9.28.24: LT w/ Ascent Nutrition learning about HEMP the Brain Stress MAHA Defeating Fear. PRAY!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses the economic competition between hemp and other industries like cotton, timber, and plastic. Powerful people in these industries have tried to demonize hemp to maintain their dominance. However, hemp has many benefits, including being stronger than concrete and resistant to fire, mold, and pests. The text also mentions a conversation about current events, including the upcoming election and the importance of health, with a focus on the benefits of hemp oil.
➡ The team is proud that influential people are using and promoting their products. They discuss the political shift of some Democrats to the Republican party, and the leadership of President Trump. They also discuss the history and uses of hemp, including its demonization due to competition with cotton, timber, and plastic industries, and its recent legalization and boom in popularity. They highlight the many uses of hemp, from textiles to construction materials, and its environmental benefits, before touching on its medical uses, particularly for pain management.
➡ A golf enthusiast was struggling with severe pain after playing, which he initially attributed to aging. After hearing about CBD from a fellow golfer, he researched it and discovered its potential benefits despite initial reservations due to its association with marijuana. He found that CBD, a component of hemp, has been studied for its effects on pain management, neurological health, and more. His personal experience with CBD products led to improvements in his sleep and overall health.
➡ This text discusses how fear responses can be conditioned in our brains through certain stimuli, and how these responses can be manipulated. It also explains that these fear responses can be reduced or even eliminated through certain therapies and practices, such as deep breathing and exposure therapy. The text also mentions the potential benefits of CBD in reducing fear responses, particularly in cases of PTSD. Lastly, it discusses the importance of sourcing high-quality, organically grown hemp for CBD production, and the efforts of one company to do so.
➡ Our company uses a unique process to extract cannabinoids from the whole hemp plant using organic coconut oil and MCT, instead of common methods like hexane or CO2. This method results in a cleaner, stronger product that outperforms competitors in terms of cannabinoid content. The product has a lighter taste and doesn’t leave a strange aftertaste like typical CBD or hemp products. It supports healthy brain function, stress response, sleep cycle, and stimulates a healthy inflammatory response, all while staying below the legal THC limit of 0.3%.
➡ The Gray Team, a nonprofit in South Florida, helps prevent veteran suicides through exercise, diet, nutrition, and social support. They offer advanced therapies at their facility, all funded by donations and events. The team at Ascent Nutrition supports this cause and provides natural health products to help improve mental, physical, and emotional health. Their hemp oil product, in particular, is said to help reduce anxiety and improve decision-making processes.
➡ The text discusses the benefits of hemp and CBD for both pets and humans, including improved skin, coat, and eye health. It mentions testimonials of pets showing less arthritis symptoms after use. The speaker also mentions a link to purchase hemp oil and ends with a prayer for protection and guidance. The conversation concludes with a suggestion for a live call for audience questions.


For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Economic competition with cotton, timber and synthetic plastic. So obviously, why did this tax act come into place? Well, because there are wealthy and powerful people who had businesses in the cotton, timber and plastic industries. And so they said, well, how can we dominate or monopolize those industries and get rid of the hemp? Well, we need to demonize it and we need to, you know, really put a big fear campaign and a disinformation campaign out there about it so that people want to have nothing to do with it.

And, you know, I think they’re trying to hide it for sure. The hemp crete is something that’s, I don’t want to say it’s new because it’s not new, but it’s like relatively new in the past 1012 years or so. It’s eight times stronger than concrete. It is fire resistant, mold resistant, like pest resistant, like pests can’t get in to. It acts as a passive like heating and cooling so it moderates the temperature in the homes. Folks, it’s great to have Lance Shutler back with us again with Ascent nutrition product. I take all of them just about every single morning.

It’s been a great game changer for myself, my health and more. Ascentnutritionhemp.com forward slash and we know is in the description box below. We’re going to have a great conversation about something I needed for most of my life. I’ve been hearing about this hemp, the brain stress maha make America healthy again and defeating fear. We’re going to go through that in a moment, but wanted to make sure that you guys know, I’m excited about today. Lance, I’m so glad that you’re going to bring this up for it for us. And but most of all, the biggest part of everything that’s going on in our world is the three movies that are playing out, Lance, and you’re pretty keen on this information that’s been going forward.

We’re watching the world of the enemy just fall apart, especially with this recent revelation of p. Diddy and others. What do you think? Yeah, I love it. And you know, we talked about this last time lt. That these are the times that we’ve been praying for and working for and you know, putting all the, all the time and effort and work that all of us have been doing. You know, we all play our different roles here in this world and you know, we’re bringing this out and you know, I was talking with some friends who are aware of this, too.

And we really are now, in these times of all three movies playing simultaneously. And it’s super exciting, the p. Diddy stuff. You know, I listened to something that Benny Johnson put out yesterday. Suj Knight was talking from prison and he was talking about how P. Diddy is or was an FBI informant. And I also saw something that Liz Crokin put out yesterday on P. Diddy being the joker in that he was probably groomed as a young child and kind of brought up into this stuff. So she was having some compassion for him in some ways, but obviously not, you know, saying he should get off for what he did do.

But just having that awareness there. Like, we know, too, a lot of these people and these politicians, they’re groomed into this from a baby. But her point with the Joker was that she thinks that he is going to start ratting all these people out because that’s sort of like the Joker’s character to sow chaos in a good way, you know, in this situation, to bring criminals out into the light and put them where they need to be. Yeah, it’s interesting because those three movies for those listening guardians and pedophiles is the number four they’re playing. Number five is panic in DC, and number six, FISA gate, all at the same time.

And it’s amazing, the timing to me, of all of this playing out right before this next election. It’s almost like when each of these, these areas are exposed, it’s going to get to the point where folks are going to realize, like, what? What’s going on? 90% America is going to go, wait a minute, there’s no way I’m going to vote for the other side. It’s not a vote for right or left. It’s a vote for freedom. And it’s a vote for all of to get rid of the enemy, really, to destroy them and finally move forward and make America great again.

And of course, one of the great parts of all this is making America healthy again. And I think that’s important, especially with today when we’re talking about your hemp oil. That’s part of making our America healthy again. We’ve noticed a huge uptick in just folks learning about hemp oil and the way that it works and how it supports our body and more. And you’ve got a great presentation to explain this product. And folks, if you’re looking at your screen, you just click in the description box below ascentnutritionhemp.com. and we know just click on that and you will receive all of this information that we’re going to talk about today.

You just scroll through and man, what a, just a wealth of knowledge that you have, Lance, and we’re so glad to have you explain all this to us today. Yeah, thank you. Lt. I’m very appreciative to be here and to be able to share this information. This for me is answered prayers, being able to get this info out there to the masses and really help a lot of people with it. So, you know, thank you. Now, I wanted to just review again your background so folks understand how do you have this information, what type of knowledge you have and how you develop this product.

So you can just go through that with us for a moment. Yeah, yeah. So I’ll go through this real quick because a lot of people might have heard the last one we did. But briefly back in 2008, that’s kind of when my awakening began and it didn’t happen right away. But what happened is my father was on antidepressants. He ended up taking his life. And for me that was the turning point to start looking into healthcare and medicine because I was always, I was studying it in school in some ways, but not really that interested like I am now.

But when that happened, it forced me to look at things and I started seeing some of the corruption and some of the darkness and it was more just like surface level stuff. But then in 2010, I came across the book inventing the AIDS virus and it was actually through a college professor, and that was really the big red pill that started waking me up. I was very concerned learning about what was in there and realizing, wow, not everyone in medicine really has our back. You know, a lot of people working in there and most people do, but there has been this, you know, really dark malevolent force within that has controlled everything.

But thankfully that’s collapsing and, you know, we’re about to, to kick it to the wayside for good. So, you know, I went to University of Iowa, studied health science. I dropped out right before graduating because I was fed up with the whole system. I ended up going back a year and a half later because the classes I was able to take did contribute to my life and actually helped my life and just awareness of things around me. Then after graduating, I started working in the nutraceutical field, different capacities. For the past ten years, I’ve written a lot of different articles on health, wellness, science, religion, spirituality, finance, geopolitics, all sorts of things.

And I contribute to the epoch Times right now and really just try to get the word out there. And I’ve been contributing on another platform, stillness in the storm for the past now, like ten years. Okay. And the gentleman who runs that, he is a big fan of and we know, and he, you know, kind of helped bring all of us together. So I want to give up that shout out to him. Awesome. Yeah. Interesting, because you probably have been writing about make America healthy again, I’m sure. Right. That’s been coming up. And RFK Junior here on your slides, we’re showing this.

You must be pretty excited about this. Yes. Yes, definitely. And so this was a photo that I took at that Maha event. This was in Tempeh last week. And it was just, it was so cool to see it, to witness it, to witness, you know, people, quote unquote, from the left and the right. I don’t really think there’s really that much of a divide, especially in the people up there. We share way more or far more in common than we do differences. But it’s just a really beautiful thing to see Democrats and Republicans or however, you know, those people politically identify themselves to come together and join this collective mission.

So I was standing there and I just took that photo and I’ll protect everyone’s privacy. But I want to say something that’s really cool and that I’m very proud of and the team knows this and they’re very proud of this, too, that two of the three people on that stage have either used or are still using our products. And when I can know, share that information publicly, we definitely will. And it just a really cool accomplishment and cool thing that we’ve got wonderful people like yourself and like the three people up there who are promoting these and, and talking about them in different ways where they can.

That’s phenomenal. Hopefully it’s RFK junior. That’s one of them. That’s good. You know, it’s interesting because we’ve, you know, you talk about politics and I, but we’ve watched folks that were Democrats move over to the, what we call the Republican Party, but it’s the party of make America great again, obviously. It’s almost like they completely just said, forget it, we’re done with these. Because they had so many rhinos, so many of the Democrats. Of course, they’re exposing themselves for who they are now. But it’s interesting that President Trump used to be Democrat. RFK junior used to be, you know, sort of what you’d say he’s Democrat, but he kind of moved on over to independent.

Now he’s helping us out. And I’m just watching all this come together. It’s almost like a perfect plan in that President Trump is such a great leader. He brings in RFK Junior to talk about our health. And, I mean, he’s just, he’s more than just talking about the jabs that have been put in all the bodies of the babies from birth all the way up. It’s about the food. It’s about everything that has to do with what they’re trying to do to destroy our body. And, and again, that’s helping us dispel these myths of things that we’ve been told, especially when it comes to the marijuana plant.

And we have this next slide showing about the, this marijuana tax act of 1937. What’s this all about? So, you know, this is common in what we all know and what we’ve seen this, you know, cabal do here in the US and around the world, where they’ll take solutions and they will start to suppress them for different reasons. And sometimes it’s not even so much coming from the very top, but it’s more of just like an industry thing. I mean, I think most in general, it is coming from the very top, but there are certainly, you know, smaller players that have voices and contribute to this.

But I pulled some quotes from this article kind of just summarizing this. So economic competition with cotton, timber and synthetic plastic. So obviously, why did this tax act come into place? Well, because there are wealthy and powerful people who had businesses in the cotton, timber and plastic industries. And so they said, well, how can we dominate or monopolize those industries and get rid of the hemp? Well, we need to demonize it, and we need to really put a big fear campaign and a disinformation campaign out there about it so that people want to have nothing to do with it.

And so the next quote is, in the 1930s, anti hemp propaganda caused a moral panic, persuading Americans to believe hemp and marijuana were the same, and both would lower the moral values of american culture. But back in 2018, I know that you remember this LT and a lot of people listening do as well. Things change for the better in that the farm bill was passed and it really didn’t clear things up right away, but it started the process and it did get mainstream adoption. And, you know, it spread what, like wildfire. A lot of people remember CBD and hemp.

Like, just that whole craze really boomed because the federal government, you know, made it legal again to grow, to grow hemp and to use it or to be able to grow it for internal use. And so that would then mean some of the information you have here about hemp comes from cannabis sativa. Is that how you say it? Yeah, Sativa. Some people call it sativa, but yeah, that species is hempendeze. And obviously marijuana is that same thing, too. But the difference is in the amount of THC. And that’s one of the cannabinoids that will get you high.

And that’s, you know, one of the cannabinoids that where if you take a urine test, that’s what they’re specifically measuring or looking for, whether you’ve got that in the bloodstream. Now, with hemp, and this is what the farm bill did, is it made it super clear on what the legal limit can be in a finished product. So if it’s below 0.3% THC, then it’s compliant with the feds and it’s classified as hemp. If it goes above 0.3, they’ll classify as marijuana. So that’s just sort of the distinction there. But again, God put this plant on this earth for multiple reasons.

Cultivation began 10,000 plus years ago, probably longer, you know, given what has really happened on this planet. I mean, who knows what the true history is of life on this planet and how far it goes back, but, you know, hopefully in time we find that out. But the point being, at least for the past 10,000 years, hemp has been cultivated and grown. And over 8000 years ago, in present day Iraq, the first fabrics were woven from that hemp fiber. Yeah, its interesting that when I looked at all of the stuff wrapped around this particular plant, I was surprised to see that its used in different ways.

Like you mentioned, fiber used to weave cloth and spin yarns. Thats what were looking at on the screen. Textiles like ropes and bowstrings and cloths. I mean, I had no idea they used it for hat, shoes and robes and hemp paper. Man, this is just amazing what I’ve been learning about this particular product, and even a step further more uses the hemp crete. Homes, buildings. Wow. I mean, batteries, better than lithium, even. I mean, try to, try to ship lithium out at the post office doesn’t work very well. Hemp shoes, cloths, clothes, plastics, biofuels. I mean, how did, how did you come across this information? Because I couldn’t find anything like this if I tried to look for it.

Yeah, I mean, you know, I think they’re trying to hide it for sure. The hemp Crete is something that’s. I don’t want to say it’s new because it’s not new, but it’s, like, relatively new in the past 1012 years or so. One thing that I learned about the hemp crete and that home is actually in Florida. Florida, actually. Sorry, I take that back. I think it’s North Carolina. I found that photo some time ago, and I’ve used it in the past, and I really like it because it does an awesome job kind of showing what a beautiful home could look like with hemp Crete.

The point being, with the hemp Crete is that it’s eight times stronger than concrete. It is fire resistant, mold resistant, um, uh, like, pest resistant. Like, pests can’t get in. It acts as a passive, uh, like, heating and cooling. So it, you know, moderates the temperature in the homes. There’s, you know, companies out there that are now construction companies building homes or small little buildings, uh, with hemp Crete, because of all the, uh, like, basically money savings that you’ll have. And I how. How great it actually works as construction material to build a home. So, you know, really cool stuff.

I’ve got hemp shoes myself. There’s, you know, there’s different companies out there doing that. Super, super cool. I’ve got some hemp shirts and just like, different hemp like material like that. One really cool thing is the environmental remediation. So after Fukushima, I believe, and, like, I have not been there to be able to verify this. Maybe, maybe, you know, this lt but I’ve read different places that they’ve grown hemp around nuclear fallouts and sites like that because it actually remediates that toxicity from the fallout. So really interesting stuff. And then it sequesters carbon, too. So, you know, we know that there’s been this massive disinformation on carbon in the atmosphere and that it’s all terrible.

I think that there’s some truths to it, but it’s like, again, they take small little things and they’ll blow it way out of proportion. But the point being that plant naturally sequesters carbon, pulls it from the atmosphere and brings it down into the plant. And, like, we know we’re carbon based beans, and all of life is on this planet, so we need carbon for life. So when you’re pumping carbon into the soil or the plants are pulling it from the air and into the soil, it actually helps the plants themselves. Interesting, because you’re getting into more of the medical side of this, and you have this numerous studies on CBD and hemp.

For us, one of the first ones I wanted to highlight was the pain management. I’ve shared this before on my channel for those that don’t know. But I, you know, I grew up in a, in a, you know, just in a christian environment my whole life. I studied. I’ve got a bachelor’s degree in religion. I was going to go to seminary, gave that up. And doing what I’m doing now, hopefully going back to pursue that, but just love the word of God. And I was struggling with, I love to play golf and I was struggling on the driving range years, maybe three, four or five years ago.

Now everything, years go by like days nowadays, right when you get older. And so I’m hitting, I hit about ten golf balls. And then I noticed that every time I get to around 30 or 40 golf balls, my back would be in severe pain, my hands are hurting. And I was like, why am I in so much pain? And I’m trying to figure out a, I’m taking all types of, like, ibuprofen. And I just didn’t understand. I figured I’m just getting old. And I heard this guy behind me say, hey, look, I can’t wait to play in the golf tournament tomorrow.

This on the putting green. And he says, yeah, I just turned 60. If it wasn’t for CBD, I wouldn’t be able to play golf. And I was like, what is he talking about? So I wrote it down and I rushed home and started looking up CBD. And I thought, oh, no. The first thing I saw was a marijuana plant. So I thought, oh, no, that’s bad. I can never touch that because that’s what I’ve been told my whole life. And of course, I’ve learned now over the years, but there’s a lot of folks that might be listening that need this today and need to understand this whole entity of why, if that plant pops up in a picture, why folks would not associate that with fear and why they shouldn’t be so scared of it.

Does that make sense? Yeah. Yeah. And that’s a really cool story, lieutenant, totally. Because there has been such a stigma against hemp and cannabis and marijuana because they’ve grouped it all in together. And again, they’re not the same things. And so CBD and hemp, that’s really what’s been isolated and studied a lot more around those things like pain management, neurological health, neuropsychiatric health, lots of studies on how it helps with anxiety, ptsd, focused memory. It’s got properties of being anti epileptic. So there’s studies out there, obviously, on CBD for epilepsy. It’s a strong antioxidant, anti inflammatory, antipsychotic and anxiolytic, meaning anti anxiety, antidepressant properties.

You know, obviously I’m not saying that our product is going to do that. I think that it can for people. But we aren’t making those claims, just sharing what is out there openly on pubmed, on, you know, a lot of these different properties. Right, right. And so your product, again, just to remind folks, we’re talking about the full spectrum hemp oil from ascent nutrition in your description box below. You can click on that and read this as we move along with this presentation. Pretty amazing. You know, for me, just the amount of sleep that I’m getting now, I’m growing in so many different ways with my health.

And that’s been a huge factor for me. I usually wake up three, four or five times a night. Doesn’t happen to me much anymore. And I realized that so many things are changing in my body with your products, with all of them, not just the CBD or the hemp oil. And so we get into this picture that you’re showing here. I can’t even say that word. So if you could help us out with this one, it’d be great. Yeah, it’s the endocannabinoid system. Ecs, sometimes they’ll call it for short. What that is, is that we have built into us this endocannabinoid system where there’s receptors all throughout the body and you can kind of see where they’re most accumulated on that graphic impacts really every system in the body.

And so naturally, our body can utilize these cannabinoids from that plant, from the hemp plant. And so what happens is because the receptor sites have an affinity for those cannabinoids, uh, they’ll bind and then induce or elicit a physiological response. And often these are really, you know, quite powerful. So, and that’s why there was, there’s been such a great, uh, buzz, but it’s been consistent over the years on CBD and hemp because it works. You know, obviously there’s, and there’s inferior products, there’s better products out there, a lot of different things. And we’ll get into, you know, what we do.

But the point being it’s hardwired into us biologically and physiologically, that these receptors can accept these cannabinoids and have really strong effects. So CB one and CB two receptors really are the most abundant there. And you can see all throughout the body and in general helps to support a healthy inflammatory response, helps the brain and just helps all these different systems kind of work in combination together. Doctor Justin. Interesting, because you have this entourage effect, the interplay of more than just CBD, but all of the 120 plus different cannabinoids is that you say flavonoids, oils, fatty acids, and more.

And so what is this display here? Yeah, so, you know, there’s a lot of information out there on CBD, and that’s, like, the main constituent or the main cannabinoid within hemp that’s been studied. But there’s more than just CBD. And just like anything in nature, yes, we can isolate compounds and they can have effects, but also it’s sort of like, well, did God want that? Is that the way that they’ve been designed in nature, to be isolated and taken apart and just used individually? I think in some circumstances, yes. And, like, we know it works, but also, like, we don’t need to mess up what’s already been created.

So what happens is they look at the entourage effect, which is instead of just taking the individual parts, it’s more of, like, the sum of the parts equals the whole. So instead of, you know, one plus one plus one plus one, it’s, hey, one plus one equals three, because it’s more of, like, it has a synergistic effect in that, yes, we can isolate all these different compounds, and we could take all of them individually, and they would have certain effects. But what they’ve found is that when a person or whatever they’re studying is, if it’s an animal, if they’re taking that, when all of those compounds are present, the body actually has a better response overall, all of the systems work better.

And again, it’s sort of just like this natural phenomenon that occurs in nature, and it’s just really just like common sense. When we. When we come together, when. When humans work together, we are greater than the sum of our parts, you know? And so it’s the same thing. But this plant that we. If you have 120 plus different cannabinoids and flavonoids and all sorts of different compounds, that will be better than just taking one isolated CBD compound. And I’m not putting down just, you know, straight CBD because it’s in our product, but we wanted to do it wherever.

Okay. Not just CBD, but all the compounds that are naturally found within that plant. Evan. Right, right. So it kind of reminds me of, I was hoping to have an example in my mind where you can say something’s good for you, but if you use it the wrong way, it can have a bad effect. Well, I’ll just throw in there. Um, I saw this guy the other day. He walked up with this gigantic dunkin donuts, um, some, some kind of a coffee, hazelnut coffee or whatever it was. And he said, do you realize that half of this cup is sugar? So it’s not that sugar is bad in a sense.

It’s if you overload your drink with full thing of sugar. Well, what are the effects of that and what is it going to do to your body? It’s not a good thing. And so to me it’s the same thing. I don’t know if that’s a good example, but yeah. So we’ve noticed that you’ve got the National Library of Medicine, of course, HHS public access. It’s good to see these. These up for from, I guess, the government kind of showing us their thoughts on all this, right? Yeah, yeah, exactly. And this is where things get really interesting around hemp and how it relates to, I mean, really everything that you talk about lt on your shows.

But just in general of like, where this presentation kind of began, which is around stress, fear, you know, freeing ourselves from this fear conditioning that’s been indoctrinated into us on this planet. So why I’m bringing this up is that there’s this concept, pavlovian fear conditioning. And obviously people know the Pavlov’s experiments, where he would ring the bell, feed the dogs, the dogs would start salivating. And you learn responses. Same thing for us. So let’s say you have someone in the military and they’ve gone through something very traumatic, whether it’s whatever it is, you know, many different things.

Those trauma responses or even just something small for us, day to day, something happens, like we bump into something and like, it really hurts. Well, we learn from that. Okay, I can’t do that again because I’m going to get hurt and it’s going to be painful. So we learn fear conditioning. And what that means is, um, just very briefly, I’ll just read the what? That is a behavioral paradigm in which organisms learn to predict adverse events. So it can be a painful sensation, like a particular neutral context, like a noise, sound or smell, that results in a fear response in the brain to the originally neutral stimulus.

So let’s say like there was a bell that was ringing, and then normally it would just be nothing, but that bell is ringing, and someone comes in through your door and tells you, you know, something really bad happened with someone, you know, or something like that. Well, if you hear that bell again, you’re going to remember that event. And as we know, the cabal has been masters of psychological minute manipulation and control. And they know this inside and out and they’ve known how to manipulate the human brain massively. And so why I’m bringing this up is because we know we have been indoctrinated to be in a state of fear even when we’re not even conscious of it.

And sometimes it’s as simple as if we have shallow breathing, if we don’t breathe deep and have, you know, really good breaths. Shallow breathing induces sometimes a stress response or a fear response in the brain. So a lot of different things that can happen to flip that switch. But one thing is extinction of those neural circuits. So extinction, it’s the process defined as a decline in condition, fear responses following non reinforced exposure to a feared conditioned stimulus. And it’s showing that certain neural pathways can be modulated and rendered, quote, extinct. So what that means is, okay, if we’re exposed again to that stimulus that was fearful, if it’s done in the right way, you can condition yourself to not have that sort of same response.

And that’s where a lot of like behavioral therapy and talk therapy comes into place. And therapies like that where you try to relive or bring that back into the mind, what happened, and associate it with something pleasant or knowing that you’re, you’re in a safe space right here or, you know, however the therapist is doing it. Right. The point being to reduce that conditioning and get it to an extinction place where those circuits, those neural circuits literally are either rendered extinct and atrophy or, and die or are greatly put into. They’re basically inhibited from being expressed.

Right? Right. And so then this, this here, the frontiers in pharmacology, it looks like there’s, they’re given results of, of taking this type of product, correct? Yes, yes. So the, the cannabidiol, so that CBD, that’s one of the main compounds they talked about. There’s three big ways that this happens. It disrupts the memory reconsolidation leading to sustained fear attenuation upon memory retrieval. So that’s a mouthful. Yeah. This next slide is better at this. So what that means is when a person is remembering that experience or reconsolidating it, uh, it’s not as strong and that response is lessened and that’s what we want.

Right. Um, it can enhance the extinction process by modulating the fear expression. So kind of along the same lines, these all sort of mean the same thing, but, uh, it’s. It’d be a much longer conversation breaking them down detail. Right. Uh, but the other big point with this is that it really strongly can reduce the experience of auditory fear expression. So especially for PTSD, especially for vets or people who’ve, you know, served on the front lines in any sort, cops, uh, things like that, oftentimes it’s shocks or the sounds that really put a person into that PTSD state.

And they found that CBD can really help with that extinction process of lowering that. That reaction and that trigger, you know, and that’s the whole point, is to not be. Not be in a reactive state, not be in that fearful state, not be in the. In the triggered state of, oh, it’s all happening again. No, no, no, it’s not. It’s just something, a stimulus that’s being brought back up. Right, right. Interesting. Cause you have the cb one receptors target appetite, immune cells, motor activity, pain, perception. That’s what we’re looking at there. And CB two, D two.

CB two targets the bone, the eyes, the gut, the immune system, kidneys, liver and more. So it’s interesting to see how you break that down to such a deep level, doctor. Yes, yes. And with the sphere conditioning. And this is kind of the big thing and why I brought it into this presentation. And again, I’ve kind of touched on it, but it’s. It’s that we’ve really been so conditioned to be in this fear state. This is how they thrive. Right? There’s all sorts of other like really deep stuff that. That they’ve talked about in terms of like loosh and how they will literally, you know, some.

Some. This cabal has literally fed off of negative energy in different ways. And it sounds, you know, a little crazy, but I mean, there’s. I know you know, this. A lot of people listening do as well. There’s great whistleblowers from deep inside who have talked about all the sort of really, really wacky and wild stuff that your average person would think is. Is such. But uh, they have in some ways fed off of this fear state. And. And being in the sphere, whether it’s literally or metaphorically, doesn’t really matter. Like they’ve at least metaphorically historically lived off of that sort of response from us.

Because when we’re in fear, then they can be in control. When we’re not in fear, they have no control. That’s right, that’s right. Yeah. They’ve been doing that to us for many years and we’ve noticed, I’ve noticed a lot of the fear relief per se just in, when folks go to these giant rallies, they keep filling up with thousands and thousands of people. Everyone’s smiling now, and they’re like, nope, they’re not going to get that one on me now. And folks, you’re fighting back. Compared to eight years ago, just a complete turnaround. I’ve noticed a huge, huge difference.

And, of course, that leads us to not fear. When we see a picture like this, what are we looking at here? So this is one of the farms in Iowa where we grow the hemp. So, you know, when I first learned about hemp and CBD, I knew kind of like what we’ve talked about in the past with the other products that it would be something that a lot of people are going to get into. But you got to really be able to separate yourself because from the company side and a product side, because there’s so many products, especially with CBD and hemp, that they’re so similar that, you know, all these companies have now went under because they weren’t able to differentiate themselves.

And so I knew right away, even before creating this and getting into this, that it had to be different. And so that’s what we’re doing. And so I’ll get into that. What we’ve got is so organically grown here in the US. You know, a lot of companies are sourcing their, their hemp from the Netherlands, which is fine. Like, I don’t have anything against that. Obviously, if we can grow it here in America, it helps us economically, it helps the environment as well because we’re not, you know, doing all the shipping and all that. Right. But plus, if Trump wins, you know, you don’t want that tariff either.

Exactly, exactly, exactly. So what we’re doing is grown organically here in the US and farms in Iowa and in Colorado. What we do is we’re very, very fanatical with the soil and how clean it is. And we’re putting nutrients in. No pesticides whatsoever, no synthetics. We’re monitoring the soil with different technologies and not like we’re using Wi Fi in the fields, nothing like that. But we can do basic things to really calculate nutrient levels and things like that. So we’re very up to date and on the cutting edge with this stuff. What we then also do is because there’s a lot of companies who will grow organically here in the US, but we needed that to also be different.

And so we start with the strain. If you could please go back to that page. Yeah. Thanks, Lt. So that one. This is something we’re super proud of. Our strain of hemp has been developed over the past 25 years. I work with, and we work with a couple very specific people who are experts, PhD scientists in pharmacogenomics and all sorts of really interesting things on growing hemp and agriculture. But what they’ve done is not genetically modify, we’re not doing any of that stuff, but just general crossbreeding to be able to develop this strain of hemp that’s been developed.

And we have the first strain that’s fully sequenced on Pubmed and published on NCBI. Now, we don’t put our name on there. Let’s see. You will not see a scent, nutrition, or my name on there in any way. We do that for different reasons, but that that is our product and what we use. And so that’s super cool. No one else can say that. And along those same lines is because we’ve got that, that strain and we have maximized the constituents in there. When we extract, we can pull out more of these phytocannabinoids. And so with the extraction process, what we do, this is also very unique in the industry.

Most people are using hexane or CO2. CO2 is definitely cleaner than Hexane to extract. A lot of companies will say CO2 is the best in my view, and others, that’s not what we’re doing is we’re using organic coconut oil, MCT, and we gently warm it and we’re mixing the whole hemp plant, not just the flower, but the whole hemp plant. And then we’re squeezing those cannabinoids and all the different compounds out of that plant into this, this final product. And so were doing it with the MCT oil. The MCT oil helps to pull some of those fatty acids and those compounds out.

Its like an extraction basically. Right. But again, were not using Hexane or CO2, not heating it in any way, just using, you know, warmed coconut oil, MCT. And just think about just pressing it. We know were not doing with our hands. Its a mechanical process, but very clean. Right. And pressing and literally squeezing out all those different cannab, cannabinoids, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids from that product or from that plant. Right. To create that finished product. So you can see right there, we’re kind of listing those different things. And then that gives us a product that’s super clean, very unique.

No one else is doing what we’re doing. And it ends up being where it’s a stronger finished product than the competitors. And you know, I don’t, I don’t like to get into competition because I don’t even think that especially with, you know, what we are all about. We don’t need to go there. But I will say, because people will ask, you know, well, how does this compare to other companies, what we’ve done? Lt is we’ve tested against all of the other major brands and I’m not going to name them, but everyone knows them. Right. We’ve tested against all of them and we beat every single one of them in terms of the amount of cannabinoids, the different cannabinoids and the levels of which those cannabinoids come in at.

And again, we’re able to do it where we’re not going above that, 0.3% thc. So it’s a very tricky thing that we have to do, but we do it and it works and it’s amazing. And, and this is what we wanted to bring out, something thats super different. Uh, youve probably noticed this too. Lt and id love to hear your thoughts on this, that the taste on it is much different than your average or like your typical CBD or hemp product in that its a little lighter, its stronger, but its a lighter taste. Yep. And so it doesnt have that like super drying out effect within the mouth.

Correct, correct. Yeah, that’s what happened to me. I took it, I was expecting the same taste of CBD oil that I had and immediately I noticed, wow, that’s, that’s a lot lighter. It’s not as strong. And hey, I don’t have this strange aftertaste afterwards. It was just a, was just a good product. And I definitely knew the difference right away. I could tell it was, it was really good. And so I really appreciate that. And folks, just a reminder, if you wonder what I’m talking about again, you can go in the description box below. Ascentnutritionhemp.com forward slash.

And we know and you’re looking at the product on your screen that we’re talking about here. And we have a breakdown of that here. The full spectrum hemp oil on the left side, you have the ascent nutrition hemp oil and then you’ve got the CBO, CBD oil on the right. Just the differences there. And I believe that your product is just the way that it feels when it, when it, when I use it. And especially in my golf game, especially when I’m moving throughout the day, I’ve just noticed a huge difference in my overall feeling. Of my body.

Awesome. Lt. And that’s exactly what. What we love to hear. And that’s the whole point of what we’re doing, you know, to actually help people where they feel it. You know, a lot of products, some people won’t feel, and that’s fine, but we really want to make products that people can feel, because that’s the whole point. If you don’t feel a difference, it’s not to say that it’s not doing anything, because we know if we’re adding in vitamins and minerals and nutrients to the body, like it’s going to do something, but if you can feel it, then that’s definitely what we’re going for.

Yeah. Yeah. So, again, it supports healthy brain function, cognition, and healthy mental well being. Stimulates a healthy and normal inflammatory response. That’s the big one for me. Supports a healthy stress response and healthy sleep cycle, another big one for me, and may promote the entourage effect. And so I wanted to just bring up again real quick, if we could. When you mentioned THC, 0.033%, I think that’s what you mentioned, there’s. Can you just explain again what you mean by that for those that might not have caught that or didn’t understand, again, just real quick. Yeah. So, 0.3% thc.

It’s the legal limit that the feds have set, where if a product, a finished product, is higher than that, they’ll classify it as marijuana or a marijuana like substance. If it’s below that, then it’s compliant with their guidelines, and it’s not going to, you know, have that sort of effect. So a question people naturally ask, well, is this going to get me high? No, it’s not going to get you high. Even if you drank the whole bottle, you’d probably feel something if you drank the whole bottle in terms of, like, a high, but it’s not like you’re, you know, like, using marijuana.

Another question that people will ask, and we’ve got a bunch of these listed out on the website. A good faq that people can go through is, will I test positive for a drug test if I take this? So, you know, the first answer is that we have to say, like, we can’t ever guarantee anything, because everyone’s body is different. They process things different. Uh, in general, if a person’s living an average, just normal life, you’re not going to test positive for it if you don’t take it a few days before a drug test. Now, I know obviously some people, it’s spontaneous, so you don’t know, um, the person’s going to just have to kind of choose what they want to do.

Uh, but I will say, like, if you’re using this and you’re exercising and you’re eating well and, you know, taking things or doing things to detox, uh, in general, you’re going to be fine. If you are concerned about it, stop using it, get into a sauna, uh, and sweat. And that, you know, typically handles things very quickly. Um, and again, this is like, it’s such a small amount, I’ll tee that the body naturally will just process this out very quickly, meaning like a couple days. And it might not even be that. It’s really hard to tell.

It depends how much someone weighs, their body fat, composition, their diet, lifestyle, all that sort of stuff. Right. And I think it’s important to point out too, that hemp oil, what you mentioned here, what is hemp oil? It’s the extracted contents of the hemp plants where we got that. It’s a rich source of phytonutrients and cannabinoids, I guess is how you say it, of all types, not just CBD. So it’s not just CBD. These combined cannaboids can produce an effect that’s stronger than any one cannabinoid combined. So hemp oil and CBD are not inherently the same thing.

I want to make sure that we get that clear, that that’s awesome that you have that there as CBD is a reference to a single cannabinoid, whereas hemp oil is a vessel for many cannabinoids. Hopefully I got that right. Yes, yes. Thank you. LT, that’s, that’s perfect. And that’s exactly right. Yeah. But I got that from the frequently asked questions on that website in the description box below, ascentnutritionhemp.com, forward slash. And we know. And, and so I’m just glad that we’re talking about this. I needed this just as bad as anyone else out there. I’m sure so many are wondering, how do I explain this to my family and friends, especially those that grew up in environments where they’re told that this is a terrible thing? How could you do that? Look at that.

That’s the plant that’s dangerous, you know, and they don’t really understand the difference or how that actually works. So I’m so glad that we have you on to explain all of that today. And I wanted to also ensure that, I think this is where we’ll let folks know that there’s other, before we get there, wanted to show something real quick, folks. There we have Lance in support of a great, just a great cause, and I just wanted you to explain that for us real quick, if you could. Yeah. Thanks, Lt. So the photo on the left, both of these photos were in April of this year down here in Florida.

Photo on the left is at Mar a Lago. There was a America first gala that night there, and ascent nutrition was one of the sponsors for it. We sponsored an event the week before. The photo on the right is a similar event. It’s the same mission, but just at a different location. Gray team, as you can see behind there, help us save military lives. Great Team is a nonprofit organization down here in south Florida. Great people. Been able to connect with them and learn about what they’re doing. They help veterans who are on the verge of suicide to not take their life.

And they do it through exercise, diet, nutrition, supplementation support, social support, all sorts of things. They’ve got a really cutting edge facility. They do sauna, light therapy, all sorts of advanced technologies. They’re using really cool stuff. And, like you see right there, zero lies lost. So veterans who come into their doors, they don’t pay a dime for it. It’s all nonprofit, you know, funded by events like that. And they have not lost a single person who’s come in there. So it’s super cool there. It’s very effective. It works. And they like our products. They. They know who we are and what we do.

So we helped to sponsor that event, and it’s just really cool, you know, being there at Mar a Lago and really seeing some of the people that we’ve been able to help and some of those veterans sharing their stories, you know, obviously ties into my personal story and my mission to help people with that. And, you know, same thing with everyone on our team here at ascent. We want to help people to not have to go through suffering like that, mentally, physically, emotionally, all of it. Yeah. Yeah, I really appreciate that. And, you know, I’ve been serving in the military and been around and seen an awful lot in my 20 plus years in active duty.

It’s something that I’m going to send a lot of folks to, for sure, that I’ve had to deal with in the past. And one of the biggest things for me in the Marine Corps, on a side note, was just how difficult it is for Marines to transition back into civilian life, especially those that have been in combat. I’ve watched it, been a part of it, and it’s just, they need programs not only for their health and mental health and more, but also to help them transition back into civilian life and how to behave properly again. Right.

Because they’ve drilled into them for three months in the Marine Corps, how to be warriors and they’re trained to fight and be on the front lines, and yet they don’t give them three months of training on how to detox from that. Right. If we want to use the right word, to get their brain back into a normal sequence of just living in a relaxed state. And so I’m so glad you’re part of that. I hope that they’re taking your products, too and using them to help them relax, because there’s a lot of those guys that really need support and help physically also.

And so I’m so glad, Lance, to see that you’re part of that. So, and it’s not just the, the hemp oil that you guys have. You also have another link that we’ve provided for you guys. If you remember, go ascentnutrition.com, forward slash. And we know, and that lists all of your products, detox products and more. And I’m taking those, the pine pollen tincture, the pine needle extract also. And it’s, it’s, and I actually have the humic and fulvic acid. I take one of those every single day and just notice a huge change in my life. And I really appreciate it.

Thank you. Lt. Yeah, and, and that’s, you know, along the same lines of what we’ve been talking about is just trying to get the, the real natural medicine out there to people wild harvest it. Um, the pine needles were wild harvesting, uh, in Canada, the eastern white pines, we wild harvest the pine pollen tincture. Both of those are back in stock now. You know, you, when we did that last show, lt, so many people bought them, you know, so thank you for everyone or to everyone who bought. And, you know, we all appreciate that this is why we’re doing this, getting the, the real stuff out there to people so that they can actually feel a difference health wise, mentally, physically, emotionally, all of it.

Yeah, just really cool stuff. And r1, quick thing, last thing on the hemp that I want to bring up. Um, I was talking with a friend about this, and he, he made it very succinct and it kind of like, clicked for me. Uh, and I’ve thought about this, but just in my own ways. And he put it in his own words, just very simply that with that Pavlovian fear conditioning response when we’re not in that fear state or as we’re trying to reduce or lower that fear state. The hemp, what it’s doing on, on a brain level or in the brain, what you could say is that it’s slowing down the decision making process.

And I think we can all agree in general that if we aren’t in an anxious state, then we aren’t making snap judgments. And if we’re not making snap judgments, then we’re ideally thinking things through logically, looking at different angles of whatever decision that is and coming to a calm, rational response to it, whether it’s verbal response or like a physical response to something that’s a trigger. But I wanted to bring that up because it really, like, clicked for me that with CBD and hemp, it does help, you know, people who have anxiety, general anxiety. Again, I’m not saying it’s going to treat that, but we know that people are getting a great, great results around that area.

And so if. If anxiety is lower, then snap judgments are lower. And if we’re not making snap judgments, then we’re slowing down that decision making process. And that’s what it does, but not slowing it down where it’s like you feel high or you feel like you’re loopy. No, it’s actually like, really dials you in and you just feel very cognizant and clear. And I use this stuff myself. I’ll use it as a nootropic. So, like, if I need to focus and. And, you know, really hone in on something work wise or life, I’ll take it. Like, before this, I take it.

I take the other products, too. Um, at night before sleep, I definitely take this. It absolutely helps me. I sleep, thankfully, you know, well, in general. But I notice when I take the hemp, it definitely puts me into a deeper sleep. And I do wake up even. Even more refreshed than the normal. Yeah. Amazing products you guys have put together. And again, I just want to remind you folks, two different links. We have the ascentnutrition hemp.com and we know for the hemp oil below this video. And also, don’t forget that they’ve got the go ascent nutrition link that we have also with all their products listed and detox products, especially the pine needle extract, pine pollen tincture and more.

And so it’s just been an amazing journey thus far. We’ve seen a lot of positive response, especially from the am we know fans. And you’re helping a lot of folks out and we just really appreciate what you’re doing, man. It’s like our heavenly father set you up for such a time as this, he took you on a wild journey to get here. And like most of us, right, we’ve just been on a strange journey, and we get to this point in our life when we realize how thankful we are that he’s using us now for, for this time to get folks back in line with what he truly wants for us on this earth.

And so it’s been great, Lance, to meet with you guys, to have these products out for the masses to understand and know and to finally see some detoxing going on with all of our lives. So I wanted to end in prayer if we could. Yes. And thank you, Lt. And I forgot to say, there’s one quick thing that I would like to say on the hemp. It’ll be important for people if you could please pull that up. All right. Real quick. Thank you. So the hemp, I just want to make this call out for everyone. So if you get two bottles, it’s going to automatically qualify for free shipping.

And of course, we’ve got subscription for that, too. This is only for USA. Unfortunately, we can’t ship this outside of the USA. Wish that we could. I do think in very short time we will be able to do that. But just wanted to let everyone know that if you get two bottles, it’s basically like saving 10% because you’ll get free shipping. Two or more bottles of that. And then the last thing that I forgot to say about this is that the hemp, two for pets, we’ve got a lot of people who are using it for their pets.

Dogs and cats, horses, they can all take it. We’ve got dose dosage amounts there for, for the pets of what they can use. Mix it in with the food just like you’ve done, because it is an oil. So mix it with something that’s fatty or like some, some wet food. That’s the best way to do it. But pets can feel this, too. We’ve got people who’ve given us great testimonials on, like, their pets not having as much like arthritis or not hobbling as much like they can tell that it helps them. It does help with skin and coat health and eye health, too, for both pets and humans.

You know, that’s another thing we didn’t get into hemp, and CBD has been shown, and they’re studying it for glaucoma. And there’s great research out there in relation to eye health. So I just wanted to make a few of those call outs real quick. Okay, definitely, we got that. And, man, you guys can go to down in the description box below, you’ll find this link. Go ascentnutrition.com amwaynow. And also you have the ascent nutrition. Nutritionhemp.com forward slash. And we know that gets you straight to the, to the hemp oil. So I wanted to lift you up in prayer before we close out today.

So thank you so much for Lance, for his team at ascent nutrition. We ask that you continue to watch over him, protect him, especially with these different products that we know the enemy cannot stand that’s being put out. But we since now, an overriding protection from you and the ability to get these products out to folks who really need it. And we ask that you continue to guide and direct our lives, especially through this strange life that we’re living in America and throughout this entire earth today. Please protect our president, protect all of us, our families and more.

We ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen. Amen. Thank you, Lt. All right, thank you, Lance. Hope to talk to you again soon. Yeah, we really love to do a live call so folks can ask questions live. So maybe we can work something like that out. That’d be wonderful. Awesome. All right, we’ll talk to you again soon. Okay, thank you. Thanks, everyone.

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