Biden Just Got Some REALLY BAD NEWS!!! | Dr. Steve Turley




➡ Dr. Steve Turley talks about how Biden’s State of the Union speech didn’t go well, according to polls, even though some media outlets said it was good. Meanwhile, Trump has been chosen as the Republican candidate for the third time, which is very unusual. There’s also an online event about election integrity happening soon, which is important because of concerns about the upcoming election. Lastly, despite positive media reviews, Biden’s approval ratings are at an all-time low after his speech.


It’s official. Biden’s State of the union was a complete and total disaster. Despite the legacy media’s desperate attempts to convince you otherwise, american voters aren’t buying it. We’re going to see the latest polls that are an absolute nightmare for Biden and the Democrats. And then it’s official. Donald Trump has formally secured the republican nomination for a historic third straight time. We’re going to see how absolutely unprecedented that is and what it all means for November.

Hey, gang, it’s me, Dr. Steve, your patriot professor, here to help you stay sane during these insane times. So make sure to smack that bell and subscribe button. And let’s dive right in. First, gang, I want to make sure I see you this Friday for a special online event on election integrity. You know that with Biden’s collapsing poll numbers, Democrats are going to try to pull off another 2020 all over again.

But we’re a people of action. And that’s why I’m sharing three actionable steps you can take right now to protect the election in November. I shared this plan with a number of you last month, and it was so helpful to so many of you that we decided to do it again. Every single patriot needs to hear this message. So I’m hosting a short virtual course off platform this Friday morning, March 15, at 11:00 a.

m. Eastern to get in the details off platform, obviously, because YouTube is not going to like what we have to say. Now, we’re trying to limit this to only those of you who are ready to take action. So there are only 250 spots available, so don’t wait on this. They can fill up in the next hour. So don’t wait. Click on that link description to register now before those virtual seats get filled up.

It’s vitally important this message gets disseminated far and wide so we can continue to ride the Trump train all the way to the White House. Click on that link in the description below or go to election turleytalks. com right now to snag a seat. Last week’s State of the Union address will perhaps go down as one of the most cringeworthy examples of gaslighting ever attempted by the fledgling legacy media.

It was hailed as a, quote, home run by crystal Ball’s Larry Sabato. MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough said Biden gave, quote, his best speech of his presidency, by far strongest speech. And most importantly for people that were thinking, oh, he’s too old, he’s too. That man, he gave a lot more than he got. And to top it all off, here’s CNN’s Van Jones. Man, very proud, very proud. Look strong at the beginning, strong on Ukraine, strong about January 6, strong in the middle.

He put his chest out for those Republicans. He ain’t scared of the Republicans. He said, hey, let’s fight right now about the border. Let’s fight right now about these tax cuts for gazillionaires. Strong at the end, owning his age issue. I thought that was a remarkable, fiery, powerful, vigorous guy. Now, despite those desperate attempts at convincing you that this was the greatest speech imaginable, the polls are now in and they’re devastating both for Biden and even more so for the legacy media’s imploding credibility.

We now have three national polls that have come out since Biden’s State of the union fiasco, and all three confirm that it did nothing whatsoever to move the needle in the court of public opinion. Yahoo News has Trump up by three. Forbes has Trump up by four. And morning console has Trump up by one, representing a two point bump for Trump. In fact, 538 went even further. Not only did their analysts note that Biden got no State of the Union bump, his updated approval rating average is, as of today, at a new all time low.

How’s that for adding insult to injury? Not only did he not get a bump, his approval rating now has hit a new bottom. Now, we saw it in real time right after the speech. Again, despite the best efforts by the legacy media to convince us otherwise, the speech actually got the worst polling seen in a quarter of a century. This according to the Washington Post. Now, keep in mind that most people who tune into a State of the Union speech are already generally supporters of the president giving it, which makes the low poll numbers even worse for Biden.

Now, why are we harping on this? Well, for two reasons. First and foremost, remember, this was supposed to be Biden’s comeback moment, right? That’s how the speech was all hyped up by the legacy media leading up to it. That’s why they were doing everything they possibly could to salvage it. As it turns out, this great reset for Biden’s fledgling campaign was a bust. It was a disaster. It did no such thing.

If anything, he’s even more unpopular after the state of the union than he was before. So that’s number one. Number two, the post speech polling further indicates that the legacy media really has lost their hold on american popular opinion. Historically, the legacy media has been theorized as the primary agenda setting institution in our nation. Agenda setting theory is the technical term for how the media actually sets the political agenda, not politicians or lobbyists.

It’s the media that has historically framed the issues of the day with a narrative that used to have profound influence on how mass populations viewed the world. Those days are over, and again, we have polling to prove it. According to Gallup, just 16% of respondents had a great deal, or quite a lot of confidence in newspapers. That’s the first time on record that such confidence has fallen under 20%.

But only 11% get that. 11% had the same confidence in the trustworthiness of television news. Gallup has been tracking trust in the newspaper media since 1973 and in televised news since 1993. And in all of those intervening years, never, according to Gallup, never have we seen polling this low in terms of media trust. The fact that we’re now seeing such a massive discrepancy between how the legacy media received that State of the union speech versus how the vast majority of the nation received it simply confirms that their agenda setting role in american society appears to have largely come to an end.

The legacy media’s role in shaping popular opinion really is no more. So what do you think? Have we finally arrived at the end of the era of the legacy media? Let us know in the comments section below. All right, we need to talk about the amazing achievement that happened last night, or better, in the early morning hours. And that, of course, is President Trump officially securing the republican nomination for the third straight time.

It was historic. Not since FDR have we seen someone nominated by the same party three times in a row. Now, Rich Barris of the People’s Pundit noted that we have seen others get nominated three times, but not necessarily in a row, and not even in the same party. Nixon, of course, got the nomination back in 1960, and then again eight years later in 68 and 72. And that 72 election, remember, was the single biggest landslide election in american history.

Could we be seeing something like that in November? Well, the partisanship that’s been solidified since 72 makes that highly unlikely. But as we’ve observed over and over again on this channel, Donald Trump is in a stronger position, a much stronger position to win the White House today than he’s ever been in. And that’s why we can be sure that the Democrats are going to be more intent than ever to try to pull off the same kind of shenanigans they pulled off in 2020.

So make sure to click on that link below and register for our online event this Friday, March 15, at 11:00 a. m. , eastern to learn what you can do to make sure that doesn’t happen. And we see Donald Trump take his place as the 47th president of the United States. .

See more of Dr. Steve Turley on their Public Channel and the MPN Dr. Steve Turley channel.



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