2024 ELection In Jeopardy!? Biden ENDORSES Newsome..

Posted in: David Nino Rodriguez, News, Patriots

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➡ The speaker has shared his thoughts on various topics including his experiences of researching a video about religious beliefs, his opinions on contemporary politics, his gratitude for audience support, his concerns about recent global conflicts, and different tools for investment. The speaker also advocated for preparedness measures, promoted his various social media channels and other platforms, and mentioned his upcoming guests and topics that he plans to discuss in the future. He emphasizes his commitment providing valuable information to his audience despite challenges, shares his personal journey in sobriety, and expresses belief that everyone is living in a particularly significant moment in time.
➡ Both sides of a political argument are vying for victory, possibly leading to the replacement of Joe Biden and a shift in the Democrat party. Furthermore, the writer speculates potential delays to elections and a push to enlist immigrants as peacekeepers in the US. The interviewee insists this is a race to control future political events, with an emphasis on preventing Donald Trump’s possible victory in the 2024 presidential election which some perceive as a threat to global stability.
➡ The narrator criticizes the presentation of popular political figures in media, suggesting manipulation of public perception towards certain personalities like Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, and Joe Biden. He also discusses recent poll results, asserting skepticism over their accuracy and advances the theory of a forthcoming significant event termed “the pause”. Moreover, he shares incidents of aggressive political discourse on Capitol Hill attributed to Trump’s influence and reports a tense situation in Gaza with Israel’s military operation and humanitarian crisis.
➡ The Palestinian Health Ministry reported a mortality figure of approx. 4707 children and minors and 3155 women as a result of the Israeli-Hamas conflict in Gaza six weeks ago. Activists are accusing Washington police of violently disrupting peaceful protests, while Netanyahu faces multiple charges for war crimes at the ICC. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is pushing for a $106 billion budget to assist Ukraine and Israel, despite substantial budget deficits. Biden’s meeting with China’s Xi Jinping tackled contentious issues like Chinese military belligerence, Fentanyl trade, and Taiwan. The President affirmed his description of the Chinese leader as a dictator.
➡ The speaker criticizes the illusion of free choice in a polarized political system, questioning the effectiveness of Congress and expressing disillusionment with its operations. They also discuss disagreements among influential figures in conservative circles, implying a bias in their funding and views. Furthermore, they mention a Texas speech pathologist losing her job for refusing to sign a pro-Israel oath, arguing it undermines freedom of speech.
➡ In a rural U.S. town, Murphy Suburro, Tennessee, public displays of homosexuality have been disallowed due to a new ordinance banning indecent behavior, indirectly targeting the LGBTQ community. The ordinance, under the guise of controlling indecency, restricts public affection among gay couples and has led to the banning of books exploring LGBTQ themes.
➡ Rap icon Snoop Dogg has decided to quit his chronic smoking habits, which shocked his fans, especially as he’s known for his outspoken cannabis usage. Snoop expressed his decision was influenced primarily by being a grandfather and his desire to ensure a healthier lifestyle for himself and his family. The decision has left his fans in a state of disbelief, considering his long-term association with smoking.
➡ The speaker is grateful for his audience’s support, striving both to form a legitimate company and act as an inspiration for sobriety. He credits his followers with keeping him alive and aiding in overcoming personal struggles. In addition, he plans to discuss a potential logo competition with Ian and conduct various interviews.


Morning, everybody. I hope that Bony video did you all pretty good, because I feel good, you know, I saw that on Instagram, actually, and I looked into it. I did a little bit of research. I was like, wow, this is real. How come I’ve never heard of this? I think the guy’s name is Ron Wyatt. And you guys can go back and watch a Bony interview. And right at that time, when I was doing some research on it, to do a video on it, Bony calls me and I go, Bo, man, do you know about this? The video looks old.

The footage looks kind of old. He’s like, yeah, I know all about it. I was like, we got to do a video on it, man. I go, this is important stuff for people to know about. So I’ll tell you what, though. I’ve got some hateful emails about it. A lot of people don’t like it. I don’t understand. A lot of people find Jesus Christ very threatening, I guess.

Listen, I am a Christ believer. That’s just me, all right? I don’t Bible beat anyone over the head. I have my belief systems. If you’re on board with it, that’s great. If not, that’s fine, too. I don’t judge you. I don’t judge anybody. Hey, guys, check this picture out. It’s Trump and Hillary. Is that not the best? Is that not the best? How hilarious is that? I bought that.

I thought, you know what? I’m going to get that. I’m going to frame it and put it right there, folks. You can venmo me. D Hyphen Rod 1977 D Hyphen Rod 1977. If you appreciate me, I absolutely appreciate you. A lot of you ask me questions on my Venmo also, super chat is a go. Let’s rock and roll. I appreciate any contribution. I’m putting my life energy out here, but you guys are keeping, um, from drinking, and that’s the honest truth.

You’re keeping me accountable when the lights go out on Amazon, you know, I go through my little spill when the lights go out on Amazon, I’m still pissed off. Oscar de La Hoya took the COVID of my book and used it for his documentary. But I’m also very flattered because he was one hell of a champion. So who am I to complain, right? Nothing I say matters, but I guess thank you.

I’m going to say thank you for using the image I have on my book for your documentary. It’s flattering. The Mexican mix. The Mexican mix on Amazon. Leave an honest review. That’s all we ask, is an honest review. I read all the reviews to my mama and folks. Noble Gold, baby, are you new to investing? You have savings you need to protect right now with the Middle East War, the Ukraine War, and maybe even the Taiwan War, which, yeah, that’s probably what they’re meeting about.

Old Biden and zingping. You need a playbook that’s safe. Allocate some gold now and avoid the frenzies panic of the unprepared. And that’s coming. When fear rains. Gold protects the wise. Noble Gold Investments offers a free five ounce America the beautiful coin with new IRAs this month. Shield your savings with Noble gold investments Ira, go to Noble gold down below. Folks, I have the link down below. Get yourself some gold and silver as we make this transition in America.

You’re going to need it prep. I have a my Patriot supply down below. Get some buckets of food you can put on the shelves. That’s always a good thing. I got a whole garage full of that. I got a generator. I got guns and ammo, food, water, infiltration system. There’s a lot of things you need to prepare with Spotify. Nino’s Corner Telegram. Nino’s Corner getter. Nino’s Corner Rumble.

Nino’s Corner True social. David Rodriguez Boxer, baby. Oh, yeah. Instagram David Nino Rodriguez. And Nino’s truth. Nino’s truth is verified. I’m very special now. I got verified on Nino’s truth. Twitter. Nino Boxer. That’s a Nino boxer on Twitter. Twatter. You should have renamed it Twatter. The Twatter. Thank you, American Girl. Wow. Thank you. Patriotwear. com. Bing gets a shirt like this coming at you live from the Apocalypse.

Or a hat coming at you live from the Apocalypse. Show your support on patriotware. com. Getting some new stuff on there. I’m trying to think of a know. I’ve thought about this. I might do a competition with artists. Anyone who can come up with the best logo for me will win a cash prize reward. I need to talk to my YouTube agent and see if we can manage to do this.

How would we go about doing this and make it a thing? Maybe I’ll do it for Christmas. Whoever comes up with the best logo for Nino’s corner, you win a cash prize and then I’ll do a second and a third. Nino’s corner TV Amanjabi giving you the black pill. Oh, it was the black pill. So, so sorry. Had to get the black pill out. We got to look at all sides of this battlefront, folks.

I can’t leave anything out. All things are possibilities. So Aman Jubi came on, and he’s not even Indian. He looks kind of like Taiwanese or I don’t know what he is, but nice guy, knows his shit. And he came on and gave the black pill, talking about the technologies being used in the Beast system. That’s on Ninoscorner TV. I’m going to have. It was a hard pill to swallow.

The black pill is always a hard pill to swallow. So I’m having Juan O saving on in response to this to give a counter commentary. And let me tell you, I talked to Juan on the phone for about an hour, and wow, I really got the gist of what’s going on. I got to tell you folks, I’m very honored and I feel privileged to know people like this and just a phone call away.

That’s why I try to put this out for you guys. So you have the same kind of intel that I’m getting, but a lot of it I cannot put on YouTube. You got to understand that people are getting blasted every day and demonetized the whole thing, the whole shebang. Thank you, Brenda. The whole thing. The whole thing. Just by talking about what I’m talking about. So that’s why I talk in code and that’s why I stop my guests all the time and, ah, hold on.

Don’t say that. You can’t say. And I have to send it to editing, and it just sucks. And I can’t have people on my YouTube channel that have been bombed. So it’s a delicate process here, folks. It’s not easy. This is hard. I’m bobbing and weaving, but I got to put food on the table, man. I got to make a living. You know what I’m saying? Hey, all right.

Daniel Brinkley, it’s all a lie. We never die. We just multiply. No. So Daniel Brinkley, it’s all a lie, we never die. That’s going on. No, that’s going on. Nino’s corner TV tonight. Tonight I’m putting it up. That’s good. It’s always a feel good interview with Danny. And I love that guy. Such a beautiful soul. Beautiful soul. And I am also very honored and privileged to call him a good friend.

You know what’s good? Know, since I quit drinking, you lose certain friends. I stay in touch with a few of them, but you lose certain friends, you gain new ones, although they’re all scattered around the country. And the do I do consider, like, wano, saving a friend. I’ve met some new friends. I’ve gotten real close to BJ Penn, Daniel Brinkley. I may be having Eddie Bravo on my show.

I don’t know. So we’re talking on the text right now. I may be bringing it. I was on Eddie Bravo’s show on his private channel. That was pretty cool. SGN on is coming on. Like I said, 107 today. SGN on is today as well. Melissa from Freedom Forest, she’s been blasted. See, she’s got knocked off YouTube. So I’m bringing her on Ninoscorner TV. And I got Jan Helper.

She’s going to set the record straight on my show. She’s not deep state. Well, I have to pose the question, is she deep state? We shall see. That’ll be on Ninoscorner TV. So, folks, you might want to turn it down or turn it up, baby. Oh, yeah. I love this. I love it so much. What do you guys think? Does this not say it all? Does this not say it all coming at you for the Apocalypse vote? Yeah, baby.

Yeah. Yes. Turn it up. Yeah. My glasses fog up immediately after I do that. Trying to get you all ready for the apocalypse. Yes. We are in it. We are in it. This is what I’ve been training for. Oh, man. This is it right here. This is everything. We all. You’ve all chose to be here at this time. I got news for you. Are you going to pass the test? That’s the question.

You all chose to be here at this very moment. I believe that. I truly believe that. So we all can see where this is going. We all know where this is going. They feel they have all the answers. Okay? Both sides feel they can win on this. All right? Both sides are going in. They’re going in for the kill. You’ve seen that. Well, I don’t have it here, but the Magador poster image that Juan has created, that’s really what’s going on with both sides.

They both feel like they are the Magador or the matador, but one side is waiting for a perfect opportunity. Well, both sides are. But the one thing that’s going to happen is some kind of event, okay? That is coming. This is YouTube, so I need to say it looks like that is what’s coming, by the way, that right there on my finger, it’s a blister. I shut the door on my finger.

It looks like a mole. It’s like, oh, what a weird mole. It’s not a mole. It’s a blister. I shut the door on my finger, and now it just looks weird. I know. I use my hands a lot. So just giving you a heads up. I don’t have some weird little blister. I don’t have some weird little mole on my finger. It is a blister. The blister. So right now they feel what they’re going to do is do anything and everything to the American people and they don’t give a shit what you think.

They don’t care. As long as they can paint a pretty narrative using the what, the MSM. As long as they can do that, they feel they can get away with absolutely anything. They may have to make a small sacrifice, though. One little tweak in their plans here. And that would be. What do you think? Is Kim Kardashian really Man of the Year? Do any of you even pay? I mean, they’ve lost all credibility.

I mean, come watch. I don’t even care about the mainstream anymore. You shouldn’t either. It’s gone so off the rails. Who cares anymore? Don’t even pay attention to it. So they have to make one sacrifice. Do you guys know what that’s going to be? Do you guys know what that’s going to be? The little tweak in what they have to do? They’re going to probably, and I have to state it like this, probably replace Biden.

They’re going to play Democrat musical chairs. That’s the direction this Looks like it’s going. And I told you to watch Newsom. Why? Because Biden is, as the vice groups keep closing in on him, he is the rotting corpse of the Democrat Party. They’re looking for a way right now to get rid of him. And if we impeach him and all that. See you later. I’m telling you right now, they’re going to be making some kind of move.

They’re going to be or the Rock. I’ve been watching the Rock for quite a while. I’ve been watching Dwayne Johnson. Dwayne Johnson. His whole life has been fake. He’s been a fake wrestler. He’s an actor. And now he’s going to go. It’s obvious he’s going into politics. He’s fake. Let’s see what happens with him. That’s another one I’m watching. But Newsom, most important, the Democrat musical chairs are about to begin very soon.

And the reason this has to happen is because they are pushing their hand. We are pushing their hand. We can’t get to 24, folks. I believe it ain’t going there. It ain’t going there. I believe there will be a push. I believe they will push the election back. And I believe there’s going to be a pause. There’s going to be some kind of time where there’s going to be a pause, folks.

A lot of discontent, a lot of frustration, a lot of anxiety is going to hit the public. And I think this is all coming. And when, I don’t know, I’m going to say before November, let’s just say to say to play safe. And I’m sure you all agree with me, there’s going to be something that happens that delays the whole process, chaos, crime, something. And it’s a race to who’s going to own 2025? Who is going to control November on November of 24 on, that’s the race here.

And if they can get Trump out of the picture, even if it’s indefinitely, and you know what I mean by that. This is it. This is the race for 24. And I’m going to say that I’m betting it doesn’t go off. It doesn’t go off. Both sides now have limited moves left to play, very limited moves. The Democrats just have to somehow hold on to power just till they get to 2025.

That’s all they got to do is I hold the ball the last 30 seconds of the game. That’s literally where we’re at. That’s literally where we’re at. They just got to hold on to the ball and run the clock down. They know that’s all they got to do. But that is why now do you understand what I’m saying? When we’re pushing their hand for an event to happen so we can do the Jujitsu move? It’s a jujitsu move.

A lot of you will understand that they want to hold onto the ball until run out the clock. We’re going to push them to the Jujitsu move. Give me a thumbs up if you understand. I’m speaking in code here. Over two years ago, I said the goal is to bring in Peacekeepers into America. And there’s a lot of footage right now being shown, planes flying in for these peacekeepers.

One place specifically is Maryland. And rumors are that they’re using reports and rumors are that they’re using a Biden app to come in. So I’ll leave that up to you to investigate and research. But I’m just giving the information, I lay it out for you all to play it out. There’s some kind of Biden app that they’re using to bring in people that are peacekeepers, also recruiting immigrants.

Immigrants for what? For the police force have no loyalty to the United States. That’s why they’re all military aged men, most of them. Gosh, I hope I’m making sense here. I’m trying to dance around the best I can. Right? You’re right, info warrior. You are 100% right. No, Trump does not think that. Trump does not think that. Trump knows what’s going on. Trump knows exactly what time it is.

But he’s playing the game. He’s playing the has. How do you guys not understand this? He has to act aloof. And let me tell you, folks, Trump is not king. He is not king. This is coming from we, the people. He is just the front man. You got to understand that. And I cannot say any more than what I really want to say on here. You’ll have to go to Nino’s corner TV because, and I’m going to be talking to Juan about this.

This is going to be one of the most important interviews I do with Juan. I have an Trump. We’re going to be talking about, oh, man, this is going to be an epic interview. We’re going to be talking about how it’s going to be all shut down. Everything’s going to be shut down. He has to come back as CNC, which he, man, folks, this is going to be a big interview.

I cannot say it on here, but I have my notes ready for Juanito on this one, let me tell you. And I had a long call with him yesterday to plan this next interview that’s going to go on Nino’s Corner TV. It’s going to be big. This one’s going to be big. So you’re going to get a scoop. And I got an outline right here. I got the whole outline on what I’m going to be talking with him about my notes.

The way he talks to me on the phone is way different than the way he talks to you all on Flufftube. And I’m going to try to rein him in for this interview and stick to these notes. This is the first time I’ve really taken notes with him. An outline, and I’m going to keep him on track. This is going on Nino’s Corner TV probably tomorrow, but I’m going to conduct the interview today.

Okay, so this is a big one. And if he tells you, if he’s able to disclose to you what he’s disclosed to me on the phone or talk to you all in public, the way he talks to me, let me tell you, it’s going to blow your fucking doors off because this is going to be an epic interview. Give it a shot. It’ll be on Ninoscorner TV. So fear is setting in with Hillary Clinton and all of them folks, every single one of them.

The Economist, the magazine, the Economist has named Donald Trump and his possible victory in the 2024 presidential election as the main threat to the whole world. You mean to tell me nuclear war is not a threat? You mean to tell me that this man saying he will stop all wars in a matter of 24 hours, that’s a threat to you? No, it’s a threat to your fucking agenda.

To your agenda, your evil agenda. That’s what. It’s a threat. It’s a threat against evil. Who owns all the mainstream publications? Who owns the mainstream media? Evil, okay? It’s a threat to evil. And the people that have had three or four of these that read these magazines and go, oh, gee, I guess he is the biggest threat in the world. I mean, tweets are really bad, right? That must be the biggest threat in the world.

The sheep. The sheep. To me, the sheep are the biggest threat in the world. I’m sick of being a watchdog. I guess you could say I used to be a wolf. Maybe not a wolf. I’ve always had a good heart. I’ve always had a big heart, believe it or not, even though I was a fighter, but I used to have a big ego. That had to die. That had to go.

Haley. So now it looks to me like they’re trying to manufacture a nominee here or someone as a front runner. So they see Ron DeSantis is just clown shoes. DeSantis, Ronnie the clown, he ain’t holding up to par. He’s not holding anyone’s. The expectations for Ronnie the Clown is. So now it’s Nikki Haley they’re trying to lift up Nikki Haley. So Haley leads Biden by ten points. Oh, my gosh.

By ten points. And DeSantis leads by single digits. So they’re saying, these people, they’re the people that beat Biden. These are the people that beat Biden because Trump can’t do it. Although Trump’s leading everybody by double digits. It’s not even fair. But, oh, they’re leading you to believe that. Yeah. Well, Trump is leading everyone by double digits, but he’s still going to lose the Biden. That’s what they’re telling you.

And your only hope, well, is Nikki Haley. Nikki Haley. A new marquee lost school poll. National Survey of Registered Voters, finds President Joe Biden trailing against each of the top three potential Republican candidates with former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley leading Biden 55% to 45%. Among registered voters, former President Donald Trump leads Biden 52% to 48% in the same category, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis holds a 51% to 49% advantage.

Do any of you believe any of these polls? If you do, you probably had a lot of these. You probably got quite a few of these. Did little. Among registered Republican voters, Trump maintains a substantial lead over all other the primary Field in the GOP nomination with 54% of the total. DeSantis and Haley are tied at twelve. This is going to be an interesting year. This is going to be a real interesting year.

But I’m telling you, a pause is coming. The pause is coming. I’m betting on the pause more than the election. That’s just me. I’m a gambling man. And let me tell you, folks, I’m pretty good and I don’t think you could be good at roulette. Right? Although I won a lot at Roulette because roulette favors the house. But I’ll say I like to bet on the zero double zero.

That was always my thing. I’m putting my chips on the zero double zero for the pause. Yeah, I’m getting used to my coffee being black. I’m having black coffee, motherfucker. Where’s all my black people out there? Yeah, I’m having some black coffee. They should do that. They should make a coffee commercial with a black eye. I like my coffee black, motherfucker. Black coffee. That would be a good commercial.

Black coffee. This is not the pause. Someone says, this is the pause. No, you’re getting it confused. You’ll know when the pause hits. That’s all I’m going to tell you. The real pause. This is a soft pause. Okay. I’m going to relabel it. This is the soft pause. We’re going into the hard pause. Okay. Yeah. All right. Biden Stokes Newsom Presidential buzz at APEC event alongside California Governor so San Francisco President Joe Biden quipped about Governor Newsom’s presidential aspirations on the sidelines of the Asia Pacific Economic Corporation Conference.

I want to talk about Governor Newsom, Biden said Wednesday during a reception for APEC leaders. I want to thank him. He’s been one hell of a governor, man. He always says, man. He’s been one hell of a governor, man. As a matter of fact, he can be anything he wants. He can have the job I’m looking for. This guy’s coming now. Someone says the Rock on here. Someone says the Rock Dwayne Johnson.

He is making his rounds, isn’t he? He’s making his rounds. Could it be Newsom? Dwayne Johnson? Could it be Newsome? Dwayne? DwAyne Johnson? It doesn’t matter. The hard pause is coming. That’s what I’m here to tell you. Have no fear. Nino’s here. While Newsom has been a vocal backer of Biden’s 2024 reelection, he’s also been accused of running a shadow campaign for president with his headline grabbing domestic travel and high profile international trips, including one last month to China.

Newsom has played a prominent role at APEC, greeting Chinese President Xing Xi Ping at the airport and hosting a high dollar fundraiser for Biden on Tuesday. During his remarks, Biden also mentioned Vice President Kamala Harris, another San Francisco Bay Area native. While Newsom was the former mayor of San Francisco, Harris served as a city’s district attorney before she became California’s attorney general. I’m particularly grateful for the Bay Area for giving our great vice president the chance to become vice president, he said.

She’s the best. She’s an outstanding leader and a great partner. Doesn’t this make you sick? Does it make you more sick that Xi Xinping arrives at San Francisco with the Chinese flags waving everywhere? You got to wonder what they were really talking about. And I’m going to bet they were talking about, you can take over Taiwan. We will do nothing about it, but we must get Trump out of the way.

How do we get him out of the way? Oh, don’t you worry about that. I’ll figure it out real fast. Telling you, Trump’s violent talk signs of taking over Congress so Trump allied. Trump allied conservatives are using more puganacious. I don’t know what that word is. That am I using the right word? Pugnacious. That’s what it sounds like. That’s what it says. P-U-G-N-A-C-I-O-U-S rhetoric than ever in some cases.

Such an incident Tuesday featuring Mark Wayne Mullen, Republican of Oklahoma, are ready to make things physical, a trend that is setting off alarm bells on Capitol Hill. Republican and Democrat senators say former President Trump’s bombastic threats and insults, which have proved to be a winning political formula for the GOP, are catching on more broadly in Congress. Remember my last video I did about the brawl? Senators from both parties say they were shocked when Mullen, a first time senator and Trump ally, challenged the president of the Teamsters to a fistfight in the middle of the Senate.

Senate health, education. Oh my gosh. Labor and Pensions Committee hearing, forcing the 82 year old chair, Senator Bernie Sanders, to step in to keep blood from being spilled on the carpet. Oh my gosh. Bernie Sanders. Bernie the bum stepped in to stop a fight. Is there a video on this? I would love to see this. Mullen told the Teamster leader to stand your butt up and sprung out of his chair while taking off his wedding ring to prepare to melee.

So they’re blaming Trump. They blame Trump for everything. So now they’re blaming Trump for the chaos in the House. Don’t you know that it’s Trump’s fault. Everything’s Trump’s fault. Everything is Trump’s fault. He’s such a bad guy. The mean tweets have caught, they’re contagious. They have caught on like wildfire. And everyone that acts out aggressively, it’s Trump’s fault. Israel drops leaflets warning people to flee southern Gaza towns Israel has dropped leaflets into southern Gaza telling Palestinian civilians to leave four towns on the eastern edge of the Khan Jonas, I guess raising fears that this war against Hamas could spread to areas it previously said were safe.

The flyers told civilians in al Qhar that anyone in the vicinity of militants or their positions was putting his life in danger, local people told Reuters. In northern Gaza, the Israeli operation in al Sharfita hospital continued on Thursday after the Israeli defense forces IDF entered the sprawling compound in the early hours of Wednesday morning. Tens of thousands of people have fled the north to South Gaza in recent weeks, crowding into UN run shelters and family homes in Khan Jonas, the biggest city in the South.

So they’re dropping leaflets, letting them know you’re about to get bombed, motherfucker. But we’ll do the nice thing, we’ll do the humanitarian thing. We’ll let you know we’re going to do it. Destroy your lives, destroy your homes. And then to please the liberals, we’ll send humanitarian aid right afterwards. Don’t worry, you’ll get your food and water two weeks after your lives have been destroyed. That way we please everybody.

See, we’re not so bad. We’re going to bomb you, kill a bunch of your kids, and then we’ll bring you food and water. That’s the way we do it. That’s the way we work. Bomb the shit out of you and then give you some food and water because we’re nice guys. It’s like me going up to someone and being like, I don’t like the way you look, Bing.

You like your teeth are all over the cement. Don’t worry, I’ll take you to the dentist. Israel Hamas war Live Gaza civilians face immediate possibility of starvation and coming in to aid deliveries. At least 11,470 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strips as the Israeli Hamas war broke out six weeks ago, according to figures by the Palestinian health authorities. The ministry said 4707 of the dead were children and minors and that 3155 were women.

The vast majority have been killed in Israeli strikes in recent days. The Palestinian Health Ministry in the West bank has started updating the Gaza death toll, AP reported. Until the last week, the Hamas run health ministry in Gaza was the main official source for the death toll in the Palestinian enclave. But I stopped publishing updates after a key ministry official based in Gaza City’s al Safi hospital lost electricity and connectivity.

Palestinians against Israel’s military offensive in Gaza were locked in a battle of words with Washington police on Thursday after accusing officers of violently breaking up demonstrations on Capitol Hill that organizers insist were peaceful. Leaders of the ceasefire now coalition said 90 of their activists were injured in confrontations that took place after they staged a candlelight vigil outside the Democratic National Committee headquarters. This is just going to keep picking up more and more and intensifying more and more until we get to the pause and I’m going to make this, I’m going to say the hard pause.

We’re in the soft pause. We’re coming into the hard pause and we’re coming into the eye of the storm. And let me tell you, folks, both sides are very confident in this. Netanyahu is facing multiple charges at the International Criminal Court after Turkey filed a case accusing him of war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in full view of the world. The ICC will be finished if it fails to prosecute in light of overwhelming evidence.

I’m telling you now, folks, when this is all said and done, when this is all said and done, I have a feeling these war criminals are going to be hiding from their own people. Just a hunch. Just a hunch. As wars rage, Biden administration makes case for 106,000,000,000 with a B, folks. Billion for Ukraine and Israel. Your tax money, every time you work and you cut that check out, it’s going to babies, to women and children.

Boom. Two of President Joe Biden’s top advisors will try to convince U. S. Lawmakers on Tuesday that it is in the country’s best interest to provide billions more dollars to Ukraine and Israel despite huge budget deficits. Again, we don’t need them in America. We don’t need our tax sellers. Send them abroad. Send them out. That’s okay. Fuck that. You work for Israel and you work for Ukraine. That’s what it is.

Budget deficits and divisions over the administration’s policies toward both countries. Secretary of State Anthony Blinkton and Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin testified to the Senate Appropriations Committee on Biden’s request for $106,000,000,000 to fund ambitious plans for Ukraine, Israel, and US border security. Isn’t it great to see Zelensky become like, the side chick? He is so worried, folks. Oh, God, he’s worried. He is not sleeping at night. You better put on those high heels, Zelensky, because soon you’re going to be everyone’s bitch and everyone’s going to want to turn, buddy, but you probably like that.

ArguinG that supporting US partners is vital to national security. Biden requested 61. 4 billion for Ukraine, about half of which would you had spent in the United States to replenish weapons stocks drained by previous support from Kiev. So as we send out our resources, as we send out our troops, it makes sense now. It makes sense, doesn’t it? With all the immigrants that are coming in, what will they be used for? These men that have nothing to do, they’re just sitting around.

Chaos is one. One of them is chaos. And then one. The other one. Guess what that one is. Guess what that one is, folks. Come with us. Join the Special Forces. Join the military. Become a peacekeeper for the chaos that you have introduced into our country. Now we need you as Peacekeepers. Makes sense. Do you get what I’m saying here, folks? Hello? Hamas. Hamas. Hamas could be planning terror attacks on American soil.

Oh, gee, you don’t say. Who said that? About two years ago. Me. Okay? Two years ago. I’ve been talking about all of this. Peacekeepers, the whole thing. Go look at my Instagram. I guess you can’t. I had to clean it up. But, I mean, a lot of my stuff is on bitchute and on Rumble. My old, old videos. Go look at my old videos. I’m asking you, go look at my old videos on bitchute.

Go look at my old videos on Rumble. Everything I’ve said is happening right now because we have their playbook. So Palestinian terror organization Hamas could exploit the war with Israel to carry out terror attacks on Israel’s. On American soil. American soil. Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI. Oh, we trust you, FBI Director Christopher Ray told the US House of Representatives late on Wednesday night. We cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas or other foreign terrorist organizations may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil as we send our resources away and our troops away, and bring in immigrants unvetted.

We kept our sights on Hamas and have multiple investigations into individuals affiliated with the foreign terrorist organization. And while historically our Hamas cases have identified individuals located here who are facilitating and financing terrorism overseas, the FBI head added, we continue to scrutinize their intelligence to assess how the threat may be evolving. So you see Israel going door to door for post, defending Palestine, kicking down doors and taking.

Dragging them out of their house, following the old Germany playbook. You’re kidding. What’s happening in Israel? A key. It will be happening here. But don’t worry, don’t worry. Just go get your next one of these. It’s all you really should be worried about. Biden meets Xi Jinping in San Francisco. U. S. And Chinese leaders shake hands at feloi luxury estate to crunch talks on Taiwan. Fentanyl. And I don’t want to say that word and try to repair spiraling tensions.

I guarantee you the main subject of conversation was. Well, the two main subject of conversation was Trump and Taiwan. Okay, they want to go to Taiwan, but they don’t want to be so sneaky. Thank you, Catherine. Nino is so lyrical today. I am someday. You guys like my coffee commercial? The black coffee motherfucker? Yeah. You know what’s funny is I grew up with a mix of friends. I’ve had black friends, Mexican friends.

I’ve had Iranian friends. Hello, Microhanian. Iranian friends, Jewish friends. In fact, my Iranian friends girlfriends were always Jewish anyway. Interesting. We all used to make fun of each other. All of us made fun of each other. And I’m talking horrible, terrible insults. Terrible insults. And we all laughed, and it was the best time ever. We would always give each other a hug and say the meanest shit we could to each other.

It was just the way it was. Nobody has a backbone anymore. You guys could say whatever you want to me. If you’re not threatening me in any kind of way, like, physically, I won’t fire back. But I get a lot of mean emails, and I just kind of brush them off every now and then. I’ll be like, go fuck yourself every now and then. But for the most part, I make fun of myself.

I know there’s some things that I do that get on your nerves or whatever. I am not a perfect person, but I’m just saying, whatever happened to having thick skin? Who gives a shit? Why not laugh about it? Why not laugh about your differences and hug it out? And if you got to get in a fistfight every now and then, get in a fistfight every now and then.

Ain’t nothing wrong with that. I’m just saying, how the fuck did everyone become so sensitive? And like, that didn’t happen in El Paso, man. In El Paso, it was like we would say the meanest shit about each other and our mothers and laugh out loud about it every time. Every time. It was just our just. And it’s also Mexican culture. Mexicans always make fun of each other just the way it is.

Biden calls Chinese Communist leader a dictator after the meeting. Oh, really? So President Joe Biden has again called China’s Communist Party leader Xing Xi Ping a dictator after their second face to face meeting that ended with the two countries addressing a set of contentious issues, including Chinese military aggression. Fentanyl and Taiwan. I bet you they’re like, how are we going to get more fentanyl into the country? These type of meetings.

These type of meetings should be aired on television for everyone to see. We’re paying their salary, right? So in essence, we’re their boss, so we should know what the fuck they’re talking about. And that’s my opinion. After today, would you still refer to President Z as a dictator, the term that you used earlier this year? A reporter asked the president during a press conference after the meeting. Well, look, he is president, Biden replied.

I mean, he’s a dictator in the sense that he is the guy who runs a country, which is a communist country based on a formal government, totally different from ours. I don’t think it’s so different. What are you talking about, different from ours? Nah. Because as long as you have the illusion, the illusion of free choice, it’s just the illusion. That’s all it is. It’s just an illusion.

YoU have two options. That they give you coke, Pepsi, and you choose from those. That’s it. That’s why they hate Donald Trump. He’s the third option that doesn’t go along with this globalist agenda. And a lot of you have watched the Amanjabi interview on Ninoscorner TV, and it was a black pill. But I’m here to tell you I disagree wholeheartedly with him. But I am not there to debate my guests.

I do believe in an operation, and actually, I’m about 99. 9% understand what the fuck’s going on. So I know where we’re at in this war for America, and I’m doing my best to bring you all along with me. Congress averts shutdown. The federal government will remain open as a Senate. On late Wednesday, joined the House in passing a stopgap funding measure that will extend the previous year’s funding in two stages through February 2.

Who gives a shit anymore? I’ve always said, just rip off the Band Aid. Nobody cares. It’s like the whole, everything is in free for all. Thank you, Killer Ray, 1982. So the country is in free for all. That’s what it is right now. Do any of you even give a shit anymore about what happens in the House? I don’t. I don’t fucking care. I know it’s already over.

Game over. The mess is made. Just keep making the mess. It is what it is to me. I’m watching the free fall of the old guard. That’s what I’m watching. Let it fall. I don’t give a shit. Stop kicking the can down the road. I know what you’re trying to see. What they’re trying to do is just get to 2024 with as least turbulence as possible. Least turbulence as possible.

And if they can just hold on to the ball, if they can just hold on to the ball, they feel they got this. But we’re pushing their hand into the hard pause. Senators worry spending deal gets Ukraine aid in jeopardy. Zelensky, the side chick, is worried. So concern is rising for senators and both parties that funding for Ukraine might get left on the cutting room floor this year as Speaker Mike Johnson, Republican out of Louisiana, laudered stopgap spending will keep the government open through late January, depriving the supplemental of a potential vehicle.

Lawmakers still say the Biden administration’s 105,000,000,000 supplemental request, which includes aid for Israel, Ukraine, Taiwan, the border. The border and other terms, remains a priority. But there is a serious obstacle setting between it and the finish line. Among them is that despite the urgency of the politics in Ukraine and the Middle east, there is no set deadline to provide the aid. There’s no set deadline to provide the aid.

Thank you, Barbara. Which means that it will likely need to be attached to a must pass bill to make it into law. Additionally, the never Ukraine Republicans, particularly in the House, remain intransigent, especially as border talks falter. So, you know, Zelensky is sweating bullets right now, not knowing if he’s going to get his money. His life is on the line. All these people are realizing, like I said, it’s just now starting to creep in.

Holy shit. Holy shit. Could a Trump return be imminent? And I’m telling you right now, not only is it imminent, not only is it imminent, it’s going to happen sooner than you think. And Juan will go into that on Ninoscorner TV because we’re gonna talk just about that. Just about that. And how this is the soft pause. And the hard pause. Pentagon again fails annual audit of 3.

8 trillion in military assets. This is the 6th time that it has failed. 3. 8 trillion. Fails an audit. Let me say that again. Fails an audit of your money of 3. 8 trillion in military assets. Let’s talk about the emotionally unhinged. Let’s talk about Ben Shapiro. Ben Shawiro, Shawirdo. Oh, boy. He’s just ruining his, huh? He’s just pissing it away. This is still a Christian country, Benny boy.

I had someone tell me, oh, you could never debate Ben Shapiro. He’d wipe his ass with you. I would come at him so unconventionally. He wouldn’t know what to do. And with my style, you guys understand that what I do here every day is a performance, right? I don’t walk around talking and acting like this all day long. This is a performance for YouTube. Okay. All right. Got it? Good.

Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens gets in a wild fight after he tells her by all means quit. The co founder of the Daily Wire replied to the cryptic tweet from employee Candace Owens on Wednesday evening, employing her to by all means quit if she feels her work at the daily Wire comes between her and God, as she seemed to imply. The feud escalated from there as Owens quickly shot back and told Shapiro, you have been acting unprofessional and emotionally unhinged for weeks now.

Sounds like a lover’s quarrel. Shapiro’s back and forth with Owens in the latest round in an ongoing spat between the two popular hard right podcast hosts. On Tuesday, a clip of Shapiro calling Owens disgraceful for her recent comments on the Israel Hamas war went viral in conservative circles. In the clip, Shapiro responds to a question about Owens and says, I think that her fake sophistication on these particular issues has been ridiculous.

He wanted to call her commentary on Israel, which was riddled with errors disreputable. Hours later, Owens posted a cryptic message to Twitter, writing, blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the Children of God. Blessed are which are persecuted for righteousness sake. Theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Thank you, Jerry Crawford. Blessed are ye the men shall revile you, that persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake.

Owens added, quoting Matthew 59. So she’s quoting Bible verses. She’s quoting Bible verses to fire back at Ben Shapiro. Shapiro replied to the tweet, writing, candace, if you feel that taking money from the daily Wire somehow comes between you and God. By all means, quit. Nice little rivalry going on there at the daily bitch. I got to tell you, I would like to sit down with you, Ben.

Come on, Nino show. Let’s get to the bottom of this. I like Candace Owens. I think she’s a stand up person. I think she’s a good. And, um. Ah, Ben. I don’t know. I used to like Ben, actually. I’ll be honest with you. I saw him coming a mile away. He should have to wear his donors and sponsors on his jacket. Like a NASCAR. Like a NASCAR vehicle.

Let’s just talk about that, Ben. Who backs you? Who gives you the De Niro? Who gives you money? Let’s see who your backers are. And then we’ll start from there, and then we’ll follow the money and bullseye it right on your fucking head. And I’ll tell you what. You’re full of shit, okay? You should have to wear your sponsors and donors on your jacket every time you do a podcast on your shirt.

Just like a NASCAR vehicle. That’s what I say. You know how many backers and donors I have? Zero. And if they ever told me what to say, I would tell them to fuck off. What? I did read some commercials. For who? Noble gold health with Nino. Trim with Nino. Virtual shield one. Not one of them told me what to say. The only people that pay me are people.

My audience, that gives me donations on Venmo or on super chat. So I work for the people. A Texas elementary school speech pathologist refused to sign a pro Israel oath, now mandatory in many states. So she lost her job. What, are you kidding me? No. Freedom of speech, folks. Do you see how they chip away at this? Chip away. Chip away with each part of their new narratives and new agendas.

So, pathology, who has worked for the last nine years with developmentally disabled, autistic and speech impaired elementary school students in Austin, Texas, has been told that she can no longer work with a public school district after she refused to sign an oath, vowing that she does not and will not engage in a boycot of Israel or otherwise take any action that is intended to inflict economic harm on the foreign nation.

Are you kidding me? Jan Hall. Thank you. You see where this is going? The child language specialist, Bahaya. I guess she’s Palestinian. Who would have thought? Is a US citizen who received a master’s degree in speech pathology in 1999 and since then has specialized in evaluations for young children with language difficulties. Maybe you could help me okay, maybe I need the help. All right? I seem to not be able to fucking read.

Anawi was born in Australia. Austria. Oh, well, she was born in Austria. I’m wrong there again. Austria. And has lived in the US for the last 30 years, fluently. Speaks three languages, English, German, and Arabic, and has four US born American children of her own. Well, maybe she was born in Austria, but she’s really Palestinian. Something like that. Maybe. I don’t know. I got a what the fuck news double header today, folks.

I got what the fuck news in what the fuck news? Double header. All right? Double header. Today, public gayness is banned in rural U. S. Town. You get up to five years of punishment for offenders. A new ordinance in Tennessee community has barred gay couples from showing affection in public and banned four books that discuss the LGBTQ themes. Locals of Tennessee City are using a recently passed ordinance basically prohibiting homosexuality in public as a loophole to ban library books they considered gay.

Rural town. Murphy Suburro in June passed an ordinance banning indecent behavior, which includes indecent exposure, public indecency, lewd behavior, nudity, and sexual conduct. The rule seems overly targeted. Targeted, targeted, targeted. That’s good. Targeted at gay community. Journalist Aaron Reed first reported the mention of Section 21 72 in an ordinance which states that sexual conduct includes homosexuality, essentially betting all forms of public affections for gay couples besides just talking.

So you’re not allowed to hold hands, you’re not allowed to kiss anymore. You just got to talk at a distance. Targeted. That’s great. I’ve been targeted. All right, let’s get to the next one. This one is really what the fuck news? Really? What the fuck news? This one to me, is like, wow. Fans ask if Snoop Dogg motherfucker is okay after rap icon announces he’s giving up smoking weed after a talk with the family.

Let’s see how long this lasts. This guy’s been smoking weed since he was born. THank you, Jesse. So rap icon Snoop Dogg motherfucker Bow wow yippee. Has sparked concerns among his fans after he announced he’s quitting smoking. The drop it like it’s hot. Drop it like it’s hot rapper known as the avid cannabis smoker shocked fans on social media on Thursday as he announced he’s cutting the habit.

This is what the fuck news. Hell has frozen over, folks. Hell has frozen over. Snoop Dogg is quitting weed. I’m giving up smoking, Snoop Dogg. Captioned on ex formerly Twitter, along with a statement revealing his decision. After much consideration and conversations with my family, I’ve decided to give up smoking. Please respect my privacy at this time. The statement signed by Snoop Dogg, he’s acting like someone died. Maybe to him this is like a death.

Damn, could you imagine? Please respect my privacy at this time as I mourn the death of cannabis. The announcement shocked fans as Snoop is an outspoken cannabis smoker and even owns his own weed brand, Death Row Cannabis. One fan commented, Today isn’t April Fool’s Day, Snoop. Don’t be playing like that, motherfucker. Come on, man. You still smoking, right? Come on, don’t let us down. Another joked, Snoop without smoke is like earth without water.

Oh God, are you okay? A third worried fan commented, Nobody okay. Anybody who’s met UNC will know. This is Cap, wrote another. I don’t know what that means. Another Snoop’s public decision comes not long after he made comments about reducing his smoking and cannabis usage for his children and grandchildren. Being a grandfather has changed me in multiple ways. You mean being a father didn’t do it, but being a grandfather did, the rap icon said while speaking to the publication.

The main way is being concerned with how I live, how I move, the kind of people I’m associated with, because I want to see my grandkids grow old. Thank you very much, Susan, Snoop continued. The only way I could do that is to take precautionary steps as far as how I move, who I hang out with and how I get out my intake and what I am intaking.

Even so, in October, Snoop went viral after the details of his smoking session with singer Ed Sheeran came to light. She ran, I got, is it Sheran or Sharon? I don’t know. Said he got so high with Snoop that he lost his sight all in front of his mother in law. The eyes closed singer took his wife Sherry and her mom Anne backstage following Snoop show in Australia in March when he indulged in a smoke session with the rap icon.

Fun fact, folks, I took a hit of a blunt with Dre and I think Snoop Dogg, Snoop Dogg. Who was it? There’s somebody else there. I can’t remember. I was really high. And that was at the Coachella. That was at Coachella. I think that was when they had the hologram thing going on there. Well, anyway, that was a long time ago. I remember him meeting my mother in law and being like, what’s sort of, I’ve sort of got quite close friends with Russell Crowe over the years, and he’s really close to Snoop Dogg.

I don’t really smoke at all, but I was in the dressing room and it was just like blunt after blunt after blunt after blunt after blunt. And I was like, I guess at some point during this night, I have to just say I smoked with Snoop Dogg. She ran, admitted. However, he admitted it went sideways, saying on the Conan O’Brien needs a friend podcast, he was like, do you want some? So have a bit.

And I was like, I don’t feel too bad. This is good. Then I have a bit more and then I have a little bit more and then a bit more and then a bit more. And I remember looking at him and being like, man, I can’t see right now. I’ve been that high. I’ve been that high that I have not even been able to drive. I don’t know why people say, like, oh, it’s not the same as drinking.

To me, when I smoked that much, and there was times I smoked that much, I couldn’t drive. There was no way I could operate a vehicle. So I don’t know. Sometimes I think I could drive better. Yeah. As you could tell, I had that kind of life. It’s been two days without weed. I’m feeling fine. Damn. I’m not really against weed or psychedelics or even alcohol, for that matter, if you can control yourself and do it in moderation.

I just know me that it’s either all in or nothing. That’s just the way I do it. Just like I do my podcast, I feel like I don’t even want to dabble with it anymore. My life has changed. I’m doing something different now. I’ve switched gears. And I believe God is keeping me strong. And I kind of made a silent contract with God. And I said, you know, I’m giving this up.

Let’s see what you do. In my life, I had no guarantees. I had none. And it’s still a battle every some. I really feel like I should do some diary. Well, online diary, like, the kind of the way I post on Twitter, I kind of want to do. I don’t know if they’ll get any play, but I want to do some videos on YouTube about my sobriety. I don’t know.

And the struggles I’m having. And you guys give me a thumbs up or thumbs down about that because I’m thinking about adding that into the mix here with my YouTube, just so maybe I can help people. I don’t know, maybe tell my crazy stories. I don’t know. That I used to do kind of relive my stories, but I don’t see what you guys think. I don’t know. I’m thinking about doing it.

I’m really thinking about it. I kind of want to do it. Put it on the drop? Yeah, I haven’t been on the drop, man. Shit. The news has been coming in so heavy with Ninoscorner TV that I have not been able to do the drop. And I’m sorry. I got to do the drop. I got to get back on the drop and get going on that again because there’s some funny shit that’s coming out too much on your plate already.

Yeah, there’s a lot on my plate, folks. When I do an interview or when I do a morning show, I usually have two to three more interviews lined up throughout the day. And I still have to hit the gym. I go work out in the gym and then I have to put together my next morning show. This is a 24/7 thing you guys don’t understand. So every donation helps.

Honestly, I’d like to expand this and get a real crew of people working to go out on sites, go out on field to work for Ninoscorner TV. I’m going to give you a little peek into my mind here. So what I’m thinking about doing is creating a crew, a team, like a real news company, and sending guys out to cover the border, to cover issues in Washington and do it our way and do it the real way.

The people know that’s something. I want brave people to come on board on my team and work with Nino’s Corner and maybe make a separate channel for that. I don’t know. I’m thinking about all this right now and do real news. Real news. And it’ll only be driven and funded by your donations, by the people. That’s it. I’m not taking any sponsors. I might read some scripts here and there for like, but they don’t tell me what to do.

They don’t get in my way of doing anything noble. Gold, all the other stuff, it’s just a little spot on YouTube and that’s it. But I want to make a legitimate company. And those are my dreams and my aspirations as well as being an inspiration for sobriety. Because you all help me. You guys are helping me immensely overcome my demons by showing up every morning and listening to this shit that I download.

I got to say thank you to all of you. I’m very grateful. You’re keeping me alive. You’re absolutely keeping me alive. Many people are going through that struggle. Helping those who that are trying hard. It would be a blessing. Both. Thank you. Maybe I’ll do the competition for the logo. I’m going to talk to Ian today and that’s that. All right, folks, I got some other interviews to do.

I got wano saving today, and I got SGN on today, too. All right, folks, I’m out. And the new heavyweight champion of podcasting and the Black Seba broadcasting, baby. Yeah. All right, folks, I’m out. Later. Bye. .


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