
➡ Gerald Celente and Judge Andrew Napolitano discuss the current state of the United States, comparing it to the principles of the Declaration of Independence. They argue that the government has strayed from its original values, with high taxation, mass surveillance, and undeclared wars. They also criticize the influence of special interests in politics and the media’s focus on trivial news. The conversation ends with a call for change and a return to the principles of personal liberty and limited government.
➡ The text discusses the current state of American politics, criticizing the Supreme Court and various presidents for their actions. It suggests that the government is becoming more like a kingdom, with the president acting above the law. The text also discusses the increasing national debt, the potential for a change in the Democratic presidential candidate, and the risk of escalating global conflict. The authors call for a peaceful revolution and unity among the people to change the current state of affairs.
➡ The speaker expresses concern about the current political situation, highlighting Israel’s inability to defeat certain groups and the potential for war. They also criticize the American government, suggesting it’s become dictatorial and that the people are unfairly prosecuted while those in power escape punishment. The speaker also mentions a show featuring various guests discussing these issues.


Hello, everybody. This is Gerald Celente, and it’s Wednesday, July 3, 2024, the day before what they used to call Independence Day, the 4 July. And we have with us a man who, again, as I say, over and over, week after week, month after month, year after year, there’s nobody that I know of. And if you could show me anybody that you know of that knows about the Constitution, the declaration of independence, what it means, what it represents, and how we’ve lost what it meant and what it represented, then Judge Andrew Napolitano. Judge, thank you for being here today.

It’s a pleasure to be here. You know, the actual name of tomorrow is Independence Day. We are, of course, independent of Great Britain. They are not independent of us. They’re a vassal state of the United States, and we’re not independent of the government. Turns out that taxation with representation is worse than taxation without representation. The tax rate at the time the Declaration of Independence was written, the maximum was 3% on products, not on income. Now, of course, if you live in New York City, you pay 59% of your income to some tax collector. You know, here’s the COVID of this week’s trends magazine.

Just to solidify what you just said. Hmm? Right. Independence Day. Pay your taxes, do what you’re told. Right. Right. Well, that’s where, that’s where we are today. Yeah. You know, that so called debate the other night, none of, neither of them mentioned fidelity to the constitution. They’re both in favor of mass surveillance. They’re both in favor of more wars. They’re both in favor of borrowing trillions a year to fund a federal government, 98% of which is not authorized by the constitution. Aside from their personalities and their energy level, they are Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Doesn’t matter which one of them wins.

We’ll still be fighting wars, we’ll still be spied on, and we’ll still be borrowing trillions a year. Yeah, that’s the way we looked at it. This is two days before the debate. Presidential reality show, the great debate. Daffy duck verse. Goofy, you got tweedledee and tweedledum. Same thing. Yeah. It’s disgusting what’s happened. Yeah, disgusting. You know, you have a very important article about Twilight’s last gleaming, and it’s about the constitution. And. But there’s something much more important, because this is the breaking news and the headlines on CNN and on Yahoo. Look at the one down the bottom.

The son of Asia’s richest man is getting married in one of India’s most lavish weddings of the year. That’s CNN. What the hell do I care? What the hell do I care that some jerk is getting married? Well, his daddy’s rich, and this is news. It’s really absurd. They must, they must be pandering to somebody, to some group in their audience, and they must feel that that will draw ratings because it’s not newsworthy at all. Again, Yahoo. Same thing. Top story. Top story. The son of Asia’s richest man is getting married. It’s right there. This is just before we went on the air.

This is the top story. What’s going on in the world doesn’t count. How they’re robbing us of our freedom doesn’t count. So your article here is so important, I want to read the beginning of it. And again, you mentioned about the presidential debate. You nailed it right in the beginning. When a president, when a presidential debate devolves into an argument over golf scores, and afterward the public argues about the candidate’s mental acuity or personal honesty, when the question is for voters is who is the sharper debater rather than who would be more faithful to the constitution? When both major party candidates, as you just said, support mass surveillance, undeclared foreign wars, and borrowing trillions of dollars a year to fund a bloated government, nearly all of which is nowhere countenanced by the constitution, we can safely conclude that personal liberty in our once free society has been radically diminished.

And it is in the twilight of its existence. Bye bye. Bye bye, freedom. Well, that’s where we are today because of the uniparty. Now, I know that you and I don’t usually talk personalities. Trump and Biden are two radically different people. But the people around them have the same attitude about the issues that are of importance today, privacy, war, and debt. The same, same attitude and the same with the Congress. I mean, you have Thomas Massey and his libertarian small band of libertarians, and for a while, you have Bernie Sanders and AOC and their small band of progressives.

But 90% of the Congress is in lockstep on all these issues. Does the Congress represent us? No. They represent the special interests that get them there and the special interests that keep them there, whether it’s big pharma or the military industrial complex or AIPAC or whatever it might be. Those are the people whose views are represented in Congress. Not you, not me, not the hundreds of thousands that are watching us now, yearning for personal liberty. Liberty from the government. You said Congress represents the special interests, right? Look at the campaigns. If you don’t get money, you can’t run.

Well, look at this campaign not far from you now. I don’t agree with Congressman Bowman on just about anything. I agree with him on the, on, on Ukraine, and I agree with him on Israel. But because he opposed aid to Israel, AIPAC dropped $22 million in a democratic primary for Congress in a very tight small, because it’s New York City congressional district, and they beat him. But that’s the money that they are willing to spend to silence a voice. They win overwhelmingly in the House of Representatives, but they have to silence all voices that would dare oppose them.

That’s an example of special interest. There’s no way Congressman Bowman could possibly have raised enough money to compete adequately with the 22 million that AIPAC and their colleagues gave to the fellow that defeated Bowman. We have an article in this week’s Trends journal. Adelson’s wife, Israel Uber Hawk, to become one of Trump’s top donors. Hundred million dollars. See, I wonder what Trump promised in return. She said that she was going to ask him for a commitment that the West bank would become part of Israel under his presidency. So he probably told her that if she gave him the hundred million, and his husband, who passed away, gave him 100 million before.

Correct. And. And the deal was they’re going to move the embassy, which they did, from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. And you know that land that Israel stole from Syria, the Golan Heights? It’s yours, right? Yeah. Right. That’s. This is the government again. Going back to your article, you go on to say the declaration of independence, which is dated July 4, 1776, but was signed and released days afterwards, is both an indictment of King George III and his government, as well as a manifestation of limited government and maximum individual freedom. Though the final version drops some of Jefferson’s most bellicose language, the document as we know it, is largely his.

Not only his lofty language, but also the three principles Jefferson values that it manifests. Could you tell us those three principles, judge? The first is the consent of the. Of the governed. No government is listed without the consent of those that governs. Otherwise, it’s. It’s. It’s not morally valid. Jefferson made that argument. Do you know anybody that has consented to the federal government? No. Maybe some of the framers that at the time the constitution was formed, when the government was small. The second of those values is natural rights, that our rights come from our humanity. The government believes it is the origin of our rights.

But when Jefferson said, we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights, and among these is life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. He was wedding the country at its birth to the concept of natural rights, that our rights come from our humanity. And the third is when the government fails to protect natural rights, it is the duty of the people to alter or abolish it. That was July 4, 1776. July 4, 2024. We have a monster government that borrows between two and 4 trillion a year to stay in existence, that is waging two undeclared wars, that thinks it can right any wrong and tax any event and fight any foe and borrow any amount of money.

The constitution be damned. So we are so far afield from the values that Jefferson and the Congress articulated when the country was founded that it’s no longer recognizable. How do we get rid of a government that takes 60% of our wealth? How do we get rid of a government that commits genocide? How do we get rid of a government that just keeps enriching its benefactors? Well, you know, we’re trying to do what we can. And the people that you have on as guests and everybody really, you know, I’m heartbroken. The guests, the people you have on judging freedom.

You know, we’re all trying to do this and we just don’t talk about it. And of course, we’re having a peace and freedom rally up here in Kingston, New York. And Judge Napolitano is going to be one of the speakers, along with Scott Ritter, Max Blumenthal, and Anya pamphlet. And we’re doing what we can, but we can’t do it without you. We have to. The people have to unite. We need a peaceful revolution. Without it, we’re finished. You go on here again, we’re talking about what Jefferson said. Moreover, Jefferson wrote again, saying, following up, that whenever the government, even one consented to by the governed, is destructive of natural rights, it is the right and the duty of the governed to alter or abolish it.

And it’s our time to do that. They just passed that to Supreme Court. What a name. Given to the Supreme Court. Supreme jerks. What’s your take on that, judge? What just happened with the Supreme Court? Well, the immunity case, that decision could have been written by Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It’s political gibberish. It creates the president as a prince. It presumes, presumes that everything the president does is lawful. This takes us back to what Nixon said. And when Nixon said it, we all mocked it because the president does it. That means it’s not illegal. That is basically what John Roberts and a majority of the court ruled the other day.

Should Harry Truman have been prosecuted for mass murder of 250,000 Japanese a week before the japanese government was ready to surrender and incinerated them. Of course, should Donald Trump be prosecuted for murdering General Soleimani when he was on his way to lunch? Of course. Should George W. Bush and Dick Cheney be prosecuted for lying us into wars, wars under false pretense on the 500,000 people they murdered? Of course, should Bill Clinton, Clinton be prosecuted for the people that he killed in order to get our attention off of his own prosecution for lying under oath about a sexual encounter? Of course.

Why don’t the laws apply to everyone? Oh, John Roberts says the president shouldn’t act with caution. He shouldn’t worry that he might be doing the right thing. Of course, he should act with caution. And of course he should worry he might not be doing the right thing. That will restrain him from doing the wrong thing. But that’s not the government we’re going to have. These six justices, two of whom are friends of mine, are creating a kingdom. Suppose Biden orders SEAL team six to kill Donald Trump because he believes that Trump is about to destroy democracy as we know it? Well, under this opinion, that is presumed to be an official act and presumed to be immune from prosecution.

What are you crazy? That’s what we have today. Crazy. It’s crazy. You said like, what, are you crazy? Yeah, it’s crazy. It, what’s going on in front of our eyes, the demise of America. It’s just heartbreaking. I’m so sad. And so many people are so, again, look at this stupid debate that they had. I mean, it was so ignorant. None of them talked about limiting government. None of them talked about stopping the spying. Neither of them talked about stopping the wars. Neither of them said, I’m not going to borrow a couple trillion a year. And Trump was only in for four years.

He raised the national debt by 7 trillion. George W. Raised it by 7 trillion in eight years. And he fought two wars. So it gets worse and worse and worse. When George Wood, a goofball daddy’s boy that he is, became president, the federal government’s debt was 2 trillion. It’s now 35 trillion. The global debt is almost a hundred trillion. Wow. It’s 91 trillion. Wow. And again, and you look at 91 trillion and a third, what is America’s debt? Right? So we are very close to a trillion a year in debt service. Right? Right off the top, paying interest on the debt.

We never, we never retire the debt. We roll it over, but we never retire it. I don’t even know if the american public understands the significance of all that debt. But I do know, again, aside from their personalities and energy level, they are Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Yep. Just like both parties in Congress, as we say, daffy duck or goofy. Right. It’s, it’s a, it’s a, it’s, that’s all, folks. I mean, it’s a, it’s a comedy show. Right. And a very sad one. Judge, there’s a lot of pressure out now to get Biden off the ticket. What’s your take? You know, if you had asked me a few days ago, I would have said, no, this will die down.

But it seems not only that, it has not died down, it has gotten more aggressive. Just as we were coming on air, I was reading that, you know, there’s two or three organizations of Republican never Trumpers, as they call themselves. They were all prepared to make major public endorsements of Biden until the debate. Now they’re not going to do it. They may vote for him privately. I think the Democrats are going to be forced to put somebody else in there. It doesn’t matter to you and me because it would be a person that would be just as bad as Trump, just as, from a liberty point of view, just as bad as Biden from a liberty point of view.

But it’ll be another human being. I don’t know who. Their polls show them that only one Democrat comfortably beats Trump and she doesn’t want to run. That’s misses Obama. Speaker one, I would say it’s going to be Gavin Newsom would be my guess. He’s a very physically attractive candidate. But if you look at his record in California, the only place in America worse than Washington, DC is California. And he’s the first piece of scum that launched the COVID war. Yes. Yes. And he’s an arrogant, another daddy’s boy. He got all his money from the Getty gang when he started his business because his daddy was a lawyer for the Getty gang.

And again, it was related to Pelosi through marriage and something, and arrogant as can be. I would, my forecast will be if he gets the nomination democratic to run for president, he’ll win. And the reason he’ll win is because if Biden runs against Trump, a lot of people aren’t going to go out and vote for Biden. But if Newsom runs, all the Trump haters will run out and vote for Newsom. Gruesome Newsom. Yeah, that’s my take. So he would win and it will be more hell on earth in America. As we continue to decline in so many different ways.

And you really sum it up over here, the former american public is now an empire with its annual military budget larger than those of the next nine countries combined, and with troops on more than 1000 military installations around the globe. As George third once boasted of his empire, the sun never sets on our empire. Empire. That would be the form of government against which Jefferson and his colleagues violently and successfully rebelled unchecked. You go on to say we lost our personal liberty. And a government that rejects its founding values, recognizes no limits to its powers, and assaults the liberties of those it governs.

It should be altered or abolished before Liberty’s last gleaming turns to a long, cold darkness. Very powerful, judge. Thank you, Gerald. Very powerful. This is a. This, all the articles, you all, they’re also, you know, so informative and powerful. But this one says, you know, again, the sun never sets on the us military industrial complex, basically. Right. And, and, uh, we. We have to unite to stop this. It’s up to the people. And Scott Ritter wants to have a million person march when we have that rally in September. So we close down the thruway and we really get publicity to stop this madness.

I guess I’ll have to come up there the night before if we’re going to close down the throw away. Yep. Then we. We have to. We have to make this happen. It’s up to the people. Yeah. What else? What other suggestion do you have? Well, the United States federal government will collapse of its own weight, but not until a lot more damage is done. And I don’t know if that collapse will happen in your lifetime or mine. Well, you will. The collapse is going to be. It’s world War three. Look, what’s going on with Israel ramping it up? There was an article that came out for the New York Times that said that they were going to wind down the war in Gaza.

And Netanyahu came right out and said, we ran the video. That’s a lot of baloney. We’re going to keep it going. And now Iran says, if you attack Lebanon, we’re going to wipe you out. They’re going to attack Lebanon. Netanyahu is going to do anything he can to stay in power. He’s an evil, demonic by his deeds person. And I believe that if we don’t stop this, world War three is going to escalate. There’s going to be a false flag event. I will bet my life on it. Whether it happens in with Ukraine, going on with the United States, supplying more weapons to hit deeper and deeper into Russia is something is going to happen that’s going to unite the people in the United States just like they did little Georgie Bush.

We’re going to get that guy, Osama bin Laden, dead or alive. 90% of the american people swallowed his crap. Right. Right. Bibi Netanyahu may be the last prime minister of Israel because he’s, in order to stay out of jail, boasted he can wage war on seven fronts and he can, he can’t defeat Hamas and he can’t defeat Hezbollah, and there’s no way he’s going to defeat Iran. Correct. People forget what happened when Iran sent all those missiles and drones after they, they murdered the guy who was the, one of the top commanders in Damascus, Syria, in the consulate, in retaliation.

Iran did that, and Israel’s retaliation was nothing. So it’s very, I’m very concerned if we don’t unite for peace, we’re going to die in war. And again, this isn’t a very happy, there’s no independence anymore. It’s not. It’s dependent with its government rule. And again, you mentioned what happened with the dictatorial Supreme Court ruling. We have a dictator in charge. Well, we have a president, whoever the president is. Now, this opinion is effective as of Monday. So it applies to Joe Biden, who can’t be prosecuted for anything, but we, the people are prosecuted for the fullest.

Correct. While the bigs get a slap on their wrist. Correct. Correct. That’s why I said this opinion could have been written by FDR, could have been one of his speeches from the mid thirties when he was ramping up big government. Yep. Judge, thank you so much for being on. Thank you for all that you do. And everybody go to judging freedom to see what the judge and the great guests that he has on day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. Today, Dennis Kucinich, Colonel McGregor, Phil Giraldi, Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, Max Blumenthal.

Ah, what a, all right. There you go. The great lineup. Well, we’re trying to do in three days what I normally do on five because the rest of the, of the week is a, is a holiday. Okay. Thanks a lot, judge. All right. See you next Wednesday. All the best.

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