11.17.23: Higgins on FIRE Pharma/FBI exposed Politician/MSM fear Trump China. Pray!

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots



➡ The text discusses the events of January 6, highlighting different viewpoints about the incident and focusing on conspiracy theories that claim the violence was orchestrated by FBI agents or informants. It also suggests that there was much more happening behind the scenes, including accusations of satanic rituals and demonic activities among the authorities, while hinting at the government’s attempts to control information on the internet.
➡ The text discusses details of the January 6 Capitol riots and possible investigation into the events. It mentions self-proclaimed journalist John Sullivan being convicted on all charges related to the riot. It also talks about a new backpack product, the need for strong leadership against the FBI and DOJ, and a potential trial against Georgia’s use of Dominion’s voting systems. Finally, it discussses the speculation of a possible run for the White House by an unnamed “Old Mansion.”
➡ The text discusses fears surrounding a potential second term of Donald Trump as president, with concerns around fundamental democracy, including ideas of potential military intervention domestically and potential curtailment of free speech online. It also touches on perceived inconsistencies in priorities and actions of leaders, notably Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan, as compared to public opinion.
➡ The text expresses frustrations about inadequate measures taken to control illegal immigration in Texas, alleging that government officials are willfully neglecting their duty. It also discusses the perceived manipulation of public opinion and infliction of damage to traditional values through media propaganda. Additionally, anxieties about China-America relations, accusations against the US regarding biowarfare, and concerns over censorship and control of internet access are expressed. The text concludes by warning of increased efforts by the ‘deep state’ to suppress freedom of speech.
➡ The text discusses a wide range of topics, including possible conspiracies and perceived distrust within government and pharmaceutical entities. It criticizes prominent societal figures, discusses potential health remedies, and muses on the impact of the COVID-19 vaccine. Additionally, it mentions military policy changes and personal views on religion and mortality, plus celebrity political stances.
➡ The text covers a broad range of topics, discussing everything from rumored illegal activities among celebrities to changes in representation in children’s entertainment. The text also speaks on environmental issues, the influence of President Trump, and the importance of faith, highlighting notable news events and controversies.
➡ The text is about a person who’s making videos focused on bowling, featuring a variety of styles and their progression. This individual appreciates audience support, hopes to collaborate with their family in future videos, and ends with a farewell message.


Clay Higgins was on fire this week. The FBI is in trouble. Folks are getting arrested for trafficking. The media and celebs are making it known that they are scared of Trump. The momentum is swinging more and more towards waking up the masses, yet they want to control everything on the Internet. We’re going to look at this and more. Stay tuned. Capitol, can you confirm him that the FBI had that sort of engagement with your own agents embedded within to the crowd on January 6? If you are asking whether the violence at the Capitol on January 6 was part of some operation orchestrated by FBI sources and or agents, the answer is emphatically.

You’re saying no. No. You’re saying no violence orchestrated by FBI sources or agents. Are you familiar with, you know, what a ghost vehicle is, Director? Director of the FBI certainly should know what a ghost bus is. A ghost bus? Ghost bus. I’m not sure I’ve used that term. Okay. It’s pretty common in law enforcement. It’s a vehicle that’s used for secret purposes. It’s painted over these two buses in the middle here.

They were the first to arrive at Union Station on January 6, 500. I have all this evidence. I’m showing you a tip of this iceberg, Mr. Chairman. These two buses, Mr. Painted completely white. Point of order. Point of order. Sure. Just run over the time. I understand. But you’ll recall that Ms. Jackson Lee’s been allowed to go two minutes before. I’ve been very fair in letting people finish their questioning throughout my tenure as chairman, and I’ll continue to be fair on that regard.

But I will make a note to the members, if you could stay as close within your time as possible. We have a lot of people that want to ask these gentlemen questions. So with that, the gentleman yields. But your point? I’ve been very fair in this, Mr. Ivey, with everybody on this side of the aisle. Just as I don’t think I accused you of being unfair, Mr. Chairman, you’re making order.

Okay. Thank you. I now recognize. Mr. May I close this statement? No, I think your time is expired. I Note that other members across the aisle have been granted time, and I object to my question being closed. This is a very significant hearing, Mr. Chairman, and these buses are nefarious in nature and were filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters and deployed onto our Capitol on January 6.

Your day is coming, Mr. Higgins. I now reckon your day is coming, Mr. Ray. Your day is coming, Mr. Ray. They can’t shut the Internet down fast enough or control all the speech fast enough. They’re trying they’re hard at work trying to make sure that they can control all the companies putting out information because the exposure of their satanic rituals, the exposure of their demonic activity, and the three letter agencies, they are being exposed.

As many people for the years have said, I think you’re going too far, LT, with Satan involved in all this, and I don’t think I am. I think many people are worshiping a false God and they’re getting caught. And what does Clay say? Tip of the iceberg. I’ve got it all. He’s only pointing to one bus, two buses. Who knows how many ghost buses were out there? But I’m glad for a few things.

Number one, thankful that this information is still being put out to the public to wake up the people. The parents that are mad their kids went to J Six, the kids that are mad in college of their parents who went to J Six, the brothers and sisters who won’t talk to their family members anymore because of J Six. It needs to be exposed. Too many people have been hurt, too many families have been separated because of this one day.

This one subject that we keep bringing up since the day after J Six. If you go back to my J Six coverage, we covered this all. A couple of days after J Six, we got it out. We took a lot of information that we gathered and we saw us all play out. Here’s one of them. Unmarked state trooper vehicle, two black SUVs. There’s three state vehicles. State trooper vehicles escorted four antifa shuttle buses.

Right here, front, center. Right here, front and center. Shuttle buses, Antifa. And he’s showing you on his phone all of the shuttle buses that went by and they’re unloading. And then they head over. Let’s see, they start changing their clothes. So I’m going to bring this over. They start changing clothes, red and blue in the bushes at the end. She yells, delete that they were caught. We showed all this.

We got this coverage because all of this information was plain as day out there for everyone to gather. We covered it. Tony Saruga says, My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital idea of every mobile device computer in the US and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geo tracking and geolocation, makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement, and US government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DOD, DIA, NGA, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.

There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses as well as a number of mostly nondescript DOJ vans that dropped off ninja wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol, cutting fencing, removing barricades, opening doors and other nefarious behaviors. We also tracked the infamous J six pipe bomber from one of these vans. Later we eventually tracked them to Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made.

The FBA has all this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, at T mysteriously accidentally corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data. Get out of here. And so I’ve been showing you this video because I love it from Woo’s news. And you know what’s really cool? When I was scrolling down on the comments, I came here from Amwino says J 1976. This video is very informative and so hilarious.

A lot of folks put in here that they got here from Amino, heard about it from Lt. For some reason he cannot follow. I can follow now. I just wasn’t logged in properly. I changed my password and we know sent me. This is brilliant. Yeah, there’s some language in it. Hopefully we’re able to edit it out. But you know, these guys were all part of the whole plan.

Every single person, everybody that you see, he shows them. He goes through it in detail. It probably took him, I think he said it took almost six months to eight months, I believe gathered all this and put together their whole scenario. The whole thing was put together was all fake. Here we go. Some more, some more for you. Like he’s Santa Claus. Arch to the other side. That’s where Trump’s going to.

Just ginning up the crowd with empty promises. Per usual question, how many bodyguards does it take to lift the beach? Well from a stage made of folded chairs. Now let’s check in one last time with Angel Walsh over at the Southwest Channel entrance. I had to run away because there was a big lab. Boom. And then there was some green gas. See all those people in the background in line waiting for their turn to go.

Have any of y’all ever been a background actor? Yeah, it looks just like this. All actors not recording. Now these are our filler characters. They’re mostly here to chant and take up space. So that’s one group. Now another group comes in, you want to bring them in organically in waves. So if you are an actor and you see a camera on, you’re going to do what this little girl does.

You’re going to show off your little sign. Creepy. Oh, you don’t think they would employ children? Okay, you’ve got a lot to learn. They’re all just standing there waiting for their turn, and they just keep bomb coming. Notice how they’re all coming from the right instead of cutting through where this gap is? Because we want to make it seem like these people walk from Pennsylvania Avenue and nobody’s going to get into character until they arrive.

That’s why they all look so dead inside. Remember how we said earlier the summoning was part of the show? Well, it isn’t right here. And look what the crack dragged in. It’s Mike Cernovich. Now, before we go, let’s take a closer look at our line of background actors. That extends north from the Garfield monument to the Ulysses S. Grant Monument. And remember the street closest to the Garfield Monument? First Street.

Southwest and southwest Drive have been restricted from our public for years. You have all these folks still waiting to go in. These are all paid protesters. People, look at the line. And that concludes our Southwest analysis with Angel Walsh. We were very grateful to find this footage. We thank you and your husband for capturing it. Back on the east side, oh, we’ve got a little commotion. And what, pray tell, do you think was carried on this truck bed? Notice this cardboard tube for later.

And they just pull the barricades down here on the South Terrace while the cops do what they do best, retreat. It’s not every day that you see Chinese grandmas contributing to your mass programming. Wow. Go ahead and guess. Stop being so gullible. Wasn’t anyone’s New Year’s resolution for 2021. How the hell do of the kerfuffle that happened between the protesters and the cops when they got past the barricade? Police are squabbling with protesters.

Oh, there we go, squabbling. Maybe they stormed it. Maybe they walked right in. And that’s exactly what they do. From the northeast to the southeast plaza, obstacle one is complete. Push those barricades. See this cop tugging on Koolaid man drops his flag, never to retrieve it, just to slow it down to whisper sweet nothings while these cops fake retreat. Notice this massive stash of water. Yep. As they keep pouring in from all sides.

Retreat. Retreat. At the same. Absolutely amazing. Pausing it there. I put in the description box below. I leave it there. Everything wrong with the Capitol riots in 889 angles. We need this information out. We’ve got to continue to share it. Folks need to know. Of course. They say that self proclaimed journalist John Sullivan convicted on all charges in January 6. Riot case. Yeah, he was found guilty on seven counts, charged with four felony counts, including two for carrying a knife into the Capitol, along with multiple misdemeanors.

After hearing the jury’s verdict, U. S. District Judge ordered Sullivan into custody to wait sentencing. How much time do you think you get? My thought on all of this, just to be honest with you, he’s low hanging fruit, and I really don’t know if they’re going to do anything to him because he was part of the entire setup. Maybe they’re just doing this to make thousands of people happy that somebody on the wrong side got brought in and arrested.

I don’t know. I’m just not falling for it all. With all this happening, it kind of reminds me of some of the tools that we have to have, and we need things to carry them in. Check this out. Well, adventure awaits. Are you ready to embark on your next journey? Introducing the and we know backpack, the perfect companion for all your outdoor escapades. Crafted with premium materials and meticulous attention to detail, this backpack is built to withstand any adventure.

With its ample storage space and smart organization, you can easily pack all your essentials and keep them within reach. From rugged trails to urban explorations, this versatile backpack is designed to adapt to any environment experience unparalleled comfort with padded shoulder straps and support back panel, allowing you to carry your belongings effortlessly. That’s not all. Our backpack comes in two colors, camo and black. So go in that description box below or go to shop and we know.

Click on that ad and it’ll take you straight there. You’ll get this backpack a game changer for my outdoor adventures. I love how organized and comfortable it is. It’s my go to travel companion. Check it out. That’s shop Amwino. com. You need people with titanium spines to stand up to the FBI and the DOJ. Young man, I’ll meet you on solid ground anytime, anywhere. I had a flight that I’m supposed to be hightailing it to out of here.

Makes no difference to me. You won’t walk away. I tried to make my break as fast as I could. My colleagues across the aisle find themselves in a bind this year because we’re going to investigate. We’re going to investigate what exactly did happen leading up to January 6. You’d have had to be living under a rock in America to not know that there was potential for violence on January 6.

Mayor Browser my goodness. It begins with a request from the mayor. The mayor made that request on December 31. The president authorized it on January the third. But on January the fifth, Mayor Browse of DC, who’s deeply connected with my Democratic colleagues here in this body, had a change of heart, sent out a letter. We don’t want any National Guard. So what happened? We’re going to find out, I promise you.

Director Ray, you explained to my colleagues in law enforcement what a show of force deterrence, how meaningful it is and how effective it is as we deal with potential for violence, mob behavior, rioting, briefly, how effective force is. Well, Congressman, with the caveat up front that the FBI, of course, doesn’t do crowd control. Right. But you’re my thin blue line brother on this panel because the chief couldn’t come for some reason.

The chief we invited is not here. So you’re the man on the panel with law enforcement experience. Just share with my colleagues in America just how effective show of force is as a deterrent. If you’re facing potential violence, my understanding is that a visible show of strength is a very, very significant factor. A very significant factor. I concur. Why do you think America, why do you think that show of force was canceled? We will know exactly what happened, and some in this body are not going to like it.

Show of force is a peaceful deterrent. Who could possibly benefit, let the world ask that question. Who could possibly benefit from the removal of a show of force deterrence on the eve of January the 6th? I’ll leave America with that cliffhanger. Leave them with that cliffhanger, man. Just, folks I know sometimes, I warn you that some of these guys that have big platforms, big boom sound effects and more, you watch out for them, make sure that they’re on our side.

But, man, everything that I’ve seen from Clay Higgins has just been pretty powerful. But again, we don’t want to be deceived. But I tell you, when I see him walk down the hallway, make comments about this battle that we’re in and the seriousness about the way he puts it, it’s absolutely brilliant. Other things out there. LouiSIanA, there’s a big and very important election on Saturday for attorney general, state treasurer and Secretary of state, says President Trump.

Our Republican nominees, Liz Merle for attorney general, John Fleming for treasurer, and Nancy Landry for Secretary of state are outstanding in every way and have my complete and total endorsement. With my strong endorsement, Jeff Landry made history by flipping the seat of Louisiana’s second term, two term Democrat governor without a runoff. Jeff will be a great governor. We need Republican leadership in the great state of Louisiana. So please get out and vote Republican on Saturday.

Another thing that came up recently was the federal 9th District Court Judge Amy Totenberg has ordered Georgia’s secretary of state into court to explain Georgia’s use of Dominion’s computerized electronic voting systems, concurring the 2020 election was not secure. There is sufficient evidence to believe that these machines used by the state of Georgia have substantial flaws. A non jury trial is scheduled for January 7. Imagine that. Good old Dominion voting.

Can you imagine all their machines being ordered taken out? Can you imagine the reaction from China, all the money they made from those, the investment of getting the ballots in and all trying to get all of this thing stolen so that they can stay in power? Can you imagine Dominion being exposed on national television for all to see as they get whisked away after they’re found guilty and sent down to Gitmo for treason? Can you imagine? Can you imagine their fear day in and day out, wondering what’s going to happen next as These judges start getting the guts to stand up against these guys? I certainly hope, and I hope we’re praying for Amy Totenberg and her protection.

Everywhere she goes, day in and day out, she’s going to need it because we know these snakes, they’ll do anything to have her accidentally removed. And I’m tired of it. I’m tired of seeing these folks getting taken out. And they need our protection. If anything, we need patriots to surround her constantly, everywhere she goes, and say, hey, I’m on watch duty for you. Do you mind? Can you hire me? I don’t know, for free? I’m retired.

I just want to make sure that you’ve got somebody on duty 24/7 We’ve got your back. Stay strong. Well, they probably already have people set up for that. I’m just saying, imagine our country waking up and finally protecting those who need it. So here’s a little comedy from Old Mansion himself. Are you seriously contemplating a run for the White House? Here’s what I’m seriously contemplating, and I’ve said this very clearly, but people always want to say, well, are you going to run? I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure and mobilize that moderate, sensible, common sense middle.

That could be a center left, center right. So it could be a person who is involved in the grand old party forever. But they basically said, well, you know, my Democrat friends over here, the old Blue Dog Democrats, the middle’s gone. There’s not many of us centrists left. And if I can reinvigorate that, and I said, I will do everything that I possibly can, I’m totally, absolutely scared to death that Donald Trump would become president again.

I think we will lose democracy as we know it. And my reason for saying that, you can’t normalize this visceral hatred, calling people names and attacking people. You can’t basically think the only fair election is the one you win and the only laws pertain to everybody but you. That’s not the country we are. That’s not how we became the country. And I’m afraid that Joe Biden’s been pushed too far to the left.

CaN he come back? We’ll see. But the bottom line is, that’s not the Joe Biden that we thought was being elected to go that far left. Just to clarify, just to put a fine point, I know you haven’t made any decisions, but are you considering running for president? I will do anything I can to help my country. Is that a yes? And you’re saying, does that mean you would consider it? Absolutely.

Every American should consider, if they’re in a position to help save the country, I think we’re on the wrong course. So I will do everything possible. They’re setting them up, trying to get everybody ready. It’s all funny. Ultra pep lives Matter. Comical coming from Manchin, as his party has basically embraced open borders, child mutilation, sexually propagandizing children, zero medical freedom, and infinite war for the military industrial complex.

Their party is imploding underneath Biden. Imagine if there was no cheating involved in elections. Landslides. Why is everyone so scared of Donald Trump’s next term? The fear is palpable. We’re starting to learn, and I think most of America, hopefully, is starting to wake up to the fact that most of these elections have been rigged for years and years. If we had real elections that were on guard by the military, being checked, every single one of them, and they counted.

I’ve said this before, I’ll say it again. I think Donald Trump would win 80, 85%, hands down, of the vote from America. Only American citizens, day of the vote. Paper ballots. Even have them stick their thumb on a purple or red little ink deal and put their thumbprint on it. Put their fingerprint on it. Just like you saw overseas when they had to have the elections over there.

They’re sick. Who else is crazy? Well, this guy, Rachel Maddow, that goes by Rachel. He wants to build camps for millions of people, but camps for millions of Americans, he says. This is him on a talk show. He’s talking about President Trump. Quote from Rachel. He also wants to invoke. He’s talking about President Trump wants to invoke the Insurrection act, which would allow him to use military force against American civilians at home.

And he says he’s going to invoke that on day one, which would give him the ability to use the army against us. Rachel Maddow is it her, me, or just a lot of politicians and media pundits absolutely terrified that Trump will use the military against them lately? Boy, they are just losing their mind. They weren’t really doing that back when he won in 2016 or prior to his win.

Now all of a sudden it’s like they see he’s about to take over Wall Street. Apes shared this update. The FCC approved, I told you this earlier. They approved the plan to give the federal government complete control of the Internet. This plan eliminates what they say is digital discrimination. It makes the Internet equal for everybody. But what it also does is it gives the government the access to all the companies to implement rules, and that would include rumble.

The problem is those rules are very vague and a lot of people are worried that those rules will censor free speech. Get the government involved in a lot of areas that you probably don’t want the government involved in. The plan passed by a three two margin. How are we going to stop that? Do we go to our elected officials who are all for us and support us? Do we go to our rhinos? And our Democrats say, you guys need to pull these guys in and you have a talk and ask them why they’re doing this.

My feeling is, until everything gets completely changed and all the folks are arrested for their hatred of our country and our freedoms and trying to get by with murder, we won’t see it change. I mean, they’re crazy folks. Dr. Jan Halper Hayes and I owe her an interview. And if you’re listening, Dr. Hayes, I apologize. It’s been busy. But anyway, she says, do you doubt that they can’t stoop any lower than their evil, vindictive efforts? Time to rethink.

What is she talking about? Infant son of a J six defendant placed on quiet Sky. Suspected terrorist watchlist. It’s pure revenge stuff here. An eight week old infant placed on a secretive terrorist watchlist. The only suspected, but not so reasonable explanation for the designation is that Fisher is a J Six defendant and the infant’s father. Most alarmingly, it was not even Fisher who booked the ticket for his child.

Fisher’s fiance booked the ticket for herself and the infant. Not neither, but neither was anywhere close to DC on January 6. They have the stamp, SSS to indicate they are suspected domestic terrorists. Craziness. Craziness. We’re seeing it play out day in and day out. And folks, that’s why it’s important that we stay in touch. You can continue to look us up@andwinow. com. There you can find the OC podcast, the OC Cruise, AUC Partners, shop, contact and about and join and all types of good things there.

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How are we going to figure all this out? So we’ve got home politics, world news, markets, faith. We got the faith there. Social news and resources, all for you guys to just go through. It’s almost like our own type of drudge report, right? Where you can go all go there and get everything you need and other things that we have for you would be our podcast. You can go there and subscribe.

Just click on the OC podcast. You see it right here, right here. When you click on it, it’s going to take you to Podbean. When you go to Podbean, I’ll just show you right now since I’ve got a little bit. I wanted to make sure you guys see this. If you’re looking at your screen, you can check on AUC podcast right here. And when you check on it, it’ll have a little red line underneath and you’ll have the latest.

All you have to do is click on that follow button right there. Click on Follow and you’ll see. You can download these episodes and listen in whenever you want to. It’s absolutely amazing. I’m actually going to be putting stuff on there exclusive just to podbean. One of those I’m considering is where we do the Bible study. We’ll keep you updated on that. We’re also on Instagram at OC 828 and we’re on Facebook OC updates there.

Pretty amazing. Also, don’t forget we’ve got shop site, our merchandise shop amwinow. com. You can find all of our gear there, our hats, our bags, shirts, all the stuff that you need for your winter attire and more. It’s just absolutely amazing. I encourage you guys to go there when you wear it. Folks will walk up and say, I watched the show too. And before you know it. You’ve got new friends.

Absolutely amazing. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear. In the end, most governments are run by a small group of people for their own benefit without reference to what the majority wants. And I hate to believe that that’s true in this country, but all the evidence suggests that it is. In fact, it’s provable. You know how you prove it? Public opinion polling. Take a look at the latest Gallup poll.

Pick a poll. What are the top ten issues for people in the United States? And then compare those to the priorities of your leaders. So people are leaving Michigan because it’s very hard to make a living here, and you’re constantly hassled by a government that never stops growing and that is leeching off an economy that hasn’t grown in decades. Okay. That’s the truth. Take a look at the priorities of the low IQ lunatic who’s running your state, Gretchen Whitmer, who deserves zero respect.

No respect. Her priorities are what, putting you in jail, if you, quote, misgender somebody. What percentage of the population of the state of Michigan, even southeastern Michigan, is on board with that as a top concern. It’s like roughly around a 10th of 1% in that range. The things that people care about, Gretchen Whitmer couldn’t care less about because democracy isn’t functioning. If democracy was functioning in America, in Michigan and California, the District of Columbia where I live, the state of Maine, any.

The state of Texas, how many Texans do you think are all on board with letting 7 million people cross into their state illegally? What percentage? Zero. Zero. I don’t care what your race or national origin. Nobody is for that. That’s insane. Has the governor of Texas done anything meaningful to stop that? No. The Republican governor, he’s got a national Guard. He’s the commander in chief of the National Guard.

And it’s Texas, so they’re all large and they have double stacked magazines in their sidearms. You think they couldn’t stop that in a week if they, of course, just assemble along the border? We’re not doing this. No, he refuses to do that. He won’t do it. And it’s not like no one suggested. I’ve suggested to him three times, including in private, at a cocktail party in Dallas last year.

What are you doing, man? Don’t you have a National Guard? Why don’t you seal the border? Oh, it’s very complicated. No, it’s not. No, it’s not. If someone’s trying to break into my house, it’s not complicated to repel the person? Do you have a firearm or don’t you? Are you willing to defend your house and your children or aren’t you? Well, it’s more complicated than. Really? Tell me how.

Speak slowly so I can understand. It’s not more complicated than that. It’s more dishonest than that. You’re lying to me. You don’t want to do it because your donors don’t want you to do it. It’s that simple. Greg Abbott, Liar, liar, and worse than liar, betrayer of your own people. That’s what that is. I was polite at the cocktail party, so I didn’t say any of that. But I fumed internally, like an Episcopalian.

I bought those things. But the point is, if you assume that just because everybody wants something, you’re going to get it. Think again, pal. It’s very likely that, in fact, you won’t get anything that you want. You will just pay for what a small group of other people want. That’s the way it works. Boo. Boo is right. Boo is right. It’s not just frustrating, it’s a betrayal of the core promise of the country, which is the people rule.

That’s a criminal act. That is a criminal act. Just to put this in context, it’s not just like you have boutique, weird right wing views and that’s how they want you to feel like, oh, you’re an extremist. Really? I’m an extremist? I’m the one who let 7 million people into our country illegally whose names we don’t know. Yeah, we are extremists. We’re the terrorists, the ones that stand for truth.

They’ve reversed it all. They’ve used the movies and propaganda, they’ve used television, TV series to basically brainwash all of our youngsters. And then they bring in other folks to destroy us. If Trump actually did even half of what he’s been accused of, he could run as a Democrat. Ultra pepulized matter. The status quo that Joe Manchin and so called moderate Democrats and Republicans produced over the last 50 years included war crimes produced by never ending wars in foreign countries, the CIA overthrowing duly elected governments, biolabs and experiments on our own people, a comatose people asleep to the corruption staring them in the face, and a satanic cabal controlling politicians through Epstein island and blackmail galore.

If being moderate means we continue with these atrocities and stay chained to Babylon, then consider me an extremist. Someone who can never go back to being asleep. Never go back to being asleep right here. And I was thinking about this when I was reading this today, putting this together, and I was thinking about the time when Israel was freed out of bondage from Egypt and God was sending them to their Promised land, the land of Canaan, where all the stuff that keeps happening over and over again, day in and day out, over and over, we keep hearing about, whose land is this? Whose land that God led them to, the promised land.

And while they were on their way, how many times did they complain? What do you think is the number one thing? As I’ve taught many, many men, new believers, the number one sin that I see that God can’t stand is the sin of complaining. Complaining. They complained and said, we want to go back to our spices and the way that we had our food and it was so delicious.

We just want to go back to Egypt. In our slavery, we had great food. All we’re eating is manna every day. All we’re eating is heavenly bread. I’m tired of it. And he sent them enough birds to choke on, make them sick. He gave them their meat that they wanted. They complained because they wanted their golden calf god. They wanted to go back to their old way of worshipping.

And what happened? I think around 3000 were swallowed in the ground. They complained, oh, we can’t go into Canaan. There’s giants over there. We’re like grasshoppers. We’re going to die. They complained. And he said, all those 20 years and above, you’re not going to make it. I think it’s 20 or 21. Forgive me if I’m a little off by a year, but you’re not going to make it.

You’re going to wander for 40 years and we’re going to bring you back. I think we’ve been wandering around. I think that folks are starting to say, okay, enough complaining. We’re going to start seeing this over and over again. We have to see it and realize what we’re about to lose. One of those things was the visit from China. Xi Jinping comes over and look at this. James Wood shows us this clip.

My father fought in the Korean War. I miss him with all my heart. Yeah, I’m grateful. Yet. I am grateful he never had to see an American serviceman holding a Communist Chinese flag. What in the world are they doing? How dare they have us hold a Communist flag? How stupid. And then you see this guy right here named Blinken going crazy because Biden is explaining this puppet, this actor, whoever he is, this Chinese guy is a dictator.

Well, look, he is. I mean, he’s a dictator in the sense that he is a guy who runs a country that is. You can barely hear him, but Biden’s saying he is. He’s a Chinese dictator and old blinkeT’s going crazy. He’s looking down, he’s fumbling around, he’s just looking left and right. He’s going crazy. Then over here, as they’re having lunch, if you guys see, can see your screen, they’re sending the press away.

And Blinken, if you look at his eyes, he’s darting left and right and he looks like he’s about to cry. He looks nervous as all get out, as if somebody told him something like, your life is going to be required of you, you’re going down for treason. And somehow he heard that and he is losing his mind. That’s the way it looks to me. I don’t know how to read bodies language, but boy, I can read my kids.

And man, when things start going wacky, you can read it a mile away. Also, bioclanistine showed us the right or convinced that Biden and Ji are aligned. But the actions of these players don’t reflect that whatsoever. China literally accused Biden’s own biolab company, Meadowbiota, of making biological weapons in Ukraine. I wonder if this topic will come up at dinner. Well, what clip do we have for that? Well, this right here.

Let’s see if we can read it while he’s talking. According to open sources, dozens of biolabs in Ukraine operated under the US Department of Defense’s commands. These U. S. Activities severely lack transparency while having undeniable safety risks. Previously, many locations of the US overseas biolabs saw outbreaks of rare infectious diseases, which triggered protests and questions. These are important reasons the US biolabs in Ukraine aroused broad concern in international society.

What is the real intent of these U. S. Research projects? Why doesn’t US disclose details related to these research projects? What’s the relation between U. S. Overseas biolabs and its Department of Defense? If the US did nothing but scientific researches and disease surveillance in the labs in Ukraine, why is the Department of Defense deeply involved? Interesting that China would put this type of message, huh? Let’s see. Wait, here we go.

It’s time to end magical thinking about Russia’s defeat. SpeAking of Ukraine, Wall Street Journal Essay now claims it’s time to end magical thinking about Russia’s defeat in Ukraine. Ultra pepulous matter. Wait, you mean anons were right about Ukraine this entire time and the mainstream media was lying to everyone? Who could have possibly imagined this would be the case after they lied about Trump Russia collusion. They lied about the vaccine, they lied about mask, they lied about Michelle Obama’s.

You know what? I could never have seen this coming. What else? The rumored Internet takeover by Biden and companies. 100% true. We just talked about that. Remember when they cut people off from the bank account, says Truth Hammer. What happens when they declare individuals terrorists and deny Internet to companies who employ them? The deep state was never just going to accept Twitter being taken away and letting us speak again.

They have no choice but to double down and try again to make us shut up or they lose everything, especially the ability to keep hunting children, the ability to go after our children, the ability to steal our children, the ability to harvest adrenochrome. I’m adding to this, if you’re listening in. I believe that’s what this is all about. They’re getting taken out, billions of dollars being thrown away.

Their money because they used everything they could in their power to stop us from finding out. Even hell froze over as Michael Rappaport announced he’s voting for Trump. You got to be kidding me. All of this coming up and more, making us wonder about our money. Yeah, we’ve been talking about this. As a matter of fact, I had a new interview that we pulled up earlier, and I was just about to pull it up, and I’m going to bring it over now.

But we had a great talk. Great talk. And we’re going to release this on Sunday with Dr. Kirk Elliott because everything we know, we say it’s conspiracies and more, but everything that we brought up in this interview has come to fruition. We talked about Citibank, and they’re laying off so many hundreds and thousands of People. We talked about Project Bora Bora and how it’s coming apart, all these people losing their jobs.

Let’s see, I’ve got the title right here. Silver up 100% in three years. Big stores slowing down, huge bank layoffs. Yeah, we’re going to see this this Sunday. You don’t want to miss it. You don’t want to miss this interview. In any moment that you want to reach out to him, you can reach out to annwinow. com gold. It’s in the description box below, and they’ll help you.

We could go back farther, but it doesn’t make sense to go back farther when you’re looking at a trend, because trends tend to be more intermediate. There’s policy changes, there’s legislative action, there’s all kinds of different things. So you never want to look too far back on a trend. I would say do them intermediate and short term. The last three years, last one year. Silver is starting to accelerate, which is really exciting because this is why we allocate into it was to take advantage of times like this.

Yes, many folks are starting to realize this and more. And as I tell you what, it’s your chance, get in there now. It’s very, very important for all of us. So here’s something else. As we head back into this world of biolabs and more, I just couldn’t get enough of clay Hagens. I think most of us just love it. He doesn’t trust Fauci and I’d love to play him.

Here we go again. I didn’t trust him the moment I met him and I began to have. I’m suspicious by nature, perhaps because of my background, but I generally don’t trust the government. And the COVID pandemic appeared to me to be born of a weaponized virus. It was sticky, it injured, weakened and sickened as opposed to kill, which is always a goal for biological or chemical weapon in military conflict.

Is one dead soldier. Is one dead soldier. But one weak and sick soldier requires a couple of soldiers to help them. So you decrease the impact effectiveness of that force with a chemical or biological weapon that’s designed to cause weakness and fatigue, illness, sickness for a long period of time. And COVID appeared to check all those boxes to me just as a reasonable man with six decades of life, it appeared to me to be weaponized.

And then, and then studies began to be completed across the world and there was further suspicion behind this thing just before the vax. And we began to really question exactly what was the connection between the massive entities, the pharmaceutical giants that were going to create the vax in a few different forms. And you had a population that was being groomed across the world, all being groomed to get this facts.

And sure enough, Steve Kerr showed us. You can now sue the mRNA COVID vaccine manufacturers for damages and the FDA is required to take the COVID vaccines off the market. Why? Adulteration. The plasmid bioactive contaminant sequences were not pointed out. So another thing, truth. The media showed us an Orange county toddler died two days after receiving three routine vaccines. Cause of death, cardiac arrest. The child also suffered organ failure.

Trust your gut and don’t let them push anything on your children, says her mother. I hope that we’re learning, folks, I hope we’re starting to learn and I hope we’re starting to go out there and find remedies for any type of illness that we have that comes from God Almighty, man. I’ve been learning so much. I learned about bendazole, how it helps get rid of can fight cancer.

Ivomectin. We’ve learned about hydroxychloroquine. I’ve learned about using Ginger for ailments, potatoes, garlic and honey mixed for sickness, and so much more. I hope to have an interview someday with somebody out there that has all this info. Also, former Kansas City Chiefs player Devon Wiley is dead at 35. He played for the Tennessee Titans. I’ve showed this over and over again, and I’ll show you again. COVID BC vaccine deaths.

They have 37,000 subscribers. They don’t know me. I don’t know them. I just like their stuff because they keep pulling information from social media that’s out for the public to see. 2021. I’ve had my Covid jab shared with everyone, told the world, look at me, look at me. I’m so amazing. And then two years later, like we’ve been saying, suddenly gone. Just one day here, next day gone.

You got so many of these social media posts. I got my jab, another one after the jab, all of a sudden, you see, my child friend passed away this week. The one that was bragging about it, the one that was saying, look at me, I’m amazing. I’m protected. Even though nobody died. Well, supposedly there was maybe one or 2% that died from COVID But if you look at their ages and comorbidities, then you realize why another one, Trexena, mourns the doctor who died at the age of 36, gone.

They’re just young folks. They’re here one day bragging about their jab. The next day they’re gone. Can I show you this? Enough. We’re probably tired of it. And you’re probably like, you know what? I don’t want to see it anymore. I get it. But again, it’s a reminder over our prayers. Check this out. A letter is going out to soldiers which says former soldiers who are involuntarily separated for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine may request a recorrection of their military records.

This is from Samasur. Thank you for posting this letter from the Department of the Navy for one of them. It also says individuals who desire to apply to return to service should contact their local army, army reserve, Army National Guard recruiter for Information. You got a Navy letter here, too. According to Breitbart, only 43 out of 8000 service members discharged for refusing the vaccine have returned as of October 5.

You think all 8000 just going to come running back after that? You think it’s easy for us to send our sons and daughters to say, yeah, go ahead, go in there and serve. Everything’s great. They’re just stay away from all those jabs. What if they change it and go back to its requirement after they served, after they go through three or four years, they’re ready to get out and they kick them out six months before they get out.

Can you imagine that? We need apologies. Then it goes back to these freaks of nature, like this one. Peter Nygard acted out to achieve immortality. All the heinous deeds that he did to do that. Look at him now. A husk of a man that looks more zombie than alive. Man’s attempts to play God end up becoming an example of just how weak they truly are in the face of death.

He will have to answer to God one day, and that day appears to be soon. Pride comes before the fall. Thank you, ultra pepulized matter, for posting this. They thought they owned the world, yet they were merely stewards of something they could not possess. All was vanity and only what we do with and for God remains. Hmm. What else is going on? Barbara Streisand once again making it clear that she won’t tolerate another Donald Trump presidency.

The actress singer vocal Democrat appeared on Monday’s episode of the Late show to voice her sentiments and ongoing disapproval of the former president. You’ve known and supported a lot of political figures. You’re friends with the Clintons. I’m not going to get into you dating Pierre Trudeau, but you have politicians in more than one country, shall we say? What do you make of the political climate of the United States? Bad.

Well, I like Biden. I like Biden. I think he’s done a good job. I think he’s compassionate, he’s smart, he supports the right things. How do you feel about the specter of a second Trump administration? I will move. I can’t live in this country. If he became president, where would you go? Where would you go? Probably to England. Good Lord, here they go again. All claiming they’re going to leave if Trump gets back.

And it’s almost like they know the writings on the wall that he’s stepping back in and they need to get the word out. Well, you guys, I’m going to leave. You better not vote for Trump or I’m going to leave. See you later. Spire ticket. And get her out of here. What else is going on? P. Diddy has officially been accused of sex trafficking and assault. Mainstream media is years behind anons since we knew of this shady connections to trafficker Rachel Chandler for years.

Remember the intel board, the one that, oh, there’s nothing on there. President Trump? You think that these people called QAnon? Remember the question? They had Q with Anon. They put together QAnon, you’re going after. They’re claiming that the Hollywood’s got satanic pedophiles. Cassandra Ventura alleges that she was trafficked, raped, plied with drugs, piled with drugs, and viciously beaten by combs. And there it is on the right. Rachel Chandler Guinness.

I am 14. Here she’s pictured with P. Diddy. Another guy, Thakoon says prime age, as if that’s okay. Then you head over to the Cartoon Network. Anybody still watch that? Anybody have their kids or grandkids put in front of the TV? And you say, here, watch the Cartoon Network. Look what they’re showing now. We found Jared. Poor lad. And that’s the Winnie. Hey, there. I am the great Winifred.

She her actor extraordinaire. She her actor extraordinaire. We baby bears introduces a non binary characters. They them pronouns. Ermie, new crew. This is awesome. Our crew also has a new addition. See, Fox. They use they them pronouns, and they make an exceptionally good quiche. You’re well met, Fox. I use they them pronouns as well. So let’s get this pirate adventure. They’re after our children. DC Patriots said. New report says Elsa will be a lesbian and have a wife in New Disney Frozen three movie in news that probably won’t stun most conservatives, but will leave some liberals joyful.

Guess who’s turning gay in the latest Disney blockbuster film? That’s right, Elsa. Look one up. Verify if it’s true or not. But I tell you what, they are going to the lowest levels. They’re after our children. John Podesta’s friend who debunked pizza Gate arrested for raping toddlers, November 16, 2023. Fact checked. Remember, no such thing as Pizza Gate. They’re crazy. These cue people are just out of their mind.

Instead of getting balanced news on it to go back and forth with those that follow it and those that don’t. They just accuse all the folks that follow it as crazies, ridiculous terrorists. They’re bad people for looking all this up and finding out who we really are. Company behind Miss Universe files for bankruptcy after transgender controversy. Is that right? And they continue to come after us. Kids are cute.

But they’re not really eco friendly. One less baby helps the planet. Those from times trends. One less baby helps the planet more than giving up meat in a car. What’s good for the Earth? They say activity, not having babies. 58. 6 avoiding transatlantic flights 2. 8 they hate our children. They don’t want the children around anymore. Evil, evil, evil, evil. And then you head over to this scene.

Thanks to Pepe Deluxe for grabbing it. Powerful scene where Satan tries to stop Job from praying in the shift. The Book of Job tells the story of a man who had riches and excess, but lost it all when Satan tried to tempt him. Job remained faithful to God. Satan not only tried to tempt him, he took away his children. He took away everything he owned. He actually was filled with boils all over his entire body.

And you would think that he would curse God, even his wife. Job’s wife said, curse God and die. They didn’t just tempt him, he took him through hell on Earth. And Job remained faithful to God. Check this clip out. Heavenly Father, are you praying? I need your help. Well, that’s a first. I’m in trouble and I can’t do this alone. Amazing. I love it. I love it. I love this.

He’s still big. Father, do you honestly think that he will help you after what you just did? You are tainted goods. You’re not even worth his effort anymore. Even if he did help you, do you think I will ever leave you alone? Ever? There is nothing that I won’t do to you. No temptation, no loath that he won’t sink to. I know you, Kevin, and you are nothing.

Nothing. I am greater than him. I am certainly greater than you. The power of prayer is absolutely amazing. Gone. Our God is greater. We’ll finish with this, grasshopper. Put this out. The amazing connections at 2030 posted by President Trump Fox News poll Fox News poll President Trump holds huge lead over GOP Field. He had the 30 55 in there, too. The end is near. There’s a poll. POTUS today poll.

It matches all 2030 is matching with polls as he puts out a poll. Do you think that President Trump doesn’t know or is not using comms to let us know how this is playing out? We’re battle weary. Although this says every battle is won before it’s ever fought. Are you awake? I’ll say that one more time. As we’re going through day in and day out, information overload. A reminder, Clay Higgins Ray, your day is coming.

J Six is continually being exposed. They are not letting it go. A judge says, you know what? We don’t like these Dominion machines. It’s time to look into this 2020 election. We’ve got Manchin, Rachel Maddow and others terrified if President Trump comes back in. We’ve got a terrified blinken looking around wondering what he was told. I wonder what he was told. We got China exposing the Ukraine biolabs, the United States biolabs in Ukraine that we talked about.

We exposed. We’ve got free speech with Tucker out there exposing Abbot as a liar and Gretchen Whitmer, low IQ. We got Fauci exposed by Clay Higgins. We’ve got more folks dying suddenly. We’ve got the military saying, oops, we’ll let you back in, but they ain’t coming. And we’re reminded over again, over and again, how great it is to have communication like this through these podcasts now with the truth showing us over and over again.

These guys are getting arrested, they’re getting pulled in, and these films that they’re putting out. We’ve had enough. Enough. And through prayer, through prayer, we have the power to reach God. And through the Holy Spirit. The enemy’s pushed away, flees. Never forget this. The end is near. Every battle is won before it’s ever fought. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, how wonderful it is to know that we have the ability to talk to you at any second of any day. We thank you that we have the ability to communicate through means like this, through an internet that’s still open for us. We see how the enemy works and how he uses his forces to try to shut us off. But we know our greatest communication is with you.

And our greatest communication back from you is through your word. Your word is more powerful than any two edged sword we know over and over again as we think about those scriptures. As Jesus Christ put out, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man goes to the Father, to you, except by me. We know we don’t have to go to any man to get to you.

We know we don’t have to confess to any man to get to you. We know we have direct comms with you through your son, Jesus Christ. And we ask, as anyone out there is listening, did you press upon their heart through the Holy Spirit to give them a conviction of the truth of your son who came and died on the cross for our sins and rose again three days later? May there be many out there who will say, I believe, and I turn my life fully to Jesus Christ.

In the midst of all this battle, in the midst of everything that we’re hearing, we are impressed more and more by the fact that we need to have saving faith. And so I lift up all of those on the front lines, those that need protection, that are fighting this battle, those that are having their own battles inside of their homes, at work and more. We ask for complete comfort and rest that they would call out on your name and they would feel complete comfort and rest in their souls, in their life.

We thank you, Father. You are so good to us. It’s the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. Folks, thank you so much for tuning in. I ask that you would hit that subscribe button if you would, please. Would really, really appreciate that. And hit the like button too, if you would. Definitely helps us on the leaderboard and gets us up there and rumble with more than you can imagine where we get shared more, right? That helps the algorithm.

And also, like I’ve said before, thank you guys for subscribing to my son’s channel, Bowling Bros. Rafael Noah, they’re doing just great work. He just did a video with his arsenal with this ball showing all of the bowling balls, bowling stereotypes, unorthodox styles. They’re trying to give you guys more and more variety. They even have bowling progression. They’re showing pictures and videos of them when they were smaller.

So kind of getting in touch with my family, and I’m hoping to bowl with them someday on one of their videos and we can have a blast getting that out. It’s in the description box below if you need the link. So again, thank you for your support of our family. Thank you for your prayers and so much more. You guys are absolutely amazing. For now, this is Lt saying Semperfi with M.

We know signing out. .


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