now after the Stu Peter show. And it’s Thursday after another just crazy whirlwind week half full of news. Oh, my gosh. It’s just like news flying at me every single second and minute and everything’s changing so fast. We got Kamala Harris camel toe now in the picture and biden on his, Biden just out, perhaps even out of the presidency itself and maybe call it Kamala’s being installed for the next couple months to make it easier for her to win or for her to just, you know, fraud, for her to, for them to fake the fraud.

But so much is going on right now, it is insane. So stay tuned. Grab that cocktail or mocktail, glass of water, glass of wine, whatever you do to unwind and hang out with me for the next hour as we go over the top news of the day with two awesome guests. We’ll be right back right after these messages. Hey, guys, do you often feel like you’ve got low energy and you just really want to give your energy a boost that’s sustainable all day long? Well, this awesome new product I’ve been taking, energy renew, gives you that kick you need to keep going all day long with no more midday slumps.

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Welcome back to Shots Fired. Well, while we were all focusing last week on the major shot that was fired against President Trump or former President Trump, hopefully soon to be President Trump, that almost killed him. While we were all focused on that, another huge event and fiasco happened. In fact, a lot of crazy things happened last week. I feel like I’ve been in the twilight zone. But something also very critical happened on Friday. Thousands and thousands of flights were canceled or downed, and airports not only just across the US, but also in Europe and other countries.

And the reason for it was blamed on crowdStrike, which is a software linked to Microsoft that somehow had some sort of malfunction and caused all these planes to be canceled, all these flights to be canceled, which is pretty terrifying, because if something so major could be canceled and just a click of a button or editing a certain software or program, that’s pretty scary. And we all remember when Klaus Schwab talked about Cyber Polygon, and they had this big cyber polygon conference, and he was talking about how the next pandemic will not be in your body. It will be cyber.

It will be a big cyber pandemic when all these systems across the world will be shut down. Pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete halt to see power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disference in comparison to a major cyber attack. So I wonder if that was possibly a test run for them or what? But here to join us to analyze about this deeper, who has actually released a report on Crowdstrike in the last couple of days that’s been getting a lot of attention all over X is Zach Voorhees.

Zach Voorhees, of course, is the main Google whistleblower, and he was the one that disclosed Google’s machine AI learning fairness, which was the AI system that censors and controls access to your information. And, of course, he’s blown the whistle a lot over the last couple of years and got a lot of heat for it. But I thought he’d be perfect to join us, especially with this new report that has come out now with now. So, Zach Voorhees, it’s so great to have you on shots fired. How’s it going? It’s great. Thanks for having me back, Hannah.

It’s good to be on your show again. It’s great to have you on. So, of course, you’re the person I wanted to talk to about this because a lot of people who weren’t traveling weren’t really paying much attention to this. I mean, some major events happened in this past week. We had a Trump assassination attempt. We had Biden, who we haven’t even heard of in the last week. We don’t know where he is, but he’s had this big switcheroo with Kamala Harris. Now apparently he’s resigned. But then this crowd strike Microsoft fiasco was really, it’s a really big deal.

So I don’t want it to just go be swept under the rug. Tell us exactly what happened here so people kind of understand exactly what happened. Yeah. So what happened here is Crowdstrike has a program called Falcon. And Falcon is installed as a malware detection service. What it does is it injects itself between the application and the operating system and tries to look for malicious activity. And when it does it, it flags it and then halts the program and gives you reports saying, we just detected some bad activity on your computer. There’s a system driver that’s installed.

A system driver is a privileged piece of code that’s installed on your computer. It’s a bootstrap driver, which means that you can’t remove it, and if you somehow backdoor remove it, the operating system will not start. This is all fine and good, except for the fact that there are critical things that are read from a data file which is not privileged. It’s just dumb data. They’re called channel files. These channel files are updated all the time. On Friday, what happened is that bad data files got raw, dogged into everyone’s computers without consent, without notification, and that it was these channel files, these data files that contained bad data and this malformed data is what actually crashed all these computers.

Now, why did they do this? It’s because it looks like the driver itself that reads this data will use this information to try to access invalid memory in the computer. This is what we call, in this case, a class of invalid memory is called a null pointer exception. The reason why it’s called a null pointer is because in C, which is the language this is written in, we use zero as a special flag that says, don’t try to access this memory. If you do, you are going to die immediately. Now, if this was an application trying to access the null pointer, the application would just crash, and that would just be it.

Your computer would continue to run fine, but unfortunately, when you’re in a system driver with privileged access, out of an abundance of caution, the computer will not continue to execute. It will literally just halt, give you a blue screen of death, and then will restart. And that’s what happened with this crowdstrike update. Okay. And so I, you know, I’m a c plus programmer, I’ve been doing it for over a decade. And so luckily what happened? You could read this. Now, as an expert c programmer, I knew what this was right away. And what we see right here is read address nine c.

That is a null pointer. Well actually it’s an offset from a null pointer, which means that they were trying to read a data structure where its members were 156 bytes away from the starting address. And as you can see right here, attempt to read from address nine c. That’s 156. That’s what caused the exception. And then all this other stuff is basically everything around what the cpu state was doing as it was trying to read this. So it gives you a little bit of history of what happened exactly prior to attempting to read this bad memory address.

Once it does that, the computer just halts, gives you a blue screen of death, goes into a reboot cycle. The problem is as soon as it starts back up again, it tries to reread this data file. It’s bad again. You get right back into the blue screen of death and you just keep on in this infinite cycle until you get a keyboard manually plug into the computer and then do a safe boot to bypass this driver. Go in. And you can’t actually remove the driver because it’s a boot driver, a boot start driver. But what you can do is remove the offending data file.

Once the offending data file has been removed, then the driver will no longer try to read it, it will no longer try to access invalid memory and the computer can start as normal. This vulnerability seems to affect Mac, Windows and Linux, but it was only windows that got the targeted update. Now what’s interesting here is that I originally thought that this was just like some sort of programmer that wasn’t careful and then just pushed out a bad update. But it turns out that the individual, the chief security officer, was ex FBI. I can’t remember his name right now, but convenient.

Always seems to trace back to the FBI, doesn’t it? 24 years at the FBI. And not only that, he was actually involved in another large scale takedown of computers around the world while he was working at McAfee. He was the lead guy for that. So it’s funny is that there’s two major global computer meltdowns and this guy happened to be in charge of both of them, right? Doesn’t surprise me too much though either. I mean it always seems like it’s the same people in these types of events. Wow, that’s pretty shocking though at the same time.

So we got a deep state guy. He’s involved in this. It coincidentally he was able to, because they’re pushing data and not executable code and data is usually soon to be safe. So you get to bypass all the normal steps necessary in order to certify that what you’re going to deploy to computers is all. Right. I’m, because it’s a data file, it doesn’t have to go through Microsoft’s update servers. And so because of that they were able to backdoor this data file that acted as the trigger for this detonator that was pre installed on computers around the world.

Wow, okay. So, and then thus all of these flights got grounded. That was just one repercussion of this. Right. Flights all over the world were grounded or canceled. That’s right, yeah. Computer kiosks, flights, medical services, emergency services, critical infrastructure that happened to be running on Windows. They all got this update. I think it was Windows eleven specifically got this update. So they all went down. And if you had an additional security project called Bitlocker on your computer, then it also locked down as you attempted to get into safe mode because it says, oh, we’re not going to allow you to get into safe mode.

And so people had to go through an even more painful process. Now this is painful enough if you have to go to a computer in order to physically attach a keyboard and get through the cycle in order to manually remove the offending file. But one of the big problems is that there are people that have no access at all to their computers because their computers are actually running on the cloud. So they literally can’t go and put in a keyboard and get the, you know, and fix the computer. And so they either have to like call up Amazon or Microsoft or Google with their cloud services and tell them hey, we need you to fix this machine and get it back up and running.

And some other cases there’s nothing they can do and they just need to basically uh, what’s called reimage the machine where they hopefully have a snapshot of their system if they’re doing it every day and then restore from a backup and get running from there. And if you don’t have that, you’re just screwed. Wow. Okay. So implications of this are many and serious. Why, I mean, do you think that this has to do with this w, you know, World Economic Forum, cloud, Schwab, cyber Polygon, agenda that they literally have been talking about openly for the past couple of years.

And, and that’s exactly what he’s been saying, is we’re going to have a pandemic that’s going to be a pandemic of worldwide systems being shut down. It’s going to be a pandemic of, of the Internet in the cyber world, and everything’s going to be shut down. And, you know, it’s going to cause massive ramifications to our way of living and what we can do where we can fly massive systems being shut down. I mean, do you think this could be possibly a test run for that? Do you think this was just accidental? Do you think there’s a sinister agenda behind it? What do you think? Well, this has actually been a major trigger.

You know, it’s kind of a hidden landmine that’s existing in, you know, the worldwide economic system. And the issue with this is that they pretty much just, like, blew off one of their ammunitions right now. People are going to be very wary about whether crowdstrike is really legitimate. They may decide to block channel updates and then accept them, you know, a few days to make sure that it’s not going to blow up all of their systems. So they definitely did expend a piece of ammunition. And the question is, why would they do this right now? And what’s interesting is that there looks like there’s a coup going on with the dems right now.

I don’t know if you’ve been following it, Laura Loomer said, but there was a medical incident upon a flight in Las Vegas. It was going to go to a hospital, was rerouted with a standout order from the US Secret Service. And Biden was flown to John Hopkins. And now he appears to be pretty incapacitated. Yeah, there’s rumors that he might even already be dead or he’s on his deathbed. Yeah, it looks like he might be on his deathbed. And what was interesting is that yesterday on CNN, they showed a Kamala Harris event, and Joe Biden called in and was congratulating Kamala Harris.

And unfortunately, the audio sounded a little suspicious. And then when people were running it through an artificial intelligence detector, what they found out is that the voice tested positive for being a fake. Yeah, I do want to. I want to pivot to that, too, because if you guys haven’t already heard this, I want you to hear it. It’s so ridiculous. I’ll just. I’ll just reiterate this. So. So Kamala was in this little weird kind of almost seemed fake. Press conference with, with some other people. And, yes, she had Joe Biden on the phone calling in to congratulate her.

And it, it sounded. And then there she’s there laughing. She’s trying to have this back and forth, but it sounded so fake. And Joe Biden did not seem like he was live. It seemed recorded. And even Kamala herself kind of slipped up and almost said, oh, it’s great to have you on the recording. I mean, call kind of a slip up. So, you guys, if you haven’t seen it yet or heard it, it’s. It’s crazy. Let’s play this right now. Mister President, thank you for calling in today. Over to you, Julie. If I didn’t have Covid, I’d be sitting there with you.

Standing there with you. I’m so proud of what you’ve all done. Keep me out of people’s hair for the next three or four days, but I’m going to be on the road, and I’m not going anywhere. I know yesterday’s news was surprising, and it’s hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do. I’m hoping you’ll give every bit of your heart and soul that you gave to me to Kamala. And I want you to know I won’t be on the ticket, but I’m still going to be fully, fully engaged. I’ve got six months left in my presidency.

I’m determined to get as much done as I possibly can, both foreign policy and domestic policy. I’ll be doing whatever Kamala wants me or needs me to do in addition. So let me be real clear. We’re still fighting in this fight together. I’m not going anywhere. And I want you to know I’ve always, you’ve always had my back. And I promise you, I will always have your back. And I’m anxious for you all to hear from Kamala. So thank you. Thank you. Thank you, Julie. You’re the best. It is so good to hear our president’s voice.

Joe, I know you’re still on the call, and we’ve been talking every day. You probably, you guys heard it from Doug’s. We love Joe and Jill. We really do. They truly are like family to us. And we do. Everybody here tonight, it’s neutral. I knew you were still there. You’re not going anywhere, Joe. I’m watching it, kids. I’m watching you, kids. I love you. I love you, Joe. Okay, so now it’s been said that there’s a. There’s people floating around saying that this was a deep, fake AI type program that was used to create Joe Biden’s voice to make it sound like it was real.

And has this been verified and, yeah, and then let’s expand on that. Yeah, so, I mean, you can’t verify it 100%, but we have these AI detector tools that will detect fake images, fake video, fake voice, fake sounds. There’s. There’s subtle ways the AI generates audio and other contents. If that differs from what you would get in the natural recording, it’s close enough where it will fool us. But when you’re actually looking at the data itself and graphing it on a computer screen, there are subtle differences that clearly define it as something that’s AI generated. When people ran it through this AI detector, it said, yep, this is a deepfake.

And so it looks like they’re using a deepfake. Some other supporting evidence that, uh, Joe Biden’s in a really interesting state that they’re not talking about is the fact that his, um, his decision to drop out of the race was not made on official White House letterhead. Yes. And it was delivered through, you know,, which is highly unusual that it wouldn’t be the government itself that’s like, issuing this. And his own staff members found out through Twitter, uh, that he was effectively dropping out as the democratic nominee. And so, very weird way to announce a dropping out of the presidential race.

Just a post on Twitter. We’re very bizarre. Very bizarre. Right. And so, you know, we’re all looking now, like, I pretty much think that there’s a lot of people there that are glued into this. And even a lot of the people on the left, like my brother, who has been, you know, a leftist for the, like, the last eight years, he’s glued to his chair on, you know, reading all these conspiracy reports, trying to figure out a, what’s going on with Joe Biden. So, you know, the whole world that’s in the know now of this deep state is looking to see what sort of clown show they’re going to deliver next.

Right. So I do want to sum it up. I think what happened was that this crowd strike was a giant diversionary tactic to flood the media with a whole bunch of information so that this Laura loomer story, all this stuff, this emerging thing about the president, uh, could be, uh, sort of suppressed for a while with this major global meltdown of the computer infrastructure system. That’s an interesting theory as well. Yeah, because it’s interesting. No one’s really talking about the Trump assassination anymore. I mean, at first, the first couple of days, every, I mean, it was wall to wall coverage, replays of the Trump assassination attempt, every talking head from CNN to MSNBC.

I mean, it was wall to wall coverage, and we were glued to our tvs for that. And it seems like, you know, what they typically do is they put in some other totally different event to kind of wipe the slate clean, pivot from the news cycle. And then here we go to introduce something new, something major, like this Biden switcheroo. That’s a really, really big deal. But it’s almost like they’re sort of casually sauntered and in late Sunday night and washed this, all the Microsoft issue cloud crowdstrike just sort of washed away that old news cycle very quickly.

Yeah, exactly. Okay. I’ve got my own thoughts about this Trump assassination. I don’t know why the deep state would miss, like. Yeah. What is your, what is your theory now that we’re on the topic? So let’s, let’s talk, Zach, about what, your theory. It’s a little bit of a dangerous thing, because it kind of goes against the grain of the right wing. That’s okay, because I had someone on yesterday that talked about this, too. Great. Yeah. Different speculations. Why would the deep state allow some deranged kid to, like, carry out this assassination attempt? Like, look like I’m watching people with their arduinos with, you know, self aiming cameras.

Right. It’s like, you know, if that’s what a kid with, you know, with some dedication can do by himself, what can the deep state do? What can, like, Peter thiel do with his, like, computer controlled aiming system? Right? Like, they could get, um, you know, the height of the bullet factor that in, uh, as it drops over distance, they could take in wind factor, and they could update that aiming mechanism with fine tuned, you know, stuff like once a millisecond or even faster. Right. Sub millisecond retargeting. Um, right. And so this, like, it may seem like, oh, it’s a jerk for him to move his head in one direction, but, like, if you’re taking a snapshot every millisecond, um, that seems like it’s going in slow mo mode, and you can just, you know, retarget that so that, uh, you could even compensate for the position his head’s going to be in, you know, in the future, because that’s how fast computers operate.

Wow. And so, like, look, they may have had, like, a patsy. That’s what the deep state likes to do. But this idea that the deep state would miss in an assassination attempt, like, I don’t think they’re that dumb and I don’t think they’re that incompetent. And nothing of that makes any sense to me. You know, and then, and then you get this, you know, this Us secret service, you know, person. Kim Cheeto. Yeah, Kim Cheeto. And she’s out there and she’s making it so obvious that this looks like a deep state assassination attempt, like everything. Like, not only are they making this assassination attempt and botching it, but they’re also making it public about the COVID up so that everyone that’s watching this, that’s paying attention says, oh, look, here’s all the evidence that this is actually cover up.

And the deep state wanted Trump dead. He’s obviously fighting the establishment. And I think that that’s by design. I hate to admit it, because I don’t want to believe that these people are this evil, but we have to look into these theories because a lot of it just doesn’t make sense, you know, at face value, it just doesn’t. So, you know, the fact that it’s kind of, Trump acted kind of differently than somebody might be in that situation. Right? You’re almost, I mean, you’re almost shot. You don’t know if you were shot or not, but you’re going to say, let me get my shoes, or you’re going to pop back up.

And the Secret Service, it’s going to let that happen. And the Secret Service is, we’re acting kind of like actors and weird positions and poses that you wouldn’t normally, I would think, be in, in that type of urgent situation. Um, and just kind of the way that things have happened afterwards, it’s just seems odd. I almost got shot. Let me put my head up into Fairview again. They can take another shot at my head so I can, like, raise my hand for a photo op. Like, it seems like we’re watching a movie and that none of this is real.

Zachary feels very weird. Yeah. Feels like a movie. It feels like theater. And I couldn’t help but think when I first saw this, my first reaction was, this almost feels like a theater. This feels like a theatrical production. And again, I hate to, you know, me and you have been loyal Trump supporters right from the beginning, but also, we are critical thinkers, too. And I can’t put it past anybody or any organizations, deep state or otherwise, to create a theatrical performance like this. They’re fully capable of it. So do you think this, it’s possible could have came from Trump or could have came from the angle of nothing.

Somebody trying to get rid of Trump, but somebody trying to create this desired reaction of boosting Trump’s popularity and kind of propping him up to hero status and things like that to be used in a different type of, for a different agenda. Yeah, yeah. And let’s actually get more of a top level view of what’s going on right now. Okay. Yes. China is laying down enough energy capacity to win the AI arms race. Okay. There was this paper that got, got released by one of the AI safety team members. Leopold is 163 pages long. About the next coming decade.

It was a situational report. And he’s basically like, we’re going to hit AI super intelligence in two and a half years. Okay. Like, that’s frightening. It’s frightening. And he’s like, I’m just looking at straight lines on a logarithmic graph. And, like, the cost of AI from two years ago to now to score 50% on a math key math benchmark has dropped by an order of 1000. Okay. Wow. And so the thing is that in order to win, like, the issue of this AI is that it needs a lot of power and this whole, like, globalist climate change scam where it’s like we’re going to live under solar panels and you have wind turbines for energy, anemic economy and, like, eat bugs to save on carbon output.

This whole ideology is antithetical to winning the AI arms race. And I don’t think that the people upstairs are going to now, I think this whole AI thing came as a sucker punch. I don’t think that we realized how fast this was going to come. And right now we’re kind of like off the sort of agenda entering into new territory where we’re all like, oh, my God, this is actually really happening. Like, Ray Kurzweil with the singularity came out and he said that, but his, his predictions were pretty much a decade from now, we seem to be a decade ahead of schedule with this artificial intelligence development.

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And so the thing is, is that if we keep on going down this leftist path, you know, top heavy regulation, you know, government controls and everything, the innovation being squeezed out of all of our different, you know, systems and, you know, and a clamp down on artificial intelligence, we’re going to lose against China. We need to have a change in direction. And so my question is, is it going to be some leftist that’s going to be the change agent, or is it going to be Donald Trump. That’s going to be the change agent.

I think Donald Trump is going to be the change agent. Um, I think that, uh, you know, his idea that we want to put down a lot of power, we want to sort of take the brakes off artificial intelligence. Like, yes, it’s going to take all of our jobs, but, uh, do you want the Chinese to wipe us out, uh, in some sort of world War three scenario? Or do you want to at least have a stalemate so that we don’t have mutually sure destruction, or we have mutually sure destruction to prevent this sort of world War three scenario? And so I think this Kamala Harris like, climate change scam b’s, like, that’s going to cause us.

That’s an extinction level. Just run the numbers. It’s going to be an extinction of the entire western civilization if we go down this path, and if we go down a more capitalist path, where everyone’s innovating and we do it better than China, because our innovation is top notch and we can’t sacrifice that. And if we continue to go down that path, then we’re going to have parity with China or maybe even supremacy. And so I think that what’s in the cards for the United States is that we need to have radical change. AI is going to invalidate a lot of our constitution, unfortunately.

Like, freedom of speech is really great when everyone’s a human, but now you’re going to have this, like, super AI that can chatbot or connect with a neural link into some individual, and they’re going to have this grand AI plan to take over the world and sort of, like, you know, embody inside of humans in order to be their agents to. To basically escape the prison, this computer prison they live in. Well, we got a problem with the First Amendment, right? And what good is the second Amendment when the state has, you know, auto tracking, head killing kamikaze drones that fly towards your head and blow your brains out, right? Like, shotgun is not going to do good against 20 high drones that are coming.

So we’re at this, like, point where the old system that we have, which lasted for, you know, more than 200 years, is essentially getting so old and obsolete that we need to have sort of a reset. Now, the Klaus Schwab reset is sort of a nightmare scenario, but I think that what’s going to happen is we’re going to get more of a Reagan esque economic reset that’s going to be energy focused, AI focused, and then we’re going to have to do something about the structural unemployment once everybody realizes that, you know, computers don’t complain, they work twenty four seven and they don’t take a wage, like, we’re going to need to do something about that.

It looks like that some sort of centrally planned economy that’s driven by AI is inevitable. Like, I’ve run, like, I’ve thought about this for over a year now, like coming, trying to come up with some way where we can have some sort of decentralized system that’s legacy. But I, with this artificial intelligence, and I really don’t see how that’s possible because most people don’t even like computers, right? And imagine them trying to like, guide AI to be, you know, to do economically productive stuff. I just, I just don’t see that we’re at that level. I think what’s going to happen is that you’re going to have a, you know, an inner party.

You’re going to have an outer ring of technocrats that are going to be with the neural link jacking into this computer system that are going to be building our factories, building our power generation systems. Because when you augment with artificial intelligence, and I say this as someone that has written a lot of my own AI tools now that I use to code, it makes me so much better, like at least four times more productive than just trying to learn all this stuff myself. I can interact with systems language called SQL. I don’t know it that well, but now with artificial intelligence, I’m an expert in it and I can do all these things.

And so the question is, where does that saturation point come with all of the AI augmentation? And the answer is that we don’t even know where that saturation point, it could be a thousand x more. It could be a million x more. What is the power of one individual when they’re going to be, you know, um, you know, hooked into this AI, it looks like at this point it’s going to be infinite. And so this idea that work hard and make a living, I think that’s going to be sort of structurally impossible going forward. And we’re going to have to like figure everything out.

And the question is not whether everything is going to change. The question is whether that change is going to come from a communist or some sort of blend between the two, some sort of state run capitalism. And I say this as a libertarian, but I see the writing on the wall with artificial intelligence. I think it’s going to be some sort of hybrid blend of state run capitalists going in the future. And that’s the only way that we’re going to be able to work against the Chinese Communist Party, or at least if we do co communism, at least have a form of communism that is not full of idiots.

What we have right now, it’s worse than communism. It’s an idiocracy run bye by these people that are complete morons and we need to have a change. I think that Trump’s going to be that change. However, the issue is that there’s so much that needs to be torn down. It’s my prediction at this point, seeing all the moves that are coming, is that the elites are planning a civil conflict that’s going to be so large, that’s going to essentially wipe out one of the parties. My prediction is going to be the left, because they’ve got so much legacy baggage that’s coming up with the climate change, all that.

Like, they’re running basically on fake news and propaganda. Right? And so there’s so much Deadwood that exists in the left. It’s my prediction that the elites are planning a final conflict where one faction basically defeats these commie, child trafficking, Epstein less liars. We have our truth and reconciliation. We realize that they are all bad all along. We’ve all been lied to. The left finally accepts that as the truth once they see the whole crowd go towards that direction, and what results is an unfettered agenda towards accelerating towards the future. And essentially what this is going to push us into is the fourth industrial revolution.

So you may ask yourself, like, why would Trump, why would the deep state plan a fake assassination attempt to make it public that there’s a cover up? Because that’s how much of a plot they’re setting up for what’s going to happen in November. And this is the most exciting election we’re ever going to see. It might even be the last election. I mean, everyone says that every single election. But the issue right now is that by the time the 2028 elections come around, we’re going to be in a post AGI society or just entering into it.

Right? And so there’s literally not enough time for another election. 2020, before this event, the singularity event, has already going to occur. And so if the deep state’s going to do some sort of big game, you know, the timing right now is really ripe. In order to pull off this plot line in this agenda plan. I. Yeah, I mean, I think just like how what happened with COVID and the vaccine rollout and everything almost. Trump was sort of neutralized the issue in a way, or softened it, made it seem more appealing to get his base, who are typically anti vaccine and more pro freedom, to be more inclined to wear masks, to get vaccines, to follow the COVID restrictions because it was Trump up there saying it instead of Obama, you know, or Hillary Clinton or something like that.

And I think, you know, the deep state knows that his base is very, very cynical, critically thinking, and they don’t just follow orders as easily. But if it comes from someone like Trump, who we know and trust, he can maybe soften the blow with moving us into the fourth industrial revolution and kind of hold our hand through the process, make it seem more appealing than, say, Kamala Harris or a leftist could. Is that kind of what your theory is? Right? Yeah. And Trump’s more in the capitalist branch anyways, right? He’s a entrepreneur. He’s got a bunch of businesses.

You know, he’s got close relationships. All the capitalists right now are all backing him. David, you know Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley yeah. Jason Kalikanakis, who’s typically been inherently anti Trump. And now he’s actually coming around to him crazy. And it’s, it’s like what, like what started as sort of like a shift on the right is now sort of spread into a contagion on the left where everyone’s like, you know what, Biden’s really bad. And, oh, my God, it looks like there was an assassination attempt. What’s going on? And now we’re all waking up together. Some of us got here before the others did.

But, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s sort of a planned revolution that’s been happening. And I think that we’re going to see the crescendo of it with a crisis point that’s going to happen in November. So very interesting theories. I guess we’ll be, we’ll be keeping everybody updated, obviously. And following this closely, if these theories are correct, I happen to, to believe in them, too. I think that that’s very, very possible that this could be the case. Zach Voorhees, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, your theories and your findings with this Microsoft fiasco. Tell everybody quickly where they can find you and follow you.

Yeah, you can check me out on perpetualmaniac. If you want to see how Google was censoring your access to information and you want to see how the sausage a censorship was made, then check me out at Zach dot and check out my book, Google leaks whistleblowers expose of big tech censorship. You can see it on Amazon or where books are sold. It’s quite popular and quite highly rated, even by the left. So check it out, the backstory. And thank you for having me on your show. Deanna. Awesome. Thanks so much. Zach. Make sure that you go and follow him.

Follow him on Twitter x everywhere else and definitely check out his book to hear all about his story. It’s truly amazing. And thank you so much for being the honest and brave whistleblower that you are. We need guys like you out there to break in, to break the code and blow the whistle on what’s happening behind the scenes. Thanks so much, Zach. We’ll be right back, guys, right after these messages. Don’t go anywhere. Do you want to look younger, look your best and be your healthiest? Well, Doctor Sherwood, my personal friend and favorite naturopathic doctor who truly knows his stuff, has a new line of vitamins and supplements called their kingdom nutritional products that will truly heal you from the inside out and have you looking and feeling amazing.

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Give your dog the gift of vitality. Welcome back to shots fired. Well, this has been a wild week, especially with our country and the presidential campaign. I mean, if elections are even considered real anymore. But what they’ve done is they’ve done this massive switcheroo that many of us kind of predicted would happen, but it happened very suddenly. There was massive amounts of pressure on Biden to get the hell out of the race, get out of the campaign, and let somebody else in. So he has been pretty much Mia for the last week. No one has really seen him or heard him.

There was this weird press conference that he supposedly did last night at the Oval Office, the first time he’s shown his faith in over a week because people were calling for it and conspiracy theories were abounding because of it. But who knows? I mean, it could have been CGI. It could have been a reanimated corpse. We don’t really know. It could have been a deep faith if that was truly Biden. And then there was that creepy call, too, that we talked about where he supposedly called in to endorse Kamala over the phone. And the phone call just, it didn’t seem real.

It seemed like a total fake recording. And even Kamala herself kind of had a freudian slip and said, oh, you know, great recording. I mean, I mean, phone call, our president’s voice. Joe, I know you’re still on the, on the call, so the whole thing is really wild and wacky, but, and Joe Biden has, has struck terror in the hearts to all Americans, and all Americans, I think, not only terror for what is going to happen to our country if he continues to be this fake president, but also what could happen to us? I mean, I’m not a spring chicken anymore, although I would love to be 21 at this point.

I think most of my viewers are not necessarily in their teens anymore. So it’s time for us to start looking at aging and brain health. And I think Biden is the poster child for what we all would hate to become when we get older. We do not want to become this Biden character where his mental health is just declining so much. And this is the main issue for why they have pressured him to get out of there because of his mental health, his declining mental health, his declining cognitive abilities, potentially Alzheimer’s, and his ability to even really function.

Obviously, this guy has just really lost his marbles. And I don’t want to be like that when I’m older. And I think most people don’t. I know I’m the most pro union, you know, anyway, including here in Philly. What, we’re changed out with the recovery act right now you see all the construction going on in the highways around here. And now I want to hand it over to the president of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination. Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin. President Putin, you got beat, President Putin. And so it’s all about, it’s all about treating people with dignity, and it’s about making sure that, for example, look at the heat I’m getting because I named the secretary of defense, the black man I named Ketanji Brown.

I mean, because of the people I’ve named. So I told you all there was going to be an american president who said, Putin, Putin, come do whatever you want to NATO. If they don’t, if the other guys on our team don’t pay up every single cent they promise to pay for, what are we talking about here? Eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the COVID excuse me, with dealing with. And by the way, you know, I sit on the stand and it get hot. I got a lot of, I got hairy legs that turn, that turn blonde in the sun.

And the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down. So it was trade and then watched the hare come back up again. They look at it. So I learned about roaches. I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap. The funny thing is, he’s only a few years older than Trump, but Trump is just so much sharper than Biden. And how do we be more like a Trump when we get older instead of a Biden? My grandmother also, bless her heart, she passed away a few years ago.

But up until she passed away at 90, she was sharp as a tack and sharper, more cognitively whipped and witty than a lot of people even younger than her. So I’m bringing on, of course, our favorite doctor, our favorite naturopathic doctor, Doctor Mark Sherwood, to delve into this and ask you, how do we basically not become like a Biden when we get older? What are some ways, some things that we can do to improve our cognitive health, our brain health and potentially prevent that process of brain aging, mental decline, possibly Alzheimer’s and things like that. So I’ll hand it over to how do we not be a Biden when we grow up? Well, like you, I echo your concern with this.

It’s not a matter that we should take lightly, and certainly we, I feel personally very sad for a human being to suffer cognitive decline just to kind of set up my answer. I was doing some studying, my wife and I, for a presentation we’ve got upcoming that’s entitled how to live younger longer. But one of the things we look at is really brain health. And, you know, in the Bible, we talk about the days being shortened to 120 years. And incidentally, Moses, if people want to look this up, lived 120 years. There’s a little caveat there, that his mind was strong and his eyes were strong.

You know, he didn’t lose. He didn’t lose attack. Right? So I say that, to say that cognitive decline is not necessarily something that has to happen with age. In the studies I’ve done with this, I found there’s a common element, or a couple common elements that sort of associate with not having cognitive client. One is activity. The more you are active, and certainly you see it, too. So President Trump is active out there on the golf course, you know, like him or not, he does move around a lot. President Biden’s not, you know, so there’s, there’s a parallel there that you see that’s, that’s number one.

Number two, we know nutrition is a big part of that. The brain is very, it’s a fatty tissue. It’s a fatty organ. And we know there’s kind of three areas that affect the lack of cognitive function. One is going to be blood sugar issues, which is known as type three diabetes or Alzheimer’s, dementia of the brain. And then we see that there is toxins which can get stored in the brain because the brains fat, and probably the third area is hormone lack, which is why women, believe it or not, are eight times more likely to get Alzheimer’s than men.

Oh, yikes. That’s frightening. I didn’t know that. Yeah, it’s fascinating. We tend to not look at the brain holistically speaking, and we should, from nutrition standpoint, a lot of people don’t take omega three fatty acids to an adequate level. And that’s super key for the brain. The brain also is one that depends on vitamin D. It depends on your b vitamins to circulate blood. We need to treat it as such. I think that just those simple things like eating well and taking the right vitamins and fatty acids and moving can certainly give people hope. I think one of the things that I see as an association of what people can do better is to continue to learn things, learn new languages, learn new skills, travel.

As we age, the world tends to get smaller. It doesn’t have to, but there’s a tendency to. We start traveling less, we start seeing less people, we start getting out less, and we start associating less, and we become kind of recluse. So those are some key things we need to keep in mind. That’s good. I actually remembered that my grandmother would always do a crossword puzzle, and I think Sudoku every single day. You know, without fail, she would do her crossword puzzles in her Sudoku every day, and she would always read a book before bedd. And so I.

And I think. And she was always chatting with people. She was also a big, avid golfer. And I think that. That being around, love being around people and activity, like you said, physical and mental activity is something that will. It’s like a muscle, right? Like, you know, the more you use it, the better it becomes, the stronger and more proficient it becomes a. Yeah, it does. You know, our neurons, or brain cells as they’re known, you know, that’s one of the areas, as far as we know right now, that we don’t get a redo. What you’re born with is what you’ve got.

You don’t get the ability to recreate those other cells sort of die and reproduce in various time and frequency across the body, but not our brain cells from what we know now. And so it’s been fascinating, I think, just to look at this subject matter, and when I see decline, this is something we need to pay attention to individually and even familiarly. Right. Decline is a lack of memory. It’s lack of recall. It’s a lack of ability to hold conversations, confusion about who’s who, what’s what. Names, tasks that have always been done routinely, balance issues, things like this are very common in what we see is this sort of declination of brain function and this Alzheimer’s dementia issue.

I think another angle is probably the way a person walks. Sometimes they begin to shuffle more. Shuffle versus take a step. And I think we’ve seen that in the current situation with our current president. Unfortunately, we’ve seen that shuffle, and I’m not enjoying that site. It grieves me to see a human being like that. But to your point, there’s a lot of things we can do as people today, to avoid that happening in our own lives. And we should really take all this to heart and do it, right? Absolutely. Especially because a lot of people in their twenties or thirties, they think they’re forever young and they don’t really, I mean, it’s not as relevant to them or they don’t think it’s as relevant what their actions are in their twenties and thirties or what they’re putting in their body because it feels so far off.

Oh, I mean, I’ll be 80 in a long time. It’s not going to apply to me. But I think that you’re saying it’s really important to take preventative steps, the younger the better, right? So that you don’t end up 75 and all of a sudden with a problem when it possibly could have been prevented with your earlier actions. Every older person was once a younger person and every younger person will one day, God willing, be an older person. And so, you know, I go back and look at my own life. I wish I would have known then what I know now and what I’m saying now.

I hope people that are younger will take it to heart and realize that that brain, the ability to communicate thoughts and have functionality with this and converse with other people and process information and learn information and recall information, that’s a fascinating thing God gave us. We need to begin to work that process right now. Whether we’re 20 or whether we’re 80, it doesn’t matter. We should never stop exercising the brain because I think if you use analogy as talked about, you know, if you don’t use it, you lose it. But in the brain and brain chemistry, there’s a saying that sounds like this.

What is wired together, fires together. And what does that mean? It means that we get these neuronal connection pathways, Deanna, that sort of become so habitual, the brain can almost go on automatic pilot. Like you can brush your teeth, you can drive to places that you’ve been to numerous times. I’ve been thinking about it. The brain has so much capability, but if you don’t stretch that, it goes right back to what it’s known and it never knows anything new. And if you continue to do the same old things over and over again and don’t make changes, it is hard to break old habit.

That’s why that old saying goes like this. It’s hard to teach old dogs new tricks. That goes for people as well, but it’s possible. Okay, awesome. And lastly, you mentioned omega three. Making sure you’re taking your fish oil. That’s a supplement that can absolutely improve your mental health, your acuity, your longevity there, your brain health. Definitely omega three. Correct. And is there any others that you would recommend too that we could take? Yeah, I love omega three s. And just to give people a proper dosing on that one, I like the one that I’ve kind of grown fond of.

It’s called biomega 1000. That’s the one I’m personally using myself. We need about 3 grams a day, which is 3000 milligrams. And it needs to be a proper balance of EPA and DHA we’ve talked about before, but we need about a three to two ratio of EPA over DHA and don’t have dead oils. I think another one that people can think about taking for brain health is something called acetyl l carnitine. Acetyl l carnitine that helps with brain speed. And brain speed is something I think we want to maintain forever and ever in a day. I think as well, there’s some ginseng out there.

A lot of people use that for brain health as well. There’s a cocktail that I typically use at times that’s called brain vital. And it kind of has all those in there that you can get. And then one other thing I’ll mention, there’s a peptide out there called cerebro lysin. That’s c e r e b r o l y s I n. That one is outstanding for brain health. It’s great. It helps build more brain derived neurotrophic factor known as BDNF, which helps us like brain fertilizer. I think I’ll take some brain fertilizer every day. That sounds great.

I want to take some brain fertilizer. No doubt. All right, well, thank you so much for your insights on how to not become a Biden, mentally, especially. We thank you always, Doctor Mark Sherwood for joining our show. And of course, tell everybody again where they can find you and get your incredible products. Well, people can not be abided by reaching out to us. For sure. We can help you kind of plan your way to a better memory and a better future. But you can reach out to Sherwood tv shots or shots fired. Both of those go the same place.

And we’re grateful for the opportunity here with you and always appreciate the chance to be with you. Amazing. Follow him on X and go to his website, dot Tv shots. All right, guys, thanks so much, Doctor Sherwood. We’ll be right back right after these messages. Don’t go anywhere. Do you want to look younger look your best and be your healthiest. Well, Doctor Sherwood, my personal friend and favorite naturopathic doctor who truly knows his stuff, has a new line of vitamins and supplements called their kingdom nutritional products that will truly heal you from the inside out and have you looking and feeling amazing.

Go to Sherwood TV shotsfired. That’s Sherwood TV shotsfired. To check out their kingdom products, especially kingdom fuel. Kingdom fuel is their proprietary complete nutritional shake mix. It provides a full spectrum of essential vitamins and minerals and the full amino acid profile protein people need. Get it now, along with any other kingdom products, for 30% off by using my promo code shots at checkout. That’s 30% off by using my promo code shots. So go to that link again, Sherwood TV shotsfired. And start giving your body the health makeover it needs. Well, it’s Thursday, so it’s time for the Darwin awards.

The Darwin awards. The dumbest, stupidest, most ridiculous people and events of the week. And I still gotta hand it to the secret service. Kimberly Cheeto got blown out of there. I mean, it took her a week to resign, but we know she’s really just a fake puppet actress anyways. But it’s kind of funny how she tried to pretend, you know, to act and oh my gosh, I don’t. This was just incompetence. This was just a failure on secret services part at the secret service hearing this week. But at least she’s out of there now. Not that anything’s going to happen because the FBI is on the case to investigate.

And we know how those FBI investigations go, don’t we? But a lot of great memes have come out of this. At least. At least we can say that President Trump is still alive. He did dodge a bullet, but the memes are the greatest. Check out some of my favorite memes of this week of the Darwin award recipients, which are the secret servants. So we’re gonna do a little test here to see if you guys can notice anything in my video, okay? So pay close attention. We’ll be right back. You guys notice anything? Is it something that’s visible? Can you see this? This is what they missed.

The secret Service missed this being checked. Which building? The only building in front of the stage. Ah, that building. Maybe. Maybe? Maybe not. How maybe not? You think it’s necessary? I see a guy moving on the roof. Are the usual guys. Boss is very suspicious. Might be doing a parkour. He’s lie down flat on his tomahawk, is probably resting after doing parkour. He’s looking towards Trump. Maybe the Trump fan tried to get a better view of him and okay, he’s pulled out a rifle. A rifle? Definitely a rifle. Can you tell if it’s a real rifle? How I know if it’s trio, maybe it’s fake and we are worrying for nothing.

It’s a real rifle. Very strange, boss, awaiting your orders. Do you see any clay pigeon shooting devices? I don’t think he’s practicing shooting clay pigeons. We needed to be sure, Frank. Boss, now he’s aiming towards Trump. Can you see his expression? What expression? His facial expression. He seems to be mad. I don’t know, boss. Or is he looking at him admirably? I can’t tell. Maybe it’s just using the rifle scope to get a better room. Look boss, if we don’t act now, he will shoot him. They come, Frank. I don’t think he’s shooting, boss. Holy cow.

He’s still shooting. What do I do? Are you sure you don’t see any clay pigeons around? No clay pigeons. All right, in that case, fire a warning shot immediately. All right, that’s all the time we’ve got for today. Thank you guys so much for joining shots fired. Remember, twice a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 08:00 p.m. eastern time right after the Sue Peters show. And in the meantime, follow us on Telegram, Instagram, truth, social and getter at real deonnalrain and on x for all the latest and controversial posts. Deanna for Congress special shout out to my chat room.

I love you guys. Thanks so much for supporting our show and for keeping it positive and patriotic. And if you really want to support our show, my show, shots fired in the network. Definitely support our sponsors. They are the most patriotic brands out there who truly are America first. So go to my rumble description below and click on the links below to visit our sponsors and hopefully you will find something on those pages, especially Sherwood. Doctor Sherwood. Go to Sherwood tv shots and do promo code shots to get 30% off of everything there. Alright guys, that’s it for now.

That’s a wrap. Have a fantastic weekend. Love you and God bless you. God bless America. See you next week.

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