Ep. 3401b – Change Of Batter Countdown Has Begun Trump Traps The [DS] In Guard The Vote Checkmate




➡ This podcast episode discusses the potential health benefits of high-quality olive oil and the political landscape in the U.S. It suggests that olive oil can improve your health and appearance, and encourages viewers to watch a video by Dr. Gundry about choosing the best olive oil. The episode also speculates about political strategies for the upcoming 2024 election, suggesting that there may be plans to replace Biden as the Democratic nominee, and that Trump is preparing a strategy to ensure a fair election.
➡ A Milwaukee radio station edited an interview with Biden, causing controversy. There are claims that Obama will release unedited versions of Biden’s interviews, which could harm Biden’s reputation. There’s also speculation about Biden’s potential resignation under the 25th Amendment. Meanwhile, Biden’s press conference and his claims about border crossings have been criticized. The increase in illegal immigrants in certain areas, such as Springfield, Ohio, has caused concern among residents. Public opinion is shifting, with more people wanting fewer immigrants. The deep state is accused of destroying the country, and there’s a call for unity among Republicans, independents, and Democrats to take back America. The border situation is worsening, with allegations that the Department of Health and Human Services placed migrant children in a household linked to the MS-13 gang. The role of George Soros in driving illegal immigration is also discussed.
➡ The United Nations and the Biden administration are being accused of working together to increase immigration into the U.S., which some believe is part of a larger plan to erase national identities. Critics argue that this is evident in the removal of historical statues and the promotion of the trans movement. They also claim that corporations, including Disney, are part of this agenda, with allegations of promoting inappropriate content to children. However, there is a belief that this plan is failing as more people become aware of it and resist, with figures like Trump being seen as a counterforce.
➡ Armor Colostrum is a highly praised product that provides numerous health benefits, including boosting immunity and promoting hair growth. However, there are concerns about a potential misuse of emergency powers, possibly leading to the spread of a new bio weapon. There’s also a discussion about the current political climate, with some believing that President Biden is underperforming and may not be fit for office. The article ends with speculation about the upcoming elections and the potential impact of Biden’s performance.
➡ The article discusses the political maneuvering within the Democratic party, suggesting that there may be a plan to replace Biden as the nominee. It suggests that Obama’s team is directing this strategy, with media outlets instructed to criticize Biden similarly to how they did Trump. The article also discusses the complex rules around delegate voting, suggesting that Biden’s recent release of his delegates could create chaos. Finally, it suggests that the ultimate goal may be to replace Biden after he’s nominated, bypassing the formal nomination process.
➡ The text discusses concerns about potential voting fraud and the need for improved election security. It suggests that the military could be used to ensure fair elections, and that the Save Act, a bill aimed at securing elections, should be passed. The text also mentions the possibility of cyber attacks affecting the election process, and the need for voter ID and paper ballots. It ends by stating that the public is largely in favor of these measures to protect the integrity of elections.
➡ The speaker believes that Trump has outsmarted his opponents and will prove that he has the majority of public support. They suggest that Trump will bypass potential voting interference by having everyone vote in person on a single day, and that this will reveal he has 80-90% of the public’s backing. The speaker concludes by stating that the people are reclaiming their country and that the “game” is over for Trump’s opponents because the patriots are in control.


Hi and welcome. You’re listening to the x 22 report. My name is Dave and this is episode 3401 bn. Today’s date is July 12, 2024, and the title of the episode is. Change of batter countdown has begun to trump traps the deep state in guard the vote. Checkmate. Let’s talk about our health. We’ve partnered with GundrymD to share this information with you. Would you believe me if I told you inside your pantry right now is one of the healthiest foods on the planet? Yep, it’s true. And it’s not some weird, trendy superfood. Spoiler alert, it’s olive oil.

You’re probably used to cooking with it. But there are countless ways to use olive oil to help yourself look and feel younger. For example, olive oil is a natural way to help you achieve a more youthful appearance. Besides helping you look younger on the outside, it’s a fantastic tool for your insides as well. According to doctor Steven Gundry, a famous cardiothoracic surgeon, nutrition expert and health advocate, you should get as much high quality olive oil into your daily routine as possible, whether it’s taking a shot of it daily or keeping a bottle of it in your bathroom medicine cabinet.

But what kind of olive oil is best for your health? Well, any olive oil can give you some benefits. But if you’re looking to get the best results, it matters a lot which one you pick. The olive oil industry is huge. You can tell by the number of olive oil brands you see at the grocery store, and you can bethe they’re not all made with the consumer in mind. And many brands may even cut corners one way or another to increase profits. When Doctor Gundry came to this realization, he was appalled. But some olive oils are so powerful, it may only take a few tablespoons a week to see these incredible health benefits.

So how can you tell between an olive oil that can be a health booster and which one isn’t up to par? In an effort to answer that question, Doctor Gundry decided to take a stand and release his personal research and findings. This video has gone viral since its release and it’s important you see it so you can start benefiting immediately. You can watch the video right now by going to get olive one.com x 22 or by clicking the link in the description box below. That’s get olive the number one.com x 22 or just click the link in the description box below.

People have taken his advice, have shared their results with him, saying the olive oil they bought after learning his simple rules has helped change their lives. Make sure you go to get olive one.com x 22 or click the link in the description box below this video. Let’s get into the economic collapse. Political and geopolitical news now. The deep state, the corrupt politicians, big tech fake news, the puppet masters, you can see they are now moving to remove Biden and they need to do it in a way where it looks like the people are pushing this and they needed to basically notify their base that Biden is breaking down.

This is what Obama’s doing. Pelosi, Schumer, they’re all on board with all of this. And I do believe the countdown has already begun to swap him out. Now, once again, we know that it’s going to be a very, very difficult time getting rid of Biden before the election in July because I do believe Obama, Pelosi, Clyburn, Schumer and the rest, they realize it’s much easier to remove him after he’s a nominee because once again, as the people see him continually break down, as we get closer and closer to the, the election time, and I mean the presidential election time, I mean the, the election for the nominee of the Democratic National Convention, the people are going to say, this isn’t the right guy.

So I do believe Obama and team, they will have enough power to say, okay, we’re going to remove Biden and put in who we want. Now, remember, they want the power to choose who’s going to be put into his place. I mean, they really don’t want the people to choose. They just want the people to be so pissed off and angry that they are going to demand someone else come in. But Obama and team, they don’t want the people to actually choose. Because if they did, it would be an all out effort to actually push Biden out before the vote and before Biden became the nominee.

They have much more control after he’s the nominee and they get to choose who’s going to come in, who’s going to replace him. And I do believe they want that control. So I do believe the countdown has begun. I do believe the narrative is going to continue and you’re going to see Biden most likely become the nominee and then they’re going to throw everything at him to bring him down. And we could see it’s already started. But on the other side, you can see Trump, the Patriots, they’re getting prepared and ready for the 2024 election. And Trump has already started the plan to trap the deep state players.

Number one, him. Along with Johnson, they pushed the save act bill the House passed the bill. Now the country can see who the traders are. Now, is this bill going to pass the Senate? Most likely not. Even if it did, it would get to Biden and he would veto it. But what do people see? They see traders everywhere. The other part of this is that Trump just made an announcement and he’s telling the Republicans what to do. Why don’t you attach this to the bill that’s going to keep the government open, and that’s going to be on September 30.

So if you add that to the bill to keep the government operational, it’s going to be very, very difficult for the deeds to reject it, especially if the offer and the money is there. And I do believe Trump has trapped them. And if you really look at this, it’s really checkmate. Why? Because right now you can see who the traitors are. Right now you can see that they want the illegals, they want to cheat. Now, they haven’t passed the save act, so that means they’re going to try to use all these illegals and all their names to vote in the next election using the mail in ballots.

The election will be too big to rig. They won’t have enough names. They won’t have enough ballots to actually override the amount of people that are voting for Trump. So they’re trapped in this. If they accept the bill to keep the government running and the save act is attached to this and that goes through well, that means everyone has to prove that they’re a citizen when they go to vote and it’s in person voting with voter id. So let’s say too big to rig or prove that you’re a citizen and you have voter id. This actually pushes the illegals out of the picture, doesn’t it? Even if they don’t pass it and they use the illegal names, it’s going to be too big to rig.

So no matter what, they’re in a difficult spot because they’re not going to be able to win this election. And if you can’t win the election with cheating, this is going to be very, very difficult because you have to remember, look at their candidates right now. Biden, he doesn’t have the votes. If they remove Biden, which I do believe they’re going to do once he’s the nominee and Kamala comes in, she doesn’t have the votes. Even when they bring in Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, they will still not have enough votes. But why? Because you’re going to see a lot of information come out about them.

They’re treasonous. Crimes. And this is going to steer the people away from them. You’re going to see pictures. You’re going to see a lot of stuff. I do believe Trump of the Patriots have set this up from the very, very beginning. So basically, it’s checkmate. No matter which way you look at it, Trump wins the election, and he shows the deep state players the people are with him. And I do believe what he’s really doing is he really wants the paper ballots, he really wants the voter id, because he wants to show the deep state players.

I just didn’t get 50% of the votes or 60% of the votes. I got 80, 90% of the votes, and the people are with me. And that will send a shockwave throughout the world. And the people of this world will just look at the United States and go, holy crap, the people are taking back the country. The people have had enough. The people see the deep state players. And I do believe that’s where all this is headed right now. And we could see we’re on our way. And I do believe Trump has trapped them in all this, and it is checkmate.

Now, we’ll be talking a lot more about this and other things, but let’s talk about what’s happening with Biden right now, because we know that when he appears, unlike Howard Stern or radio station does interviews, we know that they edit whatever he says, and then they put out the edited version. And we’re already getting confirmation from a Milwaukee radio station because they agreed to edit the radio interview with Biden after he used the term blacks, according to a statement from Civic Media. And basically they said, okay, we’re getting a lot of pressure from the Biden administration.

We got to edit this. And now they’re going to be putting out the non edited version. But we know from other interviews that Biden has done, they’ve added that quite a bit to make him look like he knows what he’s saying and he’s okay. Now, I do believe Obama is going to give the signal to all these different stations and all the different interviews that he’s done, and you’re going to see the unedited versions come out, and this is going to destroy Biden. And then you’re going to see the, her audio tapes come out, and this will then push the 25th Amendment.

Unless Biden and his people say, enough is enough, you have to resign under the 25th Amendment. Basically, just say that you cannot fulfill your duties. So no matter which way you look at this, they’re going to wait until he’s the nominee. And then they’re going to force him to resign on his own. If they don’t, they will force him out and we will have a change of batter. Now, Biden decided to do a press conference. Of course, the questions were given out to the reporters. Biden had the answers and it was a controlled press conference. But Biden did exactly what we all thought he would do.

Just like during the debates. Yes, he had those times where he called Trump the vice president. He said he listens to the commander in chief. I guess that’s Trump, too. And he messed up in certain places. But once again, you have to remember, this is not for the Republicans. It’s not for the independents. It’s for the Democrats. They’ve been kept in the dark. So you’re watching this performance and you’re watching Biden. And basically what this is doing, it’s waking up the sleeping base because they need to be told there’s a problem with Biden. They didn’t know there was a problem with Biden until they were told.

They just listened to CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, Washington Post, New York Times. Now they’re telling their sleeping base, hey, by the way, I don’t know if you know this, you probably don’t because we’ve been hiding it from you. There’s something wrong with Biden and now you can demand him to be replaced. That’s basically what they’re doing right now. So all the Republicans and independents are out there going, can you believe it? Can you believe that he’s, he’s not functioning? No, this is not for you. You’ve seen this. You’ve known that he’s not functioning. This is for the sleeping base that had no clue what was going on.

And they didn’t want to believe. They, Obama and team needed to tell the people. But during press conferences, the one in NATO and his other presser, he made some claims here that border crossings are lower than when Trump left office. Well, this is completely and utterly false. NBC News reported 84,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended at the border in June of 2024. In January 2021, when Trump left office, there were 75,000 migrants encounters along the southwest border. And by the way, the 84,000 number is his low number. So really think about this for a second. But you could see all the illegals, they have entered this country and they’ve been placing these individuals in certain towns, cities, states.

And Wilkins put this out and said Springfield is a small town in Ohio. Four years ago, they had 60,000 residents. Under the Biden administration, 20,000 migrants from Haiti have flooded the community. Yes, you read that correctly. Not a typo, not 200, not 20 00, 20,000. Peter J. Hanson put this out and said Springfield’s haitian population has increased to 15 to 20,000 over the last four years in a community of just under 60,000 previous residents, putting a significant strain on our resources and ability to provide ample housing for all our residents. And since people have been seeing the illegal migration where the deep state is bringing all these people in, actually it’s an invasion of this country.

The people, they’re now looking at the situation saying, you know something? Maybe we shouldn’t have so many immigrants in this country. Maybe we should have less. And I do believe this narrative is now being built upon. And the people now are now turning on the deep state players. And wokeness put this out and said, 2020, 28% want less immigrants. 2024 55% want less immigrants. 2020 34% want more immigrants. 2020 416 percent want more immigrants. Everything is now shifting, and the people are no longer on the side of the deep state players. And it’s getting worse and worse as time goes on for the deep state players, because as they destroy this country one step at a time, what are people doing? They’re waking up.

And more and more people are waking up. Yes. The DS right now, they’re waking up to the fact that Biden can’t function. They couldn’t do it on their own. The, the fake news, Obama and the Rhett and team, they needed to tell them because they needed them to see the truth. And that tells you everything you need to know about the D party. They’re still in a very, very deep sleep. So as we move towards the presidential election and there are events, it’s going to slap them in the face, because if there’s an event, everyone’s going to be looking at the border going, okay, look at this.

We just had this terrible event. And the reason why we have this is because the borders are open. Biden is to blame. And that’s going to be a slap in the face. When you see war start to break out in Ukraine, with Russia, in the Middle east, in Taiwan and North Korea, and it gets worse and worse. And maybe we’re attacked here, that’s going to be another slap in the face. And maybe there’s a missile crisis, like cuban missile crisis that is going to really wake them up. And this is why I do believe Trump has been bringing the people down this path, because he needed to wake up the american person, the people of this country, they needed to see what the deep state is actually trying to do, especially the deese, because they’ve been brainwashed for a very, very long time.

A lot of the Republicans, a lot of independents, they’re awake now. They’re starting to see a lot more. And they’re seeing more and more as time goes on. And they have a lot of questions. But again, to take back this country, you just can’t have Republican and independents. You actually need the Democrats on your side, too, because remember, this is America and we must take it back together. And the only way to wake them up is to slap them in the face over and over and over until they, you know, break free of their sleep. And I do believe that’s exactly what we’re seeing right now.

But when we look at the border, the border situation is not going to get better. It’s just going to get worse. Because think about all the people that we’ve been letting into this country. And Senator Chuck Grassley, he has released internal records from the Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services indicating that the HHS knowingly placed two unaccompanied migrant children into a household associated with a notorious MS 13 gang. Any really, anyone really shocked about this? Not really. You know who’s shocked about this? It would be the Democrats. But there’s a lot of people out there that really don’t know about this.

Record show on September 3, 2021, HHS US UC staff members sought to intervene in the transfer of a female unoccupied minor to a sponsor who formerly maintained a romantic partnership with an MS 13 gang member. HHS officials dismissed concerns regarding the sponsors Ms 13 ties and transferred the girl to the flag sponsor the following day. Records further document the staff members repeated follow up attempts to prevent the sponsors unaccompanied minor son from being sent to the same household. The boy’s father was an official member of the MS 13 gang and had received a lengthy prison sentence for gang related crimes.

According to the records and supporting whistleblower statements, HHS again rejected the staff members flags and transferred the boys, and the records corroborate the whistleblower statements. So this is very, very interesting. And you could see that this has been going on. And I do believe this is just the tip of the iceberg because think about it. Where are all these 80,000 children? Where’d they go? Who has them? I think we all know. I think we know the answer. And you can see that the deep state players, they are driving all this George Soros is driving this. Actually, Victor Orban is out there letting everyone know that, yes, Soros is driving these illegal immigrants into all the different countries, actually the illegal criminals into all the countries around the world.

But something else that’s very interesting. House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan is investigating how the United nations is working with the Biden administration to fast track thousands of migrants into the United States as the country reels from the ongoing border crisis. Jordan demanded the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the International Organization for Migration, which are each part of the UN, handover documents showing how they have coordinated with the Biden administration to resettle thousands of foreign nationals into the US. Now, the letter argued that the agencies took advantage of illegal immigration pathways created by the Biden administration, such as abuse of the parole system.

And yes, we know that the UN is all involved in this. This is a coordinated effort by the deep state players to blend all the countries and to have the illegals outnumber the actual people in each and every one of these countries to actually blend everything. So there’s no identity whatsoever. And that’s why they’ve been removing statues. That’s why they have been trying to rewrite history, because they don’t want people to have an identity without the identity, without history. The people who are they, they’re nobody. And that’s exactly what they want. They don’t want the people to have any type of identity.

Just look at the trans movement. Same thing. It’s all part of the same thing. They don’t, they want people confused. They don’t want people identifying with anything. They don’t want people to go back in history. They don’t want people to see how there were groups of people or incredible people that fought for freedom. They don’t want anyone to see any of this because then you can refer to history and say, let’s not repeat that, hey, they did it, we can do it. So again, this is what they’ve been trying to do. But I do believe it’s all failing and it’s falling apart around them because there are so many people waking up across this world and it’s getting harder and harder for the deep state players.

This is why they keep saying, oh, nationalism is on the rise, because they understand they’ve lost control. When they say they have to control information, it means they don’t have control of information because they wouldn’t say they have to control it. If they were already in control, they wouldn’t have to mention it. See Trump? He never says, we have to control information. But you know why? Because we’re already in control of the information. Trump is already in control. The military is already in control. And every day that passes, the people, as they wake up, the control of the information is moving away from the deep state players, and soon they’ll have no control whatsoever.

Even over the fake news. They won’t be able to push any type of an agenda or any type of narrative. And we could see every day that passes everything that these corporations are doing there, it’s completely falling and utterly falling apart. And when you look at Disneyland, wow, it is really falling apart. James O’Keefe they went undercover once again, and he got in touch with whistleblowers. And whistleblowers from Disney have provided O’Keeffe Media Group with Disney’s internal communications, including group chats, bulletin boards, the company’s employee roster, employee websites, and the company Slack channel. The senior vp on Disney tapes part one told OMG’s undercover journalists that Disney is not considering any white men for the job.

Nobody else is going to tell you this, but they’re not considering any white males for the job, says Michael Giordano. So the leaders of Disney are not only racist leftists, but apparently people who enjoy sexualizing children, otherwise known as pedophiles. The Disney File series shows documents from Disney employees advertising literally LGBTQ and trans parades with fully naked men on bikes by Disney Pride nights on Disney properties and out in communities across America. Company Poly yes, swingers meet up groups, company workshops on how to change your name as you transition, and tv specials aimed at children like who am I meant to be? It was all discovered that an organization called Zebra Youth, an organization that provides services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and all youth ages 13 to 24, is actively promoted and partnered of Disneyland.

Some of their Disney sponsored projects include encouraging children as young as twelve years old to make artwork of Mickey Mouse with colorful sticky notes where they belong. I mean, really think about this right now. When you think about the deep state, when you think about the corruption, all you got to do is look around you. You see it all throughout Hollywood. You see it through the corporations, you see it everywhere. They infiltrated our country. And what you’re seeing right now is their system. Their system of control. Control the media, control the corporations, Control Hollywood, Control DC.

You control the country, you control what people see. You control what people would believe. You control pretty much everything. Leave out the important things, but keep the narrative going. This is a coordinated effort. This is their system. This is what Trump and the patriots are exposing and bringing down. And I think it’s becoming clearer and clearer every single day. But you can see Trump, the Patriots, they’re prepared for what is coming. And I do believe that is war. Trump has told us that he sees war where nobody else sees it. And I do believe that is approaching very quickly.

And I do believe that the deep state players, they are following their 16 year plan to bring us to war. And this is why Trump says, if you elect me, I can have peace. Now, what’s very interesting is that Victor Orban, he has gone around to Zelensky, he’s gone around to Putin, to Xi, and then came back to Trump in Mar a Lago. And I do believe this is already set up for Trump to speak to all these players to negotiate peace, because I do believe that he players, the warmongers, what are they going to do? They’re going to try to bring us to war.

So Trump, he’s going to solve the Russia Ukraine war. Orban is already telling us that is what he’s going to do. Viktor Orbin put this out and said, peace Mission 5.0. It was honored to visit President Trump at Mar a Lago. Today. We discussed ways to make peace. The good news of the day, he’s going to solve it. Trump responded and said, thank you, Victor. There must be peace. And quickly. Too many people have died in a war that should have never started. DJ T Miranda Devine put this out and said, peace talks with Trump at Mar a Lago, warmongering at Biden’s press conference.

So, yes, on the other side, you have the warmongers, you have all these individuals that want a war. The rhinos want a war. The fake news wants a war. Hollywood wants a war. Everybody wants a war. Why? Because it will cover up everything that they have done. Trump, on the other hand, along with Victor orbit and many others, they’re going to usher in peace, which is going to expose all of their crimes. And this is why they don’t want peace whatsoever. And this is why they’re going all out to cheat in the presidential election. This is why they have to have a change of batter, because they know they cannot win via Biden, because they just cannot create enough ballots.

He doesn’t have the people behind him. Yes, he might have illegals, he might have their names, but there’s just not enough votes to make it look like, hey, he actually won election. I think people realize this back in 2020, but this time around, it would be so out of whack, no one would believe it. And remember, Obama has been using Biden as the front Mandev and he’s been getting hit over and over and over with all of Obama’s policies. And that is the 16 year plan. So Obama didn’t really care. He put him out there in, in the front and he took every hit.

Everyone knows that he’s destroying the country. Everyone knows that he’s a criminal. And Obama, he stayed very, very quiet in the background because once again, his plan was not to be out front. His plan is to be in the shadows. I do believe what Trump is doing right now, he’s flushing him out and it looks like it is working. So for these individuals to cheat in the election, what do they got to do? Well, they need the mail ins and they need the drop boxes. More importantly, the mail ins. And look what’s happening out in Colorado.

Colorado Governor Jared Polis issued an emergency disaster declaration in a state over an outbreak of highly pathogenic bird flu in northeastern Weld county. And they’re saying that there’s a roughly 1.8 million chickens that are impacted by this virus. And the governor verbally declared a disaster after the avian flu outbreak in a commercial poultry facility in Weld county. And the declaration means that Colorado can use its emergency powers to take all necessary and appropriate state actions to assist with response, recovery and mitigation efforts. So isn’t this what they did with COVID Talk about our health. You guys know I always look out for ways to strengthen immunity and gut health, improve my fitness and metabolism, and enhance my skin and hair radiance.

Well, I recently discovered an incredible product brand, Armor colostrum. It got thousands upon thousands of five star reviews and really life changing testimonials from users. Colostrum is the first nutrition we receive in life and contains all the essential nutrients our bodies need in order to thrive. Armor colostrum is a proprietary concentrate of bovine colostrum that harnesses over 400 living bioactive nutrients that strengthen the barriers of your body and fuel cellular health for thousands of research backed health benefits. It strengthens immunity, ignites metabolism, fortifies gut health, activates hair growth and skin radiance, powers fitness, performance and recovery, and confers powerful anti aging benefits.

Arm Rug colostrum is premium bovine colostrum concentrate and unlike any other product on the market, it is uniquely optimized for human health, sustainable, and was developed with the highest integrity. From start to finish, we worked out a special offer for my audience. Receive 15% off your first order. Go to tryarmra.com x 22 or enter x 22 to get 15% off your first order. That’s tryarmra.com x 22. Or just click the link in the description. They got emergency powers. So think about what they’re trying to do here. I don’t think spreading it to the human host is going to work.

I think they’re going to give it their best shot. They’re hoping that those people getting the new Covid bio weapon, they’re hoping that these people will take it and they will get the bird flu because I do believe it’s included with that and they’re hoping that this will spread it around. But if you look on the other side, if they can actually declare an emergency and they can have emergency powers because look what’s happening to all the farm animals. This would be a lot easier than to pretty much usher in mail in ballots because if they declare an emergency, they get emergency powers and they just blame it on the animals.

They don’t approve anything and they just say, okay, we have to kill these animals, but we need emergency powers and they can make the idea that, hey, the state is under an emergency, people, you shouldn’t be going out shopping. You shouldn’t be doing anything. If you want to use the mail in ballots, go ahead. And we’re going to give you that choice. We’re going to give you the choice of using the mail in because of what’s happening in our state. And you can see this is what they’re trying to build up. Now, is this going to work? Most likely not.

I don’t believe the people are going to go for it this time. I don’t think they’re going to be as, as afraid as everyone thinks they’re going to be. Because I think people, since we went through Covid, I think people have been hardened. I think people understand that they’ve been lied to over and over and over. And this time around, I don’t think people are going to be easily fooled the way they were. Maybe the ds, some people in the d party, they might be fooled, but I think everyone else, it’s a no go. So they will try, they’ll try to push it.

They’ll try to use the mail ins. They’ll start declaring emergencies. Probably this is not going to be the only state, there will probably be many other states that are going to do this so they can use the mail ins because remember, they need the mail ins because they need the names from the illegals and they need to send them in this way. They have increased number of ballots to try to beat the votes that Trump is getting. And I think this is going to fail. And we’re talking a little bit more about this a little bit later.

But first, let’s talk about what’s happening with Dei because this is not going too well right now. CNN quietly disbands race and equity team as part of the layoffs. I thought that was very, very important. I thought you needed that because once again, you need Dei. Right. Wasn’t what they’re pushing. So it’s amazing how that is the first thing to go. And you know what happens when companies lay off, they lay off the DEI individuals. Why? Because they just brought them on. They really, they don’t really do anything. Most of them are terrible. And those are the first people that to go because they just brought them on to push a narrative.

And you could see it very, very clearly now with Biden. The Ds are starting to learn that he can no longer function. He shouldn’t be in the presidency and he should not run for president. But what’s very interesting about this is that the base, the D party base, they didn’t realize this. They didn’t research or look in other places. They just believed CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, NPR, Washington Post, New York Times. So since they didn’t look anywhere else and they’re completely brainwashed, Obama and team had to actually show them. Edward Dowd put this out and said the most disturbing thing about the mainstream media turning on Biden is that about a half the country had to be told by the propagandists.

It’s a problem now. They couldn’t have their own discernment and use their own minds to see it. The biggest danger to the republic are these empty vessels of humanity. They sit around waiting for the propaganda download. And he’s absolutely right. The people didn’t come to this decision on their own. The people didn’t believe it. Actually, the Ds, they didn’t believe it until they were told. And then they went, wow, I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe he’s functioning like this. They didn’t look anywhere else. They just followed the fake news. They just watched and watched and watched, never thinking on their own.

And when they saw the press conference last night, you know, the big boy press conference, ridiculous. He was wearing his big boy pants and he had a big boy moment. I mean, this is absolutely ridiculous. And yes, he flubbed up multiple times. Why? Because they needed him to not perform perfectly, but he needed to show people that he can’t function. And I do believe this is why he said, I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be the vice president, though I think she was not qualified to be president. So he messed up there. Most likely he’s probably talking about Trump because Trump and team is probably instructing him what to do.

I think on one side you have the Patriots, the other side you have Obama. And that might be confirmed by what Biden said. In another sentence, he said, I’m following the advice of my commander in chief. So who’s the commander in chief? Well, we know it’s Trump. He’s the true commander in chief. So is he following the advice of the commander in chief? That’s very, very interesting. Now, the other thing that we see right now is that the deep state players, they’re building the narrative that they’re going to be removing Biden. Now, number one, Biden can resign using the 25th Amendment, saying that he cannot perform his duties and he’s not going to be the presidential nominee or they can force him out.

David Axelrod put this out, said, if what he said at the end of his presser is true, it sounds like Biden’s team has not been very candid with him about what the data is showing. The age issue is a huge and potentially insurmountable concern, and his odds of victory are very, very slim. Now. Yes. Has his team been telling him that he’s doing very well in the polls? Yes. Biden, he made the announcement saying that, listen, if I’m not doing well in the polls, I will drop out. And I do believe they’re going to try to use this on him.

They’re going to reveal the true polls and he’s going to see them. The question is, is he going to resign? Now, remember, I do believe they’re going to do this after he’s the nominee because remember, no president has won with a 37% approval rate. So during the presser, what did people see? Sean Davis and Ari Fleischer put this out and said that press conference was bad enough to keep everyone talking about Joe Biden’s pudding brain for another week, but not bad enough to force him out of the White House. In other words, it was perfect. If you want Biden and the Democrats to lose in November, I do believe it was perfect just to make him the nominee.

They wanted people to see it, but they didn’t want it there just yet to have him removed because that would cause a whole nother problem. And remember, the deep state players, they want to choose the person that they’re putting in there having the delegates vote on someone that’s a little bit more difficult. Ari Fleischer put this out and said Biden had a good enough night, that deeds will not go into a full public meltdown, at least not tonight. He bought himself more time, which probably is upsetting to a lot of these who think he’s the weakest candidate versus Trump and want to get this over.

The Ds are in a real jam. I do believe this was done this way just so people could see exactly what they’re working with. And this is for the D base. This is for those individuals to say, we can no longer have them in this position. Now, the fake news, the Hollywood, the late night talk show hosts and everyone else, they’re all on board with this. This is coming from Obama’s team. They are directing it. And you could see by the fake news, they’re doing exactly what they did to Trump. They’re doing it to Biden now.

They’re instructed to do the same exact thing. Patriots are controlled. Put this out and said, look at the article from May 30, 2024. Fact check. Trump delivers flurry of false and misleading claims as trial. Nearest conclusion. Look at the fact check for Biden on July 12, 2024. Biden’s false and misleading claims at high stakes news conference. It’s exactly the same, which means they were instructed to go after Biden. So when CNN is hitting Biden with false and misleading claims, you know, they were instructed to do this because they would have never done it on their own.

And now we have dozens of democratic lawmakers reportedly to issue statements calling for Biden to step out of the race. Now, I do believe that they’re doing all this to build the narrative, to get their base on their side and to have all the, their people push to get him out, but they want him in there long enough to be the nominee. And Ryan Grimm put this out and said, biden to his delegates, they’re free to do whatever they want. Asked if that means they are free to vote for a different candidate, Biden said yes. Charlie Kirk responded to says, did Biden just release his delegates? Whoa.

Well, it’s not that easy. It’s not just like, hey, hey, you could vote for someone else. And I do believe this is why Biden said it, because, again, this would create chaos. Plus, not every state has the same rules. So again, this is a little bit more difficult than what he’s saying. And I do believe he knew that, and that’s why he said it. And again, I do believe Obama and team, they don’t want delegates to vote for people that they can’t control. I think they want Biden to be the nominee. Then they have complete and utter control.

Delegates aren’t just deciding. The people aren’t deciding who’s deciding. It’s Obama and team they can put in. They can swap them out for with anyone they want. So let’s look at the delegates. So the delegates depend on several factors. Rule 13 J of the delegates selection rules for the 2024 Democratic National Convention states delegates select elected to the national convention pledged to a presidential candidate shall in all good conscience reflect the sentiments of those who elected them. The rule is vague is referring to the sentiments at the time the delegate was selected or at the time the delegate votes.

Does the rule allow a delegate to vote for a candidate other than the one to whom the delegate was pledged when the delegate was selected? If the delegate sincerely believes that another candidate would be better for the Democratic Party and the country, Elaine Kamarak at the Brookings Institute writes, there is no definition, nor is there any history about what constitutes an all good conscience. Few if any, delegates to recent conventions have ever sought to test it. It may be that rule 13 J is sufficiently vague to allow any delegate to vote for any candidate on the first ballot.

Some state laws that govern how a delegate can vote ballotopia has a table citing such laws. Some states have laws requiring that a delegate vote for the candidate for whom the delegate was pledged. Other states are silent on the topic. Some states require that a candidate’s release of delegates must be in writing. One example is section nine through 485 C of the general statutes of Connecticut. Another issue is whether state laws can override the democratic party rules. Democratic convention delegates pledged to vote for Biden on the first ballot may be able to vote for somebody else because of the vague nature of rule 13 J, as long as there is no effective state law requiring otherwise delegates who are bound to vote for Biden on the first ballot in states that allow an oral release by the candidate have been released by Biden.

So not every state is going to be able to do this, and this is going to be a huge problem for the deep state players. And I do believe this is why they want him to be the nominee, and this is why they’re moving very, very slowly, just showing their people enough, making people think, and they’re hoping that he could stay in there long enough unless he resigns by himself. But again, there’s going to be a problem with that because then they can choose whoever they want. Obama doesn’t have that control. I think Obama wants to control.

I think he wants to put in the person that he wants and he wants to swap out the other person for who they want. This way, there’s no input from the delegates. There’s no input from the people they have complete and out of control. And remember, it’s a team effort. They have Obama, who’s driving all this Schumer now, has come on board and it looks like Nancy Pelosi has made a shock move against Biden. So insiders are revealing that she’s very concerned about his chances of beating Trump. So it means they’re already putting that narrative out there that they’re going to swap him out.

And I do believe what’s going to happen is you’re going to see after the nomination, maybe a little bit before, but after the nomination, you’re going to see all those interviews that Biden did. You’re going to start to see the unedited versions because again, they’re going to force him to resign. If he doesn’t resign, they’re going to force him out. Katherine Herridge put this out and said, according to USA Today, MSNBC, CNN, Howard Stern, Seth Meyer, CB’s 60 Minutes, among others, have done interviews since 2022 with Biden. Will they follow ProPublica’s lead and release the full and unedited interviews? I think they will.

I think they will do it when the time is right. Now, why would they want to wait until he’s the nominee? Well, techno fog on Telegram says the following. Alternatively, it leads to a push to replace Joe Biden. DNC rules allow the organization to replace Biden with a nominee of their choice after the convention, all without going through the formal nomination process. I think that tells you everything you need to know. And I think this is why they’re waiting for after the nominee, because with the delegates, it’s way, way too difficult. So they just needed to show their base just enough.

They’re all pissed off. They realize that he can’t be the candidate. Their base is in limbo right now. Oh, my God. We don’t have biden. Who do we pick? He’s going to be the nominee. We’re, we’re never going to win this. Trump is going to win. You think Obama is setting this up? Think about their base. They’re in limbo right now. They’re going to bring in people and their base is going to see hope. That’s what they’re trying to do. And I know people are very nervous about this thing. Oh, my God. It’s going to be Michelle and Hillary Clinton.

I mean, if that, if that’s the people they bring in, I do believe it’s probably a ticket that can at least go up against Trump. I think Trump actually wants them front and center. I think Trump wants the information. Remember, he declassified all the information. Remember, they set multiple precedents. So Trump, just a couple days ago, he said Biden spied on his campaign. He’s been telling us that Obama has spied on his campaign. We know from the Durham trials Hillary Clinton paid for what? The Alpha bank hoax, the Steele dossier. Remember, Trump declassified all this information.

You don’t think he wants them in the spotlight because now you’re running to be the president. Now the people need to see the truth. Remember, you’re attacking a presidential candidate. You can’t say anything this time around. And I do believe this is exactly what he wants. He wants them front and center and he wants to show the people, because everyone’s concerned about the election, concerned about the candidates. He wants to show them, look, look what they’ve done. It’s documented they are treasonous to this country. And I do believe he’s going to show everyone. And we know the deep state players, what are they doing? They’re preparing the election system so they can cheat.

Now we know it’s their cheating system. We know this is exactly what they want to do. Liz Harrington put this down, said in response to S E B 20230. Two five Fulton county and Ravensburger’s office are trying to ramp through a monitoring team that would put those who help cover up 2020 in charge of observing Fulton county in 2024. This in this list includes Ryan Germany, Raffensburg general counsel in 2020 Matt Mashburn, former SEB member who sicked the FBI and the author of the S E B 2023 25 complaint Monica Childers, who worked on the hand count audit for voting works, whose software, Arlo included fraudulent entries amounting to at least 4081 false Biden votes.

So they’re putting the team back together to make sure the cheating can happen. Remember, the deep state players, the Ds, they just can’t cheat with the Dominion machines or the other computer systems. And with the ballots, they need people to guard the systems so those individuals can actually cheat and actually feed in the ballots. It doesn’t happen automatically. So they’re going to need people to control the voting areas. And I do believe Trump of the patriots want to take this control away from them. And one way to do that is to actually replace them with the military.

The military that has to follow their oath because they’re actually protecting the constitution and they will make sure the elections are run without interference. And I do believe this is exactly what Trump is trying to get to because we know that they control their cheating systems now we can make it so it’s too big to rig during 2020. We did have a red wave. I know people don’t believe it’s a red wave, but they were able to create enough ballots to counter the red wave. That is because Biden actually had enough votes where they could make up the difference with the ballots.

This time around, I think it’s going to be a lot more difficult because of what Trump and the Patriots are setting up right now. First of all, Biden, he’s down in the dumper. Even when they bring in the other candidates. I do believe the information that’s going to be coming out about them is going to be a complete and utter disaster for them. And what’s very interesting is we’re seeing cyber attack after cyber attack after cyber attack. And now at and T reveals a hacker stole nearly all the records of customer calls and texts. And this is the second attack on at and T.

The first one was when April. Now we see it again. This is becoming very, very suspicious that we’re seeing all these cyber attacks all over the place. And I do believe they’re going to ramp up as we get into August and September. And you’re going to see the fake news reporting on a lot of them. Actually, they’re probably going to make it a very big deal moving forward. Now, the other thing that’s very interesting, and George put this out, he said a well known Colorado lawyer has issued a declaration to a judge under the penalty of perjury, saying that Dominion voting machines can connect to the Internet during elections, can’t be audited, and votes can be switched easily by bad actors.

Dominion is currently fighting subpoenas brought by Tina Peters because they know if the information gets out, it will blow this thing wide open and take them out of business. Dominion voting systems are not audible as required by federal, state, and law. They can connect to the Internet during elections, which violates federal law and state law. They are capable of manipulating ballots and vote tabulations, which violates federal law and state law. The software overwrites window operating system logs, files that are recorded during election, which are required by federal and state law to be preserved. All these deficiencies make the Dominion voting systems illegal to use in Colorado elections.

So there’s proof that they are connected to the Internet? What happens when there’s a cyber attack? What happens if it happens before the election? What happens if they say they were testing the election systems and they were hooked up to the Internet because they were downloading patches and getting updates and whatnot? Can they then say, hey, there might be malware? We don’t know because they were connected? I do believe so. But I do believe Trump has trapped the deep state players in the election. Remember, he pushed the save act with Johnson, the House of Representative. They passed it.

We know the Senate most likely won’t. Joe Biden already said he’s going to veto it. But Trump, he just wanted the House to pass it right now, number one, this way, people could see the traders everywhere. And I think that’s what people have seen right now. Plus, I do believe he’s going to use the strategy that the deep state always uses, where he’s going to include the SavE act with the next continuing resolution to keep the country open. This is what he put out on truth. Republicans in Congress should attach the very important safe act to the next continuing resolution.

Stop the steel, guard the vote. Let the Democrats try to explain why they are against this not doable DJT. So the bill is not going to be dead. It’s going to be attached to the continuing resolution. So let’s think about this for a second. The continuing resolution, it must be passed on September 30 in order to avoid a shutdown in this country. So once again, this puts the DS in a very difficult position. They might veto it right now. It might, you know, not pass the Senate or it might pass the Senate and get vetoed by Biden.

But again, the bill has passed the House and they can easily attach it to this resolution. And this is before the election. So do the Democrats, do they want the government to shut down? This puts them in a very, very difficult position. And I do believe the people of this country, as they’re seeing this play out, they’re starting to understand and realize that, yes, we need to have something where we can make sure that only citizens are voting and we need an id and we need to use paper ballots and we have to have voting in one day.

And I do believe Trump is setting all this up. So no matter which way we go, the people will agree with it. If the save act passes, the people agree with it. If it doesn’t. And we’re attacked by a cyber attack and we have to use paper and we have to have one day voting and voter id, and the military has to guard the elections. The people will be on board. Let’s go back to post 4951. November 12, 2020. How do you safeguard us elections post POTUS? How do you remove foreign interference and corruption and install us owned voter id laws and other safeguards? It had to be this way.

Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. So that’s going to be very interesting. Wouldn’t it be interesting if we were cyber attacked and the people are very nervous? We don’t know who’s in this country because we had open borders. We are now attacked by a foreign entity. Russia doesn’t make a difference who it is. China, North Korea. You think the people and the house and the people in government will say, holy crap, we, we’re afraid now we must pass this would, because again, you normally need an event to pass a bill.

You think this is all being set up where this will pass? If there is some type of an event, a scare event, where people think we’re going to war and people are a little bit nervous in this country, especially if they see an event happen in this country and then they see the country be attacked and then there’s a cyber attack. You think the people will demand that this bill be passed? Starting to. Starting to seem that way. Mike Lee put this out and said, on a scale of one to 1010 being the most, how important is it for Congress to pass the Save act and thus ensure that only us citizens will vote in the federal elections? Should Republicans in Congress force passage of the SavE act, ensuring that non citizens won’t be able to vote in federal elections by attaching it to the next continuing resolution, which must be passed by September 30 in order to avoid a shutdown.

So he did a survey, and it’s very interesting. There were 41,000 people that voted in this survey and 97% said yes. It should be attached to the continuing resolution. Only 2.7% say no. So you think the people are on board with this? Absolutely. Rasmussen reports put this out and said next week. Would you volunteer to hand count and examine the election bouts in a local school gymnasium on election night this November? A majority of national voters now say they would. So once again, the people are all for it. The people will be on board. No matter which way you look at it, the deep state is screwed.

Trump has now trapped them. It is now checkmate. No matter which way they go. Approve it, don’t approve it. I do believe they’re trapped in all this. And the whole point of it is to get the people on board, to get the people out there saying, yes, we can use paper ballots. We want one day voting. We want voter id. Yes, we have no problem with the military guarding the election. Or let’s push the save act because we were just attacked. And we want to make sure that everyone that’s going to vote, because this is a very important time during this crisis.

We want to make sure that every single person’s a us citizen. And we can’t trust the mail ins because we don’t know if there’s foreign actors that are mailing in these ballots. So I do believe no matter which way we look at this, Trump has completely trapped them. It looks like it’s checkmate for them. And I do believe that Trump is going to show the world that the people are behind him. And I do believe that’s exactly what, what he wants to do. He wants to show the entire world and the deep state. Look, I got all the people.

We went outside of your cheating system. Everyone took a vote one day. No one could interfere with it. We counted it up in front of everyone and I got 80, 90% of the people. The people are with me. The people are taking back the country. You lost the game. Game over. And it is going to be game over. Why? Because the patriots are in control. Listen, everyone, thanks a lot for listening. Be well, be safe, and especially be prepared. Thanks a lot.

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