5.1.24: Final BATTLE I am the STORM If HE wins 9 Trump Truth order stage is SET Enemy Death Spiral Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses various topics including the allocation of funds to Ukraine, potential side effects of the AstraZeneca COVID vaccine, and a planned trip to Alaska. It also mentions President Trump’s past actions and statements, including his re-truthing of Q-posts and his famous “I am the storm” quote. The text ends with a reminder to stay strong and persevere, despite the challenges faced.
➡ The article discusses a private conversation with Donald Trump, his refusal to remove posts from his social media platform, Truth Social, despite a judge’s order, and the belief that this could lead to a mass awakening. It also mentions Trump’s potential return to politics, urging him to surround himself with trustworthy individuals. The article ends with a discussion about various organizations linked to the Democratic party and Trump’s impact during his first four years in office.
➡ Between 2016 and 2020, significant events and deals took place globally, involving President Trump, which have shaped the current state of affairs. These include meetings with the Queen of the UK, a visit to China’s Forbidden City, and encounters with Kim Jong-un and Putin. Now, we are entering a unique period that will redefine history and lead us towards a more equitable world. However, the journey will be filled with intense moments, as seen in the ongoing protests and riots, the rise of anti-Semitism, and the political unrest in the US.
➡ The text discusses various issues including protests, the role of universities, the potential for conflict in Gaza, and the allocation of government funds. It criticizes the lack of support for Americans in need, such as those affected by fires in Maui, while billions are spent overseas. The text also mentions a website and merchandise related to the source, and ends with a critique of how tax dollars are used in Ukraine.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the allocation of $61 billion to Ukraine, questioning where the money is going and suggesting it may not be used directly for Ukraine’s benefit. It also mentions a billion dollars given to Yemen, which is allegedly being used by terrorists. The text further discusses President Biden’s attempt to secure a 10-year agreement to prevent future presidents from ending the Ukraine war. Lastly, it mentions an upcoming vote on two treaties that could potentially threaten freedom by using public health as a tool for control.
➡ President Biden is allegedly planning to give the World Health Organization (WHO) more control over U.S. health decisions, which some fear could limit individual freedoms. This includes decisions about medicines, masks, and movement. There are concerns that this could lead to a loss of sovereignty and disregard for the U.S. Constitution. Meanwhile, the Arizona GOP has labeled COVID-19 vaccines as biological weapons and is calling for a ban and forensic analysis of the vaccines, citing concerns about safety and effectiveness.
➡ The text discusses concerns about the AstraZeneca vaccine causing rare blood clots, and the belief that the public has been misled about the severity of COVID-19. It also criticizes the handling of protests and riots, suggesting a bias in law enforcement and media coverage. The author expresses frustration with the current state of American cities, attributing issues like crime and homelessness to political motivations. Lastly, the text mentions a Netflix show star’s conviction for child exploitation, implying a broader issue of corruption in Hollywood.
➡ The text talks about the awakening of humanity to the evils and corruption in various aspects of life, like politics, education, and entertainment. It emphasizes the importance of faith, positivity, and love in overcoming these challenges. The author thanks God for the strength and protection provided, and encourages the readers to continue spreading love and faith. The text ends with a request for support and appreciation for the audience’s love and guidance.


I am at 114th and Amsterdam Avenue. I just partially removed the protector they were sitting down on 114th refusing to leave. 61 billion dollars right that’s gonna go to Ukraine. Where does that go? You know now they’re going to go to Ukraine because if you think about that’s what the problem I had. Look I know like from even one of the packages before you know the billion dollars went to Yemen with this you know who this is Yemen that would take you from a terrorist and then shoot another ship. AstraZeneca has told a British sport that its COVID vaccine can cause a rare side effect which can lead to blood clots and low platelet count. As a fellow human being I’d like to know how you weather the storm.

He calmly looked at me and he said I am the storm. Boy have we got a good one today. Getting closer to the precipice or what do you wonder why the riots at the Ivy League schools might be a positive result for all of us. We’ll discuss this my thoughts on it. President Trump re-truth the Q-posts several times. Oh yeah the storm is referenced on Communist News Network. We learned that our US troops will be armed in Gaza. Oh yeah our money to Ukraine doesn’t really go there. Goes to other countries. We’ll find out about that. El Salvador leadership exposes and says we’re going to investigate all those in leadership there. What an amazing thing. AstraZeneca admission on the evil jabs.

Boy are we in the storm or what? Let’s go. Folks I want to remind you as always that you can join us August 11th through the 18th of 2024 this year. Few months away like four months away right. Just about and we’ll be in Alaska together. Imagine sitting next to and around everyone just about everybody on the boat half the ship basically will be those that are and we know fans wearing probably and we know gear and basically asking now where’d you come from how did you wake up look at this beautiful country we’re in. Wow listening to wonderful music from a Grammy award winning singing group a comedian who just amazing basically visiting and seeing those that we’ve had on interviews on this show and more just a lot of big surprises and I just keep reminding you because you don’t want to miss out and get in there wait to the last minute because you’ve got these rooms that are available that could start disappearing you know the good ones the ones by the water and stuff that you might want and it’s just important for you to sign up and get in there and also remember this ship is one is a five star ship and I’ve been on it and it is comfortable it’s quiet you don’t have a lot of screaming go on and I tell you what my favorite part actually one of my favorite parts was actually sitting down for breakfast every morning and actually eating some wonderful food and talking to my own family and just a comfortable setting and they have a alito deck with all you can eat and go around and pick the kind of food that you want if you’ve never been on a boat it’s actually just so much food and so wonderful and then we get to see Glacier Bay Victoria BC Sitka Seattle obviously scenic cruising Stevens Passage Puget Sound and so many more miles of rocky shores Puget Sounds home to hundreds of fish species birds and mammals but guys you’re gonna be able to see whales the scenery is unbelievable and look at all these different places that we get to enjoy the people and just having fellowship with one another I mean it is going to be amazing we went over the itinerary and we have a lot of surprises in store for those that show up and so I just want to remind you once again we’ve worked on this for a long time have a great great great group put together and we want you to enjoy yourself and basically have a reunion in a safe space too and in a very calm quiet manner beautiful rooms and great food alright so with that being said I wanted to play this the more that a broken system tells you that you’re wrong the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead you must keep pushing forward and always have the courage to be yourself America is better when people put their faith into action pray to God and follow his teachings today each of you begins a new chapter as well when your story goes from here it will be defined by your vision your perseverance and your grip you will build a future where we have the courage to chase our dreams no matter what the cynics and the doubters have to say you will have the confidence to speak the hopes in your heart and to express the love that stirs your souls as long as you have pride in your beliefs courage in your convictions and faith in God then you will not fail as long as America remains true to its values loyal to its citizens and devoted to its creator then our best days are yet to come that was posted by Dan Scavino as just a reminder for all of us to stay strong I know it’s been a lot of years we’ve been going through an awful lot and part of this amazing journey that we’ve been on it’s just a reminder of the storm that’s coming and also the storm we’d be involved in and basically taking us to the press of us where most people need to see it and not just hear about it and it’s happening and a communist news network had this on it just wanted as a reminder folks have been sharing for us to listen to three in fact he’s photographed more than 40 world leaders including three US presidents but it was Trump who surprised him the most this is a man who’s been president who wants to be president again Donald Trump who’s under criminal trial as we speak what was that set up what were you saying he’s way at the back of the frame this is I’ve been told one of his favorite rooms it’s the boardroom in Trump Tower where everyone would get fired in his TV show this is where he exercised power as a rehearsal I think for the presidency I remember saying to him Donald let’s just be human when was this this is before he was president before even the election campaign started properly and I said let’s be human together I said we’ve all followed your career no one can doubt it’s an extraordinary career path you’ve had but there’s always something about you there’s always an air of tension and controversy about things you say and do in public and I’m sure it’s intentional on your part but it feels to me as if you’re in the middle of an emotional storm and I said I can’t live with that anxiety all the time as a fellow human being I’d like to know how you weather the storm calmly looked at me and he said I am the storm even then I I had those words ringing out in my brain through the election campaign through his presidency through his post presidency and now we’re in another cycle again and I keep thinking to myself there’s only one person who can navigate perfectly through the storm and that’s the creator of the storm so these people are very powerful formidable and they’re much smarter than we make them out to be and they are not to be underestimated and I think we always seem to do that he’s smart he’s smart I am the storm kind of reminds you right of as we played this out for all to see the in the intro you remember hearing this one right here and we’ll replay it again in the White House State Dining Room this is the image President Trump summoned reporters to see the president smiling surrounded by his top military leaders and their spouses then came the unsolicited cryptic comment you guys know what this represents well what storming could be what storm is the world’s great military people you’ll find out and today in the Oval Office we tried again mr.

president what did you mean by calm before the storm yesterday what did you mean by that after a week and a pause you’ll find out calm he looked at me and he said I am the storm I am the storm the calm before president Trump so ultra-pepulized matter had this point pointed out the Franklin scandal deep dive the Nebraska cover-up contains within Trump surrounded by military leaders in October 2017 tells a bewildered media that this image represents the calm before the storm when a reporter passed you know what store mr. president so you’ll find out well this occurred after Trump’s world tour remember we played that video in the last and on Monday okay this occurred after Trump’s world war world tour excuse me where he visited Saudi Arabia and applauded Ben Salman as he arrested and detained a myriad of people some big names most of them in the peto world billionaires today Trump’s photographer is haunted by a private moment with him years ago he calmly looked at me and said I’m the storm well even then I had those words ringing out in my brain right and keep thinking to myself that’s the only one person who can navigate there well Trump represents an upending of the status quo decades of servitude underneath the thumb of a country beholden to an unelected shadow government this storm is nothing to fret but rather should be welcomed by all we cannot go back to the world before this happened nor should we want to and of course president Trump re-truthing nothing can stop what is coming he also re-truth a picture of belief is Milani with true social sunglasses and popcorn and in that particular picture it says do it Q for all of those that understand Q you guys get it I don’t need to get into a full dissertation on it today someday I will again and explain how all of this occurred and why I got into it and why are the the folks in mainstream media why are they allowed to constantly attack the Q board the Intel board but you’re not allowed to say anything positive about it and all the positive information and the real pictures that are there and the real information showing that this whole world is being controlled by those who destroy children’s lives time magazine re actually had this if he wins Eric Cortella Corto cell at Cora Corda Lessa Biden refused to sit for an interview with time magazine reporter unlike Trump time magazine writer Eric acknowledged that the 81 year old Democrat incumbent Joe Biden rejected the same interview request accepted by former president Donald Trump as the lengthy interview came to a close Corda Lessa suggested a series of rapid-fire questions to which Trump agreed but not before he asked if the time writer thought that Biden would be able to do the same quote all right do you think you could do this interview with Biden the former president asked Corda Lessa responded you know he didn’t say yes so I’m grateful that you are giving me the opportunity Trump expressed his doubts that Biden would ever accept the interview offer telling Corda Lessa he will never say yes because he’s off he’s off way off and so of course with that posting for President Trump make America great again you have on April 30th 2020 that was told us to us with that Delta right q4 3 0 3 7 one step at a time that’s what we’re taking and also I thought that was really cool is true Stormy Joe showed us that in 2019 when he was discussing the possibility of Trump being indicted these were the key cues the 45 second mark was a big glue in today’s news the judge actually ordered exactly nine of Trump’s truths right on truth social to be taken down or face arrest that’s right he said President Trump you need to take down those truth social posts because you’re not allowed to be out there you’re not allowed to have free speech as long as I’m the judge over this right so it’s your industry interesting about this whole thing is the first indictment will unseal and will trigger a mass population awakening a lot of folks believe the first indictment was President Trump the first arrest a lot of people believe will be President Trump will verify action and confirm future direction they will fight but you are ready we were given that and then marker 9 could the marker 9 be the nine truth socials that were told he had to take down what do you guys think right in the below this video for those that are understanding this and tell me what you think and so this came out also on Fox News that was the argument that we heard in the previous hearing about the 10 alleged gag order violations of which judge Mershawn agreed that nine of them are violations Trump’s lawyers argued that it’s different if it’s an original post versus sharing something that somebody else wrote but that one post that is still up is exactly that it’s a post from Michael Avenatti and Trump comments on it and judge Mershawn found that it violated the gag order so right now that’s the one post that Trump still has yet to take down but the judge ruled that it violated the gag order well just look at this Fletch 17 he said I just looked up gag order in the drops what happens when the gag order is lifted case dismissed we never told this when were we told about all this folks we were told about this June 5th 2020 huh so all those that are wondering you know what we were watching and did they have this all played out for us years ago so we would say hey this is mathematically impossible all these different things continue to play out is it all part of the pause and the wake-up of those who just will never find out the truth because they’re so stuck into I’m a Democrat I’m a Republican not figuring out who the rhinos are who or actually the Democrat Party what it really represents all these years is just evil lying leaders they were not placed there by winning most of them by cheating right so anyway it says I am NOT done be all you can be army strong they knew they could not destroy America through invasion they be in the enemy of our country that means the infiltrators in our government infiltration at the highest levels of government media science health military final level so sir Oliver Pollock actually says Trump truth post timestamp 628 he actually put out a truth post 35 second video I’m gonna play that now he begins by saying this is the final battle now look at the timestamp of drop 4424 right here all right level final all right and strong army be can you all be be all you can be read it backwards tell you what this is really cool this is the final battle with you at my side we will demolish the deep state we will expel the warmongers from our government we will drive out the globalists we will cast out the communists marxist and fashions we will throw off the sick political class that hates our country we will route the fake news media and we will liberate America from these villains once and for all I love that I love it love it love it also love this product okay imagine you’re at your doctor’s office your doctor glances up from your chart and says hey whatever you’re doing keep it up that’s the field of greens better health promise check out this customer testimonial he said I’ve been taken field of greens and this is the second time my doctor has danced into the room praising my blood results credit where credits do that that’s field of green each fruit and vegetable in field of greens was medically selected for specific health benefits some support vital organs like heart lungs and kidneys others support metabolism for healthy energy and weight loss if you’re busy don’t get enough exercise and you eat too much fast food we’ll take field of greens look field of greens can’t promise your doctor will dance into your room but they can promise that your next checkup your doctor will notice you’ve improved your health or your money back I trust field of greens for my health and you can too let me get started with 15% off visit field of greens calm and use promo code LT that’s promo code LT at field of greens calm for 15% off Donald Trump from 2015 when he first came down the escalator ice volunteered for him back at Trump Tower and I’ve been a supporter of his from day one what they’re doing here is a disgrace to this country they’re persecuting him because they don’t want him to be the presidential to be the president again and we just all need to stick together and I’d like to ask Steve Bannon to send Donald Trump a message please when you get back in into office do not surround yourself with the rhinos that have helped to create your downfall get rid of them and you need to surround yourself with people who you can trust outsiders that have no knowledge of the political no no and they that they’re not part of the the political realm you need people that you can trust get rid of these people get rid of these people the rhinos the Dems that are lying constantly to all of us James Woods since the cackler loves been diagrams of course he’s talking about the vice president so-called vice president come on check this out in the middle of this Venn diagram if you’re listening in there’s a big D for Democrats surrounding Democrats would be the World Economic Forum black lives matter anti-fascist action the Palestinian flag I believe there we’ve got Hamas open society foundations and if got that wrong just let me know but I tell you what it’s amazing how we’re seeing so much of this wake up Ash barely shows us Trump’s first four years set the stage for what is to come everything you see today as a product of what occurred between 2016 and 2020 the three trips to the UK to meet the Queen from President Trump the trip to the Forbidden City in China by President Trump walking across the DMZ line North Korea and meeting Kim Jong-un remember by President Trump meeting Putin and the passing of the ominous football by President Trump and of course the entire Saudi Arabia purge after his visit this was of course one of the first and most vital things Trump accomplished while he was there they had a sword dance that signified going to war and Trump was allowed to touch the crystal ball so many symbolistic things occurred outside of the USA during this time we can’t stress that enough stress that enough plans were created deals were made back channels opened and so on every executive order signed was to keep America safe while the puppet presidency of Joe Biden was to take place to allow an awakening to occur now we have come full circle we are approaching an unprecedented time a time that will rewrite history forever and put humanity on a course towards a greater more just world things aren’t going to get insane things are actually gonna get insanely crazy in the months to come but we are ready for every last moment of it the final battle approaches and yes that is spot-on for sure so of course you guys saw a lot of the rights I’m sure you turn on your television some of you and you or you’re on social media and you get this stuff out of New York I’m gonna be released within an hour or a couple of hours and if it if what happened the last time repeats itself any charges will be expunged immediately that’s all those folks at Columbia and New York are gonna be released immediately as Sean Hannity continues to speak then he has President Trump on and he asked him a few questions and then here we go from Trump because no action was taken previously what is your reaction to the news unfolding well it’s just such a sad thing to see Sean when you look at this it’s not even even believable if you go back a year or go back three or four or five years ago it this would not even be possible to think about nobody would be thinking this could happen you look at the anti-Semitism the hatred of Israel by so many people you go back 10 years I mean Israel was protected by Congress and now Congress is just doing numbers that are unbelievable with I think a very very small group of people within Congress and it’s got to stop but we have to go back to the roots we have to protect we have to stop the anti-Semitism that’s just pervading our country right now and so of course he brings up a couple of interesting points and I’ll get to that in a second Russ dr.

Russell McGregor president Trump says there are paid agitators well I really think you have a lot of paid agitators professional agitators in here too and I see it all over and you know when you see signs and they’re all identical that means they’re being paid by a source you know these aren’t hand-painted signs where people would go to their basement and paint something because they really believe that these are all signs that are identical they’re made by the same printer and you know when you see that that means there’s somebody atop that’s paying or a group that’s paying that they’re doing great well I really think you have a watch for the anti-freedom crackdowns this is a classic Soros Soros organized Antifa black lives matter deal that is happening on these campuses and I had somebody here that it kind of explained it and pulled that video for us to see of course you have the US Ministry of Truth uh Eric Trump reposted Justin Merrick Garland assures Americans that university writers will be investigated as soon as they wear MAGA hats thought I’d throw that one in there check this out do you notice that all these Hamas encampments on universities all kind of look the same talking the same tense same signage I was at one of these protests recently and they didn’t even remember the words to their little rhyme so they were just reading off their phone and I’m just gonna say the same looking people you can always tell an activist from a regular person the reason that all these events look the same they are being funded by the USC PR US campaign for Palestinian rights who knew and it’s funded by everyone’s favorite guy George Soros his organization actually pays what they call fellows who start protests on campus they gotta love capitalism am I right they like the socialism thing they don’t want to get the money’s bad America the worst but here we are capitalism this organization pays up to seven thousand eight hundred dollars to community-based fellows and then for campus-based fellows they get somewhere between two thousand eight hundred eighty dollars to three thousand six hundred sixty very specific who wouldn’t want to sign up for that type of money in Joe Biden’s economy that’s probably why these crowds are so massive they mobilize so fast have all these 10 cities across the country as it is then you have these universities embedded in these cities and then you get paid if you just like show up and chant a little bit you don’t even have to memorize the rhyme the math adds up here and sometimes I see that they have like snacks and water to give out for free I rather be poor with morals but I can’t speak for everyone else but I do think I’m going to start calling what we’re seeing here with these protests and riots as the 10 city politics population Democrats pretty cool pretty cool I like that so uh going over here just to some more things about these uh strange protests has anyone heard that Lisa Fithian she was arrested Lisa is a professional protest consultant who teaches students how to riot and commit terrorism so as you’re looking at the screen you see what they’re doing she is a charter member of extinction rebellion oh yeah so they’re all playing out and you get the UCLA fights they continue through the night dozens injured multiple bleeding still zero law enforcement both sides drag their wounded and fresh protesters replace them on the front total anarchy as you’re looking at all these video clips and more it almost seems like they set all of this up for us to basically be distracted and pulled in who knows how this is playing out but I tell you what is really interesting to me about all of this and to see what else do we have oh yeah UNC UNC North Carolina police rush the quad in front of Wilson library to remove a Palestinian flag demonstration they had put up in a place of the American one and so you hear the screaming and the yelling and more and of course President Trump calls it anti-Semitism so it makes me wonder and just taking a wild guess on some of this but there are many folks that I served with and been around who are Democrats and they said they will never leave the Democrat Party as many times as I’ve tried to explain to them through the years that they’re being lied to and I showed them the proof they say well I’m actually my background is and just name it and they say the reason I’m Democrat is because either they were Hispanic or because they were black and another group that I was with serving in the Marine Corps they said I’m Jewish of course I’m Democrat and so could this be another one of those where those who say I will never leave the Democrat Party they’re seeing what’s happening under Biden under Biden and they’re wondering how come he’s not doing anything about this and just maybe it could be a push toward the very end to get those that say I’m going to remain Democrat maybe they’ll finally flip and say all right I’m going to vote for President Trump regardless of what my family and what they told me to vote for because of look how they’re treating me at the universities because of my background maybe as a Jewish person so who knows we’ll see how that plays out I’ve got guesses I don’t have all the answers I have speculation and more but I tell you what Tony X2 says this gives me hope if you’re looking at your screen fraternity brothers are pelted by anti-israel protesters at UNC Chapel Hill while protecting the United States flag as it is rehoisted following its removal by protesters thank god there are young people who understand what it means to respect our flag and then of course you’ve got this Florida’s not playing right now you just saw I’m gonna step out of the way there are things being launched at them all it looks like to me is something that’s emitting some kind of white gas white smoke so the question here is is this something that the protesters are launching to try to keep law enforcement away or did law enforcement shoot a projectile with the smoke yep so they shoot that smoke in and all the sudden they all take off running and the police are following them that’s the way to do it in old Florida and of course the you know New York Police Department officers removed the Palestinian flag and once again raised the US flag god bless America so you’re seeing that happen there also there’s a lot of positive stuff in all of this and the gotta think and wonder how all this is playing out for a positive wake-up call for those that needed to see it because they didn’t believe it you know like no the universities would never act like that you know they would never behave in such a way where they go against a certain people group and agree with some type of thing that’s happening overseas and cause all kinds of chaos they’d never do that university professors would never teach anything like that like a socialism or communism no way I think the majority of these college students honestly know exactly what they’re protesting for the majority of these college students are here on a government loan they are studying something unbelievably stupid they are basically being built for money they have no idea it’s the next cool thing to do the average person I think at these protests is the kid that isn’t cool or good looking enough to be invited to a house party so because they’re not invited to a house party they make their own which is out here which is why what happens when they summon these people with a flyer 10 000 of them show up these are 10 000 people with nowhere else to be oh yeah what’s amazing folks get interviewed and then they tell you exactly what’s going on it’s amazing to see we’ll see more throughout this video folks one of my favorites coming up from el salvador president naiba kayla i’m gonna show you that we’ve got Ukraine information playing out Matt gets exposing the military involvement in what could be past possibly shooting in other areas but anyway and we know.com truth hope faith and freedom that’s our website you guys know that most of you that listen every time and you can just visit our site find out all of our social media areas because we are on facebook at oc updates and we’re on instagram at oc underscore 828 that’s awk underscore 828 we also have an amazing site for you that we worked hard on my son placed this together the patriot light.com it’s got home politics world news markets faith social news and resources when you click on each one you’ll see exactly what’s going on refreshed every five to ten minutes with new information for all of you on anything that you’ve been looking for and i call it kind of like the basically the source like a a dredge report for those that are conservatives and you have all the social news that we try to put together for you so you can go find out those that we follow or might be paying attention to so it helps you out so i encourage you to go check that out it’s in the description box below and on our website and don’t forget you can go to shop.andweknow.com folks that’s where you can get our gear many folks have been wearing the gear sending in their photos through our website so we can play them on the video and they’re stating that you know what i was out there i was looking at the um i was actually wearing my gear and somebody walked up to me and said hey i watched that channel too and now they’re friends well you can take 15 off all women’s wear get a free gift box by using code mother’s day 15 order by may 3rd for delivery by mother’s day pretty cool and i wanted to show you this too just in case those guys uh you didn’t know we’ve got the new cruise wear all you have to do is click on shop now and you can kind of see our cruise how cool it is that we’ve actually had a logo created for the cruise look at that and we know at sea with lt for those that are interested in grabbing that we’ve got hats there we’ve got the jackets they’re really nice jackets to see the pre-order at sea lt quarter zip cadet collar sweatshirt with embroidered logo look at that that is so cool what else do we have just to show you oh yeah some of our favorite jackets the puffer jacket with embroidered logo at sea with lt and then we’ve got another one here where you’ve got the puffer vest with the description on it at sea with lt so i want to check those out and here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear so if you didn’t know white house is considering welcoming some palestinians from war torin gaza as refugees by administration considering that according to internal federal government documents obtained by cbs news in recent weeks the document shows senior officials across several federal u.s agencies discuss the practicality of this and uh they’ve immediate family members or they have american citizens or permanent residents they’ll resettle palestinians from gaza one of those proposals proposals involves using the decades-old united states refugee admissions program to welcome palestinians with the u.s ties who have managed to escape gaza and enter neighboring egypt according to the interagency planning deal well coming along those lines of gaza we had this secretary loyd austin admitting likelihood of shooting warfare between u.s service members and gaza forces soon miss lockin just said there’ll be about a thousand u.s service members operating a peer system off of gaza how many of them will have guns mr secretary well typically all of the deployed service member carry service members carry guns and they have the ability to protect themselves if challenged so if someone from land and gaza shoots at our service members who are on the 320 million dollar pier that we’re building you’re telling me our service members can shoot back they have the they have the right to uh to return fire to protect themselves now well do we think that’s like so now i want to move to the likelihood that you think someone from land and gaza might shoot at our service members on this pier do you think that that’s a likely scenario that’s possible yes this is a very telling moment mr secretary because you’ve said something that’s quite possible that could happen right shots from gaza on our service members and then the response our armed service members shooting live fire into gaza that is a possible outcome here so that we can become the port authority and run this pier right uh that’s correct you know i i expect that we will always have the ability to protect ourselves on the ground president biden told the country that we weren’t going to have boots on the ground in gaza and we won’t okay but you guys parse the distinction between like when americans think boots on the ground they think americans in harm’s way or engaged actively in a conflict you guys seem to be sort of um saying that boots on a pier connected to the ground connected to service members shooting into gaza doesn’t count as boots on the ground it does not i think you’re going to find the american people have a different perspective on that and if we’re going to have people shooting into gaza we probably should have a vote on that pursuant to our war powers uh-huh didn’t see that coming did we oh yeah but all this money that goes towards uh you know our troops to go to other places and more yet they didn’t send our troops into hawaii remember the americans sought shelter in the ocean as maui burned remember this just in case we want to forget those while our government wrote a check after check for ukraine the best they could do for americans was 700 bucks you’re gonna be okay my love my love remember this folks floating in the water trying to get away from the fires how sad and how sick billions of dollars go into other countries they can’t support the folks in maui and they’re turning it into a what 15-minute city is what we’re gathering and they’re sending our troops to all the other places but they didn’t send them in to help these people out set everything up for them get them their food fly in support from the military and more what were they doing oh no forget the united states of america as a matter of fact we got some more from ukrainean born congresswoman victoria spartes admitting that billions of her tax dollars are given given to ukraine is actually a slush fund where we don’t even know how it’s being used after the we gave stuff and the police border and we don’t know what’s happening that i said that’s bs that is unacceptable what is the current way when we give money what happens to the money and who does the money go to like right now the 61 billion dollars right that’s going to go to ukraine where is that going you you don’t know they’re going to go to ukraine because if you think about that’s what the problem i had like i know that from even one of the packages before you know the you know billion dollars went to yemen who thinks you know who visit yemen that are taking from a terrorist that’s shooting other ships you know so like they have associated causes so ukraine is becoming a slush fund where not all this money actually go directly some of the money go to rebuild some of our allies you know that you know in europe okay that’s all great but why is that part of ukraine money some of the rebuild our stockpile some of them you know some of the countries give garbage to ukraine and then bought some new equipment and ukraine got half of not working so i think this is just not right way to do it that’s why i had a very big objections but we don’t even know the way how these bill ratings you know most of them we don’t even know what is even go directly to ukraine all the part of it i believe it’s like 16 or something billion it’s you know it says you create security assistance for ukraine specifically but even part of that could be used to replenish stockpiles to some countries that give ukraine and with now we can give an answer who gave what and where it is where is where is so that’s why i was surprised to see that a lot of this weapons i didn’t even see them there so they were all who knows where what biden is doing the same blank check with his drawers you know he can give to an international organization so he can use to um i’ve never seen you and doing anything there what do you think never seen iran doing anything there stated that a billion was given to the hoodies in yemen who were attacking our ships huh where did she get permission to come out and talk like that is anybody uh watching her is anybody going to give her a call at two o’clock in the morning and tell her to stop or we pass those days now and she’s being used to wake up the masses she’s a tough one and she’s always been tough we shared that many times of course we had these headlines ukraine army chief admits tactical retreat is underway um-hmm ukraine and then at the same time right before that was released at 10 a.m biden looks to prevent future president from ending ukraine war with the 10-year agreement so he’s trying to get something into paper so that when president trump walks in he won’t be able to touch any of the money going to ukraine for 10 years bernie brights his panic patterns around bound in the current stage of the info war as the narratives emerging from the ongoing collapse of the prussian proxy war are exposing macro concepts to the normie layers of the collective mind they may not even be consciously aware of for example the following one-two punch carries with it some seismic ramifications that’s these two headlines number one official sources are now confirming what we’ve been saying for years that ukraine will is and has lost all in all the ways that matter number two the globalists uh represented most clearly by the biden admin and the european union are so desperate to keep this losing battle going that they are attempting to front run the second trump term by both diverting funding to the eu while also hamstringing the next two u.s administrations when it comes to intervention and said funding which uh as a white pill aside runs in parallel with the signaling the u.s based mainstream media and said ueu nato establishment are doing regarding the inevitably inevitability excuse me of trump 2.0 enemy death spiral part of that enemy death spirals course is playing out in el salvadores the president naib baqayli gathers every official every official an executive branch of his government and makes surprise announcement ask the country’s attorney general to investigate all of them for bribery bribery check this out i’m going to read basically say what i’ll let it play and then i’ll read okay in fact you can see that everyone here is from the executive branch from the executive branch that i oversee except for one person the attorney general is he’s not part of the executive branch but he’s here for a simple reason i want to ask him publicly to investigate everyone sitting here retroactively and into the future i imagine that there should be no problem with that someone asked once asked me are you afraid of death i said of course nobody wants to die i don’t want to die but i know that i’ll die someday like anyone else death is the one thing we can’t escape 100 years from now none of us here will be alive none of us nobody’s sitting here it’s very unlikely it’s fairly likely that nobody here or their grandfather’s father’s name but if there is one thing i fear it’s leaving a bad legacy there are some presidents some in prison and some on the run but the most are remembered as criminals that’s not how i want that’s not how i want to be remembered so i don’t steal because i don’t want to be remembered as a criminal or as a corrupt but for one president president d’Oarte people back then used to say the president isn’t a thief but he surrounded himself with thieves there was a time when he offered hope for the salvadorian people but even if it’s true he didn’t steal then he was foolish because he was the people’s hope he didn’t touch a scent and still stained his legacy by surrounding himself with thieves that won’t happen to me i won’t be the president that didn’t steal but was surrounded by criminals i want to be remembered that he didn’t steal and didn’t let anyone else steal and the one who put whoever stole in prison there are a couple who are already there oh that is what you call leadership from the front i wonder how many of these folks that he was talking to were shaking in their boots and realizing oh shoot i’m in big trouble now and that makes me uh want to tell you more about this well the news headlines swirling around in your head as you toss and turn or stare at the ceiling struggling to get that good night’s sleep well you’re not alone millions of americans face an epidemic of sleeplessness that is slightly harming their health and well-being the trauma our minds have endured over the past four and a half years doesn’t turn off with the switch we have to reset bring cortisol levels back to normal and to do that we need a restful night’s sleep when you lay down at night knowing that you have the key to ensuring a deep and regeneration sleep is life changing in a restful sleep formula grafted by a wake doctor’s pun not intended like dr peter mccollough and his chief medical board at the wellness company who understand the mounting harms of melatonin restful sleep formula is an all-natural alternative to melatonin you know what’s cool is you actually save 56 compared to buying each one of these supplements separately plus you save an extra 10 and get free shipping when you use code LT at checkout don’t just dream of better sleep make it reality visit twc.health forward slash LT today and use code LT at checkout for 10% off the following video is a two-parter you’re going to want to watch the entire thing to fully understand exactly where we are to begin with may 27th just a few weeks away may be more important to american history than july 4th take a listen i’m reggie lillijon co-founder of the sovereignty coalition and founder of the anti-globalist international organization the two treaties that are going to be voted on in may 27th of this year just a few weeks from now are the greatest threat to freedom that the world has ever faced public health is being used as a tool for total control this is not a public health issue it’s an instrument to introduce chinese style totalitarianism to the united states and to the world now the international health regulations if the wsh gets what it wants they’ll be able to mandate vaccines mandate masks mandate lockdowns and mandate quarantines in the united states and all over the world also they will be able to mandate that the governments of the world surveil and censor their citizens no doubt through mandatory digital ids which can be used as the basis of a china social credit system style rule of totalitarian control please to stand with my colleagues and other friends and great patriots that are interested in the sovereignty of american and don’t be distracted at this moment don’t you be distracted let’s not america be distracted by what’s happening in this building or what’s about to happen in this building behind us as bad as that is and it’s bad but as bad as that is we can do two things at once we can pay attention to the other things that are happening around the globe and in this country and as we speak president biden is planning to cede the sovereignty of the united states of america to the internationalists and the world health organization the ability to decide between you and your doctor what medicine you take or do not take whether you wear a mask or not whether you leave your home and where you go is all potentially being ceded by this president of the united states based on a signature subverting and disregarding the constitution of the united states bypassing the senate saying it’s not a treaty doing the exact same thing that president obama did with the iran nuclear deal that was bad now then and it’s a precursor it’s a warning of what might happen very very soon so we’re we’re he gathered here today to make sure that you’re all aware of what we’re all aware of that we’re awake and that we make sure that president biden is not allowed to just sign on our behalf and then the senate rejects any attempt by the world health organization to take away our individual medical freedom our individual choices our choices to move about our country our community our homes as we please that is literally what is at stake right now and then and then be forced to pay for it without even knowing what the bill is it is unacceptable the fact that we even have to have this press conference is breathtaking but every single day you wake up and you say to yourself well what more can it be i can’t believe what just happened they can’t do anything else well ladies and gentlemen as bad as it is and as bad as it is as it is in dealing with this government taking away our rights every single day just imagine how difficult it’s going to be to drag our rights back away from some international organization of bureaucrats that aren’t even elected that don’t care about america don’t care about our constitution and don’t care about what we think this is only america but check this out listen to uh mark fran sua i’ll just say his name like that the who is attempting to grant the who director general an unelected and unaccountable individual unprecedented levels of power to declare public health emergencies on a whim mandate vaccines vaccine passports lockdowns masks and travel restrictions it’s happening over there too as one constituent put it to me in their email and i quote almost no one who was informed believes the who performed anything other than a polling leader in covid with disastrous results yet there seems no attempt to reform this unelected unaccountable organization which british taxpayers fund in the millions on the contrary the drive is evident to give the totally undemocratic who ever more power ever more of our money and ever less scrutiny amendments to the international health regulations are currently being negotiated and finalized up to 300 of them to be voted on in may 2024 at the 77th world health assembly among those amendments being negotiated i understand are one amendments to make who emergency guidance legally binding currently they’re only advisory on member states and he goes on to explain all this in detail just like we heard from america about they literally take over our sovereignty and they can run every country into the ground with lockdowns and more we know they want full control of everyone on this earth and we need to know about this and expose their evil peter sweden showed us this that arizona gop just declared covid injections biological weapons they’re calling on the governor to ban and seize all covid injections for a forensic analysis the republican party of arizona just passed a ban the jab resolution a big news big news yet i haven’t seen anything about it on the mainstream media no what are we seeing on the mainstream media just riots like crazy george sos is funding them we don’t want people to know all the great news that’s having an out happening out there we don’t want the people to realize that when they fight back that they can win in different states in different areas oh no let’s keep everybody focused on fox news you see the arizona republican party just declared the covid injections as biological and technological weapons as they passed a ban the jab resolution with a whopping 95 of the votes they passed the resolution a massive majority but what is interesting is what the resolution actually says because it’s because it says some pretty politically incorrect things and the arizona gop are also calling on the governor to ban the covid injections and seize the vials to do a forensic analysis of the contents it’s interesting what will they find if they do analysis of the injections we now know that fizer for example withheld information from authorities about dna contamination in the injections here’s the text of the resolution whereas strong incredible evidence shows covid 19 injections are biological and technological weapons and fizer’s clinical data revealed 1223 deaths 42 000 adverse cases 158 000 adverse incidents and approximately 1000 side effects and an enormous number of people have died and or have been permanently disabled after having been injected by the covid 19 injections and strong incredible evidence from sweden exists that covid mrna shots at alter the human dna and government agencies media and tech companies and other corporations have committed enormous fraud by claiming covid injections are safe and effective and the florida department of health has called for a halt to the mrna injections and continued experimentation on humans and denial of informed consent are violations of the neurenberg code and therefore constitute crimes against humanity and that means they’ve committed crimes that allow them to go to gitmo and then they have a quick trial and then they are gone let’s see where else is uh are we seeing all of this play out where the truth seems to be happening how about uh i told you so some of you not all of you but a lot of you deserve and i told you so astro zenica has told a british court that it’s covid vaccine can cause a rare side effect which can lead to blood clots and low platelet count the company is currently facing a barrage of class action suits in the uk astro zenica vaccine was branded as kobi shield in india and manufactured by serum institute ikta bata joins us now with the details ikta what has the company said british swedish pharma company astro zenica has admitted in court documents that it’s covid 19 vaccine developed along with the university of oxford can cause a rare side effect tts or thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome astro zenica told the court and i quote it is admitted that the astro zenica vaccine can in very rare cases cause tts the causal mechanism is not known end of quote tts is a very rare syndrome characterized by blood clots and low platelet counts the admission is a part of a lawsuit filed in the uk where jamie scott a father of two alleged that astro zenica’s vaccine which he took in april 2021 resulted in him developing a blood clot and bleed in the brain leading him with severe brain impairment so we’re seeing this play out it’s starting to get exposed even more i showed you when you go to like telegram and you look up covid bc for example i’m showing it on the screen now these people and i’m just sharing what they show in the public they brag about getting the jab and the booster they tell everybody look at me look at me look at what i did yet uh what happens to the very folks that were bragging about it the one that i’m showing you now as a nurse has a brain aneurysm on the right that may get coiled in april fighting for her life another one out there bragging about getting the jab telling everybody go get it didn’t do their research didn’t bother to go talk to their neighbors who might have said hey i’m warning you this is all set up it’s set up to depopulate the earth they didn’t want to hear it and now another one with a brain aneurysm and then another one died suddenly one moment they’re bragging on social media about getting the jab the next thing you know they pass away suddenly it’s always suddenly something happened and they don’t know why and we’ve had a lot of young people young folks that bragged about it on social media bragged about their children getting it and more and then of course you’ve got somebody who is very very young this victorian got jabbed and then next thing you know their labor family’s broken-hearted and albany’s pays tribute to pita murphy dead at 50 and uh very young and many of these as you scroll through just breaks your heart because it’s hundreds if not thousands of posts from so many social media sites bragging about this not realizing what they’ve done to themselves fact check then remember back in 2021 no definitive link between astrozentica’s covid 19 vaccine and blood clot incidents yet what do we see now astrozentica admits for first time it’s covid vaccine can cause rare side effect intense legal fight with victims of defective jab they admitted it in court yeah astrozentica vaccine unlikely to cause blood clot says news week but then um you know it says astrozentica they admit it can cause rare blood clots the liars who belong to the father of lies satan and they fall for it and then we have to pray for them for healing because folks have been deceived many especially even on the christian side went out there because they were trusting man-made concoctions instead of trusting the lord um trying to find out the truth which we knew the truth was covid was not going to do anything to kill you even though that’s what they told us on tv constantly that millions of people are dying and you need to get a shot to protect yourself yeah here’s a message by the way wanted to go back to message from our president we started with the covid excuse me with the campus stuff and i want to end it with her i’ve heard gaps in the jews i don’t resent his passion nip that’s uh biden’s campus chaos and then when you go through and you look at these of course ultra mega party put out something for us it was not protest it was chaos let me go what we witnessed yesterday was not dissent it was not disorder it was not protest it was chaos they weren’t protesters don’t dare call them protesters they were a riotous mob insurrectionist domestic terrorist it’s that basic it’s that simple the past four years we’ve had a president who’s made his contempt for our democracy our constitution the rule of law clear in everything he has done he unleashed an all-out assault on our institutions of our democracy from the outset and yesterday was what the culmination of that unrelenting attack and it is unacceptable how about that huh so those that are listening i just paused it real quick because i wanted you to know if you’re listening and not watching wall biden is speaking about these terrible attacks he’s referring to the j6 event but what’s playing out is during his presidency or all these attacks on the campuses one of them in new york obviously where they’re destroying that campus and as he’s speaking he’s actually talking about himself totally unacceptable and it’s being used against him in this video it’s amazing way to go ultra magma party i was appalled like you at the violence and destruction that we saw that day i was appalled that you our country’s elected leaders were victimized right here in these very halls that attack that siege was criminal behavior plain and simple and behavior that we the fbi view as domestic terrorism yep they view as domestic terrorism says the fbi leader of course all this playing out for us once again is looking back to the past and looking to today the very words coming out of ray’s mouth the very words coming out of biden’s mouth relate to them who are the ones that are causing damage to the streets billions of dollars of damage in the cities like chicago and others where they have rights black lives matter and all these other stupid things that they do yet none of them get in trouble if they get arrested they let them go yet the folks that went to j6 that got pulled in by the three letter agencies pretending to be trump supporters well they’re going to go to your house like the fbi knock at your door at two in the morning walk in with guns while your kids are screaming and say you’re guilty because you walked into the capital you were pulled into the trap that we set up for you and now those that are causing the real damage those are are doing this and they’re getting paid they’re the ones that are causing the problems and it’s great how this is put together it’s got no place in our democracy and tolerating it would make a mockery of our nation’s rule of law the rule of law of course is our country’s bedrock and it’s our guiding principle at the fbi that’s why the fbi has been working day and night across the country to track down those responsible for the events of january 6th and to hold them accountable we’re chasing down leads we’re reviewing evidence combing through digital media to identify investigate and arrest anyone who broke the law that day the problem of domestic terrorism has been metastasizing across the country for a long time now and it’s not going away anytime soon at the fbi we’ve been sounding the alarm on it for a number of years now i’ve been sounding the alarm about domestic terrorism since i think just about my first month on the job when i first started appearing up on the hill and i’ve spoken about it maybe a dozen different congressional hearings so whenever we’ve had the chance we’ve tried to emphasize that this is a top concern and remain so for the fbi in fact in fact we viewed it as such a critical threat that back in june of 2019 under my leadership we elevated racially and ethnically motivated violent extremism to our highest threat priority on the same level with isis and homegrown violent extremists where it remains to this day let me make one thing clear the fbi will not tolerate agitators and extremists who plan or commit violence period and that goes for violent extremists of any stripe as i’ve said many times we do not investigate ideology but we focus on acts of violence and violations of federal law and when we see those when we see those we will bring to bear the full weight of our resources our experience and our partnerships they should expect the fbi to come knocking on their door no matter where they try to run excellent of course that won’t happen for these paid off george soros folks who probably has the fbi in his pocket too and that kind of reminds me of a couple other things as we come close to the end of this um i like to show at case what happens in hollywood and more if you didn’t know oprah wemfrey’s close friend jerry harris star of oprah’s netflix show cheer has been sentenced to 12 years in prison after being caught using his position to lure underage children into being raped yes and what do they show you in hollywood they say it’s just a show they don’t even have to try and act it’s their everyday life behind closed doors look at this scene as we look at what they show us day in and day out now make our creatures thy vf produces miracles these days you’re a monster oh no babe i’m so much worse yes somebody’s awake please can i hold them absolutely but if you hold them you join us and if you don’t want to that’s okay you’ll just end up like your friend preach i mean either way so showing in this clip of course you have your golden globe these will pay the penalty of eternal destruction second thessalonians 1 9 for he who does wrong will receive the consequences of the wrong which he has done and that without partiality colossians 3 25 these folks that have committed so much evil across our nation that have committed evil against our children that have committed evil to force actors and singers to do the bidding of satan to worship him and twist everything that’s going on throughout our nation and now the throughout the world well they’re going to be in huge trouble eric trump there are hundreds of law enforcement officers the streets are closed down for blocks and around the courthouse and entire district attorney’s offices and attendants their top prosecutors all for 130 000 payment by a lawyer in 2016 crime is at an all-time high in new york the city’s unrecognizable to the people who know it the best and i would equate this to america all the american cities stores are closing left and right because of unthinkable shoplifting the rest have to cover their items behind locked plexiglass to avoid being ravaged kids have been shot in times square women have been thrown to their death in the subways drugs and homelessness homelessness are through the roof no one believes this production is serious no one believes this isn’t 1000 percent politically motivated it almost appears as if he’s telling us they’re causing all of this on purpose so that they can stop the election they can basically say there’s chaos throughout america and we’re going to have to stop it all stop the process of elections and more they’re going to do everything they can to prevent president trump from ever walking back in that’s what they’re doing and it’s not working but they’re going to still try and it’s a great wake up for those that are not awake and there’s still a lot more that need to realize what’s been going on right here from laura bowley i’ll read as we close the sky is still covered with the thick mantle of clouds but today at least there are some cracks here and there and the sun rays are pushing their way through it made me think of how the matrix is also developing cracks as we speak and the light is finally creeping and exposing the evil agenda that it serves humanity is the caterpillar within the matrix cocoon that is beginning to crack as we slowly realize we need to transform and fly i was reminded of the song i can see clearly now the rain is gone i can see all the obstacles in my way gone are the dark clouds that had me blind it’s going to be a bright bright bright sunny sunshiny day it’s going to be a bright bright brighty sunshiny day yep let’s keep it positive let’s build the faith let’s share our energy let’s never fail let’s keep on going let’s never doubt let’s close our eyes and see our light it’s going to be a bright sunshiny day but nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad let’s pray heavenly father thank you once again for how you continue just provide us with so many opportunities to expose evil all around us you’ve definitely used so much to wake up the masses to the basically the sleeping masses who have had the bible taken away from their schools prayer taken away from the schools and we’re living around generations who have not even heard the word of god ever in their life and you’re transforming lives we’ve played prayed for a revival for years but it wasn’t uh really meant to be inside the walls of a building we are discovering that the revival is happening in each heart every day as they realize there is a battle between good and evil that this is biblical what we’re seeing that the world that we lived in that was a lie is being exposed and we’re now waking up to our food the corruption in our children the corruption in our schools the corruption in our politicians the corruption in hollywood and so much more thank you that we have the ability to be used by you with our voices and our actions to love those who need love you tell us to love the lord our god with all of our heart and to love our neighbors as ourselves and we just ask that you would continue to give us the strength to do that in the most marvelous way could be a calm and a peace for those who need it so badly what an amazing time to be alive thank you for your protection of all of us and our families and we just ask for continued um continued protection over those that want to hurt us um and don’t like to hear what we have to say but we know you’ve got us and we went in the end through you we ask all this in the name of yeshua our savior your son christ amen and amen folks thank you so much for tuning in thank you for your love your support your guidance your prayers and so much more i just want to ask you to hit that follow button or the share button also and the like button it really helps us out quite a bit especially with the algorithms and more it gets into other folks some eyes and we continue to see that many don’t know about this channel and we can still watch it grow okay and just thank you thank you so much we are so honored to be here today continuing to just live out what god has provided right so for now this lt saying simplify with them we know signing out you.

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