Illuminati’s Plan for Three World Wars
➡ The text discusses a potentially prophetic dream about global conflicts. Originally revealed in a 1925 book by Cardinal Rodriguez, supposedly predicted by General Albert Pike in 1871, the vision outlines three world wars instigated due to political tensions originating from Illuminati actions. Fuelling conflicts between nations and ideologies, the ultimate objective of these wars was to result in the establishment, growth, and fortification of atheistic communism and Zionism, concluding in a final destructive conflict of the Islamic world and Zionism.
➡ The text discusses a theory that involves Albert Pike’s alleged plan of provoking social upheaval by exploiting religious differences, ultimately leading to the manifestation of Lucifer as the savior. Pike’s writing, reportedly prophesying three world wars, has been debated and denied by multiple sources, but continues to be referenced in conspiracy theories about world domination, Freemasonry, and the Illuminati. The text also reflects on Leo Taxil’s infamous hoax against Freemasonry and Catholicism in the late 19th century.
➡ The text discusses an alleged plan by the Illuminati for three world wars, traced back to a misunderstood artifact falsely believed to be held in the British Museum. It also explores conspiracy theories regarding the Bolshevik Revolution, Communism, and supposed misinformation surrounding the attacks on the USS Liberty. The author advocates for healthy skepticism and urges readers to critically evaluate the narratives presented to them.
➡ The text discusses the controversial attack on the USS Liberty, suggesting an alleged conspiracy involving the U.S., Israel, and Egypt hinting at a planned war that was avoided due to a distress signal sent out from the Liberty. This event is believed by some to be far worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis and potentially a catalyst for World War Three. The text also delves into past historical events such as the Balfour Declaration which showed British support for the establishment of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.
➡ The Balfour Declaration was born out of World War I politics as Britain sought the support of international Jewry to add pressure on Russia and the United States to join or stay in the war against the Central Powers. However, the declaration’s ambiguously worded pledge for a Jewish national home in Palestine without undermining non-Jewish communities’ rights stirred tensions, leading to Arab-Jewish confrontations and later Nakba, the displacement of roughly 700,000 Palestinians. Radical Zionist paramilitary groups’ operations like Aragon and the Stern Gang, which employed brutal tactics against Britons and Arab civilians, added to the conflict and division within the Zionist movement. Hence, the Balfour Declaration’s controversial nature became the groundwork for decades of Israeli-Palestinian conflicts.
➡ The speaker is expressing gratitude to his listeners for their support, announcing that Mike King, a notable figure in history, has been invited as a guest on the next show, and looking forward to seeing everyone again the next day.
And welcome to the untold History Channel. My name is Ron Partain. Sorry running a little bit late today, guys. Didn’t actually just had a lot of things happen, and I forgot that I came back from the store, and I forgot that I had left my car open and with stuff that I had to unload. And anyway, life happens, you know, you just things just happen, and you just got to do what you got to do.
So anyway, it caused me to be a couple of minutes late. Sorry for that. If you know me, you know I’m an extraordinarily punctual person. I grew up with the notion of if you’re early, you’re on time, and if you’re on time, you’re late. And so me just being just a couple of minutes late, it kind of gets under my skin. But I’ll forgive myself for this. So anyway, hope everybody’s doing well tonight.
Oh, I see. I didn’t catch Courier X until Sunday afternoon. But you enjoyed it? Good. Glad to hear that you enjoyed it. It seems to me that I got a lot of positive feedback for the Courier X. Very few people had even I don’t know if anybody actually was aware of it prior to prior to me playing it, and I wasn’t even aware of it. A friend of mine shared it with me and said, dude, you got to watch this movie.
And so when I did, I was like, wow, that’s actually really good. It was b acting, but if you can set aside the b acting, the storyline was very captivating. And of course, I’m very familiar with all of those things, the Gary Webb thing. Gary Webb reporting the Dark Alliance article, getting the Pulitzer Prize for it and all about the CIA with the drug running from the contras and Iran Contra and Flight 800.
I wasn’t aware of the Farat guy. If the story is true in the movie, the reason that they shot down TWA Flight 800 was because of this guy Farat. And in the movie, it makes it appear as though and it could be true. I don’t know that a couple of the guys that were in the CIA, they were like, yeah, that’s a lot of sacrifice for one guy.
And we need to make absolutely sure that there are ties to there are ties. And I don’t think that it was so much terrorism ties as it was. The guy probably just knew things that they didn’t want him talking about. My speculation, I don’t know, but could be wrong. So hey, Spartan, how you doing? Sling, how’s it going tonight? We’re going to be there’s if I can talk tonight.
There’s a publication called the Expose. It’s not a very well known publication, but they do some really good work. And they put out a couple of articles recently. One of them was the Pike Mazzini letter, basically going into detail about the Pike Mazini letter, and then the follow up on that is let me go here. The Balfour Declaration allowed Zionist Jews to act as terrorists. A closer look, and I’m going to read both of those articles.
And then there’s a video or a couple of videos actually, that are intertwined with this. So probably get us into an hour and 15 minutes or so for this edition, if you will. So there are about 50 people here, so no time like the present to get started, so let’s do it. All right, so the Albert Pike’s letter outlining the Illuminati’s Plan for three World Wars, is it genuine? And this is by Rhoda.
Wilson on October 21 of 2013. And before I actually play before I do that, I think a good intro because she talks about it right here. In the days following the breakout of violence in Israel and Gaza, greg Reese, producer of the popular Reese Report, published a video outlining the contents of a letter allegedly written by the freemason Albert Pike on 15 August 1871. The very same letter was reported on in 2016 by corporate media outlets the Daily Star, the Dailymailnews.
com Au, and Express Co. UK, a South African newspaper, also reported on it in 2013. So before I go into the article here, let’s go ahead and play the video. Give me a thumbs up if you guys can hear the audio. The infamous Albert Pike letter to Mazzini, known as the Illuminati Plan for Three World Wars, was allegedly okay, so somebody said the sound went out. Let me start something.
Let me start the movie. Let me start it again and see if this fixes it. Actually, I’m going to stop the screen share. Do it again. Can you hear me? Can you guys hear me at all? Give me a five x five if you can hear me. Okay, good. All right, so let’s okay, well, somebody said that they couldn’t hear me, so I wanted to make sure. All right, let me know if you guys can hear this.
The infamous Albert Pike letter to Mazzini, known as the Illuminati Plan for Three World Wars, was allegedly written by Albert Pike in 1871. The letter outlines a plan to foment three world wars in an attempt to take over the world. It is claimed that the letter was on display in the British Museum Library until 1977, but the British Museum denies this claim. Some suggest that the use of the word Nazism in 1871 proves that the letter is a fraud, and others say the same about Zionism.
But Zionism existed back then. Zionism was made official in the late 18 hundreds as a nonreligious nationalist movement, arguing that the Bible was proof that Jews had a lawful claim to the land of Palestine, an area that was currently inhabited by a population that has lived there relatively peacefully for centuries. Around the alleged writing of this Albert Pike letter, jews began immigrating to Palestine with the intention of someday creating a state of Israel which did not happen until 1948.
After World War II and the creation of the United Nations, albert pike joined the fraternal Independent Order of Odfellows in 1840. By 1859, he was elected sovereign grand commander of the Scottish Rights Southern Jurisdiction and remained sovereign grand commander for the rest of his life. He was definitely aware of Zionism and if this Illuminati plan is true, then his use of the word Nazi is plausible. Either way, the letter is worth a read.
And the closer we get to the end game, the more accurate this letter appears to be. The Illuminati plan for three world wars the First World War must be brought about in order to overthrow the tsars in Russia and make that country a fortress of atheistic communism. The divergences caused by agents of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic empires will be used to foment this war. After the war, Communism will be used to destroy other governments and weaken the religions.
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and political Zionism is strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War. International Communism must become strong enough to balance Christendom which would be restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islam. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam and political Zionism mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion.
We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be, without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal but without knowing where to render its adoration will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism both conquered and exterminated at the same time. Whoever wrote this letter had the vision to see where this is all going. By manipulating our beliefs and emotions mankind has been herded into these wars like cattle to the slaughter. Reporting for Infowars, this is Greg Reese. All righty. So that is the Reese report that he did.
It was just a short video on that. Now let me get back to the article that I was reading said, is it genuine? The letter that is claimed to have been written by pike to Giuseppe Mazzini outlines the Illuminati plan for three world wars. The First World War brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the tsars in Russia and of making that country a fortress for atheistic communism.
I think that we can say that know, if you go back and you watch the video that I did about, let’s see here. Let me actually go to my channel library and let’s go back to I think it was a little bit further right in here. Let’s see one more actually. Okay, yeah, right in here. This one right here. Why we fight the Red Menace is very real.
I’ll copy this and I’m going to put it in here. If you guys want to watch something that will literally make your tongue curl, go watch that video. It’s just abhorrent what happened in the Soviet Union to the Christians mostly. It was not a Russian revolution. It’s sold to us as a revolution, but it was not a revolution. It was an invasion of Godless Zionists for the purpose of basically just what they wanted to do was they wanted to create a fortress for atheistic communism.
And that’s what they did. That’s what Russia was. That doesn’t mean that there weren’t good people in um, but if you were a was, it was very hard to be a Christian in Russia. In the Soviet Union, you were targeted and oftentimes killed for your, uh but anyway, I digress. The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the fascists and the political Zionists.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam or the modern Muslim Arabic world and the political Zionism or the state of Israel mutually destroy each other. So basically the Middle East is going to be glass, if you will, everything if you listen to people talk these that’s they advocate for, that we need to turn Iran into glass.
We need to turn all that place, we just need to destroy it. We need to nuke it all, just wipe it off the face of the know. Forget about the people that live there, that are actually good people. We just need to just dispose of that whole thing. I mean, that is generally the mindset of the west and specifically of Americans anyway. So continuing on from the description of the Third World War, it is understandable that it has gained attention recently.
However, many have questions questioned the authenticity of the letter in recent days. A clip from the video below has been circulating on social media. We haven’t been able to establish the origins of the video or when it was recorded. Note since originally pushing this article, a reader has given us a tip as to who the presenter in the video is. The narrator in the video below is Texas pastor Jerry Rowland, Jr.
Church. And he was alive from 1938 to 2011, founder of Prophecy in the News. By comparing the background and appearance of the Church of Church to other videos, the video below seems to have been recorded ten to eleven years ago. So circa 2012, 2013. And I actually have that video right. I know I do have it. So here, pull it up and we’ll watch this video. It’s about ten minutes long.
Albert pike was one of the most colorful characters in American history. It is said that he was born on December 2918, nine in Boston, was the eldest son of six children. Born to Benjamin Sarah Andrew Pike. He studied at Harvard and later served as Brigadier General of the Confederate Army. After the Civil War, pike was found guilty of treason and jailed, only to be pardoned by President Andrew Jackson on April 2, 166, who met with him the next.
By the way, that’s a mistake that’s Andrew Johnson was andrew andrew Johnson was the President at that time. So anyway, just want to make that correction next day. At the White House on June 20, 1867, scottish Right officials conferred upon Johnson 32nd degree masonry Freemasonry degrees. Pike was said to be a genius, able to read and write 16 languages. He was one of the founding fathers of the head of the ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North America Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891.
In 1869, he was the top leader of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. Pike was said to be a Satanist who indulged in the occult. And he apparently possessed a bracelet which he used to summon Lucifer, with whom he had constant communication. He was the grandmaster of a Luciferian group known as the Order of the Palladium or of Sovereign Council of Wisdom, it’s also been called, which had been founded in Paris in 1737.
Now, General Albert Pike was the only Confederate general with a statue on federal property in Washington, DC. He was honored not as a commander or even as a lawyer, but as Southern regional leader of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. The statue stands on a pedestal near the foot of capitol hill between the department of labor building and the municipal building, between third and fourth streets on D street northwest.
Now, I tell you all of this because it is said that he received a vision from his mentor, Mr. Lucifer, I guess on August 15, 1871, and William Guy Carr, former intelligence officer in the Royal Canadian Navy, wrote a book called Satan Prince of this World in which he gives this information. He said that he received this information from a book written by Cardinal Caro Rodriguez in Santiago, Chile, who wrote in 1925 a book called The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled.
And in this book, in 1925, it is said that he wrote a letter to a man named Mazzini in which he described this dream. And in the dream he predicted three world wars. The First World War, he said. Must be brought about. And I’m quoting from Albert Pike the First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the tsars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic communism.
The divergences caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the British and German empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions. Now, students of history will know that Oto von Vesmarck forged a certain alliances between 1871 and 1898 which brought about this war, this World War I.
And Oto von Bismarck here says that he was a co conspirator with Albert Pike and he was the one instrumental in bringing about the First World War. Well, that’s the first World War. Then he dreams that there must be he is given in this visionary dream a Second World War. Now, remember, this was in 1925 that it became public in this book written by a cardinal from Santiago, Chile, Rodriguez, he says, quote the Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the fascists and the political Zionists.
This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism will be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine during the Second World War. International communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom which would then be restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm. Well, there are some who may argue that the terms Nazism and Zionism were not known in 1871.
You should remember, however, that the Illuminati invented both of these movements. In addition, communism as an ideology and as a coin phrase originates in French during the revolution in 1785. Restif coined the phrase four years before the revolution broke out. Restif and Babuf, in turn, were influenced by Rose as was the most famous conspirator of them all, Adam we stopped. Then he has this vision. In this vision, not only one world war and two world wars, but here comes the Third World War.
He says, and I quote The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agents of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. Yeah, that’s what he says. This was 1925. Please understand that at least 1925 may go all the way back to 1871, as is purported to do, but at least it was written in a book and published in 1925.
So he says, back after World War I was just over a few years and before World War II even started. He’s now thinking about this Third World War and it says that it will be caused by the differences between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic world. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam, the Muslim Arabic world, and political Zionism, the state of Israel, mutually destroy each other.
That’s what it says. Meanwhile, the other nations, once more divided on this issue, will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economic exhaustion. We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm in which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism origin and savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
So he’s against Christianity and he’s against atheism. They’re supposed to fight each other to the death, you see. Then he says, everywhere the citizens obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries will exterminate those destroyers of civilization and the multitude disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction. Anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to render its adoration will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer.
That’s what he says brought finally out in the public view. So he’s saying that Lucifer will finally make himself the good guy. He’s going to save the world from these atheists who don’t believe in deity and from these Christians who believe in the good God. Well, so it says this manifestation will result in the general reactionary movement, which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Well, I don’t know if it’s true, but I can tell you that it sure has played into what is being carried on in the Middle East today. And it looks like everything from World War I and World War II, with the development of the State of Israel and with the Zionist movement and the Communist movement and the atheist movement and the peppering down of persecution on the Christians of this world.
It looks like that may be Lucifer’s attempt at annihilation of us all, so that Lucifer will appear in the form, of course, of what the Bible calls the Antichrist and establish peace on earth for mankind. I got news for all those illuminatists, I can tell you this. They’re all going to be thrown into the lake of fire. So says the word of God, and I believe it from COVID to cover.
All right, well, that’s enough. That’s actually enough of the video there. I didn’t mean to be so video intensive on this one. That’s the last video I’ve got for tonight. But these were the videos that were discussed in the article. So let’s going back to the article. The narrative video above refers to texts contained in two books satan Prince of this World, which quotes The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled.
Below, for reference purposes, we quote each of the sources. Pike explained what is intended to happen in a letter he wrote to his director, Mazini of the WRM, or World Revolutionary Movement, august 15 of 1871. This letter is quoted elsewhere. It is cataloged in the Library of the British Museum, London, England, and has been quoted from and referred to by dozens of authorities and students of the WRM, including Cardinal Rodriguez of Chile.
See page 118 of the Mysteries of Freemasonry unveiled 1925. English translation, 1957. And then Satan. Prince of this world. William Guy Carr, 1966, page 22. The other indication of the participation of Masonry is the Revolution and present upheaval in Russia. It is better in I don’t even know how to say that. Clearly it looks like it’s Latin. 1896, attributed to Albert Pike, sovereign pontiff of Universal Masonry, assisted by Ten, ancients of the Grand Lodge of the Supreme Orient of Charleston to the very illustrious Joseph Mazzini, dated August 15, 1871.
What I have said of the document previously mentioned, the protocols I say of this one, authentic or not, the letter had been published long enough before the events not to be an invention accommodated post factum. Its publication is cataloged in the British Museum of London and the plan attributed to pike is also in part in Paladisme of Margota, page 186, published in 1895, emphasis on our own and that’s from The Mystery of Freemasonry Unveiled, cardinal Jose Maria Caro I.
Rodriguez, 1971, page 118. A document which contains extracts from the supposed pike letter, including some additional information about it and the two men concerned reiterates that the letter was in the British Museum Library. The following is a letter that speculation claimed that Albert Pike wrote to Giuseppe Messini in 1871 regarding a conspiracy involving three world wars that were planned in an attempt to take over the world. The pike letter to Giuseppe Mazini was on display in the British Museum Library in London until 1977.
This letter has been claimed by many Internet sites to reside in the British Library in London, which denies the letter exists. However, a response to a Freedom of Information Act request denies that the letter is held in the Museum’s collection. In June 2020, the British Library responded to a request as to whether the British Museum holds in its possession or archives a letter from pike to Mazini dated 15 August, and the response read the British Library.
And prior to that, the British Museum has never owned or seen the document in question and therefore it has never been on display with either organization. If the letter is not in the British Museum Library, as Cardinal rodriguez has documented. What are the origins of the text? A starting point would be Cardinal Rodriguez reference to le diable X-I-X Cecile. Translation the Devil in the 19th century. Okay, I get that.
Which was published by Leo Taxio and Charles Hacks under the pseudonym of Dr. Bate. I don’t even know if I’m saying that right. The devil in the 19th century is written in French. So we turn to an article written by Mr. E and published by bomb thrower Leo Taxel. And there are links in here. I’ll actually include a link to this so that you guys can read this if you so choose.
Leo Taxo was a Frenchman whose name was Marie joseph Gabriel. Anton Jogan pages. Born in 1854, he was placed in Jesuit seminary school, where he came to be disillusioned with the Catholic faith and religion in general, eventually becoming a writer. He targeted Christianity with scathing critiques. In 1884, pope Leo VI published an encyclical on freemasonry human genius. It was principally a condemnation of Freemasonry. It states that the late 19th century was a dangerous era for the Roman Catholic Church, largely due to numerous concepts and practices it attributed to Freemasonry, namely, naturalism, popular sovereignty and the separation of church and state.
Perhaps swayed by this polemic, taxil announced he had converted back to Catholicism in 1885 and set to work on an entirely different literary endeavor with a new target the Freemasons. Over the next several years, he published Mysterious de la Franc Machinary, a four volume history of Freemasonry containing curious but unsourced accounts of eyewitness participation in strange rites. Mr. E wrote he teamed up with Dr. Carl Hacks to write the two volume Diablo Whatever, published in 1892 and 1894, telling the insider tale of one Diana Vaughn.
In the words of Dr. Batiel, the lurid details of her account boggled the mind. She was a member of the Palladium Rite under the command of Albert Pike, where she was involved in ritual orgies and blood sacrifices. They would summon demons in physical form, and she was even betrothed to one of them. Chapter 25 of the second volume is entitled plan of the Secret Chefs, or Chiefs. Rather plan of the secret chiefs.
And it purportedly contains the text of a plan written on August 15, 1871, by Albert Pike and the leadership of the Palladium Right detailing their plan for the destruction of Roman Catholicism. And this is the greatest hoax of all time. Mr. E, 16 October, 2023. However, in April of 1897, taxi held a press conference and revealed that there was no Dr. Carl Hacks, there was no Dr. And there was no Palladium Right.
He also claimed his conversion to Catholicism was a prank to win the Church’s trust and approbation. Diana Vaughn was a real person, but she was only his typist and collaborator in this colossal fraud designed to deeply embarrass the Catholic Church and become the crown jewel of his anticlerical work. Mr. E wrote tixil died in March of 19 seven. In 1920. A book called The Cause of World Unrest emerged attempting to explain the chaos in the world with World War I in 1914, followed by the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.
The Cause was an anonymous compilation of essays originally published in the London Morning Post in July of the same year. One of the essays quoted Texas Diable whatever there is a letter or an alleged letter said to have been written by Albert Pike, the sovereign pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, assisted by the Ten Ancients of the Grand Lodge of the Supreme Orient at Charleston to very illustrious brother Giuseppe Mazini.
The letter is dated in Masonic style, August 15, 1871 and sets forth an anticlrical policy which Mazzini is to follow in Italy. The cause would go on to be used in the 1925 book called The Mystery of Freemasonry unveiled published by Cardinal Rodriguez of Chile. In 1955, retired Canadian naval officer William Guy Carr published the first edition of Pawns in the Game. In 1958, a revised and expanded edition of the book was released where he included a discussion about Albert Pike and the plan that he made about an upcoming three world wars.
Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective. The First World War was to be fought as to enable Illuminati to overthrow the powers of the Tsars in Russia and to turn that country stronghold of atheistic Communism. World War II was to be fomented by using differences between Fascists and Zionists. World War II is to be fomented by using differences of the agents of Illuminati to stir up between political Zionists and the leaders of the Muslim world.
The war to be directed in such a manner that Islam, the Arab world, including the Mohammedism, and political Zionism, including the State of Israel, will destroy themselves, while at the same time, the remaining nations, once more divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete exhaustion, physically, mentally, spiritually and economically. On 15 August 1871, pike told Mazzini that after World War II is ended, those who aspire to undisputed world domination will provoke the greatest social cataclysm the world has ever known.
We quote in his own written words taken from the letter cataloged in the British Museum, London all right. Carr asserts that Pike’s document is held at the British Museum Library in London. However, this seems to be due to his misreading of the Cause which stated that Taxi’s work is what was stored there, not the 15 August 1871 plan by Albert Pike that Taxile invented, Mr. E wrote. Mr.
E went on to note in his book satan Prince of this World. Car cited the letter again, however, this time with a footnote. The keeper of the manuscripts recently informed the author that this letter is not cataloged in the British Museum Library. It seems strange that a man of cardinals, Rodriguez. Knowledge should have said it was in 1925. It appears the text that is circulating about the Illuminati plan for three world wars originated from Carr’s book Pawn of the Game, which paraphrases Texial’s writing about Albert Pike in 1897.
Texel later claimed his work was a fraud and according to Mr. E, this fraud was well publicized at the time and the hoax is well known to historians and other members of academia. Yet other researchers have missed is that because both corporate and alternative media are to some extent part of the controlled dialectic put forth by the ruling class, as Mr. E says when he makes his claim? We assume Mr.
E is factoring in available time and resources and that mistakes, misunderstandings and oversights can be made even by himself. Or perhaps there’s another explanation. Secrecy, censorship, propaganda and controlling the narrative to hide information and manipulate perceptions was an existent during toxiel’s lifetime as it is today. Toxio’s confession to fraud wasn’t genuine, but an attempt to memory hold the truth. We may never know. In the meantime, you can read Mr.
E’s well referenced article, The Greatest Folks of All Time, here to help you decide for yourself. And then the featured image below is Albert Pike, the Masonic leader, Leotexial, circa 1880 from the Bibial technique. So interesting. I for 01:00 a. m. Of the opinion that the letter is legit and I do believe that it was on display and taken away because they didn’t want attention dumped to it.
But that’s my opinion. I don’t have anything to confirm that. But going back to the video that I did earlier, I think it was last week, in the end of last week, when I did the fake history, how they concealed and basically collected all the documents that were all the documents that talked about how the lead up to World War I. It’s not too difficult or too much of a stretch to believe that Britain and the people in Britain are responsible for a lot of this.
If you look at the Bolshevik Revolution or if you look at the rise of Bolshevism in Russia and you look at Communism as a whole, marx, Engels, all these people, it all originates out of England. It all originates out of England. I had a conversation, I think I mentioned to you guys that I’d come across the work of Anatoly Golitsen and he talked about how the Russian collapse was in 1991 when the Soviet Union collapsed.
That was a deliberate fake out to get the west to believe that communism was dead and that Russia was going to veer hard, right? And they were going to make it look like they were Christian. And if we look at everything that’s going on right now, I mean, that is what is going on in Russia. They are making it appear or it’s abundantly clear that Russia is becoming Christian.
There’s a revival of the church. You look at Putin, what he’s talking about in terms of he’s Christian and is that real? I hope so. I’d like to think it is, but is it fake? I have to entertain the possibility that it is a mean how do we know? We don’t know. We just have to use our best judgment. We know it’s fifth generation warfare. I’m reminded by the quote of drawn a blank on the guy’s name, but he was the CIA director under Reagan and it was just the first Cabinet meeting.
He said, we will know that everything the American people believe is fake. Or we’ll know that our plans are working when everything the American people believe is a lie. And it’s like, wow, he had the balls to say that in the first Cabinet meeting of Reagan. I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe. I have an idea of what’s I think I have a pretty good idea of what’s truth and what isn’t.
But I mean, shoot, I am not going to plant my flag on a hill and die on that hill. I’m just not going to do it because there’s no way for anybody to really, truly know. Let’s see. I’m going to check the chat here because I haven’t really been monitoring the chat. Let’s see. Yeah, I agree. Sling. I think we messed up their World War plan by exposing it.
But I actually go back and I’m going to play something for you guys just for a second here. I know that I talked about not playing a video, but this is a let me do something here. Was in the documentary that I played about the USS Liberty. It talked in there about how there were plans or that there were planes in the air. Um, let’s see here. I think it’s actually see, it was Sacrificing Liberty, I think was what it was called.
Everybody, on behalf of the President, I go listen to foreign nations. The network at that end, America, we need to be all right. Word to the bottom of the Mediterranean State. Okay, I’m going to find it here, guys. I’m sorry. I want to play this. It’s not long. It’s just a little clip, but it’s American money. It’s very important to realize that this potentially could have been World War Three.
And I wasn’t planning on doing this. Here it is. Primary of America and exwood broke out long before time before is the US navy ignored. I loved out. This didn’t add up to me. Okay, here we go. Large part of my life. Here we go. All right. I’m not going to play long on this. Maybe three to five minutes of this. This is really interesting. So let me know if you guys can hear this.
Flying over the oceans and identifying ships and this ship was perhaps the easiest ship to identify that was listed in the United States Navy. Equipped with antenna from bow to stern, pointing in every direction and a look that made it extremely easy to recognize. And so I will never buy the idea that the pilots thought this was some other ship. It cannot be true that Israel made a mistake and thought this highly technologically equipped naval vessel with American markings and an American flag could be a much smaller Egyptian freighter.
Another victim was the United States naval vessel Liberty. She was mistaken for an Egyptian vessel, and Israeli ships and planes torpedoed and strafed her. The casualties were high 34 American dead and 75 wounded. There were arguments later about how the error happened, and the best explanation seemed to be the urge felt by all Israeli forces to win a quick victory. There was little time to check targets. Pilots were flying seven and eight missions a day.
The Liberty was just 12 miles from the Sinai Peninsula, where the speed and ferocity of the Israeli land operations caught everyone by surprise. The time the Liberty was attacked, the NSA also had an Eavesdropping plane flying high above the scene of the action. It was an EC 121, and this plane was flying right over the scene of the attack. And I talked to two of the crew members of the plane, and both of them agreed that what they heard were comments from both the pilots and the torpedo boat personnel mentioning the US flag.
Why has the American public, why have medical politicians, why have they just bought this idea that this was just an unfortunate error on the part of the Australians? Why, as several of the crew were saying, were the lifeboats that had been on the Liberty being shot to pieces by the motor torpedo boats that turned up? Not only did they shoot them to make them unusable, but they dragged the carcasses onto the decks of the MTBs so that they wouldn’t actually be found.
Clearly, that was trying to prevent evidence from being collected afterwards that life raft labeled US Navy is in the Israeli Naval Museum at Haifa as a trophy of war. Then powerfully. There was this enormous cover up. The crew were undoubtedly threatened. These stories were quite hair raising. I mean, they were literally frightened not only of disciplinary action and jail, some of them were actually frightened of their lives because of the severity of the threats that they’d had from military people.
They really scared the bejesus out of us. We could not talk about the attack. So this is not what you expect when what is said to be the case is that this was an accident. The Navy Board of Inquiry would not admit testimony about the jamming, the recall, the unmarked planes, the shooting of life rafts and other material that we tried to present. Never before has the US Navy ignored eyewitness testimony of American military to accept on faith the story told by their attackers.
Israel wants the territory which they call Greater Israel or the Promised Land or whatever it is, and it isn’t and wasn’t the area that they occupied in 1967. The story of the Liberty is not a who done it, it’s a why did it. The question, though, you and I are interested is why? Why was this going on? And I’ve tried to explain my hypothesis, okay? Because I apologize for taking as long as I did to get this.
I wasn’t intending on playing this tonight. But I think in lieu of talking about World War Three and talking about us stopping World War Three, I think it’s very important that this particular clip be played because I think that this was the initial World War Three that they wanted to do, but they couldn’t do because the Liberty got out a message. So this is just hypothesis on my part.
But that’s why it’s important, I believe, to play this, which is that America was up to no good and it was putting the world in a very dangerous state at that time. The deal was that America would not actively take part in a war at the beginning, but it would, long before a war broke out, help Israel prepare to launch an attack on Egypt. The Americans wanted to remove NASA.
Nearly a year before the Six Day War broke out, american state of the art electronic equipment, surveillance equipment, jamming equipment, what is known as spoofing or cooking equipment to falsify radio signals, was shipped out to Israel with personnel to train people. Now, I’ve interviewed people who did the training, so I have no doubt that that was part of what I’m talking about, because they say it was Operation Sinai point blank.
Another part of the story was that America would join the war on some pretext. The pretext that we now know was the attack would take place on the USS Liberty. It would be damaged or sunk, most probably, and the blame would fall on the Egyptians or the Soviet Union. And this would give America an excuse to launch this attack from the 6th Fleet, which was further down the Mediterranean.
And this would have been the planned pretext for America to join the war and attack NASA’s regime. Well, we now know that, in fact, they thought the ship was sinking. They thought the plan was going ahead. And on the basis of that, they did launch an attack. My name is Mark. Listen to this, guys. This is mind blowing. When you listen to this, listen to this. Pay very close attention.
Layman. My rank at the time was Lieutenant Junior Grade, and I was on the USS Little Rock CLG, four light cruiser, flagship of a six fleet. The flagship, we had a three star admiral, Admiral William Martin, aboard our ship, and he was in charge of the whole Mediterranean fleet. So wherever he wanted to go, that’s where the whole fleet went. When we heard that the Liberty had been attacked, I was on the bridge when the Admiral’s chief of Staff, navy Captain came to the bridge and asked permission from our captain to use the primary tactical radio to call the ships, other ships in the fleet.
He did that. He got approval and said, Launch all aircraft. We’d launched 50 OD aircraft, also several amphibious ships full of Marine. We thought the Egyptians had attacked our ship. That meant going ashore. We got a call from the Israeli Air Force saying, it’s our planes. Sorry, it was our mistake. So now the big thing is, how do we get our aircraft back and not attack Egypt, who really had nothing to do with this attack on our ship? There was sailor who was with the Chief of Staff.
He said, recall all aircraft. Now, I must tell you that I was on the bridge. I was an officer of the deck driving the ship. So I was 30ft away. So I know that this is what happened because I was right there. Now, how would other entities in the Mediterranean have dealt with that situation? You have to think, don’t you, that the Soviet Union could well have thought that this was a provocation and launched a counter attack with nuclear weapons because we were the flagship.
We always had a Soviet ship sailing us and cutting in and out. Yes, all the time. You know how much press the nuclear warheads got when they landed in Cuba? Well, this was a thousand times worse, but nobody knows about it. Portal class of Karabi can share. I lined up my boys on the deck and said, lads, it seems like we’re going to take part in a very serious action.
Those who are not ready to risk their lives should step ahead. Only one step ahead. I was told to get my air squadrons ready to equip the airplanes with bombs and to be ready to strike military and communications targets in Israel. Dick Thompson was retired CIA. He knew his way around shutzky told him that they had ordered him to launch nukes against Israel as soon as the first nuclear weapon was detonated in Cairo.
Admiral Martin ordered four planes off the America aircraft carrier with nuclear warheads to be headed to Cairo. Was faced with a dilemma, because he had surface to surface missiles, he said, and they required high reflectivity, but he said that he had to have something with high reflectivity. So he had targeted the Dome of the Rock. As soon as the first nuclear weapon was detonated in Cairo, the Dome of the Rock would be disintegrated.
All right? So that little clip right there where they had the Dome of the Rock targeted, we had four aircraft off of the USS America with nuclear bombs to detonate in Cairo. We had a Marine Expeditionary Force in the water headed to the Peninsula, headed to the Sinai Peninsula. You want to talk about the beginning of World War II that nobody even knows about. And what he said there with the gentleman who said, that it was a thousand times worse than the Cuban Missile crisis.
He was the head of the communications department on the USS Liberty, so he would be in a position to know. So talking about the beginning of World War II, that was absolutely possibly the World War could have been World War Three started. And I go back and I listen to the speech that Benjamin Friedman gave in 1961 at the Willard Hotel. And Benjamin Friedman, if you don’t know, he was in the cabinet of Woodrow Wilson during and at the meeting is in Paris for the Treaty of Versailles.
And he talked in there about how they were going to like Kennedy had literally made a deal that they were going to go to war in the Middle East. And he says, your sons and daughters are going to go be fighting a war before the end of this know, for Israel. That was Benjamin Friedman saying that. So is that what happened? I don’t know. Is it possible? I think it’s very possible.
But again, when the Liberty got out its mayday call because they jury rigged an antenna to get out a mayday call to the fleet. And then at that point, everybody knew that the Liberty was under attack. Israel had to say, hey, that’s our planes, it’s our anyway, so getting back to the article here, a lot of interesting stuff, guys. Some of the history that I’m talking about here is not known by many people.
It is just not known and it’s just not. But this isn’t the Untold History Channel for nothing. All right? So the Balfour Declaration allowed Zionist Jews to act as terrorists. A closer look, and this is by the expose on 25th October 2023, the Balfour Declaration is a critical document in the history of the Middle East, israel and the Palestinian people. Issued on November 2, 1917, the brief letter signified British support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine, and just so happened to be sent to the Zionist Lord Rothschild.
However, this document and its aftermath are steeped in controversy. Let’s delve into the details surrounding the Balfour Declaration, its repercussions, and the debate surrounding its interpretation and implementation. The Balfour Declaration was a result of various political and historical developments in the context of World War I. The British wanted to garner the support of the global Jewish community, particularly in Russia and the United States, to exert pressure on their governments to either stay in or join the war effort against the Central Powers.
Central powers were Germany, Austria, Hungary and what is modern day Turkey? Furthermore, the British were also interested in gaining control over Palestine due to its strategic location. And incidentally, Turkey at the time, which I believe was the Byzantine, drawn a blank as who it was. But anyway, they were the ones that controlled the peninsula, the Arabian Peninsula and whatnot. And if you go back and you watch Lawrence of Arabia.
That’s who they were going after. That was the whole point of the war in that part of the world was that was what led to the Pike Sykes Agreement or whatever. That was what gave Palestine the control of Palestine to England. The declaration addressed to Lord Rothschild, a leading British Jew, read His Majesty’s Government view with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object.
It being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. This wording was intentionally ambiguous. While it expressed support for a Jewish national home, it did not define the parameters of this home or the means by which it would be established. The aftermath and the mandate.
Following the end of World War I, the League of nations granted Britain a mandate to govern Palestine. The British now had to manage the conflicting nationalistic aspirations of both Arabs and Jews in the region. They issued a series of white papers on policy statements aimed at clarifying their stance on the issue. But tensions only escalated. By the 1930s and 40s, Jewish immigration to Palestine increased significantly, spurred by antisemitic policies and persecution in Europe.
This increased Jewish presence, coupled with land purchases that sometimes displaced Arab tenants, led to heightened tensions and violent confrontations. Incidentally, the Jewish immigration to Palestine was predominantly on Nazi ships. Go look up the Havara agreement or the Transfer agreement. In fact, it was a whole bunch of coins. I mean the Havara agreement or the transfer agreement. And if you this is the this is what the coins look like.
They had the Star of David on one side and Swastika on the other. The Contract and Allegations of Zionist Breaches many Palestinians saw the Balfour Declaration’s wording as a promise to protect their rights. Thus, they felt that the mass immigration of Jews and the establishment of a Jewish majority state was a betrayal of this promise. From this perspective, some argue that Zionists broke the contract. It is essential, however, to approach the term contract with caution.
The Balfour Declaration was not a legally binding treaty, but rather a statement of intent. Nevertheless, it’s undeniable that many Palestinians were displaced during and after Israeli’s War of Independence in 1948. This event, referred to as the Nakba or Catastrophe by Palestinians, led to the displacement of an estimated 700,000 Palestinians. Zionists as Terrorists the label of terrorist is contentious and politically loaded. It’s undeniable that certain Jewish paramilitary groups like Aragon and the Stern Gang used violent and sometimes indiscriminate tactics against both British officials and Arab civilians in the pre state period.
Such actions were controversial even within the Zionist movement. However broadly painting the entire Zionist movement or the subsequent state of Israel as terrorist oversimplifies a complex historical narrative. Irgun or Etzel Ergun or Etzel was a Zionist paramilitary group that operated in the British Mandate of Palestine from 1931 to 48. It was formed as a breakaway faction from the main Jewish defense organization, Hagana due to ideological differences over how to respond to Arab attacks and British policies.
King David Hotel bombing in 1946 One of the most infamous actions undertaken by the Ergon was the bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem which housed the British administrative headquarters. The attack resulted in the death of 91 people including Jews, Arabs and British personnel. The Ergon claimed that they had provided a warning to evacuate the building but this remains a point of contention. Dear Yasin massacre in 1948 Another controversial event was the assault on the village of Dear Yasin carried out jointly by the Ergon and another extremist group, Lehi.
The attack resulted in the deaths of over a hundred Arab villagers. The events of Der Yasin have been heavily debated but the massacre had a profound psychological impact on the Palestinian Arab population contributing to a mass exodus from their homes during the war. Lehi or Stern Gang Lehi, often referred to as the Stern Gang after its founder Avram Stern was another radical Zionist paramilitary group. They believed in the forceful establishment of a Jewish state on both sides of the Jordan River and were known for their uncompromising stance against the British and those they perceived as enemies of the Jewish state.
Lord Moyne assassination in 1944 one of the high profile actions carried out by Lehigh was the assassination of Lord Moyne the British minister resident in the Middle East. The group viewed him as an enemy of the Zionist cause and then number two Count Bernadette assassination. Lehigh also orchestrated the assassination of Count Folk Bernadette a UN mediator because they believed his proposals for the future of Palestine were detrimental to the Jewish state’s interests.
It’s worth noting that the mainstream Jewish leadership including David Ben Gurion the first prime minister of Israel often condemned the actions of these extremist groups. The newly established Israeli government even launched a military operation against the Aragon in 1948 known as the Atalana Affair. Reflecting, I hope I said that right reflecting the deep divisions within the Jewish community over the use of violence and the vision of the new state or for the new state.
When reflecting on the actions of these groups it’s essential to remember the broader geopolitical context and the multitude of actors involved. While the violent acts of groups like the Ergon and Lehigh were undeniable labeling an entire national movement or subsequent state based on actions or a fraction can be reductionist. However, acknowledging and understanding these events is crucial for a comprehensive grasp of the region’s history. And then the conclusion is that the Balfour Declaration is undeniably.
A seminal document in the history of Israel and Palestine its ambiguous nature laid the foundation for decades of conflict and controversy. While the pain and grievances of the Palestinian people must be recognized and addressed, it’s also crucial to approach the topic with nuance, avoiding over generalizations and understanding the multifaceted nature of historical events. So that is that it’s not easy to understand everything that’s going on over there.
It is extraordinarily complicated. At the same time it can be rather simple when you understand the Pike Musini letter and the origins of what the Zionist movement desire for world domination and everything that has been done has been done. So with the ultimate aim of the Greater Israel project. You look at the Israeli flag and it’s got the two blue lines and the Star of David in the middle.
Well the two blue lines represent the Euphrates north to the south and the Nile river euphrates to the north and the Nile to the south and everything in between is considered supposed to be considered Greater Israel. It is complicated and yet it’s also simple. Anyway well that is my show for it is let’s see here what Colin said. I agree we need the help from military, from the military as well.
Generals and admirals need to tell their superiors no, we’re bringing our soldiers home. If there’s none to fight a war then there’s no wars will be fought. I agree with that and something that you guys may be interested in. I’m bringing on Mike Harris and another guest on Monday and I’m actually going to do it live in the morning. I think it’s going to be at like 10:00 in the morning on the west coast and we’re going to be discussing the operational readiness of our current military forces.
The gentleman who is coming on, he’s a teacher at the Army War College so he probably knows a little bit about the military. Anyway. So all that said guys, forgive the kind of the haphazard nature of what I threw together tonight. I think it actually turned out pretty good. But I apologize for some of the delays because there was a few things that I didn’t plan on doing but thought on the fly that they were important enough to be you know, to be played anyhow.
And so some of the information on tonight with the two earlier videos was a little bit redundant especially with the article that I read. So apologize for the redundancy there but again I didn’t have an opportunity to review everything tonight before I did it but I hope you guys got something out of this and Mark Mennos is a huge POS. Well tell us something that we don’t know.
Come on now. Let’s see. Colin says funny that the point of the flag of Israel. I’ve heard the pro Palestinians saying the river to the sea. Yeah, well I think the sea they’re talking about would probably be the Red Sea which is almost the Nile River. But as I understand it the two lines are the rivers. That’s what I’ve always known it to be. Anyway, guys, I appreciate you all tuning in and tolerating me for one more show and I look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow.
And then Friday night we will be doing Wag the. And one last thing. I actually reached out to Mike King and he has agreed to be a guest. I’m excited about that. I’m going to work out the details on getting him on. And if you guys don’t know who Mike King is, he’s very intelligent, very knowledgeable on history. So anyway, I’m excited to have him come on the show.
Anyway, that said, guys, I hope you have a wonderful evening and I look forward to seeing y’all mana. So have a great night, everybody. Appreciate. .