9.21.24: LT w/ Hope Tivon: Dangers of EMF – Protection your body water pools food plants DRE

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ A couple, Hope and Tivan, who are engineers and researchers, have developed a product to protect against harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) emitted by devices like cell phones and smart devices. Their product, made from a blend of various ingredients, creates a field that changes the energy of incoming EMFs, creating a healthier environment. This product has been successful in helping people with symptoms like insomnia and muscle pain, which are often caused by EMFs. The couple initially made the product for personal use but it has grown into a business due to its effectiveness.
➡ The article discusses the potential dangers of Wi-Fi radiation, including cancer and other health issues. It highlights the work of RFK Junior and others who believe that Wi-Fi radiation can harm our bodies. The article also introduces products that can allegedly block or alter this radiation, making it less harmful. These products, made from a composite material called shungite, are said to change the physical properties of the radiation, making it non-toxic.
➡ The article discusses the research and creation of pyramid-shaped structures made from a mix of metals and nonmetals. These pyramids, when placed in an environment, can emit negative ions that interact with positively charged pollutants in the air, breaking them up and clearing the sky. The pyramids also create a harmonizing field that can improve the health of plants and create a healthier microclimate. The creators of these pyramids have seen positive results in their own gardens and believe the technology can be used to enhance plant growth and health.
➡ This text is about a small business that creates unique, custom-made products designed to help people. The products are made from a special mix, including a material called shungite, which is believed to have healing properties. The business owners share their gratitude for their customers and discuss testimonials from people who have experienced benefits like pain relief from using their products. They also provide advice on reducing exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields (EMFs), such as turning off wireless devices at night and using their products.
➡ The article talks about the benefits of using pendants that create a protective field around the wearer. People have reported relief from pain and other health issues after using these pendants. The pendants even showed up on airport scanners, proving their effectiveness. Additionally, the article discusses how these pendants can be used to keep food fresh longer and improve the quality of water, making it healthier to drink.
➡ The speaker stopped drinking caffeine eight months ago, which improved their sleep and reduced headaches and body pain. They credit harmonizing devices and similar technologies for creating a healthier environment around them. They express gratitude for the work done by others in teaching the community and helping improve people’s health. The speaker also mentions an upcoming event in Nashville featuring guest speakers and learning sessions.


So he puts the pendant on and he’s flying, and he’s going through the airport. He’s going through, you know, the TSA screen scanner things that they have there. And those are very complex machines that scan you or, you know, scan your suitcase and everything. They’re scanning for all different kinds of frequencies and fields and stuff, right? I, well, the guy says, what are you wearing around your neck? To the skeptical husband? And he’s like, why? He’s like, well, come here, look at this. And he goes around to the other side of the counter and he looks at the screen.

And the field that was generated from the Oregon lit up the screen in the scanner like. Like a Christmas tree in the top half of the scanner. And he says, what is going on there? Because you could actually see this Healthy field. And some of the Pharisees from among the multitude said unto him, master, rebuke thy disciples. And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out. And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones. The first foundation was Jasper the second, Sapphire the third, a chalcedony the fourth, an emerald the fifth, sardonyx the 6th, Sardius the 7th, chrysolite the 8th, beryl the 9th, atopaz the 10th, a chrysoprasis 11th, ajacinthe the 12th and amethyst.

We are going to talk to Hope and Tivan. Husband and wife team, engineers, researchers and business professionals. American expats live in Morocco. Tivon has a background as a US Navy technician and energy technology engineer. Hope holds an MBA, has a variety of business management experience in both government, corporate finance, small business management and marketing. You are going to learn about EMF protection. They wrote a book, co authors forbidden Tech, the Complete Guide to energy, social and biological technologies that they did not want you to know about. The book is a collection of their life’s work. Research on fringe topics at free energy, energy, weapons, EMF, radiation and protection, surveillance and biotechnologies.

Tell you what, we’re going to learn a lot about our phones, some other things that disturb our body and what they have done and put together to help us out. It is absolutely amazing. You don’t want to miss it. Well folks, I’m so excited to have hope and tavan back with us again. Fix the world Morocco. A lot of folks lives have changed over the past few months. It’s been amazing just to see the changes. For all the Amwino fans that tuned into our last interview was so, so good. And we have really been changed, even our own personal family with your products.

And we just appreciate you guys, you know, below the video is the FTW project.com. you’ll see that link like you see the one scrolling across your screen. Just click on that link, folks, and you can get all of the information you need from fix the world Morocco here. And so it’s amazing what you guys have done in the lives that you’re changing around the world. And we’ve, we’ve had great conversations about that. And I just wanted to just get an update today, especially on what you’ve noticed over the past few months, especially with the fans, with Amy know.

Yes. So admittedly, we had to grow with, with the fans since the last week, we met and talked about what it is that we do. And we actually had to upscale in a lot of different ways because what we realized is that there’s a demand, a demand for these things especially. There are a lot of people who can’t sleep, for example. And to be able to provide a solution to help those people where they’re not required to have to get medication or pills or things like that. We wanted to be able to do that. And what we found really quickly is that we had to get new staff, we had to get new tooling and get new equipment during this process.

And so that last few weeks, we were working really hard to be able to basically fulfill the tremendous growth that has happened. Yeah. Now this growth happened because you guys came up with a product. And I just want to rehash again, go back to what happened with you guys, how you developed this product and what it’s doing for folks. Okay. Sure. Well, it first started from us in our own way. We both were both hypersensitive to emfs. For me, it started when I was in the UK. There’s a whole other story behind that. But generally it got so bad that, and I thought I was healthy, I would run miles several times a week, keep myself fit.

But it got to a point to where I couldn’t sleep at night. I was suffering from severe insomnia. I was having pains in my muscles, nervous attacks, panic attacks. And it just came suddenly. It was like onset. So I wasn’t, I didn’t know what was happening to me. And instead of feeling like I was getting healthier every time I did a workout, I was feeling weaker, tired. That comes from EMF, by the way. All those symptoms that he just went through. Can you explain what EMF is real quick? It says electromagnetic frequencies, and they are harmful frequencies that come from things like your cell phones, the cell towers, smart devices.

With all this new technology that’s just being erected all around us in our societies, there’s more and more and more of this technology that’s going up. They’re beaming out more and more of these frequencies to make all of your phones work and everything else. So there’s an increase in EMF frequencies, the ones that are not good for human health in the world around us. And that’s all over the world. It’s. Every country has been doing this. So we came up with these products that work in ways to mitigate those frequencies. These products create their own field around them naturally through a blend of different ingredients and stuff that God showed us how to make.

And it creates this field that helps to change the energy field of those frequencies that are coming in from the EMF around us. And it creates a harmonizing, healthy, life preserving energy field around the product, and then around you and your, and your environment and your home. So we have different shapes. It’s all the same composite. We have different shapes for different purposes, like pendants or those are some garden pucks there, or the sleeping pods. By far our number one bestseller because nobody seems to be able to sleep anymore. And that’s because of the environment around us with all of those emfs.

So for us, we suffered big time from emf sensitivity. That’s where it all started, is one thing. A lot of people are very sensitive to it. Some people understand that that’s what it’s going on. A lot of other people are like, I don’t really quite know what’s wrong with me. And then you realize it’s because of the, you know, there’s a. They just put a 5g tower up, like, right next to your house. And ever since then, you’ve been feeling sick all the time, right? So I grabbed this video from their site just to give you a quick description on how this works.

Here is how orgone transforms energy. Some people might think orgone blocks energy, but it’s actually a lot more complex than that. You see, what orgone energy does is it takes harmful energy and transforms it into beneficial energy. So it cleans it up. Kind of like a sewage treatment system can clean up or transform waste. Harmful wireless fields from cell towers, smart meters, smartphones, Internet routers, and your television, for example, make the environment around you toxic and harmful to human health and well being. Orgone energy placed around your environment cleans up the toxicity and helps to restore a healthy, life supporting environment.

This effect can be measured in various ways, such as preserving blood samples for longer periods of time, preserving fruits and vegetables and foods for longer periods of time. Better seed germination results in plants, bigger yields in plants, providing pain relief, aiding a better sleep and relaxation, and seeing the energy field in frozen water and much more. Oregon energy devices are made by mixing a blend of iron oxide, steel, brass, shungite, and crystal powders into an epoxy resin. When the epoxy cures into a solid plastic state, it puts pressure on the surface area of the powders. This causes something known as the piezoelectric effect, which emits a harmonizing field generated by the different specific properties of the ingredients.

It is this field that transforms the harmful energy from emfs into healthy, life preserving energy. So, so, you know, we. We started making these products just for us because we needed some relief. And then our friends and family were like, I love it. It works really great for me. Can you make one for me, too? And it literally organically just blossomed into a business because when we found ourselves making more and more and more, shipping them out to our friends and family, and it’s like, well, maybe we should get a website that we can, like, sell them on, you know, amazing.

Now, I wanted to show something real quick, if I could. This is make America healthy again. You know, it’s been something that’s been growing across our community now. And just to maybe a one, one and a half minute of this clip where even RFK junior, you know, that an expert in all this, talks about the dangers of all this stuff that’s been, you know, all around us that we didn’t even realize. Here we go. I think the wifi radiation is a lot worse than people think it is, but I don’t think. How so? Well, Wi Fi radiation does all kinds of bad things, including causing cancer.

Wi Fi radiation causes cancer? Yeah. From your cell phone. I mean, there’s cell phone tuner tumors. I mean, I’m representing hundreds of people who have cell phone tumors behind the earth. It’s always on the ear that you favor with your cell phone. And, you know, we have the science. So if anybody lets us in front of a jury, it will be over. What is the number? Because a lot of people use it. There’s a lot of people with it. They’re glioblastomas. That’s the kind of cancers that they get. But cancer is not the worst thing. They also.

It opens up if I. Radiation opens up your blood brain barrier. And so all these toxins that are in your body can now go into your brain. How does Wi Fi radiation open up your blood brain barrier? Yeah, now you’re gone beyond my expertise, but what there are, there are, I’m gonna use a number here, and you’re gonna think it’s hyperbole, but it’s not. There are tens of thousands of studies that show the horrendous danger of Wi Fi radiation. And so this is Wi Fi, like, that’s in this room. Yeah. So there we are, just, he goes on and on and talks about how he puts his phone down, he doesn’t listen to in his ear anymore, and more.

But thought I found that, you know, kind of interesting that we’re seeing more and more of this play. And, I mean, this was back in March of 2024, this year. And of course, Joe Rogan, he’s got a huge audience. Right. Millions and millions of folks tune in. And so there’s got to be a solution to this. I mean, a lot of folks are going to say, well, wait a minute, I’m going to use my phone. I’m going to have these things around me all the time. And I think that’s the beauty of what our heavenly father’s been doing, is he’s showing folks the products that are out there to help them get through this.

And basically you’re saying these products right here are blocking these dangerous things that are going through the air. Correctum. You know more about it than I do. Yeah, it’s, it’s more than, it’s more than blocking, though, because, like, in other words, if you put the, the phone shield on the phone, it’s not going to block the signal to reaching the phone. So then your phone doesn’t work anymore. Right. What it does is it creates a field around it that actually cleans and changes the field coming from the phone. Yeah. And that’s because we put shungite powder in every single one of our products.

And that shungite, there’s all these studies that we’ve been presenting, and they’re on our website, too. You can go watch some of our videos to learn about the science behind it. But the shungite actually changes the spin. Could you explain that a little bit better? So, generally, what happens? Lt is these composites that we’re making, essentially, when you research what the properties are and the ingredients that we use to make these composites, they take the field, the incoming field that’s coming from these devices and changes their physical properties. Another word for these composites would be called metamaterials.

In the science and the journals, when you look up the white papers, they’re called metamaterials. We have different physical properties of different ingredients. When they come together, they’re able to affect change when it comes to things like wireless energy. And this energy can be made to be non toxic in this kind of field, where in this industry, where people are making similar products, they’re normally also called harmonizers. So generally, the toxic effect of that incoming radiation has been altered, and it’s no longer toxic. That part, that component has been removed. Now, our research, we primarily got it off of the research of the late doctor Wilhelm Reich of the early 1920s, 1930s and forties, where he was researching energy and bioelectric fields around living things, human beings and living things, plants and animals.

And he found that you can combine composites of metal and nonmetal into layers and create structures and chambers and boxes that are able to affect change in the environment. And this was a discovery. So we basically took that science that people have improved on over the years, and we made these composites that do the same thing. Yeah, I was going to show you something else here that I found. This is Barbara Neal that posted it about the dangers and why we need to have something to block the EMF radiation that’s being emitted from just our phones.

Here we go. A few of you know about recently, consumer reports in the United States advised that nobody keep a phone in their pocket. And this is just a little simulation here of the radiation as it’s moving. And one of the things we know is that the dielectric constant of the penis and the testes is rather high because they’re full of fluids, more fluid in a part of the body, the higher its absorption will be. And this is just a simple illustration of the dose to the gonads and the bone marrow. And that is why, in fact, this is one of the secrets of cell phones.

They are always tested in a holster. They are never tested in the pocket. Never tested in a pocket. Interesting why we need these EMF defense. I mean, folks out there wondering, you know, they see these videos and they go into fear, and they say, well, what can I do to, you know, to get through all of this? And you guys have put together things, I mean, just for the cell phone, I believe this is the. The one that I actually have on my phone. We got one for each one of our family members, and it’s attached to our, the back of our phone.

And we. We actually love these. And we’ve just noticed a difference in our own lives, personally with these. And then, of course, the sleep pods have been absolutely amazing. We have them. We actually travel. Every time we travel, we take them with us and we put them under the pillow when we’re in a hotel. And so I’m really good. And a lot of folks that we’ve given as gifts, you know, they’ve actually taken these products, and they’ve just, you know, they write us and say, we are so amazed. You know, we thought that maybe you guys were, you know, just making this up, but we have noticed a huge different in our lives and in folks that even we have family members that have gardens and.

And they put, I believe this is the garden one. Right. And they were just been amazed at what’s happened with their plants. Yes. All of these products are made from the same composite, but like you said, their shape and basically define their use. And that’s a construction tile, what you’re showing there. So that can be put in your building material if you want to build an outdoor table or indoor table or air or any kind of flat surface. What we did was we took these construction tiles. We. We built a pool, an in ground pool here, and we put these tiles all around the pool on the outside, and that creates this.

This field of this orgone energy. And that field charges the water in the pool. So when we swim in our swimming pool, it is unlike any pool we’ve ever been in because the water is being charged with the field coming from these tiles that we put around it. So that’s why we created, like, you know, 15 minutes in that pool and you feel like a completely new person. It’s like it’s grounding. There’s. There’s ions that are going on in, you know, the good ions, the ones that are good for your health. Right. That happens with this field that’s generated.

So that’s when we made these tiles for different types of construction projects so that you can, like, incorporate a few of them into, say, a bathroom. So that when you have massage table or, you know, if you have, like, a massage thing or a spa of some kind in order to create that healing environment. So that if you sit in that room for 1520 minutes with the water and any other kind of things that you have for your health, it really, like, supercharges the experience. Oh, that’s amazing. There’s a lot of folks with. With polls out there, they’re probably never heard of this before, and they’re gonna be excited to grab that.

And I love also the pyramid we’ve got one here on my desk I just showed you. And I just love. I love the look, and I just appreciate that you guys took the time to put this together. I found it amazing last time you explained to Vaughan how you put this together. Could you tell everybody again how this works? You mean the pyramid specifically? Yeah, explained. You had, like, a story behind it last time, and I loved it. Oh, yeah. Quite a bit of research has gone into the pyramid. So what we’re finding online when we’re looking at the orgone energy research, is that the structures that you build with these materials are able to affect change in the environment.

And that also includes the shape of these structures that you’re building. And what we also learned along that research is that pyramids are very unique in that they’re able to take energetic fields and focus them from the apex, the top, or the tip of the pyramid upward, due to their geometry. And it depends on what materials they’re made from. So we were seeing some research done by other people that were making similar composites, where they’re taking epoxies, combining them with different types of metals, and placing them around their environment. And these people are people who are very in tune with their environment.

They understand that there’s a lot of pollution, contaminants, and aerosols and chemtrails in their environment. What they discovered is that when they made. When they took these structures and placed them outside, that it was moving, shifting, breaking up, and changing those aerosols and breaking up and basically clearing up the sky in the local region. So we thought that was fascinating. We also wanted to try to flesh out the science behind why that’s happening. And so what we basically found from all the different documents and videos that people were putting online is essentially what’s happening is we’re in a sea, a toxic sea of wireless radiation.

When you have certain composites with metals and nonmetals put together that have beneficial properties, if you put it in the shape of a pyramid, these materials get stimulated by this toxic field, and what you have as a result are negatively charged negative ions being emanating, basically being emitted from the pyramid. Now, these ions basically flood the environment, but because of the shape of the pyramid, they go upward, and as they go upward, the positively charged aerosols and contaminants in the sky, all these contaminants are positively charged, bind with this negative current that’s going upward. And what it basically does that, the result of that, it breaks up the chemtrail activity, the aerosol activity, and you start getting patches of blue and clear, clear sky above you, and maybe within a several mile radius.

But if you look off in the distance, they still have like a film of, a constant film of chem trailing. Also, what you see, another indicator that this is happening as well, is if you’re under a day where it’s heavy chem trailing, no one can legally stop the planes from flying overhead and doing this right, but you can see the crisscross and how these patterns grow throughout the day. Well, when you get these pyramids and you place them outside, the breakup starts to happen. You start seeing these filaments form, basically, start getting. These chemtrails start clumping together again, and they start getting whisked away.

So you start seeing these wisps of. They start actually turning in the clouds and wisping away in the form of large fibers. So it’s very fascinating when you. When you do this research about how this affects the environment. And the benefit is, now that you have negative ions in the environment, you have the field. This. This field that is generated, that is a harmonizing field as a result of the toxic field you’re in in your local region, you’re going to see a gain and benefit in the health of your plants and in your garden. We have gardens here.

We have like, over 100 beds here, and we plant in a desert, by the way, but we have like, a garden of Eden in a desert climate. And I would think it’s because of our products that we use over, all over the property. And we also do some permaculture methods as well, to treat the soil and keep everything nice and healthy. So we’re growing all kinds of food here that you can’t normally grow in this climate. But I think it’s because we’ve created a microclimate with these products. And that’s possible here. If you have water and you have this technology, you can create a healthy microclimate to grow things you didn’t think you can grow in the desert.

If you’re Avigar gardener out there in the audience and you know what you’re doing to grow your plants, having these products around them, you’ll see a boost in performance and in the health of these plants. And that’s the garden one right there that I’m showing the gold right there. Well, you can. You can put any of these in a garden. We have the garden. Puck is the green. It’s the green disc. It’s the green. Yeah, we saw. We saw a set, a garden set with four pyramids and eight garden piles. Yeah, the one on the lower left.

And you could use those items. And we have on the site, there’s that one. Yeah. There’s an idea about how you can grid a piece of property by, you know, you set the pyramids and certain corners and then you put the garden pucks in between, and that creates a grid over your property for your garden in order to protect your plants. And you’ll see bigger plants, better fruits. I’m assuming that they’ll be like, your food would be more nutritionally dense because it was allowed to grow in a healthy environment instead of being bombarded by the emfs and the toxins in the environment.

So on our website, we also have studies where a University of Pennsylvania did research about the effects of orgone and what they call orgone, or cosmic energy inside these orgone chambers where the water was absorbing this energy and the seedlings. This was a seedling experiment. The seedlings inside that chamber absorbed that energized water, and those seedlings yielded more germination and healthier roots than the control, which was a wooden box. So this is tying together the ability for water to store information and how you can basically accumulate that energy from a toxic environment to be able to grow things through the water.

Yeah. Now I’m looking for those folks that are watching the screen. I’m actually pulling this from the website that you see below, ftw project.com ref, and then you’ll notice that there’s a blog section here. And I love this section. I click on it. I’ve been here a few times now looking for information, especially when putting videos together. And I just click on search and type in orgone. And this is what pops up. Just a host of information that you guys have gathered. I mean, you’re making sure that everybody knows that they’re being protected, and at the same time you’re providing the information.

And that’s, that’s a huge, I mean, big appreciation for that because, you know, folks are always trying to find information, they’re doing research, and you’re definitely not going to find a lot of this stuff on Google. They seem to put a block to most of the information that’s out there. And so I want to make sure I show that. And also, you guys have been very, very busy lately, and you put together a video just to show everyone. With Annwinow specifically. This video was made just for the. And we know fans, I really appreciate it. Just to show your operation how it works.

Do you mind if I show that now? Please do. All right, here we go. Hi, we’re hope and Chavon from fix the world, Morocco. We’re coming to you today from our factory here in Marrakesh, Morocco, where we make EMF protection products by hand. We are here to give the. And we know listeners a bit of an update on what’s been going on around here and show you a bit of process on what we’ve been doing to make the products and process your order. As some of our customers might know, we’ve had an unprecedented surge of orders in the last few months.

So we’ve spent that time doing all kinds of upgrades to our business, which includes hiring a bunch of new people and purchasing a whole bunch of equipment in order to be able to fill more orders faster. So check it out. We got our baker’s racks. Look at how much we can fit. Now, we can stack all kinds of stuff on these racks. Lots of space. And that’s how you pump out 20,000 pieces of organite. And we’re happy to say that we have shipped out thousands of orders, and our backlog of orders will be finished and shipped out soon.

Now that we’ve done all this work to increase our production capacity, we are happy to announce that we’ll be able to complete and get our products out there faster and also reduce our lead time down to a couple of weeks. Okay, so I will briefly describe the process and how we make and fulfill these orders. As you’re well aware, our designs are custom made only in house. You’re not going to find them anywhere else. We have our masters that are designed in house, and our masters, our metal masters, are what are used to make the silicone molds, these specialized molds that are made in order to make our products.

So we have from the masters, we create our silicone molds. And from that, you’ll see our artisans prepare and powder our molds in preparation to pour the special EMF orgone mix of composite mix that we use that’s mixed in with resin. And then we let that cure for approximately 24 hours, in which case, when it’s fully cured, we take the new product piece out of the mold, we inspect them, check them for imperfections, and then we do the final cleaning up, polishing, sanding, and washing process before we package them and get them ready to be sent out.

Hi, I’m Cece Hope, sister. Here’s a little view of our Us warehouse where all of the smaller us orders get shipped from. From garden pucks to phone shields, sleeping pods, pendants, and charge plates. Thank you so much for your support and for being here. We just wanted to show you a little bit of where the magic happens for your orders. For us, it’s a blessing to be able to do this. Originally, we made these products. We did it for us because of what we’re suffering for ourselves. And then we start finding out that we’re able to heal ourselves with this.

And then our friends and our family, and then we’re so blessed to actually turn into a full time business and growing at the same time. And thank you so much to all of our amazing customers and the people that support our work. We are so happy to have been so blessed with our small business to be able to do the things that we do and make these products, to get them out there to help people. So, God bless everyone. Thank you so much. Bye bye now. Bye. That is amazing. You guys are just so. What a great video.

So glad that we could share that with your listeners because it’s a blessing and the business has grown, but the best part of it is knowing how many people our products are helping. I mean, that just something that comes from the divine, that’s a blessing from God. To be able to be a blessing to others. That’s what makes me happy. I mean, I love the feedback we get. Yeah, the feedback has been really incredible. You said you were thinking about talking about some of the testimonials that we’ve had. Yes. Can you share some of those? Just what folks are sharing with you about what’s been happening with them once they receive the product and they place it next to them? I would love to hear some of those.

Absolutely. We do have some of them on our website. We try to put up as many as we can, but sometimes, you know, things go so fast to Vaughan. Can you share some of the most recent ones that we just got? The ones we get quite a bit, but, like, the most recent one deals with pain relief. And when we first started this business a couple of years ago, lt, I mean, we knew from our experience what we were experiencing. And when you have a first few customers say that they’re getting these. They were getting these positive benefits from it, you’re still not quite sure.

You’re like, well, maybe, you know, is that really. That sounds almost like Twilight zone. But this latest one, I think this gentleman had a problem with their. I think it was knee surgery, something along those lines, and they were suffering from pain on a regular basis ever since they had the sleeping pot. People do things with the sleeping pod that’s not necessarily for sleep, because of its size, its palm size, they would apply it to different parts of the body. Anyway, he applied it where the area of the pain was, and he noticed that it felt as if the knee was healing, but also the pain was being numbed, the lessening of pain.

And it’s been a couple of years now. We have heard this thing over and over again about the pain being reduced when they applied these devices over that area of pain. Now, there is some research dealing with having. This is from Russia, the shungite, this carbon unique fullerene, natural fullerene material. The shungite has its own EMF properties that when applied in proximity to the skin, because the nervous system, the pulses, travel extremely fast from your nerves up to your brain, that when you have shungai in that proximity, where the pain center is, where all the nerve impulses are being emitted from, it does something.

Dealing with it sounds like it’s almost like shorting. It’s shorting that signal, so you don’t really feel pain. It reduces that pain. And we have shungite in our material, so you get the benefit of these materials. And I think that has something to do with that seemingly nullification of pain at a distance. That’s what’s amazing is when you have these things on your skin or near your body, you get the benefit of reduced inflammation, reduced pain, deeper sleep. It’s almost like you’re taking the stress off your body from the toxic emfs that’s in your environment. Also helps, of course, to turn off all your wireless radiation at night.

You know, the computer, even if it’s in two rooms away from you, turn off your computer, the tv, your smart devices, anything that emits a signal. We also recommend that if you have a bed, like the traditional metal spring mattress bed, simply because of university studies showing that those coils literally receive hundreds of radio stations. They’re fantastic antennas. You can take them connected to an amplifier and literally tune to any station you want. Oh, my goodness. There’s all kinds of research from universities on that. And so you want to replace those with foam latex mattresses with no metal in them.

And if you have some kind of grounding solution with that, so you’re grounded during the night. Those, those are very strong solutions to allow your body to heal from the toxic load. Well, I had a lot of those when I was in the military. Remember those when we joined? I was at boot camp, and that’s all they gave us. And then we moved into barracks, and that’s about it. So, man, I didn’t know, we could have tuned into the radio and boot camp. I could have, you know, created a little signal there. Would have been great.

Anyway, it’s good. European university, they actually did that study where they. Several radius radio stations on the spectrum. So when the guy you mentioned about his knee, he said he placed something over his knee. I mean, I’m looking at all these different products. These are the ones that you place on the phone, correct? Yes. Yeah. And, you know, here’s another testimonial about these. I, about the phone shields that before using them, we had someone who, when he had his cell phone, he would put it on his, his leg, and he could feel like, a tingling on his leg from the EMF coming off of the cell phone.

And it was kind of like, unnerving, right. When he puts the cell phone, the. I’m sorry. When he puts these chargers or these, these shields on the cell phone, it stopped that tingling sensation. So that was another testimony because you can sometimes feel your phone buzzing in your hand and your fingertips, and you feel like, a little bit like that’s that EMF charge that’s constantly going into your body through your phone. So when you put these on your phone, it actually helps to stop that. So you don’t have that same kind of electrified sensation, which can get very unnerving, especially if you.

If you’re carrying your phone in your pocket. That video that you showed earlier, you know, that goes right next to all of your sexual organs, your reproductive organs. That’s. That’s doing a lot of damage. So this really helps to stop that. They do also have block it pockets you can get. Now, I have a handbag that’s shielded. So, yeah, you know, yeah, I. So you can put your phone in those if you’re not needing to have it on all the time. Just have it from your body directly from your organs. Got it. Got it. And so, you know, I was going through this.

I noticed that you guys also have. I want to make sure I show every product, because this. I’m looking at your instagram right now. Fix the world, Morocco. If you guys want to head there, you can see all the products. You have great photos here. I believe these are the ones that we’ve been hanging around our neck. And let me see if. There we go. All the different colors. And I tell you specifically, my daughter and wife were going crazy when they saw the design. And they’re like, I’ve got to have these. You know, they pick their different colors, and they wear the different colors now with the different outfits that they have.

And so it’s just wonderful. It’s a great addition to everything that we have now that thanks to you guys. And so that’s what these are. Right? They hang around their neck, and they actually, these are pendants. And, you know, another testimony. So the pendant covers, like, it creates a field big enough for, like, say, your torso area. Yeah. So it covers that whole area. And we had one of those fascinating testimonies that we’ve received. Well, there’s a few, actually, holding the pendant in your hand. We’ve had people say that they had really bad, like, carpal tunnel, arthritis, Lyme disease.

Lyme disease. That was causing a lot of pain in their hands so that they couldn’t even type on their keyboard. And what they said, they said, I got your pendant. I held it in my hand, and after about ten minutes, the pain in my hands went away. And I can now work again. I can type again because of just holding your pendant for just a few minutes, got that pain to go away. The most fascinating one was there was a husband and wife, and the wife was really excited about the pendants, but the husband was really skeptical.

And he’s like, I don’t know if these are going to work. I don’t believe these are going to work. Right. And we try our best to show everybody all the research that shows how they work, why they work, how you can measure it. But he’s like, I don’t know. So she’s like, just wear the pendant anyway, please. So he puts the pendant on, and he’s flying, and he’s going through the airport. He’s going through, you know, the TSA screen scanner things that they have there. And those are very complex machines that scan you or, you know, scan your suitcase and everything.

They’re scanning for all different kinds of frequencies and fields and stuff, right. Well, the guy says, what are you wearing around your neck? To the skeptical husband? And he’s like, why? He’s like, well, come here, look at this. And he goes around to the other side of the counter, and he looks at the screen. And the field that was generated from the Oregon lit up the screen in the scanner, like, like a Christmas tree in the top half of the tree. And he says, what is going on there? Because you could actually see this healthy field.

And so the end of the testimony that this is all in an email that we got, she’s like, my husband is no longer skeptical because he saw. He saw the field with his own eyes that was lit up on one of these TSA scanning scanners, you know, because it’s real. You can’t see it with the naked eye, but there’s things that you can see, like the ice test and things like that, that show this natural field, which is fascinating. Oh, my goodness. That is. That is amazing. I want to see that now. I think I’m gonna head to the airport here.

Everybody’s gonna try that now. They’re listening in. They’re like, this is it. We’re all going to the airport. You can get a photo. Please send it to us. We would love to share that. What do you see now? This one here, I believe, is for the garden. Is that correct? You can use it in the garden. You can put that in the refrigerator? Yes, you can. So if you put it in your fridge, it will help your living food, your fruits, your vegetables, maybe your dairy, your meats. It’ll help all of that stay fresh longer, so extends the shelf life of your food, especially thinking about, like, organic fruits and vegetables and how quickly those can grow, like lettuces in the summertime.

You know what? I start putting that in my fridge, and it makes my lettuce last almost a month in the refrigerator because it keeps it, it keeps it nice. And you know how quick lettuce goes. Slimy. Normally. The other thing you can do with these is you can place them flat on the table and you can place a pitcher of water, distilled water, or your drinks of any kind, you know, teas, coffee, whatever, but just a pitcher of water. And the field that emanates up through the charge plate, when it passes through that water, it’s actually structuring the water, which is a whole field of science in and of itself.

And we have some stuff about our, about this on our website. But when you structure that water, it makes it cleaner for you to drink. So if you’re drinking, like, nice distilled water, and it’s been structured, changing that, the structuring of that water helps to go into your cells better. It helps to clean out your cells better, helps to detox. The water is more energetic. It’s actually absorbing that energy. Harmonizing field. Yeah. Wow. Yeah. There’s the article there on your, on your blog, structured water health benefits, and there’s a picture. Sure. Everyone there, the information to me with the charge plate, you just, you just set the water on top.

People say, how long? Maybe half an hour. Yeah, half an hour, 45 minutes. Just set your water on there and then drink it from there, because the field has passed through that water long enough. I’ll give an example. I have a long pitcher that has like three legs, so it stands off the table that it’s on, and it just stores all the distilled water I, we create from the distiller. Underneath that, that container is that little space. I put a charge plate in a pyramid and I don’t, it, it’s always there all the time. Oh, I know that.

When I get, and it has a little tap. So when I go and get my distilled water from this, this, this giant container, it’s always structured because I never move the stuff from underneath it. Oh, that’s amazing. Yeah, that’s something. Now I’m going to run over after we’re done and place my water. I have this daily water that I have to take down because I’m always dehydrated. And I’m going to place that now on this every single day from now on. Absolutely amazing. You guys are great. So you just thought of all this just one day, just off the top of your head? You know, I think I’m just going to put all this together.

Or did you, you, you did your research and you realize you were onto something? I mean, how did this all play out for you guys? It was over years. Yeah, it was over years on. What you see on our website is about seven years worth of research and video making and blog writing to try to educate people on what we learned. We were researching because we were passionate about this. We wanted to understand how we could do that, how we can use these things to help ourselves. And this is our thing. And we really feel lt that this is going to be a really big problem for people who aren’t doing anything to look at their health and how these fields, these microwaves, these are fields can be affecting them and their family.

We feel that. We believe that people are not going to be able to sleep. And if you don’t get any sleep, it can be used as a weapon. I mean, if you need your sleep, you need to be able to rest. We feel that this is going to help. This is going to, this toxic soup that we’re in will decline health. And so we, we think that’s wrong to have technology that is created or designed that people use that is inherently toxic. We think it’s wrong that the establishment’s not taking on board or is gaslighting the public as if it’s not a problem.

And it is. So we feel like this is one of our life’s main mission here because it feels like God’s really blessed. This business has blessed us the ability to come up with these solutions, and we’re always thinking of new ideas. And again, the stuff that we made for ourselves initially lt, I mean, the stuff was, um, was not glamorous. I mean, the pendant was ugly. It was these things where it was just, can I get something that allows me to sleep? I mean, you know, at a time, it was like a dirty gray hockey puck.

You know, I was wearing it around proudly. Yeah, you mentioned something, too, about sleep. And one of the testimonies that you sent me last week happened to do with somebody that said they hadn’t had dreams and. And, you know, for. They just couldn’t remember how long. And once they got this product, the sleep pod, and they realized, man, I’m starting to dream again. I’m having wonderful dreams. And. And so that, that was something that. That we noticed also. I noticed that, you know, I’d wake up quite a bit at night, just me personally, once we got the sleep pods.

I did notice that I would not only have a good sleep, like a deep sleep, but I noticed I didn’t struggle as much when I woke. Well, now I don’t struggle as much when I wake up. When I wake up, I’m awake. Um, I stopped drinking caffeine about eight months ago. And so I. I wake up, I turn, I stand up, and I’m like, wow. Before I had, my sleep patterns were really off, and I noticed I’d be just drowsy all day long. And also I had really bad headaches. And I think I told you guys, I just noticed this gradual change for me, personally, in.

In my sleep patterns and my headaches going away. And also, I love to play golf, and my hands would hurt all the time playing golf. And I just felt like having this around me all the time has really stopped a lot of the pain that I would have throughout my body. Yeah. When you start to accumulate these kind of harmonizing devices and similar technologies, I’m sure there’s other things that other people are creating now. You’re basically creating this space, especially around your home, where you are changing, and then you’re mitigating the toxic effects of this technology.

Yeah, it’s amazing. Amazing. You guys have done wonderful work, and we really appreciate all that you’re doing. I mean, you guys are taking care of folks and probably didn’t realize years ago that this would happen where you’re out, you know, teaching the community what you’ve learned and grown through. And I think it’s the story for most of us, wherever our heavenly Father is just coming through and using all of us in so many different ways. We’ve just got a chance to meet, meet with hundreds of people aboard a cruise ship for the. And we know cruise.

And many folks were sharing testimonies of grabbing your product, too, just to let you know. And they were excited and many other things. And it’s just been. It’s been phenomenal to be on a journey with while the world has been falling apart all around us and trying to instill fear in all of us. Right. We were just reminded throughout scriptures, do not fear. And we have been given this wonderful love letter from the Lord called the word of God. And it’s just filled with all types of areas where he says, this is what you use to help get you through pain and suffering and physical pain also.

And so it’s been a great journey. We’re all learning and growing and what a great time to be alive through this process where we’re able to share and watch what you guys are doing for other people’s life and their health. And so we just. Thank you for that. Thank you so much, really. All glory goes to God on this one. We’re just trying to be good stewards and being, you know, responsible for carrying out these ideas in the best that we can to help other people. But all glory goes to goddess. Amen. Amen. So, on that note, I’d like to close for you guys, if you don’t mind.

No problem. All right. Wonderful. Heavenly father, thank you so much for hope and Tavan, for fix the world Morocco. How you have taken them on this journey from just a simple lump of a product that was placed like a hockey puck under, under their bed or where they were going to now sharing it with others. And look where you’ve, you’ve brought them today. And again, it’s just the reminder of what an amazing God that we serve and how you’ve provided us with the, the ability to research your scriptures and realize what you’ve done for us physically on this earth for the brief time that we’re here.

And we ask that you would continue to help hope Devon grow their company. We’re thankful even for the many that have had to join because of the release of these products and what folks have been enjoying throughout this earth. They’re being touched also with the ability to go home and realize, wow, we are touching lives. And it’s all because of your amazing grace, your glory, that you provide us day in and day out. So, again, for the protection of their company, and I’m sure that the enemy, and you know how the enemy operates, always looking for ways to stop us from getting good information out.

And we just know that if you could open their eyes to see the amount of angels and the chariots surrounding them from all ends, that they would for that moment be able to see how you continue to answer prayer. And just like we see throughout your scriptures, been absolutely amazing. This journey with you, may you receive all the praise and honor and glory that’s due you through all of this. Again, we ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our savior and our king. Amen. And amen. Amen. Thank you guys so much. Ftw project.com it’s in the description box below this video.

So excited to see all of the life changes out there. And folks, you know where to go. And again, we appreciate this update and we’ll talk to you again soon. Bye bye for now. Thanks everybody. Folks, we hope you will join us in Nashville May 9 through the 11th, 2025 for the and we know tools for a success event at the Grand Hyatt on Broadway. Tickets include two night hotel stay light snacks, access to amazing guest speakers, breakfast and our Nashville Night dinner event with Tim Lovelace, a Grammy and dove nominated artist. We’ll also have open learning sessions with Doctor Kirk Elliott, Doctor Kelly Shockley.

We’ll also have Todd Callender with us. Back’s choice. You’ll be able to walk around and interact with others throughout the day with personal growth and inspiration. Also, special guests with Danny Garcia, the Walking Marine and the Rutledges for homesteading and Doc Pete Chambers from the border. Lt will be opening and closing with a sermon and also tools for success with many other guests like Marcy Erickson and LtPetclub two four seven.com. sign up today@annwinow.com in the description box below.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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