7.19.24: The SUM of ALL Fears RNC Gold Pres. Trump delivers amazing message Final ACT Pray!




➡ The article discusses the events of the Republican National Convention (RNC), highlighting the performance of the song “Nessun Dorma” and speeches by various figures, including Kai Trump and a World War II veteran. It also mentions an ad by President Trump, comments by Van Jones on the current political climate, and the potential stepping down of President Biden due to health reasons. The article ends by encouraging readers to support Trump and improve their health.
➡ This text discusses a wellness journey with Dr. Kelly Shockley, who provides health advice and tests to improve brain health. It also mentions a dangerous situation involving secret service agents and an assassin. The text talks about the struggles of a man involved in a long war, witnessing the country’s issues, and the media’s lies. It also pays tribute to the late journalist Lou Dobbs, discusses political issues, and mentions a significant drop in support for President Biden among African American women.
➡ The text discusses political tensions and speculations around the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden and Donald Trump. It mentions a letter circulated by Democrats asking to delay the nominating process for the Democratic candidate. The text also talks about President Trump’s actions and speeches, highlighting his efforts to unite the country. It ends with a promotion of a website and merchandise, and raises questions about potential inside knowledge of political events.
➡ An assassination attempt on Donald Trump was allegedly mishandled, with claims of negligence and possible intent. The shooter had a clear vantage point and there were questionable security measures in place. There are suspicions of a cover-up, with the Secret Service and local police allegedly ordered to stand down. Despite this, Trump remains popular and his supporters believe divine intervention saved him.
➡ The text discusses the belief that America needs President Trump to cure its problems. It mentions a court decision blocking Biden’s student loan plan, Trump’s support for cryptocurrency, and rising gold prices due to chaos. The text also talks about Trump’s leadership, the potential value of a vice presidential nominee’s past connections, and the importance of national unity. Lastly, it touches on immigration issues in the UK and the potential for similar problems in the US.
➡ President Trump criticized El Salvador’s President Bukele for allegedly sending criminals to the U.S., despite Bukele’s positive image. Meanwhile, Trump’s granddaughter, Kai Trump, spoke about her personal experiences with her grandfather, highlighting his caring and loving side. The speaker also emphasized the importance of faith and unity in the face of challenges, and expressed hope for a revival of strong leadership and repentance across the globe.
➡ The speaker is asking for constant protection for President Trump and his family, especially those in danger. They express gratitude for support and prayers, mention upcoming travel plans, and encourage listeners to follow, subscribe, like, and share their content with others. They end with a farewell message.


Well, we were in tears as NESm Dorma played at the end of the RNC convention. Who remembers last time they played this? This song put in the description box or, excuse me, the comments below. This song continues to bring us to the brink of the final act for the enemy. The sum of all fears movie pretty much tells it all. We have a lot to uncover today. Stay tuned for the final speech by Kai Trump. Also, you don’t want to miss it as we that’s Trump’s granddaughter. As we talk about the children. It’s all about the children, protecting them for our future.

So here we go again. I wanted to remind you, Lisa May showed this powerful performance at the end of the 2024 Republican National Convention by Christopher Macchio singing Nessun Dorma, which means none shall sleep. It was used in the 2002 movie the Sum of All fears. It was mentioned seven times in the the Q drops. Try it seven times. Ness and Dorma, in case you’re wondering, is an aria from the final act of Puccini’s opera turned out and one of the best known tenor arias in all opera opera. So you know something’s going on when they play that particular song.

Also, to kick off today, I wanted to show you this. When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised. But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero and they tried to kill the next president of the United States? Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpomania run wild, brother. Let Trumpomania rule again. Let Trumpomania make America great again. He says, how long it’s been since he’s done this? So cool. He had to take a breath at the end. Boy, he let it all out.

And he is not happy. And boy, he’s in some great shape, too, for his age. Good night. It’s absolutely amazing how he continues to just pump up the crowds. Trump of mania loved how he brought that out. And man, we had somebody else who just to keep this going, just to keep this going, who actually came out there and lit the crowd up with these statements. And this is here the ice director, right? He directs. He issues a powerful message to every illegal that has crossed the border. You better start packing now. This is pretty cool.

I got a message as a guy who spent 34 years deporting illegal aliens, I got a message to the millions of illegal aliens that Joe Biden’s releasing our country in violation of federal law. You better start packing now. You’re damn right, because you’re going home. I got another message. So you’re going home. And then he continues by saying, you’re going to wipe you off the face of the earth. You’re done. You’re done. So basically, he’s going to be deporting them. And he got everybody pumped up. And also, someone who is a true hero for all of us, a world war two vet shares a message of resilience.

98 year old D Day veteran Sergeant Williamen picroll says to Donald Trump, here we go. President Trump back as commander in chief, I’d go back, back. That’s the attitude that saved the free world and those years ago. And President Trump back in commander in chief. I would go back to reenlist today and I was stormed. Whatever beach you want, my country want, needs me to. That is amazing. That is so cool. A lot of great things happening there. We know that we had some the assassination attempt at President Trump that happened recently. We just want to remind you that we have the Trump never stops fighting for America.

Fight for America shirts from. And we know go to shop dot and we know.com orlando. 20% of the proceeds will go to families of the injured during the assassination attempt. And so just wanted to make sure that you guys are aware of that. In case you didn’t know, this also came out here recently as an ad by President Trump. Whoever puts these together is just phenomenal. Trump has left the building. We can now project the winner of the presidential race. Donald Trump wins the presidency. What started off as unlikely, impossible, is now reality. I will fight for you with every breath in my body, and I will never, ever let you down.

We have a president who actually fulfilled the promises he made during the campaign, securing the border to foreign policy. He now has a record as president. That’s pretty damn impressive. Breaking news out of Paul. The FBI has executed an unprecedented search warrant at President Donald Trump. The former president has both sides of the political aisle up in arms. Dangerous. An unstable moment in american history. The Justice Department has just indicted former President Donald Trump for seven years. They hated him, they targeted him, they hunted him. This is the epitome of the abuse of the prosecutorial power to preempt political decisions.

I never thought anything like this could happen in America. The only crime that I have committed is to fearlessly defend our nation from those who seek to destroy. Destroy it. The more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. They want to take away my freedom because I will never let them take away your freedom. They want to silence me, because I will never let them silence you. They’re not coming after me. They’re coming after you. And I just happen to be standing in their way.

And I will never be moving. On November 5, 2024, justice will be done. We will take back our country and we will make America great again. America will always rise to every challenge and overcome every danger. Donald Trump seems to always get stronger when challenged. These types of things I think give him strength. When I’m reelected, I will totally obliterate deep state. As long as we have pride in our beliefs, courage in our convictions, and faith in our God, then we will not fail. Trump. Vance make America great again, 2024. What an amazing ad for all of us to see.

Some other things that might be, you know, great for publicity would be comments made like this by Van Jones on communist news network. A bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stopped Biden. You’ve got the nominees of this party getting their butts kissed. Biden’s getting his butt kicked by his own party. The Democrats are coming apart. The Republicans are coming together. A bullet, how about that? Bullet couldn’t stop Trump. A virus just stop Biden. So we’re going to get into that a little bit. You guys probably know that Biden’s out there stating that he’s probably going to step down this weekend.

That’s right, because he’s not feeling good. Because he just happened to get, you know, corona virus, right. Whatever they tell you that they need to do, because it just so happens to be the timing. You know, they couldn’t take President Trump out. Well, they got to get this guy replaced. And of course they’re going to come up with whatever excuse. And also, it looks like CNN admitting defeat after Amber Rose explained why she’s voting Donald Trump at the RNC. So CNN looks like it was posted on their social media site for all to see. Here we go.

The left told me to hate Trump and even worse, to hate the other side, the people who support him. When you cut through the lies, you realize the truth. American families were better when Donald Trump was president. We were safer, wealthier and stronger. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote to put money back in our pockets and good food on our kids plates. These kinds of voices. I heard some grousing about this from some of the conservatives. This is how you change the composition of the electorate. That was probably the most dangerous speak for the democratic coalition.

That is a young woman of color. She’s describing the experience a lot of people have, feeling that maybe if you’re around too many liberals, you might get criticized too much or you might not be able to speak your mind. And she spoke to it really well, and she’s way more famous than any of us up here. The left tone, how about that? It’s happening. Things are changing. There’s a shift for all to see. And I’m going to play this one more time. When I look out there and I see Donald Trump, I think about how his business was compromised.

But what happened last week when they took a shot at my hero and they tried to kill the next president of the United States? Enough was enough. And I said, let Trumpomania run wild, brother. Let Tropomania rule again. Let Tropomania make America great again. And to me, that’s just powerful, man. Does that motivate you? Just sitting here overwhelmed by the amount of support and strength and things that happen at the RNC? Absolutely brilliant. Of course, this man’s in great shape. And if you’re thinking about your health and you want to improve it, well, there’s nothing better than to go head over to the description box below for Doctor Shockley.

Are you ready to elevate your wellness journey? Well, look no further than chlabs dot link awk. Wonderful way of unveiling the true nature of many conditions you may be facing and how to combat those ailments. You might have been diagnosed with something and need a second opinion, or you feel a little bit off and you’re dealing with symptoms, or simply want preventative support to ensure you’re as healthy as you can feel. Well, one of her clients, Terry, said, doctor Kelly recommended I take her brain health home test to see which nutrition I was needing specifically to improve the health of my brain.

Since starting the recommendation on nutrition, I’ve noticed more clarity in my thinking and memory, less brain fog. And maybe best of all, I have been migraine free for four months now. That’s a great testimony. Visit again. Chlabs link awk it’s in the description box below this video. And reach out to doctor Kelly Shockley. Today, agents were putting themselves in peril. They were in very dangerous territory. Bullets were flying right over them, missing them by a very small amount of inches. And then it all stopped. Our secret Service sniper from a much greater distance and with only one bullet used, took the assassin’s life, took him out.

Supposed to be here tonight. Not supposed to be here. Thank you. But I’m not. And I’ll tell you, I stand before you in this arena only by the grace of almighty God. I noticed something about this as he’s speaking. It seems like a little worn out. It somewhat right in the midst of this long war that he’s been involved in. He’s looking at his grandkids and they are all hanging out with them. I’ll show you those pictures at the end. And he realizes, man, it’s the grace of God. The grace of God. And as he reads those words, you can just see it on his face, can’t you, looking at the screen, doesn’t have this big smile, doesn’t have this huge demeanor of, you know, look at how wonderful this is.

It’s just, he realizes, hey, this is a battle that we’ve been involved in a long time. I’m flying all over the country. I’m watching families lives fall apart. I’m watching our border fizzle with all these illegals flooding in. I’m watching the deep state do all they can from all over the world to try to destroy our nation and the future of my children. I’m watching the media continue their lies day in and day out. Time magazine just changed their story and cover for the August 5, 2024 issue. They removed the President Trump photo right where he puts his fist up and they put a new one.

What unites us with just basically United States flag in a background. Know, if you guys could see that that’s the new one. This is the one they were going to use. They just can’t handle putting the information the truth out there. Who could handle it? Great Lou Dobbs, if you guys didn’t know, great Lou Dobbs has just passed away, said President Trump, a friend of and truly incredible journalist, reporter and talent. He understood the world and he understood what was happening better than others. Lou was unique in so many ways, and he loved our country. Our warmest condolences to his wonderful wife, Debbie, family.

He will be greatly missed. Lou Dobbs, I couldn’t wait for him to come on every single day. I looked forward to his broadcast, folks. And, man, we tuned into him. He just had a way about him, some humor about him. He loved our country. And I watched him day in and day out. I said, man, love, I love this guy. He had an impact on me and how we do our reporting and how we let information out and more. And to me, he goes down as one of the greats up there, believe me. With Rush Limbaugh, out of all folks, just Lou had a way of reporting that was just absolutely brilliant.

You remember he was taken off of Fox News because he interviewed a USP’s whistleblower who drove 200,000 plus illegal ballots from New York to Pennsylvania during the 2020 election. Let me show you just the beginning of that clip. Here we go. Nearly 200,000 completed mail in ballots were smuggled from New York before they inexplicably disappeared. Those are the charges of Jesse Morgan, a truck driver. He’s a subcontractor working for the US Postal Service. And he joins us here tonight. Jesse Morgan, who has signed a swan so he remembers that taken out because he dared to tell the truth.

He dared to show the information that many others wouldn’t show. He was an all time great. Here we go. Give me an overview in a couple of minutes, sir, of the first hundred days of the architecture that Lou Dobbs thinks is necessary to save this republic, sir, assume that the republican conference can come up with a leader who will lead with conservative principles, America first principles and MAGA. How good they’re going to be as investigators depends on whether or not they keep going back to the beginning. Everybody knows what happened. They now have to come to a decision about an investigation.

And that means having an answer within 90 days. Nothing. Six months, not nine months of this crap. I just plan on doing the work that this committee ought to do. And how do you get things done? You get it done by moving a slow pace through the various steps you go to get there. It’s got to be fast, it’s got to be hard hitting. It’s got to be messaged. It’s got to be understandable, and it’s got to be exact. And nailed out these mammoth committees that result the tube staffs and this go on with the sound bites and bull we’ve seen, seen that from the Republicans for the last ten years.

And it’s got to end. Moments ago, we heard from the republican chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee with a warning really to the president. Listen, I think that Mueller is a person of stature and respected, and I respect it. I think it would be suicide for the president to firing. I also believe that, and I’ve got legislation with Cory Booker that says the president can’t fire Mueller. I think we should all want to protect somebody like Mister Mueller. I am even more convinced that the FBI did exactly what my fellow citizens would want them to do.

You say that Mueller is a good guy, right? That’s been my experience, yes. And that’s a great answer. And you will do anything necessary to protect him from being interfered with when it comes to doing his job. Absolutely. As the future FBI director, consider this endeavor a witch hunt. I did not consider Director Muller to be on a witch hunt. From my point of view, you’re the right guy at the right time. Good luck. The Justice Department, the FBI need to admit to the mistakes. Show us corrective action. I believe Judge Garland is a good person.

Of course, we remember how all this played out. Lou DobBs out there, he had enough. We had enough. He was pointing out what we noticed about this entire process that was playing out before our very eyes. And Lou Dobbs just couldn’t take it anymore. And you know what? Once he got, he left Fox News. He had a voice. And we know that poor FBI directors lied in succession to the american people. That’s the point of it. We have to see immediately shutting down the funding of DOJ. The FBI, they can’t keep doing business as usual. Patriots want this country straightened out and Lou Dobbs wanted this thing straightened out.

He’s going to be missed. President Trump inside paper when it came to media, they actually said to rally unified republicans in rousing convention finale. He’ll get the red carpet treatment Thursday. It’s amazing that grasshopper catches onto this and he says, look, Trump red carpet event DJ T can expect a heroes welcome Thursday, July 18 makes me think about the Q drop that most brought in connection with what happened last Saturday. Remember when President Trump put his arm up and said, fight, fight, fight. It happened to match the drop from September 17, 2018. Trump to rally unified Republicans.

Rousey Convention finale Q, you were right all along. Emmy. Emmy’s red carpet keck nons picked up on the carpet bombs. Fight, fight. Amazing. These connections that continue to play out for all to see. Another thing just to show you on the election side, you could hear a pin drop when the drop drop in the MSNBC studio. This is from Eric after they announced a poll showing 31 point drop for black women. There was a poll out today, a poll of african american women showing a 31 point drop in support from 2020 to 2024 in terms of plans to vote for President Biden.

31 point drop. Hmm. No wonder they probably have a plan to get rid of this guy Biden who says I’m sick. Remember, he’s the one that said, you’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations in 2021, but all of a sudden he’s sick. If there had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if the doctors came to me and said, you got this problem, that problem. But I made a serious mistake in the whole debate. And look, when I originally ran, you may remember it, I said I was going to be a transitional candidate, and I thought that I’d be able to move from this just to pass it on to someone else.

But I didn’t anticipate things getting so, so, so divided. And quite frankly, I think the only thing, age brings a little bit of wisdom, and I think I’ve demonstrated that I know how to get things done for the country in spite of the fact that we could get it done. But there’s more to do, and I’m reluctant to walk away from that. Interesting, because there’s a lot of information coming out that he’s going to step down this weekend. Let’s see what MSNBC has to say. Here we go. The problem should not be our candidate. The focus should be on Donald Trump.

You know, it may or may not be Joe Biden. I trust Joe Biden’s abilities. If there is a change, it’s got to be a change that gets Barack Obama behind the candidate, Michelle Obama behind the candidate, George W. Bush behind the candidate, former presidents and world leaders and people who understand the importance of democracy, because it’s going to take citizens who care about this country to bring this back together, or Trump will win. Trump right now is on the path to winning. Yes, he is. Trump is on the path to winning. And then the Dems are circulating a letter asking for the DNC to delay the nominating process.

Is that right? All the Menendez verdict was coming down. I was also texting sources to confirm the existence of a new letter being circulated by congressional Democrats that effectively asks the Democratic National Committee and DNC delegates to delay the virtual roll call process that would effectively make Biden the nominee well before the convention at the end of August. Now, this virtual roll call is not the norm. It’s not something parties typically do. But it was put into place when Ohio had a rule on its books about when the Democrats needed to put forward their nominee in order to put that person on the Ohio ballot.

But in the intervening weeks since that rule came into existence and really into tension with the democratic nominating calendar, we’ve seen the state of Ohio rectify its rules. Now, in this letter, in part, more than 20 Democrats, I’m told, along with my colleague Scott Wong, have signed on to this effort saying, hey, Ohio has dealt with that rule issue. It’s no longer an issue. Now let’s delay this virtual roll call process that could start as early as July 21 in the next few days. Really? How about that? Wow. Circulating, huh? And then if you head on over to the top, Biden surrogate Joyce Beatty.

Hmm. Let’s see what said there. So, yes, this November, we’re going to make America great again. Really? They’re going to use that phrase, make America great again. The one that they said, you know, that’s the, those Americans that are MAGA people are the terrorists of this people of this nation, those people. Right? How in the world would they even do that? You know, President Trump, he basically calls called the widow of Cory comparatore. So the man that killed, was killed during the assassination attempt. He actually went over on the stage at the RNC convention. If you guys missed this, you’ll check this out.

As he went over and actually kissed the uniform that he wore, the difference between these two men, Biden looking at his clock while those that served our country were being brought in. And President Trump, who actually spent time with the family, did this firefighter hero died protecting his family. And it’s something that many of us have had to deal with, come to terms with and how President Trump just honored that particular thing. At the time, folks, that we listened to President Trump, we noticed that there’s a lot going on with the attacker who wanted to stop our movement.

I think there’s a bunch of attackers. Right? We know that there were many signs that show that this thing was all put together. Somehow the media knew about it. They never played any Trump rallies. Secret Service knew about the shooter long time before he took a shot. There’s just too many things that didn’t add up. You know, while President Trump was speaking, a lot of folks put the patch over their earth. You know, he was getting a lot of flack for it on social media, saying, oh, he doesn’t need that big patch. Well, this came from a lot of folks that actually wear the masks.

So why do they think it’s crazy that he’s wearing a patch over his ear? And so they did that in solidarity for him. In case you guys didn’t know that. Here’s a clip from that. We have to make the most of every day for the people and for the country that we love. The attacker in Pennsylvania wanted to stop our movement. But the truth is, the movement has never been about me. It has always been about you. It’s your movement. It’s the biggest movement in the history of our country by far. It can’t be stopped. It can’t be stopped.

It has always been about the hard working, patriotic citizens of America. For too long, our nation has settled for too little. We settled for too little. We’ve given everything to other nations to other people. You’ve been told to lower your expectations and to accept less for your families. I am here tonight with the opposite message. Your expectations are not big enough. Not big enough. It is time to start expecting and demanding the best leadership in the world. Leadership that is bold, dynamic, relentless, and fearless. We can do that. We are Americans. Ambition is our heritage. Greatness is our birthright.

But as long as our energies are spent fighting each other, our destiny will remain out of reach. And that’s not acceptable. We must instead take that energy and use it to realize our country’s true potential and write our own thrilling chapter of the american story. We can do it together. We will unite. We are going to come together. And success will bring us together. Success will bring us together. He’s tired of all of the fighting amongst the people. And I see a huge surge in people talking to each other, especially those that were not on the side of President Trump.

Now they’re moving this direction and many of them are listening to our show and many others where numbers are going up quite a bit. The truth seems to be just moving in great numbers. And we’re at and we know.com in case you didn’t know. And we know.com, simple website where you can find all of our videos. You can find the link to those that support this channel, like Kirk Elliott. There’s the link for him. You can become a fellowship member. You can look at our Awk merch, which I’ll show you in a moment. Subscribe to our newsletter put your name and email.

Hit submit. You’ll receive emails every time something comes out from us or a video. Follow our podcast if you want to listen in and you don’t have time to watch. We also have patriot light.com comma, thepatriotlike.com. you can click on that. It’ll take you to a new source. I call it the Drudge Report. Conservatives for those that like drudge report, whatever. And we’ve got all of our partners at the very bottom. Immune support. Remember ltpetclub, two four seven.com, hunters blend coffee, Parker pastures, EMF protection, and doctor Shockley. Just amazing website for all to see. And if you want to send your picture, just hit contact and you’ll put in your name, your email.

Click here to send a photo and once you click that, send us a message with the photo and we will get it out there for you. And also, just wanted to make sure you guys know that you can go to shop dot am we know.com. you’ll have our new shirt, which is the new flag shirt, where our logo, we have the guy standing there with an american flag in his hand. We have fight for America shirts. Remember those? We have sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, tees and tanks and accessories for all. And, you know, great time to wear it and have folks know that you listen to this channel and you’ll meet new friends.

Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. So here is our economy. Victoria Nuland, remember the one responsible for Ukraine? We’ve covered her in depth. She’s basically tipping off their inside knowledge and power, a boost to ego. She said this right before the Trump assassination attempt, our economy, etcetera. So I don’t think that Donald Trump is going to be president. So if that’s what Putin’s betting on, he’s going to get a unhappy surprise. I think that’s, that is, number one, he’s going to get an unhappy surprise. What surprise would that be? Was there some inside knowledge in all this? Huh? Many seem to know something was going to happen that day.

Another thing that going out there was Sean Davis, pretty crazy on assassin, was given a free shot at Donald Trump after Biden’s debate collapsed, but right before Donald Trump announced his vp and was formally nominated as the GOP presidential candidate. It’s almost as if the whole thing was engineered not just to eliminate Trump, but to require an entirely new ticket, free of any Trump influence whatsoever. And then it just so happened the shooter is the only person in the entire country without any social media or online footprint whatsoever, and the FBI, after whole minutes of effort, just couldn’t figure out how to crack his phone.

What a series of very strange coincidences when you’re leaving a building only 160 yards away, which is perfectly adjacent to the stage in an elevated Overwatch platform, which is perfect to try and take a shot from for an assassination attempt. I think that if you look at the water tower, that’s not being talked about, which could be an actual shooting platform. I think that if you look at the water tower, that’s not being talked about, which could be an actual shooting platform, and this idea that you have a sloped roof is going to prevent you from doing so.

So you couldn’t have put up a patrol car that’s locked with the lights on in the parking lot of AGR to be a deterrent? You couldn’t have put someone on the ground to ensure there’s no permissible climbing environment to get them onto the rooftop. The law enforcement officer said that when he came onto the roof, that the gentleman, had the assassin would be assassin pointed his rifle at him, why would you not have an emergency comms channel through your coordination with the Secret Service to yell, shoot her on the roof, shoot her on the roof, shoot her on the roof.

Have your Secret Service detail come immediately, take the president, get him off the stage, and then allow your countersniper team to then mitigate the threat. Everything about this, at best, is gross negligence. But I am not actually taking anything off the table. I am not going to say what was negligence, what was intent, what was possible. I am from the United States military, where we used to what if every single scenario, and you dont take anything off the table until its confirmed? I can take any individual in America, and after ten minutes of training who’s never picked up a rifle, they can make a shot in a pie sized plate.

There were four counter sniper teams that were on location was on a sloped roof. Okay, he was, they were on a roof that was very similar, in fact, to the roof that the assassin was on. And in this photo, based on what we know, they were looking absolutely right in the direction. I can tell you that sloped roof is nothing that the Department of State and the secret Service and the military doesn’t sit on all the time. It’s actually not a slope at all in that one case. So here is Corey Mills for those listening in.

Representative Florida, US army combat veteran, given his two cent about this whole thing, ultra pepper lives matter. They are attempting to cover up that the plot to kill Trump, that was clearly crafted by the deep state. However, we have more people awake than ever before, and we have the ability to dissect every news story thanks to modern day technology and phones. If JFK happened today, we would actually uncover it swiftly. That’s what’s happening now with their attempt on Trump, hiding in the shadows has become extremely, extremely difficult for them. So I was just showing Tucker some material from a, an unimpeachable source.

Let’s just say on the matter, that post, according to my source, that roof was supposed to be a police post. It was supposed to be someone there. Theyre now making up excuses, saying the pitch or the roof. My source says to me, no one knows why the post didnt show up. Thats a nonsense story theyre putting out in the media. And I was also told that the secret service director has been given instructions from the administration and the DHS secretary. You want to keep your job, youll keep your mouth shut about this. Theyre not putting that out there.

But if you get those site post logs and those police instructions. And there was a post on there and they didnt show up and no one checked. Someone could have got your dad killed within millimeters. Mm hmm. So this information continues to flow. Everybody still talks about it. You’ve got some memes that are out there. Become an agent of the United States Secret Service now hiring individuals with roofing experience. You’ve got these guys sliding down the roof, and of course, Elon Musk, this movie will be a hit. Oops, it missed. It’s called Dei Hire. Like die hard, die higher.

And anyway, so here’s some more information. So I just read the preliminary investigation report that the Secret Service just released about the attempted assassination of former President Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania. Would you like to guess what it says? Because it says something more shocking than I thought. I thought they were just going to say everyone did a great job and sweep it under the rug. That’s not what it says. It says that there was an ordered 26 minutes stand down, that secret Service was ordered to not have glass, that is binoculars on the rooftops, that the Secret Service was ordered, ordered to not be on the water tower, ordered to not be on the rooftop that the shooter was on, and that the local police department that was supposed to be helping secure the perimeter was ordered to go take a break.

So we know all of this continues to flow out. A lot of folks have been sharing this information. Donald Trump’s getting very popular in Uganda. These children showing they see the legend in supporting President Trump. Check this out. I really see something that said, take a look at what happened. So just showing you that in Uganda, these children, you know, when you say the shot heard around the world, if these folks in Uganda are showing this, then they’re guess, guess what? They know Trump. They see these things playing out. Senator vote Marsha just told Donald Trump Junior that the Secret Service confirmed to her senator based Mike Lee and Ted Cruz that they spotted the shooter at 551, confirmed the threat at 553, but still allowed President Trump to go on stage at 06:00 p.m.

wow. So you’re going to watch as these crowds of people, including US Senator Blackburn, Confront United States Secret Service Kimberly Cheadle during the Republican National Convention. She showed up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Confrontation follows the tragic incident involving former President Trump. This is exactly what you were doing today. You owe President Trump. So you could hear Blackburn in the back and she’s doing a great job and they’re just confronting her. And it’s just interesting that she even have the guts to show up knowing that accusations are already flying with her. So President Trump didn’t take a bullet in Butler, Pa.

He will take them for each and every one of us. And this is from Alina Haba. The future of America and the world is bright, and it begins with the unwavering spirit of each and every one of us because of the resilience and the leadership of my friend, President Donald J. Trump. So let us not forget that President Trump did not just take a bullet in Butler, Pennsylvania. He has and will continue to take them for each and every one of us. She happened to be on a show here recently, and they were talking about the divine intervention of God, our heavenly Father, in this whole event.

Want you to just take a listen to this for a moment. Here you go. I’ve never heard it framed that way. You got us both speechless. That’s pretty hard to do. The answer is, I think, yes. I can’t think. It was absolute divine intervention, and we need a revival in this country. Don’t you agree? This image should bring people back to. To Jesus Christ. God is not done with Donald Trump, and God is not done with America. He has his hand on Donald Trump. And this image is Genesis 50 20. What the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good.

The enemy meant to try to destroy our president and destroy our movement. The enemy wanted this week to be a funeral and to be chaos and division. Instead, we have joyous gratitude and celebration. Unity and unity. And unity. Beautiful. Alina, same question, your thoughts on the divine intervention. Charlie, I know that you’re tough on time here. I got nothing else to do but your show. I can be very quick about it. Simple answer. There is no way God’s hand was not on Donald Trump that moment. Yes, there just isn’t. It’s very simple. I don’t care who you believe in, but as long as you believe in something bigger than yourself, you can understand that this is God’s plan.

We are all here for a reason. I’m here for a reason. So is Charlie. But God knows that, like he said, donald Trump is not finished, and we need him more than we ever have. America has a cancer and we need a cure, and that is President Trump. How about that, huh? So, yeah, they had a chance to stand out there and talk with the crowd and have a good time and make sure everybody heard. A powerful, powerful message for all to hear. So just wanted to make sure that before I show you this from Tucker, that we get into just some of the money side here.

The court granted our emergency motion to block Joe Biden’s entire illegal student loan plan, which would have saddled working Americans with half a trillion dollars in Ivy League debt. That’s Attorney General Andrew Bailey. Huge win for every American who still believes in paying their own way. And so all this money side, and President Trump even said he’s going to ensure that there’s no CBDC in America. We know about that. We know that he said he’s going to support cryptocurrency and other things, but chaos is pushing gold prices up. This chaos with President Trump. I had a chance to talk with Doctor Kirk Elliott.

It’s going to air July 21 this Sunday. Trumponomics is explained by Doctor Kirk Kelly. You don’t want to miss that. And, you know, he got into President Trump bringing up no income taxes and taxes on tariffs and what that will mean for our nation. A pretty powerful message. And we had a great time just going over different events and very, very positive in things that we believe will happen in the future where we’re headed from here. So how does this impact things moving forward? Right. So, so it impacts in a few different ways. Number one, as things continue to deteriorate, Lt Gold and silver will go up.

Yep. And he gets into that in detail. And we know.com gold in the description box below. You can go there and you can actually have these conversations that I have with Doctor Elliot. You can call them, reach out to them and tell you what they’ll help you with precious metals and more, especially with all the craziness that’s going on all around us day in and day out. And so wanted to show you some remarks from Tucker Carlson and some other things that played out at the RNC and don’t want to mess here. As we close with Kai Trump and her amazing message, especially for children out there in our future.

I just, I was really touched by all this. Here we go. I watched, I watched the video of what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, about 1550 times. I think I was one of about 8 billion people around the world who watched it. And the more I watched it, the more it struck me that everything was different after that moment. Everything. This convention is different. The nation is different. The world is different. Donald Trump is different. When he stood up after being shot in the face, bloodied and put his hand up, I thought at that moment that was a transformation.

This was no longer a man. Well, I think that, I think it was divine intervention, but the effect that it had on Donald Trump, he was no longer just a political party’s nominee or a former president or a future president. This was the leader of a nation. And I think there’s a, I think there’s a difference. I think, I mean, I’ve spent most of my life in Washington, where the president is at the top of the pyramid, never wants to be the president. But if you think about it, the presidency comes with great power, obviously. But if you think about it, that is a title that is bestowed by a process of some sort that can be subverted.

And in the end, it does not confer by itself as no title does, legitimacy. Just because you call yourself the president doesn’t mean that much inherently. I can call my dog the CEO of Hewlett Packard. It doesn’t mean she is. It’s true. And you hate to say it, but it is also true as a fact that you could take, I don’t know, a mannequin, a dead person and make him president. If you. No, you could. You could. I’m just saying, theoretically possible with enough, with enough cheating, that could happen. But being a leader is very different.

It’s not a title. It’s organic. You can’t name someone a leader. A leader is the bravest man. That’s who the leader is. That is true in all human organizations. This is a law of nature. And in that moment, Donald Trump, months before the presidential election, became the leader of this nation. And so remember, as we head forward, speaking of leadership, that vice president nominee, right, JD Vance is there. And in the last video, I went into detail about him and some videos that were shared. A lot of us, you know, a lot of people are out there saying, oh, look at his past and look at these things that he belonged to and some connections with law firms and some evil, whatever.

My take on all of those negative things is, once again, we’ve all been there where people did not like Trump in the beginning and they had a change of heart. And one of the reasons I believe that this guy had a change of heart is because he mentioned one of the debates that he came back to his faith a few years ago and got baptized. And I think he’s basically saying, look, I affirm myself in Christian, my christian faith. And that helped open his eyes, right? Guiding of the Holy Spirit and seeing how things were actually playing out.

Now, if he happened to belong to some bad law firms who employed the Obamas, by the way, then guess what? He’s probably got information on them that nobody else will have and that will become very valuable because those folks are the ones trying to destroy the nation. Who knows? He might have some ties in and understand that whole system. We’ll see. But here’s something he mentioned at the RNC. Speaker two. Now consider what they said. They said he was a tyrant. They said he must be stopped at all costs. But how did he respond? He called for national unity, for national calm, literally right after an assassin nearly took his life.

Mm hmm. So he’s catching on to all this. And by the way, Trump campaign response to vice presidential debates. Right. If they have a VP debate, quote, we don’t allow, we don’t know who the Democrat nominee for vice president is going to be. So we can’t lock in a date before their convention. To do so would be unfair to Gavin Newsom, JP Pritzker, Gretchen Whitmer or whoever Kamala Harris picks as her running mate. Brian Hughes said Trump campaign senior advisor, who, just another side note, former Trump advisor Peter Navarro, released from prison after serving four months for contempt of Congress.

Oh, yeah. And guess what? He rushed on over to Milwaukee and he was able to get on stage and he got a huge welcome back. That’s amazing. A lot of positive things happening, folks. Yeah. Fight, fight. And what it must feel like to get out here, have your freedom back, and then be able to stand in front of thousands of people cheering for you. Wow. Way to go, Peter. Remember, we interviewed him for about 15 minutes here. I think you folks just want to know if you can see my maggot tattoo I got there. Yes, indeed.

This morning I did walk out of a federal prison in Miami. Joe Biden and his department, Department of Injustice, put me there. And so if you want to see that speech, go in the description box below and you’ll check it out. It’s about ten minutes long. Another side note, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled voters in Arizona who don’t provide proof of citizenship will not be able to vote. Oh, yeah, it just gets gooder and gooder. That’s what we say down south, right. And speaking of south and borders and more, man, imagine what could happen in our country if they continue to filter in the illegals that do not want to serve in our country or become legal citizens.

They’re having trouble there in, right, Britain. First showing this, London has fallen. London survived the blitz, the great fire and the plague, but it was destroyed by mass immigration. And there’s a picture. They treat our country like it’s a newly occupied territory after a war. I’m going to show you video clips here. UK update. Hair, heels, leads. The police and riot squad have run away. So that’s where they are they can’t defend their borders. They can’t defend their own towns and citizens either. It’s becoming a complete failure. Here’s more fire for you to see. Leads showing the world the consequences of mass immigration.

You give them a home, you give them benefits, you give them safety, and they give you hell. Ungrateful. And so just wanted to show you these videos that continue to pour in from that particular area. Even President Trump brought it up in his speech saying that bukele, remember there, El Salvador, he actually brought up, and I wish I had that clip. I’m going to have to look for it. Let’s see. Do I have a few seconds just to see if I can pull it up real fast, if President Trump, if I can find it. Yep, right here.

He blames Bukele for sending El Salvador’s worst criminals. So, yeah, we’ve showed Bukele on this channel. You know, hey, look at the great things he’s doing El Salvador. But look what President Trump said. Speaker two while our crime rate is going up, while crime statistics all over the world are going down, because they’re taking their criminals and they’re putting them into our country, a certain country. And I happen to like the president of that country very much. But he’s been getting great publicity because he’s a wonderful shepherd of the country. He says how well the country’s doing because their crime rate is down.

And he said he’s training all of these rough people. They’re rough, rough, rough. He’s training them. And I’ve been reading about this for two years. I think, oh, that’s wonderful. Let’s take a look at it. But then I realized he’s not training them. He’s sending all of his criminals, his drug dealers, his people that are in jails. He’s sending them all to the United States. And he’s different in that. He doesn’t say that. He’s trying to convince everybody what a wonderful job he does in running the country. Well, he doesn’t do a wonderful job. And by the way, if I ran one of the countries, many countries, many, many countries from all over, I would be worse than any of them.

I would have had the place totally emptied out already. So just interesting, right, for that to play out for us. I just kind of caught me off guard, man. I’ve been supporting Kalyn. He comes out there and he’s telling you, hey, look what’s going on. It’s an eye opener. Any of you guys shocked by hearing that? I mean, man, when he does stuff like that. It just, it shocks me. I mean, he was invited to CPac, right? Here we go. I’m here to tell you that in El Salvador, it’s already dead. Hey, he was at CPAc, gave that speech.

He was invited. Well, how did he get invited? And President Trump had that kind of intel. Whoo. Man. I need to do some more research on this. It’s pretty amazing. And so I just wanted to ensure that as we come to a close today, we remember this is all about our children. President Trump was with his grandchildren and his, of course, his older adult children at the RNC. And what a great feeling that is to have your family all around you. You can see on the, on the screen just how much they adore and love their grandpa.

And so one of those that actually had an opportunity to come to the stage was Kai Trump. And she gave a few minutes of a speech that I wanted to play for you. And the reason I’m kind of familiar with her is because I follow golf on YouTube. I follow. Good, good. A little bit. And Grant Horvett’s my favorite. He just actually played with Phil Mickelson, which was a shock for me. It was probably one of the greatest YouTube videos I’ve ever seen in golf. Love Phil Mickelson. We’re the same age and just grew up watching him.

And so I wanted to show this for all, just to encourage us, especially for the younger generation in our future. And I believe she’s 17 years old, if I remember right, almost the same age as my daughter. Hi, everyone. My name is Kai Mazen Trump. I am the granddaughter of Donald Trump. I’m speaking today to share the side of my grandpa that people don’t often see. To me, he’s just a normal grandpa. He gives us candy and soda when our parents aren’t looking. He always wants to know how we’re doing in school. When I made the high honor roll, he printed it out to show his friends how proud he was on me.

I know he calls me during the middle of the school day to ask how my golf game is going and tells me all about his. But then I have to remind him that I’m in school, and I’ll have to call him back later when we play golf together. If I’m not on his team, he’ll try to get inside of my head. I know. And he’s always surprised that I don’t let him get to me. But I have to remind him I’m a trump, too. Even when he’s going through all these court cases, he always asks me how I’m doing.

He always encourages me to push myself to be the most successful person I can be. Obviously, he sets the bar pretty high, but who knows? Maybe one day I’ll catch him on Saturday. I was shocked when I heard that he has been shot, and I just wanted to know if he was okay. It was heartbreaking that someone would do that to another person. A lot of people have put my grandpa through hell, and he’s still standing. Grandpa, you are such an inspiration, and I love you. Idea makes my grandpa seem like a different person, but I know him for who he is.

He’s very caring and loving. He truly wants the best for this country, and he will fight every single day to make America great again. Thank you very much. Now, that’s got to be a proud grandpa, proud father and mother there for Kai. Absolutely amazing. Just wanted to show you a clip of the fun side just real quick. I’ll be the second ringer of the day. I like to hear that. Wow. Yep. You’re just. You’re gonna be our fairway finder. Yeah, I just, like, hit them on the fairway, and then if we’re ever out of play, it’s on Kai.

She’s got us. So we hit Kai. What’s your best score ever? Um, nine holes, 29, and on 1866. Crazy. That’s crazy. You got me bite, like, ten strokes with your putting. I think we. I think we have a really good chance. Yeah. I mean, we’re presidential putting today. I know. Bye. Yes. There we go. We’re taking that one. Yeah. It’s my first time filming YouTube video. It’s kind of cool, actually. Very cool. Okay. This is the best day of my life. How about that, huh? Just wanted to show you, you know, younger generation President Trump and having his children and grandchildren with them.

And then we’ll close with this, my friends, tonight is a night of hope, a celebration of what America once was and with God’s grace, what it will soon be again. So proud of JD Vance bringing up God. Like I said, I had a chance to. He worked for me, and he actually came to a few of my Bible studies that I did on the base there. And we had some good talks back then. If you guys didn’t know Trump was shot at 611 pm, Ephesians 611 says, put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

What’s interesting is that July 18, 2019, we were told on a Q drop, which is what another delta for us from yesterday. For now we see only reflection as in a mirror. Then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part, then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. Corinthians 13 413 all of these verses that continue to line up with all that we’ve been going through is absolutely amazing. Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the whole the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood. It’s against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. And we’re seeing them, folks. Therefore, with all this being said, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground. And after you have done everything, to stand for nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for for how you continue to guide and direct our thoughts.

Thank you for helping us gather information and work together with different anonymous people out there doing all they can to get information out, to expose the evil and to bring good information for us, to calm us down, to help us to move forward and realize in the end you’re going to win and you have a great plan for us. And we’re watching revival happen day in and day and out. We’re watching the leadership lift you up. Leadership is standing, giving speeches to people saying almighty God is in charge. His hand is on us. We need to return to you and our hope and prayers we continue as a nation and many nations around this earth that they would cry out to you, hear the cries of your people, and then we would see great repentance happening across this earth.

An enemy thwarted once again, we ask for continued protection over President Trump, his family, his grandkids, for those on the front lines, for those in the enemy crosshairs. Protection. Full protection. Every second of every day. We ask all this in the name of your son, Yeshua, Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen and amen. Folks, I hope you have a great weekend. Thank you so much for your support, for your prayers and more. I’ll be traveling next week at the end of the week sometime. I’ll keep you updated on that. And also just wanted to ask you to hit that follow button, subscribe button and like button if you would, and share this with your friends and family.

Really would appreciate that for now. This. Lt saying separate Phi with M. We know signing out can make on me. Sadeena, it.

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