7.25.24: Destruction of the OLD Guard NC speech Kamala dismantled FINISH line in view Pray! | And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The And We Know channel is expressing strong support for a political figure, highlighting their resilience and popularity despite an assassination attempt. They also discuss the figure’s ongoing influence and the public’s continued support, as seen in large crowds at events. The speaker criticizes the current administration and emphasizes the need for change, suggesting that the admired figure could bring about this change.
➡ This text discusses the economic impact of political rallies, the support for President Trump among young people, and concerns about an alleged assassination attempt on the President. It also mentions the importance of social media in shaping political opinions. Lastly, it promotes a service for buying beef in bulk and ends with a call to vote for Trump to ensure freedom and economic prosperity.
➡ The text discusses the political landscape, focusing on Kamala Harris and her rise in popularity. It questions the legitimacy of her support, citing allegations of money laundering and illegal contributions. The text also mentions dissatisfaction with the Democratic Party’s process of replacing Joe Biden, with Black Lives Matter refusing to endorse Harris. Lastly, it criticizes media attacks on President Trump and questions the accuracy of polls showing Harris’ popularity among black voters.
➡ The text discusses a political figure’s speech and its implications, focusing on the controversy surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris’s role as a “border czar”. It also mentions the media’s role in shaping public opinion and the potential consequences of misinformation. The text further highlights the political landscape, including the challenges faced by the country and the promises made by the political figure to address these issues. Lastly, it provides information about a website and its offerings, including merchandise and interviews.
➡ The text discusses criticisms of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, accusing them of enabling crime and illegal immigration. It also mentions President Trump’s stance on these issues, emphasizing his commitment to law-abiding citizens. The text further discusses the potential impact of these issues on the upcoming elections and the country’s future. Lastly, it touches on the state of the U.S. stock market and the potential benefits of investing in precious metals.
➡ The text discusses rising gold prices, criticisms of Vice President Kamala Harris, and protests involving the burning of American flags. It also mentions hopes for former President Trump’s speeches and actions, and ends with a prayer for protection and guidance. The author encourages staying focused, prayerful, and prepared for future events.


But I consider it a badge of honor because I’m being indicted for you. And never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never, ever let them take away your freedom. I’ll never let it happen. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I just happen to be standing in their way and I always will. Thank you. Thank you. Well, how many of you love that thumbnail? The destruction of the old guard. Can you see basically a sense of panic happening in the media? Things speeding up just a little bit? Are you holding on tight and ready for the next fantastic fail for the Democrats? That’s just been amazing.

Oh, how wonderful. We all uncovered the speech from North Carolina as Trump exposes all the wrongs of Kamala and the moves he will make. And guess what? There’s moves against Kamala from black lives matter out of all places. You won’t believe it. We’re going to discuss that. The border children and so much more. Hang in there. Here we go. It’s just, and it is really an expression that’s used. It’s very tough for them. Too big to rig. We’re way ahead. We’re way ahead by more than even. The polls say we have to make it so big, Richard, that they can’t do it.

There’s not a thing they’re going to be able to do about it. So too big to, you have to get out there and vote. Get everybody, get everybody. Get them all. Remember, this gets everybody too big to rig no matter what they do. And I’ve had this discussion quite a bit with many, including my own family members, about what I think is going to play out this fall. Huge discussions will happen in the future. I’ll share it with you someday soon. But tell you what, these are things that we’re going to remember between Russia and Ukraine settled.

We’re going to get it settled quickly. I’ll do it as president elect. I’ll do, and I will be doing something that nobody else even talks about. We have never been so close. I will prevent World War three. We’re heading to world War three. We’re heading right into the teeth of it because we have stupid people representing us and they’re being represented against people that are at the top of their game. I will restore peace through strength. Yep. And so that was in North Carolina. President Trump with this enormous crowd. You think that folks wouldn’t show up because, you know, there’s a recent assassination attempt.

People might live in fear. Whatever. Nope, not anymore. Check this out. And I always say, but they never do it. Turn the cameras around to show them the crowd. But they never did. Look at that crowd, folks. If that doesn’t encourage you for how this is all playing out, that is so phenomenal. So phenomenal. My goodness, that’s so encouraging. You know, they show up in droves and, you know, all of the, these things played out after his shooting. You know, that. Just to let you know, the secret service director Kimberly Cheadle actually resigned after the Trump shooting.

Yep, finally gone out of here. Adios. And remember, we have the fight for America teas now in Navy. That’s right. And their fight for America shirts. You can find them@amwaynote.com or shop we know.com. go below the description box below this video and you click on that and get yours. Here’s a video piece put together for that. He is one of the toughest, most resilient human beings that I have ever met in my life. First off, this photo just won the election. I saw this and I can’t even describe how I felt looking at this. Unbelievable. That in a moment where he didn’t know.

Cause you can’t even imagine, right? You imagine yourself getting shot. You imagine the adrenaline of recognizing, and you’ve got blood coming out of your ear. And this man comes to his senses and realizes that he’s gotta be the bravest person in the room. And he just pumps his fist. He just pumped his fist. And somebody who ever captured that photo, my goodness, take every photography award, you know, the guy takes a shot at him, he goes down, he stands up, and then he starts chanting to the crowd and you know, fight, fight, fight. I literally was blown away when he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied and put his hand up.

I thought at that moment, he was no longer just a political party’s nominee or a former president or a future president. This was the leader of a nation. The amazing thing is that prior to the shot, if I had not moved my head at that very last instant, the assassin’s bullet would have perfectly hit its mark, and I would not be here tonight. We would not be together. I stand before you in this arena only by the grace, almighty God. Amazing video clip put together for this. And man, just amazed to watch this play out after a week.

Here we are. And we’ve got people showing up in droves at these events now. And it’s encouraging. 20% of the proceeds that we get from the purchase of this short will go to those victims who were affected by this assassination attempt. And if you head over, just kind of a quick note. Benny Johnson posted this from chief justice correspondent Good Morning America. Pierre Thomas starts us off from Washington. Good morning, Pierre. George good morning. Our audience is about to see the frantic seconds in the moments after the government tried to kill former President Trump. It’s all caught on police body cam video.

And warning to our family at home, what you’re about to see may be disturbing. What did he say? You guys heard that, right? If you’re listening, the government tried to kill President Trump. Was that a slip or are they slowly waking up the masses? Who’s controlling all of this? So back to the popularity of President Trump. I just wanted to show you something. Another side note. This is Bryson DeChambeau’s YouTube site. He played golf with President Trump here recently to break 50. That means they need a birdie or eagle, just about every single hole out of 18 holes together as a team.

He only had, like, six or 700,000 subscribers before he started. Now he has 1.14 million subscribers, and that video has 6.3 million views, according to this one day ago. In that, there’s one of the shots that. Here’s President Trump making a putt. Get in there. Let’s go. That’s how we do it. That’s how you finish off the round price. It collapses. They shot 22 under. President Trump got his own eagle, his own birdie. That means that he made all the shots. He got closest to the pin and used his putt, and he putts it in instead of Bryson, who’s supposed to be the one of the greatest players probably on the earth today, his popular popularity keeps growing.

And then these folks that mimic him, there’s another one great out there. Just to keep the smiles coming today, as we go through all of this, here’s something for you. They shot me and missed me like a dog. It’s sad what happened. They tried to take out your favorite president. Even Mitch agrees. Well, listen, what you have to realize is if somebody had shot at me, I simply would have frozen up completely. Barack nah. We have to realize that in America, political violence of any form has absolutely no place. Ted if somebody shot at me, I would have been on the first flight to Cancun.

GAVIN now, Donald Trump may be a bully and a fraud, but violence has no place in this country, except if you live in California. BERNIE Ho, ho. Mister Trump, though he’s a member of the top 10th of 1%, I’m grateful he’s safe. DeSantis listen, Donald Trump, he’s the greatest president of my lifetime. I worship the guy. Thank God he’s okay. Bill Clinton, I love shooting loads. I really do. Tucker. Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. I actually predicted the assassination. Doctor Fauci, whenever you do try to hurt somebody, wear a mask. Make sure President Biden.

No Joe. No Joe. We’re going to solve this at the battle box. At the battle box. President Lincoln, safe. Do well. Pretty cool to see guys like this out there using their gifts and talents to wake up the masses. And boy, are they waking up post Joe Biden for you, the inflation, the border crime, retirement, Social Security, investments, all of it. How do you pick one? How do you pick one? I mean, this guy is a total wreck. Total wreck. So we’re in North Carolina. What’s the biggest problems here in North Carolina? What’s like, I mean, free, Steve Bannon, of course, free.

Yeah. The biggest problem is we don’t have Trump in yet. Trump, you fixed North Carolina. Really? You get Mark Robinson and you fixed North Carolina too. Yeah, we hope so, too. We gotta make sure we vote for that. How long have you guys been in line? I’m from Kansas, though. Okay. I came on purpose. I was gonna talk about the economic impact that these rallies have. And a lot of people travel in from all over the country. You got hotel expenses, you got flights, you got gas, you got food, you got merch, got all kinds of stuff coming here.

Okay. I want to just go talk to a young person just for a second. So in your peer of friends, does everyone support President Trump? Is it kind of like a, are you an oddity that you like Trump? It’s like a 80 20, 80% Trump, 20% Democrat. So the 20% Democrats, they’re all going to fail high school this year and they’re going to be held back because they’re not smart enough. That was a joke. I hope they don’t fail. What is it about President Trump that you like? I just love President Trump. See, that’s the appeal.

He has these young people. I love it. I love it. Young people for Trump and the Democrats are letting on. Hang on, let me talk to you one more time. Do you, do you see, real quickly, do you see that you have stuff on social media like TikTok and Instagram? Do you see Trump being promoted in a kind of a positive light or is there more like hate videos on him? Kind of 50 50. I mean, I see more love about Trump than I do of Kamala or Democratic. I think it’s important that we hold a presence on TikTok for Trump.

I really do. In the very beginning, people didn’t want tick tock. I particularly think it’s any, they already got our information anyway. I mean, Zuckerberg’s got it from, from back in the day. Yeah, he’s got on your. So it’s great, good interview, and it’s great to see young folks come out and share. I love hearing from my young ones, too. And they share with me to the social media world how they’re reacting to all this stuff. And with that shocking assassination attempt to President Trump, it really turned a lot of younger folks into, hey, what’s going on, man? You mean President Trump is almost shot? And then they start talking about it and they start getting information and realizing, wait a minute, there’s more to that shooting than we probably were led on to.

And that’s been playing out quite a bit here recently on, on social media, on who actually did what. How was this all played out for many? As a matter of fact, we even saw this. The shooter had an FBI email address that was shared by salty Texan. If you look at that, it’s weird, because why would the shooter have an FBI address at all unless they were trained and taught in that way? And so they even had body cam. Body cam footage released by Chuck Grassley from the Trump Pennsylvania rally. The video was obtained from Beaver County Emergency Services Unithood, the member discussing how they had noticed Thomas crooks earlier, before, before the incident even unfolded.

Beaver county snipers saw him and sent the pictures out. And this is him. And so, so, anyway, it’s kind of hard to hear him. I just wanted you to know that that video is out there and they’re sharing that entire thing. And a lot of folks, Americans, are questioning how that actually played out. Check this out from ultra mag reporting. I’m just going to say it. Are you aware, sir, that many of Americans believe this was very likely not a lone shooter, but a coordinated assassination attempt? Have you been getting those messages from people like I have? I have not, sir.

You haven’t? Well, there’s a lot of people in this room that have been getting the same messages. Why do you think that is? Why do you think that a lot of Americans are like, this doesn’t add up. This doesn’t make sense, guys. How could this many things have gone wrong? Right? Like the things I pointed out. A 20 year old kid, 150, got 150 yards of the president of the United States with an AR 15, flew a drone to conduct site surveillance was spotted with a rangefinder ranging targets then lost had advanced explosive devices on him.

With no military training, nobody was placed in the most obvious spot to conduct counter sniper operations. I was a sniper in the Seal teams, colonel. As soon as I got out of the suv and I saw that sniper, that water tower, I was like, that’s exactly where I’d be. But me right there. So obvious. After partisan attempts to bankrupt him, imprison him for 750 years, and countless depictions as a modern day Hitler, are you surprised, sir, that a lot of Americans are like, maybe there’s more to this story? I wouldn’t begin to speculate about what the american people think, sir.

Colonel, did your team make entry and conduct investigation at the suspect’s home prior to this shooting? Excuse me, sir? I asked that question. Did your team make entry and conduct any investigation at the suspect’s home? I believe we had people that participated in that securing of it. There were bomb assets that we provided. Mister Chairman, can I have 30 more seconds? Yeah, yeah. I’m letting everybody come. Okay. On the night of sensing, then none, did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home I was briefed on? Was there any silverware found in the home or trash? I have no, nothing.

In the briefing that I was given to, was it extremely clean? Almost like a medical lab? Were you given any of those reports? I wasn’t giving any of those details. Okay, that’s what I’m hearing. Interesting. Interesting. And to have a sniper who knows everything, especially the sill team, asking those questions. Oh, my goodness. This guy looked like he was wanting to run to the restroom real quick because he was. Just had fear all over him. Almost like, what am I doing here? So, folks, it’s enough to make you celebrate just to see all the people showing up in North Carolina at this rally, isn’t it? I mean, we’re just pumped.

All the information is flowing out. Everybody’s starting to understand and wake up to the masses of how we’ve been mistreated for so many years. President Trump’s highlighting all this day in and day out, and, you know, we’re starting to get together again more, and we’re starting to have barbecues, and we’re starting to pay attention to the kind of things that. That we eat and more. I mean, it’s been phenomenal. Did you know that your nearest grocery store only has three days of food before shelves start running out? Let me tell you a little secret about how to have peace of mind.

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They’ll continue to raise your cow throughout the summer using your holistic and organic practices to be sure that your beef is the healthiest and tastiest beef it can be. They’ll hand pick your beef for you in lush mountain pastures of your appointed harvest time. So fit your freezer and enjoy delicious, nutrient dense grass finished beef year round. Today. If you want the greatest economy in history again, and freedom. If you want freedom, real freedom, because we’re going. We’re going in a very bad direction, then you must vote for a gentleman named. Perhaps you’ve heard of him.

Donald J. Trump. Perhaps you’ve heard of him. There they are, standing up. North Carolina. The excitement is just phenomenal. Look at that. And the screaming at USA. Way to go to North Carolina, man. I had a great time at Cherry Point, Camp Lejeune, that whole area. The people were just so kind and went fishing trips all the time and hung out with the many on the golf course. It was just absolutely phenomenal. I never thought I’d be saying that, but I consider it a badge of honor because I’m being indicted for you never forget. Our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never, ever let them take away your freedom.

I’ll never let it happen. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me. They’re after you. I just happen to be standing in their way, and I always will. It’s just amazing that the Q drops that were given to us years ago are being used in these speeches. He’s just standing in the way. And these folks, if you just think about it, he had rallies, rallies in 2015 that were huge. Here we are nine years later, and he’s got rallies just as big. Rallies, just as huge for someone who has recently shot out.

There’s no fear in these people. He keeps growing in popular popularity more and more. But I tell you what, who’s not growing in popularity is Kamala. Now, Reuters will try to show you with their ipsis poll that Kamala’s got 44% chance, you know, support with Donald Trump, only 42%. Yeah, right. Tony said they’re going to. They’re going to cheat. And Harris campaign, they allegedly used act blue for a money laundering scheme. They indicate that $20 million from swiss billionaire Weiss was broken down into over 1.6 million donations across 400,000 donors, raising serious questions about the legitimacy of these contributions.

Similar allegations have surfaced before. ActBlue has faced scrutiny for its donor verification processes, which some argue may permit illegal contributions and foreign money to flow into american political campaigns. In recent years, the platform has been penalized for facilitating nearly $44,000 in illegal contributions and has been called out for requiring standard security measures for numbers, online donations. Democrats are at it again. Dirty tricks to further destroy the integrity of our elections. So now that the process is played out from the grasp, roots bottom up, we are here today to throw our support behind Vice President Kamala Harris.

I’m clapping. You don’t have to. Yep, no clapping. The support’s not there. They’re going to force it anyway. Shipwreck had great update from us from Black Lives Matter. Their statement, they’re not having it. In a strange twist of events that I did not see coming, Black Lives Matter, the organization is not going to be endorsing Kamala Harris. They even went as far as to break down a timeline of events in order to prove the point that they’re trying to make. Talk about Sunday. Joe dropped out. And then Kamala Harris says she’s gonna work hard to earn the nomination.

She makes a called party delegate on Sunday. She continues making calls and she makes two public speeches. And then all of a sudden, AP announced says she secured enough delegates to be the democratic nominee. On Monday night, Kamala Harris released a statement. Noticed that, noting that she has worked hard to go out and earn those nominations. 24 hours process of talking to party bosses is not democratic, nor is it a process democrats should be proud of. We do not give in to dictatorship. Delegates are not oligarchs. Installing Kamala Harris as the democratic nominee and an unknown vice president without any public voting process would make the modernization democratic party a party of hypocrites.

They are calling on the DNC to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates. In their full statement, they state, historically, black people have been loyal democratic voters. But time and time again, the party has taken our votes for granted and prioritized political theatrics over our real needs. Go on to recognize the historic sequence of events. But they also want to make sure that they are calling out the undemocratic process and engaging in vigorous discussion in the issues in our community care about. We do not live in a dictatorship.

Delegates are not oligarchs. Any attempt to evade or override the will of the voters in our primary system, no matter how historic, the candidate must be condemned. And we demand, again, a snap primary. I feel like that’s going to burn some balls. My takeaway from all this is very encouraging. Their stance is not necessarily about Kamala herself, but the process the Democratic Party is taking in order to replace Joe Biden. And that’s huge because they’re right. What the Democratic Party is doing right now is not okay. They took away your freedom to vote, your freedom to choose.

It wasn’t okay. Yeah, what a great update. Things are falling apart. The panic is setting in. They don’t know what they’re going to do. But I tell you what, they’ll continue to use the media to attack President Trump. I mean, here we are. The New York Times nephew says Trump suggested some disabled people should die. That’s on the Guardian raw story. Trump wonders if people with disabilities should just die to save money. Independent news, daily beasts, Mother Jones, people time, you name it, they’re at it again. Oh, my goodness. The numbers that came out were basically 70 something percent, 77%.

There it is. 76% would go with Kamala Harris, 21% with Donald Trump. Those are historic highs for a Republican. Nevermind Donald Trump. Trump, who I think got, you know, a lot, a heck of a lot less than that. How do you, what does she need to do, in your mind, to try and get potentially some of those voters back? And we know that black men are the numbers that are growing for Donald Trump. Absolutely. So when we think about it, typically republicans get about 12% of the black men vote and black vote collectively. So we got to shift that 9%.

We got to shift that 9%. Who believes these numbers on your screen? 76% for Harris, 21% for Trump. I don’t think so. Among black voters. I think it’s way bigger for President Trump? I don’t know. And then you go over to the folks that play ads, maybe for Pennsylvania, and wokeness happened to come across this one. Tell you what, Kamala Harris is inspiring and very capable. The more people get to know her, they’re going to be particularly impressed by her ability. The nonpartisan govtrack has rated you as the most liberal senator. I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new deal.

There’s no question. I’m in favor of banning fracking. Would you ban offshore drilling? Yes. What is the solution for voters in the fossil fuel industry? Giving the workers an ability to transition. We’re not going to treat people who are undocumented across the border as criminals. That’s correct. Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense rather than a crime across a border without documentation. Abolish ice. Yeah. Is that a position you agree with? And we need to probably think about starting from scratch, outdated. It is wrong headed thinking to think that the only way you’re going to get communities to be safe is to put more people, police officers, on the street.

Would you support changing the dietary guidelines? Yes. You know, the food parent. What would people reduce red meat specifically? Yes. People who are convicted in prison, like the Boston Marathon bomber on death row, people who are convicted of sexual assault. They should be able to vote. I think we should have that conversation. We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory buyback program. So for people out there who like their insurance, they don’t get to keep it. Let’s eliminate all of that. Let’s move on. I am opposed to any policy that would deny any human being public health, period.

The more people get to know her, they’re going to be particularly impressed by her ability. We did it. We did it, Joe. They did it, Joe. Showing exactly who this freak is. More cringe than you could ever imagine. And of course, they brought out this Biden character. If you’re looking at your screen. Yes. That’s who they plastered across all of your television screens and mainstream media. And, you know, if you guys look at this or a couple of things, you might notice. Anybody catch him? Number one, it looks like he’s got a very brand new clean mask on.

It’s nice and orange. Kind of a darken color. His hair is perfectly fitted and it’s got that mask on so good. And they tried to make it look like it was live, but if you look at the watch that he had on, it didn’t match the time that they actually played this particular live broadcast that he had to read. So who knows how many times they had to say action, then he had to read again and again. Some other things you might have caught from this particular post are his hands. His hands didn’t look like they were anywhere near the age that, that he should be.

I did have a close up of that. I think I had a close up somewhere about all this, but I guess, guess I won’t be able to find it for now. But interesting, even more so if we’re talking about masks. Look how easy it is for them to do this. Yep. You’re looking at these masks placed on people to make it look real. I mean, anybody can walk up to you nowadays and you wouldn’t even realize many of them even have a mask on. Yeah, they look so real. This guy right here, I mean, even just put this on.

That’s not really him, looks like him, and then he peels it off. That’s the way that they do it day in and day out. And so it’s interesting because even Dana Perino had something to say about his remarks here recently. He has got what it takes to get us through the next six months. People really wanted to know what just happened in the last three weeks. But this speech was like a mini state of the union. It was like something he could have given in January of 2025. It rang hollow for me. It did not answer any of those questions.

And I do not think that it helps Kamala Harris as she tries to make some sort of a break with him, as she tries to get this nomination and try to beat Donald Trump. It’s going to be very difficult for her to do so. He’s got six months left and there’s a lot of problems in this country. He said he’s going to fix all of them. So we’ll see. Interesting that Dana would have those words to say on Fox News almost in support of him. In a way. It’s kind of weird. You guys know she was part of the Bush regime.

Anyway, we’ll move forward with that. This is absolutely devastating. Shows in a minute why the media, it’s an all time low before and after Biden dropped out. So this is eclipse for you, put together, quote unquote, borders are. Vice President Harris was not a border czar. Meantime, Vice president and border czar Kamala Harris facing some backlash. What he said about Harris and immigration was not true. She was never appointed border czar. And this will be her first visit to the US Mexico border region since she was appointed as the border czar by President Biden. People have to counter the misinformation.

You already hear folks talking about the border czar. She wasn’t the border czar. President Biden tapped Kamala Harris, Vice President Kamala Harris to be the border czar. Now, she wasn’t the border czar. That’s what Republicans labeled her. They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as border czar. Now, what she’s up against is folks lying about her border record calling her a border czar. Kamala Harris, who was appointed as the border stain hunt just before and after. Before Biden drops out, she’s the border czar. After Biden drops out, she’s not the border czar.

They just continue to throw the lies at us day in, day out. And there’s President Trump standing there in front of this Biden character. He looks even more like a puppet on that screen for all to see. And it kind of makes you wonder. American. It’s been the privilege of my life to serve this nation for over 50 years. Nowhere else on earth could a kid with a stutter from modest beginnings in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Claymont, Delaware, one day sit behind the resolute desk in the Oval Office. My goodness, it’s just like watching a horror movie. Maybe someday the media will figure it all out.

Who knows? For now, you can tune into annwinow.com. truth, hope, faith, and freedom. That’s where we’re at, folks. We’ve got great website for you. You can find everything there that you need. About us our social media platforms are all over this on the top right. We’re on Facebook, x, Instagram, Telegram, podcast, and so much more. You can find us on Rumble. All of our videos are listed on our website for you to see and scroll and peruse through. You can also find Kirk Ellie right there. Just click on it. Fellowship members are Merch is right there.

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And also, don’t forget to go shopping. Grab your gear. We have the Trump never stops fighting for America shirts. Remember, they’re available in navy blue. And we have the new garden flags, a limited edition summer color we know that you’ll love. So again, sweatshirts, hoodies, accessories, tees, tanks and hats and more all at shop dot amwaynow.com dot here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. Because the camera was on. We had a tremendous, you know, like hundreds of people from the press. We had cameras going on. And you could see behind me, they weren’t. There was, they were like this.

How about the guy right behind me in the black with the green hat and he’s looking like this? That guy was, I want to meet him. But they had a lot of guys like that back there. But did you see him? They’ve only played that clip about 5000 times. They see it every day. It’s over and over. But you see how brave, normally, when something like that happens, everybody but Richard will leave. Richard will stay. He’s a tough cookie. But no, everybody scrambles, they run. But Vincent Fuska is who he’s talking about. And I’m showing him on your screen now.

There he is. That’s who President Trump gave a shout out to. Out of all the people he wanted you to recognize, Vincent Fuska. Now, if you guys been on for a long and many, many years, there are many comms coming out from Gunner’s wife and more on YouTube showing us that that person could be somebody who’s hidden in costume. It could be somebody that we might recognize in the future. Who knows? But it’s just interesting that he pointed them out. And, you know, speaking of the cuboid, the July 24 yesterday Delta, you’re witnessing and watching the systematic destruction of the old guard power will return to the people.

I thought that was interesting that you guys would want to see that right there. And something else I wanted to show you was this, sent to me by great friends. And maybe I’ll just say, no, not going to say their name, but anyway, they help, help me out. And their family members are part of group that they do a great job finding things. And I didn’t realize that when President Trump walked over to give a kiss, to compare it to remember the one who died at the assassination attempt, that his letter A was missing on the back of his jacket? Remember it’s comparator.

The a is missing. Interesting, because he wanted everybody to look at this, so he gave the kiss. And if you go to look for a in the target brackets on the cue board, you’ll notice that A is in the target brackets on this post from November 9, 2017, closing act. And if you put the target bracket brackets there, it’s CIA, dismantled, impossible to clean operations. No such agency. The A’s are there as targets so that when an A is removed, you go over to the intel board and find out all. Are they sending us a message? I thought that was pretty cool.

I love when folks find information like this to share with all of us. This playbook is going to be playing out for all. Here comes the Phantom, says Liz Harrington. In the two days since Biden dropped out, vote.org saw its highest levels of new voter registrations. Of the whole cycle, 38,500 people signed up, 700% spike and higher even when Taylor Swift made an Instagram post. So they’re trying to make sure that people think that since Biden left, oh, we’ve got this surge in our voters. Coming in voters is completely and totally disqualifying. She shouldn’t even be allowed to run for president.

What she’s done, she’s committing crimes. That’s right. She shouldn’t even be able to run for president. But they’re going to jump up and down. General Flynn says VP Harris is moving forward as if she is now in charge. The White House is closed. Anything that you try to see them do, they’re taking it out. And old Kamala stepping in. Now that she’s running for president, Kamala is suddenly trying to transform her personality, to pretend she is tough on crime. She’s so bad on crime. In fact, Kamala Harris was the original marxist district attorney. She was the first of them.

You know, you hear all about them in Philadelphia and Los Angeles. She was the first. She was worse than any of them. She supports ending cash bail nationwide. She wants no bail. If you murder somebody, just go home and relax. Murder a couple of other people, which means releasing violent criminals immediately after arrest. She supports stripping police officers of legal protections, ending jail sentences for parole violators. And in 2020, she helped raise $35 million to bail out criminals released from jail after they shot at our police, looted stores, sexually assaulted innocent victims, and committed many other very serious crimes.

She was giving them money and bailing them out. One of the dangerous criminals Kamala helped bail out of jail was Shawn Michael. You know that name? A repeat offender who with Harris help, was set free. He then went on to murder a man on a train platform in St. Paul, Minnesota, shooting him in cold blood six times. Lying on the ground, shot him in the head and in the torso six times. Kamala Harris wants to be the president for savage criminals, illegal aliens. I will be the president for law abiding Americans of every race, religion, color and Creedde.

So President Trump stepping in right away. They already got their talking points, highlighting all the dangers of this Kamala person. The party that told us the 2020 election wasn’t stolen, just stole the 2024 nomination from their own party member. Holy cow. And the Democrat trashes Barack Obama for not endorsing Kamala Harris. Truly sad, says Newsweek. While many Democrats have rallied around Kamala Harris candidacy, Obama hasn’t. He’s silent. It’s driving him crazy. It couldn’t have been better. It was the greatest convention that anyone’s seen thus far, Republican or Democrat. But getting back to a subject called Kamala, who’s the worst? You know, I ask you this question because this has never happened before.

So Biden’s running. I wouldn’t say his debate performance was one of the best. Right? Do you. That’s where it all started with the debate. The downfall started that night with debate. The debate was like, that was a rough debate. He said, y’all had a bad night. No, he had a bad night. He had a bad everything. He had a very bad night. But it started really with the debate. It was all, you know, the game was up. They say the jig was up and it was indeed up, but it started with that. And then it only got worse.

And we were leading him by 1112, 1415 points. And then he decides to get out because the bosses said, we’re not going to have you. He didn’t want to get out. But they told him, you’re getting out. He said, you’re getting out. You’re getting killed in the polls. You can’t win. You saw that, you can’t win. You’re getting killed. So now they bring in this one who’s worse than him. She’s worse than him because he’s a fake liberal. You know, he wasn’t that liberal. He was fake. She’s a real liberal. She really is a real liberal.

She’s much worse than him. Now, if we start beating her in the polls by ten or 15 points, are they going to bring in a third candidate? It’s like you know, Trump is killing this guy. All right, out. Let’s bring in a new one. Out, out. And then maybe at some point they get one right. Yep. They are going to continue to probably change them out. They’re freaking out. It’s going to get worse for them. And by the way, I happen to find that video clip of Biden’s hands. Check this out. There it is. Look at those hands.

Those hands look pretty young. I don’t know. What do you guys think? Let us know below this video in the comments below. Those are, those don’t look like 81 year old hands. And so again, it gets back to our mask issue. And even more, we have this. Biden grew a few inches while he was missing for a few days. Watch this guy walk out in front of everyone. Wow, man. His legs grew like, I don’t know, another seven, eight inches. Who knows? These guys just need to go out to central casting and find some more. President Trump, crooked Joe Biden and Lyon Kamala Harris are a great embarrassment to America.

There’s never been a time like this, ever. Times are growing and immigrants continue to pour into our country. Three legal migrants are heading to the US right now after leaving from Mexico’s southern border Sunday. Former DHS the illegals keep floating in. Dan Scavino junior even showed us a schematic here. Legal immigrants into the US are skyrocketing. In 24, Biden would record illegal immigrants, world record illegal immigrants, many from prisons and mental institutions. Terrorists. Nothing like this has ever happened in our country before. This is one of the key components of what President Trump is running on and what we have to pay attention to.

Rough killers. But under borders, our Harris, can you believe it? Our communities are being ravaged by migrant crime. I call it migrant crime. I used to call call it Biden migrant crime, but now I’ll probably change it to Harris or Kamala. You know, it took him about, what, four years to pronounce her name right. And then she did an overthrow. That was a very undemocratic move, wasn’t it? Earlier this year, a 15 year old girl in Massachusetts was raped by a migrant who Biden and Harris flew into the United States against all orders. In upstate New York two months ago, another 15 year old girl was attacked by an illegal alien that just walked into our country, assaulted with a metal pipe, abducted, driven to an isolated area, raped and killed.

And in Texas last month, twelve year old Jocelyn Nungari was tied up, sexually assaulted and strangled to death by two illegal aliens who Biden and Harris released into the United States and refused to get them out. What kind of a vice president or what kind of a border czar allows these monsters to come into our country? And this is just a small portion. These people are here now by the hundreds of thousands. And remember this, it’s like anything else. They’re just getting comfortable. They’ve just gotten here a little while ago, so you haven’t seen the kind of crime that’s going to be inflicted on our country.

They’re just getting comfortable. They get, they’re just getting comfortable. All this is being caught out. We’re seeing Trump and Vance getting together and showing how all these cartels are profiting off. Americans despair. And I tell you what, they need to continue to push this hard as they move forward. Are you prepared for the hysteria from the left? Legally? Yeah, bureaucratically, when you do mass deportations. So Dwight Eisenhower, who people consider a moderate, he probably wasn’t as moderate as people think, but Dwight Eisenhower did the largest deportation ever in this country. He was very big on people not coming into our countries, people breaking our sealed borders.

Right. And the hardest thing in a certain way is exactly what you said. We have to get some very bad people out of this country. And as soon as we grab, perhaps we take a woman with two children, three children. She shouldn’t be here, but she’s a nice woman. The children are beautiful. And all of a sudden, it ends up being a front page story of the liberal newspapers. And you’re right, it’s a hard thing to do. Harder than a long time ago with Dwight Eisenhower, right? A lot harder. Nobody complained in those days. It was, you know, we had a country that was much different.

But we have no choice. We have to get the criminals out. These are murderers. These are drug dealers. These are people that will take women and put them in the trunk of a car and sell them to the highest bidder. They’ll come across the border, human traffickers, which is, you think of that as an ancient thing. Actually, it’s almost as big as the drug trade now. Wouldn’t even believe this. And the reason is because of the Internet. The Internet has made that into a massive business. Human trafficking. It’s mostly in women and all of these things.

We have no choice. We have to do it. The media will attack us for doing what we actually promised to do, which is get a lot of the violent criminals and the people who shouldn’t be out of here but one. That’s why leadership actually matters. I think President Trump showed during his first four years he wasn’t willing to take on the lying media when he had to and the country was better off for it. But you just start with the worst people, right? But before you get into what you can’t do, I don’t understand why our entire governing class doesn’t ask.

Well, what’s the part you actually have to do? Why don’t we start there and then figure it out from there. Right. Take it. Walk before you can run. Pretty common sense. That’s how it works in business. Certainly. I think how it should work in government. The problem is Mexico is petrified of the cartels because they’ll take out a president in two minutes. All this playing out and more. And of course with these, the talks from Biden putting on a scare about saying he’s going to declare war on Russia and all these other crazy things that they have, these folks come out to show you and wake up the minds of the people.

The $1.1 trillion loss hit the us stock market. A lot of things have been playing out for many to see. And we have the discussions with their money with Doctor Kirk Elliott and you know, he specializes in precious metals and converting your iras over to that. And with these weekly updates, we have another one coming up this Sunday. He talked about chaos pushing gold prices up and it’s just going to continue to ramp up as we move forward. And you can actually reach out to him. Go in the description box below and you can reach out to Doctor Kirk Elliot by annwineode.com GoldeN and we had some serious discussions about things going on recently, also meant by the hand of communities and more.

Well, speaking of communities and Trump and Vance and the switch over with Kamala, here’s a focus group, Wisconsin women voters reaction to Kamalas Harris is incredible. How do you perceive Vice President Harris compared to President Biden in terms of competency experience? I think she’s worse. She doesn’t even know what’s going on at the border. Right. And that’s what she was supposed to be doing. Doing and in charge of, I mean, as a school teacher, if I did not do what I was supposed to be doing, you better believe my job would be in jeopardy. Well, it isn’t.

It not only was her job not in jeopardy, she was just handed a promotion. Is there anyone that Kamala Harris could appoint as her vice president that you would find reassuring would make you consider voting for her? No. Oh, no. Never consider voting for her. I would know RFK junior way before her. Yeah, same. Absolutely. Yeah. And she’s not the first woman to run for the presidency. Hillary Clinton. I’m assuming no one voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016, so it’s not necessarily going to sway you to vote for a woman in office. When do you think America will have a female president? When there’s a competent one.

Just, I don’t get a good feel for her. I think she’s an idiot. Right, Mary, why do you think that she’s not that bright? Because she hasn’t done anything in the time that she’s had. We don’t know anything about her as far as her three years so far in the White House. She’s not real smart. Not real smart. Folks are catching on to all that is playing out in front of them. You’re looking at Union Station, July 2424, 2024. Why is this playing out day in and day out? Palestinian flags flying at Union Station, where just hours ago it was american flags.

Police and anti Israel protesters clashed as police fought to secure the american flags. Those pictures show you what we’re up against in our own country. These guys in this video, one guy ran up, grabbed as much of the flag as he could and took off running. And they chased him and they grabbed that flag from him. But he was still able to get a piece of that flag and he ran over for protection. What has happened to our country? We get to this point where folks on our own soil are burning our flags. And so here’s video of them actually getting bused in.

Who paid for these protesters to show up? Who gave them money? Who bussed them in? Who put them all together and made sure that this is one huge rally for them towards a hatred of our country, really breaks your heart. Moving forward, we’ve got a lot to be thankful for, a lot to be thankful for. And President Trump given his speeches. We continue to hope that he will do these for all of us leading up to this election and even more so after he wins. I wanted to play this clip before we close out today. These are the beacons of hope, safety and beauty, better than they’ve ever been before.

We’ll have to work with Democrat governors and mayors in many cases, but we’re going to rebuild our cities. They’re crime ridden, horribly run places right now. We’re going to clean them up and we’re going to do something that’s really good. And we’re going to take our nation’s capital in Washington, DC. We’re going to clean it up, renovate it. We’re going to rebuild our capital city so that it is no longer a nightmare of murder and crime, but rather it will become the most beautiful capital anywhere in the world. We’re going to take over the Mandev management, the leadership of it.

Right now. You go from North Carolina. Let’s go and see the Washington monument on the assumption that they don’t change the name, which they want to, they want to change the Jefferson Memorial. Not going to happen. Remember when we were having a problem in Washington where they were trying to knock down some of our monuments? And I passed a bill, and the bill said, if you touch a monument, if we catch you even in the act, you go to jail for ten years. And there’s no ten years equal one year. It’s ten years. You served ten years.

And it was amazing. I looked outside the beautiful White House windows. I looked outside and people were just leaving town. It was an incredible thing. Incredible thing, leaving the White House. More and more, we continue to get strange calms and others even claiming that maybe, just maybe, President Trump has been just ensuring that the pause was put into place, that many would wake up across our nation against these crimes that have been committed against all of us. And of course, recently we have been inundated with so much negative. I wanted to make sure that we knew that, you know what? While all this is playing out, we still have President Trump exploding on YouTube with golf, showing up on what some people think would be Air Force one here recently.

Check this out. And so some people believe that maybe, you know, they get excited and say, hey, is Trump watching Biden from Air Force one? That’s what some people think. They put that information out. And, you know, everyone is hoping beyond hope. But my thought is we have to continue to move forward with the information that we have in front of us, to wake up those around us without getting too involved in the, what we many would call the conspiracies. But to stay focused, stay underneath, stay in prayer, and realize we have an enemy to fight against still.

And we have many that are going to need a lot of help moving forward, especially if this movie plays out in a way that I think it might play out for all of us. We have to be prepared and ready for anything to happen and realize that if we stay in prayer, there are many more of us than there are of them. We have to remember that. Let’s stay focused, stay in prayer, and we look forward to an amazing rest of this year. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you so much once again for how you continue to guide and direct our lives, our thoughts, and so much more. You’ve done so many good things for us. You’ve provided us with a leader to destroy this enemy. You’ve taken what many have perceived a destroyed nation, and you’ve revived us not in, not just physically, politically, but spiritually. Many are waking up to the corruptions that have been happening in many areas of government and churches and so much more. And you’re just an amazing God. How you answer prayer. We ask that you continue to protect us from the enemy, protect our president from the enemy, President Trump and all of his family and those that are on the front lines continuing to fight each and every day for our freedom.

We love you, Lord. We thank you for your guidance. We ask all this in the name of your son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Thank you for your support. You’re so good to us, so good to so many that we’ve interviewed. And we just, we’re just thankful. I mean, we had another interview today. We’re going to release soon with Lt Pet Club, and we’re just overwhelmed by the testimonies of so many people. We just want to make sure that, you know, that you are, you are loved. Please hit that subscribe button, the follow button, and the thumbs up, the like button, if you would.

That really helps us out, too. And for now, we want to sign out. This is lt with saying semper fi with them. We know. Sign it out, but I consider it a bad of honor because I’m being indicted for you. And never forget, our enemies want to take away my freedom because I will never, ever let them take away your freedom. I’ll never let it happen. They want to silence me because I will never let them silence you. And in the end, they’re not after me, they’re after you. I just happen to be standing in their way, and I always will.

Thank you. Thank you. Sadeena. Sadeena.

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allegations of money laundering assassination attempt influence assassination attempt on President Trump Black Lives Matter buying beef in bulk criticism of current administration Democratic Party dissatisfaction economic impact of political rallies Kamala Harris popularity rise need for political change political figure resilience public support for political figure social media political influence voting for economic prosperity young support for President Trump

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