9.6.24: Sovereign Wealth plan Town HALL fireworks 2A VOTING fight cont. Fight for Children PRAY

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ President Trump’s recent speech emphasized his understanding of the importance of energy in controlling inflation and ensuring national security. He proposed the creation of a sovereign wealth fund, which would invest in national projects and help reduce national debt. The speech also touched on modern agricultural techniques for healthier food and the need for improved infrastructure. The speaker believes that Trump’s ideas are promising and could lead to his re-election.
➡ The text discusses the support President Trump receives from the Waltz family and his followers, including their excitement about his popularity among white voters without college degrees. It also mentions Robert F. Kennedy Junior’s efforts to ensure fair voting and his focus on health issues. The text also promotes a product from Fix the World Morocco that helps protect against harmful electromagnetic frequencies. Lastly, it highlights the increase in threats against election officials since the 2020 election, with examples of legal actions taken against those responsible.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, including allegations of election interference, threats against election workers, and the role of the Justice Department. It also mentions the involvement of Russia and its leader, Putin, in these matters. The text further highlights the work of United Sovereign Americans, a group that has found discrepancies in voter registrations and vote counts in several states.
➡ The article discusses issues with voter registrations and lawsuits filed in various states, as well as the need for donations and volunteers to support these legal actions. It also covers a tragic school shooting incident in Georgia, highlighting the shooter’s troubled background and the debate around teachers having protection in schools. The article ends with a call for support for their website and merchandise, and emphasizes the importance of community support and prayer in dealing with such tragedies.
➡ The text discusses various perspectives on gun control, school shootings, and the role of psychiatric drugs in these incidents. It suggests that the issue is not just about gun control, but also about addressing mental health and the effects of certain medications. The text also mentions political viewpoints, with some individuals feeling that the Democratic party has moved too far to the left. The author emphasizes the need for a balanced approach to these complex issues.
➡ The text discusses various topics, including political party switching, media manipulation, and the importance of individual freedom. It criticizes the media’s portrayal of “Christian nationalists” and promotes Hunter’s Blend Coffee, a company that supports freedom-loving Americans. The text also mentions a tribute to a late husband and a speech by Tucker Carlson, who predicts significant changes in America after November. Lastly, it criticizes George Stephanopoulos and suggests he may have illicit connections to the Clinton Foundation.
➡ The article discusses various political events, including Hunter Biden’s tax fraud case and his decision to plead guilty, the panic within the Harris campaign, and President Trump’s economic plans. It also mentions the spiritual battle playing out in society, with Tucker Carlson emphasizing the importance of love, kindness, and gratitude amidst the apparent evil. The article ends by highlighting the increasing number of people turning to faith in these challenging times.
➡ We all came together for a week-long journey, which was a great experience and we hope to do it again next year. The world is facing challenges, but we believe that God is using this time to awaken us. We’re encouraged to stay strong, pray, and protect our loved ones. The speaker also praises President Trump’s understanding of energy’s role in inflation and national security, and feels optimistic about his election chances.


And as he just said in the clip you played, President Trump understands that energy was what underlied the driving up the cost of inflation. It’s also key to national security. It’s emboldened our competitors and our adversaries like Russia and Iran, who are funding wars against us. He totally gets it. This is super exciting. I feel like he won the election today with his speech. The empire will find your skills useful. Well, folks, what the past few days have shown us is that we are winning the deep states, losing control of everything. If they haven’t lost them already.

If we’re watching a movie, they’re going back to their old playbook. Once again, Russia. That’s right. Shootings arrest Trump and so much more. It’s getting old and it feels like we are near the precipice as we get closer to the election. We’ll hear from Tucker Carlson today. Some great quotes there. Trump’s town hall and the DOJ demons once again. Got a lot to cover going into the weekend. Here we go. You’ve talked to President Trump many, many, many times. $2 gas cut energy costs in half. Can it be done, governor? Well, absolutely it can. And it can be done with President Trump back in office.

His speech today was fantastic. He hit on every button you need to achieve energy dominance, which is not. It’s cutting regulation. It’s opening up the ability for states and private companies to develop their minerals. It’s an opportunity for us to do what other countries have done. Take Norway, even take Alaska with their own North Dakota. We’re building up these legacy funds, southern wealth funds. This is the path to prosperity for America. And as he just said in the clip you played, President Trump understands that energy underlied the driving up the cost of inflation. It’s also key to national security.

It’s emboldened our competitors and our adversaries like Russia and Iran, who are funding wars against us. He totally gets it. This is super exciting. I feel like he won the election today with his speech. What an amazing speech it was. I happen to have it ready to go. Thought I didn’t have it, but here he is. President Trump announcing his presidency will create a first of its kind sovereign wealth fund. Check this out. And when we do all of this, we will be so successful. Will create America’s own sovereign wealth fund to invest in great national endeavors for the benefit of all of the american people.

Why don’t we have a wealth fund? Other countries have wealth funds. We have nothing. We have nothing. We’re going to have a sovereign wealth fund. Or we can name it something different. I’ll talk about it with Mister Paulson, who’s in the audience, and a lot of other friends of mine, and we’ll name it something that’s appropriate. Perhaps sovereign wealth fund wouldn’t be appropriate, but it’s going to be the same thing. We’ll put tremendous amounts of money through all this, money that we’ll be taking in through tariffs and other intelligent things. And we’ll have the greatest sovereign wealth fund of them all.

And we should have. And that will be used to do things that will be great for our country, including to invest and wisely invest and build it up bigger and stronger and better than any place on earth. We will build extraordinary national development projects and everything from highways to airports and to transportation infrastructure. All of the future. We will be able to invest in state of the art manufacturing hubs, advanced defense capabilities, cutting edge medical research, and helped save billions of dollars in preventing disease in the first place. And I’m very honored to have been endorsed last week by Robert F.

Kennedy Junior. That was a great endorsement. And he’s very much into helping people. He’s very much into helping people. I’ve known him a long time. That was a great. That was a great thing when he did that. It was not easy for a Kennedy to be endorsing a Republican. That was not easy. But these are not Democrats. These are radical left lunatics, and you can’t let them run your country. We will invest in new and modern agricultural techniques so we can have safe, healthy, high quality foods for our families. That’s where Bobby is so interested. Foods.

He says, we’re putting a lot of bad foods in our body. You look at other countries which do far less, and they’re actually much healthier than we are. This wealth fund will return a gigantic profit, which will help pay down national debt. We’re going to work on national debt very strongly, by the way. We’re going to have so much money coming in. We’re going to work on national debt. We’re close to $36 trillion right now. We’re going to work on getting it down. Gonna work on getting it down a lot. Packed into this message, many people have asked, using keywords that might be used in this context, as words spread around through different networks.

And I try not to use key words that people place around. I try to, you know, hear what President Trump says. Sovereign wealth fund is a good name that we can all hold on to. That doesn’t sound strange or ridiculous. All this information about money and tariffs coming in. And to other intelligent things, what would those intelligent things be? Great sovereign wealth fund springing up other things. Remember getting rid of the income tax, getting rid of taxes on tips. Another, you know, wonderful, wonderful stuff that, you know, folks should probably be jumping on board saying, you know what? That’s enough.

He’s won the election now. He knows what he’s doing. And I like the fact that, you know, he brings up something simple. Some folks might not think of it that much, but I do really bothers me because I’ve, you know, the Marine Corps, I flew around different countries on the world, a government service. I was in Germany also and flew around different parts of Europe. And I’ve been in airports where things are super nice. And then I head back to american airports and I, probably the worst one I’ve ever flown into was in Hawaii. And when we landed, I expected, you know, first time in Hawaii, I thought, man, we’re going to enter Hawaii.

It’s going to be wonderful, beautiful. We’re going to have air condition and it’s going to be state of the art. And I can’t wait to get to that airport. We got off and that was probably the worst airport I’ve ever been into in my life. And I’m sorry if you work there, have relatives there, but they need to rebuild that thing and make it feel like you’re actually entering some beautiful island called Hawaii. Sickening. And so these sick people that are running the country, the radical left lunatics, have been exposed and it’s been a methodical psyop of getting people to wake up one after another.

Part of that is showing everyone who this Kamala freak is. On the issue of immigration, this whole thing about the border. We’ve been to the border. We’ve been to the border. You haven’t been to the border and I haven’t been to Europe. And I don’t, I don’t understand the point that you’re making. You support giving universal health care, Medicare for all to people who are in this country illegally. Let me just be very clear about this. I am opposed to any policy that would deny in our country any human being from access to public safety, public education or public health, period.

We have to have a secure border. But I am in favor of saying that we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminals. That’s correct. The border is secure. Listen, I think there’s no question that we’ve got to critically re examine ice and its role and the way that it is being administered and the work it is doing. And we need to probably think about starting from scratch. So, and now she wants to offer a path to citizenship, which by any definition would be amnesty. Your reaction? But well, before you even start with that, of course, it’s ridiculous.

You can’t do it. No country could sustain this. But she wants no fracking in Pennsylvania. She wants no fracking. And she said it a hundred times. And there on your screen is something that stormy patriot Joe sent me first and then everybody’s been hitting me up. But, folks, there’s the am we know shirt exclusive town hall with former President Trump. And I thank you, sir. Thank you for the family to wear this. And it really touched my heart to see that we have a logo that was created six years ago, September of 2018 has now made it on the mainstream media screen of Fox News here.

Steamer Stormy Patriot Joe says nice. And we know you have a fan at the Trump town hall. And he carbon copied Dan Scavino, hoping this Covino would get a copy of this. Thank you so much. True. Stormy Joe was on his show, I think about a month, a month and a half ago and we had a blast. Hoping to get back on there again. I thank you for your support. I thank all of you for how you continue to just covet, you know, we just cover your prayers and all the things that we’re putting together. We’ve got a couple of things we’re working on for next year that are almost done and we’re looking forward to present it to everyone out there.

But we just love the fact that the folks that have joined with us and listen and are just really big fans of this channel and more are so supportive and so loving. There’s also a big support of President Trump coming from the Waltz family. Sure many of you saw this already. Just making sure we got that out there. For those that don’t know, here’s the waltz family. Walls for Trump. Nebraska waltzes for Trump. President Trump said, thank you very much, Jeff. It’s a great honor to have your endorsement. I look forward to meet you soon. Oh, it’s so good.

What does Trump say about this? This is, I was so honored today. She wants his path to see. His brother endorsed me. I saw that and his whole family, I saw the picture and honestly, it looked, it was a very nice looking family. But his brother endorsed me and the whole family endorsed me. I said, who are all people? Let me play. Let me play. There’s something, something weird with that guy. He’s a weird guy JD is not weird. He’s a solid rock. I happen to be a very solid rock. We’re not weird. We’re other things, perhaps, but we’re not weird.

And as you know, it’s pretty cool that even the fox cameras, right after he talked about the waltz family and the support that he gets from them, there’s the, and we know, you know, just hidden behind the arms, but they focused on him again. It’s almost like they really wanted, um, to make sure that that shirt ended up on the channel. And so I appreciate whoever’s behind the cameras doing that also. I hope you guys are fans, too. It’s just really cool, you know, just makes your day, folks. When you’re behind the screen and you’re, you see these things playing out, you just get a little excited about stuff like that.

All right? So, you know, it’s been a, it’s been a great journey. I’m sure many of you guys that follow this channel really excited about that, too. And so, of course, when you go to the communist news network, they’re having a hard time. They’re freaking out because Trump’s got some pretty huge numbers here. You look at the white voters without college degrees. This is a Trump based constituency. Obviously, you see his huge numbers with this group. You see that this is a trouble sign for Harris. She also, in places like Georgia, is not doing well with white, college educated voters.

She probably wants to make up some ground with white, college educated voters across these battlegrounds as well. Kate, an important gut check for both campaigns on multiple levels in multiple states is what’s coming out here. It’s great to see you, David. Thank you. Great to see you, David. These numbers keep rolling in. 71% white non college likely voters, 71% in Georgia for President Trump, 27% for Kamala. I can’t even believe that. I think it’s more like 90 to ten. But, you know, you know how they like to mess with these numbers all the time. We, we know what’s playing out and it’s, it’s just been one thing after another.

I mean, we’ve got RFK junior. Remember, he’s trying to get his name off the ballots. He’s still on others. And of course, he’s real big about health. But he mentioned something about those ballots we’re trying to get off the ballot and all the stage where I might be a spoiler and cause harm to President Trump. The irony right now is that the DNC, which has been trying to keep me off the ballot, is now suing to keep me on the ballot. Yes, that is our right. Do you see that as articulative on their part in terms of what they want the outcome to be? I can’t hear you because of the echo.

I’m sorry about that. Can you repeat that? Yeah, I’m just. Do you think that’s manipulative on the part of these states to keep you on the ballot? I think the DNC is doing something that is essentially and fundamentally undemocratic. I grew up in a democratic party that was the party of Robert Kennedy, of John Kennedy, that was trying to get, make sure that every american had the right to vote for whoever they wanted to vote for. Yep. And he’s working hard on making sure the voting’s done correctly. And we’ve got some information to cover on that with United Sovereign Americans.

I’m going to show you that in a minute. But, you know, really big for Robert F. Kennedy Junior is the fact that he’s trying to, you know, bring her health back, and he’s going to focus on all kinds of things that are hurting us. I tell you, we’ve got a great time with Fix the world project and we’ve got, you know, these that folks have been picking up. And I’m going to show you their ad in a second. But somebody wrote in and said they couldn’t find a place to post a review, but they have to say the product’s amazing.

Said my wife and I are in her sixties now. We’ve been, you know, discussing that neither one of us are dreaming much anymore. So, long story short, I heard about your product and we know with Lt. So I placed an order for the pods and the phones. I received my order yesterday, assembled the pod, the necklace material. I had dreams, one after another all night long. First night, wow. Vivid and clear. Amazing. Had no idea how much EMF is blocking the penile gland and other areas of my mind and bodies. So here is just an amazing product in the description box below.

Check it out, folks. You having trouble sleeping, you’re having some headaches and some more things going on with you physically in your body. Don’t know what’s going on. You probably something with your cell phones or wifi or other electronic devices like 5G causing you problems. Well, there’s a product from fix the world Morocco that will help you out. They have devices that have composites of shungite, steel, iron oxide and brass powders, all encased in an epoxy resinous. When the resin cures, it creates a plesoelectric effect that emits a field of healthy, life preserving energy called orgon.

Well, this energy field was discovered studied by late scientist doctor Reich, and there are fascinating studies around orgone energy that were included in the research documentation section of their website. Well, when used in your environment, the devices they created transform the harmful energy given off by electromagnetic frequencies, or emfs. They come from 5g your cell phones, wi fi, electronic devices into healthy, life preserving energy. Many people have become sensitive to emfs, which can cause a number of health issues. You gotta use these products in your environment. They can protect you from emf toxicity and help to restore a harmonious environment that aids in better health and well being.

We’ve got it folks. I’m sleeping better. I used to have pain in the middle top part of my head. It’s gone since I received these products I have on my phone. I have them all over my house now. It is helping me so much with pain relief, growth in plants. It actually helps with food preservation, better mental clarity and overall calming effect. Go in the description box below ftw project.com ref 532 I know that’s a lot to say, but just go below this video below the podcast, click on that link and order your products today folks.

You will not be disappointed. Since the 2020 election, we have seen an unprecedented spike in threats against the public servants who do administer our elections. Election officials, workers and volunteers in communities across the country have been targeted with heinous acts and threats of violence. The following are a few examples of successful enforcement actions that the Justice Department has taken over the past year. In New Mexico, county commissioners and other elected officials were targeted with a series of shootings that the department has alleged in court papers were organized by an unsuccessful candidate for the state legislature who claimed that the election had been rigged against him.

At least three of the shootings occurred while the intended victims, or their children or their family members were at home. In February, 2 shooters who we alleged were recruited by the candidate pled guilty to carrying out the attacks. In March, the candidate himself was charged in the 13 count superseding indictment. In Arizona, a man sent a state election official a bomb threat, warning that if she did not resign within two days, quote, the explosive device impacted in her personal space would be detonated. In March, the man was sentenced to three and a half years in prison for making that threat.

In Maricopa County, Arizona, an elections official, a county attorney and their families were threatened by a defendant who called for a mass shooting of poll workers and election officials in precincts he believed had suspect results. His revolting comments included dead children burn into the memories of people. The county attorney who had been targeted later reported that he, his wife and four children made against any election worker. The impact reverberates throughout the entire community. That defendant was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. In recent months, our enforcement actions have continued. In July, we secured the guilty plea of an Alabama man.

So here we are at the Justice Department out there once again, basically making all these claims right before the, you know, the election, shootings of election officials. Basically, they’re blaming Trump for bomb threat on election official murders of children, mass shooting threats of poll workers, Russia, election interference coming in the 2024 election, repeatedly threatened to kill Maricopa county election workers and officials. In one particularly chilling message, he said, quote, you better not come in my church, my business, or send your kids to my school. You are stupid if you think you are safe. His sentencing is scheduled for next month.

So here we go. They’re at it again. Don’t let Trump cheat. Demand voter id and paper ballots. That’s what I was saying. Go ahead. Go ahead and talk about how all this is playing out for the DOJ. They want to go after anybody for j six, all their players that they put out there in front of everyone to cause problems and arrest innocent people across our nation using the FBI. They don’t want to go after all the folks that were involved in the stolen election of 2020. No, they don’t want to go out there and show us all that proved.

No. They want to work hard on making sure that everyone’s brainwashed to believe that something nefarious is going on with this year’s election. I wonder why. Probably because they’re losing. So it’s amazing because Putin’s playing 5d chess, you know, right after the deep state kicked off their next big Russia collusion hoax, Putin came out and said this. Check this out. It’s been long since I’ve called any leaders of Europe or the US, but we’re not against any type of context. We are not limiting them. Yes, sometimes we exchange some kind of information using different channels. First of all, through the foreign ministry.

It’s not for us to determine. These are elections of the us people. I said that if we can name a favorite candidate, it was, it used to be Joe Biden, but now he’s not participating in the election campaign. And he recommended all his allies to support Ms. Harris. So that is what we are going to do. So he says he supports, supports Harris, but they’re saying that Russia’s meddling election to help Trump. So for those of you who don’t understand Putin’s trolling, he’s making fun of Kamala for being stupid. He does not actually support Kamala or Biden.

He likes them because they are easy opponents on the geopolitical battlefield. But let’s not kid ourselves. Putin wants Trump to win, and that’s a good thing. Putin recognizes that if Trump is in office, the flow of money to Ukraine will stop. Trump is willing to make a deal and the war will end. Putin does not want this war. He just wants NATO off his doorstep. And Trump, RFK junior, determined to make that happen. Putin and his military have literally accused Biden, Obama, we’ve been through this. Hillary, Soros and the Democrat party by name of creating biological weapons in Ukraine.

Remember, it was a special operation that he went in there. But the mainstream media, how they twist things and manipulate everybody’s minds into believing that it’s something different. He’s anti woke. He frequently talks about the evils of western liberalism and how the west have fallen into a degenerate and hedonistic society that engages in satanism and pedophilia. He’s pro christian. We’ve seen that for many quotes from his speeches. Pro family, pro conservative lifestyle. It doesn’t support Kamala, Biden or the Dems. And the crowd, you know, they know it. They’re laughing because the statement is so preposterous and obviously said in jest.

He knows. He, if he says he supports Trump, the western mainstream media will freak out and accuse him of interfering in the election for Trump. So he said the opposite to troll the Dems while also poking fun at Kamala for being a cackling imbecile. And, of course, the DOJ. Here’s Josh Hawley making those comments about their third straight presidential election that left has meddled in. This is the third straight presidential election, Laura, that they’ve tried this. Nobody believes this stuff. This isn’t about foreign interference by Russia. This is a smokescreen for domestic interference by our deep state and the Democrat party.

This is the same play that they’ve run for years. In 2016, the FBI used this playbook in order to interfere in our election that year. Lie to a court, get wire Trumps on tap on Trump and launder it through the media. You remember all of that. Then in 2020, anybody remember the Hunter Biden laptop story that they suppressed? Big tech, went right along with it. And now it’s this again, it’s the same old thing. And I say again, nobody believes this stuff. Nobody is falling for it, except for those Democrats that were brainwashed. Most of them then went to universities that, you know, believe everything that they’re told at the university.

So just once again, let’s play some clips to keep context on this. This week, we saw cold, hard evidence of the Trump campaign, indeed, the Trump family eagerly intending to collude, possibly with Russia 2017. Remember, that’s what’s Nancy Pelosi with her lies. Now here it has dropped, and it might not have produced everything of what some Republicans vote for. It is, regardless, devastating to the FBI, and to a degree, it does exonerate Donald Trump. Oh, 2023, then he was exonerated. It never happened. There was no such thing as Russia, Russia, Russia. Just this hour, Fox News can confirm that the Biden administration plans to accuse Russia of a sustained effort to influence the 2024 presidential election.

Here we go again. You gotta keep kidding again. It’s gonna be up to us on January 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified. And then we need bodyguards for everybody. Jesus, fool me once, right? Yeah, there we go. Once upon a time, just human says there was a presidential candidate. He used some Russians, some well placed media personalities, an email hack, a dossier on a political opponent, some politically corrupt FBI personnel, and dubious rumor mongering to influence an election. As I recall it, there was also a laptop, or even two laptops of intriguing repute floating around.

At the time, the IC was said to be very concerned about this and also about hacks by the Russians. Sounds alike, like 2024 and a bit like 2020, but it was 2016. The candidates name was Hillary Clinton. Yep, we’re nearing another election. Of course, we have to make sure that we have these updates from United sovereign Americans. Remember, we had interview with them and they were sharing all the work that they’re doing across our nation. They’ve now have states with USA representatives. 24 of those states, 20 states now have completed scorecards and United sovereign american reps, seven states that have filed a lawsuit, and one state that has filed an appeal.

You’re looking at those states on your screen now, an aggregate data for 20 states with completed scorecards. And you guys just want to let you know if you’re looking at the screen, we’ve got this website ready for you in the description box below. United Sovereign Americans, you can get all this data below. All you have to do is scroll down. You’ll find out who they are, the resolution, their work, their litigation, and more. And so again, they’ve got with the 20 states with completed scorecards, 29 million apparently ineligible voter registrations, 10 million votes cast by those ineligible registrants, 2 million more voters, more votes counted than voters who voted, and 13% average vote error rate.

Do you get those numbers, folks? They’re working hard to make sure that we have this information. And I tell you, you know, we remember this clip. We played it in one of the videos where they were helping folks realize how they were messing with the ballots electronically on these elections. Because the first election I voted in was Trump’s. I’ve never voted in a minter. I’ve never voted. What? I have never voted in a midterm election ever. All right? I’ve never voted in a primary ever. Tell us that again. Oh, my gosh. So what we see here is someone voted in your name for a midterm primary.

And then we’ve got one, two, three presidential elections saying you did not vote in. I can tell you, and I’m a bad, I can tell you I’m a bad patriot. I, first time I got involved with politics with President Trump, that’s my first presidential election. I have never voted in a midterm. I have never voted in another presidential. So they found whether her name was used to be, you know, in votes that she’s never been involved in. And of course, these numbers are brought together in these many states and they need there’s assistance, folks. I mean, look at this.

Look at these numbers. Invalid activity status. 3 million incomplete registrations. Almost 2 million. They registered too late. More than 3 million. Almost 2 million registrations appear to be invalid. 10 million plus invalid registration dates on all these ballots. So you can go to United for freedom.com. it’s in the description box below. And folks, you can help them. That’s right. You can either volunteer, but specifically donate, because they can’t do this without funding. And so when you click on that donate button, you’ll notice that you’ll be able to support them. And look, if you have certain states that you want more information on, look at the legal action.

You can actually click on each one. Michigan on August 28, 2024. North Carolina. August 28, 2024. The lawsuit was filed. North Carolina. Look at this. It failed to verify the indignity and eligibility of at least 1,122,761 facially invalid voter registrants. That’s just North Carolina, folks. And then there’s a press release for that. Texas lawsuit filed there. August 28. Florida lawsuit filed there August 20. Ohio August 20. August 8, 2024, filed. Pennsylvania lawsuit filed, Maryland. And there’s a weekly online discussion and training. There’s media appearances. And they could use volunteers and your donations to help them continue to, you know, do these filings with, you know, to pay folks.

It’s got to happen. But, you know, the donations don’t go to pay people. They go to pay for the lawsuits. They don’t pay the people that work for United Sovereign Americans. Remember, we, we had the interview with them, discuss this, and folks just wanted to let you know they’re at a time where we hope to have them on board again to give us updates, especially the zitcos on the progress that’s going on with our nation and all of this that’s playing out day after day. We definitely need to lift them up in prayer also. And of course, this election year, they’ve got to have these shootings that continue to play out, the enemies always, always up to no good when things aren’t playing out in their direction.

And these, these children, 14 years old, you guys saw it all over the news. Colt Gray had a social media site when they went into, at least, they’re saying at least four killed. But we’ve got these numbers changing. Two killed, four killed, nine taken to the hospital, some say 30 to the hospital shooting at Georgia high School. Some think it was a false flag. Others believe that this person was under MkUltra mind control. Whatever. Bottom line is they’ve got their shooting again. Folks have been hurt, killed, families affected. And, of course, when this was being covered, notice when somebody started sharing with the news media that, you know, these teachers should be carrying to protect the kids.

Watch what the media does. The teachers should also have some form of protection as well. She said the teacher should have some form of protection as well, because when you have a student come in with a gun and the teacher has nothing, the teacher job is to protect the student, but they can’t protect the student if they’re dead. And I just believe in this, in the second amendment because you have, you know, we don’t know what happened in the minds of the students that were shooting. We don’t know what happened. But I do believe that the teachers should have some kind of protection.

They should have some kind of protection. And so as she continues, let me see, I kind of missed that part, but watch where they cut her off a taser. They need something to protect themselves and the other kids that are innocent. And Gwendolyn, I just want to, I just want make clear that we have not been able to confirm what you’re saying that your grandkids say they believe it was three shooters. We don’t want it. We don’t want to confirm what your grandkids said. See, your grandkids saw three people in their shooting. But we don’t want to believe you.

We don’t have, you know, visual sources want us to believe that it’s just one person, that it’s just Colt Gray. I’ve got some more about this shooter and some more on comms from the eye of the storm. Stormy patriot Joe on it and stick around for that. And I’ve got a lot more to cover with Tucker Carlson and some other things. And also Shanahan with RFK Junior. You’re going to catch that in a moment. First, I want to remind you that we’re at and we know.com folks. You can go to our website and you will see that we have all of our videos there for you.

All of our social media sites are at the very top. You see the top right X Facebook, Instagram, Telegram and podcast and more. You can watch all of our videos. You can see our Awk merch is there. Subscribe to our newsletter, put your name and email and hit submit. We’ll receive that. And you’ll start receiving emails from us on our updates. All of our interviews are lined up for you. We’ve got our, and we know showcase of folks wearing our gear. Our partners are on our website and we know.com. if you said, hey, I like that product that they had, hunters blank coffee, then, you know, oh, it’s at amwinow.com dot I just go there, scroll down and click on it and I find it.

Mark Parker, pastures EMF protection, doctor Shockley and more. And so all of these for you. And when you click on the merch, you’ll notice that we have all of this amazing gear. Fellowship programs, flags, totes, sweatshirts, shirts and hoodies, accessories, hats, tees and tanks. The flag collection is still there for all of us to look at. You just click on these things and you’ve got amazing sweaters and hoodies, especially getting ready for the fall and the winter. You got, man, you know, Christmas just around the corner too. And you, you got to go get all this stuff.

Well, you know, while it lasts. You get the different colors, the different sizes and more and they’re there for your support. So go to shop dot am we know.com in the description box below and get your gear today. Would love to get your support there. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. So remember Colt Gray, the shooter Matt Wallace said every single mass school shooting in the last two years has been carried out by a transgender individual. So there’s a claim that this person’s a transgender. And I remember watching an interview from one of the, the girls from the high school, and I was watching this, and the girl kept calling this person that you’re looking at Colt Gray, a she.

Georgia school shooting suspect Colt Gray’s broken home life, a mom with multiple drug arrests, and a dad who gave him an AR 15 for Christmas. Colt Gray, the baby faced Georgia school shooting suspect who’s charged with murdering two classmates and two teachers, grew up in a broken and neglectful home, which police and child services visit on a regular basis. His mother, Marcy, 43, had a lengthy rap sheet with drug and domestic violence arrest. His father, Colin, 54, allegedly brought his troubled son and AR 15 rifle for Christmas, now faces charges of his own for supplying the weapon used in the shooting.

Of course he’s been arrested. Lauren Vickers, who lived next door to the Grays in Jefferson, Georgia, said there were problems immediately when the Grays said their three children moved into the well manicured neighborhood 60 miles east of Atlanta in 2022. There are nights where the mom would lock him and his sister out of the house and they would be banging on the back door just screaming like, mom, mom, mom, and crying. It’s devastating. And I’ve said this before. President Trump even said, our hearts are with the victims and loved ones with the effect who were affected with the tragic event in winter, Georgia.

These cherished children were taken away from us far too soon by a sick and deranged monster. And this sick and deranged monster is a product of terrible things that happened in the home. And I talk about our homes and the importance, guys, we’re not all perfect. Each parent, you know, we’re listening in. Each grandparent, each great grandparent. We know what our kids go through. We know what families go through. And more and more, it just, it breaks your heart because you, you hope and pray. You know, guys, when I was going through difficult times, right, and we had folks pray for us, we come together, and a few days later, you know, we’re praying for our children and we help them get through some difficult situations.

But the things that families go through and more, it just, it just breaks your heart. Government’s not going to help them. We have to come around and lift these folks up in prayer. And it’s just weird that almost every one of these folks that are transgender come from terrible upbringings. How do they turn out like this? Of course, either storm showed us this. The father of the 14 year old suspect has been arrested on charges including involuntary mon manslaughter. Well, again, we were told on the cue board, 996, trace the background of the shooter. Focus on the father.

Why are the fathers always the one involved when these people that are doing the shootings? And if this guy’s been, you know, under some kind of mind control, if that’s what plays out, which we’ll probably never know, and they use them so they can get these shootings, well, then they go out and play it out for the heartstrings of the people just in time for an election. And I’m not saying this is exactly how it’s playing out. It could be just nefarious forces of spiritual things that we don’t see doesn’t have to be physically that they put it together and had this kid go in and shoot him.

It could be that the enemy had some demons enter this particular person and then this demon possessed person goes in with no thought, rhyme or reason and just start shooting people up. How many times have you guys seen documentaries where these shooters go in and then they say, later on, I don’t even remember being there. I must have been possessed. And then they let her come to know Christ as their savior in prison, and they go out and start helping them find whatever bodies they killed or whatever. I’ve seen those documentaries. Breaks your heart. And of course, Kamala’s out there giving a speech, you know, about the school shooting event, begging for the power to remove the second amendment.

But listen, I mean, you know, at the last year, I started a college tour and I traveled our country meeting with our young leaders, right? And so it was college age young leaders. So I did trade schools, colleges, universities, community colleges. By the way, I love Gen Z. I did a touring, and it would be filled with this point between kindergarten and 12th grade. You had to endure an active shooter drill. And for the. How many of us had to endure a school shooting drill? Say she’s trying to get to the heartstrings. Now we go to the school shooting.

Now they’re asking to remove the second amendment. And of course, all these people in the crowd, they’re all cheering and going crazy. Listen to the number of people in the crowd. I have to be this way. It does not have to be this way. Yep. And they zoom out. They show all these people there. And then you wonder, where’d they come from? Well, sure enough, you look at this video and they’ve got ten buses lined up, busting them all in that’s right. Busting them in again, all these people, so they can listen to the speech about, you know, banning the assault weapons.

High capacity magazines again, require safe storage of firearms, enact universal background checks and end immunity for gun manufacturers. Amazing. What would they have done back to Adam and Eve’s kids, Cain and Abel? Would they get rid of all the. The weapons that Cain used to kill his brother Abel? No, it wasn’t the weapon that killed Abel. It was Cain’s depression and overall psych. Psycho problems that he had. Remember, God asked him, why are you so down? If you look at the little translation, why depress, you know, if you do the right thing, you don’t, you know, get the right sacrifice and we’ll take care of you.

But no, what does he do? He doesn’t listen to his heavenly father, to the word of God. He gets angry, takes his anger out on his brother and he kills him. Would they have done back then if there was Democrat party? Well, we need to get rid of the. All the giant rocks around this land because he picked up a rock and slammed it on his brother and killed him. If that’s the way he did it. No, it’s the matter of the heart. And then how do they change the heart of the children? Well, they use all types of strange drugs inside of their bodies to get them to think differently.

Well, how do we know that? Well, we’ve done the research, but also, if you guys listen, RFK Junior was, you know, he addresses the elephant in the room regarding the mass shootings. Check this out, if you don’t mind, real quick. Okay, you’re an environmental lawyer, but let’s look at the constitution together on guns. The language of the second amendment. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. You know that in Heller, Justice Scalia recognized an independent right to gun ownership apart from militia.

Did he get that wrong? Why would that have been worded in the way that it was worded unless it was to be tied to a militia? I think you can argue it either way. How do you argue? Well, I’m not going to argue. I’m not going to relitigate the Supreme Court case. The supreme Court, you know, has made its declaration about what. What the second amendment says. My. You know, I. I believe in the constitution and I’m not going to take anybody’s guns away. I, you know, I believe in the constitution. I. And I think also.

And by the way, that’s good to hear, because I remember him, or somebody posted a video where he stated he was looking to remove some type of gun rights. But now here he is stating that he’s not speaker. Two family members who were killed by gun violence and the anguish and the pain of people. Now every day we’re having gun violence directed against our children. We need to figure out some way to deal with that. But I think talking about taking people’s guns away at this point in history, particularly, I’ve lived in rural areas my whole life.

My clients are rural people. I’ve represented Hook and bullet people from the beginning of my environmental career. Are you going to tinker around the margins with ar weapon? That’s what I’m saying. I think you can tinker around the margins, and hopefully you can do that with the consensus, but it’s not going to solve the problem, and nobody really believes that it is. And I think we need to protect our children, even if it means doing the same thing we do at airports. But I also think people don’t get guns onto airports, onto airlines. And that stopped because we made a national determination that it was worth going through the nuisance of protecting them.

We need to do that same thing for our children until we can build a consensus on guns and how to handle them. I also think. Michael, here we go. This is the part I was waiting for. And it’s very important to look at the role of psychiatric drugs in these shootings. Psychiatric drugs, the role of them in these shootings. And, you know, particularly the SSRI’s and the Benzos, because there’s no. We. We are using those like nobody else in the world. And if you look at the manufacturer’s inserts for those pharmaceuticals, they. Most of them say suicidal and homicidal ideation on them as side effects.

And there are other countries in the world like Switzerland has as many guns as we do per capita, and they don’t. The last school shooting, much more stringently regulated than ours. The last school shooting they had was 21 years. I’ll be there. One every 21 hours. I’ll be. That was every 21 years. Our last one was every 21 hours. Look at that. Take a look at that. So I don’t know who this guy is that’s interviewing him, but he’s trying to put a stop to that talk about Switzerland and saying, they all have these guns, but they’re heavily regulated.

Now. He’s talking about the drugs that are put into our children. What does it do to their brains and to their psyche? And I told you guys maybe a year ago that I had a friend that passed away recently. Looked like that particular person, looked like a hundred year old person. It was only in the fifties. They had that particular person, my high school friend, on psych drugs entire life, didn’t really need them, and then passed away. And I watched that person erode. I watched that person try to kill, take the life of itself, and I watched him erode over the years.

And it’s just heartbreaking what these drugs that they give to these children do. So the Democrat party is falling apart. They have another Democrat that’s leaving the party. All of a sudden, you have decided you are going to change parties. And I’m wondering, is it a sudden decision? Long time coming, Gloria. What is it? It’s been a long time coming. I think really what really began for me as almost a lifelong Democrat was that initial botch withdrawal from Afghanistan really began to set the tone for me. This is a democratic party that I no longer recognize.

It has moved so far to the left. It’s been the party, the march towards war, towards censorship, towards authoritarianism, and then on staple policy issues that I care about, the refusal to embrace school choice, education, freedom for kids who are trapped in failing schools in California. So there’s a number of reasons, but really it became a party that moved so far to the left that neither myself, Tulsi Gabbard, Leo Terrell, Robert F. Kennedy Junior. I’m amongst the latest that just said, me too. I can’t take it any. She’s very Gloria Romero. Another one switches parties. Another one makes the list of folks jumping over.

And, you know, President Trump put out this. I am proud to represent our family nation in fighting the greatest political witch hunt in history. Remove the gag order so that I can show how corrupt our court system is. Presidential candidates are not to be gagged. And he posted this at 742. 742 has the end is near. The media cleanse, JFK. Mm hmm. All of this with being proud. And you have the cue the do it queue for all to see. We are honored. Anons are selfless, nameless, faceless, fameless and fearless. We’re grateful. This information has been playing out day after day for us to help us wake up.

And, you know, we hear from Mike at Hunter’s blank coffee, always giving us some reviews on things going on. Well, the media has successfully invented another straw man boogeyman they like to call christian nationalists. And it said with such negativity that. But our natural reaction upon hearing it is, ooh, that sounds really bad. I don’t want to be that, and I don’t want to say something that could get me labeled that way, but let’s just break the term down. Christian. So are they saying it’s bad to be a christian in nationalists? Are they saying it’s bad to be proud of your country and want what’s best for your country? Well, apparently to them, then I think it stands to reason the opposite must be very good.

So that would be an atheistic globalist. And maybe that pulls the curtain back a little bit to let you know what they’re really thinking and what they’re really for. So the next time you hear the term christian nationalist, just know they’re just trying to get you to shut up. Welcome to the great awakening. My coffee has never been better. I get it from hunter’s blend. For freedom loving Americans, many coffee importers view the world very differently than you do and would support lobbyists that fight against second amendment hunting and our God given freedoms. No matter where you buy your coffee or who roasts it, someone had to import the green coffee beans.

Well, hunters blank coffee is the buyer, importer and roaster. So from the farmer to your mug, you can feel confident that your morning coffee has been safely in the hands of patriots. They have a Q grade master, Paul. He’s been importing roasting specialty grade coffee since 2006. Through deep relationships with growers in Central America, East Africa and southeast Asia, they bring you the finest coffee anywhere. Every lot is roasted in small batches to make sure the coffee you receive is as fresh as possible. One customer said, it’s tough to find coffee that doesn’t have a bitter finish these days.

Absolutely no bitterness with Hunter’s blend. They really enjoy both the light and dark roast. Great coffee from a great company. Get yours today, folks. Go in that description box below, click on that link for Hunter’s blend coffee and get yours today, folks. I know I showed you the picture of the, you know, and we know showing up on the town hall meeting, but I wanted to show you this one. Just a special one that I received. Probably saw it in the pictures earlier, but I just wanted to read this to you. I sent you a photo of my dear husband who after 47 years of marriage, has gone to be with the Lord.

I miss him so very much. We found him. We know back in 2020 was the start of the pandemic and watched it together. All these years I’ve been watching for his photo on each of your videos and as of yet, it’s not been shown. But I’d like to resend it as well as one of us together. If you can, please show it before September 14. Here it is. Our family will be celebrating his life on that day with family and friends and would love to share your video. Thank you so much for your support. Wonderful photo.

I’m sorry for your loss. Moving forward, folks, we’ve got Tucker Carlson. That was in Arizona. Democrats have been now resorted to making Montel Williams their side piece of religious figure at the level of Buddha. They believe in the collective. They believe in the group over the person. They don’t acknowledge the individual as a meaningful category at all. And so when, you know, their president is revealed as senile, no problem, just slip in somebody else. It doesn’t make any difference at all because it’s not about the person, it’s about the group. And if you’re wondering, like, what that was where, what everyone in this room has been saying for four years, which the president has no idea where he is, they were forced to admit that.

And all of a sudden the guy just disappeared, like, never saw him again, went to Rehoboth and never came back. And they throw in this other chick who like 20 minutes ago we were all making fun of for being Montel Williams old side piece. And now she’s the, she’s not just the single most accomplished human being in the, the history of western civilization, she actually created western civilization. But she’s also a religious figure at the level of, say, the buddha. She’s a font of joy. Do you feel joy? It comes from her. She’s a living river of joy.

Give her thanks for your joy. What? Montel Williams side piece is the source of all my joy. Really? Does anyone really believe that? Well, no normal person believes that. So he was able to draw millions, excuse me, not millions, thousands of people in Arizona. But of course, he draws millions across the entire earth and again, has folks just listening in on all the stuff that he has to say. And he basically brought up something that many have been thinking and feeling that something’s going to be different after November. You can’t tell another human being what to believe because you don’t own that person.

It’s literally that simple. So this is just a long way of saying what I really wanted to convey, which is how grateful I am to be in a room full of thousands of people who know that, don’t just know that intellectually, but feel it. And I just hope that you remember, no matter what happens after this, and it’s the beginning of September of an election year. So I can promise you America will not look as it does today in two months. It won’t. It won’t. A lot’s going to happen that we can’t control or predict. But trust me, it’ll be a different place by the first week in November.

But no matter what happens, and I’m praying for good outcomes, of course, I know everybody in this room is, no matter what happens, just remember that you are not weird. Weird. So weird. Say they castrate your children, people. It’s just weird. Say the people. Well, I love you, too. And, but what I wanted to say is everyone, every kind of normal person, which is the overwhelming majority of people in this country and this world, actually, particularly in this country, no matter where they’re from, no matter what they look like or who they voted for in the past, they know that.

They know that good information. And President Trump just wanted to make sure that, you know, he’s talking about George Slapadopolis here getting ready for this. I guess they’re going to have the great debate. I guess the best pollster. I said, why wouldn’t they say five or four or three? Because at three you go and vote. At 17, your people say, I want to vote, but you know, I busy, I have other things to do. Let’s go see a movie and we’ll watch the results later. They are the most dishonest network, the meanest, the nastiest. But that was what I was presented with.

I was presented with ABC. George Slapadopoulos, you know who he is, and he’s a nasty guy. And yet he’s a nasty guy. I’ve had him up to here. So of course he’s had him up to here. If you guys remember, he called out sloppy Doppelis. V. Darkness Falls reminds us, remember when Trump slammed George for donating to the Clinton foundation? I’m just going to say it here, says V. Darkness Falls. I think the pedos were purchasing children from the Clinton trafficking rings and payment was done by donating to the Clinton foundation as to not leave a paper trail similar to the hunter to hunter getting paid for treasonous deals through selling his art paintings.

So I think George is being called out here. It’s probably a satan worshiping, sadistic one. I think Trump knows that George is back over the sweep of this campaign, going back to last June. Is there anything you regret? Oh, absolutely. I’d love to have done certain things over, but you can’t. You can’t. But that’s true in life. I’d love to have done in life, certain things over, I guess. And you would have two. Give me one. You would have loved not to have contributed to the Clinton foundation as an example. There are things that you wish you didn’t do.

Okay. You came very close to the edge. You would have loved to have had that decision over again. There are things I would have rather, you know, not happened. But, George, all you can do is you put your head down. You have to go forward. Oh, Boyden, can you imagine what George is thinking when he’s calling him out right there? Can you imagine the cringe feel that George must have felt at that moment going, oh, shoot, he knows what I’ve done. Another person that knows what he’s done is be, you know, the hunter running out of time.

Hunter Biden. We did not anticipate this. There has been breaking news at the Hunter Biden trial. Remember, his attorneys were working today to try to get a stoppage in this, get the case thrown out, and they were trying to nullify the case, so on and so forth. We had my legal guests at top of the hour. Well, now he plans to change his plea in the case to guilty. It’s a tax fraud case. We know he has money. Phil Holloway, one of my guests earlier, former federal prosecutor, said it’s a foregone conclusion that the guy is guilty, that the case now hints is on.

Well, what’s the penalty going to be? So what did he do? Well, it’s going to happen in December, right, where they’re going to probably find him guilty. Mit’s guilt. So they’ll do the sentencing in December, they’ll sentence him, and then old Joe will still be in power and Joe will commute Hunter sentence. That’s what everybody’s believing is playing out for all to see. Bernie Bright says accelerate acceleration is burning out the establishment. They’re accelerating everything as a series of patterns that consume them. Harris is running away with polling while rapidly hemorrhaging support. Harris campaign is alternating between full scale communist messaging and aping Trump campaign promises.

They’re going to unburden themselves from themselves while being more themselves than ever. According to CNN and other mainstream media apparatus, alleged funding of an influence op targeting major Con Inc. Figures has destabilized the 2024 election cycle. But actual interference in us elections is unlikely to ever have a measurable impact on the results of said elections. In the end, I believe Trump and patriots have the enemy in a series of pincers. All over the socio political game board. They’re being given the choice, see the presidency and risk the Trump retribution, terminal affect, an even more cartoonish election still than 2020, in full view of an increasingly aware, collective american mind.

And they’re in panic mode. Like, to be fair, we just found out what a woman is. So give us some time on the information. I still need proof. I’ve known that little secret for a long time, but I think today is a historic day. Today is the official panic button. There was two stories. I know we’re gonna talk about one a little bit later, but the hunter Biden’s move, their move, I think the wheels are starting to come off and they think we can’t win. So he pled guilty today so he’d get his pardon because if she doesn’t win, she can’t pardon him.

Right? So that panic is going down, too. Russian disinformation, lo and behold. Also our ballistic missiles are now possibly being used by Ukraine to shoot at Russia. So I’m sure there’s going to be some payback coming that way or an excuse for us to get more involved. They’re panicking today. So they are really. President Trump probably had one of the best interviews of his career today when he was speaking to the New York, the economist of New York, where he was answering questions on economy. And he was, they were hitting him with real questions. And that power step, no, she can’t.

But she can go to the playbook and say he’s a russian asset again. And so they’re panicking. So it’s all coming out. All guns are going to come out now, literally, to try to save this election for them because they are terrified. Today was a big day. Everything’s connected. Always think, like, why this and other? And that’s what this today was really about. They are officially worried. I, you know, we got to move on to every single element in their disinformation list was something that we talked about and we expressed a perspective that they said was disinformation.

It is about censoring. It’s incredible that they, that they even said this. It means that anything that I say, anybody says here could be russian disinformation, and they’d only be right half the time. There you go. Catches it, puts it in perspective, Tyrus, in a way that we all understand. We just covered it all. President Trump given information about his plan to reduce housing costs, a ban on mortgages for illegal aliens. He brought all that up in his economic speech and more. And folks, they’re panicking because he was able to do that off the cuff. He was able to provide answers to people on a board there at the economic, you know, club of New York and really list out what needs to be done.

And that’s why many of them are freaking out. And of course, this battle is not just about the money, not about the physical, but it’s the spiritual battle that’s playing out. And Tucker made sure that he made note of this in his speech to the thousands of people there in Arizona. I’m going to play this as we close out, but when you have a really honest relationship with someone and you have confidence that the opinions of strangers don’t matter at all because you’re loved by a force that’s bigger than Twitter, you don’t care. You can admit it, and you can take deep joy from it.

And that is happening to me on an almost daily basis. I’m not always praying with Russell brand backstage in arenas in Phoenix. I’ll be honest, but I am having conversations, and I bet you are, too, if you think about it. I bet you are, too. You’re having conversations that are so much more honest than anything that would have been possible five years ago. Anything. And all I’m saying, and I will stop on this, is that is something to be grateful for. It’s something to acknowledge. Yes, evil exists. Yes, it is more obvious than it’s ever been.

I can’t say if it’s more prevalent or not. I’m not God, but I can certainly say it’s more obvious. None of this is political. It’s political. Oh, it’s political. No, it’s not. It’s spiritual. Obviously, there’s no rational explanation for anything that we’re seeing. The only explanation is the oldest of all explanations, which there is a battle all around us at all times that we cannot see between good and evil. Obviously. Obviously. I first came to this conclusion a few years ago, and I was like, wow, it’s such a revolutionary concept. I don’t know if I dare tell anybody this.

And then I realized, oh, it’s the oldest concept in history. Every book ever written is about that. I’m 55, and I finally figured it out. Okay, kind of a genius. But anyway, the point is, for all the time that we spend looking at things and saying to ourselves, or I’ll speak for myself that I do, and I’m like, I can’t even believe that’s happening. That’s just evil. Hurting other people is evil, period. It’s the definition of evil. For all the time I spend marinating in that and feeling sad about it, which is a lot. I spend so little time relatively speaking, marveling over the displays, the open displays of love and kindness and selflessness and honesty between people.

Which is another way of saying I spend too little time being grateful for all the good around me. And there’s so much, so much more than there is evil. And that shouldn’t surprise us, because in the end, good will win, period. I don’t know where this goes. I can’t even guess where this goes. But I know who wins in the end, and that’s good enough for me. And we know that God wins in the end. He know brings up some good points. And I was thinking about, as he’s talking there, grateful for how this has been playing out.

Remember, I’ve mentioned this over and over again, I can’t talk about it enough. The number of people who have come to know the Lord as their Jesus Christ, as their personal savior, as their king, and they’ve bowed down to him and given them their, given their life to him through this podcast has been amazing and through others. The amount of evil that mounts and hits the airwaves and hits people makes them search for things, you know, what do I do to fill this emptiness? What do I do to feel this pain and this hurt and this strange darkness that’s overcrowded me day in and day out.

And, you know, we had a chance to, you know, be grateful because we’re around people now that understand and think the same way we do. And you know, when we were on the cruise here a few weeks ago, we were around fellow Americans and people from Australia, some folks from England. We had a guy from Belgium, and we were all together in unity, understanding that. We all came to know the truth on what’s going on at different points. And we all got together and enjoyed each other on a journey for seven days. And it was absolutely amazing.

We’re hoping to do that again next year. Of course, all of this summarized well by common sense IQ test. That’s what you’re looking at on your screen. I’m going to read this as we close out of today. And folks, just remember, just remember to stay in prayer, to remember we’ve got more good than bad out there. And that I really believe that God almighty is using this as a time to wake all of us up and get us back into the word of God. There it is. We’re off to the races. False flag September Mkultra children don’t even remember the torture received, triggered by intent rounds of bullets, chambers emptied and spent the sacrificial productions in darkness’s fight diabolically orchestrated, putting kids in scoped sight.

They’re going after the second. The first one. Two amendments I’m talking about. See what they do. Project and spin, create and construct, no matter the cost or what they destruct. I’m beyond livid. This game, they say, is to awaken souls. It’s got to be this way. Ridiculous to assume when evil rules the land, he’s the prince of this earth. I hope you understand this war has always been and momentum is gaining. That’s why we are here, for spiritual training. It’s not a slogan. Fasten God’s armor. Evil. Sneaky and sly, the old snake charmer. I can’t stress enough.

Prayer is the key. It unlocks the shackles. Setting souls free. It’s beyond imperative. It’s a must do. Just look around at what we’re going to through. It’s palpable in nature, cruel by design, seething manipulation, cancerous and malign, like lies purposefully spewed to confuse and distract. The one thing for certain, we’re under attack. More ominous by the day, visibility is clear. Faith back hand slaps evil’s weapon of fear. Silence isn’t welcome. Our voices must carrie stand out from the crowd. At first this is scary, then conviction set in. A defense line is drawn. Leave the children alone.

They are not your pawn. So much of this quote unquote game is because there are players. Remove yourself now. Soul search through prayers humbly arrive at God’s door. He shields his flock. The Lord is my shepherd and answered my knock. For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we come to you now overwhelmed with your grace, your mercy and your love. Overwhelmed by how you continue to use things that the enemy tries to push and destroy our minds in different ways.

You’ve taken those things and you’ve brought us the truth. You brought us through the fire and through these trials and showed us how amazing you really are. The love that you have for us is absolutely overwhelming. And we just seek your face. We actually come before your throne, boldly asking for continued guidance as we go day after day through this terror, this precipice that this world is being drawn to. May you continue to bring us comfort and rest. Bring us the truth. Help us so we can find out what’s going on. But at the same time, share the amazing grace that’s been bestowed upon us by you sending your son to die on the cross for us, who’s alive and well now rose from the grave three days later.

Who said it is finished? Now we have the ability to come to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week at any time. We thank you for that. We ask that you would continue to protect our families, protect those around us, protect our president, protect those who are on the front lines, that are fighting for our nation and for other nations around this earth. We see the evil. We understand it. Help us to wake up those who are still brainwashed. We so need you every second of every day. And we ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our savior and our king.

Amen. And amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. What an amazing September this is going to turn out to be. Let’s stay focused. Let’s stay in prayer, shall we? Thank you again for all of your prayers as we continue to move forward. For now, this is lt saying separate with them. We know, signing out. And as he just said in the clip you played, President Trump understands that energy was what underlied the driving up the cost of inflation. It’s also key to national security. It’s emboldened our competitors and our adversaries like Russia and Iran, who are funding wars against us.

He totally gets it. This is super exciting. I feel like he won the election today with his speech. The empire will find your skills useful. Sadeena. Sadeena.

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