8.23.24: DNC lies Eppstein island Celebs/PREZ We are truly up against pure evil RFK Jr. Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses the author’s belief that there is a growing awareness of deception and evil in politics, particularly within the Democratic party. The author suggests that this awareness was not present in previous years, but now people are starting to understand the truth. They mention President Trump’s popularity and his efforts to reveal the truth about the country’s situation. The author also criticizes various politicians and public figures, accusing them of dishonesty and harmful intentions.
➡ The text discusses various political and social issues, including criticisms of Kamala Harris and Elizabeth Warren, the importance of faith in America, and the promotion of Hunter’s Blend Coffee. It also mentions concerns about censorship and the suppression of information, particularly related to QAnon and YouTube. The text ends with criticisms of Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and the Democratic National Committee, and questions the integrity of the election process.
➡ The text discusses various political issues, focusing on criticisms of Kamala Harris and her acceptance of the presidential nomination. It also mentions concerns about Oprah Winfrey’s connections to controversial figures and questions the authenticity of her appearance. The author expresses skepticism about the Democratic National Convention, accusing it of spreading lies and propaganda. The text ends with a promotion of a website and its features.
➡ The newsletter offers updates on new videos and other content. There’s a special offer on the online shop where you can get free shipping and a free sticker pack with the purchase of a specific pullover. The price of a book has been reduced to make it more accessible. There are rumors about RFK Junior potentially endorsing a political candidate, which could significantly impact the political landscape. The candidate respects RFK Junior and would be honored by his endorsement. There are also concerns about border security and illegal activities, with a call for stricter penalties for human and drug trafficking.
➡ The text discusses a strong stance against drug trafficking and crimes, with the death penalty as a potential punishment. It mentions President Trump’s plans to demand resignations from those involved in the Afghanistan withdrawal. The text also talks about a fight against evil and corruption, with a focus on child abductions for satanic rituals. Lastly, it mentions the decline in viewership for major news networks and the need for real media.
➡ The article discusses rising grocery prices, the potential increase in silver value due to a battery breakthrough, and the importance of converting fiat currency to precious metals. It also mentions a controversial interview with President Trump and his views on the current state of the country. The article ends with a story about a woman’s tragic death, allegedly caused by an illegal immigrant, emphasizing the need for border control and protection.
➡ The speaker is expressing concern about the state of the country, particularly regarding border control and the loss of trust in various institutions. They believe that re-electing President Trump and reinstating previous policies could prevent the country from becoming a third world nation. They also discuss the importance of unity, protection, and fighting back against perceived threats. The speaker ends with a prayer for guidance, protection, and comfort, especially for those who have lost loved ones due to border issues.


We know we’re different from the presidential. We’re very discreet, reptilian, cold blooded. These are the races we have now. The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden. Well, it’s difficult for many of us to tune into the DNC as they spout out one obvious lie after another. Many are not falling for their deception anymore. The ability to spot evil is becoming more apparent by many, and that’s a blessing.

We didn’t have this awakening back in 2008 when the deceptions were so big. I remember falling short, remembering how somebody else won the presidency, and I literally passed out from it, knowing what we’re in store for America. Deception was terrible then. We didn’t have much of a wake up for then. But now the masses are all starting to chime in and realize this is definitely a fight against evil. Let’s get into it today. Talk about it. Here we go. That dilly meme team, they always put out some great footage for us to enjoy. We’re watching the communists losing their minds as President Trump seems to be on the forefront with his team taking back America.

No matter what they do, no matter how they chase you with their big vehicles of lies, he seems to pull through for us, and that’s why we continue on this journey together with many others. If you’re looking at your screen, you’ll notice Dan Scavino posted this right here, where you can see hundreds of thousands of people on the road as President Trump made his way to the border, the border, to showcase exactly what has been happening to our country as they opened it up. We have several clips to play today from this event, from his press conference, and also from those mothers, those moms who have lost children, those women who have been attacked by the illegals.

And it has been just one emotional journey after another for all of us. And I tell you, to see the amount of folks that are hanging out in Arizona just makes you realize there is no way at all, no way that they won the election in 2020. They allowed them, President Trump, in my opinion, with the military, allowed them to steal the election. So that would be a time for a wake up. So we could see for the first time in our history just how evil the Democrats and the RINOs really are, just how much they really hate our country and want to destroy it.

We’ve had enough. And the people are standing up, and you didn’t see them do this back in 2008 when we really had some evil taken over. We didn’t see this in 2000 when we were deceived by someone who helped Foster 911 and he became the president. We didn’t know about how evil that family was dating back all the, all the way to the funding of the concentration camps by the Bush family. No, we didn’t know all that. But now we do, and folks are starting to understand even more. Elon Musk, remember I told you in the last video, put out a survey to everyone.

It hit 5,800,000 plus votes at the end of that survey. Since a lot of people have asked, here goes a super unscientific poll. Who will you vote for? President Trump got 73% to Kamala. Kamala, whatever you call her, 27% showing what we’ve been talking about on this channel for a long time. I’ve always believed that we had 70% to 80% of America’s vote, that they’ve always lied to us. And how are you going to figure out how to get through their lives? Use social media. And we know that Elon Musk was one of the highest paid folks from the DOJ, thanks to cash Patel sharing that with everyone on Fox News, able to take over that entire social media system and get the truth out through truth, social and others.

We’re waking up. We’re starting to realize what’s going on. We’re realizing they want to take President Trump out. We told you that we had these fight for America shirts. Trump never stops fighting for America. You can order these in all different colors now on our shop, dot amwaynode.com. and 20% goes to those who are affected by that particular assassination attempt, but they’re after Trump. Not only that, they talk about President Trump over and over at the DNC. Everybody’s been tuning in, and they realize that they just can’t stop sharing anything about him. Well, it’s funny that the exact cast of celebrities they’re bringing to that event that sold the public a poisonous Covid shot.

If you’re looking at your screen, pink, John Legend, Mark Hamill, Oprah. Remember, they were pushing the COVID shot. They’re now trying to sell the public a poisonous politician. What a strange coincidence. Showing just how evil they really are right now, I’m not personally watching it because I’d rather stick a pencil in my eye, but do you remember the logo for the DNC of 2020? Is it just me or am I reaching? Does that look like death to America? Yeah. Now we’re here. Four years later, and it looks like their plans are going really well. I do not like these people.

I do not like them at all. Death to America. Remember this? The d two o. And then they have that, what we call almost a satanic symbolism. If you’re looking at your screen, almost like the baphomet on the d. We talked about that back then. Here we are again. Death to America. And it’s a great reminder. Death to America. That’s what they want. And you wonder, because check this out. Something that we’ve shared in the past they would call a conspiracy. But listen to Nancy as she talks on television, what she actually says, it’ll freak you out.

We know we’re different from the president. We’re very discreet. Reptilian, cold blooded. These are the races we have. She just said, we’re different. We’re reptilian. We’re cold blooded. We’ve talked about this, about how they stick their tongues out all the time. They can’t seem to keep their mouth intact. Every time I see Nancy, she’s doing something weird with her tongue. Why would she, with her eyes bulging out like that, whoever this person is, because it could be a masked person again. But why would they admit on television that they’re reptilian? And it makes me wonder, you know, I.

This is how I think. And you guys can let us know below the video, but I’m just going to kind of go for a stretch on this one. Whenever you see the serpent in the Bible, in Genesis, chapter three, as he makes his way over to Eve, and he gets Eve to question God’s word, did God really say they’ve already set the precedent for what he does. He wants everyone to question God’s holy word. And it says that they took, basically, he deceived them. And then they took his legs off and he started crawling. Serpent. And he’s a deceiver.

He’s a liar. From the very beginning, he lies. And she just admitted, we’re reptilian, cold blooded. Why? Why admit that? Do they like bragging about who they really are? Are these demons in disguise? Are the things that we don’t know that maybe even on the intel board, the cube board that said if we were aware of the, just how evil these folks really were, they can’t show us what 60% of the stuff they can’t show us because we wouldn’t be able to handle it. Just how evil they really are and what they’re doing to all of us.

Part of that evil was played out in many ways. Pocahontas was there. They had Bill Clinton, Obama, Oprah, so many others out there trying to do all they can to keep everyone from realizing, you know, these are the very Epstein Island Harvey Weinstein lovers. That’s right. And they brought them out for all to see. President Trump shows, basically, Pocahontas, remember this person? She gets it. We need to make life more affordable for working people. Yeah. Donald Trump, the felon has no plans to lower costs for families. He doesn’t know how, and basically, he doesn’t really care.

When did he ever fill up a gas tank or worry about a grocery bill? Yeah. So the liar, each one heads out there. Pocahontas, speaking at the DNC, used her fake indian heritage to scam the system. She’s the liar. Her mother told her she had high cheekbones, and therefore she was indian. Well, who would use this hoax on applications everywhere? It worked until she got caught. 1024th Indian. Remember? The hockocracy is stunning. Donald Trump’s the only person who lost money while in the White House, whereas Obama, Clinton, and Bush all became multimillionaires through selling their office to the highest bidder.

Not only this, but Trump nearly lost his life and was framed for treason by the same intelligence agencies that killed JFK. He has no reason to continue to suffer like this, other than a love for the people in his country. Trump’s the very definition of cannot be bought. Kamala Harris literally slept her way to the White House and is not one single accomplishment to her name. Besides jailing people for smoking weed, it’s all she got. Yet Elizabeth Warren goes out and says that Kamala can’t be bought. Said that in her speech. And here we are today, wondering, what in the world are they going to do to get by with these lies? Even more so, is there hope for our country? Is there hope for our future? And all that is being done? Well, Hunter’s blend coffee has Mike, and he put out a video recently.

I thought, this is a perfect time to play it. Had a chance to meet with him recently, and we were. We had a great time together with him, Paul, and their family. And I just tell you, I was touched by this video. Check this out. Well, back in 2016, I was sitting in church one Sunday morning, the morning after Justice Scalia had died of mysterious circumstances, to say the least. And I was feeling the weight of all that and recognizing as a country how much we needed God. And honestly, the sermon was running a little long, and I started writing a song.

Thought I’d share it with you. I’m not going to sing it for you, but share the words because I feel like they’re even more applicable now than ever. It’s called oh God bless America again. This great land someone called a shining light on a hill, the last great hope of freedom and a haven in this world. Things that were self evident we can’t see anymore. Calamity and broken dreams are knocking at our door. Our fathers came in search of freedom. They sweated hard and trusted God they knew he had the grand design to build their lives upon and the thing that we need now is the same they needed then.

Oh God bless America again. Oh God bless America again. We need you now, not just way back when you did it once and I know you can do it again. Oh God bless America again. Folks are saying wrong is right and trading truth for a lie thinking foolish things and saying it’s so wise but the remedy starts with me repenting for my sin. O God bless America again. O lord, please forgive us. We’ve taken our own way. We’ve done what’s right in our own eyes and the devil’s had his day. But if we humbly seek your face and turn from our wicked ways, you said you’d hear our prayers and heal our land today.

O God, bless America again. We need you now, not just way back when. You did it once and I know you will do it again. Oh God bless America again. Welcome to the great awakening. My coffee has never been better. I get it from hunters blend for freedom loving Americans. Many coffee importers view the world very differently than you do and would support lobbyists that fight against Second Amendment hunting and our God given freedoms. No matter where you buy your coffee or who roasts it, someone had to import the green coffee beans. Well, hunters blend coffee is the buyer, importer and roaster.

So from the farmer to your mug, you can feel confident that your morning coffee has been safely in the hands of patriots. They have a q grade master, Paul. He’s been importing roasting specialty grade coffee since 2006. Through deep relationships with growers in Central America, East Africa and Southeast Asia, they bring you the finest coffee anywhere. Every lot is roasted in small batches to make sure the coffee you receive is as fresh as possible. One customer said, it’s tough to find coffee that doesn’t have a bitter finish these days. Absolutely no bitterness. With Hunter’s blend, they really enjoy both the light and dark roast.

Great coffee from a great company. Get yours today, folks. Go in that description box below. Click on that link for Hunter’s blend coffee and get yours. Today against sexual violence, I urge all of us to stand together to support survivors, believe them, and hold perpetrators accountable. Hold perpetrators accountable. Sexual violence and more. We’re going to listen to them. Those that were hurt, that’s at the DNC. And then they bring out this guy, Bill Clinton, the one who went to Epstein island nearly 30 times, the one who we know is one of the biggest perverts of all time.

He’s been caught. It was shared on the cue board, the one that all the politicians got together and signed a bill saying, you know, these guys that share this information from Q, this freedom of speech needs to be stopped. We can’t let them share this info because it exposes who we really are. So one time that freaked me out, folks in October 2020 really didn’t understand why they were so scared of us. Why were they so scared of those who had something that we could use, that went around the mainstream media, had something that was put out, I believe, by the military, a psyop, to get everybody to wake up to who these evil people really are.

How in the world would the politicians all join together? The ones, a lot of them that we trusted, and they signed something saying, these folks who follow the EQ board, you know, they called it QAnon. How dare they share this information. We need to have them called a threat to our democracy, threat to our country. Right after that, YouTube grabbed it and said, yep, we’re going to shut them down. So that, you know, if we were on YouTube, the algorithms, the way they’re set up, I mean, a lot of folks are on YouTube. A lot of young folks are on YouTube.

They don’t come over to other platforms. Imagine how big we’d be growing now on those platforms of YouTube. Well, they took us down off of Patreon. Patreon said, yep, we don’t like you anymore either. Teespring. They all got scared, looked at that information and said, yeah, we’re going to stop these guys from sharing anymore. And yet the same guy, he was brought out, remember the DNC applauding the guy who Jeffrey Epstein had a painting of an address in his New York apartment? He was, he went to Epstein island so many times. Where’s the me too movement when it comes to Democrat operatives? Let that sink in.

Yep, he’s out there. Everybody’s cheering. Let’s just get a reminder from 2015 when President Trump was exposing all this. Nice guy, got a lot of problems. Bill Clinton, nice guy, got a lot of problems coming up, in my opinion, with the famous island, with Jeffrey Epstein, a lot of problems. Epstein, in your remarks about, in the Q and A, I think he’s got a problem. I don’t think the problem will be, I don’t know. But that island was really a cesspool. There’s no question about it. Just ask Prince Andrew. He’ll tell you about it. The island was an absolute cesspool.

So, and he’s been there for many times. Well, I can’t say friends, but I know friendly, you know, theme. They play at my clubs a lot. I have clubs and everybody likes to play. Are you saying there’s a political problem for her if she runs for president? It could be a political problem. Look, he could be a political problem. Right now he’s Teflon, and right now maybe not, but he could end up being a political, he could end up being a political problem. So what’s this? The Bill Clinton just imply that the upcoming election could be rigged? Check this out.

The other day her opponent implied that it’s his peedy vote. If people voted one more time, they’d be able to rig it from now on and they wouldn’t have to vote again. You think they’re kidding? But I know a lot of these folks, and most of them are really good people, but some of them think that they are bound to dominate America politically, economically and socially, and they have to use politics to do it and they should rig the system. I don’t believe that. And so here’s what I want to tell you. We’ve seen more than one election slip away from us when we thought it couldn’t happen, when people got distracted by phony issues.

So I thought the Democrats told us that we had the most safe and secure elections. How could this be? How could they rig an election? I thought that there’s no such thing as rigging elections. But now all of a sudden, they’re out there pushing this information and narrative that elections can be stolen. You got to be kidding me. And then they bring out another former president. We do not need four more years of bluster and bumbling and chaos. We have seen that movie before, and we all know that the sequel is usually worse. We’ve been to the border.

We’ve been to the border. You haven’t been to the border and I haven’t been to Europe. Speaker one. Yep. Trump make America great again. Of course, Obama endorsing Trump at DNC, saying, we don’t need the next, you know, four years to be like the last. These guys just, they’re clueless. They try to talk as if they’re, you know, the smartest folks in the world, but they’re pretty dumb. And so there was Oprah showing up, Harvey Weinstein’s best friend and John of God, best friend and Ozempic’s best customer, if you guys remember John of God, she basically worshiped him.

And he got caught having all types of issues, very evil, dealing with young children, dealing with trafficking of humans, women, children, and more. She was friends with Harvey Weinstein, and she’s been found with photos of women, young girls being handed off to Harvey Weinstein by her. Yeah, that one. The one who looks like she’s a 20, you know, 25 years old now. So you look at Oprah Winfrey from 1986, Oprah Winfrey. And you look at the one today, and you wonder, are we seeing another body double? Are we watching another mask person? Because that right there should freak everyone out.

Oh, yeah. And so all of this, all of this is a reminder of just how evil these folks really are. 1 minute they supported President Trump, the next moment they’re out there going against him. It makes you wonder, who’s really running the show here? Why would they even bring her out? What are they afraid of? Why did they bring out one Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, person after another? And so Kamala, of course, goes out and she accepts the endorsement. In the courtroom, I stood proudly before a judge, and I said five words, Kamala Harris, for the people.

And to be clear, and to be clear, my entire career, I’ve only had one client, the people. And so on behalf of the people, on behalf. Behalf of every american, regardless of party, race, gender, or the language your grandmother speaks, on behalf of my mother and everyone who has ever set out on their own unlikely journey, on behalf of Americans like the people I grew up with, people who work hard, chase their dreams, and look out for one another. On behalf of everyone whose story could only be written in the greatest nation on earth, I accept your nomination to be president of the United States of America.

Something just doesn’t look right to me. President Trump, she talks about compassion, doesn’t talk about all the people’s people she allowed into our country. 43% increased in violent crime nationwide. 60% increase in rape. Supporters are. Crime has gone through the roof. She cheated on jobs. 818,000 to make our country look like it’s thriving. Inflation’s killing us. The liar. Now, look this. Look at this auditorium. And even Chris Cuomo came out and said that they had to pay almost 500,000 to a million dollars to have these booths up here. You see these windows, 500,000 to a million dollars to actually sit in these booths.

These folks that are filled with their money, they’re up there paying all of this, and they kick out the media and everybody else to other areas, but no, you pay the big bucks, they’re going to use that money to lie to the people. And I just don’t like what I see here. What’s weird to me is just we only see a shot of her straight on with the background of the american flags and the kind of a brown background, and then they shoot from the left to the right over her. But I never see a long shot with the background of those flags.

I tried to find it and I couldn’t find it. It just seems strange that they have all these folks with all of these, uh, giant, uh, I don’t know, blue things that they hold up in the air. And I say, they say, okay, that’s the DNC. The RNC has the same thing. I get it. But just something doesn’t look right about the number of people that are there. I don’t know. Could be me. Watching the DNC has showed me that the only thing that the Democrats can do is lie, push propaganda, and fear monger black people into falling in line and voting for them.

There was a time when black people walked down the streets in fear of their lives, fear of being lynched, and nothing happening. We’re not living in those days anymore, but they are mentally enslaving black voters. I still see commercials for Project 2025. They are still paying for ads for something that has already been shown not to be a part of Trump or MAGA Republicans. They are counting on you not to do your research. They are counting on you to only listen to what they say. Sounds a whole lot like North Korea and propaganda. Do not fall for it.

When you go to the bank, when you go to the grocery store, you know you’re hurting. Vote accordingly. Amazing that social media is playing a big role in all of this. And I’ve told you guys, remember, we can use our phones, hit record, and get the word out to everyone. Hey, let me tell you what’s going on. I’m seeing a lot more on the courageous side of people standing up saying, that’s it, I’m standing for the truth anymore. And they didn’t really have a lot of this back in 2015, but many folks are starting to talk like this now.

During the acceptance speech there, Tucker definitely caught on to what’s playing out, and he sees everything as a hallmark of evil and I’m really glad to see this type of, I would say, wordage used in discussing all that’s happening at the DNC. Not she’s weird or strange or she’s not a true leader, but we’re dealing with evil. Evil. Consider what he intends to do if we give him power again. Consider his explicit intent to set free violent extremists who assaulted those law enforcement officers at the Capitol. His explicit intent to jail journalists, political opponents, and anyone he sees as the enemy.

Can I just interject here for a second? This woman is really scary. She could easily get elected president. She’s much more skillful than I have ever seen. She’s a liar on the deepest level. The things she is saying right now are not just untrue, they’re the opposite of the truth, which is the hallmark of evil. She’s an extremist. She’ll say anything. She’s much more like Gavin Newsom than I ever realized. I could go through a whole litany of what she’s saying is not true. It wasn’t an armed mob. There’s not one person inside the Capitol with a firearm, period.

The only person who was shot in the Capitol is an unarmed woman shot by one of Nancy Pelosi’s bodyguards. So again, again and again, she’s telling us that she fought the cartels to secure the border. She’s the border czar, and the border is controlled by the cartels. She argued that Donald Trump, quote, tried to throw away your vote. Didn’t the Democrat party just throw away all the votes and install her? Well, exactly. She’s saying that Donald Trump will free from prison violent extremists, meaning, like 75 year old lower middle class women with diabetes, when she endorsed defunding the police and opening the prisons to allow actual criminals out, which is why the crime rate has spiked to allow the population of Venezuela’s prisons.

Caracas prisons are now living in the United States because of her. I mean, I guess what I’m saying is, and I don’t want to sound like I’m whining or fact checking, which I hate, but what she’s saying is the mirror image of the truth. She doesn’t care. She’s got no reference points in the truth, and she’s an extremist. And she’s a former prosecutor, which is. And no former prosecutor should hold power, period. I’ve covered them my whole life. I’ve intensely disliked every single one of them for good reason. I think they’re scary, they’re liars, and they’re megalomaniacal.

And they put people in prison for political reasons. I’ve seen it again and again and again. And how about that? So we got some insight in so many ways. Other networks are finally starting to share information. I tell you something else that came out recently. RFK junior just withdrawn his name from the ballot in Arizona. It comes just one day before he’s set to drop out completely. And most folks are stating that he’s going to endorse President Trump. It’s happening. We’re going to get into a lot of that here after I share this with you. We’re at amwaynow.com.

you guys know we love this website. Very simple. If you go to this website, you’ll find all of our videos, our social media X, Facebook, Instagram, telegram and more. You can click there and find it. You can hit the contact button, send your photo in. You can also see that, you know, sometimes folks wonder, how can I find the, you know, I watched a video and I was wondering, how can I find doctor Shockley? And they’re like, you know, they can’t go back to the videos. They go back and they’re trying to find out, you know, clicking below the video, finding, you know, where they can find all of them and basically go to amwaynow.com dot.

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you get free shipping on everything with code freeship for a limited time. You buy any Cali wave pullover. That’s the pullover with Amwino on the front and the Romans 828 verse on the back. They’re wonderful to wear. You get the pullover and get a free sticker pack, use code caliwave. That is pretty amazing. You guys know, we also dropped the price of my book to just, I think it’s like $6 now so that everyone can have a copy just basically paying for shipping and handling it and for the editor who did the work to receive their cost.

And remember, we have the I’m voting for a convicted fellum this November shirt in different colors and you can become a fellowship member. Also, we’ve got the hoodies, hats, tees, tanks, accessories. Just encourage you to check these out. Right. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. There was a big announcement or big rumors spreading that RFK junior might be dropping out, might be endorsing you. His spokesperson said they will give a live address tomorrow about his path forward. And now there are rumors that he might join you at this rally in Arizona tomorrow to announce I.

That he’s supporting you. What’s the truth? Have you talked to him? So I’ve known him for a long time. He’s a. As you know, he’s a little different kind of a guy. Very smart guy, a very good person. If he endorsed me, I would be honored by it. I would be very honored by it. He really has his heart in the right place. He is a respected person. Women love some of his policies and I guess some people don’t like some of his policies. But overall, I thought the Democrats. He was a Democrat. I don’t know what he is right now, but he was a Democrat.

They treated him very badly. I think he would have, you know, he goes around saying he would have beaten Biden in the primary. I think there was a good chance. What they did to him was what they did to Biden. They really were harsh and threw him out. They wouldn’t let him go to the vote. I mean, they made it impossible for him to compete in primaries because he was doing so well. And they basically made it impossible for him to do what I think he would have been successful. I think he would have overthrown and Biden because Biden is so bad as a president.

When I hear this talk about Mount Rushmore, I turn off your television. If I have to read an article, I just throw it down. Mount Rushmore for this. This man who is the worst president in our history, he’s allowed, and she is, because she was the borders there. Now she disowns that. She’s allowed millions of people to come into our country. Many of these people, totally unchecked, totally unvetted, many of these people came into our country. Think of this. From prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums. And Brian, there’s many terrorists coming in. So interesting, right? Because RFK could play a major role in this whole breakout of politics, right? A reporter asked, if RFK junior endorses you, are you going to find a spot for him in your cabinet.

This has all been playing out recently. I obviously have to ask you about Robert F. Kennedy Junior. If he endorses you, are you going to find a spot for him in your cabinet? And have you promised him anything in that regard? Well, we haven’t talked about that yet, Ali, but we’ll find out and we’ll see. I have a lot of respect for him and I think he has a lot of respect for me. I’ve just heard this as news flashes, and, you know, we’ve had a good relationship for a long period of time. If he endorses, that would be an honor for me.

But we’re doing very well. We’re leading now, as you know, in the election, and we’re leading in all of the major categories, like border, like economy, like all of that. It’s, it’s really good. It’s really good. Things are happening that are very good. He may also see that, but it would be my great honor if he wants to endorse me. I have good respect for him. Smart guy. A little different, but very smart. And we will take his endorsement. Can we expect to see him on the stage with you tomorrow? Well, I don’t know. I know we’re in the same state, but we’re still pretty far away.

But we’ll see what happens. If something happened, you’ll be the first to know. Interesting, right? And of course, JD Vance, he gets cut off as he discusses this. He gets cut off live. I don’t know if those reports are true, but I would certainly welcome his endorsement. I mean, I grew up in a family. I was raised by my poor grandmother who didn’t have a high school diploma, but looks like we just lost Senator JD Vance there. I don’t know if those reports are true. Yeah, they don’t want to hear it. That puts a little fear in the back of their, their whole agenda of everything that they’re doing in their lives.

Even more interesting would be Nicole Shanahan, right? The one that’s running with RFK junior says, my old Dem buddies, Democrat buddies, have been flooding me with frantic calls, texts and emails. Frantic. Interesting choice of words. Unlike Roe, I wouldn’t dream of airing those private conversations publicly. But the message is clear. They’re terrified of the idea of our movement joining forces with Donald Trump. When I point out what the Democratic Party and their super pacs have done to sabotage our campaign, their spot response is always, but Trump is worse. Here’s an idea. Stop suing us. Let us debate.

Quit rigging the media and the polls. It’s a simple formula. People get with it. What’s interesting is RFK junior running mate Nicole Shanahan says that Democrats are terrified of the idea of the movement joining forces. Right. That’s all the confirmation we need that this is a great idea. The Dems know they face extension, extinction if we all unite. Of course. When President Trump went down to Arizona, to the border, the sheriff of Cochise County, Arizona is saying that he alerted Secret Service about the death threat made on Trump’s life yesterday. And they did not tell Trump anything.

President Trump told the media he wasn’t alerted of the threat. What’s going on? Are we missing something? Is it normal for a principal to be left in the dark about these sorts of things? Can any former secret Service agents let me know what’s going on? The information, according to Ollie Bradley tv, who first made everyone aware of the story. Here’s a clip from that. Border problems, that’s where our country should go. But the Democrats don’t want to go there because it doesn’t allow them to cheat. Okay, how about one more? Today there was a manhunt going on in this county.

Somebody made death threats to you. Did you hear about that before coming? And what are your thoughts? I’ve heard it’s dangerous, but I also have a job to do. I heard it’s very dangerous. I haven’t heard about that. They probably want to keep it from me. Thank you for telling me. Let’s get out of here right now. No. Thank you very much for saying but no. And I have great respect for Secret Service, the job they do, including a month and a half ago when they were jumping on top of me with bullets flying right at them.

So mistakes were made and they’re going to learn from the mistakes. But I have great respect. But no, I haven’t heard that. But I’m not that surprised. And the reason is because I want to do things that are very bad for the bad guys. So I have heard it’s very unsafe to make this trip. There were some people that really didn’t want me to make it. Yeah, please. But he’s a leader. There’s folks that tell him and advise him, hey, don’t go down there, it’s too dangerous. But he says, I’m going anyway. True leadership leading from the front so that folks understand more and more.

He’s trying to save our country and he’s trying to save the children. That’s the biggest issue with our border sex traffickers, children. And I tell you what, they’re using these children for their satanic rituals. We know that we will seal the border, stop the invasion, and launch the largest deportation effort in american history. We will impose tough new sentences on illegal alien criminals. These include ten year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling, ten year sentences for anyone guilty of human smuggling, a guaranteed life sentence for anyone guilty of child trafficking, and a death penalty for anyone guilty of child or woman sex trafficking.

Death penalty. Guilty of women or child sex trafficking. Death penalty. We’ll also impose the death penalty on major drug dealers and traffickers in other countries. On their immigration papers, there is a statement that says, death for drug traffickers. Big letters. Big bold letters. Ten times the size of everything else on the page. I saw it this morning. And those are the countries where they have no problem with drugs. Many of them, actually. We will also impose the death penalty for anyone killing our police, sheriffs, border patrol, ice, or law enforcement officials. The death penalty with a quicker trial, not a trial that lasts for 15 years and everybody gets exhausted.

We will liberate our country from the illegal alien drug dealers, robbers, murderers, gang members, child predators, and we will make America safe again for our citizens and make it greater, stronger, better, more beautiful than ever before. That alone should have everyone in the nation together. All the politicians should join together behind that. There’s nothing wrong with stating that. We’re going to put these folks away for good, strong leadership, and that’s the way it should be. Amazing that all of these comms continue to play out. Grasshopper catches them. President Trump put this out. Kamala Harris is dangerous.

Right? Video was 29, 2nd video. He posted it at 1038. Well, 1038. If you go to that timestamp, 1038, 1038. On the cuboid at QaGG News, you’ll notice it says booms en route blind. Five five. Device hold comms. Transfer the castle. There’s chatter rigged for silent. Q Plus. Q Plus refers to President Trump. Well, if you look at 29 seconds on the video, go to 29 on the cueboard. Some things must remain classified to the very end. The truth would sound so outrageous, most Americans would rewrite, revolt, reject, etcetera. The pedo networks are being dismantled. That’s what we just heard from President Trump.

These folks are going to be put away or they’re going to be faced with a death penalty. The child abductions for satanic rituals. Folks, they’re not just taking the children so they can sell them and put them on the dark net. No, they’re taking them for their satanic rituals, just like Haiti and other third world countries. Remember, remember, Hillary took a whole village, took an entire country. It’s going to be paused. We’re not going to terminate until the players are in custody. Here’s the other part of that board. We pray every single day for God’s guidance and direction, and we are truly up against pure evil.

This is evil beyond the mind, beyond things that we can even imagine. Okay, you guys realize this? We talk about it constantly, and we’re going to know how this plays out as each day goes by. Trump said he’ll demand the resignation of anyone in the Pentagon involved in Afghanistan withdrawal. He’s going after everyone, the cartels, those in the military, those in the three letter agencies that said, you know what? We’ve had enough of your crimes and your hatred towards our country and the danger that you pose for our military and government service and american civilians overseas.

But the voters will hold Kamala and Joe accountable for this November when I take office. And they’re going to be held accountable for what they’ve done to this country. Right? Thank you. This is when he went to Ashburn, North Carolina. He’s been going all over the place. Folks are waiting in line to watch him. And I’m telling you, he’s getting a little stronger in his rhetoric and how he’s going to do things. I will ask for the resignations of every single senior military official who touched the Afghanistan disaster. I want their resignations immediately, and I want them on the desk in the Oval office, the resolute desk.

I want them on at 12:00 inauguration day. Everybody involved with that disaster. When you have a disaster so stupid as that that causes such problems, you don’t know what that’s done to the reputation of our country. The Afghanistan disaster, this house cleaning will be a signal to the entire world and America, military and everybody else. They want people to be held accountable for failure and incompetence, and it’s just not acceptable that something like that could happen. What else do we have? GOP Chairman Jason Simmons, who’s been a friend of ours for a long time. So listen to this.

Rambo and friends says, remember when we asked how far back does this operation really go? What operation? The operation to take America back from these evil, satanic Pedos. The operation to restore our country back to where its founders intended. Remember when Trump stood with generals and told us about the calm before the storm? Remember he was in that room. He had the generals, the leaders all around him. He said this. You see this? There’s a calm before the storm. What storm? Mister president, you’ll find out. And he goes here in this particular clip. Where’s jason? Nice tall character right there, the real general, Keith Kellogg.

Listen to this, Jason, nice tall character right here. Thank you very much, Jason. And somebody that’s been with me from day one, a real, he’s a real general. You know, we have the real generals and we have the fake woke generals that did so poorly in Afghanistan, should have all been fired. But this is a real general Keith Kellogg. Right, Keith. And this is a great group. It’s good to see you, Keith. He’s been with me from before day one, right? He said, that guy should run. He’s been with them since before day one. Trump’s telling us how this all played out, not just since day one, but before day one.

And then he says this, get him to run. I like those guys. They were here before. I ran. Quite a few of them, too. There’s quite a few of them, too that wanted me to run before day one. There’s quite a few of them, too. We’ve said this and many folks have caught on because there seems to be rhetoric that’s been playing around. And I don’t know what you guys think, but go below this video, tell me your thoughts. But for decades, they’ve been looking for someone that can use, they can use to place in front of all of us as a leader to take down the satanic cabal.

Had to be the right person. And for years, they used crypto, cryptology. They sat down and mapped out exactly how they were going to do this and using movies and television shows and more. And I think when they put the apprentice together, they want us to know who President Trump was. They be in the generals, the military, and week after week he says, you’re fired. We watch their family. We are getting used to him. We’re understanding who he really is. And then when he runs for president, folks know in their psyche, in their mind, what type of leader he really is.

Do you understand what I’m saying? But then you head over to the DNC and what do they do? They bring out their celebrities like Steph Curry, sell out fraud, claiming that he’s a Christian. His christian belief should not be in support of the abortion clinic. Sitting outside the DNC convention, how many of you guys know people who you go to church with, who say, oh, I can’t support President Trump, the Republicans, etcetera? Excuse me, do you know what the DNC stands for? They’re killing children. Well, if you go back to Moloch and you go back to the Old Testament and you see Elijah and he stands before the 450 prophets of Baal and they cut themselves and they’re screaming out to their God.

They’re hoping, just like the DNC convention, they’re dancing around their altar, they’re dancing around there. They’re screaming to their God, we’re going to win. We’re going to win. No fire came down from heaven for them. Elijah says a simple prayer, fire comes down from heaven and licks up the water that was poured all over that sacrifice. And then those 450 prophets of Baal were done, gone, eliminated. So someday the media, the ones who lied to us day in and day out, they’re going to become real. That’s according to President Trump. Our country is doing really badly under them and nobody wants to talk about it.

Media doesn’t like talking about it because the Democrats, they really protect themselves. It’s pretty amazing. Someday the media is going to become real media instead of fake media. And you’re going to see a big difference in the country someday. And they better hurry up. If they don’t hurry, they’re going to fall apart. The average total viewers per year is falling for ABC, CB’s, and NBC. That’s the, this line that you’re looking at here on your screen, it’s going down. CNN roller coaster going down. Fox News, well, they had a little pike spike in 2020, but they’re dropping now.

And then, of course, you got MSNBC going up in 2020 and then heading back down. These guys are losing their minds. They’re losing everything. And, you know, we’re even having trouble on the monetary side. Folks are waking up to this and they’re earning our votes by laying out a plan that puts the american dream not just within reach, but so we can fully grasp it by making sure going to the grocery store doesn’t break the bank. Really. For the past three and a half years, they’ve been in control and the grocery prices are up 20%. We had a chance to talk about all this money and more.

It’s coming up this Sunday. You don’t want to miss this amazing interview, folks. Dollar to silver ratio increased to $438 per ounce from $250 per ounce silver set to soar on Samson’s solid state battery breakthrough. We went through just a lot of things in this interview and you’re going to catch it. But here’s a clip from that and a reminder to all of you. You can reach out to amwaynode.com gold and talk to doctor Kirk Elliott yourself talk to him, his staff, and find out what to do with your 401k. If it’s in fiat currency, you can get it converted over to precious metals.

And this guy definitely has helped out a lot of people. And this right here, the Lowe’s in the corrections, over $50 per troy ounce of silver by the end of 2024 is an expectation. Amazing. Why are they thinking that? So I’m not a technical guy. I couldn’t care less, right? Because to me, fundamentals drive everything. The unsustainable debt, the inflationary pressures, wages, political chaos, geopolitical conflict, all of these things cause gold and silver to go up. Well, all of those things cause a chart to look like a chart, right? So I always look at the fundamentals, but now the fundamentals that made this chart look like this from a technical perspective, and I’m not a technical guy, but I can explain it really quick.

You’ve got this, like, baseball pennant pattern, right? It’s like, looks like a baseball pennant. And that’s a series of higher lows and lower highs. And once the price action goes up above the tip of that pennant and stays there for just a bit, it tends to absolutely shoot through the ceiling. So they’re seeing silver at dollar 50 /oz by the end of 2024. Can you imagine if that happens and we got into more of that? You guys don’t want to miss that interview. It’s going to be absolutely amazing. Speaking of interviews, President Trump, he was kind of cut off at the end of the DNC.

And look what he does when he’s cut off on Fox News. We appreciate feedback. Stay right there. Live edition of Gut Feld is coming up. Thank you so much for joining us from Chicago. It’s been a great week. Good night. That wasn’t my fault. Donald Trump. So President Trump calls Gutfield to his phone to have a conversation because he was cut off. That’s awesome. Hey, mister President, I’m on this. I’m live now. Say hello to my audience. So don’t, don’t say anything that’ll get you in trouble. All right. At this point, what difference does it make? We’re doing well.

We’re leading in the polls. All right, mister president points down. Yeah. And they said he has to get out and they basically staged a coup. Yeah. You know, let’s, let’s all see how it happens to. But I think we’re doing very well. How about that? And so gut bill was just in shock as this call comes in. And man, it’s just great to see when President Trump does these things. Speaking of him, remember President Trump? He’s standing behind these. Looks like glass boundaries, bulletproof glass. But that’s what he needs. Check out what he says. We’re going to have peace through strength all over the world like we had just a short while.

And I just want to say, closing. It’s an honor to have served for four years. I wish we didn’t have this break. The only thing good about the break is it shows how bad it can get, because we’ve never had a country that’s been in shape like this country is in right now. President Trump mentions the break. Again, it’s about the break. If you guys go back to the cue board, be the autist we know you are. It’s about the break. Godspeed, patriots. The break, the time. And pause where we are going to watch the Democrats in front of the public, for those that want to believe it, that this is all part of letting them win the election, allowing them to win, to allow President Trump to step down so that folks can say, you know, if he would have been the president in 2020, we would never woken up across our country to how all this played out.

Ultra MAga Dean Erickson got a chance to see him briefly on the cruise. Thank you, Dean, for what you’re doing. This was an interesting ex post from Dan Scavino earlier. Right? What you talk about when you don’t have policy. Trump has been mentioned 314 times over the first three nights of the DNC this week. See, this is what’s pointed out. Dan Scavino junior. 314 times he’s been mentioned, 160. The first night, 60. The second night, 94 times. The third night, 314. And he puts Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump. You can see all of that on the bottom.

Well, be the autist we know you are. It’s about the break. Godspeed, patriots. Is number 314 on the cue board? For those that still don’t understand what that board is, go to Qagg news, type in 314, and you will find this. It’s about the break. President Trump says, mentions the break. Dan Scavino points out 314. The break. You see the connections, folks? Is it a coincidence? We’re watching it play out day in and day out, and they’re going to take it down. These pedos, these ones who hurt children. The founder of Surrey Pride, 40 years old, who is patron of controversial LGBTQ education charity that encouraged toddlers to question their gender, faces 37 child sex abuses, charges including rape and voyeurism.

Remember, ten year mandatory minimum sentence for anyone guilty of human smuggling mandatory life sentences for anyone guilty of child trafficking. Death penalty for anyone guilty of sex trafficking. You understand why these folks do not want President Trump in office? Slippery slope. Let us get married. That’s all they want in the beginning. Then bake our cake or else we’re going to shut your business down. Use our pronouns, or else allow minors to dance for us in drag. Let teachers choose your kids gender. Not saying that we’re filled with hate of these folks. We’re saying, this is the truth.

This is what’s playing out for all of us to see. Once you leave good moral conduct, it goes to immorality. And that immorality bleeds into our society and causes problems for future generations. So this is the big house, the largest stadium in the country. Fill it up once, then again and again. These illegal migrant children that are lost, missing and subject to human trafficking under border Zara Kamala, they’re taking these children, they’re trafficking the children. 380,000 missing now that cross the border and more. And President Trump was at the border and he allowed folks to speak up about what happened to them.

And this is why we love him and his leadership. He is not God. We do not worship President Trump. We need to be careful because who’s going to fill President Trump’s shoes once he’s gone? Our country has to unite. We have to get rid of these bad actors and set up a government that will work for the people, not for themselves and their self interest. We have to pray for his protection and more. Check this out. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Take care of yourself. Absolutely. We don’t want to have, we don’t want it to happen to other people.

No. Hi. I was just thanking President Trump for the invitation to come and to share Rachel’s story. Rachel was 37 years old. She had five children. She worked, she owned a small business. She worked very hard to support her family. And the trail that Rachel ran daily was a trail that we as a family would walk over the last 25 years that we’ve lived in Maryland. It’s a very safe, small trail, very public, very open. Moms with baby carriages go down this trail. It’s very safe. I was in Kentucky, we had a grandbaby that had passed away when I got a phone call from my son and he said, mom, there’s somebody here that would like to speak to you.

And when I said hello, the person on the other end said, hello, misses Morinhorne, this is detective so and so. I’m the lead detective on this case. There’s no easy way to tell you this, but we found your daughter’s body. And if they find the body, you know, you know that she’s dead. They wouldn’t say, we found Rachel. She’s alive. And so they found my daughter’s body. And when they found it, just recently has come out that she was brutally beaten, raped and then stuffed into a drain pipe. We’re 18,000 miles, 1800 miles from the border.

And because of this open border, we’ve had nothing, just my daughter. But we’ve actually had two in the same county that we’re from, where illegal immigrants have come in and have caused rape and murder of our citizens. And I don’t. I really, the reason why I came here today and I accepted the invitation is because I really want our words to be heard. And I really want you to take to heart what we’re saying. It’s not, we’re not here for a political stand, although we are. We’re here because we’re losing our moms, our daughters, our children to criminals.

And that shouldn’t happen. We should be taking care of our country, our people. And the only way I believe that’s going to happen is if President Trump is re elected as president and we close up this border and we put policies back into place that were there before, instead of this open border thing. We’re just gonna, we’re gonna end up being a third world country if it continues this way. And I hope, truly, I hope that you would just take my words to heart, because it’s devastating to lose a child, but even more devastating when you see the pictures or you see the body and you really understand what’s happened to that person.

So please take to heart. This is a very, very important issue, and it’s one that’s either going to make or break our country. It’s not so much it’s about America, it’s about Americans. It’s about us taking and protecting ourselves and looking out for each other. It’s about protecting our families. So thank you. This touching story, many of you are probably wiping your tears now. The loss of a child, it’s beyond anything we can imagine. Retired. We’ve had enough. But yet this mom is still fighting. She accepted an invitation through tears and through horror, was able to get this story out next to the president of the United States.

We’ve had enough. This should be a wake up call for all of us. And knowing no matter how difficult it gets, day in and day out, we have folks to pray for, folks to come alongside of and say you know what? We love you. And we’re going to start fighting back. The enemy is facing loss. They lost Roe versus Wade. They lost Chevron, they lost. They’re losing their second amendment infringements. Right. They’re trying to get rid of our guns. They’re losing their censorship control of social media. They’re losing full control of media narratives. They’ve lost support for endless foreign wars.

They’ve lost our blind trust in big pharma products and scientific institutions. They’ve lost our, they’ve lost out blind trust of the FBI, DOJ and Soros prosecutors. They’re losing the ability to freely groom children and put porn in schools. Soon they will lose their ability to rig our elections. This is why they indicted Trump for four times and impeached him twice. This is why he was almost shot in the head. They may be power now, in power now, but that grip on power gets looser by the day. Soon we will fully take control and destroy this marxist cancer infecting our government.

Soon we, the people will be in charge. Thank you, DNC Drano, for that. Also, thank you to Mike, who put out another video here recently to close with today. Hunters, blank coffee, amazing patriot, their family all together. Wonderful. And he had a good word for us, I think, that we need to close with today from David. Well, I don’t think any of us will ever forget where we were the exact moment we heard about the assassination attempt on President Trump. And following that, my sister sent a passage from psalm to the rest of our family in our group text.

And, you know, David had been anointed king of Israel. But for whatever reason, God had seen fit to not have him on the throne. Yet, in fact, he was being pursued mercilessly by his enemies. And in that space he wrote psalm 64. I thought it’d be fitting to read here. Lord, can’t you hear my cry, my bitter complaint? Keep me safe from this band of criminals and from the conspiracy of these wicked men. They gather their secret council to destroy me. Can’t you hear their slander, their lies? Their words are like poison tipped arrows shot from the shadows.

They’re unafraid. They have no fear of consequences. They persist with their evil plans and plot together to hide their traps. They boast no one can see us or stop us. They search out opportunities to pervert justice as they plan the perfect crime. How unsearchable is their endless evil. They try desperately to hide the deep darkness of their hearts. But all the while, God has his own fire tipped arrows. Suddenly, without warning, they’ll be be pierced and struck down. Staggered backward, they’ll be destroyed by the very ones they spoke against. All who see this will view them with scorn.

Then all will stand awestruck over what God has done, seeing how he vindicated the victims of these crimes. The lovers of God will be glad, rejoicing in the Lord. They’ll be found in his glorious wraparound presence, singing songs of praise to goddess. Welcome to the great awakening. For nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, we come to you now thankful pray you continue to guide and direct our lives through difficult times like this. We’re thankful for the great revival that’s happening in many hearts throughout our nation and throughout this earth.

We’re thankful for the many who have come to know you as their son through your son, Jesus Christ, a personal lord and savior now, who will be dining together with us all together with you in heaven someday soon. We thank you for how you’re destroying this enemy in such a way that’s waking folks up to the evil that has been all around us and showing us once again that when we stay close to you and in your word, how we have comfort and rest through this darkness. We thank you for how you have brought us all together.

We thank you for how we’ve had the use of something designed for evil social media to now use for getting out the word and the truth, bringing hope, faith and freedom to many. And we thank you most of all for your son who sinned, sent for all of us as a sacrifice on the cross for our sins. We ask that you continue to guide and direct our thoughts, our minds, our lives. For those that are at the end of their rope. We lift them up now as they are in tears, just hoping to make it another day.

Just wrap them with your amazing love that can only be described by those that experience, that we ask that you would protect the president of the United States, Trump, and all of his family, those that are on the front lines and the many working behind the scenes to wake us up. And we lift up those have hurt so bad by losing loved ones because of the actions of our border being open. How devastating that must be for so many. We desperately need you, Lord. Without you, we can do nothing. We ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, our savior.

Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. What a little longer than expected. Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Please hit that subscribe button and the like button, if you would. What an amazing time to be alive, huh? We hope to get back with you soon. Don’t forget our interview on Sunday, that it will go out. And let’s continue to stay in prayer as we move forward on this earth. For now, this lt saying, semper fi with them. We know. Signing out. We know our. We’re different from the presidential. We’re very discreet, reptilian, cold blooded.

These are the races we have now. The serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, yea, hath God said, ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

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