LIVE: CPAC 2024 | Judicial Watch




➡ Judicial Watch talks about how In 2016, a hairstylist in New York voted for Hillary Clinton and was devastated when she lost. However, he later realized that he felt the media and Democrats were manipulating minority communities through fear and deception. This led him to start the #WalkAway movement in 2018, encouraging others to leave the Democratic Party. Despite facing accusations of being a Russian disinformation campaign, the movement grew, leading to a march on Washington and various events across the country.
➡ A man was arrested and charged with multiple felonies for filming people entering the Capitol building, even though he didn’t participate in any violence or destruction. He was also banned from various social media platforms and put on a terrorism watch list. Despite these challenges, he plans to continue his political activism, focusing on speaking to young people and minority communities, and debunking lies spread by the left. He encourages others who feel unheard or unrepresented by the political system to join his movement, Walk Away.
➡ Mike Lindell, the CEO of My Pillow, is advocating for election reform. He believes that electronic voting machines are easily manipulated and have been used to commit fraud in past elections. To prevent this, he suggests switching to paper ballots that are hand-counted. He also mentions several countries that have successfully implemented this system, and a court case in Georgia that supports his claims about the vulnerability of electronic voting machines.
➡ The speaker is discussing a plan to encourage counties across the United States to switch from voting machines to paper ballots. They believe this will secure elections and save the country. They also mention a call to action for people to download their apps and get involved in their plan. The speaker also criticizes the Biden administration for their regulatory approach and their attempt to take over patents and intellectual property from those who have used government funds.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the Biden administration’s policies, including increased regulation, censorship, and changes in healthcare. It argues that these policies are negatively impacting the economy, free speech, and the cost of healthcare. The speakers suggest that the administration is trying to control the internet and businesses, and they express a desire for a return to policies under the Trump administration. They also criticize the AARP and pharmacy benefit managers for their roles in increasing costs.
➡ The text discusses concerns about government control, stifling innovation, and the expansion of regulatory mandates. It highlights the importance of intellectual property rights for encouraging research and development. The text also criticizes the current administration’s actions against Elon Musk and others, suggesting that these actions are politically motivated. It ends by emphasizing the need for a return to unity and less government interference in innovation and individual freedoms.
➡ The text discusses a committee that provides a free daily newsletter on economic policy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of not allowing the government to shut down schools, businesses, and restaurants, suggesting that if re-elected, Joe Biden might use climate change as a reason to shut down the economy. The speaker also encourages people to vote in person on election day and to ensure that ballots are counted on the same day. The text also introduces two doctors who discuss the changing doctor-patient relationship and the increasing influence of central planning and censorship in medicine.
➡ The beef and medical industries are becoming more centralized, with a few big companies controlling most of the market. This is causing problems like high prices for consumers and unfair pay for cattle ranchers. In the medical field, doctors who don’t follow the “approved narrative” can face legal consequences. The World Health Organization (WHO) is also trying to gain more control over global health regulations, which could limit the medicines and treatments people can receive.
➡ The text discusses the need for a more patient-centered approach in medicine, rejecting globalized healthcare systems that treat patients as numbers. It also criticizes the influence of corporations and bureaucracy in healthcare. The text then shifts to discuss the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with various perspectives presented. Lastly, it criticizes the current U.S. administration, suggesting a drift towards a surveillance state and questioning the legitimacy of President Joe Biden.
➡ The text discusses concerns about surveillance and the current state of the U.S. It criticizes the current administration’s handling of the border and encourages people to be more involved in their local communities. It also expresses support for former President Trump and criticizes the media’s portrayal of him. The text ends with a promotion for Newsmax and a speech from a Republican candidate in Arizona.


Um. Hey, good morning. In the year 2016, in the month of November, I voted for Hillary Clinton. Well, it’s going to get worse before it gets better, so buckle up. I. I was working at the time as a hairstylist in New York City. And naturally, the day after the election, in order to cope with what had just happened, I had to cancel all of my appointments and take a personal wellness day.

After all, I was in no condition to be anywhere near scissors or bleach. And so I did what any calm, rational, clear thinking person would do. I got on Facebook Live, and I started crying. I rolled over. I found out that he won, and I didn’t sleep the rest of the night. And I had to cancel my day today because I can barely function right now and I couldn’t take clients.

And. I don’t know. I need a hug. It’s hard to believe that just one year later, this once upon a time, I was a liberal. I started walk away after making the startling realization that almost everything I had believed in my entire life was actually nothing more than a carefully constructed narrative installed into public consciousness with meticulous deceit by the entertainment industry, the media, and various systems of propaganda in our culture.

When I realized that not only was I being lied to, but that the media and the Democrats had concocted a formula to control every minority community in this country through a steady diet of fear mongering and deception, I became outraged. And I decided to do something about it. And hell, half no fury like a gay man scorned by the Democrat party. So on May 26 of 2018, I put out a six minute video detailing all of the reasons I was walking away from the Democratic Party.

And I launched a Facebook group encouraging people to create their own walkaway videos and share their own stories. Nothing like it had ever been done before. Utilized the power of social media and testimonial videos to create a movement for people to walk away from a political party together as a community. I was determined to make my idea work. I was focused on only one thing. Make sure every person in this country knows the name hashtag walk away, no matter what it takes.

And so I did hundreds of interviews day and night for the first five weeks, waiting for my big break. And finally, on July 2, five weeks after I launched the movement, my boyfriend called. Well, not everybody on the left is on board with where the left is going. Brandon Strayka has spent years as a liberal. He recently released a new video encouraging other progressives to walk away. I thought that CNN told the truth.

I thought MSNBC. Told the truth. I thought Rachel Maddow told the truth. So what I’ve done is I’ve created a testimonial campaign utilizing video and written testimonials. This is happening right now on Facebook. It’s called the hashtag Walk Away campaign. From there. From there, we were off to the races. Walk away testimonials began flooding in by the hundreds. Suddenly, everyone was talking about hashtag walk away. And now there’s this.

A new grassroots movement urging Democrats who are fed up with their party to hashtag walk away. It’s called the Walk away movement, and it’s gaining serious momentum. The walk away movement continues to gain traction online. It’s Brandon Strzok who was created quite a stir in recent days. There’s a burgeoning new online movement billing itself as hashtag walk away, where once proud liberals denounce their former political identity as the left is moving further and further away from something called reality.

Almost immediately, an attack was initiated against us. In early July, the left wing media began churning out a blitzkrieg of articles stating that walk away was a russian disinformation campaign and that the hashtag was not being used by real people, but russian bots at Vladimir Putin’s direction. But it quickly became much more unhinged. Within weeks, the left wing media began reporting that the people in walkway testimonials were paid actors and models from stock photos.

It was shocking. But back then, my team and I thought it was somewhat funny. I felt a sense of pride to be so threatening to the left that they would engage in this type of outlandish attempt to discredit me and walk away. What we didn’t know then and didn’t find out until many years later, was that the walk away is russian propaganda narrative didn’t originate from a bunch of leftist hacks in the mainstream media.

This lie was created by agents within our own CIA and DHS, including Department of Homeland Security Undersecretary Suzanne Spalding. All I knew at the time was that I was one person up against the entirety of the mainstream media who were organizing to invalidate me in this fledgling movement. I knew I had to fight back with a tactical response. And then it dawned on me. If they’re going to try to delegitimize us by creating a false narrative that walk away is not real people, then let’s do a march on Washington.

Real people marching together in the streets of DC, holding signs, flags, and banners, marching away from the dishonest left. Together, we brought thousands of people to DC for the Walkaway march on Washington, a weekend so unique and so powerful that President Donald Trump tweeted out, walk away movement marches today in DC. Congratulations to Brandon Strzok for starting something very special. The success of the Walkaway march proved what I already knew.

Walkaway is a real force with legs that stretch far beyond social media. It was time to get on the ground and start bringing the message to the people where it was most needed. So I began gathering powerful voices from various communities together and traveling the country, doing town halls, debates, rallies, college campus tours, and much more. In 2019, Walkaway produced 24 of these events, spoke at a dozen colleges, and produced our own video series, the hard truth.

Five minute videos with former liberals taking on a different leftist lie or cultural myth and fighting marxist propaganda with the thing they hate the most, the truth. And setting the record straight in 2020. Covid hit and we were put under lockdown. BLM was ravaging our country with violence and destruction, and nobody seemed to know what to do. So the Walkaway team, just a skeleton crew of a few people, got to work creating what we called rescue America rallies.

The message was simple. The message was simple. If the left is allowed to go out aside to burn, loot, there we go. Burn, loot, and destroy, while the rest of us are ordered to stay inside, we will not comply. We will not give up our country willingly to the radical left. So in the midst. So we raised the money and embarked on 19 rallies in 19 major cities across America.

Walk away, walk away, walk away. Almost every event we’ve done has been fraught with some type of peril. Antifa groups find out that we’re coming and harass the venues and vendors until they cancel us, sometimes even on the day of the event. But we don’t quit. We always find a way, even if we have to hold the event on the sidewalk in front of the venue. That canceled us.

Like in San Francisco, where we were met by dozens of antifa who came to break our sound equipment, blare sirens in our ears, flip us off, swear in our faces, or just shriek into the night like the now infamous screaming bald girl. It what happened to us in Dallas marked one of the scariest and most eye opening things I’ve ever experienced. First, BLM came to our rally and charged our stage.

Then afterward, my team and I were chased for five blocks by a mob of more than 20 BLM anarchists who threw bottles at us, broke our phones, and screamed and threatened our lives. We’re being chased by a mob of people outside the police station. A mob of Black Lives matters protesters. They’ve already thrown shit at us. We’re trying to get away from them. You don’t give up. Why would you even take.

Don’t master. Go faster. Why the fuck the guy has come here? You guys fault. What the fucking run. Fucking phone down. Give me that. Yeah. Fucking go. Yeah. You stupid. You’re a minority, just like the fucking. This ain’t time for fucking conversation. It’s time for you to go. Fucking go. We really own it. Arling phone boat. Arling phone boat. You want me to show you violence? I will show you violent.

You. Every major news outlet was there. ABC, CBS, NBC, and others. They all witnessed and filmed what happened. And that night, every news network presented BLM as the victims of a racist attack and mentioned nothing of what they did to us. And that’s when I knew there were forces at work far more nefarious than just fake news. They’re not just enabling it. They are it. The media is part of the marxist revolution to destroy America.

Brandon on January 6, 2021, I was a scheduled speaker at a permitted event on Capitol grounds. When I arrived at the Capitol, the barricades had been fully opened and the doors on the east side of the Capitol were open. I stood outside of the building for 8 minutes, shooting a video of a crowd of people walking into the open doors. I never entered the Capitol on January 6.

I never engaged in any violence, vandalism, theft, or destruction, nor did I witness any. In fact, nothing I witnessed could be described as a riot by any honest person. And I certainly did not engage in any rioting. But two and a half weeks later, a team of FBI agents and tactical gear stormed my apartment at dawn and got me out of bed, put me in handcuffs, and took me to jail.

The government charged me with multiple felonies, and I was threatened with the now infamous 1512 obstruction of an official preceding felony, the unconstitution and unconstitutional and unethical 20 year felony charge being used to torment J Sixers into taking plea deals and put them in prison for years. The lies about January 6 and my involvement were used as an excuse to systematically annihilate me and walk away. Facebook banned the Walkaway campaign group, which had grown to over 511,000 members, with tens of thousands of videos and written testimonials, all gone in an instant.

We were permanently banned by PayPal, Venmo Stripe, Patreon, our donor portals, our email services. I was evicted from my apartment by the building owner. I was placed on a terrorism watch list meaning hours of security screening at the airport and being accompanied by air marshals on every flight. The communist psychopaths in the leftist media reported with deceptive glee that I encouraged people to storm the building and take a shield from an officer and that I flipped on MAGA and turned people in to save my own skin.

This was a lie. I was sued by a source funded law firm in DC under the KKK act, alleging that I’m a white supremacist who went to the Capitol to attack Black Capitol police officers. I won that lawsuit and through all of this, the republican party that I gave myself in service to that I’ve repeatedly put my life in danger for and nearly lost my freedom for, and the right wing media that had fallen in love with me years prior was silent.

I had never seen anything like it. It was like walkaway and I just ceased to exist. You see, they’ll report on the criminal arrests of Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Dinesh D’Souza, James O’Keefe, but Brandon Strzok is a J Sixer, so I’m expected to wear a scarlet eye for insurrectionists around my neck. But I will not. I will not be shamed. I will not be shamed by anybody and I will not be ashamed.

I will not be broken by the left or the cowards or rhinos on the right. I’m going to hit 2024 with more passion and more power than anything I’ve ever done up until now. Next month, we will resume the Walkaway thought Revolution College tour, focusing on speaking to young people in crucial states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania. We are launching Project Z, a project aimed at targeting Gen Z by building an army of young voices who will make weekly videos on trending topics and debunking the less lies that are used to target this young generation.

We will continue to travel the country to reach out to minority communities to get people woken up and thinking for themselves. We will continue to create a unique and outstanding video content to challenge the left’s narratives and divisive propaganda. We will continue to fight day after day to save our country from the destruction of the radical rat left and grow this movement of free thinkers who choose to walk away.

You. If you feel unheard and unrepresented by the political system, walk away is for you. If you feel politically homeless, walk away is for you. If you are tired of the political establishment that gets nothing done, walk away is for you. And if you want to be a part of a winning team that’s changing the landscape of America and never backs down. Walk away is for you. I want everyone in this room right now to take out your phones.

Can we put that slide back up, please? I’m leaving the stage. Okay, scan that QR code or go to walkwaycampaign. com. Slash next. There’s five steps I want you to take to help us rebuild the walkway movement. I understand that these days, asking people to take five steps, I might as well ask you to dig a ditch. But join our new Facebook group. Join our new app, walk away social.

Donate to the walkaway movement as we rebuild. Join our email list and join our texting list. You can do all of that by scanning that QR code or going to walkawaycampaign. com slash next. Thank you so much, Matt and Mercedes schlap. And thank you, Steve Pax. There’s a concerted effort to intimidate and censor conservative thinkers. The very freedoms secured by our constitution are being threatened by the most liberal progressives America has ever seen.

It seems like everything they do is to the detriment of our great nation. But there are plenty of patriots with the courage to stand up to the left. Join AMaC. AMAC is a voice for conservatives that cannot be ignored. Stand with over 2 million America loving patriots by joining AMAc today. Champions are not born. They are made of moment. At Liberty University, we push ourselves in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in the community to go beyond our limits and reach the world for Christ.

Every play made, every assignment completed, and each friendship formed is a testament to our dedication to that mission. These moments matter and make us champions. Become a champion for Christ. At liberty University, hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do and let Donald Trump know who you want to be his vice president.

Go vote in the real America’s voice straw poll this president is calling. My family is calling me, is calling MAGA supporters enemy of America. I am the daughter of a cuban political prisoner who fought for freedom, who fought against authoritarian and dictators. He sounds just like Fidel Castro did. Fidel Castro would target the enemies of his government and try to take them down. This is exactly what we’re seeing with Joe Biden.

He should be ashamed of himself. No American. No American should be called a Nazi or be called an enemy of state. Those of us who love this country and I have spent my whole life defending freedom in America. For the last three years, the Biden administration’s attack on american energy weakened our standing in the world. After the russian invasion of Ukraine, Europeans worried about Vladimir Putin cutting off their energy supply here at home.

The Biden administration would blame Russia for rising gas prices, even though the cost of gas was already up 40% before the invasion. Meanwhile, Russia joined with other OPEC countries to cut oil production further, driving up the price of gasoline. We saw President Biden travel to Saudi Arabia and beg them for oil. More recently, Hamas terrorists launched a brutal attack on civilians under President Biden. Hamas ally Iran had a record year for oil exports in 2022, with their biggest customers being China and Venezuela.

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It is a statement MAGA hammocks swing right ladies and gentlemen, this is the globalist threat to sovereignty, the who, and the UN climate agenda. Please welcome author of winning space how America remains a superpower, Brandon Weichert, executive director of American Stewards of Liberty, Margaret Byfield, executive chairman, center for Security Policy Frank Gaffney and your moderator, CPAC vice chairman and host of the Bill Walton Show. Bill Walton, it well, the theme of this year’s conference is where globalism goes to die.

We have a lot of work to do. The global governance agenda is wrapped in obfuscation and secrecy. It has to be because the global governance agenda is at its core a degrowth agenda. It’s an anti human freedom agenda. It’s an anti antipoperty rights agenda. It’s fundamentally anti human. In this panel, we want to share a couple of the latest instances of their power grab and some of the things we’ve got to face down.

One is the UN’s climate change agenda and the other, and you’re seeing the badges around the conference, the World Health Organization’s latest attempt at a massive power grab. I’ll describe briefly what the WHO threat is about. Just tip of the iceberg. Don’t have enough time to get into it completely. And then Margaret Brannon and Frank will amplify some of the other areas and some action steps. The WHO at a meeting of the World Health assembly starting in May 27, just 90 days from now, the World Health Organization will likely adopt two agreements, one amending the existing international health regulations, the other a new so called pandemic agreement, ostensibly intended to prevent and guide responses to future pandemics.

The new agreements would require the US and the 195 other supposedly sovereign states to give the WHO director general the authority unilaterally to declare public health emergencies of international concern anywhere in the world and dictate what must be done by nations. In response, the WHO director would be able to declare a public health emergency, or the potential for one, without meeting any specific criteria. Exactly who EdEx would become compulsory.

The proposed amendments replace the word may with shall in over 100 places. In addition, the world nonbinding has been deleted to make the recommendations of the WHO binding. Some of the directives that the director general and his wisdom could issue could include quarantines, masks, mandatory testing, vaccination requirements, lockdowns, and border closures with vaccine passports. This has the active support of the World Economic Forum, the European Union, the World Bank, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, the Chinese Communist Party, and the Biden administration.

I might add, if you don’t already know this, the Gates foundation is the second largest contributor to the WHO, and it also has the Biden administration’s strong support, which means they’re driving this to say that they’re not going to characterize these as treaties, which means they don’t have to receive U. S. Senate confirmation or approval. So they’re bypassing it, and they’re going to make this thing happen in late May if we don’t stop it.

And of course, unless the United States withdraws from the World Health Organization, it’s going to be bound by whatever the majority of the members decide. Majority of the members agree upon. So with that set up, Margaret, would you tell us a little bit more about what the United nations is up to and your work there? So this whole agenda is about controlling the people, and that’s what we’re seeing with the who.

But one of the key ways that they are able to do this is by controlling our land. We have to understand how important it is that we, the people in America, own our property. America was founded on the idea that the way we would control our government is if the people owned the land. And that’s the key thing that the Biden administration is doing right now. Six days into his administration, he launched a program called 30 by 30.

30 by 30 is an international agenda to permanently protect 30% of the world’s lands and oceans by 2030. That means in America, he is trying to permanently protect 30% of our nation off limits to human use. And he has been doing this since six days into his administration. We jumped on this campaign. That’s what we do. We’re a property rights organization, and we’ve been fighting it for the last three years.

However, in September of 2021, as we were tracking this issue, we also picked up another issue that is a tandem issue, and really the next step in this agenda. We picked up an item where a group called Intrinsic Exchange Group, which is funded by the Rockefeller foundation, partnered with the New York Stock Exchange to create something called natural asset accounts. And what they are doing with these accounts, or natural asset companies, what they are doing with these companies is they are trying to create an investment vehicle where ecosystem services, and I know that’s a big term, ecosystem services could be enrolled into these natural capital accounts, and the world elites could then profit from those.

What would be enrolled in these accounts? The ecosystem services from things like our national parks, wilderness areas, conservation, easements on private lands. And they would take these ecosystem services, which includes something that is even more diabolical. They’re trying to create a new property right. They are trying to make things like pollinization and photosynthesis a property right, which they will own via its enrollment through these natural asset companies.

This is absolutely diabolical. Nobody has a right to own these things. These are things that are not properties that all of us need. But that is what they were doing with the natural asset companies. On October 4 of last year, the SEC Security Exchange Commission issued a proposed rule to approve these in 45 days. Thankfully, we were able to jump on this, and we enlisted the help of Frank and Bill, and we got Congress alerted to what was going on and were able to get a number of key delays so that on January 18, the New York Stock Exchange pulled out and pulled their application to do this.

So this fight isn’t over. We’re still fighting 30 by 30. And there’s a lot of these other agendas. But here’s the thing I want the audience to understand. If the one takeaway you take away from this is, number one, we can beat these things. But number two, here’s what I want you to remember why property right is so important to everything we do. And that’s this. Either you have the right to own property, or you are property.

Brandon. Well, and building off those excellent remarks, I think that the self described progressives really should be called what they are, which is Marxists or communists. And the key to understanding the marxist cabal’s threat to America is through their organizational capability. If you take a small cadre of people and you give them superior organizational abilities with a shared goal, they will be able to defeat a larger group that’s not disciplined.

This is why this group is so important here, because you are forming the organizational backbone of our movement. But we’ve seen now, with the World Health Organization, the United nations, and other internationalist bodies, that they have been co opted by the marxist globalist Cabal. And they are using the tools and capabilities of these organizations that were technically, initially founded after the second World War to help protect us in the cold War from the communists.

They’ve been co opted by the communists, and they are now using all of the sovereignty that we’ve ceded to these groups to basically try to destroy the United States. But they’re not working alone. And we saw this during 2020, when the pandemic that was released from Wuhan came out. And basically, the World Health Organization went from being a pandemic response group to becoming a apologist for Xi Jinping’s China.

And this is a critical point to understand the World Health Organization. All these internationalist groups have been not only co opted by communists in our own country, but they have been co opted by the Chinese. The Chinese have been spending tens of billions of dollars to basically buy influence in groups like the World Health Organization so that they can fundamentally change the United States by using the power of the World Health Organization to impose chinese style communist dictates upon us, using our own elites to do it.

And that is why you had in the United States, in 2020 lockdowns, you had this movement among our elites to basically replicate the policies of China, these draconian anti freedom, anti human policies. Right now, they are currently attempting to pass through the global pandemic treaty, which, if they can get that through, it will give the World Health Organization stunning amount of power to completely eradicate our freedoms here in the United States.

So even the Human Rights Watch, I was researching this, even Human Rights Watch, very liberal organization, has said that it is a fundamental imposition upon individual rights, and it serves corporate and elite interests over the rights of the individuals. And if you lose Human Rights Watch on the left, you’ve pretty much shown how radical you truly are. And so my solution, and this is going to tee up, Frank, for some great comments.

But my solution here is, if there is a free and fair election this year, Donald Trump will win. And if Donald Trump wins, I would beg him to please pull us out of the World Health Organization. But not just the World Health Organization. Every internationalist group, especially the United nations and to bring back America’s sovereignty so that we, the people, can do what’s in our best interest, not the interests of the global communist conspiracy.

Thank you. Great. Frank Gaffney. Well, thank you. Much of what needs to be said about the World Health Organization has been said. Let me just compliment what Bill and Brandon in particular have mentioned to you already the theme of this meeting, and I want to thank God for it. And Matt Schlap and Bill Walton is where globalism goes to die. It will not die of natural causes, ladies and gentlemen.

It must be killed. And if it is to be killed, it has to start somewhere. This is the battle where it starts to prevent the World Health Organization, an organization that, as you may have noticed during the recent unpleasantness of the COVID pandemic, demonstrated not only its incompetence, but its malfeasance, its subordination, as Brandon has just said to the Chinese Communist Party and its line, it was as a result of this advisory body telling us that the thing, the virus, came out of nature a wet lab, that it was not really very communicable, and that, among other things, what we needed to do in response to it was what has come to be called the China model, the lockdowns, the social distancing, the mandates of various kinds, including jabs with so called vaccines, as you’ll hear from Dr.

Malone and others today, that are actually more dangerous than the disease itself. And as Brandon said, that’s what you can expect if these entities, these individuals, like Tedros Gabresis, the director general, has the authority going forward, as Bill said, to not only declare what is a public health emergency of international concern, but to tell us what we must do about it. Now, here’s the kicker. If it were just that, they will screw up the next pandemic, especially if it’s brought to us by their masters, the Chinese Communist Party, it would be bad enough.

But Bill sort of alluded to this. What if Tedros Cabrasus, in his infinite wisdom, decides that, oh, climate change is a public health emergency of international concern, or maybe reproductive rights, or maybe immigration, or maybe Americans gun violence. Well, guess what if this treaty, and by the way, there’s another parallel set of agreements that are going to amend the international health regulations. All of this, by the way, is being done in secret.

Basically, you now know more than just about anybody in the United States Congress about what the heck is going on here. And that is a travesty, ladies and gentlemen, because, as among others, Margaret has said, nothing less than entrusting public health policy for this country to an unelected, unaccountable, communist international bureaucrat who made a hash up of what he was assigned to do when he just had advisory power.

So here we are, ladies and gentlemen. In three months, all other things being equal, these agreements will be approved. Brennan’s right. If Donald Trump gets to office, and I hope we’ll hear from him about this today, he’s already said he’s going to get us out of the World Health Organization. But what happens if, six months before he gets the chance, hopefully, they start locking these things in, locking in the responsibility to determine when we have a public health emergency and what we must do about it.

Locking in digital ids for every human being on the planet, which will not only be used for health surveillance, but also to monitor everything else about you, the social credit system of the Chinese Communist Party, in short, or how about this? Institutionalizing under the direction of the World Health Organization. Censorship, there’s a lot of that going on as it is. But what happens if we now have a new dictator for the globe saying any misinformation or mal information or disinformation, according to their lights, must be censored? It’s in the documents, Frank.

It’s in the documents. It’s given that authority. If they have these agreements approved. So my appeal to you, ladies and gentlemen, before Donald Trump gets a chance to do something about this, help us defeat these agreements. The problem is my last point. The problem is the process is rigged. Not only rigged, because they’re not telling you what’s going on. You’re not supposed to know, let alone have a say, let alone approve it.

What they’re going to try to do is blow this through. They don’t think they have to bring it to the United States Senate. Ronin Johnson, senator from Wisconsin, great American. Tried to get the Senate to agree that anything they came up with had to come to them in the Senate for their advice and consent. You know what happened? 49 senators said, we’re not going to do our job.

Only 47 said we would. So here’s the point. We may not be able to stop this treaty, but what we can do with your help, the help of the people who represent you, the people here at CPAC, who, with Bill’s help, made it the policy of this entity. The CPAC board said, getting us out of the World Health Organization, departing from it, defunding it, and defanging it is our object.

Let’s do it. We need your help. We’re just about out of time. But we want to put a bright light on these cockroaches. The Biden administration is driving this, and it’s in the department of Office of Global affairs at HHS that’s doing this all in secret. And as Frank pointed out, the only way we can stop it now, the Biden administration is all in, is to shine a bright light on this, make our congressmen and especially our senators feel their responsibility to step up here and declare this a treaty that has to be approved by them.

And, Margaret, I wish you to comment on one thing. The World Health Organization is also talking about something, one, health, which means ecosystems, plants, animals, and, oh, by the way, people as well. We don’t have too much time. Yeah. What they would have done is what they’re looking to do is create something called biodiversity credits so these ecosystem services, we’d all be credited plus or minus how much of it we used, according to their math.

And it’s the UN. Yeah, it’s the UN accounting system, which is the ones that is going to track these ecosystem credits and set the value for mean. What they were doing through these natural asset companies was really innocuous. The other key thing that I think people need to know about these natural asset companies is that the rule invited foreign investment into these companies, meaning China’s sovereign wealth funds could invest in these natural asset companies, have complete control over our natural resources, and bring our nation to its knees, as you’ve said, without a fight.

Without a fight. If we had not stopped these natural asset companies, that would have gone in place on November 18 of last year, they’re going to keep trying. They are going to keep trying. This is going to be coming back. It doesn’t need to be public. It could be private equity, which is my old world. And by the way, this natural asset category, un’s got accounting to make this unused property worth trillions and trillions of dollars.

You can bet with certainty that Goldman Sachs is going to be in there trying to make a market in this roll street. Shine a light on this. We’ve got to wrap it up. Thank you. Thank you all. God bless you all. Good. Thank you so much for attending CPAC this year. It is because of patriots like you that we truly have hope for the future of this great country.

Hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do and let Donald Trump know who you want to be his vice president. Go vote in the real America’s voice straw poll. Being woke is easy when it was just a call to defund the police or end capitalism, right? It’s a little different when your fellow ideologues start cheering for your beheading.

And here’s a question. This next video, does this look like London to you? The pro hamas protests making for a very interesting political moment at Harvard, a university recently ranked the worst school for free speech in America. What would Harvard do in a moment like this, we all wondered. A school that will expel you for using the wrong pronoun and making a pink haired trans girl cry. Well, in this moment, Harvard just miraculously transformed into free speech absolution.

Apparently at Harvard, there’s nothing offensive at all. Even though everything’s offensive at Harvard, there’s nothing offensive at all about celebrating the murder of a thousand people, including a whole bunch of ladies and gentlemen. Up next, the Bible uncanceled. Please welcome founder, CEO of Proverbs Media Group, Elaine Beck, former United States senator Rick Santorum, and your host, CPAC senior fellow Mercedes Schlap. I know it’s really early in the morning, but are we excited for a couple big speeches happening today when President Donald Trump is coming? President Javier Malay.

I mean, come on. This is going to be great. Thank you all for joining us. Thank you, Rick. Thank you, Elaine. It is an honor to be with you. Same here. Okay, again, Bible uncanceled. I love this theme, the name of this title. Because, Elaine, why do you believe that there is this attempt in society, in our culture, to basically, I would say, cancel the Bible, shut it down, not even be able to talk about Christ? Well, it’s the same thing that’s been happening since the beginning of time, the beginning of the Bible and when it was written, since then, people who don’t want to be controlled because they’re already living in the world, in the darkness, and they think that it’s all about them and it’s not about anything else.

They are going to reject the good news because the Bible is the good news. It is also the truth. It is the living word of God. It is what we are supposed to follow because there’s only one reason we’re here, and that is to serve God. Am I right? And we are here to do that. And the people that are outside of that, that live in the world, it’s what the Bible says, okay? When they live in the world, they want to reject us.

And so we see there’s so much more divisiveness and hate and anger in the world right now. And people don’t want to even hear about who we are, but we’re proud of it. So, Rick, wait a second. Elaine sounds like, wait, the media would call her the legacy. Media would call her a right because that’s because if you read the Bible or you’re practicing your religion, you’re a nationalist.

What is this obsession with the leftist media and them trying to target, I don’t know, the majority of the people in this room as christian nationalists. I think what they’re just trying to do is use historical terms that are pejorative historical terms from different periods of times in american history and tried to tie people today to those scary times of the past. The reality is what they’re actually doing is asserting a whole new set of values forward and as you mentioned, canceling everything else.

The country is going to operate on a moral code. There is a moral code that we all sort of agree to, to operate. Thou shalt not kill. Well, that comes from the Bible, but it’s also in our laws in America. So the question is what moral code are we going to live by? And the left has their own woke code that they change depending on what power dynamics are in place to help them control people.

Whereas conservatives historically have said, no, the basis of our country, the moral code by which our country is going to live will be a biblically based one. Now that doesn’t mean that you need to be a Jew or a Christian. It doesn’t mean that, but it means that the moral teachings of the Bible, the ten Commandments, other types of moral teachings, do unto others. Those types of structures are essential for a society to be able to agree on a common ground and live together and base our laws upon those codes.

They don’t agree with those codes. They don’t agree with those codes. They want a whole separate code where it says, do whatever I want to do as long as I have the power to control what you do. They like to criticize us by saying, well, you want to impose your values on us and you want to impose the Bible on us. We want to live by the teachings, the moral teachings of the Bible.

And they have a whole new set. They will never tell you what their code is, but they will certainly try to impose it on you when it’s convenient for them. That’s fascinating. But you’re saying they’ll never tell us what their code is. But I feel, I sense Rick and Elena, I want you to basically react to this, that their code is that of sexualizing our children. Their code is that the government’s in charge of your family.

Basically, their code is, if you’re a boy and you want to become a girl, that’s fine. Let’s do that as well. I mean, it is literally what I say, the destruction or the collapsing of society. What’s your reaction? Well, you’re right about all of that, both of you. But my reaction is we have an opportunity here. We have an opportunity to show them who we really are. God’s children loves everybody.

And we’ve taken a bad rap for a lot of years. And a lot of it’s our own fault because we’re looked at and thought of as people who are judging. That’s the word they like to use. Don’t be judging us. We have our thing. Well, here’s the thing. What we have to help people understand is nothing that I try never to give my opinion, but I want to honor God.

I want to give what he says in his word. We follow that. That is what we’re supposed to do. It’s not about us is the name of my show, because it’s really not about us. And it’s so important that we help people understand that the Bible has every answer. And that’s the thing that really irks them, I guess, and makes them upset is because we can tell them that we can go to the Bible and give them an answer.

I thought it was amazing when Mike Johnson became the speaker of the house and they asked know, well, how are you going to know what to do in situations that you’ve never dealt with before? And he was standing there and he took a Bible and he opened it up and he said, I’m going to open this up and find the answer. Isn’t that amazing? Yes. Okay. And this is the thing.

I encourage everybody to mention Jesus, God, or prayer in every conversation you have with anybody. You’re in the grocery store, say, God bless you. As you leave, you see somebody in pain or suffering or a child upset, go over and say, can I pray for you? For that mother, for that child? There are so many ways that we can interact and make people understand how loving we are, how open we are to give.

And when they start receiving that love, actually receiving it, because you’re giving it, they will know who you are in the best possible light. Elaine, you mentioned Speaker Mike Johnson, talk to mean senator of Pennsylvania. You’ve been in politics for a long time. How does that work for politicians? I mean, in this moment that we are in society, how can there be that cross section between politics and religion when we’re talking about that.

There’s always a constant push, obviously, of separation of church and state. If you look at the first 200 years of american history, I encourage you, go back and look at presidential addresses, look at speeches on the floor of the House and Senate. God and the Bible were just infused in almost everybody. Democrat, Republican, whig, federalist, anti. It doesn’t matter. They all spoke in the common language of the country.

And there was a consensus that this code, this moral code that I was talking about was, in fact, the code upon which our society rested. And for 200 years, that was the case. And it changed. About 50 years ago, we took the Bibles out of the classroom. We started speaking in much more secular, this secular language, and talking about how we had to separate church and state. What does that mean? Well, separating church and state, no one was out there for 200 years, or very few out there pushing for a state religion, or everybody had to be a Christian, or everybody had to be this.

What they were focused on was, again, the principles that were in this Bible. And those principles demand responsibility and accountability to a set of laws. And we have a society right now that doesn’t want to be held responsible or accountable, that the only thing that matters, that they’ve replaced the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to the God of self. And if you want to live the way you want to live, and that’s their version of freedom, then you don’t want some outside group or force telling you what you’re doing is wrong.

And this is the breakdown that began 50 years ago and now ends up with. With all of this depravity and confusion and depression and anxiety. We have a generation of young people who are as depressed and as mentally disturbed for a variety of different reasons, because the society has no coherent moral understanding. Right. And that’s what we have to address. We talk about this all the time, about the fight that we’re in, that there’s a spiritual component, right.

That of know people don’t want to talk about. What’s your sense, Elaine, in terms of where we are in the spiritual fight? Well, I think we’re in a good place, actually, because I look out over this sea of people, and I realize that not only do I see this here, but in my church, in my church, it gets bigger and bigger. People are awakening in this country. People don’t understand that enough.

Thank you. I mean, we need to applaud that, and we need to keep working on it. The thing is, God is always sovereign over everything, is he not? And so since he’s sovereign and over everything. We know that no matter how bad it is out there in the world, that he is going to step up and he’s going to take care of us. And so I see this as a great time.

Every one of you have an opportunity to serve God in a bigger and better way in your life right now than ever before. Because people out there are hungry. They want you to do what I suggested earlier. They really are waiting for you to walk over to them and say something positive. Boy, I love your dress. Boy, you’ve got the greatest smile. Something. Be that light. Open that door.

Speak to people. This is a great time. You are living in a time such as this in a sense that you have the opportunity to honor God like never before. Speak out. Don’t be afraid. Rick. We’ve seen the decline of faith in America. You look at the Gallup poll numbers, you’re watching what’s happening and it is concerning. It’s interesting because when I’m at church, I find churches to be full, but it feels like there’s a different story being told.

What is the cause of that and what do you think can be done to bring people back to their faith? Well, we have a popular culture, whether it’s Hollywood or the media, news media, education, all of these institutions of our country that used to be centered. I mean, if you go back and look at Harvard, Harvard was a theologically know Veritas. Truth is their motto, which is a joke today.

But all of our institutions used to be biblically centered and now they’re all atheistically centered or centered on the religion of self. It is really hard. What we’ve been talking about here is the obligation for all of us who believe in a moral world and believe that fundamentally that we are created by God. It’s in our declaration of independence. We all used to agree to that, but we don’t anymore.

Let’s just face it, we don’t. We don’t believe as a society anymore that we are creatures of God. And that changes everything. If you believe that every person has dignity and value and worth because they’re created by the supreme being, whatever you call them, that has a moral imperative on all of us. Right? And if you don’t, if your rights don’t come from, because you weren’t created by God and your rights don’t come from God, which is again in our founding document.

If that is not true, then you don’t matter. And rights can be taken and given away for you by a government that uses its own purposes. And so when people say, and I’m sure there’s people out here who may not consider themselves religious or theist or whatever, understand the consequences of what that means for a society as a whole. For a society as a whole, if we do not stand by that basic principle, that each of us has dignity because we are created by God, then we have nothing.

We have nothing that the government can’t take away from us. Rick talked about the media. Yeah. You founded the proverbs Media group and also run christian journal. What drove you to say, we need to have a voice in this area? Well, to be honest with you, five and a half years ago, I had a vision from the Lord. It lasted 3 hours in the middle of the night, because the night before, my husband and my friends were at the house.

We were all sitting there talking. And she worked with me a lot and shopped with me and all the good things that I did. And it was fun because she said to him, bob, can you please build another house or something? She’s bored. I don’t know what to do with her. In a joking manner. Right. And he laughed and he looked at me and he said, honey, that sounds like a personal problem.

I think you should pray about that. So as I was falling asleep that night, I asked God, seriously, God, what is it you want me to do next? And at 02:00 in the morning, he woke me up and he told me, he said, I want you to bring all the christians together in the nation. Small peanuts, right? But he assured me during that time that there is an army of us that are being called, okay, there’s an army.

And he said, if everybody does their part, and I will jump forward. Now, I don’t want to take everybody’s time, but I will jump forward and tell you. Just a couple of months ago, God also reached out to me, and he told me to remember the first scripture he gave me five and a half years ago. And it was one that was mentioned last night at the event.

And that is that if my people who called by my name would humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will heal their land. That’s the short version. And so I went to Dr. Carson, who’s a good friend of mine, and I said, this is what God said to me. And I said, he sat me down and he had me write out what that meant.

I don’t ever write anything down. I’ll be honest with you. And so he told me that the wicked ways is that we are comparing ourselves to other. We always are. Thinking that we are doing less sin than the next person. We’re not as bad or as wicked as the other guys and this type of thing, that’s being wicked, because what does he say we are to forgive? His greatest commandment he put right below loving him first is love your neighbor as yourself.

Can you love your neighbor as yourself if you don’t forgive them? Can you love your neighbor as yourself if you judge them as lesser than you are? And he told me these things, and he reminded me, too, that when he was on the cross, he said, forgive them, for they know not what they do. How many people in this country are being evilly lied to and deceived and stuff by the news and stuff? Please pray for our enemies.

We started a national season of forgiveness, Dr. Carson and I on. It started November 26 of last year through November 26 of this year. This is what God gave me, okay? This isn’t my idea. This is his. We all need to be praying for our enemies, no matter how bad you think they are. Quit comparing yourself, putting yourself, but love God first and pray that prayer. So Proverbs Media group is a group of three things.

A studio, a newspaper, and some other wonderful things that we like to feel that are helpful, like being on CPAC now and my show. So, please, all of you, pray for your enemies. This is what we need to do right now. This is what God is calling us to do. We’ve got less than a minute, so let me just wrap up. One of people I was pleased to meet in my life was the Reverend Billy Graham.

And Billy Graham once said that if God does not condemn America, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology. And that’s a great line, but I don’t agree with it because God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because he couldn’t find ten good people who loved him. And that is not the case in this country. This country is just filled with. Now, it’s not what it used to be, but it is still filled with incredibly prayerful, loving, God fearing people in this country.

And you have an obligation to lift this country up in prayer. And you have an obligation that was just said. You have an obligation to go out and be that salt and light. And I just encourage you. Be not afraid. As someone who has been pilloried pretty hard for the beliefs that I have, it’s okay. God did not say, pick up your box of candies and follow me.

He said, pick up your cross daily and follow me. And we all need to amen. Amen. Senator. Rick Santorum one more thing. Please go to wayne wearenotenemies. com. We are not enemies. com and read all about what we’re doing in this national season of prayer. And God bless you. God bless you, Anna Lane Beck. Thank you all. Making an investment decision with someone is the most sacred act that can be performed in business.

You see, most people do not reach their position in life easily. You’re taking something hard earned and having faith that another will cherish and protect it as you would. Go to panx us slash learn and see why hundreds of Americans just like you have placed their faith in my family to generate them tremendous tax benefits and revenue by developing and producing american oil. For three generations. American oil is all my family’s ever known.

Go to Panx us. Learn and see why the people at Panx are people that you want on your team. Thank you for joining us at CPAC 2024. Have you downloaded the agenda on our new CPAC app? You can do that by going to cpac. org app. We’re excited to have you, and we’re thrilled you’re joining this year’s conference. Sources out there that are saying that Iran, their goal is to draw the US into this broader conflict.

There’s no question that not only did the iranian parliament come out and start saying, death to Israel, you know that they’ve chanted death to America. They hate us. They hate our culture. They hate what we stand for, which is that of freedom and religious freedom. And for them, they want to take us down. And the mere fact is you have a commander in chief right now who is hiding in the basement that needs to be out there every single day answering the tough questions.

Instead, they basically say that climate change remains the most important national security crisis that we’re facing. They have caved in time and time again to Iran while knowing that they are funding Hezbollah. They sent over $100 million, that is Iran, to Hamas and over $700 million to Hezbollah. Clearly, it is about sponsoring terrorism. Clearly, it is about destroying our strongest ally, Israel and then America. What if a country financed terror and undermined american security? Would you support sanctions? Imagine a nation collaborating against U.

S. Interests with Iran, breaking international laws. Should sanctions follow? Consider a country engaged in espionage, manipulating academic institutes, and violating human rights. Is it time for sanctions? There is one country guilty of all these sanctions on Qatar now. Hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do and let Donald Trump, know who you want to be his vice president.

Go vote in the real America’s voice straw poll. We have been lied to. We have been deceived. And I’ve been saying for years, the moment that moms find out what’s going on behind closed doors in their children’s schools, there’s going to be a national revolt. And that is exactly what you’re saying. Well, what we have learned is that there are members of Congress who aren’t really representing the values that we care about as moms.

When you start telling moms they’re not your kids, they’re going, what are you talking about? The main reason why we’ve been losing is because we’ve been fighting principle with policy. We need to fight principle with principle, because when we do, freedom wins. What America is going to look like in 10, 20, 30 years from now, you are deciding it today. Motherhood is a great unifier, and mothers of all political persuasions are uniting together to defend and protect their children.

And moms for America is giving them a powerful voice and platform to be able to do that. You are creating the future of our country. And if you don’t like what we see, you have the power to turn it around. When my children and my grandchildren ask me, where were you when the republic was hanging in the balance, I am going to be able to tell them I was right there fighting to my last breath to save it.

If you think that this mom led revolution is just a little thing that’s going to come and go, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome president of moms for America, Kimberly Fletcher. Hello, CPAC. You guys look amazing. I just want to tell you that. So this is actually a pretty cool year. This is our pushback year. I’ll get to that. But this is the 20th anniversary of moms for America.

This year, for 20 years, we have been empowering moms, promoting liberty and raising patriots. And I know we’re looking around at the landscape going, where have you been? What’s going on? There are a lot of crazy things happening, but there is a lot of pushback. And moms are rising up. And 2020 was one of the greatest gifts that we’ve received. Yes, there were bad things that happened, but we got a really great miracle.

It was like this bright shining light exposing all of the evil and we couldn’t not see it. And all the moms, I mean, for decades I was telling moms what was happening in our schools, in our country and our culture, and they looked at me like a helicopter parent with a tinfoil hat. And then 20 happened, and they’re like, await. That’s really happening. And all these mamas rose up, and we’ve got the 2020 team.

I like to call them the 2020 team. How many of you woke up in 2020 and went, what the heck? Go ahead, raise your hand. Raise your hand. Awesome. And you’re here. How many of you have been fighting this fight for the last 20 years? Yeah, this is awesome. Okay, so now we all need to unite together and realize that we’re in the same battle. But, guys, we need to know who the enemy is, because we all know what’s going on.

We’re not stupid. We’re seeing the landscape. We know what’s happening in our children’s schools. And let me just tell you, everything that you think is happening in the schools. Times it by 100 and you’re close. What our children are being bombarded with every day is abusive and inhumane, and moms are not going to take it. I’m going to tell you that right now. If you think that mama Bear is upset, don’t even mess with those Grammy grizzlies.

Right? All right. We need to understand who the enemy is and what we’re actually fighting, because it’s not that school board member. It’s not even the Biden administration, and we all know Biden isn’t running the country, so I’ll tell you who is later. Anyway, this is the fight for our lives. We are in one war. There are two armies, gods and the devils. And all you have to decide is, which camp am I in? And spoiler alert, God wins in the end.

So you might want to be in the right camp, but this is not a war for outcome. This is a war for casualties. And that is why I am in this fight. I am going to do everything I possibly can to limit the number of casualties that my children, my grandchildren will not be casualties in this war. And each one of us need to commit to that. How do we do that? We need to share the story of America.

It is a powerful story, an epic tale. And they’re lying. If we look back in history and we see where we’re at right now compared to what has happened in the past, you will see that we are repeating it. Three of the most horrible, heinous despots of our time, Hitler, Mao, and China. Hitler and Mao and Stalin, did the same exact thing in their countries. They used the children.

They confused them, they weaponized the government, and they took over the country. So when we look at the history. Let’s just look for a second at what these guys did, okay? Hitler created Hitler Youth. All the fun things that the kids did, they did on Sunday. They encouraged them to be good Nazis and tell on your parents if they aren’t being good nazis. And parents would disappear in the night.

They used the children. Stalin, he created a whole new story, a revolution. Everyone is going to be equal, equally miserable. But of all three of them, the worst was Mao. Reader’s digest version. Mao was losing power, so he decided to shut down the country, close all the schools. He wrote a little red book. He created all of these clubs where all of these kids started to go in these clubs, the Red Guard was formed.

And those of you who think that the Red Guard was a bunch of men, well armed, they were children. And those original fighters who were the revolutionaries at the beginning of that fight, they were paraded through the streets with signs that said traitor. With the kids, beating them on the backs with sticks and cutting their hair because they weren’t communists enough. Two decades later, the grandchildren of those children were the ones who stood in Tiananmen Square to try and get back what their grandparents had lost.

This is the desperate situation in which we find ourselves in this country right now. But I’m going to tell you, I have hope like I never have before, because I am seeing the american people rise up and stand for. Not political parties, for principles. That is what we need to stand on. America is the freest country on earth. And it is not a shameful thing to say that, to herald it, to be excited about it.

We are the light of the world, and that means we need to be the light where we are. We have the ability to be the light in the darkness. We need to share the story of America. This is what we do at moms for America. We empower moms. We promote liberty. We raise patriots. And we do it through something simple, like cottage meetings, where you can invite your friends and neighbors into your home, learn the true story of America, what our rights come from.

They come from God, not government. How do you effectively exercise them so that when you go into a school board meeting or a city council meeting or stand in front of a legislative committee, or you’re sitting in your living room with your children or your grandchildren surrounding you, you can share that story and those principles. I am from Gen X. How many of you are Gen X? Do you even know if you’re Gen X? Okay, so first we had the greatest generation.

Then we had the baby boomers. Baby boomers baby boomers. All right. Then gen X came. That’s me. And I’m very well aware of that whole entire time period because it connects us. We were the ones who got on our bikes, and the whole world was at our feet and rode everywhere. We were out till the lights came on. And when we were thirsty, we drank out of the hose.

That’s just how we live. Then we had Gen y. I know we’re all still asking why, but you know what? Those kids were raised on electronics, and that changed a generation. Instead of living in the real world and having to deal with real problems, they lived in a virtual world. Okay? There were complications that came from that. Then we had Gen Z, and Gen Z was kind of sitting around scratching their heads, going, something is not right.

They may not understand because they don’t know the story of America, but they know something’s not right. And freedom courses through their veins. But I have some really good news. They started all over again. We’re at the alpha generation, and that alpha generation is going to save us, but we have to lay the groundwork for them. They need to know what America is about, why it’s worth fighting for, why it is unique in all the world.

There is something amazing happening right now in our country, and you probably don’t see it, but I’m going to tell you, I see it all the time. I was in los Angeles last month at a school board meeting where, not even kidding, the school board was voting out parental rights. And of course, the parents in the area got wind of it. I show up at that school board meeting, and it was the most glorious sight I’ve ever seen.

For the first time in our nation’s history, there were muslims, jewish, christian moms, all united together, armenian, black, white, all of them coming together and saying, this will not happen. We will not allow this to happen. This is a glorious day, you guys. This is our pushback year. We need to know who that enemy is, and we need to stand up, be those ambassadors of truth, immovable standing, for those principles that made this the freest, most prosperous nation on earth.

It is not over. God has given us the time to be able to stand strong. So there’s this little document called the Constitution. This is not where our rights come from. This is what protects those divine rights that come from God. And we need to stand with this constitution. So in the inside, front and back cover of our pocket constitution, there’s something called the declaration of mothers, nine paragraphs of awesome that clearly state, we are the ones who have the authority, the responsibility, and the right to teach and nurture our own children.

And there’s a lot more cool stuff in there. But here’s the really awesome thing. In 2018, the Declaration of Mothers was introduced into the congressional record. So Joe Biden can call us birthing people and chest feeders all he wants. Moms are in the congressional record, and you can’t take that away. So I want you to know there is hope. The moms are rising up. There is a future that we can believe in, because we are creating it right now, and you’re all a part of it.

God bless you for being out there. Thank you. America is under attack. Our families are being crushed under the politics of a radical agenda. But moms have had enough. We are standing up, and we are fighting back. This is our battle. This battle is every bit as important as a revolutionary war, because we fight for the same thing. Moms for America is a national movement of moms reclaiming our culture for truth, family, freedom, and the Constitution.

I think moms for America is exactly on track and is doing the right thing for the future of our country and our children. Like moms for America is going at the heart of the issue. But I am honored to join moms for America today as we speak out against the horrific mandates. With a national network of over a half a million mothers, moms for America is one of the fastest growing movements of women in the country.

The most dangerous place in all of nature is between a mama bear and her baby cub. We are the change. No matter what, no matter where, and no matter how difficult the obstacles are that are facing us and our families, we will not give up and we will not give in. So if not now, then win. If not you, then, too. Welcome to the Bunlen revolution. Did you know that CPAC has a weekly lineup of content with shows hosted by Matt and Mercedes Schlap, Elaine Beck, Matt Whitaker, Bill Walton, Andrew Langer, just to name a few.

Well, make sure to go over to cpAc. org slash now to view our full lineup and start watching. As I think it was President Reagan said, we’re from the government. We’re here to help. I think you all know that I’ve always felt the nine most terrifying words in the english language are, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help. We’re from the government. We’re here to help.

Hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do and let Donald Trump know who you want to be his vice president. Go vote in the real America’s voice straw poll, the biggest investigation in FBI history. There are more than 100 arrests. I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people.

Those involved must be held accountable. He’s an innocent man. It’s going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is. Ladies and gentlemen, does Congress even matter? Please welcome former member of the West Virginia House of Delegates, Caleb Hannah. Member of the California State Assembly, Bill Asali. Member of the Virginia House of Delegates, Nick Freitas. And your moderator, former acting U. S. Attorney General Matt Whitaker. Good morning, CPAC.

How we doing? Y’all ready for Donald Trump today? All right, have a seat, guys. Well, this is going to be an interesting discussion as the federal government continues to prove that they are ineffectual and can’t really get anything done, including one of their most important things, protecting our southern border. I would think that the states are having to pick up that role. And so let’s throw it to you first, Nick.

What do you think from your perspective, the states are able to accomplish in spite of the federal government really falling down at every turn? Well, I think one of my biggest problems is not with the federal government doing nothing. It’s all the stuff that they are doing that they’re not supposed to. So one of the key things, and you’re going to see more of this, you’re already seeing it in Texas, but you’re going to see it in more places as well.

One of the key things that’s going to start to take place is states once again assuming their proper authority in pushing back against federal overreach. If it’s not an article one, section eight of the Constitution, why is the federal government doing it? And if they do have a constitution. There you go again with that constitution thing. Come on. And if they do have a constitutional obligation to do something like protect our border and they refuse to do it, then you’re going to have states standing up.

And so even in Virginia, which has unfortunately become a purple state, we have a hard fight ahead of us in the legislature. But Governor Youngkin stood up. We actually sent members of our national guard over to Texas in order to help with Governor Abbott. And that’s what you’re going to see, more of states actually pushing back and assuming their authority under the Constitution. Their authority and ensuring that the federal government stays within their proper boundaries.

Yeah. Well, I know you all think that unicorns are mythical creatures, but we actually have one here. We have a conservative from California that’s elected. So, Bill, we’ve talked privately many times about sort of your battles, but in a place like California, where the Democrats have demonstrated the failures of their policies and their ideas, how do conservatives fight back and find hope in California? Obviously with you and others that are fighting the fight.

But tell me what it looks like in the ground. Yeah. So I think it’s important for us as conservatives in California that we define ourselves because often what we’re up against is our opponents. The Democrats define us. We’re anti this, anti that, anti women’s rights. And we are often defensive. And I don’t play defense. I play offense. I’m a former prosecutor. If you know anything about prosecutors, we like to win.

And so I think it’s important that we stand for something. And I’ve been trying to get my party to make the next election about one thing. You know, the Democrats, when they run, they run on one issue. They run an emotional issue, a popular issue. They run an abortion. Well, we need our emotional issue, and that’s parental rights. It’s parental rights. People need to know when they go vote that the republican party stands for something in California.

And more importantly, they need to know who the Democrats are. We have Latinos ready to move, but we have to be ready to receive them. We need to define the Democrats and let them know when you see the little d on the ballot, that’s the Diablo that El Diablo D is for. Diablo. It is the party of deception. And the deceiver in chief is none other than Gavin Newsom.

Yeah, that’s true. So, Caleb, these problems that we’re hearing in purple and blue states are probably not the same challenges you faced in West Virginia. There any West Virginians here? One of my favorite places. What a beautiful state you have. From your perspective, how can conservatives lead when the people are behind them and supporting their agenda? Yeah, definitely. So being from a red know, it’s a lot different.

I’ve got a lot of good people surrounded around me. But honestly, in some aspects it looks like we’re ready for work. In other aspects, it looks like we just stepped off Willie Nelson’s tour bus in some ways, but no, we’re doing good thing. I would say the biggest conception of the difference between states and Congress is states are willing to work towards something, whereas Congress is always fighting against something.

We’re the closest body to the people. We want to be able to be the people’s representative and work with them the best way we can. I’m from West Virginia, unfortunately, we got Joe Manchin there. He promised. Not for long. Yeah, not for long. He promised in 2018 when he ran in the state of West Virginia, that he was going to help Trump build the wall. And what’s the first thing he did, is he shut down the government when he got reelected.

So one of the first bills West Virginia introduced, and we couldn’t get through the Senate, but we got through the House, is we tried to give 10 million of our state plus to Donald Trump and homeland security to help build the wall to show that states were on board. So, Nick, in my home state of Iowa, the legislature and the governor have combined to cut taxes by 50%.

They’ve given school choice. They have really accomplished the entire conservative agenda. We’re seeing in Texas what a governor and a legislature can do, obviously, in a split government like Virginia. Tell me about some of the incremental gains the conservative agenda could make in the next couple of years. There’s always things that we can work toward. I will say this, though. I’m just going to be honest. We’re not talking about the same democratic party ten or 15 years ago where you could have said that maybe there was some shared worldview with respect to what the United States is and what we should be doing.

We’re talking about a modern democratic party that is diametrically opposed to what we believe the United States is and should be. The United States, the commonwealth of Virginia. What makes us special and unique is not the ability to elect your representatives every two, four, or six years. It’s the fact that we were supposed to have a government that was so small that it wasn’t constantly interfering in your day to day life.

And so one of the most important things we can do, this is actually one of the areas where CPAC has the most effect. It’s not just about electing someone with an r by their name. It’s about electing someone that has that worldview, that actually understands why they believe what they do and are willing to unapologetically fight for it. And when you do that and when you do it effectively and when you actually show contrast.

Right. If we can’t get what we want through the General assembly assembly, our mission is not to say, well, I guess we got to give up and find some sort of version of this that we can get past, because through this legislature, it’s not going to be good. We need to stand up there and say, this is what we would do if you put us in power, and if you do put us in power.

We will do this. We’ll do it within the first 30 days. And if we don’t kick us out, that’s the sort of contrast we need to make so we can give people an actual option when they go to the polls. And then if we do it and it’s successful, we have the same sort of situation you see in other states where people say, yeah, this is what I’ve been waiting for.

Well, and they flourish and moms and dads are happy and able to raise their kids and put them in the schools that are best for those kids. There’s so many great conservative policies that have been implemented in a lot of red states. But back to California, Bill, I mean, I hate to bring the room down. I think that we’re going to have to start saying California is kind of like a bad word.

So lightning round for you, Bill. Have you ever voted yes for anything in the legislature? Oh, yeah. Look, we have 3000 bills we introduced last year. Wow. There’s some stuff I vote for. But the problem with California is we have a full time legislature. We’re there nine months of the year. You have 80 assembly members and they get to introduce up to 50 bills within a two year cycle.

So you have a lot of people too much time on their hands tinkering with stuff. We need a part time legislature in California. That’s what we need. Well, and you know, Bill, that in Texas they have every other year part time legislature that I think they make like a, that’s the way it should be. It should be a sacrifice. It should be public service. It shouldn’t be sort of a hot tub that you can luxuriate in in Sacramento.

But I think that for you, how can you project from your district? How can you start to inculcate and expand that conservative message and maybe find some more fellow House members? So we do it through contrast. And I love that. I mean, we’ve got to have bold differences from the Democrat party. Just last week I introduced three public safety bills. Public safety in California is a nightmare. I did three very simple bills.

We’re going to get the Democrats on record. The first bill, since they love gun laws, I’m going to restore the firearm enhancement. When you use a gun in the commission of a felony, you get 20 years added to your sentence. They will vote against it. They will vote against it. The second bill I did is going to require a school officer on every school campus to prevent the next shooting.

So let them vote against that and then we have a record we can stand on and we can show when something, God forbid, happens, we can point and say, you had the opportunity to vote on this, you failed, you need to go. And so I think we can demonstrate contrast by introducing bills that mean something are meaningful to people. Now, Caleb, in West Virginia, in West Virginia, obviously we know some of the challenges.

You’ve been really affected by the fentanyl and opioid crisis in our country. I think West Virginia has borne a lot of that pain, even though it’s beyond West Virginia. What has the conservative movement done to address some of those socioeconomic issues? Tell me how it’s directly related to the Democrats agenda of getting rid of the manufacturing know, trying to smash down mining and all of. I mean, I think the opioid problem is rampant through West Virginia, but it’s rampant throughout the country.

I think everybody probably could raise their hand and say that they know somebody in their family or a friend that was affected by the drug epidemic in West Virginia. We cracked down on needle exchange programs in a lot of our larger know, they wanted to do these needle exchanges with users, and we cracked down on that. But even just some of the problems we faced under Barack Obama, we hit a lot of things.

We’re a coal state, and of course he had these clean energy policies that came in and affected a bunch of our family. And that’s actually why I’m in politics. My dad was a coal miner. He lost his job in 2010, and I’ll never forget that. He told me the american dream was getting harder to find, that opportunities were tougher to come by. And that simple idea, by working hard and doing the right thing, you can provide for your family.

It just wasn’t that simple anymore. And that’s when something clicked with me that I knew I wanted to be able to make a difference in my communities and the people around me. And I love the quote from Senator Kennedy when he says, be yourself unless you suck, and then be somebody else. Thankfully, I live in a state where I get to be myself every single day because I’m a true conservative and I run my campaigns on three things, and that’s God, guns, and babies.

God should come first, and thank you. God should come first in every single policy decision we make. And that’s the problem we see in DC, is that he doesn’t. Then we’re battling this crazy stuff like critical race theory that comes in, and we know that that’s just false. I mean, I’m from West Virginia. I represent a district that’s 99. 6% white, caucasian. Like, I go to the polling place and vote for myself and I win the minority vote.

So you know that this stuff is just ridiculous that they’re pushing our kids. You want to see the american dream you’re looking at on this stage, people like us. Yeah, that’s really good. So, Nick, something that I think about a lot and think to Caleb’s point that it’s really on the ropes is how we protect and preserve the american dream. And we hand that down because, as you know, there’s no french dream, there’s no mexican dream.

It’s the american dream. It’s what people yearn to come to the United States, and we’re seeing it happen before our very eyes. But we need to protect that american dream. And so what can we do at the state level to do that? I think they’re all waiting to hear your solution for that. No. Whenever I get asked what is the number one issue that if you could just like that was the hill you would die on? It’s education reform.

Education reform. Education reform. Right. That is it. That is it. Vodi Bakum said it best. He goes, you can’t keep sending your kids to Caesar for their education and be surprised when they come home as Romans. All right. When you have the government controlling your education, lo and behold, it ends up teaching your kids that the government is pretty much responsible for everything. Right? It’s not that they’ve gotten rid of the american dream.

They are redefining in ways that completely contradict what the original one was. The original one is Europe permitted to live your life the way you want, provided you don’t infringe on the rights of others to do the same? We believe in property rights. We believe in individual liberty. We believe in individual responsibility, because liberty without personal responsibility is nothing more than licentiousness. And that’s what they’re being taught now.

And so I will tell you right now, education reform is absolutely critical. But if you’re looking for one thing that you can do, and this always makes people mad, I’m going to tell you right now, I don’t care if you’re looking for one thing that you can do right now, you don’t got to ask permission. You don’t got to vote for it. You don’t got to do anything else.

Pull your kids out of environments where they are teaching them to hate their country. Bill, you mentioned one of the laws that you introduced in the California legislature was to a gun violence enhancement. Why don’t you talk a little bit about public safety from a California perspective? Because as a former prosecutor. You’ve probably sat in the front lines of watching sort of California go woke, get soft on crime, especially soft on violent crime, and talk about how that’s played out in your communities.

But then also maybe some of the solutions we could look for in addition to your enhancement. What’s happened in California is so sad. We really were the model. We had three strikes. We had firearm enhancements. Use a gun, you’re done. Death penalty, death penalty, it’s all gone now. What happened was about ten years ago, we had an overcrowding in the prisons. The federal judges said, you have to fix this.

We all thought they would build more prisons. No, they did the reverse. They start emptying the prisons. We went from 180,000 prisoners down to 90,000 prisons. Prisoners. They did that by changing the laws. Most of the felonies now, you don’t even go to state prison. You go to local county jail, which is all full, and they get out. They passed this awful proposition called Prop 47, which decriminalized drug use.

It decriminalized theft. It decriminalized a lot of quality of life crimes. And that’s why you see on the news people going in, raiding and taking everything out. Luckily, in California, we have something called the initiative process. So when the legislature fails and these policymakers fail, the people can take power back directly around the legislature. So we have a ballot initiative this year to reverse these policies and to get California back on track in public safety.

But the public is going to have to do. Yeah. Caleb, where are the West Virginia coal miners, factory workers, the blue collar Americans? Where are they going? Is there some way. I know the federal government is always talking about a transition to green jobs and this pie in the sky idea. And we talked about education, how important education is. But in West Virginia, have you seen anything that’s helping folks like your dad or others that have been affected by these green policies of the radical left to actually find ways to develop new skills and to make a living and provide for their families? Absolutely.

So, I mean, obviously, coal still keeps the lights on through pretty much all of the United States. So we’re still a heavy coal state, but we’re trying to diversify as much as we can. West Virginia was a Democrat state for 80 plus years, and we just took over in 2014, the House, the Senate, and the governorship. So we got the trifecta. So we’re trying to diversify as much as we can.

So we’re looking into our heavy timber industry, huge tourism state, as well as just looking at the water that we have available. I mean, water is a resource that we can use to our benefit. So trying to diversify as much as we can. But like I said, we took the trifecta. So I think a lot of things that attract people to our state is just the fact that we’re staying red, staying conservative.

The first bill, and it’s actually. So I’ve passed quite a few bills in the legislature, but I’d say the one I’m most proud about, it’s a social issue. It’s not even economical issue. But I passed the Save Women’s sports Act, which says, if you’re a biological male, you’re going to play a male sports. If you’re a biological girl, you’re playing girl sports. Right. It’s crazy. It’s crazy. We have to tell people that.

I don’t know about you guys, but my favorite part about a woman is the fact that she’s not a man. The fact we got to tell people that’s insane. But, no, we keep passing more red and red stuff. We’ve got to continue to build on that. From an economical standpoint, we’re halfway. We’re almost there to eliminating the state income tax. I think that would be an amazing factor in changing things in West Virginia.

You look at all of these states across the country with low workforce participation rates, and we charge people to work. It’s crazy. We need to make sure that that money goes into people’s pockets instead of the government’s pockets. I think the big problem is government looks at their taxpayers as an atm, and we have to change that perception. That’s a really good point. Well, everyone, thank you for joining us for the warm up act for Donald J.

Trump. I hope you all enjoyed it. Thank you. Look forward to seeing you soon. Thank you so much. There are more than 100 arrests. I sacrificed my dream job to share this information with the american people. Those involved must be held accountable. He’s an innocent man. It’s going to change narratives no matter what your political perspective is. As I think it was President Reagan said, we’re from the government.

We’re here to help. I think you all know that. I’ve always felt the nine most terrifying words in the english language are, I’m from the government and I’m here to help. We’re from the government. We’re here to help. Hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do. And let Donald Trump know who you want to be his vice president.

Go vote in the real America’s voice. Straw hole. The Green New Deal is so controversial with its $93 trillion price tag that it didn’t get a single vote in Congress. Sadly, that hasn’t stopped the Biden administration from trying to sneak it into every home in the country. The Biden administration proposed new rules to ban gas stoves, air conditioners, gas furnaces. They even want you to get rid of your gas car.

In fact, if President Biden gets his way on banning items, it will cost you nearly $80,000 in just the first year. To make it worse, the Biden administration is imposing mandates through rules and regulations, meaning Congress has no say. Of course, you can always take them to court if you have any money left. The Green New Deal and all of Biden’s secret and punitive regulations are making your life very expensive and something to remember this election year because energy is on the ballot.

Is it really just about money? Are there other parts at stake? Chinese influence was playing into what we see in us films. China said, you can’t have that in there. And Hollywood Listened. This is insane. And we all know that their goal is global domination. People have been brainwashed without knowing it. Hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do and let Donald Trump know who you want to be his vice president.

Go vote in the real America’s voice straw poll on January 7, 2021. They tried to silence our voices forever as 1. 2 million Americans were deplatformed, including our great real president, Donald Trump. It’s been three long years of fighting to save our country and secure our elections. But now our voice is bigger than ever. God has blessed me with frankspeech. com and our courageous Lindale tv lineup with Emerald Robinson, Steve Bannon, and the great Lou Dobbs, along with hundreds of other hosts.

We want you to be informed and involved as we work to save our country. So watch our epic lineup on Lindale tV@frankspeech. com. Thank you and God bless. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome CEO of my pillow, Mike Lindell. Thank you. Everybody turn off the cameras. Now. I’m going to talk about machines. I’m going to go through this pretty fast because I want to give you guys a lot of hope here.

Three years ago, over three years ago now, when I first got evidence from a guy that worked for the government named Dennis Montgomery, cyber evidence from that time on, I was attacked, censored lawfare, everything. And why? Because they want to keep these electronic voting machines. And we came to be. One of the things that surprised me the most was over the last three years, the first year, all of a sudden, we found out something about cast vote records that come right out of the machines.

And this is like if you miss a football game, it shows the order the votes came in. So if you had a football game and you’ve seen a replay and it was ten to ten in the second quarter, all of a sudden the third quarter, it’s ten to seven. You’re going, that’s weird. Well, we did a call out. I did, for my team to get the cast vote records under the Freedom of Information act, we got one third of the United States in the 2020 election.

And of those casvault records, 100% of them were computer manipulated. 100% of one third of the counties in the United States. And the rest of them, I’m sure, were too. Well, anyway, so I’m going, wow, you can take all this evidence. And first, I went to the attorney general’s. I went to the president. I went to the president then, because it had a gag order on the data, the cyber data.

Well, one of the biggest things, then the lies came out and said, these machines aren’t online. That’s impossible. They’re not on the Internet. Rubbish. They’re all on the Internet. Okay. Well, what bothered me the most is our own party, and I call them the uniparty Republicans. As we went back to these counties and states, and each time I got blocked, I’ll give an example. We went to, first one was Alabama.

Their secretary of state named John Merrill. I went down there, I paid for his voter rolls, $40,000 he charged me. And I said, john, look at your voter rolls here. 4600 people voted that are over 110 years old. And he said, well, mike, we live pretty good here in Alabama. And I’m going, this seems our, this is our elections. Then we get to. I’ll give you another example.

So blockers, Cleborne County, Arkansas, they decided a year ago to go to pay for ballots. All the other counties in Arkansas were going to follow suit. A guy, a Republican by the name of Kim Hammers, goes into the Senate, passes a bill really quick and says, if you go to paper ballots in Arkansas, we defund your county. Now, this doesn’t even make sense. I’m going, why are these guys blocking us from going to paper ballots and counted? Then you got the big blockers I call them the big two.

Robin Voss up in Wisconsin, he does a full investigation into the Wisconsin audit by a guy named Michael Gabeman, the supreme Court justice. Full audit of everything in Wisconsin. He comes out, all this corruption, all this fraud. Robin Voss says, I can’t do anything. Be careful what you find, Robin, unless the court rules that there’s fraud. A couple of months later, the supreme court of Wisconsin ruled that there was 100% fraud across Wisconsin in the 2020 election.

You know what happened, Robin? Boss did nothing. Absolutely nothing. He’s the speaker of the House in Wisconsin. And by the way, we’re trying to recall him right now. We have two weeks to get him recalled. We need all the signatures we can in racing County, Wisconsin. We’re not going to take it anymore. Then you go down to Georgia. Brad Rasenberger, the biggest blocker this country has ever seen down there.

We had a primary a year and a half ago. A nice Democrat, three Democrats. This nice lady, her and her husband got zero votes in her own precinct. Zero. They should have gave her two. And they said, I’m sorry, ma’am, the only one that loves you is your husband. But they gave her zero. And when they gave her zero, they had to look into the machines and they said, okay, they did this in two days.

Oh, we’re sorry. It was a programming error. You really got 3600 votes and now you went from third to first place. Another lady three counties over, another Democrat. Say, this isn’t a Democrat Republican. This isn’t a Democrat Republican thing. This is a people thing. We need to have fair elections. Well, the three counties over, another Democrat, she got 4600 votes, but she wasn’t on the ballot and she wasn’t a write in.

So they opened up the machines again, crooked Brad, and said it’s a programming error. Well, Brad, someone had to type this lady’s name in. Just disgusting. And then down in Georgia, but here’s the good news. So I came out with a plan in August of this year. This is why I’ve been attacked now in my company, my pillow, more than any time in history. Because I came out with a plan to secure our elections and get to paper ballots hand counted across our country and what we have since then.

Two years ago, we went to all the counties in the country and we were blocked by people like Robin Voss and crooked Brad and all these Kim hammers and all these people. Now we’re going back a second time, but here’s what we’re loaded for. Now that we have, that we didn’t have then the RNC, yeah, they got a lot of problems. But one of the things that they did do when I ran for RNC chair last year, what came out of that? This August, the RNC passed a resolution.

Paper ballots hand counted, same day voting, no, early voting. And by the way, anybody that tells you to vote early is wrong. You vote same day. I’m telling you, that gets harder for them to cheat. They passed that resolution, same day voting, precinct level paper ballots hand counted and signature required. So we have that now in our pocket when we go back to all these counties. Another thing we have, these are things you’re not going to see in the news.

You’re not going to see this on Fox News. You’re not going to see this on any news except for new platforms that have come up. And anyway, Argentina, if you’re all familiar with that, last summer, one judge made a ruling. She said, you know what? We got to get rid of these machines and go to paper ballots. They did it in four months and they had an election, a beautiful election, and saved their country.

Taiwan. Taiwan did it and saved their country. Paper ballots hand counted. Ecuador, a couple of weeks ago, same thing. 51 countries have been taken by the computers and their countries have been lost, the last one being my good friend, President Barcenero in Brazil. I just talked to his son yesterday, and I’ll tell you what. They are looking, the whole world is watching us to save our country with paper ballots handcuffing.

Get rid of these machines. Another thing we have came out of Georgia, and I’m talking fast because I want to get this all in, came out of Georgia that we’ve been waiting four years for a case against crooked Brad Rasenberg in Georgia to come to fruition. The Democrats sued him to get rid of the machines in Georgia. If you’re a Democrat in Georgia, good luck winning a race.

They control the machines. Well, anyway, that crooked Brad, they waited, waited, waited. Finally, this Obama appointed judge said, hey, you know what? These experts have been one of the few experts that have seen inside the machines. And they looked and they said, the judge said, you know what? We’re going to move this case forward. They say there’s problems and there’s problems. And then she also said, if you question the machines, you’re not a conspiracy theorist.

So I got to take off my tinfoil hat on national tv. It was great. That case went to court on January 9, everybody, and you probably didn’t hear about this Alex Halderman, the cyber expert or took in court with a ballpoint pen hacked the machine in 2 minutes in front of the judge and flipped the whole election. So what it did. This case has opened up the door.

We have to spread the word about stuff like this. Okay? The media is not going to do it for you. The only way I can ever get the word out is if they attack me and attack me, I’m going. Did you hear about this? Did you hear about. So now what we’re doing, our plan is we’re going to every county in the United States again. We’re going around for the second time, but this time we’re going to all these counties.

Every county, almost every county in the United States can make up their own mind to go to pay for ballots or not. Almost all of them can. Right now it’s going on in New Hampshire. Teams up there. We have over 125 towns that are going to pay for ballots and counted teams in South Dakota. This is yesterday in South Dakota. They went to the capitol of South Dakota.

Pierre, South Dakota. We hope that the governor was there, that she had representatives there. Governor Christine South Dakota is leading the way. They have a clause in their state where you can get 5% of your county registered voters. Do a petition, and you automatically get an election within two months to get rid of the machines that go to paper ballots. South Dakota has 66 counties. They’re all going to be completely machine free with paper ballots and counting as we go around this country.

We have over 300,000 people we have on the ground. And I’ve told them all, we’re all going to do this push at the end of March and early April, every single county. So they don’t destroy us one county at a time. Every time we have a success like Cleveland county, the media and the uni party republicans come in and attack us, these blockers. Well, if we all do it at the same time, which we’re going to do, we are going to win.

We are going to save our country. I’m going to give you, because I’m not going to have time to tell you the whole plan, but it’s a beautiful plan. As we go to these people that want to keep the machines in these counties and say, hey, why would you want to keep these? Well, anything that comes out of their mouth, we’ve got an answer for. Well, the paper is going to cost more.

No, it’s ten times cheaper. Well, our machines on the Internet, we have devices that show there are. You got wireless monitor devices. Every single one of these machines is online. If they say it’s going to take longer no, we’ve already tried it in the United States, in Osage County, Missouri. We did it last year with our system, Democrats, Republicans working together. You got done the same time as the machines with 100% accuracy.

What we do is we need your help. I’m going to do a call out now. These are calls to action, and here’s the first one. You go to the App Store and get my apps. Mike Lindale, Courage app, Frank Social app, Frank Speech app, where we get the word out our Lindell tv that we have when Lou Dobbs came over now. But the biggest thing you can do is go to lindellplan.

com, learn what the plan is and get involved. And if you want to help with resources, we need resources. That’s the only thing that can stop us from securing our elections and saving our country. I told our real president the other day, I said, we’re going to have these elections secure enough. And I said, and he’s going to win this. And you know what he said in Iowa, right from the podium, he said, as soon as I’m in, I’m going to go to same day voting paper ballots, hand county.

God bless you all. Thank you. And we are winning. And I want to, one more thing, everybody just enjoy where we’re at, because as these bad things are going on, we’re in the greatest revival for Jesus Christ in history. Thank you, y’all. God bless you. Newsmax has been terrific. President Trump is right. Millions are switching to Newsmax. It’s the fastest growing streaming service in America. You don’t need those woke streaming services anymore.

Just get Newsmax. Plus watch the best shows like Greg Kelly, Rob Schmidt, Greta Van Sustran, and Eric Bowling. Greg Kelly over at Newsmax. The Newsmax people have been really, really terrific. Gain access to exclusive documentaries, series, and special briefings. It’s free to start, so go to newsmaxplus. com now to sign up and watch Newsmax anytime, anywhere. For over 50 years, CPAC has been the place where conservatives gather to mobilize and show how strong our movement is.

Thank you for once again joining us at CPAC this year. It’s no secret that Joe Biden loves his inflation reduction act. And the $1. 2 trillion giveaway Inflation Reduction act is giving people more breathing room, as my dad would say. But Joe Biden is hiding something about his favorite law, a green new tax. There is a carbon price in there, which is the methane fee. And it’s actually pretty significant, but it didn’t receive much attention very deep within the IRA is a huge tax on natural gas.

Raised royalties on fossils that are being extracted from public lands. The highest burden falls on the working class. The fee could amount to tens of billions of dollars annually. Make no mistake, Joe Biden’s secret green tax is designed to harm american energy and ruin your family budget. But guess what? It’s working. Secret taxes on our families. That’s why in 2024, energy is on the ballot. Now, an exclusive look at Reagan, starring Dennis Quaid.

Hi, it’s you. I’m running for governor, and I would like your vote. I’ve forgotten your name. Do his initials help? Rr. Honey, Roy Rogers is here, and he’s running for governor. What do you want out of this life? I just want to do something good in this world, make a difference. You know what you have to do. I’m curious, Ron, what would you say is the issue of our time? No question about it.

Communism and the Soviet Union. I am about to start the biggest war of the century, and I’m not going to fire a single shot. You blow up eight years of diplomacy, what would you have me do? I want you to fight. Mr. Gerbachov. Tear down this wall. Hey, it’s Matt Schlap, chairman of CPAC. We have an old fashioned notion here. We only let you vote one time in our straw poll, but make sure you do and let Donald Trump know who you want to be his vice president.

Go vote in the real America’s voice straw poll. Ladies and gentlemen, up next, bidenomics, bad for America’s health. Please welcome former member of Congress, host of the Doug Collins podcast, Doug Collins, commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission, Brendan Carr, co founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, Stephen Moore. And your moderator, director of CPAC Foundation center for Regulatory Freedom, Andrew Langer, please. Well, good morning, CPAC. How is everybody doing this morning? You could do better than that.

I know it’s early, but how are you all doing? So we are here to talk about biodynamics and the issue of regulation, and I’m going to tee it off immediately because we’ve got a limited amount of time. Gentlemen, one of the things we’ve been talking about at CPAC and with our friends in the movement is something my colleague Wayne Cruz calls the whole of government approach to regulation, the innovative ways in which the Biden administration is going after regulatory issues.

For example, normally we know that they want to get price controls on pharmaceuticals. Normally they would go through HHS or the center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. But, Doug, they’re doing something really interesting with the National Institutes for Standards and Technology, which, as I understand, they run the atomic clock. Talk about march in and what that means for the pharmaceuticals. Great. It’s great to be. How many of you are ready to find an end to the Biden administration? Right here.

I think he’s starting right here because I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of a government approach. And by the way, we as conservatives have got to take our initiative that says it’s small government, limited government, and action of the free enterprise system. And also what we believe is actually property, our thought rights, our property rights, those are kind of things that actually matter in this country.

Andrew, what you just asked was an interesting question, because if you don’t understand this, here’s a secret for all of you. CPAC, I’ll whisper like he does. Biden wants to take over. That’s exactly what they want to do. Right? They want to take everything. And from a government approach, when you get into the issue of march in, and that sounds like they were doing some kind of military thing.

This isn’t march in. What this is literally is marching into where they have people who have taken government funds to find new and innovative solutions across the spectrum of products in which that have come to our markets. What they’re wanting to do, though, is if you’ve taken government money, the government wants to come in and then take your patent, take your intellectual property, and then they can do whatever they want to with it.

This will send us back to pre 1980 Ronald Reagan. How many of you want to take a trip back to Jimmy Carter days? Is there anybody in the place longing for that? No, nobody wants to. So what we’ve got to understand here, Andrew, when we look at our economy, the question is, are we going to believe in american exceptionalism? Are we going to believe that Americans have the ideas and that property rights matter? Those are the things that you think of, you dream of.

They come from the heart. We’ve got to be a part of that. The greatest expansion of pharmaceutical research occurred in the years after the buy dole bill was passed, 1980. The Biden administration wants to take us back in the same way. Brendan Carr, we had the greatest expansion of broadband deployment after we got rid of the Obama era net neutrality rules under President Trump and the work you guys were doing at the FCC.

Now the Biden administration is going after digital equity and net neutrality again. Tell us all about that. Yeah, so great to be here back at CPAC. I mean, listen, Americans have been living through an unprecedented surge in censorship, the administrative state and the government. The Biden administration has been colluding to shut down free speech, open dialogue, diversity of opinions. You’ve seen it in your own life. Any discussion about the Hunter Biden laptop story to run up to the last election? Censored.

Any discussion about the potential origins of Covid-19, censored discussions about how we should respond to Covid itself censored. And the reality is this. The administrative state, the powerful arms of the government, all the three letter agencies, they have been controlled for approaching 16 of the last 20 years by Democrats. And just look what’s going on. As you noted, the government right now is looking to impose digital equity rules on the Internet, rules of unprecedented sweep to control everything that takes place on the Internet.

They’re looking to put back title two, net neutrality rules, which are another way of just controlling the Internet. Just this week at the FCC, we voted to require all broadcasters to publicly post race and gender scorecards. Listen to this. This is important stuff here that list the demographics of all their employees. Why? Because activist organizations want to use that information to pressure businesses into hiring people or not, based on their race and their gender.

So what’s going on here? These aren’t isolated pin pricks. It goes back to a lot of causes, but one main one. This extreme version of identity politics and everything else is downstream. Once you divide America into oppressor groups and oppressed, then of course, we can take the rights away from the oppressor groups. Of course, they don’t need the first Amendment. But that’s just the beginning. Free speech is the counterweight to government control, and there’s a straight line from the ballot box to the soapbox.

As soon as they say, we don’t trust you with what to say, they move very quickly into we don’t trust you in terms of who you get to vote for. Steve, let’s pull it back to the 30,000 foot level and talk about the macroeconomics of regulation. We know that President Trump kept regulatory costs stable at about two and a quarter trillion dollars annually, which is high, but he kept it stable, which is important.

Under the first three years of the Biden administration, it’s skyrocketed. We’re now looking at a regulatory state that’s over $3 trillion a year. If we stay on this trajectory, it’s looking like $7 trillion a year by 2030. What does that mean for the american economy if we don’t change that trajectory? Well, great to be with you all, by the way, and be back at CPAC. And I don’t know about you guys, but this is a thrill of a lifetime for us to be the warm up act for the greatest president in the last 50 years.

Donald. Jake. There we go. By the way, you asked about regulation. I get the Wall Street Journal app on my phone. I don’t know how many of you seen this, but it was just announced literally 10 minutes ago that, have you heard about this? Joe Biden is going to rename the BATF. No, I have not heard this. Yeah. Tell me you’re not seeing up a joke here. No, this is not a joke.

It’s now going to be called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, gas stoves, air conditioners. By the way, they’re not going to take away our gas stoves, are they? We’re not going to let them take away our gas stoves, our air conditioning. All right, so you asked about the impact of Biden’s regulations. So just to put it in terms that people can understand, under Barack Obama, who was the second worst president in the last 50 years here, Joe Biden is the worst president of the last 50 years.

Under Obama, the average family saw their costs rise by $5,000 per family because of regulation. Right? Under Donald Trump. Are you ready for this? The average regulatory cost per family fell by $3,000 per family. And under Biden, it’s been raised by another $6,000. So regulation is a tax on the american economy. The increase in the inflation rate did not happen by accident, by the way, when Donald J.

Trump left office in January of 2021, the inflation rate was 1. 6%. Right. In 18 months. I don’t know how he did this. In 18 months, Joe Biden took the inflation rate from 1. 6 to 9. 2%. Do you think this is intentional? Are you trying to screw the economy up? Because if they were trying to, they couldn’t do a better job. It’s directly related to the regulatory burden that is such an enormous cost to the american economy and also all of the other policies when it comes to energy.

We have to get back to the Biden, to the Trump policy of drill, baby, drill when it comes to energy and use all here resources. Absolutely. Final thing I’ll say, and then I’ll turn it back to you. Go right ahead. Is that when it comes, I’m embarrassed to say this, literally, last week I turned 64, so I am now eligible for Social Security. I’m going to continue to work.

But here’s the point I want to make. One of the most evil left wing organizations in America. Is the AARP right? And I want to make sure that we’re going to make a pact here today. I want to make sure that nobody joins the ARP. They are responsible for trillions of dollars of taxes, trillions of dollars of higher spending, and by the way, they are bought. The AARP is a functionary of the health insurance companies that are ripping off America.

So let’s make a pact today. We’re not joining the here. Amen. I was going to ask you if we should start saying, hey, hey, ho, ho. The AARP has got to go. You gotta beat me to it. But while we’re on this subject, Doug, let’s talk about this issue of consumer choice, the supply of medical care in America and the regulations that stand in the way of that.

Well, Steve just brought up a great point. And the question is, folks out there, I want you to understand, in this room, we’re together in this room, it’s easy to talk about conservative thought. But if we don’t take these messages, Steve’s taught, Brandon’s taught about that we’re talking about here. And you explain it to people who do not watch. They actually get up. It’s a shocker. They get up every day.

They feed their families, they go to work, they come home. They do the things that normal Americans do. We’ve got to understand. So let me break it down for you. Please. The Biden administration from the open border, which, by the way, I hear a lot of people talk about voting and citizenship and everything, really what that is. They’re opening the border so they can expand government services. Folks, think about this.

They’re expanding government services for everybody when they’re doing this. But then it gets sinister. And I know this issue of March in this issue of now, health care costs is really where they at. They’re wanting to attack the ability for us to be the healthiest country in the world, the most innovative country in the world, where we can actually have health care that matters to people. And they’re doing it at your local street level.

There’s a little evil thing out there, and it’s three letters called PBM. Pharmacy benefit managers, thank you. If you understand, if you get it, if you not look it up, pharmacy benefit managers are what is strangling your neighborhood pharmacies. They’re making costs go up, and they’re doing it on government, taxpayer dollars and state health benefit plans across this country. Now, they don’t like me at all. I don’t care because I’m going to tell the truth, when you are taking businesses and you’re causing healthcare costs to rise opposed to what they actually say, and you’re making businesses go out of business because they want to control everything, then this is where the Biden administration, with their help, they would rather go after, quote, big bad business instead of going after these businesses that are actually taking dollars out of your pocket.

Wouldn’t you like to have health care that is affordable? Is there anybody in here that would not want that? Right? I think this is what we’ve got to understand. But this PBM issue, this health care issue, and also if you take away the intellectual property, there’s no incentive to do anything. Democrats want you to be dependent on government. They want to control it all. This actually dovetails nicely into this other issue, and it gets back to the marching issue and the issue of innovation.

And, Brendan, I want to talk to you, and Steve as well, would like to get your thoughts on this, because as we said, we were closing with your early remarks. Doug, this issue of spurring innovation, if you do not have, if your intellectual property rights are under siege, you are not going to invest in research and development because you’re not going to be able to recoup that investment.

Certainly with regards to the Internet and the various ways the Biden administration and the left wants to take over the Internet, that certainly happens. Brendan, talk a little bit about that. And then, Steve, I want to get your thoughts on this. As know, one of the things we talk about, this massive expansion of government, the administrative state, and one of the things that’s so concerning about that is how we’re seeing it being weaponized against people that don’t share the same politics.

The current administration, there’s a lot of examples I could use here, but one is Elon Musk. President Biden stood at the podium inside the White House adorned with the official seal of the president of the United States and said that Elon Musk is worth being looked into. This was after, of course, Musk said he wanted to bring free speech back to social media. Reporters said, well, how can you look into him? The president looked down and said, there’s a lot of ways, and there certainly are.

Since then, we have seen an unprecedented surge in regulatory harassment. The FAA, the DOJ, the Southern District of New York, even the FCC, where I work, have taken regulatory action against Elon Musk. In fact, the Fish and Wildlife Service went after him because during a starship launch, there was apparently a handful of blue land crabs in some bob white quail eggs that were charred. Sounds more like surf and turf to me.

Federal case. But now they’ve launched a complete federal investigation on that. Let me particularize it for Edward. I’m going to come to you, Steve, in a second. And what Brendan’s saying is absolutely accurate. There are somewhere between a million and a million and a half individual federal regulatory mandates in the code of federal regulations. And what that means is that for any of you, you could be the next Donald Trump.

You could be the next Elon Musk. There’s a political legal philosopher named Henry Silverglad who wrote a book called Three Felonies a day, in which he posits that the average american commits three felonies a day because they simply don’t know all of the million to a million and a half regulatory mandates out there. It puts us all in the crosshairs of the federal government. And that’s what we’re talking about here.

Steve, again, let’s get into that a little bit. Talk a little bit about the issue of innovation and government stifling innovation and why we can’t allow that to happen. Well, one of the best areas to talk about when you talk about innovation is what’s happened in our energy industry. And I don’t think there’s any issue where Joe Biden has been more hostile to America’s interests, both from an economic standpoint and a national security standpoint, than on energy.

I had the privilege of working as an economic advisor, senior economic advisor to Trump in 2016. I remember my first meeting with Trump back in early 2016. The first thing I said to him is Donald. At that time, we called him Donald. Now we call him Mr. President. I said, if you go all in on producing american energy, our oil, our gas, our coal, our nuclear power, I told, said, you know, we could be energy independent after four years of your presidency.

And I’ll never forget, folks, what he said to me. He sort of slammed his fist onto the table and said, steve, I do not want America to be energy independent. I want America to be energy dominant. You’re here. And we became the dominant country in the world. And. Hold on, hold on. Let me just interrupt you, Steve. And this would have taken care of the Russia Ukraine problem, by the way, bottomed out.

There’s no way in hell that we would have russian troops in Ukraine if Donald J. Trump were still president today. We basically played into the hands of our enemy. And by the way, I’m going to say this loud and clear. Climate change is not a science, it’s a religion, it’s the religion of the left, and we have to fight back against this. Now, here’s the thing that’s so interesting.

Under Trump, we were energy independent. And by the way, not only would you not have seen the troops in Ukraine, there’s no way in hell that Iran would have had the money to get Hamas to fire those rockets in Israel. So here’s the thing. When we get Donald J. Trump back in the White House, his top priority to solve so many of these problems is drill, baby, drill.

Continue to do that day after day, the price of energy is going to fall. And by the way, is there a single person in this room who really believes the inflation rate is only three and a half percent today? I mean, that’s the biggest lie they tell you. Grocery prices up 22%, healthcare costs up 25%, mortgage payments are up 30%. Joe Biden and his regular estate are bankrupting Americans and putting us under debt.

We got to solve that problem. Doug, I know you wanted to jump in. Yeah. What Steve’s talked about here is just this election cycle in. In just a little while, there’s going to be a man on this stage who, when he came to office, for those of us who were in Congress at time, we would get that federal register. It became like phone books under the Obama administration.

It was like they were regulating everything under Donald Trump. They became like leaflets that you hand out on the side of the street. The regulatory agency became what they should be. And there’s a chevron case before the Supreme Court that actually takes away the ability of the agencies to determine what law is. And this is going to be a very big case, but it’s going to put an interesting twist on where we’re at, because it’s going to require Congress to actually do the job that they’re supposed to have.

So this fall, we’ve got to take this into account with the regulatory burden, the regulatory state, the constitutional way, everybody understand that document, the Constitution that also says the Congress is supposed to oversee the executive branch. When they have Donald Trump as president, you have a Congress that is Republican and not Senate. Schumer and the rest of them are gone. Then we can oversee it. But right now, they’re unfettered in what they want to do.

And this is a problem that we ought to solve, Brandon, because I think you’re the only lawyer on the panel. Doug, are you a lawyer? I’m sorry. All right. I can recover. You don’t like to admit that, but, Brendan, as someone who practices in the regulatory world like this, are we prepared for a post chevron world. Yeah, we should be look, at the end of the know administrative agencies where I work, there’s dozens and dozens across DC, and they’re engaged in regulating all aspects of your life.

In fact, the administrative state is part of an effort to fundamentally reshape your relationship with government. And so the idea that the Supreme Court is rightly saying agencies like mine shouldn’t have sweeping authorities, not granted to us, even by Congress, that it should instead be Congress to do its job. And some people say, well, Congress isn’t getting anything done. Well, sometimes that’s a feature, maybe that’s a system.

But look, we talked about censorship earlier on, and this collusion between government and the Biden administration to take individual Americans, they don’t like them expressing their free speech and censor them. And it’s just deeply, deeply concerning. And again, as I indicate, it’s all downstream from this extreme version of DEI, this extreme version of identity politics, because again, once we’re divided, then we’re just told how we should think, and there’s no need for free speech at that point.

And I think fundamentally for this country, there’s a fork in the road for us to come. On the one hand, are we going to continue to go down this road of extremist identity politics that just wants to divide us into smaller and smaller fractions? Or on the other hand, are we going to go a different route? And frankly, it’s a return to what JFK said in the 1960s, which is that what unites us is stronger than what divides us.

And that is the fundamental question and path forward for us right now. An excellent point, Steve. As someone who helped shape our economic policy and I’m hoping is going to help shape our economic policy for many, many years to come, you are putting out a daily newsletter that you do from the committee to unleash prosperity. How do you keep tabs on everything? How do these folks keep tabs on everything? Well, thank you for mentioning that, folks.

I’m not selling you anything because there is no inflation in the price of the committee at unleashed prosperity hotline. It is absolutely free. So I want you to all sign up for that. Just go to committeeprosperity. com. That’s committeedunlishedprosperity. com. And we will send you the hotline every morning for free. Now, I want to make one, because one of the most important things, and please tell the president this when he gets here, I believe the single greatest error that this country has ever made, or at least in any of our lifetimes, and I wonder how many of you would agree with me on this and tell the president this.

Never again should we let the government shut down our schools. Amen. Never again should we let them shut down our businesses. Never again should they shut down our restaurants. Never again should they shut down our. Never again. This was the most constitutional delegation of power ever again. And I guarantee you, if Joe Biden is reelected, they’re going to try to do it again. They’re going to use climate change to shut down economy.

Never again. Here. Here we go. I know it’s, I know, Doug, it’s hard to top that, but I want to get your thoughts. What is the last message you want to leave these fine people with? The first message is it’s amazing from my home state of Georgia that Jimmy Carter continues to rise into standings with Obama and Biden. It’s pretty amazing here, going from worst and now to third worst.

But the main thing I want to do is this, is, folks, is do not assume this election is in the bag. The things we’ve talked about here are things that are not going to ever hit the front page. And many of us go around saying, donald Trump’s going to win. Joe Biden can’t even find his way off stage. He shuffles around, he does everything else. But, folks, if we don’t get out and share that message, and we share it in a productive way, and we get people into vote and we get people into this message, then we have a chance of losing the very freedoms that make us.

And I’m not about to be a part of the generation that says, I’m not going to sit back. I’m going to actually do something? Is there anybody else in this audience that wants to join me and says, donald Trump, lead us back to where we need to go so that we can then put Biden and the rest of his democrats back where they belong. Yeah. Brandon, final thoughts.

What do these people need to know about what’s going on in the tech world? Yeah. Fundamentally, we have to return in this country, as a cultural matter, to this embrace of free speech and diversity of use. I don’t normally quote the New York Times in these settings, but actually in 1970, the editor of the New York Times said, diversity of opinion is the lifeblood of democracy. The moment we start insisting that everyone thinks the same way we do, our democratic way of life is in jeopardy.

It’s a cultural fight, but also a legal one. We need to reform section 230. That’s table stakes, so that our views are no longer censored on political lines, religious lines or scientific lines. We need to impose antidiscrimination obligations so that everybody can participate in the digital town square. Ladies and gentlemen, please check us out. The center for Regulatory Freedom at CPAC. Give it up for Steve Moore, Brendan Carr, Doug Collins.

Thank you all very much. Thank you. Thank you very much. I want to repeat again, this is what our goal should be. Our goal should be to encourage people to vote in person on election day. We should not have mass mail in balloting. We should not have early voting that goes on for weeks and weeks beforehand. And we should demand that systems are in place to ensure that ballots are counted on election day, not for days and weeks and months afterwards.

What’s so hard about this? Ladies and gentlemen, this is the good doctors. Please welcome physicians Dr. Brooke Miller and Dr. Robert Malone. And your host, senior editor, Epoch Times, Yanya Kelleck. So the good doctors, this is something that we at the epoch times have been thinking about a lot. What does it mean to be a good doctor? This has been a study of the last several years, and here on stage we have two absolutely good doctors.

We have Brooke Miller. Brooke Miller is a small country doctor from Virginia. And Brooke Miller decided very early in the pandemic to study early treatment options, buck the system, and built a huge business in the process of everyone wanting to go to him because they knew that’s where they could get healthy. And he’s also a cattle rancher and that’ll become relevant in a moment. And in the center here we have, of course, Dr.

Robert Malone. They hate you, Robert. Dr. Malone is a physician. He’s also a scientist, okay? He has some of the original patents in the mrna technology that was used in these vaccines. And he also started sounding the alarm early. So let’s discuss a little bit of a framework of what we’re going to talk about today. Okay? All of us here, everyone up here, all of you have been on a journey, a bit of a journey, okay? And we’ve been watching how the doctor patient relationship has changed.

This question of do no harm, the hippocratic oath has come into question. There’s this philosophy of we know what’s better for you from coming on high that’s becoming more prevalent. Okay. Doctors have been joining corporate practices and getting less ability to enact that doctor patient relationship. Patient centric medicine and medical schools has been challenged now by this guidance or evidencebased approaches. Administrators and bureaucrats, frankly, all across society have been growing in number in these large, more centralized organizations relevant to cattle farming, food production changes have been going from local, just more centralized.

Okay? The citizen government relationship, as I think many of you out here know, has been changing, and even at a greater scale. We have international organizations like the WHO, challenging sovereign states. So many of you are aware of the WHO. There’s a pandemic treaty and international health regulations that are essentially going to be dictating how we are supposed to respond to another pandemic, should one happen. And we know that the WHO, of course, is in the thrall of multiple organizations, a giant one.

The Chinese Communist Party, of course. We also have the biopharmaceutical industrial complex and giant nonprofits that are not accountable to anybody. So this is the setup. Okay? This is where we are. It’s a question of sovereignty. Individual, local, national. And this is a situation where ideology. It’s something called lasenkoism. Some of you may have heard it this term before. Ideology takes precedence over science, and terrible things happen as a result.

So let me start now with the good doctors, and we’ll start with you, Dr. Miller, in all of this, as we’ve been watching this unfold on your journey, what is the most unusual, unexpected realization that hit you? Well, it was actually very early on in the pandemic, when all of us were on the same footing. Nobody knew how to best to treat this disease. So I, like a lot of good doctors all over the world, were searching and trying to contact other physicians, other sources to see what was working.

And we found things, some repurposed drugs and therapeutics and vitamins and things. We found that they were very useful, and there was science to back them up. And when I presented them to my colleagues, they didn’t want to hear about it. They only wanted to follow what the central planners told them to do. And that was a huge realization and a great disappointment to me, because I thought my profession was a cut above.

And now that I see this, I am very concerned about the practice of medicine in this country and how far it has fallen between the doctor patient relationship. Dr. Malone, same question, please. So, for me, it’s been a gradual reveal, starting early in 2020. The big shock was the censorship. I couldn’t believe that they would shut down a book that Jill and I had written about how to prepare for the pandemic that was just written for the average person.

Then I saw the censorship going on in the academic literature. Then I saw all the central control all over the world pushing the same memes, the same messages, the same false narratives. And I knew that we were in a situation that had completely changed from any pandemic that I’d been involved in in the past, this foundational issue of security. You’re in an interesting position, Dr. Miller. You are both a physician, country physician, but you also have 300 head of cattle.

Okay? You’re a farmer at the same time, and we’ve talked about this. You’re seeing the same trend essentially happen in both areas. Tell me about that. Yeah, absolutely. I’ve been farming and ranching my entire life. And unfortunately, during that time, we have seen more and more centralized control in the cattle business. And today we have basically a monopoly of four multinational corporations that control the beef industry. And there’s a choke point between the producer and the packers, and they transmit high prices to the people, the consumer, and they don’t pay a fair price to the cattle ranchers.

So unfortunately, that’s not sustainable. And today, over the last four decades, we’ve lost over a half a million cattle ranchers, 7 million head of cattle. And we are at an all time low since 1950 for a number of cattle in this country. And I say that’s a national security cris, because we will be dependent on foreign countries for our food, just like we are for manufacturing, for medication.

And so how is this scenario, Dr. Malone, manifesting in the medical profession? We’re now in a situation in which there’s total centralized control. If you vary from the approved narrative, in many states, many nations, there are now laws being enacted that physicians that speak about their opinions, their observations, which differ from the approved narrative, they’re subject to jail time and major fines up to $200,000. This is coming through in Canada and already is enacted in France.

And there was an attempt to do something similar in California. I expect we’re going to see a lot more of this. So it’s centralized control of messaging, of diagnostics, of patient treatment. The whole logic is built around the idea of what’s best for the group utilitarianism, as opposed to the traditional position. And the fundamental aspect of the hippocratic oath, where the physician is focused on the patient, not on the population, not on the greater good, but on the good of the individual.

And that’s what’s happened, is the whole thing is perverted around the idea of utilitarianism and that there should be the greatest good for the greatest number. Basically, what we have is creeping socialism throughout all of medicine. So, Dr. Miller, the hippocratic oath, this is something I’ve been thinking about a lot, because I don’t know who here has actually looked at the hippocratic oath in the last while I decided to take a look in there, and it’s kind of astonishing.

Maybe, Dr. Mill, if you could remind us, just to give you some background, the hippocratic oath was first recorded between the fifth and the third century BC, written by Dr. Hippocrates. And it basically established the principles for ethical standards for physicians. And it was centered around confidentiality and non malfeasance or do no harm. There are a couple of quotes from the hippocratic oath that I think are very pertinent to today that I want to read.

Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course. Does that make sense? I will not give a woman a pessery to cause abortion. We will help the sick abstain from intentional wrongdoing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of men and women. Whatsoever I see and hear in and outside my profession, I will never divulge. If I uphold this oath, I will gain in reputation.

If I break this oath, the opposite will wait for me. So this is at the individual level. We’re talking about sovereignty at the individual level here, right? Let’s take it to the other side, to the international level. Right? If you could summarize, Dr. Malone, what is the reality of what the who is trying to do through these international health regulations and the pandemic treaty? This appears to be a power grab that’s ongoing right now, basically weaponizing public health to advance centralized control.

And what’s being proposed, even though the WHO and Tedros keep saying that this is not the case, it’s been well documented, and we covered this yesterday in the ICS meeting, that the WHO is specifically modifying their charter and the international health regulations and proposing a treaty that in the United States is not being called a treaty because that would require a two third Senate vote that proposes that the WHO will be able to establish treatment norms and define a public health pandemic or health crisis for anything they wish.

This could include energy, co2 levels, gun violence, abortion, whatever it is that they want to declare. They can call that a public health emergency under the umbrella of one health, which makes it so that everything falls under public health as an issue. And then they will have the authority to mandate what nation states shall do in response to those public health emergencies. And by agreement, if nation states concur with this or don’t object, they will be subject to potential sanctions or other actions if they don’t implement the actions that are proposed by the WHO.

This goes all the way down to the level of who being able to stipulate what medical products or procedures you receive, what vaccines you take, what medicines you’re allowed to take. No more of this ivermectin, no more of physicians directly interacting with patients. This is centralized medicine on a global scale. This is globalism. Taking control of all medicine and will dictate and mandate what you shall do and what your nation state shall do in response to whatever the WhO defines as a public health.

So how do you respond? The typical response I hear to this, Dr. Malone, is these are just guidelines. Yeah. So that has been kind of the limited hangout position that the WHO has taken for pr purposes. What Jan is speaking to is the kind of propaganda messaging that’s coming out of the WHO, that these are just guidelines. But if you go through, as Philip Krauss has done, lawyer from Switzerland that testified yesterday and will be testifying in the Senate for Ron Johnson on Monday, if you go through and actually look at the details of the document, it clearly outlines and designates that the WHO will have authority to mandate actions on the part of nation states.

What they’ve done is they’ve changed some of the words instead of optional, and they’re not using the word mandate. They’re using some very clever legal language that is the equivalent of obligations and mandates without actually calling them that. Well, this has actually been a theme, I think, in almost every area of human endeavor, words have been twisted to mean different things, twisted and weaponized. This is a key part of this propaganda warfare that’s going on, where a variety of globalist organizations and ngos are redefining language, weaponizing words in order to enable their control agenda.

I always love to talk about what can we do in these kinds of situations, because this obviously seems incredibly overwhelming. But it just struck me thinking about you, Dr. Miller, working as a country doctor with the cattle ranch, that you actually might have some of the solution here. Maybe you can speak to that. As far as the who goes, how do we respond to these kinds of realities? Well, first of all, we must get involved, and we must not be afraid to stand up for tyranny to have success.

It just means a bunch of good people do nothing. If you stand up, will there be negative consequences? Absolutely. But if you don’t stand up, there’ll be more. And if you do stand up, there’ll be many, many positive consequences. As far as the who goes, we must demand that our government not sign this treaty. And I would say go even further. We must leave the WHO and defund the WHO director Tedros, puts out a bunch of propaganda saying, we are not prepared for the next pandemic.

Well, I say if we look at how they handled the last pandemic, they are the last people that we want to handle a future pandemic. Well, and in the event that there’s some resistance to your ideas, I understand that the physician, I guess, relationship isn’t actually governed at the federal level. It’s governed at the state level. Right. Maybe you could speak to that. So this is a key point.

The question is, what are our strategies and tactics in an environment in which the Biden administration is all in on these international health regulations? In fact, the modifications to the IHrs were written by the Ushs. We, our government, the Biden administration, is the source of a lot of this new language that’s being pushed that would give authority and basically overcome american sovereignty and place it in the hands of this globalist organization, the WHO.

But fortunately, we have A-U-S. Constitution. And the US Constitution specifically states powers not allocated to the federal government, best of the states. And that explicitly includes regulation of the practice of medicine. The federal government does not have the authority to engage in an agreement with the World Health Organization that would cede authority for regulating the practice of medicine in the United States. It’s unconstitutional. And what you need to do, so here’s the specific ask from.

Okay, here’s what we really need you specifically to do, is engage with your state ag, with your governor, with your legislators at the state level, to alert them to what’s going on and insist, particularly in red states, just as red states have gotten together, to resist the border chaos that’s going on right now, to insist that the red states get together and make an explicit statement that they reject this WhO treaty, and they reject the authority of the federal government to regulate the practice of medicine through agreeing to these globalist who international health regulation modifications that will go from suggestions to mandates under this new language.

Number two, we need to set up a commission to look at what has happened here in HHS and the interface with WhO under Mr. Trump when he’s elected, so that we can figure out what has gone wrong with this revolving door and all of the corruption that has moved through the whole system. Number three, we need to emphasize not centralized, globalized medicine, but a decentralized approach. The ultimate decentralization is empowering the physician patient relationship and breaking away from these large, corporatist controlled situations where basically you are just a number and your physician or other health provider, nurse, assistant, et cetera, physician assistant is forced into a situation where they are treating you by a checklist.

That’s what’s happening. And that’s a step towards artificial intelligence driven medicine. That’s where they want to go, is standardized medicine where you’re all a number and you are processed through the system, given a diagnosis, and then basically you have checklist driven medicine. This is what’s being taught in medical schools right now, together with wokism. This is what’s being pushed all the way through the system. And if you want to live in a world in which you’re treated by people like Brooke that treat you as an individual instead of being treated as just another number, you got to get with the program and make it clear that you find that unacceptable and find physicians like Brooke to go to to get your medical care from.

Final quick thought from Dr. Miller and just like, what does it look like to have this private practice essentially solo? Right? Well, we were pretty much forced out of. We were in private care for a little while, had our own practice, and then we were sort of gobbled up by a corporation and we were sort of forced out of it because we were more patient centric and we weren’t following the rules.

And the reason we got there is because of the monstrosity of red tape and bureaucracy and the complexity it is to deal with insurance companies and Medicare and the government and Obamacare. And Obamacare. Physicians are no longer wanting to do that. So they are running into the arms of corporate medicine. And that is the key. They’re running into the arms of corporate medicine. They work for the corporation.

They don’t work for the patient. So we need to get back. We need to simplify the process. Nobody knows what anything costs. We need to simplify the process. Make it a direct transaction between me and my patient. And their insurance needs to be for major disaster. Well, that’s it for today. Please give them a huge hand. Thank you, gentlemen. The old civil rights adage goes, no justice, no peace.

What we have to prepare for is we’re going to see this propaganda spread even further in the media outlets. In the mainstream media outlets. What’s happening right now is in a greater context of one of the greatest crimes against humanity, which is an apartheid regime. The israeli government is what has fueled this in Israel that is occupying the Palestinians, not the other way around. And it’s basically like living Alex, in an open air prison.

I think Hamas mainly attacked military establishments, military installations. You can’t condemn women and children and elderly people from Britain street. What about you condemn it I already said, why can’t you say yes? Because I already gave you my answer. You didn’t give an answer. And I think anybody who watches would understand what you’re going to watch. Once Israel moves forward with an offensive strategy in eradicating Hamas, they’re going to be viewed as the killers support Israel’s rights to defend themselves against terrorists.

Will you condemn Hamas then? Tell me that. Already said that I condemn the violence, that Hamas as an organization. As a terrorist organization. Will you condemn them as a terrorist organization? Hamas is a political movement that was elected. The justification of the violence is the occupation. Palestinians are leading a freedom movement. Hamas is a movement. And then you fight back for that, and you stand for your rights.

That does not make you a terrorist. That makes you a defender. A lot of them were very disappointed when the United States moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Again, I think that Hamas decided that now, to amass these capabilities and to carry out this attack, they need to bring more attention in the region and globally to what they consider to be their plight. Palestinians are the people who have been protesting nonviolently to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

This is the most extreme fundamentalist, right wing, supremacist government in the history of the state of Israel. Israel is notorious for creating propaganda and did not get raped. No. Netanyahu is basically running his own narrative of what he wants to excuse himself. How does that killing and genociding and holocausting all the Palestinians of the apartheid state of Israel, which has no legitimate reason for existing. I mean, hear me out.

We strike first because we wanted our land back. And that’s what people do when they want the thing back. You guys are associating that Hamas is a terrorist organization. It’s a resistance. And then you have the left cheering for the violence, cheering for the killing of civilians, calling for more, chanting in the streets. There’s only one solution. There is only one solution. Israel is a terrorist state. Absolute mass.

A job well done. Terrorist. What is it, like a motorcycle club or. Every single thing they have done is justified. It was extilled. It was extreme. It was entertaining. Okay. If they were challenged to the massive. But this shifting of a balance of power, that he would have died. Empty donor if he don’t. We will honor all our martyrs. We will honor all our martyrs. Okay, all of us, come up.

Thank you. Fuck Israel. No problem. Fuck Israel. I’d like to know who’s funding the students for justice for Palestine and where this money’s coming from that’s creating this propaganda that’s infiltrating our academic institutions, our media institutions, and trying to drive this anti jewish message. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome from the great America show with Lou Dobbs. Lou Dobbs, it thank you, everybody. And it is great to be with you.

How are you? We’ve got a pretty interesting fellow coming up for you to listen to and to vote for and to encourage the entire country to vote for. I would like this election to be, frankly, I hate to be partisan, but I will struggle and do so. I would love this election to be one of unanimous acclamation. And I don’t see one reason in the world why it should not be.

Do you? I was here just days after the president had been sworn in. It was about 36 days in 2017, and it was a glorious, glorious moment because conservatives gathering together had changed history. We even fooled the CIA, the NSA. And by the way, I want to remind you to be very careful here today, as I am speaking, because it’s very likely that you are being recorded. That seems to follow me around.

But I’ve noticed it’s helpful if you look to your left and your right. If you see anyone with chinos in a dark blue shirt, I would recommend caution. But the reality is it won’t do any good because the NSA and all attendant intelligence agencies are listening to every word we say, every word we write, every word that is electronically transmitted, irrespective of the medium. And anyone here who doubts that should listen to our phone service at my home.

We are now officially, since those amazing days following the president’s inauguration, we have drifted further and further, and we were pushed farther and farther into a surveillance police state. And I don’t know if we should applaud for a police state. But you know what? I’ll take applause no matter where I get it. The idea that this is a free country, that this president in some way has any right to that office, and I should have warned you, I’m going to be plain spoken today.

There is no question about the legitimacy of this president, President Joe Biden. He is an illegitimate president and one of the worst, worst results we have ever seen from any election, irrespective of crooked, rigged, or fair and free. What we are watching right now, and it’s important that we decide right now that we’re going to speak clearly, we’re going to call things what they are. We’re not going to be politically correct, because I see the country drifting back into that, irrespective of the television network run by corporatists, run by the establishment, they don’t like to use real words to describe real objects.

Did anybody notice that there is a high altitude object floating over the state of Colorado? Now, that’s going pretty far and hard to avoid saying another damn chinese balloon is trying to spy on the United States. Then we learn further with the appearance of this balloon. There have been a half dozen others that no one had known about, and who knows how many they’ve really been. We are in a police surveillance state, and we have to understand what that means.

It means that you and I are obligated to do far more than we did in 2016 and far, far more than we did in 2020. Anyone who doubts that 2020 was a rigged election, they even created an agency for you to follow so that you know part of the story. It’s called a cybersecurity and infrastructure agency. And they put the name together so that you would be indifferent to it, maybe just let it go by.

They want everything to go by. And this administration right now has managed to do this. The border is 2000 miles long. The border Joe Biden has turned over to the mexican drug cartels. And the border patrol right now is doing nothing to fulfill their oaths of office, their oaths to defend the constitution of the United States and to protect you and me. And people say, well, wait a minute, you can’t attack the border patrol.

I’m not the one attacking the border patrol. I have great faith in those men and women. I also believe when anyone in government service, public service, takes an oath, it should be fulfilled. And that includes the border patrol, that includes TSA, that includes the great state of Texas. That right now is the model for public service. And I just want to say to you that as we await President Trump, we have an opportunity to once again change history.

But it will not be a chance that we successfully seize if we don’t state straightforwardly. We are a nation afraid. We are a nation intimidated, whether it’s January 6, whether it’s a crooked department of justice, and we have to be plain spoken, and you have to demand the same thing of the media. You watch, you listen, and you read, and I hope you will. And you have to be engaged, if I may suggest that, and particularly be engaged with your local community.

Control first the community, and we will then control the nation. And that is what President Trump needs from us, requires from us to succeed. It is troubling to think that this nation could be where we are. And I bet, did anyone in this room expect us to do this five years ago, to be in this situation? No. Well, neither did I. I did warn that there would be a war by the deep state against the president on this stage in 2017.

I had no idea it would be to this extent, this successful, and that we would not rise up in the face of the adversity that has been visited upon us by the Marxists who control the democratic party and this White House and this president. Let us be clear, let us be honest and let us commit ourselves to electing Donald J. Trump to the White House. I want to say to you, I am so proud to be with great Americans, great citizens.

I feel much like I did in 2017. That battle was won. This battle we will win. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Newsmax has been terrific. President Trump is right. Millions are switching to Newsmax. It’s the fastest growing streaming service in America. You don’t need those woke streaming services anymore. Just get Newsmax. Plus watch the best shows like Greg Kelly, Rob Schmidt, Greta Van Sustren, and Eric Bowling. Greg Kelly over at Newsmax.

The Newsmax people have been really, really terrific. Gain access to exclusive documentaries, series and special briefings. It’s free to start, so go to newsmaxplus. com now to sign up and watch Newsmax anytime, anywhere. Top Arizona Republican officials try and bribe former gubernatorial candidate Kerry. I’m just wondering why they would all lie. You can make all the xenophobic comments you want. Bring it on. Said that hard times create strong men.

Well, they create strong women, too, right? They came to my door and they tried to bribe me out of getting out of politics. I came on here thinking we were going to talk about the issues facing Arizonans right now. It’s terrible. Defunding our police. How do they come up with this stuff? They call her Trump in heels. We are on the final hill right now, and I’m not surrendering this hill.

We’re going to do a tutorial in how fake, bogus, defamatory news is made. We are strong. We are the people. We’ll save Arizona. We can do it together. Arizona. Because God is with us. He’s with us. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the Carrie Lake. Holy smoke. Hello. Wow. This room. This room is electric. I know you’re not here just to see me. I think there’s somebody coming up that you’re really excited to see.

But do you feel this energy in the room? This is electric. This is exactly what terrifies the radical left and their war machine. I call them the propagandist over in the media because there is no countering this energy. There’s no saying it doesn’t exist when you can feel it like this. And it’s real. I love you, too. I love you, too. It’s real and it’s here to stay.

This energy isn’t going anywhere. And frankly, there’s not enough fake news smears and phony ballots in the world to stop the number of fed up Americans who are going to show up at the polls come November. Right. And over the next eight and a half months. Yes, we’re down to eight and a half months now. The people in this room and the people across America will devote our time, our money and all of our energy to saving this republic.

Because if we are not willing to make those kind of sacrifices, then we will, as Ronald Reagan said, fall into a thousand years of darkness. Sometimes it feels like we’re already there, doesn’t it? But we’re not. We’re not there, and we can’t give up. Not in the fourth corner. We are about to witness an american revival that is on the horizon. And we, the people are going to be leading that revival.

You know, when I was 18 years old, just a few years ago, I was inspired to register as a Republican by a man named Ronald. And thanks to a man named Donald, I was inspired to step into the political arena and run for office. He’s inspired so many. Ronald and Donald. They may be a little bit different in tone, but Reagan and Trump were both the perfect man for the moment.

I remember it vividly. I was just a kid when Jimmy Carter left America in an ash heap, and Ronald Reagan inherited that. But it was his calm optimism and, frankly, a little bit of humor. We always loved that. That brought us together as Americans and inspired us and reminded us that we could get through that difficult time if we stuck together. And then nearly three decades later, a man with golden hair came down a golden escalator, and he gave us another reminder.

Donald Trump was exactly the man we needed in 2015, and he’s exactly the man we need today for the job. Thank you. You guys are too kind. Thank you. I like the bowl in a china shop ideology. I like a strong man. We got way too many weaklings out there. How? Let me hear from the ladies out there. We’re tired of the beta men. We want some alpha men, and we got a number one alpha man in Donald J.

Trump. I think we’ve got some pretty strong men in this room as well. And that’s what is going to get us through this difficult. Know. I don’t really care if he pissed off the fake news. I really don’t. Those mean tweets brought us world peace. They really did. And let’s face know, these people in the fake news, the propagandist, they are people like at the Washington Post, remember? They are the same propagandist who called terrorists religious scholars and they call parents domestic terrorists.

People are off their rocker. So I’ll tell you, these guys, you guys back there, you lie about President Trump all the time. You have been on an eight year mission to destroy the man who’s fighting for us. Eight year mission. But the good news is, guys, I’ve got good news for you. Nobody is reading that garbage anymore. And. And they know it. They’re feeling it. Have you noticed lately you’re hearing about all of these layoffs in the fake news? Hundreds of people.

Yeah. Listen, I want low unemployment numbers like we had with President Trump, but I’m okay if we have high unemployment in the fake news. Maybe once your fake news operations collapse, maybe you guys can go learn to code. Maybe they can learn to code. Under President Trump, we had a historic economy. We had law and order. We had a secure border, energy independence, world peace. Inflation was not an issue.

Record low mortgage rates, record low unemployment. We were safe and secure, and we were prosperous under President Trump. And that safety and security has been destroyed in just a few years of Joe Biden and his destructive policies. As a mother, nothing disturbs me more than knowing that my beautiful state of Arizona is controlled by the narco terrorist cartels. I don’t like knowing that Arizona is the hub for human trafficking, child sex trafficking, and drug trafficking.

It’s frankly horrific. And I know you all see it. Whatever state you’re in, you are feeling the effects of this wide open border. But think about this. We sent an army of young boys and girls, our young men and women, off to foreign lands, thousands and thousands of miles away, under the false pretense that there were weapons of mass destruction. Guess what? We have a weapon of mass destruction right here in our country, and it’s called fentanyl.

And it’s time we fight that. One of the most difficult things that I’ve experienced in the past few years on the campaign trail has been talking to mothers and fathers who’ve lost a son or daughter to fentanyl poisoning, or talking to a child whose mother is no longer around because she died after taking a half a pill that was a counterfeit pill. We’ve got to stop what’s happening at our border.

We have to do it. And I know there’s a man who is bound and determined to do it, and his name is Donald Trump. That’s why I’m behind him. And I want to join him in Washington, DC to turn this nightmare scenario around. And I’m glad to know that he, along with me and many others, support saving our homeland. And the only way to do that is to return these people who are invading our country back to their homeland.

Anybody who has crossed our border, these foreign armies who have crossed our border must go back to their homeland. It’s going to be the largest repatriation campaign in the history of America. I will be the fighter for the people of Arizona, a fighter who will secure the border, stand up to Washington, DC corruption, cut taxes, confirm conservative Supreme Court justices, and end Chuck Schumer’s reign. And I, along with President Trump, will demand accountability for all of this money, all of our treasure that we’re sending to fund endless wars overseas.

I will always prioritize feeding the american family over the war machine. And I know that the best investment this country can make in peace and prosperity is to the american people. You know, Americans in Flint, Michigan, still don’t have clean water. Americans in East Palestine, Ohio, are still living in a chemical wasteland. And Americans in Hawaii are still surrounded by ashes. Imagine if we would have used the money we’ve been pouring into Ukraine, into that black hole called Ukraine, to solve America’s problems.

Yep. Starting in January of next year, we’re going to start putting the USA first. We need honest people to run for office. And you all know that I can’t be bought. I walked away from a seven figure contract when I told the corporate news that I wouldn’t lie for them. My integrity was worth more than a paycheck. And I wish these people would do the same. A year ago, a year ago, I stood on this very stage and I told you that somebody had come to my house, come to my door, and tried to bribe me to stay out of politics.

He said he was representing some very powerful people back east. Did you all hear about that? They wanted me out of politics, just like they want President Trump out of politics. By the way, I keep thinking about that line. Very powerful people back east, because he mentioned it a lot, that there were some very powerful people back east. Here’s the problem. Wall street has very powerful people back east who are making deals for them.

Big pharma has very powerful people back east making deals for them. Military industrial complex has very powerful people. You know what? I think it’s about damn time that the people of this country. The american people have some powerful people back east working for them. And come January, you and your families will have some powerful people back east fighting for you. Not for endless wars, not for big pharma, not for the big banks.

I can name two powerful people back east who will work for you. And I know there’s an army more. Donald J. Trump and Senator Kerry Lake. Guys, I want to first tell you, the America first movement, though, is truly the biggest movement. I don’t need to tell you that. I see it as a movement that saves our nation. But we’ve got to do everything we can to get all Americans on board.

Are you willing to welcome independence? Yes, we are, aren’t we? Are you willing to welcome disaffected Democrats who don’t recognize their party and they’re tired of this slide into Marxism? Are you willing to welcome them into the America first movement? Yes, we are. Then for goodness sakes, we got to heal some of the rifts in our own party. Lincoln said, a house divided cannot stand. The media wants us divided.

The left wants us divided. We don’t care if you woke up 20 years ago, 20 months ago, 20 days ago, or if you finally woke up 20 minutes ago, we welcome you into the America first movement with open arms. Truly, if you love secure borders, if you want a strong economy, if you want peace and prosperity, there’s a good chance you are an America first patriot and you just don’t know it.

I do want to leave you with this because I know that sometimes it gets scary what we’re dealing with. We’re human, but God is with us. And he is so moving mountains for us right now. I want you to know that God does not make mistakes. I think he put me here for this moment. I know he put you here for this moment. He put all of us here at this moment, just like our founding fathers back in 1776.

We were born for this moment. You may not think you can make a big difference, but you can. You have to use every gift God gave you at this moment to save this country. Register people to vote, knock on doors, get involved with the campaign, anything that you care about, get involved and help President Trump. If you’re in Arizona or anywhere around the country, help me. You can go to my website, carrielake.

com, and find out how we all have a role to play in this fight. We’ve got eight and a half months to save America. And I know we are going to do it. I know it. And this time, and just think, this time next year at CPAC, 2025. We are going to have a lot more to celebrate. It’s going to be a huge celebration. I’m ready to make America great again.

Are you? Let’s do it, CPAC. Let’s do it, America. Thank you. God bless you. And I love each and every one of you. Let’s go, Trump 2024. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome president of Judicial Watch, Tom Fitton. What a crowd. Good morning, CPAC. It feels like I’m the only one here not running for vice president. Although, who knows what will. You know, maybe the FBI needs some help.

Or a new director. How about that? Judicial Watch is your watchdog in Washington, feared by Democrats and Republicans alike. But frankly, you got to begin with some bad news. It’s too late. The 2024 election has already been compromised by the Biden Democratic Party’s unprecedented prosecutorial assault on the civil rights of President Donald J. Trump. There is a stormfront, a stormfront of selective, vindictive political and anti constitutional prosecutions, going from Miami up through Fulton County, Georgia, to here in DC, and of course, up into New York.

And the front is expanded to other states where lawyers, republican party officials and volunteers are being harassed, sued, disbarred, and prosecuted for exercising their God given First Amendment and other rights to dispute an know. Let me be clear. Moving the jail, the leading presidential candidate, seizing his assets, destroying his business, and keeping his name off the ballot are all about turning America into a one party state. By the way, isn’t fraudulently using the 14th Amendment and falsely accusing Trump of insurrection to keep him off the ballot.

Insurrection in itself. If those abusers want to play the insurrectionist game, then virtually the entire deep state left media and DC ruling class will have some questions to answer. But how do we overcome the election rigging? How do we overcome it? Well, Judicial Watch knows what to do. Sue them. Counting votes of ballots that arrive after election day that invites voter fraud, undermines voter confidence, and it’s illegal.

We’re suing two states, Mississippi and Illinois, to stop that lawlessness. And of course, we have to ensure voting rolls are clean, because dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections. The rolls are a mess. But Judicial Watch’s heavy lifting is getting results. Our historic election lawsuits and pressure have led to 4 million dirty names being removed from the voting rolls in the last year or so. That is huge.

La county confirmed they removed 1. 2 million names from the rolls. One county, DC, just removed 138,000 names. That’s 15% of their entire voting list. Of course, more lawsuits are coming, and on top of that, we have to shut down the border invasion, the Biden border invasion, and we need to deport those illegal aliens as soon as possible. And here’s a key reason why. Their mere presence will ensure increased power for leftist politicians and their allies.

If passed as prologue, these millions of illegals could help ensure that leftists get dozens of extra seats in Congress after the next census. Our congress should answer to american citizens, not invaders from abroad. Again, the formula for free and fair elections is simple, right? Number one is free Trump. The rest you also know. Voter id, citizenship verification, no mass mail in vote, no mass mail in voting. Vote in person on election day, and no ballot harvesting again.

And let’s complete the count on election day. Not having final results on election day 2024 would be another disaster for voter confidence. I got very upset again recently about January 6. I was rewatching the video of the needless killing of Ashley Babbitt, the air force veteran, shot for no good reason by Lieutenant Michael Bird of the US Capitol police. Now, I’ve watched those videos. I can’t believe he just shot her dead like that.

I just can’t believe it. And few in this corrupt city give a rat’s tail about that awful shooting. But millions of Americans care, and her family cares. I think her mom, Mickey, is still here at CPAC. Is Mickey here? Well, give her a round of applause anyway. God bless her. And that’s why I’m so pleased judicial watch just filed a $30 million wrongful death lawsuit against the US government on behalf of the family of Ashley Babbitt.

As our lawsuit states, the facts speak truth. Ashley was ambushed when she was shot by Lieutenant Bird. Multiple witnesses at the scene yelled, you just murdered her. Judicial Watch is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. I tell you what, if it takes 30 more years to get justice for Ashley, that will be time well spent. And the next honest president should provide pardons and commutations for the January Sixers prosecuted by the compromised and corrupted Biden Justice Department.

And hey, where the heck are all the January 6 videos? Judicial watch sued for them. And we’re being stonewalled by Republicans in Congress and the Biden Justice Department. Unacceptable. Unacceptable. Speaker Johnson, call your office. Well, you know, I don’t need to tell you, we’re in banana Republic territory now. The Biden administration, with its unprecedented and political prosecutions of Trump, is now officially a know. I’ve seen it up close.

I’ve seen it up close. Not too long ago, I had significant skin cancer surgery. And a few hours after I got home, I’m on the couch recovering, feeling sorry for myself when the FBI comes knocking. They came knocking on my door with a grand jury subpoena from the Biden DOJ. The agents tried to be pleasant and helpfully pointed out that something had come from me from Amazon. I suspect I am the first person in american history to receive FBI notice of an Amazon package delivery.

I ended up being hassled and abused by the special counsel team for 4 hours over Trump documents, my first Amendment rights, and what I had for lunch with President Trump. It was a partisan fishing expedition. Frankly, it was like having to spend a day on an MSNBC panel. But I knew why they brought me before that grand jury. It was payback and intimidation for daring to defend Trump against their abuse of power.

But we weren’t intimidated by the prosecutorial abuse. In fact, Judicia Watch sued and is in federal court now for the names of the top staff of Jack Smith’s team. We want to know just who is helping the Biden administration rig our elections by abusing Trump and other innocence. Biden DOJ seems to think they can hire the likes of Michelle Obama or Adam Schiff and not have to tell the public.

If you’re wondering why the court should uphold the transparency law of Jack Smith, I’d call your attention to how Fannie Willis and Nathan Wade have been using their political prosecution to Trump to launder tax money to go on vacation sprees together. Are Jack Smith’s team members biased or conflicted? Or are they unbiased, nonpartisan professionals? Well, they’re hiding the name, so I think we all know what the answer to that is.

And one more thing. If the regime is going to change the rules so Trump can be prosecuted, Obama must be prosecuted. And our elderly, well meaning, with a failing mailing, failing memory, president seems to have been the head of a family RICO operation for decades. Joe Biden is the most corrupt president since he was vice president. I mean, cocaine in the White House is the least of his problems.

And did you see how Judicial watch uncovered how Biden’s dog bit dozens of Secret Service and White House personnel? What sort of crazy dog owner would allow his pet to bite and viciously attack repeatedly the men and women protecting his life? And of course, there’s also serious evidence of criminal activity by the Justice Department, the FBI and IRS, and those agencies handling of Hunter and Joe Biden’s criminal investigations.

And Merrick Garling can’t have it both ways. On Biden’s cognitive collapse, he should either reject the special counsel’s conclusions that Biden is mentally unfit and prosecute him, or move forward with the vice president and fellow cabinet members to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove them to accept the her report means Garland agrees Biden is unfit for the presidency. Right now we have over a dozen FOIA lawsuits on Biden family corruption, but I think we’re going to still need to hire some more lawyers to keep know.

It’s hard to imagine why republican controlled House of Representatives would authorize one more dime in taxpayer money for the DOJ FBI machine. In fact, it’s hard to imagine why any House Republican would keep on funding the border invasion, the abuse of Trump, the censorship of Americans, the killing of the unborn, the transgender extremist abuse of our children, and the crazed critical race theory Dei in the Biden administration, especially in our military.

Defund it all. I don’t know about you, but a government shutdown would be well worth it if it means the end of Biden’s border invasion. The good news is judicial watch remains powerful because of the rule of law. That’s why the left wants to destroy the Supreme Court and hate so much. Justice Thomas I for one say loud and clear, God bless Justice Clarence Thomas. FOIA law allows us to investigate everything.

The founders would be proud. I’d like to think John Adams said, liberty cannot be preserved without a general knowledge among the people who have a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge. I mean, of the characters and conduct of their rulers. That’s why judicial watch has filed thousands of foias and hundreds of lawsuits to find out more about the characters and conduct of our rulers.

We’ve sued on everything from Hillary’s emails to the FBI spying on the church. Frankly, we can’t sue enough. And if you have FOIA ideas or need FOIA help, let us know. The left board wants us to think that resistance is futile to their dangerous anti american agenda. But you know better, fighting for America is never futile. It is our duty. It is our duty to stand strong for our children and the generations to come.

It’s the american way. So get up. Stand up for freedom. Stand up against the extremist left. Stand up for our borders and our sovereignty. Stand up against corruption. Stand up for transparency. Stand up for our children. Stand up for life. Stand up for the rule of law. Stand up for free speech and your other God given rights. Stand up for the constitution and the american revolution. For liberty it represents.

We have no choice but to win, you must all be heroes for the republic. God bless you, and God bless America. Thank you. Thank you. America is under attack. Our families are being crushed under the politics of a radical agenda. But moms have had enough. We are standing up and we are fighting back. This is our battle. This battle is every bit as important as the revolutionary war because we fight for the same thing.

Moms for America is a national movement of moms, reclaiming our culture for truth, family, freedom, and the Constitution. I think moms for America is exactly on track and is doing the right thing for the future of our country and our children. Like moms for America is going at the heart of the issue. But I am honored to join moms for America today as we speak out against the horrific mandates.

With a national network of over a half a million mothers, moms for America is one of the fastest growing movements of women in the country. The most dangerous place in all of nature is between a mama bear and her baby cub. We are the change. No matter what, no matter where, and no matter how difficult the obstacles are that are facing us and our families, we will not give up and we will not give in.

So if not now, then win. If not you, then too. Welcome to the bunled revolution turned Donald J. Trump to the White House. Imagine how strong our movement will have become. Join us next year at cpac. Head to cpac. org 2025. As I think it was President Reagan said, we’re from the government. We’re here to help. I think you all know that I’ve always felt the nine most terrifying words in the english language are, I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.

We’re from the government. We’re here to help you. In an era marked by climate change activists, new technologies, and massive geopolitical instability, we see energy policies have profound implications. The last three years have seen record high gas prices and onceina generation inflation. Energy has been at the center of all of it. During President Biden’s first month in office, american oil production fell nearly 27% from its previous high.

By the summer of 2022, a gallon of gas averaged more than $5 for the first time. All the while, Biden drained our strategic petroleum reserve, looked the other way on Iran’s oil sanctions, and begged other nations to produce more oil, not to mention threatened to take away your car, your gas stove, and hot water heater. As the election nears, stay tuned for more updates, because in 2024, energy is on the ballot.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is Trump, our ace in the hole. Please welcome founder of Key Square Group, Scott Basant, and former senior advisor to the president of the United States, Kevin Hasset, CPAC. And I’m not sure there are a lot of polls going on here this week, and I want to take one right now. So how many people here think the economy is better now than it was four years ago? Okay.

How many people think the economy was better four years ago than it is now? So I guess it wasn’t that much better. Do you want to try that one again? Was it better four years ago? Yeah. Okay. Well, a lot of folks in the mainstream media, probably back over there, think that you people are morons. They say that the economy is fantastic and that you just don’t understand.

But I got to give you two facts, and then I wanted to introduce to you somebody who you’re going to get to know a lot more about in the next year. But here’s two facts for you. If you look at employment, then the Biden administration right now will brag that 2. 6 million people are working today, or there are more people working today than right before the pandemic.

But if you look at the numbers, 2. 8 million of those are illegal immigrants. And almost 200,000 us born people, fewer are working today than when President Biden took office. Or pre pandemic people who are born in the US are actually seeing the same thing you are. And so when they do these surveys, they say, well, why is the economy doing not so good if the numbers are so good, is that the numbers are jacked up by illegal immigrants getting your jobs.

But the second thing that’s happening is that the government is borrowing lots of money. And then here’s the scariest thing that I saw last year in the data, that last year, GDP went up by $1. 6 trillion. And everybody in the White House and in the media is bragging about how strong the economy is. But the government debt increased by 2 trillion, and so the government debt increased by $400 billion more than GDP last year.

And if you wonder, well, is that what bidenomics is? If you look at the next ten years, they say that debt is going to grow faster than GDP at every year, sometimes by as much as almost a trillion dollars in one year. What it means is this is a real, real mess. And you might wonder, how are we going to fix this? And I could tell you that the cavalry is coming.

And when the cavalry arrives, and it’s not that far off, that somebody who’s going to be right on one of the first horses is my friend Scott, who’s a legendary investor. And let’s just say he’s a legendary investor, incredibly successful, a huge amount to lose in this world where they’re going after everybody who supports President Trump. They absolutely, you are risking an enormous amount by coming out. But, Scott, a metric of how all in he is, is he’s got a piece in Fox News today calling on Nikki Haley to drop out.

And two nights ago, I think it was two nights ago, two nights ago, he ran a fundraiser for President Trump in South Carolina, and they raised $7. 2 million in one night. Now I’m handing it to Scott. So, Scott, why are you doing this? Well, Kevin, first to talk about the fundraiser, we raised $7. 2 million from Main Street, South Carolina in Greenville the night before Nikki Haley raised $270,000.

The President Trump’s supporters are on Main Street, South Carolina. Nikki Haley’s supporters are in Wall Street, Manhattan. Interesting. And the purpose of my article today, and I hope all of you will have a look at it, I wanted to be very gracious. I admire anyone who puts themselves out there for public service, but there is a time to step down. And my message was to her backers on Wall street.

There is no path forward. So one of the ways that Scott has been such a successful investor over the years that I’ve known you for a long, long time and watched your success, is that you see big things coming, big changes coming. Sometimes it’s a country that’s fallen apart and you realize you want to, like, maybe you want to short their debt or whatever. But when you look at the US economy right now, what are you seeing? Yeah.

So, Kevin, is, as you said, that the real successes that I’ve had in my career, and I’ve been so lucky, I’m just a kid from small town in South Carolina, and all I knew about Wall street was something bad happened in 1929, and I’m afraid something bad could happen again in 2025. But I will tell you that my successes have been analyzing where I think the consensus and the crowd is wrong and betting against it.

And I will tell you, I believe now the consensus that Donald Trump 2. 0 will be chaotic, that it will be bad for the economy and bad for the markets is wrong. I sent a letter out to my investors three weeks ago saying that we are in the midst of the Trump stock market rally and that it is being driven by Donald Trump being ahead in the polls and investors anchoring on the market, friendly things that are going to happen on January 20 2025.

If he wins, I will also say that given everything that has happened to Donald Trump since the day he got to the White House and what is going on now, that if he wins, if he wins, he will have a mandate from the american people and that no one in the US should mistake that. But the market is anchoring on the Trump tax cuts being extended. And I want to give a shout out to Kevin here.

Donald Trump captained the economy. This guy was running the engine room. That Kevin, it’s easy for him to say, the Calvary’s coming to the rescue. There’s a group of us who, America has been great to us. We went to come. I want to step and help now. And there are a group of great Americans, whether it’s the governor Youngkin in Virginia next door, whether it’s JD Vance, who gave a great talk yesterday, whether it’s representative, the Byron Donald, who had a great career as a financial planner.

And I think that there is a group of us who see what is happening with the country and are alarmed enough, as Kevin says, to put ourselves at risk. But there is also a group like Kevin who were in there the whole time, and everybody should thank him for his service and hope that he is called on to serve again. I just want to say that I had this really fun conversation with Neil Caboudo on Fox the other day where he was sort of saying that he didn’t think anyone could work for President Trump because he’s so hard on his employees.

And I got to just say that I have so many stories about how much fun it was to work with this guy and how generous he was to, at 1. 1 of my staffers got cancer, and the president was sending him notes and asking about how the person’s doing. And so when people say, well, why would anyone go back in? The reason is just this. He does say you’re fired to people, right? But that’s what businessmen do.

They hire people. And if they don’t do the job well, then they get rid of them and they bring somebody else. And I asked Neil, I said, and I asked you, can you think of one person that President Biden has fired? And so is he paying attention? Or did he just hire the most perfect set of people in the history of the US government? But this is the thing that by the end, President Trump had a team of loyal people that he had tested and that were willing to stay in, even with all the difficulties and everything, and that I’m sure that they would go back.

And I now see like, a huge lineup of people like you, Scott, who are stepping in and know the future of our country is at stake. And so we got to do something about it. We do have to do something. And I’ll come back to my list on who I think President Biden should fire or more importantly, the american people should fire on November 5. But I will tell you, is obviously, bidenomics is a disaster, but I actually think no one likes that term, and even Biden’s trying to run from it.

But I don’t think it’s bidenomics. Calling it bidenomics is a compliment that it does not deserve. Bidenomics is a play on reaganomics, and that was a supply side solution that changed America in the 1980s after the Carter malaise. President Reagan came in and unleashed the american economy. Joe Biden is doing the opposite. He is shackling the american economy with debt. I call it, wait for it, Biden ism.

It is Bidenism. And I think that it is fortuitous that we have the president of Argentina today speaking, and what has ruined Argentina. Peronism. Bidenism is the beginning of peronism. It is the state taking over the means of production. It is putting on so much debt that it could never be rolled back. Here from Steve Moore, one of the great supply siders. Kevin, we can still grow our way if we get to this problem now, we can still grow our way out of the problem.

We can roll back the government and the economy. But I will tell you, four more years of Joe Biden, and it’s the point of no return. It will mean big tax increases. It will mean government debt so big that we could have a debt. Cris so you wrote this piece that had all these charts in it. So I really loved it because I love charts, and it showed that the market’s been going up in response to the polls.

And I wonder if you could go into the details of that for these people, because it’s a really striking chart, but we can’t put it up right now. But it’s very easy to talk about. Yes. So since November 2022, every time Donald Trump has been ahead in the polls, if we take the cumulative amount, the market is up 35%. Joe Biden ahead in the polls. The market’s up three.

Why is that? Again, market is anchoring on Donald Trump’s pro capital policies. They’re extending the Trump tax cuts, which expire in 2025. Lighter touch regulation, energy independence. When I was with the president greenbowl the other night, he said he wants $40 oil based on America pumping. That’s what we can expect. On the other side. Since 1952, when there’s an incumbent running, the market is always up. Why is that? Because the incumbent president’s political apparatus is pumping away.

Janet Yellen, Jay Powell are putting their thumbs on the scale for Joe Biden. The market likes that. The market sees Donald Trump winning. Secretary Yellen sees the same polls we do and is getting desperate. So you should expect between now and election day, there’s going to be a lot of financial shenanigans. But I think we’re in the nirvana situation right now. President Trump ahead in the polls, and Secretary Yellen panicked.

It reminds me, talking about the president and the stock market, I can remember one day I was on tv out in front of the White House and announced a change in policy that the president had come up with. And that day, the stock market went up a thousand points, the dow. And that night, I was, like, riding home and I got a call from the president, from Air Force one, and he said, kevin, we should just put you on every day.

But it was him. It was him. And I think that the markets are actually looking ahead and saying, oh, yeah, policy changes are necessary and they’re likely to come. But one of the things that I don’t understand, though, is that when I look at the economic policies of these guys, that they constantly seem to not really care about what the data say or what the truth is. We heard forever and ever that income inequality was, like, the most important thing.

And then after the tax cuts passed, income inequality dropped sharply two years in a row, two of the biggest drops we ever had. And yet, all of a sudden, all these people who told us we should only care about income inequality, they were quiet. And so I wrote a piece at Natural Review recently about this, and I want to actually hear you comment on this. And the thing is that if you go back and read Marx, Marx says that it’s wrong for the left to focus on income inequality and redistribute income.

Because if you do that, then you basically sustain the evil capitalist institutions that the job of the left is to destroy all of our institutions. And so do you think that that’s actually a rational plan that’s going on with these people, or do you think they really just don’t understand economics? I think it is a plan, and I think they have a plan for three things. I’ve developed a phrase.

I call it the maximalist point of no return. And I think that they’re trying to do it in the four years. And if they get eight years, we really will be beyond the point of no return. And I think it entails three things, Kevin, is one, massive deficits and the government becoming a bigger part of the economy. We are seeing a takeover of the economy and we’re at the point this will be the first year ever that interest expense is higher than our national defense budget.

Think about that. The Chinese own our debt and they are getting such high interest rates that we can’t afford to update our weaponry. Two, I would say that the other thing that they are taking to the point of no return is this green new deal reindustrialization, which my view is it’s going to be a bunch of stranded assets that we have spent the trillions know. Make no mistake, this inflation reduction act is a green investment bank.

Just yesterday, the CBO came out and said that there is going to be, that it’s already 500 billion over budget, 500 billion and accelerating. So they’re trying to take us down this green road. That money should be spent on defense. And then finally I’m going to stay in my economics and finance lane but I think they’re doing it on immigration. Is you open the border, you let in, I don’t know whether it’s 812.

President says there are 18 million, the undocumented illegal people who’ve come across the border. And I think their strategy is just to say you can’t send them home. So, yeah, I think it’s all intentional. Kevin? Well, I have to now talk about something that has been a big topic here at CPAC and that I know it’s something that, it’s a delicate subject for you, but when Scott came out of small town South Carolina and then started his legendary investment career at the beginning, and please don’t make a negative response to what I’m about to say at the beginning.

He started out working for George Soros. Nobody understands that part of the world, I think, better than somebody who had been. So what do you think about the efforts to undermine the rule of law and so on? What is going on there? What’s he all about? Yeah, look, I can’t speak to Mr. Soros’s motivations is what I can tell you. He’s one of the world’s greatest investors. I learned a tremendous amount.

He’s dedicating his resources in one direction, and I couldn’t disagree with what he’s doing more. I now want to dedicate my resources in the other direction. And I promise all of you, I am not comparing myself to Ronald Reagan. He was the only candidate I have supported as enthusiastically as I’m going to support President Trump. I got to college in 1980 and met him in New Haven, Connecticut.

How did I get to meet him? Nobody else on the Yale campus wanted to go see him. So I got 10 minutes with Ronald Reagan. But my point is, Ronald Reagan was president of the Screen Actors Guild. He was president of a union, and he saw the destructive and corrosive effects of that. And then he became the ultimate free marketeer. Having been inside the machine and knowing how they think and what their moves are, I think that I can help our side get ready because I will tell you, you could say all the negative things you want to about George Soros.

He is smart. He had a plan. And unfortunately, it’s worked. And now it’s up to us to be smarter, have a better plan, and work harder. That’s very substantive. Very substantive. Just so everyone knows, Mr. Soros and I have not spoken since a month after President Trump was elected in 2016. Okay? And that night for, I don’t know if anyone remembers, the stock market crashed that night. And I thought back to, if you think something or believe something that’s different than everyone else, the stock market went limit down in the middle of the night.

As soon as, what’s his name, king on CNN almost started crying and said, oh, Hillary Clinton has no path to the presidency. The market crashed. And I thought, this is the greatest opportunity I’ve seen in years, and I have no personal knowledge. The Wall Street Journal reported that that night George Soros lost $1 billion betting against President Trump. So let’s see if we can inflation adjust that number in 24.

So you had talked a little bit about there are going to be a lot of efforts to juice up markets of the economy this year that people should watch out for them. And then one of the things you mentioned is the treasury. And I’d like you to walk people through how that works because the treasury has a big bank account with hundreds of billions of dollars in it.

And basically they can start writing checks without the approval of Congress. And you think that they’re about to start doing that between now and November. Is that right? I do, Kevin. And I think I have the high ground here with Secretary Yellen is because three years ago in an article in an economics journal, I called Janet Yellen, one of our great public servants, one of our great public servants.

In the spring of 2022, she was fired, but she refused to leave office and all of her successors or potential replacements, the secretary Romando Lail, Brainerd, Gary Gensler, they were all in the mainstream media, and so they pulled on Secretary Yellen’s choker collar, and she responded, what did she do after that? In 2022, she ran down the strategic petroleum reserve to suppress oil prices. So we are at a four decade low in terms of the strategic petroleum reserve.

And I don’t know if anyone here has noticed, but the Middle east seems like it’s pretty hot right now, and it doesn’t seem like a great time to be at a low. So what Kevin’s alluding to, and all of you can monitor this at home. I was on the war room a couple weeks ago, and I mentioned to that audience, there’s something called the TGA gets published every day, and it is the Treasury’s account at the Federal Reserve.

And it’s a rainy day fund. Just like we all keep a cash cushion in our checking or savings accounts, the treasury keeps a cash cushion. And to put that in perspective, when Donald Trump left office, that cash cushion was $1. 5 trillion. Secretary Mnuchin knew that we were in the middle of the COVID crisis, and it demanded a huge cushion. Right now, that cushion is around $700 billion.

And I challenge Secretary Yellen not to run it down between now and November 5 because that is a rainy day fund and because the deficits are so high, because the Biden administration, she and the others, are spending money that is only about one month of outlays. So could you imagine the US government’s rainy day fund is only one month. Now, let’s see if she’s willing to take that down, because if she does, it’s back to my point of no return.

The treasury job and the Federal Reserve job are risk management jobs. Why did we get the great inflation of 2021 and 2022? The federal reserve failed the american people. On risk management. They failed the american people. There was huge government spending and the Federal Reserve kept pumping. So everyone watch that TGA account. Some other numbers that I would leave for everyone to watch is we have this gigantic budget deficit, the six 7% with 3.

7% unemployment. Why are we running these deficits if the economy is so good? If I had reserve currency status and was running a 7% budget deficit, I could make zimbabwe great again. What a waste of money. The next thing is that since Joe Biden has come in office, the average american household, their percent of the national debt is $44,000 per household. Does anyone here feel like they’ve gotten their money’s worth? I want to restate that for everybody that since President Biden’s taken office, your debt, your share of the debt has gone up by $44,000.

Exactly. So you owe $44,000 more in future taxes because of all these policies that have made the economy what it is. Yeah. And so when Paul Krugman, one of my least favorite economists, when he writes in the New York Times, one of my least favorite papers, that you Americans don’t understand how good bidenomics bidenism is, is that the economy is great, why aren’t you more grateful? Well, I say he thinks the american people are stupid and we’re not.

Is everybody? In economics, there’s this term called equivalence, and it means that if any of us overspend on our credit card, we know the bills come. And do everybody in this room, 330,000,000 Americans, intrinsically know that the government has run up their credit card. They are running up the credit card every day. And we know that there’s a storm on the horizon. So we’re saving. We are saving for the rainy day.

So the more they spend, the more we know we have to save. So that’s why nobody’s happy with this economy. And then the other thing, too, is, as Kevin said, in terms of income inequality under President Trump, with Kevin in the engine room, the bottom 50% of Americans had near record wage gains, near record real income gains under President Biden. It’s negative, and it’s negative on the items.

It’s much more negative on the items we have to buy every day. Much more negative on housing, much more negative on insurance, much more negative on food. So when the phds from the New York Times are saying that Americans don’t understand, I’d say we do understand. Yeah, I think they do. And in fact, let’s go to the most important topic as we close. So how many people in this audience think that inflation is under control? But you’re being told inflation is under control, and the Fed is signaling that it’s going to start cutting rates because inflation is under control.

So the last thought question for you, Scott, and then we’re going to wrap is, do you think that the Fed has been politicized? Are they going to jack the economy up to try to get President Biden elected? You know, Kevin, I used to think that Fed had an intrinsic bias. And then Jerome Powell went on 60 Minutes two weeks ago, and I thought it was one of the most political interviews I’ve ever seen.

And, you know, it’s a political interview when he says the Fed isn’t political? Yeah, we’re not political. And Scott Pelley, who was interviewing him, said, well, wasn’t there a lot of debt issued? And all he talked about was know, one bipartisan spending bill. None of the. So, Scott, there’s a much more important person than us about ready to come out now. And so I would like thank you guys so much for spending some time doing economics for this.

We need to set change. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome CPAC chairman Matt Schlap and Mercedes Slap. Hello, everyone. Who’s pumped up? Who’s ready? All right. Okay. We’ve talked about every serious issue. We’ve gone from immigration to sex trafficking to gender ideology to every single issue. You’re smarter, you’re ready. You’re prepared, right? And now, ladies and gentlemen, this is the countdown to the general election to defeat Biden and to make sure that we triumph over our enemies.

Who’s ready? Who’s ready to join the front line? Who’s ready to win? Who’s ready to fight? Who’s ready to save America? We are not going to let the communists, the Marxists, the leftists, the people pushing this propaganda machine, the globalists take over this country. They are done. So we’re waiting for a great man to come and speak. Our wonderful president, President Donald J. Trump. Are you all ready? And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of the Schlap family and close friends, we love you, we appreciate you.

We are humbled that you put your trust in us to help fight and lead in this battle. We will not stop. We will keep fighting. We are not going to let them destroy us. Destroy this movement. Destroy this freedom movement where globalism goes to die. Hey, I’ve been reading some stories about all of you. They said you weren’t going to show up to the CPAC this year. They said you were looking for an alternative.

You didn’t like the chaos. And you think tweets can be mean sometimes. I don’t think you got that memo. Are you surprised that they’re trying to make conservatives and people who love this country feel like we’re little, we’re a minority, that we’re scrawny, that we’re a niche? I’d like you to make some noise so that those folks running the World Economic Forum, the EU and the UN can hear your reaction to at CPEC 2024.

Globalism is going to die. A little louder. Can’t you do a little better? USA. That’s right. They say that we’re racist, but we have every continent except some penguins here at CPAC 2024. Different languages, different religions, different cultures, but a love of freedom. Yes, they say we don’t care about what happens on the globe and that we’re isolationists. But the people in this room care about human freedom.

They care about the people, about the, they care about the people around the globe. So I have one final question for you. Do any of you have to go to the bathroom? It’s too late, my friends. Enjoy the next couple moments because we’re making american history. God bless you all. Ladies and gentlemen, in anticipation of our next guest, we ask for your assistance. If you are standing in an aisle, along the wall or in a doorway, even if the doors are closed, you must move.

Please find a seat or move to the standing room viewing area located in the rear of the ballroom. If you have not found a seat prior to the start of programming, you will be asked to relocate again. Standing in any aisle, doorways or along the walls will not be permitted when programming resumes. We thank you for your assistance. Newsmax has been terrific. President Trump is right. Millions are switching to Newsmax.

It’s the fastest growing streaming service in America. You don’t need those woke streaming services anymore. Just get Newsmax. Plus watch the best shows like Greg Kelly, Rob Schmidt, Greta Van Sustran and Eric Bowling. Greg Kelly over at Newsmax. The Newsmax people have been really, really terrific. Gain access to exclusive documentaries, series and special briefings. It’s free to start, so go to newsmaxplus. com now to sign up and watch Newsmax anytime, anywhere.

On January 7, 2021, they tried to silence our voices forever as 1. 2 million Americans were deplatformed, including our great real president, Donald Trump. It’s been three long years of fighting to save our country and secure our elections, but now our voice is bigger than ever. God has blessed me with frankspeech. com and our courageous Lindale tv lineup with Emerald Robinson, Steve Bannon and the great Lou Dobbs, along with hundreds of other hosts.

We want you to be informed and involved as we work to save our country. So watch our epic lineup on Lindell tv@frankspeech. com. Thank you and God bless. What if a country financed terror and undermined american security? Would you support sanctions? Imagine a nation collaborating against U. S. Interests with Iran, breaking international laws. Should sanctions follow? Consider a country engaged in espionage, manipulating academic institutes and violating human rights.

Is it time for sanctions? There is one country guilty of all these sanctions on Qatar. Now America is under attack. Our families are being crushed under the politics of a radical agenda. But moms have had enough. We are standing up, and we are fighting back. This is our battle. This battle is every bit as important as a revolutionary war, because we fight for the same thing. Moms for America is a national movement of moms reclaiming our culture for truth, family, freedom, and the Constitution.

I think moms for America is exactly on track and is doing the right thing for the future of our country and our children. Like moms for America is going at the heart of the issue. But I am honored to join moms for America today as we speak out against the horrific mandates. With a national network of over a half a million mothers, moms for America is one of the fastest growing movements of women in the country.

The most dangerous place in all of nature is between a mama bear and her baby cub. We are the change. No matter what, no matter where, and no matter how difficult the obstacles are that are facing us and our families, we will not give up and we will not give in. So if not now, then win. If not you, then, too. Welcome to the bum led revolution. Making an investment decision with someone is the most sacred act that can be performed in business.

You see, most people do not reach their position in life easily. You’re taking something hard earned and having faith that another will cherish and protect it as you would. Go to Panx us. Learn and see why hundreds of Americans, just like you, have placed their faith in my family to generate them tremendous tax benefits and revenue by developing and producing american oil. For three generations, american oil is all my family’s ever known.

Go to Panx us slash learn and see why the people at Panx are people that you want on your team. Champions are not born. They are made of moments. At Liberty University, we push ourselves in the classroom, on the athletic field, and in the community to go beyond our limits and reach the world for Christ. Every play made, every assignment completed, and each friendship formed is a testament to our dedication to that mission.

These moments matter and make us champions. Become a champion for Christ. At Liberty University, there’s a concerted effort to intimidate and censor conservative thinkers. The very freedoms secured by our constitution are being threatened by the most liberal progressives America has ever seen. It seems like everything they do is to the detriment of our great nation. But there are plenty of patriots with the courage to stand up to the left.

Join AMaC. AmAC is a voice for conservatives that cannot be ignored. Stand with over 2 million America loving patriots. By joining Amac today, we want all attendees watching at home to be able to see President Trump. Any rally signs or other items are for you to take home. They may not be raised at any time. Do not raise them during the speech again. We want everyone at home to be able to enjoy the remarks.

Please make sure that you do not raise the signs at any time while in the ballroom. I don’t know sail. Don’t forget my son to include everyone I suck you in all within keep your free frozen silver sand and he goes sleep with one eye open your pillow die. Exit light and I take my hand rock to never never land something like heavy doctor unit and the honest the wire in the water in the dragon fire in the things that will fight with one eye open your pillow diet light and take my hair rock and never never land.

Now I leave you down. Now I leave you down. Pray the Lord my soul to keep. Pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I die before I wake. If I die before I pray the Lord my soul to take it. Don’t say a word and never mind that so you heard it’s just a feet under your bed, in your closet, in your head. Great. I never never land.

Oh, dad. Friday night and the lights are low. Looking out for a place to go where the play the right music. Getting in between you come to anybody could be that guy. Not as young as music. With a bit of a music everything fine doing the when you get shame you are dancing. We don’t dancing we and you watch that sea begin the dancing weed it your feet is turning on even burning and then come looking at anyone with you.

You’re in the and when you get the chance, you are the dancing sweet, young and sweet. Only 17 dancing dream. Feel the rain you get. You make the time on your life. Watch that scene begin to dancing we ever since I got the envoy, I played the syllable from show up down to Brighton. I must have played them all. But I ain’t seen them like him in any amusement hall like Jeff.

Shaman blight race beam can ball. Ladies and gentlemen, a reminder that electioneering is prohibited during all conference events and speeches. Please refrain from holding signs that either endorse or oppose the election of a candidate. There has to be a twelve. I’ve been all with the doctor. Just up already. How do you think? I don’t know. What is this fraction can’t hear no buz and bell. Don’t you like to flash him you blade? But there’s a smell.

Always have a replay. Never tilts at all that death. I’m blind. Beans and ball beat me now. I’ve always been the champ. I know every trick. The freak’s gonna be my hand. Jesus. Jamie, the bed. This is I believe and he just does the rest. Got crazy flip up fingers. I’ve never seen him fall. That’s going live here shall play bad ball. He’s a bend by river. There has to be a breath with a doctor it’s our and savor king.

But I got my hand in my room. To hell. To hell. Ra savation. Back where there is love. I’ll be there. I’ll reach out my head to you. I’ll have faith in all you do. Just call my name and I’ll be there. I’ll be there to comfort you. Build my world of dreams around you. I’m so glad that I found you. I’ll be there. With the love that’s gone.

I’ll be up. I keep holding it on, yes I will. Just let me fill your heart with joy together. Whenever you need, I’ll be there, I’ll be there to protect you. Yeah, baby, with the nice self is love. I respect you. Just call my name, I’ll be there, I’ll be there, I’ll be there. To cover it with my world of dreams around you. I’m so glad that I found you.

I’ll be down, the love, I’m gone. I’ll be your strength. I keep holding on, yes, I will. If you should ever find someone I know he better be good to you. Cause if he does, I’ll be there. Don’t you know, baby, I’ll be there, I’ll be there, just call my name, I’ll be there, just look over your shoulders, honey, boom. I’ll be there, I’ll be there, just call my name, I’ll be happy, you sarning thing.

And it makes a fiery ring. Bound by wild desire. I fell into a ring of fire. I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down and the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burn, the ring of fire, the ring of fire and ring of fire. I went down, down and the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burn, the ring of fire, the ring of fire.

The taste of love is sweet when hearts like ours meet. I fell for you like a child, oh, but the fire went wild. I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down, down and the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire, the ring of fire. I fell into a burning ring of fire. I went down and the flames went higher and it burns, burns, burn, the ring of fire.

The ring of fire. And it burns, burns, burn. The ring of fire. The ring of fire. The ring of fire. The ring of fire. Without looking to your eyes. I can feel the strange without you. Don’t you know I feel the same? I both know I can change. And it’s hard to hold the candle in the guilt of my rainbow. Such a long time. Just trying to kill the pain, yeah.

Never know it’s coming. I will know it’s going. No one’s really let it go today. Walking away, we can take the time to live on the line. I can rest my head. Just knowing that you won’t mind. Won’t mind. If you wanna love me then, darling, don’t refrain. I walk in the go no ever rain. We need some time. On your own. We need some time. All alone.

Everybody needs some time. Don’t you know you need somebody all alone. I know it’s hard to keep an open heart. When even friends seem out on you. What if you broken heart, wouldn’t I be out of you alone? Everybody needs some time. Don’t you know you need some time? All saddle still remain. I know that you can love him. When there’s no one left. Playing away. The don’t last forever.

Even though November rain. Ladies and gentlemen, a reminder that electioneering is prohibited during all conference events and speeches. Please refrain from holding signs that either endorse or oppose the election of a candidate. Thank you. You made me cry when you said goodbye. Even a shame. My tears felt like rain. Even shame. You the one you blame. You broke my heart when you said we’ll part. My chill felt like rain.

Ain’t ashamed. You’re the one to blame. Oh well, goodbye, although I’ll cry. My tears fell at rain. Ain’t that ashamed. You’re the one you blame. Sa. You made me cry when you said goodbye. He got a shame. My tears felt like rain. He’s got a shame. You the one blame. Oh, Will. Goodbye, although I’ll cry. My tear fill that rain ashame. You’re the one to blame. Close you.

I go out every night and sleep. You took your love. Since you’ve been gone. I can do whatever I want. I can see whoever I choose. I could eat my dinner in a fancy restaurant. But nothing I said, nothing can take away. Cause nothing compare. Nothing compared to you. Like burning can stop these lonely tears from falling. Tell me, baby, wait. I go wrong. I put my arms around every boy.

I miss you. I went to the dark and guess what he told me. Guess what he told me. He said girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do but he’s a fool nothing compared to you all the flowers that you play mother in the backyard all right with I know that living with your baby was but I’m willing to give it a try nothing compare nothing compared to you no backward glances the games we play till now are at an end the you no use resisting abandoned thought and let the dream descend what raging higher count not the soul what rich desire unlock and know what we deduct before us the point of no return the final threshold what woman spoken secret will we learn beyond the point of no return no, do not move after I do that moment with each disappear to die you no second life is like it’s like the point of the going like all just I know I belong before we walk the micro with all solid say you want me with you here beside you anywhere you go let me go o um what did he wanna love? Oh my God.

Ruined Andre ruined. Gonna be conquer with Mexico I know but can I trust you remember the hands of the devil of your eyes? Why the foot of your I love is too much baby why can’t you see what you’re doing to me? When you don’t believe a word I say? We can go on together with suspicious mind? And we can build our dream on suspicious mind? So if I don’t I know I better say hello? Would I still see suspicion in your eyes? But here we go again asking where I’ve been? You can’t see the tears are real? I’m crying? We can’t go on together with suspicious mind? And we can build our dream home that I love survive? I drive the tears of the stone? Let a good thing die when honey you know I have never liked you get recording a friend to I can’t walk out because I love too much, baby? Why can’t you see what you do with me? When you don’t believe a word I say? Don’t you know I bought in a trap? I can’t walk out because I love you too much, baby? Good times for a change? See the luck I’ve had can make a good man turn bad? So please, please let me, let me, let me, let me get I want this time in a long time see the life I’ve had can make a good man bad? So for once in my life let me get what I want? Lord knows it would be the first time? Lord know it would be the first time s? But it wouldn’t be nothing nothing about a woman or a girl ooh.

You see man makes a call the kick is over the road man made the train cure the heaven load man made the light to light take us out of the dark and man made the boat of the water like my bible said Noah made the ark this is a man well, a woman or a girl sama louisa little you up I got me up for you. Man thinks about a little bit of baby girl and a baby boy man makes them happy because man make them toys without man made everything you can man made lyra peso Donald Ruples divide from every good woman and every man this is a man all of all tv all about a lot of better shad this is a man where careful music to you while it goes like this the fourth, the fifth the minor fall the major lift the battle King composing Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah lafidami abandono siparas ma siritrobo her kids Marito, Sam Bellet sankanto and nostalgia ferrino klakri merido ya hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah yes, santono metudo uno me or minono dentrome delusion wanna be hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oya hallelujah hat wasn’t much I couldn’t feel so I tried to touch I’ve told the truth I didn’t come to pull you and even though it all went wrong I stand before the lord of song with nothing on my tongue ambassador.

Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah ha day night see that you want and a rose that is fading roses wither away like the sun I earn to turn my face to the dawn I am waiting for the day now old deuteronomy just before dawn through a silence you feel you could cut with a knife. Announces the cat who can now be reborn and come back to a different jellicle life.

Ladies and gentlemen, the horribly and unfairly treated January 6 hostages. The say can you see? By the one so proudly we I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, who strides and rise. Through the rest we watch words of God. And to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The land of the home of the rain you let ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the next president of the United States, President Donald J.

Trump. And I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free and I won’t forget the men who died who gave that fight to me and I gladly stand up next to you and it meant her till today but there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the USA Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea from Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA where there’s pride in every american heart and it’s time we stand and say that I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free and I won’t forget the men who died who gave that life to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her till today but there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless the USA and I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free and I won’t forget the men who died who gave that life to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today but there ain’t no doubt I love this land God bless you let.

This is a nice crowd. That’s a beautiful crowd. Thank you. That’s a great honor. They have rooms packed outside of this hall. If anybody would like to give up their space, let other people come in, please let us know. We’ll take care of it. It’s a tremendous celebration. Thank you very much and hello to CPAC. We’ve been coming here a long time, and it’s gotten bigger and better and more beautiful, and thank you very much.

It’s a big election going on today. You probably have read a little bit about it, and I’m supposed to be in a slightly different location, not too far away, but nevertheless it’s different. And I said, no, I’m sorry, I have to be at CPAC today, and I want to thank Matt and Mercedes schlap, two great people, along with the entire staff. Thank you very much, Mercedes. Thanks, Matt.

The entire staff of the american conservative Union. That’s what it is. It’s a conservative union. It’s also a union of common sense. I’ve been saying it more and know conservative. It’s common sense. And I don’t know, maybe we’ll have to put that, Matt, on the bottom of that. A group of people with common sense to save our country and make America great again. It’s pretty simple, isn’t it? We have tremendous group of dignitaries, leaders, world leaders and local leaders, but we have from all over the world, people with us right now at this moment in the room and just mentioned a few president of Argentina who’s gotten a lot of publicity.

He’s gotten a lot. He’s a great gentleman. You know, he’s Maga. He’s Maga. Make Argentina great again. That’s true. No. And he said, I am Maga. And then I realized he’s one of the few can really do it well. Make Argentina great again. Javier Millet. Thank you very much, Javier. Thank you. Thank you very much. It’s a great honor to have him with us. Senator JD Vance. He’s doing a fantastic job.

Thank you, JD. Congressman Corey Mills. Thank you. A very powerful competitor of mine. He is a quick one. He’s a smart one. Vivek. Where’s Vivek Rameshwami? Thank you. He endorsed me. When he endorsed me, I said, that’s a great endorsement. Thank you, Vivek. Former senator and somebody that’s been very nice to me over the years. I don’t know why, but he has Rick Santorum. Thank you, Rick. Where is Rick? Thank you.

Thank you, Rick. Former acting attorney general, somebody that’s been very loyal to the administration and to his country, Matt Whitaker. Thank you, Matt. Thank you very much. The former chair of my council of economic advisors, Kevin Hassett, with a nice smile. Always has that beautiful smile. Somebody that very shortly will be a United States senator. Carrie Lake. Where is Carrie Lake? Where is Carrie? Wow. That’s a pretty good hand you just got, Carrie, I’ll tell you.

Well, she was very close to being governor, but unfortunately, a lot of the voting machines just didn’t work. They weren’t working that particular day. The lines were miles long. They weren’t working too well that day, Carrie, but it’s one of those things. And then the judges said, well, not our fault. We better straighten out our elections pretty fast because otherwise we’re not going to have a country any longer.

That’s true. Thank you, Carrie, very much. US Senate candidate from Virginia, hung Kao. Whoa. He’s got support. He’s got some. Wow. Wow. A man who is tough and smart and loves our country. He’s the head of America first legal. He’s won a lot of cases, I can tell you. And he’s a real, real guy. He’s a real patriot. Stephen Miller, my friend Stephen Miller. He’s around here someplace.

There’s a lot of people in this room. Thank you, Stephen. President of the Vox party in Spain, Santiago Abiscal. Thank you very much. Thank you, Santiago. Great to meet you. They’ve made a lot of progress, too. He’ll be number two and number one very shortly, it seems like, that’s what I’m reading. Let’s see. A lot of it’s fake news, so we can’t go by everything, but that’s what I’m hearing.

Federal deputy from Brazil, Eduardo Bolsonaro. Eduardo, wherever you are. North Carolina GOP chair. And I think he’ll be probably going to a national position very shortly. Michael Watley. Fantastic guy. And we all know and love a man who, great bravery in the administration, really a brave person. He went through hell and back and he beat everybody. He just beat him along the way. Rick Grinnell. Thank you. The president of Moms for America, Kimberly Fletchner.

That’s a good group. They just gave me their award. They just thank you for that wonderful award. How about moms for America picked Donald Trump as the man of the year. Can you believe this? Have I made progress? Oh, boy. And Amanda, the greatest, single greatest advertiser and purchaser of advertising in the history of America, Mike Lindell, the greater. An incredible lawyer, one of the most respected lawyers in the country, John Cole.

John, thank you. Thank you, John. And Stephen Moore, we all know he’s got great predictions. If Trump wins, if Trump doesn’t win, he says it’s going to go bad. It’s going to go bad fast. Stephen Moore, highly, highly respected economist. Thank you, Stephen. And a man who I’ve had respect for, for certainly a long time. I won’t tell you how long, too long. But somebody that I’ve listened to over the years, even when he was on CNN, that’s when people used to watch CNN a lot.

He always had the number one show. He’s an incredible, they start booing. I agree with you, but he’s an incredible guy, an incredible mind that loves our country, and he fights like hell for our country. The great Lou Dobbs. Where is Lou? Thank you, Lou. You look good, Lou. And we have Tom fit. We have so many people. Tom fit. Where’s Tom Fitton? Stand up, Tom fit. Stand up.

Steve Bannon. Where’s Steve Bannon? Where’s Steve? Where is Steve? Stand up, Bannon. Where the hell is Bannon? Oh, he still looks good. Tom always looks good. I don’t know. I think he does that weightlifting stuff. Tom. Right, but Bannon looks good. We love Steve. We love them all. We love them all. We have so many others in the audience and I want to say hello, but we have to get down to business because I want to win the award as the best, whatever the hell they call it, the best speaker, I think they say who made the best speech.

And if I keep introducing people, I’m not going to win it this year. I’ve won it, like, nine years in a row. Right, I got to get going. So thank you, everybody, for being here. We appreciate it very much. We appreciate it very much. Gorka. Did I see the Gorka man? Yes. Stand up, Gorka. Quick, get up. How good is he, Sebastian? Seb. They call him Seb. I call him Sebastian.

Thank you, Sebastian. I just spotted you. It’s lucky you’re nice and tall. Four years ago, I told you that if crooked Joe Biden got to the White House, our borders would be abolished, our middle class would be decimated, and our communities would be plagued by bloodshed, chaos and violent crime. We were right about everything. So believe me when I offer you another warning. And we’ve been right about so much.

Just about everything. If crooked Joe Biden and his thugs win in 2024, the worst is yet to come. Our country will go and sink to levels that were unimaginable. And just think about it. With four more years of Biden, the hordes of illegal aliens stampeding across our borders will exceed 40 to 50 million people. Medicare, Social Security, health care, and public education will buckle and collapse. It will collapse.

As sure as you’re sitting or standing there, it will collapse. Our economy will be starved of energy by crooked Joe’s vindictive green new scam. It’s a green new scam. It’ll be the destruction of our country. It is indeed a scam, and most of them know it. Some of them, the fools, believe it, but most of them know it. Millions of manufacturing jobs will be choked off into extinction, and you’ll have constant blockouts and blackouts and rampant inflation.

Ruthless gangs will explode even more into the suburbs. And when they talk about suburban women, they’re going to love me so much, they’re going to say, oh, I wish we had that guy back. The gangs will be invading your territory. I can tell you that. While weaponized law enforcement hunts for conservatives and people of faith, religious Hamas and antifa will terrorize our streets, while their brutal ideology, and it is brutal indeed, it is brutal and horrible like nobody’s ever seen before, takes over our schools, China will dominate us, not just economically, but militarily, and that’s what they want, and that’s where they’re heading.

But they weren’t heading there with me. I took over $400 billion out of China, and they weren’t too happy about it. And then all of a sudden, we had the China virus. Now, I happen to think it was incompetence, but a lot of people disagree with that. And a declining crooked. Joe Biden, he’s the crookedest, most incompetent president in the history of our country. We’ll soon have us losing World War II.

We won’t even be in World War II. We’ll be losing World War II with weapons the likes of which nobody has ever seen before. These are the stakes of this election. Our country is being destroyed, and the only thing standing between you and its obliteration is me. It’s true. Victor Orban, somebody I respect greatly, a lot of people respect him. Tough Guy, smart guy. He made the statement recently.

He said, if you bring back Trump, it’ll all stop. They all listened to Trump. They respected Trump. He actually said it stronger than he said. They were afraid of Trump. I don’t want people to be afraid of me. But he said, china was afraid, russia was afraid. They were all afraid of Trump. Bring them back, and it’ll all go back. And I will tell you, we had things at a level that nobody’s ever seen before.

We had no wars. We had defeated ISIS. We got rid of the worst terrorists in the world. You know that, and solely defeated. We took 100% of ISIS gone. And then we had no wars. For four years, we had no wars. First time in 72 years that that happened. No wars. Hillary Clinton, during one of our debates, if you remember that, she said, look at him. Listen to him.

He’s going to cause wars. We’ll be in wars. No, it turned out that I was able to stop wars from happening and brought our troops back home. We got out of these ridiculous, endless wars, killing people on both sides, costing trillions of dollars. Crooked Joe and his henchmen have you trapped, and it’s an express train barreling toward servitude and to ruin. It’s moving at a speed that Joe doesn’t understand, because Joe actually, I don’t think he knows what the hell’s going on, to be honest with you, but he’s surrounded by some very bad fascists.

A vote for Trump is your ticket back to freedom. It’s your passport out of tyranny, and it’s your only escape from Joe Biden and his gang’s fast track to hell. And in many ways, we’re living in hell right now, because the fact is, Joe Biden is a threat to democracy. He really is a threat to democracy. I stand before you today not only as your past and hopefully future president, but as a proud political dissident.

I am a dissident. Remember this? I’ve been indicted more than Alphonse Capone. Mr. President, do you know who that is? Even the president just said, I do. Scarface. Al Capone. If he had dinner with you and he didn’t like the smile in your face, he thought you were mocking him by smiling. You would be dead before you got home and said hello to your wife and Alphonse Capone.

I got indicted four times by this gang of thugs for nothing. Or as I say respectfully to the people from foreign countries for bullshit. Now, it’s very dangerous. It’s very dangerous. What’s going on? They’ve weaponized government. They’ve weaponized the DOJ, the FBI. We’ve never had anything like this in this country. And it’s a phenomena that’s taken place many times, but in third world countries and in banana republics, not in the United States of America.

So it’s very dangerous, and they are indeed a threat to democracy. And I’m here to unleash this captive nation from Joe Biden and his gang of very bad people, very sick people, smart people, intelligent people, but they’re hell bent on the destruction of american freedom. It’s happening in our country, and it’s so obvious. I have people come to see me from other lands where this has gone on, especially in South America, Latin America, and they’ll say, the same thing happened to my country 20 years ago.

It was the same thing. It’s all happening. And if we don’t stop it, this is it, 2024. If we don’t stop it, this is our last train. If we don’t stop it, we’re going to have a country. It won’t even be a country. You want to know the truth? It won’t even be a country. It’s breaking up. If we can break out of the Biden nightmare, and it is a nightmare, he’s the most incompetent person.

Can you imagine this man who can’t walk off a stage? He can’t find the stairs. Where are they? Where are they? He asks. Where. He makes a two minute speech. Because that’s about the only. They couldn’t get any more fuel than that. Whatever happened to the cocaine they found in the White House? Where is it? And by the way, I have to say, because I have such respect for this audience and CPAC, I would have never spoken and I never did about him because of my respect for the office of the president.

I have great respect for that office. But once I got indicted the first time, remember that I got indicted and I got impeached twice. We won that and we’ll win all of this stuff. But once I got indicted, I said, well, now that loves have to come off because they did something. The fake news before these indictments came, the fake news almost every one of, well, he’ll never be indicted.

You don’t do that. He was a very popular president. You know, I got more votes than any sitting president in history, got almost 75 million votes, substantially more than any other president sitting president has gotten. And they would say, oh, no, he’ll never be indicted. These are people that some of them truly have Trump Derangement syndrome. And they were saying, he’ll never be indicted. They won’t do that.

He did it. They did, actually, and it was all done by him in order to go after your political opponent so that you can damage him enough that you can maybe win. But it’s had the reverse effect because our poll numbers have gone through the roof. Can you believe this? They’ve gone through the roof. That wasn’t supposed to happen, and it’s probably never happened before. I’ve watched over the years as politicians get indicted, and they start by going to a microphone about 2 minutes after it happens.

Ladies and gentlemen, I would be resigning from office today, and I will go home with my family and my friends, and I will fight for my name. Well, that’s the last you ever hear from that poor guy. And with me, we have a big voice. You can see by this crowd today. Look at that. Standing room only. They’re all over the place. They have three rooms like this.

And I have a voice that I can explain it all. Like the laptop from hell when they impeached me. And it turned out I was right after going through all that. And now they say, you know, we shouldn’t have impeached him. He was right, because the laptop from hell showed that I was 100% right. All of these things, we were right on all of it. But we’re in a very bad path.

It’s a very, very dangerous path that we are on as a country because the other side, which I find tends to be a much nicer group of people, and maybe foolishly so, but the other side can also get nasty. And at some point, they probably will have to do that, because we cannot let this weaponization go on against the republican party, against religion, against conservatives. We cannot let this continue to happen.

So we can break out of this Biden nightmare. It’s a nightmare. Our country is no longer respected. We’re laughed at all over the world. We have to break out of the nightmare that we’re in, and we have it in the grasp to make America richer and safer and stronger and prouder and more beautiful than ever before. I think we have a final shot at it. But if we don’t do well in this next election, or if they cheat enough that they can steal it, which is, I think, the only way they can win.

Who the hell can win when you have 16 million people pouring into our country from places unknown? We have no countries that nobody ever even heard of from all over the world. Yesterday, they had many people caught from prisons in. You remember this, right? Prisons in the Congo. Let me tell you, the only good thing is they make our prisoners and our bad gang members look like very nice people by comparison.

That’s the one good thing. All of a sudden, we’re starting to like our prisoners and our horrible, violent criminals because they’re nicer than the people that are flowing in. They’re coming from Asia, they’re coming from the Middle east. They’re coming from all over the world, coming from Africa. And we’re not going to stand for it anymore. As a country, we’re not going to stand for it anymore. They’re destroying our country.

And we built five. Think of it. We had the safest border three years ago, we had the safest border in the history of our country. Now we have the worst border in the history of the world. There’s never been a country, ever. Third world countries, they’ve never been like this. They would have fought with sticks and stones. They didn’t need rifles. We have the best in the world, but we let everyone, because we’re fools.

Either they want to destroy our country, or they’re stupid. And I don’t think they’re stupid, because anybody that can cheat on elections like they do is not stupid. That means they want to destroy our country. But who can win an election when you have that? Who can win an election when you have high interest rates? You can’t buy a home where you have bad education, where everything’s woke.

We did things that nobody can imagine. So many things. A thousand elements we did. We have a book. The thousand things we did, things that nobody could even imagine. And then all of a sudden, something very bad happened. Israel would have never happened. The attack on Israel would have never happened. Remember, Iran was broke. They were broke. Ukraine would have never happened. I talked to Putin a lot.

I got along with him well. Although he did announce the other day that he’d much rather see, Biden as president. And I agree with him. I agree because, you know, I ended Nordstream, right? I ended Nordstream. Nobody ever heard of Nordstream too. That’s the biggest pipeline in the world going into Germany. What’s that all about? We defend Germany and Europe, and then they go and pay billions of dollars to the people that we’re defending them against.

How do you figure that one? Right? And I stopped it. It was over. And then Biden comes in, and within three days, he approves Nordstream. But he kills Keystone pipeline, right? He kills Keystone. He approves the russian pipeline, the biggest in the world. Billions and billions of dollars a month come flowing in, but he ends the Keystone XL pipeline. And then they say Trump is too nice to Russia.

I’m nice. I’m the one that gave him the hundred javelins, the thousands of javelins that knocked out the tanks, but they knocked out a hundred tanks in the first two days with javelins that I gave. Remember they said Obama gave pillows and Trump gave javelins. And then they say, oh, Trump was so nice to Russia. No, Putin would say, if you’re being nice, I hate like hell to think of what you’d be if you were not nice.

But we were tough and we were smart and we were right. We’re right just on everything. We were right. And what they’ve done is unthinkable. What they did with the border, allowing these people to flow in is unbelievable. But to achieve a great future, we first have to throw off the chains of our out of control political class. And that begins with telling crooked Joe Biden. You remember the apprentice crooked Joe Biden? You’re fired.

Get out of here. Get the hell. You’re destroying our country. You’re fired. Biden, get the hell out of here. Right? Get the hell out of here. This guy, he goes after his political opponents. Let’s go after them. See if you can indict him so that maybe we can win a little bit of a backlash when the numbers go up. But anybody that does that and all these other things they’ve done, they’re destroying our country.

We’re not respected anywhere anymore. We’re laughed at. We’ve become a joke as a country. For years, you’ve watched as the entire Washington cesspool has been feeding on the wealth and hopes and dreams of hardworking Americans. Really hardworking Americans. They’ve feasted on the profits of job killing trade deals. They’ve gorged themselves on the spoils of endless wars. And now what they crave, they wanted so badly. Is permanent political power and dominance, for whatever reason.

They’re sickos. That’s why in 2016, we gave these corrupt insiders their chance to change. And with Biden, they answered with hoaxes and witch hunts, censorship, lockdowns, and with total repression. Eight years later, the swamp has rejected your righteous pleas to reform. And we have to do this, and we’re going to reform, and we’re going to have freedom again. We’re going to have freedom again. We do not have freedom.

And we have the most corrupt press anywhere. These people are corrupt. They are corrupt. Not all of them. About 92%. Now, you have some wonderful journalists, you really do. But you have. They’re just overwhelmed by the people that know they’re doing so wrong. I watch so I don’t even talk about CNN because nobody watches them anymore. MSDNC. MSDNC is horrible. Horrible. But fortunately, not a lot of people are watching them anymore.

They’ve tuned out. But the press has to straighten itself out. You know, they’re all doing badly, and they’re doing badly because they’re fake news. That was another one we called, right, fake news. The only problem with that term, it’s not strong enough. I wish it was stronger at the ballot box this November. It’s you and the people you have to be. And we’ll deliver a reckoning like they haven’t even imagined before.

We’re going to straighten out our country. We’re going to bring our country back. For hardworking Americans, November 5 will be our new liberation day. But for the liars and cheaters and fraudsters and censors and impostors who have commandeered our government, it will be their judgment day. Their judgment day when we win. The curtain closes on their corrupt reign, and the sun rises on a bright new future for America.

That’s what we have to have. I believe it’s our last chance. I used to say, how important in 2016, you got to do it. It’s the most important election. I meant it. But that was nothing compared to where we are now. We had a big border problem, and I solved it. So much so that in 2020, I couldn’t even mention it. I’d say, let’s talk about the border, sir.

You’ve solved that problem. You don’t have a border. I don’t care. I want to talk about the border. I talk about the border. Everybody would sit there. They wouldn’t even say anything because we had no problem. I solved it. But who would have thought that now we have a border problem that’s 20 times worse than what we had in 20, 16, 20 times. And we’ll solve that one, too.

But it’s going to have to be very strong action, and it’s going to have to happen fast, before our country is just totally overwhelmed. Your victory will be our ultimate vindication. Your liberty will be our ultimate reward. And the unprecedented success of the United States of America will be my ultimate and absolute revenge. That’s what I want. Success will be our revenge. I love those young people over there.

But have you seen? The closer we get to this magnificent liberation of our country, the more desperate the Biden regime’s evil persecution against us has become. They become more and more violent. The stalinist show trials being carried out at the Joe Biden orders set fire not only to our system of government, but to hundreds of years of western legal tradition. You see what’s happening? They’ve replaced law, precedent, and due process with a rabid mob of radical left Democrat partisans masquerading as judges and juries and prosecutors and executioners.

That’s what they are. I’ve gone through trials. The level of hatred from these judges, there’s no way you get fair trials. The level of hatred from prosecutors when they know you’ve done nothing wrong, it’s sick. These are sick people. The only crime I’ve ever committed is defending America and those who want to destroy it. I will fight those who want to destroy it, and they’re very angry at me because I won an election that wasn’t supposed to happen.

And they were caught off guard, and they said, we’ll never let that happen again. And in 2020, they cheated like dogs. And we all know it. We all know it. For that and that alone, Biden and his deranged prosecutors, attorney generals, local district attorneys are trying to take away my liberty. They’re trying to take it away. They’re trying to steal my liberty. If there’s any shred of justice left, they will fail, and we will win.

And so far, we’re doing very nicely, thank you. But I would rather lose my freedom than surrender to this group of thugs and tyrants, fascists, scoundrels, and rogues. The more the corrupt establishment tries to stop us, the more you know the day is near at hand when we will break free from their grip. We’re going to break free very soon. We’re going to break free from their grip very soon.

You heard the J six hostages, didn’t you? You heard that. And I will tell you, there’s never been in the history of our country a group of people treated the way they’ve been treated. There’s never been anything like it. Carpenters, mechanics, lawyers, firemen, policemen, military people. They went to protest a rigged election, and they’ve been sentenced to years in prison. When they burn down Portland and they take over a vast section of Seattle and they burn down Minneapolis.

And I had to watch television as a CNN reporter is standing, saying, this is a peaceful protest. I’d like to. This is a peaceful protest. And the whole damn city behind him is burning to the ground. Did you remember that? As far as the eye could see, Minneapolis burning to the ground. This is a peaceful protest. And then he got hit on the knee and he went down.

It was crazy. Now it’s crazy what’s going on. And I tell you what, if I didn’t bring in the National Guard because the governor didn’t want to do it, they’d never want to do it. If I didn’t bring in the National Guard, I wish I didn’t wait six days. But if I didn’t bring in the National Guard, you wouldn’t even have a city there. You wouldn’t even have.

That city was going down. They’ll only motivate us more to make America great again. We have to make America great again. That’s our mission. People say, what is your mission, sir? I remember when Ted Kenny, he was actually a friend of mine. Slightly different viewpoint on life, but he was a friend. But they asked him a question. It took him down. What plans do you have for America? Why are you running? And somehow, you know, that’s a much harder question than you think because you’re answering all the little details.

Then they ask, what are your plans for America? Took them down, actually took them down. I just say, my plans are very simple. Make America great again. That’s all I say. Make America great again. Very simple. Thank you, Gordon. The first and most urgent action when we win will be the sealing of the border, stopping the invasion. Drill, baby, drill. Send Joe Biden’s illegal aliens back home. We’ll do all of those things, and we’re going to have to do them fast, because no country can sustain what’s happening in our country.

You look at New York, where I originally came from. I love New York. And you take a look at what’s happening. Hundreds of thousands of people, they’ve taken over the streets. Madison Avenue, they’ve taken over Queens. They’ve taken over Brooklyn and the Bronx. They’ve taken over the whole city. The little leagues can’t play anymore because people are there that can’t play. But it took longer than I thought, but I predicted this.

It’s called the migrant crime, and it’s far more deadly than anybody thought. They will actually have fistfights with police in the middle of the street. You saw that the other day, where they attack police. Even our bad criminals, they never had fistfights with a cop. They’d do things and they talk and they’d shout, but these guys are actually. And you know the interesting thing? In their country, if they ever did that, they’d be dead within seconds.

They’d be dead. I know where they come from. I know the people that run those countries. I know the presidents and the dictators. I know every one of them. Some are dictators, some are prime ministers. But they’re tough guys. They’re tough guys. And those thugs that gave the middle finger to our police and then started fighting them and actually threw two of them down and started beating the hell out of them.

Although they fought back bravely, the two. But these are tough people, and they know that in their country, they’d be dead within minutes. They would be dead as a doorknoil within minutes. And so they came over here. So it took a long time, but now it’s talking. Now you’re seeing it. It’s migrant crime. It’s a new category of crime. And I wanted to call it Biden migrant crime, but it’s too long.

So we just call it migrant crime. We have a new category, migrant crime, and it’s going to be more severe than violent crime and crime as we knew it, because we have millions and millions of people, and they came from prisons and jails. They came from mental institutions and insane asylums. No, they’re not the same thing. An insane asylum is a mental institution on steroids. Okay? It’s silence of the lambs, okay? You know that Hannibal Lecter.

They’re all being deposited into our country, and then you have terrorists, and then you have drugs, and then you have human traffickers, and they’re coming over at levels never seen before. We’ve never seen anything like this. Three years ago, we had the safest and most secure border in US history. We ended catch and release, except when it was catch and release in Mexico, we had catch and release in our country.

We built 571 miles of border wall, far more than I said I was going to build. And I couldn’t get the damn thing through Paul Ryan. He stopped at Paul Ryan. A super rhino. He’s a super rhino. I couldn’t get it through Paul Ryan, Mitch McCarthy. They said, sir, if you wait till next year. I said, you sure? They said, don’t forget, I had never done this stuff before.

I’m the president and these guys are bullshitting me. They said, sir, if you would just sign this budget and wait next year, we’ll put it. And then next year came. I said, where’s my wall? They said, sir, we’re not going to be able to get it. In the meantime, they give trillions of dollars to the Democrats for the green new scam. So what I did is I approved the military and I took it out of the military.

That’s how I built it. I built the wall through the military and the military, by the way, the army corps of engineers did a great job, but I built it through 571 miles and 200 miles ready to go. It was laying there, ready to be installed. It would have been three weeks. The entire thing would have been double what I promised. And then we had the rigged election and they said, we don’t want to build the wall.

We don’t want to build it. And I said, you know, they really do want open walls. I figured it was maybe just talk. I said, they really want an open border. Nobody could understand it. They really want an open border. And that’s when it began. And that’s when our country had really. Because we can, look, we can drill, we have more energy, we have more liquid gold than any other country.

We can drill, we can do all of these things. But we have a problem because we have, by the time this guy trying to be nice, but I don’t have to be nice anymore because he indicted me, but I’m trying to be nice anyway. But by the time this guy gets out of office, we’ll have 18 million people, in my opinion, in our country that shouldn’t be here.

And they do come from prisons and mental institutions and they are terrorists. And we’re going to be paying a price, and it’ll be the largest deportation in the history of our country. And we have no choice. And it’s not a nice thing to say, and I hate to say it, and those clowns in the media will say, oh, he’s so mean. He said, no, they’re killing our people.

They’re killing our country. They’re killing our people. We have no choice. When I went to Mexico, I said, Mr. President, you’re going to have to give us 28,000 soldiers. Because the Caravans, that was another name I came up with. I come up with good names. Longtime politicians come to see me sir, could you give a name to my opponent? I said, how long are you a politician? 28 years, sir.

You can’t come up with your own names? But I do. Caravan. But I went to the president of Mexico, I said, they’re coming through your country, and thousands and thousands of people in these caravans, they have one coming up now, supposedly 25,000 people. They’re going to walk right into our country. We have no idea who the hell they are. But it started with Honduras, it started with El Salvador, but now we’re equal opportunity.

We have every country. We have countries that, honestly, nobody has ever heard of. We have languages coming into our country. We don’t have one instructor in our entire nation that can speak that language. These are languages. It’s the craziest thing. They have languages that nobody in this country has ever heard of. It’s a very horrible thing. I said to the president of Mexico, you’re going to have to give us 28,000 soldiers free of charge.

No, Donald, I will not do that. I will not do that. I cannot do that. I said, no, you will, I promise. Are you going to do it? No, I will not do it. I said, listen, you and I, friends, I really like them a lot. So I said, let’s not. You and I, just give me a negotiator because I don’t want to do this with you. And he said, I will do that.

And he sent me this very handsome guy. Very guy. So handsome, so beautifully dressed. In fact, I asked him for the name of his tailor. Then when I found out how much he paid for the suit, I said, forget it. Keep it. But he was a handsome devil. And I said, listen, you’re going to have to do a few things. You’re going to have to give me 28,000 soldiers.

Tom Holman was up before. He’s fantastic. And he does go around saying, I love this guy. He says, trump was the greatest president in history. And on the border, there has never been in his lifetime any president that was even close. And he’s right about that. He’s right. We know the results. But, Brandon Judd, you have unbelievable people. All they had to do is leave it alone. But I said, you have to give us 28,000 soldiers.

No. Then the new guy comes in. The representative. Yes, sir. What can I do now? I asked Tom Holman, Brandon Judd, and a person from the State Department, a wonderful woman, she’s been there for over 20 years. She’s covered. She covered Mexico for over 20 years. She knew it. And she was competent. She was good. She wasn’t a good negotiator. And I said, what would you like? Give me your top.

I want a top ten list. Well, sir, we’d like a remain in Mexico, but we’ve been trying to get that for years. You won’t be able to get that. And you won’t be able to get a catch and release in Mexico. We have catch and release, and we catch a criminal and we release them in our country. I said, no, catch and release is fine in Mexico. Title 42, I want.

That’s with the sick people and with the children. You’ve got to get the children back to their parents. All of these things. They gave me a list, but they thought they were wasting time. It was a list of ten things. Tough, tough things. Just ask Tijuana if they were tough. Tijuana became one of the largest cities in the world. All of a sudden, they said, what the hell is going on? So this guy comes in and I say, look, number one, I want 28,000 soldiers free of charge.

And he goes, we’re not going to do that. He thought I was crazy, by the way. I said, oh, no, you’re going to do it, 100% no, we’re not going to do it. You’re going to do it. I guarantee you, you’re going to do it. He goes, no, way. I said, way. And he said, we will not do that, sir. We will not do that. I said, here’s what else you’re going to do.

Remain in Mexico. Nobody comes into our country until they’re checked at the border. You’re going to do a remain in Mexico. You’re going to do catch and release into Mexico, not into our country. You’re going to do all sorts of things. We had a lot of medical problems. People were coming in deathly sick with a disease, highly contagious disease. I said, I don’t want our people catching these diseases that we never even heard about.

They have diseases nobody’s ever even heard about. I’m sorry. I feel badly for the people, but we don’t want to have this contagion in our country. I’m sorry. And we did that. So we had a list of these ten things, one tougher than the next. And he said, we’re not even going to think about this. And the person from the state department is a really good woman. But she said, sir, you’re just going to be wasting your time.

And I said, all right. I said, I’ll make you a little bet. I’ll bet you I get all ten within minutes. And she thought I was crazy, too. So after he said, no way, I said, way. And then I said, here is what’s going to happen if you don’t approve this and if you don’t give us those soldiers and their soldiers are not politically correct. Our soldiers. If you say, excuse me, madam, you’re not supposed to be entering our country.

Ma’am, please don’t enter our country. Then they get indicted because they talk too rough. We have the greatest soldiers in the world, but they’re not allowed to do their job. I proved that with ISIS. Our soldiers knocked the hell out of ISIS once I took over and took it away from our fake television. Generals. We have great generals, but not the ones like Millie and these guys on television.

They’re fake. I had generals that were really tough. I had generals that I had to hold back. Okay, we have great military, and it’s only woke at the top. I don’t think it can ever be wokenized at the lower levels, because these are great people, tough people. I really don’t believe they could do it. It was only at the top. And remember when I let them go, four weeks, we were told, four years, and it probably can’t be done.

I knocked it out at four weeks. Our military is great. I said to one of the generals, what’s your name? Kane, sir. My name is Kane. He looked better than any movie actor you could get. My name is Kane, sir. I said, all right, Cain, what’s your first name? They call me raisin. I said, what? Raisin, sir. Your name is Raisin Kane? Yes, sir. I love you. You’re the man I’m looking for.

You’re the man I’m looking for. And I said, why is ISIS so tough? He said, they’re not tough, sir. They just don’t let us do our job. I said, why not? He said, because. And this is after I flew to Iraq. I flew to Iraq in a plane. Some of you know the story. It was all dark. After spending 20 years and a trillion dollars, we can’t turn the lights on in a plane.

I sat with the pilots. The most handsome human beings I’ve ever seen. It’s not my thing, but they’re handsome. Not my thing. Not even a little bit, but they are handsome. Central casting. Better looking than Tom Cruise. And taller. I’ll deviate on the stories now, by the way. When I deviate, they’ll say, oh. He went, no, a really smart person can go through various stories, always come back and conclude everything.

Don’t worry, we’ll get back to this. We’ll get back to Mexico. But this is almost right now this is more exciting. So the planes off, I said, why are you doing that? Because, sir, we’re flying over an area that’s very dangerous, where we spent 20 years eradicating. And so I said, I want to go sit with the pilots, because I often do that. And I’m sitting with the pilots and I get up there, I’m feeling my way up.

And the plane was absolutely dark. No lights on the outside, no lights on the inside. It was a little spooky. We’re up there, 40,000ft, getting ready to start going down, and they’re telling us we can’t have any lights. No lights. No lights in your cabin, sir. And then they pull down the shades anyway. So I’m sort of feeling my way. I get up there and I see this captain with the crew cut the whole deal he’s got.

Yes, sir. It’s an honor to be with you, sir. And I say, captain, I don’t see any lights. We’re getting close. Is there a problem out there, captain? No, sir. We’ll be landing in less than 30 minutes, sir. I say, all right. And I’m sitting in a seat that’s right in the back between these two handsome human beings. And they always give the best pilots, the air force one and marine one, the helicopters you can, which is good.

One thing you know, one thing you know, you got great pilots. These are the best. And so he said, no problem, sir. We’ll be landing in a little while, and then 10 minutes go by, 15 minutes. I haven’t seen one light. There’s nothing. And I’m getting a little nervous. I’m trying to act cool as a cucumber. And if you know anything about planes, you have the computer. I call it the computer voice.

Most beautiful voice. If I had that voice, I would have been president 20 years earlier. But the most beautiful voice, so professional. 1000. That means you’re 1000ft over the ground. Now. I haven’t seen a light. I haven’t seen anything. It’s just dead. There’s not anything. That means we’re, like, really low. We have this massive plane, we’re just right off the ground. Then goes 900, 800, 700, 600. Now we’re 600ft off the ground.

We’re flying in. The plane is dark, with the exception of a tiny little light that they’ve got on their dashboard. Underneath everything, and totally concealed, there’s not a light anywhere. I’ve never seen anything. It was like dark. 500. I say, the captain, are we okay? Captain, everything fine? Yes, sir. No problem. We’ll be on the ground in just a few minutes, sir. I say, what ground? So 400.

300. 200. Captain, are we okay? Yes, sir. We’ll be landing momentarily, sir. 100. Now, usually when you’re in these planes, I do it a lot. You have lights bursting, big lights. You got a Runway, it’s lit up like a candle. There’s not one light. There’s not even a little, what they call a pigeon light. That’s a tiny little light. 100. And I want to ask him again, but I want to show some bravery, because I thought we were going down for the count, and then all of a sudden, it’s genius.

There is no light. And then all of a sudden, 100. And then bing, bing. Beautiful landing. Like nothing to it, sir. It was an honor to be with you today, sir. Thank you, captain. Does anybody have a towel? I’m saying, does anybody have a towel? I need a towel. So now I’m walking out and getting ready to go down and meet the generals in Iraq to find out why we’re not defeating ISIS.

And I see my staff and I say, that was quite an experience I just had. Yes, sir. Great landing. He said, yeah. And I said, let me ask you a question. Is the president of the United States allowed to give himself the Congressional Medal of Honor for branching? Because I did a very brave thing. I was so brave. Am I allowed to do it? And they said, sir, it would not be a good thing to do.

Now, here’s the problem with that story. The fake news media will lead tomorrow. Donald Trump wanted to give himself the congressional. It’s true. When I imitate Biden, who can’t find the stairs ever. You know, you have so many stairs, and you got one there, you got ramps, you got everything here. You only have two or three stairs. Sometimes you have six, seven stairs. The craziest thing. What a waste of money.

My father would say, what the hell are they doing? All you need is one stair. But for Biden, you need many. But when I imitate him with the stairs, because he never can find his way. If you ever see Secret Service runs up and grabs him and helps him off the stage, this is what we have negotiating nuclear weapons. So he finishes the speech. And do you ever notice he finishes the speeches last about, would you say, average, two, 3 minutes? Right.

Very quick. They’re very quick and not good. Not good. But the press gives him good marks. I remember when he made such a bad state of the union. Speech. Everything was stumbling, mumbling. He didn’t know what the hell he was doing. And I said, I’m going to watch CNN, MSDNC, to find out what they say. Because that was one of the worst speeches. They said, not since FDR has their bitter speech so magnificently delivered.

I’m telling you, I’ve never, ever forgotten it. Not since FDR. I said, it’s impossible. They’re fake, they’re terrible. But you know what? When he goes and he always points, he goes like this, thank you. Where am I? Thank you. And then he goes and he points, you ever notice? And it’s always. He ends up going in the opposite direction altogether, but he goes. And then sometimes he trips over the machine, and then we don’t have it here, but if there’s a wall behind him, he ends up walking into the wall.

And then one of these incredible guys from Secret Service, all these beautiful guys, they run upstage. Look at these guys. Like central casting, right? They’ll run upstage, they’ll grab them. And they’re not meant to smile, you know, they’re very hard line when I tell stories. I guess they’re trained that way. They never smile. You say, good morning. Sure. They actually turn away. It’s good. This way. You don’t have to say good morning all the time.

Okay. No, they train them, but one of these guys will run up and grab them and take them off the stage. This is what we have as our president. But the worst thing is, when I do that, the fake news, I call up my wife, our great first lady. She was a great. People love her. People love her. Oh, look at that. Wow, Mercedes, that’s pretty good. She’s good and she loves our country, and she loves the people.

It’s true. When I give these big rallies, we give rallies, they say, we love our first lady. They have signs, we love her. They always show a high heel. But we love our first lady. But I call up our first lady, I say, so, baby, how good was that? She goes, you were okay. She’s a very tough critic. I’ll go into a group, I’ll speak in front of 55, 56, 68,000 people.

Sometimes I’ll call her up, I’ll say, how good was I tonight? Was that unbelievable? She goes, well, your hair didn’t look good. That’s not good. But it’s very hard to get, like once in a while. She goes, you were really good tonight. But that’s like a major. But. I said, in this case. I said, how good was that tonight? She said, you were really good tonight, but what happened? You couldn’t find your way off the stage because the fake news said Donald Trump couldn’t find his way off the stage.

I said, wow. Or when I interject a name, like, I go, our president, Barack Hussein Obama, rush Lombaugh. Remember, he would always write set. Rush would go, Barack Hussein. You couldn’t hear Barack or Obama, but the name Hussein, he’d be screaming. I don’t know exactly what he meant by that. I think I do. But he’d go, Barack Hussein. So I’d go, Barack Hussein Obama. Our president has done this.

Now, I meant that because there are those people that say he’s running our country because Joe is not strong on aptitude. So there are those. We don’t know that that’s true. But they go out and they say, donald Trump. Headline. Donald Trump doesn’t know who the president of our country. He thinks Obama is the president. Lou, look at the great Lou Dobbs. He thinks Obama is the president.

So when I’m sarcastic, because I’m sort of a sarcastic guy, I find humor and sarcastic, but it’s very dangerous to do because they take it very seriously. But it’s a very serious subject because of what happened to finish the first story. Hey, by the way, isn’t this better than reading off a frickin teleprompter? Right? Right. Anybody can do that except for Biden. Anybody can read off a teleprompter except for Biden.

He can’t do that either. He can’t do that either. He asked questions. News conference. Hey, when I’m in a news conference, people with these maniacs, these lunatics are screaming at me. They’re just screaming like crazy. And you take them. And I love it. It was like a mental challenge. It’s horrible people, but they’re screaming and you’re answering and you get them. And then sometimes they get in trouble because they said you were too tough, you were too nasty, too this.

The people don’t like that. I understand that, too. But he asks like a question, and it’s Bob from NBC. Okay, Mr. President, sir, we just wanted to know, are you feeling well? And was everything good? And did you have ice cream today? Then he picks up the paper and he reads the answer. Yes, it was vanilla. No, but think they asked him questions and they give him an answer.

That never happened to me. Right. I walk out there and it’s like a free for all. But it’s a sad thing. Okay. So now I go off and watch, you know, this is all genius. Okay, you do know, I hope you know, I always say, my uncle was the longest serving professor in the history of MIT. Dr. John Trump. We have a lot of great aptitude. They’ll say he rambled.

Nobody can ramble like this. Nobody. If they did, they wouldn’t even try. You know what? They go step by step and they would never get off that sucker. They go step by step. But what happens? And it’s very interesting. We get on the plane, we get off. Now, I’ve just learned that I should not give myself the Congressional Medal of Honor. My people are saying, can you believe he asked that question? But we get off the plane, and I’m walking down.

I’m going down this big ramp. I took the High stair. I don’t like the children. We call it the children’s. I never had a problem with it. But I’m walking down and I’m looking down and I see these central casting people. A general, another general, a colonel, a staff sergeant, could be in any movie. These guys, it’s like perfect. They’re, like perfect individuals. If I were casting a movie on the military, I would pick these guys.

There’s nobody you could hire in Hollywood that looks like this. So I walked down and this is where I met General Raisin Kane. And what’s your name, general? What’s your name? And he gave me his name. What’s your name, sergeant? Yes, sir. And I love you, sir. I think you’re great, sir. I’ll kill for you, sir. Then he puts on a make America great again. You’re not allowed to do that.

But they did it. I remember I went into the hangar and there were hundreds of troops. And they’re not supposed to do this, but they all put on the make America great again. Not supposed to do it. I said, you’re not supposed to do that. You know that. They said, it’s okay, sir. We don’t care. We don’t care. And I met these people and I said, so what do you think, general, sir, would you like to rest up? See, this is before Biden.

See, if I had Biden, I’d say, I’m not Biden. But we didn’t know how bad he would be because we hadn’t been tested yet, sir. He said, would you like to rest up for a little while? Then we’ll have a meeting. We’re all set. And this place is, like all bunkers. No windows, no nothing. It’s all bunkers, real stock, but beautiful in a certain way. Billions and billions of dollars it cost many years ago.

And I said, no, I’m okay, general, let’s get the business. He was probably surprised that we started. I say, so General Mattis and all these guys that tell me back in Washington that it’ll take four or five years to defeat. I says, why, sir? It’s not true, sir. It’s not true. I said, what’s not true? We can do it very quickly. How quickly? Four weeks, sir. Wait a minute.

I was told four years and you might not be able to. Sir, we can have it done in four weeks. Why? How? What were they doing, sir, it’s our job as a soldier. When they come in from Washington, they’re a higher rank. We respect them. We have to respect them. That’s our job. I understood exactly what he was saying. He said, sir, when they come in, they tell us what to do and we do it.

I say, don’t you question what this. No, sir, we don’t question. They came in, they had a plan, and we said, we do that plan. What was wrong with the plan? We attacked from way far away, sir, and only one place that happened to be here. We’re hundreds of miles away. By the time the planes got there, they practically had to go back and refuel. I said, what would you do, general? You don’t mind if I tell you, sir, do you? I said, I don’t mind.

I’m waiting to hear. He said, sir, we have auxiliary ports and we have runways all over the place. They’re portables. We call them portables. We put them up faster, we take them down even faster, and they’re damn good, sir. What I’d do is I’d hit him from nine different locations. I’d hit him from the left. Now he’s getting excited. I’d hit him from the right, I’d hit him from up top.

I’d go right the hell under the damn ground. I almost used the bad. I would have been in trouble with the religious right, but they love me, so I don’t care. I would have been a bit. Please don’t do that, sir. I would have been invited, just so proud of myself. I was able to stop, but I’d hit him from the left, I’d hit him from the right, I’d hit him from east and west and north and south there.

They would, sir. They would be over very quickly. I said, well, why didn’t they do it before? Because, sir, some of the ports and some of these runways are located in countries where they didn’t want to be politically incorrect. And use a Runway and attack the enemy and their savages or attack them from certain points. I said, so you’d attack them and you’d hit them hard, right? Yes, sir.

I’d hit them so hard, and it would take you four weeks, maybe more, maybe less, sir. So I said, you got to be kidding. I said, I’m going to go back to Washington, and I’m going to think about this, because nobody ever told me about this. He says, sir, we’ll have time left over. So I go back to Washington, and I call and just spoke once more. Are you sure you can do this? We can do it, sir.

I’m telling you, sir, because we have the greatest military in the know. You see these clowns, these stupid people with Afghanistan. You see these stupid people, Matt, from Afghanistan, the withdrawal, the worst, most embarrassing moment in our lives. They take the military out first. I knew Abdul, I said, abdul, you’ll get hit so hard. 18 months, we didn’t have one soldier killed in Afghanistan. I was the one that had it ready enough.

21 years, that was enough. It was ridiculous. But I would have never let Bagram go, because Bagram is 1 hour away from where China makes their nuclear weapons. And they let it go. They left at the dark of night. They left the dogs behind, and they left the lights on. And you know who occupies it now? China. So I said, so, raisin, how’s it going? Said, sir, just about over, sir.

We’re going to save a little time, sir. I said, all right, good. Call me. So he does his thing. I get a call that ISIS is on the run. The next day, I get a call that ISIS is really in bad shape. Next day, I get a call that they’re surrounded. Next day, I speak to somebody and I say, is it really going that well, sir, it’s a miracle.

It’s not a miracle. It’s our military. It’s our great military with people that know what the hell they’re doing. And they say, sir, we have them now totally surrounded. Most of them are gone, but there’s a large group. Just give us the word. Give us the word for what? Don’t forget, I had never done this stuff before. I grew up in New York doing real estate deals. Really good ones, as you found out.

You find out, even though they want to take as much money as they can away from me, I think we’re going to fine him $450,000,000. Let’s give him a fine. Usually get a $500 fine. I get a 500 million dollar fine. These people are sick. It’s all part of weaponization and it can’t be allowed to happen. But I said, what are you talking about? We have, sir, a large group, and we’re ready to extinguish them.

We’re ready to send them to hell. I said, we’re talking about human beings. Naively, he’s laughing. We’re talking about human beings. No, they’re not human, sir. These are animals. These aren’t human beings. These are animals. I said, well, maybe if you fly over them with those incredible, thunderous planes, the greatest planes in the world, maybe you’ll shake them up a little bit and they’ll surrender, sir, they don’t know what a white flag is.

I remember that statement. They don’t know about surrendering, sir. They’re horrible, horrible people, but they are brave. They’re not going to be surrendering. Well, let’s try it. Two days. Fly over them, back and forth, low as hell. Well, we got a couple of bullet holes in our planes, but we’ll do it if you want. Just give it a shot. Get a call back two days later. Sir, they’re not going to surrender.

We’ve been doing it now for two days, back and forth, back. Just give me the order, sir. I said, you got the order. Thank you, sir. A day later, I get a call. We have defeated 100% of ISIS. Isn’t that a great story? Isn’t that a great story? Right, Mike? 100% of ISIS. 100% of ISIS is God. So doing stories like that, probably, Matt, probably. I won’t get the best speaker this year because I went off this stupid teleprompter, but maybe we will.

So it was an amazing thing, and I learned so much. I tell that story sometimes, rarely, because it’s a rough story, but I tell it because you have to know what a great military we have if you let them do their jobs. And I equate it with our police and law enforcement people. We have the greatest law enforcement people in the world, but they’re not allowed to do their job.

It’s the same exact thing. Chicago could be solved in one day. New York could be solved in a half a day. The New York police, I grew up with them. They’re the greatest people. Now, a lot of them have left and they’ve gone down to other states and they’ve retired. But you have great people and they can do their job if they’re allowed to do their job, but they don’t want to lose their pension.

They don’t want to lose everything. When you see these department stores where 300, 400, usually kids walk in there with the masks on and rob the store, destroy the store, millions of dollars, then the store closes, the whole thing starts to collapse the city. I could solve that problem in one day, in 1 hour, in 1 minute, when the word got out that we took a very tough action.

When kids walk out with television sets, like brand new, beautiful $2,000 television sets, and they’re walking out and the police are told, stand down, don’t do anything. If the police would be allowed to do their job and they would do it really strongly, it would end. That whole phenomena would end immediately. It would never happen again. You don’t even have to do it in every city. All you have to do is do it in one.

That’s why I’m giving immunity to police, so that they stop crime, because they don’t want to get sued, they don’t want to lose their wife, their family, their pension, their house would stop immediately. So when I equate the military story and I talk about what they did and how we defeated ISIS, it’s the same exact thing for the police. We have the greatest police. They could stop it in Los Angeles, they could stop it in New York, they could stop it in Chicago, they could stop it everywhere.

But they’re not allowed to do their job. And if they do their job, they lose everything. They lose their pensions, their house, they lose their family. And we’re not going to let that happen anymore because our cities all run by Democrats, radical left Democrats for the most part, but Democrats, it’s a cesspool. It’s a cesspool. Okay, now we go back to one little final story that I have to finish.

So as you remember, the president of Mexico sent a representative. Lou. See? They’ll say he rambled. He’s cognitively impaired. No, it’s really the opposite. It’s total genius. You know that? It is. It’s total genius. These fakers up there, he rambled on endlessly, telling these horrible and very boring stories. No, they’re very informative stories. They’re very important stories, actually. But no, that’s. There’s no cognitive problem. If there was, I’d know about it.

In fact, if there was, you’ll be the first to know, because I will tell you. I will tell you. So what happens is I’m talking to the gentleman, and he’s very confident. And I said, no, you’re going to do it. You’re going to do it. And he thought, this is a weird conversation because he kept saying no. I said, no. You’re going to do it 100%. Don’t even think about it.

No. I said no. But, sir, I said no. How many times do I have to say no? I said, say yes. And he said, I can’t do that. I said, here’s what I’m doing. It’s Friday evening. Starting Monday morning at 07:00 Mexico is going to pay a tariff of 25% on all of the cars that you stole from our country. By the way, you know, they stole 32% of our manufacturing cars.

The United Auto Workers are going to vote for me, all those people, because that deal they made with china, all electric cars, the all electric mandate, everybody has to have an electric car. Which doesn’t go far. Got a couple of problems. Doesn’t go far. Doesn’t work in cold weather. Remember four weeks ago, I won in the largest margin times two history in Iowa, and it was 40 degrees below zero on election night.

40 degrees. This was serious cold. If I walked from here to here, let’s say that’s five yards. I was freezing my ass off. By the time I got, this was so cold. You never saw so many electric cars pulled over to the side of the road. You could have had any one of them. I don’t know what the hell the people did. I guess they saved them in some way.

But no, they don’t go far. And these are the people we have making decisions. No, you want to have everything. We want to have choice. Like in school, we want to have choice with cars. We want to have choice, right? We want hybrid. So I said, I’m going to sign this document, and at 07:00 on Monday morning, everything, including cars. And by the way, Mexico is our number one trading partner.

Who the hell knew that? Can you imagine? Mexico is our biggest trading partner. And you know why? Because I put so many tariffs on China that they really had a pullback. And we saved a lot of businesses. We saved the steel industry because of it. But Mexico is our biggest trading partner. I said, you’re going to pay 25% tax or tariff, call it whatever you want. It’s similar, but not actually.

And you’re going to pay it on every single thing that comes in from Mexico into the United States. And like every other country, they rip us off big. We don’t have any good deals. I changed the South Korea deal. I changed the Japan deal. I could sit down and do nothing but change deals. I said, who the hell negotiated for the United States? And then you wonder why we have a $2 trillion deficit.

Now, if you look at it now, it’s gotten to a level that nobody can even believe. It’s so bad under Biden. But I said, that’s what’s going to happen, and that’s going to be a hell of a lot more than 28,000 soldiers. And I’m okay with it, but I’m ready to sign it. You just tell me when to sign it. Sir, may I? Now it’s, he’s, now he’s doing this.

He was a very confident man just moments before. Now he’s grabbing his collar. It’s pulling a camper. Sir, may I call our president, please? Absolutely. Please give him my warmest regards. And I said, will you make it quick? I’m late. I got the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax to take care of. I got to take care of that hoax, Mike, so make it quick on how much time. Think of what I could have done if I didn’t have to go through all that bullshit, right? Think of how good I would have been.

So he comes back in 5 minutes and he said, sir, I’m pleased to tell you that it would be our great honor to supply you with 28,000 soldiers free of charge. It would be our great honor to adhere to your request for remain in Mexico. Millions of people say in our country years ago, you ever see what happened to Tijuana? It was like people, they had no earth left.

You looked at became, I think it was the fastest growing city in history, Tijuana. Nice place. But we have, I said, what about catch and release in Mexico? Yes, sir. We’d love to have you release people that you catch, prisoners and murderers. We think it would be a wonderful thing for our country, sir. We would love, sir, you can do whatever the hell you want. And we got everything.

And then this fool, this stupid fool released Mexico of all of these obligations. And then last week, for the first time, I can’t even believe it, I heard Mexico saying, we’re not going to negotiate with the United States unless they give us $10 billion. These are stupid people. How about the hostages? The hostages with Iran, Iraq. But the hostages. We gave Iran $6 billion for five people. 6 billion.

6 billion for five people. A hiker, hiker goes over, says, oh, look, there’s Iran. Let’s go hiking. We give them a billion dollars to get the hiker out. We gave them 6 billion. And then we gave 10 billion because they supplied some electricity to Iraq. What the hell do we care if they supply it to Iraq? Iraq should have never. Remember I used to say a long time ago, don’t go into Iraq.

Don’t do it. But I was only a civilian, so I didn’t get that much press. I said, don’t go into Iraq, but if you’re going to do it, keep the oil. Do you remember I used to say that all the time, keep the oil, but don’t do it, but keep the oil. Iraq now has $300 billion. Iran has $224,000,000,000. And Iran controls 100% Iraq. So for years, they’d fight each other, and they were the same for years and years under different names, but religious thing, but they would fight each other for years and they were the two powers and they were checkmating each other.

So they’d fight and fight and fight. Four or five years, they’d throw a little gas, they’d throw another one, and then all of a sudden they’d say, shit, and they’d go back and the border basically remained unchanged. This has been going on for centuries. And then we come along and we blow up one of the sides, we blow up Iraq, and now Iran is taking over Iraq. So Iran, they might as well change the name.

So Iran has their 200 and some od billion dollars that they all made in two and a half years. Two and a half years. I told China and I told all of the countries, France, everybody. I said, listen, if you buy one barrel of oil from Iran, we’re not going to do any business. We’re going cold turkey, which wouldn’t have been a bad thing anyway. We’re going cold turkey.

You’re not going to do. And we’re going to put a 100% tariff on anything that gets through. And President Xia told him this. He said, all right, well, we won’t do it. We won’t do it. They didn’t buy, by the way, they’re buying billions and billions of dollars worth of oil right now. But China didn’t buy, nobody bought. Iran was broke, and they had no money for Hamas and they had no money for Hezbollah.

They had no money for anything. They were down to almost nothing. And there were a lot of stories that Iran was unable. And all these terror groups were angry at Iran because they weren’t paying them. And the terror groups were all breaking up. If I were president, Israel would have never been attacked. Would have never been attacked as soon as I was forced out with a rigged election.

And we can never let that happen again. Don’t let it happen again. Don’t let it happen again. As soon as I was forced out with this rigged election, Biden took the sanctions off Iran, went back to levels that they’ve never seen before, more than they’ve ever done. And now they’re rich as hell. They’re selling oil to everybody. They’re making so much money, they don’t know what to. They’re a very rich nation.

With me. They were broke. They were broke. I remember a Democrat congressman on deface the nation a couple of weeks. I think it was deface the nation, ladies and gentlemen, it’s Donald Trump on deface the nation. It is deface the nation because the news is so fake. But he was saying that, well, whether you like Trump or not, he did break Iran. They were broke. They had no money.

I said, that’s nice of him. He probably lost his chairmanship or whatever he was. But we did a great job. We did a great job. So what happened is Mexico agreed to all of these things. We took the money out of the military. We built the wall. We had the safest border in the history of our country. The history of our country. And, you know, it was very interesting because we built the wall.

But a lot of people were coming up at the beginning. Once they saw that I meant business, once they heard some of these stories that I’m telling you right now, they didn’t come. They weren’t coming. The caravans were much smaller, the people trying to get in. It was a much easier situation to handle when you have an idiot like Gavin Newsom saying, if you come up, we’re going to give you pension funds, you’re going to have pensions, we’ll give you a mansion.

Do you ever see the things that he’s promising? Free health care, free education. Who the hell wouldn’t? I may move there myself. Actually, no, but people all over the world are hearing this, that California, look, a lot of people think Gavin Newsom is going to run in a certain way. I hope so. I hope so because he’s destroyed California. He’s destroyed it, but he’s got a hell of a line of crap.

I watched him on Sean Hannity, who’s a good man. Sean, Sean, we love you very much, Sean, if you happen to be watching, which you will. But he was on Sean Hannity and he was saying, no, California has never done better, blah, blah, blah. We got to do this. We’re doing that. We’re doing that. I’m saying, wait a minute, the place is failing. They don’t have water. They notified people in Beverly Hills, you can only use 40 gallons of water.

They don’t have water, by the way. They could have so much water. I had it all set. All of the federal government approvals were done. All he had to do is sign a little piece of paper and I won’t let him get away with that again because he had to sign one piece of paper and water would be pouring down from up north, pouring down from Canada, and it comes down the artificial veins and the natural veins where the water poured down.

And they take this water and they send it out to the Pacific way above California. They send the water out to the Pacific to protect a little tiny fish that’s not doing too well anyway. And people don’t have water and the farmland is barren. You go down as best land there is in the whole country. They can’t farm it because they have no water. And it’s true, in Beverly Hills you pay a fortune in taxes.

They say you can only brush your teeth once a day. Who the hell wants to meet? You can’t use too much water on your hair. That would put me out. I would not want to be. They put restrictors on showers. They put restrictors on faucets. You buy brand new faucets. Aren’t they beautiful, darling? Oh, yes. Look at them. Beautiful brass faucets. They’re so beautiful. Let’s try them. Shit, no.

Water is coming out. Drop it. Drops out. You turn on the shower. I’m going to take a shower tonight. My hair is going to look better than it ever looked. I get that whole deal. Ready? I’m all set to go turn on the shower. Ding ding. And they have so much water. I said to some of our great congressmen that asked me to help them with a problem up in that area, up north in California.

I said, I see you have a drought. They said, no, we don’t have a drought. We have so much water you don’t know what to do, but they send it out to the Pacific. We’re not going to let them get away with that any longer. It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. And frankly, I believe I gave a speech up there, we had like 100,000 people show up. I said, what the hell is going on over here? I always hear republicans, can’t win California.

You can’t win. I will tell you, if God came down and God was the vote checker, I believe we would win California. I think it’s so crazy. They send out 36 million ballots, get sent out to people unknown. They’re sent out all over the place. How many people from California know? People that got six, seven eight ballots. Okay. Our elections are so corrupt. I think we do very well.

I think I would do very well in California, actually. And I think I would do well in a lot of places because it’s common sense, remember, not conservative. It’s common sense. I’m conservative, but the words are common sense. Our country is run by people that are destroying it. We’re not going to let it happen again. We’re going to have a great military. We’re going to have a great.

Everything in our country is going to function properly again. It’s going to function well. We’re going to be respected all over the world. We’re going to be respected like we’ve never been respected before. And it won’t take long. It’s like Orban said from Hungary, put Trump back in, and the whole world is going to be fixed. He said that very strongly. Put Trump back in. What do you do? They said, what do you do, sir? What do you do? The world is blowing up.

He said. It’s a very simple solution. Put President Trump back in office. It will all be healed very, very quickly. So I want to apologize for literally not repeating this beautiful speech. But I thought some of these stories are instructive because they tell you our military is great. They tell you our law enforcement is great. They tell you our president is incompetent. They tell you a lot of things, some of which you knew and some of which you didn’t know.

So now I’m going to the place I’m supposed to be. I’m going to South Carolina. I’m supposed to be there. And if I do poorly, I’m going to blame Mercedes. Forget about Matt. I’m going to blame Mercedes because I am supposed to be there and I’m not there. And if I do poorly, I’m blaming everybody in this audience. But I think we’re going to do okay. And I just want to thank everybody and ladies and gentlemen, for those of you from a beautiful place called South Carolina, go out and vote right now.

Please get in those cars and drive fast. I’m going to leave you with this one final message. We’re going to win the election. We’re going to win it big. We’re going to win it bigger than ever before. We’re going to do things that nobody believed. It’s going to be more important even than 2016. We are going to make America great again. Thank you. Thank you very much, everybody.

Thank. Let it. Don’t you ever wait on me. And I forgive when the day comes after the round I’m coming all I’m coming I’m on my way. Your mother if you get cold. Yeah. I will be your cover. Don’t have to worry about here. Don’t never found you. I promise Allah, I promise all. I promise all I reach out to me all day. All she got to do all my name fuck with three action.

Don’t you ever be back. We don’t meet when the time when the day comes. I river trouble drown, fall out, I’m coming all out. I’m coming. Here we come all over. Don’t you worry, there’s no need to feel down. I said a young man. Pick yourself off the ground. I said young man. Cause you’re in a new town. There’s no need to be unhappy. Young man, there’s a place you can go.

I said a young man. When you’re short on your dough, you can stay there. And I’m sure you will find many ways to have a good time. It’s fun to say, it’s a YMCA. It’s fun to say. It’s the YMCA. They have ever been to enjoy. You can hang out with all the boy. It’s fun to say. I don’t YMt. It’s fun to say. I can get yourself please.

You can have a good meal. You can do whatever you feel. Young man, are you listening to me? I said young man, what do you want to be? I bet a young man. You can make billion dreams. But you got to know this one thing. No man does it all by himself. Put your pride on the shelf and just go there to the YMCA. I’m sure they can help you today.

It’s fun to say. It’s fun to say it don’t YMCA. They have everything fun you mean to enjoy. You can hang out with all my boy. It’s fun to say it don’t YMCA. It’s fun to say it don’t YMCA. You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal. You can do whatever you feel. Young man. I was once in your shoes. I said I was down and out with the blues.

I felt no man cared if I were alive. I felt the whole world was that way. Someone came up to me and said something. Take a walk up the street, it’s a place there call the YMCA. They can’t stop you back on your way. It’s fun to say it. The YMCA. It’s fun to say it. Young man, young man. There’s no need to feel down. Young man, young man, what did you want to be? Why am I your mind no man, young man does it all by itself.

Just man, young man, put your bottle the shell y and just go to the ym. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome member of the Brazilian Chamber of deputies, Eduardo Bolsonaro. Michael Lindale. It’s an honor to be here right after the next president of United States, and right before the great argentinian president, Javier Milet. Today I’ll tell you how a country loses its freedom. I look around and see these ordinary men and women who dreamt of a better country left into a dirty prison as if they were worthless than an animal.

And for those who think I’m exaggerating, I will mention a few simple examples. You can take a look. And they made Filippo Marcinx, the president Bolsonaro’s international advisor, like Jared Kushner, a brilliant young man in his studies, with a promising future, imprisoned by a court of exception, accused of a coup d’eta, never attempting our planet, and without hope of minimally fair treatment, as due process and broad defense no longer exists in Brazil.

Silvio Ney Vasquez former chief of police during my father’s administration, the chief who most seized the drugs in Brazil. Eduardonaimi chief of police who was injured during the protest on January eigth, while working during his holidays, and also lawyers, veterinarians, journalists, comedian pastors, assigned language interpreter, a gospel singer, a homeless, an individual diagnosed with a high degree of autism. All of them imprisoned and accused of cop. These people are now receiving sentences of 17 years in jail.

And Clazon salesmen died inside prison as waiting trial for almost one year. And just like them, almost 2000 people were arrested in a single blade in Brazil. Elderly, pregnant women and even children accused of being terrorists, of having attempted an army coup, even though not a single weapon was sized. The totalitarian judicial system created the narrative, with the help of the legacy media, that these ordinary people were a threat to brazilian state.

And this climate of persecution expanded, censoring and hunting critics of the current government. And under the excuse of preserving democracy that does not exist anymore, these selfless tyrants crush political opposition in the country. Today, even journalists are exiled in the United States, like Alan du Santos, Rodrigo Constancino and Paolo Figueredo, who is here at CPAC and had a viewership similar to Tucker Carlson’s. When the regime forced them out, their social media were taken down by orders of the court, their bank accounts frozen, and even their brazilian passports have been cancelled by those same people they criticized.

The only judge who dared to differ from the regime was fired. Lujimila Linz Grillo, who is also present here in the audience, had a similar fate. All of this is just a step towards the ultmate goal to imprison my father, the former president who dared to put the interests of brazilian people first. My father is now prosecuted and slandered in the most varied ways. As in every tyranny, the limit of the ridiculous no longer exists.

And even faces the accusation of having committed the terrible crime of disturbing a whale. Yes, this is not a joke. My father is criminally charged for passing by a whale on a jet ski through a complaint made by Lula Dasilva’s environmental minister. My friends, I conclude by making an appeal report what is happening in Brazil. Tomorrow we will have 1 million people on the streets of Sao Paulo in support of President Bolsonaro.

Make this image go a lot around the world. American congressman, we ask for a hearing in your congress. You are the leaders of the free world. Help us to expose this tyranny. It says my father often quotes in John 82 832. And you know the truth, and the truth will set you free. But there is still hope for Brazil. I’m looking forward here now to listen the great president of our brother country in Argentina, Javier Milet.

God bless you. God bless the free world. Thank you, CPac. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the president of Argentina, Javier Mile. Alex day to make the left wing shake. I love you too. Long live freedom. Damn it. Parisiki location seem just like a local phenomenon has grown. It’s quite a large neighborhood now. Bueno and primer Lugaracias, thank you very much for this invitation.

And as for today’s talk, Dado elim Pacto de la conference. In view of the impact of my speech in Davos and like a senior Occidente Pellegro, where I stated that the west was in danger. Dado lavanza de la seria socialistas due to the advance of status and socialist ideas. Oyare fogo elos fundamental technicos, quesotenia, prescissione politicas and acesa confidencia. Today I will focus on the technical underpinnings of those political views of recomo economic neoclassica.

Isuvicion de lo fasci mercados, some funcionales alavanza socialijimo. And along those lines, I will focus on how neoclassical economics and its view of market failure are conducive to the advance of statism. Igomoeso de Trucia gracindo poignan freno Alamejoras and Elvina Laboresa, and how this destroys economic growth, putting a break on the improvements in well being and the fight against poverty. As for the root of this problem, the problem is methodological in nature.

It’s about a model versus reality. Dadoke reality is always very complex to analyze, so it’s analyzed by using models. Peron termino generalo nomape uno corrigo de car del modelo. But normally, if the model doesn’t match reality, they get mad at the reality. Calling it a market failure. You, um elorijan deste prolima tina kevar guando sepone competitive. So the root of this problem arises when you start studying the normative basis of competitive equilibrium.

Central conference politico so when the analysis focused on existence, uniqueness and stability, there was no actual political problemativo de la mano, de la analysis. The problem started when the normative analysis started to be linked to Pareto’s analysis. Basic the basic idea of Pareto’s optimality is that you can’t improve someone’s position without damaging another one’s position. That would be a Pareto optimality. And when those opportunities run out, then that’s Pareto optimality.

Yes, I don’t. And that’s when the definitions of market failures crop up. Concentratos imonopolios one of the names given to this position is that of non convexities. This has to do with concentrated structures and monopolies. Odrocaso solace publicos informaciona symmetrica. Also externalities, public goods, information, asymmetry, the prisoner’s dilemma, avilitan la intervention de leonesio elavanse. And all these elegant names are actually ways to pave the way for state intervention and for statists and socialists.

But to make it less abstract, let me give them a more practical example. See basigamende subongamo ke tamos nl momento alumbra sido. Let’s suppose we are at a time when candles were still used and Edison hadn’t yet come along. Of course, when Edison did come along with a light bulb, all candle manufacturers went bankrupt. Nadural mendes luidamos interventionistas. And if we had paid attention to those who favored intervention, oyeluarde de niritar mosa conference instead of having this conference in this lovely venue today, full of light, we would still have candles.

That’s how socialists mess up our lives. So let’s get rid of Parito’s optimality, and let’s get rid of the socialist approach. Diva long live freedom. Yes. Entosis lo primero que denimo tenero nawena definition the gay el mercado. So the first thing we need is to have a good definition of the market, what the market actually is. Intergambian de Richard voluntariamente the market is actually a social cooperation process where you voluntarily exchange property rights, possibly.

Ablar de fashionadaria actually. So these exchanges are voluntary, there can be no market failure because nobody would be self inflicting harm. So if we define the market properly, all definitions that are interventionist in nature collapse. It is also very important to be clear as to what institutions are the foundations of the market intervention. Two major institutions are private property and markets that are free from state intervention. Pork vasigamente sivoya intercambiano de rich importante.

Because if you’re basically going to exchange property rights, it means that private property is important. Isilo sinter gambio somboluntarios noilugar paralla presensia intramisiva. And if the exchanges are voluntary, there’s no room for the intervention, encroachment and invasion by the state. So actually when someone engages in an exchange and gives something in exchange for money, this creates a historical record or register, which is price. Yes, and that historical record we call price is an information transmission mechanisms and also becomes a coordination mechanism as it makes some people be on the supply side and others on the demand side.

Icomoni amende la cantiera lamande masor de lo ferta, lopresio souven. And there’s also an adjustment process, because demand and supply don’t always perfectly match. When demand goes up, prices go up, and the other way around, indefinitive la propia private economico. So the private property and free markets determine the price system. And this is the basis of economic calculation. And this shows why none of the varieties of socialism can work.

Margado, in the most extreme cases, because there’s no private property, so you can’t engage in the exchanges that the market would require meeting. Lexiteo lentromicion de leo and el citama. And in the milder varieties that do allow the existence of the private sector, what happens is that state intervention creates noise in the price system. Iguanto mastadadoi maviolenci mavitorcionai iperfunciona systema. And the more state, the more government there is, the more violence there is, the more distortion there is and the worse the system functions.

Importantes paralympicados eloque competencia perononel santioneo classicola, competencia perfecta, sino intermino de libre and traditional. Another key element is free competition, but not in the more neoclassical sense, but in terms of in and out. And another two very important elements are the division of labor and social cooperation. The one who best explained the division of labor was Adam Smith. Una Persona sola polya producer sola mente bainte alfilleris a single person could manufacture just 20 pins.

Pero c separatia and quince la taria producer cincomil files if the task was divided by 15, we could end up with 17,000 pins. Peroquale problema, sinoi demanda paracetanta. The thing is, if there’s no demand for 75,000 pins, there will be no division of labor. Yeso combinato social terminal socialist. And this, combined with the notion of social cooperation, ends up being fully destructive. As far as socialist ideas are concerned, una is short.

Podrita odiandoa ayl perodo comprehanto nextor elemental. I could actually hate him, but I need for him to buy my products, so I must treat him nicely. So as bastia used to say, what trade goes in, soldiers don’t. And promoting free trade is promoting peace. Motiempo etrea del mercado como processor copelacion socialismo. And also, this idea of the market as a social cooperation mechanism is a tremendous bomb for socialism.

Porcasilos intercambioson libres. Because if exchanges are voluntary, eso significant. It means that it’s win win for both sides. For lotanto noilugar parallel. So there’s no room for the fear of exploitation. Noilugar paralla plufalia or for surplus value. Noilugar paral marximo socialimbo. Or for Marxism and socialism, you. And according to the market logic, a successful entrepreneur or business person is a social benefactor. Capitalismo deliver impressa solamente posible prohimo community.

Because in free enterprise capitalism, you can only succeed if you serve others with goods of better quality or at a better price. You is yes, impressario novien el mimovien al mehor. El mimo prescio mehor calidad yesova chevara la que los ineficientes iva potential. And if the business person doesn’t do things right, then someone else might come along offering goods of better quality or at a better price are actually offering progress.

And we must embrace them because they are creating well being for society. Introducion balila pena infradile maneoclasico. So after this intro, the question is where is the neoclassical dilemma? Eto diamondro elateria seshama el palo de Joque we talk about the hockey stick in terms of economic growth theory and its empirical evidence. If you look at history, ever since the christian era, el pe per capita durante el periodo practica mente per capita GDP between the year zero and the year 1800 remained virtually constant sine embargo delano milo chocientos but since the year 1800 and until now it has multiplied nearly fifteenfoldo la polacion and Elanio Milo chocientosumanosia multiplicado porridge and actually in the same period, if we look at the year 1800, the population at the time was 800 million and now it’s multiplied by ten.

So per capita productivity went up and GDP rose by nearly 150 times. Apundo targetamos so much so that we’re actually in the best moment in the history of humanity. Andor de la existential. All of this despite the existence of government, of a statement mimo periodo nomico la poreso de noventi cinco porsiento la polacon el cinco porcinto and in this same period of growth, extreme poverty went from 95% to 5%.

Rene significa kruptura concentras monopolios. Now these increasing returns involve the existence of concentrated structures of monopolies and tocela pregundaisa. So the question is, if monopolies are so bad, how can you explain the fact that they promoted so much well being and such a reduction in poverty? Capitalis the inventor of your cap, Elizabeth Murray Rothbard, said that the problem was that the model was wrong. Of course. Subongamos ketengo dies impressa competiento poor assert telephone of cellularis let’s suppose that we have ten companies in competition to manufacture cell phones unadesha sauda de Kubernete and one of them now discovers a technology to manufacture a new kind of phone with better quality and at a better price.

Natural mende of course there will be nine businesses staying out of business sine embargo telephone. But would anyone here complain about having better phones at a better price? So down with a neoclassical theory. Neoclassica so where are the mistakes in neoclassical theory? Elaborcioma simply pork. El prescio de monopolio de la competencia ikela cantia producia menorcan competencia basically because they say that the price in monopoly situations is higher than in competitive situations and that the quality is lower.

Sinembargo analysis. But that analysis is flawed. There are several things to point out. Emprimer luar forque solament analysis. Equilibrium partial. First, because it’s only a partial equilibrium analysis. Solo conciera mercado inoconcira el resto economia. It only focuses on equilibrium in a single market without looking at the rest of the economy. I mean, I hold a monopoly on Javier Milay, and you hold a monopoly on each and every one of yourselves.

Yes or not. And there’s nothing wrong about that. And God, thank God, we’re all different emas. In fact, we celebrate our differences because we don’t like the gray uniformity of socialism. You. Perono solo tamal porcelain. Keno conciera mercados. Sinocia de mas estamburo ketampoco conciera dos effecto futuro impacto del futura de mercado. But the analysis is not just wrong because it only looks at the partial equilibrium without looking at the whole market, but also because it fails to consider the future effects in this regard, the future impact.

Henry Haxley wrote a lovely book called economics in one lesson, freely translated. And I remember that book. And he said, the difference between a good economist and a bad economist, ekel mal economista Solomon de mira Mercado and umperiolo, is that the bad one only looks at the market within a certain period, whereas a good economist looks at all markets, not just the present ones, but also the future.

You. So the traditional analysis of monopolies and the way they’re regulated is part of a flawed economic analysis. Isiamas tomamo cell role ketian in lagancia como elemento paracone impactor negative. And if we also take into account the role of profits as drivers of economic growth, if you start meddling with profits, this slows down growth. Fundamental analysis. So what’s the true answer? What’s the true foundation of this analysis? Economical mathematica gusala canal.

So it’s not about economic analysis, but about the mathematical structure used in global or general equilibrium basic analysis. So there’s pareto optimality and non convexity in production sets. That’s what it’s about. Basicamente elopimo de pareto parakelibrio existente sia optimo pareto tanto lo consumidori comolo productore de veriana. So in the parito optimality model, both consumers as well as producers should be optimizing or maximizing rather than reproduction. Convexas. When we have increasing returns, we have convex production functions, and the problem with those functions is that you can’t actually find a maximum natural mendeso sunaro mathematicotamin.

Of course, that is also mathematical error maximo, because if you have increasing returns, you can find the maximum, provided you use old endowments in the economy. So the other issue that comes up is that you would end up with just one business. Peroiso empiricamente correcto. But this, which might seem empirically correct. Taminotro conceptual entails another conceptual error. Pork implica de conocar lana firma, because it basically involves disregarding the nature of the business, and it also disregards the fact that businesses are run by human beings.

Inatural mende guantute maquirantravacar paraproducirmas. And the more you want to work in order to produce more el costo de portunid the LTM polybre phenomenal mente. Of course, the opportunity cost of free time, of leisure time, goes up phenomenally. De Kele Serbia Salanios what good to get a job where you’re offered $12 million a year if you have to work 24/7 Silvana Chocarco Manidar you will be doing violence to your own humanity.

Sine embargo analysis inocomo impresa dependent. But your classical analysis treats businesses as if they were machines rather than organizations with humans. Final mente critica queseliase aloh monopolios ekenreal heniran menocantiris produce. Yet another criticism leveled at monopolies is that they generate less produced quantities in the economy. Yes, monopolistas evien de mende lopuel consumo production yemplo economia. And that’s also false, because all that money that is generated in these monopolistic structures can then be put into new and further production into jobs for the benefit of the economy overall.

Now we’re going to quote a couple more cases to irritate Keynesians even more. You and of course, what if those big substantial profits are saved are put into investments in other business, to other businesses? That will lead to growth, growth in GDP, in jobs in other sectors. So nothing is lost. Monopolita etan ambiciosoge well, let’s assume that this monopoly holder is so greedy that he wants to invest it all in his own business so that all of his savings turn into investments.

Peruse immersion significant MA capital maproductivity salarios. But of course this investment means more capital, higher productivity, more wages. Yalmi Motiempo Maproducion del Viencolovacal Presionto Mashori Salarios Menori prescio perlo tanto todo Ganuncia de Vina. And of course, if you have more goods, this means more higher salaries and lower prices. So it’s all gains for well being. Emas and dose Como channel mass attackes al Monopolista as we run out of arguments to attack monopoly holders.

Sagasi consumera vinatar since if they consume, then well being is created. Sagasi aura and el Citama financial if they save in the financial system, same thing. Isi aura densimimo tami. And if they save and invest in themselves, they also promote well being. Arabensimo capaco embresario desireo. Now let’s consider what happens if that evil businessman decides to, or business person decides to bury their money so that no one can reach that money.

The amount of money in the economy will go down and prices will also go down for the benefit of the population. De la de flacio and the evil business owner will end up benefiting those who have less because they will benefit the most from this deflationalysis. So what we have seen is that all analyses that favor more intervention end up creating more government, more state and more damage to the people.

So in wrapping up this presentation, boya Motra como la intervention socialista lociase economia I’d show how socialist intervention ends up destroying the economy and the attacks from socialists basically focus on two things. Basicamente monopolios cal regular lo monopolio. On the one hand, there’s the regulation of monopolies, which leads to breaking the effect of increasing returns and in turn leads to the economies being stagnated. In fact, if you were to regulate according to the neoclassical idea, quasi rent or extraordinary profits would be zero.

Iporlo tanto itariana mosa mundo de la competencia perfectado incentiv. So it would be a world of perfect competition with no incentive for growth. So this ends up aborting the creative destruction process, according to Champeta, part in de la rea de resolver. Because these creative destruction processes are based on some issue that they seek to resolve in order to be able to generate more growth. Beneficial lagancia el prolima.

So regulating profits, regulating gain, leads to signation almarcan de Keregular pressures in cantira implica de truira and also regulating prices and quantities or amounts is tantamount to destroying property rights. In fact, let me tell you about a case involving a country I know, Argentina umpaque entrance. A country that was one of the most affluent in the world in the early 20th century. Ikes in embargo and which today ranks 140 worldwide.

Coma percento Indi with over 50% poor and over 10% extreme poor. Iguando uno mira la cantier regulaciones unovine tender borgue. And when you look at the number of regulations, then you’ll understand. Dendro de guillerno de cuvierto poor. El momento tresientas ochentamil regulaciones ketravan el function amiento system economico. Our government teams have so far identified 380,000 regulations which get in the way of a functioning economy. Primera meridas reformas el greto and sila de Vasis.

And in fact, our two major structural reform drives the emergency decree and the omnibus bill. Propuetake proponent Darle maliverta de los Argentinos seek to give more freedom to the argentine people. Ira de mercado ma competitivas move towards more competitive market structures. Isobreto lacosas eliminar la corpsion de la politica and above all, end corruption in politics. No semo congrander residentias por parte de lone, ficia citama de carinte, kempobresa lo sargentino de vien and fawade la casta corrupta.

And of course, we, we face much resistance on the part of those who benefit from this decadent framework. And of course, this involves the corrupt political caste, which includes. This political corrupt caste includes thieving politicians who put their own privileges above the well being of the argentine people. And of course there’s business owners who get into wheeling and dealing and monkey business with corrupt politicians. And there are also corrupt media who are really mad at us because we have done away with government paid advertising.

Tamiyam Diomo Perlos in Nigalita Lahende. And of course the trade unionists who would look after their own business interests rather than taking care of the people. Iademas diamo parakesho professionales. And of course, there are professionals who make a living out of defending these corrupt groups and who basically profess the religion of government of the state. So you can get an idea of this major battle we’re fighting. Peronovamo surrender Grande, but we will not surrender till we make argentina great again.

Grana minasa lo socialitas evasi gamente la dicucion andreficiencia tribusion. The urge other major threat or attack from socialists and statism has to do with efficiency as opposed to distribution. Donde I say senola capitalismo individualita isocialista. And so they say that capitalism is hyper individualist as opposed to the altruism of socialism, always with the money of others. And this aberration is pursued in the name of social justice. Donde hayek ablawa de la palaura comadreja Hayek used to talk about weasel words.

Don de cavave significant. Whenever they chose an adjective, it was actually the exact opposite. You. So, as Jesus says, social justice is violence and a just. It’s not just or anything of the sort. Far from it. It’s an aberration. It’s unjust because it involves unequal treatment. So in addition to being violent, social justice is unjust because that redistribution is basically robbing Peter to pay paula democracia limitada. And this is made even worse when you take the idea of unlimited democracy.

Then socialism came along. But to make it less abstract, let me give you an example. Supongamos kese huntang quatro lobos unagashina. Let’s suppose four wolves and a hen come together. Let’s now vote. What’s on the menu tonight? Sagawan de kobar lagashina. They’ve just eaten the hence. So deep down, that’s also what happens in the economy. La gashina elojuedo is el segmento kenira regesa. The hand that lays the golden eggs is a segment that generates wealth.

Peroporla formala distribution de lingreso. But due to the way income is distributed. Elocenta porcindo elapolacion tino inreso, menorcal ingresso promerio. 80% of the population have income below the average politico populista. And that’s when the populist politician comes along and says that you need to take away from the rich to give to the poor. No solo venezuela argentina. Icutol populimo latino medicano. Not just Venezuela Argentina and all of latin american populism.

Iguando Gure. And when that happens, profits are destroyed as well as economic growth yoked in terminal practicos. Argentina. Sumpais caprocia limentos paramade, quatrociento missionos. In practical terms, Argentina is a country that produces food for over 400 million people. Elapresion fical sobrie sector productorial. And the tax pressure. The tax burden on the food producing sector is 70%. So the state government keeps the food of 280,000,000 people. Apesard Argentinos.

And still 5 million Argentines don’t have enough to eat because of the damned government, the state. You socialists also continue to discuss income distribution, saying that the system is unjustivia capitalism. There’s a lovely book by Israel Kirsner that’s called creativity capitalism and distributive justice. Es libro parte de la hypothesis. See el citma capitalista ema productivo peroquenti huto. So the assumption is that Kirzner says that capitalism is actually more productive, but if it were unjust, there would really be no argument to defend it.

And he works on two ideas along those lines. Travaca connell precipito de appropriation, de lok Locke’s appropriation principle. If you discover something, then you keep it, you appropriate. And then there’s Hayek’s idea of the market as a discovery procedure. Del mercado como processor de curimiento implica kenoi una torta pararetir, sinoque satorta seva procindo. In fact, this idea of the market as a discovery procedure involves that there’s actually no pie to be shared.

It’s not a given. The pie develops as you continue to create. Polo tanto. Polo tanto. Cesata sevade cubriendo miendra quote. So if the pie gets discovered as you move forward along the productive process, it’s only natural that the pie should be appropriated by those who discovered it. Protanto no solo kevma productivo sinocademas. So that makes a system not only more productive, but also means that it’s the only just system of marque.

And of course, after all of this, we’ve got socialists cornered. But it’s a levoyadar unamas levoyadarumbis. This is why. One more to share with you, uncle. Natural. Mendequandono regula monopolio, regula la semprezas blochalo processo competitivos yal mimotiempo. Introduce concepto elacuticia. Social evidence. Ale tangamiento. Naturally, when you regulate and you act against monopolies and you regulate business and production and bring up this idea of social justice, well, all of that ends up leading to stagnation.

Yes, tancamiento is graciiento la polacion. And stagnation in the context of population growth leads to a gradual stagnation in the country. How do you remedy this? And well, how do they correct this? With the murderous abortion agenda? Susorica. A murderous agenda that we can trace back to the times of ancient Egypt, when the ancient Egyptians attempted to exterminate the jewish people. Okon el caso de malteusion, ilale de yarro Salario kepromovia el control, or even closer in time to the club of Romer de Fossils, which suggested that as the world used energy based on fossil fuels, and since those energy sources are not renewable, they predicted that those resources would have run out by the year 2000, is in embargo.

And yet. Diamos esa situacion lo cava kenera limento paratos ikenosivamos amor ike solamente personas. They claim that that would lead to food running out and to many of us dying and only a billion people being left on this planet. Classificationer de la Borto and now that we have the nixum and Kissinger files that have been declassified, we know that they were advocating the abortion agenda. Children Parenthood, McDonald’s.

So children parenthood has more venues than McDonald’s around the world. Perofortunala mendese oyen el mundo viviano fortunately, they were wrong again, because today there are 8 billion people living in the world. Sinembargo nose but they stick to their murderous agenda. De cho el poximo fredia sudarotal economico tralado suhatasha de lucia classes outro sapekto de la vida. Postmarxism, defeated on the economic front, transferred its class struggle to other aspects of life, such as ecologism.

Don de plante alucia de lombre control and arguing a fight against nature that is waged by human beings. Donde culpan alcerumano del calintaminto global they blame human beings for global warming. Juan Dotosha Pasado quatro vesis electoral planet when this has actually happened already four times in the history of the earth, even when there were no humans around. Neo marxistanosa terminar los humanos. And of course, the only idea that neomarxists can come up with in order to correct this problem is to exterminate humans.

Whoa. Planet so if we did have a problem with scarcity of resources, we should be planning to colonize other worlds rather than think about external exterminating ourselves. Analysis encontra de la polacion falsos in fact, all those analyses that go against population growth are false. Economist amu optimista Julian Simon let me quote a very optimistic economist called Julian Simon, who said that population growth entailed more technological progress. So he would say that there was demand driven technological progress.

Dondevasi gamende alabar ma personas ijanerava nueva reformas. He suggested that if there were more people and scarcity issues that had an impact on the price system, which of course ended up driving reforms and technological progress in order to solve the problems. And he also highlighted supply driven technological progress. Don de perehemplo la chances de Kengao Mozart emipolacion and Mucco Magrande, civil. And yes, of course, there are much, many more chances of having a Mozart in your population if you are 1 million rather than just tenitiva el mensaki celciende.

So the message is this. No Dejana Vansar, el socialimo. Don’t let socialism advance. No avalin la regulacion. Don’t endorse regulation. No avalin la de lo fasho de mercado. Don’t endorse the idea of market failure. No permita de la kenda sesina. Don’t allow the advance of the murderous agenda inos. And don’t let the siren calls of social justice woo you. I come from a country that bought all of those stupid ideas and from being one of the most affluent countries in the world.

Now we rank 140. Don’t surrender your liberty. Fight for your freedom. If you don’t fight for your freedom, they will drag you into misery. Peroquiro de Carletambian but I would also like to leave a message of optimism with you. Argentina Parisio Condenado Alapo Marcano Socialitas Argentina seemed to be a country condemned to be like sheep driven by socialists. And when I started my political career in Congress as a congressman, I said that I wasn’t there to herd sheep, but rather to awaken lions.

And we continue to awaken more and more lions every day. And the message of freedom didn’t just make me present to Argentina. We are awakening the world. Don’t surrender in your fight. Long live freedom damage. Long live freedom damage. Long live freedom damage. Thank you very much. La Newsmax has been terrific. President Trump is right. Millions are switching to Newsmax. It’s the fastest growing streaming service in America.

You don’t need those woke streaming services anymore. Just get Newsmax. Plus watch the best shows like Greg Kelly, Rob Schmidt, Greta van Sustrin, and Eric Bowling. Greg Kelly over at Newsmax. The Newsmax people have been really, really terrific. Gain access to exclusive documentaries, series and special briefings. It’s free to start, so go to newsmaxplus. com now to sign up and watch Newsmax anytime, anywhere. On January 7, 2021.

They tried to silence our voices forever as 1. 2 million Americans were deplatformed, including our great real president, Donald Trump. It’s been three long years of fighting to save our country and secure our elections, but now our voice is bigger than ever. God has blessed me with frankspeech. com and our courageous Lindale TV lineup with Emerald Robinson, Steve Bannon and the great Lou Dobbs, along with hundreds of other hosts.

We want you to be informed and involved as we work to save our country. So watch our epic lineup on Lindell tv@frankspeech. com. Thank you and God bless. What if a country financed terror and undermined american security? Would you support sanctions? Imagine a nation collaborating against U. S. Interests with Iran, breaking international laws. Should sanctions follow? Consider a country engaged in espionage, manipulating academic institutes, and violating human rights.

Is it time for sanctions? There is one country guilty of all these sanctions on Qatar now. Hey, everyone, it’s Matt Schlap, and we’ve already got our dates for CPAC 2025 right here in the Gaylord Hotel. Go to our website, cpac. org 2025, and get signed up today, you America is under attack. Our families are being crushed under the politics of a radical agenda. But moms have had enough.

We are standing up and we are fighting back. This is our battle. This battle is every bit as important as the revolutionary war because we fight for the same thing. Moms for America is a national movement of moms, reclaiming our culture for truth, family, freedom and the Constitution. I think moms for America is exactly on track and is doing the right thing for the future of our country and our children.

Like moms for America is going at the heart of the issue. But I am honored to join moms for America today as we speak out against the horrific mandates. With a national network of over a half a million mothers, Moms for America is one of the fastest growing movements of women in the country. The most dangerous place in all of nature is between a mama bear and her baby cub.

We are the change. No matter what, no matter where, and no matter how difficult the obstacles are that are facing us and our families, we will not give up and we will not give in. So if not now, then win. If not you, then, too. Welcome to the mumled revolution. If you’re having fun this year, just wait for CPAC 2025. You can get your tickets now. Go to cpac.

org 2025. See you there. Make ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former presidential candidate, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswami. It’s great to see you guys. How about Javier Malay Afuera? We need to bring some of that to the United States of America. So I was coming out here, we’re talking backstage. I said, make some news. Say something that’s actually announced something today. So I was thinking about what I wanted to say, and I said this last night at the Reagan dinner.

We are in the middle of a war in this country. It’s not a war between black and white, as the media would have you believe. It’s not even a war between Democrat or Republican or man or woman or whatever. It is a war between those of us who love the United States of America and our founding ideals and a fringe minority who hates this country and what we actually stand for.

And right now, more than ever, we need a commander in chief who is going to lead us to victory in that war. And that man is Donald J. Trump, the next 47th president of the United States of America. And I say this as somebody who ran against him in the primary. It is now time to make sure we elect that commander in chief. And so my announcement today, and I think every republican candidate, honestly, at the national level, should follow, is that look for any super PAC or c four or whatever entity that supported me during that campaign.

I’m publicly calling on them to use their resources to support Donald J. Trump in his reelection effort. And I want every other republican candidate who ran for president to do the same thing, because we are not working with a lot of time here. If my kids are in high school, before we get this right, I don’t think we have a country left. That’s not exaggeration. Last night, I gave a speech about the founding fathers.

And today, this morning, I’m with my son, and we were supposed to go to a dinosaur museum this morning. We had the tickets purchased and everything. I talked about the founding fathers last night, though, and we scrapped that plan. We’re in Washington, DC. I took him to see the monuments. We went to the Washington monument. We went to the Jefferson Memorial. And the thing we teach him about Thomas Jefferson isn’t that, oh, this man was a slaveholder, or whatever it is the left wants us to say, as the actual slaves to this new psychology, but to say that this was the man who said that all men are created equal, endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights among these, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

That’s what we need to teach that next generation. You see, our America first movement, we love the man who revived it in 2016, but it didn’t start in 2016. It started in 1776. And if our founding fathers were alive today, what would they say to us? That you have another 250 years and then some still left, but you’re going to have to step up and seize it for yourself.

You don’t get it automatically. You don’t get to just inherit the blessings of liberty. You have to fight for it. Every generation has learned that time and again. This is our 1776 moment right now. This is our moment. Step up and seize it. We use words like America first, and I’m an America first conservative. I know many of you are, too. But what does it mean to put America first? To me, it means two things.

Two basic things. One is that we, the people, create a government that is accountable to us, not the other way around. That the people who we elect to run the government ought to be the ones who actually run the government, not the shadow government in the deep state that’s pulling the strings today. So if there’s one thing that Donald Trump, I have full confidence, is going to get done as the next US president, it will be to finally tame that bureaucracy, shut down that deep state.

That is what draining the swamp is all about. Here’s how we’re going to do it. Get in there and fire 75% of federal bureaucrats actually shut down government agencies that should no longer exist. Fire people who have done a bad job in their positions. Eight year term limits for the bureaucrats who were never elected to their positions in the first place. This is how you finally drain the swamp.

And that’s the first one. The people we elect to run the government should run the government. And the second one is this. The moral duty of our leaders. The first and only moral duty of our leaders is to the citizens of this nation, not any other one. The citizens of the United States of America. And I say this as the kid of legal immigrants to this country. That means your first act of entering this country cannot break the law.

And that is why we need to use our own military to secure our own southern border and our northern border, too. That’s what it means to stand for the rule of law. It means we complete that wall. It means we stop funding Central America until they’ve stopped the flow of migrants, stop funding federal sanctuary cities, actually end birthright citizenship for the kids of illegal migrants, because it does not apply to them under the constitution.

And you know what? If we’ve had the largest influx of migrants into our country in american history, then, yes, it is time to have the largest mass deportation in american history as well. That’s not racist. That’s not xenophobic. Look at me. People that’s what it means to stand for the rule of law in the United States of America. That’s not too much to ask. The people we elect to run the government should run the government.

And the moral duty they owe is to the citizens of this nation, not any other one. And the fact that’s become controversial tells you all you need to know about where we are as a country. We are lost. I’m the youngest person ever to run for U. S. President in our party. And I can tell you about our generation. Love the young people over here. I heard you cheering earlier for President Trump as well.

You guys are going to make the difference this year. Believe me. The guys here know what they’re talking about. The guys who are their age group around this country, they’re lost, hungry for direction, for purpose, for meaning in this country. At a moment in our national history when the things that used to fill that void, faith in God, patriotism, hard work, family, these things have disappeared. And when you have a moral vacuum that runs that deep, that’s when the poison fills the void.

And we sometimes obsess over the poison too much. Right? One at a time. Wokism, transgenderism, climatism, covidism, globalism, zelenskyism. The list goes on. All right? But the question is, how do we actually defeat it? And these are symptoms of that deeper void. And I think now’s our moment as a movement to now grow up because we got a trick hiding in plain sight. I’ll tell you what the trick is.

See, we spend a lot of our time, I do this on tv, too. I do this in the campaign. So I make the same mistake criticizing Joe Biden and the radical agenda. I want you to mark my words. Today, they are leading us into a trap because Joe Biden is not going to be the nominee. That’s the hard truth. So part of me, I want to come here and hit Biden in the ten x 10 minutes before we wrap this up.

And that’s easy to do. In some ways, that’s what they want us to do because that’s money spent, that is airtime spent, political capital, with our electorate going after one man, which as late into this cycle, once the trials start, once the lawfare continues. And it’s disgusting what we’re seeing in this country, the weaponization of a justice system against one man that is decided by hell or high water, they have to stop him from reentering the White House.

It’s a disgusting system, but they’re delaying that right in the spring, maybe even the early summer to then move the old man Biden out of the way and prop up a new puppet who they can control. You gotta skate to where the puck is going. So who’s it going to be? People ask, is it going to be Gavin Newsom? Who cares? Michelle Obama. That solves their Kamala Harris problem, doesn’t it? This is the trap we can’t fall into.

And here’s how we beat that. This isn’t about who we’re running against. It’s about what we actually stand for. That’s what we need to step up and revive as a conservative movement. We are not just running from something anymore. We are running back to something, to our vision of what it means to be an American in the year 2024. And to me, it means we believe in the ideals of 1776, ideals like merit and the pursuit of excellence, that you get ahead in this country not on the color of your skin, but on the content of your character and your contributions.

That’s why we’re going to end the DEI agenda. Affirmative action group quota. That’s what we need to do in every area of our life. It’s killed our national soul, and we got to be done with. It means we stand for that rule of law. We build that wall. We secure that military on our southern border, that we drain the swamp. Kill that fourth branch of government, put it back where it came from.

Basic ideals that unite all of us. And these aren’t black ideas or white ideas. These aren’t even Democrat ideas or republican ideas. I could tell you I traveled to the south side of Chicago during my campaign. I went to Kensington in the inner city of Philadelphia. My campaign advisors tell me you’re wasting your time and money. Why are you doing this? And given that I got all of 8% of the Iowa caucus, they were probably right.

But I’ll tell you what I learned, because I think it’s going to help us at the general election, is that forget the old language of the republican party, the principles I’m talking about right here, of putting our own national interests first. To say that America first includes every american, black or white, man or woman, south side of Chicago to California. That’s a message that I think will deliver us a landslide of what Reagan delivered in 1980.

That’s what we could do again this year in 2024. If we make this about what we are running for, not about Joe Biden or whichever other puppet that we’re running against. I’ll tell you something. Thank you. I know most of you in this room probably agree with me that we should not be forking over $200 billion of our own taxpayer money so some ukrainian kleptocrat can buy a bigger house, which is exactly what we’re doing.

That we should be using our own military to protect our own southern border rather than to actually fork it over to protect somebody else’s border halfway around the world. But I’ll tell you something that I learned in this campaign is I know you got some of you applauded for that. Thank you very much. I have not been in a room in this campaign that agreed with me more than a room full of 90 95% black audience.

I was told it’s 150% Democrat on the south side of Chicago who’s rightly asking the question, what about me right here? When I went to the south side of Chicago and we see that they’re converting a local school, South Shore high school, into an encampment for migrants spending $7,000 per migrant per month, people in that community are rightly asking, what the heck about me? So this is our opportunity.

Say Republican, the mind closes. Say you’re going to put America first. Well, you know what? America first includes all Americans. That’s how we’re going to win this election in a landslide and deliver that moral mandate of who we are as a people. Epluribus unum means from many one. You see, that’s what we’ve lost in this country. We’ve been taught to celebrate our diversity and our differences so much that we forgot all of the ways that we’re really the same as Americans, bound by that common set of ideals that set this country into motion 250 years ago.

I believe those ideals still exist. They’re not going to for much longer. But I think we’re still in that last window. We have a chance to revive those ideals. Without that, think about it. What are we? Bunch of different looking two legged higher mammals with a bunch of different shades of melanin walking some geographic space that we call a country, doing what our iPhones tell us to do on a given day.

That’s not America. America is a vision of what that place can be, and that’s what we’ve lost in the this country. But it’s up to us to revive it. You think about that next generation. I love all the young people I see in this audience. I said this at the beginning of the campaign. It was controversial. I’m going to say it again right now. I hope you all agree with me.

I think every high school senior who graduates from high school should have to pass the same civics test that every immigrant has to pass in order to become a voting citizen of this country. You got to know something about a country to have pride in that country. You got to have skin in the game to play in the game. That’s what our founding fathers understood 250 years ago.

That’s what we got to revive today. Public service is about serving the public, not about serving yourself. So I need to look the congressman in the eye and tell them, you don’t need to be trading individual stocks during your public service time. Ban that for congressmen. End the lobbying, end the corruption. We bring people along left to right. It doesn’t matter, because it’s about what it actually means to be a citizen of this nation.

And you want to know how we get this country back? How do we get those ideals back? I’ll tell you. This is how. The best measure of our country’s health, is it the number of green pieces of paper in our bank account? Is it the number of ballots that get cast every November? These things are important, but it’s not the most important thing. The best measure of our country’s health is the percentage of people who feel free to say what they actually think in public.

Right now, we’re doing poorly. The only way we’re going to do better is by all of us, not just me, not just Donald Trump, all of us starting to speak the truth in the open again. Say in public what you will say in private at the dinner table. Say it with a spine, say it with conviction, say it with respect. But part of respect is that you respect your neighbor enough to tell him what you actually think.

Not some fairy tale, made up, wokewashed version of it. That’s what it actually means to be an american. So it’s not going to be some political messiah coming from on high to save us. It’s not going to work that way. If we’re going to be saved, it is going to be because we save ourselves. Every one of us has to do our part. Look ourselves in the mirror.

Ask yourself what you’re going to do this year to make a country for our children. That’s not the same country, but the one greater than the one that we grew up in. That’s each of our charge. It’s not just Donald Trump’s job, it’s your job. It’s every one of our job to do our part, to stand up and speak the truth, speak the truth without apology, speak it with a spine.

So we’re doing it every step in this movement, it’s what’s going to get us to the finish line. The truth that God is real, that there are two genders, that fossil fuels are a requirement for human prosperity so we can drill, frack, burn coal, embrace nuclear energy. That reverse racism is racism. That an open border is not a border, that parents determine the education of their children, that the nuclear family isn’t a bad word.

It’s the greatest form of governance known to mankind. That capitalism lifts us up from poverty. That there are three branches of government in the United States, not four, and that the US Constitution is the strongest and greatest guarantor of freedom in human history. That is the truth. We fight for the truth. We stand up for the truth. That is what won us the american revolution. That is what reunited us after the civil war.

That is what won us two world wars and the cold War. That is what still gives hope to the free world. And if we can revive that dream over group identity and victimhood and grievance, then nobody in the world, not a nation, not a corporation, not a virus, not China, is going to defeat us. That is what american exceptionalism is all about. And that is what we will revive this year to save our great country.

Thank you all. God bless you and your families, and may God bless our United States of America. Thank you, guys. God bless you. Thank you. Newsmax has been terrific. President Trump is right. Millions are switching to Newsmax. It’s the fastest growing streaming service in America. You don’t need those woke streaming services anymore. Just get Newsmax. Plus watch the best shows like Greg Kelly, Rob Schmidt, Greta van Sustrin, and Eric Bowling.

Greg Kelly over at Newsmax. The Newsmax people have been really, really terrific. Gain access to exclusive documentaries, series, and special briefings. It’s free to start, so go to newsmaxplus. com now to sign up and watch Newsmax anytime, anywhere. If you’re having fun this year, just wait for CPAC 2025. You can get your tickets now. Go to cpac. org 2025. See you there. Sources out there that are saying that Iran, their goal is to draw the US into this broader conflict.

There’s no question that not only did the iranian parliament come out and start saying death to Israel, you know that they’ve chanted death to America. They hate us. They hate our culture. They hate what we stand for, which is that of freedom and religious freedom. And for them, they want to take us down. And the mere fact is you have a commander in chief right now who is hiding in the basement, that needs to be out there every single day, answering the tough questions.

Instead, they basically say that climate change remains the most important national security crisis that we’re facing. They have caved in time and time again to Iran while knowing that they are funding Hezbollah. They sent over $100 million, that is Iran, to Hamas and over $700 million to Hezbollah. Clearly, it is about sponsoring terrorism. Clearly, it is about destroying our strongest ally, Israel and then America. Ladies and gentlemen, God’s children are not for sale.

Please welcome president and founder of movie Mienzo, Viva Mexico, Eduardo Verastigue, former CEO of Operation Underground railroad, Tim Ballard, and investigative journalist Nancy Ross. Thank you. Wow. Wow. CPAC, what an honor, these distinguished guests. And it’s a heavy topic, but I’m so grateful so many of you have stayed for this. And I wish we could pull up a chair for President Trump. Right? Because nobody has done more to fight human trafficking and child sex trafficking than President Trump.

I wish he could be here, but we’re pulling for him in South Carolina. And what a journey. I mean, this is, I do believe, the greatest crime in the history of humanity. But we have hope, and we’re here because we have hope because of these two superheroes, which I’m just so honored to sit with tonight. Thank you. Thank you. Tell us. It was less than a year ago.

This is only my second CPAC, and here I am. And it was the sound of freedom premiere in Washington, DC. And I went. I’d been waiting for the movie to come out. I was praying for its production. And I know what, like, Amazon and Netflix, and people wouldn’t put it on. They would not air this movie because, as you know, this is all a conspiracy, right? So the movie comes out.

CPAC says they’re starting a center to combat human trafficking. I said, I’m in. Whatever I can do to help in any small way. These gentlemen, tell us about this incredible success of the movie in just less than a year. Well, thank you, Nancy. And I want to thank Matt and mercy for this invitation. I want to thank each one of you for supporting our film, sound of freedom.

God bless you. Thank you so much. I want to thank President Bukele, President Milay from Argentina, and, of course, President Trump for supporting this film and so many other celebrities, actors, and political leaders who support this movement. Because sound of freedom is not just a movie. It’s a movement. It’s a global movement with global solutions to end this horrible tragedy, which is child trafficking. This movie was rejected by Hollywood for five years.

The experts, the professionals, they told us, this movie is not going to work. Nobody will see a movie about child trafficking. Five years rejected. They didn’t believe in the movie. But you know who believe in the movie? The people. The people. And the people said, enough is enough. God’s children are not for sale. Amen. And I believe with all my heart that together we will end this horrible, terrible reality.

I was praying for an angel to come and save this movie after five years being rejected. And next thing you know, I received a phone call from Angel Studios. Prayers are very powerful, and we signed an agreement with them last year in April. And the movie came out on July 4, Independence Day. I told in your studios, you guys are crazy. Have you seen the calendar? Right? The biggest films of the year are coming out that day.

We are just independent filmmakers. We’re mexican filmmakers. Yes, you’re mexican filmmakers. Alejandro Monteverde. And you, and you, Eduardo, come to the United States and celebrate Independence Day. Celebrate freedom with one hand, but with the other hand, you have to tell us, let’s bring freedom to those children who are not free right now. This is a global problem, especially in the US. It’s the number one consumer of child sex in the world.

Mexico, because of the location, is the number one provider. 21,000 children disappear in Mexico every year. This is the official numbers that the government tell us. I think it’s a lot more, probably a lot more, right? More than 21,000 children that are being raped ten to 15 times a day for many years until they don’t want them anymore because they’re not fresh meat anymore. That’s the vocabulary that these perverts use.

What happened to many of these children later they opened them and sell their organs. When you hear things like this, you cannot look the other way around. I remember when Tim told me when we started this mission eight years ago. Are you sure you want to commit to do this, Eduardo? Yes. Are you sure? I have a lot of enemies, man. We have a lot of enemies. And those enemies will be yours.

Are you sure? And I remember closing my eyes and I said, what if this is my son? What if this is my daughter? What if this is my nephew? What would I do? I will do anything, anything to find my nephew, my niece or my boy, my son, my daughter. And I will hope that the entire world would put pause in what they’re doing so they can help me to find my son or my daughter.

Well, that’s the motivation. I don’t have to wait until this happened to me. I’d rather do something now so never happen to me and to anybody. Else we need to do something. So I told him, brother, shake my hand. I welcome your enemies. We’re in this together. I don’t care about the persecution. I don’t care about the persecution, because, again, God’s children are not for sale. And I will give my life to angel trafficking, because your children are my children.

And I will give my life for your children. Thank you, Eduardo. Thank you. As you said, it’s 150,000,000,000 plus billion dollar a year industry, the fastest growing industry, surpassing the drug trade and the sex trade, has been around since the beginning of time. But this evil Tim, I mean, the persecution has got to be off the charts for both of you. Yeah, I mean, I’m happy that we finally get to share enemies.

And, yeah, you see it from the beginning of the film, when we tried to get it out, no one would take it. And then once it got out, immediately we’re being told lies about the film, that it’s QAnon adjacent, whatever that means. The film was made and done before the term QAnon was ever even published or out there. So they lost that debate really fast. But they’ll just keep coming up to stop the information from getting out there.

And there’s a war on children right now from our southern border to our classrooms, education, so many things that children are being attacked. It’s a spiritual battle as well. And that’s the thing, I think they didn’t want to talk about. And the sound of freedom would force a conversation that they didn’t want to have, especially about the southern border, where tens of thousands of kids have disappeared into the belly of the United States, which is the number one consumer of child rape videos in the world.

So this is not the place you want to be a child unaccompanied in our country. And they’re given no respect, no regard. They just come in, don’t vet the people claiming to be sponsors, and they let them ride in. In fact, I would go so far as to say that unwittingly, our own agencies on the border, again, not because they want to, because they’re being told by the administration they have become a child sex trafficking delivery service.

Because these kids just show up and they’re unaccompanied, and they have, like, a phone number of the sponsor. They have to call the number, and they send the kid away. That’s how easy it is. I had the opportunity last summer to bring on my podcast, Eduardo Verstagui and President Trump. We were at Bedminster, and I kind of surprised I was interviewing President Trump, and I saw Eduardo said, come over here, I got a question for you.

And I want him to answer it again. I said, you’re both running for president, right? This guy’s running for president of Mexico. Thank you. And I asked them, I said, could you imagine, what would you guys do to stop the issues on our border if you were the president of the United States and you’re the president of Mexico? And do you remember what you said? I told him, Mr.

President, when the good people of Mexico meet with the good people of the United States, when two filmmakers from Mexico, Alejandro Monteverde and myself, meet with Tim and Jinkaviso and the other great heroes in the United States, who wants to end child trafficking? When we work together, we shake hands. What is the result? Sound of freedom. It’s a movement that is assigned to end child trafficking. Now, what happened when the bad people of Mexico meet with the bad people of the United States? When they work together, they shake hands.

What’s the result? Child trafficking. Culture of death, abortion, illegal guns, drugs, death. So we need to work together because we are not just neighbors. We’re brothers and sisters, Mexico and United States. And we need to work together to eradicate all the bad stuff that we do to each other and work together to capitalize all the good stuff that we do to each other. And let’s make Mexico and America great together again.

We can do that. We can do that. But first we need to remove the communist regime that is governing Mexico right now. I’m telling you, if we don’t remove them, these elections, Mexico will become like Venezuela and Cuba together on steroids in the southern border. This is big because we have a communist president right now. Lopez Eldor is a communist president. He doesn’t care about the people of Mexico.

Mexico is not doing well. There’s more poverty, more insecurity, more crime. Sound of freedom led me to register last year as an independent candidate. As an independent candidate for the presidents of Mexico. A few days ago, I just certified. I filed to be certified as an independent president of Mexico. In a few days, they will let me know. And they’re trying to block you. Of course we have the signatures.

They stole my signatures. They’re trying to obstruct me. They’re blocking us. If I’m not going to be certified in a few days, I’m going to take them to court. And if it’s necessary, to the International Inter American Commission of Human Rights. Because we need to kick down these communists. They are raping our country. For decades. There is no democracy in Mexico. We have seven political parties. They’re all the same.

There’s no opposition. There’s no opposition. It’s like, imagine here, all of a sudden, Kamala Harris become the republican candidate against Hillary Clinton as a Democrat. It would be a joke, right? Well, that’s the joke, that it’s happening in Mexico right now. And we’re praying for you, for your success, for the people of Mexico, Tim, for you, your family. And we stand together in this fight because we know it’s going to take not only men of God, but an army of God, right? All of us in this, and we’ve got God on our side.

So we know the end. We pray and we hope. We were talking earlier about another production, possibly, or more documentaries because we know it’s not just the southern border and we know trafficking is in child protective services. I was told 70% of foster kids in Virginia the other day, a woman was telling me, end up being trafficked. So we know we’ve got to expose this beyond just. We need to do more than one movie.

We need to do thousands of movies and documentaries and books and everything, because one movie is not enough. One movie is not enough. So I hope that you become ambassadors of freedom and pray to God and ask him, what can I do? What can I do? How can I use my talents to make this world a better place for the children so they can have freedom? There is more slavery today than when slavery was legal.

And many of those slaves are children. How can you sleep with that information? Evil triumphs when good people remain silenced and when good people remain silenced. They’re not good people anymore because they’re part of the problem. So let’s pray. And please pray for me. I’m praying every day. I’m asking God and our Lady Guadalupe to help me with the majority of the mexican people to rescue Mexico. And you have to do the same for United States.

These elections are very important, very important here and in Mexico. That’s why, again, we need to work together through bilateral efforts. We can make again Mexico and United States great together. We can do that. We can do that. But first we need to hold the hand of God and ask him to help us to do that, because we can’t do that alone. There’s no way we can do that alone.

But we’re not alone. God plus one is an army, and it’s more than one here. Thank you. Thank you. And tell us, where can they follow you? Best place online on social media to follow your work in the election, social media, Instagram, Eduardo verastic, which, by the way, they blocked me, too. Oh, gosh. By the way, if it was not enough in those 120 days where I was raising my signatures all of a sudden on Instagram, are you sure you want to follow this Eduardo Verasi who puts false information, blah, blah, blah, blah.

In the meantime, they’re allowing child, you know, when removed according after the 120 days. Very convenient. Wow. These people are professional criminals working in a very organized way. But you know what? I love my country. They can’t stop us. No, they won’t. They will have to kill me to stop me, because I’m going to give my life. I’m going to sacrifice everything for Mexico, because I love my country.

I love Mexico, and I will do whatever is in my hands to save my people. Bless you. Biba Mexico. Thank you. Biba Mexico. Social media. Biba stados unidos. Biba la liberta. Yolos bendiga. Thank you. And we’ll follow Tim as well on social media. God bless these great men. Thank you. Thank you. The old civil rights adage goes, no justice, no peace. What we have to prepare for is we’re going to see this propaganda spread even further in the media outlets.

In the mainstream media outlets. What’s happening right now is in a greater context of one of the greatest crimes against humanity, which is an apartheid regime. The israeli government is what has fueled this, and there Israel that is occupying the Palestinians, not the other way around. And it’s basically like living, Alex, in an open air prison. I think Hamas mainly attacked military establishments, military installations. You can’t condemn women and children and elderly people.

What about you condemn it? I already said. Why can’t you say yes? Because I already gave you my answer. You didn’t give an answer. And I think anybody who watches would understand what you’re three people that are going to watch you. Once Israel moves forward with an offensive strategy in eradicating a Hamas, they’re going to be viewed as the killers. Support Israel’s rights to defend themselves against. Hamas is a political movement that was elected.

The justification of the violence is the occupation. Palestinians are leading a freedom movement. Amass is a movement. And then you fight back for that, and you stand for your right. That does not make you a terrorist. That makes you a defender. A lot of them were very disappointed when the United States moved its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Again, I think that Hamas decided that now, to amass these capabilities and to carry out this attack, they need to bring more attention in the region.

And globally to what they consider to be their plight. Palestinians are the people who have been protesting nonviolently to prevent the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. This is the most extreme fundamentalist, right wing supremacist government in the history of the state of Israel. Israel is notorious for creating propaganda and did not give rapes. No. Netanyahu is basically running his own narrative of what he wants to excuse himself. How does killing and genociding and holocausting all the Palestinians of the apartheid state of Israel, which has no legitimate reason for existing? I mean, hear me out.

We striked first because we wanted our land back. And that’s what people do when they want the thing back. You guys are associating that Hamas is a terrorist organization. It’s a resistance. And then you have the left cheering for the violence, cheering for the killing of civilians, calling for more, chanting in the streets. There’s only one solution. There is only one solution. Israel is a terrorist state. Absolute mosque.

A job well done. Fuck a terrorist. What is it, like a motorcycle club or. Sweet. Every single thing they have done is justified. It was exhilarating. It was exhilarating. It was energetic. Okay, but this challenge, but this shifting of a balance of. He would just be wood. I fucking do it. Dang. Empty, Donna. Empty door. We will honor all our martyrs. We will honor all our martyrs. Okay, all of us, come up.

Thank you. Fuck Israel. No problem. Fuck this round. I’d like to know who’s funding the students for justice for Palestine and where this money’s coming from that’s creating this propaganda that’s infiltrating our academic institutions, our media institutions, and trying to drive this anti jewish message. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome former director of the White House, National Trade Council, Peter Navarro. Just two shout outs. One, I want to thank Matt Schlap for the opportunity to come here.

It’s been a while since I’ve been at CPAC, but it’s a great honor to be with you and shout out to pixie. It’s her birthday, and I wish you were here, love. All right, now I’m going to get really serious. Most serious. 6 minutes you’re going to have, I think, probably, in this whole thing. But you need to hear this. And what I’m going to talk about is this thing called lawfare that President Trump talked a lot about today.

And I’m going to talk a little bit about it. But this is my judgment, one of the most important things we’re facing. So what is this thing, lawfare? Partisan politics by weaponized justice means look at what’s going on. Democrats Biden, Garland and Smith, Bragg, James and Willis, in a sizable chunk of the radical wing of the Democrat party, not only want to stop Republican Donald Trump from retaking the White House, they want this presidential titan.

And I was there when he was that Titan and providential titan who kept our nation in prosperity and out of war for four beautiful years. They want him to die cruelly in prison. We must face that reality. If you don’t believe, they may well succeed, just look at my own situation as I stand before you on this stage as a former high ranking Trump official, now just weeks away from a prison cell, the parallels between my own and Trump’s case are indeed striking.

I am the first senior White House advisor ever convicted of contempt of Congress. Trump is the first former president ever to be criminally indicted. I was put in leg irons by armed FBI agents who far more easily could have asked for my voluntary surrender. Trump was the target of an equally unnecessary armed FBI raid on Mar a Lago. I was indicted by the Biden Garland Department of Justice.

Despite a more than 50 year policy against compelled congressional testimony by senior White House officials like me, DOJ’s hypocrite prosecutors would falsely argue to my jury that I had acted above the law when they knew damn well I was simply honoring the Constitution, fulfilling my oath of office, and obeying the law the Department of Justice’s own office of legal Counsel had long articulated and supported. Now, here’s the deal.

Listen carefully. Trump likewise faces a dizzying array of charges in more than 700 years in prison, based on equally novel and baseless applications of laws and statutes that have been tortured and twisted by partisan prosecutors. Then there is this. You must know this. Every single major actor in the prosecutions of both me and Trump are what? Democrats? Yet the Democrats and their useful partisan idiots in the legacy media, aka the fake news, want you to believe our prosecutions are not political.

No, nothing to see here. In my case, a Democrat House majority held me in contempt on an overwhelmingly partisan vote. A Democrat controlled Department of Justice indicted and prosecuted me. A heavily skewed Democrat jury right here in the District of Columbia, featuring members who had expressed anti Trump’s sentiments in voir deer convicted. Trump similarly has been indicted solely by Democrats. Here’s the deal. The probability of the former president getting a jury broadly reflective of the american electorate is near zero in the bluest of blue cities of where? Washington, DC, Manhattan and Atlanta.

Then there is this. And this was a big surprise to me. The utter repudiation in both our cases of Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall’s admonition that every defendant has the right to what? To a full and fair defense. By the time my case got to the jury, the judge had stripped me of every possible defense, thereby making my conviction a foregone conclusion. As my attorney said, that can’t be the law.

But it was in that court. I see the same process unfolding now as I follow the myriad Trump court cases across multiple jurisdictions. Democrat appointed judges are systematically stripping away the full, fair, and rightful defenses of Trump. As I ready myself for a prison cell, my question to all of you here is this. What are you going to do as you leave CPAC to protect your own right to vote for Donald Trump if you choose? Just what are you going to do to throw those rascals out who, just a few short miles away from us in the White House and on Capitol Hill and at the FBI and the Department of Injustice, are doing so much damage to our economy, our border, our national security, and ultimately, you know what? Our political institutions, civility, and social fabric as we hurdle now towards a November 2024 election where the differences between the parties and candidates are so stark.

Make no mistake about that. And the stakes are so high, we are indeed in the middle of a ferocious and often vicious fight where losing is not an option. For if we lose, we will surely lose this country. You know that. I know that. If we lose, we will surely lose this country. Therefore, and I’m so glad you came to CPAC, this is the place you must get involved in.

The candidate of Steve Bannon, who you’re about to see. What does that mean? What does that involvement means? It means action. Action, action. And both Steve Bannon’s war room and the beautiful CPAC that mercy Schlap and Matt Schlap have brought to you can help show you the way in concrete ways. I’m Peter Navarro. I will see you all on the other side. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome host of War room, Steve Bannon.

Um. Onward to victory. Onward to victory. Onward to victory. Is there anything going to stop us from winning on 5 November of 2024? I can’t hear you. Is anything going to stop us? Today, in this very hall, the greatest president of the 20th and 21st century sat here and said he’s a political dissident. He’s persecuted. That is a mark upon our country, because it’s absolutely true. 100% true.

And why is he a dissident? You know why? Because he gave us three years of peace and prosperity before he was hit with a chinese bioweapon and they stole the 2020 election media. I want you to suck on this. I want the White House to suck on this. You lost in 2020. Donald Trump is the legitimate president of the United States. You. Trump won. Trump won, Trump won, Trump won, Trump won, Trump won.

You know how we know categorically that Trump won now? Because the New York Times and MSNBC and the Washington Post understand we’re about to out them, right? We’re going to adjudicate this after victory. If Biden actually won, he would be a revered hero to them. If Kamala Harris had really been the wingman, she’d be a revered hero. The New York Times is throwing Biden under the bus every day and backing him up over him.

That shows you they know he’s an illegitimate regime head. He’s a usurper in 1600 Pennsylvania avenue. Whoo. To every working class Democrat and populace in the democratic party, when we get to the White House and go through and adjudicate the fact that 2020 was stolen and this illegitimate regime, what they’ve done to destroy this country, nobody that loved this country would do what he’s doing to the country.

Would they? Would any. But think about it for a second. What if our framers came back here, came back today and saw 10 million illegal alien invaders that they have gamed the system to bring here. Nobody. Give me that again, ma’am. Lock them up. All of them. Garland, Ray Biden, all of them majorcas. What they did to this country is unforgivable and we will not forget it and we will never forgive it until justice is done.

It’s now, some of our folks may say justice in this case is retribution. I will let that be defined as we go forward, but we’re not going to back off this president. Donald J. Trump is the greatest president of the 20th and 21st century for, think about it for a second. When they stole the election and he went back to Mar a Lago, he could have played the game.

He could have been part of the system. He could have gotten the big book deal and had the memorial films made about him, know, built more golf courses and had a life of leisure as a billionaire should have and deserved with his beautiful family. What did he do? He came back to lead his country and say, I’m not going to let him steal this election and I’m not going to ever let them destroy the United States of America.

Like the great roman general Cincinnati, he has returned from the plow to save his country. Only two other men in the history of this republic, General Washington in the revolution and the foundation and Abraham Lincoln in the civil war have the personal fate and destiny of an individual be inextricably linked to the fate and destiny of this republic. Donald John Trump is the third person, and his fate and destiny is to have the greatest political comeback in american history.

And on November 5, to drive the vermin out of 1600 Pennsylvania avenue, biden, you and your crime family are nothing but trash, okay? And on the 20 January of 2025, we’re going to take out the trash. There’s no compromise here by 10 million illegal aliens. You got $35 trillion of debt and you’re not going to stop $2 trillion of deficits a year. You’ve stumbled into a kinetic war in the eurasian landmass.

You got two carrier battle groups in the Red Sea protecting the elites of Europe and putting our sailors at risk. You’ve got a third world war, we got dead eye controls going to destroy and bankrupt this republic. And you have an invasion of 10 million illegal alien invaders and migrant crimes out of control. And the people being destroyed are the black and hispanic working class in this country, and we’re not going to allow it.

Every black person, every hispanic citizen, our country, vote for Trump. Trump will set you free. Because right now they’re enslaving you. They call you racist, they call you xenophobe, they call you nativist. Nothing can be farther from the truth because they can’t win the intellectual argument. What they have to do is try to smear you and you don’t care, because you know that’s not true. And the facts are not true.

The facts are not true. And that is what Trump’s program is. That’s his biggest crime. You know why they want to send him to prison for 700 years? You know why they want to bankrupt him, take all his money away. 500 million dollar would fine right now. Take him off the ballot. Defamation charges every day all over the place, from Atlanta to DC. You heard Peter Navarro lay it all out.

You know what his crime is and not the things they’re charging him with. That’s all crap. And you know it’s crap. And they know it’s crap. His crime is that he put you in the room in DC, in the imperial capital, not in the room, not in the deal. He put the american working man and woman in the room and at the head of the table, and they hate him for it.

They think he’s a traitor to the ruling class of this country. You’ve seen with the sound of freedom, folks, up here and throughout the day, throughout the week, the crimes not just of this administration, but the crimes of the Federal Reserve, the crimes of the big investment banks, the overlords of easy money on Wall street, the tech oligarchs, the combination that think they’re the ruling class in this country.

Will Donald Trump in the MAGA movement say you’re not? And on November 5, we’re going to have an up or down vote on that. And my money is on the american people in the MAGA movement and Donald John Trump, to turf you out and to break your grip on the greatest nation on earth. This is a crusade of righteousness. Are you with us? Are you with us? Are we onward to victory? Will anything stop you? Are you onward to victory? Are you onward to victory? Are you onward to victory? When you set out to take Vienna, take Vienna.

Thank you. Hang on for 1 second. We have one bit of unfinished business. We’ve done all the speeches, all the talking. We need to find out now who MAGA wants to ride shotgun with President Trump. Jim McLaughlin, Matt Schlap, come on out, let’s hear this poll and let’s see some reality. Thank you very much. That’s not how Jeb Bush testified. Now that was red. Wow. Steve, you got any energy left? It was the energy, but Matt, it was the energy that you set the platform up that you folks, look, it’s been a long, what, four days? You’re still here after you got here.

Most of you got here at seven, eight in the morning. That’s the grit and determination and custardness we need for victory, is it not? They can’t defeat us. You think that? Can the media beat you? Can the democratic radical democrats beat you? Can all Wall street and tech, can all those wimps and pencil necks beat you? Have you not been handed victory after victory after victory for twelve or 13 generations? Are you going to disappoint the people that came before us and allow this republic to be something different? Come on, Jimmy.

Come on, Jimmy. You want me to follow that? Holy moly, this is tougher. Can you imagine my wife was a comms advisor to Donald Trump. Can you imagine a worse job, Steve? Can you imagine Jim McLaughlin is a pollster for Donald Trump? That might be a worse job, actually, although he keeps doing so well that maybe actually being Donald Trump’s pollster at CPAC is really easy. Okay. Very easy.

Tell us, Jim, there’s a lot of interesting questions in this poll. We’re going to roll through it quickly here we. Oh, he’s teasing. That was teasing. Sorry about that. I didn’t realize I was looking for it over here, so they got me. But first off, I just want to thank everybody for actually taking the time to fill out the poll. I know it was a little bit long this year, but that’s because we had a lot of stuff to talk about.

And we want to thank real America’s voice for being a great partner. The home of the war room. That’s right. Rob Sig Parker, sig all Rev. So grateful they backed up Matt Schlap, Jim McLaughlin, and sponsored this poll. Rob couldn’t be here, so I’m his stand in. And let me tell you something, war room was by far the best show here. With all that being said, we had pretty close to a record.

We actually had almost 1500 people take the poll. I was worried because it’s not like we have a competitive republican primary for president right now. So I thought we might have trouble getting people to take the poll. But what did you do? You basically set a record. And by the way, unlike the media, we like election integrity and election security. The only way you guys all know you could take that poll is by putting in your secure pin number.

We believe in voter id. So with that said, we asked you a couple of questions. Not going to give you all the questions, but when we’re done, you can go to the website, you can see all the data, all the questions, and unlike the. We’re not going to hide anything from you. It’s going to be all out there. With that said, we asked folks, we said, who’s your favorite member of Congress? Jim Jordan.

Jim Jordan at 29%. We had Matt Gates at 24, Elise Stefanik at ten, and Byron Donalds at 10%. There were some other folks there, but we want to make sure you can read the chart. Okay. Among the following, who’s your favorite member of the US Senate? Who do we like? JD Vance. JD Vance. We had JD Vance at 21%, Ted Cruz at 20, rand Paul getting 19, Josh Holly at eleven.

I’ll tell you, in spite of some of the stuff the Senate does, we got some pretty darn good senators. And all the good senators. What about the freshman Tommy Tuberville coming on the list? Coach Tuberville doing great things for Alabama and the United States of America. I’ll tell you something, he’s been great. Then we asked folks, most of you don’t necessarily think Joe Biden is going to be the democratic nominee for president.

I wonder what would make them think that. What do you think would make them think that Joe Biden’s not going to be their nominee. So if he’s not going to be their nominee, who do you think is Michael? Oh, no. Michelle Obama. Who do we. Yeah, keep moving. Michelle Obama. Okay. And let me tell you, whether it’s Michelle Obama, whether it’s Gavin Newsom, who, by the way, who wants to turn the United States of America into California, trust me, Donald Trump is going to beat them all.

All right. Then we asked folks, we said, which is more important between the following, to help America’s national security, is it helping to make Israel safe and secure or continuing to fund Ukraine’s fight against Vladimir Putin? Overwhelmingly, they want to make sure Israel is safe, 78 to seven, versus sending money to Ukraine. I’ll tell you, this room gets it. Has anybody’s ever been to Israel? We all understand how important Israel is to our national security, not to mention our jewish brothers and sisters.

Take care of our christian sites over there. All right, so we asked President Trump’s job approval. What do you think it’s going to be? 100. Last year it was 95% and somebody said he went down. Those are the kind of stories, as I told President Trump, I don’t get a 95% job approval rating at my dinner table, let alone from a couple thousand people. So with that said, what’s Donald Trump’s job approval? 96% approved.

He did better than last year. Better than last year. You don’t see numbers like that. Nobody gets. They talk about Republicans and the conservative movement being divided. They’re not divided. When you have a 96% job approval rating, when you come to the leading conservative gathering, not just in America, but in the world, you see all the international folks that are here. 96% job approval is off the charts.

Now, this next question we asked, folks, we said, do you think President Trump is going to be better or he’s going to be worse the second time around? And you just saw that speech. This is something the media doesn’t understand. They don’t understand this. The reason why Donald Trump is so popular is because he had a successful first term. Their lives were better. And it gets even better when they look at it in comparison to Joe Biden.

It’s that simple. It’s because he had a successful issue agenda. So what did he do? What did he do in his speech? He talked almost entirely about issues. And what does he do? He gives us hope. 90% say he’s going to be even better than he was the first time, and 75% say he’s going to be much better. All right. So we had to ask. There’s a rumor going around there’s still a republican primary going on.

That’s what we’ve heard. Okay. We are going to have a south Carolina watch party when we wrap up here. So I guess there is something going on in South Carolina. You’re all invited, by the way, right afterwards. So we had to ask. A ballot between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump, 94 to five. Donald Trump beats Nikki Haley. Now, before I get accused of rigging the poll, just with a show of hands, how many Haley supporters are here? Come on.

If you’re brave. All right. Okay. That’s. All right. How many Trump supporters? All right. That was simple. All right. Since you guys all knew what the answer, you knew Donald Trump was going to be really popular, you knew he was going to beat Nikki Haley easily. This was the fun one. It might be a little tough to read, so I’ll read it for you. But we ask who the VP candidate is going to be.

All right, who do you think? It’s a tie. It’s a tie. Christy nome at 15. Vivek Ramasvami, 15. Tulsi Gabbard, nine. Elise Stefanik, eight. Tim Scott, eight. Byron Donald, seven. Carrie Lake, six. I’m not going to read them all. Not going to read them. But there is one thing I do want to say. Look who’s at the bottom of the list at 2%. Nick, do you draw a conclusion? I draw a conclusion.

I want the media to suck on this right here. You smear these good people, these hardworking people, right? They come here of their own free will, and they’re free men and women, and they just voted for who they think should ride shotgun in the hardest election over the next nine months. And who they pick? Either folks of color or women. Top eight, right? Show me the racism in there.

Show me the sexism in there. You’re nothing but a bunch of liars, okay? And we’re going to prove every day you’re a liar. And on November 5, we’re going to rub your nose in your defeat. Can I just finish with one last thing? And I promise I’ll keep it short. Anybody know how long Donald Trump was supposed to speak today? Anybody know? About a half hour. Trust me, they put in the other half hour.

It’s like the airlines. They know he’s going to come in a little late when you get to see people. And by the way, you know why he’s late? You know why he’s late? He’s not talking to donors. He’s taking pictures and greeting law enforcement. That’s what he does. That’s why nobody knows. They can’t move him along. All the cops, all the law enforcement, sheriffs, they all want to get pictures with him, and he can’t say no, and he goes with them.

So then what does he do? He’s running late. He’s got an election in South Carolina. Mr. President, we got to get you go. He spoke for over an hour and a half. That’s how he feels about CPAC. By the way, Jim, in our 50 plus year history, certainly no president on the day of a primary ever also went to CPAC. Think about that. It’s an amazing sign of appreciation.

He’s expecting loyalty from people. But you know why? It’s because he always shows the loyalty first. When he was down in Mar a Lago, after they’d stolen that election and the republican establishment abandoned him. Right? Abandoned him. CPAC was there for him. When he came to CPAC, Orlando, it was Matt Schlappin, Sadie Schlapp, and you that provided a platform. And you know what he said, my people, you gave him energy.

And that’s why we’re driving to victory in the White House right now because of CPAC in Orlando. Amen. And you remember, the reason he was here on a day like today, as busy as it is, is he takes energy from you, right? You drive him forward, you make him better, you make him tougher. Don’t ever forget, not only do you have his back, you’re the key to his victory.

And by the way, if you’re watching from South Carolina, you got friends in South Carolina. They have another hour to vote because his opponent, you know what they’re doing? They’re turning out democrats. They’re turning out Biden voters, try to sabotage Donald Trump in the republican primary. Don’t let them do it. If you’re from South Carolina, get out and vote. Call your friends and relatives there. Make sure they vote.

Is that the end? That’s it. Can I just tell you, you all helped us make history. We are now concluding CPAC 2024. And I have a question for you. Great job. Do you think globalism is now on the run? Do you think, have they heard from the great swath of wonderful american people? And I tell you now, the job is this South Carolina victory party. We’re finally going to have just a little bit of fun tonight.

I’m hoping we’re sticking a fork in something. And then the hard work begins. Right, Jim? Right, Steve. We’re all going to get out there. And we’re going to take this country back. God bless you all. God bless you. God bless America. In the party about South Carolina. Good job. Ladies and gentlemen, this concludes CPAC 2024, where globalism goes to die. Everyone is welcome to join the South Carolina primary watch party, sponsored by panics, located in the cherry blossom ballroom.

Thank you for attending. .

See more of Judicial Watch on their Public Channel and the MPN Judicial Watch channel.


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