Need to Know News (18 July 2024) with Carl Herman Joe Olson Chris Weinert | Jim Fetzer




➡ The text discusses the history of political assassinations and attempts in the United States, suggesting they are a common part of the political process. It also alleges that powerful families and groups have controlled both political parties and influenced global politics for decades. The text further claims that these groups profit from major events and crises, citing examples like stock market manipulations. Lastly, it criticizes the media and education system for not informing the public about these issues.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and political opinions, including the idea that the government orchestrates assassinations and then blames them on scapegoats. It also suggests that there’s widespread corruption in politics, with some politicians gaining wealth suspiciously quickly. The text ends with a call for fresh, uncorrupted individuals to enter politics and improve the justice system.
➡ The text discusses a supposed assassination attempt on a Republican candidate, with the suspect being a politically radical 20-year-old who had no previous political writings or social media posts. The text questions the official story, suggesting that the Secret Service and FBI may have mishandled the situation and destroyed evidence. It also brings up other unsolved cases and alleged cover-ups, suggesting a pattern of corruption within the government and its agencies. The text ends by discussing the difficulty of changing people’s beliefs when they conflict with the data presented.
➡ The text discusses various opinions on a supposed assassination attempt on Trump, with some believing it was staged and others thinking it was real. The conversation also touches on perceived corruption in the Secret Service and the Democratic party, as well as speculation about future political events. The speakers express skepticism about the official narrative and share their own theories about what really happened.
➡ The speaker discusses various political and societal issues, including skepticism about the authenticity of certain events and the motives of influential figures. They also mention concerns about the future direction of the country, hinting at a shift towards a technocratic society. The speaker also discusses the subpoena of a person named Cheadle, and the potential implications of this. Lastly, they touch on the topic of life extension technologies and their potential misuse by the wealthy.
➡ The discussion revolves around various topics including the alleged increase in mortality due to Moderna and Pfizer vaccines, the ongoing conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza, and the perceived decline in American services such as UPS and electricity supply. The speakers express their dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs, criticizing the government and other institutions for their actions and policies. They also touch on the anticipation of a breakthrough and the potential for change in the future.
➡ The speaker believes that people are defending themselves against poor leadership, upholding their constitutional rights. They predict a financial crisis where the dollar and major banks will suffer, affecting many Americans’ savings. They also mention a group called the “orange crush cult” needing to take responsibility soon. More news is expected to be shared the following day.


Carl Herman, Mission Viejo Joe Olson, Houston, Texas. Chris Weiner, parts unknown. He just told us this was his third phone in the last year. Need to know news Thursday, July 18, 2024 let’s take a look at our topics and get opening statements. Chris will be able to join us. Audio only. Deep state assassinations are routine. We need to. Where I need to emphasize that historical context, being a historian, what we’re shown in the Trump assassination attempt even further. Details passed last night when I put the show together how the public is perceiving Trump’s, quote unquote, assassination attempt.

The Secret Service director subpoenaed to testify before Congress this coming Monday, and we’ll see who else is going to get the scrutiny of that committee. Meanwhile, with the actor playing Biden and at the RNC and three Covid updates. Joe, opening statement, brother. Yeah. Assassination is part of the political process here in the United States. Politics is a blood sport. I got a YouTube invite from Mark Belton about three assassination attempts that happened in the last 30 years or 50 years, whatever it was. And I forwarded to Fetzer, that’s part probably the one that we’re going to be talking about.

But I’ve also expanded on that quite a bit. When Romney was running for president in 2012 and they were stealing the primary from Ron Paul, he entertained the idea of using Condoleezza rice as his BP because he could check two boxes. He could get a black woman. Yeah, because she’s so qualified to be a leader and to be the stand in president for the United States if Willard the Bay Bandit got snuffed. So I decided to do a little bit more depth. This is some of the stuff that I covered in my article under and the satire is rice Aramni.

That must have zombie treat. I’ll put a link to that in the comments because it’s worth reading. But we’re going to expand on just this stuff. Since the 63 assassination, LBJ would not have won in 64. Matter of fact, he’d have been in jail and. And there would have been a different vp had they. Had he not killed RFK. So that’s item number one. Item number two. In 68, the race was Humphrey because they shot RFK. And that’s the reason why Tricky Dick was able to get in. No, excuse me. That was McGovern in 68. McGovern in 68.

And after they shot RFK and McGovern got selected, his vp was Eagleton, Thomas Eagleton. And they broke into Eagleton’s office and got information from his psychiatrist. They got him to resign as VP candidate and replaced him with a guy named Shriver. So that’s how that particular situation happened. And then in 72, it was Humphrey that was running against Nixon, but also George Wallace, governor from Alabama, was running, and he had gotten enough votes in a previous election that it looked like he would be able to take southern states dixiecrats away from tricky Dick. So tricky Dick would not have won in 68 without the assassination of RFK.

He wouldn’t have won in 72 without the attempted assassination by Arthur Bremer of George Wallace, who was shot, like, five times and ended up in a wheelchair. So that’s how we ended up with that. And then Nixon gets in. His vice president, Sparrow Agnew, gets caught on corruption charges, resigned. He appoints Gerald Ford. Gerald Ford gets in. Then they watergate Nixon out of office. And then Gerald Ford is attempted assassination twice. Sarah Jane Moore and squeaky from both of them out in California. So he refused to get off of the presidential podium because I’m president, even though nobody ever elected you.

And so then he wouldn’t get off the platform and let Ronnie Reagan win. And it was a neck and neck tie. And finally the rhinos gave it to Ronnie, so. Oh, and by the way, Gerald Ford, when he took over as president, guess who he appointed to be his vice president? Nelson Rockefeller. Yeah, this is all a friendly frickin club. So then in 76, Carter wins because Gerald Ford wouldn’t get and Nelson Rockefeller wouldn’t get off the stage. So then we ended up with Carter, and then we get Ronnie Reagan. And right off the bat, George W.

Bush has one of his family friends shoot Ronald Reagan. So you tell me how much voting makes a difference in this country. And what kind of freaking criminal mafia has been running the presidency United States for over 100 years? Tell me, what kind of criminal mafia? That is a good question, Chris. Opening statement, brother. Yeah. I’d also like to add that the Rockefeller family have basically developed the both facets of both political parties in the United States, and they’ve secretly controlled the soviet government during the cold war and part of the Chinese basically government since the nineties, for sure.

And even in the seventies, I think, as well, they talk about arm and hammer and a few of their operatives. They use a lot of the Jews as operatives, too, to really create this, I guess, Cohon system 2.0, like they had going with the East India Company post World War two. They played Mao against Chiang Kai. Check both of these guys were funded by the robber barons and the crown agents. So, yeah, you’re seeing basically the same script manifest itself over and over again, and you’re seeing this group of peerage robber barons that are forging both sides of the controlled opposition dialogue for the last 50 years, or arguably much longer.

You know, that Rockefeller, through many proxies, like Prescott Bush or Alan Dulles and even the Dupont families with the crown as well, funded both sides of what, World War two? They were funding the fascist Germany economic miracle. They were funding the capitalist, and they were clandestinely funding the communists, too. So that’s three sides of every war. So, yeah, these guys are really hell bent on spending their philanthropic gains on seeing us destroy each other over controlled opposition offerings, all to which aggrandize their long term goals on both sides. You know, you can say, look at what the sides agree on across the aisles, and you could probably find the source of infection.

Thank you, Chris. And in addition, I sent you a post this morning about short sales of DJT companies. I don’t know if we’re going to cover that or not, but they had planned on him being killed by July 13. And when he accidentally wasn’t killed, all of a sudden ADL and a whole bunch of their bandits are going to be stuck with trying to sell something that they had overinflated. Basically the same scam that they did with the stocks of American and United Airlines under 911. And the same thing they did with the mandolin Bay MGM Resorts International, where Soros bought a million shares in August, saying that the stock was going to drop.

And sure enough, it dropped $40 in value, each share on October 1, 2017, when they did the fake Las Vegas shooting. And nine of the members of the board of directors from MGM Resorts had also sold a million dollars worth of stock. So he made $40 million, and the nine members of the board individually, collectively made $40 million. So you tell me, what kind of jewish bastards are running this little turkey chute that we call a government? Absolutely, 100% disgusting. And if you’re not pissed off now, you need to open your eyeballs and you need to realize what a rotten, freaking country we’ve got and what a rotten, controlled news media we’ve got that doesn’t inform us about this, and a rotten education system that you can spend your whole life in and never learn a single damn thing.

Thank you, gentlemen. Yes, we have been controlled and. And turned into a subservient, goy slave species. And I’d also like to add, there’s put options on the BP and TEPcO, and many other things, too. So these guys know when this shit’s going to hit the fan, and they’re betting on it and betting big and winning big. Lucky Larry Silverstein style. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. All right, let’s take a look at that history, that assassinations are a routine political option. And this, this is JFK at love airport, and his agents, and I want to point out here, you see these handlebars at the back, and there’s a step down there as well.

And that is where the agents ride. And they hang on to the handlebar and they stand right there and they literally have the president’s back. And they’re jogging along the car here, and they’re about ready to hop on, and they’re going to be ordered off and take a look at their reaction. I. There they are jogging along. Then he’s ordered off twice. He holds his arms out in disbelief. There’s JFK. There’s a little step there. That’s the biggest that I can get. The video, I tried to make it larger on the Twitter version, but it just stops the screen share and this is my scholarly work to explain, document, and prove professionally as a historian that JFK, MLK and RFK were in fact killed by insiders within our own government.

And there’s a lot of great work on that. Mine is just one of probably 100. And all of these official assassinations, we were told that these actors acted alone. The most recent picture that I received this morning, we’ll have it on the show. The next show is this guy, crooks with a little doily around his neck, apparently identifying as female part of the time. And in terms of the history, this is what we’re looking at, is that our government assassinates people, and then we conflate it or include it with a false flag against a target. And part of the history is that they do set up a patsy, and then they have somebody with a sure kill shot to take care of business, and then they blame it on the patsy.

And that’s been pretty much the historical story. And again, I have sufficient documentation just in that article alone for people to withdraw consent and demand arrests. And to conclude that, as Joe was talking about in his introduction statement, is that political assassination is part of politics. Joe, your thoughts? Yeah. There’s a dance school directly across the street from the location where the shooter was. It lines up perfectly with the stage. It’s a little bit about twice the distance away, but it looks like there’s at least two shooters. And then there’s also a water tower where people claimed a shooter was shot.

And that’s a typical thing. When you assassinate somebody, you go ahead and shoot the assassin’s tooth, because dead men don’t tell any toxic, sort of like Lee Harvey Oswald, even dead Patsy’s can’t tell any any details. And the crazy thing is that Trump accepted a call from FJB right after the shooting. And FJB asked him, I want to ask, why did you turn your head? Why did you duck right before we were fixing to shoot you in the head? You should have just stood still and let us kill you. God almighty, this country is sicker than shit.

And now the Democrats declared that FJB has a cold, so he’s not going to run for president. So now they’re scrambling around trying to find somebody they can stick on the platform before camel toe Harris tries to take the parade. But this whole thing’s going down. It’s absolutely sick as shit. And I don’t trust rhinos any further than I can throw them. And I damn sure don’t trust JD Vance with his questionable background and questionable miracle success stories. I just don’t buy into any of that. Also don’t trust Vivek Ramacheki or whatever the hell his name is.

But bottom line is, we’re going to get enough fresh blood in and we’re going to get enough of the old, totally corrupted dino blood out that hopefully we’ll end up having something better in the way of congressional hearings and something better in the way of a justice system come January of 2025. Yeah, we’ll see. There certainly isn’t anything to trust in a psy op. Chris, your thoughts? Yeah, this almost seems like a formula fabi script that they just loop through on humanity every 50 or 100 years. Feels like we’re going into like, the pretenses of world war two again.

Feels like. Almost like they’re running the 1968 democratic election again, where they have an obvious corrupt and complicit president that was basically falls upward after the murder of JFK and LBJ. Many people know that he was associated with many of the people that were involved with this. And secret service was seen out the night before with these guys closing the bar down in after hours clubs, drinking all night with a lot of these handlers that were involved with much of the mechanics in Dealey Plaza. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a similar thing in this Trump thing.

I almost think that maybe Trump could be involved with setting something like this up to gain immense street credibility. This guy basically got himself elected overnight by flashing that okay sign, the satanic six symbol, and literally a bullet piercing directly through the bullseye of that little opening in his fingers and raising his ear and God grabbing him by the shoulder and throwing him down and saving his life, and then Trump becoming God. And you know what I mean? Like, this is all freemason script. These guys are just fucking with humanity. And there are so many people that have seen the systematic frustrations of justice and the law fair against Trump, and have bought into this kafebi script and have invested their entire emotional wellbeing into this.

I can’t believe that grown up adults are literally buying these foam fingers and screaming in wrestlemania and buying tickets for top dollar, sending them money they can’t afford, and basically turning this into what it’s become. You know, this is the thing, I guess, when both parties and both sides are completely abhorrent and you only got 40% of the population participating in the election and determining supposedly who wins these things, I think you’ve got a silent majority that’s basically completely repulsed with the APAC system, and you’ve got a propaganda media, social media, DARPA tech proxies that are running around trying to scatter and dividend and schism up the silent majority in ways that I guess they can be departmentalized and reduced in terms of political power.

So, yeah, I think this is a war on perception management and fair value. And these guys have been waging it on us for a long, long time. And we’re just now starting to figure out that a war has been declared, and hopefully we’ll respond accordingly. Thank you, brother. I don’t have time to listen to 2 hours of Orange man bad dribble, but he did an interview with Bloomberg, and I’ve seen some snippets from it, and one of them said that he thought a good selection for secretary of treasury would be Jamie diamond. Like that guy hadn’t already ripped us off enough, you know? I mean, give me a break.

This guy has the proven capability of building a cabinet just as rotten as the first cabinet he built. So why in the hell are we investing our hopes that this son of a bitch is going to suddenly wake up? Maybe a bullet to the head would wake most people up, and maybe he would start saying, gee, the whole system is completely rotten, and I can’t take anybody from inside the system and maybe ought to be a little bit more objective about what I’m doing and not nepotism with his own freaking family. Where Gerald Kushner, little cushy, had a net worth of minus $500 million from his six six Fifth Avenue tower in New York City that was going bankrupt to having a net worth in four years later of $2 billion.

So how do you get 25 $2.5 billion change in your net worth in less than four years? Netflow. And we’re worried about Hunter Biden ripping off for a million bucks a year? Give me a freaking break. Cushy is as rotten a human being as you can possibly find. And the two Trump boys, I’m sorry, I got no use for Eric or Don Junior. Neither one of them are worth a fucking flip. They don’t need to be in your administration to big Don. Get. Wake the fuck up and start doing what’s really great for America. Yeah, referencing the history again, if you really take into account and feel the implications of these official assassinations and these lie started illegal wars of aggression and then go back in history and recognize that there.

If you want to consider the US of a as a breakthrough, it certainly was temporary at best. So we do need friends in high places. Otherwise, by all historical accounts. And of course, history doesn’t guarantee the future, but it’s where to place your bet then it doesn’t look good for us. But we’ll see. The part of what we’ll go into these topics about is that the optics of it. I am encouraged by the optics, but before we get to the optics, let’s try to put together at least what we’re shown and what the people are perceiving.

This computer model shows just how close the bullet was to hitting Trump’s skull. Last millisecond, head turned tilt saved his life. And probably everybody has seen this, but let’s go ahead and show it. Yeah. Can I jump in and say that, you know, first you might have had a question about his swamp cabinet the first term, but there’s no excuse for the vice president he’s picked. If you look into JD Vance and Ambrosia and all this shit, this is absolutely the adrenochrome. Blood boy market, Peter Field. This is technocratic feudalism. Bitcoin, NSA, digital company script. This is the full shoehorn of technocratic feudalism that’s going to be brought upon us by the jewish israeli bankers in the royal.

This is a big deal, guys. This is, you know, if you’re not sure, you should be sure now. Yeah. Thank you, Chris. All right. With what people are taking a look at, they did see a near miss headshot, and that is a big deal. People are paying attention. And then we have Jimmy Dore. I just wanted to show this tweet here and it shows what. What people are being told to believe. Here’s the official story so far. A random 20 year old, acting completely alone, walked within 150 yards of a presidential campaign rally with rifle, climbed onto a rooftop in full view of secret service snipers, set up his shot and fired.

About anyone intervening, and with no help from anyone. Hello? Sorry, I’m right here. I had to go to the door and let the barking dog out. I have a hard time believing with my own eyes, ears and perceptions are showing me until I actually can hear it from Jimmy Dore. And then I believe myself. Really good work. There is power in communication. This 20 year old is also so politically radical as to attempt an assassination, and yet not radical enough to have ever posted any political writings or commentary on any social media site ever in his life.

He also wrote no manifesto and left behind no indication about why he did it. And there’s part two here. Oops. And one thing we know is, last and only political act before attempting to kill the republican candidate was to register as a Republican, even though he was a Democrat donor. You must believe this and ask no questions about it, or else. You are a conspiracy theorist. And one thing we know about assassination attempts is that there’s never any conspiracy involved. And I do recommend the entire seven minutes for analysis for Jimmy Doar. Did the US government just accidentally admit guilt in the Trump assassination plot? Now, in terms of this, we have Cheadle saying, the director of the secret service saying that, oh, yeah, that rooftop, we would have put a team up there, except, you know, it was a sloped roof.

Here’s the White House biggest, baddest, highest budget security agency on the planet, a slightly sloped roof. Here’s Biden not to believe you have still not heard, at least publicly, from the secret service director. Well, I’ve heard from him. But have you heard from her publicly? Publicly? I’ve sat down in a situation room downstairs. Secret Service, the FBI, the national security agencies, the homeland Security, all the major elements, except he said, I’ve heard from him. Now for that, the admission. And here is. Now we’re told the official story as you walk there with the five foot ladder.

Now, if you take a look at Home Depot, the five foot ladders could be the ones that are the super cool ones that fold out, and you can actually have it into a single position that would be 18ft. I think this ladder is nothing. The one from allegedly from crooks, but from agents going up there and here they are destroying a crime scene, or apparently, and here from the film, from the spectators, pointing out that this guy had a gun and that they had two minutes, people were pointing this out. And then we have the official story from the city that the officer had put out, radioed a blanket tactical channel that there was an individual on the roof with weapon before the assassination attempt on Trump.

Now, in the protocol of the Secret Service, when they have the blanket tactical channel, that would be for anybody to alert somebody of a present danger. And, of course, the protocol would have been to act right then as. As soon as they found out. And that’s the testimony of that guy. And of course, we’re being told as well. The official story is that the FBI accessed the phone, and they said that they have no indication of a motive. No indication of a motive. And I like what Minnie Robinson says. I guess we’re supposed to file that with Epstein’s blackmail tapes, Hillary Clinton server, and the cocaine they found at the White House.

Joe, your thoughts? Yeah, you can also file it with Seth Rich. There’s no motive for his murder either, other than he had bootlegged a whole bunch of files, the email files, showing that Hillary had stolen the 2016 primary from Bean Brain Bernie. So, yeah, bottom line is, yeah, there’s a lot of unsolved murders in the country because the people that do them are the people in power that don’t want them to be solved. Yeah. And you get up there and you wash all the blood off the top of that building, because you wouldn’t want somebody to actually get to get a swab and do a DNA test and find out that.

That maybe wasn’t the same crook that we. That we think we’ve got number one. And number two, who knows what else we could have actually found if we didn’t have Christopher Wray and his team of Keystone cops scrubbing the crime scenes for us. Every time we turn around, we have a completely rotten federal government. And that is all of the three letter agencies. There’s not a single one that I can name that I have any trust in at all. They’re all corrupted. That’s CIA, FBI, DOJ, nih, FDA, EPa. They’re all rotten to the core. Thank you, Joe.

And a flashback to the JFK assassination at Parkland Hospital. He took JFK’s body out of the limo. Then the agents proceeded with buckets and sponges and towels to clean the presidential limo up, destroying the evidence. And of course, they’re not supposed to do that, but they did it right there in full of full photographers. Chris, your thoughts? Yeah. Think about a lot of the false flags, the ones the FBI is running, these same exact drills at the event that happens, when it happens, while it’s happening. And then, of course, the excuse or the justification for loss of evidence that prosecuted prosecutorial cases is that they were destroyed in things like 911 or Oak City Murrah building on and on and on.

Right. You know, the servers of the Pentagon where that missile or the whatever flight 77 supposedly struck. You know, this is absolutely absurd. Think about the JFK or the RFK and how the FBI has bungled all of that stuff. Think about how the FBI was shipped into Pearl harbor to document and to show the military how to document in Technicolor the invasion of Pearl harbor. So they had to have had preemptive knowledge. And they literally went there and trained the army, the marines, and basically on how to film in Technicolor and documented the event. Very similar to something else.

Right. So these guys do this a lot, and I’m just noticing the formula, the pattern, and the media repetition. Echo chamber just goes full board with it. And people believe more than what they even see. And just from this repetition, they seem to take that as the fact. This is almost like a shame based, fear based peer pressure where they are reacting people’s limbic systems to trauma and then programming them with repetition. And it’s almost like a form of hypnosis. And people that are under it have no idea what you’re talking about. Go up to the orange crush cult and try to tell them this, and they’ll start swinging blindly at their own kinfolk even.

Well said. Yeah. Part of what we have to come to grips with and embrace as part of the reality of our existence is that we are pointing to data. And part of what I think is that, okay, these people are educated. They’ll be able to follow the data. But after 47 years, I’ve discovered they can’t. If it collides with their beliefs, then they’ll take all kinds of mental gymnastics to avoid these factual conversations. So what Chris is talking about, the end result, is a type of mind control that we as messengers, in my experience, have so little effectiveness to be able to breach.

As messengers, we can only point and give choice. And I keep saying it is that we need help from friends in high places. Otherwise, this is going to be the same as the historical results. And the historical results seem to be a total destruction when we’re talking about a great reset for Klaus Schwab. Now I’m talking about a great reset of pretty much all of humanity to destroy the history and then just set him up again, like the most current rendition of Westworld, where among the robots who are the subjects for whatever. Whatever the paying humans want to do to them, rape them, kill them, whatever they’re programmed, if they see something they’re not supposed to see, and it’s pointed out to them, their response is, I don’t see anything.

That’s kind of our condition. Yeah. Rudy Giuliani arrested all of the five. Five crimes, italian crime families in New York. But he didn’t arrest a single jewish crime family person, interestingly enough. And at 911, they caught two Mossad teams. One trying to blow up the anchor bolts at the George Washington Bridge, another one trying to blow up the Holland Tunnel. They also caught the Mossadist group, Urban moving Systems, over in New Jersey, filming the event because they wanted to document it for their good friends in the Mossad. But all of those people were released. None of them had any charges against them.

And then all of the material from the word trade seal of buildings was police escorted down to a ferry that took it out to fresh kills land site, where they could try to sort through and find a little bit of human remains before they shipped all of that steel off without any forensic testing at all, to China to be melted down, because that’s how you handle a crime scene. Rudy Giuliana, you great prosecutor. Thank you so much for protecting us. Thank you, Joe. And Chris, you were saying that this has been going on for 5000 years.

Yeah, I think three easily under my. Oh, Chris, I guess we’re. Can you hear him now? I’m not hearing either one of you guys. Technical difficulties. I do have a new computer. Hopefully that will resolve this. Okay, back to our topics. Okay, how is the public perceiving Trump’s assassination attempt. Dei is dead. And here’s a nice meme. I think there’s a man on the roof. Let’s wave to him. Did you just assume his gender? Barbie, are these agents qualified? They’re better than qualified. They’re diverse. And here is the. The slope of the roof that the official director of secret service said.

Oh, yeah, we knew about the roof. Of course. Of course we know about the roof. Of course we did. But we couldn’t put agents on it because it’s too sloped. And we’ve seen that one. This is a nice one. Maybe ocean needs to get involved. No sniping from this location. Safety harnesses and lifeline required. So they’re seeing that they’re being lied to, and the director of secret service is a liar. And again, the optics for this, the net result, I think, is a breakthrough for the patriots. And then you have the whole part here. He was shot at 611, and then ephesian 611 is put on the full armor of God.

You’d have to say that that’s a coincidence if you wanted to make that argument. And we have here. Oh, that’s the next story where Cheadle has been subpoenaed. All right, Joe, your thoughts? Yeah, Chris, you know, just to comment it almost like, you know, and I appreciate this quality, it’s almost like you’re genuinely surprised that these perverts and these masonic murderers, you were surprised that they’re lying to you. They lie all. That’s what they do. That is pretty much how they do it, and they invert everything. So I just want to put that in, because most people have this thing of, this tendency of ascribing their own innocence to the malevolence of these people.

We’re kind of pinpointing here. Thank you, Joe. Yeah. Well, amazingly enough, once Trump announced that he was going to have a rally in western Pennsylvania, surprise, surprise. Doctor Jill and Camel toe both decided they needed to have rallies in eastern Pennsylvania and that their security was more important than that, than the presidential candidate security. So cheadle, or cheat ill, however she wants to pronounce it, decided to ship all of the good cops over to guard the two worthless ladies that we got parading around on the east side of the state rather than guard the president. And they openly admit that because of his travel schedule, his agents were all worn out, and so they had to use rent a cops in order to be able, and they say, brought people from other agencies that were not even approved, secret Service members, to be protecting Donald Trump while they shot him in the head.

Yeah, this is exactly the kind of corruption it takes in order to be able to continuously pull off assassination after assassination. And this is the kind of lapdog media that will let that go on. Just continuing to repeat the ruse. It was nothing but a long gunman. Nothing to say here. Keep. Keep your head down. Look out. Everything’s going to be okay because we got. We’re in charge. Yeah, we know who’s in charge. You’re rotten, evil, satanic Sob. We’ll see how much of this can go under the radar. Like William tell with the apple on his head or.

Can you hear me now? Yeah, get the mic out of the way. You sound great. All right, so this is an opinion about what happened. I think it’s all a show. I think that the net result is for a spectacular boost to Trump and a destruction of the democratic party. I think that what we’ve seen is the destruction of Dei and of secret service and the opening of the history of all of the past assassinations that the sheeple are unaware of. I think that it was just a simple stage maneuver. You have a camera in the front, you have Trump turning his head.

You have the shots going on the opposite side of the camera that just happened to miss. You have the theatrics and the ability to construct those visuals, those graphics of how close the bullet came. And down there you have. Then you have the Three Stooges. We have Fusca and those other two guys standing up blocking the view. So it’s just the application of a little bit of theatrics. And I think the rest of it is crisis actors and CGI. I think that it was all staged. That’s. That’s what I think. Now, there’s another theory. The other theory gets into the woo woo, and that goes on to that the creator isn’t fooled.

So maybe this did go by as it was, and maybe the idea of the creator getting involved just to give a nick and just to provide those optics. I don’t know anything. As usual, as a scholar, I’m very. I try to be very professional with stating discerning objective data from an interpretation of that data. So the real answer is, I don’t know. I don’t know anything about what happened. But as usual, we can point to the official lies and those lies. In this case, we couldn’t put agents up because the roof was sloped. That’s sufficient to arrest that person and sufficient if the members of Congress have the intellectual integrity and moral courage to raise the history and that this has been an ongoing assassination factories.

Now, Joe, what do you really think happened? And then, Chris, I want to hear from you what you really think happened. Well, considering that we had two severe casualties and one death, along with somebody getting his ear nicked, I’d say that these were real bullets. We also had a hydraulic leak from one of the cranes that was holding up the flag. The hydraulic cylinder got hit and was spraying oil everywhere. So it looks like live rounds were involved, because you can’t fake that kind of stuff. And you don’t get crisis actors to agree to go in and get their heads blown off.

The interesting thing is that the fire chief that was shot, his wife, refused to talk to Biden. When Biden called, said, I have nothing to say to you because this is a team that was trying to deprive Trump of any Secret Service and had deprived RFK junior of any Secret Service up until Trump called him up and said, hey, I just got shot at. Maybe you ought to put some Secret Service out there for Robert Kennedy as well. So, you know, that’s a little bit of an indictment. Now, this bitch is going to probably not show up on Monday.

She’ll probably end up being contempt of Congress. She’ll probably end up being charged, and they’ll try to arrest her with us marshals under congressional authority, and send her to jail like. Like they did with Steve Bannon and Navarro. But FJB will pardon her. He’ll turn around and pardon Makora. He’ll pardon absolutely everybody. Hell, he may even pardon the crooks because he’s a crook. So who knows all the shit that’s going to happen in the next 90 days before we get to finally vote on this shit? And who knows if we’re going to actually have a legitimate election? But somebody brought up an interesting point.

Oh, my God, what are they going to do with all of the pre printed votes for Biden that they’re going to have to shit can and reproduce and they don’t even know now who the candidate’s going to be? So, Joe, you think that it was live shots and just a lucky miss? Is that what you think? Yeah. And the thing is about a supersonic round, you hear it go by, I mean, it cracks the air. And so Trump has to at least know what it’s like to be in a live fire exercise at this point in his life.

And maybe being that close to his head, the air actually blew his hair a little bit. And so maybe he has a little bit of empathy with a near death experience to where he can be a better human being than he has been at present, which would be certainly a relief for everybody in this country. Thank you, Joe. Chris. So what happened? Brotherhood. So am I up? Yeah, you’re up. Okay, cool. Yeah, I wouldn’t expect that from Russ, given what he said recently. I think that he’s probably doubled down on being the monster that he is, the snake that he claims to be.

Listen to him when he tells you he is Israel. First look at who we put in with Jamie Vance. I mean, you tell me what’s going on with that guy. And if you don’t know, like, if you don’t understand what Palantir and Peter Thiel and Vivek and these guys all are doing, and then the ambrosia thing and what they’re doing with analytics and just deceiving people, telling them what they want to hear, what they already know, and then having a platform high enough to repeat it. The people are falling in line to these people. And I’m telling you, this is all them playing analytics and telling them what they want to hear.

As far as what I think with the Trump thing happened, watch WWF for 20 years and you probably get an idea. I think he bladed himself. I think they did have a sniper up there that was shooting real people, saying they weren’t using real bullets. I’m just saying, none of those motherfuckers that were fired at Trump’s head were, I think, anything that was real. They weren’t going to put him in that kind of danger. But I would think that they did something to that line to create real casualties so that real people will believe this really happened.

And I don’t know, in my opinion, I think this is a military operation through and through. I think it has been from day one. All righty, thank you. And not in a good way. I’m not talking about the white hats are in charge. Accused gonna fucking save us. I’m talking about these guys are trying to put us into technocratic feudalism, period. DARPA tech, surveillance, capital, end of freedom. So just business. Business as usual and whatever. Hope we have the. It’s just the oligarchs are playing with their food. Yeah. All right. Yeah, just. Just making it so that the numbers are manageable.

Okie doke. Yep. That’s all I got for that. So in the end, the show, the next one of the next scene is, as you guys are talking about, is that Cheadle has been subpoenaed. And we’ll see if she does show up on Monday. And we have this report. And I don’t know. This is just gossip. According to House Speaker Mike Johnson, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is attempting to block title from testifying. Johnson called on title to resign during an interview with Fox News Wednesday morning. Who knows what’s going on with that? And then as Joe was talking about for the shorts.

Yeah, that looks like it. And that would be business as usual to profit off of this as well. So anything that you guys want to talk about with the possibility of Cheadle being subpoenaed. Joe, what do you want? Yeah, well, one thing. Mayorka says he has 100% confidence in her. So that’s really great coming from somebody who was born a cuban communist jew whose parents suddenly moved to California and he attended Beverly Hills High School. Yeah. So tell me this guy hadn’t had a silver spoon stuck up his butt at some whole entire life. Maybe a golden one.

But also, if you want to know about the other aspect of this presidential ticket, really graceful. Has a great about ten minute video on JD Vance’s rise to power from absolutely nothing. Maybe the guy is authentic. Maybe he is core a patriot. He did serve in the Marine Corps, so, you know, it could be that, that he has some redeeming qualities. But at this point, you got to wonder, because if you look at the Peter Thiel and the other folks that created these sock puppets, you got to wonder if there’s anything legitimate about any of the folks that we’re told to worship.

I got a question for you guys. Do you have a plasma center in your neighborhood? I don’t know. Okay, well, just let’s say you do. Most likely. It is a parallel infrastructure of something. These guys run through ambrosia and other companies that specialize in life extension technologies, where it’s basically taking the healthy cells of young humans and putting them into these billionaires so that they can live to be triple digits and beyond. And then, of course, they have their, their AI neural link thing that they want to do so that they can live forever in the metaverse or whatever it might be that they’re trying to create.

And I think if you really get to the root of what these guys are doing, not what they’re saying, but what they’re actually doing, there is nothing good at all about who’s waiting in the wings to take over this country and behind Trump right now. So I’m putting that out there. It has to be said. All right, thank you, brother. All right. Meanwhile, with the actor playing by it, we got four of those stories. Biden claims he’s done more for the palestinian community than anyone else. The president also appeared to claim that he’s only sent defensive weapons to Israel, even though he shipped tens of thousands of heavy bombs.

As we’ve talked about show after show, is that it is the US who is arming Israel for that genocide. Biden speaks gibberish after Lester Holt asks what happens if he has, quote, another episode, unquote, like we saw during the debate. And I do want to play this, this kind of funny, ironic, humorous. If you were to have, continue to run and be officially nominated, what happens if you have another episode like we saw during the debate? What happens if any of that. Yeah, what happens if you have another performance on that par on that level. I don’t plan on having another performance on that level.

All right. That is funny. I did lose, Chris. I’m going to try calling back here and we have this leaked call that you were talking about. And there were a couple of interesting disclosures with that. And that was with Bobby Kennedy’s son RFK the third. And Trump said that the whole topic. Hey, Chris, you’re back. Yeah, sure. All right. Hang on, hang on. Trump did say that he questioned the whole order of vaccines being legitimate. And I think that that was telling. There was a second topic that he talked about as well. What was he, what are they called? Vaccines.

And, and the idea that Trump picked the VP who wanted to fire all of the nurses just to bring awareness of two parties individual under Pfizer with liberty and justice. Justice for some, some sum clever. Biden says he would quit the race if doctor said that he had a medical condition. Then 2 hours later Biden has Covid. So we’ll see where that goes. That’s an interesting development. And that is it for that section. Joe, your comments. Yeah, I go to the conservative treehouse usually two or three times a day. It’s one my really best go to sources.

Interesting thing, the European Court of Justice yesterday ruled that Ursula Vander Lyon cannot hide her secret negotiations with Pfizer for over €2 billion worth of vaccines and all of the contracts redeeming them of any liability for injury. So that’s material is going to be coming out in the very near future. She was just elected yesterday to her second term as the head of the European Union five year term. And it may be that she’s going to be the first EU leader that’s going to be sent to jail. I can’t wait to see that little dwarf trying to run around in leg irons because she is an evil, evil witch.

Yeah, they don’t rise to power unless they are. Chris, your thoughts? I didn’t catch all of what Joe was saying, but the two party system, as people know who’s running this? Did you see that RNC convention? I was going to ask about that. If you don’t really know what’s going on now by yet, I don’t think you ever will. If you’re going to jump in line with this, I don’t think people are really wagering their eternal soul and all I got to say about that. Okay. And speaking of the RNC, that’s where we are going next.

Just two updates with that, Joe was talking about really graceful in this ten minute video. If you do want to have some of the background with JD Vance. Yeah, yeah. And I just want to point out and emphasize his, the alignment with his boss investing in that vampire company where that is just one step away from adrenochrome. And then at the RNC, you had this interesting vignette of CNN airing an episode where you have this gentleman exposing his t shirt underneath his button shirt. Where is the Jeffrey Epstein client list? And I don’t think that that was an accident.

So that’s the RNC, gentlemen. Any comments about what’s going on at the RNC? Joe, I don’t have the patience to listen to that shit. But Cecil did get herself chased out of the place yesterday by several of the senators that are going to be questioning her in the very near future. And then also I’m looking for something that I got in earlier today from aim for truth, which gives some more information about the pilgrim Society background for. And I’ll send you that so that we can talk about that on Monday. But right now I’m trying. Oh, here we go.

Aim for truth. JD Vance, Hindu wife Ursa, is evidently a handler of JD Vance for the British Pilgrim Society. Very interesting article with a lot of information about how these people are selected and groomed, and then they’re placed in powerful positions and have been for centuries. And so it goes back to the pilgrim society in UK. I will put, send that to you and we will be able to discuss that a little more depth with Chris on Monday. All right, that has not been set up yet. Please. We did lose Chris. All right, moving on. We have three updates with COVID Steve Kersh.

Breaking record level data from Czech Republic FOIA proves that the Moderna vaccines increased all cause mortality by over 50%. And the Pfizer vaccines weren’t safe either. So we’re just piling on the data and there really isn’t a rational explanation other than the shots being associated with this mortality. And Steve Kirsch, professionally, he’s going to get some pushback. But the pushback, when that’s consistent with all of us, is that the pushback that we receive within our professional areas of expertise is just a joke. And Kirsch just slaps those down. The SIOP disease x rising, CDC, fearmongers, bird flu follow up scam, demic and the our opponents, if they get this far, they’re just going to assume that they are credible and push the next narrative forward.

They really have no choice. They can never back up. They can never admit any mistakes because then they’re going to be liable for the damages that they cause. And as I keep saying, that annually these people kill millions, harm billions, and loot trillions. Joe, any comments with what’s happening and what may be around the corner with another scam? Democ? Yeah, we’re going to end up having another issue for these people, and that is two wars that they’re absolutely 100% losing. That’s the Ukraine war, where they’ve already massacred at least 600,000 people. And the ongoing massacre in Gaza, where FJB said that he’s done more for Palestinians than anybody.

Yes, he’s given Israel 70,000 tons of bombs to drop on Gaza, which is more than we dropped during World War Two. Yeah, you’ve done a lot for the people of Palestine, FJB. You’ve completely destroyed what, what semblance of a country they had, and you’ve massacred at this point, at least 15% of the population and counting. So, yeah, you’ve done a lot for the palestinian people because you’re a real piece of shit war criminal. Thank you, Joe. Let’s go on to final thoughts with what is emerging in the optics from the Trump assassination attempt. I think it’s all good and I’m excited about it.

I think that so much is being revealed and that every show that we take, we’re able to point to more breaking news that is going to be waking people up. I think that where we’re at is the flood is happening. I think that the gates are going to open up and all of these topics are going to go forward. This is the first major one. And the idea that the whole world is watching. The whole world is watching. And for the director of the SS to say, oh yeah, that roof too, slopeye, that is destruction and death for those optics.

And the DEI, that woman who couldn’t holster her sidearm, it looked like Melissa McCarthy playing a comedic scene. See? And the optics of Trump, the fight, fight, fight, and just nicking his ear and so close to it. Whatever is going on, I think that we’re at the verge of a breakthrough and we don’t have much longer to wait. Joe, final thoughts, partner. Yeah, I got a new car. I was fixing to do some mandatory upgrades to it. You know, just the certain little things that you need to have a car do what you really needed to do.

So I ordered some stuff this week that was supposed to be delivered on Monday by UPS. And I get a notice from Monday at like 08:00 your order will be delivered between one and five. Well, my house is over 100ft from the street and I’ve got a lot of vegetation around, so I parked my car out front so that I could sit in there often on air conditioning and avoid being chewed by mosquitoes. And they never showed up. And then at 09:00 at night on Monday, I got a notice from UPS. Your order will be delivered before 07:00 p.m.

today. It’s like, well, here it is, nine and hasn’t shown up. So the next morning I get the same exact email saying, order will be delivered between one and five and it never showed up. So the next morning I get an email saying, your orders will delivery will be updated. And that’s all it says. And I look down at the bottom, it says in tiny little print, return to sender. So I called the assholes at UPS and they said yes, the driver wasn’t able to locate your, your house, even though I’ve lived there for 45 years.

They’ve delivered in everybody in my neighborhood for 45 freaking years and they can’t find my house. It’s on freaking Google Maps. You’ve got my phone number, you’ve got my email, you’ve got my text number. You could call me and say, hey, we’ve got two delivery locations that are within 5 miles of your house. Why don’t you just take this package pickup at one of our delivery stations instead? The kind of customer service you get from UPs is we can charge the client double for sending the product back. That our drivers are either too incompetent or too lazy to even bother to deliver.

So tell me again how wonderful America’s delivery systems is. And this is just the start of how shitty it’s going to get from here on out, because everything in this frickin country is falling completely apart. Today we got noticed that there’s still 20,000 customers in Houston that do not have electricity. Eleven days after a tropical storm hit with minimal winds and minimal rain. And the reason why is because in September of 22,005, Ricky Perry, our wonderful governor, signed an energy act where all energy generation in Texas added capacity would have to be 25% renewable. And we’ve proven repeatedly that wind, solar, and biofuels are absolutely unreliable and absolutely a net energy loser.

And we do not have electricity that’s reliable because we’ve got a rotten government that for 20 years has forced us to waste 25% of our utility bill building shit for billionaires like T. Boone Pickens, wind grifter and musk with his stupid little Solaria stuff. Absolutely 100 criminal what we’ve got for a state government in state of Texas. So don’t tell yourself that Grabbitt, Abbott or little Danny Patrick are going to do anything to solve our problems, because they are 100% uniparted. I heard. I think it was doctor Robert Malone who made the comment. Describing what you’re talking about and where we may be going is shit ification that we’re being shittified.

And also, I like the precedent in fiction of Atlas shrugged of the destruction of services and similar to what you’re talking about. Chris, final thoughts, partner? Yeah. Atlas shrugged kicked you in the nuts and left the weight of the world on your shoulders. I’ll tell you what, this whole uniparty system is in 50 states countrywide. It is in every major safety city or sanctuary city, whatever the hell they want to call these 15 minutes cities. This is a hostile takeover of this country, starting from the nineties, when Clinton came in and started taking the military with the don’t ask, don’t tell thing and all that whatnot.

The Patriots were going nuts. And if you remember, the ADL cracked down on us and went to town and targeted us with a lot of these Orlando organizations and these Alphabet agencies, in many cases killing people in the streets in broad daylight and, you know, murder suicides, things like that all over the place. So what I’m telling you guys, they’re doing the same shit now. And let’s say the thing about it, the media is looking the other way. The Alphabet agencies are murdering millions of people, if not from the Kovacs, but from flat out killing people and many other soft kills as well.

The FBI is certainly not going to look into it or have any interest in solving this case because they are probably in on the COVID up, as they’ve been for a long, long time. They are the bankers Gestapo. And this country really needs to look at this for what it is and see through this, because we keep having this reflex of relying on these known criminals, these usual suspects in high positions of law enforcement, to provide some sort of reasonable solution to these cases and put the guilty in punishment. But that is not happening at all.

I mean, they’re clearly using these authorities, we’ll just say, to gross advantage. And I think that what has been done with this in the last 20 years after 911, there’s some serious atonement that needs to be made. And I don’t see anything like that coming from anybody that’s out there, really. Maybe RFK plays that angle just because he’s controlled opposition. You know, he’s part of the masonic thing. So. Yeah, guys, we don’t really have a vote to win a vote our way out of this. So I only see only one other way and I’ll take it for what it’s worth.

Yeah. As I keep saying, as a contingency, if by the November election, if we haven’t had a breakthrough, then we’re going to have to, unfortunately take matters into our own hands one way or another and organize. And by that I mean that we’re not the lawless ones. We’re acting in self defense against the lawless actions of our leadership. This is the very foundation. This is exactly what we’re supposed to do. Those of us who have an oath to uphold the constitution, against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and embracing the history that everything that has been to the benefit of the people has eventually been captured and used against them.

So we’ll see. The events are happening quickly. I think that there is going to be something that’s going to be happening soon. For a break in the financial markets. The debt dollar is going to take a big hit, and that may correspond to the two big failed banks taking a big hit. And that’s going to correspond to hundreds of millions of Americans getting notified that their deposits are not safe and secure. So things are happening. Hang in there. And gentlemen, anything else? Yeah, I’ll say this. The orange crush cult. You guys are going to have to snap out of it and become blame runners real fucking soon.

All right, well, we will be back with more of the news that you need to know. Brian and I are tentatively planning for tomorrow, Friday.

See more of Jim Fetzer on their Public Channel and the MPN Jim Fetzer channel.


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