9.13.24: Trump Card Coming Debate Investigation BIDEN w/TRUMP delta Weinstein/FANI PANIC. PRAY!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The article discusses the poor performance of a Democratic candidate in national polls, particularly among black and Hispanic voters. It suggests that the candidate’s lack of a clear plan and inability to connect with voters on economic issues are contributing to her low ratings. The article also highlights strong and enduring support for former President Trump, with many voters expressing satisfaction with his previous term. Lastly, it mentions allegations of debate rigging against the Democratic candidate and inconsistencies in her stance on issues like fracking and healthcare.
➡ President Trump recently visited Los Angeles for a fundraiser supported by relatives of Governor Gavin Newsom. Meanwhile, Senator Blumenthal expressed concerns about the Secret Service’s handling of an assassination attempt on Trump. In other news, Kamala Harris’s performance in a recent debate has been criticized, with some accusing her of using race to gain votes. Lastly, Trump’s closing statement during the debate received significantly more views and likes on TikTok than Harris’s, suggesting greater public support for him.
➡ The writer expresses frustration with current leadership, citing issues like inflation, poor economy, and immigration. They also criticize the media’s perceived bias, particularly towards Kamala Harris. The writer shares personal experiences and opinions on various topics, including the practice of voodoo in Haiti. They conclude by emphasizing the need for understanding and addressing these issues rather than dismissing them.
➡ The text discusses various topics including allegations of people eating pets in a certain country, a dismissal of charges against President Trump, updates on the website ‘weknow.com’, new charges against Harvey Weinstein, and rising crime rates in the U.S. It also mentions President Trump’s interaction with the Taliban and his views on the withdrawal from Afghanistan.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories and political opinions, including claims about Kamala Harris and President Trump. It also mentions the housing market’s difficulties, with home prices rising significantly, making it harder for first-time buyers. The text also talks about Trump’s plan to end taxes on overtime for blue-collar workers, aiming to incentivize work and benefit the economy. Lastly, it discusses Warren Buffet’s financial strategies and the increasing diversity seen at Trump rallies.
➡ The speaker interviewed people at a rally, noting a surprising number of black and Latino attendees. Despite fear of backlash from liberal friends and family, these individuals were there to support their interests. The speaker encourages listeners to stay hopeful and prayerful, even if it seems like the election might be rigged. They also discuss the disappointment of pastors supporting Biden, the importance of strong leadership, and the kindness of President Trump, as shown in a letter to a young boy.
➡ This text is a heartfelt plea for protection and guidance for a community, their children, and President Trump. It also expresses gratitude for pastors who uphold biblical values and for a young boy named Liam. The speaker thanks the audience for their support and mentions upcoming events. The text ends with a critique of a poorly performing Democrat and a strong assertion of enduring support for former President Trump.


She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls. No one is performing worse than her. No one’s performing worse than her among blacks, among Hispanics, the worst warring Democrat in modern history, among the Democrats. I’d like to see her lean into the fact that, yes, I am a black woman and this is my plan for black America, but she clearly doesn’t have a plan because she’s essentially not black. But she used that as a moment to paint him as a racist. And so I talked to 20 voters. Not one of them was undecided.

Wow. Not one. Not one. And headlines come and go. But let me tell you this, support for former President Trump is real and resilient. Just a few days after the debate, and we are loving the meme wars, the backlash of the people against ABC News, the awakening of so many to how the enemy operates and so much more. The Deltas are off the charts again. You can’t wait to show you those. Let’s go into the weekend with more positive information. And remember, at the end of this video, you’re not going to want to miss the clip of a gift that President Trump gave to a young, young man.

Remember, this is always, it’s always about the children. Here we go. If you look at reporting from Reuters in the New York Times, they actually asked a number of undecided voters in key states, how did you view the candidates going in? How did you view them going out? Reuters, in fact, had 60%, I think it was six out of ten voters who said they moved towards Trump afterwards. And when they’re asked why, they said, because Kamala Harris was evasive on her answers around the economy. And I think she flubbed a really key opportunity she had in that very first question when she says, are you better off than you were four years ago.

And she didn’t show a single really ability to connect with voters who are feeling struggling right now in this economy and with the price of goods and groceries and gas. And she missed a real key moment there. Yes. Communist news network was at it. Check this out. I talked to 20 voters. Not one of them was undecided. Wow. Not one. Not one. And headlines come and go. But let me tell you this, support for former President Trump is real and resilient. I encounter that everywhere I went. And that’s something the Harris campaign knows, recognizes the fact in Michigan.

Yep, all of them are turning. And check this out. When he continues on in CB’s with interviews for this election, would you say your mind is made up? Yes. And that is Trump okay? Are you a previous Trump supporter? The first year he won in 2016, I was not. Did you vote for Hillary? I did vote for Hillary. I cried when she did not win. Okay, then what happened? And then I just felt like he did a good job. I like the fact that he was not a politician. You believe you were better off four years ago? Oh, absolutely.

Small business owner Andrew Sangrotti backs Trump, too. Who else backs Trump? Let’s see. Let’s head over to all. Do you guys see this picture? It’s been floating all over social media. Yeah, you’re looking at him. That’s the Joe Biden or the actor that’s playing him. And he’s wearing the Trump 2024 hat. Well, just wanted to show you what played out. How did this all happen in front of all of these children? And, well, before I show you this video, let me show you where he’s located. Joe Rambo. You’ve got to be kidding me. Joe Biden takes a photo exactly three years later at the same exact place with another group of MAGA kids.

Yeah. And on 911 2021, he posed for with pictures with kids with MAGA hats and Trump T shirts, turning the 911 memorial in Shanksville and sporting Trump’s I’ll be back shirts. Well, same day he puts on a trumpet three years later, and people think, this is normal. It couldn’t possibly be a movie, right? And remember, there was a giant queue on the back of that picture. See that? The cue, the box that was right there while they were posing with all these children with the Trump MAGA shirts. And Jesus, on one of those, I tell you what.

Strange how these things play out. But there they are after, you know, taking the pictures, they’re talking to him and trying to get him to wear trumpet. Check this out. He reminds me of the guys I grew up with. There was always one in the neighborhood. Well, I’m the only one. There you go, man. I need that hat. Got my autograph? Hell, no. You know my name. Come on. I ain’t going that far. Yeah, there you go. I’m proud of you. Now, just remember, go eating dogs and cats. Hey, they’re good. So just remember, don’t eat dogs and cats.

Holding the Trump 2024 hat in his hand. You see that? What’s going on, guys? I don’t know. You tell me. Description box below or the video below. You put your comments in there and let us know. But notice something else about the entrance into, you know, these areas where these folks are, you know, part of the 911 memorial service. You’ve got, first of all, for those listening in, Biden and Kamala walking into a group of, you know, people listen to the roar of the crowd. You hear that roar, it’s all quiet. They walk in, people are talking to each other.

They don’t care. Young folks are like, yeah, whatever. Who cares? Then Trump walks in. President Trump walks in, and everyone just about goes crazy in that place. Oh, man. Folks, do you feel like we’re getting towards the end of all this, the end of some of the torture that we’ve been enduring? Now, I tell folks it’s not going to be the end. Obviously, we already heard Joe Raskin say that if Trump wins, you know, they’re going to make sure that January 6 is so terrible that everybody’s going to be mad at them because they’re not going to, you know, they’re going to make sure, they’re going to make sure that he doesn’t get into office no matter what.

But what’s going on today is what matters today is going to lead us closer to the election. And graphics.com Ben Garrison showed us this. Aha. I win. While Kamala was standing on the Karl Marx book, the media saying, you know, throwing stuff at him. Do you regret being horrible? Orange man bad. Everybody’s attacking him. But he still made it through. And it’s amazing because of those attacks, Mark Penn, a former senior advisor to Clinton, has called for an internal investigation into ABC accusing them of rigging the debate against President Trump. He says, quote, I’ll be releasing an affidavit.

Let me turn this up just a little bit so we get my voice up. All right. Regarding the debate, I’ve just signed a non disclosure agreement with the attorney of the whistleblower. The affidavit states that Harris campaign was given sample question, which were essentially the same questions that were given during the debate and separate assurances of fact checking Donald Trump and that she would not be fact checked accordingly. The affidavit states several other factors that were built into the debate to give Kamala a significant advantage. I’ve seen and read the affidavit. And after the attorney blacks out the name of the whistleblower and other information that could dox the whistleblower, I will release the full affidavit.

How about that? And so let’s go over some of these gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away, so stop with the continuous lying about this. Let me get rid of this real quick and we’ll continue on anybody’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff. I support buybacks. How mandatory is your gun buyback program? It’s mandatory. I will not ban fracking. I have not banned fracking as vice president of the United States. And in fact, I was the tie breaking vote on the Inflation Reduction act, which opened new leases for fracking. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office, adding the United States to the list of countries who have banned this devastating practice? There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking.

I absolutely support. And over the last four years as vice president, private health care options. You support the Medicare for all bill, I think, initially co sponsored by Senator Bernie Sanders. You’re also a co sponder on it. I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance. So for people out there who like their insurance, they don’t get to keep it. Well, listen, the idea is that everyone gets access to medical care. And you don’t have to go through the process of going through an insurance company, having them give you approval, going through the paperwork, all of the delay that may require.

Who of us has not had that situation where you got to wait for approval and the doctor says, well, I don’t know if your insurance company is going to cover this. Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on. Let’s just continue to expose all their lies. It’s amazing with President Trump. He’s just arrived in Los Angeles, this was the other day, California, to attend a fundraiser hosted in support of him by Governor Gavin Newsom’s relatives. So, George, you know, letting us know the families of Tim Waltz support President Trump. And now the families of Gavin Newsom are supporting President Trump.

All the support is needed and more as we’re watching other things play out, like Democrat senator Blumenthal stating this about the attempt on Trump, Trump’s life. I think the american people are going to be shocked, astonished and appalled by what we will report to them about the failures by the Secret Service in this assassination attempt, the former president. But I think they also ought to be appalled and astonished by the failure of the Department of Homeland Security to be more forthcoming, to be as candid and frank as it should be to them in terms of providing information.

And we are going to absolutely insist on the truth and the whole truth in documents and testimony as members of the United States Senate, but also as citizens. The, what did you learn new today when you said they’re going to be appalled, mister, I’m not going to go into what we have learned in specifics. I’m giving you my reaction, and we will have a report very, very soon that I think will absolutely shock the american people, or it should, about the lapses and lags in the protection that was afforded that day. And the interesting that Blumenthal would come out with that things keep going in the direction of President Trump.

Even communist news network continues. She is the worst polling Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls. No one is performing worse than our. No one is performing worse than our. Among blacks, among Hispanics, the worst performing Democrat in modern history. Among those demographics, worst performing polling wise, among Jews, she is losing key factions of the democratic base, muslim voters. She’s at under 50, at 52% in the latest care poll among black Muslims, she is not doing well. Not doing well at all. Somebody posted this last night. Americans had the opportunity to watch a debate between Donald Trump and David Murrhood.

Oddly, there was an indian woman from Canada that wouldn’t stop talking. So we had a difficult time understanding what policies the ABC News anchor was running on. Oh, that’s so good. Don’t you just love the people? Just amazing. Race baiting and fear mongering was a big part of her tactic tonight. Part of Kamala’s tactics. Yes, Kamala’s tactic. Okay. What in particular is gonna, would you remember about that, especially when she brought up the Central park five? I think that’s a hot button issue, especially for a lot of African Americans. But she leaves out a lot of specifics to that.

Like, the lead prosecutor was a Democrat at the time. Back then, Donald Trump was also a Democrat. He wasn’t always a Republican. And he was praised heavily in a good way for taking out that ad in the paper because a lot of people did think that they were guilty. So a lot of people that were against Trump now were once a big fan of his. And I think he was gaslit during the entire debate, and that was probably why he was so defensive. And even when he brought up the topic of race, he brought that up because shes pandering.

Shes using being black as a trope to get the black vote. Im sorry, but instead of her leaning into, I would have liked to see her lean into the fact that, yes, I am a black woman and this is my plan for black America, but she clearly doesn’t have a plan because she’s essentially not black. But she used that as a moment to paint him as a racist. Isn’t that something somebody on, let’s see, what network is that again? That would be Fox News and they are getting the information out. Bio clandestine. We’re witnessing a fascinated post debate shift.

The ABC fact checks were nothing true, which has inversely drawn more attention to these topics, also known as the Streisand effect. SPringfIELD late term abortion, gun confiscation, public disco disclosure on discourse, excuse me, on X has thoroughly debunked ABC’s fact checks and brought video receipts for every single Kamala lie. As time goes on, public perception is falling more in favor of Trump thanks to the reach and influence of citizen journalists on X and other social media circulating the video evidence that disproves Kamala ABC’s lies from the debate. This not only proves Kamala and ABC lied, but it’s further confirmation that the mainstream media are in bed with the DNC and once again proves Trump was right about the media being corrupt and out to get him.

The more the media attack him with such blatant bias, the more it validates the Trump narrative and discredits the dems for weaponizing the media against Trump. They just proved a deep state exists while the entire world was watching. Initially, I did not think this debate would have much impact on public perception or change the calculus in November. But as I observe the public’s response on social media, I think this performance from ABC woke up more people than I projected. Normally, the moderators are more subtle with their bias, but ABC made it so obvious that some of the normies are starting to notice glitches in the matrix.

Folks have noticed my brain is working better. I feel my immune system is working much better. My sleep and stress levels are dropping. My energy is better than it’s ever been. My brain is just, just focused and just on par now. A lot better around the house. Most of this started happening when I started taking the pine needle extract, the pine needle tea alternative from ascent nutrition. Also the humic and fulvic acid. Been taking that also. It’s been absolutely amazing. They’ve got a two product detox bundle of the pine needle extract and humic and fulvic acid.

And just wanted to let you know, the Poland tincture is currently out of stock, so got to get this two product bundle now that they’re putting out there before the pine needle extract goes on as well. It’s amazing. Ascent nutrition provides organic and wild harvested nutrients to the world through their unique, innovative, and best in class growing and harvesting processes. Their clean and unique practices allow them to offer superior, nutrient dense products that help people, pets, and athletes feel and perform their best. They’ve got it for sleep and stress, for healthy detox, immune support, joint and mobility, and so much more.

You can get those in the description box below. Just click on that link right below the video for ascent nutrition. Today, Harris will ban all fracking. Will you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking your first day in office? There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking that will immediately put tens of thousands of Pennsylvanians out of work and send utility bills skyrocketing. There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking will protect clean energy fracking and protect the jobs it creates. I’m Donald J. Trump and I approve this message. Yeah, another one of the big lies that the ABC moderators let her get away with during the debate.

Yep. And President Trump put this photo out for you to see. Your future under Trump has these wonderful, beautiful, clean cities. Your future under Kamala has all of the illegals making their way across the border. Not only that, if you talk about Kamala, notice that she buses in people to make it look like she has support in North Carolina for her rally. See this? Yeah, there you go. There’s proof. Just look at those buses on the right all lined up now. Some would say, oh, maybe they’re parked, you know, miles away and they’re trying to bus everyone in.

You know, I can, I can see here that. But remember, we had a video proof, I believe it was last week where a guy said, they bust me in, 4 hours away for this rally. We don’t need buses for the President Trump supporters for his rallies. They’ll, you know, park one, two days prior, three days prior sometimes, right, and in the parking lots for miles away and walk and they make their way over and they’re going to support him regardless. They don’t need to be bused in. And so that’s proven even more that his supports growing because his closing statement on ABC News, tick tock.

Well, member from the debate, I’m sorry, the closing statement during the debate. Well, if you went to tick Tock and you watched those closing arguments, well, President Trump had almost 12 million views, 1 million likes, and a thousand of thousands of comments supporting him. Kamala’s video has a quarter of the views Trump got and thousands of comments against her. Tick tock is a super leftist platform, but even they can’t hide the fact that people resonated with Trump’s boldness and authenticity way more than the lies that came out of Kamala’s mouth. President Trump said, I won the debate, but was criticized by the radical left lunatics because I looked angry and forceful.

But think, why wouldn’t I be angry? I love the USA, and it is being destroyed by grossly incompetent leadership, inflation, a terrible economy, horrible military decisions, no respect from around the world, and more than 20 million people, many from prisons and mental institutions, are pouring into our country and creating havoc, crime and destruction like never seen before. Am I supposed to be smiling like comrade Kamala Harris with her fake one and a half hour smile and long practiced facial expressions, despite all of the problems that she and Cricket Joe have caused? No, there’s nothing to smile about.

But there will be in the not too distant future when America makes the biggest comeback in history. November 5. Make America great again. Now to continue on the debate, just adding, you know, more to this. It turns out that the totally unbiased ABC News moderator Lindsey Davis and Kamala Harris are sorority sisters. Lindsey Davis, Robin Roberts is right. It’s a sorority thing I don’t understand at all. So you have to explain it to everybody. You’re a sorority sister of Kamala Harris, right? Well, you know, pearls are a symbol of Alpha Kappa, alpha sorority incorporated, which she pledged while she was at Howard University.

And the strand of pearls is symbolic of the unity and the sisterhood. But on this day, there’s actually a Facebook page of women who say wear pearls on January 20, 2021, and hundreds of thousands of women are apparently wearing pearls in support of her. Oh, yeah, they just happen to be best buds, you know, no wonder she attacked President Trump and she actually had the same type of earrings on. Just to kind of let you know that Kamala had wonder who they were talking to. The legacy media is election interference. ABC, CB’s and NBC. Well, 84% did.

They do nothing but positive news on Kamala and 89% negative. When they cover President Trump, see how they psyop the entire earth. It’s amazing how they play that. It plays out around the entire world. I remember, I think it was back in 2009 when I headed over, when I went over to Germany after getting on the Marine Corps and started working for government service for the army. I remember talking to the landlord and I was explaining to them everything they’d never heard before about Obama, how he wasn’t a us citizen, his choice, lifestyle of who he was with, male versus female and more.

And you’d think that they were going to have a heart attack. When I was explaining to them all this information at dinner were, you know, they get their stuff from Dear Spiegel, CNN. They had no idea who he was. And after day one, they wanted to have dinner again. Day two, we spent another 3 hours, and they heard the truth, the whole truth, and they actually appreciated it was a really good, good information. And at the time, actually, to be honest with you, I got most of my information from, you know, fox, out of all places, about Obama.

They were actually sharing all of that stuff. So some more information, you know, you’re not going to get much from the mainstream media, but would be, you know, this talk about eating the cats. And I thought I’d show you this clip here, but first, I wanted to show you this. Nick Freydis said something I thought was interesting, that the left, no one is eating people’s pets, which means we’re one week away from why do you care that people are eating pets? And then we’re three weeks from why eating pets is a good thing. And then four weeks from now, refusing to eat pets is white supremacy.

So that’s so good. Oh, my goodness. And there’s, of course, another meme for the meme wars. Interesting, because there’s a delta on the cue board that September 9 from years ago is when, you know, drop, do the meme wars. Drop your memes. Get them ready. It’s interesting that, that September 9 this year is when the memes started dropping like crazy. I don’t know, just another coinka dink. So again, let’s go with the. No, one more thing with the pets. Do you guys hear this song? They’re eating the dogs, they’re eating the cats. Eat the cat. Eat, eat the cat.

They’re eating the dogs. They’re eating the cats. Eat a the cat. Eat the cat. They’re eating the cat. Oh, yeah. Kind of reminds me, back when I used to run AFN, we’d play music, and I get in there and say, hey, this is at the time, I think it was a staff sergeant. Yeah. I said, this is staff sergeant Lt. Giving you 85,000 watts of power every hour of the day. Folks, welcome to AFN Iwakuni, your source for news, information, and music. Anyway, oh, man, the good old days. Those were fun. All right, so anyway, we’ve got this from the Babylon bee.

Media assures Americans that migrants haven’t killed any cats, just women and children. Yeah. Babylon bee from Haiti to the United States in the late sixties as a teenager. Her father, in case you missed that, immigrated to the United States when she was a teenager. From Haiti to the United States in the late sixties as a teenager. And I want to talk about these recent comments about the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio. First, I want to say my father and I are now estranged, but I did know him in my very, very young years, and when he immigrated, he was one person, and they weren’t sending, you know, thousands of Haitians in one area.

He wasn’t eating people’s pets, and he didn’t practice voodoo. But he did say that most of the island, the majority of the island, does practice voodoo. The reason they eat cats is for two reasons. Number one is survival. This is the poorest country in the western hemisphere. You can’t just go to a food bank like you can here or just go to McDonald’s and get some free or cheap food. Unless, of course, there’s a christian missionary. People in the United States have a really hard time imagining that type of thing, but it is true. Second, they do do animal sacrifices for their religion, voodoo.

They make these animal sacrifices to these gods for different reasons. You can do your own research on this. Do I think voodoo is a demonic religion? Yes, I do. That doesn’t mean. Obviously, that doesn’t mean that you hate these people. These people need prayer. But you can’t just take over all these people from another country and expect it to work. Not to mention it doesn’t fix the problems of that country. And there’s more people left in Haiti that we can bring over. It’s not racist to acknowledge that this is a problem. It’s not racist to talk about these things that are happening.

This is not just white Americans saying, this is black Americans. You can look at the people in Springfield, Ohio, saying that this is happening. Y’all just want to joke about Trump and say that he’s crazy for saying that this is happening, instead of actually checking at all to see if this is happening. You want to make jokes about these things. Well, what if it were happening to you and your community? And no, it’s beyond eating their pets, even though that is bad enough. Yawn. That. It’s interesting because I was having a discussion with somebody the other day, and they were having a hard time trying to find information to share with family members about these pet eating deal that’s happening.

If you, you know, well, where are they finding their information? Well, that person was, you know, was trying to help them, and they were looking it up on Google. Well, Google was saying, this is a conspiracy theory. There’s no such thing. You go to duck, duck, go, same thing. This is a conspiracy. Trump made it up, blah, blah, blah. But if you go on x, on tick tock, you can find plenty of information sharing all that’s going on with this Peter deal. Marianne Williams Williamson said continuing to dump on Trump because of the eating cats issue will create blowback on November 5.

Haitian voodoo is in fact real. And to dismiss the story out of hand rather than listen to the citizens of Springfield, Ohio confirms in the minds of many voters the stereotype of democrats as smug, elite jerks who think they’re too smart to listen to anyone outside their own silo. That is so true. I’ve had to deal with liberals in particular on a personal level. And anytime that you bring up anything that proves that they’re wrong, they just get smug. They then start calling you names, they call you a hater. They make up all kinds of stuff because they’re so upset.

They’re so upset that you would go against them. Can’t talk to them at all. Here’s Tucker Carlson. Even bringing up the pets. No, here’s the point, though. It’s not that the pets are being eaten, it’s that they’re being sacrificed. Actually, that’s the truth. That’s the truth. We’ve imported a lot of people, over 5% of the population, from a country in which witchcraft, witchcraft is the dominant religion. And that’s not a guess. I’ve been to that country. I know a lot of great people from that country, by the way, are attacking everyone in the country at all.

But the fact is that the people in question come from a country in which witchcraft is the dominant religion and in which human sacrifice is a regular occurrence. That’s just a fact. It’s just a fact. And so, continuing on with the memes, just want to make sure I show you guys. Remember, I wanted you to have some laughter going into the weekend, but here’s what folks have been playing when they talk about eating the dogs. Watch this. They’re eating the dogs. The people that came in, they’re eating. The cats they’re eating, they’re eating the pets of the people that live there.

I’m not taking this from television. People are taking it from the city manager. Dog was eaten by the people that went there. Again, the Springfield city manager says there’s no evidence of that. The cats they’re eating, they’re eating the pets they’re eating. The dogs. The people that came in, they’re eating. The cats they’re eating. So anyway, they make memes now. They’re showing their dogs and cats reacting to President Trump sharing all this information about the dogs and the cats and the eating. It’s so just, just unbelievable. We’re even here you think that we’ve seen it all, but man, it just keeps playing out.

Well, some other breaking news. Judge Scott McAfee just ordered the dismissal of two criminal counts in Fannie Willis’s case against President Trump and his co defendants. The judge found that Fannie Willis did not have the authority to bring the charges against Trump because she is not a federal prosecutor. Democrats corrupt law fair campaign is falling apart. And here’s another one. Harvey Weinstein. Well, we’re going to get to him in a minute. But first, I wanted to remind you guys that we are at, and we know.com. that’s right. Truth, hope, faith and freedom can be found at our website.

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Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing her gear. Weinstein is now facing new criminal charges. In New York, a grand jury returned a new indictment. Weinstein again. Here we go against Weinstein today as the Manhattan DA’s office prepares to retry the disgraced movie mogul after the reversal of his rape conviction earlier this year. ABC News senior investigative correspondent Erin Katersky is here with the latest on that story. Erin, what do we know at this point about these charges and Weinstein’s arraignment? We don’t know the exact charges because the indictment remains sealed until Weinstein does appear for arraignment.

He had emergency heart surgery a couple of days ago. So he was not in court today. But when the judge asked for an update on the case, prosecutors revealed that they had secured a new indictment. And while we don’t know the exact charges, we know that prosecutors had presented evidence of three alleged sexual assaults by three different women varying time periods over the last couple of decades. And those look like they could form the basis of these new charges. Erin Weinstein was not in court today due to a heart issue. What are you learning about that? Yeah, he had a stent put in, his lawyers said, and he’s now going to be moved on a semi permanent basis from Rikers island, the big jail complex in New York City, to Bellevue Hospital, one of the city run hospitals where there’s a prison ward.

And he’s going to be held there, the judge said, just for his own good care. He didn’t want anything else to happen to him and no sense in moving him when it becomes appropriate. Tentatively, perhaps as soon as next week, he’ll appear in court as his attorneys and prosecutors discuss next steps. And if he does appear, that’s when he would be arraigned on the new charges and they’ll be revealed publicly. All right, ABC News senior investigative correspondent Erin Gutersky. Thanks, Aaron. There’s Weinstein once again. The one that all of Hollywood worshipped, just indicted again today. September 12 would be the date yesterday.

So you take a look at one of the deltas for September 12, 2020. There’s a picture of Harvey Weinstein. It’s amazing how it lands four years later. We’re talking about his indictment on more sex crimes charges ahead of New York retraum. Makes you really wonder how they get these dates so perfect. President Trump, massive news. The Department of Justice just released brand new crime data showing I was absolutely and completely right at the debate. In fact, the data is even worse than we could have ever imagined. Compared to 2020, violent crime is up nearly 40%. Rape is up 42%.

Aggravated assaults are up 55%. Violent crime with a weapon is up 56%. Violent attacks on strangers are up 61%. Car theft is up 42%. And the most serious forms of violent crime are up 55%. Our cities are under siege. And this does not include the migrant crime and migrant rape spree that has overtaken our cities in recent months. Months. Kamala. Crime is destroying America. And gangs. That’s right, gangs are starting to take over. And speaking of gangs, there’s another part of the debate that I wanted to go over. I know everybody’s like, oh, you’ve been talking about debate over a couple.

I get it. But you know what? I need these refreshers. And this one in particular is one that I was really glad that President Trump gave us details on the taliban killing our soldiers and when he expressed his thoughts on this and taking american lives and what he did as a leader of this country to protect our military, our Americans, the way that he did that, in case you missed it, if, or if you turned it off because you couldn’t stare at Kamala anymore, if you said, well, I’ve had enough, and you walked away and you didn’t want to hear as much, this one is worth a listen once again, and I need it.

If you take a look at that period of time, the Taliban was killing our soldiers, a lot of them with snipers. And I got involved with the Taliban because the Taliban was doing the killing. That’s the fighting force within Afghanistan. They don’t bother doing that because, you know, they deal with the wrong people all the time. But I got involved. And Abdul is the head of the Taliban. He is still the head of the Taliban. And I told Abdul, don’t do it anymore. You do it anymore, you’re going to have problems. And he said, why do you send me a picture of my house? I said, you’re going to have to figure that out, Abdul.

And for 18 months, we had nobody killed. We did have an agreement negotiated by Mike Pompeo. It was a very good agreement. The reason it was good, it was we were getting out. We would have been out faster than them, but we wouldn’t have lost the soldiers. We wouldn’t have left many Americans behind and we wouldn’t have left, we wouldn’t have left $85 billion worth of brand new, beautiful military equipment behind. And just to finish, they blew it. The agreement said, you have to do this, this, this, and they didn’t do it. They didn’t do it.

The agreement was, was terminated by us because they didn’t do what they were supposed to do. I want to move on. And these people did the worst withdrawal and in my opinion, the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. And by the way, that’s why Russia attacked Ukraine, because they saw how incompetent she and her boss are. That’s exactly right. He sent a picture of his home and said, well, you figure it out. And he said, nobody else was killed after that. That’s leadership. Another thing I noticed from this debate, and I was talking about this with some friends, some loved ones.

President Trump, I don’t think, ever looked over at Kamala during the debate, he’d kept pointing. He turned his eyes a little bit sideways. Maybe the only time he looked at her might have been when she walked all the way over and shook his hand. In my theory, it’s just my theory, and I, somebody sent me a video today, one of my friends, that this is more, Kamala was more than just the earring that was spouting out all the information into her earth. It was more than just maybe, possibly that this is a mask, and that person here is not really who we think it is.

All that aside, this person could have been filled with a number of demons. Remember, we’re up against in a battle against the enemy, an unseen enemy. And they’ll do anything they can to ensure that President Trump does not get in to stop their trafficking of children, to stop their destruction of this earth and the hatred of humankind. They want us gone. And I think if he looks over there to these eyes of whoever this person is and all the demons that are manifesting from that person are able to get eye contact with him, makes me wonder what type of mind games can be played and tricks played to his eyes.

Another person mentioned that the lighting was set up in such a way against President Trump and so that he actually would have to dart his eyes left and right, and it was a way to get him to forget some of the things that he would talk about. They can actually do that with lighting that his podium was actually lit up like that. So you had not only the moderators fact checking him like crazy, not only Kamala, probably possessed by demons, whoever this person is, not only the cheating going on through the earrings, the lighting on the podium, he has to stand up there against an enemy of forces.

And through our prayers, we surround him. We ask for the surrounding and protection of his life, of his mind, of everything that goes on around this man, regardless if it’s a all a movie or a play or whatever other folks might want to say. And sometimes I mention that we’re up against a ruthless enemy, and that enemy includes the taking over of our children. So what do they do? Remember, they go through Taylor Swift and they use her and they put her. Guys, how many stores do you walk into Taylor Swift’s on every magazine, every book cover, everywhere you go, all the children singing her songs of this evil being that has snakes all around her.

If it’s even a she, who knows? So this person said, you know what? I’ve had enough. So it took Taylor Swift endorsing Kamala to do this. Taylor Swift just endorsed Kamala Harris and I’m done. I don’t want to be a childish cat lady like her. And if you really love the cats, you want to let the migrants eat them as pets. That’s why I’m replacing all my stuff with end the wokeness stuff. End the wokeness. Puts the maga hat on. President Trump shirt on. Had enough throwing and burning the Taylor Swift material away. It’s amazing. We should be doing everything we can to make it more affordable to buy a home.

A just released housing index reveals just how rough the market is, especially for first time homebuyers. It showed home prices for the nation’s top 20 metro areas rose 5.4% from June of last year to June of this year, a record jump for that month. The average home buyer needs to make over $110,000 to afford the average home. Homebuyers only needed to make 76,000 back in 2020. Mortgage rates are now at their highest level in 21 years. 86% of us renters would like to buy, but they can’t. That really speaks to a lot of pessimism here about the american dream, how it feels like it’s out of reach.

Home ownership remains the ticket to wealth generation. So this is just widening the gap between the haves and have nots. She stands there and says on day one she’s going to tackle the housing affordability crisis in our country. But day one for Kamala was three and a half years ago. What the hell have you been doing for all that time? Kamala Harris is weak and failed and dangerously liberal. Trump, Vance 2024. That commercial playing out, showing us more and more how things are going to play out in the future. President Trump was given another speech, his first rally after the debate, and he announced a brand new plane plan aimed at blue collared, non salaried work workers to end all taxes on overtime.

I’m also announcing that as part of our additional tax cuts, we will end all taxes on overtime. You know what that means? Think of that. Think of that. Think of that. That gives people more of an incentive to work. It gives the companies a lot. It’s a lot easier to get the people. And, you know, I went to some economists, great ones, and I said, what do you think? They said it would be unbelievable. You’ll get a whole new workforce by doing that. No taxes on overtime. The people who work overtime are among the hardest working citizens in our country.

And for too long, no one in Washington has been looking out for them. Those are people. They really work. They’re police officers, nurses, factory workers, construction workers, truck drivers and machine operators. It’s time for the working man and woman to finally catch a break. And that’s what we’re doing because this is a good one. And I think it’s going to be great for the country. Great for the country. Paying taxes to a government where elected officials are representing foreigners instead of Americans as taxation without representation. Never forget that another four years will bankrupt most of the middle class.

You’re looking at the mortgages up 59.2% on your window. That was put out by Fox News. Now we’ve got another video coming out Sunday with Doctor Kirk Elliott. We’re going to talk about Buffett continuing to trim back the bank of America. That’s right. S and p 500 raised $700 billion. And Kirk actually shared how anyone can grow with precious metals through his amazing story, how there was an amazing young lady who only had $500 and she was able to help by bringing precious metals into the equation with that $500. How she grew that over the years.

Absolutely amazing how we got into this. We also talked about the debate a little bit also. So you, here’s a clip from this. Enjoy and we’ll move forward out for himself. And so when you look though, and we’ve talked about this a little bit before, but he loves to buy things that are of value. He’s talking about Warren Buffet, meaning they’re a very cheap price. So this to me is a little bit showing his narcissism and his ego of he’s amassing this huge, massive cash position just sitting on mountains of cash because he thinks what? He thinks that the economy is going to crash, stock market is going to crash.

There’s going to be all these companies that he can buy for pennies on the dollar. He’s going to swoop in like a knight on a shiny white horse coming in to save the day. And this is his shtick. This is what he does. And people think, oh, he’s amazing for the economy. He’s amazing for these failing businesses and he injects capital and raises them to success again. And it’s like, no, he actually lets these companies fail. All these people lose their money and he comes in and buys everything at a huge discount. It’s amazing. And we know.com gold, you can actually reach out to doctor Kirk Elliott in the description box below this video and you can have the same conversation I have with him and his folks, and they will actually pray with you if you guys want prayer also.

Absolutely amazing. And the support that we get there. So another one from grasshopper, doing great job catching all of these comms for all of us President trump put out. In the world of boxing or UFC, when a fighter gets beaten or knocked out, they get up and scream, I demand a rematch. I demand a rematch. Well, it’s no different with the debate. She was beaten badly last night and this is posted the other day. Every poll has us winning in one case, 92 to eight, so why would I do a rematch? And he actually said, guys, just to let you know, he’s not going to have another debate.

He said that yesterday. Absolutely amazing. So if you look at nine two eight, do it backwards, eight to nine. Zebra, Zebra, bring the thunder kill box light. And it also has winning, which is trump card coming. Trump card was played at 1201 on the intel board, the cue board, 1201 when President trump dropped this to remind us that a trump card is coming. And so if you guys wanted to know, the trump rally in liberal Tucson drew huge crowds and trigger triggered the liberals. And check this out. So I wanted to say something not just about this last rally in super liberal Tucson, but just in general.

I have never seen so many black and hispanic people at Trump rallies. Now, Arizona, there’s not that many black people here, but it’s just encouraging to not be the only one. I will say, I did interview two gentlemen. You guys will see that on my feed. They were amazing and encouraging. There was several women there, which also shocked me. I could not get any of the black women to go on camera. Black women are scared to death of being dragged by, you know, their liberal friends, their family members, but they were out there. We are out here.

I will be glad for the day that it doesn’t take courage to be a black person and to be, I won’t even say a conservative just to be, for Trump, just to be voting for what’s in our best interest. But yes, there was a huge amount of latino and black people at the rally and also a ton of people couldn’t get in. I’ve been to numerous Trump rallies. That is always the case. But especially here, I think they did underestimate how much Tucson was going to come out and that is why city officials were so hateful and putting out nasty tweets, because they did see the huge contingency of people that could not get in and that were really disappointed.

So Trump 2024, be encouraged. We have this. Be encouraged for some of those that might have said, you know what, it just looks like they’re going to rig the election and Harris is going to win. It just looks like she just did such a great job in the debate and all my liberal friends are just excited because she beat him down or whatever there trying to tell you, don’t talk to them, don’t listen to them. Stay in prayer. You know, what if the Lord God almighty, our heavenly Father, decides to let them cheat again? Well, maybe there’s a plan behind that, too.

But I don’t know. I’m kind of leaning more and more towards the fact that this thing’s going to play out November 5. We’re going to have a victory. Remember, remember in 2016, folks, I’m sure they had the entire machinery ready to rig the election and change the numbers. But I’ve said this before on some of my podcasts, and I’ll say it again. I’ll say it again. How many evil Democrats and rhinos and people who are trying to change that election were freaking out when they couldn’t punch in the numbers to get that election rigged? How many were in shock when possibly, just possibly, the military is in the background using cybersecurity and blocking all of those extra votes they were going to throw in for Hillary? I don’t know.

Just think about that for a minute. Another thing to think about is she’s talking about the fear of many of the folks that she wanted to interview, the blacks folks, and they said they didn’t want to go on camera because they’re scared. Kind of reminds me of what I’ve talked about with pastors living in fear for supporting President Trump, even, you know, wanting to even say that they support Biden or whatever. But I met several pastors on this latest cruise that we did, and I was so encouraged to meet them. So just in awe when I’m around them.

Many of them retired and just shook their hands and thanked them for their service. Just amazing what they have to go through day in and day out and taking care of people, huge responsibility, being a shepherd and just, just, I actually miss the local church. I miss going and enjoying good preaching, good teaching of the word, good hymnals and listening to that and just have good fellowship. It’s been something that I’ve long missed, but I saw it. My friend sent me a, a video, and this particular clip will show you from Spencer Smith, one of the videos, YouTube guys that I follow, and I put in the description box below if you want to watch this entire speech that he gave.

But this particular portion, he talks about an area that many aren’t aware of even in the circles. He realized that many were voting for a certain president. Strong preaching and fundamentalism. They have no appetite for it anymore. Their sermons become overwhelmingly positive. They become left leaning in political issues. I’m going to tell you all this. Y’all listen to me. I’m on twitter, I’m on social media. I’m all over it every day. You would be shocked to death how many second generation independent Baptist preachers voted for Joe Biden in the last election. I’m not joking either. I’m not joking.

Even John Piper said, I’m not voting for Trump because he’s mean. Hello, is everybody? Hello. And it’s sickening what he discovered. He was just appalled. How could you vote for somebody you know, you talked about this. We’re not looking for a pastor to vote for. We’re looking for a leader. And this particular leader was strong and tough. Alpha male out there saying the things that need to be said to wake up, folks and destroy the enemy. But, oh, no, many pastors are out there supporting evil. It just makes you wonder what’s going on, how they lead their flock.

But our leader not only is strong and fights against the enemy, but he also supports the young ones, the children. That’s what this is all about. Watch what he does when confronted by a young boy. Check this out. He says, make America great again. With a big smile, President Trump gives him a high five. The poor little guy in the back, I was watching this, and he puts his hand up. He’s like, hey, what about me? I’m hoping President Trump noticed him, but he wanted a little high five, too. Way to go, guy. So cool. So cool.

And so, before I show you this video at the end, I wanted to read this to you from common Sense IQ test. The stage is being set. Mainstream media for the steal. They’re already working overtime to make it all seem real. We are being groomed about postal service delays in abilities to process ballots. A rerun. Seen these play. Secret Service has declared January 6 a day of certification for electoral votes. They state special security event provocation. We’ve witnessed other countries experience the same recipe. So disturbing and pure evil. Mental games as weaponry, with all the irons in the fire and arrows in their quivers, diabolically, this charade is giving the heebie jeebie shivers.

We know the precipice is coming. We’re climbing to the top. What we see upon arrival will explain this ongoing op. Prepare yourself in faith. It had to be this way. At least that’s what they’re saying. The choice is only to pray our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. I suggest we raise our levels. Prayer warriors can defeat this game. It’s like a spiritual tornado swirling debris all around chaos is ensuring ensuing feet planted on the ground winds of change are blowing souls feel the moving gusts it’s by divine intervention God’s grace is what we trust time is flying so quickly each day zooms in a blink consumed by life’s demands barely giving time to think yet when we stop to listen the reason why we’re here.

Our souls have been navigating so eyes remain visually clear. It’s the consumption of distractions which causes the unsettled soul. When truly there’s a solution to make yourself feel whole, stand back and reevaluate the reasons for deliberate distress. Then remind yourself of God’s power and allow him to clean up the mess. And this mess has been playing out throughout this journey for the past six, seven years that many of us have been on this wake up call and a fight for our children. That’s what this has been all about. They still are children. They traffic them around this earth.

Our heavenly father heard the cries of the people no more and he sent in leadership to put a stop to this and it’s been planned out over the years and it’s about our future generation and our children. Meet Liam, a New York boy with a rare brain disorder and growth hormone deficiency. He got a very special 8th birthday letter from a very special person. This is the side of President Trump the media will never show you. Enjoy. Can you read it out loud? Sure. It says, dear Liam, happy 8th birthday misses Trump and I hope you enjoy this special occasion surrounded by a the love of your family and friends.

We are so encouraged by the strength and determination you have shown throughout your young life and send our love and best wishes to you as you continue to fight, remember you are never alone and we are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers for continued health, for continued care and good health. May God bless you and your family. Stay strong. Sincerely. Can you tell me who sign that he knew it was your birthday coming up? What do you say to him? Thank you. I love you. What else do you say? Thank you. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for how you continue to guide and direct our lives. Thank you that you created us in your image with laughter and tears, smiling, frowning, jealousy. Anger. Love. We are so amazed by you and how you’ve been and putting things together in such a wonderful way. It’s been difficult at times. It’s been hard. As we go through this battle day in and day out. Our children, future of our children, is up against a wall. They’re being told things that you are aware of to change the morality of their lives, the thinking they’re being destroyed by the enemy.

Every single day, we’ve been challenged to make decisions that are difficult. Oh, how we need you. We ask as we go into this weekend that you protect us, protect our family, protect President Trump, his family. Help us make it to the finish line all together as one, one group of folks searching out the word of God. Help the pastors that are out there delivering the truth, to be bold, to stand up for biblical values. We thank you for all the pastors who have done this great work and shepherding the people. I lift them up to you, too, as I think about them.

And thank you for little Liam boy out of New York, touched our hearts. May he be encouraged. May he receive more love than he’s ever received. And we just thank you for him, his sweet smile, and for his family. Please protect them also. We ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our savior, our king, yeshua. Amen. Amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. I thank you for your support, for your prayers and so much more. As you know, I’ve been announcing we got a couple events we’re working on for next year. I’m almost ready to announce the first one and really excited.

We got some good things going on and we just, it’s all about you guys just getting us together. Okay, so I’m just going to close out for now this lt saying semper five with them. We know, signing out Democrat against Donald Trump in history on national polls, no one is performing worse than our, no one’s foreign, worse among blacks, among Hispanics, the worst warning Democrat in modernization history among the Democrats. I like to see her lean into the fact that, yes, I am a black woman and this is my plan for black America. But she clearly doesn’t have a plan because she’s essentially not black.

But she used that as a moment to paint him as a racist. And so I talked to 20 voters. Not one of them was undecided. Wow. Not one. Not one. And headlines come and go. But let me tell you this, support for former President Trump is real and resilient. It, it.

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assassination attempt on Trump black and Hispanic voters debate rigging allegations Democratic candidate economic issues Democratic candidate poor performance fracking stance inconsistencies Governor Gavin Newsom relatives fundraiser healthcare stance inconsistencies Kamala lack of clear plan Democratic candidate low ratings Democratic candidate President Trump Los Angeles visit Senator Blumenthal Secret Service concerns support for former President Trump

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