RBN Authentic News Israel-Gaza Conflict



RBN Authentic News Israel-Gaza Conflict



➡ This text provides an extensive overview of the geopolitical tensions in 2023 around the Israel-Gaza conflict, with large naval deployments from various countries such as Turkey, the U.S, and the U.K, indicating a probable escalation of war. It includes claims of misinformation surrounding George Floyd’s death, along with assertions on Jewish supremacy and Jewish historical connections to the conflict, stated by various figures including PM Benjamin Netanyahu. The writer also foresees possible internal U.S conflicts tied to political leanings and immigration issues.
➡ The text discusses the ongoing conflict in the Gaza strip, involving Israeli and US forces. Many reports suggest they’ve faced significant resistance and losses with various individuals, including Jews, condemning the acts as genocide. Amidst this, there’s a growing dissatisfaction with US leadership, particularly with President Biden, with the public increasingly seeking independent voices to challenge prevailing narratives.
➡ The text discusses increasing tensions between Israel, Iran, and the US, with Israeli allied US neocons reportedly escalating provocations against Iran. It touches upon the possible political downfall of Benjamin Netanyahu due to an October 7 attack on Israel causing a decline in his voter popularity. It also features aspects of business advertisements and calls for action, including foreclosure advice, deals on meat processing tools, and teas advertised for health benefits. The final part of the text shares Elon Musk’s intent to provide connectivity in Gaza, Israel’s attempts to fight it, disruptive Israel-Gaza relations, and criticism on the flourishing aid given to Israel despite its ongoing conflict in Gaza.
➡ The text covers various topics including the perceived doubts over the Vice President’s rhetoric leading to popularity struggles, Israel’s reproach of Amnesty International following their statement on war crimes by all parties, the alleged anti-free speech motives of certain groups, charges faced by former president Trump, concerns over anti-Semitism alongside support for Palestine, predictions about declining birth rates and possible impending economic fallout, skepticism over incident narrations in Maine, and a reflection on sound frequencies and their perceived impact on cellular health.
➡ The text talks about advancements in Terahertz technology to maintain health and well-being along with the benefits of a superfood called Shiloji. It then moves to discussions on various political scenarios, issues like Hillary Clinton’s husband’s trips to Epstein Island, media blackout on a hurricane situation in Acapulco, etc. Lastly, it delves into conversations about political control and public opinion in countries like the US, Germany, France, England, where the host and a guest emphasize their negative views on Israel’s influence over those nations.
➡ The text discusses the interpretation of patriotism, differing perspectives on Israel and the role of Judaism, the significant influence of Hollywood in shaping attitudes, and the importance of community investment. The role of justice, fear of nuclear war, and the relevance of influential figures, such as politicians and lobbyists, are also questioned.
➡ The discourse reflects a conversation about an incident at an airport in Dagestan where a group of Muslims protested against Israelis landing a plane, suspected propaganda efforts by a Kiev-controlled telegram account, and perceived biases in American media. The speaker and a caller named Joe mention their perceptions of a Jewish Mafia influencing foreign policy, their skepticism of the Holocaust, and concern about the escalating conflict in Gaza, urging for critical awareness and prayers for peace.
➡ The text discusses perceived media control, wrongful foreclosures, censorship, the importance of personal health and wellness, a talk-show host’s interaction with callers offering unsolicited advice, views on U.S. policies relating to foreign nations, the consequences of the 2020 U.S election, and concerns over internal strife within the U.S, coupled with an attack on historical monuments.
➡ The text seems to be a transcription of a call-in radio show, discussing multiple topics such as the opposition to monarchical reconciliation figures in the U.S., the condemnation of people who have not reported cases of human trafficking, the handling of dissenting opinion callers, the allegation of staged shootings, and a promotions of Confederate store.
➡ Dixierepublic.com offers a variety of Southern merchandise, including custom-made leather belts and artwork. Also, in response to global issues such as nuclear wars and civil unrest, 3D printed underground bunkers, a cost-effective solution, are now available. Samuel Jungkay, a shilogy hunter in Colorado, has discovered shilaji, touted as the most potent natural healing remedy. Recent events, like the Buffalo shooting, have been discussed as potentially staged rather than authentic. Lastly, the text reminds readers to spend time with loved ones as life is uncertain.


This is RBN, the Republic Broadcasting Network. You got a good reason for taking the easy way out. Got a good reason for taking the easy way out. Now she was a dead trip up one way ticket. It took me down all this is Jim Fetzer, your host on RBN Athletic News, right here on the 30 October 2023 live simulcasting on Speak Free Radio. The arrogance of Jewish supremacists has perhaps never been so blatantly displayed@bb.

net. Yahoo declaring about this invasion. You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible, calling for genocide. PM Benjamin Netanyahu announced the invasion of Gaza Saturday by citing a commandment from the Old Testament calling on Israelites to, quote, Go and smite Amalek and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not but slay both men and women, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.

You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible, whose comments are an explicit expression of genocidal intent. Max Blumenthal observes painting the Palestinians of Gaza as a biblical Amalekites whose total eradication was commanded by God as punishment for their sins. This is about as disgusting as it gets. Listen. And to guarantee our existence in this country, we’ve always you must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible.

And we do remember and we are fighting. Our brave troops and combatants who are now in Gaza or around Gaza and in all other regions in Israel, are joining this chain of Jewish heroes, a chain that has started 3000 years ago from Joshua Benun until the heroes of 1948, the Six Day War, the 73 October War, and all other wars in this country. So he creates a false flag attack.

He lets Gaza come in and take more territory in a day than the Ukrainian army had been unable to manage in four months of their ill fated counteroffensive, and then uses it as a justification to slaughter Gaza to wipe it from the map. It was observed to me that he recently made a talk, I believe, at the United Nations, talking about a massive railroad line that goes right through Gaza and on the map.

Gaza did not even appear on the map. Meanwhile weekly briefing israel’s vengeance spreads fear in Washington For years we’ve been telling readers that Israel is monstrous toward Palestinians. For years we’ve been smeared as anti Semites and haters for giving that news. Still we have borne witness to unending human rights atrocities, and today it’s with the most miserable pride. I see the world coming round to that understanding. Miserable because Gaz is today in the abyss, experiencing a nightmare of assault likes images from World War II.

Indeed, this is an aside or Israeli politician who wanted to be destroyed as thoroughly as Dresden or Cologne or Munich, the other major cities which were bombed to obliteration by the Allies monstrous war crimes. Though the world is finally seeing it demonstration in our country against Israeli aggression and calls for ceasefire. Recall the uprising after George Floyd’s murder. And remember I’ve now reported George Floyd actually died from a fentanyl overdose.

He was not murdered. The autopsy report explained he was not asphyxiated. He did not die from shortness of breath, but from a drug overdose in 2020 and offer what little hope anyone can have right now for a major shift in US. Attitudes and one day policy. This is coming from a very notable and worthy website. Mondo Weiss meanwhile, Paul Craig Roberts reports one mistake. We’re one mistake away from Armageddon.

Paul Craig Roberts each of us faces each day threats to our health, happiness and life. Overarching it all, we collectively face death from nuclear weapons. The development of nuclear weapons was a human stupidity. They cannot be used with their existence, threaten the life of the planet. So why have them? Accident, emotional response, loss of reason are all human faults that can come into play at any time. During the 20th century cold war, these dangers were underlined by the Cuban missile crisis.

Brent Nixon led the way to sanity with arms control agreement with the Soviet Union and his opening to China. Carter and Reagan kept the momentum going for reduced tensions and peaceful coexistence. The turnaround came with a Soviet collapse. The neoconservatives took advantage of Russian weakness and prevailed on President Clinton to break the promise given by the George H. W. Bush administration to Gorbachev, not to move NATO to Soviet borders if Gorbachev permitted the reunification of Germany.

The George W. Bush and Obama administration continued the hostile policy that Clinton renewed. Today, all the arms control agreements that reduce tensions and the danger of nuclear confrontation are erased. The last, never ratified by the US. Was revoked by the upper house of Russia’s parliament last Wednesday. He’s a good guy. You can find that on my blog. Now, Hal Turner has been doing a fantastic job of reporting.

Get this over the weekend, Turkish navy deploying 100 ships, he says, against Israel. I suspect it may be for Gaza. In other words, those hundred ships, though many of them are warships and could be used in military action against Israel, may instead be bringing humanitarian aid to Gaza, plus 15 plus US. Military transport planes in 24 hours to the Middle East. Pretty fascinating. Stop. From Friday into Saturday.

The US. Sent no less than 50 military transport plane loaded with troops of the Middle East. In addition, the list below shows unprecedented naval deployments. Today, Iran said it will not abide by US. Warnings to stay out of the Israel humanist conflict. We begin with a naval deployments. He’s got photographs. List of the ships. The Ford Carrier Strike group. Those are six ships. The carrier strike group Eisenhower, five more.

The batan RG arg three more. The not assigned, five more. US navy ships, four more. Maritime task force, six more. Standing NATO maritime group eight more. I mean, it’s massive. All the above, alongside submarines and other support ships show an utterly massive naval deployment. I am told this present deployment is larger than those prior to the US. War against Saddam Hussein in Iraq in 1991. And after, in addition to all, another aircraft carrier, the HMS Queen Elizabeth II which, of course is a United Kingdom ship transited the Strait of Gibraltar yesterday.

In addition, the Liberty of the Navy of Italy is deploying vessels as well. Air. In the 24 hours period from Friday into Saturday the US. Threw 49 plus military transport aircraft from the US. To the Middle East carrying troops. On top of those transports, a significant number of C 17 A Globemaster, three N, C, five N super galaxy transport have been arriving in the Middle East that does not include regular commercial airline flights the US.

Has used in the past for conveying troops. About 01:00 Eastern Sunday, the President of Iran said Tehran will not follow us. Warnings against interfering in the Palestinian Israeli conflict. According to the press service of Iran, that would be press TV. Israel has crossed red lines, forcing everyone to take action. The president also made the point to say the presence of U. S. Warships in the region will make no difference to Tehran’s decisions here’s hal Turner’s analysis based on the movement of ships, troops and planes it’s obvious to me United States is going to war.

A big war. Trouble is, the federal government, under the Biden regime has intentionally left US southern border with Mexico virtually open. Literally millions of illegals have been entering the country via Mexico since Biden took office. It is my opinion that many, not all of those illegals are Fifth Column sent here by adversaries to be sleeper cells. I believe when the war arms we here in the US. Will be attacked by these libraries.

Let me add an additional opinion. They regard the mega warriors Americans who are armed but supporters of Donald Trump to be their enemy. That’s the reason they’ve been going after all these phony gun control efforts. But the Supreme Court is defeating them. I believe they’re bringing in a counterarmy to attack mega supporters. In other words, Biden wants to create an army which could not be of Americans because they would not shoot on other Americans to kill Americans who are supporters of Donald Trump.

I believe that is the master plan. Hal Turner continues you must be ready with emergency food, water, medicine, a generator, make electricity in the case a grid is taken down, have cash money in your possession because cyberattacks take out the financial network and make credit data. But snap EBT useless. And almost no one takes checks anymore. So folks with cash will eat. Those without will go hungry. Go and stock up now, because if you wait, the stores will be empty.

Meanwhile, he has a whole lot of reports about what’s taking place militarily. This is Saturday reports I believe the Turkish navy is right now 100 passing through the Bosra Strait from the Black Sea to the Mediterranean. It is believed, I say I think there’s an alternative. Turkey plans to engage Israel over its ongoing military action in Gaza. War may break out between Turkey and Israel and believe me, that’s a real possibility that it could happen.

The Turks are fierce fighters. There’s much more that he has reported, including that the Interdiction has begun the ground war in Gaza, but that they have been very unsuccessful. Even Israeli news channels are reporting disappointment in their troops. Get this however, which I find flabbergasting. This is from Sputnik International. Total of 5000 US soldiers partook in Israel’s overnight raid in northern Gaza. Moscow a total of 5000 US service people took part in Israel’s overnight ground operation in northern Gaza, Iranian news agents reported Saturday, citing sources israeli operation reportedly involved three divisions, several brigades of the US armed forces.

Israeli army is now trying to divide the Gaza Strip into two or three zones by entering from these areas and then starting the next phase of the war with Palestine to eliminate the link between the forces of the movement Hamas. Bear in mind, I repeat, the reports that are coming from both sides say that Israeli tanks and soldiers have suffered massively in their attempt to intrude into Gaza.

I believe these reports are accurate. I believe also reports that the US has taken a lot of casualties, that this is Delta Force and they’ve suffered mightily are also true. Meanwhile, what should be obvious monda Weiss also reports israeli attacks and Gaza’s healthcare sector are a form of genocide. Rab Sikhal, a Holocaust scholar at Stockton University, says what happening in Gaza is a textbook case of genocide. A textbook case of genocide.

Israel has been explicit about what is carrying out in Gaza. Why isn’t the world listening? Jewish Israelis like myself who opposed genocide watch in horror as Israel declared war against Palestine. We want former Israeli PM Nate Tapal Bennett saying a BBC interview, a home, a school, a hospital. That O’s terrace is not a home, is not a school, is not a hospital. Announcing to the world’s civilian targets would not be spared.

The next day, Israeli Defense Minister Galon said we’re putting gods under a complete siege. No electricity, no food, no water, no fuel. Everything is closed. We are fighting human animals and are behaving accordingly. Well, it turns out that genocide Mondo Weiss again had been catching up to Israel since Zion’s inception. Very, very troubling. We fought simply to stop the Germans alone picking the time and place of our death, said Mark Idleman.

We will die with dignity and pride, but we’re not going to be killed. According to the Israeli army orders and instructions, said Ray Serrani. I remember a minor but serious pause many Israelis took in the swing of 2002 when it was revealed some Israeli soldiers were putting numbers on the arms of Palestinians they detained in the Tukaran refugee camp in the West Bank. It’s hard to think of some IDF could have done to provoke a more visceral revulsion in Israeli society, where the Holocaust is a singular historical point of reference.

Defense Minister Benjamin Ben Eliser and IDF Chief of Staff Shaol Mofas at the time, launched a public investigation in the face of protest and public condemnation. Well, something similar is happening now. Get this many Jewish people are turning against the Israeli government, which they accuse of committing war crimes and genocide with complete 100% justification. This is from Mike Adams believe it or not, many Jewish people are taking a stand for Gaza rather than own Israeli government in the ongoing Israeli war on Palestine.

One of them is Benny Sharir, a Jewish young man who helps people deal with and overcome trauma and pain, who also says he does not stand with Israel on this matter because his heart is with the people of Gaza who now face genocide at the hands of Israel and the west. I do not stand with Israel at all on what’s going on, Sharira said in a recent video he shared on TikTok.

Also available viewing on X. And I’m finally starting to realize, for lack of a better term, how brainwashed I have been. So we’re having a lot of Jews who are having second thoughts about Israel. This is very parallel to a problem Joe Biden is facing the last place he ever expected for 2024 because Democrats don’t want him. The warning lights are flashing red for Biden’s reelection campaign as it limps toward the 2024 election.

The Democrat establishment has rallied around Biden to be the party’s standard bear next year. But Democrat voters appear to have a different take on the debilitated 80 year old. A slew of polls show the overwhelming majority want someone other than Biden to be the party’s nominee in 2024, albeit right back now I find the chamber mine and open up the doors. Help me. Corporate media dominates the American opinion.

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com to get your five easy steps on how to avoid the IRS income tax escape the IRS let avoidincometax. com help you. We guarantee our five easy steps or your money back. Go to avoidincometax. com I look at all the lovely people helen Rigby picks up the rice in the church where a wedding has been listen a dream waits at the window wearing the face that she keeps in a job by the door who is it for? All of them where do they all come from? All of the people where do they all belong? Here are two articles from South Front which, as I’ve observed, is a highly reliable source on what’s taking place here.

Israel on quest for regional war I think actually Israel wants to provoke a world war in terms of eschatology or end time sinking. I believe these extreme Zionists who take a certain version of history to be accurate and true, who believe they are God’s chosen people, think that most of the Middle East and even most of the Jewish community has to be extinguished for their God to return to earth.

I think this is what they have in mind the Iranian President warning Israel has crossed red lines. We know. Here’s an interesting piece from the cradle iran Russia set a western trap in Palestine the Russia Iran strategic partnership with China in the wings is laying on elaborate sun Tzu tinge trap for the hegemon in West Asia. Apart from Israel, there’s no entity on the planet capable of switching the focus in a flash away from the west spectacular debacle in Ukraine, the warmongers in charge of US foreign policy? Not exactly Bismarckian stalwarts believe that if Project Ukraine is unattainable, project Final Solution in Palestine could instead be an ethnic cleansing cakewalk.

A more plausible scenario, though, is that Iran, Russia and the new axis of evil, as declared absurdly even by our new speaker of the House russia, China, Iran have all it takes to drag the hegemon into a second quagmire. It’s all about using the enemy’s own discombobulated flip flopping to unbalance him and disorient him into oblivion. And the hegemon would be us. The White House wishful thinking that the forever war in Ukraine and Israel are inscribed in the same lofty democracy drive and essential to U.

S. National interests has already backfired even among American public opinion. But that does not prevent cries and whispers along the Beltway, revealing Israeli allied US neocons increasingly increasing the tempo to provoke Iran via a proverbial false flag that would lead to an American attack. That Armageddon scenario neatly fits Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah, who’s biblical psychopathy vassals would be forced to meekly comply. NATO heads of state have made a beeline to visit Israel to demonstrate their unconditional support for Tel Aviv, including Greece’s.

Mitsukakas, Italy’s maloney, Britain sunak, Germany schultz, the senior lodger at the White House and Francis Macron, I do believe that trying to provoke an attack against Iran is very much in the works, which could be relatively effortlessly orchestrated by taking out one or more of the American carriers and blame it on Iran. Stand by for that to happen. Meanwhile, the US is declaring that it has a new bomber that it wants to use against very, very troubling.

The deeper the US gets involved here, the worse it is going to be. Meanwhile, here’s a YouTuber asking, can Israel flood and use poison gas against a Palestinian resistant tunnel network in Gaza? The answer, of course, is it could do that, but the reaction of the world might be very strong here’s. Baroness Warsay in 2019. Net Yahoo admitted funding Hamas to block the Middle East peace process. That story I believe.

Here’s another, about which I’m far less confident. Hamas Leader Blows Whistle we are a CIA sought up to advance a globalist agenda. I find that very difficult to believe. What’s interesting about the next story is the source. It comes from reader supported Dues, which is a left wing a Democrat outfit that’s been begging for money because no one has money to support it because the Democrats are dying on the vine.

Benjamin Net Yahoo’s political future may be over. Rather than bolster Benjamin Net, who, in a rally around the flag, effect the October 7 attack on Israel, has destroyed his standing with voters, net Yahoo’s political career, which has fundamentally reshaped Israeli society, may be effectively finished. Wow, I like that. Fascinating. They’re even talking. How about life after bibi? Will there be such? There is a strong argument to be made, by the way, that much of this attack on Gaza, which Bibi orchestrated, was to get himself out of political fix.

He was in because there were major protests taking place in Israel against Bibi. He was in a corruption scandal trying to change the Constitution in the court. Visit our website by going to RepublicBroadcasting. org. Are you in foreclosure? Expecting to be served with a foreclosure lawsuit or suspect your lender has coerced you into an illegal mortgage transaction? A huge number of mortgages made in the last ten years have legal issues and are possibly defective.

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I like this, Elon Musk said Saturday SpaceX Starlink will support communication links in Gaza with internationally recognized aid organization, prompting Israel’s communication minister to say Israel would fight the move. Musk said in a post on social media platform X, his Twitter that was not clear who has the authority for ground links in Gaza, but we know that no terminal has requested a connection in that area. In other words, they have been shut down.

And indeed it is the case that Israel has sought to fight it over giving communication to aid organization. But I think the public relations aspect of this is so horrendous that the American military who are advising the Israeli government have suggested that it’s a bad idea and encourage them to restore communication for the sake of getting the adapt. I believe part of the motivation was to preclude sending recordings, records, photographs of all the crimes that Israel’s committing in Gaza, most of which now are from the Massey bombing, of course.

But I think also it was out of pure hatred. Remember the rule of three a human being can survive three minutes without air, three days without water, three weeks without food. The purpose here, I think, had been to bring about the death of massive numbers of Palestinian by depriving them of food and water. Meanwhile, I find this rather disturbing. We have the new speaker of the House declaring we cannot allow Putin to prevail, says Speaker Johnson after being elected.

But and this is from RSN dated 30 October his track record says the opposite. Representative Mike Johnson, elected speaker of the House on October 25, has been deemed bad news for Ukraine. Johnson regularly voted against aid for Ukraine and was backed by Ukraine’s skeptic hard ride in his bid for speakership. After the week long scramble to replace the ousted Representative Kevin McCarthy, a previously low profile representative has suddenly found himself to be a key decision maker in Congress, deciding which bills are introduced to the floor of the House.

Narrowly controlled by his party, Johnson now faced competing priorities, from averting the looming government shutdown to considering aid requests for Israel and Ukraine. Now, the biden admin wanted them to be considered as a single package, but in fact they have been separated. Here’s, anti war reporting Republican senators introduced standalone Israeli aid bill a group of Republican senators have introduced. The bill give Israel 14. 3 billion in addition to military aid to support its onslaught on Gaza, separating the funds from the 105,000,000,000 requests from Biden.

That would include funding for Ukraine, Taiwan and border security. What’s it going to be for more people to cut the fences that Texas put up for more people to bring in more of these illegals? The bill was introduced by Senator Roger Marshall from Kansas. JD Vance of Ohio, mike Lee of Utah, and Dead Cruz of Texas. It would provide 10. 6 for Israel through the Pentagon, 3. 5 for the State Department’s.

Foreign military financing 200 million debt protect US diplomatic facilities where Israel already receives 3. 8 billion in military aid from the United States every single year. I think that’s a catastrophe. It ought to be cut off. But what’s more important here is by separating Ukraine from Israel, where I think no American politician can vote against aid for Israel, I think it’s going to be much easier to defeat aid for Ukraine.

That’s my take on what’s going on here. Meanwhile, there are those who are very puzzled by that. You know, when she gives talks, they’re virtually incoherent. Listen to this kamala Harris, the enigma of modern political discourse. Since her ascent of the role of Vice President, her rhetoric has left folks scratching their heads as if her mental faculties turned into a delightful serving of Swiss cheese. Her once articulate sentences as former California Attorney General and US senator have become bewildering puzzles her popularity struggle to gain an ants attraction.

They’re suggesting that this kind of verbal incoherence could be a basis for invoking a 25th amendment to get her out as Vice President, where I’m still quite convinced they want to bring in Gavin Newsom to be their savior. Meanwhile, the Seeker. The Truth Seeker. A really excellent website. Israel blasts anti Semitic amnesty over fighting war crimes by all parties. Remember, for Israel, anti Semitic means criticism of Israel.

That’s all that means. They call anyone anti Semitic if they’re a critical of Israel, no matter on what basis, no matter how legitimate, no matter how extensive and detailed and thorough the evidence. Israel has criticized Amnesty International as biased. After the rights group published a statement saying that serious violations of international humanitarian law, including war crimes by all parties, the conflict continue unabated. Well, if you regard what happened when the know went into Israel and took hostages as a war crime, I think then you could justify.

But what they don’t like is including Israel. Here’s Caitlin’s newsletter. There’s only so much propaganda spin you can put on the murder of thousands of children. Exactly. With other imperial military actions, a propaganda has had an easier time spinning things. Oh no, those evil communists are taking over South Vietnam. We need to stop them. Oh no. Saddam’s got weapons of mass destruction. We need to get them. Oh no.

Gaddafi is going to. Rape and kill all those Libyans. We have a responsibility to protect them. In Gaza, Israel and its western backers are massacring children by the thousands with a shockingly vicious bombing campaign turning entire neighborhoods into rubble. They’re raining down military explosives on a giant concentration camp that is densely populated by children. I think they got it right, and the whole world is simply appalled. Meanwhile, we have a neocon jihad against free speech going full tilt zero hedge shocker.

A huge contingent of free speech warriors never really meant any of it. All along, their free speech talking points were a code for the much less noble principle I want my political opponent silenced and my political tribe amplified in the media because I’m scared my ideas can’t stand up to scrutiny. Absolutely. That’s why there’s so much censorship about the election. The stolen election of 2020, the January 6 farce, even of my books about Sandy Hook, the Boston bombing, orlando and Dallas, Charlotesville Parkland is because they strike home.

They expose the corruption of the government. It can’t deal with it. Meanwhile, this Democrat prosecutor has tipped her hand and exposed the entire lawfare strategy she’s using to imprison Donald Trump. Democrats are going after the former president of multiple jurisdictions. He’s facing charges related to his alleged mishandling of classified docs, his alleged roland somehow orchestrating a super elaborate and coordinated plan to overthrow the government and a dubious lawsuit in New York.

But the case, as Democrats especially excited, is the Georgia election interference case. Georgia law ensures that Trump cannot be pardoned by the state Republican governor if he were convicted. But of course, that was never an option for Brian Kemp to begin with. Fulton County Democrat Attorney General Fanny Willis made the unprecedented decision to bring Rico charge against Trump to prosecute his lawyers and other associates as part of some sort of criminal conspiracy to change Georgia’s election outcome, a move that is requiring her to invent completely new legal theory out of thin air in order to make the charges stick.

According to legal experts and scholars, the sweeping litigation could be overturned on appeal, but Willis is looking to secure convictions. She wanted to try all that offendants at once, but been shot down because it would turn the courtroom into a circus, which was her intention. From the out. She’s clearly motivated to gather more attention for herself and to damage Trump’s reelection prospects than securing justice for an actual crime, none of which appears to have been committed.

Meanwhile, and this is extremely revealing anyone thought Tim Scott was a good guy, listen to this a 2024 candidate were present on Friday pell Grants Fund. Pell Grant funding should be pulled from universities that do not crack down on anti Semitism. And of course, what he’s talking about are protests in favor of the Palestinians and criticism of Israel, which, as I said, is anti Semitism, is a catch all word for any criticism of Israel.

Displays of anti Semitism are being reported on campuses around the United States as students hold demonstrations in response to the war in the Gaza Strip. After a mosque launched deadly terrorist attacks on Israel this month, Queen’s got to take aim at federal financial aid for low income students. Why aren’t they talking about the massive criminality and genocide of Israel deadly terrorist attacks on Israel by Hamas? They amount to nothing child’s play compared to what Israel is doing to Gaza today.

Meanwhile, experts are warning that the Democrats anti human agenda is fueling a disturbing social trend with devastating economic consequences. The late, great conservative activist Andrew Breitbart famously said politics is downstream from culture, and Democrats have controlled American culture for debates. One bad seed Democrats planted was the anti human idea that babies are a burden and that Earth is somehow overcrowded. Despite most every nation on Earth seen birth rate drop below replacement level.

It’s true countries tend to have fewer children the more they develop, but the depopulation movement has been very intentional, as evidenced by declining birth rates. When a society has birth rates below replacement level, that bells economic doom down the road because they’re none of able to care for the elderly and pay expansive retirement benefits. The US. Birth rate is steeply declining, mimicking the pattern of other developed nations worldwide, causing the global population to stop growing sometime this century.

Demographic. Strategist bradley Schumann told Fox News us. And other developed nations drop a low replacement rate in recent years, meaning we’re not producing enough children to maintain the population, much less grow. It. No doubt that’s absolutely correct. Meanwhile, we have Peggy Hall taking apart the unbelievable event in Lewiston, Maine, France if you don’t care for snarkasm, as one of my healthy Americans put it, then this video is not for you.

That’s because in my attempt to outwit the YouTube algorithm by not putting forth conspiracy theories about the latest incident hogging the headlines, I took a different approach and showed you how every single narrative witness, in fact, about the incident is true. Absolutely true. I recognize there are those among you who don’t care for anyone, adding a lighthearted touch to the hogwash that has constantly sloshed all over us.

But for those who do, please take a look at my take on the incident in Lewiston, Maine and be sure to leave a comment regarding those who left me saying I live there. I know those people. For some reason, when I’ve asked them to provide me with the full names of the victims, the hospital they were taken to, and the date of death, I never seem to get a follow up reply.

Weird, huh? But not as weird as those who comment with a brand new YouTube account that was made on the day they comment telling me that they were there, but then I never hear from them again. Just saying. Of course, I could be totally wrong about everything. Watch and tell me what you think. Here’s what she had to say about it. Or not. Indeed, there’s another report. We have Joaquin egobian talking about false flag he puts up on the top is this featured image, by the way, a photograph of the guy who’s supposed to have been captured actually found dead, and a photograph of the guy carrying the gun outside of the bowling alley.

And I got to tell you, they’re not the same guy. They’re not the same guy. In fact, I took the occasion of Joaquin’s very nice post to add expose of several false flags that I’d done with Brian Davidson, private investigator from Houston, Texas. See our law enforcement false flag stage event checklist. Share it with your friends and colleagues. If real people had died in Maine, his heart goes out to the victims, right? Joaquin? In this senseless, tragic loss alive.

But it’s a horrific tragedy any way you look at it. Sadly, fault flank shootings too often involve profound sorrow and sadness with a loss of real people’s lives. And the fact that factions within the US can be so evil that are responsible for the tragedy and trauma put us all affect the town, the state and the nation. Einstein right back. Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.

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Now these days are gone, and I’m not so self assured. Now I find a chain of mine I don’t love the door. Well, we don’t see a lot of Hillary Clinton these days, who is hands down the winner for most repulsive woman in the world. But she gave a talk recently where a protester stood up and called her out about Bill Clinton’s sordid trips to Epstein Island, she had him dragged out by the neck.

Check this out. Other videos want me to check out. Make sure you all comment down below. DM me on instagram life reckless or email me life reckless. Mayor of Houston, a horrible person named Sheila Jackson Lee. A person who is an absolutely despicable, vicious, vile, racist, and hate filled, awful Democrat. And Hillary Clinton was there because birds of a feather. And she got screamed at about Jeffrey Epstein and her husband going to Epstein Island 26 times.

We got the flight logs. Check this out. Want somebody who’s going to get up every day. Hey, Hillary, why’d your husband 26 times? Why’d your husband go to Epstein Island 26 times? He likes having sex with underage girls. And they had a many of them were just tied down in ways that are simply appalling. I mean, this was just disgusting. And it’s how, of course, they were able to use blackmail to control many key political figures in the United States, up to and including, by the way, Alan Dershowitz, professor emeritus of the Harvard School of Law.

I’ve admired a lot about Dershowitz, but this is totally repulsive, as repulsive as Hillary. Meanwhile, we got a media blackout on a dire situation in Acapulco due to a category five hurricane. Now, get this. I’ve been to Acapulco. Beautiful like Lahaina. It is among the most valuable real estate in the world. I think that’s why this happened. They destroy Lahaina so they could buy it up cheap and then turn it into incredibly fabulously expensive condos and the like.

Well, they’ve done the same to Acapulco, but using a hurricane is the mechanism. But mind you, that’s what’s going on. So you have what wasn’t. There was no weather problem. Then all of a sudden, a category five hurricane emerges and then it completely disappears after it’s destroyed Acapulco. Check this out, everyone. Emergency october 24 at about 06:00 in the evening, a tropical storm that was basically nothing and that no one even knew about or talked about turned into a category.

I just need someone to love I want somebody to love oh, I get by help from my friends gonna try with a little help from my friends I get by a little help from my friends with a little help from our friending six foot four, weighing 245 pounds of crime fighting political science analyzing broad. Ladies and gentlemen, dr. Patrick Slattery. Mike, get off this anti cicada agenda. I’m a born again traditional Christian, and my favorite possessions are right here on my nightstands.

That would be the King James Bible and my 357 revolver. I’d rather be ruled by China than Jews. Call it with the anti Semitic remarks, right? Just because you steal an election and terminate the Republic doesn’t mean you terminate the people in the Republic, because we’re still here. I’m not taking the vaccine to you, Bill Gates. There was a way forward. Still on January 6, what needed to be done is to object to every single state.

The COVID-19 virus was the setup. The vaccine could very well be the bioweapon. The Patrick and Jeremy Show. Tuesday at nine Central and Wednesday at one Central. You’re listening to the Republic Broadcasting Network. Because you can handle the truth. I see the love love that sleeping while my guitar gently love at the floor and I see sweeping feel my talk we, this is Jim Fetzer, your host on Authentic News this 30th day of October, right here on RBN Live.

The phone lines are open. You’re welcome to call and share your thoughts and opinions. I see we have chance from West Virginia arriving now. Chance, join the you know what bothers me? There’s two things that really bother me lately, Jimbo, and I got to tell you. US, germany, France, England especially, all have utter contempt for their populations. I mean, look at the mass pro Palestinian protests all around the world.

Mass protests. Thousands of thousands of people in countless cities. And yet those 1234, right, four countries I mentioned, which are the worst, won’t even show the people. So it just goes to show you how little they give a shit about their own people. Would you agree? Oh, chance. I would agree 100%. And of course, in the United States, it’s reinforced by controlling the election apparatus, which Barack Obama guaranteed would happen by making it part of our critical infrastructure.

And therefore putting under control of homeland security so they can monitor our election and change the outcome down to the precinct level. That means the government can operate completely independently, be assured of reelection while holding in contempt public opinion which is running very much against it on all kinds of issues. Recall I mentioned Biden admin. Biden himself is turning it to have massive opposition. Like 55 58% of the Democrats do not want Joe Biden to be the Democrat party candidate.

But with regard to these protests Chance, not only are you right about how massive they are, the whole event is leading to greater scrutiny of Israel and it’s exactly god for that. Yeah, I’m sorry. Yeah. Go for it Chance, go for it. Yeah. It’s so obvious that those four countries in particular are controlled by Israel. Livestock and mean people should see that. And you know what else bothers me, Jimbo? I said this a long time ago when I called in I can’t even recall how many years.

But I don’t know how stupid some people in the alternative media think the listeners are. But it’s obvious to me that by the company some of these people keep says it all. The phonies and the shysters which unfortunately made their way into the alternative media are all going to show their hands very soon. I don’t care how much I might like somebody, the minute I sense that they’re not what they appear to be, I’m out of know that’s me personally because at such a crucial time I don’t want nobody jerking my chain and blowing smoke up my ass.

You know what I’m not talking about. Yes, I’m not talking about you. Now Jimbo, I know this is turning out to be a giant litmus test of human beings. If you’re staying with Israel, you’re on the wrong side of history and you were on the wrong side of humanity and the wrong side of morality. You’re standing with the most evil state. Perhaps. I think Israel may be more evil than any past nation has ever been in the past.

Honest to God, I’m gravitating to that. Israel is the ultimate litmus test, of course. But I’ve noticed some people, they also side with false patriots that are proven to be false if people only did their homework. But apparently people don’t do their homework. They go by personalities. I don’t go by personalities. I go by where the hell you’re leading me to? Are you leading me into the ditch or are you leading me to the truth? That’s how I look at things and like I said, I don’t care how much I like somebody, the minute I find out they’re a know I’m gone.

What good could they possibly do to me? What is their agenda? Especially at this point in time Jimbo, especially now. And I think they’re going to be smoked out. I said this a long time ago. It’s going to take time and I would think that a lot of them are chewing their fingernails down to the quick, thinking we might be exposed soon. Let’s do damage control. I think they’re going to be grasping at straws soon, and the sooner they’re outed, the better it’ll be for the true patriots.

With that, Jimbo, God bless you and thank you for your show. Champ Sank, that was a great call. I greatly appreciate it. We got Laura in Michigan. Join the conversation. Laura. Mr. Fester to go along with Chance’s call. Talk about disgusting. Today I listened to Glenback and he wrote this open up to Netanyahu. He’s asking Netanyahu for dual citizenship. Oh, God. Made me sick. That would mean he doesn’t care about the Congress dual citizenships either.

I’m telling you, this is just going to reveal for good or for bad, for right or for wrong, where people really stand. Now, there are some who may, for purely political purposes, seem to endorse Israel but have gross reservation. Mike King is offering that as a take about Trump’s stance. He has a view here that’s extremely pro Trump, even more positive about Donald than my own. But we leave that open.

I think for virtually the whole world, this is a giant litmus test. More Laura? Well, Glenn Becky thinks this puts him on God’s side. That’s what he’s doing. This has been a great God. It’s a God who believes in slaughter. Right. Yahoo. Was quoting bona fide passages from the Old Testament. And if you dig into some of it, it’s just horrific of what God would have you do.

I mean, he’s talking about slaughtering every man, woman, child, every donkey, every cow, every sheep. I mean, it’s a path of total destruction that he claims is God’s direction to the chosen people. It is grotesque. And I think this is going to lead to a whole lot of reconsideration about the role of Judaism in the world, about its roots and the distinction between Zionism and Jewish supremacy and traditional Judaism.

Was I’m reporting there are even a lot of Jews now are taking exception of what’s going on here and they don’t like it. It doesn’t mean there’s so much pro Hamas as they are against genocide. And every human being should be against genocide, right? Yeah. They talk about those 14 people were killed. Come on, let’s use the numbers. Okay. How about USS Liberty? 34 killed. How about the World Trade Center? How about 3000 killed? I mean, come on, your 14 is nothing.

Yeah, of course. And that was Israel attacking an American ship on the one hand and the American nation on the other to benefit itself. Talk about your inside job. 911 brought to us compliments of the CIA, the Neocons, and the Department of Defense and the Mosa. It was a result of design by Bibi Netanyahu and Ehud, Umbert, both prime ministers of Israel in the past. Bibi now having a know administration because of the war he thinks it’s going to save his political ass.

I’m not at all sure. Even readers supported news. This Democrat outlet thinks his future may be forsaken, may be destroyed. It would be good for the world. Because if there’s a more evil figure on the face of Earth today than Benjamin Netanyahu, I can’t imagine who that would be. Laura. Right. I’m going to change the subject. Sure. Yesterday. And Rent, there’s a man called John Barber. He’s written a book.

Anyway, he also does some movies. He said he’s doing the last movie about JFK. And was it Jim Garrison? Yeah. He’s going to do a movie about that. Well, that’s pretty familiar territory, jim Garrison. I mean, he was a New Orleans prosecutor. He won like 99% of his cases. He didn’t bring a case he couldn’t win. He brought one against Clay Shaw. Ran the trademark down there, where Clay Shaw does appear to have been on the fringe of the assassination.

Of course, this was a centerpiece of Oliver Stone’s magisterial film, JFK, released in 1991, which is completely sensational and in my opinion, most accurate, comprehensive and complete presentation ever given to the public through the mass media of what actually happened on 22 November 1963. Also, here’s something else you might be interested in. John Barber, he has a fan in the United Kingdom, and his fan has sent him ticket stubs and all kinds of train tickets and that type of thing, all with autographs from the Beavels on it.

He says he’s got them all up on his wall. Well, that’s nice. I mean, that’s a great momento. I liked that a lot. Further thoughts? You have a final thought, Laura? That’s it just no wars for yes. Yes. Laura, thank you for the call very much. Thank you. Yeah. Lila in Canada. If you would please call back, I would be calling on you right now. And I’m very glad to see you called in again.

You’re always welcome here, francis in North Carolina. Francis, give us your thoughts. Hey, young man. I’m finding it very interesting that the government and the military of Israel is calling the people of animals. Yeah. They need to look in the mirror as to who the real animals are. They really do. I mean, that’s just reprehensible. Yeah. And as far as Glenn Beck is concerned, I wonder who pat in his pocket to make him decide he wanted to do dual leadership, or dual citizenship, for that matter.

I don’t know. I think that whole Fox lineup now not Tucker. I think Tucker thinks the whole thing is a sham, thinks something’s wrong, but Israel is in the wrong. But Sean Hannity, Laura Ingram, Glenn Beck, I think they’re know, just completely brainwashed over Israel. And it’s a very common effect here in the United States. After all, they control our media. They control the sources of information. They control hollywood.

Go ahead. Well, I thought it was Hollywood to control. Well, known. Oh, gosh, yeah. There have been Hollywood columnists in the past know wrote columns, do Jews control Hollywood? And he has answered, of course they do. And then he goes through all the different companies of the movie empire and show how every one of them is controlled from top to bottom by Jews. And he’s very proud of it because Hollywood has such an important role in shaping attitudes today.

Of course, there are more independent films being made, some of them on a shoestring, like A Sound of Freedom, for example, that have proven to be quite popular and don’t meet the traditional path. Go ahead, Brad. That was a very poignant film, given that it was actually kind of late in the production process and actually getting out there in the public eye, or attention, for that matter. And so it will change one’s perception.

The question is how the politicians, how the lobbyists, how the so called power brokers that think they have control over people’s lives? What is going to be done to bring them to justice? That’s the bigger question. Because obviously they had the military paid off. They had the lobbyists paid off. It’s absolutely a bloody nightmare. And so it’s just reprehensible. One has to be able to take care of their own family, their own neighborhood, their own neighbors, for that matter, and community, for that matter, and work your way up, for that matter and hopefully not get nailed in the process.

I do agree with you. Do you have a final thought? Well, for one thing, a pina colada to the folks in the Gaza area and what they’ve been through, for that matter. As for me, I’ll have a green, but not rainbow olive with my Monterey choice of flavor. Very nice. Thanks. Enjoy it. Yeah. Thank you so much, Thomas. And I believe you’re from Florida. Thomas, join the conversation.

Hi, professor. I would like to know we’re all kind of worried about nuclear war, but the great late Frank Zappa had two different quotes, and I’ll try to remember them from thought. One is, it’s too much real estate? And that’s something to think about. And plus it’s bad for business. Well, that’s for sure. Yeah. Anyway, thanks for getting back to me on my email about Paul McCartney. So I appreciate it.

Have a good program. This is Tom in Utah. Oh, no. This is Thomas, formerly from San Francisco. Formerly from yes, yes. Thank you for the email. Yeah, that was a great photograph. Yeah, an inscription. I liked all that. Very good, Thomas. Thanks so much. I got the discography. I sent that to you as well of my friends Terry when he played with Paul McCartney. Right. Anyway, have a good show.

I appreciate it. Well, I appreciate your calling, Thomas. Thanks very much. Joe in Florida. Join the conversation. Joe. Hey, Doctor. Thanks for taking my call. Good to hear you. I wanted to alert you to what I consider like a real time Psyop going on with this war. It’s fascinating. We heard the reports yesterday about the incident in the you know, the Muslims who are protesting in that airport in Dagestan.

Did you see? Yeah. So my thing is, and I’m saying it’s, RT is reporting it, so I had no problem because I actually trust RT more than I trust our media. The thing is that incident, which is basically a protest, so Dagestan is like 99% Muslim, right? You go to any community in the world right at this particular moment and tell them that a plane of Israelis is going to land at their airport.

You’d have a protest anywhere. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Anywhere. So that’s what happened. But I understand it was whipped up. So the CIA, there’s a Telegram social media account, which is controlled by some of the same people, the Kiev CIA mafia who’ve been pushing out the propaganda about the war with Ukraine. I call it the Jewish war against Russia. And they’re the ones that revved up these people in Dagestan.

There’s proof that RT has that shows that they sort know, ginned up this mob of people via telegram, got them all excited again. They didn’t do anything except protest at the airport. But now, fascinating. What has that turned into? So today, you see, the Pentagon folks would say, oh, this looks like it was a program in Russia. Hold that thought. Joe will continue with you right after this breaks at the window, wearing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door.

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602-799-8214 shoot goofing up slowly got juju eyeball he wants holy Roller he got hair down to his knee got to be a joker he just do what he please well, we’re talking with Show in Florida. Joe, continue your thoughts. Yeah. Thanks, Doctor. Yes. The point I’m trying to make is that this incident in Donghustan, in the airport, I’ve seen the videos. It’s a bunch of people protesting again, a huge Muslim community protesting and angry that an Israeli plane landed the airport, which actually is understandable.

But the bigger point is that this was sort of revved up by this telegram account controlled by from Kiev. And some of the mafia that are know there are Israelis that are running the intel operations in Kiev for the Jewish war criminal Zelensky and the American Jewish mafia that are running that war, the Jewish war against Russia in Ukraine. So it’s fascinating to me that now they’re trying to tie it in.

I see today the Pentagon spokesperson Miller, this guy Matthew Miller, he says about the incident just from the videos, he says, oh, it looks like a pogrom to me. Okay? And then I see media Fox News Channel, which actually now I’m calling as a new name, Fox Jews Channel. They’ve got their headline saying, oh, in Russia, they’re searching for Jews. They’re hunting for Jews in a pogrom. So this is the real time version of a Psyop.

Okay? And the thing is, it’s the same people in both wars, the Jewish mafia who control our foreign policy and they’re tying it together, they’re pushing us to world war. I think you’re making an excellent point, Joe, that revving it up like that. See, the Jews love to play the role of victim and the whole world is supposed to bow down and kiss their ass because they’re the victim.

That’s why they preserve the myth of the Holocaust, is because Jewish political power is rooted in a Western sense of guilt over the Holocaust. And once you learn there was a British soccer team at Auschwitz, you’ll never think the same way about the Holocaust. Again. You’re making a great point. They cry out in pain as they strike. Yes, right. That’s the Polish saying. They cry out in pain as they strike you.

And I think I’m a believer, I think we should pray for peace all over the world. But I do think we have to be very alert to the propaganda that we are being fed. This particular one is very dangerous because frankly, Russia has been kind of avoiding getting directly involved in this issue in Palestine and Gaza because it has a different relation with Israel. But when the people that are behind the Gaza Holocaust of Palestinians try and bait Russia through propaganda into getting involved more in that know, at some point people just have to get what they are working for.

In other words, these people who are diabolical, right? I’m talking about Victoria Newland, Anthony Blanken, and the whole cabal in the State Department, who created the war against Russia and Ukraine and now who are backing this deranged, psychopath mass murderer Benjamin Nazi yahoo. Those people cannot be victims when they are trying to start World War Three. Thank you, Doctor. Joe, Joe, Joe, you’re making so many great points.

I’m 100% on your side. They are trying to manipulate the outcome. What’s going on in Gaza is a real Holocaust compared to the fake Holocaust in Germany and World War II. This is a real holocaust. And the world’s got to put two plus two together and understand that these Jewish supremacists believe they’re entitled to lie about everything to the Goyam, to the non Jew, that they’re entitled to lie, that they have that right.

And you go back to this wonderful piece by Chris Hedges on my blog about the israel is a land of deceit. They lie about everything. He just documents it up and down the line. I mean, Joe, you’re making great points. I really appreciate the call. A final thought. Thanks a just you’re exactly right. And I think now’s the time we can pray we get in touch with God, right.

Because if we go into World War Three, we’re going to need his help. But at the same time, it’s not a sin to criticize Jews, especially Jews who are driving the American car 100 miles an hour to the edge of the cliff. Somebody has to drag them away from the steering wheel and has to prevent this catastrophe that they’re overtly attempting to inflict on us. God bless you, doctor.

Great points, Joe. Remember, as Volterra observed, to know who rules over you, find out who. You’re not allowed to criticize this anti Semitism thing. That just be used for any criticism of Israel whatsoever, no matter how just how warranted, how overwhelming the evidence might be. Stunning stuff. But they control our media. They seem to be in control of our government today, and we’re suffering the consequences. The question becomes, are we going to be able to survive? Jim in New York.

We’re about to hit a break, but I’ll come back with you, Jim, if you want to get a word in first. There we are, Jim. I’ll pick you up right after the break. You can’t handle the truth. You’re listening to Republic Broadcasting Network. Real news, real talk, real people. Because you can handle the truth. Homeowners. If your lender has gone out of business or sold your transaction to another lender or servicer, you may be the victim of a wrongful foreclosure resulting in the loss of your home.

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If a caller gets rude or yells at you, just hang up on them. Do you have, like, a button you can press that just ends the call? Well, I have to direct that it be done, but, yeah, I mean, I did in that case, Jim. Yeah, I agree with you. I go as far as I can with a caller, but there are some behaviors that I find unacceptable and won’t put up with.

I appreciate just hang up on them. I wouldn’t engage if someone’s being rude or yelling at you. I would just hang up on them. In fact, if they get really out of line, I would spend them for, like, a month. Well, I think they get the message. I think they get the message. Jim, further thoughts? What’s going on out there in the world? I don’t like suspending people, but it’s like in hockey where you go to the penalty box.

Yeah. A couple of weeks, the caller gets out of line and just hang up on them. That’s all. I enjoy your show very much. And if one caller dislikes another caller, my advice, if there’s a particular caller you don’t like, it’s called the mute button. You hit the mute button. You mean for those some callers in the audience? Yes, sure. Some callers don’t care for other callers. In fact, there’s a couple callers I don’t care for, I won’t mention, but I just mute them.

Very good, very good. But anyway, I think you got to realize you’re the boss. It’s your show, and don’t be afraid to hang up on anyone. And that’s all I wanted to say. And thank you, and you have a great day. Well, Jim, thank you very much for the call. Much appreciated. Ken in Texas can join the conversation. Doing I got a question for you. Well, actually, I’ll just go ahead and make a statement.

Sure. We got to look in the mirror here in the US. Because how many tens of millions of babies have been beheaded inside the womb? Even if the story that babies were beheaded over there was true, which I don’t think it is, or was, we’re already doing that here, but it’s a matter of convenience. But I digress. The point I’m calling about is that I really think that what’s going on over there is the biggest red herring in the history of the planet.

In fact, they call it a red herring in that this is all about the dismantling and the takedown of the United States, and that’s what we need to be focused on, is not letting that happen. Your thoughts? Yeah, elaborate on that. Ken. I think you’re very likely right, but tell us more. Well, we’re sending money we don’t have. We’re sending armaments we can’t afford. We’re depleting the strategic oil supply.

We’re sending planes, tanks, everything you can possibly imagine. And now our own flesh and blood and multiple carrier task forces, which is all ridiculous. We’re leaving ourselves completely vulnerable on so many different fronts. I think it’s tremendously scary. And even as only an armchair, I can’t think of the right word. I went brain dead, brain freeze, statistician or whatever. Risk player. You’ll just call it a risk player.

You can see your vulnerabilities. History will record that they had to steal the election of 2020 and prevent Trump from returning to the government so they could destroy America. And they brought in a puppet, a literal puppet. Wasn’t even the guy was already dead. But they put in imposters here after a fake election, and they really basically gave control of the country to our enemy by having these dual citizens in key positions.

Secretary of State. Secretary of the treasury. Secretary of Homeland Security. Attorney General. They’re running America for the benefit of Israel. This has nothing to do with US citizens and American interests. This is all about using America, even destroying America to benefit Israel. So. Ken, I agree 100%. That is what’s going on. Well, appreciate what you do. Just wanted to chime in with that, that we really need to watch our sixes, because I think we’re being deceived in an extraordinarily, overtly obvious way that they’re keeping out of the limelight.

I think you’re right. These millions of migrants are bringing in I tell you, I think this is an army to counter armed mega supporters, people who support Donald Trump and have weapons and would be willing to stand up for the country. They want to use these migrants. They’re going to arm them to kill Americans because they know American soldiers would not do it. Ken, I think that’s a secret plan.

The secret you help my brain out with that, because what they’re doing is that we’re seeing people turn on each other. You have certain groups of people pro Hamas. You have certain groups of people pro Israel, and it’s fomenting the perfect scenario for internal strife. Internal, yes. And they’re doing all they can to destroy monuments. Would you believe this magnificent statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlotesville has been melted down? This is just as disgusting as it gets.

And it was all supposed to be because he represented racism. He didn’t represent racism. This was a form of reconciliation between the states to have these monuments respecting the leaders of the north and the south, to bring America together. But this is being done by miscreants who want to divide and destroy America, and they’re having too damn much success. Ken, I’m just sick to heart about it. Well, that’s why I call it the Red Herring.

As in Bolshevik Red Herring. So, anyhow, thank you. I’ll let somebody else chime in. Thanks. And I think you’re spot on. Thanks very much for the call. John in New York. John, join the conversation. Yeah. So what was it that was going on earlier? Somebody was yelling. Whatever. I just came in late. Whatever. I just want to make sure that I’m about to say something. I just want to make sure I say it correctly or whatever.

I’m not sure to what you are. Alluding they were saying something about somebody before you were having a problem with somebody. Was that just before? Yeah, that was the other day. He was just saying the caller was very rude, but I dismissed him. I mean, he was so I let him go. I gave him the boot. That’s incidental. The overwhelming majority of callers are know john, go ahead.

Add your voice to other issues or whatever you want to talk about. I was just going to, uh do you know if they were a regular caller or if they were someone kind of new or someone that doesn’t call in a lot, like you tell by the voice. Someone who would like to call a just he has an inflated opinion of his know how smart Theresa New York is, who we’re talking about here.

I mean, he was very rude and aggressive, and I cut him off. Right. Well, it happens. Whatever. It’s a very stable time. So, like, anyone at all walking around acting like anything cool or fine, they need to be put in jail or in mental hospital. Either they’re guilty. Either they’re guilty or they legit. Like, after everything that’s gone on in the last seven, eight years, you can’t be walking around fine still at all.

There’s something wrong with you. I know. I’m a psychologist, not a doctor. I’m a psychologist. I’ve been saying psychology for a long time now, and it’s just not possible at all. It doesn’t matter at this point in time, even lawfully speaking with way human trafficking, the wars have been going on in that and the way that we all know that our governments are corrupted and our medical systems and that it’s up to us to do something about that.

So anyone at this point in time could start getting taken pretty much for neglect if proven that they knew of human trafficking or something going on and didn’t do any, like even call the cops. At least call the cops and at least if you do that, then you have a little bit of a leeway, you know what I mean? But if you don’t call the cops, no nothing and you do nothing, you hear at this point in time everyone crimes against humanity, that goes beyond war crimes and that means we ourselves will have to do something.

People like me and Fetzer have been Alex Jones and that telling people was the first step. Nobody listening, that’s on everybody else. So now we’re here and it doesn’t matter what anybody says. Anyone who’s walking around like Alex Jones just say is angry, upset or something, and they’re all having that without a doubt. They are insane or they are guilty. So I just want to point that out real quick for everybody.

And also if anyone wants to start coming on any of these shows, start running mouth if they want to start yelling about things, whatever, if they start getting cut off because you’re being stupid or like, I don’t want to hear it. I’ve been cut off from RBN and Revolution Radio Studio multiple times and I was not cursing or doing anything wrong or whatever it was just because I was right.

And supposedly these radio stations supposed to be about free speech, so when it comes to a lot of these guests that call or these people that call in, I hear them. I know that they’re scum and I don’t want to hear it in the future. I’m not saying they have, but you better not because I’ve been kicked off awful times and I did nothing wrong at all. I didn’t come back on complaining and nobody else stood up for me either in these communities.

I got kicked off. Nobody else would come on and be like, oh, that was wrong. So I’ve been listening to all of you people calling in. You’re the real target. You know who you are. So many times I got kicked off and I was saying, shit, you guys never said anything. And you know who you are. You’re going to be found if you haven’t been already. I have a good day.

Jim well, John, listen, I welcome diversity and argument differences of mean. That’s not a problem for me. It’s just those who attack other callers or who can’t get to the point or who are insulting and abusive, but it’s very mean. I’ve had a couple hundred calls in and I think that was maybe one or two that I had any problem with. And I don’t know if I gave anyone else a boot, but I did reese on that occasion.

John, I appreciate your calling in. Thanks very much, and be sure to call again. I want to mention, by the way, in case I didn’t have a chance to mention it before, that this piece by Joaquin Egopian about the shooting in Maine, and I just did a whole show about it today with Danny Cirrus, who has a 35 year career in law enforcement on my Revolution radio show.

It’ll be up probably up already on my BitChute channel, Jim Fetzer, and I’ll be posting it on my Twitter account at jim Fetzer. When Joaquin sent me this page, this blog, to talk about what happened in Lewis and Maine, I embedded a series of other studies I’ve done with Brian Davidson, who’s this brilliant private investigator from Texas about the Nashville shooting. I mean, this is really ridiculous. If you get into it, the Nashville shooting was completely staged, completely phony, all kinds of proof presented there.

So I want to point out that I’ve got, like, five or six that many of you will have never seen. If you go to my blog, then to this latest by Walking Egopia. And you got the Nashville shooting. We got two on Uvalde. Now, Uvalde was modeled after Sandy Hook. Where Sandy Hook? We had the shooter allegedly shooting his mother and then going to the school and shooting 21st graders and six adults.

Well, in Uvalde, we have him shooting his grandmother and then going to the school and shooting 19, 2nd, third, and fourth graders. I mean, how ridiculous is that? And you got Matthew McConaughey showing up, and they talk about how one parent claims all they had left of their child was green sneakers. And they show these green sneakers that had just come out of a box. And then Matthew McConaughey showed up with his wife, and guess what? She’s wearing green sneakers.

This is called product placement. We had new evidence about Sandy Hook because Brian got into the archives of the Connecticut State Police and discovered that in a hallway where there was supposed to be two bodies and pools of blood, where it’s not only no bodies and no pools of blood. But also in a classroom where there was supposed to be a stack of little kids bodies. Not only no little kids’bodies, but no student desks or chairs.

Meaning he found evidence not only that there was no mass shooting, but that the school wasn’t even an operating school where I originally believed it had been closed. We found in the book, nobody Died at San Diego had been closed by 2008. But during a year it’s now nearly a year ago, I spent in contact with two of the participants, one of whom was cast as a little girl, Emily Parker.

Another was cast as a teacher, Vicki Soto. They all confirmed the fraudulent aspects, and that actually, it had not even been an elementary school. It was a special needs school, which explains why it doesn’t even have a playground has anyone ever heard of an elementary school? It doesn’t have a playground. Well, that’s true in Sandy Hook. Just to show how absurd it was, how they did it. Then I have another where Brian and I there was a nice piece done about on, I believe before it’s news how to spot a false flag with a whole collection of my studies with Brian.

And then another about the buffalo shooting. Buffalo shooting, which was modeled after New Zealand. We’ll be right back. Now these days are gone, I’m not so self assured now. I find a chamber mine I don’t find your inner rebel. At Dixie Republic, the world’s largest confederate store. Located in Travelers Rest, South Carolina, the anti white, antichrist anti Southern world ends at the asphalt. Welcome to God’s country. Log on to Dixierepublic.

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Look at all the lovely people. Who is it for? All of them? Where do they all come from? All of what do they all belong? Just a few more comments about the Buffalo shooting. As I say, it was Mauled after New Zealand. You can find the New Zealand in extensive detail where I discussed it with Greg Hallett, who was going to be King John II, remarkably enough, but appears to have been cut off by some skullduggery.

I have no doubt he lived in New Zealand forever, exposed a lot of corruption there, was targeted for assassination, greg makes invaluable contribution. But the New Zealand shooting in Christchurch at the two mosques was so amateurish, it was more like a video game. That was a real shooting. The guy’s driving around, he got toy guns, they’re all painted off. He fires them and there are no shell casings.

Come out, fires at point blank, no blood, goes into a room, there’s a stack of bodies there already lined up before he shot anyone walks over, fires at him, you see a puff of air, blows a little bit of clothing away. I mean, it’s just ridiculous. On Buffalo you have similar absurdities. He’s driving around, he’s got similar toy guns. He gets out, start shooting, and the victims are dropping before they’ve even been shot.

He goes inside and he shoots a victim in the head from just about a foot away. But instead of blowing apart like a melon, had it been a real head there’s, just a puff of air. It’s really outrageous. Even discovered they actually use a trial video, meaning they did a rehearsal video in lieu of the actual by doing shadow analysis. This guy is so brilliant. Let me give you a clue.

They got one black witness who claims a day before he had a conversation with a shooter, it’s supposed to be a white premises and they spent an hour talking about critical race theory and he bought him a gatorade. Give me a break. What self respecting white supremacist is going to spend an hour talking with a black guy about critical race theory? And then he said he heard the shots and the second shot occurred 1.

7 seconds after the first. I mean, this is so absurd. So how would he know to time it? When would he know the first shot is going to be fired? 1. 7 seconds. I mean, this is just the absurdity of it all. And if you go back to Nashville, you’ll find this fascinating. The shooter comes in wearing one type of sneaker. They’re black and white, one brand bands, I think.

And then when you see the body wearing a different kind of sneaker, boom. And it’s. Colored. I mean, there’s no question about it. They muck up. They do these things and they muck them up. Let me mention, by the way, the show following mine today, steve Elkins will be having Orlene Curry as guest. I think you might enjoy that a lot. Meanwhile, you might want to check know my blog@jameshfetser.

org for this latest by Joaquin Ego Pin because, frankly, they’re trying to suppress these videos and you’ll have a hard time finding them otherwise. Meanwhile, spend as much time as you can with friend and family, the people you love and care about. We do not know how much time we have left. From my friend. Thank you, Jim. Thank you, Julie. Have a good evening. You too. From our friend close.



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