8.28.24: Tulsi endorses RFK JR to help President TRUMP CIC Wreath laying? DEBATES Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses a political endorsement for President Trump, highlighting his commitment to peace, freedom, and rebuilding the middle class. It also mentions a potential conspiracy involving Facebook censorship at the behest of the Biden administration. The text further discusses an alleged assassination attempt on President Trump and the ongoing political controversies surrounding the current administration. Lastly, it mentions a sale event and the writer’s personal connection to the date.
➡ The text discusses the indictment against Trump by special counsel Jack Smith, which is seen as an attempt to distract from issues like border invasion, migrant crime, and inflation. It also mentions Trump’s distrust in the government and his commitment to hold accountable those he believes are destroying the country. The text further talks about Trump’s experience in Washington, his knowledge of who to trust, and his plans for a second administration. Lastly, it highlights Trump’s victories over political opponents and his promise to bring back respect for the country.
➡ The speaker discusses their achievements during their presidency, including ending a war and implementing a policy allowing terminally ill people to use experimental medicines. They also mention an upcoming debate with Kamala Harris and criticize the current administration’s handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal. The speaker then questions who is truly in charge and suggests that they may still be considered the commander in chief. They conclude by asserting that they have been correct about various conspiracy theories and express faith in their future success.
➡ The text discusses a variety of political topics, including the declassification of JFK assassination files, criticisms of the Democratic party, and the role of former President Trump. It also mentions a website that provides updates, sales, and other information. The text ends with a discussion about a recent interview with Trump, where he talks about his belief in God and his views on various global issues.
➡ The article discusses a revival happening in the nation through serious incidents, with many people turning to faith. It also covers Trump’s criticism of Kamala Harris’s sudden transformation from being a joke to being beyond criticism. The article further mentions Trump’s praise for RFK junior, calling him a great asset for the country. Lastly, it talks about the controversy surrounding the use of Telegram, the arrest of its founder, and the suppression of free speech, along with threats made by the Secretary of State against those who might expose election fraud.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the debate between Harris and Harris, the importance of safe communication, the potential rise in silver prices, election integrity reforms in Georgia, illegal voting by migrants, the impact of diversity in the military, and the increase in chronic diseases among children. It emphasizes the importance of truth, integrity, and health in society.
➡ The text discusses the rising rates of autism in children, the merger of Bayer and Monsanto and its implications, and political issues including President Trump’s plans and allegations of election rigging. It also highlights the importance of faith, sharing a story of Ohio State football players sharing their faith and impacting lives. The text ends with a prayer for guidance, protection, and unity.
➡ The speaker is urging people, regardless of their political affiliation, to support President Donald Trump in his efforts to restore the country. The speaker believes that Trump will end wars, rebuild the middle class, and protect American freedoms. The speaker also mentions joining the transition team to help select government officials and emphasizes the need to hold dishonest people accountable for harming the country.


Bobby and I will fight together to defeat the corrupt political establishment and return control of this country to the people. And don’t you want a president who’s going to get us out of the wars and who’s going to rebuild the middle class in this country? Who’s going to protect America’s freedoms? That’s going to make America healthy again? I think what RFK’s endorsement really shows is that the Kennedy Democrats are actually more at home in the Republican Party of Donald Trump to officially welcome another true american patriot. Whether you’re a Democrat, a Republican, or an independent, if you love our country as I do, if you cherish peace and freedom as we do, I invite you to join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect President Donald J.

Trump and send him back to the White House to do the tough work of saving our country and serving the people. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, Mister President. I’ve been asked to go onto the transition team and, you know, to help pick the people who will be running the government, and I’m looking forward to that. They’re going to be held accountable. They’ve got to be held accountable for what they’re doing. They’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people, they’re dishonest people. They’re going to be held accountable. Gets done in just a few days. Several interviews, speeches and comms for the masses, and even wreath lane ceremony that’s going to pretty much blow you away, because the way it was done was absolutely brilliant.

And, you know, it just continues to prove our conspiracies and how they all seem to be so true. We have quite a few surprises to uncover today. Let’s get right to it, shall we? Here we go. To the brink of nuclear war than we ever have been before. This is one of the main reasons why I’m committed to doing all that I can to send President Trump back to the White House, where he can once again serve us as our commander in chief. Because I am confident that his first task will be to do the work to walk us back from the brink of war.

We cannot be prosperous unless we are at peace. And we can’t live free as long as we have a government that is retaliating against its. So here’s Tulsi Gabbard, the former Hawaii Democrat democratic representative endorsing President Trump. A lot of folks pretty much saw that coming. It wasn’t as much a surprise as many would think. But, you know, she was on the Democrat side. She was also involved. I believe in the army on the psy up side, and it just kind of makes you wonder how this all played out in decades of planning and to ensure that all the goods were grabbed from the Democrats and brought over to the other side.

Man, I tell you what, what an amazing set of events that’s playing out for all to see. Another thing that’s pretty amazing. Just wanted to get this out right away. It’s August 28. That’s 828, guys. That’s the, uh, a great day. 828, right. That’s our verse. Romans 828, and we know all things work together for good. You take 28% off site wide today with code. Romans 828, the biggest sale of the year. That’s right, folks. If you go to the store today, 828, you get everything. 28% off. And that is absolutely amazing what they’re doing. Angie and Jamie, for all of us.

Again, we have got all the goods for you at shop dot m. We know.com. and I love that. 828. That happens to be the same day that I joined I the United States Marine Corps many decades ago. Hard to believe we’ve got some others out here. President Trump unveiled the dramatic details of an assassination attempt. Right, that was done on him. Moment did happen. Who’s to blame? Why? He got up and yelled fight, fight. The former president told Breitbart News exclusively that when he was shot in Butler, Pennsylvania, in mid July, he knew instantly it was a bullet that had hit him a lot of times.

He said, I was thinking about this. It would seem like a surreal moment, he said, like you don’t realize almost where you are. Trump said when he asked to describe what went through his mind in that moment, quote, I never felt that I knew. I knew immediately I got hit by a bullet. Kind of felt like we got hit by a bullet ourselves. Just in a surreal way. White Zuckerberg actually admitted that Biden administration pressured him, pressured Facebook to censor Covid content, said it was wrong to suppress the post’s hunter laptop coverage. And you’re looking at the letter on your screen from meta.

Yeah, he just admitted three things. The Biden Harris administration pressured Facebook to censor Americans. Facebook censored Americans. Facebook throttled the hunter Biden laptop story. A big win for free speech. Cash Patel chimed in, said wholly inadequate. Zuckerbucks rigged the election by intentionally hiding the truth because Harris and a willing deep state FBI told him to. No remorse for this greedy psychophant. So you can’t rewind history. Now. If we go back in history, remember with Zuckerberg admitting and writing that Biden administration pressured Facebook to censor Covid-19 content. Here’s my yorkist lying about it under oath in 2022, 100% absolutely committed perjury once he go into prison.

You said earlier this year that you disbanded the disinformation governance board, which I thought was totally unconstitutional, but that turns out to be, at best, misleading. That’s just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what you’re doing. Your own quadrennial review, which was just reported in the press, says that disinformation is going to be the new focus at DHS. The Quad review says that DHS plans to target, I’m quoting now, inaccurate information domestically on a wide array of subjects, including quoting the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic, the efficacy of Covid-19 vaccines, racial justice, us withdrawal from Afghanistan, and the nature of us support from for Ukraine.

A federal judge has just found, as a finding of fact, mister secretary, that your office, and I’m going to quote now, is supervising the nerve center of federally directed censorship. Here’s another email. August 20, 2021, Facebook writes again to HHS and highlights that Facebook is increasing the strength of our demotions for Covid and vaccine related content. April 16, 2021, Rob Flaherty at the White House circulates a Zoom meeting invitation to Twitter employees stating White House staff will be briefed by Twitter on vaccine misinformation. We have example after example of this administration coordinated, apparently according to a federal court by your agency, pressuring, coercing social media companies to engage in censorship.

Is that constitutional? That is unequivocally false, is what the emails show. It is unequivocally false. Senator, you are not pressuring the big tech companies to take down accounts. You are not meeting with them to ask them to censor on your behalf. That is correct. We are not. Mister secretary, it has been established for years in this country, as you very well know, cause you’re a lawyer, that the federal government may not use private third parties to engage in activities that are unconstitutional. That’s exactly what you and this administration are doing. You are leveraging private companies to carry out censorship on your behalf.

It’s dystopian, but worse than that, it’s unconstitutional. It’s also false. This guy, this rat, right? Just like you saw on the thumbnail. There’s rats, there’s traders, and more. He will pay the price. Many don’t believe it. Many out there think that nothing will ever happen. But I think it’s coming. It’s all going to happen swiftly. Alina Haba on truth Social said, this is exactly what this administration, which includes Kamala, has done to our country. Censorship is what happens in communist countries, not this republic. They have gagged my client, President Trump, his lawyers, in and out of courtrooms and his team.

Now we once again have proof that they are gagging our media and censoring America. Kamala is hiding because she can’t answer for her actions. Still have doubts. Trump 2024. Make America free again. Donald Trump even chimes in. President Trump says Zuckerberg admits that the white House pushed to suppress Hunter Biden laptop story much more. In other words, the 2020 presidential election was rigged. Fox News New York Post, the compost representative Laura Lee, House Judiciary Committee how about that? More of this playing out for all to see. President Trump is it DOJ policy that the Department of Justice should not take any action that will influence an election within 60 days of that election? Well, they just taken such action.

Voting starts September 6. Therefore, the DOJ has violated its own policy. Election interference. Right? Another indictment against President Trump. Another one. They’re not supposed to do this within 60 days of the election. All these comrade Kamala Biden hoaxes should be immediately dismissed. Witch Hunt had a take when the Trump indictments first came out that another meaning for no deals is that dj t won’t be taking plea deals in his court cases. No deals. Another witch hunt. President Trump chimed in in an effort to resurrect a dead witch hunt in Washington, DC. In an act of desperation in order to save face, the illegally appointed special counsel, deranged Jack Smith.

He brought a ridiculous new indictment against me, which has all the problems of the old indictment. Remember, they’re doing this folks, illegally, within 60 days of election, and it should be dismissed. He said immediately. His Florida document hoax case has been completely dismissed. This is merely an attempt to interfere with the election and distract the american people from the catastrophes Kamala Harris has inflicted on our nation, like the border invasion, migrant crime, rampant inflation, the threat of world War three, and so much more. Guys, what’s interesting is President Trump put this out, okay? He put this out knowing that we’re going to look on the comms board at 1937.

You’ll notice it says witch hunt. No deals. No deals. It’s amazing how the these all play out for us in such a way that even when we read them, they connect all as the 2024 election approaches. Special counsel Jack Smith filed this indictment against Trump in the J six DC case. Smith removes the allegations covered under executive privilege, such as efforts to influence, influence the Justice Department, these guys have lost their mind. They deserve what’s coming to them. I have one last question. I think that one of the biggest problems within the country is the distrust in the United States government.

I’m one of them. I have zero trust in any government agencies. I have zero trust in our congress and our Senate. Anything. We have a government that’s not functioning right now. Yeah. How are you going to gain the trust back of the american people within the government? And are we going to see anybody held accountable? The answer is yes on the second. They’re going to be held accountable. They’ve got to be held accountable. What they’re doing, they’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people, they’re dishonest people. They’re going to be held accountable. But what I find is, so when I came to Washington and I won an election, that everybody said they thought I was just going to have some fun, everyone said, he’s got too good life.

I did. I had the greatest life. I went from that to having bullet shot at me. Okay, I had the greatest life. And they said, would you do it again? I said, without question, because we’re going to save the country. It’s much more important than I had a good life. A lot of people have a good life. It’s like not the same thing. We’re going to say we’re going to make America great again. Literally, we’re going to make America greater than ever before. If we don’t do it this time, we’ll never be able to do it.

It’ll be too late. It’ll be too far gone. But we’re going to have great people. When I came in originally, I didn’t know anybody in Washington. You know, I was only there 17 times. You may have heard me say this. I never stayed over. I built a hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue, which was a great hotel and very successful. You always used that number 17 and then sold it. And then what happened is I didn’t really know anybody in Washington. I was a New York person. I wasn’t like a Washington DC person. And all of a sudden I’m precedent that I’m driving down Pennsylvania Avenue with more police and motorcycles and military that I’ve ever seen before in my life.

I said to my wife, do you believe this a precedent? But I didn’t know anybody in Washington. And I had to rely on people to give me names. And many were really good. I mean, Bob Lighthizer, I had great trade people I had some great people, but I also picked people that, in retrospect, I wouldn’t have picked. But now I know the smart ones, the dumb ones, the weak ones, the solid ones, the ones like you. I know the people, I know everybody, sort of like everybody. And we’re going to have a great government. I didn’t know I had to rely on people to.

I’d ask, I don’t want to use names because I don’t want to embarrass. They’re not bad people. But I’d ask people that were rhinos, who do you recommend for such and such a position? All important positions. And they’d recommend some people that were rhinos or something, or weak or not good. So accountability is coming to. He knows who to trust and who the good ones are and who the bad ones are. And I believe that Robert Kennedy junior has been assigned to Trump’s transition team. He’s going to be helping select the right personnel to serve in a second Trump administration.

So where do you, my last question, what happens now? You had this kind of amazing announcement with Donald Trump on Friday. It’s now Monday, I think was just three days ago. How do you spend from here until election day? I’m going to work to get them elected and I’m working with the campaign. We’re working on policy issues together. I’ve been asked to go onto the transition team to help pick the people who will be running the government, and I’m looking forward to that. That’s going to strike more fear in the enemy on their court. The enemy includes will Romney, excuse me, Mitt Romney, the Bushes and others who came out and endorsed Kamala Harris, right, says, will they do it? I believe they are.

I believe it’s happening. The people are going to see the truth. Rinos Republicans in name only. More than 200 aides to former republican presidential contenders Mitt Romney, the late senator John McCain, former presidents George W. Bush and George Hw Bush endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris on Monday. Over, over former President Donald Trump. President Trump said, think of it, America. Pocahontas, sometimes referred to as Elizabeth Warren, is considered far more conservative in the US Senate than Comrade Harris ever. Washington, we don’t need this person as president. Yet hundreds of Bush, Romney and McCain and aides endorse Kamala Harris.

I wonder, I wonder if we’re going to see Romney and Bush and others come out the Bushes. We’ll see if they do. It will continue the wake up call that everyone’s been waiting for. And I tell you what, it’ll be a gut check for us all, folks. Have you heard of a gut check in the Marine Corps or military? You know, check to see if you’ve got good abs. But, you know, sometimes we need one physically, a real gut healing. I’ve been experiencing wonderful results with my gut and overall health. With kimchi one, we have a war going on in our gut, and we can strengthen that immune system there.

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That’s promo code awk. You get up to 50% off plus free shipping when you call in to order at 888-317-9941 get your kimchi one today in the description box below. Don’t forget, I beat Nancy Pelosi. I beat all these people, every one of them. And somebody said, you know, if you look at it, he beat the Clinton family, right? And that was really Obama, too, because he was behind her 100%, like he was running. And I beat the Bush family. I beat everybody. Now. I beat Biden. I got him out. I beat him twice, actually. I beat him the first time, but now I beat him a second time because it was the debate that got him out of.

And now I have to beat somebody that nobody ever heard of who’s a Marxist. And I think I’ll be able to do that. But I know the people now. I’ve been in government now for eight years. I was in government for no years. I mean, I became president and I said, I’ve never done this before. It’s pretty, you know, sort of a miracle. You know, in the history of our country, we had 92% politicians become president and 8% generals. Not admirals, but generals. Only generals. So those were the only two politicians and generals. You know, George Washington, Dwight Eisenhower, actually, he was very good, very strong on the borders.

Eisenhower was strong on the borders. A moderate guy, but very, very strong on the borders. He had big deportation, but 92% was politicians, and 8% there was nobody else. Then I came along. And so people were surprised. But I know the system. I know the people. I know some great people and I know some people that I wouldn’t put in, but you learn that. And so now I’m a very experienced guy, and we’re going to bring our country back and we’re respected. We’re going to be respected again with other countries. Don’t forget, I had no wars other than I defeated ISIS.

But that war was already started. That war was raging for 20 years before I got there. And I ended that war in three or four weeks. So, you know, a lot of people give me credit, even people that don’t love me as being a great president because we did a lot right to try. I got right to try for people that are terminally ill, where they can use space age medicines. We have the best, the best labs and the best doctors in the world. But you couldn’t use it because, you know, you just couldn’t use it.

You weren’t allowed to use it. And I got that done. Where you can use these space age that won’t be approved by the FDA for a long time, maybe before or five years. And I’ve saved thousands and thousands of lives. But now I know the system and I know Washington and other people, and I hope we win. And if we do win, we’re going to make this country greater than ever before. Greater than ever before. Looks like we have some fighters on the team that are going to come out one after another. If you’re looking at your screen, amazing.

Who put this together? Great job making President Trump as Batman. You got Tulsi Gabbard as wonder Woman. Elon Musk is Superman. Pretty cool. President Trump said, I’ve reached an agreement with the radical left Democrats for a debate with comrade Kamala Harris. It will be broadcast live on ABC. Fake news, by far the nastiest and most in the most unfair newscaster in the business on Tuesday, September 10. Here it comes, folks in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Some just want to let you guys know, some are speculating she’s going to come out, do terrible, and they’re going to say, wait a minute, she was so bad, we need to replace her with somebody else.

Can you imagine if that actually happens? Who. The rules will be the same. This is President Trump speaking again. The rules will be the same as the last communist news network debate, CNN debate, which seemed to work out well for everyone except perhaps crooked Joe Biden. The debate will be stand up and candidates cannot bring notes or cheat sheets. We also have also been given assurance by ABC. That this will be a fair and equitable debate and that neither side will be given the questions in advance. No, Donna Brazile Harris would not agree to the Fox News debate on September 4, but that date will be held open in case she changes her mind or flip flops, as she has done on every single one of her long held and cherished policy.

Believes the possible third debate, which would go to NBC fake News, has not been agreed to by the radical left. Well, God bless America. Let’s see. Do we want to hear kamala speaking of the one that’s running for office? Let’s see. Never let anyone take your joy from you. I call myself a joyful warrior. Right. Never let anyone take your joy from you. You do what you gotta do. And isn’t that a wonderful way to live, to know you have purpose? Yeah. Oh, boy. Is that a real leader? I don’t think so. Real leadership would actually go to Arlington National Cemetery.

And if you’re looking at your screen, if you happen to miss this, there’s President Trump. In memory of the 13 fallen service members, Abigate August 26, 2021. You’re looking at the pictures of the 13 fallen service members. Isn’t that something that only the commander in chief is allowed to do? According to sources right out there in the news, they said that these folks wanted nothing to do with Kamala, Kamala or Biden. They don’t want the sick traitors to our country out there representing the 13 fallen. So President Trump was invited, but many have pointed out, and there’s been a lot of documentations floating around, Sasha, social media and more, saying, this is only something that the commander in chief should do.

Huh? During the ceremony, he laid the wreath in honor of those killed during the abbey gate bombing. With Trump is Marine Corporal Kelsey Lienhart, who was paralyzed during the bombing, and 13 us service members died. President Trump said it’s the third anniversary of the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country. Gross incompetence, 13 dead american soldiers, hundreds of people wounded and dead Americans, and billions of dollars of military equipment left behind. You don’t take our soldiers out first, you take them out last. When all else is successfully done. Russia then invaded Ukraine, Israel was attacked, and the USA became and is a laughing stock all over the world.

The fake news media remains silent in order to protect the worst administration in the history of our country. Maga 2024. Joe Rambo showed us this. Said, I mean to hate. I hate to say I told you so, but Trump is really the one who said it? Remember, President Trump said in speeches, when you’re watching this, these ceremonies, quote, we are sort of having my second term right now, quote, will we be considered two term or three term, third terminal? You have got to be kidding me, says Joe Rambo. Trump is doing the wreath ceremony as we speak.

So is he just commander in chief or is he president? Remember the pause? People had to be shown, not told. And it makes me wonder, with this incident that happened in Afghanistan, if there was some type of coup going on and the military disobeyed orders and they withdrew troops with all kinds of confusion. At the same time, they’re traitors to our country to provide arms to their enemy. Who was involved in that? Who made the call? So who is correct and right? Journalists said, you know, Hunter’s laptop, I don’t know about that. It’s no such thing.

Conspiracy theorists got that one right. MRI, na vax Harmon. Journalists know, they don’t cover that. But the conspiracy theorists got that one right. Plan demic, we got that one right. The lockdown, we got it right. Ivermectin efficacy, we knew it was right. HCQ efficacy, we knew was right. Facebook masks were useless, we got that right. Censorship of social media, well, we’ve got that one right. And Facebook just admitted it. Epstein sex island. We got that one right. Elite pedophilia. Yeah, the elites are involved in trafficking of children, biolabs in the Ukraine, we got that one right.

Child trafficking, Russia, gates still dossier, Ukraine corruption and more. How many more things do we have to show everyone to wake everyone up? Fletch 17 Trump does what a commander in chief does at Arlington tomb of unknown soldier Zuckerberg admits to censorship and hiding hunter story Tulsi backs Trump. They removed over 1 million fake names from the voter rolls in Texas. In fact, when he put this out, it was only Monday. Boom. Ultra pepper lives matter. I find the negative reaction to RFK helping Trump pick his second administration amusing, coming from anons who know there are clandestine happenings more than most.

Why is it that we don’t trust Trump? After all he’s been through for the people, all he’s been through, he knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s been through hell and back again. And I think he’s earned a lot of trust so far. Sure hasn’t always gone the way we hoped, but we’re still in it. And I truly believe God is backing him and helping bring about the best possible outcome for all our futures. We got to keep our faith held high as far as we’ve come, there’s definitely no backing down now. Now here’s a reminder. Ken Fletch 17 put this out as a reminder after seeing Trump at Arlington today and nobody else, does this post make more sense? Now, this post below, I’m going to show it to you, who’s by his side.

You remember Kellogg just happened to post about it today as well. Military member, many of you have seen the video and picture, but many have not. Show me any other president in us history to have the military with them while they do their inauguration speech. This is one that we should always go to, folks. Special note, who was standing by Trump specifically? Why is this important? Military is the only way forward when all other means are corrupt. Who controls the military? Remember, as President Trump says, they’re taking power from this government, giving it back to we the people.

He had the military intelligence on one side and the judge advocate general on the other side. And then they did an about face and walked away. The commander in chief. How can this be? How does it play out? How do we know the military is the only way? Is the military doing an operation? Now, did President Trump not say with all the leaders in that office, the leaders, the military generals, the admirals and more, and he said, do you know what this is? What is it, mister president? This is the calm before the storm. What storm, mister president? You’ll see.

You’ll find out. It’s coming. And we’ve been watching just one battle after another for so many years, folks. So many years. It’s been playing out for all of us to see, as plain as day, for many, not as clear for others. But we’re going to start seeing more and more information come out, more truth than we could ever imagine. We’re going to find out who did the assassinations of past presidents and more. Check out this clip, this short clip just with RFK junior and what Donald Trump, President Trump told him during his presidency. I was astonished that Trump didn’t declassify him because he promised to during the campaign.

That was Mike Pompeo who did that. Yeah, declassifying the JFK assassination files and that I talked to President Trump for the first time about that this week. What did he say? He said that. He said that Mike Pompeo begged him to. And I don’t think I’m telling tails out of school here. No, I think he told the same thing to you. That’s true. But he said Mike Pompeo called him and said, this wouldn’t be a catastrophe. To release these, you need to not do it, I was astonished that you need to not do it. It’d be a catastrophe.

But you know what? I think we’re going to start seeing it played out for all to see. And I think it’s going to be just one hit after another of truth coming out. We’re going to be overwhelmed by the information. Not only that, you had Robert Kennedy, Junior, since we are talking about him now, his running weight. Remember running mate Nicole Shanahan? She went scorched earth on the democratic party, on Chris Cuomo, asking her why she is trusting former President Trump. Check this out. What guarantee do you have of any power over these issues in the administration? And two, why are you, who’s known for being a savvy person, so quick to trust that Donald Trump will deliver on what he says? Well, so to answer your second question, first, look, where we are right now is we have taken a year.

Bobby’s been running for over a year. We have crossed this nation. We have talked to Americans. We have met people from all ends of the political spectrum, which is what you should be doing if you are running for representative office. You should be out there listening. And our job is to bring that voice to whomever is going to be sincere in their reception, to hearing the american public where they’re hurting. What is going on? I mean, farmers, like farmers, are so underrepresented right now. And this is why I brought up some of my criticisms of Kamala Harris’s food cap economic policy.

Right, or food price capping. Farmers are on their knees in this country right now. They are not price gouging to say that our farmers are price gouging when they are already on their knees. Who can I take that message to today? You tell me. Here’s some fair criticism. Who’s going to listen to me? Because I have taken this message for years to the democratic party and I cannot get through to anybody. It’s not like this has happened overnight. I didn’t wake up one morning and say what a great idea would be to leave the Democratic Party.

No. I tried everything, everything in my capability to get through to someone who would listen and hear this actual science, to hear the people on the ground, to listen to american voices. We’ve got to judge people by their reactions. We got to judge people by the people around them. And right now, Trump has some really good people around him. And he’s willing, he’s more than willing to listen. He wants to listen, understand, verify, and then say, all right, who’s going to help me get this done. And Bobby has been right up there next to him being like, I will get this done with you.

I will get this done with you. The Democrats don’t listen. They have an agenda. Their agenda is demon cratic. And their agenda is we don’t care about you. We only care about ourselves. We don’t care. We’re the government. We’re going to get bigger and we’re going to rule over everyone and destroy this country. They’re being exposed at every level. Not only them, but the rhinos are being exposed. Remember we showed Mitt Romney and the bushes and they’re the teams that worked for them turning against their own republican party. The rats are running off the ships that they were riding on and they’re starting to expose themselves.

And we’re catching it here and we’re letting you know on and we know.com. that’s where you can find us, where you get truth, hope, faith, and freedom, folks. You can pull this up on your phones. You can pull it up on your computer. You can get our social media on the top right x Facebook, Instagram, Telegram, podcasts, and more. All of our videos are there. In case you missed any at all. All our videos are there. And when you scroll down, you’ll notice that we have our awk merch there@amwaynode.com. you can become a fellowship member. Read all about that.

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You click on amynow.com. go to contact. And you put your name, your email and just click on send a photo, send a message and your photo will be received and we’ll play it in one of our videos. It’s that simple. Don’t forget, you go to our shop. Shop nwnow.com. today, August 28, you get 28% off sitewide with code romans 828. Go check it out. Here’s more. Great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. So President Trump was also in doctor Phil interview, right? It’s going viral. All the key takeaways here. I’m going to show you from vigilant Fox in five minutes.

Very simple. In a broad new interview that just released, President Trump sat down with doctor Field, discussed the attempt on his life, the coup against Joe Biden, Rhett, RFK. RFK Junior means for a Trump administration and more. I’m going to play this clip and we’ll move on. Oh, 20 million. Okay. I mean, it’s just not possible that I was in that position. It’s the only position where that bullet could have missed. And you believe in God? I do. I do. You believe God’s hand was in this that day? I believe so, yeah, I do. And you talk about the country, you believe you have more to do.

You weren’t done. You were spared for a reason. Well, God believes that, I guess. Well have to see, number one, Im in an election with a very vicious group of people. I won the election against Biden. I was up by 17 or 18 points after the debate. And they said, you know what, hes going to lose. They went and told him hes going to lose and were going to change you out. And he said, no, Im not going to do it. In fact, he said, only God will change me. But, so who knows what happened there.

But he said he got 14 million votes and Kamala got done zero. She ran against him, she got zero. She never made it to Iowa, which is the first state. And here she is, she’s on the other side. But, you know, it’s like nobody ever had this before. You have an opponent in politics, you have an opponent and you win or you lose, but you don’t have an opponent. And then you’re doing well against the opponent. They take him out, they give you a new opponent, they give you a nice, fresh opponent. And so I have to win that.

And if I win that, that would really serve to say that there’s some incredible power up there that wanted me to be involved in saving. And maybe it’s more than saving the nation, maybe it’s saving the world. You know, I get along with all those tough guys. And Russia wouldn’t have gone into Ukraine. You’d have a million people living right now. You’d have cities all over Ukraine. I mean, these magnificent cities with the domes and the golden domes and towers, they’d all be up, they’re right now demolished. So many those cities, the country is just demolished.

Israel wouldn’t have happened. October 7 would have never happened. Iran was broke with me and I don’t want them to be broke, but I don’t want them to have a nuclear weapon. So all of this included in the interview with Doctor Phil, do you believe, and God, do you believe God had his hand on this? And President Trump would go even further with Doctor Phil and explaining that God’s hand must be all over this. I appreciate that. And I like the fact that they’re looking to our heavenly Father to say, you know what, he’s involved in all of this and he’s ensuring that this wake up is happening.

And I’ve been mentioning, we’ve noticed just from this podcast alone and many others have mentioned also, it’s amazing the revival that’s happening throughout our nation through serious incidents that are happening in so many lives. It’s having an effect on many. And many are turning to our heavenly Father through the word of God. And I’m grateful that they’re pointing out, too, our God, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. And we’re going to continue to pray and watch as this plays out from there. Trump raised serious questions about Kamala Harris’s abrupt transformation from being a joke just five weeks ago to suddenly being beyond criticism.

Quote, she was known as the terrible vice president. Laughed at, scoffed at. They wanted Biden out, but they didn’t want her. They would have done anything to get anybody on the list. You know, they had a list of ten people and they put her on the list and she came in 11th. Trump said, who’s the last on the list in terms of professionalism, in terms of everything else. Then all of a sudden, they realized that’s not going to be politically acceptable. So they didn’t want to do it. They didn’t have the guts to make the move.

And of course they ended up with her. While you’re here, vigilant, Fox said, don’t forget to follow this page. The interview took an even more intriguing term when Trump disclosed that people on the other side told him that top Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi, pressured Joe Biden to step down by threatening him with the 25th amendment. He’s pointing this out in every single interview. Trump also reflected on the impact of Democrats rhetoric, suggesting that it might have led to an attempt on his life. Quote, I did so much, I also took a bullet, but maybe that bullet is because of their rhetoric.

He pointed out that at the Democratic National Convention, his name was mentioned hundreds of times. Kamala Harris alone said Trump 19 times in her speech, while key issues like the border and inflation were barely discussed. And as the interview concluded, Trump offered big praise for RFK junior, calling him a great asset. A great asset. And a fantastic and influential person in terms of getting this country back in track. Check this out. Things. And I’ve known him for a long time. We’ve been somewhat friendly, actually. And I think he’s going to be a great asset. I think he adds a lot to the election.

He’s got a good following. Tremendous following. I think he adds a lot to the election. And I think he adds a lot to if we, I mean, he’s got some very interesting ideas and good ideas. I think he’ll be a fantastic and influential person in terms of getting this country back on track. I think if we win, I think he can be very valuable to the country and I think he can also help us build up the margins. You know, you were talking about amazing. And so, adding to the good news, RFK junior recently announced that a Trump unity ticket would stop chemtrails.

Seeing ex Democrats join forces with Trump to challenge the oligarchy that has suppressed Americans for generations is remarkable. Remarkable. All of this playing out for everyone to see as you look, and I’m trying to scroll to find it again. This right here, we’re going to stop the crime. I’m going to show you that pic a little bit later as we move forward. It’s incredible. Far right terror gram chat rooms are fueling a wave of power grid attacks. That is a headlines that are going after telegram. Soothing white pill showed us this. Extremist communities see damaging power substations as a way to fuel unrest and ultimately overthrow the.

So they’re, they’re taking all of the information of telegram and they’re trying to fuel the masses with those folks that are in telegram or terror Graham. Not only is the team deep state using the buzzword of the last three years to describe their boogeyman, also known as us. We’re the boogeyman. Right. They re up this sitch from two years ago to get in on the shut it down telegram dog pile. They crafted a story, don’t want drag performed in front of children. Not a fan of the deep state in general. Know what really went down on J six? In a chat or two on Telegram.

We’re all extremists. Team deep state. Jimmy’s are so rustled, they’re attempting to shift blame to us for their past and pending false flags. I mean, they’ve had all this info from witnesses for two years, but not one arrest. It’s weird. Anybody heard from Ray Epps lately? Remember the, the little agent that went around trying to get people to go at the Capitol, the one that should have been put away. So from the story, search warrants indicate that it took detectives only a few days to identify suspects associated with a right wing group called the Moore County Citizens for Freedom.

Members of the group which was involved in the January 6 attack on the Capitol. Right. There was no attack on the Capitol. It was, the attack was done by actors who were trained, three letter agency actors. And then to cover it up, they use the FBI to go after the innocent people, to make them scared to ever go stand before the Capitol again. They’re right. Scare everyone again from ever doing it again. I mean, how many times am I going to say again and again and again? Anyway, complained outline about a local drag show scheduled to start around the same time of the attack.

So here they are going after anyone on telegram that they can go after, especially with their arrest. Check this out. You see the Biden administration encouraging France Macron to arrest the owner and founder of Telegram, Pavel Duroff, who’s now, as right now, in a french prison. That seems like, I mean, that’s the hallmark of dictatorship, it sounds to me. Yeah, well, we’ve lost Europe. Europe does not have free speech. Look what’s happened to Elon Musk. And Elon Musk should be the hero of the democratic party, the old Democratic Party. He wouldn’t be the hero. Somehow he became a villain because he was actually the only platform that would allow free speech on his platform.

And he’s now become a villain because of it. Because the democratic party does not believe in the people. If you don’t believe in free speech, it means because you don’t trust the people. You don’t trust them to figure it out on their own, to have information on which they can base their ideas and their notions and their beliefs and their votes. And their votes. And that the government has to, has to protect them from dangerous information, from things that might put bad ideas into their heads. And it’s very patronizing, but it’s also very manipulative and conniving.

And really, it’s exactly the opposite of democracy. And you will not find a single democrat who will criticize it. You’ll never, ever hear this information unless you are watching it on sources other than the mainstream media. So as he’s going after the Democrat party and he’s talking about their threats, well, DC Drano put this one out. Have you ever seen a secretary of state threaten people who might try to expose election fraud? Oh, here we go. Check this out. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. If someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, we will come for you.

So any local certifier thinking of skirting the law and not certifying the vote, don’t even think about it because we’ll get if. So, she issued a threat to any local election officials who choose to withhold certification of election results in the event of fraudhouse, quote, we will come for you. In other words, they plan to cheat again. And she’s getting ahead of the story by forcing counties to certify whatever fraudulent and votes get in. How about that? Clear message will come for you. It’s how they live. That’s how RFK junior just pointed out what they’re up to all the time.

And grasshopper happens to catch these comms over and over again. Yep, we see that at 742, President Trump, Kamala Harris was basically a national joke until there was an explosion of media propaganda on her behalf about 35 days ago. If you go to 742 on the keyboard because he posted it at 742, you’ll notice how these words match. Mika Brzezinski the age of tech has hurt their ability to hide in control. Investigate those in front of the camera who scream the loudest. President Trump said explosion of media propaganda. It points to 742. 742 talks about the media.

These people are really stupid. The end is near. The media cleanse. And then it puts JFK. Interesting because JFK happened to be at 07:42 p.m. on RSBN. It all matches. What a great catch. Absolutely brilliant. Got some more for you, speaker one. J Trump and I approve this message. Everyday prices are too high. Food, rent, gas back to school. Clothes that is called biodynamics. A loaf bread cost 50% more today. Brown beef is up almost 50%. There’s not much left at the end of the month. Phytonomics is working. The price of housing has gone up. It feels so hard to just be able to get ahead.

And we are very proud of biodynomics. Debating herself in an ad, the debate we’ve all been waiting for. Harris versus Harris. One hand by dummy’s is good, in the other hand talking about how bad things are. You know, grasshopper got ahold of this one too. Posted 05:37 p.m. well, 537 on the intel board. Who can we trust? Rats everywhere. Evil everywhere. Traders everywhere. Ron tells Vital. Us military is vital. Safe comms are vital. You the people are vital. The message is vital. Control of the message delivery receipt of message. We’re looking at a message from Harris versus Harris right there.

She’s a rat, she’s evil and she’s a traitor. That’s why they post it with the timestamp 537. So we’ll go to 537 to find out what they’re trying to let us know with all this bidenomic stuff coming out. Don’t forget, if you missed our interview from past Sunday with doctor Kirk Elliott, we talked about the silver set to soar and Samsung’s solid state battery breakthrough. And we’re noticing that they’re thinking there’s the path of silver is going to be dollar 50 by year end. And that’s why I keep telling you guys, go to am we know.com forward slash gold.

Click on that link and you’ll be able to reach doctor Kirk Elliott and his team. And they’re going to help you. They’re going to help you get to precious metals. But that Ira, you bring them over and you tell you what, man, you’re going to be watching that grow over the years way, way faster than in fiat currency, that is for sure. Other things that have been very interesting was on the voting side. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is now asking the attorney general whether he has the authority to remove the three brave members of the state election board who have been implementing massive election integrity reforms.

Democrat state legislators sent a letter to Kemp asking him to remove the members of, quote, ethics violations. And Kemp’s office is now asking the attorney general whether the governor has the authority to do so. Quote, this office has received Senator Nabala Islam parks and others letters alleging ethics violations by members of the state elections due to uncertainty regarding whether this office has authority to act under code section 45. Ten four. In response to these complaints, we have sought the attorney general’s advice regarding the application of the statute to the letters. Huh. Obviously, the ethics complaints are complete garbage.

They just want to eliminate members Janelle King, Janice Johnston, and Rick Jeffries because they are bravely securing the 2024 election. There’s no way the governor has the authority to remove them because he did not appoint all of them. He got to appoint one person. The state House and Senate picked two, and the two major political parties picked the last two. The governor may be able to fire his own appointee, but he didn’t appoint any of the three brave members. In conclusion, Democrats are in panic because Trump will win Georgia due to the election integrity reforms of the board.

And now they’re trying every dirty tactic to stop the changes from being implemented. They can only win by cheating. There’s an illegal migrant in New York City. It just admitted on video that Democrat officials told him that he could vote in the upcoming election. He also said the immigration office gave him a state id which he thinks he can show to vote. This is Juan, who I found selling water right outside the Stewart hotel. Where are you from? What do you do for work here in New York? This is not working because I don’t have documentation.

He said he’s in from Ecuador. I’m going to try to translate the best I can. When did you get to New York? In Mars. He said he got in March. Who are you voting for, Trump or Kamala? Kamala. Why Kamala? Because I see many opportunities with Kamala as an immigrant than with Trump. Do you have a plan to vote on November 5? I have doubts that I’ll be able to, he said. Would he tell you that you can vote at the hotel? In other words, I was told a reference that as a migrant, I could vote.

Did they tell you that you need any sort of identification to vote? Yes, just like all countries. I have my identification here because it’s Bogota. I don’t know if I can vote for my identification from Bogota. I do have identification here. How did you get your id? I got an appointment with the immigration office, he said, and they gave me a state id. So he’s got a state id from immigration office and he, he can go vote, man. Whoo. Citizen journalists out there doing a great job working to get the truth out to all of us.

In less than four years, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, they’ve gutted the world’s most powerful military folks. As commander in chief, I will ensure America always has the strongest, most lethal fighting force in the world. I’ve got a question I want all of you to answer, if you would, please. We’ll start with you, Mister Cisneros. Does our strength in our military lie in our diversity or our commonality? First, Congressman, let me tell you, can you just answer the question? I’m sorry, I’ve got, this is a, I don’t have much time. Does it lie in our diversity? Let me say that.

Does it lie in our diversity or commonality? Our armed services is ready to defend this nation, sir. They are ready to fight. Mister Cisneros, does our strength of a military lie in our commonality or diversity? I believe diversity does add a youth. Diversity or commonality? Diversity. Mister Parker? Congressman, I believe both a future chinese soldier holding a gun, or a russian, or an iranian with their target trained on an american, do they care what color he or she is? It’s a yes or no question. I don’t know what the chinese soldier thinks, but I do know.

Would you imagine that the chinese government has discriminated against people because of their race, their ethnicity, and because of their. Their religion? And that’s a. Do you think a russian soldier is more apt to kill someone on the battle lines that they have a racial bias against? Is that what you’re telling me? What I’m telling you is, because of diversity, we want to ensure that people are able to serve in our military with respect and dignity. Miss Schaeffer, does the enemy care pointing a gun or a missile at the enemy, what gender he or she is? Again, I can’t speak to the tiny.

So all this playing out things that we know, it’s just a reminder again of the wake up that we have been facing. I’d like to see something like this happen with our military where they back down on all of this when it comes to regular companies. Robbie Starbuck put this out. Big news. He messaged Lowe’s executives last week to let them know that they know he planned to expose their woke policies. He woke up in the morning to an email where they preemptively made big changes. Here are the changes. Ending participation in the HRC’s woke corporate equity index social credit system.

No more donations to pride events or other divisive events. Ending ERG groups in favor of one large unifying ERG group for all employees no longer designed to focus on race or sexual orientation. So he said that, you know, you guys have helped me change corporate policy at tractor supply. John Deere, Harley Davidson, Polaris India motorcycle, and now Lowe’s. What I’d really like to see, this is great job, but like to see us get the military to stop all the junk that they’re doing. Along the same lines. Why is it so hard for the military to fall in line with this sickening? And while that’s happening to the military, we’ve had our children exposed in so many ways medically.

I’m gonna show you this clip before that. What I want to show you. Of course, RFK. There’s nothing more profitable in our side, profitable in our society than a sickly says there is nothing more profitable in our society today than a sick child. Because all of these entities are making money on them. The insurance companies, the hospitals, the medical cartel, the pharmaceutical companies have lifetime annuities. Any child, and earlier that kid is sick, they dont want to kill them. They want them sick for the rest of their lives. We have now a whole generation. When my uncle was president, 6% of Americans had chronic disease.

Today, at 60%, 6% had chronic disease. It’s up to 60%. When my uncle was president, do you know what the cost, the annual cause of treating chronic disease was in this country? Zero. There weren’t even any drugs invented for it. Zero. Today it’s about $4.3 trillion. When your uncle was president, and none of it is necessary. What was the autism rate in 1960? In 1960, the autism rate, there’s about four or five studies, and the highest rates say about one in 25, one in 1501, in 2500, one in 10,000. So that it was somewhere between one in 1501 in 10,000.

Today it’s one in every 34 kids, according to the CDC. And in some states, like California, I think maybe Utah and New Jersey, one at 22. One in 22. One in 22 kids have autism today. In some states, one in 34 overall kids. And, you know, these kids should be healthy. These kids shouldn’t be our highest performing kids. And they instead are, you know, have this extraordinary disability that’s going to keep them dependent. And nothing. You know, a lot of these, if you’re full blown autism, you know, it’s a nonverbal, non toilet trained, head banging, stimming, toe walking.

These are kids that will never throw baseball. They’ll never graduate high school. They’ll never go out, take a girl on a date. They’ll never use the toilet alone. So sick, so sad. Not only do we have our children that they’ve been after, but how about with the food industry and the rise of cancer in our society, but you look at. So the largest merger ever done in Germany was Bayer Monsanto, where Bayer, which is a pharmaceutical company, merged with Monsanto, which is an agrochemical company in the United States. If you look at what Bayer makes, they make cancer drugs for things like non Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

And if you look at what Monsanto makes, which is Roundup, which is the most widely used pesticide in America, the cancer that it causes is non Hodgkin’s lymphoma. They’ve paid out $11 billion in the past couple of years for non Hodgkin’s lymphoma cases. So the companies are merging that are directly known to cause the disease with a medical company that has a treatment for the disease. Like this is very, very dark. Very dark. All this playing out again for us to wake up to and learn and grow together as a nation. President Trump said he’ll sign an executive order to stop every penny Kamala Penny Kamala has been spending on the shelter and transport of illegal aliens and redirect the money to provide shelter for and treatment for homeless american veterans.

He said he’ll insist that every NATO nation must spend at least 3% of GDP on their militaries. I mean, folks, we could just go on and on with these things that have played out for all to see. And we know that these evil traitors, these traitors to our country that we’re looking at on the screen, the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas, Pelosi, these evil folks. Schumer. Schumer, who talks to demons, Shifty, Schiff, the podestas. We’ve got all of these, the Epstein’s, the Maxwell’s. We guys, we look at their faces and we realize how many evil people have been placed in front of us.

The wake up call, learning about the bushes, learning about the Cheney’s, Soros, the Rothschilds, so many evil people that we’ve learned about over the years. The wake up call has been for all to see. The WEF, Klaus Schwab, we just know these as household names now. We talk about them and they’re evil all the time. We also know President Trump. And when he makes statements like this, we hold to these for our future. The radical left democrats rigged the presidential election in 2020, and we’re not going to allow them to rig the presidential election in 2024.

We won’t have a country left. They rigged election in 2020, but we’re not going to allow them to rig the election in 2024. Talked about this at length with many talked about this on the cruise with Q and a time. We’re hoping to put, to put together another cruise. And we’ve got something planned to announce here shortly, but not today. We’re excited. We’re watching people come together that have been shunned and pushed away and told they’re not allowed to support President Trump or support our country or wear, make America great again, hatsheen or shirts. They’ve been beat up, tired and weary and lonely.

And they came together in such a way that we celebrated. It was absolutely amazing. We’re hoping to do so much more. But I tell you what, when President Trump, you listen to his speeches and you follow what he says. I look to those words because he told us in 2020 they’re going to steal this election. He told us over and over again. But this year, he says they’re not going to steal the election. November 5 is going to be the greatest day in history. And I’m telling you, I look at that and I listen to it and I think, I’m looking forward to November 5.

How about you? But not only that, even though we’re talking about politics and more, I look forward to the changes and the lives that are happening across our country. I believe it’s indirectly all the things we’re watching with the evil and being exposed on Hollywood scene. Evil exposed in the music scenery, evil exposed in our local school board meetings. Evil exposed in all the leaders that have been placed in front of us day in and day out. The darkness that overshadows even the young folks who head to universities. There’s still hope for our country and many others around this earth.

There’s hope for them in bringing them the truth, and the ultimate truth is bringing them to Christ. Watch this. These Ohio State football players just did something on campus that I have never seen before. Ohio State football players free event put on by some of the Buckeyes biggest stars collected thousands from the Ohio State community and grew even more throughout the night. It was all about sharing their faith in Jesus, which started with everybody coming together to worship and the energy was amazing. Each of the players went up to share their stories of how their relationship with Jesus has changed their lives and how much God loves each and every person in the crowd.

Courageous attendees took a leap of faith to come up front and pray a prayer to accept Jesus as their lord and savior. And it only gets better late into the night with everyone taking notice. Person after person made the decision to get baptized, which is a public profession of their faith and lives are going to be changed forever. Amazing as lives are changed forever on a college campus. Reminds me of many verses that I looked up recently, many of them that should touch us as we go through our daily lives. James 117 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

And if any of you are living in fear, to remember this amazing verse. Isaiah 41 ten fear not, I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. In Ephesians one three blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. Never forget how blessed we are to wake up each day still in freedom, with the ability to stand up against these tyrants, to be able to have someone who’s fighting day in and day out for our country and to remember, to pray for our leaders and for our protection every single day.

Let’s keep moving forward. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much for how you continue to guide and direct our lives. Thank you for just this amazing set of events that have happened almost every single day. We’re, we’re watching the unfolding of a great alliance, a unity of diverse backgrounds coming together to say, you know, what we want, what’s best for our nation and what’s best for the world. We want to see the enemy thwarted, like we’ve seen in the Old Testament and many times, where all these Satan worshipers think that they’re going to have their way.

They raise up their false idols, their, their idols across the entire earth. And when you take control and put the proper leaders in place, they come around and say, enough, and they knock the idols down and they return everyone back to remembering you, our heavenly Father. So we continue to ask for your guidance, for your comfort and rest through these amazing times that we’re living in. We ask for protection of President Trump, his family, those on the front lines, and we ask for just guidance in all of our ways and how we post things and how we talk to others, our friends and family, and more.

We certainly need you every second of every day. Thank you. Heavenly Father, thank you for your son who gave to us free gift salvation through your son, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for us and is alive and well. Now we ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ. Yeshua, our savior. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your love and support, your guidance, your direction, youre a, your prayers. Thank you for your support. We see many, many of you and how you respond and how you talk to us and what you, what you do around this earth to support us.

And we just can’t, can’t make it without you. So for now, this lt saying semper Phi with M. We know signing out political establishment and return control of this country to the people. And don’t you want a president who’s going to get us out of the wars and who’s going to rebuild the middle class in this country? Who’s going to protect America’s freedoms? That’s going to make America healthy again? I think what RFK’s endorsement really shows is that the Kennedy Democrats are actually more at home in the Republican Party of Donald Trump. Today I’m honored to officially welcome another true american patriot.

Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican or an independent, if you love our country as I do, if you cherish peace and freedom as we do, I invite you to join me in doing all that we can to save our country and elect President Donald J. Trump and send him back to the White House to do the tough work of saving our country and serving the people. Thank you very much. Thank you very much, mister President. I’ve been asked to go onto the transition team and, you know, to help pick the people who will be running the government and I’m looking forward to that.

They’re going to be held accountable. They’ve got to be held accountable. What they’re doing, they’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people, they’re dishonest people. They’re going to be held accountable. Well.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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