7.23.24: No Step FIVE HISTORIC ENEMY imploding mass confusion Enjoy the SHOW! Pray! | And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ And We Know discusses various topics including the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of vaccines, and the political landscape in the United States. They express skepticism about President Biden’s health and authenticity, suggesting he might be using a mask or a stand-in. The speaker also mentions rumors about Biden’s health circulating on social media and criticizes mainstream media for not covering what they believe to be the real news.
➡ President Trump criticizes the current administration, questioning their leadership and accusing them of manipulating the democratic process. He also expresses skepticism about Joe Biden’s COVID-19 diagnosis and suggests it was a strategic move. Trump praises his own potential return to politics, hinting at significant events in the near future. The text also includes various other political commentary and an advertisement for health supplements.
➡ Frank Biden, President Biden’s brother, confirmed that the president’s health played a significant role in his decision to pass the torch to Kamala Harris. There are rumors of a medical emergency involving President Biden, but these are unconfirmed. Meanwhile, there are efforts to rally support for Kamala Harris, particularly among black women. However, there are also reports that Barack Obama has not endorsed Harris, and polls suggest that Donald Trump is more popular.
➡ The text discusses the author’s political support for Trump and their intention to use their platform to advocate for him. It also mentions their website, which offers various resources and merchandise. The text then shifts to discuss the passing of Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee and an alleged assassination attempt on President Trump. The author criticizes the Secret Service’s handling of the situation and suggests there may have been multiple gunmen involved.
➡ The text discusses various topics including the lack of recorded radio communications from a July 13 event, the role of a company called Crowdstrike in cybersecurity and potential cover-ups, the potential for a major cyber attack, the rise in gold prices, and a personal story from a man named Musk about his son Xavier. The text also mentions a TV show called Upload and speculates about future political events.
➡ This text discusses the belief that powerful criminals infiltrated America’s core institutions, leading to corruption and societal damage. In 2016, supporters of Donald Trump began to dismantle this alleged secret government. The text suggests that mainstream media is a tool of this shadow government, spreading division and misinformation. It encourages readers to research for themselves, hinting at a mass arrest event and the removal of corrupt individuals from power, and ends with a prayer for guidance and protection.


We’ve won already. If I was the globalist, I would be not sleeping so well in their beds. Every single patient who’s been hospitalized with COVID on the COVID floor in the last two months have been people who have had both their shots. What do we want? Radio. Where do we want it now? What do we want? Free water. When I see people say, we wouldn’t be alive without vaccines, I was like, then how did we live the first several thousand years of our existence, folks? How can we get so much done in so little time? It seems like yesterday we were watching the mainstream media salivating over the big victory that the amazing Biden would have over Trump.

Well, that didn’t play out right. Since that debate, we have been on a rollercoaster ride. Imagine how the Democrats feel now as the confusion just festers on them day in and out while we enjoy the show. I mean, it’s really what’s going on. And I wanted to get this out a day early for two reasons. Number one, I’ll be traveling, but number two, it’s a lot of stuff going on with this Kamala stepping in and some weird headlines and strange things happening with them going after Cheadle. You know, more dramatics for all of us. We’re gonna get into Kamala, Obama, Biden, Trump and more.

Just hang in there. Let’s get this thing going. This is the Fox News alert. President Biden called into Kamala Harris in Wilmington, Delaware. Let’s listen. There’s so much more we’re going to get done. And so I want to say hello to Kamala, if she can hear me, I know she’s going to be speaking shortly. And I want to say to the team, embrace her. She’s the best. I want to call today to thank everybody, everybody in this effort. I know yesterday’s news is surprising and it’s hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do.

I know it’s hard because you poured your heart and soul into me to help us win this. So I’m not going to play this whole thing. But, you know, everybody’s been wondering, where is this guy Biden? He’s been missing. If you’ve been all over the social media like me, trying to find out what’s going on, you’re just going to be kind of finding a little bit of heartache out there wondering. And so all of a sudden, he decides to call in, not show up on video, but call in, making folks wonder, where is he? It is so good to hear our president’s voice Joe, I know you’re still on the call.

Did you hear that? Let’s play it one more time real quick. It is so good to hear our president’s voice. Joe, I know you’re still on the call. I know you’re still on the recording. She slipped up. I just love when that happens because it really shows us pretty much what’s going on. And she continues to talk. We’ve been talking every day. You probably, you guys heard it from Doug’s voice. We love Joe and Jill. We really do. They truly are like family to us. And we do. Everybody here does. And they’re just having a great time, aren’t they? They’re just trying to figure this all out.

It’s neutral. I knew you were still there. You’re not going anywhere. I’m still there, right? Some guys talking through some type of programming, some software that they’ll do the best they can to try to make his voice sound just like the Biden of old. But just like we’ve shown you before, and I’m going to show you again, for those that might not have caught this, there was a 21 gun salute given to Biden during the inauguration, and it wasn’t the one that’s given to somebody who’s coming in as president. I believe it was for a funeral.

Remember this? 10 seconds, 9 seconds. 10 seconds. And then there’s another one. There’s only three guns, two guns and one backup. There is a ten second wait. And then, of course, we go into this, where we know that the armed forces full honor for funerals only occurs like this. And they played this during, and I know it. Joe doesn’t know he’s alive because Biden doesn’t know he’s alive. Biden doesn’t know. I mean, he doesn’t know he’s alive. Now, I have to tell you, he’s a different guy. He looks different than he used to. He acts different than he used to.

He’s even slower than he used to be. So I don’t know, but I call him 1% Joe. Joe Biden is a dummy. It’s not him. He’s a puppet. He does. He’s a puppet. He is a puppet. It’s not him. We’ve seen the masked man. We got Joe one, two, three, or four. You know, we don’t know who the real one is, but why would this show play out for us, or for many at such a time as this, where they don’t even want to show his face? And then people are confused, and they’re wondering, hey, Charlie, Kirk’s out there saying he got word that he was sent off to a hospital.

Tucker’s got word from somebody saying that I don’t think he’s going to survive. He’s probably going to be gone soon. And inside paper even says the new european, the bullet hit Trump, but it killed Joe Biden. Huh. So then if you head on over to the Google searches, they show you this. Compare this, donate to kamala is pretty low on that little red chain that you see there across your screen. But then look at the folks looking for. Is Biden dead? It’s shooting through the roof. Oh, yeah. And so speaking of the shooting, just want to throw this in there.

Trump retreat this. The St. Louis Cardinals appeared to celebrate a home run with a fight, fight, fight. Salute to Donald Trump. One hand over the right ear and a raised fist. The Cards just might win at all, huh? I used to be a Cards fan. I was a Braves fan. I was a Padres fan. I just love baseball growing up. And, you know, speaking of that, just real quick to remind you just in, we’ve got the fight for America teased now in Navy. Navy color. That’s right. For you guys asking for that, you go to shop.

Dot in. We know.com dot. You know, if you grab these shirts, fight for America. Sure. It’s. We’re praying for Trump and all the individuals and families affected, and 20% of proceeds will go to families of the injured during that assassination attempt. And so, of course, that was broadcast constantly for all to see. And I want to play this clip because it’s kind of how I’ve been feeling. And I saw this, that, you know what? I’m glad somebody else is saying it. Look at the news. What have they been talking about? For, like, five days now? The same thing over and over and over and over again.

They will not stop. This is all they’re talking about. They’re showing the same scene over and over again. They’re doing the same thing they always do, distract you. Push. Fear and division. They’re not telling you the real news. We are the news now. We, the people, are the news now. Don’t believe this. Fear and division. We know the truth. We know the truth. Is the secret service, the FBI, the CIA are the virus. They are the virus, the evil cabal. Because the secret service, the FBI, the CIA are paid by the tippy top evil guys at the top, and they’re at the forefront of every false flag.

We know the truth now. We, the people, see through their bullsh q post 4328. Was this ever really about a virus, or was this always about the election? Was this about the virus, or was it about the election? I think this is perfect. Stay laser focused, patriots. Stay focused. They have put us on day in and day out talking about Cheadle. We’ll play some of that later on. I mean, it’s the same stuff. Five minutes, six minutes. You go on social media, and it’s just this constant thing, like, so and so Marjorie Taylor Greene took down Cheadle.

And another smackdown from another politician, another smackdown from mace and cuss, words included, to make everybody just see the drama playing out. And I just. It gets old. It gets old. And so I don’t like to look at it all. I did pay attention. I did watch it. But, you know, I’m just more into what is going on in front of us. And again, if you look at these masks, if you’re watching your screen, these people wear masks. They look like real people, and they just rip these things off. And then you look at Biden right there, you’ll notice, you know, his mask was just falling apart there and all kinds of wrinkles at the top.

His eyebrow was falling off. His eyes weren’t working correctly. And of course, when they show you these clips, they show you over and over again how they can just put these masks on, make it look like it’s a real person, and switch them out just like this. Different guy, different ear, different size face, different everything. And then, of course, President Trump always saying, central casting, just want to make sure we throw that in there. And when it comes to acting, President Trump says, who’s running our country right now? Is, it’s not crooked Joe. He has no idea where he is.

If he can’t run for office, he can’t run our country. Interesting question, huh? And then while just watching the fake news and they’re doing their very best to turn the worst president in history of our country into a brilliant and heroic leader. He was heroic because he quit. And to turn dumb as a rock, Kamala Harris. From a totally failed and insignificant vice president to a future great president. No, it just doesn’t work that way. And so toy Story just wanted to play this clip because we need a little bit of this going forward. Explains what’s happening to Biden.

Oh, hi, Buzz. Why don’t you say hello to the guys over there? Hiya, fellas. To infinity and beyond. Hey, look, it’s Buzz. Hey, Buzz, let’s show the guys our new secret best friend’s handshake. Give me five, man. Something screwy here. So you see, we’re friends now, guys, aren’t we, Buzz? You bet. Give me a hug. I love you, too. See? It is Buzz. Now give back the lights, potato head. Wait just a minute. What are you trying to pull? Nothing. Oh, that is disgusting. Murderer. And so anyway, just want to make sure that we play that and have these plain, straight.

The party that’s all about defending democracy rigs two primaries in a row in 2016 and 2020 against Bernie. Then in 2024, they roll with a corpse as their presidential candidate and forbid anybody from challenging the corpse. And then when they can no longer gaslight Americans about his condition, they toss him aside like he’s a rotting vegetable and then proceed to rig their third straight primary by nominating a candidate that no one was able or allowed to vote for. So that’s what they mean by defending democracy, in case you haven’t already noticed. Case you haven’t already. And you shut up.

That’s right. They tell you what to do and you just have to listen. And kind of reminds me, you know, Biden headquarters, of course, there x account fell apart. Dan Scavino showed this. It’s. Something went wrong, and I just can’t get over this. Gotta play it one more time. Enough was enough. And I said, let Trump Omania run wild, brother. Let Trumpamania rule again. Let Trumpomania make America great again. Oh, I just love that man. It’s gonna be one that we have to keep for a long time. Anyway. Julie Kelly showed us this. Comer asks if the US secret service used drones.

Cheadle won’t answer. We’re going to get to a lot of this later on, but I just want to kind of recap what they had to do yesterday. Comer asks how many agents were assigned. Cheadle again, deflects. Says she won’t get into specifics. Comer asks about use of temporary agents. Cheadle says during campaign events, US secret Service sometimes uses DHS security units. HSI and the FBI is conducting a criminal investigation. US Secret Service is conducting an internal investigation. Yeah, it’s always deflection. Won’t answer the questions. Just played out. But I thought it was kind of interesting. Saw this here.

The two main actors involved in the assassination attempt are named crooks. Crook, right, with an S and S. And Cheadle. Ellie. So it’s crook and cheat. The crooks will cheat. Man, it’s amazing how those names match up to all the stuff that we’ve been going through. President Trump lined Kamala Harris, the Biden appointed border czar who never visited the border and whose incompetence gave us the worst and most dangerous border anywhere in the world, is absolutely terrible poll numbers against a fine and brilliant young man named Donald J. Trump. Be careful what you wish for Democrats MaGA 2024 interesting, because if you head to the keyboard, it has be careful what you wish for.

As the World turns, what happens to the FBI and the DOJ special counsel? What happens in general? Think logically. All of these things continue to add up. We’re going to look at some more. Let’s see. Here’s another one. Grasshopper caught this when President Trump said NBC News poll lion Kamala Harris is the most unpopular vice president in history. Wow, that is not a great sound bite. There were 21 spaces in that particular post that he put on truth social and he posted it at 2903 on. You got that whole thing playing out, which is negative 21 in the target brackets.

It’s going to be historic. Within the next 21 days, big, big happenings are going to take place. And if you look at the 21 spaces, 21 spaces pretty much adds up for all of us to see. 21 days -21 and 21 spaces. Boy, they just planned this stuff out so right. Planned long ago. Big happenings are going to play out for us all. And of course, continuing on, I like to look at these cricket Joe just knocked out. So now I’ll have to do it a fourth time. Well, it’s interesting because there is no step five.

It’s the end. No step five. It’s over today. And of course, July 22. Perfect Delta for all of us. Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself. Napoleon Bonaparte. These people are stupid. Enjoy the show. And they’re trying to let us know again. Once again, this is a show. There’s no step five. And folks, I got a lot more to show you on that. It just makes you excited, makes you want to get in shape and stay healthy, especially with all the stuff going on. I mean, this is driving us crazy. A lot of you are enjoying the show.

Some of you are like, okay, this is freaking me out. What’s going on? It’s another day, it’s another weird thing in the news. And I know, I know it can be uncomfortable at times, but man, you want your immune system to stay strong. That’s why I definitely love my infor scummies, man. I really do. It really helps because it’s got that mushroom Coriolis versacola with PSP, PSK and non gmo and vegan and kosher it’s made in the USA. All natural ingredients taste delicious. Boy, it does taste good. And I tell you, it’s perfect for the whole family.

Scummies are safe for kids. They’re the healthiest choice on the market, free from corn syrup and the dyes that are artificial and gmo’s and it’s probably products. It’s absolute, absolutely amazing. Niko actually takes enforce plus from ltpetclub two four seven.com and that’s the website that you can go to to grab these amazing gummies. Niko said, I fought a bought a bottle of enforce plus and it’s lasted me an entire month. It says on the bottle to take two a day. So he grabbed him. It’s behind a three month supply this week because just month he’s made a believer out of them.

It’s helped him with his sleep and more. Anna said she ordered a few, got some mush puppies also for their senior dog. They’ve seen such an improvement. They went from severely arthritic back, hips and legs and not being able to walk hardly at all to walking and even playing more in the yard. Wow. So they’ve got it for your dog. They’ve got it for your cat, your horse, human so much more. Just really cool. The cat super sauce. I’ve given this mostly to my ginger kitty. Around six years old, she was already a gender kitty on steroids.

But with cat super sauce even she’s worse. She’s feeling great and running and playing most of the day. How about that? It’s amazing. This stuff is amazing, folks. Ltpetclub two four seven.com that is there for you to enjoy and stay healthy and keep that immune system strong, especially with all the things that are playing out day in and day out. And Stormy patriot Joe happened to catch this. Also, does anybody really believe that? Kricka Joe had Covid asked President Trump on truth social no. He wanted to get out. Ever since June 27, the night of the debate where he was completely obliterated, that was the big moment in Joe Biden’s demise.

That was the point in time when Joe was revealed for what he is, an incompetent man who should never have been president. Joe Biden is not fit to serve. He’s destroying our country. Well, if you head on over to the drops on intel board keyboard, why are they pushing back the Democrat convention? Covid-19 concern or strategic for last minute change? Isn’t amazing how that all adds up with the change of batter coming. And here we are. All those folks that left que a long time ago and said, no, it’s just a psyop against us. No, it’s a psyop to wake people up.

And I believe that. Been feeling that ever since it all started playing out for many. And of course, part of this whole programming was interesting, that even Disney, who owns Hulu, they already created a series about Biden withdrawing his 2024 nomination. That quick. The series is called Biden stands down the race for the White House. He announces withdrawal. And they’ve already got something for you to watch on Hulu. How did in the world did they know? How did they know? And then check this out. CB’s news had a brief conversation with Frank Biden, one of President Biden’s two younger brothers.

And here’s what he told us. He said, I’m incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left. He is a genuine hero. Country over self. It sounds corny in our cynical political environment, but he nor I are cynical. The goal remains the same. Defeat Trump and continue the work that Joe has done. My hope is that our party rallies around this heroic act. We asked him whether he feels that his brother’s overall health and vitality played a major role in this decision. And he says, in my humble opinion, absolutely.

So. A member of the president’s family now confirming that the president’s health was indeed a major factor in this decision and calling his brother a hero for making the decision to pass the torch to Kamala Harris. So, Nancy, sorry, can you clarify that the family is saying his health was or was not a factor? He’s saying that in his humble opinion, yes. The president’s health and vitality played a considerable role in his decision. It’s important to note Frank Biden is not speaking for the family writ large. This was simply a conversation between CB’s news and Frank Biden.

Unclear how much input he had in this decision, but he says that, says that he believes that his brother’s health did play a role. And he says that the goal remains the same, to defeat Donald Trump. Defeat Donald Trump. It’s all about taking out Trump, no matter what. It could be just a few more days that my brother’s around. Kyle Becker said several of the breaking news came out. Several officers we spoke to said that was indeed being reported enacted upon a full blown medical emergency for Biden. That’s right. Verifies that Joe Biden did experience a medical emergency while in Vegas.

They worked with turning point action to secure the testimony of several sources and vet their legitimacy. Then the officer said the officers were working. The president’s detail described Wednesday as chaotic. From the very start, Biden was already way behind schedule. Before the incident, several sources said things went haywire suddenly. They were supposed to be scheduled to deliver the speech and all hell break loose. And several law enforcement officers on duty were informed over the radio that president was dealing with an unspecified medical emergency, sent out an encrypted police airwaves. Five alarm fire had breaking. That’s what it felt like.

Hundreds of Las Vegas police officers, employees heard the broadcast live. Curious media shouldn’t have problem reporting any follow ups to this story. And all of a sudden it looks like he hasn’t been seen since that day. And for some reason, they’re saying he’s going to come out soon. Who knows who that’s going to be? Well, somebody did make their way over to America to make a visit with Biden. That would be the israeli prime minister, Netanyahu. Neither Biden, Harris, nor Blinken were there to greet him. Now, it’s kind of strange, right? They normally have a precedent.

Sometimes they set it all up and these guys will show up at. Then he made an announcement that he’s going to meet with President Trump. Huh. Interesting how this all plays out. What would they talk about? They talk about Ukraine and their involvement in this attempted assassination and how they were going to play that out. Who knows? Well, it’s interesting because Peggy Dotson had a video that’s going viral. She’s the president of urban Broadcasting company, UBC TV and urban streaming company, professional journalist and producer. And she had this out there. Let me push play right now.

Hey, everybody, it’s Peggy D. How you doing? I’m still in the airport. I’m on my way home. I just wanted to, I got some breaking news. I’m tired. I’m so tired. I just need rest. I got some breaking news. So there’s a call that was happening now that I got two or three invites from, from different people that are not connected with each other. So there’s this call going on tonight, trying to gather galvanized black women for Kamala. So that’s what’s happening. And it’s been, the call is, let me see, Congresswoman Joyce Beatty from Ohio, Jasmine Crockett from Texas.

Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett. And Donna Brazell, who is a political strategist. I know her. I don’t know the other two congresswomen. I’ve met Donna a few times, but during the democratic National Convention and just in different places. But so what they’re doing is they said that some states have pledged their delegates to Kamala. The Democrats and liberals are freaking out. This is the epic ending for them. They know it, but they’re frailing. They’re trying to do everything they can. So now what they’re trying to do is to pull black women. Didn’t I tell you they were going to.

They need to black vote badly in order to win. That’s why they kept us in a psyop for so long. So that’s what’s happening. So they’re using these. DeI never knew what it was because I don’t have a need to use it. I’m just, I just, you know, I’m good what I do and I don’t need any crutches, but, or any kind of whatever you call, what is it called where you have to? I don’t know. I don’t even know the names of this shit. I’m sorry. Just, it’s not in my atmosphere. So she’s catching on.

What’s going on? All this intel, the plans are being put in place for Kamala’s presidential run. Right. But some other strange things have been playing out. Where New York Post said Barack Obama doesn’t endorse Kamala Harris. Says Dems will pick outstanding nominee. Huh. What’s going on with that? I mean, could it be because this is what she sounds like? Vice president have a point there? Some things you can. Many things you can’t. Let’s let the senator answer. Well, I mean, I would just say, hey, Joe, instead of saying, no, we can’t, let’s say, yes, we can.

Let’s be constitutional. We got a constitutional. We can. Because he reminds me of that, that guy in the wizard of Oz. You know, when you pull back the curtain, it’s a really small dude. Okay. I’m not even going to take the bait, Senator Harris, but I am going to take this to Senator George. I wasn’t about you, Senator Sanders. Right now there is a reason why. Yeah. You really think they’re going to put her up there? Let’s see. Polls. Interactive polls. Presidential election winner Donald Trump, 64% to Kamala, 29%. Pennsylvania, 25. Trump’s at 55 to Kamala’s 45%.

I just don’t see, who in the world did they call, really? It’s Pennsylvania. Really? Half and half with. Come on, come on. Wisconsin, 55 45. No way. Michigan, 53 47 has Trump up 53 to her 47. I just don’t see this. I really don’t. I’m just, maybe I’m just in another world. Just doesn’t make sense. I mean, Biden even admitted, folks, he predicted his exit four years ago. He told Barack, if we reach some fundamental disagreement, I’ll develop a disease and resign. Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.

We don’t have that. We haven’t. And we discussed it. And like I told Barack, how about that? Develop a disease and walk out. It’s like they had it all planned out a long, long time ago. Oh, my goodness. Is this waking folks up? Let’s see. Let’s go to some young folks. I will be the first to admit that I was a Trump hater. I did not like Trump at all. I thought that he was the most racist human being on this earth. I didn’t understand why people praised him as a president or wanted him to be elected in the first place.

It’s embarrassing to say that the media did get to me, that I believed all those lies they sold, not only them, but a bunch of influencers. Like I said, so embarrassing. But here we are four years later, and I can confidently say that the choice has never been more clear. And I will be voting for Trump come November 5. I am only 22 years old. I understand that. I am still young. But if you’re somebody that used to be like me that was a little bit more liberal or leaning towards Biden, just anybody, really, that wasn’t Trump.

I urge you to dig a little bit deeper. The main thing I was always told was, oh, you’re mexican. Trump is racist towards Mexicans because somebody would show me a two second clip from an interview that was maybe an hour long. Dig a little bit deeper. There’s always going to be minor things that we don’t agree with. But this man loves this country. There’s absolutely no denying that he wants the best for it. He’s going to secure our borders. He believes in immigration when done legally. He believes in keeping men out of women’s sports. He wants to stop with the whole gender and politics and school nonsense.

He will make America affordable again. I hope I can get married and have a family within the next five years, but that’s not going to be possible if Biden or any Democrat gets elected into office. I can go on and on about why Trump is a man for the job. Come this November and for the next four months until election, this account will be completely political. I’m going to do everything I can to be a voice for Trump, especially with Gen Z. How about that? The young people standing up, finally waking up. And this is what Kamala had to say about 18 to 24 year olds.

And it’s a specific phase of life. Remember, age is more than a chronological fact. What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid. That is why we put them in dormitories and they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions. There you go. Play that on loop over and over again. If you guys want more information from our channel, all you have to do is go to amwaynow.com. that’s truth, hope, faith and freedom that you’ll find there. We have all kinds of goodies for you when you head out that direction.

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Also, we’ll have for you reminder that we have this new garden flag for you if you’re looking at your screen. And also, don’t forget that we have our fight for America tees and Navy, our new shirt with the logo holding the american flag, and so much more@annwinow.com. or shop dot Ann we know.com. here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. I would be remiss if I did not also extend my condolences on the passing of your colleague, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Miss Jackson Lee was always engaged in the oversight of the Secret Service, and her passing is a great loss to this body.

So Lee, Sheila Jackson Lee, the one with the pedophile ring, the one filled with hatred and more, happened to be in charge of US Secret Service in some way. And then she died of after the assassination attempt of President Trump. Huh. That came up well. Cheadle was giving her testimony, was getting bombarded by everyone. The House Oversight Committee formally request a US Secret Service chief Kim Cheadle’s resignation. That’s right. After all the questioning and so much more, she lost the confidence of both parties and the public. Both parties. And that was a shocker. As a matter of fact, let me play this one first.

Laura Logan even said, good lord, are we in the twilight zone? This is AOC are happening in about 100 days. So the notion of a report coming out in 60 days when the threat environment is so high in the United States, irrespective of party, is not acceptable. And I think it’s very important to understand that this is not theater. This is not about jockeying. This is about the safety of some of the most highly targeted and valued targets internationally and domestically in the United States of America. So the idea that a report will be finalized in 60 days, let alone prior to any actionable decisions that would be made, is simply not acceptable.

It has been ten days since an assassination attempt on a former president of the United States, regardless of party. There need to be answers that was AOC or somebody wearing a mask pretending to be OC. I don’t know. My goodness. Never saw that coming. Whew. The thing that really just disturbs me kind of. I know you guys are probably thinking, why are you going to show more? And, well, we’ve got a five minute clip here and a six minute clip there, and they all seem to kind of do the same thing. They go after Director Taylor.

I’m just going to show you one of these. Why was crooks able to fly a drone over the entire area the day of the rally and the day of his assassination attempt? To my knowledge, he did not fly the drone over the entire area. How did he fly a drone over the area, period? Any part of the area? Again, I would have to go back and check the timeline of when that took place and when the event. Why didn’t you bring the timeline with you today to answer our questions? I don’t have all of the answers on the timelines.

Based on the criminal investigation, were you not prepared today to answer our questions. I am prepared to answer the questions based on the information and wanted to be able to provide. Do you have a timeline that you. Do you have a timeline at all from any of the day? I have a timeline that does not have specifics. That’s shocking. That is absolutely unacceptable. That means you are a failure at your job. A timeline with no specifics. What a crazy show we’re watching. And this is the part I want to hone in on. Thomas crooks. Kimberly Cheadle just refused to answer if he was alone.

Gunman. Your agency has a no fail mission. And on Saturday, July 13, your agency spectacularly failed. The failure resulted in the death of Cory comprator and serious injury to two other rally attendees, David Dutch and James Copenhaver. Besides the injuries to President Trump, it is unfathomable that a 20 year old on the radar of secret service in Lahua law enforcement, before President Trump went on stage, was able to climb onto the roof of a building with a rifle and fire off multiple rounds before he was neutralized, was Mister Crooks acting alone? Again, I would have to refer you to the FBI’s investigation.

Was he just a lone gunmande? I would have to refer you to the FBI’s investigation for motive. Doesn’t want to answer the question. And that’s where I wanted to hone in on, because a lot of folks just kept talking about the gunmen, the gunman, the assassination attempt, the gunman, the gunman. And I just was like, come on, somebody bring up that there was more than one. We know that. I mean, look at this. John Cullen even showed this. Did you know Eric Prince, the founder of Blackwater, said the sniper that took out the shooter took a 488 yard shot.

That’s this sniper, if you’re looking at your screen. But his target wasn’t crooks. The photo is an illusion. Where does 488 yards from this guy put us? Puts us to the water tower, guys, look at your screen. Not crooks, the water tower. 488 yards, guys. And that’s a. It’s a long way. If you guys, especially marines, wherever I going to the 300 yard line, the 200 yard line, and we the 500 yard lines. A long way, especially with windage and Moore. That’s a pretty, pretty long shot. And then sort of course, somebody put out a video.

Eli Crane posted a video of the roof in Pennsylvania where Thomas Crooks took a shot at President Trump. One of the windows Secret Service had access to overlooking the entire roof. See that window? Makes you wonder how on earth they allowed the shooter to access the roof, let alone crawl up and fire. So here’s the window there on the window. Why did they let this guy crawl up on the roof, fire several shots? Nothing’s adding up at all, huh? Hi, guys. I’m up here on the building where the. Suppose the sniper took a shot. It’s not that steep at all.

We just had a 70 year old man back here climb up on the roof easily. See that water tower behind me? Had secret service or anybody had sniper teams up there, this guy wouldn’t have made it 5ft up this roof. He would have been taken out. Behind me, you see the windows? That secret service was supposedly in the second floor of this building behind. Makes you wonder why they weren’t able to quickly dispatch the individual. And then behind me, back over here, where those red roofs are, that’s where the stage was set up. That’s where the president was giving his speech from.

A lot of questions here in Butler, but we look, will we get answers? So, of course, if you guys were watching Cheadle at all, they just admitted that they don’t have the radio comms recordings from July 13. Does the Secret Service routinely record communications between and amongst detail radio communications? Any communication. Email communications are captured as well as text messages. And then depending on the detail, radio communications are recorded. Does the secret Service have recorded communications from the July 13 event? We do not have radio communications from that day. How about that? No radio comms from that day.

All covered. Of course, Cheadles can be the one that they, you know, put on the firing line. They’ll let her be the puppet that gets attacked over and over again. And we’ll have to look years from now and see how much money she’s got in her bank account where she’s living in some plush island somewhere and just, you know, willing to take all of the blame for this. They gotta put it on somebody and they got to put on this show and of course, make AOC look like she’s wonderful. And I just don’t buy all of this.

Every time they bring somebody in, they do the screaming and yelling. They make a fool out of the person sitting there and then it’s done. Also interesting is Crowdstrike, right? They. The security officer at Crowdstrike who sold 4000 shares just days before the IT apocalypse, remember, that? Wiped hundreds of thousands of government servers and probably maybe destroying evidence of deep state complicity in the assassination attempt. Right? That could have been why they did it, because they don’t want any records of. Of anything out there showing what they did. An FBI veteran with 24 years with the FBI can’t make this up.

The same agency that’s now actively involved in the government cover up. Yep. So there he is. He said on Friday, we failed you. For that. I’m deeply sorry. I’ve been in my professional life for 40 years, and my North Star has always been to protect good people from bad things. So he admits it. But, you know, it’s interesting is Crowdstrike just happens to be partners with World Economic Forum. Well, that’s interesting because even if you go to their commercials that they put out Crowdstrike, look what they do. Take a look at this. They’ve left us a gift.

I think we misjudged them. I love horses. We should open the gate. Let’s see what Charlotte thinks. At Crowdstrike, we monitor trillions of cyber events to detect threats and prevent breaches before they happen. To keep your business from becoming history. We stop cyberattacks, we stop breaches, we stop a lot of bad things from happening. Crowdstrike protection that powers you. Huh? And they’ve got, like, the little snake fangs right there across the sea and kind of wondering how they whip this commercial together, showing us what they’re all about, huh? So President Trump, of course, revealed that they use Crowdstrike to hide all of Hillary’s DNC emails.

Hillary Clinton paid for it and the Democrats, a lot of it had to do, they say, with Ukraine. But Mister president, very interesting. It’s very interesting. They have the server, right? From the DNC, Democratic National Committee, who has the server? The FBI went in and they told him, get out of here. You’re not kidding. We’re not giving it to you. They gave the server to crowdstrike, or whatever it’s called, which is a company owned by a very wealthy ukrainian. And I still want to see that server. You know, the FBI has never gotten that server. That’s a big part of this whole thing.

Why did they give it to a ukrainian company? Are you sure they did that? Are you sure they gave it to Ukraine? Well, that’s what the word is, and that’s what I asked, actually, in my phone call, if, you know, I mean, are you sure? Fox News, right? Trusted news service. Are you sure? President Trump? Are you sure? You’re a liar. Got to put that into the people’s minds. They, oh, you sound crazy there. President Trump. See, guys, how they do it? They make it look like they support him and everything, but they pull him on and they do these little hand things, gestures like this.

I don’t know. Sometimes I look at these hand gestures and I just wonder, what is he signaling there? Just don’t trust these guys. And of course he’s bringing up Hillary, you know, how dare you bring up Hillary. Paul Ryan’s probably back there freaking out. And of course, Hillary, just to kind of throw this in there while we’re at it, pamphlets out there says Kamala Harris is considering Hillary Clinton as vice president selection. Oh, boy. Russian market says, you got to be kidding me. So then let’s see, maybe Kamala gets it and then Hillary’s the vp. Then they say, wait a minute, Kamala can’t run for president.

She’s not really, you know, she can’t properly get in there as us citizen. So we’ll have to just put Hillary up there at the top and then she’s going to bring in old Michael and then, and here we go. What a movie. So back to Crowdstrike. You know, they of course, were sponsored with the World Economic Forum. Well, remember the World Economic Forum class. Schwab, the founder, said, in 2020, the next big pandemic probably would be what still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack, which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services.

Our society as a whole, the Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack. To use the Covid-19 crisis as a timely opportunity to reflect on the lessons the cybersecurity community can draw and improve our impregnation for a potential cyber pandemic. Oh yeah. It’s like they planned it all along. Laura Bolleshoza says the global it meltdown show perils of cashless society, with almost half of Britain’s now leaving the house with only their phones as a means of payment. And then you wonder why it’s so dangerous. Of course, I had this talk with Doctor Kirk Elliott Sunday.

If you missed our discussion. Chaos is pushing gold prices up. Trumponomics has explained. And he just went into detail about some great things and really enjoyed it. You dont want to miss this interview. I want to show you a clip from that. Chaos in wartime economies and uncertainty. Right. So if golds going to continue to go up and that ratio between gold and silver comes down, what does that mean? Silver is doing, its outperforming, its doing better than gold because I dont think gold is going to come down. I think gold continues to go up and silver will outpace it.

Amazing. And we know.com gold, you guys can actually reach out to them, talk to them just like I do. That’s right. Talk to him and staff, and they’ll help you out with your precious metals and your investments and more. It’s absolutely amazing investing in precious metals. We’ve seen a huge increase since last year moving our ira that direction. So just want to make sure we throw that in there. And, of course, I’m going to show you musk in a moment. Then I saw something else that was pretty interesting. If you guys didn’t see a show called Upload on Amazon prime from 2020, check this out.

I want to show you guys this poster that was in the background of the show. Upload from Amazon prime that came out in 2020. Okay, there it is. There is the poster. The poster. 2024. Oprah. Kamala. Oprah. Oh, wow. So they didn’t have Biden on there, did they, huh? So upload. Yeah, that’s the show where they. I believe they take your brain, upload it into a computer system, and put you into a virtual reality world. And you live in that world so you don’t have to die. Right. It’s always. They’re always looking for ways to live forever, and they just happen to throw that in there.

Huh? And so let’s see. Musk said something interesting about his move forward. His son Xavier is gone. He said he was tricked into giving puberty blockers to him. Killed by the woke mind virus. Well, it sort of like the name of my. It happened to one of my. My older boys where I was. I was essentially tricked into signing documents for one of my older boys, Xavier. This was before I had really any understanding of what was going on. And we had Covid going on, and so there was a lot of confusion. And, you know, I was told, oh, you know, and it wasn’t explained to me that puberty blockers are actually just sterilization drugs.

So anyway, and so I lost my son, essentially. So, you know, they. They call it deadnaming for a reason. Yeah. All right, so the reason it’s called deadnaming is because your son is dead. So my son Xavier is dead. Killed by the woke mine virus. I’m sorry. I had no idea. Makes you wonder why he took over X. And he’s doing the fighting behind the scenes that many are communicating now back on XDev. Some go against him, some still scared of what he stands for. Whatever. I get it. Still interesting that he would bring something like that up.

A lot of folks are waking up to some sick things, right? They’re going on Disney cartoon network nickelodeon creator Kyle Caroza, charged with possession of child porn. Of course, we keep seeing this playing out over and over again. We’ve been sharing this entire battle that we’ve been witnessing. It’s been played out for us to wake up the masses. By now, you may already be aware that America was on the verge of being completely destroyed by a gang of very powerful criminals who had made their way right into the heart of power. We didn’t notice because they had become our trusted leaders, entertainers, and politicians.

But then things changed. In 2016, patriots in the us military took back power legitimately with the election of Donald Trump, plunged directly into the damage and sickening destruction caused to America and the world. They got to work dismantling the branches of this powerful, secret shadow government that was in the process of siphoning off America’s vast wealth to their global masters. After two years of a dramatic covert operation that was to include the gutting of the corrupt CIA, FBI, and Justice Department, they now face the last remaining pillar of the deep state, their vast media empire. They were using this unparalleled power to confuse the people of the world and distract from their criminality and subversion.

They recognized that division and hate among people was the most effective way to keep us occupied and ignorant, while they robbed us blind, engineered senseless trade deals, and destroyed distant lands for their own personal gain. The mainstream media, both in America and beyond, now remains the gravest threat to the people of the world. The battle for the american soul began in October 2017 with an NSA intelligence operation that we call Q. For the first time, the people were shown the reality of the world they live in. The extent of the corruption and crime that had been destroying their society for decades.

Most of all, it showed them the path to their own liberation. Finally, on July 31, 2018, in Tampa, Florida, President Donald Trump, avoiding the corrupt media channels by speaking directly to the people, allowed Q followers to display their support publicly. This deliberate action forced the deep state media to cover the story, as not doing so would raise a level of curiosity that could lead to a devastating mass awakening. To defend against this, they joined together in an unprecedented, combined global mass media assault against Cube, hoping they could deter the public from discovering the truth about our world.

They called it a conspiracy, a word associated with unlawful or nefarious actions depicting Q followers as a danger to society. Instead of peace loving patriots just trying to break free from the prison of the mind that was created for them, their attack on Q was to be just one of countless knowingly false narratives started and pushed by the criminals that control our media. They said Trump colluded with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election. They said he was a puppet to Putin. They claimed he would hurt relationships with our allies. They said he would collapse the economy and the stock market.

We heard he was about to go to war with North Korea. They are saying he will do the same with Iran. They even said he would destroy the whole world. These fake narratives kept on coming, and they spread them with full knowledge that they were lies meant to stop the one force that could end them for good. It’s time the american people and those all over the world ask themselves, what is really going on? What are the people who control our media afraid of? What are they hiding? If you look, you will discover that the fake news media is not free or independent.

You will see it in is just a propaganda arm of the deep state. You will discover the names and faces of the cabal agents who have colluded to destroy our republic and bend us to their will. They want you divided. Divided by race, divided by religion, divided by political affiliation. They want this because divided, you are weak. Together, you are strong. It’s time to research for yourself. You will find many things. Among them, an unprecedented number of sealed indictments filed in preparation for a mass arrest event. You will also discover an unprecedented list of corrupt CEO’s who have recently been removed from their posts.

You will see the same in the Senate and in Congress. And you will see the same at the top of the FBI and the Justice Department. This movement is not about one person or a group of people. It is about we, the people. The world is currently witnessing the largest mass treason event in living history. But instead of being fearful, we should be filled with hope. Instead of fighting among ourselves, we should face our only true enemy. The criminal deep state and their once invincible mainstream media apparatus. Do you want to free yourself? It’s easy. Follow cue and turn them off.

Just an amazing storm is upon us. These videos that were put together for all of us in years ago, and of course we were amongst those. We had 444,000 subscribers on YouTube. October of 2020, we were taken down because they all came together and said, oh, we’ve got to do something about these guys that are the Q people. And just so happens that. And we know as part of that. So we need to make sure we shut them down. YouTube and Patreon and teespring. And let’s see all these other folks that just continued to jump on the bandwagon to put a stop to us because they didn’t want us to expand our thinking.

Amazing journey that we’ve been on, huh? It takes us to many of the Bible verses that were on there. And, of course, Dan Scavino even posting this, every single moment we have on earth as a gift from God, quote from President Donald J. Trump. Dan Scavino so posted this with President Trump in front of the american flag and a cross standing right there in front of him. He’s standing right in front of the cross. Reminder every day that this is a spiritual battle as much as it is a physical battle. It takes me back to how we all started right today, because Kamala’s on the forefront.

Biden, nobody knows where he’s at. They’re wondering if he’s going to show up. A lot of theories out there that are playing out. And we just need to stay in prayer and stay relaxed because this thing is going to get real bumpy. We’ve talked about how bumpy it was going to get. Well, it’s getting bumpy, all right. And people are confused and wondering what’s going on. Sky is falling or whatever. It’s all right. There’s going to be a lot of things coming out, a lot of shaking going on. And it kind of reminds me that maybe we should end today’s news with sort of where we started, where Napoleon, Napoleon Bonaparte says, never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying him.

Don’t forget, we were told on this Delta July 22, which we’re a day off today, but it was yesterday when all this announcement came out, they’re destroying themselves. All right. These people are stupid. Enjoy the show. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly father, father, thank you once again for all that you’ve done in and through our lives, for guiding and directing us, showing us once again that you’re in charge. We ask that you continue to settle us down, keep us calm amidst this strange storm that we’re going through.

What a, what an amazing journey. This, just even this past month, this past six to seven years, it’s all coming to final, final act in this drama that’s been playing out. We ask that you would continue to give us the right words to say and at the right time with those people that are suffering and hurting and even more so, need just us to come alongside them, love on them and pray for them. Thank you for your guiding hand in our lives. Each and every day we ask for protection over President Trump, his family, those that are on the front lines fighting for our nation and other nations around this earth.

How we need you. Again, we ask all this in the name of your son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen. Amen. Folks, thank you so much for tuning in again. Won’t be able to get anything out of traveling Wednesday. Hopefully we’ll be back again maybe Thursday, if not Friday. So hang in there. Hope that you guys have a great remainder of your week. Please hit that subscribe and follow button if you would, and the like button. We really appreciate that and thanks again for your prayers. For now. This is lt saying semper fi with M. We know signing out.


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