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So we’re going to be talking about the hits and misses of this film from a prepper perspective. Now, it should go without saying there’s going to be a lot of spoilers. So if you haven’t seen the movie yet and you don’t want me to spoil it, maybe don’t watch this until later. Now you’ve been warned. Let’s get to it. The plot of the story is fairly familiar. We have a nuclear bomb that goes off on the west coast of El. So the movie follows four families. The coalesce on one property after the initial disaster and all the other ensuing calamity that happens thereafter.
And they ride out the apocalypse and societal collapse. Now that I’ve explained the plot, let’s break it down scene by scene. I think there’s some very unique concepts and conflicts that come into play here that I haven’t seen depicted as well in other films. So the movie starts out with some terrorists on the boat. They detonate a nuke off the coast of la, right near Calabasas in California. Now, before the nuke goes off, the narrator says the following quote. Deep down, before the collapse, we had already fallen. Technology had become our God and we worshiped at the altar of convenience and ease.
So it’s kind of a trite cultural critique, one that we’re accustomed to by this point in time. But I think the real gems in this movie come in the dynamics and interplay between the various characters. Now, the movie starts off, of course, with the wealthy unprepared. Of course, you have the daughter on the cell phone talking to the boyfriend. The son’s on the computer playing video games. You know, the other daughter is transfixed on the television set and the mom is reading some self help book, trying to eat really healthy, all usual stuff. And the dad is, you know, working in a high rise building somewhere, completely, wholly unprepared.
You know, you run of the mill, suburban LA type family. Now the nuke that goes off appears to cause a major power outage. So we’re not sure if this was due to an emp. I don’t think it was, because later the family gets inside their Tesla whilst talking on the phone and. And normally those things would have been neutralized. The E1 and E2 pulses of an EMP would be strong enough, especially within the range that they were in, you would presume to knock out the electronics. So the first mistake that the characters make, they’re worried about radioactive fallout, the alpha beta particles that fall from the air, particularly in a ground burst.
So if there’s ever going to be a lot of radioactive fallout, this is the scenario. They’re getting ready to bug out in their vehicle. But of course they have to go outside where their vehicle is. They drape blankets over themselves to protect themselves from the radioactive particles that are presumably all around them. And then they go into the car and they put the car into what’s called biodefense mode. This is a feature on certain Tesla models that activates the HEPA filter filtration and basically filters out any sort of contaminant in the outside world. It’s a cool feature and I’m pretty sure this is why the director wanted to use a Tesla, so they could push that button.
Because it’s kind of cool, right? The mistake that they make is that they keep the blankets on them when they go in the car. So if there were any radioactive particles, they would still be emitting. The whole purpose of dawning and doffing is that you don your protective equipment and then you doff it before you enter into a non contaminated space. They donned, but they didn’t doff. Now the next mistake they make is probably using the Tesla as a bug up vehicle. Evs in general are great prepper vehicles for the long term. If you have to do some sort of regular commute in the apocalypse, there’s nothing better if you have an off grid solar system in order to fuel it.
But if you’re just trying to travel across the country in a Tesla in a grid down SHTF situation, well, as we’re gonna find out, our characters encounter a problem or two. Now the yuppie dad makes the mistake of going on a interstate or what appears to be a very busy corridor. Looks like 8 to 10 lanes or something crazy like that. You want to always stay off the main roads. If you haven’t watched my video how to Evacuate a City, you’ll be tempted to try to take the fastest way in order to get to a place you want to be thinking about what is the longest possible route I can take, utilizing the back roads to evacuate the city.
But if you’re a prepper, you’re thinking in advance. You know that slow is fast and fast is very slow. And in his case, he ends up gridlocked on a highway, and now he’s forced to ditch his vehicle and make his way on foot. Now this unprepared family is bugging out to the wealthy family’s property who they’re related to. Okay, so they’re brother and sister. So they have an final tie. They have an in. They’re not going to be turned away. The problem is now they have to get there. So after the opening credits, the director takes us somewhere in the Rockies.
They don’t specify where, but it is a mansion. I mean, it is a palace. These people are frickin loaded. Now, this property is located very close to a town and off a major highway. This is the absolute worst place to be. From a strategic relocation point of view. Everybody knows the rich guy, and they have this massive home that they are flaunting. They could have probably avoided 99% of the problems that they’re going to face if they just took a portion of the money that they spent on this home and got themselves a cottage off the beaten path, if you know what I mean.
Now, even though I think the location sucks, the house is on the high ground, okay? And it appears as though they have a lot of lookout points, so they have that going for them anyways. So then we get acquainted with our main character, played by Neil McDonough, who is the owner of the wealthy prepper homestead. Now, the first thing he does after realiz that, well, the shit’s hitting the fan, is he contacts his head of security. So he has a plan for this very contingency, and it involves bringing in a security team to his property. Okay, he made these plans a few months ago, just serendipitously worked out that way.
And then of course, the fun starts. So then he calls up the guy who really is the most hardcore run and gun prepper type of them all. This is the head of his security detail. So then we get acquainted with security guy that appears to have quite the inclination towards preparedness. Obviously a scaled down, more middle class version of the lifestyle. They have some backyard chickens. He’s got a lot of bug out bags and a lot of guns, and of course, a lot of military special operations experience. So the security guy obviously has frequent Deployments. This leads to family problems.
His kids don’t really trust him. He feels that they don’t spend enough time with him. So this is a man who’s kind of conflicted because on the one hand, he wants to defend his family and do what’s right for his family, but his family doesn’t really realize what he is doing. I think this is a conflict that a lot of guys face nowadays when they’re out there, they’re working, they’re trying to, you know, provide for their family, or they’re doing things that the family might not immediately appreciate, but pretty soon they’re absolutely going to appreciate it.
So the security guy has a daughter. I’m not sure if she’s adopted or if she was from a first marriage or what, but clearly this is a blended family to some extent. And his daughter, it appears, is some kind of clairvoyant because she’s drawing an image of what appears to be a mushroom cloud. That is exactly what is about to happen in Los Angeles. And of course, the security guy takes note of this and, you know, kind of is a little weirded out by it. And then the story moves on. So the security guy darts off and what appears to be a diesel vehicle, something that you probably should try to get.
I’m not going to lie. After watching this movie, I’m giving serious consideration to a GMC Yukon XL 3 liter, inline 6, Duramax turbo diesel engine. I’m telling you, there’s something about a diesel that is just going to get you through the apocalypse. So he gets a point for that. He then notifies his security entourage that he has a job doing security detail for this rich prepper homestead guy. So the dad is trying to get his family prepared to bug out to this preparedness treat, and it’s met with some resistance. His son tells him, dad, it’s only one nuclear bomb.
What’s the big deal? And the dad, of course, rightly says, things can go downhill very fast, so we need to at least take the precaution of getting out there while we can. Maybe it’s going to be a benign incident that’s going to be resolved soon, but we’ve seen the way that their government responds to these things, and it’s very possible that this singular event could have a cascading effect that could eventually lead to the total breakdown of law and order. They then provide more exposition about what’s going on when the dad states that he reached out to his contacts at the Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies and that they weren’t picking up the phone, which is probably a telltale sign that things are going south.
The dad’s frenzied attempts to try to muster his family and get them in the car so they can bug out is starkly contrasted with his son, who appears to be busy taking a selfie with his hatchet. I really like this setup because it does contrast the kids vanity and just self obsessiveness with the dad who understands the true gravity of the situation and understands that this is not a game, okay? This is not something to tweet about. The dad then very assertively commands his family. Look, it’s time to go. My job is to keep good people safe.
That’s what I do. So he kind of sets the premise that he’s going to be one of the good guys in this film. And of course, because he has a family, it’s kind of hard to think that he would ever succumb to the temptation to be a bad guy in this situation, as we’re going to find out later on. Georgie tells her mom that she had a vision and she doesn’t think that they’re ever going to come back to their house again. Which of course is foreshadowing for the fact that this is likely going to be a full blown SHDF situation.
So when they’re bugging out of town, they make a stop at a grocery store and there’s an altercation of people fighting over, you guessed it, toilet paper. And allows us to do a little bit of character development because it shows our security team intervening in an altercation where a guy was beating a woman. And so kind of setting the stage up that these are in fact the good guys. So the mom takes the opportunity to go and get some antibiotics before splitting town. And this is a great time, of course, to pitch Jace Medical. You absolutely need to get a supply of antibiotics so you don’t find yourself in this type of predicament.
The last thing you want to be doing is fighting with mobs of desperate people over antibiotics when the shit’s going down. So now they’re proceeding to the homestead and they’re in this jacked up convoy. Completely the opposite of gray man. I would say that I would try to be as discreet as possible. Even if you have the firepower and the training to defend yourself, I don’t think it’s worth calling attention to yourself in this way. Some people might disagree. They might say, well, no, if you project strength, then people are not going to mess with you.
Especially if you look like an organized security team, the majority of people are not going to want to pick a fight. But in my personal opinion, it’s probably better to fly under the radar, speak softly, and carry a big stick. So we then learn that there’s been a cyber attack on the east coast, and even the State Department doesn’t have power. I think this is a fairly accurate depiction of how it would unfold because a lot of these government agencies rely on the same power grid as civilians. So we know now that this is a nationwide phenomena and it’s a harbinger that things are likely not going to get better.
Now, how likely is it that the Russians would seize upon this opportunity and do a major cyber attack on the United States? There’s a possibility. We know that something like this would lead to retaliation by the United States, probably of the same magnitude. And then you would have a tit for tat exchange that runs up the escalation ladder towards full blown nuclear conflict. So they pull up to the homestead, and one of the first things I noticed was that the house is about 50 times bigger than the greenhouse. Okay, so they’re supposed to be providing for dozens of people here, but there’s no way in hell they’re all eating out of this one greenhouse in this very small orchard.
Your orchard and your greenhouse and the agricultural land should vastly exceed in size the size of your mansion. And I also don’t see a whole lot of solar panels, certainly not enough to power this entire operation. Now, prepper homestead guy makes a comment when he’s on the phone trying to get a hold of his family who’s on route to the compound. He talks about how the cell phone lines are likely very congested because everybody is trying to make a call at the same time. Hence the importance of having some kind of alternative means of communication, possibly even a satellite phone.
And sure enough, security mom takes her aside with her satellite phone and allows her to send a text message to their family. Now, it looks like she’s using a Garmin SOS spot unit, which is a text messaging unit. It’s not an actual satellite phone. Okay, so then security guy’s son, who I call Drake, sees a girl, and this is when the cringe begins. You know, those adolescent hormones are going to be a problem when the crap hits the fan. If you get families together and you got teenagers, you really have to have conversations about the importance of using protection, because the last thing you want is to be dealing with a pregnant teenager nine months from that point.
So security guy asks homestead guy, hey, Can I see your perimeter? And we see where exactly this homestead is situated. And you can see a larger town or possibly a small city in the background. So, you know, they’re very close to a more densely populated region. And of course, their property is very prominent in the landscape and it stands out like a sore thumb, likely going to be a beacon for every desperate person within miles. Now, this perimeter is not very clearly defined. Basically, their property butts up against government land, which is basically freely accessible by anybody.
The problem is there’s nothing clearly demarcating their land with the public land. There doesn’t really appear to be any sort of fencing or indication where their property line starts and the public land begins. And of course, the security guy makes the point of we don’t want people to have a line of sight into our property and and potentially have a way of infiltrating the compound from this particular spot. And this is where the first difference of opinion arises. The rich prepper guy is of the belief that, hey, we just have to hold out until the government comes and fixes everything, whereas the security guy is already thinking that the situation is likely not going to improve and it’s only slowly going to deteriorate and we need to make sure that we push people as far, far back from our borders as is possible, that despite this being government public land, we can’t permit people to squat there.
Now, surprisingly, I’m actually siding with the rich prepper guy here. Based on what we know of the current situation, this is something that could potentially not lead to a full blown national emergency. As much as I think constant vigilance is required from this point in picking fights by kicking people off a property at this point could have all kinds of repercussions. I would want more information before I committed to that level of intervention beyond our own borders. Now we see the naivety of the homestead owner when he doesn’t seem to realize that he is in a certain position that is going to be the envy of a lot of desperate people around.
And the security guy tells him, look, this is probably one of the most prepared locations in the Rockies and everybody is going to come here. Now, to the rich homesteader’s credit, he does have a rather large community of people at his disposal. He has about 90 people, 50 fighting age males, 40 other family members, as he calls him. So it’s not as though they’re going to be pushovers even without the security team. So while all this is happening, the unprepared family is making their way to the preparedness compound in their Tesla. The Tesla unfortunately runs out of power.
Surprise, surprise, they manage to make it to some truck stop gas station where they proceed to then steal the gas powered vehicle of somebody else. And then they get on their merry way. Now this scene highlights a few things. There’s going to be a lot of conflict for gasoline in this situation. And you can see this when there’s people fighting over gas, knowing full well that if they don’t secure that fuel, they’re not going to make it to their destination. I think it’s a pretty powerful statement when you have a well meaning family in a Tesla who runs out of energy and steals a gas guzzling vehicle.
That really is the perfect scene that encapsulates an aspect of SHTF that not a lot of people are going to fully comprehend until it happens just how quickly good people can turn bad. Now, honestly, it kind of serves the guy right. Never leave your keys in the car at a truck stop when the is hitting the fan, especially if he got gas in the tank. Come on. So they got sandbags here which appear to be made of like a burlap material. And then they have some barbed wire, razor wire type stuff. These are all great fortifications that I would encourage people to have.
I always encourage people to have on hand hundreds of sandbags if possible, and some razor wire. Legally you can actually use it in many places here in Canada, but you can still buy it for some reason. So you might as well just get some just in case. Then they pan to a shot of a voyager, a Cato Voyager, shortwave radio, something that you can get@canadianpreparedness.com, you guessed it. And on the radio they’re talking about how they’re raining down hellfire on the Houthis. I think in a case like this where Filipino terrorists are detonating nukes on the west coast and the Russians are incinerating power grids on the East Coast, I think the Houthis will be the least of our concerns in that scenario.
So I think they could have thought of something better to put on the radio than this. They also talk about how the US Dollar has went off a cliff and inflation is at 15%, something that is very plausible in the not too distant future. So then the guy on the radio says that anybody who gets a hold of US Dollars is immediately trying to flip it into bitcoin, gold backs or some sort of alternative currency. Now if you don’t know what gold backs are, they are an alternative currency. And we’ve actually done reviews on that on the channel before, and I think it’s actually a good substitute.
But I’m surprised that he didn’t just say precious metals like silver and gold. That is first and foremost. Yes, gold backs are something that are actually recognized. But I’m surprised that they mentioned bitcoin first, especially when the freaking power is out. So then we teleport to what appears to be a working class family. This is the poor, unprepared family. Okay. And they’re eating by candlelight. I like the importance of having candles. Just be aware, they are most certainly a fire hazard. And they appear to be rationing food throughout this process. Now, I think it’s a little bit early in the film for them to be rationing their food in this way, unless they’re just incredibly prudent and very good at rationing.
And they have a bit more. Usually people have at least a few days worth of food in their pantry. And as far as I know, we’re still only on day one or two of this whole apocalypse thing. So the girl asked the father, hey, I got to go to the washroom. I got to go outside. But I’m scared to go outside by myself. So, of course, personal hygiene thing. The toilets ain’t flushing. Managing your waste is going to be a big problem, particularly number twos. You’re probably going to have to dig a hole. But you can actually get these porta potty devices.
Really all it is is a toilet seat. You strap it to any five gallon container, you get a garbage bag, you get some sort of lime or wood ash or something that can neutralize the bacteria that’s in there that’s going to build up. And that’s what you got to do. The apocalypse ain’t pretty. Or if you got a backhoe, dig an outhouse. Now, the dad only seems to have a baseball bat. Now, this is in the Rocky Mountains, not too far away from our rich prepper guy who he’s going to get acquainted with later on. But not having a firearm in the United States, in the Rocky Mountains, no matter how poor you are, Everybody can afford $150 shotgun at some point.
There is literally no excuse. So that was an epic fail. Especially this guy, because he kind of looks. He’s got a beard, he looks like a man’s man. He’s got the black rifle hat on. I mean, something ain’t right here. So already things have descended into lawlessness and people are going from home to home raiding houses. Now, I’m not sure it would happen this fast, especially in a smaller town like this, but let’s just presume it is. Again, this guy should have a firearm. He fits the profile of somebody who should have a firearm, but he doesn’t for some reason.
So they decide to bug out. And I actually think that this is the smart decision considering they don’t have a means of self defense. Bug out. Especially if they’re rationing their food and the way that they are, they’re probably not going to be losing anything worth dying for. So now that they have to bug out and they have no place to bug out to because you know, obviously it’s outside of their budget to prepare, they start thinking about who has stuff. So if you’re a person who has stuff, guess whose house they’re going to come to.
Oh, did I just refer to myself like the rich prepper guy that they’re going to come across? I’m also very well armed and very well connected, so something to think about. So they’re driving through what appears to be a very derelict part of town. Cop cars are on fire, tent cities, probably your average day in some parts of California. And Portland perhaps this is a reference obviously to the gradual socioeconomic decline that precedes the collapse. So now we enter a period of time where thankfully he has people who are armed and who are trained in military tactics manning the gates, because if he didn’t, he would obviously be quickly overrun by these poor people or unprepared people who have nowhere else to go.
But they all just gravitate like a magnet, like a moth to a light bulb. Assuming that they’re going to be able to get some sort of handout from this guy who prepared at his own expense. One thing I will say for the poor family, I’m not sure if this was intentional. The poor family never resorted to stealing from somebody. Whereas the wealthy unprepared family, they actually stole a guy’s car. Okay, so they were a lot more self invested than this poor family, who actually later on we learn has a fairly valuable skill set, which is something that can’t be said about the wealthy, unprepared, prepared family.
Okay, so some big shot, self entitled, expropriating bureaucrat decides to make an appearance at the property and starts demanding a bunch of shit. This is probably going to happen. Okay, so while buddy’s rummaging through his pantry, I’m seeing a lot of gold backs and he also appears to have several stacks of silver and a lot of cash and a lot of nutri store that you of course can get at, you guessed it, canadianpreparedness.com he’s got a lot of gold backs. Damn. I’m pretty sure this was a payment for the product placement because that’s a hell of a lot of gold backs.
Whoa. These guys are packing. He’s got a massive wall of guns. So we know firearms certainly ain’t a problem in this state. So. Poor dad, you got to get your together. So this Blake Masterson zoning enforcement prick, for some reason lets himself in to the vault where all the stuff is held. Yeah, I really hope that this guy reprimands his assistant. Never grant somebody the authority to do this unless they have some kind of warrant. And in these situations, even if they did, I would be highly suspicious. So he comes and he starts reaming him out about sprinkler schedules as if there’s still a functional government that’s going to be able to enforce this shit.
And, you know, I really like this because isn’t it incredible how these guys aren’t prepared to deal with the people in their community? But here they are chastising this guy because he doesn’t have enough porta potties and fire extinguishers. Meanwhile, they’re in there trying to expropriate his food and firearms. He’d like an inventory of everything on this property. The first thing I would tell him was in stock was this. And if he had a problem with it, well, come back and take it up with my squad of special operators. This prepper guy clearly has thought a lot of this through.
Otherwise he wouldn’t have a security team. I mean, you’re seeing a dynamic unfold here where perhaps there’s a bit of incredulity on the part of the rich prepper. And the security guy is warning him of all of these risks and why they need to remain vigilant. But it was the prepper who hired the security team. It was him who stockpiled all these firearms, who stockpiled all the food and water and the provisions, and who’s been preparing for this eventuality for the longest time. So you got to give the guy a little bit of credit. He’s prepared, as prepared as he’s going to be.
That’s why security guys there, right? So if you guys notice, what is he riding? He’s riding an E bike, and it looks very similar to the E bikes we sell at, you guessed it, canadianpreparedness.com I’m telling you, the director, I think he. I think he watches my channel. That’s all I’m going to say Rambo e bikes are great because they’re great off road. I’ve done a review of them before and not only that, they are silent and they of course, can run on solar. So you can sneak in and out of a place very quietly and much quicker and probably making less noise than walking or running.
Even now he comes across a house that is burning that says hoarders. Again, I think a lot of this stuff is happening a little bit too fast. You know, I don’t think the breakdown. Remember, we’re still just a few days, presumably into the collapse. At least that’s how it seems because those people are still trying to make their way back across the country. And this is something that I would expect to happen maybe after a few weeks here. They’re trying to convey the general contempt for people who had the foresight and the discipline and were responsible enough to prepare.
And I do think this is likely something that’s going to happen. I just don’t know if it’s going to happen that quick. I also think it’s strange that he would go out there by himself knowing that there’s a potential threat out there. It just doesn’t seem if when you have all those bodies, you’d probably go with somebody else. I would not advise going on a solo mission like this. So prepper guy makes a deal with security guy. Prepper guy’s average Joe. Homesteaders are going to get trained in security tactics, and the security guys are going to have to pull their weight around the farm.
Now, I do think this is a fair compromise. Obviously, their specialty is in security and defense of the compound, but in order for them to have a vested interest in the community, you don’t want them to be alienated from everybody else, so you want them to start building relationships with the people. At the same time, I would not do this to the detriment of. Of taking them away from their primary task, which of course is to defend the property. I’m actually surprised that it’s going as good as it is so far. I’m surprised that the leader of the security team has been able to keep his people in check.
If we’re already to the point where hoarders houses are being burnt down, I mean, clearly it’s not game theory inside the compound yet. Maybe that’s going to be problematic at some point. But this is what compelled me to make a video that I recently made that talked about how most people who are in this line of work, they want to do one thing. They want to hold A gun and they want to defend an area. And if you can task them with that job and you can take care of all the social and political and the agrarian stuff, then they’ll do that job.
In fact, they’re probably going to thrive in an environment where there’s a chain of command and they are taking orders, they’re going to wait orders. In fact, if you let them wait too long without an order, then they might, might start thinking bad thoughts. I mean, I’m not trying to denigrate the profession at all. If a gunfight happens, they’re going to be the ones that probably die first. However, you got to keep them busy so they don’t turn on you. Okay, so in this part of the movie, they’re going to now be training using this laser tag system that you attach to real firearms.
And the security guy is going to teach all of the well to do prepper types how to shoot and how to shoot guns in a tactical manner. Now this laser tactical training system is something I’m really seriously considering. I’m definitely going to be looking into this system because I think this will make an excellent training tool. I did some comprehensive firearms training and it’s a lot different. And that’s not even having people shoot back at you. Now, I’ve done paintball before. I think those are good things to get you accustomed to the run and gun aspect and the adrenaline aspect and even trying to avoid getting hit, getting touched by something, knowing how to shoot a gun, knowing how to hunt, are completely different things from actually getting in a gunfight with somebody who’s experienced.
So then a few of the women, bless their souls, they get together and they decide it’s time to start giving away our food to these poor people at the gates. There’s pros and cons to this, right? Because ultimately you want to hold off a mutiny, and the last thing you want to have to start doing is shooting people outside the gates who you grew up with in the community. So we’re going to start to see a new dynamic unfold here, which I think is probably how it’s going to play out. On the whole, women are more nurturing and perhaps a bit more generous.
So I think this is a fairly accurate depiction of how things are going to go. So when rich prepper guy tries to give away some food, security guy takes issue with this and he basically says, you’re not just giving away all our food, you’re giving away my food. Now. Now, this is what I would be very cautious of. Security guy is Already taking ownership of Ian’s food. And that’s a big no no for me, that would be a red line. If I want to give food to somebody, it is my right to do so. But herein lies the problem with bringing people onto your property.
Fortunately, security guy brought his family, so he has a vested interest in maintaining the peace. And I’m sure his wife and children don’t want to have that on their conscience, that they were the ones who upended the whole thing. Ian says, what if FEMA comes and I’ve turned these people away? I’m going to have to live with these people in the community for the foreseeable future. In this situation, you don’t know if the rule of law is going to come back. You don’t know if the lights are going to come back on. You don’t know what’s going to happen.
So you have to balance that out. It’s not as though it’s a cut and dry, full blown nuclear war scenario where it’s dog eat dog, it’s batting down the hatches and we’re riding this thing out to the end. This is a very fluid situation and that is going to make a difference in terms of how you interact with people from the outside. Now the rich prepper wife really wants to give food away to all these starving people at the gates. Now, I do not agree with the wife’s approach here. Just providing handouts to everybody, I don’t think is the right idea.
I think this one guy who Ian knows, that’s who you should be focusing on. Focus on certain people who you know you can trust. But I mean, it’s up to you if you feel like you have the provisions to feed the entire community. But I don’t agree with the wife. Just throwing food to everybody, that just seems stupid. The hardest part really would be turning away kids. And if you’re going to bring any of these people into your home, I would take the families with the kids because you know that those families are going to do whatever they can to try to remain a part of that community.
And they’re also going to pose the greatest threat outside your gates. So security guy decides to send his son out to do security detail on the perimeter with some other random guy who appears to be very young. This is a really dumb idea. It just makes no sense whatsoever that you would put such an inexperienced person in the section where you could potentially have people coming into the property, maybe putting him in the front gate where within eyeshot there is some other more experienced People, but to put him in the back 40 with some random with a gun and just say, hey, go play G.I.
joe, not a good idea. My paternal instinct would say, yeah, I want my son to be a part of that. However, I probably would have trained him in a bit more than just deer hunting. Up until this point, rich prepper wife thinks that they just need to ride this out until the government comes to help. But her husband isn’t so sure that help is going to be coming. If you’re going to the extent that these people are. And the wife is so naive that she thinks the government’s going to come, then you messed up somewhere, okay? You don’t have a chalkboard that rations all your supplies and a year worth of food and all the guns and ammunition and not have thought about the potential for help not to come.
Now, this is where you know the difference between men and women and their powers, soft and hard skills. Now, people might be thinking to themselves, this woman’s crazy. You know, she’s offering no insight here whatsoever. But women, because they’re nurturing, they’re the ones who create people, right? And so if you want to expand a community, you almost need somebody who has this benevolent inclination that they would want to grow that community by bringing people in. Because remember, those people, while they might in the short term be consuming your food, in the long term, they will. Just like a child and a little baby, when it grows up, it will contribute.
She asks him, is this an ark or is this a fortress? I would have to say both. As far as I know, Noah’s ark was somewhat exclusive in terms of who he brought on. So security guy’s son and his buddy make it up to their lookout post, and they’re surveilling the perimeter. They notice some hunters creeping up on their land. The megaphone malfunctions, so they can’t get the hunter’s attention. So the son radios to the dad and asks him, what do I do here? The hunters vaguely see them on the horizon, but they can’t quite make it out what it is.
So the hunter unknowingly points his firearm in the direction to use his scope to try to see exactly who is shouting what at them. If you are going hunting in the apocalypse, do not use your gun as a monocular, okay? Make sure you have a separate set of binoculars, because you might be pointing that gun at somebody harmlessly using it as a telescope. But if you have your gun trained on somebody, they’re going to think that you mean them harm. And they’re going to probably shoot you. So the kid finds himself in a situation where there’s a hunter pointing a gun at him.
And the dad advises him, without even asking for much details, how far away is the guy? Tells him to just shoot the guy, which I think is stupid advice. What I would have advised the kid to do is retreat, because he’s just there to spot. He’s not there to shoot guys. And I’ll send some of my special ops guys out there. I mean, that’s what the sensible thing to do would be anyway. The kid shoots the hunter, center mass. The community hears the shot. They send up the medical team to retrieve this guy. And the thing is too, if you’re going to be bringing this guy back to your infirmary, why wouldn’t you just shoot him in the leg or something? I understand you want to go for critical mass, but if the point wasn’t to kill the guy and now you’re going to revive him, then why wouldn’t you do that? These are questions you’re going to be faced with, you know what I mean? Obviously they had a malfunction with their megaphone.
That is another reason to have a megaphone, by the way, which is why we showcased it in one of our recent videos. Security dad, who’s seen this all before, is quite apathetic, whereas his son is overrun with emotion. So now rich prepper guy and security guy are having a very intense conversation about what just happened. The rules of engagement. I think that’s something that has to be clearly established. What I really like about this movie is, yeah, from a Rotten Tomatoes point of view, you know, they’re not going to rate it that high. But from a prepping point of view, I think it’s a 9 out of 10.
Because what he just said there about rules of engagement and having previously established and clearly delineated rules of engagement that are agreed upon between the homeowner and the security, both are going to have to make a certain degree of compromises. There has to be an agreement. Rules of engagement. I really like that terminology. So it looks like they were storing wheat in water totes, which are pretty heavy duty plastic container. We’ve showed them on the channel before. I don’t know how typical it is to store wheat in these, but apparently a rat or some mice chewed their way through this.
That could definitely be problematic. And it’s a situation that could be remedied by a few cats. I’m surprised they don’t have cats on this farm because cats would take care of most of These issues. So here we have the first disagreement between head security guy and his subordinate, who the subordinate is wanting to overthrow the community and create some sort of military dictatorship and make everybody their slaves. And security guy, who has kids there. And this is part of the reason why I say if you have a security guy, make sure you make the space for his family.
That will ensure that there’s not a mutiny. His subordinate is saying that, well, I don’t have any kids, so I don’t care. I’m a lone wolf. That’s precisely why he’s not in charge in this situation. Typically, lone wolves die in the wilderness. So, yeah. No, no. So now we’re back with the rich prepper guy and his chalkboard. He’s stressing about rations and supplies due to the wheat that they just lost to this rat infestation. He’s broken it down, the total amount of calories that they have, which is incredibly meticulous. And they have 47 million calories. Now, remember, we know that one person is going to need about 1 million calories to survive a year.
In fact, we’ve done a video on that very thing. I would encourage you to go and watch it. So that means that they have enough food to feed 47 people for a year. You’re talking about 100 adults for six months, maybe 200 people for about three months, maybe 500 people for a month and a half. So I think that’s. That’s kind of neat. Now, he says that they have 32 total weeks of food. So I would presume that they have about 100 people. Now he says that he has 50 men and 40 women and children. So that’s bang on.
This system that he has for keeping track, all of their provisions, I think is actually excellent. And this is something that everybody should consider a chalkboard like this. In fact, I want to make a video on this now. So security guy’s son, who just killed a guy, is having a post traumatic stress disorder episode. And the father is rather flippant about the whole thing because, of course, he’s done this for his entire life and he’s completely desensitized to this sort of thing. So for him, it’s no big deal. But the average person who’s never had to do that before, it’s going to be a very traumatic experience, especially if it’s not cut and dry.
They were bad guys. My life was in jeopardy. This was a very novel situation where there were many other ways that it could have been dealt with. Typically, that’s when you’re going to see the most debilitating types of ptsd. And one thing that concerns me is in a collapse scenario like this is everybody thinks that it’s just going to be good guys and bad guys. I think it’s going to be a lot grayer and less black and white than a lot of people think. This is all the more reason to have some meticulously thought out rules of engagement that you try to adhere to to the best of your capability so you don’t find yourself stricken with some post traumatic stress disorder after the event.
Now the prepper wife and the husband really have a falling out when the wife is really conflicted about what just happened, with somebody dying in defense of their preparedness goods. This is a very religious woman and this goes against everything that she believes. Problem is, we still don’t know when help is going to be coming, if ever, or if the situation is going to continue to deteriorate. In that case, where resources are going to be limited, you do have to ultimately make a choice because every bit of food that you give somebody else is taking away from your survival time.
So now the unprepared family that stole somebody’s van has finally made it onto the homestead. So this selfish unprepared family is allowed in before all of the poor people who are there because of course they are related to rich prepper guy. Do these people have any useful skills whatsoever? My guess is probably not. This is going to be a conundrum for people because you might have more resourceful, skillful people outside the gates and you might have a bunch of freeloading family members on the inside. The thinking is at least you can trust your family and hopefully that trust overrides their lack of skills that they bring to the table.
So we then have a five minute sequence where Drake, the guy who basically just killed a hunter, interacting with rich prepper girl who of course he wants to get in her pants. What I like about this movie and what I will say I love about Christian people in general is that good old fashioned extended courting process. No sex before marriage. There’s something to be said about that nowadays. I know I’m beating this thing like a dead horse. It’s nice to see it, you know, it’s nice to see those old school traditional values being depicted on screen.
And for that reason, I think this is a great movie to watch with family. This is a very family friendly, post apocalyptic film, at least so far. Okay, so the, the cringiest part of this entire movie is when Drake goes in for the sneak kiss and then darts out the door like a. It’s beautiful. And it’s also incredibly cringy at the same time. I’m sure I did that at one point when I was a kid. Did I? Didn’t I? Yeah, I came. I’m an 80s kid. So, you know, so now we have a situation where things are really getting down to the wire outside the gate where people are camped out hoping that they’re going to get some scraps thrown to them.
And then you have security guys, minions walking around with firearms. It’s really starting to look like an apocalyptic situation. So security guy is listening to his Kaido shortwave radio and he learns that both Texas and California have actually taken over control of the National Guard. This signals that there is in fact a breakdown of federal government control. And we also now learned that there’s interstate conflicts. For example, Utah is fighting with California about an electricity and water supply. This balkanization of the Americas is something that I don’t think a lot of people have thought about because as a nation, America has a shared responsibility in terms of critical infrastructure.
And a lot of states rely on other states for various things. Now if you suspend federal governance and people start to govern on a region and at best state by state level, conflicts may arise where various states have points of interdependence or conflict over resources. Basically, we learned that lawlessness has run rampant in most cities and it’s complete WROL. So at 118.50 we again get to see a wider shot of the property. And all they have is one rinky dink greenhouse on this property. Now, for a compound of 100 people, my greenhouse is about three times the size of that greenhouse.
And I don’t have 90 people. I’ll probably have a dozen or so, maybe a little bit more, but that ain’t a big enough greenhouse. Okay, so maybe they were limited in terms of how they built out this property for the film, but that is definitely not an accurate representation of what you would need. So the wife finds a way to salvage the wheat, which was spoiled by the rats, and she makes a bunch of loaves of bread. And she says, okay, I was able to salvage this. And she tells the husband, I’m gonna go give it to the poor people who are starving at the gates.
The husband says, no, we don’t have enough to do charity at this point in time. And the wife brings up God once again. Now, as an agnostic person, I’m interested in what my Christian or any religion I’M interested in what you think about this scene. Religious teachings tend to encourage generosity and encourage helping out your fellow man in times of need, but how do you reconcile that with resource scarcity? This is something you’re going to have to think about, but I’m really interested in hearing what you guys think about this. Let me know in the comment section below.
All right, so rich prepper dad notices that Drake is getting pretty close to his daughter and he doesn’t like the situation. Now, as a dad, I don’t blame him because you don’t want to be dealing with teen pregnancy. And as we know, teenagers are gonna teenager. Those hormones are running wild. So religious wife once again wants to give bread away to all the poor people, but I don’t think she is expressing herself in the way that she needs to. What she should be telling the husband is, hey, these people might be resourceful. They may be able to contribute to the community.
So this is the reason you need to look at it from a materialist point of view, because that’s how the husband is looking at it, because he, after all, was the one who put all this together. So then the plot thickens because the rich, unprepared guy shows up, acting almost as if nothing happened and wondering what’s all the fuss about. Meanwhile, his family is freaking out. They’re relieved to see him, but they don’t understand why he’s so cool, calm and collected. He appears to be completely oblivious to the current threat level. Basically says that between LA and Vegas, the roads are pretty much clear.
There was a traffic jam inside la, but outside of that, everything was fine. And on the Las Vegas Strip, he claims that they actually have power going on and that it’s being powered by diesel generators. Now, I find it highly unlikely that they would be so frivolous with their energy usage in such a situation. But perhaps this is a statement about how we as a society are just so intent on amusing ourselves even while the world burns around us, that we’re willing to waste precious energy on this sort of conspicuous consumption. So he claims that it was FEMA that set up these generators and was maintaining law and order in Las Vegas.
But security Guy is suspicious and he asked him as to whether or not he was absolutely sure that it was fema. Now, the reason why he’s so suspicious here is because he just learned that California and Texas and probably multiple other states have basically usurped control over all of the federal agencies that operate within those states. So this is why he has doubts that the federal government which oversees fema, is still operational in Vegas. And I think this is a very valid concern. You know what, if anything, what we’re learning here is that you absolutely should have a shortwave radio.
Even better, have a ham radio. In fact, I’m surprised we haven’t seen amateur radio introduced here yet. So Rich unprepared guy asks Rich prepper guy, how was the fallout from the nuclear bomb? And Rich prepper guy says that his Geiger counters didn’t register anything. It really does depend on the prevailing winds and the size of the bomb whether or not fallout is going to make its way all the way from the west coast to the interior, it’s very possible that that fallout could disperse in another direction altogether and completely miss this community. So there’s a scene where it’s revealed that the unprepared rich guy that just came from Vegas ran out of his meds, which I presume are psychiatric meds, because he was rather short.
When asked a simple question by Rich prepper Guy, this is just a reminder that if you are on any sort of psychiatric medication, post collapse, when that medication runs out, people are going to start to become a little bit imbalanced. Whatever sort of effect that that drug has on you, the opposite is going to be true when it runs out. I’m glad they included this in the movie. They really are covering all the bases here. So then they notice that there’s some big white trucks coming down the highway. And of course, Vegas guy says, ha, I told you so.
It’s fema. They’re coming to bring us stuff. Well, as it turns out, they’re actually the SWAT team from the local town, acting at the behest of that annoying bureaucrat that we seen earlier in the film that was sticking his nose in everybody’s pantries. So this bureaucrat and his minions pull up in an armored vehicle and a SWAT team jumps out, effectively there to try to expropriate all of the community stuff. So the SWAT team jumps out and demands that the community lay down their weapons. At this point, head security guy is not convinced that even if they are police, they have a legitimate authority in this situation.
And this is where the lines are going to get really blurry. Because even if you have a fully functional local police department, who are they taking orders from if the county, state and federal government are no longer functioning, how do you know that the local police department hasn’t just morphed into the local gang and they’re acting extrajudiciously now? Security guy is dead set against giving up his guns here because he doesn’t think. And he distinctly says we’re probably never going to get him back. And when you have the government coming to take stuff from your community because they’re desperate and then they want your guns on top of it, you know that there’s a very high likelihood that things are really, really bad.
Now, the litmus test for local law enforcement legitimacy is going to be whether or not they can prove that there is still a functional state or federal government that they’re taking orders from. If there is no chain of command, then I would venture to say the rule of law no longer applies. So then the bureaucrat demands that everybody put all their food in the trucks, and right then and there, he effectively declares war on this community. Now, is it probable that a situation like this will play out on some level? Yes, but not against a well defended community like the one we’re seeing now.
In fact, in the movie, when the head of the SWAT team who’s been tasked with disarming these people, when he learns that there are special forces, he says that we need to pack up and we need to get the hell out of here. But of course, loudmouth bureaucrat insists that they take everybody’s shit because he thinks he’s Negan in the Walking Dead. So he claims that they’re going to redistribute food in accordance with the legal charter of the township. Again, I’m not a lawyer, but to me that sounds like a bunch of bullshit. So then rich prepper guy gets shot by the bureaucrat.
And it’s kind of interesting here how it wasn’t the cops who shot the guy. It was some loudmouth politician. Go figure. Now rich prepper guy gets shot and he appears to be in some kind of coma. Now the wife has kind of taken over, but I’m not so sure that security guy is going to be allowing the wife to basically arbitrarily make decisions about moving food around and donating food, which is what is now depicted in the scene. She believes that God is telling her to help everybody, so she starts giving away all the food. Yeah, the husband gets shot, goes into a coma, and the wife has the bright idea to give away all the food.
I understand the importance of generosity in a situation like this, especially if you’re religious. But after this guy’s in a coma, the wife throws complete caution to the wind. She goes to his chalkboard and she basically wipes the chalkboard clean. And she’s basically now just acting on her heart because she’s seen the light of God and now she’s just going to give away all the food and she’s going to open the floodgates to the community. What do you guys think about that? Was that a good idea or not? She then says to herself, before I was just the women of the house, but now I have a new purpose.
I was expecting the next line to be, I am death, destroyer of worlds. Because I think she basically just opened Pandora’s box. I’m not sure I’m buying this ending. Not for a minute. The woman becomes filled with love, and then all of a sudden, security guy is holding a puppy and is now completely neutered to the fact that this woman is giving out all the food. It’s not going to go down like that. So then the movie skips ahead and it says, 30 days since the blackout. So we’re only 30 days in. And think about what happened after the first couple days.
You had a guy get shot, you had buildings burning down, you had the government come knocking. You had all of the calamity happening outside the gates. 30 days. It must be Mad Max by now, right? So the husband wakes up from his coma and the wife breaks the news that, hey, I let everybody in. And the husband says, but, but, but the math. And then the woman says, well, my God is bigger than the math. If only that were true, then that would fix all of our problems, wouldn’t it? Economic problems, you know, resource scarcity issues.
Don’t worry about the math. God will just fix things. Unfortunately, that’s not what bought her the house. What bought her the house was prudence in terms of managing your resources and rationing things. So while I do believe that there is a place for religion and beliefs and God in the apocalypse, this ain’t it. She tells the husband, I bet it all. Your safety, our life. I bet it all in the hopes that God would take care of us. And he did in this universe. I will say that, as it turns out, a lot of these people prove to be valuable assets to the community, but you don’t know if they’re going to be valuable assets to the community.
It turns out that guy who we thought had no useful skills and just repaired fireplaces and whatnot. Well, it turns out that was a very useful skill because they were then able to keep their greenhouses and their kitchens warm using wood fuel. That, of course, were more efficiently designed by this guy who did it for a living. So, yes, human beings are resources. And you are going to be tasked, if you are a prepper and you have extra stuff, who are you going to want to bring into your community? What I really do like about this movie, despite the ending being a little bit to euphoric and rapturous, is that at least they highlight people’s strengths and they focus on the question of not everybody is going to be a threat.
Some people are going to be assets to your community. All right, so this series is going to continue and probably against the best advice of the communist camera crew, we’re going to do more videos like this and we’re going to review more episodes. They arise because I think this is a really good mental exercise. It gets us thinking about preparedness concepts. And now I’m opening the conversation up to you in the comment section below. If you have seen this movie or if there’s anything that resonates with you that I’ve said or anything you disagree with, please let me know in the comment section below.
And I promise to God, to God I will read the comments on this video because this is an important one. Thanks for watching my friends. Take care. Don’t forget to like comment. Subscribe if you enjoy the channel and you want to support it, go check out canadianpreparedness.com for pretty much every product that you see in this movie we carry. Thanks for watching. The best way to support this channel is to support yourself by gearing up@canadianpreparedness.com where you’ll find high quality survival gear at the best prices. No junk and no gimmicks. Use discount code preppinggear for 10% off.
Don’t forget the strong survive but the prepared thrive. Stay safe.
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