10.9.24: VIEW Witches caught Big GA election moves WEATHER manipulation Painting a picture PRAY! | And We Know

Posted in: And We Know, News, Patriots




➡ The And We Know political action committee is investigating alleged election fraud in Maricopa county. Meanwhile, a small Michigan town voted out its entire government due to their support for a controversial battery plant linked to China. The town’s citizens changed the locks on the town hall and halted the project. In other news, fluoride, which has been linked to reduced IQ in children, is being removed from water supplies in some states. Lastly, there’s ongoing criticism of the Biden administration’s handling of various issues, including the Afghanistan withdrawal and border crisis.
➡ The text discusses a disagreement over the handling of a hurricane crisis, with Kamala Harris criticizing DeSantis’ approach while Biden praises it. It also mentions the high prices of groceries and the potential consequences of election fraud. The text then shifts to a personal anecdote about the author’s experience with pain relief through full spectrum hemp oil. Lastly, it covers a political action committee’s investigation into alleged election fraud in Maricopa county, with the committee’s leader, Shelby Bush, insisting on the validity of her claims despite criticism.
➡ A special counsel in Wisconsin found that Mark Zuckerberg’s $9 million funding in five counties violated state election codes. Meanwhile, the state election board voted to subpoena all 2020 election records from Fulton county, which had refused to cooperate with the board. The article also discusses various debates and controversies related to the election, including allegations of election rigging in California and concerns about non-citizens being allowed to vote in Texas. The article ends with Elon Musk’s prediction that if the Democrats win the next election, they will legalize so many illegal immigrants that the U.S. will become a single-party country.
➡ The speaker shares various thoughts and observations, including suspicions about Elon Musk and Starlink, a story about helping an elderly woman named Sue during a hurricane, and concerns about strange weather patterns and potential manipulation. They also promote their website and merchandise, and express doubts about the upcoming elections and the potential for foul play. They end with a curious note about a company named Nephilim Electric, which they find disturbing due to the biblical implications of the name ‘Nephilim’.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, including the belief that the world is controlled by fallen angels, the existence of Nephilim, and the manipulation of weather patterns. It also mentions the removal of weather modification reports from a website,
suggesting a cover-up. The text further discusses the idea of using the Civil Rights Act to restore free speech and the impact of illegal immigration on Michigan’s public schools.
➡ The text discusses various issues including the impact of immigration on American education, concerns about the COVID vaccine in children, rising health problems in America, and allegations of misconduct at celebrity parties. It highlights the need for compassion towards American citizens, the lack of protection offered by the COVID vaccine, and the alarming increase in diseases like obesity, diabetes, and dementia. It also mentions allegations of misconduct at parties hosted by celebrities and the potential involvement of high-profile individuals. Lastly, it hints at a potential military coup against Trump and the exposure of global extortion rings.
➡ The text discusses various conspiracy theories, touching on topics like child trafficking, elite pedophilia, CIA operations, and the Epstein case. It also mentions the influence of billionaires like Elon Musk and their potential involvement in these issues. The text further discusses the political landscape, including President Trump’s election and the role of Saudi Arabia in global politics. Lastly, it calls for prayer and hope amidst these complex issues.
➡ This text is a prayer asking for protection and guidance, especially for those in danger or facing challenges. It also requests help in loving difficult people. The speaker thanks listeners for tuning in, apologizes for the long duration, and signs off. The speaker also expresses belief that the election was stolen.



But I can’t imagine, Mister Schiff, how you could get up every morning and have one mission, and that’s to go after Donald Trump. You believe the election was stolen? I do. Shelby Bush started a political action committee which investigates what she calls widespread fraud in Maricopa county. It’s up to each individual citizen as a member of this society to review the evidence, to think for themselves and make those decisions. It’s valid because you say it is. I say it’s valid because I say it is. And if somebody looks at it, they can determine whether it’s valid.

The evidence speaks for itself. Data does not lie. Data doesn’t lie. Election officials, doctor. Unfortunately, sometimes people with real claims, real legitimacy. You believe you are stoned? I do. You shall be booked. Well, folks, there seems to be a daily dump of red pill information throughout the atmosphere on mainstream media, social media and truther platforms. The need for the United nations to get involved in trying to stop our truth from flowing shows they are in panic mode. This election year is turning out to be some crazy roller coaster ride stuff for those who don’t believe there’s a military plan to wake up the earth, which has been playing out for many years.

We will see more on Biden thwarting Kamala, seeding the storms, exposing the sickness in our world, and understanding the plan to save this earth. All coming back together once again. Let’s get into it now. Voters in a small Michigan township tossed out their entire town board last night. A locksmith was even brought in to change the locks on the ousted officials former offices. Late night. They were voted out because they supported a controversial battery plant linked to the chinese government. It is the latest dramatic chapter in a story news nation has been covering for the last year.

And News Nation senior national correspondent Brian Entin joins us now from Michigan. You were here last night and said that they were going to change the locks if they managed to kick them all out. And they did. Yeah, they changed the locks, Elizabeth. I think this is almost something Americans all over the country sort of fantasize about booting out their local government if they don’t like them and they’re not getting the job done. Well, that’s what happened here in Green charter Township. We’re in the town hall. It’s very strange because the government is just gone. They all packed up yesterday.

This was the supervisor’s office. He took his desk, took a bunch of other stuff. It’s empty now. The clerk’s office down here, Elizabeth, where they do a lot of the town business is just empty. The new board members are going to move in, get everything going. And they say one of their biggest priorities is stopping that project that’s associated with China. Oh, yeah. Hmm. Small Michigan town joined together to vote out its entire government. Change the locks on the town hall building because they want a $3.2 billion china linked battery plant their government plan to build against their wishes.

Not on our watch. No, sir. Folks are waking up. The government put fluoride in our water. Forgot to tell you about this happened a couple weeks ago and attacked anyone who questioned it. Now, the NIH, after major pressure, has declared it reduces the iq of children. That’s right. Fluoride. And is Howard. Hazardous to human health. And states are removing it from water. It’s undercover news from Cali. Means don’t know if you guys knew about that, but maybe you’re in shock if you haven’t heard a thing. But I think most of this has been shared around most of the truth or channels.

If you’re just catching on. We’ve been trying to share this for years. Fluoride is dangerous. It’s meant to hurt us. We’re going to get more into health issues later on with RFK juniors. Information, stand by for that. First, since we’ve got the good news, maybe we’ll make you a little bit sick as we enter the witches coven known as the view. And I’ll state again, these ladies, I picture them in the back with their pentagram on the ground with their candles and their humming and calling out to their father, the devil. And they’re asking for support as they go out there and use everything that they can in their witches coven, magic wands to dispel the minds of all of the people who worship these witches.

Once again, let’s listening to listen to them. And hopefully you don’t throw up, Kamala. And I’m calling you Kamala because for all of those who are mispronouncing it, I want you all to know how to say it. But let’s talk about something you would do different from Donald Trump. Right now, there is a monster storm barreling towards my state of Florida, a place that’s still reeling from Hurricane Helene. Trump is lying, claiming that the Biden administration is intentionally withholding aid from the areas where republicans live and that FEMA funds are being redirected to migrants. Ironically, that is something he did in 2019.

What do you think the effect of these lies are and why is he doing this? Well, it’s profound and it is the height of irresponsibility and frankly, callousness. Yeah. So lives are literally at stake right now. I traveled to Georgia and to North Carolina after Hurricane Helene. In Georgia, I met a woman who just days earlier, her husband was killed in their home by a fallen tree. Days later, I met with her and her daughter. You can imagine the pain, the shock that they are still in about what they experienced, what they witnessed. Yeah. I mean, we’re talking about real human beings and their lives and them losing everything.

Everything. This woman lost her husband, her child lost her father. People are losing their home with no hope of ever being able to reconstruct or return. And the idea that somebody would be playing political games for the sake of himself. But this is so consistent about Donald Trump. He puts himself before the needs of others. I fear that he really lacks empathy on a very basic level. To care about the suffering of other people and then understand the role of a leader is not to beat people down, it’s to lift people up. Absolutely. Especially in a time of crisis.

Yeah. Did you guys throw up? You need to take a break here for a moment and detox from the filth that’s coming out of those, their mouths. You know, President Trump, when he was asked about, you know, the amount of votes that he might lose because of the hurricanes, he actually came out and said that it’s not about the votes. He cares about the people. I was looking for that just now because I forgot to pull that up to see if I could show it to you, but I don’t have it right now. I’ll continue to look for it as we’re going through this today, but just want to show you a couple of areas where I.

They lie. It’s amazing how they blame this whole hurricane failure on Trump. She’s the one that offered the 750. She’s the one that’s been caught where people went online and one mayor said he can only get $300 for his daughter, which $300 folks are sharing. The $750 actually has to be paid back. Nobody on this panel wanted to ask about the 250 billion plus dollars sent to the Ukraine, billions of dollars sent to other countries. And yet her one quick little visit into the area and then leaves and then supposedly is packing a few bags for some people to help them out.

Nobody’s talking about President Trump starting the GoFundMe page. It’s probably up to 8910 million dollars now. I haven’t looked it up recently for supporting those victims. No, not at all. Instead, it’s just bash Trump once again. That’s why they called a witch hunt. Lyon Kamala says President Trump, who’s being exposed as a dummy every time she does a show, just stated to the degenerates on the view that she would have done nothing different than crooked Joe Biden, the worst president in history of the United States. The lamestream media doesn’t want to pick up the story. The dumb women on the show wish they’d never asked her the question that led to that election defying answer.

But the Internet is going wild, for starters. The border disaster with murderers and everything else being allowed to invade our country, worst inflation in history. The Ukraine disaster, October 7 with Israel, loss of energy independence, the Afghanistan debacle, loss of respect all over the earth, and much more. Her dumbest answer so far. Check this out. Would you have done something differently than President Biden? During the past four years, there has done a thing that comes to mind. The president’s withdrawal was a complete and utter catastrophe. The images of people hanging off of planes and desperate parents handing their babies over the airport walls to soldiers are seared into our country’s collective conscience.

The withdrawal was a catastrophe, in my opinion, and there was an inexcusable. So we had Afghanistan withdrawal. This music’s a little too loud for me. You had the illegal migrants, border disaster, all of this playing out on her watch. They said, you know, it’s nothing, nothing that I didn’t disagree with them with. Prices for everyday things like groceries are still too. The groceries are too high. You know, the grocery prices are too high. Really? Well, that’s your fault. She accepts herself that the food prices are high, all of that junk. And then we get back to the hurricane, and Biden had to say something about the support that DeSantis is doing in the hurricane.

I’ll show you that in a moment. But listen to Kamala as she attacks old DeSantis for his work down there. People are in desperate need of support right now and playing political games at this moment in these crisis situations. And it is selfish and it is about political gamesmanship instead of doing the job that you took an oath to do, which is to put the people first. No role in this process. I’m in contact with the president of the United States. I’m in contact with FEMA director. In fact, she’s been vice president for three and a half years.

I’ve dealt with a number of storms under this administration. She has never contributed anything to any of these efforts. And I’m not worried about playing her political games. And so she is being selfish by trying to blunder into this when we’re working just fine. Yep, she’s been busted. All those lies continue to get exposed, and even Biden exposed her. The governor of Florida has been cooperative. He said he’s gotten all that he needs. I talked to him again yesterday and I said, I said, no, you’re doing a great job. It’s all being done. Well, we thank you for it.

And I literally gave my personal phone number to call. So I don’t know, there was a rough start in some places. But every governor, every governor from Florida to North Carolina has been fully cooperative and supportive and acknowledged what this team is doing. And they’re doing an incredible job. We got a lot more to do. A lot more to do. He gives the praise to DeSantis while this crazy person, Kamala, says he’s doing a terrible job and doesn’t care about his people, doesn’t put people first. So, folks, if we’re watching a movie, this is perfection. Can you imagine the people freaking out and panicking? Wait a minute, wait, don’t, don’t have, don’t say that.

Oh, it’s too late now. Oh. And then we get into the election stuff, folks, if you head on over, anybody that cheats on the election is going to jail. President Trump sent that reminder to everyone, everyone out there to let them know, look, you’re going to mess around. You’re going to cheat this time. You’re going to jail. And I hope that’s a warning to this. 400,000 plus sealed indictments that are sitting on the Internet that we’re looking at, wondering when they’re going to be unsealed. And I’m hoping that maybe 1200,000 of those, maybe even more, because there’s probably, who knows, 10, 20, 30, could be inside that little envelope of a sealed indictment.

All the folks that cheated, they’re going to pay the price. It’s coming. And we’re looking forward to that day when they’re taken down. For now, I wanted to just advise you that we’ve got something that’ll definitely, definitely help you out through these troubled times, folks. You know, I’ve been suffering with a lot of pain. I talk about it all the time in my interviews about the pain in my back. I couldn’t play golf. I played maybe 510 shots on the driving range. My back was killing me. My whole body was in aches and pains. And I finally realized I needed to do something about it and finally found a substance called full spectrum hemp oil that really takes most of the pain away from me.

And I was so excited because I didn’t really understand how it works. And I had a little fear because of the plant pictures and all that through the years. And we got a great time, you know, with this interview. If you guys missed it from ascent nutrition, we had lance on to explain it all. It was phenomenal. You don’t want to miss that interview. I’m play a clip from that here real quick. We’ve got is so organically grown here in the US. You know, a lot of companies are sourcing their, their hemp from the Netherlands, which is fine.

Like, I don’t have anything against that. Obviously, if we can grow it here in America, it helps us economically, it helps the environment as well, because we’re not, you know, doing all the shipping and all that. Right. But plus, if Trump wins, you know, you don’t want that tariff either. Exactly. Exactly. So we had a great talk and it was just wonderful to really get an understanding if, you know, I kind of scroll through this of, you know, the history behind what hemp is and how they’ve lied to us through the years of, you know, trying to demonize a lot of the areas of that.

And he gave us a really good rundown. So you don’t want to miss that. But you go, you know, below the video and click on the link for ascent nutrition hemp oil. It’s right there at the very top of the video. You just click there and you’ll see that they have these products there to explain exactly how they work. Everything that you need to know from that website, the infusion methods, the ascent nutrition full spectrum oil can compare to CBD oil and how they even have it to elevate your pets health with the trusted hemp oil.

I’m telling you, it’s, the taste is absolutely amazing. Anything, it’s way different than anything I’ve ever had before and more. And so you can get to, you get free shipping. If you buy two of them and, or you subscribe, you get 10% off plus free shipping. That’s in the description box below. Check it out. Today you believe the election was stolen. I do. Shelby Bush started a political action committee which investigates what she calls widespread fraud in Maricopa county. Fraud? No credible investigation has found she’s taken in nearly a million dollars in donations for the work of her PAC.

And the Arizona Republican Party awarded her the leadership of its delegation at last summer’s national convention. And that’s why I, Shelby Bush, the delegation chair, and our wonderful state chairwoman, Gina Swabota, and this entire delegation cast their 43 delegates to Donald J. Trump. You are a rising star in the state party. Well, I definitely have brought some attention onto myself, that is for sure. What do you believe happened in the Maricopa vote in 2020? I believe that fraudulent votes were put into the system. I also believe that a lot of state statutes and regulations and policies were broke, which makes the election questionable at best.

Bush still questions whether signature verification was proper and whether some ballots were collected illegally. She’s an administrator in a medical practice. You’re self educated. That’s correct. When it comes to elections. That’s correct. In a recent case, a judge disqualified you from testifying in the case because he said you were, quote, obviously unqualified, not even in the ballpark. That’s one judge’s opinion who is a radical leftist who is legislating from the bench. And I don’t believe that it had any merit in my credibility whatsoever. Is there a danger in undermining people’s faith in the election system by persisting with these conspiracy theories that no one has been able to validate? Again, I’m going to disagree with you, sir, respectfully.

It has been validated. And because the election, whom, the election officials. Give me a court case, give me something. I don’t need a government official with a vested interest in disproving information to tell me whether what I have is valid. It’s up to each individual citizen as a member of this society to review the evidence, to think for themselves and make those decisions. It’s valid because you say it is. I say it’s valid because I say it is. And if somebody looks at it, they can determine whether it’s valid. The evidence speaks for itself. Data does not lie.

Data doesn’t lie. Election officials do. Amen. You let them have it in this guy. You know, they always do this, these liberal freaks, these CIA trained agents. Give me a something, something tangible to hold on to. Show me something. And you can see how they spin this whole thing up. They sat down in their little room and they said, all right, now that President Trump won in 2016, we’re going to do all we can to make it look like Russia, Russia, Russia. Then we’re going to have the Mueller report, then we’re going to have j six, and then we’re going to have, and they just add it all up.

And they say, oh, look at all these court cases that President Trump, look at all these indictments. Look at this. Look. He’s been impeached. Oh, my goodness. This election wasn’t stolen. He’s making it all up. Even though they talked about stolen elections for years, all of a sudden it can’t be stolen when President Trump loses and they’re going crazy. Just show me just one piece of evidence, please. Well, that evidence is going to come out. Charlie Kirk showed. Special counsel in Wisconsin just determined that Mark Zuckerberg’s $9 million of funding in five counties ahead of the 2020 election violated the Wisconsin state election codes.

Prohibition on bribery. All eyes on Wisconsin. This is a massive bombshell. Also, Liz Harriton showing us this since Fulton county refused to work with the state election board and appointed its own monitoring team for 2024, the state election board just voted three to two to subpoena all the records from Fulton county during 2020. Consolidated return sheets, opening and closing tapes daily recap sheets from early voting poll pad recap sheets absentee ballot recap sheets ballot images, log files tabulation files, a numbered voter list absentee numbered list of voters absentee ballot oath envelopes, security validate valid verification forms and chain of custody forms of the poll manager and technician and Fulton county must appear at the next meeting.

Game on. Listen to this. Guidance on this case, and we’ve all received the guidance of the attorney general on this case, and whether this case should be closed or not, this is in reference to them not fulfilling their end of the bargain. We gave them ample opportunities to work with us, and we’ve given them, we provided them with an additional list and they refused to do it. They put themselves in this position. They need to produce the documents. Well, Doctor Johnson’s motion is requesting documents related to the 2020 election in the zero two five case. It has nothing to do with the monitoring necessarily requesting documents from back then, which has nothing to do with the fulfillment of the monitoring.

So. Well, it has to do with the same case. It’s all the same. Right. And we’ve been advised by the attorney general on this case, and we. I take his advisement. I take his advisement. I respect it. However, I think we should proceed with the motion on the table. Any further discussion? Member Johnson, would you restate your motion? Mister chair, I move that we subpoenaed the clerk of the court for multiple documents from the November 2020 election, including consolidated return sheets, opening and closing scanner tapes, daily recap of advance in person polling place scanners, pole pad recap sheets, absentee ballot recap sheets, electronic files including ballot images, log files and tabulation files, a numbered voter list, absentee numbered list of voters, absentee ballot oath envelopes, security verification forms and chain of custody forms of the poll manager and technician.

In addition, I request that we subpoena Fulton county to appear at the next. There we go. I just read all that to you. I wanted you to hear it for yourself. All of this playing out. Well, we’ve got, you know, different debates going on. This one in California from Steve Garvey. Just let know Adam Shifty shift, what he thinks about him and his attacks on just always going after President Trump. And I love Steve Garvey. I followed him when I was, I played baseball my whole young life during school, played in high school. And I followed Steve Garvey with the Padres head, Padres hat and everything, and loved the Padres games.

Here you go. But I can’t imagine, Mister Schiff, how you could get up every morning and have one mission, and that’s to go after Donald Trump. You’ve been made a proxy by the higher ups in your party, whether it’s going after them concerning impeachment, all these things. And if you think about it for a minute, how can you think about one man every day and focus on that when you’ve got millions of people in California to take care of? I think it’s unconscionable. And like I said before, he lied to 300 million people when he was going through that whole process of trying to get Donald Trump impeached.

Thank you, Steve Garvey. Way to go. Just like he’s first base with amazing, I call him the pipe by arms guy was amazing strength. And he’s showing it even more so. And of course they’ll rig that election. California, there’s no way. I don’t think anybody in California can win legitimately with all the ways that they rigged those elections there. I feel sorry for you guys. You need an active heavenly father to make that thing change. John Strand, while Tina Peters, remember the one that backed up the elections data, she was arrested, put away for nine years, remember by that stupid Democrat judge refused nearly all of her witnesses and excluded virtually all of her defenses.

Then he sentenced her to nine years in prison. Well, because if this became a nationwide story, the entire house of cards with Dominion could fall. So what did she do? She showed it. She backed everything up. The audit trail, deleted system logs were deleted, voting files replaced with new files. She put all of those receipts online for all of us to see. And I put in the description box below. You can click on that link and read all of these documents that I’m showing you on your screen that are real small in writing. And you can see all the stuff that she, you know, released to the public to make sure everybody knows that she’s not lying.

They’ve been caught. Of course, the Texas, Texas secretary of state, he directed poll workers to accept non citizen driver’s licenses as id to vote. Somebody comes in and presents that DL that has limited on there. So we had actually never heard of one. Somebody brought our attention a couple months behind, and we are on a weekly call, or five weekly call with the secretary of state’s office. And so I asked and who’s actually the director of elections for the secretary of state, and she said, yes, they are out there. They know they’re out there. On the face of it, it’s an indication this person is not a citizen.

So the response from the secretary of state’s offices, you have to vote them as a regular voter because, well, we’re assuming this person was not a citizen when they got their driver’s license. They became a naturalized citizen registered to vote. They still don’t have their new driver’s license. So to show your driver’s license, even though you know that they’re not a citizen and they get to vote. And, of course, this selection is pretty important. Elon Musk was on with Tucker, and he stated something that most folks pretty much know. What happens if we don’t win this particular election? I mean, my view is that if Trump doesn’t win this election, it’s the last election we’re going to have that.

The Democrats, the Dem machine has been importing so many people, bringing in so many illegals, flying in with this CVP border app thing that nobody even knew about, like secret program that’s illegal. Basically, it’s illegal, but there’s no action by DOJ to actually stop it from happening. They’re transporting large numbers of illegals to swing states. If you look at the numbers, these are the numbers from the government website. So, like, from the Democrat administered government websites, like, where do you get this data? From the government website that is run by Democrats. And there are triple digit increases in illegals to all the swing states.

And in some cases, it’s like 700% over the last three years. Now, these swing state margins are sometimes 1020 thousand votes. So what happens if you put, you know, hundreds of thousands of people into each swing state, and when somebody is granted asylum, they are fast tracked, they can get a green card, and then five years after the green card, they can get citizenship and they can fully legally vote. And when they do so, they vote overwhelmingly Democrat. Sometimes they get this rebuttal of, like, well, a lot of them, their social values don’t align with sort of the far left sort of woke ideology.

I said, that’s true, but that’s not their top priority. Their top priority is getting their friends and family also to the United States. And the Dems also issue all these programs, these sort of handouts, essentially, that make them beholden to the Democratic Party. So they vote down. That’s what happens. So my prediction is if there’s another four years of a Dem administration, they will legalize so many illegals that are there that the next election, there won’t be any swing states and will be a single party country, just like California is a single party state. That’s a supermajority Dem state in California because of immigration.

Yes. California was fairly reliably republican. Bill Clinton lost California in 92 and won West Virginia. Yes. So there was a 1986 amnesty. Yes. And thereafter, California trended very strongly to him and is at this point, I think, 65, 70% dem, something like that. It’s super majority Dem. Like the California legislature is more than two thirds Democrat. So he’s letting us know how that plays out. The only thing, I just hesitate with Elon on some issues, I didn’t like the photo that he had of the upside down cross. It almost looked like a demon that he used to have on his thumbnail or his picture for his ex post.

I don’t like how x has some type of symbolism different than. Than what we’re used to. If you guys have ever looked anything like that. And I didn’t like that. He called himself dark maga, almost like a. Almost like a darkness or like a kind of a witchcraft type of thing. So, you know, just letting you know how I think sometimes it bothers me. I don’t like that kind of stuff. My hope is that everything is working out supposedly for good and that President Trump knows what he’s doing. He’s helping out with Starlink, obviously connecting folks and more.

But I’ll share more of my thoughts on that a little bit later time. But, of course, he warned about AI, some other things. And, you know, if you guys know his past, he had new world order jackets he’d wear to big events with the Hollywood elites and more. And that’s why I said, maybe this guy is not the same elon. If we’re watching a central casting, maybe, just maybe, we’re watching an actor. And the reason I say that, and I just want to point something out real quick. If you notice his neck right there, there seems to be this little line on his neck that seems to curl just doesn’t seem natural to me when he’s moving.

And so I see it over and over again. Someone say, it’s just a normal thing that happens on your neck, but I don’t think that that’s normal. I don’t ever see anybody with a line like that, but I could be wrong. Just letting you know. And so again, we’ve had the hurricane, we’ve had rescue efforts happening. I wanted to show you this one right here. Check this out. Let me introduce you real quick to doctor Phil. You watch tv. You might have seen him on tv. We were driving down this gravel road here to head up to a location to set up a Starlink unit, and this wonderful lady flagged us down named sue.

She’s 83, and she lives in this cute little house here. And she came out and said, you know, could, I don’t want to cause any trouble, but could somebody help me? She said, I’m here. I don’t have any power. I don’t have any water. I don’t have any food. I don’t have any ability to get anywhere. I had heart surgery two weeks ago. If I had a generator and be one of them Coleman stoves, some of them little things, I can get home while we get you one. If you could just drop one off. But it’s not that simple.

You gotta get it and get a bright plug, hook it up to the breaker box, get the house turned on, hook it up to her. Well, get water going. We’ve already got a generator here. We’re fueling it up right now. We actually had one with us in our caravan, so we already got her hooked up to a generator. We got to get it turned on, get the right kind of plug, and then get things going. She just had heart surgery, and she’s here by herself. She’s fallen. She’s got a mark on her forehead here. She went from just being so forlorn to being so uplifted and laughing.

And I’m just so glad we stopped, so glad she flagged us down. Man, I just love to get up there, give her a hug, and many others like that. Just sit on that front porch with her, talk about life, things that she could teach me about being a father. Looking forward to having grandkids. Maybe someday if my children ever decide to do that anymore. Just hearing about the good old days, folks. You can hear more from us@amwinow.com. if you go to that website, you know that all of our videos are located there. You can subscribe to our newsletter there.

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Take 28% off all statement tees. That’s like, I will not comply. I’m voting for a convicted felon this November. Fight for America t shirts, remember? So you plus you get a free Save America button with any statement t perch purchase, use code, vote 828 and wear your button on election day. The Save America button. Plus we have the mystery tees and sweatshirts for when you need a little help deciding. Remember, we’ve got sweatshirts for the cold weather coming up, the accessories, the hatsheen and tanks and so much more. It’s in the description box below. Amwinow.com or shop dot amwinow.com.

here’s more great pictures of patriots wearing our gear of course, the hurricane Milton is approaching landfall, setting all kinds of records for a hurricane of its kind. Look at the weather front just ahead of it. Very strange, just like everything else about this hurricane. So strange. Of course, this was 18 hours ago. This thing’s probably a lot closer than it is now. When I release this, hopefully I’ll get it out in the morning. And why don’t you see some more on this manipulated weather in a second. Let me show you that. But first, Jack Straw showed this breaking Duke energy is preparing for over 1 million customers to be without power in Florida during hurricane Milton.

Duke Energy owns the dams that release the water in North Carolina. They also own hawaiian electricity. You know, from the Lanaya, Maui fire and vanguard, Blackrock and State street are the top shareholders of Duke Energy. And we’re supposed to believe these freak monster hurricanes the size of entire countries are particularly, you know, perfectly normal? Yeah, just all normal. Check this out. What in the world is happening off the coast of Anna Maria island near the coast of Florida? Not only is there sonal luminescence happening, but check this out. There are literally waves in the patterns of squares.

This is a person right there. And I’ve never seen anything like this. It is quite bizarre and I don’t think I agree with what the mainstream is saying, because the mainstream simply says that square waves, also known as cross seas, are caused by the meeting of two sets of ocean waves from different weather systems. Well, maybe I would believe that if there weren’t also crazy square patterns in the clouds in that same area and also the sonoluminescence going on at the same time. But when you take a closer look, you realize that simple sound frequency can change the patterns of water, even to patterns that seem to have 90 degree square angles.

And certain frequencies just happen to look exactly like those clouds and waves. And when you see that certain frequencies can cause certain patterns, and certain frequencies look just like those water patterns at Anna Maria island, and you also see that certain frequencies can generate light. So maybe what’s going on at Anna Maria island isn’t what they’re telling us. Maybe they’re throwing some frequencies out into the atmosphere. Frequencies that are causing water to respond a certain way, frequencies that are causing clouds to respond a certain way, and maybe even frequencies to make people act in different ways, because frequencies can have psychological and emotional effects.

So next time you hear about the sonoluminescence or square waves in your area, ask yourself, is what they’re telling us really what’s going on? Or something else? And of course, this is all for entertainment purposes. I know that this is just caused by two wave patterns intersecting. Yeah, good point. And so just wanted to show you all the. Also that Milton is not the only one that’s coming in, folks. If you’re looking at your screen, Milton, once it’s gone, then there’s going to be another hurricane right behind it. If you’re looking at your screen, heading right through Florida once again.

So this, seven days after Milton comes Hurricane Nadi. It’ll roughly hit the same area, which means some places in Florida will have seen three major hurricanes in three weeks time. Makes you really wonder, are they trying to set up the, you know, Tampa’s got that 15 minutes city set up because it’s owned by Bill Gates? I don’t know. Could that be a. Could it be that they just don’t want anybody going to the polls and voting so that maybe the Democrats somehow mysteriously win Florida? I don’t know. Your guess is as good as mine. But we know these folks are sick and they’re evil.

Saw another one here from this guy. He’s pretty good at putting stuff together. But who in the world would name their company Nephilim Electric? Nephilim being the demons that came down to earth and did some terrible, heinous things to human women. It’s in your scriptures. Check this out. I don’t know if this electric company is some sort of sick joke or if it’s something much, much bigger than that, but my friend Jeff saw this truck literally miles away from my house in Florida. Florida, where hurricane Milton is literally heading for that direct spot where he saw that Nephilim electric truck.

And I don’t know how much you know about the Bible, but it’s talked about how Jesus will return when it is just like the days of Noah. And during the days of Noah, the nephilim walked the earth and they were warring with each other and they were manipulating and corrupting DNA, kind of like what’s going on now, only we don’t look around and see these giant nephilim now. But I still think they’re here and just on a much, much smaller scale. And I don’t really think this is a real company because look at their website. Welcome to Nephilim, where the name itself encapsulates our essence.

The convergence of angels symbolize in support during challenging times, but they reveal themselves. I want to show you we’re eager to connect with owners sharing the pride. We take in our unified approach in demonstrating. Let’s just stop there. I couldn’t help but see pride as in the pride of the fallen angels and demonstrating. But I noticed that part of that word and I’ve seen that somewhere before. That’s right, pride month. Pride month is demon in the very middle. If you’re still unaware that this world is actually run by the fallen angels that came down to Mount Hermon and mated with the human women and created their offspring of the nephilim who turned, turned into the giants, well, you got some research to do.

And while obviously we don’t see giants walking amongst us these days, I think their bloodlines are still here and running. All the things behind the scenes and the fact that this truck is literally hanging out in that area of Florida where the most insane hurricane Milton is just coming, in my opinion, to devastate that poor that I just evacuated. There’s something to this. There’s something to it. Interesting, right? Good information, good contact. Also, the Orlando airport ahead of the hurricane at 08:20 a.m. the sky rats are ducking, you know, duck spraying the skies to make matters worse.

So if you take a hard look at all of this, folks, they’re spraying. You see those lines? You see how the clouds are spread out? You see how we were talking about the frequencies that make them react a certain way. Well, they’re out there spraying right before the storm, getting this chemtrails out there. That’s how they play around with the weather and they’re doing it right in front of us. And we talk about this over and over again. And so Christie legend, so she put this out. Why is NOAA removing information from their website if weather modification isn’t happening? That’s right.

So they’ve removed 103 pages of weather modification reports that were previously listed on their site. In addition to that, they removed access to the NEXRAD radar inventory, which listed the locations and information for all the NEXRAD stations throughout the United States. As we’ve been talking about Hurricane Helene and now Hurricane Milton intensifying the way it just did today, there’s been a lot of talk about weather modification or manipulation. I have a video I want to share with you. With all this going on, I’ve been talking about this for the last day or two and I found this to be really interesting.

This is a climate geoengineer researcher named Dane Wigginton. And he claims to have spoke to members of Congress that have districts in the path of Helene that just came through. How did. First of all, what did they specifically ask you? If you can tell us and how did they respond to your answers? Yes, Colonel Gregor, I had an hour conference call yesterday with the representatives and senators from the Carolinas, and we presented the data to them to answer their questions about how this manipulation occurs. They realize this was not a natural event. They’re trying to digest the fact that their states were literally under assault from weather modification operations that are clearly connected with DoD operations.

And we can speculate again on the agendas and objectives being carried out. But the fact that the storm was manipulated is absolutely inarguable. We know that technology to stop these rotations from even occurring has existed for decades with the manipulation of atmospheric pressure zones. HAARP in Alaska is one example many people are familiar with. That’s an ionosphere heater. That’s a weapon of mass destruction, period. It can cause an electrical chain reaction in the ionosphere, which heats it to extraordinarily high temperatures, which causes the atmosphere to bulge up and down. The downward push creates a high pressure dome that can steer the jet stream.

And the same type of manipulation can create low pressure zones. When they have this type of power over the climate system, they can make or break these storms anytime they want. And again, what we see now is storms kept weaker as they’re over the ocean because they’re harder to steer until they reach the land based network of transmitters. And then we have Colonel MacGregor. Rapid intensification. You’ve heard that term probably a lot lately, because that’s how they manipulate these storms. And again, we have Acapulco. Last October being the extreme example of rapid intensification. An insignificant low pressure system developed into the strongest cat five hurricane to ever hit that part of the world in less than 24 hours, laid waste to Acapulco.

And by the way, Hurricane John, which just hit Acapulco again as Hurricane Helene was wreaking havoc in the Carolinas. Not many people know that. So Acapulco just got dealt another blow. So again, how many agendas and objectives are being carried out when we know they can manipulate these storms and we know they can make or break them anytime they want? And again, I bring up the oil infrastructure in the Gulf of Mexico that seems to magically miss any sort of damaging storm again and again and again while the storms wreak havoc inland and on shorelines. It’s not a coincidence they have that much sway.

So it’s interesting, because why wouldn’t, if they’ve got this power to move all types of weather, then why won’t they push the weather away from the United States and protect our country? Oh, no. Can’t talk about that. Of course, while this has been happening, many folks have been showing these fires. Wyoming has been on fire for days, and it’s just the first that we’re hearing about it. Nowhere to be found on the news, just on X. Folks, I don’t know if you know this, but all throughout Wyoming, there are fires. And it is, it is changing rapidly throughout that entire state.

And so we need to lift them up in prayer also. It’s like they have us look in one direction while they’re burning another state, and it’s just making me sick. I mean, the more that we’re finding out about this. And so part of this, of course, released by President Trump on truth social for all of us to see at 106. That 106 drop that he brought out actually is about the CNN legal analysts destroying Jack Smith and Judge Chutkin for what appears to be political motivation and releasing the 165 page brief. Deranged Jack Smith is fighting for lying.

Kamala lost big in Florida. Just department, Justice Department is a political weapon. And so as this is put out, if we look to 106 on the keyboard, nothing is a coincidence. We are at war. Uh, they are scrambling for cover and using any means necessary out of their remaining power and control. That’s right, because he pointed out, you know, that when CNN provides a platform for someone challenging the views of party elites like Hillary Clinton, that means they’re panicking. They are panicking. They’re losing power and control. And we’re watching it play out for all of us to see.

And so, of course, JFK Junior has got his resources. He’s using, I don’t know if you guys know this, but in the description box below, I put almost everything we talk about on these videos there for you. One of those is the links to policies for the people. RFK Junior launched that, an open digital forum where citizens all over the country can post policy proposals that Trump’s team will review. Patriots are already using the portal to post and vote on policy ideas ranging from health to the economy. One guy posted a fairly detailed explanation on how we can use the Civil Rights act to restore free speech, which isn’t something I’ve ever thought of, quote.

Therefore, what is needed is the inclusion of a new protected class into the Civil Rights act. This class should be broadly defined as individuals engaging in public speech, expression of viewpoints or activism that is protected by the First Amendment. Trump’s second term is literally going to be fueled by we the people, and not big donor puppet masters looking out for themselves. And that is so true. Also, JD Vance was out there giving a speech, filled up an auditorium there. And so he pointed out something that’s going on with our migrants in schools that is crazy about the border is in the state of Michigan.

I didn’t know this statistic until today. There are 85,000 students in Michigan public schools who are the children of illegal aliens, 85,000. Now think about that. Think about what it does to a, to a poor school teacher who’s just trying to get by with what they have, is trying to educate their kids. And then you drop in a few dozen kids into that school, many of whom don’t even speak English. Do you think that’s good for the education of the american citizens? No, it’s not. So what really bothers me is when Kamala Harris talks about the southern border, she talks about how we need to be compassionate to illegal aliens.

And, look, I think we’re a great country. We can be compassionate and we ought to be compassionate. But our compassion has to start with our fellow citizens, the people who deserve to be in the United States to begin with. And part of that compassion needs to pour out, getting rid of the schools, requiring all these jabs and all the bodies and completely revamped altogether with the health system. There’s a study of 1.7 million children, heart damage only found in the COVID vaccine kids. That’s right. So if there was a child that got that jab from the the mRNA COVID injection therapy test, not a vaccine, this is what’s happening.

Not a single unvaxed child in the group suffered from heart related problems. In addition, the research has noted that zero children from the entire group, vaccinated or unvaxed, died from Covid-19 furthermore, the study found that Covid shots offered the children very little protection from the virus, with many becoming infected just 14 to 15 weeks of receiving an injection. The 1.7 million children observed in the study were between the ages of five to 15 and were registered with the UK’s national Health care system. All of this playing out, we’ve been learning much about our health and check out what was said on Joe Rogan.

We are getting destroyed and it’s very recent and it’s accelerating. The stats speak for themselves. You know this very well. 74% of Americans are overweight or obese. 50% now of american adults have type two diabetes or prediabetes. These were diseases where there was 1% of Americans in 1950 had type two diabetes. Now it’s 50% of Americans have pre diabetes or type two diabetes. Alzheimer’s dementia are going through the roof. Young adult dementias have increased like three times since 2012. So early onset dementias we’re seeing, you know, this, one in two Americans are expected to have cancer in their lifetime now one in two.

And young adult cancers are going up 79% in the last ten years. We’ve got, of course, the autism’s rates are absolutely astronomical. One in 36 children has autism. Now in the United States, that was one in 150 in the year 2000. And in California where I live, it’s one in 22. One in 22 with a lifetime neurodevelopmental disorder. We’ve got infertility going up 1% for your. 25% of men now under 40 have erectile dysfunction. A quarter of the country, you know, this is fundamentally a metabolic disease. We’ve got. 77% of young Americans can’t serve in the military because of obesity or drug abuse.

We’ve got autoimmune diseases. Some studies are saying they’re going up 13% per year. It’s just, it’s really unbelievable. And I could go through so many more diseases. Of course, we’ve got heart disease, which is almost totally preventable as the leading cause of death in the United States killing around 800,000 people per year. And I think what, as I kind of just looked around, and again, these are just statistics, I started trying to put the pieces together. Why is this happening? Why are these all going up all at once? And that led me on what is now a seven, eight year journey, ultimately leaving the surgical world, putting down my scalpel forever.

Because what I realized is that when you go to the science with a root cause perspective, you go back to pubmed with a slightly different perspective, not how do I treat these diseases once they emerge, but why are they happening? You see a very obvious, blaring answer, which is why we had to write a book about it, which is that it’s all caused by metabolic dysfunction, a term that I never learned in medical school. I learned about metabolic syndrome and the different individual diseases that make it up. But there is a problem. There is a fundamental breaking of our core cellular biology that is caused by our diet and the world we’re living in, the modern world we’re living in today, that is crushing the very way that the human body and our human cells can transmit food energy to life energy to cellular energy.

And so our bodies are essentially, I mean, fundamentally, because metabolic health is how we make energy in the body. So it’s amazing how this information is starting to get out. You guys know, Joe Rogan has, you know, got millions and millions of people that follow him, and you can imagine what’s happening in the hearts and minds of the people as they continue to wake up to this madness. Also, the diddy update. There are over 25 child victims. The number is growing. And unfortunately, sometimes people with real claims, real legitimate claims, you know, it makes it difficult for them to even pursue these and feather in the fact that in many of these cases, the allegation is that the individual was drugged.

It makes it even more difficult because this particular drug, this liquid g, they call it, which is basically a date rate drug, it almost wipes your memory. I mean, are we talking about names as big as Diddy? Potentially? I expect so. I expect so. You know, obviously, those are the names that people are interested in. But I’ve tried to make sure people focus also on corporate entities to include banks and hotels and perhaps even pharmaceutical entities that were maybe not directly involved, but were certainly benefiting and profiting from this kind of activity. You know, those I’m interested in as well.

But there will, you know, we’ve seen all over social media the pictures and video of all the various individuals that attended these parties. And, you know, it, you know, look, I didn’t. I was born at night, but I wasn’t born last night. I know that at these types of parties, things go on. I know that there’s, you know, sex, you know, occurs out in the open and things like that. That’s not illegal and that’s not properly actionable. What I’m focused on is when people are lured to these parties, coerced at these parties, given illicit drugs at this parties without their knowledge, and then they’re taken advantage of and people in the room know this is happening and participate in it and do nothing about it, and then tacitly cover it up.

Yep. And so there’s somebody that’s been out on the Internet sharing her story, Allie Carter, who was trafficked by child protective services to Diddy’s parties. She’s receiving credible death threats for naming names. She’s naming Hussein, Michelle, you know, Obama, Michael, Hillary, and more. So I just wanted to show you just a few seconds of this. I’m just a lot of one, so I’m telling you right now, a lot of people don’t want to get it. There’s enough of you to do something, anything, and there’s so many of you able to get loud. Will be no car accidents, there will be no fires or overdoses.

But if there is one, can you read between the lines? There’s a call from the prisons. And so she’s basically making a cry out to let everybody know, to focus on what’s going on. She said, if we were dead, there’s no point for you to sit on that. Do you hear me? No point. I expect you know you to please, I beg you to please let everybody, everything out unredacted. Let it all out. Even if she ends up gone for speaking up. And so she’s crying out for that. Cue the stormwriter. Official page sometimes put out some information that on inside stuff that might be going on.

Remember, this is his opinion. And I like some of the stuff that comes out from there as we watch this play out. After the exposure of the military coup against Trump and the ending the civil riots and near civil war aftermath, Trump Musk military, Patel, Vivek and the new formed government under Trump is going after the Epstein case, the diddy will full explosion case. Trump is going after ex presidents and the full exposure of world CIA six operation extortion rings. Behind the scenes, generals across the world and many countries with intelligence agencies are waiting for the green light to initiate arrest wars in their country, to, you know, arrest a lot of folks.

They have all the data, information, evidence, servers and technology available from Cheyenne, mountainous, Starlink, Trump, Admiral Rogers, et cetera. The real truth unknown is Edward Snowden is a huge piece of the puzzle of beginning storm operations. And he was intentionally given to Putin by the NSA. White hats on the inside. Good guys. One year later, after Snowden and technology were transferred with scientists to Russia, the mh 370 event occurred, as promised, from NSA military alliance to Putin. So it’s interesting because you guys remember, they put out a movie about Snowden and what did they do? Of course, they made him look like he did something wrong.

He was the bad guy, the whole nine. And of course, that’s the way they’re going to make it, you know, in everybody’s mind. So in case it comes out that he’s part of the white hat side, they don’t want you to believe that. So the real story of Snowden is much more than you know. And technology behind the scenes to bring down the world. Child trafficking, elite, pedophilia, CIA operations ring that began in the golden triangle, and the opium wars connected to the Vatican. Jesuits who invented Mkultra. So all of this is playing out. What do you think? Why do you think Obama got Diddy out of jail when Obama was a state senator and gave intel to Diddy? How did Obama end up on diddy client list? Who are the diddy sex videos besides Jennifer Lopez, Kamala Harris, Ashton Kutcher, Prince Harry? Which president? How is Diddy case going to collide with the Epstein case and all collide with the military coup and treason, connecting to us officials and heads and military commanders, intelligence agencies and social media organizations.

What is the trump card or cards? Chess. All misspellings are important. The plan to save the world. So if this is what’s going on, you can imagine the billionaires like was brought up in the last video from Elon Musk. Why in the world would billionaires come together, form something, pay for it, and have these planes flying around and laser shooting in the air and spraying all types of chemicals all over everyone and causing the food to cause all kinds of problems and more. Why is it that they don’t want President Trump to win this election? You can only understand more as these guys get exposed, those who scream the loudest.

So I thought I’d show you this real quick. An old pervert. He’s not a pervert or a monster. Why is he not? He knew Epstein. And for us, there’s good information. Why are you doing this, Mohammed? Why not? Because it’s so Muhammad Hijab and Alan Dershowitz spar over Middle East Warren Pierce on Piers Morgan. But the Harvard professor and lawyer threatened to sue hijab for labeling him a pervert. Pervert over alleged wrongdoing at Jeffrey Epstein’s Florida mansion. So he gets called out by Mohammed hijab. Pointless. You may get a few clicks. Ask your questions. You might get a few questions on.

It’s not, it’s not. Ask your questions. Let me be very clear. It’s not pointless. He just called me a pervert. He will be sued now for defamation and we will be able to resolve, I guarantee you that he will be sued. In my understanding, you are a perfect woman who are acquainted with Jeffrey Epstein has now withdrawn her. I’ve got my own defamation cases. I know the law very well acknowledged that. You can’t let me confuse me with somebody else. And calling me to be a permanent result in a defamation lawsuit in an american court and in a british court, I assure you of that.

Let’s move on to Israel. Pretty interesting, huh? So he’s just continued to calm. Pervert. Just letting them know, hey, you were buddies with the old Epstein. Of course. He’s freaking out and screaming and having a hard time there. Dershowitz. He’s been caught. He knows it. And he’s saying, well, you’re going to. I’m going to take you to the trial. Great. Let’s go. Let’s go to court. And then how do you bring evidence legally? That’s how it works. Go ahead, play that game. And you guys know that we were talking about this video coincidences that was given to me by anon.

Thank goodness that I got this. I needed it sometimes as a reminder for all of us to understand what’s been playing out in front of our faces every single day, wondering how this is all playing out. I played about the first three minutes the other day, and I wanted to play just a little bit more. It’s in the description box below. Just a reminder on cue and how this is all working out, um, for us and why, uh, it’s important. Okay, here we go. Let me refresh that real quick. Bring that up. And then go to consolidated power and push out several other leading candidates for the saudi throne.

The 32 year old bin Salman has made on Twitter. And the tweet had plus plus plus at the end, just like the Q post. 50 minutes later, Trump tweets about Saudi Arabia. The plus Plus plus in the Q post represented the House house of Saud on November 11, 2017. Q said that one side of the triangle had been removed, referring to Saudi Arabia and that the other sides are falling. In the last few months, the crown prince, the now crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman, has consolidated power and pushed out several other leading candidates for the saudi throne.

The 32 year old bin Salman has made public statements about not only fighting terrorism, but also modernizing Saudi Arabia and tackling corruption, and the Trump administration counts him as a valuable ally. Remarkable times in Saudi Arabia, the hugely influential sunni muslim kingdom. There’s been an unprecedented anti corruption purge, with sweeping arrests of senior politicians and business leaders and members of the royal family. Among those princes, military officers and top officials that were arrested in the last 24 hours, Prince al Waleed bin Talal. He’s one of the world’s richest men, a major investor in Citibank, Twitter, and the parent company of Fox News 21st Century Fox.

He’s also somebody who has publicly feuded with President Trump, and President Trump has accused him of trying to buy us politicians. These are incredible times in Saudi Arabia. There’s never been any, anything quite like it, and in some ways, it’s very exciting, his supporters are saying this is the man who’s going to lead us to the future, who’s setting the stage for a modern economy and modern society and jobs for all the millions of Saudis who are pouring out of schools and universities. Others, though, especially the older guard, are extremely worried. We’re particularly pleased to be selling the jewels of Hannah de Rothschild, the jewels that we’re selling, which comprised magnificent pearl and diamond tiara and a bracelet and matching brooch.

Billionaire George Soros is handing control of his $25 billion empire to his son Alex. His son, Alex, is 37 years old. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal over the weekend, he said he’s more political than his father, and he hinted at significant a significant financial role for the source of organization and next year’s us elections. Aviation call signs are unique identifiers assigned to aircraft like a nickname. But the call sign doesn’t have to be the same for every flight. In 2018, there were civil and military aircraft spotted flying with the call sign Q or Anon, the United Parcel Service, the US army, and the US Air Force.

There was even a Royal Australian Air Force spotted flying with the call sign anon. On December 7, 2018, Trump jumped on Air Force one to fly to Kansas. When Air Force one was wheels up, the call sign popped up as Q zero. The fact that there was a queue in the call sign was big, but the question was, what did the zero mean? After the flight, Q confirmed that Q zero means Q plus. That means pretty good. So I just want to remind you of that. That 22 minutes video is available in the description box below.

As we head through this journey, just remember that we’re saving the children. Many folks are starting to wake up, but you know what? It’s, there’s hope for all of us as we’re watching the next generation. Wake up. You vote for Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump, baby. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump, Trump. I’m voting for Trump. I’m voting for Trump. Donald Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump. I’m voting for Trump, baby. Donald Trump. I love Trump. Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump Donald Trump. Trump, Trump, Trump. Of course. Trump, Trump. I’m definitely voting for Trump this year. Trump. Trump, baby.

Come on. Trump, baby, because he’s gonna make America great again. Let’s go. So here we go. These folks are starting to understand how this is playing out. Everything that’s going on around this earth. We are seeing a huge uprising of folks in prayer. They’re realizing their rights and their freedoms are being taken away. They’re fighting back. They’re going out there and they’re letting folks know, you know what? You’re not on my watch. We have had enough and so hopefully it is enough. Let’s hope and pray our heavenly father will step in and put an end to all of these evil ones.

And we’ll continue to set up a fortress against the evil that wants to destroy our lives. Okay? But nothing is secret that shall not be made manifest, neither anything hid that shall not be known and come abroad. Let’s pray. Heavenly Father, thank you once again for guiding and directing our lives towards the truth. Thank you for bringing the help that’s necessary to those that are hurting throughout the Carolinas, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina, more. And we ask for the protection of those that are in Florida that are hunkering down hoping to be protected. When this thing comes through.

We hope that you would just simply say the word and with one word, the storm be gone. And then it would just disappear and we’d just all look at this miracle that would happen. And it would be almost like the folk, the disciples on the boat that looked at you when you said, peace, be still, and they were in shock and you said, you know, o ye of little faith, we don’t want to see this happen. We don’t want to see towns destroyed. But we know that your will be done. You’re in control of all things, regardless of how the enemy plays these things out.

We just ask and pray that you would protect those that are in harm’s way. Ask for continued protection over President Trump, his family, those that are on the front lines. This battle for our freedom and for waking up the masses around this earth. Please help us with our neighbors and being able to love those that are difficult to love. That’s for sure. We ask all this in the name of your son, Jesus Christ, our savior. Amen. And amen. Folks, thank you for tuning in once again, this went a little long. I apologize. Just, man, every day we just got so much information.

So hopefully you’re able to catch up and move forward with all of this. For now, this is Lt saying Semper Phi with M. We know, signing out. Unfortunately, sometimes people with real claims, real legitimate. You believe the election was stolen? I do.

See more of And We Know on their Public Channel and the MPN And We Know channel.


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