F Around And Find Out (Ep. 2775) | Dan Bongino




➡ Host Dan Bongino uses his show to express his strong dislike for Bill O’Reilly, accusing him of being dishonest and attacking him for criticizing Bongino’s stance on Democrats and voter fraud. Bongino also promotes his partnerships with companies like Patriot Mobile and Beam, and shares his commitment to advancing conservative causes, regardless of personal conflicts within the movement. He ends by challenging O’Reilly to confront him directly.
➡ The speaker is expressing strong disagreement with Bill O’Reilly and other figures, accusing them of poor judgment and not truly representing conservative values. He criticizes their inability to answer questions about voting rights for illegal immigrants and accuses them of spreading false information. He also expresses his disdain for liberals and emphasizes the importance of debating them to convince third-party listeners.
➡ The speaker criticizes liberals for their beliefs and actions, arguing that they are a threat to national security and the economy. He uses examples of failed government initiatives, such as a broadband plan and electric vehicle startups, to illustrate his point. He also promotes a mattress brand and discusses the importance of good sleep. The speaker encourages his audience to vote against liberals and their policies.
➡ The head of the Department of Homeland Security, Mayorkas, is criticized for admitting that they’re letting people into the country without proper vetting, some of whom could be terrorists. The article also discusses the confusion around gender pronouns, with an example of Rosie O’Donnell struggling to use the correct pronouns for her child. It criticizes the government’s spending, citing an example of the Air Force paying $90,000 for a bag of bushings that could be bought for much less. Lastly, it mentions a poll showing that 62% of Americans support deporting all undocumented immigrants, but Tom Perez, a Biden Administration member, disputes the poll’s accuracy.
➡ The text discusses the concept of ‘suspension of disbelief’ in relation to politics, comparing it to watching a poorly acted movie. It criticizes liberalism and the current state of the Biden administration, suggesting that people are starting to see through the ‘acting’. The text also mentions potential future political candidates and criticizes Dr. Fauci, accusing him of giving harmful advice and being a coward when faced with criticism.
➡ The text discusses a public figure named Foushee who is trying to rebuild his reputation after giving poor advice. It also mentions his interactions with Donald Trump and his attempts to avoid responsibility for his mistakes. The text also discusses a theory about the origin of the coronavirus and Foushee’s changing stance on it. Lastly, it mentions a book signing event and a debate about the Israel-Palestinian issue.
➡ The speaker discusses various topics, including the criticism of war, the potential influence of George Soros in the radio industry, and the significance of the petrodollar agreement. He denies working for Soros and emphasizes the importance of staying informed about these issues. He also encourages his audience to tune into his future shows for more discussions.


Get ready to hear the truth about America on a show that’s not immune to the facts, with your host, Dan Bongino. So what is to say? I’m not here to make friends. To make friends. If you’re on this show thinking, oh, Dan, you know, you really should be nice to people. Even the dipsticks. It’s the wrong show. So I’m just going to say out front, fuck Bill O’Reilly. Fuck Bill. Oh, I know you’re watching. So fuck you, Bill O’Reilly. Are we. Are we good? Are we? And I’ll explain to you why Bill should go fuck himself.

We haven’t even. Maybe not in the pre. Yes, I’m sorry, if you don’t like language, you got to tune out of today’s show. So fuck bill O’Reilly. And it’s something I’ve warned you about the entire time. It’s not the cutesy time show, folks. I don’t know how many times I got to tell people this. You don’t have to be here. I’m not trying to be a dick. I’m just saying, like, the show is not for everyone. I’m not here for the money. I don’t need the money, okay? I’m here because I want to change the direction of the country.

And I think we have a good path to do it. But I’m not here to make friends with anybody. I’m not. I’m not. I love you guys, the audience, but I don’t give a shit about anyone in this conservative ecosystem that’s faking the funk in order to steal your money in time. So something happened yesterday, and the only reason I’m going to address it instead of ignoring this piece of shit is because I’ve warned you about this for a long time. And a lot of you are like, well, start naming names. And I try not to.

You know why? Because a lot of it’s counterproductive. But you know what? Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is time to name names. So fuck bill O’Reilly. Number one. I’ll show you why. And he’s just one of, by the way, hundreds of people out there who, I’m telling you, don’t believe a damn thing they’re saying. Hey, beams. Dream powders. A science packed hot cocoa for sleep. I needed some last night with no added sugar. Go to shop. Beambeam.com bangino. Use code Bangino for up to 45% off. I got that. And then after I rile you up, I’m going to make you laugh a little.

Bit. If you missed this Marlon Wayans thing with Fannie Willis’s boyfriend. Did you guys see this in the chat? Justin, did you see it? Did you see, is it, is it worth every second? Go anywhere, please, begging you. Patriot Mobile. I’ve had the honor and pleasure of partnering with Patriot Mobile. They’ve been a great supporter of the show. I love them. They’re the only cell phone service provider that’s actually on the front lines defending our freedoms. They’re an example of putting the cause ahead of profits. I’ve partnered with them a long time. Absolutely love this company because they’re unequivocal in their support of America.

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Makes switching easy. For a limited time. Get a free smartphone when you sign up today. It’s called 972 Patriots. Say promo code Dan. Again, that’s a free smartphone with promo code Dan. Join me and make the switch today. Call 972 Patriot. That’s 972 Patriot or go to Patriot mobile.com. dan. All right, fellas, so what happened? So yesterday, you know, it’s the end of the day. I’m sitting in the sauna trying to melt away a little bit. And I never do it three days in a row, but I have to because I got to do a little traveling for a book signing on Friday in Oklahoma City.

So I’m in there the third day, and it’s after working out in the morning, and I’m tired. I’m 20 minutes in. It’s like 185 degrees. I’m melting. And one of my buddies texted me. He goes, hey, do you see this six foot tall plus piece of shit O’Reilly going after you on show? Go, Bill O’Reilly? I said, the douchebag, the guy with all those issues. And so I said, he’s still around. He’s like, yeah, he’s still around. He does like a show. I said, oh, that’s interesting. I didn’t know. So I said, he’s the same guy.

Who’s always kissing my ass to get on my show, to sell his books. And they’re like, yeah, same guy. I’m like, same guy. That same guy, okay? I’m like, well, what he says, he sends me this clip. You guys got the clip? He sends me this clip of Bill O’Reilly in the show. Keep in mind, this guy kisses our ass all the time to come on my show to sell his books and shit like that. And Bill O’Reilly has decided that me challenging the Democrats about their. Their support of voter fraud. He thinks I’m a fanatic.

Fanatic? Where’d you get that word from? I didn’t. It’s his. Here, take a look. There are fanatics on the right. Go. But the Democrats were very tactical folks. They’re not stupid. They understand that it doesn’t matter if these illegals vote or not. It does. I mean, it’s terrible. Obviously, if they do, they broke the law. All right? All Democrats do not want illegal aliens to vote. Now the far left does. But he didn’t define it that way. He said the Democrats, you know. No. Okay, so let me say again. Fuck you, Bill O’Reilly, you lion sack of shit.

You’re a chump. And you’re obviously a pussy, too. I hate Bill O’Reilly. I always have. He’s a douchebag. I used to do his show once in a while at Fox and you would sit there at this little desk and. Because he was such a dick and everybody hated him. No, everybody hated him. Well, just about. Maybe there were a few people. Like, did you notice when Bill O’Reilly got into that shit? I’m not going to even talk about it because it’s pretty gross when he. You notice nobody defended him. Didn’t you think that was weird, that Bill O’Reilly was let go? And by the way, he’s let go and he’s had a shit career ever since.

Because nobody gave a shit about Bill O’Reilly. Because he’s a chump and he doesn’t believe anything he tells you. Right? Bill O’Reilly’s a chump. You’re going to call me a fanatic? I’m going to. Now, why haven’t. You may say, well, why haven’t you said this in the past? Fair question. The reason I don’t name names in the past, because I don’t want to make it personal, okay? I may not like Bill O’Reilly personally, and I don’t because he’s a dick and a coward and he always has been. But here’s the thing. If Bill O’Reilly was saying things that benefit conservatism, I let it go.

I’m going to tell you something, and I’ll let you in on a little secret, ok? There are a lot of dicks in this movement. A lot. A lot. There’s one specific who’s probably the biggest dick you’ve ever met ever. But I’m going to tell you something. He is really, really good for conservatism. He advances conservative causes. He does a lot of good stuff. So I leave it alone because I don’t want to date the guy. I don’t want to marry the freaking guy. What do I give a shit? All I care about is he advances conservatism.

But if you are going to go out and now start attacking us for calling out democrats, for wanting illegals to vote and calling me a fanatic, when you kiss my ass to get on my show, you can go fuck yourself, you pussy. You understand? You got something to say to me, you six foot tall plus piece of shit? Say it to my face. Fucking chump piece of shit. You’re listening to this guy. You’re being played here. Put up that, uh, put up that article about the, the New York Post article I had put up. Yeah. Bill, the Democrats don’t want, uh, that.

They don’t want illegals to vote. You know, there’s an act in Congress called the Save act. Did you know this? You’re so fucking stupid, you don’t even know this, you dip shit. You know why? Let me tell you a little secret about this industry. There’s about 10% of the hosts that actually do their own show. Producer Jim, am I right? Thank you. You know what the other 90% do? No, no, Dan, they’re talking about what they care about. No, they’re not. They’re too freaking lazy to do their own show. So you know what a lot of these other bums do, like O’Reilly.

They have producers and stuff. Just throw shit in front of them and they read it. He doesn’t know shit. They have this act called the Save act. It’s a really simple thing. It’s up in the House of Representatives, or it’s going to be. And the bill says something real simple, that if you’re going to register to vote, you should be able to prove you’re a citizen. How many Democrats, Bill? Because you said it’s only the far left, right? How many Democrats support that, Bill? Oh, there’s the answer, you dip shit. One. You stupid fuck. You’re so stupid.

You dumb motherfucker. You’re gonna take me on, bro? You sure? What do you think I’m here for? You think I’m here to play nice? I give a shit about you. I give a shit about you. I care about this cause care about you one bit. You’re a bum and a loser. You’ve always been a loser. You left Fox and you’re pissed off that the other people that left built careers and nobody likes you. Cause you’re a piece of shit. Calling me a fanatic? If you beg to get on my show. Here’s the real Bill O’Reilly, too.

You want to see his tweet on January 6? This is a couple days later. He had time to think about this at Bill O’Reilly. Douchebag. President Trump’s failure to tamp down the angry protesters. You mean by telling them to mark peace march peacefully and patriotically, you dumb fuck. President Trump’s failure to tamp down the angry protesters supporting him in Washington has destroyed his legacy. Oh, yeah, it really has. It’s only up in every swing state, you moron. Let’s listen to this next part. This is Bill O’Reilly. Our divided nation turns to you, Joe Biden. Defuse it as best you can.

Don’t fuck with me, bro. You fuck around, you’re going to find out. Go star. You go. Go have a few beers with some of the makeup people and other people at Fox. Find out what a dick this guy was to people. And Bill, let me tell you something, because I know you’re watching, you piece of shit. You have no idea. I’m not going to name names because I’m not a dick like you. You started something you can’t tamp down because I actually have an audience and you don’t because you’re a dick. You have any idea how many people texted me this morning? Nail that motherfucker to the wall.

They hate you. Nobody likes you. You’re an asshole. You’ve always been an asshole. And we’re doing it live. Bill’s jealous. Bill’s jealous? Of course. He’s had a radio show and it sucked ass and nobody listened. Do you know that? Oh, you didn’t know that? Of course you know because the show sucked. How do I. He wants to know how I really feel. Folks. Guys, a douchebag, man. And I’m just telling you, this is an epidemic on our side. You notice the left tries, they try their best not to do this. You calling me a fanatic because I said the Democrats want illegals to vote when they could fix it right now.

And one Democrat, one signed on, and he’s such a wuss. He went on W ABC. Some guy sid showed this morning, and you know what he said about it? Nothing. Because you’re a chump and a coward. You think because you’re a six foot tall pile of shit. What does that mean? You could fight? What, do you think you’re a big tough guy or something? Piece of shit. I ain’t here to make friends, brothers and sisters. I’m not. You’re watching the wrong show. If you think this is the cutesy time show, it ain’t. I’m a conservative. I’m not part of any movement.

I don’t go to meetings. I don’t do any of that shit anymore. I do my own thing. And guys like this, if you’re listening to this guy, you’re wasting your time. He is not one of you. You have no idea. And there are a lot more. And anyone else wants to go, you tell me, too, because you’re next. And if you want to go, Bill, I’ll tell you what. I live in Martin County, Florida. You want to show up and say, call me a fanatic, I’ll tell you where I live. Just sign. A lawyer thinks you’ll be the first one to sue me, chump.

Okay, now that we got that out of the way, I had a laugh a little bit. It’s in kind of a mood this morning. Wait, don’t play it yet. Did you see this? You know, Fannie Willis’s boyfriend, this guy, Nathan Wade. Folks, if you miss this, this goes in the. What the were you thinking? He decides to go on. Was it comedy central or some with Marlon Wayans? Who? Comedian. Pretty funny guy. You know the Wayans brothers, right? He decides to go on this show to do an interview. What the f was this guy thinking? This is real.

This actually happened last night before I dig into the good stuff. Check this out. So let me ask you, when old girl was like, hey, babe, you want to be in charge of this prosecution of the president of the United States? Who did this? Insurrection. Did you think, like, this could get messy, or you was like, nah, I be all right. We did not have that type of relationship at the outset, and we were interviewing other people for the position. What position was it? It was only. It was the position which was prosecutor. Did that position look like this, or did that person position look like this? So, no, folks, that actually happened.

Who the hell is the PR person who told him to do this interview? Let me you know, again, these two stories really aren’t related. Bill O’Reilly being a douche and this guy. But it goes to show you how there’s some people out there with such unbelievably poor judgment, and yet they want you to follow them. They’re like, no, no, to follow me. I know better. My judgment’s good. Oh, yeah, sure, bro. It’s brilliant. How is that open? All right. You in a mood today? Like me around, man. And you will find out. Some guy sent out something on Twitter.

Like, this guy looks stable. No, he’s not. What makes you think that? You think I’m what? You think? That’s an insult. It’s the greatest compliment ever. By the way, I really hate liberals, too. You know that? One of the things I always told you about liberals is arguing with them. Is arguing with them. With the lib is like arguing with Stimson. Jake, can you see Stimson on there? You can see the top of his head. You might as well argue with stimpy. Okay, someone send me stimpy because arguing with liberals is a total waste of your time because they’re morons.

However, arguing with liberals is not a waste of time, especially on social media. When I filet people and go back and forth, I get into it because there’s always a third party listening. Always. And that third party listening can be convinced if you stick with the argument and make a compelling case. Okay, like I said, I just don’t get lost in the emotion of the O’Reilly thing. Obviously, I’m passionate about it because if you’re going to take me on, you better be ready. However, Bill O’Reilly can’t answer a simple question. If the Democrats don’t want illegals to vote, then how come they’re not making it harder for illegals to vote? He can’t answer that because he’s an idiot.

I actually proved to him that what he’s saying is fake and false. So if you make a case, there’s always a third party listening. I wanted to show you this clip, though, to open the show, to show you how important my principle of debating liberals are. They’re, they’re really genuinely stupid. Bill’s probably one of them. They’re morons. They don’t actually know anything and what they know is wrong, and they don’t want to know anything. I want you to watch this C splat, c span clip. One of my favorite guys in conservative media is Sean Davis. We share a lot in common.

We’re not looking to kiss anybody’s ass. We’re just looking to kind of save the country and do our thing. Sean Davis is on C SPAN. A caller calls in and I want you to listen to him try to take on Sean Davis, the guy, this just happened. This is not, this is just recent. He tries to take on Sean Davis and he still believes Donald Trump, the russian collusion story. He really believes it in his heart of hearts. Check this out. Yes, on the Bradley and Marietta, Georgia, Democrat, good morning. I would like to say this guest strikes me as pretty unimpressive.

I’m awesome. BRADLEY well, then why do you just, is there no limit to what you will tolerate with Trump? I mean, y’all have made yourself, like I used to respect y’all. We have talks about tax policy, maybe even immigration. But now all y’all do is just make up excuse and rationale for Donald Trump. I mean, all right, let’s get to Russia. Okay. Donald Trump shared campaign data with Russia. He conspired with Russia. And now you apparently are as well. Like you’re spouting russian talking points. I’d like to dig into your financials and I’m sure there’s some russian money in there because you seem like a pretty, that’s a lie.

Bradley. Let’s, let’s stick to facts here and not throw out things that are obviously lies and untruths. All right. Any response to Bradley? Yeah, he needs to lower down the coffee intake in the morning. Maybe try decaf Evita. You know Sean, right? Great guy. Both love Sean. That’s his thing, just like me. You take them on, you’re going to get wrecked. But that goes to show you that it’s not just that liberals are wrong. Everything they believe, they really believe, no matter how wrong it is, there was nothing Sean can do to convince this dipshit they called C SpAN that Trump and Vladimir Putin weren’t in some bathtub giving each other rubdowns.

There’s nothing, there is nothing you could say to these people. They are that stupid. However, there is a significant swath of the country. It’s going to watch that on this show. There’s over 90,000 people watching right now, only 19 minutes in that are seeing this going, wait, people actually believe this still? Yes. This is what you’re voting against. Now, I want to make the case for you that these people in this election are a legitimate threat to not only our national security, the economy and everything else, folks, everything. The examples are endless liberalism. It’s not that it doesn’t help you.

It’s that it is actively destroying your life. Just the last week alone. The examples are everywhere. You have a clear choice coming up. Don’t take the wrong path in that fork in the road. Take a quick break. Was very therapeutic. I love to fight. I mean, not to physically fight so much. I’m getting kind of old and arthritic, but I love it. You think so? I mean, bill, he’s got a better reach, but I’m not sure. Bill? Yeah, I think so. I think he’s like 125 or something. Hey, getting a good night’s sleep is really important to your overall wellness.

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There are liberals out there who are starting slowly. And I’m not talking about the crazies that want to destroy the country. I’m talking about people who they think they’re helping and they don’t realize they’re actually actively hurting us. There are liberals out there starting to wake up. If you didn’t see this New York Times piece by Nicholas Kristoff, it went viral June 15. It was just a few days ago. He said, this is guy’s a liberal. Make no mistake. I think he ran for office in Oregon. I’m pretty sure it’s the same guy. What have we done to the west coast is the title of the article.

This is the New York Times. This thing was everywhere. This is a really radical leftist guy for the New York Times finally looking around going, hey, man, we’re liberals and everything we do freaking sucks. He says as democrats make their case to voters around the country this fall, one challenge is that some of the bluest parts of the country cities on the west coast are a mess. You think, bro, you just notice this. Now here here here here. Listen to the second paragraph. Listen. This is so important. He’s talking about the third party. Listening to your debate with liberals, centrist voters can reasonably ask, why put liberals in charge nationally when the places where they have the greatest control are plagued by homelessness, crime and dysfunction? We’ve been asking that question, Nicholas, a really long time.

It’s not that liberalism doesn’t help you. It’s that liberalism actively hurts you. Liberalism hurts you for a very simple reason, ladies and gentlemen, the third party payer problem. I don’t want to bore you to death, okay? Tell me in the chat if you think this sucks. If you think it sucks, say it sucks. Move on. I got a ton of stuff. If you understand one thing about liberalism when it comes to government and spending other people’s money, the third party payer problem, the third party payer problem is very simply say you go to a doctor, you pay the doctor in cash or credit.

Right. Plastic surgery is a perfect example. A lot of plastic surgeons don’t even take insurance anymore. Those plastic surgeons don’t. They are, forget it, man. They screw up a face, their business is done. They can’t rely on insurance. Government, nothing. People come in as cash and carry. The customer cares about the price. Hey, man, I need my nose fixed or whatever. Some boxer smash my face in. Okay, that’ll be $5,000. That person’s like, okay, it’s a lot better, but I’ll pay it. If the guy said $100,000, you can know I’ll go to someone else. That’s not the case with the government.

When the government pays for something, they’re the third party. You, you got the company you’re buying a product from and the government’s paying. If the government’s paying, you don’t give a shit about the price because you’re not paying. And the guy selling the product, whatever it is, plastic surgery, coffee cups, he doesn’t care about giving you a competitive price because he knows you’re not paying. This isn’t hard. It’s why capitalism works and collectivism sucks. Granted, there are a thousand other reasons, subsidiarity and other things like that. But that is the simplest reason, the third party payer problem.

When a third party pays, nobody gives a shit. You don’t care about the cost or the quality because you’re not paying. The examples are everywhere. They are endless. Look at this. Washington Times. We spent $42.5 billion on an Internet plan. Read this headline. Americans still waiting on the Biden broadband plan. Rural high speed Internet stuck in. Democrats red tape this up. Keep this up. Are you reading ahead, folks? Not a single home has been connected to the Internet. Three years after enactment. They gave you 42.5 billion king dollars, bro. You couldn’t connect one home. I’m going to make a deal with the government.

Give me $42.5 and I promise you I’ll go connect someone to the Internet. I’m not kidding. Justin’s laughing. Justin, you take that deal today, I will give you $42.5 your check. He will find someone tomorrow to connect to the Internet. He just said he pays one. One the thousand for Patriot mobile. He’s connected to the Internet. 42.5 billion. These liberal dumbasses can’t connect one freaking person. These people suck. Imagine running on this. These guys. Biden’s proud of this. They stole $42.5 billion from people, from you, and they still have not connected a single home. Oh, come on, Dan, you’re cherry picking examples.

Okay, what about this one? This just the new story about Fisker. You know, Fisker is one of these electric vehicle companies. You understand? These electric vehicle ev companies have gotten millions, hundreds of millions, sometimes billions of dollars in government subsidies. What happened to Fisker? Yeah, they’re going bankrupt. These libs, man, they are not. That is baseball. They’re knocking it right out of the park, man, that elbow in. What about this is free beacon piece? This is another gem. Remember the. Well, go back to that last one you had, a Fisker one. I just want to show them that here.

Biden favored California electric vehicle startup. Fisker files for bankruptcy. Good job, libs. You guys are really smoking it. Put up the free beacon piece is another gem. Remember that $1.2 trillion bill, the Inflation Production act, and all these porculous bills? That was another gem. Yeah, that worked out really well. They managed to. They were going to put a build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations. You know how many they built? 100,050. Ten. No, here. Here’s how many they built. Seven. Or in Joe Biden, Mass. Seven. You libs, man, you’re really kicking ass. Here’s your government, too. You got Mayorkus.

Here’s a video of Mayorkas our DHS secretary, a hapless, total buffoon, a total goon. I want you to watch this segment, okay? And I want you to see again how liberals lie to your face and put your life in danger. Here’s Mayorkas. He has one job. You know what his job is? He heads the Department of Homeland Security. Justin, what do you think a job of a head of the department of Homeland Security would be? You have a guess. No way, bro. He says, defend the homeland. Where would you get a stupid freaking idea like that? Kids been out of college for a little.

You got to get back in there, get them neurons going. Defend the homeland. Well, that’s priority. That’s. I mean, easily priority number one. I mean, it’s, you know, they got the whole month going and everything. Here’s my orcas admitting that they’re letting people in the country that they can’t vet, some of whom are terrorists. And he acts like this is like a badge of honor, like, oh, yeah, yeah, we vetted him and we didn’t find anything, meaning you suck so bad you were letting people in who could be terrorists. And he thinks this is a good thing.

Keep voting for libs. You’ll get more of this. Check this out. Speaker two. We had eight individuals of concern as to whom we did not have derogatory information when first encountered at the border. We made determinations in the service of our law enforcement objectives, in the service of our highest priority, to keep the american people safe and secure, to take immigration enforcement action. And that is indeed what we did. Folks, what else could I possibly need to tell you about these dipshits running our government? The guy’s only job is to secure the homeland. He’s on CNN bragging that they can’t vet people.

Some of them are terrorists, and he’s acting like this is some. He deserves a pay raise. Nobody senses anything wrong with this. Am I the only 01:00 a.m. i missing something here? You want more of this? Liberals love the pronoun thing, right? They’re forcing it on you. Use my pronouns, or your dumb ass is going to go to the culture war prison, the gulag. The Gulag archipelago for you. You’re going to use my pronoun Xi Xiao Joe. They call you they. They means plural. Oh, yeah, hold. Hold on to that one, too. Here’s Rosie O’Donnell, another leftist lunatic.

She’s telling this story about her daughter or son who wants to be called they. She can’t even keep it straight in her own interview. But they want you to order the pronoun gulag archipelago. You go watch this. Their gender. Well, she said, they said to me, mommy, there are some kids in my class who don’t even know their gender. So like an idiot, I say, tell them next time they’re in the bathtub to look down. If it’s a hot dog, they’re a boy, and if it’s not, they’re a girl. Which then she says, yeah, they say, mommy, that’s their sex.

That’s binary. I’m talking about their gender. And gender is infinite. Gender is infinite. Where does a ten year old get those words? Do you have any idea? I have no idea. In your life? No. And I said to her, where do you, where did you find that? Where did you say, she said some things. I just know they can’t even keep their own little rules straight. And they want you to vote for the. This is the, I mean, you want to talk about the epidemic failure of liberalism? Here’s one more for, here’s another gem again. When you spend other people’s money, nobody gives a shit.

This is what they want more of. Did you see the CBO report, folks, we are in a massive tidal wave of debt. If we don’t stop within the next couple of years, we are finished. We are going to go de facto bankrupt. They were not going to go chapter eleven so we could print around money, but it’s going to be a de facto bankruptcy like you’ve never seen. He was a hearing up on Capitol Hill. This is what it looks like when you spend other people’s money and you don’t give a shit what the price is because it’s not yours.

Watch this. This, mister secretary, is a bag of bushings. This bag of bushings stamped out by machinists. Don’t need a heist. Don’t need a, you know, high school diploma. It’s not. Not anything high tech about this. All of this bag is compliant with the FAA specifications. How much do you think the Air Force pays for this bag of bushings? I don’t know, congressman. $90,000. This is a $90,000 bag of bushings. $90,000. Folks, I guarantee you go down to the Home Depot, you get that bag of what, $5? I don’t know what Biden inflation. We don’t know right now.

50, maybe. Biden inflation, $50. 698. There you go. He went online and found him cheaper right there. Good job, fellas. Well done. Well done. I want you to watch this coming up next. Now, again, you talk to these people, it doesn’t matter, okay? Nothing matters. Tom Perez was on CNN, challenged about the polls. It doesn’t matter. There’s nothing you can say to these people. Arguing with the lib. You’re only arguing for the third person. It’s super important. Hey, it’s time for you to be awake, not woke. Start your day with a hot american first cup of blackout coffee like I do.

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Another chump and a loser. And a complete coward. The guy’s about five foot, 2120 pounds with 40 pounds of sand strap to his back. He’s probably crying again. I’m going to get that thing. But I want to show you. Here’s Tom Perez. Tom Perez, Biden. Biden Administration guy, far left lunatic, another loser here. This is why talking to liberals is like talking to stimpy the cat. Skimpy. Stimpy looks like the dog, but did you ever notice Ren looks like the cat. I think they did it that way on purpose. He’s a chihuahua. Or if you listen to that guy from WKRP, achievable.

So here. Did you ever see that I may be aging myself? Here’s Tom Perez being challenged about the polls. Whenever the polls don’t go in their direction, they just don’t believe them. Again, talking to libs, you’re better off talking to Stimpy. Check this out yet, Tom. A lot of voters seem to think it’s not the smart thing to do. CB’s news polling recently found that 62% of Americans are in favor of a national program to deport all undocumented immigrants, all 11 million of them. So how much support do you think there would be for the White House plan that was announced today? I’d love to sit down with your polling team and show them how they’ve gotten this wrong.

Talk to the coffee cup, folks. It don’t matter. The third party is listening, though. Keep making the case. The hispanic voters are moving over in droves. And again, I hate that hispanic voters because it represents a large variety of people who share very little in common. Okay. They speak the same language. Great. I speak the same language as people in the United Kingdom. It doesn’t mean I share my politics in common with them. I may, I may not. Folks, the suspension of disbelief, it’s really getting hard for them when the movie’s real. It’s hard when it’s really awful.

You know what suspension of disbelief is? You go to watch a movie and you kind of, you like, you know it’s fake, but you play along and if it’s a really good movie. You play along so well, you’ll start crying at the movie. Sometimes you’ll start cheering. You’ll get goosebumps. Why? You know it’s fake. If an alien came down to earth and had no experience with movies, they would say, why is this person crying? They know this is fake. Do you ever notice that this is what liberalism is? It’s like the suspension of disbelief. Like they know everything is fake and not real, but they buy into it anyway.

But what happens when do you lose the suspension of disbelief? I’m sorry. I had to throw this in because I’m fascinated by this. I always have been. How you go to movies and you just fall also. When does that stop? The answer is when the movie is so poorly acted you can’t stop thinking about the fact that you’re watching a movie because they’re so bad at pretending it’s real. Right? You watch a movie, you’re like, oh my gosh, does this suck? This is one of the worst movies ever. That’s liberalism. The acting is so bad that people are now having a hard time buying into the movie because they can see it right in front of them.

That’s why that Kristoff piece from the New York Times, I put it in there. They’re all starting to look around and go, man, all that talk about helping the homeless, inequity, it’s not really working out. We’re living in California. I want you to watch this Kinzinger guy. You know Kinzinger, the goofball clown joker crying and peeing himself at the January 6 hearing thing where they hid a bunch of information from you guys. A scumbag, always has been. Total loser. Pretended to be like a tea party guy. So now he’s out there kissing CNN’s ass. I want you to watch this.

Now this is what I’m talking about by how the liberal movie is breaking down so bad and the acting so terrible. Now they’ve got to really say, no, no, no, this, watch them on the Biden sheepfakes thing. Check this out. Yeah, I mean, this, look, his brain is broken. The difference is he does it more energetically. And, you know, the, the what it’s, and I think it’s completely an unfair comparison. But right now, you know, Joe Biden looks a lot more low energy than Donald Trump and that’s Donald Trump’s advantage. But these videos, I mean, they’re blatant lies.

And it used to be, Jim, back in the day, it would be kind of the dark corners of the Internet that would put out these fake videos and then responsible people like members of Congress and the Senate or the RNC would say, no, we’re not going to do that. They’re the ones pushing this now. So you wanted us to name names about chumps and douchebags? This guy was an obvious one. He’s one of them. Let’s just say someone in the room here worked at a company and used to interact with this guy. Guy was a total dick.

He’s one of those just like O’Reilly guys. You know these guys? Do you know who I am? Guys, you know those guys? This guy’s another one. Total dipshit. He realizes he’s not going to make any money anymore grifting off conservatives. And then he tried swampy Republicans. So now what does he do? Goes over to CNN and kisses everybody’s ass. These people are total losers. They’re telling you, look at these videos of Joe Biden falling apart in person. Look at him. And let’s all pretend we’re watching a movie and it’s not real. Here, look at this. You see Biden trying to get in the car.

Look at this. Wait. 1234-5678 910 11 seconds. Jim, we underestimated. Yesterday in the radio show, I asked Jim, for those of you listening on Apple and Spotify, we played a video of Joe Biden in Delaware trying to get into the armored suv. I said, jim, how long you think it took him to get ace? I’m guessing 6 seconds. Twice that he can’t even get in the car. Folks, the guy’s falling apart. Is that another cheap fake? And the knives are out. I told you the knives are out. They want this guy gone. They don’t know what to do when I say they.

I’m talking about the Democrats. Specificity matters. The Democrats want this guy out. Don’t you guys, ladies out there in the orange, don’t you think it’s a little weird that one thing about the Biden administration, obviously, you know, I can’t stand these guys. My level of vitriol for Biden and his team of garbage people is through the roof. But I will say one thing because I’m a practical tactical guy. Despite my emotion, Joe Biden’s team didn’t leak a lot. They didn’t. Some of this stuff I’ll give you, I’ll give you an example. I know some things. Let’s just say I’m not going to say how or why because it doesn’t matter.

But there’s a lot of stuff going on in that White House that doesn’t get out. And it’s actually shocking. A lot of stuff. Joe Biden’s health is worse than you can imagine. Well, probably it’s now you seeing it. They don’t leak, though. What does that tell you? That just in the last month or so as Biden is completely degenerated, that you’re seeing stories like this in axios. Axios, a left wing rag, politico, the New York Times, the Washington Post, top Democrats, Biden has a losing strategy. Read this, folks. This is not Republicans talking. Democrats are leaking like a sieve now to the media.

They are desperate to get rid of this guy. Quote, senior Democrats, including some of Biden’s aides, are increasingly dubious about his theory for victory in November, which relies on voter concerns about January 6, democracy, whatever. You get the point, folks. This is a deluge now. This is not a trickle. It’s not a drip, drip. This is a deluge. They are in real trouble. Everybody knows it. That’s why I told you yesterday. Start getting ready for Hillary Clinton. I noticed a couple of people picked up the story afterwards. I’m not suggesting they got it from me. Please, I hate that.

Oh, look at me. I, I didn’t invent the story. The story was in the New York Post and the Washington Post as well. Start getting ready for candidate Hillary Clinton. I heard another name I threw out there a while ago that I heard on Fox this morning. They, someone said, josh Shapiro from Pennsylvania. I’ve been telling you that name for, who is it Rove? Or someone said that may have been him. That’s another name. However, Kamala Harris is not going to take a backseat to a white guy. I doubt it. I doubt it. It may be Hillary Clinton, but no one else.

Start getting ready. All right, switching gears a little bit. I, Doctor Fauci is, Doctor Fauci has become, not become. He’s a really disturbing figure in american politics. And what really bothers me the most about Doctor Fauci and all of his awful, terrible, potentially at some point life threatening advice to people, society destroying advice he gave to people. What bothers me the most about Doctor Fauci is he’s a coward. Folks, unfortunately, when you’re part of this business, people are going to attack you. I mean, scumbag Bill O’Reilly decided to do it yesterday. And the way you fight back is you go on your own show and you kick them in the balls.

You don’t, you know, show up at their house. You don’t, you know, do stupid shit, but you fight back using your own airways. Doctor Foushee is a coward. He’s always been a coward. What Doctor Fauci does is when you question Doctor Fauci on his, on video and audio horrific society killing advice he gave out as a public health professional, what does he do? He says, hey, shut up. You’re incentivizing people to violence and I’m getting death threats. Number one, we roundly and completely and always will, from the bottom of my heart, condemn any of that shit.

You’re not helping. You’re only hurting the cause. What you’re doing is not only immoral, but illegal, period. You don’t threaten people’s lives. You don’t need a lecture for me. You already know that. However, doctor Fauci’s a chump and a coward because everyone in this business, I could show you all day, I think I did put one on Twitter a few weeks ago. Some asshole who lives in my neighborhood. I know where he lives. By the way. Guys like, hey, I know where you live. Fucking trader or something. I put it on Twitter. You can go look, it’s there.

This happens all day. It’s not Rachel Maddow’s fault. I don’t like Rachel Maddow, but she didn’t tell this guy to threaten me. Foushee relies on that so that he can avoid criticism. He’s a coward. I’m sorry. It’s a part of public life. It sucks. You think Donald Trump doesn’t get threats from you calling him out chump? We’re going to call this segment the Fauci files because he’s out there now trying to rehabilitate his reputation. I want to thank producer Jim and my team for putting this together. Here’s some clips of Doctor Fauci because he wants you to forget this retcon and memory hole, all the shit advice he gave while you paid him a fortune.

Here’s foushee on CNN saying, man, it was really painful to have to correct Trump, which is interesting because he doesn’t like it when you correct him, even though he was the one who was wrong. Check this out. You talk about this interesting press briefing that you did. This is in March of 2020, and you had to correct the record even if the president was talking. And first of all, how challenging is I said to myself, I have a responsibility to preserve my own personal integrity and a responsibility to the american public, regardless of what administration I’ve been responsible to the american public when I first came here half a century ago, and I’m responsible to the american public now.

So when I walked up to the podium, I said, here it goes. Doctor Fauci, the president just said that hydroxychloroquine is, you know, the end all. And I’ll say, no, I’m really sorry, but that’s anecdotal, and there’s no information that it actually works. That was painful to me to have to do that, but there was no doubt that I had to do it. I mean, it wasn’t like, well, maybe you should, and maybe you should. There was no doubt that I had to do it. Notice what he’s doing here. He’s using a moral seesaw. He’s trying to use the leverage and the seesaw to elevate himself over Donald Trump.

Oh, Donald Trump said hydroxychloroquine was the end all. Actually, he didn’t say that. You just made that up, and you’re picking out an isolated example to avoid taking responsibility for all the dumb shit you said. Here he is, Fauci again, in his redemption tour out there. Here he is, still hiding the ball on the lab leak theory, knowing that it’s probably not a theory anymore and that he was on the wrong side of it. Check this out. Could the coronavirus have been developed at Wuhan as part of a gain of function study? Well, not. Not from the grant that was given by the NIH to study the viruses that they were studying, because why not? The nature of those viruses that were studied were evolutionarily so far distant from what turned out to be SARS Cov two, that no matter what you did with those viruses, you would not be able to do that.

That doesn’t mean that somewhere in China it is conceivable that someone may have been working on something, bringing it out from the environment. That’s the reason why we keep an open mind as to what the cause of it is. In my opinion, and in the opinion of most virologists who understand the process, it is much more likely, though not definitive, that it was a natural occurrence from jumping from an animal into a human at the Wuhan market. But since it’s not definitive, there’s still a possibility that somewhere in China something was going on where people brought in a virus from the environment and it escaped from the lab.

So do you understand this? You know what the term retconning means? You guys in the chat? You know what it is? You ever see it’s a. It’s a popular term in Hollywood, so if you’ve got a franchise that’s worth a lot of money. Like Michael Myers, Halloween. Right? You know what I’m talking about, right? The guy with the mask. Serial killer. Because they want to keep doing these movies, but Michael Myers has died, like, 700 times. They just retcon it. Meaning they do another movie and pretend the other movies never happen. They just, like, retcon the whole thing.

They pretend none of it’s kind of like I wish they would do with Star wars just to pokey ingest it a little bit. They suck so bad. Just retcon it. Just start over. This is what Fauci does. Retroactive continuity, that. Thank you, Justin. That’s pretty smart here. That’s what they do. They write, this is Fauci. He’s totally retconning and rewriting the storyline. Oh, you know, there’s still potential evidence there that a pangolin dude. There’s no evidence. No one’s ever produced it. You’re just making this up. Here’s the great maze Moore at maze Moore. Ma z e m o o r e.

On. On x. Twitter, whatever you want to call it. Great video account. Love it. Here’s a Fauci versus Fauci again. Total retcon. He wants you to pretend original. Fauci isn’t the Fauci debating the Fauci of the past, and none of that ever happened. Check this out. I don’t know how many times I can say it. Madam chair, we did not fund gain of function research to be conducted in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Anyway, so let me just go on about NIH lifts funding, pause on gain of function research. I almost have to laugh at that, Neil.

I mean, that’s totally bizarre. First of all, I wasn’t leaning totally strongly one way or the other. I’ve always kept an open mind. Did you have any sense of where it probably came from? I think ultimately we know that these things come from an animal reservoir. I’ve heard these conspiracy theories, and like all conspiracy theories, they’re just conspiracy theories. I wasn’t leaning totally strongly one way or the other. I’ve always kept an open mind. Right now, people should not be walking. There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. Should you be wearing two masks or one mask? I often myself wear two masks.

Can we make a general recommendation that doesn’t have scientific basis yet? No. Please wear a mask. I’m sorry. Mazemore is a great account, but that’s Texas Lindsay. Big hot tip. Texas Lindsay. Another great follow. Got to make sure we build up these. These influencers and conservative personalities on Twitter and truth. You got to get there. So Texas Lindsay, big hat tip to you, but mays Moore is great, too. Tom Elliott Grabian, another solid of account. These guys are really good. You can get a lot of good video from there. Okay, a couple more things I want to get to.

Super important stuff, by the way, book signing Friday. Friday’s tomorrow, right? Friday is tomorrow. By the way, this is the. A lot of people asking about the shirt. I’m voting for the outlaw if you want it. I’m not in a. Whatever. I’m not sure it’s stored upon geno.com if you want to buy the shirt, totally up to you. It’s whatever. We put it out there. People seem to really like it, so we print them on demand. You want them, we print them. But book signing tomorrow in Oklahoma City at noon local time. The Barnes and Noble 6100 north may been some incredible feedback on it.

So I’ll see a lot of you there tomorrow in Oklahoma City. We will have a. A show tomorrow that he put together and Michael so on the podcast. But Evita the Great, the legendary Evita Duffy, Alfonso going to be filling in tomorrow, tearing shit up on the radio show as she always does. Everybody always gives me good feedback. I want you to watch this. I’m going to. I’m going to kind of end the show as I started. This video clip is really important, folks. Regardless of where you stand on the Israel Palestinian Middle east issue, in general, there are facts and there’s bullshit, okay? Now, if your emotions have got the best of you and you can’t think straight and you’re like, I just want to kill jews, then go fuck yourself, because I don’t want you here.

And you are my enemy, my actual enemy, if that’s what you believe, like, I want to kill someone because of their religion, you’re not welcome on the show. I don’t want you here at all. I don’t know how much clearer I can be. We get each other, right? Like, that’s not what we do here, and that’s not what we’re ever going to do. So if that’s you, get lost. However, you’re perfectly entitled to an opinion about Netanyahu and Israel and what their historical approach in the Middle east is. Knock yourself out. All I ask is that just bring some facts to the debate, right? Doug Murray had a debate with Mehdi Hassan.

You know, Mehdi Hasan, the old MSNBC clown, the anti Trump lunatic. I think they. They gave him the boot. I don’t know what happened. They separated from him and he’s out, like, doing crazy stuff now. They had a little debate. This is what it looks like in a debate, when one guy knows what’s going on and the other guy just makes shit up. Check this out. You started with a peroration about me not mentioning the palestinian casualties. That’s because I started by mentioning the war. And there is no law of war that says you’re allowed to start a war and then complain when you lose it.

And, and if maybe cares about the palestinian casualties, as I’m sure he does, then tell your bosses in Qatar to tell their friends in Gaza to stop the war and give back the hostages again. That’s what it looks like when you’re debating with people whose hearts are so filled with hatred, they can’t see the facts right before their eyes. And this may be the most important story of the day. I probably should have teased this up a little bit in the beginning of the show, but you know how much I hate teases and I’m terrible at it.

I’ve been getting a lot of questions on this. A lot. And they’re good because you all keep me on my toes and keep me on top of these stories. I don’t know if you heard this story, but the network of George Soros businesses out there, they’re buying up a lot of national radio stations. The New York Post, Lydia Moynihan and Dana Kennedy have a really good story on it. You should read the Democrat majority, FCC is helping George Soros fast track the takeover of nationwide radio networks. Quote, this is scary, folks. The story is real, okay? It’s not a conspiracy theory.

And I’ve been getting a lot of questions, you know, Dan. What? Are you working for George Soros? No, he’s not and has not bought the radio syndicator I work for. He hasn’t. I have certain protections anyway, even if he decided to do that. But he is buying another network. And a source with knowledge of the deal told the New York Post that the idea that George Soros is buying hundreds of local radio stations right before a national election and will keep broadcasting Sean Hannity and other conservative talk radio hosts on Odyssey is not credible, folks. The story is real and I’m going to speak out about it.

I’m going to continue to speak out about it. It is not my specific company. I don’t, I don’t work for Odyssey. I work for Westwood one, cumulus on the syndication radio side. But yeah, I got my eyes on it and I see what’s happening and one last thing too. A lot of you asked me to mention the petrodollar agreement, a couple of things on this just to end the show quick. I only got a minute left. It’s not great, but it’s not a 50 year deal. Was actually a five year deal that was renewed over and over again for 50 years.

But folks, it’s not a great thing. In other words, the purchasing of oil in us dollars. However, if you look at the purchasing of oil assets from the Saudis, it is still largely done in us dollars. So yes, it’s not a good thing, but some of the stuff out there is a little bit overblown on it. So just look at the data. You’ll see most of the stuff is still done in us dollars. Hopefully I’ll get to more of that on the radio show. Maybe more next week. I’ll do a segment on it. Bad thing. But just be careful being led down some past because I think some people want you to believe it’s apocalyptic and we’ve got our own oil.

We are the oil spigot for the world. Hey, thanks again for tuning in. Check out the show tomorrow. You’re going to love it. Evita will be filling in on radio tomorrow. We’ll be here with a show for podcast. Was that 14? Fuck bill O’Reilly. 15. Were you guys, you guys were counting. I didn’t even know. Fuck bill O’Reilly. Douche. There you go. Don’t, don’t. Don’t mess around, man. And you’re not going to have to find out now. We found out. Make sure you download the rumble app or go to rumble.com bangino every day at 11:00 a.m.

watch the show live anytime. A video on demand. And check us out on Apple and Spotify as well. See you on the radio show here in Rumble in a few minutes and back here on Monday. You just heard the Dan Bongino show. It.

See more of Dan Bongino on their Public Channel and the MPN Dan Bongino channel.


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