Elon WAKENING? Trump off BALLOTS? 45ht Speaker? Middle EAST Soros Money. Pray!

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11.1.23: Elon WAKENING? Trump off BALLOTS? 45ht Speaker? Middle EAST Soros Money. Pray!



➡ The main points discussed include the mistrust towards Democrats by American people, potential Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, possible republican majority in the House, the urgency to properly educate voters, and claims of misinformation and removal of choices in regards to the 2024 elections, primarily involving President Trump. The text also criticizes the current Biden administration, alleging there are attempts to dismantle democracy and potential bias from mainstream media outlets.
➡ The text discusses various political and social issues, such as the tearing of important documents by politicians; potential visual clues and cryptic messages in images; the alleged support of pro-genocidal sentiments within the Department of Homeland Security; the perceived bias in the allocation of testosterone treatments; the importance of male vitality; Israel’s stance on a ceasefire and the introduction of a bill by the House GOP that proposes a $14.3 billion aid to Israel, and cuts funding to the IRS.
➡ This summary discusses various issues such as the ongoing wars, media blackout on important stories, manipulations by big pharmaceutical companies, corruption in politics involving child abuse, and the hope for freedom. It also includes controversies related to the entertainment industry, the dangerous political landscape in Israel, and potential threats to America’s national security. Lastly, it covers references to President Trump’s strong opposition to these problems.
➡ This text describes an upcoming family event featuring musical performances, comedy, and interactive activities. The website Amwaynode.com offers a range of merchandise, including seasonal packs with themed items. The text also discusses political commentary, including criticism of the Biden administration and Twitter’s perceived bias. It further explores the coverage of potential COVID-19 treatments on the Joe Rogan podcast, and concerns about pharmaceutical companies suppressing inexpensive, effective treatments due to lack of profit. The text concludes with skepticism towards lockdown measures and television news reporting, and claims of election fraud in the 2020 US presidential election.
➡ Steve Kirsch criticizes Yale university for stopping research on vaccine injuries due to pharmaceutical company funding, accusing the university of prioritizing propagandas over science. He also criticizes the government’s open borders policy, claiming it has led to the entry of dangerous individuals and potential terrorists into the U.S., making the country more vulnerable to internal terror threats. Kirsch also mentions economic concerns, such as huge borrowings, impending recession, and banks limiting people’s credit.
➡ Madonna’s 2019 performance at Eurovision, featuring controversial symbolism such as an X eyepatch, Israeli and Palestine flags, and dancers in gas masks, has sparked questions and discussions today. The subsequent events such as the 2020 pandemic and the ongoing global political changes, including the state of American democracy, social unrest, environmental issues, AI concerns, potential existential threats, and the explosion of new information via various platforms, are often seen through the lens of fear, despair, and conspiracy. However, amidst this perceived chaos, the message calls for remaining steadfast, courageous, and hopeful, accentuating faith, prayer, unity, discernment, and an ultimate belief in divine orchestration.


Why don’t the American people, according to the surveys, trust Democrats, but instead trust Republicans? Elon Musk will soon own Twitter, maybe within the next week. And for the Biden administration, this is an existential problem. You’ve heard our CBS estimates have the Republicans taking the House with 224 seats. How do you shift the momentum? So the mission is not to prevent them. The mission is to educate so many people with the truth that we win so big that you wake up on November 9 and you say, we’ve got the House and we’ve got the Senate, and we defeated you guys with the only thing that America was built on of consequence the truth and faith.

It’s four dimensional justice. Anyone know what that means? I know what that means. You know what it means? They can’t believe what the hell is going on with our country. The amount of information flowing through the social media world, covering everything you can think of trafficking, politics, evil rulers, biden, Trump, and so much more, is astounding. They’re using another trick to stop Trump. Talk shows are exposing more than we could ever believe.

Politicians are speaking up with more strength, and mainstream media is slowly, unveiling truth in different places. Let’s go. A fake trial is currently taking place to try and illegally remove my name from the ballot. I often say that 2024 will be the most important election in the history of our country. The reason for that, and that statement, is that our country is being destroyed by people have no idea what they’re doing.

Or even worse, they may very well have an idea. They may hate our country, and they may want to see it destroyed, but it may also be the last election we ever have. If this election doesn’t work, if this election is rigged and stolen, if bad things happen, our country will not survive. If Crooked Joe and the Democrats get away with removing my name from the ballot, then there will never be a free election in America again.

We will have become a dictatorship where your president is chosen for you. You will no longer have a vote or certainly won’t have a meaningful vote. And you could say, frankly, that that has already begun. This truly is our final chance to save America. And with the 2024 election now less than one year away, this is your chance to take a stand against tyrants that support the one and only movement that can save our country and make America great again.

We must win in 2024. If we don’t win, we will not have a country. If we do win, we will make America greater than it’s ever been before. Thank you. So there you go. President Trump, once again keeping us informed. Seems like he hardly ever gets any rest, except maybe playing some golf sometimes. That’s probably his. You know they’re attempting to protect democracy, right? By removing people’s ability to choose to vote.

For Trump in the state of Colorado. Fact that they’re going to such great lengths to remove him says ultra Peppy Lives Matter from the ballot completely shows just how scared they really are. If it was so easy for them to fraudulently cheat in every election, why expose the fact that you are removing the peasant’s ability to choose who they want to lead them and remove the facade of a country run by we the people? Their panic is real, so real that Rick Wilson said this.

And the donor class can’t just sit back on the sidelines and say, oh well, don’t worry, this will all work itself out. They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump. And that’s a fact. Did you hear that? Did you hear it right, MSNBC? They’re still going to have to go out and put a bullet in Donald Trump and that’s a fact.

Had somebody said that about Obama, do you think that folks would have just sat back and said, it’s okay had they said that about any of the former presidents at all? I mean, they’re all both the same anyway. Republican, Democrat until President Trump shows up. Not all, but you know what I mean. Lately, the ones that we can remember, and here they are calling for a bullet to be placed in President Trump over and over again.

We’re seeing their panic. Why? What’s he scared of? Are they so scared that if they can do anything they can to remove him, they would? I mean, if you knew you were going to gitmo, you knew that they were going to hang you for treason or put you on a firing line, and you had a bunch of money. And you had a bunch know, the ability to move people around in pieces around and try to defeat President Trump.

You’re probably going to do everything you can to make sure he doesn’t get in. Because you realize if he gets back in, well, then we’re done, right? I don’t know. That’s how I guess. But there’s this thing called Ingersall Lockwood website that’s been floating around with some strange communications in it. And I thought that this was with everybody wondering if something’s going to happen and blah, blah, blah, everybody’s trying to guess dates.

I always say it’s going to be a few more years before it’s all said and done. Probably. I mean, we just don’t really know. God’s in charge. But what’s interesting are the comms that come out like this. And I like these kind of things. You’re going to scroll down, so when you go into Lingerson, the Ingersall Lockwood site, and you scroll down, there’s this little they had like a little rabbit there.

I’ll show you something later from that. It’s kind of weird. And then you click on it. Watch this. Today, October 31, something new winds in the east, mish coming in, like something is brewing, about to begin can’t put me finger on what lies in store but I feel what’s to happen all happened before then I like to sing the rest of the song. Chim, chimney chim, chimney chim, chim, chiru.

I think that’s how it went. It’s been so long. But, you know, when I was a kid, they used to play this on the television back in the day when you had to walk up, they tell you to change the channel and you got to turn the little knob. And we didn’t have the VCR tapes up until, I think, the 80s when these things would come on. We’re like.

Oh, it’s Mary Poppets. We got to go watch now. I know there’s a lot of symbolism in there. I’m just telling you guys. You guys remember Sunday nights come back from church and they’d have that commercial, Mutual of Omaha, and then it would be the Disney Channel. I know, Disney. I know. But back then, right, disney. We’d sit there and they’d have the special for the night. And it was usually some kind of an animal thing or it was Winnie the Pooh or whatever.

Okay, I’m one of those guys just telling you. I remember. But those are just strange words. Getting back, man, I got off track just a little bit. Anyway, we go into these strange things, strange things that are happening, maybe happened before. And saw this. This one right here really grabbed my attention. This right here, a few days ago, Steve Scalise introduced and I’m going to play it, mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the House.

But Mike Johnson’s, the 56th speaker house speaker elected to the 118th Congress. 45th does not sound like 56th. 1876 was the 44th House speaker. Did Steve make a mistake or something else on the right? I got a graphic from somebody that shared there’s a reason that Steve Scalise introduced Mike Johnson as the 45th speaker of the House, because the US corporation was fully set up in 1878. The last official speaker prior to the US corporation was Mike Kerr.

In 1876, he was the 44th speaker of the House. And then they put the receipt httpscode dcccouncil gov USDC council blah blah, blah, blah blah. Just telling you there’s a receipt. And play. Oh, by the way, before you hit play, if you’re looking at your screen, watch the reaction when he says 45th. Just watch the reaction of the people around the two bigger than himself and people who have been ignored for way too long.

It is my great privilege to introduce the 45th speaker of the House, my dear friend, Mike Johnson. The speaker. Yeah. So as he states that you see this right here in the back, the little giggle, laughter and the look over at Mike Johnson like you know what that means, don’t you? I don’t know. It was just kind of fun to play with stuff like that. Mike Johnson, you remember just kind of going down memory lane.

He’s calling for Nancy Pelosi’s arrest. Remember, this was the guy. So you were obviously watching there at the State of the Union when you saw the speaker rip the President’s speech into pieces. Did you take that as a sign of plainness, as an expression of kindness and friendship? No, of course not. I mean, it was a shameful display. It was stunning, really. To many members sitting in the House, it was totally unprecedented.

It was shameless and it was also unlawful. Tucker, a lot of people have been talking about this the last 48 hours. And I did a little legal memo to point out to my colleagues that she actually committed a felony when she tore that paper up. It wasn’t just any the copy, the original. And we have over two centuries of custom and tradition and of course, the Constitution that calls for the State of the Union address.

That when the President delivers the copies to those top legal officers, the two top legislative officers in that coequal branch of government. Those are the official documents of the House. And if you tear those up, you violated a specific statute in the criminal code. I wonder if they’re worried about anything. Oh, that Ingersal Lockwood. I have a hard time saying that pick. There was one where you clicked on the little rabbit and they had this pick pop up.

The storm is coming and the rats are jumping ship. Look at that. Rats jumping ship, storm coming. And it kind of takes me back to folks, I’m just kind of going to stay here for a minute because there’s more like Nature Girl posted this. Just remember we had the click. But as you look at that pick and then you watch this clip one more time from Ingersoll Lockwood, because you click on the D when you go there and it changes sometimes.

Let’s see. Can we check this out? Maybe we can. Let’s see. Click on the D. Winds in the east mist coming in like something is brewing about to begin can’t put me finger on what lies in store I feel what’s to happen all happened before go back to the website and click on the rabbit with the umbrella. Give it back. Give me back the money. Michael, behave. Michael behavior there’s something wrong.

The bank won’t give someone their money. Well, I’m going to get mine. Come along, young man, and give me mine too. Double payments. Double payments is playing. You see stolen wealth from the Usdetclock. org. Yes, we all must come together. And there’s the American flag on that T shirt. Then that Usdetclock. org echo the truth. Oh, yeah. Pretty interesting coming from just clicking on something. As people do a bank run.

It’s time to pull the plug there. Yep. As this plays and it’s rolled on the manipulated legacy system that has enslaved us. X marks the spot. X as humanity’s collective consciousness. And that’s what they put in there on this whole thing? Oh, yeah. Isn’t it kind of fun to see things like that go on? People communicating in such a way where you just kind of wonder because we’ve never had this type of thing before.

It’s been happening the past four years or five years where we’re kind of getting all this. But it’s very interesting. Interesting indeed. And then as all this plays out, you see that they’re in a lot of trouble. Folks are starting to pound and say, look, we need answers on everything that’s going on. We need answers on what’s going on at DOJ, the CIA and all these other places, FBI and boy, when these three letter agencies get put on the front lines for people to see, it just wakes them up even more.

What about people who say things like people who say things like, F Israel and any Jew who supports Israel? This person works for you. This is Nuja Ali, an employee of the Department of Homeland Security. That’s not all she posted. This is a paraglider. A Hamas paraglider with the Celebratory Free Palestine. Is this typical of people who work at DHS? This is an asylum and immigration officer who is posting these frankly, pro genocidal slogans and images on the day that Israelis are being slaughtered in their beds.

What have you done about this? Four things I’d like to say to you. Number one, your question. To suggest that that is emblematic of the men and women of the Department of Homeland Security is despicable. I’m sorry, what have you done? This person works for the Department of Homeland Security. Have you fired her? That was one of four answers. Have you fired her? One have you fired her? Don’t come to this hearing room when Israel has been invaded and Jewish students are barricaded in libraries in this country and cannot be escorted out because they are threatened for their lives.

You have employees who are celebrating genocide, and you are saying it’s despicable for me to ask the question, has she been fired? Has she been fired? So that individual has been placed on administrative leave so she’s not been fired. Number two, the individual was hired in 2019. Why has she not been fired? Three, I cannot speak to an ongoing personnel matter. Why has this person not been fired? Your answer is you can’t speak to it.

This isn’t sufficient to fire her. I am not in a position she’s still on your payroll as we sit here today. I’m not in a position to speak about an ongoing person. I’m not asking about that. I’m asking you how many cases she adjudicated. My answer remains, did she adjudicate any cases involving Israelis seeking asylum in this country? Same answer. I think the American people deserve to know.

Has she admitted, contrary to law, individuals who should not be in this country or denied Jewish refugees whose genocide she’s advocating asylum that they deserve? Same answer. You’re not going to tell us what this person’s done? Are you conducting review of her cases at least? I cannot speak to an ongoing you said that you will not I can’t believe that you would come to this committee knowing this.

You know about this. I’ve written to you about it. You know all about it. And you come here unwilling to answer and suggest that it is wrong of me to ask you the question. And I think the fact that you are not willing to provide answers to this committee is absolutely oh, yeah. How about, huh? So folks, all this playing out, we’re going to lot more. Gonna share some more out of Israel.

President Trump given a couple more messages. We’re gonna see the FBI chief. Some more on Elon Musk with Joe Rogan. And man, we’ve just got a lot more to unpack. First, I just want to take care of your health. Testosterone, a natural hormone present in both men and women, has been added to the anabolic steroid list today. If a woman or even a child approaches a doctor expressing gender dysphoria, they’re readily prescribed testosterone.

But a man seeking to address his declining testosterone levels is met with refusal, citing it’s, quote, against the law. This is Biden’s America, where health is more about control than well being. It’s about a system backed by Big Pharma that wants to keep men dependent, to keep men tethered to a system that profits from their decline. It’s been a plan all along. You know why? Because men are the ones who fight in revolutions, heads of families.

They’re the ones that won’t stand for this nonsense. And every day, there’s a new assault on their essence. But there’s hope. Black Forest Supplements offers terkesterone a supplement that promises to counteract this decline. It’s not just about muscle mass or strength. It’s about reclaiming our essence or vitality. In times where a very essence is utter threat, where leaders like Joe Biden institutions seem to have plans that don’t align with our well being, it’s time to take control.

As someone who takes terkesterone, I personally vouch for its effectiveness. I’ve seen a noticeable difference in my energy level, strength, and overall well being. You could try it today with an amazing buy two, get one completely free 48 Hours promo@blackforosupplements. com. Lt it’s below the video. The description box below that’s. Blackforestsupplements. com Lt. I want to make clear Israel’s position regarding the ceasefire. Just as the United States would not agree to a ceasefire after the bombing of Pearl Harbor or after the terrorist attack of 911, israel will not agree to a cessation of hostilities with Hamas after the horrific attacks of October 7.

Calls for a ceasefire are calls for Israel to surrender to Hamas, to surrender to terrorism, to surrender to barbarism. That will not happen, ladies and gentlemen. The Bible says that there is a time for peace and a time for war. This is a time for war. A war for our common future. Today we draw a line between the forces of civilization and the forces of barbarism. It is a time for everyone to decide where they stand.

Israel will stand against the forces of barbarism until victory. I hope and pray that civilized nations everywhere will back this fight, because Israel’s fight is your fight. Because if Hamas and Iran’s axis of evil win, you will be their next target. That’s why Israel’s victory will be your victory. But make no mistake, regardless of who stands with Israel, israel will fight until this battle is won, and Israel will prevail.

May God bless Israel. And may God bless all those who stand with Israel. Now. House GOP Unveils $14. 3 billion to Israel aid bill that would cut funding to the IRS per CBS. Interesting funding coming out. Interesting how this all plays out over and over again where people are crying out for war, picking sides. We’ve gone through this exhaustively through several of my past videos, through the month of October, starting with October 9.

Do not want war. I do not like to see people in Israel getting killed, tortured and taken as prisoners. I do not like to see bombs dropping and kids getting killed in Gaza. I do not like to see war at all. Tired of it while all this is happening out there. Vigilant Fox showed us the media blackout. Ten stories they didn’t want to tell us. 97% of Scientists don’t agree on climate crisis.

How about that? EU politician makes bold statements about Donald Trump. Tucker Carlson declares the whole George Floyd story was a lie. Thank goodness mann gets dragged out of Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill Clinton’s trips to Epstein Island. Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that statin drugs are impairing brain function. New research calls for the arrest of Bill Gates and those responsible for democide whistleblower reveals startling data linking tens of thousands of New Zealand deaths to the COVID Jabs.

We’ve had those whistleblowers for a long time before the Jabs even came out, folks. We were revealing what they were going to do to you when you take these things and place them in your body. Number one, Pfizer hid nearly 80% of COVID-19 vaccine trial deaths from regulators in order to qualify for emergency use authorization. Well, keep in mind, Spook blog says America’s central bank was the Federal Reserve Bank created by the dams Woodrow Wilson in 1913.

Trump gained control of the FRB and demoted it to a subset status of the US Treasury, which will issue US treasury certificates backed by gold as US currency. So all of this playing out more and more, and it’s all about our children. We’ve known this Emerald Robinson here’s, the former director of Dia, telling you directly many people in Congress are compromised by sleeping with children. We showed that video clip from General Flynn in the last report.

He said it they’re making these folks in Congress sleep with children. They’re recording them and then they can’t do anything because they’ll release those recordings. Helen equals Light says let’s be accurately, direct. They are doing these bad things to children. They’re not sleeping with them. They’re abusing them. Broken Anthem USA we are fortunate to have everyone here together working so hard. We have a shared love of our humanity.

The collection of abilities and talents is unprecedented. The evil folks didn’t want this to happen. They tried to mitigate and still do. Humanity cannot be stopped. We are the inheritors of divine blueprints. Thousands of years of natural selection. We are conquerors and champions. We are building a nation and a world without a foundation. With a foundation of freedom. Freedom. That’s what this is for. And our only outcome.

No deals. Freedom for the United States. Freedom for the world. All tyrants can withdraw to their private islands. We shall have the fruits of freedom. We shall have our victory. Think about the context of post relation to what General Flyn said about what these politicians or these congressmen do when they videotape them and force them to do things against their will. Most of them. Think about one who was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama admin.

Think about who Trump decided to appoint as his national secretary advisor. That’s General Flynn. Think about why he’s the number two targeted individual by the deep state after Trump. That’s General Flyn. Think about who knows where the bodies are buried. General Flynn. Think about why they continue to relentlessly attack him and defame his good name in spite of his service to our country. Think about why he and he and Trump are passionate about saving this republic and saving trafficked children.

Nothing could stop what’s coming. And then we had the Matthew Perry death. In case you guys didn’t know it, he was an actor. It’s interesting because cowboy to be says they thought we wouldn’t figure it out. But guess what’s going on on that one. Shortly before Matthew Perry’s death posted a video on Instagram of a hand placing three cranberries on a table along with the OD Mat Man Batman reference.

That’s right. He was calling himself Mat Man. Interestingly enough, dolores O Riordan drowned in her bathtub. Matthew Perry posted this with the three berries. Well, Matthew Perry following up on awaken outlaw post below. I found this information interesting after going through Matt Perry’s Instagram feed ban berries or Bane berries. Excuse me? Bane was the villain who beats Batman. Bat is signal for death. Those aren’t cranberries, they are Bane berries and are deadly toxic.

If he ate those, then that’s why he had a cardiac arrest. They are untraceable through autopsy. So he was warning folks he was in his hot tub. He was taking pictures. He was taking pictures of the three Bainberries. What did he know? Well, you know, what’s interesting is he actually had a 344, I believe I saw it earlier and I can’t find it now, but he had them on his laptop, by the way.

He was going to unveil the dark things happening in the entertainment industry. He’s gone all of this playing out every single day for us to see. Let’s see what is coming from Colonel McGregor once again. And I would go one step further and mention that Professor Schulheimer’s comments about the world aligning with reality as opposed to this post war order that is crumbling around, is spot on. And Israel, of course is part of that old order.

I think what’s happened in Washington is very simple. Israel commands the height in Washington thanks to the distribution of wealth. That means large numbers of people in the Senate and the House have signed on because they’ve effectively been purchased. Their votes are 100% with Israel. There’s also a certain amount of sub mentality attached to that. But I wouldn’t underestimate the impact of greed in Washington. Then there’s ignorance, ignorance of world, no understanding whatsoever.

The danger in which Israel finds itself right now. Israel set out in theory to destroy Hamas. It is now confronting an increasingly united Islamic world. In fact, the first time in a thousand years you have the Shiites and the Sunni who are united with one purpose, that is to stop Israel fault. This bloodletting end what’s happening in instead of responding to this, the President of the United States historically always has you’re escalating.

And this is something I think that who is betting on very heavily that Israel together with our military power can ultimately prevail. And I think that’s a very serious mistake. Our army is smaller than it’s ever been. Most of its combat power is pointlessly deployed in places like Poland and Romania and Baltic states where it posed to defend against Russia, which has no intention whatsoever of attacking Eastern Europe.

Then most of our air power is not what it was 30 years ago. This is 1991. We can’t put 5000 fighters in the air and hundreds of bombers. We put four carrier battle groups into the region. Two up in the Mediterranean, one in the Persian Gulf and probably one in the Red Sea. But their sorty rates are very limited. They’ve got to fly a long distance to deliver their bombs, their ordinance, or quite frankly, they risk losing those ships.

In other words, the technology has changed. The way wars are fighting, they’re being fought has changed. We haven’t kept up with that. And then finally the President of the United States could end all of this very quickly. He could simply tell Mr. Nazi that’s it no further stop. And at that point the Israeli military establishment would have to hold its operation. So a lot of it’s broken up.

But basically he’s just stating how all this is playing out, how I’ve talked about the deep state more and more trying to take control of all of the governments around the world trying to form a one world government. We’ve talked about this and more. Causing chaos around the world, trying to get people to pick sides, divide everyone and more. He said if President would just step in and put a stop to it, he could.

Speaking of President, we’ve got a message. President Trump here in a moment. First of all, FBI chief threats over possible Hamas inspired attacks in U. S. Christopher Ray has warned lawmakers that the crisis in Israel is heightening the risk of Americans being targeted. Ultra MJ truth says alarming level, right? Good thing our border is secure, right? Is it just me or does it feel like they’re laying the groundwork for a future event? What did he say about homegrown truth? Hammer said they need these events so they can blame them on Russians and Russian sympathizers and claim they are doing it to influence the 2024 election for Trump.

Wow. Folks, you can go more from us at and we know while you visit and we know you have an opportunity to do a few things. One of them is you’ll have a pop up telling you about the cruise that we have August 11 through 18th, 2024 next year. And you’ll be able to join us, my family. You’ll be able to hear wonderful music from the Isaacs, enjoy some great comedy from Ken Davis and many more guests we’re going to have on there.

We’re going to have Q and A time. I’m going to have a time where I show you how to make these videos and so much more. It’s gonna be wonderful. It’s gonna be on the American line. Very, very nice in Alaska. We’re gonna be able to stand together and see these beautiful sights of our beautiful country. Just absolutely looking forward to this. Hope that you guys check it out and just go sign up and get your slot there before they go away.

Would love to meet with all of you guys. Also, when you go to Amwaynode. com, you’ll notice that we have our gear, all of our gear that’s taken care of for you. We have our books, our sweatshirts, t shirts, and so much more. It’s there for you at any time. We’ve got all types of packs, fall packs. If you guys remember this, they put together Angie and Jamie a fall pack with you’ve got fallin love with the truth.

And we know it looks like fall colors. Fall in love with the truth. And we know. com candles, they smell really good and you’ve got the bags. Fall in love with truth. I mean, there’s always something there that they’re working on for you as they get requests in and more, and they try to get it in stock so that you guys have exactly what you need, especially heading into the holiday season and the cold season with all of the definitely the things that you’re going to need, the jackets you’re going to need, the.

Sweatshirts and more. And remember, we have these wonderful navy insulated jackets with embroidered OC logo. We had so many great comments on these last year as it was getting cold. Everybody loves them and more, so just please go check it out. Here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear as I successfully fight these political opponent lawsuits, all created and started by crooked Joe Biden and his group of radical left thugs.

I realize how insignificant they are compared to the horror of what is going on with Israel and the Middle East. The thousands of people who have so needlessly died in a war that should have never started and the millions that could very easily follow, all due to the highly incompetent Biden administration, their policies of weakness and appeasement, and of being just plain stupid. And then you have ukraine, likewise, would have never started if I were president.

Would have never started. You wouldn’t have inflation. You’d have a great economy. All of these things were preventable. But now we have many hotspots all over the world, something that just three years ago, nothing like this existed. Our country was doing record business. We had no inflation, which is a killer in its own right. It’s called a country destroyer. So let them keep suing me. Massive numbers. That’s because our country has become disabled.

We’re a nation in decline. We are not going to let our country die. We will successfully fight it. We will make America great again, greater than ever before. Thank you. Absolutely amazing. Love it when he puts messages out for us. So we continue to learn and grow and be encouraged from a great leader, and then we have other folks that are out there spreading all types of information.

Former twitter was a state publication. Elon Musk. Says here’s his conversation with Joe Rogan. To me, that was the most bizarre was the Twitter files. When you let Schellenberger and Matt Taibi and all those guys get in the Twitter and the response where Matt Taibi gets mean, which is just mean. It’s just so blatant and so in your face. Yeah, it’s but by the way, Jack didn’t really know this, but the degree to which twitter was simply an arm of the government was not well understood by the public.

And it was like, you know, it’s a state publication is the way to think of old twitter. It’s a state publication. And was the justification, from their perspective, that they are progressive liberals, they have the right intentions. It’s important that they stay in power. The progressive liberals stay in government and power because this is their there was basically oppression of any views that would even, I would say, be considered middle of the road, but certainly anything on the right.

I’m not talking about far right. I’m just talking mildly right. Republicans were suppressed at ten times the rate of Democrats. Now, that’s because old twitter was fundamentally controlled by the far left. It was completely controlled by the far left. As they continue to remind folks, millions of people tune into Joe Rogan and they hear all this information and it’s just absolutely brilliant. Because back in the day, they would have shut all this down.

Remember three, four years ago? Done shut down. Done shut down. Remember Joe was attacked for taking, saying he’s not taking the Jab, he’s going to use this. Remember they made fun of him for the horse paste? How dare he use Ivermectin and vitamins and all these other things that he was claiming. Well, as this was playing out, he also got a chance to talk about bendazole. It’s emerging as a miracle drug for cancer.

It’s Big Pharma’s worst nightmare. I’ve been talking about this and sharing over and over again. But man, to have it played out on a platform with millions of people listening. Imagine, imagine the wake up call for many. Imagine. Check this out. Overlooked miracle drug for cancer. Why Big Pharma fears Fenbezdazole at least twelve anticancer mechanisms of Action nine research papers reviewed. This is not with Elon Musk. This was a Dr.

Maccus. Okay, just showing that it’s interesting that all of these different guests are coming on board and exposing so much. This stuff is supposed to be low cost. And this is some of the speculation, the conspiracy theory about why people are afraid of it. Well, I hope that Flint is aware of this and that it helps him to cover from his council. That’s very good to I hope he’s interested in even just examining it.

I think it will be. I hope so. But there’s been some reaction to this. I just found out about this a couple of days ago. Yeah, so these research papers fenn go stop right there. Has at least twelve proven anticancer mechanisms in vitro and in vivo. It disrupts microtubulet polymerization major mechanism, induces cell cycle, whatever that means. Arrest blocks glucose transport and impairs glucose utilization by cancer cells.

Increases p 53 tumor suppressor levels, inhibits cancer cell viability, inhibits cancer cell migration and invasion, induces apoptosis, induces autography induces they’re trying to get me with all these words. Prioptosis and necrosis induces differentiation and senescence, inhibits Tuner angiogenesis, reduces colony formation and inhibits stem ness in cancer cells, inhibits drug resistance and sensitizes cells to conventional chemo as well as radiation therapy. Interesting. And they sensitize the cells to chemo.

A very similar drug in the same family has already been approved by the FDA, and that is mebendazole. And it is in several clinical trials right now for brain cancers and colon cancers. So why are no fenbendazole clinical trials for cancer? The answer seems rather obvious. It’s very cheap, it’s safe, and it seems to be effective. Very effective. Exactly. Interesting. Big Pharma don’t see a margin in it.

Who knows? But if that is the case, what an enemy of the people? They’re preventing information and preventing people from using things. We’ve created a society that seems to be designed to make us sick. And then big Pharma steps in with so called remedies for it, which happen to make some people a lot of money. We know all this, but it’s coming out one episode at a time.

Folks are tuning in by the thousands, hundreds of thousands, through different podcasts, different available means. Now the attempts to shut it all down has waned. And more. Then we get to more on the COVID lockdowns where they were a giant experiment, says New York. Oh, my goodness. New York intelligence. I can’t believe it. It was a failure. A key lesson of the pandemic. You won’t believe that. It’s there.

And then Daily Mail, they said, revealed Anthony Fauci run lab in Montana experimented with coronavirus strains shipped in from Wuhan a year before COVID pandemic began. Maybe that makes sense. Why Fauci gave his speech saying that Trump would definitely have to face a pandemic he knew because they were going to play this whole thing out. They had to figure out how to remove him. And just as President Trump has said many occasions, they used COVID to steal the election.

Why? They told everybody to stay home. Do mail in ballots, throw away the ballots that votes for Trump, keep the ballots that are votes for Biden, make it look like you got 81 million, crush Trump, change the machine, steal the election, and voila, here we are. But they have it all. We already know that. Just when are they going to execute on all this? I don’t know. Then more on that.

There’s a research group studying the vaccine injured at a top US university. Universities ordered the researchers to cease all contact with the vaccine injured. The researchers have complied and not said a word publicly about this. Is this how science is done today? It’s from Steve Kirsch. Would you like to know the name of the university? It’s Yale. Yale researchers are going along with the gag order so nobody will know.

And I was told not to reveal it, and I didn’t until someone else did. They should admit it in their paper. Because they are funded by pharma, they were forced to seize contact with the people they were studying. This should be front and center in the paper. This is ridiculous. This is not science. This is paid for propaganda. And people should be livid at Yale for being bought off to push the narrative.

Is there no integrity at the schools? Huh? And then I thought I saw a clip. Oh, yeah, ESPN cutting the feed as Aaron Rogers starts talking about the vaccines. I had my costume on last night, but what was it today? Apologize. Ouch. What was it? A vaccine? A doctor? A scientist? It was a spike protein. Cut off. Spike protein. 23 seconds. 24 seconds. 25 seconds and it’s gone.

How about that? He says spike protein and they shut him down. Oh, no. Our farmer, big pharma. They told us to shut them down. No, we can’t have that stuff out there. We don’t want them to know the truth. What other truth? They don’t want us to know about illegal migrants are coming in and we can’t assimilate them, we can’t employ them. Our economy is weaker than perhaps it’s been in decades, says Douglas McGregor.

We’re looking at a guaranteed deep recession as a minimum. Why are we doing these things? I think we all know the answer. To dilute the basic core population of Americans and to create a new base for the left. Here’s President Trump. On with the millions and millions of people that Crooked Joe Biden has allowed into the United States through his ridiculous open borders policy, mostly young men and large numbers of terrorists.

The United States is more vulnerable from inside terror attacks than at any time in its history. Biden is allowing people from prisons and jails. He’s allowing people from mental institutions and insane asylum. Silence of the land. Hannibal Lecter Remember insane asylums. They’re allowed to come into our country. We’re like a dumping ground. And he’s allowing terrorists to come in at numbers never seen before. He’s got to be defeated in 2024.

He’s got to be defeated or this country is never going to make it. Thank you very much. It’s got to be defeated. Country is not going to make it. Bringing up the borders, bringing up all this other information lately, it’s just been bizarre. Another thing that’s kind of bizarre would be the new debt clock message that came up. Yeah, see that stolen wealth product? You see 1948 0%.

1971, gold standards abandoned. 1971, you got 91%. And then you get to 2020 and you got compensation and productivity numbers, and then you’ve got the Unplug in. We showed this already and you’ve got the gold standard. Always showing something on that US debt clock. It’s just absolutely amazing. And some weird things going on that we’ve noticed even more. They literally won’t stop until something breaks. From treasury borrowed $1 trillion last quarter.

Expects another 776,000,000,000 this quarter. Would be miraculous since it borrowed 500 billion this month alone, then 816,000,000,000 in quarter one of 2024. So on track to borrow three plus trillion dollars. This FY as projected interest going to the moon. Another thing, gold purchases by global central banks reached a record for the first nine months of 2023. Demand for gold from central banks year to date through quarter 323 was 14% ahead of the same period last year at a record 800 metric tons.

Wow. Then you see the numbers there. It’s astounding we talked about this in our Sunday interview. If you missed it with Dr. Kirk Elliott. Cardboard box indicates recession. Absolutely brilliant presentation from him. He’s always spot on and helping us and warning us what we need to do about all of this. And let’s see. Let’s hear a little bit from him on this. You can go to Amwino. com Gold, by the way, purchases.

It’s like, not really, or else retail numbers would still be sky high. They’re not. So credit card usage being down, but the actual amount on credit cards, like the balances is it a trillion dollars, as high as it’s ever been. What does that tell us? It tells us that banks are limiting people’s available credit. Right. They’re taking away the excess on their credit cards, the excess unused portion of their home equity lines, and they’re taking it away so people can’t spend.

If people can’t spend anymore, this spells doom for the economy moving forward. The reason they can’t spend is because banks have to now have a 20% reserve requirement, up from 0% during COVID They now have to have 20% of all deposits held back so you can avoid another banking crisis. So here we are, keeping us up to date, and you can reach out to him and his team@mwno.

com, Gold, and they will help you out with your finances more on investing in silver and gold, precious metals and more. It’s absolutely brilliant. Other brilliant things going on would know. We always talk about using your gifts and your talents to share with the world to help people wake up. A Christian rapper, remixes the rich man north of Richmond. Thought you guys like to hear this before we go into the final portion of this video.

But it is all this living. Hey, I ain’t politicking with nobody living for the kingdom ain’t a hobby and I know the system moving sloppy I ain’t worried no, the king got me we need more Christ in the White House. Turn the white house to the lighthouse. You went to the darkness out of my house then you hit my scene with the white house closed in. I was piped down.

Then you pipe me up. No, I don’t need a lighter to light me up because you went hit my soul with the Midas touch I said to the plate like his batters up no one told me get kicked in, my batter up. I don’t care what they say because when I’m with the Kino he give me the jaw like an acura. Why you acting tough if it ain’t accurate? Enemy try to stick me like Acapuncture with the fruits of the spirit I pack a punch like little Mac with us no, you ain’t trapping us on the way to the top was a minute made, but my God.

Got the juice, got the lemonade. I ain’t worried what they trying to legislate. I just trust the king going to give me better days. What the world’s gotten to people like me? People like you pretty cool. Really good. Good to see talent placed out there and more. So I wanted to turn back to Elon Musk. He’s talking about George Soros and his fundamentally, actually, hatred of humanity. The second one was Sam back.

Soros I don’t know. I mean, he had a very difficult upbringing and in my opinion, he fundamentally hates humanity. That’s my yeah, I mean, well, he’s doing things that erode the fabric of know, getting Das elected who refuse to prosecute crime. That’s part of the problem in San Francisco and La and much other cities. So why would you do that? Was it humanity or is it just the United States as a mean? He’s pushing things in other countries too, not just here.

Yeah. Now George at this point is pretty old. What else are they going to talk about? I mean, what else is he going to expose? Oh, yeah. If you head over to the X world or Twitter world, elon said, the great awakening from woke has happened. This is good for civilization. Stephen King, the Satanist, replied with an expletive, I covered it up. Elon Musk then replied to Stephen King, the Satanic guy, he said, if I were to say blank is a hell of a drug, what’s the first word that comes to mind? Liz Croken replied with a picture from a movie where they were showing Adrenochrome.

Adrenochrome. You guys know what that is? We’ve talked about it. I don’t need to get into detail, but if you head over to this particular statement from Elon Musk, it’s weird because he posts it at 07:40 P. m and 07:40 P. m on 740 on the I call it the intel board, but let’s just say it Cueboard gitmo shows up at 740 and it has number one in the target brackets.

Other prison being prepped for Gitmo. The connection. First word that comes to mind. One other prison. First other prison being prepped. Hell of a drug is what most folks know as Adrenochrome chemical formula c nine H nine N zero three. If I were to say blank is a hell of a drug, that seems to be the ticket and the comms going out. And when it comes to Hell and the information coming from Hell, none other than the Hell’s minions like this person right here called Madonna.

They were already pre programming the minds of people sharing just how things would play out in the future. Madonna’s 2019 performance for Madame X at Eurovision is bringing up a lot of questions today. Not just because she’s wearing an X eye patch over her left eye, but because she has two dancers in the performance wearing a Israeli flag and a Palestine flag while performing in Tel Aviv in a performance where dancers wear gas masks just a year before the pandemic broke out.

The performance starts with Madonna coming out of what looks like a giant red demon head with horns. As she walks down the Masonic like staircase, you can see a giant inverted Satanic cross on the side of her outfit. Next, Madonna grabs the gas masks on her dancers, who are mostly men in white dresses, and she pushes them to the ground. One of the dancers is seen with the Palestine flag on the back of their dress looking lifeless.

This entire part of the performance is very symbolic considering this was 2019. And in 2020 the pandemic broke out where we were all masked. We odly see the Statue of Liberty being destroyed of the downfall of America. Then the most controversial thing happens. A man wearing an Israeli flag and a woman wearing a Palestine flag with their arms crossed and an X behind their back walk up to Madonna.

Then we see a really OD flashing of Manhattan’s Port Authority ramp 96. Next, a blatant giant blue triangle takes over the stage. And then we see Madonna standing over an inverted dark palace with a giant inverted Satanic cross peering above her. Is wake up. Interesting, right? Symbolism will be their downfall. How would they know all of this? How would they be able to pre program the minds if they didn’t plan it all? And then when President Trump posts election interference on October 31 at 04:24 A.

m. , you look at 424 Fear Division dependency Control 4224 or 4244 excuse me, fully Operational. And then you look at the election interference in yellow 424 fully Operational Control. He basically has been telling us over and over again that they’re not going to let them steal the election anymore. And then when you go to 2448, the entire message there for all of us to see we are at war.

Why was winning the House majority the primary goal for them to this point? What chamber do they feel most threatened by? There’s moves and counter moves. Disinfo is necessary. Enemy is at the front door. Buckle up. I got a lot stuff going on. And then you guys love UFC. This was a downer, but just want to remind you UFC chief Dana White rips Dummies calls you dummy. If you’re upset over a sponsorship deal with Bud Light, he ripped into the fans who are upset.

He has signed a hundred million dollar sponsorship deal with Transgender Agenda pushing Bud Light. What in the world is he thinking? You would think that he was smart enough to know better. Man. Just strange. Then we go back to Elon Musk on environmentalists trying to wake up the masses to a lot of things that are going on and then we’re going to close. I’m pro environment but in the limit.

If you take environmentalism to an extreme, you start to view humanity as a plague on the surface of the earth. Like a mold or something, right? But this is actually false. The Earth could take probably ten times the current civilization. The population could be you could ten X the population without destroying the roaring forest. So the environmental movement and I’m an environmentalist has gone too far. They’ve gone way too far.

If you start thinking that humans are bad, then the natural conclusion is humans should die out. Now I’m headed to an AI safety International sort of AI safety conference latest night, leaving in about 3 hours. And I meet with the Burj, Prime Minister, a number of other people. So you have to say, like, how could AI go wrong? Well, if AI gets programmed by the EXTINCTIONISTS, its utility function will be the extinction of humanity.

Yeah, clearly. Yeah. I mean, particularly if they won’t even think it’s bad like that guy, right? Yeah. If you let there’s a lot of decisions that AI would make that would be very similar to eugenics. He pivoted from environmentalist to AI programming extinction on the earth. What else did he uncover for us? Remember he talked about George Soros fundamentally hating humanity. He talked about how Twitter was a state publication.

How much more do we need to wake us up to wake up folks that don’t want to hear it anymore? Will anybody be upset that Rick Wilson called for a bullet to go into President Trump? He should be arrested immediately. Is anybody concerned that or kind of in awe that this GOP lawmaker Steve Scalise introduced Mike Johnson as 45th speaker, and then Mike Johnson got a visit from old Pepe the Frog.

Yeah. Can you believe that? Look at this. Wow. Frog’s going to destroy them. Kind of interesting how that plays out. Then you see the rats jumping ships, storm coming, gone all out war no matter what. And then Donald Trump Jr. Saying, showing that Egypt’s willing to sacrifice millions of lives to not have to take Palestinian refugees. I wonder why that is. Seems pretty harsh. Unless they know something we don’t.

What in the world’s going on there? I mean, FBI under telling us to look out. There could be attacks in the United States, all types of money being printed, borrowed, going into debt, inflation skyrocketing. It’s enough to make normal people just panic. Vaccines, injuries. Folks are getting cancers and more. But in the midst of all of this, we’re finding cures. We’re getting comms saying that, guess what? These folks are going to be taken down.

You’ve got people that are hearing by the millions how all of it’s been playing out through the Joe Rogan Show and more. It’s pretty interesting. And that keeps me and keeps you in prayer. God is orchestrating and he is in charge of all things that happen on this earth. He is not asleep at the will and it’s playing out perfectly for all of us to see. And so we need to stay encouraged.

Do not fear. When folks come out and say, be careful, look around this, things bad could happen. Yeah, things could happen. We do need to be prepared at all times. But do not live in fear. That’s not how our savior talked. He didn’t say fear. Be in fear. Watch out. Be in fear. He said, fear not. Do not fear. Come to me all you that are heavy laden.

I will give you rest. Fear not. Over and over again. So as we move forward and we continue to do research together. Remember those things. Remember that we are all going to take our last breath someday and that our next breath will be in heaven and looking forward to that day. But now we’ve got work to do. But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad.

Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for how you continue to guide us and direct us, give us information, allow us to use those things that were used as a web or a tool to control us, that you’re allowing us to communicate in so many different ways with each other, to keep our heads up into heaven in prayer at all times. We thank you for that lifeline you provided for us to communicate with you at all times.

So many are hurting, so many are feeling despair. Fear is being thrown out to just about everyone throughout America and more. They’re dropping bombs everywhere. Folks are children are getting hurt on both sides of Israel and Gaza and more, Syria and other places. And we know that we won’t have complete peace until you return, jesus Christ returns on this Earth. And we just continue to lift up to you the full exposure of all that’s going on.

And we definitely hope for that moment when the enemy is completely destroyed and we can celebrate once again and have these chains that are put all over our bodies and our brain and our life removed. But most of all, we know they’ve been removed the day that we gave our life to you through your son. So we just ask for continued protection for all of those that are on the front lines, all of those that are fighting this battle, all of those that are doing information war in so many ways, we lift them up to you for it’s.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen. And amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in. Please hit the subscribe button if you would, and the like button and share with others. And thank you for just your love, your prayers, your support, it’s overwhelming. You’re so good to us. So good to us. For now. This is Lt St Simplify with Emily Know signing out. .


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Bias in testosterone treatments Biden administration criticism Cryptic messages in political images Dismantling democracy claims Educating American voters Elon Musk acquiring Twitter Mainstream media bias Misinformation in 2024 elections Mistrust towards Democrats Pro-genocidal sentiments in Homeland Security Republican majority in House Tearing of documents by politicians

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