2.2.24: Instagr@m exposed countries gold move TDS grows Big win in DC court case. Pray! And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ And We Know channel talks about many things. It mentions how bad people are using Instagram to hurt kids, and how Instagram’s own system is helping them. It also talks about problems at the border, where people are being trafficked. Lastly, it mentions some political issues, like people not trusting the government and the possibility of President Trump winning again.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions how Kamala Harris and Joe Biden are facing problems. It also talks about some big changes happening in the world, like banks failing and more people using gold. The text also mentions some concerns about the government and its agencies. Lastly, it talks about a supplement that can help people stay healthy.
➡ This text talks about a lot of different things. It mentions how some bad stuff was on a website and wasn’t taken down quickly. It also talks about a group called Q that shares information and is often attacked by the media. The text also mentions a dangerous drug taken from scared kids, which is linked to missing children and bad people. Lastly, it talks about a former president who is still very active and a committee that admitted to using a publicity stunt.
➡ This text talks about a big meeting on TV about an attack that happened at the Capitol. It also talks about a website where you can find news and videos, and a lady who got arrested for speaking at her own meeting. It also mentions a debate about letting people from other countries live in the U.S., and farmers in Europe protesting because they’re being forced to kill their cows for climate change reasons.
➡ This text talks about various political issues, including people’s opinions about President Trump and his potential vice president. It also discusses rumors, a lawsuit against Trump, and the idea of Nikki Haley as a conservative candidate. The text mentions issues about immigration, religion in America, and health supplements. Lastly, it talks about a sports center being used to house migrants, changes in school holidays, and a controversial topic about a boy starting hormone treatment.
➡ A young girl named Josie started a new chapter in her life by getting a special implant to stop her from going through male puberty. Also, banks in the U.S. are not doing well, with many of them cutting jobs and their stocks going down. This is causing people to worry about a possible recession, or a time when the economy is not doing well. Lastly, there’s a court case involving former President Trump that has been postponed, and people are discussing different issues happening in the U.S. and around the world.


This know also that in the last days, perilous times shall come, yea, and all that will live godly in Christ. Jesus shall suffer persecution, but evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. Double vaxxed, booster flu shot, traveled, went to Mexico twice. Did shows, meet and greets, never got Covid. Clearly Jesus loves me the most. Seriously. So nice. So nice. It. We got a big one today.

The child trafficking is being exposed on Instagram. They get confronted. More countries move to gold. Dems are getting exposed, and pedos are moving to the front lines. Texas continues to make waves. It appears President Trump is going to win every state. Military tribunals might go mainstream. We’re only in the second month of the year, folks. Let’s go, folks. We’re kick this off. Just want to remind you, August 11 through the 18th, we’re going to be at sea.

Going to Alaska at sea with Lt is what they called it. Pretty cool. And we know. com is where you can find out how to sign up for that. Enjoy some time, relaxation. Enjoy Alaska with my family. We’re going to have a blast. We’re going to have some preaching. We’re going to have some great songs and music from the Isaacs. It is going to be wonderful. I hope you guys can join us and check that out.

Check this out. 2023. The Wall Street Journal reported that Instagram’s recommendation systems were actively connecting pedophiles to accounts that were advertising the sale of child sexual abuse material. In many cases, those accounts appeared to be run by underage children themselves, often using code words and emojis to advertise illicit material. In other cases, the accounts included in Disha that the victim was being sex trafficked. Now, I know that Instagram has a team that works to prevent the abuse and exploitation of children online.

But what was particularly concerning about the Wall Street Journal expose was the degree to which Instagram’s own algorithm was promoting the discoverability of victims for pedophiles seeking child abuse material. In other words, this material wasn’t just living on the dark corners of Instagram. Instagram was helping pedophiles find it by promoting graphic hashtags, including hashtag ped whore and hashtag preteensex, to potential buyers. Instagram also displayed the following warning screen to individuals who were searching for child abuse material.

These results may contain images of child sexual abuse, and then you gave users two choices, get resources or see results. Anyway, Mr. Zuckerberg, what the hell were you thinking? All right, senator, the basic science behind that is that when people are searching for something that is problematic, it’s often helpful to, rather than just blocking it, to help direct them towards something that could be helpful for getting them to get help.

I understand. Get resources. In what sane universe is there a link for c results anyway? Well, because we might be wrong, we try to trigger this warning, or we tried to, when we think that there’s any chance that there was. Okay, you might be wrong. Let me ask you, how many times was this warning screen displayed? I don’t know. You don’t know? Why don’t you know? I don’t know the answer to that off top of my head.

Well, Scotty grabbed that clip for us as a reminder. How can you even dance around something like that? Different looking Zuckerberg, by the way, when I looked at him, last one looked very robotic. A lot of folks said it looked like a robot that they were putting out in front of everybody. This looks like a completely different guy. Who knows what’s going on here? But the exposure of Instagram and these social media accounts with the abuse of children is making its waves back again into the mainstream.

In a year where a lot of stuff is getting exposed, a lot of things in the Hollywood area, the music area, the comedy area, and more, it’s starting to come out. And day after day, week after week, we’re being confronted with it. And then Tony Podesta ends up on the front lines because this sicko is going to be serving at the top honors in the Biden administration. That’s right.

They’re going to move him up. He probably had Epstein on his speed dial. Thanks to chief medical officer for sharing that one. Probably had on his speed dial for 24/7 deliveries. Well, he just sold his mansion in DC for 8. 2 million. The sale price is considerably below the $10 million. December 30, 2017, Donald Trump signed executive order 13818, which blocks the property of any individual involved in serious human rights abuse or corruption.

The Border Patrol union just went off on Joe Biden. Joe Biden is undoubtedly the biggest human and drug trafficker in american history. He’s hiring more border patrol agents and throwing more money at the border. Immigration catastrophe will not make one bit of difference. As long as Joe Biden is our president, he won’t let the border patrol do their jobs. He’ll use the money to facilitate more trafficking. It’s unbelievable.

Also, a reminder from Tony Saruga, some of the loudest voices for America first MAGA are not who you think they are. Words are cheap. Psyops trust no one until those responsible for the election still and J six are in prison. Ask yourself why the 44,000 plus J six videos still haven’t been released. Any blurring of faces is to cover for DIA, Department of Defense, FBI, CIA, secret Service, ATF and their confidential human sources.

Criminal behavior. That’s right. All of this, this j six stuff I interviewed the other day with Wooz News. If you guys happen to miss it, I encourage you to go watch our videos. Go to amwinow. com and you’ll find out the video where I interviewed him and Eric Clark. A lot of folks went out to check it out, and you did a wonderful thing by supporting Woo’s news on his give send go.

It was amazing. He wrote me. He was just in shock at the. And we know supporters, each person, and we know, anonymous donor. Anonymous donor. And we know, and we know, we know a lot of folks said thank you to him. And I just want to thank you for your kindness and for your hearts to support somebody who’s working so hard to expose these guys and more. But I wanted to tell you, if you watched it, Eric Clark was found guilty on all four counts.

Yeah, he was making his own defense going in there and they’re going to put a guy away who’s innocent, did nothing wrong. And it’s, again, I needed the proof to show once again that these folks are getting taken in. Eric needs our prayers and I encourage you to go watch it. This j six stuff is just getting out of hand. And I’m looking forward to a boomerang when that happens.

And these folks that will all be paraded out in front of the entire earth and shown exactly what they did, just like Ruse news did in his video, exposing every single actor, just about every single person involved. And again, Tony Suruga, thank you. The loudest voices for America first MAGA are not who you think they are. Some of them guys, you remember right after the 2020 election or 2022 election loss, a few losses, right? I think President Trump got like 90% wins, but they hammered in.

There were certain big youtuber channels that all of a sudden said, see, that’s why we need Ron DeSantis. And they switched to Ron DeSantis. You guys know any, anybody like that? I do. I’m not going to tell you their names. You could do your research and find out. I’m not here to bash people. I’m just here to say it’s kind of oD when people jump on the America first mAGa stuff.

And as soon as they get an opportunity, they switch. You say, well, that’s free speech. They have the right to say that. Yeah, but it’s kind of weird how they play the America first thing, and then all of a sudden, after the 2022 election, they go on their social medias to then say, well, see, that’s why we don’t need President Trump anymore. And they hop on another bandwagon.

Then after a while, when it doesn’t work, they slowly ease back into America first again. Watch out, it’s all playing out. And then James O’Keefe just happened to be, just happened to interview on his OMG network. The guy, a whistleblower in the government, exposing a lot in the government. Yeah, I’m fairly high up. I’m good at keeping secrets until I manage. Charlie Krager, cybersecurity policy analyst and foreign affairs, executive office of the president.

Just spilling it out. Two federal agencies, the State Department and USAID. So when you say it’s like security, like you’re protecting the networks of the federal agencies that you give all your information to, he’s protecting networks of the federal agencies is to protect information. We are like the president’s voice when we go into meetings in terms of discussing and promoting the president’s priorities. Is he going to be the nominee? Is Biden going to be the nominee? In case you guys can’t hear this, I’m pausing to let you know what they’re saying.

Yes. And she will be the vice president nominee. Yeah. There was a debate about removing her from the ticket, but sadly, they didn’t. She can’t keep black staff. They quit on her en masse. She, Kamala Harris can’t keep the black staff. They quit on her en masse is what he him. So with Biden, he’s got dementia. The guy says, I know, I know. He’s definitely slowing down. They know that he has those issues? I think so.

They’re not willing to say. The polling shows it is what the government guy says, and they’re not willing to say it publicly. Same thing with Kamala Harris. She’s not popular. But you can’t remove the first black lady to be vice president so you can’t remove the first black lady to be the first vice president of the United States. I’m telling you what I heard. Like, yep, that’s what he’s telling you.

You’re just telling me the truth. Does it make sense? No, but that’s what I’ve heard is what he said. I’ve had a meeting with Michelle Obama at one point when I was an intern, he says, and someone asked her, will you ever run for office? She said, nope, emphatically no. I’ve seen all this stuff my husband, Barack Obama has to go through, and that does not interest me.

And so anyway, they just unload. And it’s in the description box below if you guys want to see the entire video. This guy unloads and gives all types of information for us to see what’s going on behind the scenes. Fletch 17 great reminder here. So more banks are collapsing. Evergrande is liquidating. More countries are using gold. Celebs are selling their mansions. Dems are getting exposed. Pedo’s getting arrested.

Texas is putting more razor wire up, Biden adding more blunders. Mainstream media is laying off more people. Trump’s breaking more records. Trump’s leading in South Carolina, where Nikki Haley’s from and Nikki’s running scared. And oh, by the way, to add more Jack Straw. Military tribunals are expected to become more mainstream soon. With the New York Times hinting that direction, the world will learn about Darcy Crandall and JAG and the task force that was specifically established to target the international pedophile ring.

Interesting, because with that JAG comment, Fletch 17 sent this reminder. Do you remember when President Trump at his inauguration had the military walk behind him? And I’ve said this before, and a lot of you guys like the reminder. You’ll notice the military guys behind him, notice what’s on their cover, on their hat. If you guys don’t know what a cover is, on the left, you had the military intelligence cap braid.

I’m going to circle this for those that are looking at your television screen. See that? And on the right, you had the judge advocate general. It’s JAg. Why isn’t that interesting to know that during his inauguration 2017, that he had to sit there and think about how long it was going to take to get to 2024 and the stuff that they were going to have to start unveiling back then.

Seven years. Like, man, I got to wait that many years for this thing to play out, to wake up these people. Fletch 17 I know many of you have seen the video and picture, but many have not. Show me any other president in us history to have the military with them while they do their inauguration speech. Never saw it before. Folks, special note, who was standing by Trump specifically? Why is this important? Military is the only way forward when all of their means are corrupt.

Who controls the military? So when sometimes, man, I’ll say military is the only way or whatever. I’ll mention that in some of the posts. And then, man, do I get blasted in the comments below. Yeah, you always say military is the only way. There’s no way. But you know what, I’m just telling you folks, it just seems more and more obvious each day that we go by. And I’m not telling you that I worship President Trump.

And I have to repeat, I have to say that over and over again. Okay, not worshiping Trump. We’re stating simply that there seems to be something going on to rescue not only America, but this entire earth. And if America is saved, then the rest of the earth is saved. But you know what? Part of that saving, in my opinion, has to be more than this. It has to be the immoral activity that’s happening across our nation, across the airwaves, the cheating and everything needs to go away.

Basically start over with a new government. Could President Trump be the 19th president of the Republic of America? Who knows? Well, here’s something. Help us out. Well, we keep talking about these three letter agencies there were once. Symbols of protection and order seem to have been weaponized against us. The american people, especially the top 1%, we talk about it all the time. To give you an idea of the gravity of situation, consider this.

The IRS has amassed an arsenal of 4500 guns, 5 million rounds of ammo, 621 shotguns, and a lot more. The department of VA, tasked with assisting our veterans, has acquired 11 million rounds of ammo. What’s up with that? The US Postal Service, the agency that delivers our mail, has a tactical team also. Man, that’s a lot. If your government does not use deadly force on people raiding into your country, they don’t defend those borders, but they’ll use deadly force to collect your taxes, to enforce unconstitutional laws, then traders have taken over our country.

So a lot of stuff here, but we don’t need to live in fear. I tell you what, though, the NMN, through all of this that’s going on, this isn’t just any supplement. It’s a game changer. A recent Harvard study, which you can check out here, showed that NMN can help reduce weight, cholesterol, even blood pressure in overweight adults. And it’s important to stay healthy in times like this.

This thing has been dubbed the limitless pill and can take ten to 20 years off of you. It’s like the fountain of youth in a bottle. So here we go. I don’t promote many people, but I respect these guys. They’re fighters standing up for what’s right. I asked them if they could offer a special deal for today. So especially since we’re going deep into these topics, they agreed to an amazing buy two get one free 48 hours deal.

The stuff isn’t cheap, so it’s a great opportunity to stock up. Black Forest supplements is ready to fight for this, so check it out. It’s in the description box below. Blackforestsupplements. com. Lt buy two get one free 48 hours promo. So again, just when I thought the Biden regime couldn’t get any more stupid. This is from bioclandestine. They bring John Podesta back into the spotlight. Why would they make it this easy for us? Biden just brought in the ringleader of the satanic pedos.

Given the Epstein files coming out, this might be the dumbest thing the deep state could have done. Now citizen journalists are going to recirculate all of his pedophile satanic activity. Now I’m going to show you guys a picture and if you have children watching, I’m going to just ask you if you would to have them close their eyes for a moment. Because I want to show you this to the adults that don’t know.

That might be new, that I haven’t shown this to in years. But you need to know what kind of art is shown across social media that this guy had in his room. I can’t show you all the art, but I’m going to show you some of it and it’s going to disturb you. I’m going to count to 3123. There we are, children, inside of what looks like a pool.

Swimming pool. And the swimming pool, we think we know where that’s at. That’s his art that he puts on his wall. These are demonic fools. Satanic field fools. Now we are going to be pumping out all red pills about the podestas, making Biden’s optics even worse. It’s like Zelensky promoting Marina Abramovich to oversee school construction in Ukraine. They are making it blatantly obvious where their allegiance lies, confirming they are evil.

It’s time to red pill the public on the podestas. It’s time to dive back down. Maybe the most disturbing rabbit hole there is. I’ve been dreading the day I would have to do this, but it must be done. Why, folks? Must it be done? Because you know what? It’s been years we were exposing these guys years ago. It’s time to bring it back out in the limelight. Why? Because there’s a lot of people that just started waking up the past six months probably, and they have no clue what’s going on.

And these guys know it. These podesta guys, these folks that run the podestas, these guys that fund them and more, well, they know. And now they’re being brought up front, these social media freaks, when they should be bringing the podestas out for questioning. But anyway, Marcia Blackburn goes after Zuckerberg again for the teenagers for sale on Instagram. I want to talk with you about the pedophile ring because that came up earlier and the Wall Street Journal reported on that.

And one of the things that we found out was after that became evident, then you didn’t take that content down. And it was content that showed that teens were for sale and were offering themselves to older men, and you didn’t take it down because it didn’t violate your community standards. Do you know how often a child is bought or sold for sex in this country? Every two minutes.

Every two minutes a child is bought or sold for sex. That’s not my stat. That is a TBI stat. Now, finally, this content was taken down after a congressional staffer went to Meta’s global head of safety. So would you please explain to me and to all these parents why explicit predatory content does not violate your platform’s terms of service or your community standards? Sure, senator, let me try to address all the things that you just said.

It does violate our standards. We work very hard to take it down. Didn’t take it down. Well, we’ve reported, I think it’s more than 26 million examples of this kind of content. Didn’t take it down until a congressional staffer brought it up. It may be that in this case we made a mistake and missed something. I think you make a lot of mistakes. A lot of mistakes. How can you sit there and try to defend the actions when they actually put up, what was that sign again that he had up earlier? Ted Cruz, what was that sign in the background right here? Brought it up and he says, see results anyway, so you can click to see the results of child sexual abuse.

And he defends that. Q, the stormwriter chimed in. I had dropped this important info last year. John Podessa is going to come back, Seth Rich is going to come back, and everything will be exposed. It’s all happening and going to grow into a massive story. Sometimes you really have to wonder why Q knew we were watching a movie. Q is the intel board folks who were the anons came together, answered questions, questions were thrown at them.

They worked together to put the information out. Now, again, Q is being attacked on mainstream media. New York Post even put out something saying a QAnon guy actually did something evil to his father. I think is what I saw recently. Yeah, they’re going to continue to do that. Can’t stand the fact that information’s being shared amongst us. See, when we start getting our knowledge and we grow together and we learn about them, they have to go on defense with their paid off media.

Anyway, I’ve been telling you for a long time, a lot of deep state people, actors, are being forced to play out their final parts. They are being forced by military operations connected to the devolution plan. Well, it’s interesting, right? Because we just watched a clip with the Instagram folks and Zuckerberg and more. Maybe they’re being put out there for us to see the final parts. I’ve been telling you, a lot of the play by play cables happening long before anyone was talking of nuclear events or blackouts or Twitter being captured by the US space force, musk, military intel, and much, much more.

But this year is the year adrenochrome is going to be leaked into the worldwide public sectors. You guys remember I talked about adrenochrome in the past. How do they take it out? Well, all you have to do is watch Monsters, Inc. And you get an idea, because that movie pretty much showed it. You get the kids scared. You stick something into some part of the body, you extract the adrenaline rush that these children get because they have the highest amount of adrenaline when they’re scared.

You fill it up with that red stuff, put it into bottles, and you sell. It’s the most dangerous drug on this earth, most expensive. They put it in the movies for us to see and will connect to the understanding of over 8 million missing children annually. Human trafficking is the real pandemic. That’s why Trump initiated executive orders to combat the crisis, but also instead installed covert military operations to bring down world operations in an eight year queue cycle.

Why do you think the world’s biggest pedophile and child trafficker, Epstein, was arrested under the Trump administration? How does the CIA, the bushes, the Mossad, the M. I, six globalists, Clintons, Davos, World Economic Forum, United nations, et cetera, all fit into adrenochrome harvesting and human trafficking ring and the pedophile ring? And again, it reminds us of why President Trump had to enter the scene, right? And so going into that particular remark, it reminds me of something I was going to show later, but I’ll go ahead and show it now.

Thanks to grasshopper. Again, fabulous work. Trump just dropped an article almost quoting word for word, drop 153 from the cueboard. You see why it’s going to get under attack again. Folks, remember, the mainstream media will not say anything positive about Q. It’s all negative. They won’t give you both sides. And if they try to give you somebody on the other side or a big supporter of Q, supposedly that person has no idea what they’re talking about.

They don’t pull the really good experts in. The folks can actually talk to the media and set them straight. No. So here it is in that article. You’ve got to hand it to the 77 year old former president. He could choose to effortlessly live out his golden years in pure splendor at Mar a Lago without a care in the world. Instead, due to his undying love for America, he chooses to endure relentless defamation and harassment designed to damage him politically, financially, and personally.

Wow. That came from an article. Trump’s $83 million lawsuit loss. Letters to the editor. How about that? And President Trump retrouthed that out, and he made sure that everybody saw the script right. He did a screenshot of that so people could see those words. And if you highlight those words, it goes right to the drop. 153. Ask yourself an honest question. Why would a billionaire who has it all, fame, fortune, and a warm, loving family, friends, et cetera, want to endanger himself and his family by becoming president of the United States? You know, folks, I saw his granddaughter playing golf with.

Good, good. I watch golf on YouTube, and I think she also played with Grant Horvat, if I remember right. If you guys, any of you out there saying, yeah, I watch that, too. And you’re excited. Yeah, I watch these youtuber golfers. They’re awesome. Very entertaining. And I thought, you know what? They’re playing in President Trump’s private course. She has full access to that course. I’m pretty sure that when you have your granddaughter out in public and she’s playing golf, you want her protected for the rest of her life.

And he knows that. Why would he want to target himself and those he cares about? Does he want to make the US world a better place for his family and for those good and decent people who have long been taken advantage of? Perhaps he could not in good conscience see the world. Uh huh. It all just seems to continue to come together. Yet you got this other guy.

You can spend the next nine months debating about irrelevant minutiae if you’d like. The reality is the DNC establishment are engaged in human trafficking, pedophilia genocide, brainwashing, censorship, bioweapon development, and satanism. If that’s not a deal breaker, what is? Folks, I’ve got this up. Just want to thank you for hitting that subscribe button or follow button and the like and the share. We’re growing. We are number two against Dan Bongina.

We’ll probably never catch up with him. I’d love to, but you know what? He’s doing a great work. Know your efforts in liking subscribing are pretty key. Pretty key. And you know, earlier I forgot to share a clip from our interview with Woo’s news. Rafa. Here’s a clip from that, in case you missed. That will require some money as well. I want to buy a billboard in Apple Valley, Minnesota.

And I’m trying to stir the pot with this particular investigation because it’s a little different. Trying to get a case reopened is a little different than collecting footage for years and making a coherent story out of it. So he’s been working on other things, helping other people, just like he’s helping Eric Clark. It’s amazing. And then that j six stuff the committee actually shows, admits that they show trials were a publicity stunt.

They admit it. They were designed and produced to be entertainment. This was a story told in a miniseries format. Thank you to lawyer for laws posting this in this remarkable PBS documentary. They admit the whole thing was a publicity stunt. Check this out. Thompson’s committee had gathered a trove of information. The challenge, what to do with it. The one thing that we knew was the information that we have is compelling.

The thing we needed to do was tell that to the american people in a compelling way. So that’s why we brought in a former president of ABC News. Yeah, I got a call pretty much out of the blue from the January 6 committee. They wanted a storyteller, and while they were brilliant, they were brilliant lawyers. Storytelling for a mass audience is not what they do. To bring in a guy like this who would think outside the box, really did prove to be fruitful.

And it was Goldston who really began to envision this as, in a way, a kind of mini series that there would know sort of nine episodes, and that these episodes would tackle particular themes. Attack on the Capitol, the investigation. The first hearing was primetime television. As the nation is about to witness a defining moment. The first hearing before the country, the results of the January 6 investigation. This is an extraordinary moment in american history.

When it came to that first hearing, we knew how high the stakes were. Is about to hold its first primetime hearing. We were either going to make people realize that this was important or once you’ve lost them for good. On the evening of June 9, doors opened. My heart was beating pretty fast on June 9, and it was a real question of, is this going to work or not? All right, everybody, here we go.

Five on the line, please. I’m in this tiny control room right up the stairs from cannon caucus, and we count down to the start of the hearing. And at that point, what can you do? Here we go. In three, two, one. The select committee to investigate the January 6 attack on the United States Capitol will be in order without objection. We wanted to make sure that this was a presentation that would grab the audience and hold on to them.

Chairman Thompson loved to say, it’s got a pop. It’s got a pop. See that? All produced. And they admit it. So the real production, if they would have done their job, all they had to do was bring out woo’s news and say, hey, watch this. They could have grabbed every single person who was acting, every single agent who was undercover, pretending to be a MAGA president Trump supporter, marched them all in, had them all arrested and put away.

Nope. They went after normal, everyday citizens to try to scare them from ever doing it again. They’ll go after more in the future. We’ll share that in a minute before we get there. Amwaynode. com is where we’re at. Truth, hope, faith, and freedom, folks. You can go there. You’ll find us on rumble, Twitter, all the social media sites, and more. We had an interview with Todd Calendar that we’re going to be playing soon on Clout hub, and it’s pretty amazing because we have the ability to actually have our videos play in another language.

This interview will be coming out soon. When I show it to you, you’re going to be able to see how amazing it is when videos are being played and the language that you want it to play in will actually pop out. It’s going to be cool. And so we’re also@thepatriolite. com you get your news, home, politics, world news, markets, faith, social news, and more. I encourage you to check that out.

And also, we do a weekly bible study for you if you want to check that out and shop amwinow. com. It’s at our amwinow. com site. You guys can go there and find all of our goodies, including the Texas shirts that are available now. And you guys want to support Texas. We’ve got all of that available on amwino. com, shop amyno. com. Also, here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear.

Folks, I want to show you the prime example of one way they silence good people within the government by silencing and coercing them into submissive servitude of a tyrannical system that maintains its power by force. Thank you, David lester strait, for this clip. Jobs and family services is not posting. This is an Ohio official arrested for speaking at her own meeting. What? Please stand up, please. Why? Because I’m requesting you to stand up, please.

We’re not going to deal with this. You’re being very disruptive. You’re disrupting the meeting. Stand up, ma’am. Please stand up. Disrupting a meeting. That’s correct. You’re being disruptive. Stand up. You can be removed. Put your phone down, ma’am. Why? Put your phone down, ma’am. This is for my safety. I’d rather go out where there’s videos. Do you have a video on? I do not. No. Now you’re now under arrest for disrupting.

We’re going to place you in handcuffs. You are now under arrest. So Nikki Frenchco, elected county board commissioner, was arrested during her meeting. When she criticized the sheriff, her colleagues had her arrested for exercising free speech. Shockingly, the deputies went along with the unlawful arrest. Fortunately, Nikki had it all recorded on her facebook livestream. If they can do this to me at an open meeting in broad daylight and violate my rights like that, it scares me to think of what they would do to someone else behind closed doors.

How many times has something similar happen to others at school? PTA board meetings, city hall meetings, traffic stops. This tyrannical rule that seeks to silent opposition is not acceptable. Every policy enforcement officer who participates in such abuses should be fired immediately. Bravo to Nikki for standing. So other folks that go out, citizens doing their job. We’re asking a question of a guy who wanted to support the open borders.

Check this out. You just think that anyone can come to the US? Absolutely. If you go to New York, go to the Statue of Liberty. What’s it say? All is welcome. I don’t think it says that. But, dude, this is great because I just happened to pick up three guys from Honduras while they were at Home Depot. They’re from Honduras and they have nowhere to go. So this just worked out perfect.

Look, Hector takes medications twice a day and right now they got to use the bathroom. All three of them go to. Got you. Is it cool if they stay here? No. Why not? What do you mean? He says they can’t stay in his home, open the borders, let everybody in. But you can’t stay in my home. Now, this could be a skit, because it looks like, to me, like his hair is fake under the hat.

I don’t know, I could be wrong. Something looks off about it. But you know what, still, it’s something that I brought up to those who I know been friends with them forever, and I mentioned to them, hey, since you want open borders, why don’t you open that brand new house of yours and just let them all in? And they got up and basically changed the subject, didn’t want to talk anymore.

They don’t like to hear that. So anyway, 155 House Democrats voted today against deporting criminal migrants who commit Social Security fraud. They’d rather protect illegal aliens than our own seniors. Another FBI deep state set up on Texas border has the queue. The storm rider chiming in Patriot panic, as many believe the convoy to Texas is a setup for the FBI to stage another false flag event and blame MAGA and patriots.

Yeah, Green Beret Doc Chambers gave a strong statement saying Green Berets plus Navy Seals will be at the Texas border and they are facilitating the events with the police, sheriff and intelligence to secure a safe gathering on the Texas border. It’s known that the FBI and deep state government intelligence agencies with CIA use pATCOM operations to set false flag events that blame the events on US civilians. Waco FBI event that killed and burned innocent women and children to death was a patcom deep state op and Oklahoma bombings was a patcom ops and many more.

So January 6 was deep state operations, highest levels in the government operations. So there’s justified panic in the conservative community on the deep state planning to stage another false flag event to blame MAGA and patriots for a civil war setoff. Unfortunately, bravery is the only way to stand up to the corruption in Green Berets plus Navy Seal are there to help facilitate a peaceful outcome. Currently, intelligence is already identifying several people and groups that are already there to stir up the problems.

It is very important for patriots and Trump supporters to understand these coming next eleven months are vital for Americans to rise against the UN Davo CAA cabal through the world and many fronts, including operations on the Texas borders. This year is a powerful year where U. S. Patriots must pick powerful moments to stand physically in demonstration and give their credence and voice inside actual demonstrations and movements. The same bravery of standing against the system is also going to happen in Europe on a massive level.

And it’s already happening. I had it for later on, but I’ll show you this now breaking. Look at all of this. The farmers cross Europe. They’re getting smoke grenades thrown at them more. They’re standing up. Also, the irish farmers, yeah, they’ve now joined the protests with the farmers. They’re being forced to slaughter 200,000 cattle on behalf of climate change. These guys have had enough. They’re lining up for miles.

Well, you probably say kilometers, but, and there’s basically a picture of what’s going on. All the farmers outside the EU complex and what are they doing? They’re spitting out all the manure and everything like that, all their hay and all kinds of stuff. They’re standing up. They’re said they’ve had enough. It’s happening more than you know. And so those that would still go after President Trump, many are know that maybe President Trump picks a good vice president.

We’ll move. You know, a lot of folks are spreading rumors that they’re going to go after. He’s going to maybe have RFK junior. Well, President Trump actually said RFK junior is by far the most radical left person running for office maybe ever. Look at his environmental program and close up the USA. He talked about the border, too. Have the right to close up your border. You don’t need bills that complicate it and make it to a level that nobody is going to be able to do it.

And the minimum was 5000 people a day, if that can be right. It’s hard to believe that that can be right. But they were negotiating to allow 5000 people a day. That’s a tremendous amount. Nobody wants to have that happen to our country. And they’re still not going to know where they’re coming from. Right now, we have no idea who these people are that are pouring into our countries.

Last night I watched where they’re beating up police officers in New York City, a gang of people that just came in that didn’t speak English. Nobody knows who they are, where they come from. And very importantly, they come from, I can tell you, they come from jails and prisons. They come from mental institutions and insane asylums. And they’re terrorists. They have a lot of terrorists coming, too. Yeah.

And speaking of insane asylums, all you have to do is head over to the evil witches at the view at their coven. And they play the theme song for Donald Trump’s apprentice show to celebrate the $83 million rape hoaxer E. Jean Carol. There they are coming out partying, thinking that they’ve just won this amazing thing. We finally got President Trump, we finally got the lawsuit. The $83 million.

Oh, it’s so amazing. We’re going to dance and we’re going to party and then see what Whoopi says. We just walked out to the ojs for the love of money, which is the theme song of the Apprentice. And that’s connected to the fact that, you know, who has to pay money. Money. Something like eighty three million dollars. Eighty three point three. Oh, I’m sorry. $83. 3 million. There you go.

So, of course, Eugene Carroll says she’ll do anything she can to beat to help Biden beat. Trump said that when you’ve actually faced the man, he’s just a man with no clothes on. It’s the people around him that are giving him the power. What do you mean by that? Well, Hans Christian Anderson’s great fairy tale, the emperor has no clothes, that is written about Donald Trump. It’s just we’re the ones who clothe him in all this power.

He has none himself. It’s his followers. It’s his hangers on in the court. They were strutting back and forth and handing him was right, Robie. Ms. Carol, you say nothing. You say the emperor has no clothes. The emperor is trying to run for president again and right now is leading. And right now the polls suggest it’s a coin flip. It’s very close. Have you heard from Joe Biden’s campaign arm about potentially campaigning against the former president Donald Trump? No.

Are you interested in doing so? Do anything I can. That’s a yes. What was do anything you. Uh huh. All is set up for the brainwashed out there that believe all this. You know, basically said the man know stole and leaked Trump tax records. Charles little John sentenced to five years in prison. Oh, yeah. So their day in court will come. The appeals are coming. They’re going to celebrate all they want.

Let them celebrate, because what will really happen? Law and order. That’s the real song that needs to be playing. Let me get you ready to play that bad boy when the real information comes out and that boomerang happens. In the meantime, the mainstream media is going to do all they can to go against President Trump. Even Brian Kilmeade says Nikki Haley is a legitimate conservative. All of a sudden we’re talking about Nikki Haley, who, by the way, is a really good candidate and she’s got support and she is not a moderate.

She is a legitimate conservative. So I find it interesting, I find it fun to report this. She is a legitimate conservative. So I find it interesting. And he laughed on the left. He’s got that little close up right there. Thank you for putting that clip together. Charles Downs. Yep, he knew. What a lie. What a lie. How could they sit there and just push out this information? They’re great guys.

We used to fall for Fox. We used to have it on all the time. And we know, man, they’re just the purveyors of truth and they love America and blah, blah. Oh, no, man. We’re waking up, aren’t we? We’re waking up to America, our country, right? Here we go. Because in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God. That is why our elected officials put their hands on the Bible and say, so help me God, as they take the oath of office.

It is why our currency proudly declares, in God we trust. And it’s why we proudly proclaim that we are one nation under God every time we say the pledge of allegiance. And here’s a great note from a great american who wants to help all of us out, especially with our health. Well, if you’re seeking protection from bioweapons, viruses, bacteria, chemicals or pesticides, Sanus one has the product for you.

Nanoblast technology designed to counter this. Sanus one has a proprietary formula and process unleashing the power of natural restorative balance, vastly improving bioavailability over standard supplements with minerals, solation and a blend of quality natural ingredients. Our supplements are designed to enhance your overall feeling of increased health and well being. The mega oxidizer and megapacks triple detox products are the result of our proprietary millennial method of nanosizing, binding and infusing nutrients and nutraceuticals.

The cutting edge process increases bioavailability more than five times, delivering effects rarely seen before in the human body. They now ship around the world. Go to the description box below and click on that link. Sannisone. com lt ten that’s sanisone. com lt ten. Emotional, guys, okay? Because I’m committed to this little kids need to be able to breathe clean air, they need to be able to access swimming pools, they need to have lifeguards there who are going to teach them how to swim and they need to have activities.

I don’t know what we’re going to do for a couple of three months. I’ll call universities, I’ll call other places. The governor went on to say she is also looking at other locations, but has not said exactly where. Yep. So there’s the outrage as Massachusetts Democrat governor closed the Cherish Sports center in majority black Boston suburb for four months so it can be used to house the migrants one day at a time.

One wake up call at a time. MJ Truth. Illegal aliens over children. Massachusetts does it again. In addition, the long neglected facility will receive a makeover worth $500,000 to make it more comfortable for the illegals. My thoughts. Black people. Hope you’re paying attention. Democrats don’t care about your votes anymore. Illegal aliens are replacing you in your own communities. They are trying to replace us all. Wake up. That’s from MJ truth.

Not only trying to replace you, they’re trying to change you. Connecticut school District removes Columbus day and Veterans Day from the list of school holidays requiring students to attend school on those dates. Oh, yeah. The decision passed with a five three vote. Overruled previous year’s pushback from local veterans and Italian Americans. One day at a time. While we’re moving forward, they then step in with their sickness, their insanity.

Zero head showed us trans runner breaks two women’s track and field records for New York college. Would have placed an 18th place in the men’s 200 meters race. Right. Can’t compete against the men. So I’m just going to grow some long hair, claim that I’m a tranny and lose my mind and win, because I got to have that win on my belt. I’ve got to put that trophy in my room, and I want people to pay attention to me.

Oh, yeah. Something very disturbing, again, makes you want to throw up. This is child abuse, plain and simple. Satan has disguised his work as life saving care. This mother should be arrested. And you’re going to find out why in a second. The doctor should be arrested, too. This is a male boy. And listen to the advice and what’s about to play out. And if you’re not good at watching little ones cry, this will show you what we’re up against, folks.

Dr. Olson had a decision. You are in the perfect place to start on blockers. And she promises to begin giving her estrogen, female hormones, in two years, around 13. That’s what I think, yes. You’re not going to develop breast buds on the blockers, but you’re not going to wait until 16 to start. You know that. Okay. Josie received the blockers as an implant in her arm. It’s okay if you cry.

So with all the bravery she could muster, are you going to feel a little bit of a. Josie held on tight as another chapter opened in this young girl’s life. A lot of times it strikes me that had this happened just 20 years ago. Thank you. I wouldn’t have been able to give her blockers. And she would have had to go through male puberty. That terrifies me. Do you want a hug? I don’t know that she would have survived male puberty.

I don’t know that she would have survived male puberty. The tears, the abuse of these children, that was hard to watch. That’s the second time I’ve seen it. We need a lot of help. U. S. Banks stocks sink after New York. Check this stuff out. You guys get ready for it. I’m telling you guys, prepare, okay? Us bank stocks sink after New York community Bancorp cuts dividends. You guys, last week, I told you guys, on the 23rd, when the S and P 500 spiked and reached the all time high, I said, you guys need to prepare because it’s going to crash.

I made all these graphs. This is in comparison to the 1929 stock market crash, okay? You see how it boomed and then crash. This was 2008. Boom, crash, okay? And this is all the way up to now. Boom, crash. And then just a few days ago, Evergrande, China’s real estate firm, they were ordered to liquidate $300 billion in assets. This was Evergrande stock right after that announcement plummeted.

And then just yesterday, New York community Bancorp, the stock plummeted. That was yesterday. This was a news article yesterday. Us bank stocks sink after New York community Bancorp cuts dividend. This was New York Community bank. This is western alliance. This is Zion’s bank, Valley national. Everything’s plummeting, you guys. Metropolitan bank, commercial Incorporated. Not only that, you guys, we have several banks, several large companies making massive layoffs. Here’s a news article.

Regions bank announcing layoff. In this article, they’re saying they’re laying off 3% of their total workforce. Citigroup to cut 20,000 jobs by 2026. There’s also been layoffs on us bank layoffs. Wells Fargo layoffs. You guys, they’re laying off a lot of people in every banking industry. Here’s an article, the full list of major us companies slashing staff this year, from ups to Google and Microsoft. It says Google laid off hundreds more workers in 2024.

There’s discord. Layoffs. Several hundred jobs are being cut at Amazon Prime Video and Amazon MGM studios. Nike’s up to 2 billion. Cost cutting plan will involve severances. Severances means layoffs. BlackRock is planning to cut 3% of its staff. EBay is cutting 1000 jobs. Microsoft is reducing its headcount. By 1900. UPS will cut 12,000 jobs in 2024. PayPal CEO announces that they’ll be laying off 9% of its workforce.

This is the domino effect, you guys. We are heading into a recession. There’s going to be massive layoffs. We’re seeing it happen. We’re seeing it happen in real time, you guys, we’ve been telling you, and guess what? Ingersol Lockwood has been warning you. The US debt clock has been warning you. You guys have been blowing it off, calling us every single name in the book, and we ignored you.

We kept pushing and pushing and pushing because we knew this was coming, okay? And so there’s just warnings that are coming out from everywhere. We’ve got another interview. It’s going to drop this Sunday. Four states could lift precious metal tax. Biden puts economic sanctions on America and tech. Why? Why would Biden put economic sanctions on his own country? It doesn’t make any sense at all. We’re pretty shocked when we’re doing the interview, talking about these particular things.

But if you guys want more information with Dr. Kirk Elliott, you can go to forward slash and check it out. It’s in the description box below. Women, infant children programs, food stamps, whatever the handouts, unemployment insurance, all of that, right? So there’s going to be this net drawdown, but the government’s going to say, wait a second, we don’t have any more money because we used to make money when people worked off of income tax revenues.

Computer doesn’t make any money. They don’t have to pay income tax revenues. A computer can’t procreate lt, they can’t have kids. So when a family can’t go to the grocery store and buy cereal and baby food and clothes and get in the car and spend money on gas to go to soccer games with the kids and everything else, none of that’s going to happen. So really got into some great info, talked about what’s been going on with Biden and more and what we think is playing out in the United States of America, especially heading into this election.

Really good talk. So hope you guys check that out. Also another if you want some really good news, Trump election interference case in Washington, DC has been removed from court calendar, postponed indefinitely. According to several reports, the Trump election interference case in Washington, DC has been removed from the court calendar. Yeah, that’s the lawsuit against the former US president. Trump was originally scheduled for March 4, 2024 before Super Tuesday.

Huge blow to radical Obama judge Tanya Chuckin and the marxist horde in America. Isn’t that something? So clandestine. If you are awake, the rest of the ride is not for you. You already know that the border is insecure. Biden’s a meat puppet. Ukraine is a money laundering scheme. C 19 was manmade. Washington is corrupt, et cetera. The next nine months are about waking up those who are still asleep.

And also, we had popcorn time from grasshopper. Amazing. President Trump dropping something at 1827, showing us who will win South Carolina republican primary. Trump, 98%. Haley 2%. 90% chance Trump wins South Carolina by over 20%. 90% chance Trump wins every state in the GOP primary. Plus 30% from January 16. Also, they had the 24 72 kind of in there. We knew then, we knew now. We know now.

This time we have government control. Boomerang suicide. Oh. Enjoying every second of it. Comfy? Previews are over. Showtime. Oh, yeah. Ultra peppy lives matter. The movie apocalypto shows us exactly what’s been happening our entire lives. And for millennia, Babylon itself has used child and human sacrifice in order to achieve power. All anyone has to do is look at the genocide happening under the guise of science to see this truth happening in our modern day.

One day, we will look back and see it for what it is. Pure evil. An apocalypse is happening now, an unveiling of the truth. Babylon, its system, and the people who serve it or not the future, but who and what that evil is must be exposed first before we can move forward. Light overcomes darkness, but only when the light shines on what they wish the public not to see.

The public understanding of the truth has gone into hyperspeed, especially among us anans. We’ve gained invaluable wisdom. Their tricks are working less and less on the army of frogs. There is no coincidence and God is winning. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for guiding, directing our lives, protecting us from danger in so many ways, many aspects of our own lives, and how we deal with those around us, with the truth.

Would you continue to guide and direct us in those areas? And we thank you for those that are standing strong. So many of us out there doing all we can to support our nation and others. We pray for the farmers who are out there fighting in Europe against the system that’s trying to destroy their very lives. We also lift up those that are on the front lines fighting this battle day in and day out without rest.

You know who they are, and you’ve been guiding direct in this whole thing. We know it’s all under your control. So we ask for continued peace in our lives, guidance and direction in everything that we do. In the name of Christ our savior, we pray. Amen and amen. Folks, thank you so much for tuning in. Thank you for your time and efforts and your prayer and your support.

Once again, just a reminder that thank you to all those who just jumped on board and helped the wooz news with the support there. We’ve got another again interview coming up. Tod calendar working on getting that one finished and sent out about cloud hub and how amazing system that he put together and set up. We’re on cloud hub too. We’ve got a channel there. It’s amazing the information that we gathered and it’s just really cool that I’ll be able to upload videos and especially the Bible study there.

It can be translated in so many languages across the earth. Looking forward to that. So for now this is lt saying simplify with them. We know signing out. .

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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